tata nano road test

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  • 7/29/2019 Tata Nano Road Test


    God ofsmallthingsTatas little Nano put to the big test

    Words Sirish ChandranPhotographyGaurav S Thombre, Martin Alva

    Awinner. Plain, simple

    and without any beat-

    ing around the bush

    thats the Nano or

    you. A sure-shot winner. A car -

    a proper car at that - which will

    transorm the countrys auto-

    motive landscape orever; uel

    the car-buying dreams, desires

    and aspirations o a billion peo-

    ple. We have driven the car and

    I cant get over the act that, my

    god, Tata Motors has really doneit! This is no joke, no embarrass-

    ment o a car. This is an against-

    all-odds story; the story o what

    the world said was impossible,

    what our own count rymen (and

    women!) trie d thei r damnde st

    to scuttle and o a motivated

    and talented bunch o engineers

    proving everybody wrong. And it

    started with Ratan Tata watch-

    ing your average Indian amily -

    ather, mother, two kids - rid

    through the rain.

    Thus began the genesis

    the one-lakh-rupee car, Ind

    Peoples Car, the car dogged

    more controversy and on wh

    more has been written than

    in the history o the automob

    A car that evolv ed rom b

    no-rills transportation into

    astonishingly normal car. I k

    stressing on this because, le

    be honest, what do you getone lakh rupees these days

    good motorcycle costs a la

    An autoric kshaw costs alm

    two lakh rupees. And Ind

    cheapest car which is as no-r

    as you can get, costs over

    lakh rupees. I expected a che

    compromised, utilitarian o

    wheeler. W hat I drov e was a

    that I will, eyes closed, reco

    mend to anybody.

    www.OVERDRIVE.in april76 april 2009 www.OVERDRIVE.in

    TestTata Nano

  • 7/29/2019 Tata Nano Road Test


    STYLINGIt all starts with the way the Nano

    looks because (and these are Tata

    Motors own words) there can be

    no better USP than love at rst

    sight. Over the past year Ive seen

    countless Nanos being tested all

    over Pune but the novelty value

    has yet to ade. So when ten

    Nanos bumbled on to the test

    track at Tata Motors Pimpri ac-

    tory, all in light and bright shades,

    seasoned, hardened journalists

    let out whoops o joy. Its a happy

    ace. You might have issues with

    it (Singur, environment, conges-

    tion - take your pick) but just like

    a happy meal puts the glint back

    into a childs eye, so I guarantee

    when you rst see a Nano on the

    road you will smile. It melts your

    heart. Its like the brat with the

    mischievous glint in her eye; you

    know you should slap her into

    shape but all you can do is hug

    her harder. You will want to give

    the Nano a big bear hug rst thing

    in the morning.

    Justin Novak when he was

    with IDe A (now at Triton design

    along with most o the crew

    that worked on Tatas projects)

    penned what will go down as a

    design classic. Like all cars born

    o unctionality and shallow wal-

    lets, the Nano is inherently right.

    It has a simplicity to the design in

    which lies its ultimate appeal. No

    matter what your nancial ability

    you will love it. This w ill become

    the ultimate classless vehicle;

    something that will appeal to

    rich, middle class and poor olk

    alike - and which could spawn a

    whole rang e o cool mug s, toy s,

    T-shirts and more stu.

    For a cheap car there are very

    many hints at sportiness nota-

    bly in the side air-intake (like

    Porsche and Ferrari), fared wheel

    arches, rear roo spoiler and cen-

    tral exhaust. The sharp crease on

    the nose (cant call it the bonnet

    because theres no engine under-

    neath) and vertical tail lamps link

    back to the rest o Tata Motors

    amily. All Tata cars are also

    amed or their interior space and

    to achieve that the Nano is tall and

    upright though those proportions

    are well masked by the drooping

    roo, egg-shaped silhouette, or-

    ward visual bias and the wheels at

    the extremities. Next to no over-

    hangs gives it a robust stance and

    prevents the Nano rom looking

    like a toy car on toy wheels (and

    giving rise to questions on saety

    and stability). O course hav-

    ing the engine at the rear means

    theres practically nothing at the

    nose allowing the driver and

    windshield to be pushed r ight up

    ront creating a perect mono vol-

    ume shape.

