temperate grassland - animals

Special Adaptations of some Vegetation found in Temperate Grassland.

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Group 10 bio report... 2nd part ni xa ha.. "ANIMALS"


Page 1: Temperate Grassland - Animals

Special Adaptations of some Vegetation found in Temperate Grassland.

Page 2: Temperate Grassland - Animals

> Plants in temperate grasslands need to adapt to cold winters, hot summers, and drying winds. Since plant dryness is always a factor in every temperate grassland, plants have adapted ways to conserve water. One way they conserve water is by having thin, needle-like shaped leaves that expose little of the plant to the sun. Seventy percent of the plant is also underground, avoiding sun and wind. Some grasses even slow their respiratory rate so less water is lost to the sun.

Page 3: Temperate Grassland - Animals

> Grasses are almost impossible to kill. They have extensive root webs that prevent grazing animals from pulling their roots out of the ground. Since grass grows upward from its base, it is less likely to be damaged by fires, animals, and humans than are most other plants. This is one reason why grass grows back after it has been mowed.

Page 4: Temperate Grassland - Animals

Two different growing types in the Temperate Grasslands:

>> Perennial Plants - grow and live for several years.

>> Annual Plants - grow in one season and die in another.

Page 5: Temperate Grassland - Animals

Perennial Plants

Perennial grasses produce flowers that reproduce by pollen that is used to fertilize a female plant by insects, animals, or the wind. Perennial grasses can also clone themselves by forming a net of connected plants that sprout from the rhizome. Few perennial grasses and plants spread seeds.

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Coolatai Grass

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Annual Plants

Annual plants produce seeds in large quantities. These seeds lie dormant on the soil until they find a favorable time to sprout. Seeds are dispersed through insects, animals, birds, and the wind. Annual plants also grow flowers that reproduce with pollen.

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Examples of Plants found in Temperate Grassland

Butterfly weed Evening Primrose

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Pasque flower

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Prairie Blazing Star

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Prickly pear cactus

Purple coneflower

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Showy Goldenrod Spiderwort

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Turks cap lily