tata nano perception

NANO – THE PERCEPTION. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY India is the sixth largest assenger !ehi"le #an$%a"t$rer in the &'rld. (ith a '$lati'n '% '!er ).* +illi'n e'le, India has a h$ge #ar-et 'tential %'r a$t'#'+iles. In the Indian A$t'#'+ile Ind$str, India has +e"'#e a leading "enter in r'd$"ing s#all "ars. The gl'+al a$t' ind$str is dna#i"all esta+lishing a ni"he as #a/'r e"'n'#i" engines. Milli'ns '% asiring Indians and the internati'nal a$t' #ar-ets &at"hed in a&e, the la$n"h '% &'rld0s "heaest "ar – Tata Nan'.  T ata Nan', la$n"hed + the 1*23+illi' n T ata gr'$, is a +elie!ed t' +e a 4Pe'le0s Car5. The "ar &as la$n"hed in an a$t' ex' held at 6elhi 'n )7 8an *779. Ratan Tata is a :73ear3'ld -ind and tender "hair#an '% the Tata gr'$, dr'!e this &'rld0s "heaest "ar t' the T ata M't'rs a!ili'n and $n!eiled this ne& "ar, gi!ing sleeless nights t' ri!al "'#anies. In the ear *77;, Ratan Tata '% Tata M't'rs "'n"ei!ed the idea '% a tin "ar at an extre#el "hea ri"e t' "at$re the 'tential '% the raidl gr'&ing #iddle "lass seg #ent. The '$t"'#e &as the T ata Nan', the &'rld0s "heaest "ar ri"ed at 'ne la-h INR., %$l<lling its r'#ises '% a "'#lete "ar at an a='rda+le ri"e %'r the #iddle "lass #asses. Exertise in a$t' ind$str are raising d'$+ts t' the ri"e, se"i<"ati'ns, %eat$res and sa%et '% this "hea "ar +$t T ata r'#ises the sa%et and e#issi'n standards. The "ar had assed the Indian reg$lat'r re>$ir e#ents, %r'ntal "rash test and the E$r'3IV e#issi'n n'r#s. It is als' tested %'r %r'nt, rear and side "'llisi'ns.  The T ata Nan' &as &el"'#ed at its la$n"h 3 the <rst instan"e &here a la$n"h &ith ?er' "'st '% ad!ertising #et &ith h$ge s$""ess. @$t e!er sin"e then, it has +een a d'&nhill ath %'r the r'd$"t. (hat &as the r''t "a$se '% s$"h a %ail$re H'& did the

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India is the sixth largest assenger !ehi"le #an$%a"t$rer in the&'rld. (ith a '$lati'n '% '!er ).* +illi'n e'le, India has ah$ge #ar-et 'tential %'r a$t'#'+iles. In the IndianA$t'#'+ile Ind$str, India has +e"'#e a leading "enter inr'd$"ing s#all "ars. The gl'+al a$t' ind$str is dna#i"allesta+lishing a ni"he as #a/'r e"'n'#i" engines. Milli'ns '%asiring Indians and the internati'nal a$t' #ar-ets &at"hed ina&e, the la$n"h '% &'rld0s "heaest "ar – Tata Nan'.

 Tata Nan', la$n"hed + the 1*23+illi'n Tata gr'$, is a +elie!edt' +e a 4Pe'le0s Car5. The "ar &as la$n"hed in an a$t' ex'held at 6elhi 'n )7 8an *779. Ratan Tata is a :73ear3'ld -indand tender "hair#an '% the Tata gr'$, dr'!e this &'rld0s"heaest "ar t' the Tata M't'rs a!ili'n and $n!eiled this ne&"ar, gi!ing sleeless nights t' ri!al "'#anies.

In the ear *77;, Ratan Tata '% Tata M't'rs "'n"ei!ed the idea'% a tin "ar at an extre#el "hea ri"e t' "at$re the'tential '% the raidl gr'&ing #iddle "lass seg#ent. The'$t"'#e &as the Tata Nan', the &'rld0s "heaest "ar ri"ed at'ne la-h INR., %$l<lling its r'#ises '% a "'#lete "ar at ana='rda+le ri"e %'r the #iddle "lass #asses.

Exertise in a$t' ind$str are raising d'$+ts t' the ri"e,

se"i<"ati'ns, %eat$res and sa%et '% this "hea "ar +$t Tatar'#ises the sa%et and e#issi'n standards. The "ar hadassed the Indian reg$lat'r re>$ire#ents, %r'ntal "rash testand the E$r'3IV e#issi'n n'r#s. It is als' tested %'r %r'nt, rearand side "'llisi'ns.

 The Tata Nan' &as &el"'#ed at its la$n"h 3 the <rst instan"e&here a la$n"h &ith ?er' "'st '% ad!ertising #et &ith h$ges$""ess. @$t e!er sin"e then, it has +een a d'&nhill ath %'r the

r'd$"t. (hat &as the r''t "a$se '% s$"h a %ail$re H'& did the

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#ar-eting strateg ad'ted + the "'#an "hangeer"eti'ns a+'$t the "ar and a=e"t the sales er%'r#an"e(hat "'$ld the Tata0s ha!e d'ne di=erentl t' a!ert the %ail$re'% the Tata Nan' (hat res$rre"ti'n e='rts "an the Tata0s ta-e

t' "at$re the 'tential in the raidl gr'&ing s#all "arseg#ent in the "'#ing ears $sing the Tata Nan' Thr'$gh '$ranalsis in this r'/e"t, &e &ill atte#t t' thr'& s'#e light 'nthese iss$es and 'ssi+le s'l$ti'ns t' these r'+le#s.


 The -e s$""ess '% a$t'#'+ile ind$str lies n't 'nl in ha!ingg''d designed !ehi"le +$t als' +eing a+le t' r'!ide "$st'#ersand 'rganisati'n it deends 'n #an %a"t'rs and !aries %r'#ers'n t' ers'n and r'd$"t t' r'd$"t. I% "$st'#ersexe"tati'n #eet &ith the er"ei!ed !al$e '% g''ds andser!i"es is less than the "$st'#ers exe"tati'n then the"$st'#er is dissatis<ed and i% the er"ei!ed !al$e '% the g''dsand ser!i"es then the "$st'#er is delighted #eas$ring

"$st'#ers satis%a"ti'n r'!ides an indi"ati'n '% h'& s$""ess%$lthe 'rg is at r'!iding r'd$"ts and ser!i"es t' the#ar-etla"e.

 This st$d las e#hasis 'n "$st'#er satis%a"ti'n t'&ards TATANANO.

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In the %ast #'!ing &'rld &ith the +iggest "'$ntries &ith h$gee"'n'#ies India has #anaged t' +e the ele!enth in the &'rld%'r ann$al r'd$"ti'n '% * #illi'n $nits ar'xi#atel. Thisse"t'r in India is gr'&ing at a !er %ast rate and it has "r'ssedChina in ter#s '% selling the Units. In the #atter '% '$lati'nIndia is the se"'nd largest "'$ntr in the &'rld &ith a'$lati'n '% ).) +illi'n. In this rese"t it is /$st next t' China.

