term 2 class notes

AP Euro Claire Mills Term 2 Class Notes Chapter 17: Absolutism in Central and Eastern Europe to 1740 4 Empires: o Prussian- least amount of diversity o Ottoman o Russian (most absolutist), and o Austrian Serfdom becomes stronger as you go from western to eastern Europe Middle class becomes smaller as you go from western to eastern Europe Peasants- have more freedoms, serfs- have very few rights and are bound to the land I. Serfdom in Eastern Europe a. By mid- last 1300s, getting stringer, esp after black death b. Nobles class, but not really kings had power, so nobles had lots of power over serfs c. Poland ex- has weak king, have Sejm- the parliament, made up of nobles, Liberup veto- I fairly forbid, meaning that if one nobles disagreed, it can’t pass II. Russia- both European and Asian a. Early history i. Kievan state (rus) ii. Ukraine important bc of farm land (like Iowa!) iii. Prob of Russia- lack of good food iv. Vladimir (978- 1015) 1. In 988 converts to Christianity bc when some of his ppl got to Constantinople, they arrived on Easter and it was all decorated and smelled pretty, etc- they liked that a lot and told Vladimir so he converted v. Iaroslav (Yaroslav, the wise) 1. Agriculture and trade with Constantinople 2. Church and state relation copied from Constantinople to Russia- symbol was a 2 headed eagle- came from Byzantine Empire vi. Mongolian Rule 1. Chinggis Khan (1162- 1227)- ruler 2. “Mongol Yoke”- harsh rule 3. Local lords collect taxes for Mongols 4. Effects of Mongol Rule a. Asian influence in language, clothing, physical appearance, etc 5. Lots of taxation with no benefits on Russians 6. Note- Russia wasn’t in the Renaissance or Scientific Revolution bc they were so set back bc of Mongolian rule 7. Decline of Mongolian Rule a. Mongols see we need to focus on our center “No, I mean funny haha” –Mr. Pearson 1

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Chapter 17: Absolutism in Central and Eastern Europe to 1740

4 Empires: o Prussian- least amount of diversity o Ottomano Russian (most absolutist), and o Austrian

Serfdom becomes stronger as you go from western to eastern Europe Middle class becomes smaller as you go from western to eastern Europe Peasants- have more freedoms, serfs- have very few rights and are bound to the land

I. Serfdom in Eastern Europe a. By mid- last 1300s, getting stringer, esp after black deathb. Nobles class, but not really kings had power, so nobles had lots of power over serfs c. Poland ex- has weak king, have Sejm- the parliament, made up of nobles, Liberup veto- I fairly forbid,

meaning that if one nobles disagreed, it can’t pass II. Russia- both European and Asian

a. Early historyi. Kievan state (rus)

ii. Ukraine important bc of farm land (like Iowa!) iii. Prob of Russia- lack of good foodiv. Vladimir (978- 1015)

1. In 988 converts to Christianity bc when some of his ppl got to Constantinople, they arrived on Easter and it was all decorated and smelled pretty, etc- they liked that a lot and told Vladimir so he converted

v. Iaroslav (Yaroslav, the wise) 1. Agriculture and trade with Constantinople 2. Church and state relation copied from Constantinople to Russia- symbol was a 2

headed eagle- came from Byzantine Empire vi. Mongolian Rule

1. Chinggis Khan (1162- 1227)- ruler 2. “Mongol Yoke”- harsh rule 3. Local lords collect taxes for Mongols 4. Effects of Mongol Rule

a. Asian influence in language, clothing, physical appearance, etc 5. Lots of taxation with no benefits on Russians 6. Note- Russia wasn’t in the Renaissance or Scientific Revolution bc they were so set

back bc of Mongolian rule7. Decline of Mongolian Rule

a. Mongols see we need to focus on our center b. Rise of Muscovy

i. Ivan I (1328- 1341) 1. “Grand Prince”- name give by Mongols bc he creates Mongol tribute 2. Importance of Metropolitan- his actual title

a. Forces leader of Kiev to go to Moscow ii. Ivan III (1462- 1505)

1. Mongol rule declines 2. 3rd Rome: Moscow

a. 1st- Rome- bad bc religion is Roman Catholicism b. 2nd- Constantinople- bad bc taken over by Turks- not even Christianc. 3rd- Moscow- good bc center of religious truth, won’t be a 4th

