( the cathedral messenger

1 St. Alexander Nevsky Orthodox Cathedral (https://www.facebook.com/AlexanderNevskyCathedral/) (http://www.sanocpgh.org/) The Cathedral Messenger Orthodox Church in America Diocese of Western Pennsylvania Archbishop Melchisedek Archpriest Bill Evansky (Acting Admin.) May 2021 This month’s newsletter is sponsored by Frank and Carol Namisnak: In loving memory of our parents: Frank & Anna Namisnak and John & Mary Borgoyn HOLY PASCHA God Is In Control By Fr. Luke A. Veronis Before time and space and matter ever began, there was a conversation in heaven. “My Son, I want to give you a gift. But before You accept it, I will describe it and You must decide whether to accept this gift or not. It will be such a beautiful gift called “Cosmos,” a precious jewel among all we create. I will place as king over this creation a being that will be created in Our image and likeness. We will call this creature human. “Thank You, Father,” the Son responded. “I accept this gift.” “Wait. There is more. Things down on earth won’t go as we hope. These humans, since they are created in our image and likeness, have free will, and with their freedom they will rebel again Us, against the Cosmos, and even against each other. This separation from Us and from one another will destroy everything. The only way they can be saved is if YOU become one of them to show them the way of life and to teach them how to love.” “I will gladly do this” the Son responded “But my Son, there is more. They will not accept You when you go to them. They will reject You. They will turn away from Your way of life. They will ignore Your teachings. Even one of Your closest friends

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St. Alexander Nevsky Orthodox Cathedral (https://www.facebook.com/AlexanderNevskyCathedral/)


The Cathedral Messenger

Orthodox Church in AmericaDiocese of Western Pennsylvania

Archbishop Melchisedek Archpriest Bill Evansky (Acting Admin.)

May 2021

This month’s newsletter is sponsored by Frank and Carol Namisnak: In loving memory of our parents: Frank & Anna Namisnak and John & Mary Borgoyn

HOLY PASCHA God Is In Control

By Fr. Luke A. Veronis Before time and space and matter ever began, there was a conversation in heaven.

“My Son, I want to give you a gift. But before You accept it, I will describe it and You must decide whether to accept this gift or not. It will be such a beautiful gift called “Cosmos,” a precious jewel

among all we create. I will place as king over this creation a being that will be created in Our image and likeness. We will call this creature human.

“Thank You, Father,” the Son responded. “I accept this gift.”

“Wait. There is more. Things down on earth won’t go as we hope. These humans, since they are created in our image and likeness, have free will, and with their freedom they will rebel again Us, against the Cosmos, and even against each other. This separation from Us and from one another will destroy everything. The only way they can be saved is if YOU become one of them to show them the way of life and to teach them how to love.”

“I will gladly do this” the Son responded

“But my Son, there is more. They will not accept You when you go to them. They will reject You. They will turn away from Your way of life. They will ignore Your teachings. Even one of Your closest friends


will betray You and another will deny even knowing You. Your own people on earth will hate you, ridicule You, call You evil, spit upon you, whip you, crucify You, and put You to the most miserable death. Only by showing them what a perfect human being is, only by teaching them and revealing to them the true path of divine love, only by experiencing the entire human condition to the point of death, and only by destroying death itself through Your own death, only then will they find a path back to Us. Only then will they be saved. So, what do you think? Do you accept this gift?”

The Son, the second person of the Holy Trinity, let a single tear flow from his eye. He then smiled and said, “Let there be light!”

(paraphrased from a poem by Benedict Groeschel)

+  +  +

The mystery of creation, of life in this temporal world and of death itself, of things eternal and everlasting, all this mystery is beyond our human understanding. We can use our finite minds to try and comprehend the Infinite, the Eternal One, but no matter how smart we are, no matter how hard we try, and no matter how much we progress as a society, we will always fall short in fully understanding the ways of God. As the Prophet Isaiah declared, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts greater than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9)

Yet in this Mystery of Life, even if we don’t fully understand it, we can know one thing for sure – God is in control. He created the universe and He sustains the world. No darkness or uncertainty, no death or destruction, no crisis or fear should ever take away this assurance. As we face a pandemic unlike anything we’ve seen in the past 100 years, and deal with the economic fallout of this ongoing calamity, we can find comfort in knowing that ultimately God is in control.