@$t it has a !er s#all land #ass as "'#ared t' China. Indiahas +e"'#e an attra"ti'n %'r "ar #an$%a"t$rers ar'$nd thel'+e as a grah '% its '&nershi '% "ar i.e. : er )777 e'le.A$t'#'+ile ind$str in India "'#rises '% )D #illi'n dire"t andindire"t e#l'ees. It "'ntri+$tes D.) '% IndiaFs 6PGn'#inal and the !al$ati'n '% the ind$str is a+'$t US1 D+illi'n. IndiaJs #'t'r""le #ar-et &ith an ann$al sale '% K#illi'n $nits is the se"'nd largest ar'$nd the gl'+e. India has

L'$rth largest "'##er"ial !ehi"le #ar-et, Ele!enth largestassenger "ar #ar-et, Li%th largest +$s tr$"- #ar-et G+!'l$#e ar'$nd the gl'+e. (ith this gr'&ing a"e India +*7); is exe"ted t' +e the se!enth largest a$t'#'+ile #ar-etand + *7D7 &'rlds Drd largest +ehind US China. Bate )927Fsis the ti#e &hen A$t'#'+ile &as intr'd$"ed in India +$t it"a#e int' existen"e 'nl a%ter the indeenden"e in )2:. Until)297Fs Hind$stan M't'rs and s'#e s#all #an$%a"t$rers

Pre#ier A$t'#'+iles, Tata M't'rs, @a/a/ A$t', Ash'- andStandard M't'rs held an 'lig''l till the ti#e &hen

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Mar$tiUd'g S$?$-i "a#e int' existan"e a%ter the death '% thegreat Indian 'liti"ian San/a andhi &h' "ha#i'ned the need%'r a e'leJs "ar. It >$i"-l gained '!er K7 '% the #ar-etshare. The Mar$ti977 +e"a#e '$lar +e"a$se '% its l'& ri"e,

high %$el e"ien", relia+ilit and #'dern %eat$res relati!e t'its "'#etiti'n at the ti#e.

 Lr'# the de"ades in the Indian a$t'#'ti!e ind$str there &ere'nl %e& !ehi"le #'dels +$t then als' there is a g''d lead ti#et' get a "ar a%ter the +''-ing. S' &ith "hanging e"'n'#,"'#etiti'n, and $rge t' gr'& +ig &e are here &ith #'re than)77 M'dels and e!er #'th &ith a ne& #'del t' '=er. eeing

in #ind the "'#%'rt '% the e'le and their "h'i"e the #'delsare reared. Per%'r#an"e '% !ehi"le is in"reasing da + da,its %$el e"ien" and relia+ilit has n' #at"h &ith 'thersar'$nd the gl'+e. Insite '% ha!ing #an$%a"t$ring '% #a/'r%'reign a$t'#a-ers +ased in India '$r Indian 6'#esti"A$t'#'+ile C'#anies are leading in the Mar-et.

 Tata M't'rs is the largest "'##er"ial !ehi"le "'#an, Mar$tiS$?$-i is the largest assenger !ehi"le "'#an Her' H'ndais the largest #'t'r""le "'#an in India. Mahindra Mahindra, Ash'- Beland and @a/a/ A$t' are s'#e #'re leadinga$t'#'+ile #an$%a"t$rers.

A$t'#'+ile 6'#esti" Sales Trends GN$#+er '% Vehi"les

Categ'r *7))3)* *7)D3) "hange

Passenger Car 99**79 )7:;79 **.7)

 T'tal Passanger Vehi"les ))D7:; )D:2;29 *7.:

 T'tal C'##er"ial Vehi"les DK7) ;:99* DD.*9

 Three &heelersDK22*7 7D272 )*.**

 T'tal T&' (heelers :7K*D2) :9K:K9 )).)

rand T'tal 927;*9 )7)727D:)D.K

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. Q Mar$tiUd'g Btd, the +iggest "ar #a-er '% the "'$ntr,selling *, 2D,KD; !ehi"les as against *,D,*)) in the"'rres'nding ear last ear. ha!ing a gr'&th rate '% a+'$t*7.: er "ent d$ring Aril3A$g$st,*772

 Q Mahindra Mahindra BtdJs GMM "$#$lati!e sales &ithex'rts &ere ),7;,72 $nits "'#ared t' :9,) $nits in the"'rres'nding eri'd last <s"al d$ring the Aril3Sete#+erha!ing a gr'&th rate '% a+'$t DK.9 er "ent

Q H'nda Siel Cars India Btd. GHSCI, leading #an$%a"t$rer '%re#i$# "ars in India, selling ),;D9 $nits against DK,9KD$nits. ha!ing a gr'&th '% );.) in "$#$lati!e sales %'r the

eri'd 8an$ar t' A$g$st, *772.6ai#lerChrsler s'ld ),;9) $nits in India %r'# 8an$ar t'A$g$st, gr'&th '% '!er ** er "ent %r'# a ear ag'.

Q Car3#a-er eneral M't'rs India GM, t'tall '&neds$+sidiar '% eneral M't'rs C'r'rati'n, re'rted a )) in"rease in d'#esti" sales d$ring A$g$st at K,9): $nits against*,:*7 $nits in the sa#e #'nth last ear.

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 Q Her' H'nda "r'ssed the * #illi'n $nit sales #ar- d$ring the 8an3A$g eri'd.

Q M't'r+i-e ex'rts %r'# India ha!e gr'&n t' D t' *) t' D*)

$nits in the Aril3 A$g$st eri'd this <s"al %r'# * t' D: t' )7D$nits in the sa#e eri'd last ear

Under Rs.D la-hs Q Mar$ti 977. Alt', O#ni

Q Re!a

Q Nan'

Rs. D3K la-hs Q A#+assad'r

Q Liat

Q H$ndaisantr'

Q Che!er'let

Q Mar$ti?en

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Q L'rd i"'n

Q Tata indi"a

Rs. )7 la-hs Q Ta!era

Q H$ndai a""ent

Q S"'ri'

Q Mar$ti+alen'

Q T''ta inn'!a

Q Tata sa%ari

Q Mits$i+ish la"er

Q T't'ainn'!a

Q Tata sa%ari

Rs.)7 – )K la-hs T''ta "'r'lla

L'rd #'nde'

Che!r'let %'rester

S-'da '"ti!ia

H'nda "i!i"

Rs. )K – D7 la-hs H'nda CR V

Mar$ti S$?$-i grand !itara

A$di AK

Oel Ve"tra

H'nda a""'rd

Mer"edes C "lass

 T''ta "a#r

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Bist '% a$t'#'+ile #an$%a"t$rers in India

Indian "'#anies

 L'r"e M't'rs

L'r"e M't'rs &as %'r#erl -n'&n as @a/a/ Te#' Btd. L'$ndedin )2K9, it is l'"ated in A-$rdi, a Pi#ri3Chin"h&adneigh+'$rh''d '% P$ne, India. The #an$%a"t$re three&heelers, #$lti $tilit and "r'ss "'$ntr !ehi"les, light

"'##er"ial !ehi"les, tra"t'rs and n'& hea! "'##er"ial!ehi"les.

