tenby schools penang e- newsletter - 20171103(v1).pdf · tenby schools penang e- newsletter ......

TENBY SCHOOLS PENANG E- NEWSLETTER Issue #41 3 rd November 2017 Message from Campus Principal Mr. Iain Sallis Dear Parents Tenby Schools Penang was delighted to announce the success of 6 students this week. We are proud to announce the Cambridge Exam Board’s decision to recognise high achievement among our students. Congratulations to all students involved. Parents received questionnaires this week from the Central Team. This is an important process for every school and allows us to hear the voice of the community. Students and teachers also have separate questionnaires to complete by the end of November. I would encourage all parents to be honest in their response but also recognise the positive aspects of our school. The CIS team commented on the high level of community we have as a campus and how forward thinking the community is to change. I am hoping the questionnaire responses will reflect this. Deadline is end of the month of November. You will notice 3 languages on the document this year, in an attempt to support an improved effort to communicate to more parents. Deepavali Celebrations A big thank you to all the parents who supported our Deepavali celebration and to the TSPA who supported the candle gifts to the school community. It really was a community event with food pot luck, costumes and activities throughout the day. Open Day Nov 18 th Tenby Schools Penang will be hosting another open day on Saturday 18 th November between 10am and 12pm. Please use the power of your networks and spread the word to fellow families. Library Application Launch We launched the library application this week to great effect. Library book reservations have already increased and now parents can support students with book decisions at home. We hope this will support our drive on literacy across the campus. Campus Principal Tours The old Learning Live tours are now called Campus Principal Tours and take place every week on Thursdays from 8:10am to 9:10am. This is for existing and new parents and involves a tour by the Campus

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Issue #41 3rd

November 2017

Message from Campus Principal

Mr. Iain Sallis

Dear Parents Tenby Schools Penang was delighted to announce the success of 6 students this week. We are proud to announce the Cambridge Exam Board’s decision to recognise high achievement among our students. Congratulations to all students involved.

Parents received questionnaires this week from the Central Team. This is an important process for every school and allows us to hear the voice of the community. Students and teachers also have separate questionnaires to complete by the end of November. I would encourage all parents to be honest in their response but also recognise the positive aspects of our school. The CIS team commented on the high level of community we have as a campus and how forward thinking the community is to change.

I am hoping the questionnaire responses will reflect this. Deadline is end of the month of November. You will notice 3 languages on the document this year, in an attempt to support an improved effort to communicate to more parents. Deepavali Celebrations A big thank you to all the parents who supported our Deepavali celebration and to the TSPA who supported the candle gifts to the school community. It really was a community event with food pot luck, costumes and activities throughout the day.

Open Day Nov 18


Tenby Schools Penang will be hosting another open day on Saturday 18

th November between 10am and

12pm. Please use the power of your networks and spread the word to fellow families. Library Application Launch We launched the library application this week to great effect. Library book reservations have already increased and now parents can support students with book decisions at home. We hope this will support our drive on literacy across the campus. Campus Principal Tours The old Learning Live tours are now called Campus Principal Tours and take place every week on Thursdays from 8:10am to 9:10am. This is for existing and new parents and involves a tour by the Campus

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Principal and an opportunity to see the school at work, attend lessons and discuss learning. Please contact Principals PA for more information. Careers Talk and Debating Weekend On Saturday 25

th of November we will be hosting two

events. The TSPA careers talks are back again for the second time after the success at the inaugural event. Our guest speakers include a Doctor, Lawyer and an Engineer. Parents are welcome to the event also. Come along and learn! On the same day we are hosting a two day debating event with Red.Dot Debating Company who are offering debate training. The company have an experienced debating team including winners from the World Scholars cup. Information is on our media and Facebook page.

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3 E-Newsletter: Issue #37



By S.H. Cheah

Message for Head Of School

Champion in the National Public Speaking


Ho Jay Meen – Champion in the National Public

Speaking Competition organised by the Girl Guides

Association Malaysia. She won the Yang Amat

Berbahagia Datin Paduka Seri Rosmah Mansor

Trophy.. This event was held in Kula Lumpur. Thank

you to teachers, Jay Meen’s parent and our District Girl

Guide Commissioner for making the possible.

