the black man's dilemma

THE BLACK MAN’S DILEMMA THE BLACK MAN’S DILEMMA Is Our FIGHT to be FREE or The QUEST to be ME? Abraham W. Bolden, Sr. June 26-1976

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The effects of the displacement of the African of the Diaspora.


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Is Our FIGHT to be FREE or The QUEST to be ME?

By Abraham W. Bolden, Sr.

Abraham W. Bolden, Sr. June 26-1976

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Written and Edited by

Abraham W. Bolden, Sr.

1st Manuscript

Published June 26, 1976

Robinson Walton Printers

Chicago, Illinois

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Introduction 4

Purpose and Function 7

The Consequences of The Ignorance of Purpose 9

The Search for Solutions 9

The Diversity of African and European Culture 13

The Effects of Change in Environment and External Conditions 14

Internal Nature and Cosmic Law 16

The Importance of Ancestral History 18

Education vs. Liberation 20

Black Skin as a Barrier 22

The True Cause of Black on Black Crime 23

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The first casualty of any war between nations or peoples is TRUTH.

When there is strife between peoples whether it be based upon race,

religion, ethnicity, classism, social status or any number of

classifications of being, the victorious oppressive power in most cases,

contribute their success to some superiority either in intelligence,

civilization, religion, or some other quality that renders the oppressive

power ruler ship over another.

The first action of a colonizer is to remove the colonized people from

their familiar surrounding, deprive them of the true knowledge of

themselves and those principles that served to stabilize and govern the

colonized people. The colonizer then proceeds to establish institutions

and educational systems, and formulate laws that tend to minimize the

humanity of the colonized victims and maximize the evolutionary

superiority of the imperialist power.

After generations of the subjugated peoples have been cut off from their

true history and become under the complete control of the foreign

powers, the subjects are reeducated and their lives reconstructed to

conform to the wishes of the colonizer. Those subjects that possess

knowledge of the previous rules of conduct and belief systems that

governed their daily affairs are silenced. Some are silenced by murder,

others by fear and still many by conspiring with the colonizer in hope

for better position and station within the occupying forces.

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Because of the enzymatic actions of the educational, sociological, and

culture systems that are always constructed for the purpose of

maintaining the domination of the imperialist power, each generation of

the conquered peoples become more mentally compatible with their

captors and having been deprived of their true history can be easily

manipulated by the occupying force.

Such is the mental and spiritual condition of the African people in

America and throughout the Diaspora. In an effort to throw off the

chains of slavery, we have sought our equal rights as citizens and co-

rulers with the oppressors of African Peoples. We have attempted every

avenue of escape from our condition.

Then what is the basis of the problems that we face in America? In

order to solve any problem, one must think. Marching, singing, crying,

and oratory are not thinking. The rational intellect must rule the mind

before we can expect success in any endeavor. Emotionalism must give

way to experiment and observation. Our leaders must put away their

emotional and faith based solutions to the African problem in American

and become more analytical and scientific in thought and action. Faith

based leadership is no leadership at all. No constructive planning,

organizing, forward progress or problem solutions can be solved by

faith alone. We must move based upon conclusions predicated upon

logic, history and facts that can be substantiated either historically or by

the application of verified scientific principles. What are the Truths that

will make the Africans of the Diaspora a free people?

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This presentation is not the final answer; but it is a factor to be

considered in our attempts to understand what has happened to us and

our forefathers before, during and after the advent of slavery. Let us


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Purpose and Function

First, we must begin with the logical proposition that a created entity,

essence, nation, or thing is superior to the extent that it is able to function

according to its purpose of existence. The purpose of existence, according

to most ancient philosophers is the final cause of existence and without a

clear understanding of its final cause and purpose, its integration into the

natural order of nature cannot be readily discovered. The purpose can only

be determined after some knowledge of the nature and morphology of the

entity under examination has been established. This inherent nature

ultimately determines how the object, entity, or organism will interact with

its environment under various circumstances and conditions. The inherent

nature of the existence determines how it can be utilized, its environmental

requirements and it potential for survival under changing external


These propositions have proven to be irrefutable. The fact that the nature,

morphology and chemical constitution of a creation weighs heavily upon its

ability to exist under changing conditions can be supported by scientific

experiment and observation whether from an evolutionary or mechanistic

point of view.