 Q a#a, Cr$iser

Q Trax, T''%an, Challenger

Ash'- Beland

 Ash'- Beland is a "'##er"ial !ehi"le #an$%a"t$ring"'#an +ased in Chennai, India. In )29, Ash'- M't'rs &asset $ in &hat &as then Madras, %'r the asse#+l '% A$stinCars. The C'#anJs destin and na#e "hanged s''n &ithe>$it arti"iati'n + @ritish Beland and Ash'- Beland"'##en"ed #an$%a"t$re '% "'##er"ial !ehi"les in )2KK. L'r'!er <!e de"ades, Ash'- Beland has +een the te"hn'l'g

leader in IndiaJs "'##er"ial !ehi"le ind$str, #'$lding the"'$ntrJs "'##er"ial !ehi"le r'<le + intr'd$"ingte"hn'l'gies and r'd$"t ideas that ha!e g'ne 'n t' +e"'#eind$str n'r#s. Ash'- Beland has six #an$%a"t$ring lants 3the #'ther lant at Enn're near Chennai, t&' lants at H's$rG"alled H's$r I and H's$r II, al'ng &ith a Press sh', theasse#+l lants at Al&ar and @handara. Lr'# )9 seater t' 9*seater d'$+le3de"-er +$ses, %r'# :.K t'nne t' 2 t'nne in

ha$lage !ehi"les, %r'# n$#er'$s se"ial ali"ati'n !ehi"les t'

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diesel engines %'r ind$strial, #arine and genset ali"ati'ns,Ash'- Beland '=ers a &ide range '% r'd$"ts.

 Hind$stan M't'rs

 Hind$stan A#+assad'r Hind$stan M't'rs is 'ne '% the 'ldestIndian "ar #an$%a"t$rers. It is +est -n'&n %'r the A#+assad'r&hi"h has +een !irt$all $n"hanged %'r a+'$t D7 ears. It is still!er '$lar as a taxi and is &idel $sed + Indian 'liti"ians.Man e'le ha!e "'#e t' ass'"iate India &ith A#+assad'rand is a r'#inent art '% the Indian lands"ae

. Q Tre--er G6is"'ntin$ed

Q Band#aster G6is"'ntin$ed

 Q C'ntessa G6is"'ntin$ed 3 Kth enerati'n Va$xhall Vi"t'r

Q A#+assad'r 3 a !ersi'n '% the )2K7s M'rris Ox%'rd

 Mahindra Mahindra Bi#ited

 Mahindra Classi" The a$t'#'ti!e se"ti'n '% Mahindra started'= &hen a <rst +at"h '% se!ent <!e Utilit Vehi"les GUVs &asi#'rted in C6 "'nditi'n %r'# (ills in )2:. It has "'#e al'ng &a, n't /$st #an$%a"t$ring 8ees +$t als' agri"$lt$rale>$i#ent and light tr$"-s.

Q Ar#ada G6is"'ntin$ed

 Q V'ager 6is"'ntin$ed

Q @'ler'

Q C'##ander


Q S"'ri'

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 Q Mahindra and Mahindra Classi". This &as an 'en /ee &ithg''d '= r'ading "aa+ilities, a and * 'ti'n, h$geheadla#s and r''% #'$nted lights

Mar$ti S$?$-i

Mar$ti 977Mar$ti s

Mar$tiUd'g &as %'r#ed as a artnershi +et&een the'!ern#ent '% India and S$?$-i '% 8aan. It +r'$ght India its<rst a='rda+le "ar, the Mar$ti 977. It is the +iggest "ar#an$%a"t$rer in India and ese"iall d'#inant in the s#all "arse"t'r. Then it +r'$ght '$t The Mar$ti )777, #ade +

Mar$tiUd'g &as the <rst e!er "'nte#'rar sedan3te "arla$n"hed in India. The "ar G&hi"h S$?$-i s'ld in 'ther "'$ntriesas the C$lt$sS&i%te' Metr' &ith a ).D B 'r ).; B engine &asintr'd$"ed in O"t'+er, )227. S'ld at Rs. D.9) la-h, it &as +a"-then the "'stliest "ar released in the Indian #ar-et. Then the"'#an rela"ed it &ith Estee# and %r'# that das 'n a line'% S$?$-i "ars r'lled '$t in the Indian #ar-et.

Q 977 Q O#ni

 Q )777 G6is"'ntin$ed

Q Mar$ti en G6is"'ntin$ed, +$t re!i!ed and re3+randed as theen Estil'

 Q Alt'

 Q Estee#G6is"'ntin$ed

 Q @alen' 3 G6is"'ntin$ed

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 Q @alen'Alt$tra 3 G6is"'ntin$ed

Q s

Q S&i%t


 Q (ag'nR

Q Versa

Q en Estil' 3 Lirst enerati'n S$?$-i MR (ag'n

Q rand Vitara 3 Lirst enerati'n S$?$-i rand Vitara

 Q Eig'

M$lti3nati'nal "'#anies


 @M( is #an$%a"t$rer '% restigi'$s s'rt sedans that are-n'&n %'r their ni#+le handling. @M( en/'s g''d +randre"'gniti'n in India, than-s t' Indian #'!ies and the ri"h &h'ha!e +een i#'rting these "ars %'r de"ades. It has set $ alant in Chennai, Ta#il Nad$, t' #an$%a"t$re "ars l'"allex"l$si!el %'r the l'"al #ar-et &ith n' lans %'r ex'rt. It set$ the lant t' "ir"$#!ent high i#'rt d$ties.

Q D Series

Q K Series

 Q : Series

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 Liat India has str$ggled in India sin"e its in"eti'n. The LiatUn' &as 'ne '% the <rst r'd$"ts t' +e intr'd$"ed. The Liat

Pali' &as later intr'd$"ed and &as initiall a +ig hit &ith itsstle and ride "'#%'rt "'$led &ith s'lid +$ild +$t has sl'&ll'st its sheen d$e t' l'& %$el e"ien". Other #'dels &ereintr'd$"ed s$"h as the Pali' (ee-end and Siena. Liat tried re3+randing '% the Liat Siena t' Liat Petra &ith'$t #$"h s$""ess. Itr'ed in Sa"hin Tend$l-ar as 'ne '% its +rand a#+assad'rs.E!en Mi"hael S"h$#a"her aeared in an ad %'r the Pali'. Ithas entered n'& int' an allian"e &ith Tata M't'rs t' /'intl

#an$%a"t$re "ars at its lant in Ran/anga'n, near P$ne. The%a"ilit &ill ena+le the t&' "'#anies t' #a-e a+'$t *77,777"ars er ann$#, and als' h'$se an engine #an$%a"t$ring $nit&ith a "aa"it '% *K7,777 $nits er ann$#. The allian"e &illals' see

 Tata M't'rs $se LiatJs diesel te"hn'l'g 3 the ).D litre #$lti/etdiesel engine 3 %'r its '&n !ehi"les. The t&' "'#anies als'ha!e a distri+$ti'n and ser!i"e artnershi.

 Q Un'G6is"'ntin$ed

Q Pali'

Q Pali' Stile

 Q SienaG6is"'ntin$ed

Q Siena (ee-end G6is"'ntin$ed

 Q PetraG6is"'ntin$ed

 Q Ad!ent$re

 Q P$nt'

 Q Binea

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 L'rd M't'rs

L'rd entered India in "'lla+'rati'n &ith Mahindra Mahindra in)22K &ith a #a/'r lant in Ta#il Nad$. The <rst #'del &as the

Es"'rt.Q Es"'rt G6is"'ntin$ed 3 It &as '=ered &ith a ).DBiter etr'lter#ed Alha and ).K Biter 6iesel engine ter#ed Ori'n, and ata ti#e &hen the "ar &ars in India had /$st +eg$n. The diesel!ersi'n &as %an"ied + #an d$e t' the %a"t that diesel &asa!aila+le at hal% the ri"e '% etr'lGgas'linegas in India at thatti#e. A#'ng the %a#'$s '&ners '% the L'rd Es"'rt &asA?i#Pre#/i &h' dr'!e a +la"- 'ne %'r al#'st eight ears $ntilhe traded it %'r a T''ta C'r'lla. The L'rd Es"'rt ).9 &as ran-edthe highest in the 8.6. P'&er and Ass'"iates )22: IndianC$st'#er Satis%a"ti'n St$d. It &as als' !'ted the @est $alitCar in the 8.6. P'&er India Initial $alit St$d.

