tai calon environmental improvement project tpas workshop on consultation 7 th november 2013 andrew...

Tai Calon Environmental Improvement Project TPAS Workshop on Consultation 7 th November 2013 Andrew Myatt – Director of Housing Andy MacDougall - Project Manager 1

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Tai Calon

Environmental Improvement Project

TPAS Workshop on Consultation

7th November 2013

Andrew Myatt – Director of Housing

Andy MacDougall - Project Manager


The workshop will cover:• the journey taken so far, including what has

happened• what has worked really well• the challenges faced and how Tai Calon has

overcome those challenges• the different approaches taken to encourage tenants

to get involved• the positive influence working in partnership has had

for all concerned”



Pre – consultation stage : key milestones

– Developing a project strategy defining• Short term and long term objectives• Key principles under-pinning the strategy

– Establishing a Project Board

– Developing an outline project plan


Environmental Improvement Strategy set out:– Short term objective

• Achieve WHQS “environmental standard”

– Long term objectives• Transform and regenerate neighbourhoods• Improve the quality of life of tenants and residents

– Key principles behind strategy• A tenant led approach is key to long term success and

sustainability• Improvements identified and delivered on basis of need• Provide training and employment for local people


More than bricks and mortar...Partnerships and collaboration are a way of life...

Tenant’s input in to shaping improvement programme:• Strategic Level

– Main Board - 5 tenant members from 15 • Developed and approved Environmental Improvement Strategy

– Project Board – 2 tenant members from 8, developed and approved• High level project plan• Priority Communities• Budget allocation methodology• Community consultation strategy• Will approve spend on local improvement initiatives

• Community Level– Through detailed consultation tenants and residents

• will identify local issues and priorities• Help design and create local solutions

– Tenant Compact Group• Oversee Environmental Improvement Fund


Challenges faced• High levels of apathy in communities

– “heard it all before” – nothing ever happens– consultation fatigue

• Resources required to consult effectively with tenants– Time– Staff numbers– Specialist skills– Finance / budget

• Capturing and using feedback– Quality of tenant feedback– Analysing feedback– Incorporating feedback in to design solutions

• Managing expectations– Realistic expectation and budget restraints

• The British weather8

• 12 community consultation events• Average participation levels – 25.3%• High quality of tenant feedback feedback


The real benefits of working with partners



• What’s next:?• Complete one more stage 1 community consultation event

• Between November and March 2014 we aim to carry-out:• Approximately 18 stage 2, 3 and 4 consultation events • To progress improvement projects in communities where initial

consultation has taken place

• One consultation event every week. • A real stretch target given current resource levels, but• Will maintain the momentum of the project and • help ensure we meet raised tenant and resident expectation

• April 2014 – re-commence stage 1 consultation in priority areas


• Ash Vale, Tredegar



• What’s next? “Transforming Open Spaces” Training

• Provide environmental improvement training to 120 tenants over 2 years

• Training delivered in 6 sessions groups of 12 people

• Joint funded by Big Lottery and involves 4 Housing Associations

• Tenants will be able to:• understand, • see the potential in, and • lead the transformation of open spaces that are underused or

misused in their communities.

• Work with urban designers and HA to design and deliver 10 improvement projects over a 2 year period for each Housing Association


Questions and Answers?



• Establishing an environmental team to deliver “quick wins” – low skill levels, high impact in communitieso Litter picks, skip amnesties and community clean-upso Jet washing and re-pointing of boundary wallso Rubbing down and repainting of railingso Treating, repairing and replacing poor quality fencing

• Direct training and employment opportunities – 6 month periods

• Local, unemployed people from our communities

• Accredited qualifications – C.S.C.S card

• Pilot team of 6 and supervisor – start January 2014

• We have met with Play Wales and obtained their commitment to help us work alongside the Council and other partners to design and provide appropriate play space in our communities.

• We have engaged the services of local landscape architects to design potential improvement schemes for St James Way and Ashvale Tredegar.– We have subsequently held stage 2 consultation events with

both communities• The improvement scheme in St James Way is a technical

car park solution, which the community approved with only minor amendment.

• A formal planning application has been submitted for the scheme, which has been pre-approved in principle by both our Highways and Planning partners.



• Collaborate with RCT Homes to establish a joint procurement framework for environmental improvements• Share expertise and knowledge

• Quality and price control

• Maximise use of small, local companies

• Create local training and employment opportunities

• PQQ process commenced in September 2013

• Go live in March /April 2014 – OJEU regulations


• Ashvale Scheme:• Overwhelming community support• Some concerns about ASB and management of the

area• More design consideration before planning application• Implementation in Spring• Need support to:

• stop fly tipping – enforcement• stop illegal mechanic business• Support community to manage scheme – CCTV link• Provide safe routes for children to scheme

• 20mph zone in Ashvale• Traffic control in Griffiths Square

• The journey can be split in to 2 parts:

– Pre – consultation stage

– Consultation and beyond