Much has been written concerning the so called inferiority of the Africans of

the Diaspora. It has been both openly alleged or subtlety inferred through

the mass media and text book authored by those who claim superiority in

both evolutionary and intellectual abilities over other nations and peoples of

the earth. The Black civil rights organizations quickly respond by denying

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the claim of inferiority without evaluating or considering that this allegation

of inferiority of the Africans of the Diaspora might be TRUE under the


History bears out the fact that the African inner nature is not compatible with

an individualized, mechanistic, capitalistic society. Throughout history,

there has been no record of an African civilization that has thrived under

mechanistic, “dog eats dog”, “winner take all” society. The very thought

and drive by the lost African peoples to attempt to salvage some token of

humanity in the Western social culture, belief systems and values

demonstrate a profound lack of knowledge and wisdom. No African people

have risen, or ever will rise from a position of inferiority by internalizing the

moral, religious, and social standards of those who enslaved our forefathers.

Such internalization operates contrary to the African principles of life and

inhibits the growth and developmental potentials of an African people.

The point here is that there are no indications that the so called Black man is

inferior as a member of the human species; but it is both reasonable and

consonant with all biological creations that the appearance of inferiority may

be predicated upon our attempts to twist and override our true inherited

nature with those that appear to be naturally inclined to hedonism and

addicted to an individualized and competitive mode of life so characteristic

of the natures of those of the Western civilizations.

Therefore, because of our ignorance of our purpose of existence, which

purpose dictates our abilities to function under various social environments

and conditions, we become inferior in the execution of those instinctive

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innate actions that sustain our survival. We are then at the mercy of and

under the mental and physical control of those whose very inner nature and

purpose make them better adapted to function under the identical conditions.

The laws, customs and religious beliefs of other nations are adhered to

because they have proven to be effective and complementary to their

specific survival. Their customs and belief systems enhance their survival

and are a consequence of centuries of evolutionary development that tend to

continue and facilitate their existence.

The Consequences of The Ignorance of Purpose

When we attempt to function under European customs, laws, and religions,

we become frustrated. Because we are frustrated, we become angry and

because we are in a state of constant anger, we cannot think. Because anger

interdicts the ability to think we are consequently inferior and reduced to the

state of behavior patterns of the animal kingdom. The main attributes of an

animal are extreme cruelty and selfishness. In our animal nature, we

become preoccupied with the short term goals of eating, sleeping, recreation,

sex, and fighting and neglect those goals that require long term planning

such as the production of food, the maintenance of a moral and virtuous

environment, the education of our children and the laying of a firm

foundation for future generations.

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The Search for Solutions

Logic dictates that when any naturally created existence fulfills its own

purpose in accordance with its inborn nature, that existence is in a state of

heaven. Contrarily, when any existence acts or is caused to act by forces

external to its innate and intrinsic, that existence is in a state of hell, misery,

or death. From this, we can arrive at but three possible propositions and

they are:

(1) That the African peoples are acting in opposition to their inherent


(2) That the natures of the African and other homo sapiens are the same

but the African peoples of of the Diaspora have been denied the

opportunity to express their nature to the highest potential,

(3) That the natures of the African and other homo sapiens are identical

with the European having reached a higher development and

therefore the superior nation.

These three propositions give rise to the three basic divisions in the African

American social structure namely the so called Black Nationalist, Black

Muslims, and other Black Separatist organizations who subscribe to the first

conclusions. These organizations, supported by such renowned authors and

researchers such as Chancellor Williams (“The Destruction of Black

Civilization”) and Ivan Van Sertima (“They Came before Columbus”), point

out that historically and physically the African and other parallel

civilizations developed along very different social, economic, and religious

lines. A strong case is made that prior to the foreign encroachment into the

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African Continent, the African exhibited phenomenal industrial, artistic, and

agricultural skills. Their research demonstrated that it is only when the

African began to accept many of the European and Arab customs, religions,

and educational institutions did the African fall to the lowest depths of

human existence. They further point out that in the African social

environment, using African laws to govern themselves, through the building

of such mysterious works as the Pyramids, the indigenous African has

demonstrated that under his customary circumstances and environments, the

African has shown that he is equal with or in some aspects and aptitudes

superior to other nations of the earth. These groups subscribe to the

proposition that the nature of the African Peoples (as reflected in artistic,

institutional, social, and intellectual accomplishments) predates those of later

civilizations and are the matrix around which subsequent alienated

civilizations were constructed.

