tad user's guide 4.21 (final)

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  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)





    (Version 4.21)

    Jan, 2003

    We would appreciate feedback on any errors, typos or unclear eplanations t!at we can use to

    i"pro#e t!is $uide. %ontact eit!er &oy 'ason!ei"er ([email protected] ) or &ussell %onwell

    ([email protected] ).

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    / %

    1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................4

    2. PROGRAM OVERVIEW....................................................................................................................................5

    2.1 PROGRAMBASICS............................................................................................................................................5

    2.2 MENUOVERVIEW............................................................................................................................................6

    2.3 TOOLBARICONS..............................................................................................................................................9

    2.4 EXTERNALFILEMANAGEMENT....................................................................................................................10

    2.5 OTHERGENERALISSUES...............................................................................................................................11

    2.5.1 Naming conventions..............................................................................................................................11

    2.5.2 Element Vs Tripping Data....................................................................................................................12

    2.5.3 Friction Factors....................................................................................................................................13

    3. GETTING STARTED........................................................................................................................................14

    3.1 CREATEANEWWELL....................................................................................................................................15

    3.2 SELECTANEXISTINGWELL..........................................................................................................................15

    3.3 SELECTUNITS...............................................................................................................................................16

    3.4 INPUTDATA...................................................................................................................................................1

    3.4.1 Strings...................................................................................................................................................17

    3.4.2 Directional Data...................................................................................................................................19

    3.4.3 Hole ro!iles.........................................................................................................................................19

    3.4.4 "mp #iners..........................................................................................................................................2$

    3.4.5 Fract"re %ra&ients...............................................................................................................................21

    4. WELLPATH PLANNING..................................................................................................................................22

    4.1 MANUALSURVE!ENTR!..............................................................................................................................23

    4.2 IMPORTINGSURVE!S.....................................................................................................................................24

    4.3 PLANNINGAWELLPATH................................................................................................................................2

    5. T&D PLANNING...............................................................................................................................................29

    5.1 DRILLING12"# HOLE...................................................................................................................................29

    5.1.1 'reate a Scenario.................................................................................................................................29

    5.1.2 ("n t)e 'alc"lation..............................................................................................................................32

    5.1.3 Vie* t)e (es"lts....................................................................................................................................35

    Version 4.21 Page 2

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    5.2 R UNNING9$# CASING..................................................................................................................................3%

    5.2.1 'reate a Scenario.................................................................................................................................39

    5.2.2 ("n t)e 'alc"lation..............................................................................................................................42

    5.2.3 Vie* t)e (es"lts....................................................................................................................................44

    6. HYDRAULICS PLANNING.............................................................................................................................46

    6.1 DRILLING12"# HOLE...................................................................................................................................46

    +.1.1 'reate a Scenario.................................................................................................................................4+

    +.1.2 ("n t)e 'alc"lation..............................................................................................................................4,

    +.1.3 Vie* t)e (es"lts....................................................................................................................................53

    7. GRAPHICS.........................................................................................................................................................56

    .1 SURVE!PLOTS..............................................................................................................................................56

    .2 T&D ANDH!DRAULICSPLOTS.....................................................................................................................5

    7.2.1 lot #isting...........................................................................................................................................57

    7.2.2 lot Vie*...............................................................................................................................................5,

    7.2.3 E&iting '"rves......................................................................................................................................+$

    8. MEASURED DATA............................................................................................................................................63

    %.1 T&D ANDH!DRAULICSIN12"# HOLE........................................................................................................63

    %.2 9$# CASINGRUN...........................................................................................................................................69

    %.3 IMPORTINGEXCELDATA...............................................................................................................................2

    APPENDI A ! EAMPLE WELL DATA..............................................................................................................74

    Version 4.21 Page 3

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    1. 5&*+%5

    K&Ms TAD Soft!re !s origin!lly "e#elo$e" in 1%% !n" h!s un"ergone ! $rocess of continuous

    im$ro#ement !n" "e#elo$ment !s it h!s 'een utili(e" in the $l!nning !n" o$er!tion!l sur#eill!nce of

    m!ny )*D !n" com$le+ ells !roun" the orl". The $rogr!m is not only use" 'y K&M engineers, 'ut h!s

    !lso 'een license" to ! i"e r!nge of -$er!tors !n" Ser#ice om$!nies in #!rious loc!tions.

    TAD !llos the user to $erform the folloing functions/

    20D !n" 0D ell$!th $l!nning

    om$rehensi#e T&D !n" y"r!ulics $l!nning for "rilling, c!sing !n" com$letion o$er!tions. This


    o Mech!nic!l fe!si'ility 3c!n the ell 'e "rille"

    o *ig s$ecific!tions 3"etermining rig e5ui$ment re5uire"

    o Det!ile" engineering "esign 3o$timi(!tion of the ell "esign

    -$er!tion!l Sur#eill!nce. This inclu"es/

    o 6erform!nce o$timi(!tion

    o Assessment of hole cle!ning 3monitoring of T&D tren"s

    o 7or!r" mo"eling 3e#!lu!ting risks !n" !ltern!ti#e solutions

    o !li'r!tion of "!t! for $l!nning future ells

    This gui"e is inten"e" to gi#e ne users !n un"erst!n"ing of the '!sic $rogr!m structure !n" function, !sell !s $ro#i"ing e+!m$les of ho to $erform !ctu!l T&D !n" hy"r!ulics c!lcul!tions.

    The gui"e is org!ni(e" !s follos/

    Section 2/ 6&-&'V&V5W

    Section / -5-&*

    Section 4/ W//676/5-

    Section 8/ 8* 6/5-

    Section 9/ 79*&+/5%6/5-

    Section :/ -&675%

    Section / '+&**

    ;hen using this "ocument electronic!lly, 796&/5: !re !#!il!'le throughout 3inclu"ing T- to !llo

    e!sy n!#ig!tion 'eteen #!rious sections of the m!nu!l.

    Version 4.21 Page 4

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    2. 6&-&' V&V5W


    TAD is 'uilt !roun" ! "!t!'!se $rogr!m oth in$ut "!t! !n" c!lcul!tion results !re org!ni(e" !s

    t!'les, ith e!ch ro re$resenting ! "!t!'!se

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide


    ;hen the $rogr!m is first o$ene", the folloing in"o ill !$$e!r 3!fter registere" correctly ith the

    !$$ro$ri!te 'y$!ss co"e.

    7olloing is ! summ!ry of the contents !n" function of e!ch menu item/





    +%5 &&%5;


    )"it ;ells A"" ! ne ell or e"it the summ!ry "et!ils of !n e+isting ell. 3.1

    nits Setu$ the "ef!ult units for the ell currently selecte". 3.3

    $"!te?f ! ne #ersion of TAD is inst!lle", this !llos the system !n"ell files to 'e u$"!te" to the ne #ersion 3r!rely use".

    ?n"e+ T!'les>y hitting T!g !ll, 6rocess, nt!g !ll, the $rogr!m resets !llthe "!t!'!ses 3'!sic!lly like !

