the 1900 4mt bmsiri port ont - · jsbt the sun friday may 25 1900 i tx i...

JSBT THE SUN FRIDAY MAY 25 1900 I Tx I 4 3 I I 1111M FRIDAY MAY 25 1000 KmtMcrtpttnnt br Mill Fortpatd- PATLTpw Month O 5O- PAILT nor YCAT oo PAT AND BUNDAY per Year 00 AMD SUNDAY per Month 70 countries added Tun Stf New J Ctlr- J A i moqut Vo U near Or nJ Hotel and KKwrM Wo 19 Douletard den Capodne- It fvr fritrvli rV far w manwerOpM for pvttfeoffe uM to AOH nltftKi ariltlii nturntt fA y- muK n alt casH nd stamp tor l tal purpo- MWldriprrnd Guilt In fit Louts on Wednesday another de- fender of law and order was murdered DUNCAN McIUE A special policeman pro- tecting n street car Its operators and Its passengers WM shot while performing III duty This killing of a man crowns the riotous outrages upon the street car com- pany and the general public of St Louta which have covered practically the enttr line of travel for nearly three weeks Responsibility for Uils murder doen not rwt wholly upon the shoulders of the crim- inal who fired tho shot Tho spirit of has been cheered on by organized large and by tho weak and shortflighted emotionalists who look sympathetically on abuses of right nnd property when the man guilty of them to a labor union or has loss money than tho victim of his assaults St Ixmls Is struggling stoutly ngalns disorder which these unfortunate Influences have begun and promoted The citys efforts to protect Itself should have tho sup- port of every man in Anif rlca Filipinos Do Not Wnnt Independence Gen BCIIWAN says In his Interesting letter on conditions In the Philippines that the educated natives havo no faith In the fitness of their people to and for the most parr American rule and that the great muss of the peas- antry tleslro American or any other will give them peace and order A pArt of both classes however nro afraid openly to declare In favor of Ameri- can thoy know that tho In- surgent leaders with a small follow- ing have In past Inflicted and may again visit the barbarous cruelties upon men and women who fall Into their hands This statement wholly In line with thnt of President SomriiMAN in his recent address before tho American Geographical Society declared that the Filipinos never naked for independence from Spain but presented grievnnres demanded redress and that since the Mauds passed Into our hands Independence has been the shibboleth merely of n few ambitious leaders while the masses tired of war crave only peace and thn aspirations of the most Intelligent class will be satisfied with religious liberty civil rights and such extension of tho franchise as the people are capable of exercising Tlieto vf ws nre further confirmed by the able correspondent In the Philippines of tho Krcninp Ifift who said in a letter which that newspaper printed on March 10 last They the rillilrosl nrr ijulteopen to Immxllate- Mtlltmcnt at nay almg Uldly American llnes political freedom Alit rllirlotis fredlum Political freedom does nut necessarily min absolute political Independence The best InformMlon thit I get us- Mirea me that Is plot demanded mid Is not wanted The touching spectncln of Ntjoormo people fighting for the luilep mlcncp of coun- try has In rut wholly evolved from the Imagination of tho Agulnaldo party In the 1nited States Thn Filipinos han not asked for Independence do want It and would not know what to with l The remedy they do want for the evils tlny have suffered for centuries is to 1 found along tho linen of the American policy iw Indicated by the Philippines Commission protection for lifo and property religious freedom and local polfgovernrnont where over the people are capable of exercising It The nifTlciiltles of AntiTrust Legis- lation Every polltlcnl which candi- date In tho field at the Presidential election this year wilt havo something to say in Its platform against trusts Tim of defining the precise thing which It Is Intended tn denounce makes on- nntitrust plunk safe enough for anybody No one tan sny that It will lend toward any particular nwthod of procedure In dealing with the commercial combinations which are the objects of ntrtiek trust Is a had thing Into It Is tho substatico of the politicians reasoning on tho subject In thn rictiit debate In the Senate on Army Appropriation lull Mr UtiitiiY of Arkansas proposed nn amendment pro- viding that In making purchases for the Commissary Department bo given nil other things including price and quality bilng to those producers manufacturers merchants and dealers who are not members of or In anyway connected with any trust or combine formed to manufacture or sell the articles Which are lining contracted for and pur- chased by the Commissary Pepartmrtit for the military service The debate which followed showed how crude anti illdtillicd are the ideas of represontniivn men in tho national legislature In regard to the trite character of trusts Wr llrnitv hlm elf may have an accurate picture In his own mind of what constitutes n nit but when Invited to tell the by Mr Purr of Connieiieut mid Mr- SKWHU of New Jersey lu could only refer to the Sherman law anti was obliged concede that thin description f n trust In that statute was lnsiirtlrit nt The Sherman law denounces ns Illegal every contract combination In the form of n trust or other- wise or eonplruey in rrxfruinf n1 Incur nr commerce mining the several States or with foreign nations Hero It tony well be snld that the restricted element of the forbidden combination Is n public evil whUh it Is proper that the law should prohibit Hut Mr ItEnKVB proposed amendment to the Army Appropriation bill would prevent tilt CommlssaryCieneral from dealing with any combination of persons or corpora tloas formed in produce manufacture sell the nrticles which the inverntnent desired to buy although the combination might rxerclse no restraining influence whatever upon trade or competition As WM pointed out by Mr STEWART of Ne- vada the language of the amendment would prevent the military authorities of Ibe United States from purchasing any mbe 4mt U I r 1 00 N DAY It tOlerD f l Lr I I r I j j I 1 I 111 j 11 t l rot I I I I bpI on i I i 1 I I I over i I i tl tat I J 1 1ll I ton J I j mOlt J I I f I I II I j 1 l I il 1 I II f I i AlI H IIi I I b lot art f t i pnrnnm I I J I It I I 1 t II tl I 1 l I f I i t I I r r j U Ii I j j 11 1 lt i k1i- I I IV7DAT VIZ Tear 2 i I Yolk I wffi I j t 1 I UI t I rub I I tt whop I I t t tim I a t i I J I L I t L1 t t I I 2 Ii F t ho- I I I shall i Il L I 4 Senate- S I i L to- T I I i 1 I r r I P or- t I t t 1 i 2 t a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ° good from partnerBlilpii and yet nobody erlounly ndvocutw any Huoh prohibition The trouble with all these matters sold the Senator from Nevada In that you thn Rood with the evIl I said In tho beiflnlnjf that the difficulty vnn In drawing thii proper line I havo never been able to do It nnd nobody ha been able todn it Tho only remedy that I have ever scent that would be effective In conietltloii W- Hhould pass no law giving oxcluslvo privl loge comfmlltlon bo untrammelled and a free people will soon rid themselves to a Rreut extent of triwU After Senator InotTon of Vermont had pointed out that tho law now limits the pur ohofllnif oflloor to buying Army supplies from the lowest bidder and had Intimated that Mr HEHIIVB purpose In offrrlng tho amendment won merely to place the Repub- licans at a disadvantage becaiwo they did not belIeve that could thus be exter- minated the proposition was rejected by of 20 nayn to 18 yens It Hhould bo noted that in the courso of th debato Senator SEWKII of Now Jersey had tlin temerity to say a Rood word In favor of two of the greatest trade combi- nation now In exUtoiice tho Standard Oil Company and the Sugar Trust The Stand- ard Oil Cotn any ttld tho General has lit up tho world at a cheaper than Its predecoBdorn ever did nnd ooalled Sugar Trust cheapened the price of sugar ovary day since tho combination and hM been a benefit to tho wholo world and particularly to the United fitatee The difficulty of dealing with great trade combinations by legislation Is appreciated in quarters where such breadth of view might hardly be expected liven Much a HorUHstlo leader as KUORNR V DRIIS refuses to Join In tho howl at the Republican party for not making and enforcing moro anti- trust laws In a recent Interview at Cleve- land ho Is quoted as sajing Much bus raid against the Republican because of tie great combination of capital the IMI toil years but In reality the party Is not re Invisible for that at alt at least not directly This Cieit concentration li but A natural step In the prog- ress of efenu hut It raltht perhapi hafe been retarded to some eitent by lef IMMIon mlf hi as well legislate against the force of gravity That there will be concentration Is certain question 11 whether It will be controlled by a few Indlf or and for the bsnetlt of the people at large If anything Is attempted however In tho way of lawmaking by Congrehi or in any State against the trusts tho greatest onro will have to b tuken to avoid putting down the In endeavoring to putt down flue had A prccUo definition of tho trade combination which U to he deemed unlawful will bo essential That defini- tion must not include partnerships or corporations deslifned to malto money In tho ordinary methods that have been sanc for years by tho customs of tho mer community Tho element which is to constitute Illegality must be distinctly Indicated Thla can be done In a statute If tho statute is drawn with sufllclent euro It was done In a Judicial tied don when tho courts of thU State dis- solved tho North HlvorSugar Itellnlng Com- pany for Joining tho Sugar Trust on tho ground that it was n violation of law for a manufacturing corporation to enter Into n partnership rite only effective legislation ngubiiit trusts will bo found In tho enact- ment of some simple rule like this capable- of comparatively easy enforcement- In dealing with this subject Congress will have to take caro whom It hilts Them Is danger lest It tread on tho toes of tho farm- er There WILl organized recently at Abilene tilt Knights of thu Soil Each lodge Is called n Head Farm nnd Is presided over by a Head Tanner Tim purposes of tho or- ganization are thus stated- It Is In a trust In which farmers of the Vest are lobe Interested Members are tu make re- porti to the Supreme Harm or I dZ AS required by the head officers of the of acres of glren grains raited and tbe crop II Is proposed that the lidge shall help their members to hold their grain for higher prices and that there shall be mutual assistance given t j those who are In need A similar combination of manufacturers would bo regarded in Kansas Mn highly objectionable trust which should bo stamped out by law But wo havo fre- quently observed that It makes u great deal of difference whose ox is gored The Transformation of Methodism limo abolition of tho system of Itinerancy- by tho Methodist General Conference on Wednesday affords another among many the very great change which hilLs coma over Methodism of recent years Following time of the Apostles WKSIIIY IU founder travelled about preaching his doctrines anti would con no one place longer titan a few days Lay preachers commissioned by him as helpers wore tilso appointed to cir- cuits In the early of this country thnt Itinerancy gave Methodism a great ndvitrtago over the religious denomina- tions with stationary pastors and con eminently It rapidly developed into the most numerous of the Protestant launches have found by long and constant expe- rience paid WESLEY that a frequent exchange of teachers U best This preacher has ono talent that another No ono ever know has all the talents which are needful for beginning continuing and per- fecting tho work of grace In a whole con- gregation That is the Methodist preach crH worn organized as missionaries after flit plan of tho special religious order of preaching monks the inisolon ers of the Itniuun Catholic Church This system of the itinerancy gave to MellmdUm a distinctive feature In Protes- tantism anti contributed essentially to Its progress In this country moro especially As the system developed along with tho growth in population tho length of hate for- a preacher to remain in the same charge wits gradually extended from six months to ono year to two years to three years nnd finally In isss to live ywirs and now by tho decision of the Oeneral Conference on Wednesday tilt time limit Is abolished alto- gether Tho llishop presiding over local conferemo will Hill mako the appoint- ments annually hut new nile leaves to Ills discretion tho matter of n transfer and permits tho retention of pastors by churches desirous of keeping thorn How it will work practically Is problematical In tho Bishops Address to tho General Conference they reported thnt of twelve years under the last exteaslon of the limit from three to five years had shown that actually the average duration- of tho pastoral term hail been Increased slightly If at nil and practice n small proportion of our pastors remain In tho sam charge for five years Tlin Bishops advised therefore either a j return to the three years limit or the removal of the time limit altogether The desire for more permanency In pas- torates comes urban churches anti their pastors butt in Sew York at least where Methodism Is not relatively 10 powerful as elsewhere ita- Mi I I I I I 8 a- vow rte ha pArr ou Th nOl toned numb Wo I whom- I I the I hit In con- fuse else Let trusts been while good the ntuneof some- what hit the experience that I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ° character as compared with the early model has changed very radically Tho plain meeting house of the past huts gIven place to pretentious church architecture tumid with havo como In worldly tastes and ambitions among tho Methodists They are no longer u peculiar people tumid tho Hithuslastlu fervor which once marked their devotional exercises Is now retarded ns being bad manners WKSIFY would hardly reco nlo them for Methodlstsfor tlw Kravo mid limnblo- inlndrd pcoplo to whom ridicule gao their designation because of thulr plain and innthodlciil manner of life Thu day has arrived against which ho warned huts disciples when wealth having como In at the door religion has flown out at the window Even In the rural districts the distinguish- ing features of Methodism during Its first century have passed away largely Tho campmertlngs train which It drew powerful stimulus In this country havo lout their old character antI become colt and tamo nnd haw been to a groat extent nnd tho chill has checked time growth of Methodism Moreover tho seep ticism Introduced by scientific criticism of tho Scriptures entered Into its theolog- ical seminaries Its ministry Method lath ambitious of social advancement are discontented with the methodical life and Its mirroundlngs and Into more fashionable churches As the Bishops say In their Addrosa the seriousness of largely forgotten Its opportuni- ties of usofulness unoccupied and tho love of tho passing world gaining In masterful fleas Onco Methodists wore distinguished- by tho plainness of their attire tho aus- terity of their hIves and tho piety of their speech hut that day has gone by abolition of tho system of the Itin- erancy on Wednesday Is only tho latest toward tho complete transformation of the original Methodism which Is now going on A Voice for War Dr 1tJJAM EVKJIETT of Massachusetts Gold Democrat anti goldenmouthed orator emerges from too long a silence to say that his voice Is Ktlll for war Ho will not have IlnvAN Ho will not have MrKiNinr Ho advises tho Sold Democrats to construct n platform ind name candidates of their own which shall stand for tho traditions of the fathers needs of hour and thus claims of posterity Dr KVKIIETT loves to bo In the minority and the smaller tho minority the greater hU Joy He wants air and freedom Hn had rather wander In sheepskins and than to ho chief and captain We dont know how other Irreconcilables there nro for Is too good arid HnvAv too bad but they could find no morn brilliant positive and courageous leader than this santo WILLIAM EVEIICTT- Ho is ono of tho most original and effective of public speakers Ho has served one term In tho House of Representatives a longer life In ofllc than most Massachusetts Demo- crats have been a bio to have In our time Ho knows n lot of men and things Among tho are American politics nnd history beginning And ho Is a good fellow If n term so familiar may bo applied to n scholar so respected If the Gold EVKRKTTH advice they should take him also Army Contract Surgeons A bill relief of tho acting assistant surgeons of the Army has been Introduced Into the Senate by Mr Foi KFn anti Is now before the Committed on Military Affairs The acting assistant surgeon g ncnillv called contract surgeons were employed during the Spanish war and miny of them are still employed In the Philippines and at posts In this country These surgeons are hired by thn month at tho rate of 100 they wear Army uniform without any badge or Indication of rank anti they perform all tho duties that regular Hur- ceons at larger salaries Accord- ing to tilt preamblo of Mr FOIIAKKits huh their contracts provided for quarters and presumably for commutation of quarters when lovermncnt quarters wore not furnished as well as for pay while on leave of absence either sick or ordinary hut nil of these allowances have been denied by tho Comptroller of tho Treasury Another loss tangible