Q I-'n 3 (as la$n"hed t' hase '$t the Es"'rt, -n'&n %'r theR'"a# engine, a!aila+le &ith a "h'i"e '% etr'l and diesel!ersi'n, the "ar did &ell. L'rd is -n'&n %'r la$n"hing ne&

!ersi'ns &ith s'#e #in'r "'s#eti" "hanges e!er n'& andthen.

 Q M'nde' G6is"'ntin$ed 3 (as L'rdJs '=ering t' the 6seg#ent in India in *77), &as +r'$ght in as a C@U %r'#@elgi$# &ith hia +eing the 'nl tri# !ersi'n a!aila+le. It &asa!aila+le &ith +'th *.7B 6$rat'r> diesel and )* +h *.7Betr'l

6$rate" engines. It &as the <rst "ar t' +e '=ered &ith Xen'nHI6 headla#s in India. It is alleged that the M'nde'er%'r#ed +etter than the *.D B A""'rd a!aila+le in India at thatti#e. @$t +$ers staed a&a as it &as #'re exensi!e thanthe A""'rd. The diesel !ersi'n &as hased '$t in *77D

. Q Endea!'$r 3 S'ld as the L'rd E!erest in 'ther arts '% Asiaand +ased 'n the Ranger i"-$, it &as '=ered in +'th X and

X* 'ti'ns +$t &ith 'nl a *.K B, Clinder In3line,

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 T$r+'"harged Inter "''led 6iesel Engine and #an$altrans#issi'n

. Q L$si'n 3 &as la$n"hed as an Ur+an A"ti!it Vehi"le a!aila+le

&ith a ).; B , "l )7) +h G:K -()7* PS engine &ith K seed#an$al trans#issi'n. In *77: a diesel !ersi'n &as la$n"hed&hi"h has the sa#e ). B ;9 +hGK) -(;2 PS engine as theLiesta.

Q Liesta 3 Ba$n"hed in N'!e#+er *77K and &as L'rdJs <%th#'del in India, and is a!aila+le in ).; B etr'l and ). B dieselengines. @ill L'rd #ade a ers'nal !isit t' la$n"h the "ar inIndia.

eneral M't'rs

 Che!r'let has +een 'ne '% the #'st re"'gni?ed +rands in India%'r se!eral de"ades. The &ere #ade '$lar as the !ehi"le '%"h'i"e '% the her'es in @'ll&''d #'!ies. The #'del line$"'nsists '% !ehi"les %r'# "heaer sister +rands li-e 6ae&''.

eneral M't'rs initiall entered India &ith the Oel +rand, +$tthe Oel +rand &as dr'ed in Mar"h *77; +e"a$se sales &ereat an all ti#e l'& d$e t' high ri"es and eneral M't'rs &antedt' %'"$s #'re 'n their Che!r'let +rand. Sin"e the Che!r'let+rand &as intr'd$"ed in India, there ha!e +een n' ne& Oelr'd$"ts. MJs Indian 'erati'ns &ere 'riginall a 8V +et&eenHind$stan M't'rs and M, &ith #'st '% MJs !ehi"lesasse#+led at Hind$stanJs lant in Hal'l, $/arat. Sin"e then,

M India is n'& &h'll '&ned + M. Cars %r'# Che!r'let are

Q Ta!era 3 Re+adged Is$?$ Panther

Q L'rester 3 G6is"'ntin$ed Re+adged Lirst enerati'n S$+ar$L'reste

r Q A!e' 3 Se"'nd enerati'n 6ae&'' al's sedan

Q A!e' UV3A 3 Lirst enerati'n 6ae&'' al's hat"h+a"-

Q Otra 3 Re+adged 6ae&'' Ba"etti

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Q SRV 3 Re+adged 6ae&'' Ba"etti

Q Sar- 3 L'r#erl 6ae&'' Mati? in India

 Q Cr$?e

Q Cati!a


H'nda Siel Cars entered India in )22K. It sells "ars in India 3

the Cit, Ci!i", A""'rd, and CR3V. The #an$%a"t$ring lant '%H'nda Siel is l'"ated in reater N'ida. The #'del '% A""'rds'ld in India is the *77D #'del. The #'st inexensi!e "ar %r'#H'nda 3 The Cit.The #'st Exensi!e 3 The H'nda A""'rd V;.

 Q A""'rd 3 It &as intr'd$"ed in India in 8$l *77). It is s'ld inthree !ersi'ns 3 A""'rd VTi3B MT, A""'rd VTi3B AT and A""'rdV; AT. @'th the engines, the standard i3 and V3; ha!e +e de3

t$ned &hi"h r'd$"e less '&er "'#ared t' the A#eri"an#'dels, the I3 r'd$"es )* +h G)7; -() PS &hile the V;r'd$"es **) +h G);K -(** PS, de3t$ned %'r +etter %$ele"ien".

 Q Cit 3 (as la$n"hed in India in 6e"e#+er )22: ,initiall'=ered in t&' 'ti'ns. A ).D liter engine r'd$"ing 27 +hG;:-(2) PS and a +igger ).K liter r'd$"ing )77 +h G:K -()7)PS. T&' ears later a VTEC 'ti'n &as als' '=ered. All &ere

%'$r "linder engines. In O"t'+er *77D the Cit $nder&ent a#a/'r re!a# and is '$larl "alled as Ne& H'nda Cit GNHC.S$rrisingl H'nda ga!e the ne& Cit less '&er%$l enginesand de"ided t' i#r'!e the %$el e"ien". The ne& Cit%eat$res a ).K liter engine r'd$"ing :: +hGK: -(:9 PS. It'=ered #'re interi'r sa"e and &ith +right and re%reshinginteri'rs. A+'$t t&' ears later, a %a"e li%ted !ersi'n 3 CITY X 3&as intr'd$"ed. At the sa#e ti#e, a VTEC engine #'del t''&as intr'd$"ed. Q Ci!i" 3 (as la$n"hed in 8$l *77; in India ;

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#'nths a%ter the internati'nal de+$t. The "ar is the <rst in thisseg#ent in India t' '=er $nre"edented sa%et %eat$res li-eA@S, E@6 as standard. It is als' the <rst in its "lass t' %eat$rere!erse s&ing &indshield &iers. The 'nl r'+le# &ith the "ar

&ith rese"t t' India is its l'& gr'$nd "learan"e

. Q CR3V 3 It &as intr'd$"ed in India al'ng &ith the A""'rd. It&as and is still '=ered &ith a *. liter i3VTEC engine r'd$"ing)K* +hG))D -()K PS.


