the aware life teleseminar kenji kumara ... aware life teleseminar kenji kumara 05/13/13 lisa:...

THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR KENJI KUMARA 05/13/13 Lisa: Hello, welcome to The Aware Show. This is Lisa Garr and I am really looking forward to this journey today that we’re all going to go on together. My guest’s message is very, very simple. Kenji Kumara is my guest today and Kenji says, “Be the state you want the world to be… live by the golden rule… be the clear and perfect channel that you are… trust, forgive, allow and receive… and the best spiritual medicine is hugs, smiles, laughter, and spontaneity.” *laughter* Which is a lot of what happens *laughter* with these shows. Kenji serves as a universal quantum bridger, an initiator, a catalyst and channel for ascended masters and energies. He’s a messenger and a visionary for new earth consciousness. So, I’m really looking forward to our journey today. So, welcome to the show, Kenji. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you for being with me! Kenji: Hi, Lisa and hi, everyone out there! Oh, I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time. So, thank you for having me on and I’m sure we’re going to have some outrageous moments today and after. Lisa: Wow, the honor is mine! You have a phenomenal, phenomenal energy that… wow. I was just talking to Kenji before the call, and I was listening to one of his meditations and I’m working on getting back into my body right now *laughter* because… *laughter* Kenji: *laughter* Lisa: Wow! They really, really, really take you another place. A completely different place. So, let’s get to know each other. Tell me how you got started, I mean, where, when… how did it all begin for you? Kenji: It began when I was born. Lisa: Cool, me too! *laughter* Kenji: *laughter* Lisa: We’ve got that in common, right on! *laughter*

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Lisa: Hello, welcome to The Aware Show. This is Lisa Garr and I am really looking forward to this journey today that we’re all going to go on together. My guest’s message is very, very simple. Kenji Kumara is my guest today and Kenji says, “Be the state you want the world to be… live by the golden rule… be the clear and perfect channel that you are… trust, forgive, allow and receive… and the best spiritual medicine is hugs, smiles, laughter, and spontaneity.” *laughter* Which is a lot of what happens *laughter* with these shows. Kenji serves as a universal quantum bridger, an initiator, a catalyst and channel for ascended masters and energies. He’s a messenger and a visionary for new earth consciousness. So, I’m really looking forward to our journey today. So, welcome to the show, Kenji. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you for being with me!

Kenji: Hi, Lisa and hi, everyone out there! Oh, I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time. So, thank you for having me on and I’m sure we’re going to have some outrageous moments today and after.

Lisa: Wow, the honor is mine! You have a phenomenal, phenomenal energy that… wow. I was just talking to Kenji before the call, and I was listening to one of his meditations and I’m working on getting back into my body right now *laughter* because… *laughter*

Kenji: *laughter*

Lisa: Wow! They really, really, really take you another place. A completely different place. So, let’s get to know each other. Tell me how you got started, I mean, where, when… how did it all begin for you?

Kenji: It began when I was born.

Lisa: Cool, me too! *laughter*

Kenji: *laughter*

Lisa: We’ve got that in common, right on! *laughter*

Kenji: Yes! *laughter* When I was born I started my path, and when I was age 5, I said, “Mommy, who am I?” She said, “You’re Japanese.” …and that actually began my search. Age 5.

Lisa: Because you were born in the U.S.

Kenji: I was born in Berkeley, CA, yes. Right after the war, and I probably will never pick being born after a war… *laughter*

Lisa: Again? *laughter* Probably a good idea. I love how you said that, though. That’s funny, like, you’ve chosen many times to reincarnate, gosh. Why now? I mean, why do you think that this was your choice? Did you go back to that point and ever… to that point where you made that choice to come back into this evolution right now?

Kenji: Well, you know I could have got off at the wrong bus stop. I think I was heading for Venus… and that’s humor. *laughter*

Lisa: *laughter* I laughed, I was laughing! *laughter*

Kenji: I got dumped off on the wrong planet! *laughter*

Lisa: Darn it! *laughter*

Kenji: But, seriously folks, OK. So, seriously… actually, we’re starting the energies through humor. So…

Lisa: That’s what I said…

Kenji: …probably some of you are already feeling it and probably half way to the floor now, so this is all normal.

Lisa: Yeah.

Kenji: Let’s see… so… going back, OK. So, you know when said, “You’re Japanese.” I knew, at 5 years old, and that was like, kindergarten, right? …that that wasn’t the level I was asking the question. If she would have said something like, “You are that you are.” You know, “You are the ‘I Am spirit.’” I would have went, “Cool! I got it.” But since she said, “You’re Japanese”, that really started my quest and actually it began in my first year in college, when I was 23. I was like David Carradine in that movie, the kung fu guy?

Lisa: Yeah?

Kenji: I was the wanderer for probably 20 years in which I never stayed in one place physically for more than 6 months. I was always seeking out swamis, psychics,

channelers, healers, anybody that I thought had what I was looking for, which was basically… I think deep down, because I’ve had an effendi for Yeshua, also known as Jesus, I on some level wanted to see if I could find how he healed. Of course, I haven’t. Not on the earth plane. I’ve had to go on the other levels, but that was my conscious quest, was to find out how Jesus healed, and also how Buddha attained his awakening. Those are my two favorite guys, as I was in my early years of seeking.

Lisa: Wow. When someone goes on a quest like that, usually after some time if it works or if it doesn’t work they will make a decision, but you kept going until you found answers. So how did you know the answer that you were finding worked for you? How did you know that?

Kenji: Well, believe it or not, back when I left my last teacher and knew that I had to create my own practice, so to speak, and be on my own, that was at the end of ’06 and I taught my first training on a quantum level, although I had bits and pieces of before obviously, but that was in ’07 in Seattle. That’s when I knew that I had something that was really working. Over the years since ’07, my intent was to make it more simple, and more simple, and more grounded with less having a need to go through a healing process or even to process the experience. So, we come to now in which the work from my perspective is very simple, and it’s also teachable, and people don’t have to go through a healing crisis in order to process it.