hut none the less Irritating grievance Is that owing to tho fact that contract surgeon are not com- missioned or even In the Army they are not eligible to membership In the Loyal Legion or oven In the Grand Army not to speak of the societies sprung from the Spanish war Senator FOKAREH alms to remedy these hardships The bill provides that hereafter nil con tract surgeons shall have the allowances nail privileges of Frt I leutenants except the pity which shall continue to a month It provides further that acting assistant surgeons appointed since May I 188 shall be paid for sick leave and for ordinary leave not to exceed thirty days In each year of service arid gives them the right to file claims for back pay for such periods of leave for commutation of quarters nnd for travel pay and allow- ances which may have been withheld from or not paid to theta Other sections provide that acting as- sistant surgeons appointed since May 1 1K b commissioned ns First Lieuten- ants the commissions to expire when they are discharged honorably those who have served a year to havo their commissions datud from the expiration of their first years service and on passing a physical examination to bo commissioned after two Kxtra pay Is al- lowed to contract surgeons on their discharge If thoy have nerved outside- of the 1nlted Htiites mind travel pay and allowances provided Tho lull gives to contract surgeons preference for appoint- ment In the Medical Corps of tho Army anti thn Navy and in thn Hospital Ser- vice and opens to them the National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers Tho bill IK very complete anal appears to to do full justice to the acting as lstant surgeons Theso medical men have proven their value In the field In Cuba Porto Ulco and the Philippines as well ns at tutu forts anti of this country They havo tire antI except for the ab- sence of the cross of St John from their collars have been Indistinguishable from the permanent Army medical staff The lull will not involve any large amount of money nnd Its passage will not create any other precedent than that of keeping a promise Wo sees no reason why tho bill should not pa- Ther I no dearth of nnnpoHticnl con- ventions In the South this year Mont- gomery conference of Miy 8 for the discussion- of rites problems under tin auspices of the Southern Society was followed by the Southern Industrial Convention In Chattanooga on May- IS for the more progressive and comprehensive I tory hal the mOl later for th are pot Fen Its are dropping lIft soems step the goat- skins 1O shall years service honor- able Mo rum The ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ development of material resources of States of the South and especially productive of coal andiron and are substituting manufacture for agriculture Thonnnual meet- Ing of the American An sedation was held In Uichraonil on May 2J to consider tutu conditions treatment nf- thin Insane anti to provide for the prworvii- i teachings and Dm deigning and construction of homes and liihlltutlons for the fpfbltmliiilod nnd Insane On July 7 In Charleston the Notional Ediicn- tlonnl Association ut which It In Mpected that over ten thousand persons will b attendance will meet to consider more modern method for tile educational interests In South The active or permanent members of the awool- alion number 2IOO In connection with tliu conference there will be an exlilblt of tcliool work Includingeome exhibits of manual train- ing The reunion of the Society of the Army of the Potomac will be held nt Fredericksburg Va to- day nnd on May 30 the reunion of the prate veterans will be held at Clre us a nfraoct lC nflnnat Knyulrtr Where are you goIng to him Take your Populist medicine nnd try happy It 1 not easy to estimatettmlfotiEDWAHD- Oiivnn WOLCOTTS actual political wrlcht on the Hopubllcan Presidential ticket with Wlir- MAM MCKINLEY renonilnated but to Vera phrase eliincua of tho astounded pnwHurers whom MARX TWAINS pilot Sir B had Ju t taken over the shoals the Colorado statesman would make a lightning candidate ItUfortunatsfor country that when It has a nervous discouraged pessimistIc anti complaining statesman in the Senate like the lion KUOKNH of Mama It should have In th sauna a calm renolute farseeing and putrlotlo Amorlcan of the Intellectual calibre nnd of JOHN C SPOONEB of Senator hALES argument tnt we should desist from expanding becoune some of our aucnu In Havana have committed fraud car- ried to Its logical conclusIon would the Now York municipal KO- Vfrnintnt because yesterday fits Comptroller tppcrted a defalcation on the part of a deputy 1robably no Am ricnn rtntesmin looked with urtHier instinctive aversion upon expansion than Senator SiooNWi and yet no ones Justf- tlcullon timid advocacy of U him bc n more fenrtilitnB and conclusive What means this dark snylng in the o ton Rtrordf- Spfakfr MVRlis h broken four fSTftt hilts JAMES JFrTEnsoN u uiilly right nrm and passion for order or Is the Massachusetts House of tlves an unuHiinlly unruly body hurt ImrmlcM nmu ement of talltlre about endlnt the Hon JACOBIS JonANNH COIUIETT to the Ilnuo of should recall ndinlrltu glances to tlie Oooai Issn NOON n Clilcaen lt that both He Is lirautlful and accomplished famed In many arts utid iti many athletic diversions butt he i epeclully wlorlous for his energy as a boxer Probably Mr NOOXAN who has pclenco and damnable could oiitbox any man In tlio present House but that may boa too partial opinion for tJicro are n number of tall men of their hands In It What become of that resolution to place m repair Dowey Arch Surely the committee realizes thnt mere good Intentiotm while tradi- tionally nervluble ns paving btoties ore yet of lliem rlvesqulto powerless to replace wooden beams and renew platelet panels liavo een matters BO from bnd to worss In Ms retirement nt Lincoln Col IlnrAX Is visible in holding aloft the floating sword of truth ntid juniioo for Iopu- llstlo ineaures butt the world knows that he U there und U grateful Hut inrdlcnl mon to euro bad enroot amnesia Hn- lins forgotten lib unfulfilled Prophecies of ISOfl and tins given up the prophetic linn Possibly the llainlnc sword Inward as well as the outward eye That thu Impossible On KAMH- HIlowiits Invaded Conncctkiit and is now trying to Unit oil Democratic conscrvatlvo reform rltlr ns of Nutmeirt to oppose iln empire To tli ndmlrern of consistency It Is trratlfvinj to eon that Cion SANta UOWLK- Hcontlnues his tong opposition to tie empire of According to the Atlanta nurnoMr EDWIX MARKHAM U recognized not only ts a poflt but n seer Is a new apostle of hu- manity Why this cold and measured praise Is not tin J GORDON Cooai ii rerociilzni- us 4 seer and a new uponlla of hu- manity IV SOVTIl AFRICA having evacuated their positions north of the Hhonost Illver lloers have talten the only left theta In the of the overwhelm Init numbers handled by Lord Itoberu and falllnc beck behind the Vnal What their In- tentions mny h after crosslnir thnt river are dlillrult todlicern nmld the confuslns comlne in from all dlreclons hut they regulated by p ssbln movements up the Vnnl from blow Klcrksdorp Already a Pretoria de ppntrb of u large Hrillsh force being nt- Iroyllnss Drift on the Vnal twentymo mil from WolmarnnsStnd which Isutout flftyflvs mill southwest of Klerksdnrp The contln a movement from Mnfeklne has aLso to bn taken Into account Meanwhile Iord Holwrts Is following up the retrentliuc lloers Infantry but at lust accounts had not come up with them at any point In Natal len Iluller from the lIner camp nt Volksrust to be fortifying Ms ad vancont Scliiilns llnocte one of the tlii British defeats In February isji while has rent a fore across the HufTaJo lilver from Incoco presumably to turn the left of the liner position nt lalncs Nek by tho road running north to Volforiut As IhU road runs under rngwanl 11111 which wo strongly fortified by lea Joubort nt tho outset of the war and through A rough country there may bo some brisk llehtlng before the lloers are forced to retire th more so as the Wakker Ntroom commando the locnl levy ha been brought up from the State to lake port In the defoncrt of their own ciUtrlct Somo fkhtlnif U uUo said to havo Inkon plnce nt llothos Pass directly west of Schulns lloonte on tlmrond loading Into tho Frio Stali This road makes straight for Vnili thirty mllos to the westward tho latest capital of hut Fret State Should Ion Iluller- Riieecod In forrlnc this thus positIon of the renmlnlnir hoer command In the country- to the southward heroine critical It already reported that the commando at Flcksburg has retired north Thn disaster that lw fel a squadron of Deth unns Hor last wits at Sih opers- Nek about eight miles southwest of Vryheld Tim whole of the squadron with UN officers five In number wnrwelther killed wounded uriiJ Arcording to the hoer account they were met by comrnnndo tin flglit- lnetln an hour at the end of which the llriilsh hAIl twentyseven killed twentyfive wounded end the rest with two Maxim guns worn capt- ured Tin liners report the nurprtsn of a Hrltlh patrol near Mount Prospect south of Lnlngs Xek In which thrtllritlih lot twen tyone klllnl anti wounded Numbers of floor families are said to he trekking Into tho moun- tains In the northern part of the Transvaal and the Government archives are belnm removed to Lydenburgh wher large stores of provisions have been accumulate also at a place called Spiloken further north all which are rather Indications of an Intention to continue tho ro ftlstanoe than of surrender The ftAtonMnli that Pretoria was to be abandoned again contradicted the matter will probablyrenioln In doubt until the last moment the such or the I Coned let ALl mora the of the lon un lon titus mm the of unable hIM never the of lon rumor pak of with cavalry und nuounited I reported the Icon or hit reo pass l to on Sllndnr or llpt also are the as era amid lion the calico MT1P5 an reach the Six mmuoiuths longer act art tIiI hurts arulateur has reason also and ito course tat are u4nmey his lieu biplunmi ¬ ¬ < ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ I A CARD rnon msnor irwrrtit- n nlal of a HUtmfat IU r lni Port Illco Attributed to Him by rather Sherman I To TUB KtiiTou or BmSiri In the inn rr rM of todny l a loiter by rather Klinnnn of humus CuthoHo hunch In- I whih ho His the public lint In my recent re- on Iorto Rico I Father Sherman and others hnvo told me stories of tho Im- inoriiUty of the people I have never made this Matonmnt I have new haul thn pleasure of meeting f on of my old and dar friend Gen Sherman Somu inontliH ago the lendlne papers of country publUliwi nn IntervIew with fntlier Sherman and It was to thl Interview which I riferrcd and which I have not o n denied by FalherShorman till now when I said Father Sherman and others have already told tho wd story Prominent r Bldentg of Porto Rico hove moro thn confirmed the statements of that pub llshed Interview The fact that multitudes of people are living together without Christian marriage owing to the poverty of the people anti their Inability to pay the marriage f eoi told me by ono who knows bvtter titan any one else the social con- dition of the Mand of Porto Rico If the moral condition of the Island and the Christian faithfulness of tho Itoman Cnthollo have been what Father Shermans letter would Imply no ono will rejoins moro heartily than myself Those who know me know that I have never in my Episcopate an attack upon any who lore the lord Jenus Christ I alluded the religious condition of Porto Rico In order to show the grave responsibility which rests upon all Christian people of the Unite Ktatcw to do nil In their power for the uplifting who In the providence of God have hewn placed under our care At the recent election tho condition of mif- f rngo wo that any male adult could who had paid a dollar tax the previous year or could rend timid write Oen DavIs Informed moo that fifty thousand votes were CRt of which one half belonged to each class Hn estimated that over eight hundred thousand people could neither rend nor write II It WniPPin Bishop of Minnesota FAitiDArtT Minn May 2- Oen Sheridan and Cedar Crrrk To vita EDITOR or TitrSLN Sir The Inter- view ot Dostnn with Ion B 11 Mntinlntr wherein hn accuses LleutGen Philip II Sheridan of wrongfully taking unto himself the credltof- unntchlntf victory from dcftnt at CeUir Creek eomi n lapse of thirtylive yetrs rather lute to influence any one In thrlr high regard for thnt rnllnnt cavalry officer And coming as It does from a QunrtfrmnsterOenernl who every soldier knows had nothing to do with the movements of the army It will have no tin history of that hUtorlenl buttle Out Sheridan had been to Washington und on his return had rested over night nt Win- chester heavy cannonading in tlia morning hnwas Informed an orderly that his troops were being engaged Mounting hb hors be tnndo his fnmon rid And ns hUtory truthfully records cattle up to his defeated and demoralized It wits duo to tho good geniTiillim nn l deliberate purpose of Imt the routed was nnnthxr rhiirgtMiiidniin the Ionfedernte n- Knrlv and victory won nt Cedar lnik Tlio oufedorain most determined Mniul st Mlddletuwn which was tho turning point In In reaching his soldiers wild Hoys 1 you will sleep In your old quarter that did was due to ien 1 WHS Mi eyewllniws to tilt biinrtrnl ivent being till orderly on him on all hi fninous nail kn w whereof I The jptult nf thn buttle was carturo of foryelKht pieces of artlllirv antI inOfJi prls oner- toncres1 cave n vote of thanks promoted him rnl that nf ion Manning nre nn- outrnce on tin hair niiiimnf a gallant which should riMiti l l v every fulr inlndeij viternn It rouM nlv emanate from n mind InsnlrtKl by y ngnlnst a innnder who never mil n weak ont In his makeup nnd who ivodnnl rwiuded by every siilnirdlnate WIIUAU HrnS- erceiuit Company K istli N V Volunteers Hfiisnv true story nf the Tnsi Jlntlny- TD TIIII Knmm np Tilt Sfv 5f Tie forts to thrallrcnl mutiny rn lh Trxii me ns allows Th t rrw rf the Tfxai 1J not mltlnJ t ills lutNincf wnsronftnul a trw lmlTirtii TI rosa had attraily teen tflnl liy irrn r l rourl nutlUI tx furs irirllrc this port and Ills hurt whirl i i h- prnt n by ifffrf to lirnfial CmutMititt Outer No r l urd by rsr Admlml rirciuhir that Ire lortt Inn nf rnnnnrmriit nwardril t ro years Mil tiol fife years It l nt true that the w Ir a rorilltton of titintillnnllon during the whole tronil what there ef It was irate by fry woiiM t tough men Also whnr rfors tlir chief Ilty nfflrfi quotfd ff M authority sy what Navy Drpaitmrnt thinks bout this matlrr and what his authority to state that the xrmtlvr ofllrrr nf thy threatened to Tfport the Incident Ilfpaitmfnv Not rt ro mulch n thlnf hid b n heard on bcmnl tied the rxrrntlvr ulUirr Is not likely to nuke a ron fldanl nf n chief petty mel on such a Mibjrct The Incident rfrltnl ilifr ln In rrgnra to the boa- tswains mate not b Vn bring klllnlnt OnlTnton doss not concern the iKlongMtntlif Maclilav anti the kllllnir was dune M the rnplaln of a lurnl susanne The the officers nattilli the men inure trouble Is In nty opinion of a gh st story nnij rosa look belaying taint Kry M nnd started to rlfir the Is A t re tloii doubtful the mister nt tm recelred virh an otter as to shoot msn disobeying ordcis ni- statM Thf was no occasion such n desperate measure In teisra to the statement of the thIef petty offi- cer whoflMms to hive In lila hand levelled at his fellow man anti the at rms o with a Run talwiltoflreatthenrM n be tItan the hMlu- clnattons of jsoine ftim of tope and hh stntemcnt that he fhlvernl as lie illdnt nt unntaimmi u IH very true th t lie dlilnt at Juantanamn and probably cooling hl tieel oii some rerelflng ship In Inltnl States punt It Is very doubtinl If this diet petty officer wltnewit this conn msrtlM and s a chief petty fifflcer my elf I t h to Ute that there Is not n petty officer on board this revel fund there ale ijiite A number who would be Riilltyof tucli nn at tnck on tilt rrpntatlon anti character of his ship- mate The writer l Informed by two of the men who wit- nessed use performance The Hunawny evening In that the rest I upon them as If they were wild least consequence of the senvittonal articles which were the yesterday Theee same men rud stood their gun oil when the Mayors of our cities wrre telegraph Inr to the I Daiunrnl for lu protect their hubs und thin I their reward withheld AS the Nary rrcul tlons Are nrmrifhat strict In regent to correspondence with newspapers butt wishes to nature of THE l WAS Attached to the Tcin flare anti niter Incidents of which mulch has brtn and a position to know the fart A PKTTY npncna U a a TexAKlaV Italy Na y Yard NPW YonK liar 24 The Twelfth N O N T To run EPITOII OF Tim svxsin luring rotlcedtn Till Htrx In regard to theTwrinh Itejt bents NO SYconduct tOeedmnor I In say that If all the other regtment were as good AJ the thy woublbe rUht the lAin fell In toirents on Saturday It A the men were wMsVey ot which I have ro doubt hull them At all A they only did an to keep up their rierres and to iteAdy their tuna Sums claim that drank besets hut any man ulthcommon setue couLd see that If theydrnnk to lire they could done such goo ho and irsrcn Fifth ateniie on the home s straight as A pots I think O l Hyer le such A good record for his nelment As medals Is concerned I think nil A WILUAH II liixrj Moral Flush and Joker Torjifl EDITOR op TUB Strwsfr Why wailt tint possible for the winner of th 111000 pot