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The American Image Kendall Hurst Suzette Kottek Michael Rohrer Del Shawn Davidson David Waters Slide Contents USA in 3 Words Improving the American Image Annotated Bibliograph y Included Group 4

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The American Image

Kendall HurstSuzette KottekMichael Rohrer

Del Shawn DavidsonDavid Waters

Slide Contents

USA in 3 Words 

Improving the American ImageAnnotated

Bibliography Included

Group 4

USA in 3 Words!

The USA can has an enormous amount of Power. Civil rights makes each person Free to be themselves. The drawing power of this Diverse country welcomes all cultures

USA in 3 Words! contd.

Each person can choseto be free. America is very Powerful. The difference between what America is presented to be, and what is real can bedisappointing.

USA in 3 Words! contd.

The USA is a Multicultural country. America tends to look ignorant in the media  McDonalds is the most widely known restaurant in America.

Improving The American Image

     The United States Has a relatively short history involving Foreign Relations.  This means we have a lot to learn, and a

lot more mistakes coming.  These are a few of the more Notable Flaws and moments of brilliancy of the American

image on a world-wide scale.

Part 1 - History of Foreign Relations


Benjamin Franklin was the first person in the United States to take action on actually pursuing peace with other nations and cultures.  He understood that he needed to remove stereotypes and prejudice before negotiating terms.   French aristocrats embraced Franklin as "the personification of the New World Enlightenment, or in other terms, the ultimate Intercultural Communicator!

"The amalgamation of whites with blacks produces a degradation to which no lover of his country, no lover of excellence in the human character, can innocently consent."        This view of Jefferson's is a major player in the common prejudices that has plagued America for so many years.


Improving The American Image

WWI Era1920-30

United States assists France and Great Britain in a fight against Atrocious leaders, and Countries with Malice as their intent.   This decision to assist in the fight was largely applauded, and drastically helped America's Image. 

Camps are set up in the United States where anyone of Japanese descent are sent.  This negative move increased tensions with Japan, and other countries and gave America a black mark which was generally unaddressed until President Regan issued a formal apology in 1988. 



Part 2 History

The CivilWar1850

This war was largely started due to the varying views on slavery.  Abraham Lincoln leads the North to victory, thus avoiding the possibility of a major setback in accepting people of different cultures.  Lincoln put his image on the line in order to fight for Civil Rights in the U.S.  Although this did not end all racism, it was a step in the right direction.

Improving The American Image

Israel &America1968-2000

In 1968, US shows complete support for Israel, causing unrest, and a negative outlook on the United States, especially in the Middle East. 

President Clinton helped form the Jordan/Israeli Peace Treaty and many other Peace talks, which improved Americas' Image on a worldwide scale. 

The beginning of the 21st Century marked the beginning of the "Anti-American Century."  America gets involved with side operations in Iraq, and Afghanistan, which do not directly relate to the war on terror.  The Internet and Media enable expedited hate views toward America.  Something needs to be done in order to reverse the downward spiral that has begun this century 


Terrorism &War 


Part 3 History


In 1968, great strides were made with improving foreign relations.  The 20th Century can be dubbed "The American Century" Due to their Success in pleasing the world.  The 1968 Immigration Act Lifted Bans on Oriental immigration, and legalized hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants.  This especially improved relations with China and Latin America.

Improving The American ImageAmerica must begin to consider the needs and views of other countries.            

Otherwise, we will continue to see a growing amount of negative image perceptions such as we see below from a poll of the world's image of America.