Lisa: Yes, and it’s very profound. So, let’s talk about the message that you talk about, quantum light weaving. Why did you go to the quantum level when you’re talking about healing? What is it about the quantum level that enables healing to happen faster?

Kenji: OK, I wanted to blend quantum theory into my business name, I knew that. I didn’t want to be way out there where people couldn’t relate, so quantum had to be in the title, so to speak. Light weaving, I just love that phrase because if we shift from being a light weaver, to a light weaver from a light worker, see that energy difference? A light worker. There’s some heaviness in there, right? It implies a lot of work, where a light weaver… it’s very light.

Lisa: Yes, oh yeah absolutely. The effortlessness in the way that you speak in your journeying, in the way that you teach, is something that I find very easy to be able to have, and just to be. So, Quantum Lightweaving. When you talk about quantum, you speak a lot about different dimensions, other galaxies, ascended masters. Tell me why or how you got in touch with that type of energy.

Kenji: I believe as a visionary, as a messenger, I serve the role as a bridger. I’ve always believed in the unseen worlds. I believe that my gifts or the sharing part of what we are is to help people, to understand and become aware that we’re not the only ones here. There are so many archangels, there are so many masters that are here and have been here to help us. Just because we can’t see them clairvoyantly or physically doesn’t mean they don’t exist. There are so many planets with incredible creative energies that are tapped into the earth evolution that are assisting us, and I like to think of it this way: If you live in a neighborhood, you’ve got to get to know your neighbors. Why are you going to just be stuck in your own home, right? And not go out and know who your neighbors are? On a cosmic level, it’s time to get to know our neighbors.

Lisa: Well, if we’re talking about it in a practical sense, the common impression is that this is all there is. There is no water, so therefore there must be no life, no life form on these other planets, and that’s what science tells us.

Kenji: Yes, and they forget, because they don’t have the equipment to measure it, that every planet, every star, every sun has thousands of dimensions, and just because you have a 3-dimensional telescope and you look at a planet and that’s all you see, that’s just what, 3 dimensions out of how many? And say if they had equipment that could actually capture 7 dimensional, or 8, or 10. They would see civilizations. If they had looked inside the earth, they would see civilizations within the earth.

Lisa: Ahh, right.

Kenji: Universe really is teeming with life, yeah.

Lisa: Way before it’s even documented, they just don’t have the equipment to test it, that’s a very good way of looking at it. I realize that there are different dimensions because when I do tap into them, I have found the existence of being able to connect and communicate and manifest from those different dimensions, but when I’m talking about it to anyone else, they’re like “What? Huh? Who?” *laughter* And you can go there so fast, when you start to really dabble in these dimensions. So, let’s go there, let’s talk about this great galactic shift that is on, and that we’re all on this quantum fast track to new earth consciousness, that you talk about. I got that from some of your material. What is that? What is that galactic shift, what do you think that we’re upon right now?

Kenji: Well, everything needs to evolve, right? So, it’s not only earth and everybody on it, but it’s all of the other planets on our solar system, galaxy and universe. It has been said that, actually, the universe is waiting for earth to make it’s shift, we’re like, holding things back. I think we have regressed, I think we went off our timeline because of certain world events, 9/11 being one and going back to the 60s, and people know what I’m talking about in the 60s politically, what happened, I think it set us back.

So, I think we’re catching up, and when we do, as a humanity, move into that place of compassion and love and we don’t create any more wars here, that’s going to affect all of creation. So, we have a very important part to play, and everybody has a destiny, getting back to your question earlier, I came back because I wanted to be a part of this great transition for earth. I believe that we weren’t forced to come back, that we all volunteered, and at the same time we decided, like in my case, I’m going to work out my stuff with my dad, and then I’ll be done with it and I’ll be free. And that’s actually how it’s happened. My dad was my main mirror, and it had to do with self-confidence, not to do with what maybe people think about karma. But my dad, because he couldn’t see who I was, he was pushing all my buttons about who I wasn’t. Not good enough, right? I’ll never amount to anything, I’ll never be successful, I’ll always be a bum, I’ll always be a wanderer, I’ll never be able to settle down, let alone be in a successful marriage or be financially successful. All of that. He projected all of that, so I had to work through all that, and know that I’m none of that, that I am who I am expressing today. But that has taken me decades, that’s not something that like, took me three years. So, I’m comfortable in my skin now, but it’s taken a long time.

Lisa: Is your dad still with us now?

Kenji: He’s on the other side, and I’ve got to tell you some funny things.

Lisa: Yeah?

Kenji: I think some of you can relate to this. Back a few years ago when I was teaching the trainings in Santa Fe, I was told this but I also realized this. My parents were visiting in the trainings. So they are observing number one son being very successful. My mom believed in me more than my dad. They were both together, and she would nudge him with the elbow, going “See? See? Look! He’s doing it!” *laughter*

Lisa: But not that you even need that validation anymore because you know that it is... But it does help!

Kenji: Yeah.

Lisa: So, how do we get beyond that self-criticism, or that judgment, or worry that we’re not going to be good enough, and that things aren’t going to be taken care of because that’s what we were told. How do we get beyond those?

Kenji: Well, you know in the activations... and I’ve got to say, the work that I do especially in the radio shows, I was not taught how to do these things. It was just sort of

something that I have and that I express naturally, so I don’t ever try to train in how to do radio shows better. I just am very spontaneous and I allow the information to come through as it comes through without censoring it. So, I realize one thing after all of these decades in the healing arts, is that for most people, generally speaking, when one is able to be free of their parents programming, imprinting, and when they’re free of any birthing trauma and when they free themselves from tribal consciousness, in other words, people seem to want to fit in and be normal. I tell this young generation that you don’t want to do that. You want to be yourself, you want to be unique, you want to be outrageous. If you try to fit in and be normal in your peer group, you’re going to suffer. You’re going to be unhappy.