3. Boyars- old Russian aristocratic leaders 4. Service Nobility- new leaders who did something important

“No, I mean funny haha” –Mr. Pearson 1

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AP Euro Claire MillsTerm 2 Class Notes

iii. Ivan IV (1533- 1584), the Terrible 1. Last 6-7 yrs of his life has a profound personality change- becomes terrible 2. “Tsar” term used, czar of Russia 3. Strengthens absolutism- must serve Russian state4. Great expansion of Russia- mixed blessing, now less than ½ of Russia is Slavic5. Cossacks- serfs in South that escape and form states, semi autonomous group6. Killed son- yikes, not a good sign… 7. Archbishop said something that upset him- he puts AB in a bear skin and throws him

into a pit of wolves c. Times of Troubles (1598- 1613)

i. Civil war- countries falling apart ii. Contention for power- nobles fight a lot

d. Russia Under the Romanovs- rule til 1917i. Michael Romanov (1613-1645)

ii. Patriarch Nikon/ Old Believers 1. Saw the Russian Orthodox Church was straying from Byzantine roots 2. Wants to reestablish old services and prayers 3. Goes to extremes- even corrects the way ppl make the sign of the cross 4. Old Believers- didn’t want reforms- hold to the old ways

iii. Territorial Expansion1. Mixed blessing2. Makes Russia multi-religious- Buddhist

iv. Peter the Great (1682- 1725)1. Personality

a. Most amazing Russian figureb. Uber tallc. Strong!!d. Enjoyed cookinge. Liked dissecting pplf. Loved pulling teethg. Loved toy soldiers and boatsh. When he had good news he would sing and dance in courti. Had a very high=pitched voice

2. Westernization a. Kind of like modernization b. Want to make Russia like West like with military so Russia can be a world

player c. Want tech for militaryd. Wants a warm water port- port that can be used year round, he has the port

of arc angel but its ice bound e. Goes on a west tour to France- meets Louis XIV f. Goes to Holland and helps the Dutch actually build ships g. Goes to England h. Later Russia > England on amt of iron, iron shows how powerful a country

is i. Opens up a naval academy j. 78% of Russian taxes go to the army k. Russia wore tunics- now wear breeches like the westl. Status of women goes up- some can get an education m. Now theres a tax to keep ur long beard n. He doesn’t get an ice free porto. Some ppl were opposed to Westernization

3. Great Northern War (1700- 1721) a. 1703 Peter gets St. Petersburg- window to the west b. Battle of Poltava 1709- Russia winning c. Treaty of Nystad 1721

i. Russia wins war and makes Sweden acknowledge that the Swedish are out of Poland and Czech

“No, I mean funny haha” –Mr. Pearson 2

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4. Construction of St. Petersburg a. Town built from scratchb. Precise markings (right angles)- is logical c. Strict segregation of classes d. Has baroque style with a Russian twist

5. Strengthens service nobility a. All nobles expected to serve for life

6. Russian absolutism- if you listen to my laws then you can do with your serfs whatever you want- why serfdom got worse during this time in Russia

7. Russian Police (secret)- kept track of ppls freedoms 8. Russian Orthodox Church

a. Govt controls the Church 9. Serfs’ lives worsen- serfdom is strengthened

a. Industrial serfdomi. Ppl w/ very few rights, now bound to factory

III. Ottoman Empire a. Captures Constantinople, 1453

i. Consequences: 1. Shock wave thru Europe 2. Trade routes gone- Age of Exploration 3. Supply of slaves (Slavic) gone -> slavery related to skin color

b. North Africa, Mid East, Balkans- i. Ethic groups- main one is Arab

ii. Very many religions c. Some degree of Religious toleration

i. Came w/ tax- if you don’t want to study Islam then u payii. Millet- ppl with same religion had to pay, semi autonomous

iii. Start the Janissaries- sultan army kidnapped Christian boys- take them to Constantinople- make them Muslim and make them work in the army

“No, I mean funny haha” –Mr. Pearson 3

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Chapter 18: Toward a New World View, 1540-1789

1. Newtonian World View- heliocentric law of gravitation a. “World Machine”- everything operates by law of attraction- has exact math calc b. Bigc. Universe