(hen H$ndai entered India, the +rand &as !irt$all $n-n'&n

in the Indian #ar-et. The signed $ @'ll&''d a"t'r ShahR$-h han and their ex"ellent ad!ertising "a#aign #adeH$ndai a h'$seh'ld na#e and heled it rea"h the se"'ndla"e +ehind #ar-et leader Mar$ti S$?$-i. Q Santr' 3 se"'ndgenerati'n H$ndai At's

Q A""ent 3 se"'nd generati'n H$ndai A""ent sedan

 Q S'nata 3 s'ld as the S'nata E#+era

 Q Verna 3 third generati'n H$ndai A""ent sedan

Q et? 3 s'ld as the et? Pri#e

Q Elantra 3 Drd generati'n H$ndai Elantra sedan

Q Terra"an Gdis"'ntin$ed

 Q T$"s'n

Q i)7 3 +rand ne& s#all "ar, gl'+al la$n"h in India in *77:.

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Q I*7


 Q B'gan In artnershi &ith Mahindra and Mahindra


 Q M3Class

 Q S3Class

 Q E3Class

 Q C3Class

 Mer"edes3@en? has had t' "ater t' the e!er gr'&ning l$x$rseg#ent in India, in a #$"h +etter %ashi'n n'&, ese"iall a%terthe arri!al '% the 'ther l$x$r er#an #an$%a"t$rers.

N'&, Mer"edes3@en? "ars are la$n"hed in India s''n a%ter the&'rld&ide la$n"h and h'#'l'gati'n as ''sed t' earlier,&hen Mer"edes3@en? had #'n''li?ed the ni"he Indian #ar-et.

 Mits$+ishi M't'rs

 Q Ban"er 3 Sixth enerati'n Mits$+ishi Ban"er

 Q Cedia 3 Se!enth enerati'n Mits$+ishi Ban"er

Q Pa/er' 3 Se"'nd enerati'n Mits$+ishi Pa/er'

 Q M'nter' 3 Third enerati'n Mits$+ishi Pa/er'


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W-'da is an i#'rtant "ar #an$%a"t$rer '% India. It re"entlla$n"hed the Ba$ra, the O"ta!ia still "'ntin$es t' exist. S-'da

als' '=ers the S$er+ in India +$t itJs n't t'' '$lar. Q O"ta!ia

 Q S$er+

Q Ba$ra

 Q La+ia


 T''ta irl's-ar sells "ar #'dels in India. It st'edr'd$"ing the T''ta $alis t' #a-e &a %'r the T''ta Inn'!a,&hi"h &as la$n"hed in India in *77K. The #'st exensi!e "ar%r'# T''ta is a !er '&er%$l SUV 3 The Band Cr$iser Prad'.

 T''ta irl's-ar M't'rs BT6 is a /'int !ent$re +et&een T''taM't'r C'r'rati'n and the irl's-ar r'$.

Q $alis G6is"'ntin$ed 3 Drd enerati'n T''ta i/ang

Q Ca#r 3 ;th enerati'n T''ta Ca#r

Q C'r'lla 3 2th enerati'n T''ta C'r'lla

Q Inn'!a

Q Band Cr$iser Prad' 3 Drd enerati'n T''ta Prad'

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4 6rea#3 drea# and drea#5, +e"a$se drea# gi!es !isi'n,!isi'n gi!es th'$ghts and <nall th'$ghts lead t' the a"ti'n5.

Ea"h letter '% these #'ti!ati'nal &'rds said + IndiaJs %'r#erPresident 6r. A.P.8. A+d$l ala# g'es exa"tl &ith Mr.Ratan Tata,Chair#an '% Tata gr'$, &h' in the ear *77D, drea#t '%r'd$"ing a sa%e, a='rda+le Car %'r the "'##'n #an. Linalla%ter the &ait '% <!e ears, "r'ssing all <nan"ial andte"hn'l'gi"al +arrier. Ratan Tata -et his r'#ise and $n!eiled

 Tata JNan'J 'n )7th 8an$ar *77:, at the 2th A$t' Ex' *779 inNe& 6elhi. Tata Nan', "''l s#art, la$n"hed + Tata M't'rs is&'rldJs "heaest Car &ith a ri"e tag '% )77777 INR.

 Tata M't'rs Bi#ited G%'r#erl TEBCO, sh'rt %'r Tata Engineeringand B'"'#'ti!e C'#an is an Indian #$ltinati'nala$t'#'ti!e #an$%a"t$ring "'#an head>$artered in M$#+ai,Maharashtra, India and a s$+sidiar '% the Tata r'$. Itsr'd$"ts in"l$de assenger "ars, tr$"-s, !ans, "'a"hes, +$ses,"'nstr$"ti'n e>$i#ent and #ilitar !ehi"les. It is the &'rldJs

sixteenth3largest #'t'r !ehi"le #an$%a"t$ring "'#an,%'$rth3largest tr$"- #an$%a"t$rer and se"'nd3largest +$s#an$%a"t$rer + !'l$#e. L'$nded in )2K as a #an$%a"t$rer '% l'"'#'ti!es, the "'#an #an$%a"t$red its <rst "'##er"ial!ehi"le in )2K in "'lla+'rati'n &ith 6ai#ler3@en? A, &hi"hended in )2;2. Tata M't'rs has a$t' #an$%a"t$ring andasse#+l lants in 8a#shed$r, Pantnagar, B$"-n'&, Sanand,6har&ad and P$ne in India, as &ell as in Argentina, S'$th

A%ri"a, Thailand and the United ingd'#. It has resear"h andde!el'#ent "entres in P$ne, 8a#shed$r, B$"-n'& and6har&ad, India, and in S'$th 'rea, Sain, and the Unitedingd'#. Tata M't'rsJ rin"ial s$+sidiaries in"l$de the @ritishre#i$# "ar #a-er 8ag$ar Band R'!er Gthe #a-er '% 8ag$ar,Band R'!er and Range R'!er "ars and the S'$th 'rean"'##er"ial !ehi"le #an$%a"t$er Tata 6ae&''. Tata M't'rs hasa +$s #an$%a"t$ring /'int !ent$re &ith Mar"''l' S.A. GTata

Mar"''l', a "'nstr$"ti'n e>$i#ent #an$%a"t$ring /'int

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!ent$re &ith Hita"hi GTata Hita"hi C'nstr$"ti'n Ma"hiner anda /'int !ent$re &ith Liat &hi"h #an$%a"t$res a$t'#'ti!e"'#'nents and Liat and Tata +randed !ehi"les. Tata M't'rsentered the assenger !ehi"le #ar-et in )22) &ith the la$n"h

'% the Tata Sierra, +e"'#ing the <rst Indian #an$%a"t$rer t'a"hie!e the "aa+ilit '% de!el'ing a "'#etiti!e indigen'$sa$t'#'+ile. In )229 Tata la$n"hed the <rst %$ll indigen'$sIndian assenger "ar, the Indi"a, and in *779 la$n"hed the TataNan', the &'rldJs "heaest "ar.


PARAMETERS STATISTICS T'tal in!est#ent INR ):77 "r'reengine ;*"", D +h rear #'$nted6esign L'$r d''r #'n'"'>$eL$el e"ien" *7 -l

 T' seed )7K -#hear +'x L'$r seed #an$alBength 9 er"ent s#aller than

#ar$ri977Inner sa"e *) er"ent larger than #ar$ti

977Sa%et S$r!i!ed %r'ntal "rash at 9

-#hE#issi'n @harat III and eir' IV "'#laint

6es"riti'n a+'$t Nan'

Q The r'/e"t has literall +e"'#e IndiaJs "lai#3%'r3%a#e inthe internati'nal3#edia d$e t' Tata M't'rsJ inn'!ati'n inde!el'ing the "ar, as &ell as -eeing it l'& in ri"e.