Lisa: Yep.

Kenji: And so, we’ve had that, all the generations have had that programming up until maybe recently, with these new crystal kids, but we’ve all been imprinted, and as long as we’re imprinted with the thing of self-judgment and sin and all of that stuff… from politics to military, the church, you name it. As long as we’re influenced by that... Like having a low grade fever, where you don’t really think you have a fever, but there’s something running in the background. So, these imprints and running and they get triggered in certain circumstances by certain people. The way that you can tell when you’re free, is when you aren’t triggered any more. Life happens, stuff happens, but you’re not affected by it, you just go “OK, I’m going to move on. I’ll do my best to stay in this place of compassion.” If people don’t understand, well, I do my best, and it’s not our job to make people understand where we’re coming from. We just have to express, spontaneously, our soul, because our soul knows. Then it’s up to people to respond as they will.

Lisa: When you get hooked or triggered by an old emotion or an upset or a person, particularly, that triggers these things in you, how do you actually bridge that gap to breaking the triggering and the reaction and sometimes I see that as... When I see other people do it I think they must have a lot of practice at this, or something. Is it something you can actually learn in a short amount of time?

Kenji: You can. It doesn’t take a long time. Like anything, it takes commitment. A spiritual dedication to wanting to know the truth. We all know who we are, so that’s a silly question, “Who am I?” We all know who we are, we just want to experience it more. We know why we’re here, but we’re playing dumb, right? And we’re still like, we’ve got one foot in the closet, saying, “I’d like to come out and expose myself in my light and everything, but what are people going to think? And I don’t want my parents to go, “Oh, you’re crazy. Get out of that wuwu stuff.” See, those kinds of considerations will stop us. So, I think if people would just decide now to be very courageous, which is spiritual strength, and to be out there in the world and really not to care about how you’re going to

be received by the world. Your job is to go out there and manifest your presence, in spite of what the world is going to think about that. That takes a lot of courage.

Lisa: I think that conditioning gets set up though as a young child. I’m watching my young daughter go through it at ten and I think it’s somewhat of a survival method. If I fit in then I won’t be noticed and I can get to know what I’m doing by just fitting in. She of course doesn’t fit in, and it’s great, in my perspective. People say, “Oh, that’s Kayla,” and I love it because they’ve accepted her for being quirky and independent but it’s been painful for her in many ways. She just can’t help be any other way. A lot of people got stuck in that for those formative years where you got invalidated for being you, or weren’t in the “popular crowd” and thought there was something wrong or got chastised or ostracized or whatever it was. When you said that we all know who we are, what do you mean? Who are we?

Kenji: *laughter* You can’t ask that, it’s a silly question. We are who we are. We all know we’re that divine holographic imprint of creation, of creator energy. In the bible it says some few, still accurate things, most of which has been distorted, but in the beginning God created us in its image, right? So basically, on a quantum level, holographic concept level, it’s like... A holographic imprint, right, you can cut out a piece of the image, whatever it is, and that little piece will contain the whole image. So it’s not like you’ve reduced anything. I look at it the same way, that we are the exact image of that which created us, so let’s go and behave like that now.

Lisa: Mm, that’s a beautiful way of explaining it, absolutely. So all of those things about our ego and those other things are just kind of dissolved in the face of something like that. I do see what you’re talking about. Guardians, guardians and beings and the council of 14. Explain who they are and, the beings…

Kenji: Well, all of us have been assigned a council. I just found something out, that I have a council of 24. So we each have a council of however many that are assigned to us for this life time. These are primarily ascended masters, not only from this realm, but other realms, that are part of our team. If we don’t realize we’ve got this council, this team, we can’t do any team building. We think we’re alone. I’m learning, because my business is expanding, that I need a team. So also, cosmically speaking, when you expand you need your team with you. You can’t do it all by yourself. You’re not supposed to. You’re supposed to work as a team, so part of the evolutionary spiral thing that earth is on is now collaboration within a team, you’re not going to do it all by yourself. You can’t run your big business by yourself, you need your team, right?

Lisa: Yes, absolutely.

Kenji: We need our team, and that’s part of our soul group, too; and those are beings that have a same kind of a focus. So, perhaps Lisa is part of a soul group that does teleseminar radio shows, right? So you have collaboration, assistance, with that on the unseen levels; but when you consciously call in your soul group for more support, you’re going to get it. You may not see it, but it’s going to show up.

Lisa: That is wonderful, it helps us understand we’re not alone at all, and when there are things that we cannot figure out, like one of the things that you just talked about and I just learned, is about going out into the future and solving problems that you don’t know how to solve in this realm. Go out into the future, solve them with that wonderful council, and bring back the solution to now. There’s many different things that I’m looking at that could really be useful for me. Things that I just can’t figure out right now, that I kind of hit my head up against the wall on, or keep butting up against that experience to teach me something but I don’t know what. It would be really helpful just to go out to that level and we are, by the way, going to have a wonderful experience on this call, an activation experience where Kenji is going to take us on a long journey, because I don’t really want to explain the activation experience, I want to have you experience it, embrace the feeling and go on the journey, because it’s a much better way than talking about it for an hour, but I will mention the website which is, if you go to that website or you could go to There are hours and hours, today we’re going to get 20-30 minutes of this experience but there are full immersion experience where you will be able to go through videos and audios, activation after activation, and learn how actually to teach this and to do it if you are a practitioner as well, there’s many areas on there where you can bring this information into your practice and make a significant difference on someone else’s being. Can you tell me a little bit about... This offer is enormous, can you tell me a little bit about it?