2. Results of Scientific Revolution a. Establishment of scientific societies-

i. The English Royal Society, 1622ii. The French Royal Society, 1666

1. Support= military, mapmaking, etc increases b. Growth of Skeptical Attitude c. Philosophical trends- 2 ideas can exist at same time-> scientific method-> scientific method

i. Rationalism- reason, intellect= knowledge ii. Empiricism- emphasizing sensory experience as true source of knowledge (Bacon)

d. Women’s Rolei. Queen Christina- Sweeden

1. Reaaaaaally smart2. Lutheran- investigates a lot of dif religions, converts to Roman Catholicism- loses

position as queene. Decline of Tradition theology and the beginning of the conflict between science and religion

i. Protestants take literallyii. Catholics = threatened from all sides bc it’s the Catholic reformation and they need to have a

strong stance f. Belief of human perfection= attainable goal

i. Optimistic time prdg. Sets stage for enlightenment h. Leads to technological advancements that made latter industrial revolution

3. Introduction to Enlightenmenta. 18th Century b. Began in reign of Louis XIV, Louis XV- in full swingc. Immanuel Kant; “Dare to know” – questions scientific authority, skepticism strong d. “Republic of letters”- group of philisophs who would exchange works or views e. Few killed for views, most put in jail, ie Voltaire-> censorship, so most publish works in Holland and

smuggle works into France f. Political atmosphere- rise of new countries rise new powers- Prussia- Fredrick the Great, Russia-

Catherine the Greatg. Economic atmosphere- mercantilismh. Social atmosphere- Versailles- townhomes, no more black wigs- no, now powered wigs are sooo in

and women would compete w/ height of hair 4. Enlightenment began in France

a. Salons- room in French townhouses, very big and formal, intellectual discussions, kinda like a big parlor

i. Upper members of middle class come tooii. Hosed by women- shows sophistication of France

b. Encyclopedia: Denis Dideroti. Jean le Rond d’Alembert

ii. Was a compiled book of articles, essays, etciii. French govt very threatened

c. French language i. Any real educated person was fluent in French- reflective of change in Europe- kinda

hegemon ii. Internat and diplomatic language

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5. Connection to the Scientific Revolution a. New World View

i. Newtonian- universe operates by precise, mathematical maws, works as a machineii. Reason

iii. Natural Lawiv. Progress- profound change, said “we can go beyond the Greeks and Romans”

b. New “faith” i. “God”= reason, ultimate authority

ii. “Ritual”= science iii. “Apostles”= philosophies

c. Freedom i. Freedom from Aristotelian view, new freedoms from us in teams of how viewed:

1. To know- come down on censorship2. From intolerance, arbitrary authority, superstition 3. To work and travel- so everyone has access to jobs and trade- opens people’s minds

d. Optimism i. Marie- Jean Condorcet- died 1794

ii. The Progress of the Human Mind (1791) iii. Man kind has gone thru 9 stages- progress!! Were on threshold of 10th and final stage- going

to achieve perfection iv. Commits suicide- in jail- gets poison from someone and takes it- reign of terror- knew

radicals were going to come after him6. Major ideas of the Philisophs

a. Religioni. Deism- view of God, more of a philosophy, saw God as great clock maker, all wound up,

clock works thru natural laws, not a very personal God- doesn’t interfere b. Economics

i. Adam Smith- The Wealth of Nations, questions mercantilism 1. Free trade- no tariffs, govt keeps nads off2. Laissez-faire- hands off 3. Invisible hand- law of competition, govt- lose it 4. Very liberal views

ii. Francois Quesnay 1. Phylocrats- wealth not based upon gold/ silver, but is property and land- ag

revolution iii. Economic liberalism

1. Natural economic laws replace govt 2. Bffs w cap

c. Government i. John Locke

1. Two Treaties of Govt.2. Glorious Revolution3. Justify you don’t overthor a king just bc, u do if he violates natural rights 4. Jefferson copies his epic ideas in Dec of Independence

ii. Montesquieu 1. Persian letters- indirect attacks on fed govt2. The Spirit of the Laws- everything, even climate affects govt3. Best govt= seperation of power- inspires or govt

iii. Rousseau1. The Social Contract 2. “That man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains” proberty > ppl= injust 3. consensus of majority should rule- pop sovereignty 4. abstract

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d. Educationi. Locke!!