Girl Guides Jogathon

Raja obtained the first prize for the best collection for

the Girl Guides Jogathon

Other members won consolation prizes for their effort

in their collection for the jogathon.

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4 E-Newsletter: Issue #37

Akido Akiman Challenge

Malaysia Junior Tennis Circuit

competition 2017

Lim Pei En – Runner up in the Thailand – Malaysia

Junior Tennis Circuit competition 2017. Well done.

Nicholas Cheah and Jeshvendra obtained a certificate of participation in Akido Akiman Challenge.

Students who won the Post

UPSR Bahasa Malaysia

Challenge. Congratulations

and well Done.

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5 E-Newsletter: Issue #37


By Mdm. Thum

The Graduation Dinner Committee, 2017 would like to

thank everyone who attended the graduation dinner for

the fifth formers. The graduation dinner was organised

by the form fours and held at St Giles Wembley.

Mr Iain, Mr Cheah, Mdm Thum and the Head Prefect,

Shaun Yeoh gave inspiring speeches during the event.

There were also many amazing performances by

students. Max Teh, one of the performers, danced his

routine that won him 1st place in the 11

th IDTA Cup

Asia Open Dance Championship.

The highlight of the evening was the crowning of the

Prom King and Prom Queen. Keevhen Rhaj A/L James

Selvaraj made a dashing Prom King and Winona Putri

Wirindra was elegant and regal as Prom Queen.

Prom King & Prom


Form 5 students with Campus Principal, Head of Schools and teacher

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6 E-Newsletter: Issue #37

Mandarin Day

Mandarin Day kicked start with a Chinese calligraphy

competition. There were three categories-beginners,

intermediate and advance.

Students were all excited and eager to hone their skills,

to produce the great pieces of artistic calligraphy.

Needless to say the competition tested their patience

and also tremendous concentration.

Winners in each category will be awarded certificates

on Awards Day.

Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and

Study (KL-YES) program

Shaun Yeoh has been selected

as a finalist for the Kennedy-

Lugar Youth Exchange and

Study (KL-YES) program which

provides scholarships for

students from countries with

significant Muslim-population,

one being Malaysia, to spend

half a year in the United States.

Funded by the US Department of State, he will depart

in January to spend 6 months living with an American

host family, studying in an American high school,

assimilating with American cultures and being a young

ambassador of Malaysia in order to promote

understanding and respect between these two


We congratulate Shaun on his achievement and in the

words of Ms Lisa Choate, the Vice President of the

Youth Exchange and Study Scholarship, ‘The selection

process for the program is highly competitive and you

(Shaun) should be proud of your accomplishment.’

Well done Shaun!

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By Henrietta Jameson

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We have had a fantastic few weeks in TIPS. Many

classes have worked together to create exciting Exit

Points in IPC and new units have been launched

engaging the students interest.

Thank you to all parents who attended our PIM (Parent

Information Meeting) on on-line resources. It was great

to see so many of you attend and show that you are

supporting us and your children with their learning at

home. If you were unable to come the PowerPoint

home. If you were unable to come the PowerPoint

Presentation has been sent out on engage. I have

already heard lots of students talking about how great

Bug Club is and how they are enjoying the maths


Our parent forum was also well attended this week.

You will all receive the information about what we

discussed via the portal.

Have a lovely weekend,

Kind regards,

Ms Etta

Sporting Update

The U9 and U11 football team played against Dalat last Monday and

they were amazing. Mr Donovan accompanied them and said that

despite the storm they worked as a team and came away with a brilliant

result, 8-2 to Tenby.

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8 E-Newsletter: Issue #37

English in Year 1

Year 1 have been learning all about Instruction Texts.

As part of the process they have been learning 'Bossy

words' (imperative verbs) such as put, get and jump.

The students created their own set of instructions

about how to come into our school in the mornings. We

have also been looking at time connectives and why

they are important in instructions.


