the a-z of parenting as told by #pbloggers - the student support centre

A is for Arts & Crafts “Arts & Crafts are not just a fun activity for children but can also play a huge part in their development and confidence.” “Arts & Crafts are not just a fun activity for children but can also play a huge part in their development and confidence.” “Arts & Crafts are not just a fun activity for children but can also play a huge part in their development and self-confidence. Try to encourage them getting their hands dirty as much as possible.” A is for Arts & Crafts @StudentSC1

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Post on 10-Feb-2017




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Page 1: The A-Z of parenting as told by #PBloggers - The Student Support Centre

A is for Arts & Crafts

“Arts & Crafts are not just a fun activity for children but can also play a huge part in their development and confidence.”

“Arts & Crafts are not just a fun activity for children but can also play a huge part in their development and confidence.”

“Arts & Crafts are not just a fun activity for children but can also play a huge part in their development and self-confidence. Try to encourage them getting their hands dirty as much as possible.”

A is for Arts & Crafts


Page 2: The A-Z of parenting as told by #PBloggers - The Student Support Centre

“You will have it and so will your children. Make sure you work to observe and address yours, as you can then model for your children managing this difficult emotion.”

A is for Anger


Page 3: The A-Z of parenting as told by #PBloggers - The Student Support Centre

B is for Bravery.

“As a parent you have to put on a brave face through the tough times and keep on going.”

B is for Bravery


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B is for - Baby wipes

“Never leave the house without them and make sure you never run out, in fact it's just best to carry a pack with you at all times, until they leave home.”


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C is for Compare

“Try not to compare your child to other children. Each child is unique and they will learn a new skill in their own time.”


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D is for Dummy

“(Also known as a pacifier), will be your best friend until you need to get rid of it.”


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E is for Encourage

“You can't encourage your children enough. Especially during times they are being naughty, look for the good behaviour & really praise it. Children thrive on encouragement.” @CuddleFairy

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”Bank on the fact that you'll never have enough energy to keep up with your children. This goes for mental, emotional, and physical energy. And if you haven't found coffee yet, go search for some now.”

E is for Energy


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E is for Empathy

“It is important to tune into your child’s feelings and empathise with them in order to make them feel understood.”


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F is for Family

“A strong and loving family is the most important part of your child’s development. Through thick and thin, continue to love, trust and respect your child with the intent that they will do the same in future relationships.”


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G is for guidance

“Children need guidance and strong role models to help them navigate the daily challenges of life. Guiding a child to do things for themselves is empowering and can help them grow in confidence and self worth.”

G is for Guidance


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H is for Housework

“Don’t let housework rule your life. Whilst a tidy house is nice, going out and having fun with your kids will make memories you will cherish forever.”


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I is for ImaginationI is for Imagination

“You have no idea how many times using imagination has got me out of sticky situations. You need to really try and get into a child's mind set. We've had walks in the park where the children have decided at the furthest point from home that they have had enough and don't want to walk back. So we pretended that the ground was lava and we all had to hop from safe tuft of grass to safe tuft of grass all the way home. Or we've hunted for dragons and pretended to spot 'clues'; a feather from it's wing, a claw mark etc and followed the 'trail' back. It only works of you really get into it too though. No matter how silly you may feel with your pretend magnifying glass! :D”

I is for Imagination


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J is for Judging

“Being judged is such a common thing that all parents experience, sometimes it’s hard but you know your child better than anyone so never let other people tell you how to parent your own children.”


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K is for Kind “Always do your best to teach your children to be as kind as possible to everyone they meet. Lead by

example.” @StudentSC1

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L is for Love


“You can never love too much, shower your kids with affection, hugs and kisses-you are the blueprint and foundation for all their relationships to come.”

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L is for Longing

“You will find yourself longing to be alone. You will also find yourself longing to continue being a parent. Both feelings are normal and natural. But, do take some time for yourself so those feelings of being alone don't outweigh your feelings of wanting to be with your children.”


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L is for Listen“It is really important that you get the communication right and give everyone a chance to be heard. Teaching good listening skills is as important as using them.”


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M is for Mood

“Being a parent is one of the hardest jobs in the world but you have to remember that children are humans too. Just as we can wake up one day and be in a bad mood, so can they. – Even if they take it out on you, try not to assume they’re always looking for attention and try to reason with them as you would an adult.”


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N is for Noise

“Get used to it - Your children will likely make noise from the time they wake until the time the nod off to sleep. Yes, this is normal. Yes, you might lose your mind in a desperate search for silence. Yes, you will also survive and learn to find and cherish those special few moments of silence.”


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O is for Organise

“Being a parent is full of highs and lows, but learning the skill of organisation is bound to save you time.., whether it’s teaching your kids to keep their toys organised or simply planning out tomorrow’s meals, it will all save you such valuable time.”


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P is for Praise“Praising your child will encourage them and make them feel good about themselves. ”


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Q is for Quiet

“Always be suspicious of this sound, they are probably posting your credit cards in the DVD player.”


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R is for Routine“Kids thrive on routine because it makes them feel safe and secure. As they have no control over their day, the repetition and predictability of a routine helps children make sense of what is going on around them.”


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S is for Sleep

“Say goodbye to it, you will probably meet again in around 3 - 13 years.”


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T is for time“Take time for yourself. - Take time to learn a new skill or find a new hobby. You can have fun sharing what you have learned with your kids too.”


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U is for United

Standing united as a family will be one of the most important lessons you will ever teach your children and a lesson they will then reflect in many other aspects of their lives.

U is for United

“Standing united as a family will be one of the most important lessons you will ever teach your children and a lesson they will then reflect in many other aspects of their


U is for United


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# V is for Value


“Not only is it important to teach your children about the value of money, but

more importantly; the values of life, love and friendships.”

V is for Value


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W is for Wisdom

“Being a child is one of the toughest tests a person can undergo… as a parent your words of wisdom have the potential to shape their lives and

could be more useful than you could ever imagine. Don’t be afraid to share your stories and remind them that we were all young once.”


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X is for XX or XY?

“Leading up to the birth of your baby the question; boy or girl will play on your mind over and over - Don’t worry we’ve all been there, but you soon begin to realise just how little that matters.”


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Y is for Yucky

”As in "don't put that in your mouth, it's Yucky", you will say that more times than you ever expect to.”


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Z is for Zeal

“Embrace the life of parenting and demonstrate living with zeal to your children. This is a lesson only you can teach.”