Kenji: So just briefly, item number one is a review of the first level that we have been teaching, and that will show you I guess so called techniques, hand placements, etc., how to catch and positions for the client. So, that’s primarily but not limited to, people who do healing work that want to offer this to others. We are revising our training certification program, but this is one aspect of it in that if people, when they get a taste of this, and they like the energy then they can pursue more advanced levels. But this will show you how to offer this for other people. I strongly suggest that people who purchase a package start working on their pets, their kids, their parents. Work on your friends first because sometimes parents are the last to be acceptable. Kids are a little bit more acceptable, but your pets really like it. On Facebook I got a kitty picture someone sent me from a radio show activation, and it’s a lovely little picture of this kitty, oh, in the zone!

Dogs like it, they’ll just totally go out. Item number two is an introduction audio recording of an introduction before training that we had, and item number three is a…

Lisa: Which, by the way, I listen to, and it is a great way to understand what the overall themes are, and the experience, the first experience, that was the one I was just listening to before…

Kenji: Ah, I see.

Lisa: That’s why I was in that different space!

Kenji: I see, and you’re probably tuning into the intensive energies without knowing it also, because the training follow, like two days later. Then, item three is an actual training from Tubac, Arizona, a very lovely retreat center we did at Kenyon Ranch in the high desert. Item four is another training from Fairfield, last year. These activations from the trainings, they’re actual live recordings of the attunements we give to the students so they can do the work. So again, here is another way to tune into the field that we use and you’ll have the power to offer this quantum vibration to others, whether you do the techniques from the video or not. If you’re a massage therapist you’re going to find that your massages are all of a sudden going to become very outstanding. Your clients are going to go “Oh my God, what was that energy? It never felt like that before, did you train in something different since I last came in to my massage?” Clients are going to feel the difference and say, “Wow, that was strong.” …or, “Wow, I went so deep, I can’t hardly come back, let alone get up off the table!”

Lisa: It’s so powerful, it even comes through the recordings, it’s that powerful that you can take in energy, it just really shows that we are all energy, and everything is frequency, where you can put it onto and embed it onto a recording and have it not even in a deluded resonant, but in a full tone resonance through on the other end again and again. It says so much about the work. Very, very cool.

Kenji: Well, you know why? …because we do a lot of intentional work with the field, with the activation, that the people can have access to. So, one of my intentions was to make every activation live and evergreen, which means this lasts forever. It doesn’t matter if you listen to this a century from now. You’re still going to get it as if you’re in the training, plus you’re going to get, in addition, what’s been added to the field since then. So actually, theoretically, any activation from any radio show from any show package will align you with the current state of the field.

Lisa: That is amazing, because I’ve been in radio for 13 years and I know when you record one CD to another you lose a generation of sound quality, or when you record in various bitmaps you lose generations of quality; but with energetic recording it amplifies and gets the current download automatically! *laughter*

Kenji: Yeah! *laughter*

Lisa: That is really cool! *laughter*

Kenji: So, think about how you can use this concept in your daily life, it’s awesome.

Lisa: Yes! Oh, my goodness. You can look up the offer for it at, and we’re going to have you on forever, okay? So just stay here. *laughter*

Kenji: *laughter* Oh! This is going to be the first show that’s forever, good luck folks.

Lisa: Yay!

Kenji: You’d better get your sleeping bag out now. Get your pillow, get your water… *laughter* Unplug your phone…

Lisa: Listen to it again before you go to sleep so that you can really get into that incredible state. So when you’re going through this Quantum Lightweaving, are we ascending into different vibrational frequencies, now that we’re talking about frequencies? Is that what the quantum “jump” is?

Kenji: Yeah. Well, here’s the deal folks, you’ve got to remember this. We’re working with the brain, we’re working with supporting your inner child and the ego, by the way, as your friend, not your enemy. Backtrack just slightly, I got ahead of myself... Quantum speed thinking here. Give me your question again.

Lisa: I’m asking you the way how this works, so where are we going when we going when we go through these activations?

Kenji: Okay, so we’re going to do this protocol, which is pretty much in every activation that we do. So there’s the protocol, some clearing work and then there’s alignment work, pretty much in every activation. Because we want you to be grounded when you come back from it, and also on this call, same thing. The protocol is going to help your brain to create a conscious delta, maybe even a conscious theta and maybe even delta brainwave rhythm, where your brainwaves are very slow. Most people, when it gets really slow, they go to sleep, or they just blank out. They leave their body. But we’re teaching people to be conscious. So in the future, it’s going to be quite conscious for us to walk around in a conscious delta or even gamma state. Conscious, and be that

powerful, to be that aware. So the protocol is training the brain to accept these frequencies, little by little, because you don’t want to overload the brain. So, we help the brain to go into a nice relaxed mode, and that way your nervous system can slow down and relax, so you can be more receptive. So Type A people, until they get into a very receptive place, it’s hard to receive; and most mothers are Type A, because it’s just how they’re assigned roles in society. They have to be that way in multitasking. Not that you have to do that forever, but that’s just kind of how women were programmed.

Lisa: Yep. Absolutely.

Kenji: Imprinted. So, and then on another level your breathing is going to slow down, so it’s like when you teach meditation, your breath becomes very slow and shallow. It’s possible to stop breathing and still be conscious, by the way, but we want to get the brain and your body to a place of stillness, and then it can really receive. It can receive everything that the soul is downloading into the brain. Of course there’s resistance, and so we do work with that in each activation in what other way the group is ready for. Here’s how you will know that you’re in a different place. When you come back after an activation you’ll probably be blissed out, you probably won’t want to do anything but just sit there and be. You may have a lot of different physiological effects going on, the whole gamut from “Oh, I just want to take a nap for two days,” to “I got so much energy I feel like I can fly,” to “I’m so blissed out, oh my God,” to seeing colors and everything being very vivid, really vivid, not dull, but nature and colors and everything… objects being very vivid. The mind being absolutely clear of no thoughts. And that’s freaky to some people.