Thank you to everyone who supported our Deepavali celebration. All students worked together, under the

guidance from Ms Rinosa, to create our TIPS rangoli. We had a great whole campus assembly where

students from TIPS performed a dance. At the end they were cheered by the whole campus. Everyone

looked fantastic in their traditional dress and the ‘Pot Luck’ lunch was incredible. It was a great community

event and I would like to thank the TPSA Class Reps and all parents who helped organise and ensure the

lunch went smoothly.

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9 E-Newsletter: Issue #37

Exciting IPC Units

In Year 2, we are trying to find out what we know about our favourite stories for our Knowledge Harvest. We wrote down the different settings, characters, plots and even titles of these stories and then shared our knowledge with the class. We learned a lot of new things and found out that making a story involves a lot of different things coming together. This is Year 4 taking part in their Entry Point for their new IPC unit, The Nature of Life. They showed good communication and co-operation by building bird nests in groups. They had to consider what they thought a bird would need. Some very cosy nests were created. For the first half of their Entry Point, Year 5 are becoming ‘Space Explorers’ by accepting a design challenge to create a model rocket from only 3 materials; scrap paper, glue and tape. We can’t wait to see which rocket design will travel the furthest through our magnificent solar system.

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Star of the week 27th October 2017

Star of the week 13th October 2017

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11 E-Newsletter: Issue #37



By Miss. Liz

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We have been celebrating the success of our talented

students this week since receiving confirmation of their

outstanding achievements through Cambridge

International Examinations. All our award winners are

invited down to Kuala Lumpur to celebrate with other

recipients from across Malaysia. Please click here to

read more details from across the Tenby Schools


Our ‘Loving Literacy’ initiative this year is proving

valuable for our Reading Buddies in both Key Stage 3

and 5. Students from Year 9 and Year 12 are forming

bonds between students in the lower years to assist

and support with their literacy development. All our Key

Stage 3 students are “Dropping Everything and

Reading” [D.E.A.R.] during their tutor time every week

to increase the reading opportunity here at school.

Regular reading is key to success and we want to

promote the benefits of reading to all our students,

staff and parents.

Our English Faculty are linking up with our Art

Department and gearing up for our involvement in the

upcoming Georgetown Literacy Festival later this

month. Students and teachers will be involved in story

telling workshops over the weekend and Art follows the

theme of “Monsters and Immortals.” Further details will


An action packed few weeks ahead, as it always is at

Tenby Schools Penang!

We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming

Parents Evenings – further information will be sent

through for bookings nearer the time.

Thursday 23 November – Year 8, 10, 12 & 13

Thursday 30 November – Year 7, 9 & 11

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Liz

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12 E-Newsletter: Issue #37

As part of the KS3 end of term assembly, we will be celebrating successes outside of school as well as

within. Therefore, please contact Mr Rob by email with information on any achievements we may not know

about as a school.

KS3 News – By: Mr Rob

Music clubs continue to run at lunchtimes and are free to attend. As well as this, year 10 Tudor Martin is currently running guitar classes on Fridays after school. Music clubs will move to after-school CCA slots from January. KS3 students continue to support year 1-3 students in a supported reading scheme one morning a week. Students wishing to join this should come to see Mr Rob. In tutor time over the next few weeks, KS3 students will be asked to prepare and deliver a speech to the rest of their class on something they are passionate about. It should be 2-3 minutes long and offers a chance to improve public speaking skills and confidence speaking in front of a small audience. Tutors will be offering feedback and nominating star students from the whole process.

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13 E-Newsletter: Issue #37

KS4 News – By: Mr David

Year 11’s - Sixth Form taster day 16th


On Thursday 16th the year 11’s will experience what it

is like to be part of the sixth form and what A level

subjects feel like including an overview of the demands

and expectations.

On the 6th, 7

th and 8

th November in preparation for the

taster day Year 11 students will be attending a ‘market

place event’ where existing A level students will share

their knowledge about the courses.

Year 10 and 11 – Overseas scholarship


On Tuesday year 10 and 11 students were able to

meet and talk to a range of overseas universities. A

very informative and engaging session.

International Award

The International Award is an excellent opportunity for

students to develop the ‘added extras’ that separate

students from others with similar qualifications. Year

10 students attended an assembly to hear more about

the opportunities at Tenby.