Part 1 - Choose Your Battles Wisely

Improving The American Image

"A very strong majority favors a US role in the world that puts a greater emphasis on US participation in multilateral efforts to deal with international problems and on a cooperative approach wherein the US is quite attentive to the views of other countries not just US interests. Very strong majorities favor the US working through international institutions (especially the United Nations) and support making international institutions more powerful. Strong majorities favor international law and strengthening international judicial institutions. Americans support US participation in collective security structures and are reluctant to use military force except as part of multilateral efforts. A large majority favors the US using multilateral approaches for dealing with terrorism, addressing international environmental issues, and giving aid for economic development."  (American Attitudes)

Part 2 - Choose Your Battles Wisely

Improving The American Image

 The True Responsibility of the Superpower is to use discretion in the amount of force they use against those that threaten them. If caution is not used, the world begins to feel that this cartoon is true or worse yet, believe the words expressed in the book Super Power Syndrome - America's Apocalyptic Confrontation with the World.  (Third World Traveler) 

Part 1 - The True Responsibility of a Superpower


Improving The American ImagePart 2 - The True Responsibility of a Superpower

With great POWER comes great RESPONSIBILITY

The true responsibility of the United States is to help those who need help and protect those who need protection. But at what point do we draw the line? The United States is, in most cases, the first country to help when disaster strikes another country. During the 2004 tsunami disaster in the Indian Ocean the U.S. spent $50 million alone in aid to over a dozen countries and over $2.3 billion in aid globally that year.

The United States is one of the first to help but unfortunately we are also the first to stick our nose in other countries business. I believe there is a fine line between protecting and conforming. We have at times not been diligent with the power that has been given to us and changing the world needs to start at the top, and that means us the United States. THAT is the responsibility of a superpower,  Change.

Improving The American Image

I am here to speak of honesty of the American Image. I need to impress this upon the countries of the world, and we need to start at home. We need to erase the viewpoint of, as Robert Frank says in a text excerpt from his book the America, “…..The American, in America, cannot understand that the entire world doesn't wish to become American. Let’s be fair: Americans who come to Europe after a while can't imagine that one would wish to remain America.” This excerpt is from 1958 but how true is it still today.


Part 1 - HonestyThe American Image, a widely disparaging viewpoint, here in America itself and especially abroad. We have seemingly painted this “picture” of capitalism, arrogance, imperialism under the belief of democracy. We have in our country’s very small history displayed so much that the world should be American, to the point that we are now at war with a country who despise us just for being who we are.

Improving The American Image

 We need to, I feel, be humble in who and what we are. Yes we fought for our freedom and independence, and we have built ourselves into now what is left to be the sole superpower left in the world. But although we are America: “Land of the Free and home of the brave, “ we need to express to the other countries of the world that we have our own problems that we are fixing and are not necessarily the world’s problems. We need to show that our image is one of support and love instead of condescension and superiority. When we travel abroad, we should view ourselves as guests in another land, not as people of noble birth visiting the serfs or involve ourselves in other countries affairs, it should be seen as we are giving advice or support, not coming in and assuming control.  

Finally, we are Americans, true enough, but we need to keep in the back of our mind one true fact: The majority of our ancestors are not from here, they traveled from some pretty harsh countries and political oppressions themselves to come here to get a new start. We need to keep this always in the back of our head when traveling abroad or dealing with another country in the political arena, we all share a common ground: we are all human beings, no one person is better than the other. You cannot get any more honest than that.


Part 2 - Honesty

Improving The American Image  The United States is the most influential country in the world when it comes to television programming. The American television channel most viewed internationally is MTV. MTV expanded its programming to Europe in 1987, creating the sister channel MTV Europe. By 1994 MTV became the biggest TV channel worldwide!  Today MTV is viewed by over 100 countries in Europe, North America, South America, Asia, and Australia. MTV’s target age group ranges from 16-32 year olds, presenting the question: **What impression does MTV have on the  American and international youth and how are these growing generations presented and perceived worldwide??**

Part 1 - Worldwide Multimedia Broadcasting 

Improving The American ImagePart2 - Worldwide Multimedia Broadcasting American youth Impact:The MTV craze actually sparked the “mindless” generation of America.  Teens that grew up on MTV are said to be not as interested in political or world issues. In the early days of MTV, MTV News would report on issues effecting America and would broadcast on the hour every hour. MTV News has been cancelled and replaced by mindless reality TV re-runs. International youth Impact: The “mindless” generation problem stands the same internationally as it does back home in America. However, a positive mark about MTV Europe is that it is bringing teens together. MTV music “scenes” are worldwide, just expressed in different languages. Western culture is being adopted worldwide

bringing the growing youth of the world together.

Bibliography1.  (Suzy - Slide 6)  This is a website that summarizes the opinions people all over the world have given in national poles about America.  These opinions are not just opinions about America's involvement in the current war.  The subjects covered are about International Involvement, hegemonic roles, multilateral involvement, concerns about America's International Involvement, America's opinions on the world view of American involvement and promoting Human rights.   The summaries are brief and to the point.  The website does provide links that give insight into how the poll were completed and more descriptive postings are found at these links.   If the reader truly wants to know how the world feels about America, this sight provides every opportunity to research opinions on American Image. 


2. (Suzy)   At this website, the reader will find an interview of the founder of DDB Worldwide Communications Group Inc., Keith Reinhard, by reporter Christopher Lee.     Reinhard comes at improving the American image from a business perspective.  He summarizes the opinions of America worldwide and then makes suggestions that America can use to improve the world image.   This article is very enlightening in showing that the American image is negative, but could be improved if the government comes at the improvement from a business perspective.

Bibliography3. (Slide 5 - David)  This Website Highlights Some of the Major U.S. Events involving foreign relations.  From 1776 and Benjamin Franklin, until today, you can find extensive documents, and the thoughts behind them, that pertained to keeping the peace with other countries. 4. (Slides 5-7 - David) (Excellent Research Start Point)This was the source of my research, as it is the central site that links to many of the following bibliography entries 5. (Slide 5 - David) Page Highlighted Benjamin Franklin's work as an Ambassador for the United States.  I was able to read through it and extract quotes, and valuable information for this slide 6. (Slides 5,6,7 - David),  .../wiki/Hitler, .../wiki/1850s, .../wiki/Japanese_American_internment, .../wiki/John_F._Kennedy, .../wiki/Thomas_Jefferson, .../wiki/Israel-United_States_relations all of these Sources provided information to fuel the history of foreign relations, and Civil Rights.

Bibliography contd.


7. (Slide 13 -14 Kendall)

    This site really provided me with a good insight on MTV and the TV shows they provide. Also i learned a lot about different music scenes, and it even connected me to other parts of MTV, like MTV Europe.  8.  (Slide 10 Kendall)    This web site is great because it provides a lot of information on us (the superpower) and how we handle war. The Iraq war is talked about and analyzed on this page and also our future and role as a superpower. 9.  (Del Shawn)    This website spoke specifically about The book America by Robert Frank, on this webpage the subject matter was specifically pictures of the viewpoints of people not born in America and how they saw the country. The excerpts were just interviews of the people who were photographed. The insights were wonderful and their perceptions very


Bibliography contd.

10.  (Slide 11-Mike) Web site was very vast and full of information. This site provides access to the reader about everything from foreign aid to  weapons trading and weapons credits for other countries. The site is broken down in a table of contents which makes it very easy for the reader to access his or her desired areas. Each heading is broken down into sub-categories, this helps with the organization and readability. The Author of the site is Anup Shah who was a contributor to the London press at one time before starting his own free lance web columns. I recommend this site to anyone searching similar topics about aid to other countries. It is packed with great credible information that is very easy to access.

11.  (Del Shawn) Altered States of America is a documentary concerning America's image abroad. With the diverse voices of artists, comedians, intellectuals, and street interviews with citizens of multiple countries, the film addresses the problematic issue of growing anti-Americanism within the global community. It offers insight into conflicts within American media, education, and popular culture that further isolate the world's super power. It is a call to action for the American public to recognize and amend these issues to incite better relationships with the world at large. The film raises a new level of awareness for both America and its critics. The film was not very concise and the opinions varied, but the general gist was the same, America is needing to change is impression on the world at large or if we continue on this current path we will alienate every country we are trying to help. 

12.  (Del Shawn)$2270           This specifically was a news opinion webpage that gave people’s viewpoints on America abroad and how they perceive we are to others. They were very informative and accurate as far as their perceptions go. I feel that is what everyone has to go on is their perceptions of the world and how it views America.