the chimes newsletter · the chimes newsletter first united methodist church po box 916, liberal ks...

The CHIMES Newsletter First United Methodist Church PO Box 916, Liberal KS 67905 Phone: 620-624-8401; Parsonage: 620-624-3737 RETURN SERVICE REQUEST [ ] Pastors: Keith Anglemyer & Juan Garcia September 2015 Do you believe the phrase that says “God moves in mysterious ways?” I do and the last 10 years or so of my life are a living testament to the truthfulness of that phrase. If we didn’t know before, it was certainly proven to Cindy and I this summer. We had been told that we were returning to the church I had been serving for the past five years. We had announced it to the congregation, and we were prepared to celebrate another year of ministry together. Cindy’s job was her ministry, just like the church was my ministry, so we really felt it was God’s wishes that we continue there. So as of the 2015 Great Plains Annual Conference meeting in Wichita in June, we thought life was going to continue to be what had become “normal” for us. And then the Monday following Annual Conference, we received the call: the Bishop was asking me to move to Liberal to become the Senior Pastor at First United Methodist Church. It’s amazing how an event that happened in northern Nebraska in early May would end up affecting not only us, but this church as well especially so late in the appointive cycle. We accepted the Bishop’s call, but we knew the following few weeks would be difficult I had four weeks of school that I had to attend (thus the wait you endured before we arrived in Liberal); we had to arrange for a moving company to come and load our things and then unload them; Cindy had to work to find replacement coverage for her position as a private care home administrator; and then the packing, and more packing, and more packing most of which she had to do on her own, since I was in Kansas City at school. We kept on going through all of the challenges that were ahead of us, because we really believed this is what God wanted us to do. I know that the Bishop and the District Superintendents prayerfully consider each and every appointment, so the reality is that when you are asked to move to a different appointment, it is with a lot of prayer and thought, which then makes a pastor feel honored to be asked to move. It makes the challenges of moving to a new location seem minor, in light of the new opportunities that lie before us. So that’s exactly where we stand today as I prepare for week three of being the Senior Pastor of the First United Methodist Church of Liberal. God put it upon the hearts of the Bishop and District Superintendents of the Great Plains Conference that we should be appointed here. God put it upon Cindy’s and my heart that we should accept the call to a new appointment in Liberal. God put it upon the hearts of this congregation that you accept us as your new pastor. And in God’s mysterious ways, it was done. But God’s not done with us yet. God didn’t stop pressing on our hearts as soon as the appointment was sealed and we began our ministry together. I believe God has bigger plans for us some which are being revealed, and some which may not be yet revealed.

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Page 1: The CHIMES Newsletter · The CHIMES Newsletter First United Methodist Church PO Box 916, Liberal KS 67905 ... September 2015 Do you believe the phrase that says “God moves in mysterious

The CHIMES Newsletter First United Methodist Church PO Box 916, Liberal KS 67905 Phone: 620-624-8401; Parsonage: 620-624-3737


[ ]

Pastors: Keith Anglemyer & Juan Garcia September 2015

Do you believe the phrase that says “God moves in mysterious ways?”

I do – and the last 10 years or so of my life are a living testament to the truthfulness of that phrase.

If we didn’t know before, it was certainly proven to Cindy and I this summer. We had been told that we were

returning to the church I had been serving for the past five years. We had announced it to the congregation,

and we were prepared to celebrate another year of ministry together. Cindy’s job was her ministry, just like

the church was my ministry, so we really felt it was God’s wishes that we continue there. So as of the 2015

Great Plains Annual Conference meeting in Wichita in June, we thought life was going to continue to be what

had become “normal” for us.

And then the Monday following Annual Conference, we received the call: the Bishop was asking me to move

to Liberal to become the Senior Pastor at First United Methodist Church. It’s amazing how an event that

happened in northern Nebraska in early May would end up affecting not only us, but this church as well –

especially so late in the appointive cycle.

We accepted the Bishop’s call, but we knew the following few weeks would be difficult – I had four weeks of

school that I had to attend (thus the wait you endured before we arrived in Liberal); we had to arrange for a

moving company to come and load our things and then unload them; Cindy had to work to find replacement

coverage for her position as a private care home administrator; and then the packing, and more packing, and

more packing – most of which she had to do on her own, since I was in Kansas City at school.