The second conclusion (that the natures of the African and European are

identical but the African peoples of the Diaspora have been denied the

opportunity to express themselves to their highest potentials) is held by the

Integrationist. This group acknowledges that we were an African people

who developed along separate social and institutional structures that were

very different from those developed in Europe. But they contend that we are

no longer an African people. Though their argument has no validity in

either fact, logic, or the science of genetics they point out that the institution

of slavery erased or so diluted the “African” part within the Blacks in

America, that it is in error to think of ourselves as other than Americans and

therefore seek full recognition as American propagating European economic

ideas and social values while forsaking any thought of reconstructing the

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customs and institutions that are distinctly African. The goals of the

Integrationist is to ‘catch up’ with the European using the educational

systems and industrial opportunities of the European and therefore destroy

what is seen by them as the crippling effects of their Africanism. This group

feels that the African is basically better off as citizens of America and

attribute many of the great African contributions as but flickering lights of a

long-ago dying civilization. Those Integrationists actually perceive the

African societies through the eyes of the colonizer and regard those who

express willingness to study the ancient African societies with hope of

reconstructing the lost African as advocating a return to barbarism, jungle

life, and ignorance. Most of the so called successful civil rights leaders,

politicians and religious leaders in America belong to this group.

The believers of the third conclusions encompass the White Supremacy

organizations. They openly contend that there is an apparent physical and

intellectual dissimilarity between the African and the European; but due to a

higher stage of evolution and development, the European is of a higher

superior quality. They contend that the European is more mentally adept,

superior in organizational abilities and more suitable to compete in the

existing world. Many have broken ranks and have written articles and books

suggesting a genetic basis for the inferiority of the African which

consequently suggests superiority of the European. In many instances, the

beliefs of this third group is exactly the same opinion held by members of

the second and the push by the Integrationist group tends to confirm that

they have a deep seated feeling of inferiority in relation to the European.

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Moreover, this group feels that a perfected imitation of the European is the

real answer to the serious problems facing the African trapped in a Western

Civilization. Both groups are antagonist of the African Nationalist; the

Integrationist because they have fallen prey to the teaching of the White

Supremist that a return to African custom and collectivism means a return to

barbarism and the White Supremist because they believe that the only hope

of the African peoples in America is in their assimilation into the social

structure, environment, and governmental institutions as a conquered people

and remain locked into a restricted social and economic level.

The Diversity of African and European Culture

As previously stated in this writing, history bears out the fact that in the

individualistic, mechanistic, capitalistic society, the so called Black man has

not reached a level of advancement as have other peoples around the world.

Recorded history does not show that there was any African society

constructed in the image of the European social and economic structure that

thrived even after the invasion of African territory by the European in

colonial conquests dating from the 15th century. Progress among African

peoples have only come within movements that are designed to change the

social and institutional environments; where African peoples worked for the

betterment of African peoples; where individualism was replaced by

collectivism and where there was a strong realization of the truth that the

African people must be Nationalistic in attitude and move forward as one

people unattracted by and not distracted by the fears and goals of any other

people. Let us look briefly at the importance of environment and its effect

upon living things.

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The Effects of Change in Environment and External Conditions

The same qualities that make a thing superior in one mode of existence may

render it inferior in another mode of existence when the environment

becomes alien to the growth and development of the organism in question.

On good fertile land, an apple tree is superior to a cactus plant. The

chemical composition, nature, and purpose of an apple tree permit it to be

superior in the production of apples under proper environmental conditions.

But when those conditions are changed and that change is alien to the

growth and development of apple trees and now favors the propagation of

cactus plants, the apple trees become inferior because their fullest potential

according to their genetic endowments cannot be reached under the new

alien conditions. On the other hand, if the conditions alien to the apple tree

are conducive to the growth of cactus plants, the cactus plant becomes a

superior form of existence in this new desert environment. This is because

the nature, purpose, and form of the cactus plant permit it to thrive in this

type of desert environment.

