tenby schools penang 20151019 (published)v… · international best educational practice will...

Newsletter # Issue 4 Contact us: General Line: +604 892 7777 Primary Office: (TIPS)+604 892 7703 (STPS): +604 892 7707 Secondary Office: +604 892 7717 Fax: +604 899 8826 E-mail: [email protected] Date: 19th October 2015 Tenby Schools Penang

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Page 1: Tenby Schools Penang 20151019 (published)V… · international best educational practice will increasingly reflect schools ... 63% of parents have not spoken to the child ... The

Newsletter # Issue 4

Contact us: General Line: +604 892 7777 Primary Office: (TIPS)+604 892 7703 (STPS): +604 892 7707 Secondary Office: +604 892 7717 Fax: +604 899 8826 E-mail: [email protected]

Date: 19th October 2015

Tenby Schools Penang

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From the Campus Principal

Welcome back. I hope that all members of the School’s community had a restful mid-term break, and that opportunities were taken to escape the smoke of Penang for a few days where possible.

I have spent some time researching “best fit” models and scenarios for Tenby whereby the wider integration of ICT can be introduced into the learning opportunities provided to our students within the curriculum. I see it as an inevitable and empowering extension of the learning environment that we currently have, and believe that international best educational practice will increasingly reflect schools providing learning environments that are less-formalized, less teacher-directed and more student-centered, resulting in confident, innovative and engaged learners, who have global access to knowledge wherever they are.

This being said, it is also clear that many school iPad, “1-to-1” tablet , or “BYOD” programmes fail, and this is mainly due to a failure by schools to set the foundations for such programmes appropriately. Meticulous planning and initial preparation by school stakeholders (Board, staff, students and parents) is essential to success. It is simplistic to think that providing mobile technology alone will enhance learning. It is a tool only and not always the best tool for the job, which is something that we all can take a lesson from. I read a quote recently that I consider very accurate;

“By embracing the benefits mobile technology can bring to learning, you open the door to educating young people about when such technology is not the best tool to use, helping young people to control their use of technology not be controlled by it.”

Parents can also assist in the School in the on-going education of our children in the best use of technology and especially, in the area of e-Safety. Quite surprisingly, recent findings from ComRes “UK Safer Internet Centre” indicated;

32% of parents have not told their child how to stay safe online

57% of parents have not told their child how to protect personal information online

79% of parents have not discussed with their child the potential dangers of sexting

63% of parents have not spoken to the child about what to do if something upsets them or makes them feel uncomfortable online

77% of parents have not discussed with their child the issue of cyber-bullying

52% of parents have not spoken to their child about the potential dangers of meeting strangers online

81% of parents have not spoken to their child about how to report concerns online

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While these numbers are the result of a survey of a sample of UK parents and may not be reflected in a wider international survey, the numbers are worrisome when it is considered that the four main concerns expressed by parents with regard to their children being online are; Contacts (who their child is in contact with); Content (what sites are the child visiting); Conduct (what information is their child sharing online); and Commercialism (what hidden costs are their child exposing themselves to).

Schools have a responsibility to educate students in e-safety, and provide firewalls and restrictions to block access, and this is a shared responsibility with home. I encourage all parents to maintain a positive dialogue with their child over e-safety.


Gregory C Mowday

Campus Principal

dangers of meeting strangers online

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From The Head of STPS

The previous weeks have been very busy times. The school held two events; Tanglung night, a cultural event and Awards Day, a formal event.

Awards Day is an important annual event in the school calendar. It is a day where the school recognises and acknowledges academic achievements of students. It helps to motivate the other students to strive to become award winners. Parents of the award winners can take pride and bask in their children’s achievement because they have a big part in the children’s success. My sincere congratulations to the our award winners and the parents.

However we have to remember that in any competition not everyone can be a winner. In school we celebrate progress and effort. As long as a student has tried his/her best then he/she is a winner in his/her own right. We also proudly applaud students who have improved in one way or another, in their own unique way. Keep on trying to improve.

On this note, I would like to share this poem:


Your best is not good enough but that is okay

There's always one better it does seem that way

At least in your efforts you can take some pride

And you can feel happy that at least you've tried

The name of the winner most people recall

But you can feel happy that you gave it your all.

There are winners in classrooms and winners in sport

On the playground and football and on the tennis court

But for every winner who makes headline news

So many it does seem are destined to lose.