    INTERIORSThis will really shock you the

    space inside is huge! The Nano

    measures 3.1 metres in length, is

    1.6 metres wide and 1.65 metres

    tall. The wheelbase is 2230mm

    and track widths are 1325mm at

    the ront and 1315mm at the rear.

    Tata claims the Nano is eight per

    cent smaller than the smallest car

    in India (Maruti 800 obviously)

    but within these constraints

    There are three variants o

    the Nano standard, CX and LX

    the main dierences being the

    trim levels. The standard is bog

    standard rexine seats, no air-con

    and no rills. Our test car, the LX,

    gets air-conditioning, power ront

    windows (rear remai ns wind-

    down), central locking, ront and

    rear og lamps, ull abric seats

    and rexine/abric door inserts.

    But theres no let hand side wing

    mirror which I missed through-

    out the drive. The air-con uses a

    60cc compressor which delivers

    enough cooling power to keep

    the voluminous interiors cool,

    though you might nd it strug-

    gling a bit in mid-aternoon drives

    on the highway where the engine

    is being worked hard.

    As with all Tata cars you walk

    in and out o the car; engineers

    had to ensure Ratan Tata didnt

    crouch or scrabble in. Ingress-

    egress is easier than even in the

    Indica and with the high-set seats

    the H-point is naturally higher

    and that means you can spend

    long hours in the back and not su-

    er aches and pains. The seat back

    angle is well thought out and head

    room is generous, way better than

    an A-Star and almost Santro-like.

    In act passengers will love the

    rear seats, at the ront leg room is

    compromised by the wheel wells

    intruding into the passenger


    Every inch o space is optimised

    and so the seats are mounted on a

    rail running horizontally which

    eliminates the need or a seat

    rame and enables passengers to

    tuck their eet under the seat. The

    rod also serves as a side impact

    beam reducing intrusion into the

    cabin - a novel and cost eective


    On the LX the rear parcel tray

    is bolted to the seat back and the

    whole set-up tumble s to liber-

    ate 80 litres o boot space - good

    enough only or two or a maxi-

    mum o three shopping bags. The

    engine is beneath this and it is

    worth remember ing that it can

    get a bit hot and best not to leave

    any ice-cream. With the seats

    olded storage volume rises to 500

    litres. The engine is accessed ater

    tumbling the rear seats because

    the rear hatch doesnt open, the

    battery is under the drivers seat

    and the spare wheel is in the nose

    along with the uel ller cap.

    Anot her surp risi ng aspe ct

    is quality o the

    interiors which

    are unexpectedly

    good. Having

    only a ew mod-

    ules means there

    arent many

    panel gap issues

    to deal with but

    on this ront it

    actually eels bet-

    ter put together than the In

    Vista. T he plastics are cheap

    crucially not nasty while the t

    tone grey on the dash and the

    our o the seat abrics make

    cabin look and eel light and a

    In such a small car the centr

    mounted speedo actually bre

    the monotony o the design

    obviously this also means

    dash can be used in let and ri

    hand markets. Giving the spe

    company is a digital uel gau

    odometer and a bunch o warn

    lights, one o which is a cute l

    yellow outline o the Na no w

    a spanner running across it;

    cutest warning lamp in the wo

    The central console is fanked

    scooped-out dash which can h

    odds and ends and everything

    rounded edges to make it sae

    a crash. There is no glove box

    there are two cup holders

    small map pockets in the door

    The doors are ultra light (

    o course eel fimsy) and h

    an integrated armrest, door

    and coin hol

    The three-sp

    steering wh

    is unique to

    Nano (sta

    ard versi

    get a two-sp

    whee l) and

    trimmed in

    touch plastics


    theyve managed to liberate 21

    per cent more interior volume and

    astonishingly or such a small car,

    our adults can t in comortably.

    It is so spacious inside that Martin

    (a giant at over six eet tall) could

    sit behind me. And I (not exactly

    a dwar at 5 10) was sitting as I

    always do; very comortably. The

    seats themselves are designed to

    be comortable without eating too

    much into interior space and both

    the ront seats slide and recline

    allowing very tall drivers to t

    in behind the wheel. The driving

    position is comortable and well

    thought out, ergonomically eve-

    rything is where it would be in a

    car and visibility is o course very

    good with only the centre stack

    hump obstructing the let hand

    view slightly.