Lisa: Yes, yeah.

Kenji: They’ve told me that, yeah. But a lot of people, that’s what they want. They want that “Oh my God, it feels so good, there are no thoughts going on in my head right now.”

Lisa: Absolutely. So, I should not have listened to this before the interview. *laughter* My listeners are like “Wow, she’s really chill today.” *laughter* Now, these feelings, these energies, other than the initial feeling of coming out of the activation experience, does it enable you to not have these old vibrations stick to you any longer? Does it enable you to find a new level of creation and manifestation?

Kenji: Yes. Everybody receives this level of inner peace, what I call inner peace, on the calls and in the trainings. There is an underlying current of peace that’s established or ignited or activated or enhanced with every student, and with people that listen to the activations. Whether they realize it or not, they just say, “Oh I just feel really peaceful,” right? Like, they don’t think it’s a big deal; but it is a big deal. That’s the foundational

energy of this work, is that feeling of serenity, calm and peace that the world so desperately need right now. Because until you can get there, you can’t meditate. You can’t do anything. Good healing work, mothering, whatever it is, unless you have that 24/7, at least, you know, pretty much going on… because that’s when you can manifest, when you’re in that place of serenity and stillness. People also feel energetically very different, and words may be a little difficult for a while. People will find that they begin to act more spontaneously, naturally, without thinking. When I first heard that women pre-think out situations, I went “Oh, my God, really?”

Lisa: Are you kidding? All day. Every day. All night. Yes!

Kenji: Well, I go, “Oh, my God, I had no idea. That must be very taxing on the brain.” But anyway, *laughter* when I heard that and I realized, “Oh, my God, they do that?” So, there’s another way to do this where you don’t have an outline going on in your head or pre-notes where you can just be spontaneous, and everything comes out perfectly. More perfect than you can ever imagine. Imagine me doing a show and having no outline, not knowing how I’m going to respond to your questions that I don’t know what you’re going to ask, and everything coming out just really right on. Energetically. If we do that in everyday life, this world will shift really fast.

Lisa: Yeah, exactly. That muscle in women... it’s definitely an overdeveloped brain muscle, if there were muscles in the brain. That brainwave pattern is definitely overdeveloped in women, it’s out of survival and watching for the tiger and gathering the nonpoisonous berry at the same time, I mean it definitely was developed a while ago, but it’s also become a detriment because it prevents sometimes, prevents me, from just being, in that state of beingness, and random spontaneous moments, which is… yeah, it definitely does. That’s one of the beauties of... We just had Mother’s Day, and that’s a beautiful thing of being a mom, because kids will pull you back into that present moment, and have that experience, and just do random patty cake – at the drop of a hat – no rhyme or reason for that one. *laughter* So, alright. So, it’s a letting go, it’s a clearing. Let’s talk about prosperity and let’s talk about how something like this would help with creating and manifesting where you don’t know how to manifest certain things in your life, or you maybe haven’t and hit a block there.

Kenji: Oh, God, there are so many levels to this. Let me see if I can get it down to its essence here. There’s one thing I think I wanted to... There’s an insight that I guess I’m going to share on your show, just so people understand about healing. So, this is, again, the insight I got again, just like, two days ago. So, people think healing is about making your body perfect, right? No illness, no stress, no nothing, and mind being really very clear, that whole thing. We have this spiritual idea of what healing is, what transformation is, even what ascension is. The insight that came to me is... and not to say that people

cannot shift a chronic physical illness, or a chronic emotional imprint, or a chronic psychological way of thinking; but I believe healing is when you allow the spirit to guide your life. Your soul, to guide your life, in spite of whatever is occurring in your body in your business, in your relationship, with money, etc. So, think of it this way. One can be very happy and in an ascended state and not have money. To have a diseased body or a body that’s limited by disability or whatever you want to call it, being alone and no relationship, you can still have this peace of your spirit guiding your life. And so for people to look at that and go “Oh, wow, that person’s got the disability,” …or “They’re living month to month,” but what’s important is that you are happy. Not your ego, in a sense, of that you allow the soul to guide you, and that brings that peace. Then we educate the ego to accept whatever shows up in your life, and not to fight it, and not to judge it, and not to make it wrong.

Lisa: And that’s what the feeling of change is in the body, it’s a different way of being, it’s a different way of... I guess it’s re-patterning everything that we’ve learned, and things that have affected us in the past. You even address certain areas in here, where we take a little vow to have guilt and shame affect us, and those are things that we get to… that past programming that we get the opportunity to be able to shift and change. So if you can, and I will mention once again to the listeners, that there are literally hours of incredible activations, and teachings, and learnings, and then, where you can carry this forward in your work that you do in your life with other people and deepen the experience of the people around you by having these higher vibrational frequencies within us no matter what you do. So, that’s by going into the offer there, which you can get at, it is hours of this material. We get to have this experience now on this call, so get into a quiet place where you can receive and I’ll have Kenji take us to that next level.

Kenji: I wanted to mention one thing here, because it’s right in my face, about 13 years ago I was at a book store, working out of the book store in Walnut Creek, CA, and a mom brought in her ten year old autistic son thinking that he needed healing. So, we had a little session. His mom was in the other room in the bookstore, we went back into the healing room. I guided him into relaxation and I guided him back to the planet where he came from. When I work with anybody, and especially kids, I hold the understanding that whatever I say, they’re going to understand. And so he goes back and he describes his planet, where he came from. I believe it was the planet where there’s a lot of horses. Because also, there must’ve been horses in his life. But anyway, his soul tells me verbally through this little boy’s vocal chords, and we got on the thing about his medical condition, and I said to him, “Do you want a healing for this?” And then he paused for like 15 seconds, and he said very firmly, “No.” His soul said, “No”, and what I got

telepathically from his response was that he chose to have this medical condition because it was part of his learning, and that he came here to help horses.

