the bell of the cathedral

THE BELL OF THE CATHEDRAL The Bell of the Cathedral UNIT OF INTEGRAL ATTENTION (UIA) THE FALLEN LORD MAKES RAIN Affiliations and Subsidy 90 Dogs and Cats Will Be Sterilized in Girardota By: Isabel Cristina Cataño Sanchez

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Page 1: The bell of the cathedral


The Bell of the Cathedral




Affiliations and Subsidy

90 Dogs and Cats Will Be Sterilized in Girardota

By: Isabel Cristina Cataño Sanchez

Page 2: The bell of the cathedral




Fecha de emisión


With rogations the inhabitants of Girardota's municipality, A small population in the north of Medellin, they will ask the all-powerful one in order that it returns to fall the rain, Of which they have not returned to know for days.

By means of an eucharist and then the procession with the image of the Fallen Lord of Girardota, the giradotanos

will raise their prayers to the sky in order that it ends the drought, According to the priest Jose Leonardo Ospina Giraldo, parson of the cathedral Our Lady of the Rosario.

By: Isabel Cristina Cataño Sanchez

Workers Generated a Gas Escape in Girardota

In Girardota's neighborhood a few workers realizing a constructed works, Accidental they perforated one of the ducts of gas that crosses the neighborhood, Provoking a gas escape that scared the whole community.

Though Nothing serious happened, the community of I complain for EPM's so slow


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A judge of Control of Guarantees of Medellin sent to the jail Cristian Emilio Sanchez Londoño, indicated of having intimate photos closely of 100 minors. According to the District attorney's office, the defendant him was requesting the photographies his victims in social networks by means of deceptions and threats.

When the capture was effected, and after the formalities of search realizing to the housing of Sanchez, located in the sector Villa Chapter, Girardota's municipality (Antioch), agents of the CTI found four cellular ones with pornographic material in which minors appear.

In agreement with the investigation, the 24-year-old man would have contacted more than 100 minors across the social networks and later it would have requested pornographic photographies them.

" It began to convince them, later it was starting doing friendship, even with some it was establishing sentimental relations, and inside these conversations it was achieving that he was sending intimate photos ", said the director Nacional of Sectional District attorney's offices, Luis Gonzalez, opposite to this case

According to Gonzalez, between the victims there are several 14-year-old minors. For the present time the investigators of the CTI of Medellin analyze the testimonies of 23 minors affected that already were detected.

270 dogs and cats will be gelded in the municipalities of Copacabana, Girardota and Barbosa, through the Mobile Unit of Sterilizations of the Metropolitan Area. Spokesmen of the environmental authority informed that 90 free surgeries will be carried out by municipality, previous inscription before the Secretariat of Environment or local Umata.

In the day, the inhabitants will be able to deliver voluntarily the wild

animals that they find in captivity. Of equal form, the community will receive awareness on the risks that there generates to the ecosystem the possession of wild fauna and the sanctions foreseen in the procedure

Eugenio Prieto, the director of the Metropolitan Area, initiates a day of work decentralized with the members of the offices of these municipalities.

Man unionized of infantile pornography in Girardota was sent to the jail

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90 Dogs and Cats Will Be Sterilized in Girardota

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The Unit of Integral Attention is an official program assigned to the Secretariat of municipal Education from which there are offered the pedagogic and therapeutic services to the children, girls and teenagers who present educational special needs. The UAI was created in the year 2001, by means of a project of agreement of the Town council; which was done giving response to a few legal limits raised in the Decree 2082. Direction Career 16 Not. 12-01. Building of the Youth, located behind the House of the Culture Pedrito Ruiz.


The term Educational Special Need refers to the specific conditions of every student to learn to his own pace. These needs arise both from his individual characteristics and of the way in which the student is unrolled.

Pueden obedecer a factores: BIOLÓGICOS como por ejemplo las deficiencias, una situación de discapacidad, problemas de salud y de nutrición.

Though the NEE link themselves with major frequency to the school area, there are interrelated transdiciplinarmente with the variables family, occupation, community, environment and the work, since they imply the perception of the persons of

an integral way, inside a social

temporary and particular reality. The disability refers to the limitations generated by an organic or corporal deficiency, to act specifically with relation with other persons of the same age, context and culture.

In agreement with this, a disability or situation of disability I could compromise the functionality of one o more of the systems they structure the organism and in this respect it qualifies like: COGNITIVE or INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY, PHYSICAL DISABILITY, EMOTIONAL DISABILITY and SENSORY DISABILITY


Children, Girls and Teenagers in school age that presents educational special needs that can be secondary ó not to a situation of disability.

Diagnoses that commonly generate a situation of disability:

Cerebral paralysis.

Hemiplegias and Cuadriplejías.

Mental delay.

Autism - similar Syndromes.

Disorders of Anxiety.

Disorders of the Personality.



Two Teachers of Support.

A tiflóloga.


First, the children, girls and teenagers must be enrolled in school, being present at an Educational Official Institution.

They must not exceed 15 years of age.

They must present an educational special generated need ó not for a condition of disability already diagnosed clinical.


Initial evaluations, which are an individual process across which the skills and / or specific difficulties are established in each of the spheres or dimensions of the development.

This activity this concebida under two particular limits as it is the case to analyzing:

They can be an evaluation of revenue or initial conditions.

The Evaluation of revenue is realized when the user comes for the first time to look for the service, deciding from this a diagnostic impression from the area in which it is evaluated.