to have held A royal flush and Judge Howard four accxt An the tame Is pluyed In tome parts of the Writ the Joker constitutes A flfib ace and I remember nightly I n Te wen the ntth ace u ed In York TTIANK ALvmcrv IsmmKMDBMcr Col MAr u It l uue there Are numerous corruptions the noble poker being the worst hut fortu- natelr that Is itlll so rare that unless specifically men- tioned It Is not to be counted In Dectilon Ileiti With the Committee on Admit To TIm would the others object to Stef en Satan of our city T W II 3 PASiAtc N May 20 Till I port I the tIll was linN made to or people after hpl1rln on I Ill rill I h IIrm t nnll ILflr the On SherIdan tl Irotu I an Gen Slrdaui Ion n > md I WII I S a 0 A I II I it Whrr dOM rt hl TIM At Il the roan kill IIIInd Mal liD run uPiemeflt nil a 01 alt b AIM Nay 1 Th writer to that name tie made ti III liP alur lIlY Twelfth all ICU an nimurir hal lnlt hlante u war 1 as falsely rlllnr An dmtre ot Twelfth U EDITOR OPT1UI5CIfSI I J the iaIi pritsuliood and this vote len I macdo haul I totiight mel 1 len slant the itaior ut I rae corn A its was as stated crew trots was the suppose he chit his NOv IbIs vesseL ss yarn obut a the thut the cftcer us tilt move- ment hIs ther was at all Out teal passers baits mtu I nhliett requlest his the a en wIsh know donut a tar his the ttegtnruen- t1EwYoRmt May New game of the oker ton ¬ ¬ < < < > > > ¬ > A SPANISH COLONY REVOLTS Spain send lUtUllon ol Troopi From C dli to Fernando Po The largest anti Ont of the volcfltilo Wand in tho lulf of Oulnia Is Feriiiindo Po whose nurfncn mostly mountainous ha ntiout half flit area of our Ions Island It Is the only considerable Hand If toSpnln In Atbutlo- eiscvpt the Cnimrlttt few hundreil Spanish rolonitls butt Is of large tl vcl- oimient All the cultivated tropical plants llourUh In the rich lowland nnd those of tlio- Ininprrntn ronf do finely on the tnlddl slopes- of llm mountains Tim plantations of cacao mmar nntl tubacm mostly developed by Ctibnn fow of whom art now In thus Island as they preferred to return to their nn- tlvo land when penultted to do so Today tlio tipitnlsrdii there are in a state of revolt ntttilnst the homo OoT rnm int A de- spatch from Madrid about four an- nounced battalion of soldiers hud ben finlinrkiid from Cadiz for the Wand upon the iinnouncwment of its Governor that troops were ur ntly needed The Aofonfal Zrittrhritt gives this history of thn trouble It says that many of colonists haul liwn- ninltreallns their negro workmen bronchi from tho neighboring coast of Ilrlllsli- Guliiea and the blacks appealed to Hcflor Puerto Governor of tho Island who after In- vestigation decided that tho accused persons wore In the wrong and tined theta 125 each Encouraged by the success of their first appeal the natives complained to Governor a sec- ond time though they now hart no serious trie v- tineeK The Governor however Inclined to fa Torthem advised them not to return to tholr muter gave them work on the Kimboat and pontoons at WailS higher than they hnd receiving Then the other black workmen encouraged by th sueo n of their comrades abandoned the plantations and factories nnd asked the Gov- ernor to glvo them work Thoy would not lis- ten to his advice to return to their employers Governor profited by the presence of an Kngllsh tenm hln to send all the malcon- tents back to the Guinea coast Th plantation owners and merchants who were thus deprived of their laborers and other employees addressed Governor rRelnlinBua A They told him he hud used tinino and power of Spain to In- flict great Injury upon them He had acted most unjustly by Interference with the im- ported Ubornrs upon whom they were wholly tiepend nt for Hold hands They declnred that they had enouch of Spanish domination Infonnutlon also come to tho Governor that till ipknltrs Imd held a meeting and had voted to appeal to ono of the Powers either England or fiorniany to place the Islanil nnd their inter eats Its protection This meeting lied nppolnnil a committee to formulate and for- ward this appeal Gov Dunnas nt onoo arrested several of the men who to be leaders In this move mont nnd Imprisoned thorn on a gunboat A few liar later however he thought It discreet to rtlcnsn then ns the frellnc ngalnsf him and theSpimNh n Rlmi was wry bight and ho feared troubles which as he was very weak In a rrllltnry sense he aught bo unable to over coin e This Is reason thnt troops have ntraln been sent to a Spanish colony It Is well known that Oonnanv would be very happy to take Fer- nando Po under her wins The German colon- ists nt the Cameroon on the mainland nre unnnlmnu of opinion that It would be to their nilvnntnce to annex the beautiful Island to their rolon- yniK rxciTAOR OP llOYDS Mn Truth In the humor That the Secretary of the Trrnsnrr Would Saipond It WAHIIIX ITON May 2 Owing to a rumor cir- culated m Wull Strict yesterday that the See reinrynf tlnTreaiurv would suspend the ex bonds the Tronmry has received In tliola clnys 5MlK j worth of bonds for ficlianue There Is no miti In rumor When the Sec- retary of tItus Ireiisiiry decides to give notion hat suili n Kiifpcnslon will b miid he will rle tint thai tin greatest b given to the inntt r banks end will uav time to exchnnttn their lioiuls linfori is stopped The Secre- tary ha llm i wpr under to the nurlmnirn or hut said today thor In tins no Intention ol any no tIt tu thu fleet When ho does It will b for hue inirpo uof thn of ex hurried In over live millions of bonds the last two days when iertoforp the nveraBtfor some past lin IIM than million a day loilny for was 31MSOO- lltill estt J2400100- T r SILK The Oleomargarine Interest Sptaki To vita EDITOR OP TUB SCN Sir The letter published In this mornings Sum from the Chnnaugo County Committee on Correspond once of the FlveStatosMUk Producers Associa- tion lends us to request tim courtesy of your columns for our views of the subject from tho- olifomnrgarino standpoint The recent statement of materials used In the production of oleomargarine In the United States for the year 1889 furnished by the In- ternal Hovonuo Department to the house of llprosontatlven shows the following Ingredl Milk J4ZBOSTS pounds Cream 1817410 pounds huller laws prohibit the manufno oleomnrgnrlne the Now York farmers ibid not furnish of the above When oleomargarine was In Now York fifteen years ago milk metier Thus law benefits llm commission merchants und the producers of milk York Stats doe not produce BufTlcii nt butter of iinu fluidity for the New York city market which Utica of butter to five tubs of New York nmke I he following extract from 1MI5 re- port of Iho lion deorgnW Roosevelt Consul to Brussels llilglum deserves the consideration of all producers Sometime flnfe France tent A delegation to lid land for the purpose ofstiidylnc the methods em- ployed there rf frauds In butter mAKlngr anti A I to ascertain If the manufACture of margarine oleomargarine buttrrlne Me to atrlriilttital Interest The report contAlns Ailestatlnnot seven Mayors of mmuninfs In south- ern llollnnd bat since the Introduction of the maiKnrtne Industry In that country not only hn nllk Increased number of cattle which plainly show that the Industry In que tlnn has rKCi me A totters of profit n the farmers JIUISBV Crrv May 21 AUMON InusoM A CourtM rtlnl for To TUB KIIITOII or Ten Sfv Sir Tho author- ity of tho tnlti l HUitos over Cubit Is nt prwont- a military protwtornt and although certain ttinporarlly nppolntml ofllrers Includlne NVly are charged with civil functions thny are none the loss nrnrimblo to discipline or punishment If guilty by tlm military IKIWT by which they wiro nppolntotl Cuba Is a foreign Stato- Uiuporarlly und r protwilon by military au- thority until Ibu i n civil free from foreign protection If tnl trite why nntiot an nppointeo of Un mllltarv tried by B eourtmortlal lii ta wiHA ii civilian who ls u or any otluT camp follower The which appoints should have the to any offence which could not have lx n committed eirvpt the i Ankiiiii nf tho power cnnferrid by uiu M wcr If this viiw In kounil in Nwly or any other icii hi can tried bv H ourlmnrtlal whenever and ha cnn Iw brought l fore court hut of stradlilon rufti Involve the cssn In illfllcultl Swift punlshmint for peculations by appoint uimiT our should coin mllltnr courts The tnltod States i iirt hue held that n citizen who hat nn order of the calllnu omit the militia bo tried n court martial and thnt such a court need ortraiilid under thn Artlclei of War MAY i J C C ImlUtlre lain Dmltr ISA great ImllAor lie c n his hint e drlnV from a bottle I suppose be has rften wen his roaster do that Stun Prom IM Ananv Ktmlng Journal A for Ur HAM bit political nice prove UM- h Jodffc It has wetuk ago that n the the lie himself bOOn a to the In said fresh the a t hue unulyu cit iuliio wet e lIes ancteti the toot lie tinder vere the ehtruce if nub hoods for the new 2 pr cent two 8 the tub nit tinth of hurryIng tIn lIt rumor has lit tires tent a QUESTION emits itsed ises3ba pound A the New Tonic turn of anti tuai been tavuira the tu0 to g the mtre of A eely 1uSl riiuiueut t 1t lie lii hit IrIg t such ut anti no qimes remit not Io Ioi the Cterlaif luiohms dog stand lost end 1 will mass a fair and honest ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ < < FATE OP TIIK OROADWAr TIIKK3 It Will Take Cash to H T ThemAppolrt- mentt by llupld Knclnetr The Itapld Transit Commissioners KITI another henrlnit yesi rdny iiietntMrs of that Vst Ind lilversldn Park anti lorniin Mi Park n oclulliiis wIlts nre nnxlnus to ha s- thi trees In tho inldtlli of thn llroitilvritv wits saved from Injury by thin tunnnl diik i They more niipnrmitly not with tlm T vision In lh llnpld Transit contract by nhiS John II McDonald must s t out a in- tho placi1 nf every old rimovnl or hlroved want tilt old trees prc err i Ono tUtu thny suctfostoil was twoelite ntls Instead of ono central tunnel They went nut prepared to the e trn money cost They worn u contract hml signed unit o uld nut be nltnn il Yrstordny uiiBeijt- hnt the old bo ln tun bunch afliT tunnel wits dug of this would bo lre ldiMil tjrr them thin the nut rtilj upon to do tint provided for in im- eontrnct nnd that tlin Coinmiv- hlonen could riot any trmrn mon n tunnel work thin was itutlmr ri lie however thnt Ihn oiiiiuiss would In save trros If any powiti KUT could be Miicensled fiillnwlnc to thn Huff o Chief Engineer won mndi VILI i P I Iullls photorrApher 7 A month Kittil- DnvlInC mid Inspectorti n y C V lower snub C II aMll neers lsiniAyenr T C Noble nml A Mil draunhtsmen lno ChArles lldenbiirg IIAIITM mart llftuU J T Kane drauKhuman transltman IISOU K A Walsti V DunMng Joseph P IUnU and Henry Hurikle r j men IB 0 William I Jay oiemnu 7n The photographer Is einnuit from civil er vice Ho U to holuKrui s of the different sections of oxcuvut the work and the pictures will U Ketit as part of the rtcordi- WTVAfj LIFK ArPKALS TO COMIHKSH Ask It to Take to Obtain a llerocallnn of the Order lUrrlno It From WASHINUTOS May 54 President K- McCtirdyof Item Mutual Ufo Insurance t in of New York and Ion Pracy onunei f the company appeared before Ibo llon i- inlttee on Intciitlato and Foreign Cominnr this mornIng to tIres that Congrem M o steps toward securing the revocation of order ot Aug 14 1805 by which iii company wits disbarred from doing hu lnivH In Kingdom of Pruwla len Tracy rcpr seated that In US8 the company husi ness In Berlin under concession or ll ou e iiy the Government purchns d property in Prussian bonds and opened brunilns throughout After subjoetinc tiie company tu A sorlw of mil apparently Intendndto it in country arbitrarily yoked Its barring It noss In hits Kmplre Jen Tracy tharcforn sub mlttrd Ihnfollovdng resolution n oltriJ That the of Slate be and hf It requsted to take all steps whlrh mar necessary and to obtain from the Kurrintnr t of the Kingdom ot 1russla A revwatlnn ot the orje- tf Aue H 105 which the prlrllrite of inn acting business tn tlml lilnk lom WHS withdrawn the Mutual Ule Inaurnce CompAny of New Vir The resolution was referred to a Hubcorn InvostlKntlon antI report CAPT araowAX AT FAVIT Court of Inquiry Says Hn Did Iierclie- Prnprr Discretion tn Shooting a IlllptnaW- ASIIIKUTON May 24 Tho Court of Inquiry consisting of Hear Admirals Hodgers Cotton and Terry appointed to InvesttcnM klillnc of a Filipino native at Onu by Cnpt John McOowan then commanding the monitor Moimdnock submitted thin report to the Sec- retary of the Navy today The Court finds that C pt MoOowsn did not exerciso proper discretion In shooting and that ho was at fault In not reporting the death of the Filipino to the CommandnnHnChlnf of this The Court fluids aLto that Capt provision for the thn widow of the deceased Illiplno- A court martini is recommended and will bo ordered Thn Court of mot at the WoshliiKton Yard anti Cnpt- McGownii who wait ordered home leave was In attendance Hn said that after hi given strict orders to allow no native bo N to approach the beicuusn nn wero BniUKBllnff liquor to the enlisted nasa the Filipino on the ship MvGowan fired a shot from friehlenlnir this native but the bullet elnncd striking the Filipino arid mortally woundlnc him HAKXA NOT TO KKSWX- IU Will Conduct the Campaign If hits Health Continue to Improve WAsni OTOv May 24 Senator Ilanna n1d today that ho had not authnrlznd state- ment that ho would resign the chairmanship of the Republican National Committee and that the publication was mode entirely without unv authority It Is well known here that Henatnr henna has no desire or Intention to reditn management of the campaign If his health will permit him to assume the work Me has a sentimental d flro to hake for reflection anti ho will do so if his health continues to Th President Is especially nnxlous that Mr Hanna ehuuld contlnuu us and luu many times said that If his Influence run rttsln M- rIlnnnns serviette It be use i against avery thlntf except doctors orders Tlm report that ho will rslKti Is accompanied bv statement that tins The fact Is that Senator Jlnnnas tn uril lsH chalky deposit In the knnn Joint which ts pain- ful In n measure lifters hi general health Kxpein for this ailment he Is in Bond spirits Speaker Henilemnn the ITrslilent nut lat tho lions This Sesilnn- WASIIINOTON May 24 At the request of thi President Sponker Hvndnr on called nt lh- Whlto llousn nnd a oonfereneo upon pnndlng- ItflMntlon was held Thn Pr ldiiii It that Hoots lull to rein ganio the army which tins pawed the Senate should ba of Imforo Coiiurixs au but tho Speaker exiroHi Ml tbn opinion that the mpn ure not Iw ready for to the llousn In limn fur fluid at his The Iorninllten on Milltiiry MTnlrs which hnx It under tonsldiratlnn IIIIH i wiinnfd fur- ther on It until Monday only nbotit u w air before th rtnli mont of Concrrpss anncepiitid Indlnntlon that no report will b mad Ht pmnuit al r- Ilendersiin exprcsrd tIe opinion that no ru lion will bn iHken on Ihn Army bill biforw the n it SPSHIOII of t lomress American taint Against Foreign Statel to Hi llrnaght to a Nettleiupnt- WASnivdTiv May 24 Mr Morgan Dm Ala read In thn Snnito todiy an oflli lil letter to him ilf from tin Serritnry of Sin with remark hat It wits to the Administration and woe Important to clnlmnnls ngnlnst foreign governments This letter refers to clilms of Amnrlenn dtlznw- ngnln t Nieara other Stales anti UVH As soon n It Is possible to du M It U tho fio w of tint to bring to a settle innnt In como form of every meritorious claim of Amrricnii cltUrns aguinNt n ment even tfioueh It t tune of long standing Proposed AntlTruit Legislation WASIIIXIITON May 2 Hepnxenlatlvn Hay of New York chnlrman of the llousn Judiciary Committee ti diy Introduced a risoliitlon to take up ibe joint rosoluilon proposing an anti tni l ninendmcnt to tho Contltutlon Imno Din of hue rxtoltitlnn d bite to M i ut 1 oclock when the vuto Hbnll b luketi Al o that llous thnShnr Anntrust law hhnll bn taken tin after the nbovc rpHiilutlon wilfi mlnutcH cenernl dobitn on either skin tlm considered under the fiveminute rule anti tla vote taken on Saturday June 3 nt f P M rowing lung at the A e of 100 From lrvittm Krenino Jnvrnat- BAB lUiinon Me Mny 12 Nornmn Hjilllnrfi of fleer MeN He exhibits Iniilcn thin nf rctiirrlng vigor that or eonxtderid nn r- vellotis lllsjiivesight for yenrs wn wi f l li that hu bail to use tn t if glL ne arid r he rtifs not u i iierUiclnx HVn to reul ll gull ab u without tlm ut of nr v nii i s lameness und gutn lh n nit remnrknblw evidence of youth lulu lilt hair Hnlllngsn iair igan U fall out and gradually fell rvcorji In the la t fnw months his hair I u at 74 years Transit to Itt tar suit I itd IcS I ri t rots i lust tu0 thl t iat I ii t rots I Its I hit ci Itt tuii cant root or ennui I I anTi liittll it uiiiud I ilk t lie appoint nuents John 4 I Ii- I Ito Steps Prussia pan take the began love tel the Ionic lioti exit Cl icr d nit t r beret ti ire mittee for Not the McGowan made support the his Into the water with the iniertion if lie the charge of the coii will lit Cl uiiiitlu arid ARM IfZtOIWANIZATIOV 11111 Till titan Is aid was dcsirnitut Secretary ii rrid tot oru t don next tur otirn nrtutmulza lion I t hue Ii lulls crtuji hut us sail Oil ui s till 1 riulay J tune t hit hdil arrututu ill ng inn a I turtle hurl 14 ICC rear oil St ri Ilk IV 0 utlfintss i ars ago Mr out ni tiuncthrht has Started to grow and tie certaInly growing ooung again and feels a Ourul new > < ¬ < > < ¬ < > 0 0k J t it I f I p t e a a t I y f a 0b F a h P ItI B h r g S C

