temperate grassland/cold desert by: erica atkins and jake brown

Temperate Grassland/Co ld Desert By: Erica Atkins and Jake Brown

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Page 1: Temperate Grassland/Cold Desert By: Erica Atkins and Jake Brown

Temperate Grassland/Cold Desert By: Erica Atkins and Jake Brown

Page 2: Temperate Grassland/Cold Desert By: Erica Atkins and Jake Brown


Page 3: Temperate Grassland/Cold Desert By: Erica Atkins and Jake Brown

Precipitation/Temperature The precipitation is so limited that fires and drought prevent large forests from growing. Semiarid, continental climates are in the middle latitude

Temperate Grassland

Page 4: Temperate Grassland/Cold Desert By: Erica Atkins and Jake Brown

The most common plant life in the temperate grasslands are Buffalo Grass, Sunflower, Crazy Weed, Asters, Blazing Stars, Coneflowers, Goldenrods, Clover, and Wild Indigos.

Plant Life

Page 5: Temperate Grassland/Cold Desert By: Erica Atkins and Jake Brown

SoilTemperate grasslands soil is deep and dark. Top layers are the most fertile containing the most nutrients because of the decomposed organisms and plant life. This organic and dead roots provide a plethora of nourishment for the living plants.

Page 6: Temperate Grassland/Cold Desert By: Erica Atkins and Jake Brown

GrassesGrasses. Perennial grasses are well-adapted to drought, fire, and cold. The narrow, upright stem reduces heat-gain in the hot summers; the complex root systems holds moisture and nutrients. Two basic types are:

Turf- or sod-forming grasses, with rhizomes or underground stems from which new plants spring forth; associated with the more humid grasslandsBunch grasses, without rhizomes, that reproduce by seed; associated with the drier parts of the biome

Page 7: Temperate Grassland/Cold Desert By: Erica Atkins and Jake Brown

AnimalsThe animals most seen in the grasslands are Coyotes, Eagles, Bobcats, the Gray Wolf, Wild Turkey, Fly Catcher, Canadian Geese, Crickets, Dung Beetle, Bison, and Prairie Chicken.

Page 8: Temperate Grassland/Cold Desert By: Erica Atkins and Jake Brown

Grasslands are found on every continent except for Antarctica

The most agriculturally suitable for farming

Animals that live here adapt to dry, windy, cold conditions.

Grasslands are considered the transitional biome. It means that grasslands are usually found between the desert and the forest.

In the Midwest, they're known as prairies.

In South America, they're called pampas

Interesting Facts

Page 9: Temperate Grassland/Cold Desert By: Erica Atkins and Jake Brown

Work Cited http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/grasslands.ht

m http://www.serenataflowers.com/PollenNation/Th

e_Daily_Flower http://www.thewildclassroom.com/biomes/grassl

ands.html http://www.conservationfund.org/prairie_chicken http://www.bcgrasslands.org/library/world.htm http://www.radford.edu/swoodwar/CLASSES/