ii. Essay Concerning Human Understanding 1. Understand we’re born- have tabula rasa- blank slate, by experience a person learns

optimistic viewiii. Emile

1. Thru life of boy- best education- use sense2. Education increased in 18th century 3. Childhood= separation entity

7. Enlightened Despotism (Enlightened Absolutism) a. Definition and purpose

i. Practices of absolutist rules trying to apply Enlightenist ideas to make their country strong b. The Monarchs

i. Frederick the Great (1740-1786) ii. Maria Theresa (1740-1780)

iii. Joseph II (1780-1790) iv. Catherine the Great (1762-1796) v. Louis XV (1715-1774)

c. Frederick the Great i. Very much admired- even Hitler and Voltaire liked him

ii. Father concerned about him- F didn’t want to rule iii. Forms Prussian armyiv. Builds palace- Sans Socici- without problems v. “Frist servant of the stat”- all serving but he’s just first- like a hierarchy

vi. Efficient govt- civil service examination vii. Encourages religious tolerance w Calvinists and Catholics, but not Jews

viii. Implements education system- not public school system yet, but close ix. Legal sustem reforms- codification of the Prussian law

1. Beccaria 2. On Crimes and Punishments- all ppl accused have rights to trials and such3. Equality before the law4. Innocent until proven guilty 5. Rejects death penalty for most crimes 6. Do away w harsh punishments and torture 7. State’s goal- protect society while keeping dignity of all ppl8. Must distinguish b/t criminal and crime

d. Maria Theresa (Hapsburg) i. Used daughters for political alliances

ii. Church under state control iii. Bureaucracy strengthened iv. Some improvements for peasants

e. Joseph IIi. Most liberal

ii. Only 10 yrs rule iii. Edict of toleration- religious toleration iv. Edict on Idel Institutions

1. Close all contemplative orders- all prayer life never ran its course v. Abolished serfdom

1. Didn’t work out 2. Ill conceived

vi. Educational improvements vii. “Freedom of press”ish

1. scientists kind of have more freedom…viii. Encourages the arts

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f. Catherine the Great i. Continued westernization of peter the great, sent ppl out to buy art, (the best Reubens

paintings are in Russia)ii. in her late 60s she falls in love with 20yr old soldier

iii. expands teh rusian army and navyiv. some relig toleration- all jews are equal before the law, religious tolerance to old believers,

reduced religious tensions because it would lead to a more efficent govtv. attempts to codify law- never actually accomplished it, influenced by Beccaria- torture was

used less and less frequentlyvi. Pugachev Rebellion- Peasants' conditions didnt improve, cossaks lead by pugachev kill many

nobels and burn homes, the follewers were exectuted by a hook thru their lungs and being pulled by it, pugachev was paraded around the towns in a cage and then executed. all to show that questioning royal authoirty leads to death. catherines enlightenment ENDS

8. Major wars and diplomacy of the 18cent

a. War of Austiran succession -1740 to 1748 (king georges war in US)i. Prussia, France spain versus Austria and England

ii. cause: Pragmatic sanction by Charles VI- legal doc that said when charles died Maria Teresa would be queen and austiran lands would stay intact. bribed ppl so they wouldnt freak wwhen a girl was queen.put him in debt

iii. 1740- Fred the great invades Silesia (part of austria) in direct violation of the sanction which his dad signed. silesia has tons of iron and coal perfect for making stuff for your army

iv. Treaty of Aix la Chappelle- 1748, fred gets to keep silesia

b. B. Diplomatic Revolution 1756-i. alliances become Austria and France versus England and Prussia

ii. Hapsburg and french are together for the first time like ever. france realizes that the hapsburgs arent the threat, the hohenzollerens are.

iii. c. 7yrs War- 1756 to 1763 (french and indian war in US)

i. 1st world warii. cause- french/english argue over land in N. America, austria wants silesia back from prussia

iii. austria/france/russia versus prussia/englandiv. treaty of paris 1763- french get kicked out of n. america, prussia keeps silesia, england

controls all of india.d. Partition of Poland 1772-1795

i. -Russia and Austria push back the ottomans, and get some land, upsets balance of power, to fix it, russia and ausria give back some land, and divide poland up between them and Prussia

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Chapter 21: The Revolution in Politics, 1775-1815

I. Results of the American Revolution 1. Ideas of the Enlightenment put into action

i. Locke- overthrow George III, didn’t protect national rights ii. Montesquieu- separation of power

iii. Rousseau- real political authority w ppl- pop sovereignty 2. Powers belong to the ppl3. Use of federalism

i. When constitution written- issues govt and slavery ii. Washington says we need centralized govt

iii. Jefferson wanted state poweriv. Compromise= fism v. Fed govt makes law and so can states, but state law can’t conflict with Constitution