If we were to “investigate” the inferiority of the weak looking, half dead

apple tree dwelling in an alien desert environment (and if we knew nothing

of or refused to accept the history of the apple tree while planted under more

favorable conditions), we might conclude that the apple tree is inferior as to

form, material, chemistry and ability to survive. If we stopped our

investigation here without taking into consideration the alien environment,

we might further conclude, after observing the steady and hearty growth of

the cactus, that the apple tree is inferior by nature to the cactus plant. We

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may then make the erroneous conclusion that all apple trees are inferior to

cactus plants where ever they are found.

This type of investigation is precisely what was done by Doctor Shockly and

other “scientist” who have labeled the so called Black as being universally

inferior by nature and genetic combination to the so called White races. The

all important factor of environment has been omitted. By environment, we

mean all of the external forces, customs, institutions and religions that affect

the development of intelligence and personality. By environment, we mean

all of the conditions, circumstances, and influences surrounding and

affecting the development of an organism or group of organisms.

Then, what do we mean by Nature? When we say that the Arian people or

any other people have a certain nature, we are simply saying that that people

have a certain internal inclination or leaning toward a psychomotor action to

a perceived stimulus. These leanings and tendencies are genetically

inherited and relate to what we call natural abilities. We are talking about

the natural bent of an existence when unaffected by contrary external forces.

By the word Nature, we mean unlearned activity combined with how any

existence will use the product of learning. The ability of a lowly spider to

spin a web exactly like the web spent by his ancestors without benefit of

learning is part of the nature of the spider. The ability of the ant to organize

along definite social structures, the Beaver to build a dam, the Hawk to

calculate the speed and distance of the running mice without benefit of

mathematics all allude to and identify the nature of that existence. The word

nature applies in like sense to both animate (living) and inanimate (non-

living) existences.

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A rock is a non-living mass of congealed matter, unable to move itself or

engage in any of the activities of a living organism. Yet, inherent in that

rock is what we call its nature and that nature causes the rock to rest upon

the earth and become subject to the erosive actions of air, wind, rain and

heat. The notes non-living, mass of congealed matter, resting upon the

earth, and being subject to the erosive elements of the earth, constitutes what

we call the nature of the rock. These are internal qualities (natural) rather

than qualities that depend upon external (environmental) conditions for their

expression. And that rock cannot be inferior or superior as to the basic

qualities but can only be said to be such according the usage that we intend

to make of it. A diamond is superior to a pebble because of its nature but

because of that nature which in inherent in both diamond and pebble they are

alike rocks and stones. Any rock that naturally resists those internal

qualities mentioned above is beyond our comprehension-as it is very

difficult to maintain the mental image or any rock that would remain

constantly floating two or three feet above the earth in our present

atmospheric and environmental conditions.

Internal Nature and Cosmic Law

The rule of law is that there can be no internal movement against the

inherent nature of an existence by the existence itself. The impetus or

motivating force that moves any organism, thing or matter contrary to its

inherent nature must come from without. There must be a re-training or an

over-riding of the inherent internal characteristics by energy expended from

without. When this is done, we say that Violence is done to the Nature of

the organism or object. If we move a rock from the ground, for instance,

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and hold that rock in our hands, we have interrupted (but not destroyed) the

inherent nature of that rock and in doing so we have done violence to the

nature of the rock and expended energy by creating an external force to get

the rock so moved to a new position. But, as stated above, we have not

destroyed the nature of that rock for the violence that we have done against

the nature of its existence manifests itself in another force called weight that

lets us know that the rock is trying to assert its basic internal nature. When

we cease the interference, the rock falls to the earth and releases the energy

within the earth in the form of heat.

When we attempt to study the nature of any existence, whether that

existence be plant, animal, human or inanimate, such a study must be

scientific in scope. We must determine first the questions to be answered

pertaining to the existence. Next we must study that existence under various

conditions. How does it interact with other existences when brought

together either by compound or mixture? What are the conditions that

influence the conduct of the object of our examination and in what manner

do the conditions cause the existence to react? What conclusions can be

drawn from the experiment or research and what action can, should, or must

be taken to control the conduct of our existence in order to achieve the

desired effect? In other words, our research must be methodical, diligent,

precise, thorough, and above all unbiased. And once that the research is

complete, the products of that research must be accepted whether we want to

activate them or not. This fact is very important because the products and

conclusions of our investigation is our record of the history of that existence

and only through a thorough knowledge of that history can we make

judgments that are intelligent and effective.