If we learned anything from our journey through Holy Week, it should be this. Nothing happens outside the knowledge and will of God. No matter how dark and unsettling things appeared during the Passion of Christ – especially with the betrayal of Judas, the rejection of Jesus by His own people, the hypocrisy and blindness of the religious leaders, the cruelty of the Roman soldiers, and the unfairness of the perfect man becoming a sacrificial lamb crucified on the Cross for an ungrateful world – nothing happened outside the knowledge and will of God.

God is in control.

Jesus understood that He was a part of a greater plan to save the world. He understood that Divine Love will always conquer hatred and evil. Uncreated Light will always shine forth in the deepest darkness. Death can never have the final say over the Source of Life.

God is in control.

From our limited human perspective, sometimes it appears that evil wins out, sometimes it appears that hope has been lost, sometimes it appears that hatred is too great, sometimes it appears that life is too uncertain, sometimes it appears that death has the final say. Yet, we must never forget that our human perspective is limited. Our ways are not God’s ways.

God is in control.

Imagine if you were Peter or one of the other disciples of Christ. Your beloved Master was dead. Your


dreams of a Messianic revolution ended. Your lives shattered and all meaning and direction lost. One of your 12 committed suicide and the rest felt terrible shame and guilt for abandoning their beloved Teacher. Yet, in the midst of their deepest despair, they experience the unthinkable. Mary Magdalene comes from the tomb early Sunday morning with unbelievable news – she has seen the Risen Christ. Peter and John run to the tomb and find it empty, with an angel telling them “Why do you seek the living among the dead. He is not here. He is risen.” Cleopas and Luke meet a stranger on the road to Emmaus and discover it’s Jesus Himself. Even after Christ appears to the ten disciples in the upper room and upbraided them for their disbelief, Thomas still can’t believe, and it takes another week for him to see the Lord, touch his hands and side, and finally proclaim, “My Lord and My God.”

What appeared impossible just became possible! The crucified Master becomes the Risen Lord, and life will never be the same. This unfathomable miracle becomes the cornerstone of a new life, a new perspective on life, an eternal life with God.

When everything seemed dark and hopeless, God revealed once again that His ways are not our ways, and that ultimately, He is in control!

Holy Pascha, our celebration of Christ’s Resurrection, this Easter Sunday, is first and foremost a participation in Christ’s victory, and a remembrance that we are never alone, that no darkness is greater than the Paschal Light, and that no event in history stands outside the will of the One “who is, who was, and who is to come, the Lord Almighty.” May we not forget this even in the midst of a once-in-a-century crisis. The coronavirus pandemic isn’t outside the control of God. The economic fallout from this catastrophe isn’t outside the control of God. And whatever happens to each one of us personally is not outside the control of God.

Christ is Risen! God is in control! And with faith in the Risen Lord, we can go forth in peace facing whatever tomorrow will bring. Don’t allow any anxiety, fear, worry, or stress ever let you forget that Christ is Risen and God is in control!

Christos Anesti! Krishti u Ngjall! Christ is Risen!


Church School Note

St. Thomas Egg Hunt will be done on May 9th. Rain date is May 16th. See Ann Hershey with questions.

There will be church school on May 16th. Details to follow.

OCMC Coin Boxes - Please return boxes to Ann Hershey.

This month’s Troitsa candles are sponsored by Sophia Radinsky in memory of her late husband Allan Radinsky.

Choir Rehearsal Tuesday, May 18th, 7:00 p.m.Tuesday, June 15th, 7:00 p.m.