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide





    +%5 &&%5;


    String)nter "rillstrings, c!sing strings or com$letions to 'e mo"ele"3com$ulsory 3.4.1


    )nter the "irection!l $l!n for the ell 3com$ulsory3.4.2


    ole 6rofiles)nter the "ifferent hole section to 'e use" for mo"eling3com$ulsory


    6um$ iner?f knon, the s$ecific $um$ inform!tion c!n 'e entere" for!"#!nce" hy"r!ulics c!lcul!tions.



    ?f knon, the s$ecific fr!cture gr!"ient inform!tion c!n 'eentere" for !"#!nce" hy"r!ulics c!lcul!tions !n" $lotting.



    Tor5ue !n"

    Dr!g Different scen!rios !re cre!te" !n" e"ite" for T&D mo"eling. =.0

    y"r!ulicsDifferent scen!rios !re cre!te" !n" e"ite" for hy"r!ulicsmo"eling.


    ;ell$!thAllos you to !ccess the s!me ell$!th $l!nning mo"ule !suse" ithin ?n$ut D!t! Direction!l D!t!.



    Me!sure"D!t! 3TAD

    Actu!l T&D !n" hy"r!ulics "!t! me!sure" on ! ell c!n 'eentere" for c!li'r!ting the theoretic!l "!t!, monitoring the holecon"itions, etc.



    Allos theoretic!l D!t! to 'e c!lcul!te" for com$!rison to theme!sure" "!t!. Cote $referre" o$tion is Eust to use the6l!nning menu to cre!te the theoretic!l "!t!.


    77 6rofile)nter "ifferent 77 $rofiles for c!lcul!ting theoretic!l "!t! ithinthe me!sure" "!t! section.



    Define 6lotsDis$l!ys !ll the T&D !n" y"r!ulics $lots th!t h!#e 'eengener!te" for the selecte" ell.


    Sur#ey 6lotsDis$l!ys !ll the sur#ey $lots th!t h!#e 'een gener!te" for theselecte" ell.


    6lot Dis$l!y or $rint ! s$ecific $lot.

    Multi$le 6lots Select ! num'er of $lots !n" h!#e them !ll $rinte".


    Select the "ef!ult $rinter to sen" $lots to.

    Version 4.21 Page 7

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    * +sers -uide





    +%5 &&%5;



    isting of st!n"!r" string com$onents hich c!n 'e use" to'uil" strings un"er ?n$ut D!t! String. 3.4.1

    ole Si(eisting of st!n"!r" hole !n" c!sing si(es hich c!n 'e use" to'uil" hole $rofiles un"er ?n$ut D!t! ole 6rofiles.


    Mu" Ty$esisting of st!n"!r" mu" ty$es hich c!n 'e !ccesse" hensetting u$ hy"r!ulics scen!rios


    Direction!lD!t! 7ile7orm!ts

    ont!ins ! selection of "ifferent file form!ts for im$orting"irection!l "!t! into ! ell$!th.


    6um$ D!t!ont!ins ! selection of common $um$ ty$es th!t c!n 'e use"to !i" in setting u$ $um$ liner inform!tion.



    St!n"!r" fr!cture gr!"ient $rofiles c!n 'e store" for use onother ells.



  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide


    )+it/ closes the !cti#e t!'le 3c!n !lso use the )S key

    6rint/ Sen"s ! re$ort listing the recor"s in the !cti#e t!'le "irectly to the $rinter 37:

    6re#ie/ $rints the re$ort to the screen !s ! $re#ie 37

    Mo#es selection $oint to first recor" in the !cti#e t!'le 3ome

    Mo#es selection $oint to $re#ious recor" in the !cti#e t!'le 3$

    Mo#es selection $oint to the folloing recor" the !cti#e t!'le 3Don

    Mo#es selection $oint to l!st recor" in the !cti#e t!'le 3)n"

    ?nsert ! recor" in the !cti#e t!'le. The insertion $oint is irrele#!nt 3i.e. hen the recor" is$oste", the t!'le is !utom!tic!lly sorte" to $ut the recor" in the correct $osition 371F

    Delete the selecte" recor" in the !cti#e t!'le 379

    -$en the e"it $!nel for the selecte" recor" 3most t!'les c!n !lso 'e e"ite" 'y highlightingin"i#i"u!l cellsG'e sure to

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide


    The TAD $rogr!m file structure is shon 'elo !s oul" 'e seen in the 7ile M!n!ger 3e.g. ;in"os


    Version 4.21 Page 1"

    * 6ro$ra" older

    Well *ata iles

    * yste" iles

    TAD is gener!lly inst!lle" on the c/H "ri#e or un"er

    c/H$rogr!m files. All files ill resi"e in this "irectory

    ;hen ! ell is cre!te" ithin TAD, ! ne fol"er is

    !""e" un"er the TAD "irectory 3or in !nother user

    "efine" loc!tion hich ill cont!in !ll "!t! rel!te"

    to th!t ell. St!n"!r" tem$l!te files !re cre!te"

    ithin this fol"er, hich !re $o$ul!te" !s the ell is

    orke" on.

    ?n or"er to tr!nsfer "!t! for ! $!rticul!r ell from

    one TAD user to !nother, the folloing $roce"ure

    shoul" 'e folloe" 3if using the s!me #ersion of


    ser 1 0 ?n 7ile M!n!ger/ o$y !ll the files in the

    "irectory un"er the s$ecific ell to ! (i$ file

    ser 1 0 )m!il the (i$ file to !nother user

    ser 2 0 ?n TAD/ cre!te the !$$ro$ri!te ell ithin

    TAD 3See Section .1

    ser 2 0 lose TAD

    ser 2 0 ?n 7ile M!n!ger/ )+tr!ct the files into the

    !$$ro$ri!te ell fol"er

    ser 2 0 st!rt TAD, in"e+ t!'les, !n" #ie !n" e"it

    "!t! !s re5uire"

    ?f "ifferent #ersions of TAD !re 'eing use", "o 1 !n"

    2 !s !'o#e, !n" then/

    . ser 2 0 in )+$lorer, cre!te ne

    "irectory un"er TAD 3or here#er you !nt


    4. ser 2 0 un(i$ files to ne


    8. ser 2 0 ?n TAD, select 7iles I )"it


    9. lick

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide


    2.=.1 '5-%V5

    ?n gener!l, TAD only !llos 9 s$!ces for !ssigning ! co"e to ! ell, !n" other in$ut "!t!. ?t gener!lly

    !llos ! 'o+ for ! more "et!ile" "escri$tion !fter the co"e. TAD ill !utom!tic!lly use the co"es !ssigne"

    to gener!te st!n"!r" co"es for much of the out$ut "!t!. As such, it is recommen"e" th!t ! st!n"!r"

    system!tic n!ming con#ention is use" hen entering "!t! into TAD, $!rticul!rly hen orking on ! l!rge

    or com$le+ ell. This is m!inly to im$ro#e the !'ility to tr!ck "!t! !n" $lots hen ! l!rge num'er of

    scen!rios !re 'eing e#!lu!te". )!ch user shoul" "efine !n" use their on co"ing system, 'ut the

    folloing is $ro#i"e" !s ! gui"e/

    56+* %*5- 3OL + %PL hole

    3c!se" hole for com$letion

    T&D Scen!rio As !'o#e

    1A 31Q= con#ention!l c!sing run

    1> 31Q= flo!te" c!sing run

    12A 312L Drilling 8= "$

    12> 312L Drilling 8OL "$

    9:8A 39R= Drilling

    y"r!ulics Scen!rio

    As !'o#e 3c!n use s!me co"e for T&D

    !n" y"r!ulics !s they !re s!#e" inse$!r!te "!t!'!ses

    1:A 31:OL y"r!ulics

    A 3OL y"r!ulics 8= "$

    > 3OL y"r!ulics 4.8= "$

    3OL y"r!ulics ;>M

    Me!sure" D!t!