Q The "ar itsel% is exe"ted t' +''st the Indian E"'n'#,"reate entrerene$rial3''rt$nities a"r'ss India, as &ell asexand the Indian "ar #ar-et + ;K.

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Q The "ar &as en!isi'ned + ren'&ned ind$strialist, Ratan Tata, Chair#an '% the Tata r'$ and Tata M't'rs, &h' hasdes"ri+ed it as an e"'3%riendl

Q Nan' has +een greatl are"iated + #an s'$r"es andthe #edia %'r its l'&3"'st and e"'3%riendl initiati!es &hi"hin"l$de $sing "'#ressed3air as %$el and an ele"tri"3!ersi'n.

Q Tata r'$ is exe"ted t' #ass3#an$%a"t$re the Nan' in!er large >$antities, arti"$larl the ele"tri"3!ersi'n, and,+esides selling the# in India, t' als' ex'rt the# &'rld3&ide.

Q The tall r''% and gener'$s green3h'$se area enhan"es the

sense '% sa"e.

Q One3+'x ar"hite"t$re #eans a s#aller traditi'nal+'nnet. N' need %'r the grille t'' sin"e there is n' engine $%r'nt t' "''l.

Q The X#as tree tail la#s lin- the Nan' t' the rest '% the Tata assenger "ar %a#il.

Q Rear3!ie& #irr'r 'n 'ne side. Pre"i'$s r$ees sa!ed.Q The ;*D "" engine %eat$res a @'s"h de!el'ed %$elin/e"ti'n sste# and is g''d %'r *7 -l.

Q All' &heels sh'&n 'nl 'n the t'3end !ersi'n. Exe"t"heaer, ressed3steel &heels as standard iss$e.

Q A large seed'#eter, %$el ga$ge and digital 'd'#eter#a-e $ the instr$#entati'n. C$ri'$sl, n'ne '% the "ars

dislaed %eat$red rear seat3+elts.

Q (hat is "'##'n t' Lerrari and Tata Nan' The air3inta-es'n the an-s are ne"essar %'r "''ling the rear engine.

Q Pr'er indeendent s$sensi'n all3r'$nd. r'$nd"learan"e l''-s g''d e!en 'n )*3in"h tres.

Q The interi'r %eat$res *7 #'re r''# than the Mar$ti 977

than-s t' the additi'nal r''# li+erated.

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Q At D.) #etres l'ng and ).;K #etres &ide, the Nan' has a%''trint that is 'nl 97 er "ent that '% a Mar$ti 977.

Q The t&in3illar treat#ent ens$res that desite the s#all

%r'ntal area, the "a+in '% the "ar "an &ithstand i#a"t in thee!ent '% a "rash.

Q A "$r!ed &inds"reen is exensi!e t' r'd$"e 3 a hint thatthe "ar &as n't "'n"ei!ed t' a ri"e, design t'' &as an e>$alli#'rtant "riteri'n.

Q (hile the "ar has alread +een s$+/e"ted t' %r'nt3'n"rash3&'rthiness tests, it is et t' g' %'r '=3set and side3'n

"rash&'rthiness tests, exe"ted later this ear.

Q The %r'nt seats ha!e head restraints +$ilt int' the seat t'sa!e #'ne and red$"e "'#lexit. The rear +en"h seat "anseat t&' ad$lts and a -id "'#%'rta+l.



 The e'le0s "ar, designed &ith a %a#il in #ind, has a r''#assenger "'#art#ent &ith gener'$s leg sa"e and headr''#. It "an "'#%'rta+l seat %'$r ers'ns. L'$r d''rs &ithhigh seating 'siti'n #a-e ingress and egress eas.


Unli-e 'ther l'& "'st Indian "ars, this 'ne is g'ing t' ha!e a!ari'#ati" gear sste#. Instead '% #an$al gear +'x in"'n!enti'nal "ars it is "'#ing $ as gear less 'r rather &ith ana$t'#ati" gear trans#issi'n. This hels t' i#r'!e thee"ien" and #ileage + #agni%ing the t'r>$e '$t$t.


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 The e'le0s "ar has a rear3&heel dri!e, all al$#ini$#, t&'"linder, ;*D "",DD PS, #$lti 'int %$el in/e"ti'n etr'l engine.

 This is the <rst ti#e that a t&' "linder gas'line engine is +eing$sed in a "ar &ith single +alan"er sha%t.

SALETY AN6 COMLORT3@ adhering t' the %a"t that less &eightre>$ires less '&er,the 'ne la-h "ar is #ade '% light &eighingsteel.This has #ade Tatas "'#e $ &ith the "hea alternati!e&ith'$t "'#r'#ising 'n sa%et and er%'r#an"e.


C'ns$#er +$ing +eha!i'r is the de"isi'n r'"ess in &hi"h"'ns$#ers 'r +$ers '% g''ds tend t' rea"t &hile $r"hasingthe r'd$"t '% their "h'i"e. It re%ers t' the <nal $r"hase '% the$lti#ate "$st'#er. The +$ing +eha!i'r '% assenger "ars are+ased 'n #a/'r "l$ster '% %a"t'rs in"l$si!e '% s'"ial,e"'n'#i"al, "$lt$ral, and s"h'l'gi"al needs. Al'ng &ith+$ing +eha!i'r an'ther !aria+le ,"$st'#er0s er"eti'n 'n

de"iding %a"t'rs li-e ri"e, in"'#e distri+$ti'n, and $tilit,"$lt$re, %a#il si?e et" ta-e #a/'r r'le in de"isi'n '% "h''sing ar'd$"t t' +$ 'r n't t' +$.

 The !ia+le nat$re a#'ng the a$t'#'+ile laers has initiatedthe #a/'r "'#anies in the ind$str t' ta-e $ $ni>$estrategies t' <ght "'#etiti'n a#'ng the#. A#'ng the"ateg'ries '% the "ar seg#ents, @ Seg#ent sees the #axi#$#"'#etiti'n +e"a$se it '=ers the "'ns$#ers a &ide range '%

#'dels t' "h''se %r'#. The #a/'r "'#anies see t' that ther'!ide >$ite a range '% !ehi"les in all seg#ents '% the !ehi"le"ateg'ries s' that the end $ser ends $ in $sing in an 'ne '%their !ehi"le. T' s$'rt the $sh '% sales ad!ertise#ents laa #a/'r r'le in r'!iding a "h'i"e #edi$#, a rea"ha+le 'ne %'rthe "'ns$#ers. The a#+'an"e '% the "ars "an +e aealedthr'$gh the Tele!isi'n #edi$# and "l'sel + the rint and '%late the 'nline #edi$#. @'th the #edi$#s ha!e their '&n

$ni>$eness in rea"hing the a$dien"e in #ar-eting a r'd$"t. In

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additi'n t' this "ele+rit end'rse#ents and testi#'nialad!ertise#ents ha!e "'#e l'ng &a and the are als'"'ntri+$ting t' s'#e extent t' sell their "ars. The IndianA$t'#'ti!e Ind$str a%ter de3li"ensing in 8$l )22) has gr'&n

at a se"ta"$lar rate 'n an a!erage '% ): %'r last %e& ears. The ind$str has attained a t$rn'!er '% US6 1DK.9 +illi'n, GINR);K,777 "r'res and an in!est#ent '% US6 )7.2 +illi'n. Theind$str has r'!ided dire"t and indire"t e#l'#ent t' )D.)#illi'n e'le. A$t'#'+ile ind$str is "$rrentl "'ntri+$tinga+'$t K '% the t'tal 6P '% India. IndiaJs "$rrent 6P is a+'$t1). trilli'n and is exe"ted t' gr'& t' 1D.:K trilli'n + *7*7.