(Liberty- HR and freedoms, sovereignty in ppl, implied no arbitrary laws and publicly written, Equality- = rights and = opportunity for males not economic =ity, but citizens should have an = chance- VERY LIBERAL VIEWS, Classical Liberalism- stressed liberty,= ity, human worth, human happiness, reason, progress, govt and society can improve- Enlightenment thinking, importance of individual, rest upon Jewish-Christian concepts based on Locke and Montesquieu- attracted to middle class, emphasized rep govt, but ONLY property owning men) II. The French Revolution

1. Causes i. Underlying causes

1. Social Conditions a. By 1780s the thinking of Enlightenment becomes old…ishb. Growing criticism of French govt

i. 1St Estate- clergy- 1% of pop in France, some privileges- tax exempt and could enforce tax on everyone else, controlled 10% of land

1. Upper and lower clergy- upper came from nobles and lower usually from middle class, sometimes peasants

ii. 2nd Estate- nobles- 2% of population out of 25 million ppl, also lots of privileges- tax exempt, owned 25-30% of all the land, could levy taxes on peasants in addition to taxes to centralized govt

1. Nobles of the sword- aristocratic, older nobles 2. Nobles of the robe

iii. 3rd Estate- everyone else- 97%1. Commercial and industrial leaders- owners of banks,

trading companies, etc, $$, highly educated, familiar w Enlightenment thinking

2. Petite Bourgeoisie- teachers, lawyers, professors, etc, not $$ but very aware of Enlightenment thinking

3. Proletarians- urban workers, econ downturn- serious problems

4. Peasants- live in rural areas, not all in complete poverty, some had a little bit of land, some had to pay feudal dues, worried about food, clothing, and shelter, in long run- 2 groups that gain the most from industrial revolution- peasants and middle class, generally speaking- conservative

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2. Political Conditions a. Louis XV- 1715-1774

i. Died w small pox, succeed by Louis XVI- 1774-1792? ii. Was a player- chilled w prostitutes

iii. Reasons women kept out of govt bc it’s the woman who causes the problems- its her fault that there are extra marital affairs

iv. Often XVI he would show public affection, b. Louis XVI

i. Son was direct opposite of father ii. Something king shouldn’t due, wife was Marie Antoinette- gets a

bad rep- extravagant, tried to understand what peasant life was like- had a farm, dies the wool of sheep, ties in w Enlightenment thinking- pursuit of happiness- go back to nature, off to a poor start from first day- coming from Austria, has German accent, seen as a scapegoat, has horrible slurs thrown at her, Austrian whore or Austrian bitch

c. Divine right of kings- inefficient govt, unfair law system, doesn’t even have the same units of measurement

3. Economic Conditions a. Yea there is mercantilism, but is ?ed- ADAM SMITH!! <3 b. Modern capitalismc. Industrialization d. Middle class complaint- we want political power compliable to econ powere. Assembly of Notables 1787

i. Louis XVI called it at Versailles- work out new tax plan ii. Nobles say yeano

f. Immediate Cause i. Financial crisis- bankrupt

1. Involved in 3 wars, Austrian Succession, 7 years war, and American revolution

2. Huge pensions to nobles 3. Maintaining court life4. ½ of all tax revenues spent on paying back national debt

4. Calling of the Estates General a. Last time met was at beginning of Louis XIII b. Louis XVIGets historians to find documents to figure out procedure,

chooses ppl to serve at estates general- ELECTION!! First election ever, foreshadows future elections, each estate had own election thru out France, assemble somewhere and that group gets chose to go to the Estates General

c. Econ bad- bad grain harvests= price of bread $$$$$, basically what ppl ate, if u live by just getting by and price of bread increases you are very much affected

d. 1788-1798 elections held i. precursor of modern tix

ii. use of cahiers- suggestions ppl had- calling overhaul of tax structure, some strange- came from peasants in Eastern France- crop production was failing, it was bc sheep have bad breath, we need to investigate

e. Abbe Seiyes- writes What is the Third Estate? Everything, real authority belongs with the 3rd estate- 97% of pop

f. May 1789- Estates General met- members of 3rd estate puts hats on in presence of the king- rude, once speech is over, each estate goes to a dif room- problem- how are we going to vote? All they argued and talked about for 6 weeks “most of members of 1 and 2 estate- each estate has 1 vote, many of 3rd estate, we’re in contemporary 1789 times- vote by individual” some members of 1st and 2nd estate go to meet with 3rd estate, next day more and more go- gives rise to the national assembly