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Page 1: THE 1900 4mt BmSiri Port Ont - · JSBT THE SUN FRIDAY MAY 25 1900 I Tx I 4 3 I I 1111M FRIDAY MAY 25 1000 KmtMcrtpttnnt br Mill Fortpatd-PATLTpw Month O




4 3 I

I 1111M

FRIDAY MAY 25 1000

KmtMcrtpttnnt br Mill Fortpatd-

PATLTpw Month O 5O-


PAT AND BUNDAY per Year 00AMD SUNDAY per Month 70

countries addedTun Stf New



JA i moqut Vo U near Or nJ Hotel and

KKwrM Wo 19 Douletard den Capodne-

It fvr fritrvli rV far w manwerOpM for

pvttfeoffe uM to AOH nltftKi ariltlii nturntt fA y-

muK n alt casH nd stamp tor l tal purpo-

MWldriprrnd GuiltIn fit Louts on Wednesday another de-

fender of law and order was murderedDUNCAN McIUE A special policeman pro-

tecting n street car Its operators and Its

passengers WM shot while performing III

duty This killing of a man crowns theriotous outrages upon the street car com-

pany and the general public of St Louta

which have covered practically the enttrline of travel for nearly three weeks

Responsibility for Uils murder doen notrwt wholly upon the shoulders of the crim-