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The Importance of Ancestral History

History, then, is the root upon which the present is constructed. It is a record

of identities and relationships and reveals how the objects of that history

interacted in the past and from the evidence adduced from that record of past

interaction we can predict the results of future conduct. The very nature of

any existence can be determined through the history and record of that


The difficulties experience by African peoples in the Western civilization

whether they be social, economic, educational or moral, stem from the lack

of a clear and thorough knowledge of pre-colonial African history.

Moreover, the attitude prevalent among many African peoples in the

Western oriented civilization that the past should be forgotten is utter

nonsense and has no reasonable foundation since the past experiences of

African peoples constitute the root of our existence. Nothing that is living

can survive without a root and to ignore that root is to invite disaster as the

condition of the American African people so amply demonstrates. We

cannot repair a broken am without first having some knowledge of the

anatomy or morphology of that arm before it was broken. Neither can heal

nor reconstitute a nation unless we first possess some knowledge of the

history and record of that nation before the nation became ill. And once that

record is known; once the history is ascertained, we must reconstruct the

new African people along the lines and near to the image of health no matter

how great the pain or discomfiture.

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The labor of the educated African peoples in the Western civilization must

be towards discovering the reason or underlying cause of the appearance of

inferiority of African peoples. To every effect, there must be a cause. But

to discover a cause takes time and sacrifice and many of the educated have

little time and are not willing to make the sacrifice to undertake a study. The

quest for recognition in the European world; to be honored by Europeans; to

be rewarded by Europeans; to be welcomed into European societies,

fraternities, social groups and the like is the overriding concern of our

African elite. We view our educations in philosophy, chemistry, physics,

mathematics and other sciences as avenues of livelihood. Higher education

is seen above all as a means and method to escape the dungeons of ghetto

life. It is a means by which the allegation of African inferiority is defeated

and European acceptance is courted. We have all of the personnel, all of the

journalist, all of the biologist, all of the chemist, engineers, brick masons,

carpenters, economists, and other scientific personnel to organize, construct,

and maintain our own institutions. Then why is this not being done? There

is only one answer to that question and that answer is that the African

peoples of the Western civilization do not have the prerequisite confidence

and trust in themselves to believe that it is possible to maintain

governmental, social, economic and moral system not overseen by the

European. This absence of confidence is reflected in the often quoted

passage from a speech by a very famous civil rights leader “We will live

together as brothers or die apart as fools.”

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Education vs. Liberation

What am I saying then in regards to our educated African brothers? I am

simply saying that the majority of us are not using the education that we

have received for the betterment of African peoples. We are not using

education as a tool to solve problems of a long standing nature as those

problems relate to the vast majority of African American peoples. To the

contrary, education is too often seen as a means and method by which the

educated can escape his African origin and perfect European mimicry. And

in doing so, in a mad rush to escape, the educated become enemy to his own

African brother and instead of remedying the problem of the masses; he

contributes to and compounds that problem. By failing to use the education

received for the upgrading and advancement of African peoples, the majority

of educated Africans in America seek to ensure their own personal

advancement in the European social and economic structure.

In fact, we have heard it stated that there are no true Africans in America.

And this falsity is stated by some of our best African minds. The reason

given is that our African forefathers were so polluted by slavery and

recurring interbreeding that true African inheritance has been destroyed. If

this be true, and it is neither true according to genetic science or biology,

then likewise there are no true Chinese, European, Indian, Arab, Hebrew or

any other nationality. The European peoples were under the domination of

African peoples in Spain for over 700 years, but we hear no one who

subscribes to the statement that there are no true Europeans. China was

under the rulership of European powers for over 100 years but we do not say

that there are no true Chinese. (“China fell into the hands of Great Britain,

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France, Russia, Japan and Germany from 1850-1945,” Emerging Nations,

Clinton E. Bartwell, page 245.) The British were enslavers in India and

were just recently overthrown as the governing authority of the Indian

peoples but there are few statements denying that there are pure Indians. No

one denies that there are presently true so called Jewish people although,

according to their own legend and myths, the Jew was captive in Egypt for

430 years. If other nations and nationalities have endured slavery, captivity,

miscegenation, and integration (whether forced or willingly), why is it said

of the African American only that he is impure or so diluted as to not exist

as a separate body of people? Why have our learned men and women, our

scholars and intellectual leaders not informed the African peoples of the

complete falsity of this preposterous allegation?