    !n !$$ly to "rilling hooklo!"s, tri$$ing in,tri$$ing out !n" hy"r!ulics "!t!. St!n"!r"co"es !re DD, T?, T- folloe" 'y "igits.

    7irst shoul" "esign!te the hole section, !n"the 2n"!n" r"shoul" "esign!te the

    se5uence num'er.

    DD1F1 31:OL "rilling

    T-1F2 31:OL secon" tri$ out

    SBFF2 3%NL tri$ in

    T?F 3OL thir" tri$ in

    Version 4.21 Page 11

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    2.=.2 /'V&5665-*

    ?t is #ery im$ort!nt to un"erst!n" the "ifference 'eteen

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    2.=.3 &5%5%&

    7olloing is ! high0le#el summ!ry of some '!sic issues rel!te" to friction f!ctors 377s in the TAD

    $rogr!m. 7or further '!ckgroun" inform!tion on T&D mo"eling refer to the K&M te+t'ook, As in;>M

    S-77 F.28 F.8

    677 F.28 F.F

    T77 F.28 F.8

    F.2F F.4F

    3F.F8 increments

    More #!ri!'ility is e+$ecte" ith ;>Mflui"s. u'ric!nts c!n h!#e ! signific!ntim$!ct.

    *unning !sing

    3->M or ;>M

    ->M S-77 F. F.8

    ;>M S-77 F.4 F.9

    F. F.:

    3F.1 increments

    )s$eci!lly sensiti#e to ell'ore tortuosity,!n" hole con"itions.

    Version 4.21 Page 13

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    3. -5- &*

    TAD is #ery simil!r in structure to most other T&D mo"eling soft!re. The gener!l ork flo in TAD is

    summ!ri(e" in the ch!rt 'elo.

    Version 4.21 Page 14

    -$en the6rogr!m

    Select !ne+isting ell orst!rt ! ne ell

    Set the "ef!ults

    ?n$ut there5uire" "!t!

    Set u$ the c!se

    or scen!rio to'e mo"ele"

    *un the!lcul!tions

    )#!lu!te theresults

    6resent theresults

    Once TAD is installed this is simply a function of clicking on theapplication in the file manger, or the shortcut icon on the desktop

    An existing !ell can "e selected or a ne! !ell can "e created to !ork on#y default the last !ell used is pre$selected

    %nits &A'I Oilfield, (etric, or a customi)ed mix can "e selected*

    +trings, directional data, hole profiles &compulsory data*'ump liners and fracture gradients &optional for hydraulics*

    Either a TD or -ydraulics scenario is created to "e modeled and e.aluated&eg /012 TD, /342 -ydraulics, 562 casing run, completion run, etc*

    7arious standard and ad.anced calculation options are a.aila"le

    Results can "e e.aluated graphically &preferred* or in ta"ular formChanges may "e re8uired to "oth the input data and 9 or the scenario

    The final results can then "e presented in graphical &preferred* or ta"ularform

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide


    7int; The Mo#e, *egister !n" $"!te 'uttons in the tool'!r !'o#e !re !"#!nce" o$tions th!t !re

    r!rely use".


    Version 4.21 Page 15

    elect an alternate well by

    usin$ t!e drop down "enu%urrent well open

    1. +nder ile select dit Wells

    2. elect ABC to add a new record

    3. ill in t!e blank boes (*

    auto"atically assi$ns a

    default file location (can be

    c!an$ed if reDuired).

    4. elect a#e or Apost recordC

    (c!eck"ark), and * will set

    up a new well folder usin$ t!e

    data directory field as t!e

    folder na"e

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide


    7int; ?t is strongly !"#ise" th!t the units !re set u$ $rior to st!rting !ny "!t! entry or c!lcul!tions.

    Although the units c!n 'e e!sily mo"ifie" !t !ny st!ge hile $l!nning the ell, some $lots

    ill nee" to 'e resc!le" if the sc!les h!#e 'een m!nu!lly !"Euste".

    A""ition!lly, it is recommen"e" th!t

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    3.4 INPUT $ATA

    All re5uire" in$ut "!t! must 'e entere" $rior to setting u$ the scen!rios for T&D !n" y"r!ulics mo"eling.

    The in$ut "!t! is !ccesse" through ?n$ut D!t! on the m!in menu. Cote th!t the String, Direction!l !n"ole 6rofile "!t! !re common to 'oth T&D !n" hy"r!ulics mo"eling, ith the 6um$ iners !n" 7r!cture

    Br!"ients only !$$lic!'le to hy"r!ulics.

    Cote th!t the in$ut e+!m$les 'elo !re '!se" on the ell "!t! shon in the 66*5

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    7int; Bener!lly use %%%%% 3or 2%%%%m for the length of the l!st com$onent to surf!ce. TAD

    c!lcul!tes the length !utom!tic!lly hen ! scen!rio is !n!ly(e".

    om'ining #!rious >A com$onents !s ! single entry is con#enient !n" h!s no signific!nt

    im$!ct on !ccur!cy 3e.g. inclu"ing E!rs ith ;D6, !n" lum$ing M;D, Ds, st!'s, 'it,

    etc.. Simil!rly, there is no nee" to !ccount for the l!rger -D of st!'ili(ers for tor5ue &

    "r!g c!lcul!tions.

    ote; ToolEoint -D !n" ?DG rel!te to the $ercent!ge of the tot!l Eoint length th!t is the toolEoint

    u$set 3gener!lly 08U. ;!ll thickness is use" !s ! c!li'r!tion for 'uckling c!lcul!tions.

    1FFU shoul" 'e use" for !ll c!sing !n" "rillcoll!rs, !n" FU for !ll "rillstring com$onents.

    Version 4.21 Page 18

    =. elect ABC to add a new record or co"ponent.

    !e input table below will appear.

    >. nter t!e reDuired data directly, or a

    co"ponent can be selected fro" t!e library by

    doubleFclickin$ on it. 6ress a#e after eac!

    co"ponent is entered to add t!e net. 5f a new

    co"ponent t!at is not in t!e library is entered,

    it can be copied into t!e library usin$ t!e a#e

    %o"ponent button on t!e toolbar.

    @. nce finis!ed, return to t!e pre#ious "enu

    usin$ t!e * AdoorC or t!e windows AcloseC

    icon in t!e top ri$!t !and corner of t!e screen.

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    3.4.2 *5&%5/*

    *efer to %54.

    3.4.3 7/6&5/

    Version 4.21 Page 19

    =. elect ABC to add a new record or section. !e

    input table will appear.

    >. nter t!e reDuired data directly, or a casin$ or

    !ole siEe can be selected fro" t!e library by

    doubleFclickin$ on it. 6ress a#e after eac!

    section is entered to add t!e net. 5f a new

    section t!at is not in t!e library is entered, it

    can be copied into t!e library usin$ t!e a#e

    iEe button on t!e toolbar.

    ote t!at as "any different sections as

    reDuired can be entered.

