td presentation eng 2015_vac2

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We want to be partner of choice of

…Local and multinational companies o whose business challenges require to align Talent Management practices

and expertise with superior international standards

…HR Professionals who needo to go beyond demonstrating the efficient use of human capital and to

work on empirically demonstrating how talent drives the performance of their organization

o to improve talent decisions to “be at the table” with business leaders genuinely believing that “people are our greatest asset” but needing to understand how talent can be powerfully integrated into the company strategies (not simply “being aligned” with them)

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Who trusted on us this year

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Our positioning Full range of services in Talent


Decision making through accurate metrics

High Professional standards

Cost effective solutions

High touch + High tech

Partners of Hogan Assessment


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Bad Hires typically cost an organization 150% of the employee’s annual salary. This cost is even greater for management level positions.

Using HoganSelect and our job-fit recommendation, you can begin hiring top performers right from the start.

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Select: make informed hiring decisions

1. The Fit Report provides a graphic display of scale performance, cut score performance, and a hiring recommendation. It is most often used for high-volume employee selection or as part of a multiple-hurdle system. It can be easily customized to include hiring recommendations for multiple positions.

2. The Basis Report combines online assessment with behavioral interviewing to evaluate the employment potential of job candidates. This comprehensive report provides a rich description of a candidate’s fit to the job and organization, a hiring recommendation, full behavioral interview guide, and a hiring decision process

3. The Express Report is based on a candidate’s scores on seven dimensions that influence occupational success within seven job categories. This off-the-shelf report provides an immediate recommendation based on the assessment results that will identify each candidate as high, moderate or low fit for the job opening.

4. The Advantage Report is an off-the-shelf hiring solution with immediate implementation capabilities. the assessment is a quick measure that can be taken in 5 minutes and offers a graphic display of general employability.

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Online assessment

High Potential (future leaders)

Front Line Leader (next leader)

Face to face assessment

Year in a Day

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On line assessment of Leadership Potential

Hogan High Potential is an online assessment which predicts Performance

Ratings provide with information about a candidate's potential to meet the requirements associated with competencies in the profile.

Competency can be mapped against company Leadership Model

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Front Line Leader

Self paced simulations

Online business Simulation

Online Test and Inventory

Career and Leadership experiences


“CAN DO” POTENTIAL Online simulation-based assessment Tailored for first level managers Holistic focus on the entire person Customized to your competency model Option for high-touch, live interaction with

an experienced coach Immediate individualized development plan Analytics for HR and for the boss Range of anytime, anywhere options for

global scalability

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Tests and Simulations

Hogan Lead (HPI-HDS-MVPI)

Matrigma (cognitive styles)

Leadership Experience Survey

Career Survey

Inbox Direct Report

Meeting Peers Meeting Boss Meeting

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“Year in a day” assessment A process that exposes people not just to realistic challenges, but to the pivotal business challenges that have the greatest impact on the organization’s performance. In addition to the simulations, TD typically includes the following in the assessment process to provide the best and most well-rounded view of the person:

Pre-Assessment: Discussion with the participant’s boss, Welcome Call: To help the leader feel more comfortable with the process and

answer questions Career Interview: To understand the leader’s career and development context, Inventories: To provide information about an individual’s goals, motivations, self-

perceptions, career derailers, experiences, and potential Cognitive Tests: To measure analytical reasoning and critical thinking Feedback: Provided to the leader and the organization to support decisions and


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Financial and Talent Management SimulationPurpose: Prioritize and handle a broad range of issues

Update year-end forecast and take action to improve the results

Review talent and take action to improve it

Identify and take immediate action on the most urgent, critical, and time-sensitive issues

Direct Report Coaching Purpose: Meet with direct report to move forward on rolling out a huge corporate initiative

Sell the rationale, deal with barriers in the region, coach a direct report

Team MeetingPurpose: Meet with two peers to determine how to move forward on a pilot initiative with an external partner

Work the matrix and gain support from peers on financial, operational, and strategic issues

Strategy Meeting with the BossPurpose: Meet with the SVP of the Americas to discuss the strategies that will be used to grow the business within their Region

Engage in strategic thinking, champion their point of view credibly, recognize business implications, propose creative solutions, and drive toward challenging goals

Example of simulations

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Proof-of-concept discussionPurpose: Meeting with a colleague from the corporate office to appraise the feasibility and future potential of an innovative new business venture

Applying financial servicesPurpose: Interpreting and applying financial data and reports about the workgroup and company

In-box exercise for planning and execution Purpose: Prioritizing and attending to a wide range of operational and people issues related to the unit and developing an action plan

Other simulations

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Online 360° Feedback

High Potential Programs

Coaching for the next role

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Online 360° feedback

1.Summary Information■ Importance Summary

■ Skills Overview

■ Perspective Comparisons2.Detailed Information

■ Highest and Lowest Ratings

■ Composites (certain models)

■ Detailed Results3.Developmental Highlights

■ Focus for Development

■ Development Suggestions

■ Written Comments

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High Pos Program

Method %

Presentation 20

Peer Coaching 20

Project 35

Individual Coaching 15

Focused Individual Reflection


Presentations Individual Coaching

Peer Coaching Real Business Project Transfer to Work

Pre-Program Prep (transfer)

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Coaching for the next role

Identifying core values and principles Who do you want

to be as a leader?

Setting the tone for leadership Communications Organizational


Establishing positive working relationships with important stakeholders

Proactively networking and building relationships to ensure long-term success





Defining strategic priorities

Outlining short-term and long-term action plans for accomplishing significant results with speed and quality



Managing time and priorities

Balancing work and family

Maintaining motivation and focus



Identifying strengths and weaknesses in the new role

Establishing a development plan to build capabilities where needed



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Engagement survey

On line Survey (30 Q’s)

15 Languages

In depth report

Engagement Plan

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

13% 20% 29% 27% 11%

Disengaged Disaffected Agnostics Towards Engagement Fully Engaged

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Competency Models

Performance Appraisal

Talent Review


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Our cornerstone: the Leaderhip Pipeline

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Competency Framework

Executives responsible for enterprise-wide leadership of a business group or function.

Leaders with full responsibility for a P&L unit, managing multiple functions (e.g., General Mgr, Managing Director)

Managers and directors within a business or corporate function, product line, or region; leaders with 2 + layers under them.

Individuals in first-line management positions with (typically hourly-level) people reporting to them.

Individual Contributors at 4 levels

















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Performance appraisal

To provide a basis for “rich” performance discussions in which employees get clear, constructive feedback on their accomplishments and areas to be improved

To ensure a fair and consistent approach to performance evaluation, reinforcing the Company’s philosophy

To create a clear line-of-sight between performance and pay

To better differentiate between high and low performance

To support company’s goal of creating a high-performing culture


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Talent Review

Identify what new talent has to be brought in

Modify career paths and/or rewards Change recruitment and sourcing

strategies Execute succession plans for key

positions. Carry out individual career development

action plans that address development needs.

Successfully transition, onboard, develop individuals for their new roles, assignments, and experiences.

Align business plan with talent resources.

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ContactsViale Angelo Filippetti 28 | 20122 Milano

Via E. Gianturco, 4 | 00196 RomaTel. +39.02.7772181 | Fax +39.02.77781844

[email protected] | www.talentdecisions.itP. IVA, C.F. e Num. Iscr. 03934640966 Registro Imprese di Milano – REA 1712737