C'ns$#er de"isi'n #a-ing r'"ess in +$ing TATA NANO

E!en thr'$gh TATA NANO is the least ri"e seater"ar in India,it %alls in the "ateg'r '% "'#lex +$ing +eha!i'$r.



















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 T' s$+stantiate the a+'!e state#ent, in s$r!e :7 e'leha!e res'ndent that +$ing TATA NANO is as di"$lt as+$ing 'ther "ars.

Analsis '% stages in "'#lex +$ing +eha!i'$r

Q Need Re"'gniti'n

Q In%'r#ati'n sear"h

Q . E!'l$ti'n '% alternati!e

Q P$r"hase de"isi'nQ P'st $r"hase e!al$ati'n.

. Need Re"'gniti'n.

Need %'r Tata Nan' "an +e dri!en either + internal sti#$liG6esireattit$deer"eti'n 'r external sti#$li ad!ertising et".

Classifcation o consumer needs



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An atte#t is #ade t' $nderstand the need re"'gniti'n r'"ess+ased 'n Masl'&0s the'r Classi<"ati'n '% "'ns$#er need

 Th$s it is "lear %r'# the Lig )3 ;9 e'le +$ the "ar dri!en

+ sa%et need. * +$ a "ar dri!en + estee# need. 9e'le +$ a "ar dri!en + +asi" need. T' ar'$se the need %'r

 Tata Nan' C'#an sh'$ld l''- t' ai# at :; e'le &h' l''-%'r "ar %'r sa%et and +asi" need -n'&ing the %a"t that"'#an &ill n't +e a+le t' drag the e'le &h' &ant t' satis%estee# need.

In%'r#ati'n Sear"h

In this stage "$st'#er &ants t' <nd '$t the in%'r#ati'n a+'$tthe Pr'd$"t, Pla"e, Pri"e and 'int '% $r"hase. (hile +$ing ar'd$"t li-e "ar e'le see- in%'r#ati'n %r'# di=erent s'$r"esli-e.

Q Pers'nal S'$r"es3 La#il, %riend and neigh+'$rs.

Q C'##er"ial s'$r"es Ad!ertising, sales e'le, dealers,disla.

Q P$+li" S'$r"es Mass #edia and "'ns$#er rating agen"ies

Q Exeriential s'$r"es 6e#'nstrati'n, exa#ining ther'd$"t.

 The resear"h sh'&s that #a/'rit '% e'le deend 'nre%eren"e gr'$ %'r in%'r#ati'n &hile +$ing TATA NANO

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Preerence o channel o inormation


Re%ren"e gr'$


Sin"e +$ing Tata Nan' is "'#lex +$ing +eha!i'$r e'lesee- l'ts '% in%'r#ati'n and "lari<"ati'n. C'#an sh'$ld ai#'n #ini#i?ing the "$st'#er "'st &hile see-ing thesein%'r#ati'n. The "'#an sh'$ld %'"$s #'re 'n "$st'#er

testi#'nials and &'rd '% #'$th "'##$ni"ati'n.E!al$ati'n '% alternati!e

A%ter "'lle"ting the in%'r#ati'n, "'ns$#ers arri!e at s'#e"'n"l$si'n a+'$t the r'd$"t. In this stage "'ns$#ers are"'#aring di=erent +rands +ased 'n set ara#eters &hi"h he'r she thin-s re>$ired in the r'd$"t. This r'"ess di=ers %r'#"'ns$#er t' "'ns$#er and &ith rese"t t' Tata Nan' s'#eha!e gi!en i#'rtan"e t' the ri"e and %'r %e& d$ra+ilit and

sa%et is i#'rtant.Sin"e it is "lear %r'# the a+'!e data that #a/'rit '% the e'leare +$ing the "ar dri!en + sa%et need. Pe'le are"'nsidering Che!r'let sar- and Mar$ti Alt' as the alternati!e"ar.E!en th'$gh the ri"e '% +'th the "ars is high "'#are t'the NANO e'le are "'nsidering SPAR and ABTO asalternati!e '% TATA Nan'.An atte#t is #ade t' $nderstand the e!al$ati'n '% alternati!e4Che!r'let sar- and Mar$tiAlt'5.Sin"e e'le are #'ti!ated +

sa%et need and Che!r'let sa%et 'siti'ning and D ears %reeser!i"ing &arrant is a+le t' dra& the "$st'#er attenti'n.

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Pri"e Gex


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)7K-# h'$r );) -# h'$r )D: -# h'$r

Lr'nt +ra-es

Rear +ra-es

)97## dia.6r$#+)97 ## diadr$# +ra-e

Ventilated dis"


6is" dr$#

(e "an see that Tata Nan' d'es n't ha!e i##'+iliser. 4Ani##'+iliser 'r i##'+ili?er is an ele"tr'ni" de!i"e <tted t' ana$t'#'+ile &hi"h re!ents the engine %r'# r$nning $nless the

"'rre"t -e G'r 'ther t'-en is resent. This re!ents the "ar%r'# +eing h't &ired a%ter entr has +een a"hie!ed5.Thea+'!e ta+le sh'&s that there is a di=eren"e in the %eat$res and"'ns$#er has t' a *2)K#'nth extra t' get additi'nal%eat$res '=ered + Mar$ti Alt', &hi"h he "'nsiders as !al$e %'r#'ne.

P$r"hase de"isi'n.

In this stage "'ns$#er +$ the #'st re%erred +rand. Thede"isi'n '% #a-ing the arti"$lar +rand is #ade a%ter "'ns$#er"'n!i"ti'n '!er the alternati!e r'd$"t.Sin"e resear"h has re!ealed that e'le d' n't 'st'ne the$r"hase '% Tata Nan' +e"a$se it is di"$lt t' #a-e thea#ent. Pri"e is n't the %a"t'r &hi"h is 'st'ning the$r"hase de"isi'n '% the "'ns$#ers. There are t&' %a"t'rs&hi"h are #a-ing e'le t' 'st'ne the $r"hase '% TataNan'

Ba"- '% in%'r#ati'n

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Pe'le ha!e "'#lete a&areness a+'$t the ri"e and )77e'le ha!e "lai#ed that the are a&are '% the ri"e '% TataNan'. (hen it "'#es t' the %eat$res li-e engine "aa"it,#ileage, sa%et e'le ha!e #ixed res'nse and it re!eals that

"'#an has n't aid attenti'n in "'##$ni"ating the %eat$res.C'#an is r'#'ting the ri"e tagline and that is n't en'$ght' #'ti!ate the "'ns$#ers &h' are deri!ed + "'#lex +$ing+eha!i'$r.