    @. nce finis!ed, return to t!e pre#ious "enu

    usin$ t!e * AdoorC or t!e windows AcloseC

    icon in t!e top ri$!t !and corner of t!e screen.

    1. elect 7ole 6rofiles fro"

    5nput *ata "enu, and t!en

    ABC to add a new record.

    !e input table will appear.

    2. elect a "eanin$ful code

    for t!e new !ole profile.

    description is reDuired.

    %o""ents are optional.

    3. elect a#e, or t!e Ac!eckC

    on t!e toolbar "enu, to

    sa#e t!e record.

    4. elect *etails or AdoubleF

    clickC anyw!ere on t!e

    reDuired record to start

    enterin$ t!e !ole profile.

    %ontinued in net dia$ra".

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    3.4.4 6+'6/5&

    Version 4.21 Page 2"

    2. elect 6u"p /iners fro"

    5nput *ata "enu, and t!en

    ABC to add a new record.

    !e input table will appear.

    3. elect a "eanin$ful code

    for t!e new pu"p data. ill

    in t!e re"ainin$ details.

    4. elect a#e, or t!e Ac!eckC

    on t!e toolbar "enu, to

    sa#e t!e record.

    =. elect /iner *ata or

    AdoubleFclickC anyw!ere on

    t!e reDuired record to start

    enterin$ t!e liner details.

    %ontinued in net dia$ra".

    >. elect ABC to add a new record or liner option

    !e input table will appear.

    @. +se t!e dropFdown "enus to input #arious

    cases for liner siEes. elect a#e after eac!

    case to add anot!er. W!en finis!ed, select %

    on t!e toolbar to calculate pressure and

    flowrate li"its for eac! case.

    ?. nce finis!ed, return to t!e pre#ious "enu

    usin$ t!e * AdoorC or t!e windows AcloseC

    icon in t!e top ri$!t !and corner of t!e screen.

    1. nsure t!at t!e "ud pu"ps on t!e ri$

    (or eDui#alent) are set up in t!e library

    (under /ibraries H 6u"p *ata)

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    3.4.= &%+&-&*5

    Version 4.21 Page 21

    1. elect rac -radients fro"

    5nput *ata "enu, and t!en

    ABC to add a new record.

    !e input table will appear.

    2. elect a "eanin$ful code

    for t!e new fracture

    $radient. description is

    reDuired. %o""ents are


    3. elect a#e, or t!e Ac!eckC

    on t!e toolbar "enu, to

    sa#e t!e record.

    4. elect *etails or AdoubleFclickC anyw!ere on t!e

    reDuired record to start enterin$ t!e rac -radient

    details. %ontinued in net dia$ra". %opy can be

    used at t!is sta$e to brin$ in a fracture $radient

    fro" t!e library. a#e is used to sa#e t!e entered

    fracture $radient to t!e library.

    =. elect ABC to add a new record or

    rac -radient data. !e input

    table will appear.

    >. nter t!e reDuired frac $radient

    and pore pressure data. elect

    a#e to add a new record. ote

    t!e Atest point for %*C s!ould

    $enerally be on to allow t!e frac

    $radient to be co"pared a$ainst

    t!e calculated %*.

    ?. nce finis!ed, t!e $rap! can be plotted. !en return to

    t!e pre#ious "enu usin$ t!e * AdoorC or t!e windows

    AcloseC icon in t!e top ri$!t !and corner of t!e screen.

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    4. W//67 6/5-

    The "irection!l $l!n c!n 'e in$ut into TAD in !ys.

    ?f there !re ! limite" num'er of $oints in the sur#ey, m!nu!l entry of the sur#ey is the e!siest

    o$tion. The !'ility to inter$ol!te the sur#ey in TAD me!ns th!t you re!lly only nee" the inflection

    3K-6, )->, TD etc $oints to en" u$ ith ! com$lete sur#ey #ery 5uickly.

    Sur#eys c!n 'e im$orte" from #!rious loc!tions in #!rious form!ts. The e!siest is #i! !n )+cel

    TA> "elimin!te" file 3Te+t file.

    A ell$!th $l!nning mo"ule !llos 20D !n" 0D ell$!ths to 'e gener!te" ithin TAD.

    The folloing sections co#er the $rocess of getting the sur#ey into TAD. 7or "et!ils of sur#ey $lots, refer

    to%[email protected].

    *eg!r"less of hich metho" is use", the first ste$ is to cre!te ! sur#ey recor" for the sur#ey "!t! to

    resi"e in. This $rocess is shon 'elo/

    Version 4.21 Page 22

    1. elect *irectional *ata fro"

    5nput *ata "enu, and t!en

    ABC to add a new record.!e input table will appear.

    2. elect a "eanin$ful code for

    t!e new sur#ey. nter t!e

    re"ainin$ data. ote t!e A3*

    ort! isC and A3* spreadC

    are for 3* plottin$ and t!eir

    #alues are not i"portant at

    t!is sta$e.

    3. elect a#e, or t!e Ac!eckCon t!e toolbar "enu, to

    sa#e t!e record. 9ou are

    now ready to enter t!e

    sur#ey data #ia t!e options

    described below.

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide


    Version 4.21 Page 23

    1. elect *etails fro" t!e toolbar

    on t!e pre#ious plot, or AdoubleF

    clickC on t!e record you !a#e

    created. !en select ABC to start

    addin$ t!e sur#ey points. !e

    input table will appear.

    2. 9ou only need to enter t!e

    A*ept!C, A5nclinationC, and

    AEi"ut!C and t!e select a#e

    to brin$ up t!e net point in t!e

    sur#ey. nce finis!ed t!e

    utilities below can be used.

    electin$ t!is button will allow you to calculate all t!e ot!er sur#ey para"eters based on t!e entered Adept!C,

    inclinationC and AaEi"ut!C. 9ou will be pro"pted to enter t!e A#ertical section aEi"ut!C to be used.

    electin$ t!is button will allow you to interpolate t!e sur#ey. 9ou will be pro"pted for a AstartC and Aend

    dept!C and an Ainter#alC.

    electin$ t!is button will $enerate all t!e plots w!ic! can t!en be accessed wit! t!e buttons below or by

    selectin$ -rap!ics H ur#ey 6lots on t!e "enu.

    electin$ t!ese buttons will display t!e #arious plots of t!e wellpat!

    t!at you !a#e Iust created. 'ust press t!e pre#ious button first.

    5n t!e pre#ious window t!is button was a#ailable. !is allows you to enter t!e casin$ points w!ic! are t!en

    plotted on t!e sur#ey plots.

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide


    ?m$orting sur#ey "!t! files into TAD !#oi"s h!#ing to enter the "!t! m!nu!lly. The e!siest !y to im$ort

    the "!t! is from !n )+cel Te+t file 3TA> "elimin!te". )#en if your "!t! is !#!il!'le in !nother electronicform!t, it is strongly recommen"e" to first im$ort it into )+cel 3see int 'elo !n" s!#e !s ! te+t file.