“No, I mean funny haha” –Mr. Pearson 9

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g. The National Assembly- 1789-1791, June 17, 17 1789 Third Estate declared itself the National Assembly- nobody called into it btw, on

i. June 20th- doors locked- Louis XVI thought that preventing National Assembly could intimidate them to go home, all they did was go down the hall to a tennis court

h. Tennis Court Oath- by accident they found that room, we’re not leaving Versailles until France has a Constitution, forget about storming of Bastille, Tennis court oath is when revolution states, getting sovereign power on behalf of ppl of France, more and more are going over

i. Louis Calls up more soldiers just incase i. Parisian Revolution begins- proletarian, bourgeoisiej. Storming of the Bastille

i. July 14, 1789 ii. A prison that holds ammunition

iii. Symbol of the Ancient Regime- old rule, royal absolutism iv. Man in there bc family put him there bc he couldn’t pay debts v. Man from Ireland- thought he was God, Joan of Arch- prisoner

who was insane k. The National Guard is formed- citizen’s army- keep order bc king can’t –

leader= Lafayettei. Red white and blue- red and blue= colors of Paris, white w

Bourbon family- French flagl. The Great Fear

i. Peasants very alarmed- attack the aristocrats, tax records burned, also aristocrats very scared

m. Decree of August 4, 1789 i. Feudalism is gone- equality of taxation

ii. Serfdom is dead iii. Was a way to calm the great fear

n. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizeni. Got rid if original purpose of estates general- taxes

o. Bread March of the Women, Oct 1789 i. Proletarian class

ii. Armed women iii. Marched to Versailles, late afternoon iv. Searching for the baker, baker’s wife, and baker’s boy- wanted

Louis XVI to accept the dec of the rights of man- force king to leave Versailles and go to Paris, is when National Assembly goes the Paris

p. Achievements of the National Assembly i. Religion- confiscate all Church property and sell it to investors and

peasants, once sold the profits go to a paper currency- backed by gold and silver of church lands- how the peasants are able to buy a little more land

1. most serious error- proclaims the Civil Constitution of the Clergy- priests are state officials- catholic church is under state control- all priests are state employees and it reduces pope’s power in France, all priests had to sign this, ½ said no- non-jurying priest, the ones that said yes were called jurying priests

“No, I mean funny haha” –Mr. Pearson 10

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ii. Government1. Departments- each has its own laws- sorta2. Common system of measurement- adopt the metric

system- prolly not until late 19th cent that it is enforced iii. Constitution

1. France now is a constitutional monarchy, legislature that is formed is a unicameral- one house, we’re bicameral- house and senate

2. Middle class has political control 3. New elections- all men over 25 could vote if they owned

x amt of land and if they paid x amt of taxes- active citizen- calls legislative assembly

4. Women can’t vote/ hold office- Louis XV had a ton of mistresses- made women look bad and women has obligation to raise good French citizens

5. Piere? Was in the petite bourgeoisie- Revolution is now over- right and wrong

6. Summer 1791 Louis XVI and wife and kids and servants get out of France to go to Austrian Netherlands to form an army to invade France and stop all of this, but was caught at border- brought back to Paris- respect gone

5. Legislative Assembly, 1791-1792 a. Membership

i. The Left 1. Jacobin radicals- political clubs, republic based on

universal manhood suffrage 2. Girondists- not as far left- come from Gironde was a just

a name for one of the 83 departments- limit the vote, but still a republic, spread out power

ii. The Center (the plain) 1. Moderate republicans

iii. The right 1. Loyalists- monarchists

b. Edmund Burke: Reflections on the Revolution in France- doesn’t support the revolution, supports aristocratic privileges

c. Mary Wollstonecraft- A vindication of the Rights of Mani. A Vindication of the Rights of Women- women’s rights

d. Thomas Paine: The Rights of Man- Englishman supporting radical changes e. Olympe de Gouge:

i. Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Female Citizenii. Are Women Citizens? YES!!