inal who fired tho shot Tho spirit of

has been cheered on by organizedlarge and by tho weak and shortflightedemotionalists who look sympathetically on

abuses of right nnd property when the manguilty of them to a labor union

or has loss money than tho victim of his

assaultsSt Ixmls Is struggling stoutly ngalns

disorder which these unfortunate Influenceshave begun and promoted The citysefforts to protect Itself should have tho sup-

port of every man in Anif rlca

Filipinos Do Not Wnnt IndependenceGen BCIIWAN says In his Interesting letter

on conditions In the Philippines that theeducated natives havo no faith In thefitness of their people toand for the most parr Americanrule and that the great muss of the peas-

antry tleslro American or any otherwill give them peace and order A

pArt of both classes however nroafraid openly to declare In favor of Ameri-

can thoy know that tho In-

surgent leaders with a small follow-

ing have In past Inflicted and mayagain visit the barbarous crueltiesupon men and women whofall Into their hands

This statement wholly In line with thntof President SomriiMAN in his recentaddress before tho American GeographicalSociety declared that the Filipinos nevernaked for independence from Spain butpresented grievnnres demanded redressand that since the Mauds passed Into ourhands Independence has been the shibbolethmerely of n few ambitious leaders whilethe masses tired of war crave only peaceand thn aspirations of the most Intelligentclass will be satisfied with religious libertycivil rights and such extension of thofranchise as the people are capable ofexercising

Tlieto vf ws nre further confirmed by theable correspondent In the Philippines of thoKrcninp Ifift who said in a letter whichthat newspaper printed on March 10 last

They the rillilrosl nrr ijulteopen to Immxllate-

Mtlltmcnt at nay almg Uldly American llnespolitical freedom Alit rllirlotis fredlum Politicalfreedom does nut necessarily min absolute politicalIndependence The best InformMlon thit I get us-

Mirea me that Is plot demanded mid Is not


The touching spectncln of Ntjoormo peoplefighting for the luilep mlcncp of coun-try has In rut wholly evolved fromthe Imagination of tho Agulnaldo partyIn the 1nited States Thn Filipinos hannot asked for Independence do want Itand would not know what to with l

The remedy they do want for the evils tlnyhave suffered for centuries is to 1 foundalong tho linen of the American policy iwIndicated by the Philippines Commissionprotection for lifo and property religiousfreedom and local polfgovernrnont whereover the people are capable of exercising It

The nifTlciiltles of AntiTrust Legis-lation

Every polltlcnl which candi-date In tho field at the Presidential electionthis year wilt havo something to say in Itsplatform against trusts Timof defining the precise thing whichIt Is Intended tn denounce makes on-

nntitrust plunk safe enough for anybodyNo one tan sny that It will lend toward anyparticular nwthod of procedure In dealingwith the commercial combinations whichare the objects of ntrtiek trust Is a hadthing Into It Is tho substaticoof the politicians reasoning on tho subject

In thn rictiit debate In the Senate onArmy Appropriation lull Mr UtiitiiY ofArkansas proposed nn amendment pro-

viding that In making purchases for theCommissary Departmentbo given nil other things including priceand quality bilng to those producersmanufacturers merchants and dealers whoare not members of or In anyway connectedwith any trust or combine formed to

manufacture or sell the articlesWhich are lining contracted for and pur-

chased by the Commissary Pepartmrtit forthe military service The debate whichfollowed showed how crude anti illdtillicdare the ideas of represontniivn men in thonational legislature In regard to the tritecharacter of trusts

Wr llrnitv hlm elf may have an accuratepicture In his own mind of what constitutesn nit but when Invited to tell theby Mr Purr of Connieiieut mid Mr-

SKWHU of New Jersey lu could only referto the Sherman law anti was obligedconcede that thin description f n trust Inthat statute was lnsiirtlrit nt The Shermanlaw denounces ns Illegal every contractcombination In the form of n trust or other-wise or eonplruey in rrxfruinf n1 Incur nrcommerce mining the several States or withforeign nations Hero It tony well be snldthat the restricted element of the forbiddencombination Is n public evil whUh it Isproper that the law should prohibit HutMr ItEnKVB proposed amendment to theArmy Appropriation bill would prevent tiltCommlssaryCieneral from dealing withany combination of persons or corporatloas formed in produce manufacturesell the nrticles which the inverntnentdesired to buy although the combinationmight rxerclse no restraining influencewhatever upon trade or competition AsWM pointed out by Mr STEWART of Ne-

vada the language of the amendmentwould prevent the military authorities ofIbe United States from purchasing any

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good from partnerBlilpii and yet nobodyerlounly ndvocutw any Huoh prohibition

The trouble with all these matters soldthe Senator from Nevada In that you

thn Rood with the evIl I said In thobeiflnlnjf that the difficulty vnn In drawingthii proper line I havo never been able todo It nnd nobody ha been able todn itTho only remedy that I have ever scent thatwould be effective In conietltloii W-

Hhould pass no law giving oxcluslvo privlloge comfmlltlon bo untrammelled anda free people will soon rid themselves to aRreut extent of triwU

After Senator InotTon of Vermont hadpointed out that tho law now limits the purohofllnif oflloor to buying Army suppliesfrom the lowest bidder and had Intimatedthat Mr HEHIIVB purpose In offrrlng thoamendment won merely to place the Repub-

licans at a disadvantage becaiwo they didnot belIeve that could thus be exter-

minated the proposition was rejected byof 20 nayn to 18 yens

It Hhould bo noted that in the courso of

th debato Senator SEWKII of Now Jerseyhad tlin temerity to say a Rood word Infavor of two of the greatest trade combi-

nation now In exUtoiice tho Standard Oil

Company and the Sugar Trust The Stand-

ard Oil Cotn any ttld tho General haslit up tho world at a cheaper than ItspredecoBdorn ever did nnd ooalledSugar Trust cheapened the price ofsugar ovary day since tho combination andhM been a benefit to tho wholo world andparticularly to the United fitatee

The difficulty of dealing with great tradecombinations by legislation Is appreciatedin quarters where such breadth of viewmight hardly be expected liven Much aHorUHstlo leader as KUORNR V DRIIS refusesto Join In tho howl at the Republican partyfor not making and enforcing moro anti-

trust laws In a recent Interview at Cleve-

land ho Is quoted as sajingMuch bus raid against the Republican

because of tie great combination of capitalthe IMI toil years but In reality the party Is not re

Invisible for that at alt at least not directly ThisCieit concentration li but A natural step In the prog-

ress of efenu hut It raltht perhapi hafe been

retarded to some eitent by lef IMMIon mlf hi aswell legislate against the force of gravity That therewill be concentration Is certain question 11

whether It will be controlled by a few Indlf or

and for the bsnetlt of the people at large

If anything Is attempted however In thoway of lawmaking by Congrehi or in anyState against the trusts tho greatest onrowill have to b tuken to avoid putting downthe In endeavoring to putt down fluehad A prccUo definition of tho tradecombination which U to he deemedunlawful will bo essential That defini-tion must not include partnerships orcorporations deslifned to malto money Intho ordinary methods that have been sanc

for years by tho customs of tho mercommunity Tho element which is

to constitute Illegality must be distinctlyIndicated Thla can be done In a statuteIf tho statute is drawn with sufllclenteuro It was done In a Judicial tieddon when tho courts of thU State dis-

solved tho North HlvorSugar Itellnlng Com-

pany for Joining tho Sugar Trust on thoground that it was n violation of law for amanufacturing corporation to enter Into npartnership rite only effective legislationngubiiit trusts will bo found In tho enact-ment of some simple rule like this capable-of comparatively easy enforcement-

In dealing with this subject Congress willhave to take caro whom It hilts Them Isdanger lest It tread on tho toes of tho farm-er There WILl organized recently at Abilenetilt Knights of thu Soil Each lodge Iscalled n Head Farm nnd Is presided over bya Head Tanner Tim purposes of tho or-

ganization are thus stated-It Is In a trust In which farmers of

the Vest are lobe Interested Members are tu make re-

porti to the Supreme Harm or I dZ AS required bythe head officers of the of acres of glren grainsraited and tbe crop II Is proposed thatthe lidge shall help their members to hold theirgrain for higher prices and that there shall be mutualassistance given t j those who are In need

A similar combination of manufacturerswould bo regarded in Kansas M n highlyobjectionable trust which should bostamped out by law But wo havo fre-

quently observed that It makes u greatdeal of difference whose ox is gored

The Transformation of Methodismlimo abolition of tho system of Itinerancy-

by tho Methodist General Conference onWednesday affords another among many

the very great change whichhilLs coma over Methodism of recent years

Following time of the ApostlesWKSIIIY IU founder travelled aboutpreaching his doctrines anti would con

no one place longer titan a fewdays Lay preachers commissioned by himas helpers wore tilso appointed to cir-

cuits In the early of this countrythnt Itinerancy gave Methodism a greatndvitrtago over the religious denomina-tions with stationary pastors and coneminently It rapidly developed into the mostnumerous of the Protestant launches

have found by long and constant expe-rience paid WESLEY that a frequentexchange of teachers U best This preacherhas ono talent that another No ono

ever know has all the talents which areneedful for beginning continuing and per-fecting tho work of grace In a whole con-

gregation That is the Methodist preachcrH worn organized as missionaries

after flit plan of tho special religiousorder of preaching monks the inisoloners of the Itniuun Catholic Church

This system of the itinerancy gave toMellmdUm a distinctive feature In Protes-tantism anti contributed essentially to Itsprogress In this country moro especiallyAs the system developed along with thogrowth in population tho length of hate for-

a preacher to remain in the same chargewits gradually extended from six months toono year to two years to three years nndfinally In isss to live ywirs and now bytho decision of the Oeneral Conference onWednesday tilt time limit Is abolished alto-gether Tho llishop presiding over localconferemo will Hill mako the appoint-ments annually hut new nile leavesto Ills discretion tho matter of n transferand permits tho retention of pastors bychurches desirous of keeping thorn Howit will work practically Is problematicalIn tho Bishops Address to tho GeneralConference they reported thntof twelve years under the last exteaslon ofthe limit from three to five years hadshown that actually the average duration-of tho pastoral term hail been Increased

slightly If at nil and practicen small proportion of our pastors

remain In tho sam charge for five yearsTlin Bishops advised therefore either a j

return to the three years limit or theremoval of the time limit altogether

The desire for more permanency In pas-

torates comes urbanchurches anti their pastors butt in SewYork at least where Methodism Is notrelatively 10 powerful as elsewhere ita-












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character as compared with the earlymodel has changed very radically Tho

plain meeting house of the past huts gIven

place to pretentious church architecturetumid with havo como In

worldly tastes and ambitions among tho

Methodists They are no longer u peculiarpeople tumid tho Hithuslastlu fervor which

once marked their devotional exercisesIs now retarded ns being bad mannersWKSIFY would hardly reco nlo them forMethodlstsfor tlw Kravo mid limnblo-

inlndrd pcoplo to whom ridicule gao theirdesignation because of thulr plain and

innthodlciil manner of life Thu day has

arrived against which ho warned huts

disciples when wealth having como In atthe door religion has flown out at thewindow