    Fairly simple das wit central speedo anked scooped side sections. Air-con on deluxe versi

    www.OVERDRIVE.in april78 april 2009 www.OVERDRIVE.in

    TestTata Nano

  • 7/29/2019 Tata Nano Road Test


    SafETYA key actor o t he Nano, and a

    key criticism, has been saety

    and Tata engineers are keen to

    stress than she meets all current

    regulatory requirements in India

    including ull rontal crash, head

    impact on steering wheel, body

    block impact on steering and seat

    belt anchorage strength. There

    are crumple zones in the ront,

    waist reinorce ment in the doors

    (which doubles up as the support

    or the door rame) and the Nano

    has also been subjected to roo

    crush tests.

    The base is a unique hybrid



    in which two

    cross members

    are welded into

    the monocoque

    and this robust


    takes most o

    the road loads. It

    allows the super

    structure to use

    thinner sheet

    metal and thus be

    lighter. A side benet is that this

    also lowers the centre o grav-

    ity and aids stability. Being rear-

    engined, the Nano doesnt need a

    central transmission tunnel but it

    is there to add rigidity while also

    allowing or the brake, uel and

    air-con lines to pass through. The

    roo is ribbed to increase strength

    and xed rear glass and hatch also

    adds rigidity to the structure.

    Scalability is a key actor in

    the Nanos construction and Tata

    claims it can be easily upgraded

    to meet orthcoming rontal

    oset and side impact crash

    requirements in India. Theres

    also the Nano

    Europa that will

    be sold in India

    next year and is

    being developed

    with the aim o

    achieving a min-

    imum three stars

    in EuroNCAP

    crash tests.

    ENGINE &TRaNSmISSIONThe engine is a

    brand new development - a 624cc

    all-aluminium parallel twin pet-

    rol engine that makes 35PS o

    power at 5250rpm and max

    torque o 48Nm between 2500

    and 4000rpm. It has all-square

    cylinder dimensions o 73.5mm,

    runs a 9.7:1 compression ratio

    and there are two valves per cyl-

    inder actuated by a single cam-

    shat. A special low-cost ECU

    developed by Bosch handles uel

    injection duties and the engine

    meets BS III emission norms

    while tuning is underway to meet

    BS IV norms (equivalent to Euro

    III). The engine is unique in that

    it uses a single balancer shat to

    cut vibrations, the rst time such

    a set-up has been used in a pas-

    senger car.

    On the move, NVH levels are

    never bothersome and very little

    engine vibrations enter the cabin.

    The exhaust note is unique - like

    an autorickshaw at idle (only qui-

    eter) and then taking on a pleas-

    ing phut-phut when revved hard.

    Its a unique sound which, rest

    assured, you will be hearing a

    lot o. That said I wonder how

    it would sound with a ew holes

    drilled in the exhaust!

    The engine is limited to

    5600rpm but it revs so well that

    invariably I kept hitting the rev

    limiter in rst and second gear.

    And third and ourth , come to

    think o it. The crucial aspect is

    that power doesnt tail o ater

    peak in the torque curve is hit

    and the engine revs cleanly and

    strongly till its redline.

    The gearbox too is a pleasant

    surprise, the our-speed cable-

    actuated manual box being sur-

    prisingly ree o vibrations. It is

    short in throw, precise and its

    slick action makes easy work o

    keeping the engine on the boil.

    Overall its much nicer to use that

    the gearbox on the Indica! The

    transversely mounted gearbox

    can handle up to 50Nm o torque,

    has synchromesh on all our gears

    and is mated to a single dry plate

    clutch. A CVT transmission, mod-

    eled along the lines o a scooter

    CVT (low cost and no steel belts)

    is also in the pipeline and might

    be ready by the year end.

    The engine has 10,000km


    Tree-spoke steering weedeluxe versions, standard gets a two-sp

    Wind-down windows at te rear. Notice te batteryunder te ront seat and te orizontal seat-mounting rod

    Single wiper saves costs and tewaser nozzle is fxed to te wiper blade

    Roo spoiler on deluxeversions adds even more sportiness

    Fuel fller in te nose, te cap on te rigt,as is te spare tyre wic is te narrower ront

    Side vents cool teengine, and look cool!