Lisa: Oh, my goodness. So, that’s how he could communicate, it’s because it’s from a different place. Mm-hmm.

Kenji: Well., my point was that the soul did not want the body to be healed of that condition, see?

Lisa: Well… that condition was what enabled him to communicate with other species.

Kenji: Yeah. Then, there’s another wonderful story, and then we’ll get into the activation. Santa Fe a number of years ago, an eleven year old boy, Jewish boy with a cap on. His mom brought him and he had something like 25 brain surgeries, he had some kind of real rare brain condition, real cute kid, real bright, comes out far away for an intro, was not scared, wanted to wait, and I say, “What do you want to wait for?” He goes “I want to find a cure for this thing that I have in my brain,” and “I want to be a doctor.” I went “Cool, how about we go into the future, you get the solution for this condition and you bring it back into your body?” He goes “Cool!” So he understands me, right? 11 years old. We give him a wave and he’s gone, he’s totally out not moving for 35 minutes. He comes back, and I said, “Well? How’d it go?” He has this big smile on his face, and he gives me a high five and he goes “Yeah!” So, I knew he got it.

Lisa: Oh, my goodness. Then, did you hear from him after that?

Kenji: No, but what I remember was everybody had tears in their eyes in the room, there was about 25 people in the room and everybody had tears coming down their face, including me.

Lisa: Aww, wow. Wonderful. So, the information that we are somehow locking ourselves out of, is just conditioning from being in this particular frequency, and this dimension, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, whatever it is. But there are higher vibrational frequencies, higher dimensions. That’s what the quantum experience is. That’s what you’re saying, right?

Kenji: Yeah, and there are no limitations on that level.

Lisa: Wonderful. OK, for anyone who’s blocked or having a hard time manifesting anything in your life, this is where you get the information. OK. All right, I am ready when you are.

Kenji: OK, I’d like everybody to have some water handy, because you’re going to be thirsty afterwards, and the water helps the body to integrate. OK, so we’re going to find a comfortable place for the body. You can lie down, sit in a chair, you want to turn off all

distractions, anything that might ring. Lisa will probably remember to put her end on mute, and at the end to unmute. So, we’re going to use breathing to focus. It’s a very good way to do what we’re going to do, using the body’s ability to breathe; but we’re going to change the intent. We’re going to breathe into and with the divine light. This is light that is pure, and you may even see it not as a color, but sense it as a wave experience, which is normal. You may feel sound in this activation as well, because there’s a combination of light and sound, that’s a creative energy. So we’re going to use source energy, and imagine if you will that we’re going to tap into the power that comes through our physical sun and our physical sun is a sort of three-dimensional understanding of the great spiritual sun, the great central sun, which is more of a spiritual divine vibration that creates our physical sun. So we’re actually going behind the physicalness of our sun into the more etherealized level of creation. So imagine that from the point of creation comes an energy in the form of waves that come through the core of the great central sun which forms our physical sun which forms our galaxy, universe, solar system and this planet. That’s sort of a step down for the mind to understand. Now we don’t need to understand anything beyond that point, we’re going to just experience now, and do your best not to try to explain or judge or ask any questions, the idea is to simply experience and allow the mind and the brain and your emotional body to be effected. OK, so first off, we’re going to imagine and feel that we are disengaging from our emotional body, our pain body, our intellect, the chaos of the world, tribal consciousness in a sense of social consciousness, and the collective astral field of the planet. Now as you do this, you’re going to sense a feeling of lightness. You automatically begin to move into the unified field. You may feel yourself moving through an arc of light, or a tunnel of light, into this place that’s very calm and still. At this point we’re also going to ask you to call forth your tribe. Your spiritual tribe, also called your soul group. We’re going to focus our awareness on breathing in the body. So you are now not part of your body, but you’re still aware of your body, and still breathing. We’re going to have the body breathe in light, and you’re going to direct that light into the brain. You’re going to direct it through the pineal gland, pituitary and thalamus, think of it like a triangle, or three sided pyramid, and you’re activating all three point on that pyramid, all three triangles of that pyramid. The pineal is very important. We’re going to do this again, breathe in through the nose, take the light up into the brain, and feel the brain responding. You’re going to hold a thought and a feeling and envision what it’s like to have your brain become more enhanced, more balanced, and you may begin to feel a figure 8 flow. That’s a unity flow between your hemispheres, going across your brain, bridging the corpus callosum. Now, whatever you experience through the body, you simply allow. We’re going to call forth the pillars of light, and you can imagine points of light around you, at least 4 different points of light that represent the 4 directions around your body in your physical space