Even In the rural districts the distinguish-ing features of Methodism during Its firstcentury have passed away largely Tho

campmertlngs train which It drewpowerful stimulus In this country havo

lout their old character antI become coltand tamo nnd haw been to agroat extent nnd tho chill has checked time

growth of Methodism Moreover tho seepticism Introduced by scientific criticism oftho Scriptures entered Into its theolog-

ical seminaries Its ministry Methodlath ambitious of social advancement arediscontented with the methodical life andIts mirroundlngs and Intomore fashionable churches As the Bishopssay In their Addrosa the seriousness of

largely forgotten Its opportuni-ties of usofulness unoccupied and tho loveof tho passing world gaining In masterfulfleas Onco Methodists wore distinguished-by tho plainness of their attire tho aus-

terity of their hIves and tho piety of theirspeech hut that day has gone by

abolition of tho system of the Itin-

erancy on Wednesday Is only tho latesttoward tho complete transformation of theoriginal Methodism which Is now going on

A Voice for WarDr 1tJJAM EVKJIETT of Massachusetts

Gold Democrat anti goldenmouthed oratoremerges from too long a silence to say thathis voice Is Ktlll for war Ho will not haveIlnvAN Ho will not have MrKiNinr Hoadvises tho Sold Democrats to constructn platform ind name candidates of theirown which shall stand for tho traditions ofthe fathers needs of hour and thus

claims of posterityDr KVKIIETT loves to bo In the minority

and the smaller tho minority the greaterhU Joy He wants air and freedom Hn

had rather wander In sheepskins andthan to ho chief and captain We

dont know how other Irreconcilablesthere nro for Is too goodarid HnvAv too bad but they could find nomorn brilliant positive and courageousleader than this santo WILLIAM EVEIICTT-

Ho is ono of tho most original and effectiveof public speakers Ho has served one termIn tho House of Representatives a longerlife In ofllc than most Massachusetts Demo-

crats have been a bio to have In our timeHo knows n lot of men and thingsAmong tho are American politics nndhistory beginning And ho Is agood fellow If n term so familiar may boapplied to n scholar so respected

If the Gold EVKRKTTH

advice they should take him also

Army Contract SurgeonsA bill relief of tho acting assistant

surgeons of the Army has been IntroducedInto the Senate by Mr Foi KFn anti Is nowbefore the Committed on Military Affairs

The acting assistant surgeon g ncnillvcalled contract surgeons were employedduring the Spanish war and miny of themare still employed In the Philippines and atposts In this country These surgeons arehired by thn month at tho rate of 100

they wear Army uniform without anybadge or Indication of rank anti theyperform all tho duties that regular Hur-

ceons at larger salaries Accord-ing to tilt preamblo of Mr FOIIAKKitshuh their contracts provided for quartersand presumably for commutation ofquarters when lovermncnt quarters worenot furnished as well as for pay while onleave of absence either sick or ordinaryhut nil of these allowances have been deniedby tho Comptroller of tho Treasury

Another loss tangible hut none the lessIrritating grievance Is that owing to thofact that contract surgeon are not com-missioned or even In the Army they arenot eligible to membership In the LoyalLegion or oven In the Grand Army not tospeak of the societies sprung from theSpanish war Senator FOKAREH alms toremedy these hardships

The bill provides that hereafter nil contract surgeons shall have the allowancesnail privileges of Frt I leutenants exceptthe pity which shall continue toa month It provides further that actingassistant surgeons appointed since May I

188 shall be paid for sick leave and forordinary leave not to exceed thirty days Ineach year of service arid gives them theright to file claims for back pay for suchperiods of leave for commutation ofquarters nnd for travel pay and allow-ances which may have been withheldfrom or not paid to theta

Other sections provide that acting as-

sistant surgeons appointed since May 1

1K b commissioned ns First Lieuten-ants the commissions to expire when theyare discharged honorably those who haveserved a year to havo their commissionsdatud from the expiration of their firstyears service and on passing a physicalexamination to bo commissionedafter two Kxtra pay Is al-

lowed to contract surgeons on theirdischarge If thoy have nerved outside-

of the 1nlted Htiites mind travel pay andallowances provided Tho lull gives tocontract surgeons preference for appoint-ment In the Medical Corps of tho Army antithn Navy and in thn Hospital Ser-

vice and opens to them the National Homesfor Disabled Volunteer Soldiers

Tho bill IK very complete anal appears toto do full justice to the acting as lstantsurgeons Theso medical men have proventheir value In the field In Cuba Porto Ulcoand the Philippines as well ns at tutu fortsanti of this country They havo

tire antI except for the ab-

sence of the cross of St John from theircollars have been Indistinguishable fromthe permanent Army medical staff Thelull will not involve any large amount ofmoney nnd Its passage will not create anyother precedent than that of keeping apromise Wo sees no reason why tho billshould not pa-

Ther I no dearth of nnnpoHticnl con-ventions In the South this year Mont-gomery conference of Miy 8 for the discussion-of rites problems under tin auspices of theSouthern Society was followed by the SouthernIndustrial Convention In Chattanooga on May-IS for the more progressive and comprehensive







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development of material resources of

States of the South and especially

productive of coal andiron and are substituting

manufacture for agriculture Thonnnual meet-

Ing of the American An

sedation was held In Uichraonil on May 2J to

consider tutu conditions treatment nf-

thin Insane anti to provide for the prworvii-i teachings and Dm

deigning and construction of homes andliihlltutlons for the fpfbltmliiilod nnd InsaneOn July 7 In Charleston the Notional Ediicn-

tlonnl Association ut which It In Mpected thatover ten thousand persons will b attendancewill meet to consider more modern method for

tile educational interests In South Theactive or permanent members of the awool-

alion number 2IOO In connection with tliu

conference there will be an exlilblt of tclioolwork Includingeome exhibits of manual train-ing

The reunion of the Society of the Army of thePotomac will be held nt Fredericksburg Va to-

day nnd on May 30 the reunion of theprate veterans will be held at

Clre us a nfraoct lC nflnnat KnyulrtrWhere are you goIng to him Take your

Populist medicine nnd try happy

It 1 not easy to estimatettmlfotiEDWAHD-Oiivnn WOLCOTTS actual political wrlcht onthe Hopubllcan Presidential ticket with Wlir-MAM MCKINLEY renonilnated but to Veraphrase eliincua of tho astounded pnwHurerswhom MARX TWAINS pilot Sir B had Ju ttaken over the shoals the Colorado statesmanwould make a lightning candidate

ItUfortunatsfor country that when Ithas a nervous discouraged pessimistIc anticomplaining statesman in the Senate like thelion KUOKNH of Mama It should haveIn th sauna a calm renolute farseeingand putrlotlo Amorlcan of the Intellectualcalibre nnd of JOHN C SPOONEB

ofSenator hALES argument tnt we should

desist from expanding becoune some of ouraucnu In Havana have committed fraud car-

ried to Its logical conclusIon wouldthe Now York municipal KO-

Vfrnintnt because yesterday fits Comptrollertppcrted a defalcation on the part of adeputy

1robably no Am ricnn rtntesmin looked withurtHier instinctive aversion upon expansionthan Senator SiooNWi and yet no ones Justf-

tlcullon timid advocacy of U him bc n morefenrtilitnB and conclusive

What means this dark snylng in the o tonRtrordf-

Spfakfr MVRlis h broken four fSTftt

hilts JAMES JFrTEnsoNu uiilly right nrm and passion for orderor Is the Massachusetts House oftlves an unuHiinlly unruly body

hurt ImrmlcM nmu ement of talltlre aboutendlnt the Hon JACOBIS JonANNH COIUIETT

to the Ilnuo of should recallndinlrltu glances to tlie Oooai IssnNOON n Clilcaen lt that bothHe Is lirautlful and accomplished famed Inmany arts utid iti many athletic diversions butt

he i epeclully wlorlous for his energy as aboxer Probably Mr NOOXAN who has pclencoand damnable could oiitbox any man Intlio present House but that may boa too partialopinion for tJicro are n number of tall men oftheir hands In It

What become of that resolution to placem repair Dowey Arch Surely the committeerealizes thnt mere good Intentiotm while tradi-tionally nervluble ns paving btoties ore yet oflliem rlvesqulto powerless to replace woodenbeams and renew platelet panelsliavo een matters BO from bnd to worss

In Ms retirement nt Lincoln Col IlnrAX Isvisible in holding aloft the

floating sword of truth ntid juniioo for Iopu-llstlo ineaures butt the world knows that he U

there und U grateful Hut inrdlcnl monto euro bad enroot amnesia Hn-

lins forgotten lib unfulfilled Prophecies of ISOfl

and tins given up the prophetic linnPossibly the llainlnc sword Inward aswell as the outward eye

That thu Impossible On KAMH-HIlowiits Invaded Conncctkiit and is nowtrying to Unit oil Democratic conscrvatlvoreform rltlr ns of Nutmeirt to oppose ilnempire To tli ndmlrern of consistency ItIs trratlfvinj to eon that Cion SANta UOWLK-Hcontlnues his tong opposition to tie empire of

According to the Atlanta nurnoMr EDWIXMARKHAM U recognized not only ts a pofltbut n seer Is a new apostle of hu-

manity Why this cold and measured praiseIs not tin J GORDON Cooai ii rerociilzni-us 4 seer and a new uponlla of hu-



having evacuated their positions north of theHhonost Illver lloers have talten the only

left theta In the of the overwhelmInit numbers handled by Lord Itoberu andfalllnc beck behind the Vnal What their In-

tentions mny h after crosslnir thnt river aredlillrult todlicern nmld the confuslnscomlne in from all dlreclons hut theyregulated by p ssbln movements up the Vnnlfrom blow Klcrksdorp Already a Pretoria deppntrb of u large Hrillsh force being nt-Iroyllnss Drift on the Vnal twentymo mil

from WolmarnnsStnd which Isutout flftyflvsmill southwest of Klerksdnrp The contln

a movement from Mnfeklne has aLsoto bn taken Into account Meanwhile IordHolwrts Is following up the retrentliuc lloers

Infantry but atlust accounts had not come up with them at anypoint

In Natal len Iluller from thelIner camp nt Volksrust to be fortifying Ms advancont Scliiilns llnocte one of thetlii British defeats In February isji whilehas rent a fore across the HufTaJo lilver fromIncoco presumably to turn the left of the linerposition nt lalncs Nek by tho road runningnorth to Volforiut As IhU road runs underrngwanl 11111 which wo strongly fortified bylea Joubort nt tho outset of the war andthrough A rough country there may bo somebrisk llehtlng before the lloers are forcedto retire th more so as the WakkerNtroom commando the locnl levy habeen brought up from the State tolake port In the defoncrt of their ownciUtrlct Somo fkhtlnif U uUo said to havoInkon plnce nt llothos Pass directly west ofSchulns lloonte on tlmrond loading Into thoFrio Stali This road makes straight forVnili thirty mllos to the westward tho latestcapital of hut Fret State Should Ion Iluller-Riieecod In forrlnc this thus positIon ofthe renmlnlnir hoer command In the country-to the southward heroine critical It alreadyreported that the commando at Flcksburg hasretired north

Thn disaster that lw fel a squadron of Dethunns Hor last wits at Sih opers-Nek about eight miles southwest of VryheldTim whole of the squadron with UN officers fiveIn number wnrwelther killed woundeduriiJ Arcording to the hoer account theywere met by comrnnndo tin flglit-lnetln an hour at the end of which the llriilshhAIl twentyseven killed twentyfive woundedend the rest with two Maxim guns worn capt-ured Tin liners report the nurprtsnof a Hrltlh patrol near Mount Prospect southof Lnlngs Xek In which thrtllritlih lot twentyone klllnl anti wounded Numbers of floorfamilies are said to he trekking Into tho moun-tains In the northern part of the Transvaal andthe Government archives are belnm removed toLydenburgh wher large stores of provisionshave been accumulate also at a place calledSpiloken further north all which are ratherIndications of an Intention to continue tho roftlstanoe than of surrender The ftAtonMnlithat Pretoria was to be abandoned againcontradicted the matter will probablyreniolnIn doubt until the last moment










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I A CARD rnon msnor irwrrtit-nnlal of a HUtmfat IU r lni Port Illco

Attributed to Him by rather ShermanI To TUB KtiiTou or BmSiri In the

inn rr rM of todny l a loiter by ratherKlinnnn of humus CuthoHo hunch In-

I whih ho His the public lint In my recent re-

on Iorto Rico I Father Shermanand others hnvo told me stories of tho Im-

inoriiUty of the people I havenever made this Matonmnt I have new haul

thn pleasure of meeting f on of my old and

dar friend Gen ShermanSomu inontliH ago the lendlne papers of

country publUliwi nn IntervIew with fntlierSherman and It was to thl Interview which I

riferrcd and which I have not o n denied by

FalherShorman till now when I said FatherSherman and others have already told tho wdstory

