the book of co-ownership


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I take ownership of every

mistake I've ever made.

Jon Runyan

Co-OwnershipTake Ownership of You


Company of One

You are the CEO of you. Everything in your life rises to success or falls into failure

based on what you believe is true.

Brief Bio

I am your host Bryan Long the owner of “Co-

Ownership” a Business Development Company and

Publisher of business guides, backed by 38 years of previous small business customer service and sales


Co-Ownership is Dedicated

to . . .

Everyone who is willing to take an “F” for pursuing

their goals.

The ChaptersOf Co-Ownership

1. Responsibility2. Adaptability3. Band Aid Marketing4. Influence5. The Client Guide6. Working Identity7. The Millionaires Guide8. Matrix Engineered


Co is based on my eight power points published on Slide

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Everything in my life has risen to success or has

fallen into failure based on what I have believed to be


Chapter 1.Responsibility

is not a crime


Take responsibility for pushing your self control off the charts and let everyone else

wonder what happened.

Responsibility is the price of freedom.

Elbert Hubbard

The state or fact of being accountable for something.

Responsibility Defined

Leadership is about taking responsibility, not making


Mitt Romney

The price of greatness is responsibility.

Winston Churchill

Responsibilities are given to him on whom trust rests.

Responsibility is always a sign of trust.

James C. Penny

If someone's word is their bond, they always keep a promise.

Cambridge Dictionary

My word is my bond means it is my promise to you that

what I say I will do.


A mistake repeated more than once is a decision. The first step to taking responsibility for yourself

is to not repeat mistakes.

“As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do”.

Andrew Carnegie

If you are not responsible for you, who is?

The lack of responsibility on my part cost me my family at one time. Fortunately I was able to

win them back.

Key to Success

You must take personal responsibility. You cannot

change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is

something you have charge of.” Jim Rohn


Never give up!

“There’s always another move! Perseverance next to adaptability is the most important skill you can have. And it’s just that, a skill”. Paul Runyon

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." The Bible

So even in times of difficulty, when things are not defined and we don’t see good things happening in your circumstances, you are to believe that God will turn things around and reward you.

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." The Bible

So even in times of difficulty, when things are not defined and we don’t see good things happening in your circumstances, you are to believe that God will turn things around and reward you.

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." The Bible

So even in times of difficulty, when things are not defined and we don’t see good things happening in your circumstances, you are to believe that God will turn things around and reward you.

Being Flexible or having the willingness to change is a key ingredient in Adaptability.

Without it you can become stationary in relationships, career and financially, and opportunities will definitely pass you by.

Adaptable Defined

Able to adjust one-self readily

to different conditions.

Do you give up easily?

Why? Is the process to difficult for you?

The process will not change to accommodate you, so you must grow to achieve the process.


Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

SynonymsPersistenceTenacityDeterminationStaying Power

Are you a Strong Finisher or is

perseverance an inconvenience for

your character?

Good luck with that!

Tenacity Defined

The quality or fact of being able to grip

something firmly.

Everything you want is outside of what you currently know.

The point is, the same tests will stay in front of you until you finish your life lessons.

And by the way there is no emergency exit door.

Key to Success

Adaptability mixed with Perseverance defines success


Band Aid Marketing


What is it?It is . . . NOT THE SOLUTION, YOU ARE! Stop throwing the next band aid on your broken marketing ideas, when really the issue is you.

People don’t do business with your marketing. Instead, be the person your potential customer wants to do business with. And remember this, social media is a tool, nothing more.

You are the solution to your potential customers problem. So Go Be The Solution to their needs and wants, and STOP HIDING behind broken marketing. No matter what, having a professional brand is paramount these days.

And you are the brand, so who are you to the customer? Marti Barletta said, “The shortest distance between you and business success is marketing to women.”

Dan Schawbel said, Be consistent. You should constantly get your face, name, and expertise out there, so you become the top-of-mind brand in your field.

Seth Godin said, "Our job is to connect to people, to interact with them in a way that leaves them better than we found them more able to get where they’d like to go."

What is it?Band Aid Marketing is where you hide the real you from your potential clients because you are afraid of being successful. You have the correct answer, you just don’t see it yet.

Key to Success

The Solution is in You



When John Maxwell took his first church, he thought he was the leader, but soon learned he was not the influencer.

Carl a quiet farmer taught John the difference between being a leader and having the influence.

Ken Blanchard said, ‘The key to your success stops where your character stops.

You can never rise above the limitations of your character.

Successful leadership today is influence, not authority’.