energetically. You’re going to begin to feel the body being cocooned, wrapped in this light and sound. Cocooning effect that’s going to become very expansive. Unlimited, actually, so it will become as big as you are comfortable. Now we’re going to ask you to call forth your inner child, or that part of you that was younger, whether it was being born, 2 years old, 3, 4, any age 7 and younger, up to 8, that is ready for healing or more precisely for letting go of the old imprints, the old conditioning. You may visualize your inner child laying on a bed of white light, on the back or on the stomach, it doesn’t matter, or on the side curled up, and around your inner child will be little baby angels that are comforting your little one. We’re going to call forth, to receive as well, any of your family members, your parents, your kids, your pets, your ancestors, your former significant others that are ready for healing or for shifting in consciousness. We’re going to call them forth to receive, and they will also be cocooned in this light by the 4 pillars. We’re going to call forth the council of 14 that bring forth these energetics, cosmic healers, and we’re going to call forth your spiritual guides and teachers. Your council, your permanent council for this lifetime. Again, we call for your tribe, also known as your soul group. We’re going to ask your tribe to begin to connect up with you on a physical plane. Now we’re going to breathe, again, in through the nose and exhale through the mouth, you’re going to take the light into the belly first, and then up into the lungs. We’re going to begin to release all old, heavy emotions from the lungs on the exhale. So we’re breathing into the belly, beginning the build your power in the solar plexus area, in your soul matrix, and then taking the light and sound up into the lungs and releasing through the out breath through the mouth beginning to simply let go of all of the old, heavy emotions that you’ve been hanging onto, that you’ve been suppressing. It doesn’t matter what it is, just let it all go. It’s all old energy. Just let it circulate out, keep breathing, stay focused. If you get distracted, come back to the breath. We’re going to take the light down the spine very gently in spirals as well, and releasing chronic stress and tension from the spine. Now let the vibrations go all the way down to the sacrum, it’s going to wrap around the sacrum, it’s going to spread through your groin, and then it’s going to move down your legs, through the feet, and we’re going to connect up with mother earth in a more profound, deeper connection of grounding. Connecting up with your favorite spot so to speak within the earth. Spiritually speaking, you may connect to the crystals, and the minerals, and the stones of the earth, or the water element of the earth, or the trees. You may feel the core of the earth, like a brilliant sun. Whatever your true grounding is with mother earth, you’re going to connect to that through the feet. Continue to release through the lungs. Now we’re going to envision a storage area in your brain so you can be creative here, and create a quantum storage area for all of this quantum data that’s connected to your memory center in your brain, and it has a capacity of infinite storage. This will be the place of your downloads, or your uploads. Now, from the brain, from the spine, from the sacrum, from the core of the earth, we’re going to breathe and focus through your belly button. Breathe through and focus, through your belly button.

Whatever comes forth emotionally you’re going to just simply allow the experience and the embrace of, and then let it go through the out breath. Breathing very deeply into your emotional center down there, into your survival stuff, into your low back discomfort. Your bladder discomfort, all of that. Just breathe, receive, relax, allow. Continue to feel the presence of the sun, the great central sun, also called the Christos energy, the Christed energy of oneness, unconditional love and allowance. Feel that vibration of pure energy circulating through your nervous system, moving your muscles, your tight muscles, moving your body back into its original place of alignment. Simply allow. You are the voyager, you are the observer. Clear and perfect channel. Feel that vibration. Now allow everything that has been brought forth to continue until complete on the more subtle levels of your awareness. We’re going to bring the breath and the light and the sound up into the solar plexus, primarily your stomach and digestive system, and we’re going to breathe all the way through that area of the body. Through the subatomic layers of your stomach, your solar plexus. We’re going to call forth the angels of release to assist you in being clear of everybody else’s energies that may have been incorporated into your system unknowingly. This will be all thought forms, projections, emotions and the like. Allow your solar plexus to become free and open and empty. Just let all of those people go, let all of their energy go. This is from day one. Just let it all go back to source. It’s like you’re receiving a great cleansing and purification of everybody else’s desires and feelings and thought projections. You’re going to reclaim this power center in the body. Letting go first of everybody else’s vibrations. So, also come out the low back, your kidneys. Now, as you release, you’re going to breathe in the essence of your soul into the body. We’re going to anchor it first into the solar plexus and begin to allow an expansion and integration, building a foundation of eternal peace. Let it affect your nervous system, your lymphatic system, all the systems of your body. Be aware of the cocooning of light that is continuing around your body. Let’s direct now the focus down to the sacrum for just a few seconds, from the solar plexus to the base of your spine, imagine and feel in sense, and hold the intention, that your sacrum, your original eight cells of creation, are moving back into a place of divine harmony and balance. From there, we’re going to shift the focus into your neck and throat and the base of your skull. Again here, we’re going to release and let go of all energies that are not yours, that have been projected there from others. Simply allow. You are the voyager. Breathing through the neck, and the throat and thyroid. Letting go of all restrictions… self imposed, those coming from others. You may imagine or feel a sense, an unwrapping of very dense energy from your throat and your neck and the base of your skull. Let it unwrap, let it unravel. Now let that continue until complete. We’re going to move still the awareness with the light and sound up into the face, and the mouth, and eyes, and ears, and nose, and your forehead, and the skin on top of your scalp. Going to breathe in the light and

sound, that vibration of peace, and let it circulate through all of your pores and all of your internal organs in your face. Feeling the eyes relaxing, relaxing from the chronic stress of sight. Relaxing the ears, the inner ear canal. Relaxing the jaw bones, the jaw muscles, your TMJ. Allowing your jaw to drop. As your body becomes relaxed, your mind becomes more awake and alert, and the more your ego is at peace. Now we’re going to bring awareness to the storage area again and begin to feel and sense the quantum data being stored in your storage area in a very nice and neat filing system. Everything is categorized and put in its proper place. You’re going to build the intention in your storage area that when you are emotionally and mentally ready, you will begin to download your next step in your life. Your next step in manifesting, shifting your perceptions of the conditions of the body, perceptions about money, prosperity, all of it. As you are ready. At the same time you’re going to put in a program, called intention, that every day as you are ready you are going to delete an old program, from childhood or past lives that no longer relate to your current life. You do not have to know consciously what that is; and that the effects of this quantum work will show up in your life naturally, on the physical plane, in practical ways. We’re going to also activate your humor center in your brain now. Take a deep breath into your humor center… and release, and let go of any restrictions for spontaneous humor and laughter. We’re going to now focus on your Ajna center, or that point in your forehead, the point between your eyebrows. Bring all of your awareness there. All of your awareness, through the breath, to that point in your forehead. You’re going to feel an alignment with the great central sun to this point in your body, as if… the great central sun is transmitting waves of light and sound into and through your pineal gland. Activating the pineal gland, decalcifying the pineal gland, resetting the pineal gland, repositioning the pineal gland into its proper place and space. We’re going to take a deep breath and focus back down at the base of the spine, your sacrum. Back into the earth. Now, we’re going to focus one more point. We’re going to find your physical heart, and we’re going to breath into that sacred space, just behind your physical heart. It’s a very special chamber. We’re going to bring all of our awareness – past, present and future – into this place behind your physical heart, and we’re going to begin to breathe as one with the universe, with the light, with the sound, with the essence of creation. You’re going to invite your inner child to be right here with you. Your permanent council. We’re going to meditate and receive, for a number of earth minutes in silence. The idea here is to allow your awareness to go into the center, into the core of the stillness, the blackness, the serenity, the calm. You will receive guidance as to your next step in your life. Now, I’ll call you back when it’s time to return…. (Transcriptionist notes: Five (plus) minutes of audio silence here).