    7int; 5"portin$ a tet file into cel0 -$en )+cel. 7rom the

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    ?n TAD, first you m!y !nt to cre!te ! ne sur#ey recor" to im$ort the gyro sur#ey into 3!s "emonstr!te"

    $re#iously !t the 'eginning of %54. Then o$en the i'r!ries menu !n" select Direction!l D!t! 7ile

    7orm!ts to ensure th!t the re5uire" sur#ey "!t! form!t is setu$.

    Version 4.21 Page 25

    4. or cel et files t!e reDuired file for"at

    s!ould already be set up as A

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    After im$orting the "!t!, o$en the im$orte" sur#ey file 'y selecting Det!ils or

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide


    After setting u$ the sur#ey recor" !s "et!ile" $re#iously in %5 4.0, select 6l!nning to st!rt the

    ell$!th $l!nning mo"ule. Cote th!t the $l!nning Mo"ule c!n !lso 'e st!rte" 'y selecting 6l!nning ;ell$!th. The folloing in"o ill !$$e!r.

    Version 4.21 Page 27

    1. %onfir" t!at t!e correct wellpat!

    code is s!own, t!en click t!e

    applicable type of wellpat! to be


    2. *efine t!e coordinate

    syste" ($enerally relati#e)

    3. %lick et to


    4. ill in t!e rele#ant location

    and tar$et details.

    =. ill in t!e ot!er wellpat!

    plannin$ para"eters. 'ust

    select one unknown and fill in

    t!e #alues for t!e rest.

    >. %lick %alculate.

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    At this st!ge the other tool'!r functions c!n 'e use" !s "iscusse" !t the 'ottom of %54.1.

    7or "et!ils of sur#ey $lots, refer to %[email protected].

    Version 4.21 Page 28

    @. View t!e

    calculated wellpat!

    L. +se t!e ack button to $o

    back to t!e pre#ious step

    and "ake any c!an$es if


    ?. View plots of t!e

    calculated wellpat!

    10. nce satisfied wit! t!e wellpat!

    plan, select a#e to place t!e

    data in t!e sur#ey record, and

    t!en it to eit t!e wellpat!

    plannin$ "odule.

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    =. 8* 6/5-

    The issues norm!lly !""resse" in T&D !n!lysis for high !ngle ells !re/

    Determining m!+imum tor5ue !n" tension lo!"s for ! tu'ul!r string !n" surf!ce e5ui$ment

    Determining hether ! string ill sli"e into the hole con#ention!lly 3i.e. !

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    Version 4.21 Page 3"

    1. elect orDue and *ra$ fro" t!e

    6lannin$ "enu, and t!en select

    ABC to add a new scenario

    2. 5nput a "eanin$ful code and

    description, total dept! and

    casin$ dept! (pre#ious s!oe)

    3. +sin$ t!e dropFdown "enus,

    pick t!e appropriate Astrin$C,

    Asur#eyC and A!oleC. ote t!ese

    can be #iewed (and edited)

    usin$ t!e buttons on t!e left

    !and side.

    4. nter t!e 'W, calc inter#al, and t!e block wei$!t.

    !e 'W s!ould be t!e a#era$e for t!e section. ote t!at lower

    'Ws will $i#e "ore conser#ati#e results

    tandard calc inter#als 300 (or 100"). lower calc inter#al will

    slow t!e pro$ra" down for no si$nificant accuracy $ain

    5f no block wei$!t is entered t!e results will be AensionsC at

    surface. Wit! blockwei$!t added, results are A7ookloadsC (as

    seen on 'artin *ecker $au$e).

    =. nter ot!er data as reDuired.

    /ift factors are basically fud$e factors ($enerally Eero)

    %!eck Wei$!t profiles if t!ere is a ran$e of 'W in strin$ or

    annulus. 5f unc!ecked a constant 'W as defined abo#e is


    %!eck &ollers if t!ere are rollers or ot!er torDue reduction

    de#ices on t!e strin$ (i.e. &*66s, /o*&-s, etc). &efer to

    LMN casin$ runnin$ ea"ple for an application s!owin$

    rollers bein$ used.

    >. elect a#e, or t!e Ac!eckC on

    t!e toolbar "enu, to sa#e t!e

    record w!en finis!ed.

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    Version 4.21 Page 31

    @. %lick on s to enter t!e s

    for t!is scenario. ee details


    L. tandard or ad#anced

    calculation options.

    ee net section.

    ?. 5f ill wt profile or nn Wt

    profile were c!ecked in t!e

    scenario setup, t!ey need to be

    entered usin$ t!ese buttons

    !e %opy function

    pro#ides a Duick and

    easy way to copy

    scenario wit!in a well.

    @a. asiest way to add s is to click Ouick dd to

    auto"atically set up t!e friction factor table for t!is

    scenario. &ecords are entered fro" t!e top down (e.$. 1st

    record is for cased !ole fro" 0F?000, 2ndrecord is for

    open!ole fro" ?000 to *). s "any different records

    as reDuired can be entered.

    @b. !e s can be entered directly into t!e table or usin$ t!e editin$ bo s!own. ote t!e followin$;

    !e s entered will be used in all calculations unless a *ra$ &isk nalysis (*&) calculation is perfor"ed. 5n t!is case

    a ran$e of s will be used. %!eckin$ A&eplace in *ra$ &iskC (s!own as ArueC in t!e table) will cause t!e *& to

    apply to t!at section of !ole. 5n t!is ea"ple *& will apply in bot! t!e cased and open!ole.

    %!eckin$ A#ary wit! rollersC (s!own as AtrueC in t!e table) will result in a reduction w!en any rollers are run t!rou$!

    t!is portion of t!e well. 5n t!is ea"ple, rollers are s!own as effecti#e in cased !ole, but not effecti#e in open!ole.

    &efer to LMN casin$ ea"ple for furt!er details.

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    =.1.2 &+7%/%+/5

    -nce the T&D scen!rio is fully "efine" the folloing st!n"!r" 3common !n" !"#!nce" 3less common

    c!lcul!tions !re !#!il!'le/




    Dr!g *isk 776erforms tri$$ing !n" element c!lcul!tions using 8 "ifferent 77s. Thissensiti#ity !n!lysis c!n 'e !$$lie" to "ifferent sections of the ell !s "efine"'y the user. This co#ers the m!Eority of c!lcul!tions re5uire".

    Tri$$ing 6erforms tri$$ing c!lcul!tions ith ! single set of $re0"efine" 77s.

    >uckling 77An!lysis of the 'uckling !t ! $!rticul!r "e$th 3element!l, ith ! fi+e" ;->!n" ! r!nge of 77s.


    An!lysis of the 'uckling !t ! $!rticul!r "e$th 3element!l, ith ! fi+e" 77!n" ! r!nge of ;->s.

    String6ro#i"es ! 5uick c!lcul!tion of the surf!ce hooklo!"s !n" tor5ue !t thes$ecifie" "e$th !n" 77s. *esults !re not ret!ine".


    )lementThe tension, tor5ue !n" norm!l forces !re c!lcul!te" u$ the string ith the'it !t ! single "e$th.

    Dr!g *iskM;t

    An!lysis of tension !n" tor5ue !t ! fi+e" 77, !n" ! r!nge of M;s. M!inly!$$lic!'le for flo!te" strings.