Prominent r Bldentg of Porto Rico hove moro

thn confirmed the statements of that publlshed Interview

The fact that multitudes of people are livingtogether without Christian marriage owing tothe poverty of the people anti their Inability topay the marriage feoi told me by ono who

knows bvtter titan any one else the social con-

dition of the Mand of Porto Rico

If the moral condition of the Island and theChristian faithfulness of tho Itoman Cnthollo

have been what Father Shermans letterwould Imply no ono will rejoins moro heartilythan myself Those who know me know that Ihave never in my Episcopate an attackupon any who lore the lord Jenus Christ Ialluded the religious condition of Porto Rico

In order to show the grave responsibility whichrests upon all Christian people of the UniteKtatcw to do nil In their power for the uplifting

who In the providence of Godhave hewn placed under our care

At the recent election tho condition of mif-

f rngo wo that any male adult could who

had paid a dollar tax the previous year or could

rend timid write Oen DavIs Informed moo thatfifty thousand votes were CRt of which onehalf belonged to each class Hn estimated thatover eight hundred thousand people couldneither rend nor write

II It WniPPin Bishop of MinnesotaFAitiDArtT Minn May 2-

Oen Sheridan and Cedar CrrrkTo vita EDITOR or TitrSLN Sir The Inter-

view o t Dostnn with Ion B 11 Mntinlntr whereinhn accuses LleutGen Philip II Sheridan ofwrongfully taking unto himself the credltof-unntchlntf victory from dcftnt at CeUir Creek

eomi n lapse of thirtylive yetrs ratherlute to influence any one In thrlr high regardfor thnt rnllnnt cavalry officer And comingas It does from a QunrtfrmnsterOenernl whoevery soldier knows had nothing to do withthe movements of the army It will have no

tin history of that hUtorlenl buttleOut Sheridan had been to Washington und

on his return had rested over night nt Win-

chester heavy cannonading in tliamorning hnwas Informed an orderly thathis troops were being engaged Mounting hbhors be tnndo his fnmon rid And ns hUtorytruthfully records cattle up to his defeated anddemoralized It wits duo to tho goodgeniTiillim nn l deliberate purpose of

Imt the routed wasnnnthxr rhiirgtMiiidniin the Ionfedernte n-

Knrlv and victory won nt Cedar lnik Tliooufedorain most determinedMniul st Mlddletuwn which was tho turningpoint In

In reaching his soldiers wildHoys 1 you will sleep In your old

quarter that did was dueto ien 1 WHS Mi eyewllniws to tiltbiinrtrnl ivent being till orderly on

him on allhi fninous nail kn w whereof I

The jptult nf thn buttle was carturo offoryelKht pieces of artlllirv antI inOfJi prlsoner-

toncres1 cave n vote of thankspromoted him rnl

that nf ion Manning nre nn-outrnce on tin hair niiiimnf a gallant

which should riMiti l l v every fulrinlndeij viternn It rouM nlv emanate fromn mind InsnlrtKl by y ngnlnst ainnnder who never mil n weak ont In hismakeup nnd who ivodnnl rwiuded byevery siilnirdlnate WIIUAU HrnS-

erceiuit Company K istli N V VolunteersHfiisnv

true story nf the Tnsi Jlntlny-TD TIIII Knmm np Tilt Sfv 5f Tie forts

to thrallrcnl mutiny rn lh Trxii me nsallows

Th t rrw rf the Tfxai 1J not mltlnJ t illslutNincf wnsronftnul a trw lmlTirtii TI rosahad attraily teen tflnl liy irrn r l rourl nutlUI txfurs irirllrc this port and Ills hurt whirl i i h-

prnt n by ifffrf to lirnfial CmutMititt OuterNo r l urd by rsr Admlml rirciuhir that Irelortt Inn nf rnnnnrmriit nwardril t ro yearsMil tiol fife years

It l nt true that the w Ir a rorilltton oftitintillnnllon during the wholetronil what there ef It was irate by frywoiiM t tough men Also whnr rfors tlir chief

Ilty nfflrfi quotfd ff M authority sy whatNavy Drpaitmrnt thinks bout this matlrr and what

his authority to state that thexrmtlvr ofllrrr nf thy threatened to Tfport theIncident Ilfpaitmfnv Not rt r omulch n thlnf hid b n heard on bcmnltied the rxrrntlvr ulUirr Is not likely to nuke a ronfldanl nf n chief petty mel on such a Mibjrct

The Incident rfrltnl ilifr ln In rrgnra to the boa-tswains mate not b Vn bring klllnlnt OnlTntondoss not concern theiKlongMtntlif Maclilav anti the kllllnir was dune Mthe rnplaln of a lurnl susanne Thethe officers nattilli the men inure troubleIs In nty opinion of a gh st story nnij

rosa look belaying taint KryM nnd started to rlfir the Is A t re tloiidoubtful the mister nt tm recelred virh anotter as to shoot msn disobeying ordcis ni-

statM Thf was no occasion such n desperatemeasure

In teisra to the statement of the thIef petty offi-cer whoflMms to hiveIn lila hand levelled at his fellow man anti theat rms o with a Run talwiltoflreatthenrM

n be tItan the hMlu-clnattons of jsoine ftim of tope and hh stntemcntthat he fhlvernl as lie illdnt nt unntaimmi u IHvery true th t lie dlilnt at Juantanamnand probably cooling hl tieel oii some rerelflngship In Inltnl States punt

It Is very doubtinl If this diet petty officerwltnewit this conn msrtlM and s a chiefpetty fifflcer my elf I t h to Ute that there Is not n

petty officer on board this revel fund there aleijiite A number who would be Riilltyof tucli nn attnck on tilt rrpntatlon anti character of his ship-mate

The writer l Informed by two of the men who wit-nessed use performance The Hunawnyevening In that the rest I

upon them as If they were wild leastconsequence of the senvittonal articles which

were the yesterday Theee samemen rud stood their gun oilwhen the Mayors of our cities wrre telegraphInr to the I Daiunrnl for lu protecttheir hubs und thin I their reward

withheld AS the Nary rrcul tlons Are nrmrifhatstrict In regent to correspondence with newspapersbutt wishes to nature of THE lWAS Attached to the Tcin flare anti niterIncidents of which mulch has brtn anda position to know the fart

A PKTTY npncnaU a a TexAKlaV Italy Na y Yard NPW YonK

liar 24

The Twelfth N O N TTo run EPITOII OF Tim svxsin luring

rotlcedtn Till Htrx In regard to theTwrinh Itejtbents NO SYconduct tOeedmnorI In say that If all the other regtment were asgood AJ the thy woublbe rUht

the lAin fell In toirents on SaturdayIt A the men were

wMsVey ot which I have ro doubt hullthem At all A they only did an to keep up their rierresand to iteAdy their tuna

Sums claim that drank besets hut any manulthcommon setue couLd see that If theydrnnk tolire they could done such goo hoand irsrcn Fifth ateniie on the home sstraight as A pots I think O l Hyer le

such A good record for his nelment Asmedals Is concerned I think nil A

WILUAH II liixrj

Moral Flush and JokerTorjifl EDITOR op TUB Strwsfr Why wailt

tint possible for the winner of th 111000 pot to haveheld A royal flush and Judge Howard four accxt Anthe tame Is pluyed In tome parts of the Writ the Jokerconstitutes A flfib ace and I remember nightly In Te wen the ntth ace u ed In York

TTIANK ALvmcrvIsmmKMDBMcr Col MAr uIt l uue there Are numerous corruptions the noble

poker being the worst hut fortu-

natelr that Is itlll so rare that unless specifically men-

tioned It Is not to be counted In

Dectilon Ileiti With the Committee on Admit

To TIm would theothers object to Stef en Satan of our city T W II 3

PASiAtc N May 20









or people


hpl1rln on

I Ill rill Ih


t nnll


theOn SherIdan

tl Irotu I


Gen SlrdauiIon

n> md



a 0





itWhrr dOM rt


TIM At Il the roan kill

IIIInd Mal

liD run

uPiemeflt nil


01 alt


Nay 1

Th writer to that name tie

made ti III


alur lIlY

Twelfth allICUan nimurir hal lnlt


u war1 as

falsely rlllnrAn dmtre ot Twelfth





iaIipritsuliood and




I macdo


totiight mel1



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wasas stated





chithis NOv

IbIs vesseL


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the thut the

cftcer us

tilt move-ment hIs ther


at all

Out tealpassers baits

mtuI nhliett requlest his







the ttegtnruen-t1EwYoRmt May


game of the oker













Spain send lUtUllon ol Troopi From C dlito Fernando Po

The largest anti Ont of the volcfltilo Wandin tho lulf of Oulnia Is Feriiiindo Po whosenurfncn mostly mountainous ha ntiout halfflit area of our Ions Island It Is the onlyconsiderable Hand If toSpnln In Atbutlo-eiscvpt the Cnimrlttt few hundreilSpanish rolonitls butt Is of large tl vcl-

oimient All the cultivated tropical plantsllourUh In the rich lowland nnd those of tlio-

Ininprrntn ronf do finely on the tnlddl slopes-

of llm mountains Tim plantations of cacaommar nntl tubacm mostly developed byCtibnn fow of whom art now In thus

Island as they preferred to return to their nn-

tlvo land when penultted to do soToday tlio tipitnlsrdii there are in a state of

revolt ntttilnst the homo OoT rnm int A de-

spatch from Madrid about four an-

nounced battalion of soldiers hud benfinlinrkiid from Cadiz for the Wand upon theiinnouncwment of its Governor that troops wereur ntly needed The Aofonfal Zrittrhrittgives this history of thn trouble

It says that many of colonists haul liwn-ninltreallns their negro workmen bronchifrom tho neighboring coast of Ilrlllsli-Guliiea and the blacks appealed to HcflorPuerto Governor of tho Island who after In-

vestigation decided that tho accused personswore In the wrong and tined theta 125 eachEncouraged by the success of their first appealthe natives complained to Governor a sec-

ond time though they now hart no serious trie v-

tineeK The Governor however Inclined to faTorthem advised them not to return to tholrmuter gave them work on theKimboat and pontoons at WailS higher thanthey hnd receiving

Then the other black workmen encouragedby th sueo n of their comrades abandoned theplantations and factories nnd asked the Gov-

ernor to glvo them work Thoy would not lis-

ten to his advice to return to their employersGovernor profited by the presence

of an Kngllsh tenm hln to send all the malcon-tents back to the Guinea coast

Th plantation owners and merchants whowere thus deprived of their laborers and otheremployees addressed Governor

rRelnlinBua A They told him hehud used tinino and power of Spain to In-

flict great Injury upon them He had actedmost unjustly by Interference with the im-

ported Ubornrs upon whom they were whollytiepend nt for Hold hands They declnred thatthey had enouch of Spanish domination

Infonnutlon also come to tho Governor thattill ipknltrs Imd held a meeting and had votedto appeal to ono of the Powers either Englandor fiorniany to place the Islanil nnd their intereats Its protection This meeting liednppolnnil a committee to formulate and for-

ward this appealGov Dunnas nt onoo arrested several of the

men who to be leaders In this movemont nnd Imprisoned thorn on a gunboat A

few liar later however he thought It discreetto rtlcnsn then ns the frellnc ngalnsf him andtheSpimNh n Rlmi was wry bight and ho feared

troubles which as he was very weak In arrllltnry sense he aught bo unable to overcoin e

This Is reason thnt troops have ntraln beensent to a Spanish colony It Is well known thatOonnanv would be very happy to take Fer-

nando Po under her wins The German colon-

ists nt the Cameroon on the mainland nreunnnlmnu of opinion that It would be totheir nilvnntnce to annex the beautiful Islandto their rolon-

yniK rxciTAOR OP llOYDS

Mn Truth In the humor That the Secretary ofthe Trrnsnrr Would Saipond It

WAHIIIX ITON May 2 Owing to a rumor cir-

culated m Wull Strict yesterday that the Seereinrynf tlnTreaiurv would suspend the ex

bonds the Tronmry has received In tliolaclnys 5MlK j worth of bonds for ficlianueThere Is no miti In rumor When the Sec-

retary of tItus Ireiisiiry decides to give notionhat suili n Kiifpcnslon will b miid he will rletint thai tin greatest b given to theinntt r banks end

will uav time to exchnnttn theirlioiuls linfori is stopped The Secre-tary ha llm i wpr under tothe nurlmnirn or hut said todaythor In tins no Intention ol any notIt tu thu fleet When ho does It will b forhue inirpo uof thn of ex

hurried In overlive millions of bonds the last two dayswhen iertoforp the nveraBtfor some pastlin IIM than million a day

loilny for was 31MSOO-lltill estt J2400100-


The Oleomargarine Interest SptakiTo vita EDITOR OP TUB SCN Sir The

letter published In this mornings Sum from theChnnaugo County Committee on Correspondonce of the FlveStatosMUk Producers Associa-tion lends us to request tim courtesy of yourcolumns for our views of the subject from tho-olifomnrgarino standpoint

