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Part 1

Process Design and its business relevance...

o Starting a new business or a new business process?

o Chances are that you may fall in either of these two school of thoughts:

©Harish Haridasan3

“Lets start with something. We will improve on the way” “Lets get it right the first time”

In the first philosophy, it is assumed that

o the “People involved” know everything

o What they do and advise, how they do, becomes the process

o Such a setup is highly dependent on such people/ leaders

o The processes take shape over a period of time through experience, trial & error and incremental changes

o Perception is that it helps to start light but at times the infancy period is rocked by customer/ market/ process/ people/ legal issues

In the second philosophy, the effort is to

o Design a process that’s capable and robust to meet the customer and business requirements from Day 1

o Analyse cause and effects among all inputs, all practical constraints and the output. This ensures integration of right ideas, innovation and solutions into the new process

It does call for a good initial investment (time, effort and money) but helps to build

o A high brand value

o A good customer experience

o An efficient process with faster turnarounds, better quality and quicker ROI

Fabrics of Process Design ...

o Understand voice of customer

o Decipher the customer requirements & understand what it means for the process

o At this stage itself, innovate & find what will delight customers

©Harish Haridasan4

Customer requirements / CTQs*

* Critical to quality

Business requirements / CTQs*

Functional requirements / CTQs*

Probabilistic Design

[Output targeted at MEAN]

o Quantify the Business goals and create an agreement

o Ensure Customer requirements and Business goals are aligned

o Translate Customer & Business requirements to controllable functional parameters

o Process design will aim to find ways to ensure these parameters are maintained at target mean, within customer specifications

o Using Experimental designs, simulation or other statistical techniques, evolve the Transfer function that relates the process output (Y) with all inputs (Xs)

o Taking Tolerance for the input variance, arrive at the optimum control values for the Xs

o Study the constraints/ noise factors and arrive at the values optimum for process performance. These factors are uncontrollable but executing the process in these optimum conditions will yield peak results.

o Evolve solutions/ processes to ensure the input and process variance is in control

o De-risk the process and simulate/ statistically model the new process performance

o This capability flows-up to what is expected by the customer & business

X1 Xn

(Reduce variance in controllable factors)

Control parameters (Xs)

N1 Nn

(Minimise effect of variance of noise factors)

Noise factors

Popular design and optimisation techniques

Design (Process) is about,

o Evolving an accurate Transfer function to relate Y (CTQs) with Xs (Controllable dependent factors)

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Optimisation (Process) is about,

o Finding the optimum factor levels for peak performance

o Finding the best operating levels within these optimum factor levels to ensure sustained process capability

o Regression –

§ Statistical method to determine the quantified relation between responses (outputs) and factors using the available data

§ Applied in case experimentation is ruled out due to time/ cost concerns or the nature of process where experimentation is impractical

§ Doesn’t confirm the causation; only provides the relation (degree and direction)

o Design of Experiments (DOE) –

§ Traditional experimental design, where random, repetitive experiments are conducted at various factor levels, to model responses (outputs) as a function of all factor levels

§ Helps to shortlist the factors, based on causation, and determine the operating range for controllable factors

§ Provides accurate results but is time/ effort/ cost intensive

Useful techniques...

o 2-level and 3-level (Response surface methods) Optimisation designs

§ 2-level techniques (Ascent/ Descent or Simplex) help to determine if there are better factor levels of performance for the Y (Response)

§ 3-level techniques (Central Composite, Box Behnken) help to determine the best operating levels for the factors within the optimum levels suggested by 2-level technique

§ The optimum values ensure that the Process Y (Output) will stay within the customer defined specifications

o Taguchi’s method

§ This method gives a robust design in which the Process Y will not only stay within the specifications but also be centered always at the Target (= Mean)

§ Taguchi says that every time a process moves away from the target, there is loss to customer (even if the process is within SPECs)