    Shuffle StringAllos mo"eling of ;D6 or Ds 'eing shuffle" in ! "rillstring, or hung offinsi"e c!sing 3i.e. !""ition!l eight.

    iner h!nger


    After ! liner h!nger is set 0 c!lcul!tes element!l tension !n" tor5ue in the

    string !t ! r!nge of 77s 3fi+e" ;->.

    iner !nger;->

    After ! liner h!nger is set 0 c!lcul!tes element!l tension !n" tor5ue in thestring !t ! r!nge of ;-> 3fi+e" 77.

    The c!lcul!te" results !re store" in "!t!'!se t!'les hich c!n 'e foun" in the !lcul!te" D!t! menu, !s

    ell !s $lots hich c!n 'e foun" in Br!$hics Define 6lots. They !re org!ni(e" '!se" on the scen!rio

    co"e, !s ell !s !""ition!l co"ing th!t TAD !$$lies !utom!tic!lly.

    !lcul!tions !re !ccesse" 'y clicking on the St" !lc or A"# !lc 'uttons on the tool'!r shon in the

    scen!rio in"o 3i.e. 6l!nning Tor5ue !n" Dr!g. The c!lcul!tion in"o is "et!ile" on the folloing$!ge.

    Version 4.21 Page 32

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    7olloing is the c!lcul!tion in"o !s it first !$$e!rs 3Dr!g *isk is the "ef!ult setting. The !$$e!r!nce

    of the in"o ill 'e slightly "ifferent if !nother ty$e of c!lcul!tion is selecte".

    Version 4.21 Page 33

    !ese buttons allow t!e user to #iew

    (and edit) any of t!ese co"ponents

    w!ic! "ake up t!e cenario.

    *ata entry for t!e calculation setup.

    !is section will c!an$e for eac!

    different calculation type.

    The fin!l results c!n then 'e

    $resente" in gr!$hic!l

    3$referre" or t!'ul!r form

    %alculation types (bot! standard

    and ad#anced s!own). !own wit!

    *ra$ &isk currently selected.

    5t is !i$!ly reco""ended to first click

    on elect one to li"it t!e nu"ber of

    plots $enerated. !en si"ply click net

    to t!e plots t!at are reDuired. !ese will

    be auto"atically $enerated after !ittin$

    %alculate (button to t!e left). !issection will c!an$e for eac! different

    calculation type.

    !is section si"ply su""ariEes t!e

    "akeup of t!e scenario t!at you are


    The fin!l results c!n then 'e

    $resente" in gr!$hic!l

    3$referre" or t!'ul!r form

    !e %alculate button is $enerally t!e

    only button used fro" t!is $roup.

    !is button is used to run t!e

    calculation after all t!e ot!er data is


  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    7or the current e+!m$le "rilling the 12L hole, the folloing nee"s to 'e mo"ele"/

    1. S- !n" 6 hooklo!"s !s the section is "rille"

    2. ->T !s the section is "rille"

    . )lement!l Tor5ue in the string hen !t TD

    4. )lement!l 6 tensions in the string hen !t TD

    8. >uckling !t TD !t ! r!nge of ;->

    The folloing to c!lcul!tions !re re5uire" ith the results shon in the folloing section.

    Version 4.21 Page 34

    or plots 1F4 abo#e use t!e *& calculation;

    %alculation dept! s!ould be *

    Aucklin$ correctionsC s!ould always be on

    (auto"atically c!ecks bucklin$ at eac!

    calculation inter#al)

    AWC set to Eero as t!ese are offFbotto"


    A*ataset prefiC assi$ned by * (can be


    A*escriptionC is t!e title for t!e plot (can be

    c!an$ed later in -rap!ics H *efine 6lots)

    Will be calculated at = friction factors startin$

    at 0.1= wit! 0.0= incre"ents.

    nly t!e reDuired plots are selected.

    7it %alculate to perfor" calculation.

    or plot = abo#e use t!e ucklin$ W


    %alculation dept! s!ould be *

    Aucklin$ correctionsC s!ould always be on.

    A*ataset prefiC assi$ned by * (can be


    A*escriptionC is t!e title for t!e plot (can be

    c!an$ed later in -rap!ics H *efine 6lots)

    A*ata uffiC is user defined. :eep it si"pleP

    ucklin$ will be c!ecked at 0, 10, 20, 30 and

    40 k lbs W, wit! t!e sin$le set of s

    defined pre#iously.

    7it %alculate to perfor" calculation.

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    =.1.3 V5W7&+/

    After $erforming the c!lcul!tions, the $lots c!n 'e #iee" 'y clicking on the $lot 'uttons on the c!lcul!tion

    in"os themsel#es, or 'y going into Br!$hics Define 6lots. The $lots c!n 'e mo"ifie" !n" e"ite" !s

    "et!ile" in %[email protected]. The $lots for the !'o#e e+!m$le !re shon 'elo.

    Version 4.21 Page 35

    !e co"bined !ookloads plot s!ows t!e , 6+ and

    &otatin$ 7ookloads "easured at surface (at a ran$e of

    s) as t!e strin$ $ets deeper in t!e !ole.

    or ea"ple, wit! t!e bit at 1=000, and at a 0.1= , t!e

    , 6+ and rotatin$ !ookload "easured at surface would

    be 143, 240, and 300 k lbs respecti#ely.

    ote t!at if t!e block wei$!t was not included in t!e

    scenario, t!is plot would be$in fro" Eero and s!ow t!e

    tension in t!e top Ioint of drillpipe at surface, rat!er t!an

    t!e !ookloads as "easured on t!e wei$!t $au$e.

    !e plot s!ows t!e rotatin$ offFbotto" torDue ()

    "easured at surface (at a ran$e of s) as t!e strin$ $ets

    deeper in t!e !ole.

    or ea"ple, wit! t!e bit at 11000, and a of 0.30, t!e

    torDue "easured on surface would be 20 k ftlbs.

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    7int; 6lots shoul" 'e !nnot!te" ith "et!ile" comments hene#er $ossi'le. This hel$s those

    #ieing the $lots to see h!t !ssum$tions ere m!"e, !n" !lso hel$s the user kee$ ! tr!ck

    of h!t they !re "oing 3this 'ecome critic!l !s more $lots !re gener!te".

    Version 4.21 Page 36

    !e ele"ental torDue plot is an ele"ental plot s!owin$

    t!e torDue localiEed torDue t!rou$!out t!e drillstrin$, wit!

    t!e bit at a particular dept! (calculation "ust be rerun if

    interested in anot!er dept!).

    or ea"ple, wit! t!e bit at 1>L1? (*), and a of 0.30,

    t!e torDue on t!e Ioint of drillpipe at 4000 is 24 k ftlbs.

    !e 6+ ele"ental tension plot is an ele"ental plot

    s!owin$ t!e localiEed 6+ tension t!rou$!out t!e

    drillstrin$, wit! t!e bit at a particular dept! (calculation

    "ust be rerun if interested in anot!er dept!).

    or ea"ple, wit! t!e bit at 1>L1? (*), and a of 0.3=,

    t!e 6+ tension on t!e Ioint of drillpipe at 2000 is 2>0 k


  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    7int; The sc!le on 'uckling $lots ill !lmost !l!ys nee" to 'e mo"ifie" to m!ke them more

    re!"!'le. *efer to%[email protected] for "et!ils of ch!nging $lot sc!les.