We kept on going through all of the challenges that were ahead of us, because we really believed this is what

God wanted us to do. I know that the Bishop and the District Superintendents prayerfully consider each and

every appointment, so the reality is that when you are asked to move to a different appointment, it is with a lot

of prayer and thought, which then makes a pastor feel honored to be asked to move. It makes the challenges of

moving to a new location seem minor, in light of the new opportunities that lie before us.

So that’s exactly where we stand today as I prepare for week three of being the Senior Pastor of the First

United Methodist Church of Liberal. God put it upon the hearts of the Bishop and District Superintendents of

the Great Plains Conference that we should be appointed here. God put it upon Cindy’s and my heart that we

should accept the call to a new appointment in Liberal. God put it upon the hearts of this congregation that

you accept us as your new pastor. And in God’s mysterious ways, it was done.

But God’s not done with us yet. God didn’t stop pressing on our hearts as soon as the appointment was sealed

and we began our ministry together. I believe God has bigger plans for us – some which are being revealed,

and some which may not be yet revealed.

Page 2: The CHIMES Newsletter · The CHIMES Newsletter First United Methodist Church PO Box 916, Liberal KS 67905 ... September 2015 Do you believe the phrase that says “God moves in mysterious

And that’s part of the mysterious ways in which God works. We may be able to discern what God has in mind

for us, and we may begin moving in that direction, only to find out that God had a completely different idea

for us.

So as we start our ministry together here in Liberal, I invite you to join with me and pray for our ministry

together. Pray that our faith would be strengthened so that we can navigate through the mysteries that lay

ahead of us. Pray that we would be strengthened to go boldly out into the mission field to serve the least of

our brothers and sisters. And pray that in all that we do, we measure it up against the mission statement of the

First United Methodist Church of Liberal, KS – to “Know Christ, and Make Christ Known.”

With those components in place, God will lead us to do new and amazing things. God will see that our work

is focused on serving, not on being served. And God will strengthen our minds and our hearts and our souls,

so that the work of our church transforms the Do you believe the phrase that says “God moves in mysterious


I do – and the last 10 years or so of my life are a living testament to the truthfulness of that phrase.

If we didn’t know before, it was certainly proven to Cindy and I this summer. We had been told that we were

returning to the church I had been serving for the past five years. We had announced it to the congregation,

and we were prepared to celebrate another year of ministry together. Cindy’s job was her ministry, just like

the church was my ministry, so we really felt it was God’s wishes that we continue there. So as of the 2015

Great Plains Annual Conference meeting in Wichita in June, we thought life was going to continue to be what

had become “normal” for us.

And then the Monday following Annual Conference, we received the call: the Bishop was asking me to move

to Liberal to become the Senior Pastor at First United Methodist Church. It’s amazing how an event that

happened in northern Nebraska in early May would end up affecting not only us, but this church as well –

especially so late in the appointive cycle.

We accepted the Bishop’s call, but we knew the following few weeks would be difficult – I had four weeks of

school that I had to attend (thus the wait you endured before we arrived in Liberal); we had to arrange for a

moving company to come and load our things and then unload them; Cindy had to work to find replacement

coverage for her position as a private care home administrator; and then the packing, and more packing, and

more packing – most of which she had to do on her own, since I was in Kansas City at school.

We kept on going through all of the challenges that were ahead of us, because we really believed this is what

God wanted us to do. I know that the Bishop and the District Superintendents prayerfully consider each and

every appointment, so the reality is that when you are asked to move to a different appointment, it is with a lot

of prayer and thought, which then makes a pastor feel honored to be asked to move. It makes the challenges of

moving to a new location seem minor, in light of the new opportunities that lie before us.

So that’s exactly where we stand today as I prepare for week three of being the Senior Pastor of the First

United Methodist Church of Liberal. God put it upon the hearts of the Bishop and District Superintendents of

the Great Plains Conference that we should be appointed here. God put it upon Cindy’s and my heart that we

should accept the call to a new appointment in Liberal. God put it upon the hearts of this congregation that

you accept us as your new pastor. And in God’s mysterious ways, it was done.