A big thank you to everyone for supporting our push to

meet the school uniform and appearance expectations.

Under 15s

Keep a winning streak going beating Pelita 7-1

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14 E-Newsletter: Issue #37

KS5 News – By: Paula

Attendance for week beginning 23rd October

Year 12 99.05%

Year 13 98.33%

With one-to-one support and counselling our Year 13

students are busy compiling their personal statements

and applications for university entry 2018.

We are also preparing for our Subject Market Place

event next week where our Sixth Form students will

meet with the Year 11’s to discuss the wide range of

STEM subjects we have on offer here at Tenby.

Following this event our Year 11’s will decide which

four subjects they would like to participate in on our

upcoming Sixth Form taster day.

The Overseas Scholarship Roadshow was another

very successful event with students sharing comments

such as ‘I have been able to ask questions and find out

answers about a course I am interested in.’ and ‘This

event has been very helpful in deciding what A Levels I

should choose.’

I have been an

active sketcher for

the past year now,

and two weeks ago,

I joined my first

ever urban


convention in

Kuching, Sarawak

which absolutely

did not disappoint.

For four days,

300+ sketchers

from all around Southeast Asia filled the Granary

– a bar and café located at the heart of Kuching

city. Days were jam-packed with sketching,

whether on the streets, in local cafes, or in 3-hr

workshops conducted by internationally-famous


I feel lucky to be involved in such a global

community and absolutely look forward to sharing

the idea of urban sketching with more people who

are interested. I hope to, through my future

involvement in art, show the world; one drawing at

a time.

By Ryan Ng

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15 E-Newsletter: Issue #37

Tigers Shows No Mercy To Gems

Simultaneously playing both home and away, Tenby Tigers continue their quest in being the winners for their respective events

Well done Tenby for the spectacular winning streak

Tournament-Tenby vs GEMS U 15- Tenby won 3-1 U13 -Tenby won 6-0

Unstoppable Tigers

Tenby tigers are extremely hungry for victory as they

played a spectacular U15 Basketball match against


The Tigers dominated the court by a 61 -15 win margin

which certainly sent their opponents back with dismay.

Well done Tigers!

Basketball -Tenby vs Gems U15 Category -Tenby won 49-17 U13 Category -Tenby won 49-15

The Tigers are Back

Tigers have started their hunting spree for this new term. Now with their fangs and claws very much sharpened, they gracefully tamed the Straits Dragons with a 82-24 win.

A victorious start with more pouncing actions to come!! Stay tuned!! Well done Tigers

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16 E-Newsletter: Issue #37

U14 A Netball Match

Tenby International School vs. Uplands

On the 19th of September, last Tuesday, the Tenby

Tigers made a fantastic start to the netball season,

debuting its’ newly created U14 A netball Team.

Having had only two CCAs training together properly,

we thought we had not built the confidence needed in

order to fully believe that we were strong. How wrong

we were! Switching around the positions, figuring out

who worked best where and shuffling teammates led

us to create a masterpiece. Also known as U 14 A.

The opponents arrival made all of us truly switch on

when it came to warm up time. By 4:15 the match had

begun and we were off. Within the first quarter, Jia

Hui[GS] and Ella[GA] managed to score a whopping

13 goals between the both of them. Very impressive

considering this was their first match working together

in the D. Uplands did not have many attempts at

shooting due to the fact that the defence and offense

was powerful. Carmen, Yun Whey, Gurudevi, Jean and

myself [Antonia] worked as one, cooperating and

making sure the ball stayed down our end. The

opposition was unlucky as we were able to intercept

numerous passes. The final score was 40-0 making us

victorious. Go Tenby Tigers!