    Twin-cylinder enginemounted under rear oor

    Vertail lamps a

    visual link too te Tata ra

    Cute little rubber matsare on te options list

    Digital uel gauge andcute little engine warning ligt105kmp and tats it!

    Narrower MRFtyres at te rontTis is pure simple power-oversteer, assisted o course by

    some loose gravel. Its a ridiculous test but yes, you can drit a Nano!

    Cup olders and power window on deluxe ver

    Rear seats ip dowrelease 500 litres o storage sp

    Centrally mouexaust looks

    www.OVERDRIVE.inn april80 april 2009 www.OVERDRIVE.in

    TestTata Nano

  • 7/29/2019 Tata Nano Road Test


    service intervals, like any nor-

    mal passenger car engine, and

    the warranty is 18 months or

    24,000km whichever is earlier.

    Tata Motors is so condent that

    the car doesnt need any mainte-

    nance that it has deliberately made

    it dicult to get to the engine so

    that the cover is not opened and

    closed regularly (or improperly)

    which can lead to noise and heat

    entering the cabin. Ease o serv-

    iceability is ensured by a blink

    code (the engine warning light

    blinks the ault code number)

    and can be used to diagnose

    aults in remote areas where a

    Nano dealer is not available. Also

    average uel consumption and

    average vehicle speed or the last

    ve drive cycles are stored and it

    is claimed that all the sensors are

    robust enough or very rough use.

    Theres also a limp-home mode.

    The engine is mounted on a sub-

    rame that allows quick and easy

    assembly o the engine, trans-

    mission, exhaust, cooling sys-

    tem and suspension on to it and

    then to the body. The corollary

    is also true - six bolts need to be

    undone to slide the subrame out

    rom under the body to work on

    the engine.

    pERfORmaNcEBest not to expect much rom

    35PS, but to its advantage the

    Nano only weighs 600kg and that

    gives it a respectable power-to-

    weight rat io. Initial acceleration

    is sprightly, it gets going rather

    smartly and 60kmph comes in

    a respectable 9.8 seconds. This

    makes her great un to drive in

    the city and worked hard she can

    keep pace with ast moving city

    trac. However as speeds rise

    the engine has to work harder

    and to hit 100kmph she needs

    almost a kilometre and 35.1 sec-

    onds. Theres no tacho but when

    you hit top spe ed (105kmph) the

    limiter cuts in and the engine

    check lamp and temperature

    gauge start to blink.

    Compared to the Maruti 800

    the acceleration is not that ar o,

    100kmph is just three seconds

    slower. But importantly the 800

    can do well over 140kmph and

    that makes it ar more suited to

    the highway. Peaking at 105kmph

    makes it unsuited to any highway

    work and in strong side winds the

    Nano is all over the place.

    Torque is not a strong point

    o the engine and in ourth gear

    when aced with an i ncline the

    car loses steam and requires

    downshiting to keep going. Also

    because its so light, every extra

    passenger, every extra shopping

    bag has an adverse impact on

    perormance. In act i you want

    the astest Nano, youd be well

    advised to stick with the standard

    version that is 60kg lighte r and is

    noticeably quicker in initial accel-

    eration; a Nano Super Light i you

    wish! This is probably the car

    tested (with a eather-light driver)

    or their claimed 0-60kmph time

    o just eight seconds.

    Emission are claimed to be 12

    per cent lower than any motorbike

    in the country and CO2 emissions

    are less than 110g/km. Fuel e-

    ciency is also a strong point with

    a claimed and ARAI certied uel

    consumption o 23.6kmpl. We

    couldnt veriy these gures but

    ater a whole days driving and

    perormance testing, the 15-litre

    uel tank had just slipped into

    reserve. Back o the envelope cal-

    culations put our uel consump-

    tion at around 17kmpl which is

    damn good or all the sustained

    ull-throttle driving we put the

    Nano to.

    What could be a bit o a bother

    is braking; 180mm drums are

    used ront and rear and the deluxe

    versions get a vacuum booster.

    Surprisingly the brakes were more

    Egg-saped sillouette is peraps te Nanosbest angle. Note roo spoiler but no let wing mirror

    NANO EUROPAThIS cool looking Nano is te Europa, and it is coming to India! Okay, not justyet, but Ratan Tata promised OVERDRIVE tat all te goodies tat go on teEuropa will come to India.