But God’s not done with us yet. God didn’t stop pressing on our hearts as soon as the appointment was sealed

and we began our ministry together. I believe God has bigger plans for us – some which are being revealed,

and some which may not be yet revealed.

And that’s part of the mysterious ways in which God works. We may be able to discern what God has in mind

for us, and we may begin moving in that direction, only to find out that God had a completely different idea

for us.

So as we start our ministry together here in Liberal, I invite you to join with me and pray for our ministry

together. Pray that our faith would be strengthened so that we can navigate through the mysteries that lay

ahead of us. Pray that we would be strengthened to go boldly out into the mission field to serve the least of

Page 3: The CHIMES Newsletter · The CHIMES Newsletter First United Methodist Church PO Box 916, Liberal KS 67905 ... September 2015 Do you believe the phrase that says “God moves in mysterious

our brothers and sisters. And pray that in all that we do, we measure it up against the mission statement of the

First United Methodist Church of Liberal, KS – to “Know Christ, and Make Christ Known.”

With those components in place, God will lead us to do new and amazing things. God will see that our work

is focused on serving, not on being served. And God will strengthen our minds and our hearts and our souls,

so that the work of our church transforms the world around us, as we seek to make Disciples of Jesus Christ.

May God bless us, as we begin our journey!

Pastor Keith

I remember a teacher of theology that taught the New Testament II class at S.M.U. of Dallas.

During class one day he asked me; Juan, where does God live? We all have different answers and all are good and by reading the Bible we all find favorite passages to answer this question. Most of the answers are that he lives in heaven, divine dimension. We can imagine him in heaven sitting in his throne, surrounded by angels. We can also find him next to the hungry, the thirsty, the strangers (immigrants), the naked or in prison (many countries have Politian’s in prison for not thinking equal to the Government). Let us reflect on Matthew 25:31-46

The Sheep and the Goats 31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. 34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ 37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ 41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ 44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ 45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ 46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”

It’s good to look after those who live in disadvantaged, for all those who have to face the reality of life unprotected;

because there we find God beside the homeless. God bless you all. That you may always have the desire to make

blankets, gather food, and support Garfield School. Saturday, August 29th the Hispanic Ministry started a room of

benevolence, it will be used to make clothing available for those in need. That our faith is always accompanied by

good deeds.

Blessings from above

Pastor Juan Garcia

Page 4: The CHIMES Newsletter · The CHIMES Newsletter First United Methodist Church PO Box 916, Liberal KS 67905 ... September 2015 Do you believe the phrase that says “God moves in mysterious

Food Drive for the Care Center!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

The season of giving begins!!

Youth Group Sunday is a Road Rally to combat hunger and help families in Liberal!

4:30 Middle School Youth Group (We need drivers for MS teams)

6:00 Fellowship Meal and Awards

6:30 High School Youth Group (Bring your cars and your friends)

8:00 Awards

Random Acts of Softness Quilt Ministry

Youth Group has started!! 4:30pm - Middle School Youth Group

6:00pm - Youth Fellowship Meal

6:30pm - High School Youth Group

Youth Fellowship Meals

September 6th Meal: Brooke Riney

Dessert: Jeff Wade

6:00pm - Youth

Fellowship Meal

6:30pm - High

School Youth


September 13th Meal: Mike & Dianne Wyrick

Dessert: Mike & Dinne Wyrick

6:00pm - Youth

Fellowship Meal

6:30pm - High School

Youth Group

September 20th Meal: Connie Posl

Dessert: Sue Smith

6:00pm - Youth Fellowship


6:30pm - High School Youth


September 27th Meal: Jennifer Pittman

Dessert: Jennifer Pittman

6:00pm - Youth

Fellowship Meal

6:30pm - High School

Youth Group

Page 5: The CHIMES Newsletter · The CHIMES Newsletter First United Methodist Church PO Box 916, Liberal KS 67905 ... September 2015 Do you believe the phrase that says “God moves in mysterious

Choir Practice has started

Every Wednesday at 6:30 In the choir room

Sept. will be Care Center Month

At this time they are taking any food to try and get their stocks built back up. I encourage

you to bring food items to the church, or even take them directly to the Care Center


We will be starting an email list for everybody that would like to receive a copy of the

Bulletin before Sunday. We will be sending an email on Fridays. If you are interested please

contact Ruth at the church office (620)624-8401 or [email protected]

We will be collecting clothing items for Garfield Elementary. In particular they are

looking for shorts with elastic waistband for young girls. Please bring clothing items to

the church and we will deliver them to the school.