6i=$si'n Pr'"essMa/'rit '% e'le G:7 e'le ad't the inn'!ati!e r'd$"t&hen it is ) t' * ear 'ld in the #ar-et. Pe'le are still &aitingt' &at"h '$t this "ar and the are 'st'ning the de"isi'n '%

+$ing this "ar. C'#an sh'$ld ha!e atien"e in la$n"hing the#ar-eting r'gra##e +e"a$se it is /$st )2 #'nths sin"e TataNan' is la$n"hed.

P'st $r"hase e!al$ati'nA%ter $r"hasing the r'd$"t "'ns$#er &ill exerien"e s'#ele!el '% satis%a"ti'n and dissatis%a"ti'n.An atte#t is #ade t' #eas$re the satis%a"ti'n le!el '% TATANANO $sers a%ter the $r"hase and the se"$rit "'n"erns &hi"h

is raised + #an r'se"ti!e $sers '% TATA Nan'.Satis%a"ti'n

97 '% the $sers are satis<ed &ith the "ar and the %eel thatthe ha!e g't &hat &as r'#ised + the "'#an and the areha t' re%er this "ar t' 'thers. C'#an sh'$ld #a-e $se '%these ha $sers in &'rd '% #'$th ad!ertise#ent.

*7 e'le are dissatis<ed and the are dissatis<ed d$e t'interi'r '% the "ar, <nishing '% the "ar, deli!er ti#e and %r'nt!ie&.Sa%et Sa%et is still the "'n"ern &ith the existing $sers and97 '% the e'le %eel that the %eel A!erage sa%e &hile dri!ing

 Tata Nan' as +ig "ars.*7 '% e'le %eel that it is e>$all sa%eas +ig "ars

*7 dissatis<ed97 Satis<ed

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 The a+'!e data sh'&s that "'#an has t' "learl &'r- 'nsa%et 'int '% !ie& and has t' "'#e $ &ith the inn'!ati!esa%et #eas$res t' in"rease the satis%a"ti'n le!el.

R'le '% i#$lse $r"hase in de"isi'n #a-ing r'"ess.

An i#$lse $r"hase 'r i#$lse +$ is an $nlanned de"isi'nt' +$ a r'd$"t 'r ser!i"e, #ade /$st +e%'re a $r"hase .One&h' tends t' #a-e s$"h $r"hases is re%erred t' as an i#$lse

$r"haser 'r i#$lse +$er. Resear"h <ndings s$ggest thate#'ti'ns and %eelings la a de"isi!e r'le in $r"hasing,triggered + seeing the r'd$"t 'r $'n ex's$re t' a &ell"ra%ted r'#'ti'nal #essage.

 The resear"h has sh'&n that +$ing a Tata Nan' %alls $nder"'#lex +$ing +eha!i'$r desite the l'& ri"e. The resear"hhas als' sh'&n that e'le &ait %'r ) t' * ear +e%'re +$ingthe r'd$"t li-e Tata Nan'. C'ns$#ers d' n't ta-e the de"isi'n

'% +$ing a "ar i##ediatel and %'ll'&s the attern '% de"isi'n#a-ing r'"ess !er religi'$sl th$s i#$lse $r"hase is n'trele!ant in +$ing Tata Nan', h'&e!er it "an la an I#'rtantr'le in "h''sing the a""ess'ries '% the "ar. Mar-eter "anin$en"e the "'ns$#er in "h''sing the "'l'$r and a""ess'ries

 Target A$dien"e.(h' &ill +$ the Tata Nan' I% 'nline 'lls are an indi"ati'n,target a$dien"e '% TATA Nan' h$#3d'3ha#are3d' %a#ilies,&h' &ere the #ain insirati'n +ehind the Nan'. I% 'nline 'llsat s'"ial net&'r-ing sites are s'#e indi"ati'n, a +$l- '% the'tential +$ers %'r the Nan' is red'#inantl #ale. And, the&ill +e less than *K ears. In 'ne 'nline 'll, D2 '% theres'ndents %elt that the a!erage Nan' +$er &ill +e $nder *Kears '% age &hile 9) agreed that the Nan' +$er &ill +e lessthan 7 ears.

•  The resear"h has sh'&n that "'#an sh'$ld "ra%t andexe"$te di=erent strateg t'&ards target a$dien"e andthe 'siti'ning '% the "ar sh'$ld +e "hanged

*7 E>$all97 A!erage Sa%e

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QResear"h has sh'&n that e'le re%er Tata Nan' as these"'nd "ar, desite '% their a+ilit t' a %'r the "'stl "ars.Pe'le are 'st'ning the $r"hase '% Tata Nan' &aiting %'rthe <rst "ar. The target a$dien"e '% the "'#an are the e'le

&h' +el'ng t' l'&er #iddle "lass and l'&er "lass. B'&er #iddle"lass and l'&er "lass e'le still $r"hase the "ar +ased 'nestee# need t' i#r'!e their s'"ial stat$s.

Lirst Car Se"'nd Car7










Consumer prerence o nano

Series )

Q97 '% the l'&er #iddle "lass and l'&er "lass e'le d' n't-n'& dri!ing and th$s the are "'#%'rta+le riding the +i-e.

C'#an sh'$ld la$n"h a #ar-eting r'gra##e t' tea"hdri!ing t' the target a$dien"e. On"e the target a$dien"e -n'&the dri!ing it &ill +e easier %'r the "'#an t' identi<esanti"iates and satis<es "$st'#er re>$ire#ents r'<ta+l.

Q Resear"h has sh'&n that #'st '% the Target a$dien"e has+i-e and it is n't eas %'r the# t' a+and'n the +i-e &hi"h "'stshal% '% the ri"e '% Tata nan'. C'#an sh'$ld gi!e the# theex"hange '=er and '=er the# g''d resell ri"e '% +i-e.Q Resear"h has sh'&n that "'#an has n't "'##$ni"ated the%eat$res, sa%et and the +ene<t t' target a$dien"e and %'"$sed

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h$gel 'n the ri"e. C'#an sh'$ld -ee in the #ind the %a"tthat aart %r'# ri"e "'ns$#ers are l''-ing %'r #an 'therase"ts &hile +$ing a "ar.

Q Resear"h has sh'&n that #'st '% the Target a$dien"e li-esthe ad!ertise#ent &hi"h is in%'r#ati!e %'ll'&ed + &hi"hsh'&s the sa%et. C$rrentl the "'#an has the ad!ertise#ent&hi"h +rings ride &hi"h is "h'sen least + the "'ns$#ers.C'#an sh'$ld design the ad!ertise#ent &hi"h "'#+ines thein%'r#ati'n and sa%et

In%'r#ati!e Interesting Pride aeal Sa%et7








Advertisement preerence by consumers

Series )

Q The "'#an sh'$ld l''- +e'nd the "$rrent targeta$dien"e and sh'$ld %'"$s 'n in"l$ding %e#ales in their targeta$dien"e, sin"e #'st '% the %e#ale %eel that it is "'#ati+le

and eas t' dri!e.Q Resear"h als' re!ealed that there is di=eren"e in attit$de+et&een the r'se"ts and the "$rrent $sers. C$rrent $sers aresatis<ed &ith the "ar &hile r'se"t $sers ha!e #an$n"ertainties in #ind. C'#an sh'$ld tr t' #ini#i?e this ga+ in"l$ding the #ar-eting r'gra##e &hi"h %'"$ses 'n the&'rd '% #'$th.

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