Monday, June 28th, following Vespers


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Apr. 25Entry of Our Lord into Jerusalem, Holy Apostle & Evangelist MarkChurch School 8:30 amHours 9:10 amLiturgy 9:30 am

Apr. 26Great and Holy Monday

Bridegroom Matins 7:00 pm

Apr. 27Great and Holy Tuesday

Bridegroom Matins 7:00 pm

Apr. 28Great and Holy Wednesday

Bridegroom Matins 7:00 pm

Apr. 29Great and Holy ThursdayVesperal Liturgy of St. Basil 9:00 am

Twelve Passions Gospels 7:00 pm

Apr. 30Great and Holy Friday

Vespers (Burial Service) 3:00 pm

Praises and Lamentations7:00 pm

1Great and Holy SaturdayVesperal Liturgy of St. Basil 9:00 am

Midnight Office, Paschal Matins & Liturgy 10:00 pmBlessing of Baskets followed by Agape Meal


Paschal Vespers11:00 am

3Bright Monday Hours 8:40 amDivine Liturgy9:00 am

4Bright Tuesday

5Bright Wednesday

6Bright Thursday

7Bright Friday

8Bright Saturday

Great Vespers 5 pm

9Antipascha (St. Thomas the Apostle)Hours 9:10 amLiturgy 9:30 am

10 11 12 13 14 15

Great Vespers 5 pm

163rd Sunday of Pascha (Holy Myrrh-Bearers)Church School 8:30 amHours 9:10 amLiturgy 9:30 am

17 18 19 20 21 22

Great Vespers5:00 pm

234th Sunday of Pascha (Paralytic Man)Hours 9:10 amLiturgy 9:30 am

24 25 26 27 28 29

Great Vespers 5:00 pm

Schedule of Divine ServicesMay 2021


SANWA AnnouncementPirogies:

Our next pierogie workshop is on May 14, 2021.

Gift Shop

As we prepare to enter Holy Week and Pascha, remember to look for items you may need such as: Basket Covers, Egg Wraps, Butter Molds, Decorated Candles, Greeting Cards, etc. Our newest addition, small yard Flags announcing the Resurrection, pictured here. The Resurrection Eggs, also pictured, are worn instead of your cross until the time of Ascension. We have Bow Pins and some Chains to which they may be attached. For the boys and men, we have XB Lapel Pins. In May, we also celebrate Mother's Day. We have the book, A Mother's Prayer, for a gift choice. We also have a few Pen and Bookmark gift sets for mothers. In addition, we have Woman of the Faith Eco Tote. Jewelry items are also available.

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat305th Sunday of Pascha (Samaritan Woman)Hours 9:10 amLiturgy 9:30 am

31 June 1 June 2 June 3 June 4 June 5

Great Vespers5:00 pm


Clip and insert in prayer book to pray for those in the prayer list

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Prayer List (All names should be submitted to one of the Cathedral Clergy for commemoration at the divine services.)

For Health and Salvation:Metropolitan HermanArchpriest AndrewArchpriest MichaelArchpriest MichaelHieromonk PatrickSubdeacon GregoryMatushka EvdokiaMatushka SusanneMatushka LarissaMatushka AnastasiaMatushka EugeniaCatechumen Joanne

EleanorAndrewGeorgeGregoryGregoryNaomiVladimirCindyThomasBarbaraJanKathrynMichelle Ann

Missy MicheleBryceMichaelAubrey ElizabethChild MarleePhyllisInfant Callum RobertStephenJohnKevinEnricoJuliannaDaniel

For the Newly Departed:Mitred Ap BasilArchpriest PeterTerrenceChristopherSamanthaJulia AnnAlexeiSimoneMichael