Report by: Antonia Martin, U14 A Captain

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17 E-Newsletter: Issue #37

U16 Netball Match : Tenby vs Straits 26th September 2017 @ Tenby Sports Hall

On 26th of September 2017, the Tenby Tigers had a friendly match with Straits, which took place in our home grounds. Straits Dragons arrived at 3.30 pm, then the netballers started to warm up. We then started the match after a quarter hour of warming up. We lost the toss so Straits got the centre pass. The Straits tried their best to keep the ball in their hands’ but was intercepted by GD, Carmen Lim. The Tigers really did make use of the spaces and spread out evenly and managed to score some fantastic goals. Even though Straits wasn’t the strongest opponent, we didn’t let our guards down. Our defenders stopped most opportunities for Straits to score when the ball at their shooting end. However, the Dragons did not give up easily and tried their best. The girls gave an excellent performance on that day. The final score was 64-0 to Tenby Tigers. I, Christine Lim, as the Captain of the netball team would like to congratulate my team with this flawless win. Written by Christine Lim, U16 Captain

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18 E-Newsletter: Issue #37

TENBY A vs POWIIS B U14 NETBALL MATCH @ POWIIS Thursday 28th September 2017 Tenby U14 A team showed great spirit when they went to POWIIS on 28th September to play their second friendly match of the season. After a long journey, the girls were a little nervous, but enthusiasm filled them with greater strength. A comfortable 3-0 victory over POWIIS in the first quarter had faltered Tenby Tigers by 4-1 in the second round. After a few advices given by our coach, we played with stronger momentum, and powerful defence, as well as making use of the space. Gurudevi and Antonia worked as a team to get the ball into the ‘D’, making it much easier for our shooters - Jia Hui (GS) and Ella (GA), leading to another victorious quarter in our third game, 9-0. With intense interceptions, Jean (WD) managed to interfere between passes, along with GK (Yun Whey) and GD (Carmen) pouncing on their shooters and getting most of the rebounds. The final score was 18-1 leading to another victory. It was an impressive display of team work, well done Tenby Tigers! Report by Carmen Lim - U14 A Vice Captain

TENBY TIGERS TEAM It was a brilliant day where the Tenby players were ready for the match, As we reached the Sports Arena , we could feel the intense atmosphere. Although some of us were still half asleep, we were all excited for our matches. When we arrived at our location, there were lots of people warming up and some were playing matches. Soon we settled down and started warming up in a group.

On our first game, we were up against the Kusess C team from Selangor. All of our players enthusiastically did a group cheer before each and every game, as well as cheers for the opposing team and most importantly, the umpires. All of the players did their best in each game. we managed to score 5 goals in our first game, but unfortunately, they managed to score 6 goals, so we lost with a score of 6-5 against the Kusess C team on the first game. Well we were having free time from 10:20am to 2:00pm, we went to Queensbay Mall to enjoy ourselves and to rebuilt ourselves for the second game, we ate lunch and by 1:30 we went back to the Sports Arena to prepare for the second game. In our second game, we played against Sujatha Netball from Sri Lanka. Our players continued to fight and worked harder despite our last game’s result. This time, we scored four goals, however, the opposing team scored with overwhelming number of 13 goals. Sadly, we lost again with the score of 13 - 4. After a long tiring day, some players were covered with injuries, but the memories and experience we gained there were very valuable. We are very satisfied that we had a chance to participate in such a popular tournament! Report by Ping Er Lim (Team Captain of Tenby Tigers)

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19 E-Newsletter: Issue #37

27th USM Netball Tournament 21st – 22nd October 2017 TENBY PHOENIXES TEAM

The Tenby netball team, Tenby Phoenixes, played a U15 netball tournament on the 21st and 22nd of October 2017, which was held at Sports Arena of University Science Malaysia. We were so excited to take part in this tournament as there are netball teams from other countries and state as well. We were proud to say we were the first and only team from Penang participated in this tournament!! On 21st of October 2017, the Phoenixes arrived at USM at 8am, started their warm-up right after we have settled down. Tenby Phoenixes started off with Mahsuri form Kedah. The girls this week really balanced their defensive and attacking skills whilst playing and their passes to each other have improved a lot over these past few weeks. The girls’ footwork, especially the ones who struggled with it the most, has also improved this season. The girls applied what they have learnt in training sessions about finding space and breaking away from their opposition and used it in the game which shows that they all finally understand how the drills can improve their actual game play. Although the score may not reflect your efforts, we should be proud of our performance today. Final score, 9 - 2 to Mahsuri. After being beaten by Mahsuri, the Phoenixes didn’t get brought down by the failure. Next match - Holy Cross all the way from Sri Lanka. As the time passes and the players have cooled down a little, the players regained their confidence and accuracy in passing and the Phoenixes started to pull away the score gap. Holy

