the believer’s guide to the

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The Believer’s Guideto the

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The tallit, or prayer shawl, is a garment worn to create a per-sonal space of prayer and worship. It is worn during…


Holy Days


Quiet times

… just to name a few.

Though many may think of the garment as Jewish, we want to challenge that mindset, thinking of it as a heavenly garment—one that belongs to anyone who calls on the name of the Lord. It is His robe of righteousness that He gave to those who put their trust in Him.

“For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” —2 Corinthians 5:21

Tallit means little tent in Hebrew. It is a tool that teaches us about the manifestation of God. It doesn’t belong to one group, but it belongs to Him who sits on a throne in Heaven. And if it comes from Heaven, it belongs to anyone who is in a covenant relationship with the King!

“For ‘whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.’” —Romans 10:13

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The Little Tent | God’s Dwelling Place

The word prayer shawl is English for the Hebrew word…

…Tallit which means small or little tent. Therefore, wearing a tallit is symbolic of creating a little tent…

• Where you meet and connect with the Lord

• Where you hear from Him and declare His Word

• Where you battle in spiritual warfare

A Tent of Meeting

Tabernacle, or dwelling place, is referred to as the Tent of Meeting in scrip-ture. It was a physical, earthly dwelling place of the Lord where the children of Israel would meet with Him.

This tent was to be a sanctuary where God’s people would worship, praise, and commune with Him. Jesus taught on the deep connection of communing with God through prayer.

• “But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.”

—Matthew 6:6

This is why the tallit is also referred to as a prayer shawl. Use the tallit as that secret place where you meet with Him. It is a tool to help you experience the presence of God in new and powerful ways. Experiences with the Lord break curses and open up opportunities for miracles to be manifested in your life.

Takeaway: Use the tallit to create a secret place where you meet with the Lord to expe-rience Him in new and

powerful ways.

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A Place of Connection

When you cover yourself with a tallit, it’s not about the tal-lit itself holding some supernatu-ral power, it is about the revelation of the tallit. The tallit is the connec-tion place between you and the Lord, where He releases His power through you—an earthen vessel.

As you drape the tallit over your shoulders and head, you are cov-ering your heart and mind with His story. You are covering the words you speak and the breaths you take with His. It’s a place of solidarity with the One True God.

It’s as if you are proclaiming to the heavenly realm that God’s breath is all you desire—God’s Word is all you will speak. This is the revelation of the tallit.

Many express that the tallit creates a point of contact for them to inten-tionally seek God.

Just as you lift your hands in wor-ship or close your eyes and kneel in prayer, praying under the tallit cre-ates a place of surrender and invites the Holy Spirit into your prayer time.

It is not the lifting of our hands, or the closing of our eyes, or our kneeling in prayer alone that are supernat-ural, but it is the intentional act that creates a space for God to reveal Himself to you.

If you have ever experienced the presence of God, you know that when your physical body intention-ally seeks God, your soul—your mind, will, and emotions—will align with the Spirit of God.

By wrapping yourself with the tallit, it creates a connection—a physical place for Heaven to meet Earth.

It is a picture of Psalm 61:4…

• “I will live in your tent forever and find refuge in the shelter of your wings.”

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The outstretched tallit is like the wings of God, protecting and guiding you as you recognize your dependence upon Him and step into His presence.

When you depend on Him, you agree with Jesus’ Words in John 15:5…

• “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”

Under the tallit, you are surrendering your will and desires to the Lord and allowing His ways to be imparted to you.

Takeaway: The tallit is a place of connection between you and the-One True God.

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• “The key of the house of David I will lay on his shoulder; so he shall open, and no one shall shut; and he shall shut, and no one shall open.”—Isaiah 22:22

• “And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write, ‘These things says He who is holy, He who is true, “He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens…”’”—Revelation 3:7

The Tallit | The Key of David

The Key of David is written about in God’s Word…

In the passage from Isaiah, the Lord took the office and authority from the unfaithful Shebna and gave it to faithful Eliakim. Eliakim was the Lord’s servant and therefore was given great authority as the chief royal steward to the palace. There was a transfer of authority from Shebna to Eliakim represented by the tallit being placed on Eliakim’s shoulders.

In the passage from Revelation, the authority sits upon Christ’s shoulders. And He has given us, His Bride, authority on Earth until His return. We are His ambassadors, co-heirs with Him, ruling and stewarding on His behalf.

As a Believer, you have…

• Authority to trample on the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19-20)

• A seat in Heaven with Christ as a co-heir (Romans 8:17)

• The right to rule and steward on His behalf (Genesis 1:28)

• The position of ambassadors and representatives (2 Corinthians 5:20)

• Access to every spiritual blessing in Heaven (Ephesians 1:3)

The revelation of the tallit is the key for the Church to release heavenly power upon the Earth. The tallit is this key—the Key of David.