f. The émigrés- many nobles who left France and went to Prussia and told about how life is so awful in France

g. The Declaration of Pillnitz, 1791 i. Vague on surface

ii. Sanctions to invade Franceh. War declared on Austria, April, 1792

i. French start out doing terriblyi. Brunswick Manifesto, July 1792

i. We are invading France to restore Louis XVI to his rightful position as an absolute king

ii. Then radicals get control of legislative ass and get red of dec and get universal manhood suffrage to form national convention and make France a republic

j. Parisian Insurrection, August 1792i. Large mob burst in the palace that they were in under house arrest

almost kill Louis XVI, only thing that saves him is National Guard

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k. September Massacres, 1792i. Royalists and priests killed- nonjurried

l. Battle of Valmy, September 1792i. French v Austrian-Prussian, French dominate

ii. Attack on moss- HUGE group of soldiers attack on the other side- new technique- war was seen as a game before- not so much training

6. The National Convention, 1792-1795a. Membership

i. The Left- The Mountain, (Jacobin) 1. Robespierre- petite bourgeoisie, lawyer2. Danton- know as Atlas- strong oratory skills3. Marat- amazing writer

ii. The Center- The Plainiii. The Right, Girondists

1. Didn’t believe in universal manhood suffrage 2. Need more local control- 83 departments, fism!!

b. Proclaims France a Republic c. Execution of Louis XVI, Jan 1793

i. Treason- written a letter to Austria to but uprising downii. Killed in a humane way- fast, painless

iii. Son- Louis XVII killed too, idea that royalists would still supportd. Sans-Culottes

i. w/o breeches- pants aristocrats wore, working class wore pantsii. Urban workers in mostly city of Paris

iii. Not peasants bc they are in rural parts of France iv. Decisive ptx force

e. Committee of Public Safety i. Directed by Rpbsepierre

ii. At the core of the National Assembly- VERY RADICAL iii. Led France thru foreign and domestic probs iv. Summer of 93 to summer of 94v. Planned econ- govt that provides jobs, controls prices-

EMBRYONIC SOCIALISM (early socialism) vi. Levee em Nasse- national draft/conscription

vii. Total war- every aspect of a nation is devoted to the war effort, strong govt intervention, preparing fur 19th and 20th century- good ex WWI and II

f. Reign of Terror i. Illuminate ppl who don’t agree?

ii. Thought there was no loyal opposition (ex- republicans to Obama- they oppose him, but are loyal to the country)

iii. Many Girondists killed iv. Bring in Republic of Virtue- all French citizens become a member

of- live great moral lives based on ideas and thinking of French revolution- lasted 1 yr

v. Counter revolution in south western France vi. 25-40 thousand ppl killed who don’t agree w ideas of Nat Ass.-

geotine has a nickname- national razor- 1. mostly peasants killed- didn’t want change 2. Once peasants get what they want they become

verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry conservative vii. Begin de-Christianization- get rid of Catholic influence, got rid of

Notre Damn- temple of thinking now 1. DON’T MESS W HENRY IV- hes the best king France

has ever had

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2. Weird stuff happens- no more Sunday, church calendar- gone, names of months changed, mass is prohibited, churches= storage bins, BUT women keep religion alive

viii. The Thermidorian Reaction, 1794 1. Committee of public safety kidnapped and killed 2. Robspierre- arrested and tried to kill himself- bandages-

executed BUT not like the others- geotine- killed face up- what happens w rulers who try to rule with out human rights

3. Return to bourgeois liberalism- sans culottes gone… for now

4. New constitution- only property owners can hold office and vote

ix. The Directory, 1795-1799 1. 5 men w executive power 2. Corruption increases

x. Results of the French Revolution 1. Destruction of the Ancient Regime2. New order based on equality, ability, and law 3. Strengthens ideas of cap4. MOST IMPORTANT RESULT- ESTABLISHED

FOUNDATIONS FOR NATIONALISM5. Gives rise to secular democracy

a. State has say in hc system/edu system/etcIII. The Age of Napoleon, 1799-1815

1. Early life- born on Corsica- controlled by France i. Joins French army in late teams

ii. By 26 has very important post bc all aristocratic leaders are gone2. Napoleon and the Directory

i. Attack of the Parisian mob- 1795ii. Italian Campaign, 1796-

1. French fighting Austrians2. Resounding victory for France 3. Italians had to sign Treat of Campo Formio, French have control of northern Italy

iii. Egyptian Campaign, 1798-1799 1. Ottoman Empire is still like together, but really weak- various parts of empire

wanted to control their selves- ex Ottoman Turks 2. Britain and France tried to establish spheres of influence 3. Battle of the Nile, Aug 1789

a. At Delta of Nileb. Resounding victory for Britain c. Start using primitive trench warfare