And though this time you did not win the next time maybe

You will be the one to enjoy victory

You did try your best and though you did not succeed

In your philosophical nature by example you lead.

As we begin the second part of the third term , I hope that all of you have an opportunity to relax and enjoy an alternate routine to school days. The break I hope would have recharged and invigorated. you.


Cheah Sin Hock Head of STPS

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Key Dates for



23rd October

Open day


Performance and graduation - FS3 students.

2014 UPSR Top Scorers

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Science Lessons in Tahun3 The objective of the lesson was to investigate the soil type for optimum growth of plants. Under the scaffolding by the teacher, the students devised an experiment to prove the hypothesis that they formed. The experiment encompassed scientific processes of questioning, drawing inferences, forming hypothesis and identifying variables. Through such an approach, students are trained in critical and creative thinking to prepare them for higher learning.

Learning Is Fun

“Experience is the best teacher”. Students in Tahun 1 had a picnic in the school ground when they were doing a unit on “Picnic” or “Berkelah”.This hands on experience is a good way for passive but impactful learning. It is a fact that learning associated with activities and positive feelings are more effective and productive.

Picnic is fun

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From The Head of STSS

Dear Parents,

The SPM examinations begin in November and the fifth formers are diligently preparing for the important examinations. Teachers and parents are guiding and lending support so that our students have the confidence and determination in their effort to excel.

It is also the time of year when fifth formers may feel sad as this is their final year in school and they will be leaving Sri Tenby Secondary School upon graduation from form five.

They are on the threshold of a new chapter of their lives and there could be mixed feelings of trepidation and excitement. Trepidation because they will leaving the safe, happy school environment for the unknown and yet there is that feeling of excitement as they face a new chapter, where limitless opportunities for success await if they are ready to work for it.

To help them cherish great memories in STTS, the organizing committee, comprising Form 4 students, organised the Graduation Dinner on 9 October. No effort was spared to ensure that things went smoothly and everyone had a good time. The fifth formers had a meaningful and memorable evening

The function was graced by Mr. Gregory Mowday, the Campus Principal and Mr. Cheah Sin Hock, Head of the National Schools. In their speeches, the two gentlemen gave invaluable advice to students and wished them success in their SPM examinations.


Thum Lin Chee

(Head of STSS)

Group photo with Form 5 students

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Key Dates for



23rd October

Open day


Monday - Thursday

26 - 29 Oct

Singapore Educational Trip

(Post PT3 Programme)

Monday - Wednesday

26 Oct - 11 Nov

Year-end Exams

Form 1,2 & 4

Science Week

The Science Week was held from 28 September to 2 October and the winners of the competitions are as follows:-

1st place : Form 1 (The Ocean Sun Fish)

2nd place: Form 5

(Using The Concept of Impulsive Force

and Techniques in Football Match)

3rd place : Form 2 (The Peacock Spider)

Certificates and prizes will be given on Awards Day.

PT3 Examinations The PT3 examinations began on 12 October and ended on the 15th.

Although the examination dates coincided with the Tenby week-long school break, many teachers were present to lend support and to wish the students success.

Judges and Winners group photo


Students presentation ……..

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Graduation Dinner Oct 2015

Speech from (left) Mr. Gregory, Mr. Cheah and Mdm Thum

Prom King and Queen 2015

(From left) Prom Queen - Teoh Shean San

Prom King - Gerald Fong

Lucky Draw Winners

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Form 5 Students:-

Wish the night will never end

One of the best days of my life

Feeling nervous about presenting my speech……..

Let’s party!

I want to get at least

one of the lucky

draw prizes later :)

Thanks for all your effort. We had a fantastic time.

Finally, We’re graduating

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From the Head of TISS

Dear Parents,

We’ve had a short week at TISS, thank you for your patience as we have made arrangements for students to complete work at home during the days we have missed due to the haze.

After being very proud of our students presenting and performing at the New Academic Evening last Thursday , I had another great experience during the weekend attending the International Award trip with our Year 10 and Year 11 students. The amount of time, dedication and planning into the events our students lead at school is remarkable. It was a privilege to be invited on the trip to Belum rainforest and I hope it is the first of many during my time at TISS.

Please congratulate the students when you see them as it really makes this school a special, positive and vibrant community.