    Version 4.21 Page 37

    !e bucklin$ plot is also an ele"ental plot, and details t!e bucklin$ in t!e drillstrin$ wit! t!e bit at a sin$le dept! (calculation

    "ust be rerun if interested in anot!er dept!).

    !e two lines on t!e left are t!e !elical and sinusoidal bucklin$ li"its. !ese are calculated based on establis!ed bucklin$

    for"ulas, and basically represent t!e critical co"pression load (cr) t!at is reDuired for bucklin$ to occur. !e ot!er lines

    s!ow t!e tension (or co"pression) in t!e drillstrin$ wit! a ran$e of W. s clearly seen in t!is ea"ple, a lar$e proportion of

    t!e drillstrin$ is in co"pression, e#en wit! Eero W (neutral point at 13000). s t!ese lines cross t!e sinusoidal and !elical

    bucklin$ li"its, t!ese for"s of bucklin$ will be seen in t!e pipe at t!e dept!s indicated.

    or ea"ple, wit! 30 k lbs W, sinusoidal bucklin$ is likely to be seen in t!e =QN drillpipe between R13000 S 1==00. Wit! 40

    k lbs W, !elical bucklin$ will be seen in t!e =QN drillpipe and no furt!er pro$ress will be possible. ote t!at t!is ea"ple is

    s!own at a 0.2= ().

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    5.2 RUNNING 9(' CASING

    The %NL c!sing run h!s 'een inclu"e" to $ro#i"e e+!m$les of other T&D c!lcul!tion fe!tures th!t !re

    !#!il!'le in TAD.

    6rior to setting u$ the scen!rio for the c!sing run, ensure th!t !ll the in$ut "!t! h!s 'een entere" 3!s $er

    %53.0 !n" %54.0. The only re5uire" in$ut "!t! not !lre!"y shon in these $re#ious sections

    is the c!sing string !s shon 'elo/

    Cote th!t the folloing sections ill only highlight the m!in in$ut "ifferences com$!re" to the $re#ious

    e+!m$le. *efer '!ck to %5=.1.1 if more "et!il is re5uire" for "!t! entry or $rogr!m functions.

    Version 4.21 Page 38

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    * +sers -uide

    =.2.1 %&%&5

    To scen!rios ill 'e cre!te" 'elo.

    1. on#ention!l c!sing run 3mu" fille"

    2. 6!rti!lly flo!te" c!sing run using rollers.

    The scen!rio for the con#ention!l c!sing run is setu$ !s follos/

    Version 4.21 Page 39

    1. 6lannin$ H orDue

    and *ra$

    2. ABC to add a new


    3. nter reDuired data

    4. elect a#e

    =. nter s usin$ t!e s

    button on toolbar

    >. elect td %alc to $o t!e

    calculation (net section)

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    To setu$ the secon" scen!rio for the flo!te" c!sing run ith rollers, in 6l!nning Tor5ue !n" Dr!g, click

    on the scen!rio you ish to co$y, select the o$y 'utton in the tool'!r, !n" enter the co"e for the ne

    scen!rio. This ill co$y !ll inform!tion inclu"ing the 77s. Then

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    The rollers !re consi"ere" effecti#e for 'oth

    Version 4.21 Page 41

    !e followin$ s!ould be noted;

    %ased !ole inter#al fro" 0F?000 will !a#e a

    fied of 0.=0 (i.e. *ra$ &isk AalseC)

    &ollers will be effecti#e in t!e cased !ole

    inter#al (i.e. &ollers ArueC)

    pen!ole inter#al fro" ?000 to * will !a#e

    a ran$e of s applied wit! t!e *& (i.e.

    *& true)

    &ollers will not be effecti#e in t!e open!ole

    inter#al (i.e. &ollers AalseC)

    !e followin$ s!ould be noted;

    ?L1? of casin$ will be run wit!out rollers, and t!en net

    ?000 will include rollers.

    5n t!is ea"ple, t!e rollers effecti#ely cause t!e s to be

    "ultiplied by 0.4 (>0G reduction) as t!ey pass t!rou$! a

    !ole section w!ere t!e rollers are considered effecti#e

    (see s abo#e)

    !e rollers are effecti#e in bot! dra$ and torDue reduction in

    t!is ea"ple (e.$. /o&Os).

    s "any sections of rollers can be added as reDuired

    -enerally use A"ultiplierC rat!er t!an AffsetC

    !e followin$ s!ould be noted;

    10000 of casin$ will be run e"pty, wit! t!e re"ainin$ casin$

    to surface filled wit! 10.0pp$ "ud as it is run.

    s "any fluid sections can be added as reDuired.

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    =.2.2 &+7%/%+/5

    7or the current e+!m$le running %NL !sing, the folloing nee"s to 'e mo"ele"/

    1. S- ooklo!" for running the c!sing con#ention!lly 3Scen!rio 1

    2. S- ooklo!" !n" Tor5ue for running the c!sing ith $!rti!l flot!tion !n" rollers

    3Scen!rio 2

    . S- ooklo!" ith ! mu" eight sensiti#ity for scen!rio 2

    7int; ;hen mo"eling c!sing runs,

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    7int; ;hen $l!nning ch!llenging c!sing runs there !re m!ny o$tions !#!il!'le to o$timi(e the

    solution. These m!y inclu"e/

    ighter eight c!sing 3run %NL 4FW r!ther th!n 4:W

    ?n#erte" c!sing "esigns 3e.g. %NL 8.8W on to$ ith 4FW on 'ottom

    *unning rollers

    !ng0off "rillcoll!rs insi"e c!sing for !""ition!l eight

    *un c!sing !s ! liner

    6ush "on ith the to$"ri#e

    !sing flot!tion techni5ues 3fille" ith !ir or lighter flui"s

    T!rgeting s$ecific mu" eights

    V!rious com'in!tions of the !'o#e

    Bener!lly, ! #ery structure" !$$ro!ch must 'e t!ken to ensuring the o$tim!l solution results

    from mo"eling. As ! gener!l rule, con#ention!l metho"s 3mu" fille" shoul" 'e trie" first !s

    they $resent less risks.

    Cote !lso th!t the use of rollers m!y "etermine the minimum re5uire" "e$th of the $re#ious

    c!sing shoe !s they !re gener!lly only consi"ere" to 'e effecti#e in c!se" hole.

    Version 4.21 Page 43

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    * +sers -uide

    =.2.3 V5W7&+/

    After $erforming the c!lcul!tions, the $lots c!n 'e #iee" 'y clicking on the $lot 'uttons on the c!lcul!tion

    in"os themsel#es, or 'y going into Br!$hics Define 6lots. The $lots c!n 'e mo"ifie" !n" e"ite" !s

    "et!ile" in %[email protected]. The $lots for the !'o#e e+!m$le !re shon 'elo.