§ This is achieved by modelling not just the Controllable factors as in conventional DOE but also the “Noise” factors

©Harish Haridasan6

Taguchi’s Loss Function

o According to Taguchi (Japanese Engineer), every time the process deviates from the target, even if it stays within the SPECs, there is loss

to the society (Producer and Customer)

o Larger the deviation from the target, larger is the loss

o Loss is proportional to the square of the deviation from the target

o Taguchi’s (quality) Loss function is given as,

L(Y) =!" (Y − t)



M- Monetary loss to the Producer when process doesn’t meet the SPECs

D- Customer defined tolerance (where about 50% of the customers view the product as defective)

t- Target for the process/ CTQ

Y- Process mean/ value

o This function drives the objective of the Taguchi’s design, the objective being to design a process that not just complies to the Customer

specifications but also is aligned to the Target

©Harish Haridasan7

Taguchi’s Loss Function (Contd.)

o Since, the loss is not just due to the deviation from target but also due to the variance in signal/ control factors, the formula for average

quality loss per unit of the product in a sample is re-written as:

©Harish Haridasan8

Qa =!"[(µ − t))+(σ))]


Qa - average quality loss per unit of the product in a sample that follows a

distribution with mean µ and standard deviation s, t - targetLSL USL(t)


Quadratic Loss Function



Quality Loss: Traditional vs Taguchi’s view

o Traditionally, “Quality” is when the process output is within

Customer Specifications

o Hence, no quality loss is there, if process is within the specifications

©Harish Haridasan9

o As per Taguchi, “Quality” is when the process output is at the


o Every time, Process mean deviates from Target and there is

process variance, there are bound to be quality losses

o Larger the deviation of mean from the target, larger is the loss



Step Function



Quadratic Loss Function

Taguchi’s design: Introduction

o Taguchi’s design aims at modeling not just the Controllable factors as in conventional DOE but also the “Noise”

(uncontrollable) factors

o This leads to:

§ A robust process that’s centered at the Target

§ reduces variation in the controllable factors, reducing the variance in Response

§ minimizes variation in uncontrollable factors and hence helps to sustain the process performance

©Harish Haridasan10

When to use Taguchi’s designs...

Taguchi’s designs can be adopted when:

o Time and cost of experimentation has to be lowered, especially when we have large number of factors

o There are noise factors which have significant influence on the control factors and hence the performance [Traditional DOE

adopts blocking of noise]

§ In such cases, number of control factors > number of noise factors [Better chance of finding a factor that helps reduce the noise]

o The product/ process under design is extremely critical. In no condition shall the process deviate from the target or shall be

rendered incapable due to variation and noise

o The experimenter must have in-depth knowledge of the process as the method relies on this knowledge to:

§ Compensate for lack of randomisation in orthogonal arrays [Expected that Lurking variables must be known]

§ Identify significant interactions [as this method, beyond the main effects, can at best account for the 2-Factor interactions]

o When the design objective is not just to attain the nominal best for the Response but is to attain best relationship between the

output response and an input Signal factor

©Harish Haridasan11

Taguchi’s design: Types

Two common design types:

o Static response design [Typical to batch process optimisation]

§ Design aims at achieving a fixed level of the output response or the quality characteristic

• Example: Aiming to design a process that consistently deposits a specific thickness of silicon layers on the silicon wafers

o Dynamic response design [Typical to technology development]

§ Design aims at the best performance levels for the system by optimising the relationship between the output response and a signal

factor. Hence, rather than a fixed level, the output response will have an optimum operating range within which it ought to be