3. Coup d’etat of 18 Brumaire (Nov 9, 1799)i. Take over of power by force

ii. Napoleon is is Paris- go to national convention and directory is forced to step down and Napoleon is new ruler in France

(The Consulate: 1799-1804The Empire: 1804-1814)

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4. Napoleon’s Domestic Reforms and Politics i. Napoleon Code

1. What he wanted to be remembered by2. Greatest domestic reform 3. First complete codification of law- no Bourbon king could do this 4. Made permanent many of the achievements of the Revolution5. Equality before the law 6. Freedom of conscience- all religions 7. Property Rights- everyone could buy/own property 8. Denies women equal status to men

ii. Concordat of 1801 1. Improves relations b/t church and state – church is useful- if can heal the wounds 2. Provided: Catholicism was majority of religion of France- NOT official religion,

churches are reopening, however what the church agrees to the fact that it lost lands and it can’t extract the 10% tax

iii. The Bank of France- 18011. National bank- get France on a strong footing 2. The govt can gradually be involved in economy

iv. Education 1. National sustel2. University of France- funding

a. Est to train teachers v. Public Works

1. Provides funding 2. Lots of monuments built 3. Ties into nationalism 4. Kind of have neoclassical style, now its more of the Empire style

5. Napoleon’s Foreign Policyi. At Notre Dame- crowns himself empire

ii. Crowns wife empress iii. Creates largest empire since Rome iv. Only thru an empire could France be great and have peace v. Battle of Trafalgar, Oct 1805

1. ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT BATTLES- by 1805 Napoleon was convinced he needed to defeat England to get lotsa power- INVADE, last time England was successfully invaded was in 1066

2. At the tip of Spain- near N Africa3. Brits got there and won 4. Commander of British was Lord Nelson- lost an eye and an arm, is killed- didn’t

want to be buried at sea, to preserve his body- but him in port wine and left it there until they got to England

vi. The Battle of Austerlitz, Dec 1805 1. Battle of 3 Emperors 2. France: Napoleon I 3. Russia: Alexander I4. Austria: Francis II 5. FRENCH PWN 6. Formation of the Confederation of the Rhine

a. Napoleon is called the Protector b. HRE DIES AND DOESN’T COME BACK

vii. Continental System1. Berlin Decrees- make up Contin. System2. Napoleon’s attempt to cut of Britain from the rest of the world w trade3. As a reaction- England fights back and wins bc remember, England controls the seas 4. Britain begin to harass American ships too much- war of 1812 in US, ex of major

European wars spilling over

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viii. Peninsular War, 1808-1814 Iberian peninsula 1. Spanish guerilla war

a. King Joseph of Spain bc Napoleon appointed him bc he wanted powwwwwwer

2. “Spanish Rebellion” a. Many civilians have gorilla warfare against French- hit and run

3. Napoleon’s “cancer”a. To control- had to leave ¼ million soldiers to put down this uprising

4. Serious defeat for Napoleon and the beginning of the end for him ix. The “War of Liberation” 1809

1. French good at repelling Austrian forces2. Forced to become a French ally

x. The Russian Campaign, 1812 1. Napoleon would invade into Russia 2. But as Napoleon’s grand army, march into Russia, and Russian armies just fell back

as if to force the French to go in- came to outright draw3. Czar calls to have Moscow burned4. Napoleon orders a gradual withdraw and to return back in the spring 5. PROBLEM- winter comes early- was a riot- many died 6. Russia was beginning to trade, France couldn’t prevent them either 7. Exported furs and timber- hurt when enforcing Continental System

xi. Battle of Leipzig, Oct 1813 1. (Battle Nations)- defeat for the French2. Napoleon is captured by Prussians- considered suicide 3. He is sent to Elba- has everything he needs- is a king, etc 4. New ruler- Louis XVIII, Congress of Vienna 5. Messenger comes and says Napoleon left Elba- goes to Franc6. Hundred Days, March- June, 1815 7. Battle of Waterloo June 1815

a. Wellington v Napoleon b. Napoleon exiled to St. Helena- has everything he needs

6. Achievements of Napoleon i. Spread the positive achievements of the French Revolution

1. Ends serfdom ii. Spread Nationalism

1. Most influenced- Italy and Germany iii. Centralized the French govtiv. Settlement w the Catholic Church, not great, but ehhh getting there

“No, I mean funny haha” –Mr. Pearson 15