Warm regards,

Mr Paul Walton

Head of TISS

[email protected]

Parents can follow our Twitter @tisspenang

Theme of the Week

World Teacher’s Day

Celebrating the role of teachers

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Key Dates for



21st October

UN Celebration Day


23rd October

Open day



30th October

Halloween Party

Tenby International Secondary School

A student-led adventure, deep in Belum rainforest with Key Stage 4 students, leeches, spiders, and


Our students organised the entire trip themselves, including the travel, trek route and the places we visited.

We had our first day hiking through the rainforest, then we set our camp for the night on the edge of the river. Students prepared their own meals, set up their own tents and

relaxed along the river bank after a long first day.

The students woke up the next morning refreshed, full of spirits and ready for the day ahead. We took a boat ride to visit a local village and walked to a breathtaking waterfall before returning to basecamp with wonderful memories of a great weekend.

The students were a credit to the school, supported each other in a tough and challenging environment. Through the whole weekend they had carried sleeping bags, tents and cooking equipment, showing that they were completely self-sufficient during this expedition.

I look forward to the next International Award trip, where our students can gain more invaluable experience in leadership, collaboration, persistence and resilience. I very much appreciated warm socks, dry feet and a cup of tea when I arrived back from the jungle on Sunday night!

If you would like to find out more about the International Award, please contact Mr Duncan for more details for how to get involved.

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Amanda Yeoh - Personal article

I have been in Tenby for almost 4 years. And in these four years, I’ve changed a lot. I was studying in a government school before I came here,

and I was an extremely shy person. But ever since I moved here, I’ve gained much more confidence.

I used to do ballet, jazz, modern and tap dance, but due to busy schedules, I stopped. However, the school provides a wide range of co-curriculum activities for the students to choose from, e.g.: rock/pop band, dance, sporting activities, cross stitch and more, so the students are able to apply for what they are more interested in/ more suited for.

In my four years in Tenby, I have received many merit certificates for most improved student. Merits are also given to students if assignments are done well.

I have collected most of my merits from French and History. I think it is a good thing to do to reward students with merits as it motivates them to work harder. The teachers in Tenby are really good-natured and understanding of the student’s needs, and never fail to encourage us to do our best.

Many of you will now be considering your child’s options for the future—here is a list of universities where our first cohort of A Level students now study at and the subjects they have chosen. Don’t hesitate to contact Admissions for more information about our sixth form.

University of Reading, UK Law

University of Kent, UK Actuarial Science

University of Liverpool John Moore, UK Psychology

University of Sungkyunkwan, Korea Media Communication

Ghent university, Belgium Business

University of Monash, Australia Psychology

University in Korea Journalism

University of British Columbia, Canada International Relations

Taylors University, Kuala Lumpur Law

Key Stage 5Key Stage 5Key Stage 5


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A t the end of this term, we have our big showcase event of talent!

W e have had over 800 views in the first 3 weeks of our YouTube channel. This week we have added:

Year 11 videos, Tenby’s got Talent, TISS events and many more.

You can go on YouTube and look for our Channel, Tenbyschoolspenang, for fun video content! Don’t forget to subscribe to see our videos.

Along with our Twitter feed, it’s a great way to follow what is happening at the school.

Coming soon...Coming soon...Coming soon...

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From The Head of TIPS

Dear Parents,

It has been a short week because of the haze, but despite the weather the children have continued to show great resilience to their learning. It was really good to see so many parents at our recent Parent Consultation Meetings. The turn out was very high with many classes having a 100% attendance. If however, you have not yet been able to meet with your child’s class teacher please contact them to arrange an appointment.


Ms Marian

Head of International Primary


Year 4 Creativity

As part of their Nature of Life Topic Year 4 have been designing and making the best possible bird’s nest. They chose their materials and collaborated in groups to make the most appealing nest for visiting birds. Their well presented learning logs show a range of information that helped them to make decisions for their chosen designs.

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Key Dates for



21st October

UN Day


23rd October

Open day



30th October

Halloween Event


Monday - Wednesday 9th - 11th

Public Holiday


I am pleased to introduce the newly appointed Student Leaders from Year 5 & 6.

This new role will involved greater responsibility at events involving parents and visitors as well as giving these students the opportunity to meet with others in this role

from Sri Tenby to support each other in developing links across the schools.

The appointed children are:

Year 5 Ee Jin. Raynan, Sin Jo and Afiq

Year 6 Kang Sheng Thuray, Soledad and Justine

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Stars of the week Stars of the week Stars of the week

05th to 05th to 05th to

09th October09th October09th October


Year 6

Year 3 Year 2

Year 1 Reception

Year 4 Year 5