    Goodies? Te Nano cannot be sold in Europe unless it meets teirbasic saety norms and anti-lock brakes, electronic stability program andyes, airbags will ave to be engineered. But you can orget te $10 airbagnon-sense; Tata as clarifed it will be ceap, but not so ceap. Otercanges include muscular bumpers to improve cras protection, larger13-inc weels and a wider track to bolster andling. Te aim is to score aminimum o tree stars in EuroNCAP cras tests wit our stars being ideal.

    A tree-cylinder petrol engine is being developed or teEuropa and tere migt even be a diesel engine. A CVTtransmission is certain. Tata opes to ave te Europa ready by 2010-2011.

    www.OVERDRIVE.in april82 april 2009 www.OVERDRIVE.in

    progressive on the standard ver-

    sion, on the other cars it was very

    dicult to brake smoothly and

    progressively - most o the time it

    was either ull braking or no brak-

    ing. And on our

    brake tests, rom

    100kmph, the car

    showed an alarm-

    ing tendency

    to wag her tail

    (maybe due to the

    42:58 ront-rear

    weight distr ibu-

    tion) and would

    come to a stop

    slightly crossed

    up. Its the only black mark on the

    car, as ar as we could nd.

    RIdE & haNdLINGWhether by design or accident,

    the Nano is

    extremely good

    un to drive and

    it is rear-wheel

    drive, what all

    enthusiasts swear

    by. I even man-

    aged to get her to

    powerslide on a

    bit o gravel and i

    a urther 500rpm

    and a ew more


    One-piece seat backs. holesead rest make it look like a rall

    Generous rear knee and ead room, andtats wit a tall driver sitting comortably

    Driving position is comortable,ergonomic and visibility is great all around

    horses could be extracted rom

    the engine, it could develop into a

    potent drit tool. Driting a Nano

    might be the silliest thing in the

    world to do but it showcases how

    neutral, balanced, predictable

    and orgiving she is. The car does

    look disproportionately tall but

    hard as we tried there is no dan-

    ger o toppling over.

    To large part it is down to di-

    erential tyre sizes; the ronts are

    135-section 12-inchers, while the

    rears are 155-section (and lower

    prole, 65 compared to 70) 12-

    inchers. The tyre slip points are

    calibrated so that t he ront tyres

    slip beore the rears and so at

    the limit it will understeer pre-

    dictably and will only oversteer

    i deliberately provoked into it.

    The spare is a 135/70 and

    tyres are tubeless MRFs bo

    by just three studs to save

    (and allow quick pit stops

    The rack and pinion ste

    non-collapsible and non-

    but with little to no we

    ront you never eel the n

    power steering except a

    ing speeds. Steering is di

    quick in responses, almo

    go-kart and that makes it

    un to drive in the city. Th

    dimensions are so smal

    will t into impossi bly siz

    in trac and in the cit y no

    keep up with the Nano -

    they tried Tatas enginee

    Indica couldnt keep up

    Punes chaotic trac. It

    inely good laugh-out-lo

    Grip is decent allowing it to baround wit surprising verve. Bo

    pronounced but it never eels like itll land on

    TestTata Nano

  • 7/29/2019 Tata Nano Road Test

    5/6 www.OVERDRIVE.in april

    to drive and the turning circle

    at just eight metres allows it to

    pull U-turns in impossibly tight

    gaps. It also takes some learning

    especially since theres nothing

    in ront and you invariably stop a

    good couple o eet behind trac

    - i youve driven a Maruti Omni

    you will know what I mean.

    The Nano rides on conven-

    tional MacPherson struts up ront

    while a semi-tr ailing arm is us ed

    at the rear. It o course has a very

    short wheelbase and that has its

    own limitations on ride. On the

    road it tends to bounce around a

    bit, like it is over-sprung, but the

    crucial thing is that everything is

    progressive. There are no sharp

    spine jangling jolts transmit-

    ted to the cabin and the robust

    underpinnings and 180mm o

    ground clearance means rough

    roads can be tackled with ease.

    Over roads that will have an 800

    running on its bump stops and

    murdering passengers backs,

    the Nano will be able to motor

    through at decent speeds and

    that will be a crucial actor work-

    ing to its advantage in rural and

    semi-urban India.