Date Epistle Hours Attendance Candle Room Collection Counters

May 2 R Glisan M Wusylko Glisan Romanchik G Ribar, T Papariella

May 9 JM Pazin R Hershey Papakirk Rinaldo J Dille, G Ribar

May 16 J Pazin F Namisnak C Steeb G Ribar N Tesone, K Zallow

May 23 G Pazin M Wusylko A Ribar Romanchik R Steeb, R Hrodnik

May 30 R Hershey L Lindquist C Namisnak Rinaldo G Ribar, T Papariella

June 6 R Glisan R Hershey Glisan G Ribar J Dille, G Ribar

June 13 JM Pazin F Namisnak Papakirk Romanchik N Tesone, K Zallow

June 20 G Pazin M Wusylko C Steeb Rinaldo R Steeb, R Hrodnik


Supported by St. Alexander Nevsky Orthodox Cathedral

Many thanks to those parishioners who picked up a New Mom or New Baby bag to fill them with items of need! Please return filled bags no later than Sunday, May 23. Give them to Eileen Glisan, Beth Benton, or Larissa Lindquist.

More details to follow in June NewsleIer: June is ‘Save A Baby Month’ at Nevsky! We will have our Baby BoIle Campaign during the month of June.


Shop For Life!

The Nest is the newest children’s resale bou:que in Pi=sburgh. Featuring nearly new clothing for your li=le peeps, The Nest offers high-end clothing and furnishings for infants and children up to size 8 at pocket book friendly prices. And every sale helps to save li=le lives!

“Nest Quality” Guaranteed

The Nest offers the highest quality resale clothing and furnishings for li=le Peeps. All items and clothing are triple-checked for stains, tears and damage to ensure that only new and nearly new merchandise makes it to the floor. Any items that do not meet the "Nest Quality" standard are carefully passed along to a missions group in Appalachia.

Giving Back to the Community

100% of the proceeds from The Nest sales go directly to Women's Choice Network which provides medical services and care to those facing unexpected pregnancies throughout the Pi=sburgh area. The Nest also provides resume-building internship experiences to young women who have been impacted by the work of WCN.

Come and Shop!


425 East Ohio Street, Pgh. 15212




Many thanks to Fran Balog for his work year-round to make the outside grounds look so beau:ful. We sincerely appreciate all of his hard work and we enjoy seeing the variety of flowers as they bloom. We are very apprecia:ve of your hard work

and talent, Fran!



Need to update your mailing address, email address, or phone numbers for our directory? If so, send updated informa:on to Nina Beitzel, Administra:ve

Secretary, [email protected].


When: Friday, July 9, 2021; Tee times start at approximately 1:30 p.m. Format: Scramble Limit of 28 golfers—Register early! Where: Connoquenessing Country Club 1512 Mercer Road Ellwood City, PA 16117 Cost: $100/person (check payable to SANOC) Dinner: Following golfing: Outside at the home of Protodeacon Michael &

Mat. Mary Wusylko (111 Redmond Ct., Cranberry Township, PA) Questions: Contact Alex Glisan: (724) 831-6466

Please send the completed form below and check to Alex Glisan at 208 Olivia Way, Pittsburgh, PA 15237 (or see him at Church). You will receive email confirmation of your registration. Registrations will be accepted until we reach 28 golfers. Register now!

Name of Golfer _____________________________________________________ *If golfing in a foursome, list names of other golfers: _______________________ __________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address ____________________________________________________

Phone ______________________ Email ______________________________

Total Amount Enclosed: $_______________ (Check payable to SANOC)

Number of people attending dinner at Wusylko residence ___________________



Special Church Events

Veneration of the Cross

Youth Group Church Grounds Clean-up Service headed by Fran Balog and Brian Dubos was held last April 10th. Thank you to all who helped in the project! The

grounds look beautiful and well-kept!


Kian John Vasily Maynard was baptized at the Cathedral on Saturday, April 10, 2021 by Fr. David Vernak.  Kian John Vasily is the son of Larissa and Nolan Maynard and the brother of

Kalina.  His Godparents are Alexy Boehm and Meghan Wilson.  Proud family members include Ray and Claudia Steeb (grandparents) and Tai, Justin, Max and Octavian Papariella.

God Grant them all Many Years!