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With Development, Girardota Looking Foward to the Future

A population who already exceeds 53.000 inhabitants has seen his town grew and municipality and to make concrete important initiatives in the last years, that encourages projecting in the nearby future a development accelerated for his locality, As the city that advances to the pace of the metropolitan area of Aburrá's Valley.

Likewise, the construction of 500 housings for the neediest and the improvement of routes that facilitate the mobility between rural zones and the head-board they constitute initiatives for the quality of life.

In the Negative Thing

The execution of housing of social interest in the municipality scarcely advances in the last months of the Administration. In recent time the municipality has faced safety problems related to the microtraffic and squares of vice. To attend to the locality only he has arranged 70 units of the Police.

In the Positive of This New

In the Valley of Aburrá, Girardota it is the only municipality that achieved an Educational Park of the 80 that executes the Government. The Mayoralty took advantage of the work to give them space to other services and submitted to the educational community last s to inaugurate it on December 16. July 29. The promise of a new college in the urban zone scarcely capture forms. The works to move the lyceum monsignor Manuel Jose Sierra, for 1.200 inhabitants, it advances in 45 per cent. The commitment of the Administration

In the Valley of Aburrá, Girardota it is the only municipality that achieved an Educational Park of the 80 that

executes the Government. The Mayoralty took advantage of the work to give them space to other services and submitted to the educational community last July 29. The promise of a new college in the urban zone scarcely capture forms. The works to move the lyceum monsignor Manuel Jose Sierra, for 1.200 inhabitants, it advances in 45 per cent.

INDER GIRARDOTA The Institute of Sports, Recreation and Utilization of the Free Time of Girardota has created this space to drink to the whole community, information brings over of the programs and services that offer, the offers of contracting and everything relating to this Entity, to keep them updated and to solve the worries that they could present.

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Three men were murdered to shots, yesterday at 4 p.m. in a rural zone of Girardota's municipality, apparently the men were winnowed by a few assassins when they were going to meet in a high part of the neighborhood.

Three men were murdered to shots, yesterday to The murder it registered in the path It pinches Above, they were found by impacts of weapon calibrate 9 millimeters the men: 49-year-old Fabián Restrepo, Fredy Castrillón of 33 and 29- year-old Juan Fernando Gómez. According to some witnesses, to an estate of this Girardota's sector that borders on the municipalities of Guarne and Copacabana, it came, in a motorcycle with a friend, a man, who was purging a sorrow for homicide and took the benefit of house as a jail, the person, apparently, stayed of thinking there other two men that they rose also in a motorcycle, but before coming to the land there were attacked by four men more that also were mobilized in motorcycles.

After the gunfire Juan Fernando Gómez died, because it received a shot in the abdomen, whereas the man with bracelet of the Inpec, managed to flee for a wooded zone.

La barra Restaurants in Girardota.Excellent food

HOTEL TORRE JUAN In Girardota his first hotel with the classic taste of the best.

The site with better vision for his business and the recreation. Located in the principal entry of girardota to 20 minutes of medellin.

Murdered yesterday three men in Girardota

Page 7: The bell of the cathedral


The familiar subsidy is a social presentation that is paid in money, species and services to the affiliated workers. His aim is to relieve the economic loads that the maintenance of the family represents.

The familiar subsidy has the following modalities:

1. Monetary ordinary quota 2. Monetary special quota 3. Monetary extraordinary

quota 4. Monetary simultaneous

quota 5. I subsidize in species

Monetary ordinary quota:

Is a quantity of money that beneficiary delivers herself monthly for every person at the expense of the worker.

The worker obtains this right if it assembles the following conditions:

It has a monthly, fixed, minor or equal remuneration to four legal monthly in force minimum wages and that added with the income of his spouse or permanent companion, do not overcome 6 legal monthly in force minimum wages.

It totalizes a minimum of 96 hours of labor during the month.

Monetary special quota (for beneficiaries with invalidity or physical or mental diminished:

The hard-working beneficiary will get double monetary quota of the Familiar Subsidy for his children, step-sons, parents and orphan brothers of both parents,

without importing his age, which they present physical and / or mental diminished capacity that prevents them from working. Diminished)

Monetary extraordinary quota (For death of worker or person to post beneficiary):

In case of death of a hard-working beneficiary, the employer will warn from the fact to the Box of Familiar Compensation to which it will be affiliated, will pay a monetary extraordinary subsidy for the month in which this one happens, equivalent to 12 monthly payments of the monetary quota that will come receiving, to the person who accredits to have taken responsibility of the guard, maintenance or care of the persons at the expense of the deceased

Monetary simultaneous quota (Recognition of quota of both spouses):

When the sum of the wages of the worker (a) and his spouse or companion (o) does not overcome four monthly legal in force minimum wages, both can claim monetary quota for the same children.

I subsidize in species (nutritional Voucher)

Comfama pays the subsidy in species by means of the recognition of a nutritional complement of the five-year-old minors and of the nursing mothers and gestantes of the workers with minor income.

I subsidize in services

All the workers and his persons to post affiliated have right to accede to the programs and Comfama's services of Health, Education, Recreation, Tourism, Culture, Insurances, Credit and Housing with differential rates, depending on the income of the worker

Solidarity of the city with the field

" The boxes of compensation will pay 15 % as ordinary subsidy to the worker of the agricultural sector on those who pay the urban worker "


Affiliations and Subsidy

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