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It is the key that opens and shuts heavenly doors. Those who operate accord-ing to Heaven’s wisdom, authority, and government—not Earth’s—hold this key.

Laying the Key of David upon your shoulders means you operate out of the King’s…

• Government • Dominion • Laws • Purpose

• Majesty • Love • Identity • Power • Authority

Wearing the tallit proclaims in the heavenly courts… “The Lord rules over every issue in my life—private and public. I proclaim that my seed will follow after Him. His name drapes over the gates in my life and my identity, giving me the ability to multiply after Him.”

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A Place Where Authority is Released

When the Bride understands the rev-elation of the tallit, she welcomes the Holy Spirit’s direction into her life. It is the place where peace and promo-tion are released. It is a symbol of the Lord’s authority. It is a place where we proclaim, “The Lord is in control of this vessel!”

Imagine the tallit as being the flag and a sail that flies above you—an earthen vessel. When you put it on your shoulders, you are declaring, “This ship belongs to His Kingdom—the heavenly Kingdom.”

The breath of God, the words you hear from Him and His words that you speak during prayer, catch the sail of the ship and move it in the Kingdom’s direction, guiding you into His purposes.

It is a sign and flag to the enemy that you walk in alignment with the King, that you walk in dominion and authority according to your identity as a king and priest in Him.

Takeaway: The tallit proclaims to the enemy that you are in alignment with and belong to the King.

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Wearing and Warring Under the TallitAs you’ve read, the tallit is a place of connection with the Lord. Being in con-nection allows you to go to war in confidence, knowing it is His armor that protects you.

Who Has the Authority to Wear a Tallit?

The tallit doesn’t belong to a certain group, but rather it belongs to the Lord, and He places it upon the shoulders of anyone who calls upon His name.

The tallit can be worn by women, men, and children. Some have wrapped their children in it at birth. Others drape it over those who are sick as they pray for them. Many use it daily as they meet with the Lord during their quiet time and pray.

Takeaway: Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord can wear a tallit. It is intended to be a physical representation of your spiritual position in Yeshua.

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How Do I War Under the Tallit?

Ephesians 6 is clear that we do not war against flesh and blood, but princi-palities of darkness. Therefore, we must war in the spirit. We must war with the armor of God covering us.

We will enter into seasons when doors are shut. Then there will be other sea-sons when doors are opened. Praise God and rejoice in both.

Now that you understand the revelation of the tallit, enter the opened doors and war by…

1. Covering yourself with the tallit in prayer

2. Coming before the Lord

3. Declaring, “I am under the blood of Yeshua. I dwell in His presence. You who are holy, pure, and righteous. I put on Your robe of righteousness.”

The Lord commissions us to move forward in authority. Commissioning is associated with war. Meaning, when the Lord gives an order for you to move forward into new levels of faith, there will be resistance at some point. If you want to win the battle, you must connect—and stay connected—to the root. Yeshua said, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).

When you are warring in the spirit, the victory is found by walking in the rev-elation of the tallit, being connected to the One who is Faithful and True, and being in constant conversation with Him.

Takeaway: Battle for your family, your home, your property, and your assign-ment under the tallit by praying and pleading the blood of Yeshua.

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What Will Happen as You War Under the Tallit?

As you develop a deeper connection with the Lord, you will not only begin to experience and receive the fullness of what He has for you, but He will also begin to shut doors so that what you receive cannot be stolen by the enemy.

You will incline your ear to hear His voice and use discernment and godly wisdom in situations throughout your life. The Holy Spirit will correct you, and you will welcome that correction.

• How lovely are your tents, O Jacob! Your dwellings, O Israel! Like valleys that stretch out, like gardens by the riverside, like aloes planted by the Lord, like cedars beside the waters. He shall pour water from his buckets, and his seed shall be in many waters...”

—Numbers 24:5-7

The tallit—little tent—is a place of abiding. It is a place of gathering. It is a place where the Living Water will be poured out.

Abide in Him. Live in Him. Live under His dominion and authority. Be the earthen vessel that His dominion flows through and touches every corner of the globe.

Put on Yeshua and His robe of righteousness. May the connection between you and Yeshua be so intertwined under the tallit that the enemy will only see Yeshua, knowing His words are what carries the authority in your prayers.

“Revelation from the Lord is caught, not taught. So, declare today, ‘I receive it, in Yeshua’s name.’”—Curt Landry

Takeaway: When you war in the dwelling place of the Lord, worry will be canceled because you are in His presence!