U14 Netball Tournament: ‘A’ Team Uplands International School, Thursday 26th October 2017 Tenby’s netball U14 A team arrived back on the court last Thursday hungry for another competitive game! On the 26th of October we assembled and journeyed to Uplands to play a friendly tournament against rival schools. With more practice from previous CCAs we had learned to play more tactically and at a faster pace. Our improvement was definitely clear in our first game against the Strait’s Dragons. Smooth passing consistently got the ball near ‘D,’ in the ‘D’ and then finally into the hoop. Jia Hui and I worked together shooting and then scoring under pressure. A little shuffle and change of positions in the second half made our game better. We managed to keep up the pace and our accuracy throughout. Carmen, Jean and Yun Whey stopped the ball frequently from drifting towards the opposition’s side. Many interceptions were made. We all played calmly and finished with a result of 19-0. Go Tigers!

Cross were aggressive and quick and we were forced to work very hard to prevent them getting the ball into their shooting circle. This tactic allowed the shooters to score 11 goals in total. A fantastic game, well done! Final score 11-4. Later that day, the Phoenixes played with Hillwood Team from Sri Lanka. The Phoenixes started positively and took the lead in the first quarter demonstrating some fabulous shooting skills. In the second half Hillwood team started strongly and pulled ahead. The Phoenixes worked incredibly hard displaying great enthusiasm and team spirit. In the final minutes of the game the Phoenixes fought strongly but the game ended with 16 - 2 to Hillwood team. Tired and exhausted, The Phoenixes went home and have gained some experiences! Never be put down by failures girls! Work harder and we will achieve our goal next time. - Christine Lim (Captain) The next game was against POWIIS A Team. Gurudevi assisted most the centre passes with a fast run in whenever the whistle went. Ella and Jia Hui communicated more inside of the ‘D’ making better space for a beautiful pass and clean shot. When POWIIS got the ball to their shooters, Alina blocked and did a great job of marking the players. We were playing as team. Our defense and attack was strong however the ball did manage to go to POWIIS and they scored - just once. They too were quite fast with the ball, matching our pace of game though. We remained calm and grew in confidence as we scored more goals. Mainly due to our rapid passing and impressive shooting. The final score was10-1. Go Tigers!

By Antonia Martin (U14 A Captain)

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20 E-Newsletter: Issue #37

Date / Day Schools Description


3rd – 4th Nov

(Fri – Sat)


STSS Scout Camping School Campus

4th Nov (Sat) STSS &

TISS Community Project @ 8.30am SPCA, Jelutong

6th – 27th Nov

(Mon – Mon) STSS SPM Examination

Room 323 & Room


8th – 10th Nov

(Wed – Fri) STSS Educational Trip @ 8.15am Cameron Highlands

9th Nov (Thurs) STPS Awards Day 2017 @ 8.30am MPH

17th Nov (Fri) All

Halloween Party @

6.30pm for Primary Students,

7.30pm for Secondary Students

School Campus

23rd Nov (Thurs)

All TSPA AGM Meeting @ 8am School Library

TISS Parents Evening (for Year 8, Year 10, Year

12 & Year 13) @ 4pm – 6pm School Library

29th Nov (Wed) STSS STSS Annual Awards Day @ 8am MPH

30th Nov (Thurs)

TIPS Early Years and KS1 Production @ 8am MPH

TISS Parents Evening (for Year 7, Year 9 & Year

11) @ 4pm – 6pm School Library

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21 E-Newsletter: Issue #37

Useful Contacts

Tenby International School: 04 – 892 7703

Sri Tenby Primary School: 04 – 892 7707

Secondary Office: 04 – 892 7717

School Email: [email protected]

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Tenby Schools Penang

2, Lintang Lembah Permai,

11200 Tanjung Bungah. Penang.
