targeting and positioning

Targeting and Positioning Targeting From the market segmentation that are listed above, Sony Xperia Z2 uses a differentiated marketing strategy to market this phone. The differentiated market for Xperia Z2 is the young adults ranging from 18 to 25 years old that are still studying or freshly graduated stepping into the working industry. According to the social status, these group of young adults are still mostly receiving allowance from the family, they are not attached to commitment such as servicing loan. Hence, they have the purchasing power from the savings. Moreover, from Sony Xperia Z2 motto, ''The world's best camera and camcorder in a waterproof smart phone". It is known that Xperia Z2 are best suited to those who are photographic enthusiastic . Xperia Z2 high quality camera app that have movie hall quality camcorder which provide timeshift mode and background defocus feature( Sony Smartphones,2014). These features are specially made for young adults allowing them to utilize the features when they attend social events and also physical activities. Positioning Product position is the way the product is defined by consumer according to the quality of the product and the place of the product in consumer's mind relative to competing product. Hence, a company must have a set of competitive advantage to achieve a positive product position. ( Kotler and Armstrong, 2012) In the past years, Sony Corporation built a strong foundation and corporate image in the mobile communications division, gaming division and product imaging division (Reference for Business, 2014). With the shadow of the corporate image, Sony Xperia Z2 has a few competitive advantages over other smart phones such as Samsung S5 and HTC one. Xperia Z2 collaborates with Sony Playstation to allow users to free download games from Xperia Privilege App, able to use Sony Playstation app to connect with friends and buy

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Targeting and Positioning TargetingFrom the market segmentation that are listed above, Sony Xperia Z2 uses a differentiated marketing strategy to market this phone. The differentiated market for Xperia Z2 is the young adults ranging from 18 to 25 years old that are still studying or freshly graduated stepping into the working industry. According to the social status, these group of young adults are still mostly receiving allowance from the family, they are not attached to commitment such as servicing loan. Hence, they have the purchasing power from the savings. Moreover, from Sony Xperia Z2 motto, ''The world's best camera and camcorder in a waterproof smart phone". It is known that Xperia Z2 are best suited to those who are photographic enthusiastic . Xperia Z2 high quality camera app that have movie hall quality camcorder which provide timeshift mode and background defocus feature( Sony Smartphones,2014). These features are specially made for young adults allowing them to utilize the features when they attend social events and also physical activities. PositioningProduct position is the way the product is defined by consumer according to the quality of the product and the place of the product in consumer's mind relative to competing product. Hence, a company must have a set of competitive advantage to achieve a positive product position. ( Kotler and Armstrong, 2012) In the past years, Sony Corporation built a strong foundation and corporate image in the mobile communications division, gaming division and product imaging division (Reference for Business, 2014). With the shadow of the corporate image, Sony Xperia Z2 has a few competitive advantages over other smart phones such as Samsung S5 and HTC one. Xperia Z2 collaborates with Sony Playstation to allow users to free download games from Xperia Privilege App, able to use Sony Playstation app to connect with friends and buy games (Moore,2013). In addition, with the good imaging and audio quality from Sony Entertainment, Sony Xperia Z2 delivers a smooth experience on streaming music and videos and good gaming performance with no issues of phone freezing and frame drops (Sharma, 2014).In addition, Sony created a holi festival commercial advertisement for Xperia Z series to show the Indian culture with vibrant colours and unique movements utilizing the smart phone features( XperiaZ2 ,2014). This also shows that Sony is socially responsible to promote the smart phone in India that gives a strong image of Sony understanding the culture in India.In geographic position, Sony Corporation target their smart phone market in India and has overtaken ace rival Apple emerging the second largest smart phone brand in India. Sony has achieved major success in the smart phones especially after launching Xperia Z2, that have doubled up the growth of overall sales (Mukherjee, 2014). One major reason that made Sony market share increase rapidly is because Sony invested Rs350 for mobile phone business for this year. Although India phone market have competitors such as Samsung and Apple dominating the upper end of the segment and other home grown makers staying strong at the entry level, Kenichiro Hibi the managing director of Sony India said that they position themselves to grow and establish their branding as a premium brand and not just chasing market share (Doval, 2014).

Doval, P. (2014). Mobiles to lead company's growth in India: Sony India MD Kenichiro Hibi - The Times of India.The Times of India. Retrieved 30 May 2014, from, J. (2014). Buy Xperia, Get 10 Free PSM Games and More.PlayStation.Blog. Retrieved 28 May 2014, from,. (2014). Sony Corporation - Company Profile, Information, Business Description, History, Background Information on Sony Corporation. Retrieved 29 May 2014, from, R. (2014). Sony Xperia Z2 review: A worthy rival to Samsung Galaxy S5, HTC One (M8) - The Times of India.The Times of India. Retrieved 29 May 2014, from Z2,. (2014). Wishing all Xperia Z2 fans Happy Holi through Sony's Holi Ad. Retrieved 26 May 2014, from

Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (2012).Principles of marketing(14th ed., p. 231). Boston: Pearson Prentice Hall.Top of FormBottom of Form