Kenji: OK, slowly take a deep breath and begin to refocus back towards your body and the earth. The energies will be stored in your storage area. As you come back, begin to feel the bottoms of your feet, the palms of your hands. Take another slow, deep breath.

Breathe deeply into the belly three times. Notice the space and energy around your body. As you come back into full awareness in the body, coming back awake, alert, more alive, more joyful, more at peace.

Lisa: More alive, much more. My experience there was... It felt like a rewiring, almost a psychic surgery but not in a dense way, but in a very, very light way. When my attention was focusing on something, like, it went to my thyroid, then you started talking about the thyroid and the connection was incredible. I put my hand on my forehead and you started talking about the forehead and it was a feeling of complete oneness, like you were right here in this space, in this grid with me. The connection with everyone listening at the same time was... It felt like we were all in a room together, and anyone who listens to the replay, I’m sure that would happen as well, is you come into this room of community, this community of everyone listening on the call and on the replay is here, right now, in this moment, connected on a soul level in a group agreement for a reason, and we’re all up to very incredible things in an incredible way. Very beautiful, I’m very honored and grateful and blessed for all of the people listening to this call, now and in the replay. I’m very grateful and connected to everyone. I’d love to hear your experiences as well.

Kenji: We’ve got to mention, that when they’re ready and grounded, they can open their eyes and let their eyes adjust to the new vibrations. Make sure you drink plenty of water.

Lisa: Ah, nice! Australia is saying there is so much space inside of her, she’s very aligned with source, very connected to her body. The experiences that I got from listening to the other recordings in the offer, it was different from that experience just then, I don’t feel as spacey now, which is interesting, which is great. One person is saying “Truly amazing, freeing, wholeness and full connection.” Wonderful… I’m just going through the… you guys are great. “Thank you, Kenji, that was lovely. Is it normal to feel tired and sleepy after this meditation experience?”

Kenji: It can, yeah.

Lisa: Mm-hmm… “Very deep today on the return, such a sparkling light all around, bright, energetic. I saw the same thing.” …From our Hawaii listener. That’s why I mentioned community, yep. Wonderful, incredible energy. That was very, very... *laughter* Someone said, “My cat loved this, she kept nudging up against my hands while I was seated.” *laughter*

Kenji: *laughter*

Lisa: You said that about animals, they get it. Very clearly, absolutely. Listen to the replay of that and share it with your friends, forward the replay when you get it in your email and say, “I want you to experience this, and connect with people on it because it was very, very deep.” There are hours and hours worth of talking about these energies and clearing energetic blocks and activations in the special offer as well, where he goes deeper into one of the thyroid activations, I listened to that. What is the power center, one and two? The website by the way I am referring to is What is activation of power centers…?

Kenji: Well, if I remember correctly, these are different than your traditional chakra points, although it might have included them, but we’re basically holding space to activate all of the power centers that interface the body. There’s 144,000 of them.

Lisa: Wow.

Kenji: Yeah.

Lisa: That’s amazing. So when you really get connected to the power centers of your body, you get your personal power back.

Kenji: Well, you’re able to express a whole lot easier through the body, yeah. We have to remember, we as souls are full power, and it’s just a matter of integrating in the body. If you’ve only got ten percent running, that’s not very much manifesting power as opposed to, say, 75 percent.

Lisa: My goodness, what a wonderful comment that just came in. She says that she wants to thank you so much for this, she’s been following you ever since your first show, and she said “I do my homework.” Her husband passed away April 27th and since then she’s had a stuffed up head that would not leave, and when Kenji sent the light into our heads she started sneezing and her head and neck cleared up no longer hurting, she no longer feels tiny after the loss of her best friend. Aww, beautiful.

Kenji: Nice.

Lisa: Someone else asked that, prior. Is there a way to connect with, on the quantum level, someone who has passed over?

Kenji: Oh yeah. You do it when you meditate in that space behind your physical heart.

Lisa: People are responding just beautifully to this experience. Thank you so much for this clear meditation and prayer, and opportunity to… I mean, really rewiring here. That’s a lot of what I experienced, was a reconfiguring of synapses. Woah, really wonderful.

Thank you so much and I invite you all to continue with this. Go to and you can continue on to listening with that offer there, to listen to hours and seeing videos of how to use this as a practitioner, if you’re a practitioner, going into different layers of consciousness and awareness, and different types of activations. The relaxation there is vital, absolutely vital. Wow. Thank you for bringing these worlds to us through your experience and through your life experience, and bringing us this in a shortened amount of time. I really appreciate it, and the time that you’ve been with us, has been... God, it went by so fast. So thank you so much Kenji. It’s just an honor to have you with us today, and thank you for your lightness, and your energy, and your levity and your laughter, and the feeling that you’ve left us with. Thank you so much for the change and the shift.

Kenji: Oh, you’re most welcome. Most welcome.

Lisa: For everyone listening, take this and go forward with it, and continue on with it and stay with it. Stay with the energy throughout your day, night, next day, next night. Notice the changes that you’ve made, commit to that. Commit to that and be aware of it, and thank you very much for this wonderful call, and thank you for listening, for all of the wonderful listeners, and until next time, I invite you all to STAY AWARE. Thank you.

— end of transcript —