It is because that we have becomes so Europeanized in our aims, thoughts,

and motivations that in order to achieve the Europeanization of the African

peoples, we subscribe to the falsehood that our African heritage is destroyed.

And in doing so, in teaching that we are not an African people but a blended

people genetically somewhere between an African and a European, we

destroy our own nationhood and leave the uninformed masses no choice but

to view the natural African physical characteristics, social structures and the

like as either undefined or nonexistent qualities in a European society.

Logic dictates that the pure is superior to the impure of the same kind. That

which is least polluted or diluted is seen to be superior and the diluted

inferior. A pure object is said to be of better quality than is that same object

in a diluted state. Since there is little challenge to the purity of the European

American or to the dilution or impurity of the African American, what can

be the overall conclusion except the inferiority of the polluted?

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Black Skin as a Barrier

The African masses of the Western civilization are taught by the educated

leadership that their problem is one of color. How many times have you

heard it said that we are denied economic progress, jobs, good education,

good homes and the like because we are black; we are oppressed, says the

leadership, because we are black. We are discriminated against because we

are black. We are suffering because we are black. Of all statements made by

those in position to influence the minds of African peoples, the statement

that “we are denied this or that because we are black” is by far the most

popular….and by far the most damaging.

To understand the damaging effects on the psychological attitude of African

peoples toward their selves generated by the statement “because we are

black”, one only needs to use a little imagination and common sense.

Imagine any person imprisoned in an open enclosure, unable to escape.

There is very little food within the enclosure and the captive is forced to

survive in a naked state. There are four walls around about him and these

walls deny him the opportunity to get proper food, ample clothing against

the cold or sufficient materials with which to construct a roof over his head.

Beyond the walls, there are stores of food, beautiful homes and necessary

clothing. However, each time that the captive attempts to better his

condition by leaving the enclosure he cannot go beyond the walls. These

walls are in fact a barrier to those things that are necessary for his survival.

Why can he not acquire the necessary food? Because the walls are

constraining him from food! Why can he not acquire the proper clothing?

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Because of the walls! Why can he not obtain shelter? Because of the walls!

Tell me then; will the prisoner feel that these walls are of benefit to him?

No! Will he or can he view these walls as beautiful? Will he seek to

maintain these walls and love and cherish them as something of value and

worthiness? Will the prisoner believe that those walls should be cared for or

kept from falling into a state of decay?

The answer to all of the above questions by any reasonable person must be a

resounding “no.” No one can truly love a barrier that is placed between him

and what he perceives as good or necessary for his survival. Moreover, the

barrier presents itself as an obstacle to progress and the obstacle in the form

of the wall present a frustrating situation to the captive. Frustration

manifests itself in anger, anger reduces itself to aggression and that

aggression or anger is directed towards the barrier. The barrier must be

eliminated if progress of the captive is to be achieved. The barrier must be

destroyed if happiness is to be attained.

The True Cause of Black on Black Crime

Our current leadership has made “blackness” a barrier. We do not have jobs,

homes, good education, opportunity and power. Why” “Because we are

black” says the leadership. Therefore we must what? Destroy the barrier!

Eradicate Africanism! Become an integrated, diluted people because this

barrier must be removed. The African youth perceive from what is taught

by the leaders that their color is the barrier that must be removed. So,

because dislikes and prejudices tend towards generalization, all blackness is

bad, a barrier, and an undesired characteristic. But on the other hand, it is

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shameful to hate one’s own color for it is the internal nature of any living

organism to move towards self survival. For to say that color is a barrier, is

to say that, that barrier should be destroyed or at least diluted to the point

where it no longer inhibits progress. Therefore, there exists in the mind of

the Africans of America a conflict. The nature of the African American

calls for self survival while the desire or will of the African American is

towards extinction of the distinct African qualities that are perceived as

barriers to progress in a European civilization. And it is the unconscious

mental conflict, this duality of mind, this confusion between inherent nature

and overt will that is the direct cause of the appearance of inferiority of the

African peoples in the Western Civilization. The end result is that our young

men and women are goaded, by Black leadership, to perceive Black as

synonymous with a barrier to be overcome.

I do my duty


Abraham W. Bolden, Sr. Posted 10-20-2015 24