Carl also taught John that leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.

Plus all great leaders are humble instead of talking about their own achievements, leaders are looking to give the team the credit.

“Churchill had the courage to go against the grain, against the trend, against the current,” Maxwell says.

“He had the courage to do what he felt was right even in the midst of severe opposition.”

“There are many leaders who catapulted to success because of their leadership qualities only to fall, from grace when their egos got the best of them,” John says.

“Ego and insecurity are the two greatest land mines of leadership. Ego creeps in when you start not to value other people, When you begin to look at people as what can they do for you instead of what can you do for them.”

“If you don’t have the guts to do what is right, you will always be a leader and not an influencer”.

Maxwell says that at the end of the day, it’s important to ask: Is this organization doing better because I lead it or is it doing worse? And if it is doing worse, then you need to get out of the way and let someone else take over and lead.

“That’s the kind of accountability that is missing in many companies today”.

Leaders are more like the waves of the ocean, more visibly motivating, more verbal and make more noise, whereas Influencers are like strong under tows or sneaker waves, they talk less, are less visible until they strike and then they inspire people to move quickly into action.

Key to Success

Everything rises and falls on leadership.

John Maxwell

The ClientGuide




Direct or have an influence on the course of action of (someone or something).

The point of this guide is not to rehash the same old business development thinking, but inject some new truth’s about what it should be.

Wikipedia says, Business Development is the creation of long-term value for an organization from customers, markets, and relationships.

Andrew Dumont said, “If you use the terms Business Development and Sales interchangeably, you're doing it wrong”.

'Every successful individual knows that his or her achievement depends on a community of persons working together'. Paul Ryan

It is not your mission that is important, it is your client’s mission that is. This is the heart and soul of Business Development.


Business Development is about the people you meet, not the products that need to be sold.

These people miss the repeat customer concept altogether in exchange for a revolving door of news customers who are just a number instead of a valued client.



Have ever watched a TV or Internet Commercial? Those companies repeat their advertising for two reasons.


To remind us they are still here and too continually find new customers instead of investing in the clients they already have.

A satisfied customer is the best

business strategy of all. Michael


Key to Success

Business Development has nothing to do with sales and everything to

do with building relationships.

Working Identity

Is Your Work Your identity?


You are not your job title. Your job does not define you. You are more than an 8-to-5.“Your employer has no control over your value, but you do." Jim Rohn

When you work for money you are less likely to develop new skill sets. If you are in a comfort zone, you are on cruise control down the path of least resistance.

You will be exposed to less business scenarios disabling you from developing the deep problem solving skills that you will need to make money outside of your current achievement level.

Instead of working for money, master a few financial skills that can pay you for the long haul. Trading time for money can only go so far. What if you run out of time, then what?

“The no. 1 reason most people don't get what they want is that they don't know what they want.”  T Harv Eker

Learning how to take daily financial actions will be more lucrative than putting more work in your current job. Remember these simple investor rules.

1. Do not investment any money you cannot afford to lose. 2. Start small and work up to bigger investing platforms from the profits you have already earned (re-invest).

Key Point. It takes discipline to become financially successful, plus the financially disciplined have money advantages that the financially un-disciplined simply do not have.

Take responsibility for pushing your income off the charts and let everyone else wonder what happened.

Key to Success

Work for the skills you can learn and not the


M. Guide


Millionaire Thoughts

The rich do not work for money, but for the skill they can learn.

Whereas the un-rich hopes their skill will buy them a better paying job.

If you traded your current financial life for a rich persons, would their wealth in your hands be better or worse in 2 years?

T Harv Eker said, If you can’t handle what you’ve got you won’t get anymore.

Millionaires see failures as challenges and opportunities.

The un-rich take failures personally and find something else to do that is easier.

The un-rich refuse to face the facts that if they don’t know the details, about their financial situation. So money will stream through their hands like water.

Everyone has the same

opportunity to acquire wealth.

The un-rich overspend. The rich budget.

The un-rich obsess over price and sacrifice value. The rich do not.

The biggest thing holding back most people from striking it big, are their thoughts, beliefs and philosophies about money.

The wealthy focus on earning and saving money, While the masses focus on protecting and hoarding their money.

If you will get into the concept of saving a penny a day, I can show you how to achieve M. Status over the next 5 years.

Habits Determine Results

Key to Success

The only way you will ever permanently take

control of your financial life is to dig deep and fix the root

problem.” Suze Orman

Matrix Engineered



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Thank you for reading Co-Ownership,

Your Host Bryan Long