tdcs session setup with tdcs research device or activadose ii

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation User Built tDCS Research Device ActivaDose II Brent Williams, PhD, [email protected] Section 1. Basic Procedures using a User-Built tDCS Research Device 2. Basic Procedures using the ActivaDose II 3. Example tDCS Montages (Electrode Placements) Disclaimer: The creator of this material is not a physician and is not providing this information as part of a medical practice. The information contained herein represents an accumulation of information freely available to anyone via internet resources. Anyone using this information uses it completely at their own risk and accepts full responsibility for any and all outcomes.

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Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation

User Built tDCS Research Device

ActivaDose IIBrent Williams, PhD, [email protected]

1. Basic Procedures using a User-Built tDCS Research Device

2. Basic Procedures using the ActivaDose II

3. Example tDCS Montages (Electrode Placements)Disclaimer: The creator of this material is not a physician and is not providing this information as part of a medical practice. The information contained herein represents an accumulation of information freely available to anyone via internet resources.

Anyone using this information uses it completely at their own risk and accepts full responsibility for any and all outcomes.

tDCS is considered off-label treatment by the FDA.

Notes: Amrex 3x3 sponge electrodes are used in this document. You will need male banana plugs to connect to Amrex sponge electrodes. Water for the electrodes should be a least slightly saline to improve conductivity. A pinch or two of salt in a bottle of water (about 16 oz) works well.

Section 1: Basic Procedures for a tDCS Session with a User-Built tDCS Research Device

Have available a User-Built tDCS Research Device, lead wires, electrode sponges, water, and a small cloth to catch water drips.1. Check Battery Condition: Rotate the current control knob fully clockwise. Press the small check button. The red LED should light and the meter should indicate 3 mA or more. If less, its time to replace the type 23A battery inside.

2. Important: After the battery check, rotate the current control fully counter-clockwise.3. Connect sponge-electrodes to lead wires (banana plug friction-fits connector in electrode4. Wet sponges to the point of dripping and wring out some excess water. The sponges need to be very wet, but not to the point of annoying drips during treatment.5. Place headband on head in appropriate position6. Place electrodes on head, making sure the sponges are in contact with skin or scalp. Secure electrodes with the headband. Electrodes should be securely in place - tight, but not uncomfortably tight.7. Some banana plugs have a metal shell (gold). Make sure the metal shell is NOT touching skin or scalp.

When the electrodes are in place, do the following on the User-Built tDCS Research Device:1. Slowly rotate the current control knob clockwise. Current level will begin to rise. Over a period of about a minute, closely watch the current level it will rise as skin is wetted by the sponges. Rotate the current control knob up or down as required to stabilize current at 1.5 mA.

2. Time your treatment using an alarm clock or other timer. A suggested treatment time is about 25 minutes.3. At the end of your tDCS session, rotate the current control knob counter-clockwise all the way. Remove the electrodes and band from your head and store everything safely away. Sponge electrodes should be left exposed to light to prevent mold growth. The sponges can be washed and/or replaced as needed.IMPORTANT: To prevent battery energy waste, make sure the electrodes are not touching each other during storage. IMPORTANT: Discontinue tDCS sessions if condition worsens.A normal course of treatment for depression, pain, etc. is daily, five days per week, for four to eight weeks. After initial treatment, boost treatments can be one or more times a week as needed.Section 2: Basic Procedures for a tDCS Session with an ActivaDose II

Have available the ActivaDose II, lead wires, electrode sponges, water, and a small cloth to catch water drips.1. Connect sponge-electrodes to lead wires (banana plug friction-fits connector in electrode2. Wet sponges to the point of dripping and wring out some excess water. The sponges need to be very wet, but not to the point of annoying drips during treatment.3. Place headband on head in appropriate position4. Place electrodes on head, making sure the sponges are in contact with skin or scalp. Secure electrodes with the headband. Electrodes should be securely in place - tight, but not uncomfortably tight.5. Some banana plugs have a metal shell (gold). Make sure the metal shell is NOT touching skin or scalp.When the electrodes are in place, do the following on the ActivaDose II:1. Firmly push the left button for two seconds and release to turn the ActivaDose II on. If the unit will not turn on, remove the battery cover, briefly remove and then reinsert that battery.2. The Dose will automatically be set at 40.3. Rotate the right knob to 1.5 (this sets the treatment current level at 1.5 mA)1. Once "Start" appears in the display, rotate the left knob to start the tDCS session2. Time should start at 26:53 and start counting down.3. When the session is complete, the ActivaDose II will alarm. You can push the left button for two seconds and release to silence the alarm and turn off the unit.4. When the session is complete, remove the electrodes and band from your head and store everything safely away. Sponge electrodes should be left exposed to light to prevent mold growth. The sponges can be washed and/or replaced as needed.IMPORTANT: If the tDCS session is interrupted for some reason (wire comes lose, electrode falls off of head, etc.), the ActivaDose II will alarm. If you can easily correct the problem, rotate the left knob and the unit will "pause". Correct the wire or electrode problem then rotate the right knob to 1.5 again. Now rotate the left knob a little to resume the tDCS session.IMPORTANT: Discontinue tDCS sessions if condition worsens.A normal course of treatment for depression, pain, etc. is daily, five days per week, for four to eight weeks. After initial treatment, boost treatments can be one or more times a week as needed.Section 3: Sample tDCS Treatment Montages

(Example electrode placement. Red at F7, black at F8. From the web Red electrode goes at F3, Black electrode goes at FP2.

SAVANT LEARNING: Red electrode goes at T4, Black electrode goes at T3.

MEMORIZATION: Red electrode goes at FP1, Black electrode goes at FP2.

CHRONIC PAIN: Red electrode goes at C4, Black electrode goes at FP1.