U.M.W. would like to thank everyone that signed up with Dillon’s Rewards Program. So far

we have 34 households signed up and $445.53 collected. Also when you make a purchase at

the bottom of your receipt you will see a short message and it will say you have supported

U.M.W. If you haven’t signed up we have included some instructions on how to do so. If you

need help you may call Ruth at the church office 620-624-8401 to set up a time.

Support UMW When You Shop at Dillons

Just affiliate with F.U.M.C. Women with your Dillons Plus Shopper’s Card or 1-2-3 Rewards

Card. Anytime you shop at Dillons and scan your card, you’ll support Liberal United

Methodist Women. This program started Feb. 1.

Visit and scroll down to sign in to your account or

create one.

Click on “Enroll Now” and enter 66354 which is our number.

Select First United Methodist Women and click “Enroll.”

Share our number 66354 with others!

Page 6: The CHIMES Newsletter · The CHIMES Newsletter First United Methodist Church PO Box 916, Liberal KS 67905 ... September 2015 Do you believe the phrase that says “God moves in mysterious

Join us live on

1270 KSCB 11:00a.m

Taking our worship services

ANYWHERE you want to be.

Thanks for your support of

this fantastic ministry!

Prayer Requests: To put a prayer

request on the church’s prayer chain,

please call Daryl Hale at 624-6504 or

Juneil McQueen at 624-6039


Wednesdays at 6:30


If you’d like to have something in The CHIMES,

Deadline for October Newsletter is September 21st

Please join the UMW ladies and

make a pledge to care for God’s

creation as we work toward

following environmentally safe

practices to care for our planet.


Hydrogen Peroxide: disinfects and


For Your Information

Staff cell phone numbers:

Keith Anglemyer 620-229-3046

Pastor Juan 620-655-4720

Ruth Romero 620-309-7321

Bethanie Popejoy 620-391-6902

Methodist First United Church

First United Methodist Church Youth Group of Liberal, KS

Page 7: The CHIMES Newsletter · The CHIMES Newsletter First United Methodist Church PO Box 916, Liberal KS 67905 ... September 2015 Do you believe the phrase that says “God moves in mysterious

1 2 3 4 5

Spanish Service

@ 6:00

Trustees @ 7:00 Hispanic Choir @ 6:00

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Worship @ 8:30

Sunday School @ 10:00

English Worship @ 11:00

Spanish Worship @ 11:00

M. S. Youth @ 4:30

Youth Fellowship @ 6:00

H.S. Youth @ 6:30

Spanish Service

@ 6:00 Hispanic Choir

@ 6:00

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Worship @ 8:30

Sunday School @ 10:00

English Worship @ 11:00

Spanish Worship @ 11:00

M. S. Youth @ 4:30

Youth Fellowship @ 6:00

H.S. Youth @ 6:30

Spanish Service

@ 6:00

Hispanic Choir @ 6:00

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Worship @ 8:30

Sunday School @ 10:00

English Worship @ 11:00

Spanish Worship @ 11:00

M. S. Youth @ 4:30

Youth Fellowship @ 6:00

H.S. Youth @ 6:30

Spanish Service

@ 6:00 Hispanic Ladies @


Hispanic Choir @ 6:00

27 28 29 30

Spanish Service

@ 6:00


12:00 noon Kids Club

6:00 p.m. Hispanic Choirs


8:30 a.m. Morning Worship

8:45 a.m. Fellowship Time

9:10 a.m. Sunday school (Adults)

10:00 a.m. Kids & Youth Sunday School

11:00 a.m. Morning Worship (KSCB Radio)

11:00 a.m. Hispanic Worship

Youth Group Meeting

4:30pm Middle School

6:00pm Dinner for both groups

6:30pm High School


6:00 p.m. Hispanic Bible Study

6:30 p.m. Choir Practice

Office Hours Mon. – Thurs.

8 a.m. – 4 p.m.


8 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday