the ambassador - lpep 2k12


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A special issue May 2012, Vol.1 No. 3


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The unexpected! The unexpected!

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Before the classroom session begins make sure you CHECK the

files if it’s COMPLETE and WORKING

If there are problems, inform the RUNNERS ASAP!

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I need to go home early, I have dance practice

YOSI BREAK – “I have to go to mcdo/agno”

“Sorry, there was heavy traffic along EDSA”



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REMINDER: One cannot

graduate if one misses a day or two of LPEP!

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smoker rule 101

Kuya, can I step outside for a while? I’ll just have my yosi break

DLSU has a no smoking policy which the D.O. will further elaborate later.

Sorry, You can’t.

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Wrong food count…

take note: The Food Head will give his/her instructions on how to facilitate the food count during the briefing. Always double check the head count and inform the food head if there are any changes Do not forget the food of your facilitator

This usually happens whenever there are late comers…

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April 28, 2012 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

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For all the Lasallian Ambassadors, the first thing you have to do is to seek permission from your parents and ensure that they know what you are doing. If in case not, you can ask a letter from me to give to your parents because you will need to be in school at 6 in the morning and go home at around 6 or 7 so you should be available.

Second would be you have to be knowledgeable

of everything that you will do for LPEP even if you are assigned as a runner or as an orientor you should know both tasks by hook or by crook. And make sure that the protocol is followed, if you don’t know what to do ask people around. And next would be never ever stop in improving yourself and looking good amidst the stress. At the fourth and fifth run, it will be difficult to be lively but I’m telling you that at least if you look good even if you’re so tired people will not question why do you look so tired.



LPEP will not give you money nor advance enrollment and other benefits but it will give you a sort of venue to improve more of your confidence and boost your moral as a person and as a Lasallian student.

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Getting to experience LPEP will be one of the most unforgettable moments you'll have in your college life. TRUST me here. From waking up VERY early in the morning, calling out froshies in for registration, assisting in the flow of froshies to the different places, fixing the snacks/lunch of the froshies, listening to the facis teaching lasallian lessons to the froshies up to the point where you almost memorize it, conducting ice breakers, handling all the concerns of the froshies, teaching the centennial dance, having block pictures, hanging out in the workroom, getting to use the "walkie talkie", conducting campus tours, meeting new people, being with all the lovely people from slife, and having fun with all the LAmbs and a lot more!

Di bale na wala tayong advance enrolment or

walang bayad, meron naman tayong libreng tshirt, libreng food from SPS, libreng kwentuhan, libreng kulitan, libreng asaran, libreng tawanan. You will learn to love each other and LAMB will be your family in school. Enjoy LPEP, kayang kaya niyo yan! I hope to see you this LPEP!

Monica muyot Lamb 2k10 human resource &

development core

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Hey LAmbs!

First of all, I would like to congratulate all of you for making it to the Lasallian Ambassadors 2k12! I bet all of you are all excited for LPEP 2k12 especially the FTs. Here are some tips before the big event!

1. Sleep early! 2. Synchronize your time with the clock in the

war room! 3. Eat heavy breakfast! 4. Keep a small notebook for notes and

reminders 5. Apply all the things that you have learned

from the trainings Lastly, HAVE FUN! Go LAmbs and Good

Luck! :D

Kyla sy Lamb 2k11 marketing & publicity


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Hi ALL! Congratulations FTs! Welcome to the LAMb family! I salute each and every one of you for sacrificing your summer break in exchange of LPEP. Not all

students are willing to drop their precious summer escapades for a tiring and exhausting volunteer work. You don't have to worry, all the physical stress is worth the experience. Hindi nyo mararamdaman na nakakapagod, in fact, by the time that you hit the last two days, you will surely want more of LPEP.

Masaya ang LPEP because it gives a big sense of fulfillment. Not only do you help out and impart

your wisdom to the froshies, you also get to know more of your fellow LAmbs; an opportunity that lets you connect with excellent student leaders. I say that every LAmb is excellent because being excellent is delivering beyond what is required. Tayo na ang workaholic. But then again, work is not work as long as you’re having fun right?

Savor the LPEP experience and congratulations for choosing to be excellent. This is a decision you will never regret.

Gico go Lasallian ambassador alumnus

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Hi LAmb 2k12! I know that this is a first for most of you.

LPEP will be challenging but make sure to enjoy and have fun with your co-LAMBS as well as with the froshies. I know that you can all do it. Goodluck and keep the ANIMO burning!

Kevin conner Lasallian ambassador alumnus

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Trisha baloro Lasallian ambassador alumna

Hello LAmb 2k12!! Are you enjoying your LAmb days so far?? I hope it's a

yes!! :) they asked me to give you guys a message/tip so here it is..Enjoy your LAmb days, be close to one another and treat each other as family. especially na you'll be together for 10 days during LPEP. If iisipin matagal siya & tiring, yes, pero i assure you na yung 10 days na yun sobrang bilis lang nun di niyo mamamalayan last college na pala! enjoy every moment of it. madami kayong matutunan na lessons from that experience. from all the puyat & pagod it's all worth it!! one impt. thing is, you will have a 2nd family in LAmb. actually for me that's what keeps me coming back every year.

it's not just because of LPEP but the family i gained in this organization. may mga tao kayong magiging close na hindi niyo naman inexpect. sometimes these people are the ones who will be there when you need them. I am speaking from a personal experience :) you will realize that you will miss the things you do for LAmb or the people you've been close to when you leave the organization or graduate. For LAmb 2k12, Goodluck on your new journey in your college days. I hope that you guys will enjoy it!

For LAmb 2k9,2k10,2k11 I MISS YOU ALL SO MUCH!! for each of the batch i managed to be close to you guys kahit may batch difference or whatever. naging close talaga ako sa inyo well you know naman kasi i'm so friendly & approachable to everyone hahaha and mag kaka age lang kasi tayo :)))) Goodluck sa ALAC & CORE, You guys can do it!! See You Soon!! Love, Trisha

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Hello Lamb2k12!

The month of May has finally come and you all know what that means, LPEP is about to start! Aren’t you guys excited? It’s that time of the month once again where your punctuality, patience, and capacity to exhaustion will be put to test. Being a Lasallian Ambassador is not an easy task. You practically do not have a “normal” summer vacation just like any other Lasallian student, to start with. You have to push yourself to wake up extra early in the morning after a seemingly exhausting LPEP day.

Everything’s quite daunting and tiresome when you think about it. But as a Lasallian Ambassador exhaustion, tiresome, laziness, or any other word associated to these should not be included in your daily vocabulary. I guess, this comes very innate in each and every LAmb throughout the years. Think about it this way, not everyone is qualified enough to be in your position so just embrace the experience as much as you can. No matter how tiring it is to orient and be with your block the whole day, SMILE it off. No matter how hot the weather is and you’re already sweating like a pig, SMILE it off. Believe me, smiling will really take you a long way. In fact, it will help you to be a step closer in just enjoying your whole LPEP experience. It surely worked for me before – TRIED AND TESTED. So, if all else fails, SMILE. Teehee!

Good luck to you guys! I'm sure you'll do good! Go


Kim dy Lasallian ambassador 2K11

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