• Example: If brake performance [Deceleration] is the output response to be improved, then the degree of depression on the

brake pedal can be the signal factor. It is impractical to look for an optimum degree of depression and hence it can’t be taken

as a factor. But its effect is significant on braking, and can be studied to design a brake system that has an efficient and least

variable deceleration through the range of brake pedal depression

©Harish Haridasan12

Taguchi’s Design: Stages

Taguchi’s Design follows three stages:

o Systems design

§ The objective is to determine the vital design factors and their appropriate working levels, applying the scientific and engineering


o Parameter design

§ The objective is to conduct experiments and identify the optimal settings of design factors that improves the performance

characteristics and reduce the sensitivity of engineering design to sources of variation or noise

o Tolerance design

§ The objective is to determine tighter tolerances around the optimal settings identified during the parameter design process. This is

required when the target response quality has not been achieved during the parameter design

§ It fine-tunes the results of parameters design by tightening the tolerance of factors but increases the cost as better product/

process components are required to achieve the tighter tolerances

§ It leads to a robust design in which the designed process delivers at the target and is least impacted by the variance or noise factors

©Harish Haridasan13

Taguchi’s Designs: Key concepts and terms

Taguchi’s design uses Orthogonal arrays to reach the optimum with minimum trials at minimum cost

(The concept of Orthogonal Arrays was first introduced by C. R. Rao in 1947)

Orthogonality and Orthogonal Arrays

o Orthogonality is represented as: ∑𝑥4. 𝑥6�� = 0, for all the pair of levels, where i, j represent high & low (+1, -1) levels

[Orthogonal factors are perpendicular to each other]

o In an Orthogonal Array, each factor has equal weights and hence, it is a Balanced Design.

o An example of orthogonal array is shown:

o Advantage of this orthogonality is that each factor can be evaluated independently, without influence from others i.e. Factors do not

effect each other during estimation

Taguchi’s design and Orthogonal Arrays

©Harish Haridasan16

Exp. S.No. Factor X1 −𝑥4 Factor X2 - 𝑥6 𝑥4. 𝑥6

1 1 1 1

2 1 -1 -1

3 -1 1 -1

4 -1 -1 1

∑𝑥4. 𝑥6�� 0 Factor X1

Factor X






[-1, -1](L, L)

[1, -1](H, L)

[1, 1](H, H)

[-1, 1](L, H)

o Orthogonal Arrays are used to represent the controllable factors and noise factors in a Robust


o Controllable factors, with their levels, form the Inner array

§ These factors are the design parameters in the selected process design concept

§ Optimum levels for these factors are to be achieved which will maximise the Response and minimise the effect

of Noise factors.

o The Noise factors form the Outer array

§ These factors influence the Response (Output) but are not controlled during the use of the product [Customer

usage pattern, environmental factors]

§ Levels for the Noise factors should represent the range of conditions under which the response (output) can

be robust

§ One doesn’t control noise factors during the product use but one should be able to control them during

experimentation. Noise factors are forced to vary & based on the optimum response values, the optimal

control factor settings are identified. Such optimal settings make the product/ process resistant to noise factor


§ Example: While testing a Printer for optimum print performance, one of the noise factors is paper-type.

Hence, the print performance will be evaluated with different paper types to assess the optimum control

factor levels that reduce the effect of paper type on printer performance

Orthogonal Arrays: Design representation

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While studying the heating of a wire when electric current is passed through it:

Factor-1: Wire diameter (1: 5 mm, -1-: 0 mm)Factor-2: Wire length (1: 200 mm, -1: 500 mm)Factor-3: Wire Material (1: Cupper/Cu, -1: Aluminum/Al)Noise: Ambient Temperature(1: 150C, -1: 350C)

Experimental layout can be depicted, as shown below:

Control factors Responses

Wire Material Diameter Length At Temp-1 At Temp-2

Cu [1] 5 [1] 200 [1] 101.5 107.9

Cu [1] 5 [1] 500 [-1] 100.8 102.1

Cu [1] 10 [-1] 200 [1] 99.7 104.6

Cu [1] 10 [-1] 500 [-1] 98.4 101.7

Al [-1] 5 [1] 200 [1] 104.5 108.9

Al [-1] 5 [1] 500 [-1] 105.4 110.6

Al [-1] 10 [-1] 200 [1] 103.2 108.3

Al [-1] 10 [-1] 500 [-1] 107.4 111.1

Taguchi’s notation for an Orthogonal array

o Taguchi represents an Orthogonal Array as:



S = number of levels for each factor

k = maximum number of factors whose effects can be estimated without any interaction

N = total number of trials during experimentation

o Examples:

§ L=(2?) - 8 experimental runs, 7 factors with 2 levels

§ L@(3B) - 9 experimental runs, 4 factors with 3 levels

§ LC=(2Cx3?) - 18 experimental runs, 1 factor with 2 levels, 7 factors with 3 levels

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Standard Orthogonal Array Tables

Examples to help read the table:

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Array Experimental runs

Max. # of Factors

Max. # of Factors that can be considered at various Factor Levels

Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

LB 4 3 3

L= 8 5 4 1

L= 8 7 7

L@ 9 4 4

LC) 12 11 11

LCE 16 15 15

LCE 16 5 5

LC= 18 8 1 7

L)F 25 6 6

L)? 27 13 1 13

LG) 32 31 31

LG) 32 10 1 9

LGE 36 23 11 12

LGE 36 16 3 13

LFH 50 12 1 11

LFB 54 26 1 25

LEB 64 63 63

LEB 64 21 21

L=C 81 40 40

L@(3B) - 9 experimental runs, 4 factors with 3 levels

LC=(2Cx3?) - 18 experimental runs, 1 factor with 2 levels, 7 factors with 3 levels

L=(2?) - 8 experimental runs, 7 factors with 2 levels

Experimental designs

o In a design experiment, evolving the design layout [Runs, their order, the combinations of factor levels] is one of the challenging tasks

o A person needs to have a deep level of knowledge about design construction to be successful

o Taguchi’s designs uses a concept called “Linear Graphs” to simplify this task [Concept of Linear Graph and it’s association with Orthogonal Arrays was first introduced by Taguchi in 1959]

o A Linear graph, visually represents, a set of factors and their mutual interactions [with both factors & interactions represented as Columns in an Array]

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o A Linear Graph contains a set of NODES and EDGES. Each Edge joins a pair of Nodes.

o A Node represents a Factor or a Column in the Array.

o An Edge represents the interaction between two Factors. Hence, it denotes that column in the array which is the interaction of the pair of other two columns/ factors.


Linear Graphs for L=(2?)

Linear Graph - 1







Nodes: 1,2,4,7 || Edges: 3,5,6Linear Graph - 2







Nodes: 1,2,4,7 || Edges: 3,5,6

Linear Graphs

Applying the Linear Graphs:

o If we want to study the main effects of FOUR 2-level factors A, B, C, D and the interactions between A x B, B x C, A x C in an experiment, then we shall use Linear Graph – 1

o Factors need to be assigned to the Linear Graph. This is done as,

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Linear Graph - 1

1/ A

2/ B

3/ A x B

4/ C6/ B x C

5/ A x C

7/ D

Nodes: 1,2,4,7 || Edges: 3,5,6

Linear Graph - 2

1/ A

2/ B

3/ A x B

4/ C5/ A x C

6/ A x D

7/ D

Nodes: 1,2,4,7 || Edges: 3,5,6

Factors To be assigned to Column/ Node

A 1

B 2

C 4

D 7

A x B 3

B X C 6

A x C 5

o If we have to study the main effects of A, B, C, D and the interaction of B, C, D with one factor A [A x B, A x C, A x D], then we shall use Linear Graph – 2

o This can be shown as,

o What happens in Process Design?

o Traditional vs Taguchi Design’s view on Quality

o Taguchi Design types & stages

o Orthogonal Arrays, notation and tables

o Linear Graph and its role in selecting experimental layout

©Harish Haridasan23

Thank you !!!

Harish Haridasan || [email protected] || +91- 94492 40463 || Bangalore, India