    OVERaLLThere are hundreds o ques-

    tions everybody will ask o the

    Nano, most o which weve tried

    to answer. The only one let is

    will it be reliable enough? Tata

    Motors is condent that it has

    cracked this too - three million

    kilometres have been clocked

    in prototypes all over the coun-

    try and as ar as Australia, New

    Zealand and Germany to get it

    right. And it doesnt look like

    there will be any obvious prob-

    lems - everything eels right and

    well put together. In act the only

    time we noticed anything nastily

    cheap was while trying to get the

    og lamps to switch on (a ddly

    knob on the light stalk). And on

    our last lap o the Tata Motors

    test track, the ront seat worked

    itsel loose, holding us back rom

    giving it a glowing assessment. I

    guess all the pressure and harsh

    (and unwarranted) criticisms

    have made Tatas engineers put

    in that extra eort to get eve-

    rything right on the Nano and

    it shows.

    It shows in the act that this is

    no cut-price embarrassment o a

    car, this is a car as we know it but

    at a price we never thought pos-

    sible. It looks lovable, it is huge

    un to drive and can seat our

    in comort. Crucially there are

    no external signs o cost-cutting

    (save or the omission o a let

    hand side wing mirror, cheap

    rubbers and average paint qual-

    ity) and thats something that will

    make the Nano appeal to every-

    body rich or poor, city slicker or

    rural armer.

    As o going to pres s inal

    prices were yet to be announced

    (though as you read this reams

    o newsprint will have been

    devoted to it) but we expect the

    standard version to still have a

    dealer price (excluding taxes) o

    one lakh rupees (steel prices have

    crashed). The deluxe version we

    tested will top o at Rs 1.5-1.6

    lakh and that is still mind-bog-

    glingly good value-or-money.

    Our recommendation? Jump

    on the line and book one today

    - the wait or the Nano has been

    well worth it.

    SpecifcationType 624cc, 2-cylinder

    inline, SOhC,

    4-valve, petrol

    Max power 35PS@5250rpm

    Max torque 48Nm@

    2500-4000rpmInstallation Rear, RWD

    Transmission4-speed manual

    Brakes 180mm drums

    Tyres(F/R) 135/70R12


    MRF tubeless

    Suspension (F) Independent

    MacPerson strut

    wit gas carged


    Suspension (R) Independent

    wit semi trailing

    arm wit gas

    carged dampers

    LxWxH (mm) 3099x1620x1652

    Wheelbase 2230mm

    Kerb weight 600kg

    Fuel tank 15 litres

    0-60kmph 9.8sec

    0-100kmph 34.8sec

    0-400m 23.7sec/91.5kmp

    Top speed 105.58kmp

    100-0kmph 60.17m/4.29s

    Fuel e 23.6kmpl

    (ARAI fgure)

    Price Rs 1.5 lak


    +Te ceapest car in te wordl!-Waiting lists will be never end

    Tis is te basic one-lak-rupee Nano wit black bumpers, rexineseats, no air-con and because it is ligter it is actually noticeably quicker!

    ThIS IS

    NO cuT-pRIcEEmbaRRaSSmENTOf a caR, ThISIS a caR aS wEkNOw IT buT aTa pRIcE wE NEVERThOuGhT pOSSIbLE

    TestTata Nano

  • 7/29/2019 Tata Nano Road Test


    Were not trying to be unny ere - armersdont pay tax and will easily be able to aord te Nano

    Te solution to parking problems?

    Te solution to all our parking problems - two cars inspace o one. Now youll need to learn to drive like Jackie C

    hey diddle diddle, te cat and te fddle, tecow jumped over te Nano, te little dog lauged

    to see suc un and te dis ran away wit te spoon

    Anoter prospective Nanocustomer. And no, were still not being unny.

    Small car sould mean al teTrafc ligt grands prix. Not te Nanos strongest suit

    Okay, maybe nowanimal ting is getting out o

    And tis picture will soon crop upon orums across te worldwide web

    Yes, te engine is at te back!

    Aree waa,isme AC bi e!Good tings come in small packages

    Does lane discipline apply to te Na

    Nano takes to PuneAnd stirs up a storm! Everywhere we went the car wasmobbed, a million questions were fred at us and were thisour car we could have sold it at ten times the cost!

    Time or an upgrade?

    www.OVERDRIVE.in april86 april 2009 www.OVERDRIVE.in

    TestTata Nano