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The Tallit and the TzitzitThe tzitzit, translated as tassels or fringe, are placed on the four corners of the tallit.

The Mystery of the Tzitzit

You will notice a traditional tallit has fringes, or tzitzit, on the ends. These consist of knotted threads.

The word tzitzit is also the numerical equivalent of 600, which represents life.

• There are 8 threads, which represents new beginnings

• There are 5 knots, which represents grace

Were these knotted threads placed by acci-dent? No.

The numbers—600+8+5—equal 613, which are the number of mitzvot—commandments, or precepts—in the Torah.

Takeaway: The tzitzit are the fringes on

the ends of the tal-lit, which have knots representing the 613 commandments in

the Torah.

• “Speak to the children of Israel: Tell them to make tassels on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and to put a blue thread in the tassels of the corners. And you shall have the tassel, that you may look upon it and remember all the commandments of the LORD and do them, and that you may not fol-low the harlotry to which your own heart and your own eyes are inclined, and that you may remember and do all My commandments, and be holy for your God.”

—Numbers 15:38-40

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The Tzitzit | A Supernatural Conduit

You have heard those who describe experiencing God’s supernatural presence or power as “heat within.” You could say that this was His radi-ant power reaching deep within you.

The woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years, mentioned in Matthew 9, experienced this power.

By faith, she pressed through the crowd and touched the hem of Jesus’ garment, which was a corner of His tallit where the tzitzit was attached.

• “For she said to herself, ‘If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well.’” —Matthew 9:21

Luke’s account of the event provides more revelation about the tallit.

Jesus was walking with a large crowd of people. Many were pressing in and touching Him. However, He turned around and said, “Who touched Me?” (Luke 8:45).

Peter, confused by the question because of the circumstance, answered, “Master, the multitudes throng and press You, and You say, ‘Who touched Me?’” (Luke 8:45).

Then Jesus described the supernat-ural conduit situation… “Somebody touched me, for I perceived power going out from Me” (Luke 8:46).

Jesus called attention to this event because it was a teaching moment in His ministry…

• Someone who could not be healed by doctors was miraculously healed by the Great Physician (Luke 8:43).

• Someone who was shunned by society (Leviticus 15:25) was welcomed by God when she placed her faith in Jesus.

• Jesus, the Healer, fulfilled the law (Matthew 5:17). Remember, there are 613 commandments repre-sented in the tzitzit. Thus, when she touched Jesus’ garment by faith, she grabbed onto the fulfillment of God’s love summed up in the 613 commandments.

Takeaway: The tzitzit was what the power of Jesus flowed through to heal the bleeding woman in Matthew 9.

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Restoring What Was Lost

God’s Word says that what has been lost will be restored.

• “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust, the consuming locust, and the chewing locust, My great army which I sent among you.”—Joel 2:25

• “…the Lord your God will bring you back from captivity, and have compassion on you, and gather you again…”—Deuteronomy 30:3

• “Come, and let us return to the Lord; for He has torn, but He will heal us; He has stricken, but He will bind us up.”—Hosea 6:1

• “…Jesus Christ, who was preached to you before, whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began.”—Acts 3:20-21

When we turn to the Lord and act in faith, just as the bleeding woman did, restoration at every level is on the horizon.

If Jesus Himself wore a tallit—allow-ing it to be a tool where people could truly experience His healing power—we can meet with the Holy Spirit under it and petition for that same healing power to be mani-fested in our lives.

Takeaway: Under the tallit, petition the heavenly courts for

Jesus’ healing power.

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How to Use the Tallit…1. Drape the tallit, or prayer shawl, over your head. His Word declares over

and over the importance of what we put on. He didn’t clothe you in filthy rags, but in splendor and righteousness, because He loves you! He gave you a beautiful garment in Christ, and you are wrapped in His glory.

2. Take the tzitzit and weave it through your fingers on both hands. The tzitzit, or tassels on the four corners of the tallit, are fringes that are part of the hem of the garment. The hem was associated with the wearer’s authority and worn by royalty. Weaving the fringed tassels through your fingers declares that when you aren’t strong enough to hold onto God, He is holding onto you.

3. Submit yourself to God in prayer. The tallit helps to position you for a sur-rendered prayer. Draw near to the Lord.

Wear the Tallit

During personal prayer time

During Shabbat candle lighting

During corporate or individual times of worship

During the Feasts of the Lord

Takeaway: Don’t worry about wearing or using the tallit in a specific or legalistic way. Again, it is not the tallit that holds the power, but the One who meets with you under it. Allow the Spirit to guide you as you pray under the tallit.

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Are you ready to experienceGod’s presence at a deeper level?

It is time to allow the Lord to restore you—mind, body, and spirit.

Dwell in Him under the tallit.