The recent statement of materials used In theproduction of oleomargarine In the UnitedStates for the year 1889 furnished by the In-

ternal Hovonuo Department to the house ofllprosontatlven shows the following Ingredl

Milk J4ZBOSTS poundsCream 1817410 poundshuller

laws prohibit the manufnooleomnrgnrlne the Now York farmers

ibid not furnish of the aboveWhen oleomargarine was In NowYork fifteen years ago milkmetier Thus law benefits

llm commission merchants undthe producers of milk

York Stats doe not produce BufTlcii ntbutter of iinu fluidity for the New York citymarket which Uticaof butter to five tubs of NewYork nmke

I he following extract from 1MI5 re-port of Iho lion deorgnW Roosevelt

Consul to Brussels llilglum deservesthe consideration of all producers

Sometime flnfe France tent A delegation to lidland for the purpose ofstiidylnc the methods em-ployed there rf frauds In buttermAKlngr anti A I to ascertain If the manufACture ofmargarine oleomargarine buttrrlneMe to atrlriilttital Interest The report contAlnsAilestatlnnot seven Mayors of mmuninfs In south-ern llollnnd bat since the Introduction ofthe maiKnrtne Industry In that country not only hnnllk Increased number ofcattle which plainly show that the Industry In quetlnn has rKCi me A totters of profit n the farmers

JIUISBV Crrv May 21 AUMON InusoM

A CourtM rtlnl forTo TUB KIIITOII or Ten Sfv Sir Tho author-

ity of tho tnlti l HUitos over Cubit Is nt prwont-a military protwtornt and although certainttinporarlly nppolntml ofllrers Includlne NVlyare charged with civil functions thny are nonethe loss nrnrimblo to discipline or punishmentIf guilty by tlm military IKIWT by which theywiro nppolntotl Cuba Is a foreign Stato-Uiuporarlly und r protwilon by military au-thority until Ibu i ncivil free from foreign protection

If tnl trite why nntiot an nppointeo ofUn mllltarv tried by B eourtmortlallii t a wiHA ii civilian who ls u or anyotluT camp follower

The which appoints should havethe to any offence whichcould not have lx n committed eirvptthe i Ankiiiii nf tho power cnnferrid by uiu

M wcrIf this viiw In kounil in Nwly orany other icii hi can tried

bv H ourlmnrtlal whenever and hacnn Iw brought l fore courthut of stradlilon rufti Involve the cssn Inillfllcultl Swift punlshmint for peculationsby appoint uimiT our shouldcoin mllltnr courts The tnltod States

i iirt hue held that n citizenwho hat nn order of thecalllnu omit the militia bo tried n courtmartial and thnt such a court needortraiilid under thn Artlclei of War


ImlUtlrelain Dmltr

ISA great ImllAor lie c nhis hint e drlnV from a bottle

I suppose be has rften wen his roaster do that

StunProm IM Ananv Ktmlng Journal

A for Ur HAM bit political nice prove UM-

h Jodffc

It has

wetuk agothat n



lie himself


a to theIn





t hue


cit iuliio

wete lIes

ancteti the





ehtruce if nub hoods for the new 2 pr centtwo



tubnit tinth of

hurryIng tInlIt rumor has


tent a


emits itsed

ises3ba poundA the New Tonic

turn of


tuai been tavuirathe

tu0 to g

the mtre of



1uSl riiuiueutt 1t


lii hit IrIg

tsuch ut anti no qimes


not Io

Ioi the Cterlaifluiohms dog stand lost



will mass a fair and honest





























It Will Take Cash to H T ThemAppolrt-mentt by llupld Knclnetr

The Itapld Transit Commissioners KITIanother henrlnit yesi rdny iiietntMrs ofthat Vst Ind lilversldn Park anti lorniin MiPark n oclulliiis wIlts nre nnxlnus to ha s-

thi trees In tho inldtlli of thn llroitilvritvwits saved from Injury by thin tunnnl diik iThey more niipnrmitly not with tlm T

vision In lh llnpld Transit contract by nhiSJohn II McDonald must s t out a in-

tho placi1 nf every old rimovnl orhlroved want tilt old trees prc err iOno tUtu thny suctfostoil was twoelitentls Instead of ono central tunnel Theywent nut prepared to the e trnmoney cost They worn u

contract hml signed unito uld nut be nltnn il Yrstordny uiiBeijt-hnt the old bo ln tunbunch afliT tunnel wits dug ofthis would bo lre ldiMil tjrrthem thin the nut rtiljupon to do tint provided for in im-eontrnct nnd that tlin Coinmiv-hlonen could riot any trmrn mon n

tunnel work thin was itutlmr rilie however thnt Ihn oiiiiuisswould In save trros If any powiti KUTcould be Miicensled

fiillnwlnc to thn Huff oChief Engineer won mndi VILI i

P I Iullls photorrApher 7 A month Kittil-DnvlInC mid Inspectorti n y

C V lower snub C II aMllneers lsiniAyenr T C Noble nml A Mildraunhtsmen lno ChArles lldenbiirg IIAIITMmart llftuU J T Kane drauKhuman

transltman IISOU K A Walsti VDunMng Joseph P IUnU and Henry Hurikle r jmen IB 0 William I Jay oiemnu 7n

The photographer Is einnuit from civil ervice Ho U to holuKrui sof the different sections of oxcuvutthe work and the pictures will U Ketitas part of the rtcordi-


Ask It to Take to Obtain a llerocallnnof the Order lUrrlno It From

WASHINUTOS May 54 President K-

McCtirdyof Item Mutual Ufo Insurance t inof New York and Ion Pracy onunei f

the company appeared before Ibo llon i-

inlttee on Intciitlato and Foreign Cominnrthis mornIng to tIres that Congrem M o

steps toward securing the revocation oforder ot Aug 14 1805 by which iiicompany wits disbarred from doing hu lnivH

In Kingdom of Pruwla len Tracy rcprseated that In US8 the company husiness In Berlin under concession or ll ou e iiy

the Government purchns d propertyin Prussian bonds and opened brunilnsthroughout After subjoetinc tiiecompany tu A sorlw of mil

apparently Intendndto it incountry arbitrarily

yoked Its barring Itnoss In hits Kmplre Jen Tracy tharcforn submlttrd Ihnfollovdng resolution

n oltriJ That the of Slate be and hf Itrequsted to take all steps whlrh mar

necessary and to obtain from the Kurrintnr tof the Kingdom ot 1russla A revwatlnn ot the orje-

tf Aue H 105 which the prlrllrite of innacting business tn tlml lilnk lom WHS withdrawnthe Mutual Ule Inaurnce CompAny of New Vir

The resolution was referred to a HubcornInvostlKntlon antI report


Court of Inquiry Says Hn Did Iierclie-Prnprr Discretion tn Shooting a IlllptnaW-

ASIIIKUTON May 24 Tho Court of Inquiryconsisting of Hear Admirals Hodgers Cottonand Terry appointed to InvesttcnM klillncof a Filipino native at Onu by Cnpt JohnMcOowan then commanding the monitorMoimdnock submitted thin report to the Sec-

retary of the Navy todayThe Court finds that C pt MoOowsn did not

exerciso proper discretion In shooting and thatho was at fault In not reporting the death ofthe Filipino to the CommandnnHnChlnf of this

The Court fluids aLto that Captprovision for the

thn widow of the deceasedIlliplno-

A court martini is recommended and willbo ordered Thn Court of

mot at the WoshliiKton Yard anti Cnpt-McGownii who wait ordered homeleave was In attendance Hn said that after hi

given strict orders to allow no native bo Nto approach the beicuusn nn

wero BniUKBllnff liquor to the enlistednasa the Filipino onthe ship MvGowan fired a shot from

friehlenlnir this native but the bullet elnncdstriking the Filipino arid mortally woundlnchim


IU Will Conduct the Campaign If hits HealthContinue to Improve

WAsni OTOv May 24 Senator Ilanna n1d

today that ho had not authnrlznd state-ment that ho would resign the chairmanship ofthe Republican National Committee and thatthe publication was mode entirely without unvauthority It Is well known here that Henatnrhenna has no desire or Intention to reditnmanagement of the campaign If his health will

permit him to assume the work Me has asentimental d flro to hake

for reflection anti ho will doso if his health continues to ThPresident Is especially nnxlous that Mr Hannaehuuld contlnuu us and luu manytimes said that If his Influence run rttsln M-rIlnnnns serviette It be use i against averythlntf except doctors orders

Tlm report that ho will rslKti Is accompaniedbv statement that tinsThe fact Is that Senator Jlnnnas tn uril lsHchalky deposit In the knnn Joint which ts pain-ful In n measure lifters hi generalhealth Kxpein for this ailment he Is in Bond


Speaker Henilemnn the ITrslilentnut lat tho lions This Sesilnn-

WASIIINOTON May 24 At the request of thiPresident Sponker Hvndnr on called nt lh-

Whlto llousn nnd a oonfereneo upon pnndlng-ItflMntlon was held Thn Pr ldiiii It

that Hoots lull to reinganio the army which tins pawed the Senateshould ba of Imforo Coiiurixs au

but tho Speaker exiroHi Ml tbn opinionthat the mpn ure not Iw ready forto the llousn In limn fur fluid at his

The Iorninllten on Milltiiry MTnlrs whichhnx It under tonsldiratlnn IIIIH i wiinnfd fur-ther on It until Monday onlynbotit u w air before th rtnlimont of Concrrpss anncepiitid Indlnntlon thatno report will b mad Ht pmnuit al r-

Ilendersiin exprcsrd tIe opinion that no rulion will bn iHken on Ihn Armybill biforw the n it SPSHIOII of t lomress

American taint Against Foreign Statel toHi llrnaght to a Nettleiupnt-

WASnivdTiv May 24 Mr Morgan D mAla read In thn Snnito todiy an oflli lilletter to him ilf from tin Serritnry of Sinwith remark hat It witsto the Administration and woe Important toclnlmnnls ngnlnst foreign governments Thisletter refers to clilms of Amnrlenn dtlznw-ngnln t Nieara other Stales anti UVH

As soon n It Is possible to du M It U thofio w of tint to bring to a settleinnnt In como form of every meritorious claimof Amrricnii cltUrns aguinNt nment even tfioueh It t tune of long standing

Proposed AntlTruit LegislationWASIIIXIITON May 2 Hepnxenlatlvn Hay

of New York chnlrman of the llousn JudiciaryCommittee ti diy Introduced a risoliitlon totake up ibe joint rosoluilon proposing an antitni l ninendmcnt to tho Contltutlon Imno

Din of hue rxtoltitlnn dbite to M i ut 1 oclockwhen the vuto Hbnll b luketi

Al o that llous thnShnrAnntrust law hhnll bn taken tin

after the nbovc rpHiilutlon wilfimlnutcH cenernl dobitn on either skin tlmconsidered under the fiveminute rule anti tlavote taken on Saturday June 3 nt f P M

rowing lung at the A e of 100From lrvittm Krenino Jnvrnat-

BAB lUiinon Me Mny 12 Nornmn Hjilllnrfiof fleer MeN He exhibits Iniilcnthin nf rctiirrlng vigor that or eonxtderid nn r-

vellotis lllsjiivesight for yenrs wn wi f l li thathu bail to use tn t if glL ne arid r

he rtifs not u i iierUiclnx HVn to reul llgull ab u without tlm ut of nr v nii i slameness und gutn lh n nitremnrknblw evidence of youth lulu lilthair Hnlllngsn iair igan U fallout and gradually fell rvcorji

In the la t fnw months his hairI

u at 74 years


to Itt


suit I itd

IcS I rit rots i


thlt iat I ii

t rotsI Its I hit ci Itt

tuiicant root or ennui I I

anTi liittll

it uiiiud I

ilk t lie

appoint nuents

John 4








love tel

theIonic lioti

exit Cl icr d nitt r




mittee for



McGowan made support


his Into the water with the iniertion if



charge of the coii



uiiiitlu arid


Till titan

Is aidwas dcsirnitut Secretary

ii rridtot oru t


nexttur otirn

nrtutmulza lion


t hue Ii lulls crtuji hut us


Oil ui still 1 riulay J tune

t hit hdil arrututu ill nginn a I turtle



ICC rear oil

St ri Ilk IV


i ars ago Mrout ni tiuncthrht

has Started to grow and tie certaInlygrowing ooung again and feels a Ourul new



