    Version 4.21 Page 44

    !is plot s!ows t!e 7ookload "easured at surface as

    t!e casin$ is run in t!e !ole. 5t assu"es a fied %7 and

    #arious 7s.

    or ea"ple, wit! t!e casin$ s!oe at 10000, and at a 0.@0

    7, t!e !ookload "easured at surface would be

    100 k lbs. ote as t!e block wei$!t is ?= k lbs, t!is "eanst!at t!e strin$ only !as 1= k lbs of a#ailable wei$!t to run

    in t!e !ole. s t!e wei$!t decreases below ?= k lbs, t!e

    casin$ will no lon$er run in t!e !ole unless additional

    topdri#e wei$!t can be added.

    s s!own in t!is plot, flotation will !a#e a si$nificant

    i"pact on t!e casin$ runnin$ wei$!ts. /ess wei$!t is

    a#ailable as t!e casin$ is run e"pty, but t!e casin$ is

    also $eneratin$ less dra$ as it $oes into t!e tan$ent

    section (i.e. li$!ter). fter bein$ filled wit! "ud t!ere is a

    si$nificant $ain in wei$!t (rollers also startin$ to apply).

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    Version 4.21 Page 45

    s flotation si$nificantly li$!tens t!e casin$, rotation is

    now a #iable contin$ency in runnin$ t!e casin$ to


    5n t!is ea"ple, wit! a %7 and 7 of 0.=0, and wit!

    t!e casin$ s!oe at a dept! of 13000, 20 k ftlbs of surface

    torDue will be reDuired to rotate t!e casin$.

    %asin$ runnin$ wei$!ts w!en floatin$ are #ery sensiti#e

    to t!e "ud wei$!t in t!e !ole (i.e. buoyancy).

    5n t!is ea"ple, a "ud wei$!t $reater t!an R12.3pp$ will

    actually cause t!e casin$ to beco"e positi#ely buoyant

    and it will !a#e to be pus!ed into t!e !ole ri$!t fro" t!e

    start (i.e. will want to float out of t!e !ole)

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    >. 79*&+/5% 6/5-

    The issues norm!lly !""resse" in ! hy"r!ulics !n!lysis for high !ngle ells !re/

    Determining the St!n" 6i$e 6ressures !n" m!+imum $ossi'le flor!tes 3in l!rger hole si(es

    Mo"eling )Ds 3in sm!ller hole si(es

    -$timi(ing "rill$i$e !n" surf!ce e5ui$ment '!se" on the !'o#e

    The folloing section $resents ! orke" e+!m$le th!t is use" to "emonstr!te the $rocess th!t oul" 'e

    use" to setu$ ! hy"r!ulics scen!rio, run the re5uire" c!lcul!tions, !n" #ie the results. The e+!m$le is

    for "rilling the 12L hole !n" is '!se" on the ell "!t! $ro#i"e" in 66*5

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    Version 4.21 Page 47

    Window continued fro" pre#ious pa$e

    =. nter additional scenario infor"ation

    !e Aurface 6ipe /en$t!C and Affecti#e 5*C is t!e len$t! and 5* of pipe between t!e

    pu"ps and standpipe (approi"ation)

    kip at t!is sta$e as t!is will calculate auto"atically after enterin$ t!e noEEles

    *efine t!e "ini"u" and incre"ental flowrate for t!e calculation (> flowrates calculated)

    *efine t!e calculation inter#al (a$ain 300 or 100" is adeDuate for reDuired accuracy)

    %!oosin$ t!e predefined fracture $radient allows t!e - to appear on so"e of t!e %*

    plots, and t!e nu"bers "ay also be used in so"e flowrate li"it calculations.

    >. nter t!e nu"ber and dia"eter

    of noEEles. %lick on otal low

    rea button if it does not

    auto"atically calculate t!e

    ?. elect a#e, or t!e Ac!eckC on

    t!e toolbar "enu, to sa#e t!erecord w!en finis!ed.

    4a. e#eral ad#anced options are a#ailable for enterin$ t!e "ud wei$!t and r!eolo$y.

    'ud 6ro$ra" S if t!ere is a si$nificant "ud wei$!t c!an$e t!rou$! t!e inter#al clickin$ t!is button on allows you to enter t!e

    different "ud wei$!ts and r!eolo$ies at different dept!s. -enerally do not need to interpolate between points.

    ill %irc 6rofile S if t!ere is a si$nificant #ariation in t!e "ud wei$!t and r!eolo$y down!ole (e.$. deepwater, 767), t!e "ud

    co"pany can pro#ide down!ole wei$!ts and r!eolo$y w!ic! are entered !ere for Ainside t!e drillstrin$C. ote, t!at t!e ran$e

    s!ould be interpolated in 1000 inter#als. &efer to t!e instructions wit!in t!is entry screen for furt!er details. !ese #alues

    can also be entered in t!e library and brou$!t across wit! t!e %opy 'ud button.

    nn %irc 6rofile S s abo#e, but t!ese #alues apply to t!e "ud wei$!t and r!eolo$y in t!e AannulusC.

    4. nter t!e "ud wei$!t and ann readin$s for t!e

    "ud. 7i$!er wei$!t and t!icker "ud will pro#ide

    "ore conser#ati#e results. lternati#ely, select %opy

    to brin$ in a "ud already set up in t!e library.

    @. nter additional fied

    pressure loss ite"s.

    -enerally lu"p to$et!e

    all 7 co"ponents.

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    -nce the scen!rio is set u$ !n" s!#e", the folloing o$tions !re !#!il!'le/

    >.1.2 &+7%/%+/5

    -nce the hy"r!ulics scen!rio is fully "efine" the folloing st!n"!r" 3common !n" !"#!nce" 3less

    common c!lcul!tions !re !#!il!'le/




    >!sic I)lement

    !lcul!tes the S66 !n" )D 3sn!$shot u$ !nnulus !t ! single "e$th forthe r!nge of flor!tes "efine" in the scen!rio. Also !llos you to see the"ifferent $i$e I hole sections use" in the c!lcul!tion, !n" the $ressure lossthrough e!ch com$onent of the system 3e.g. 'it, "rill$i$e, !nnulus etc.

    :ote this is like an element plot for TD calculations

    De$th 6lots!lcul!tes the S66 !n" )D 3on 'ottom !s the string goes in the hole.:ote this is like a tripping plot for TD calculations


    Allos you to $erform ! sensiti#ity !n!lysis on the rheology !t ! singleflor!te. Ag!in ! tri$$ing $lot is $ro"uce".


    7lo r!teString

    Allos you to c!lcul!te the m!+imum flor!te !s the section is "rille", for !r!nge of "ifferent "rillstrings !n" $um$ liner si(es.

    7lo r!te>A

    Allos you to c!lcul!te the m!+imum flor!te !s the section is "rille", for !r!nge of "ifferent $ressure "ro$s !cross ! >A 3e.g. ch!nge no((les orcom$!re *ST ith motor !ssem'ly or sim$le cle!nout !ssem'ly, !n"$um$ liner si(es.

    Version 4.21 Page 48

    tandard or ad#anced calculation

    options. ee net section.

    5f t!e pressure loss t!rou$! t!e surface

    syste" is known, allows you to

    calibrate t!e pipe len$t!T5* t!at you

    entered into t!e scenario (rarely used).

    !ows t!e pipe T !ole sections. ote

    t!at t!is is only s!own after t!e

    calculation is perfor"ed (rarely used).

    !e %opy function

    pro#ides a Duick and

    easy way to copy

    scenarios wit!in a well.

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    The c!lcul!te" results !re store" in "!t!'!se t!'les hich c!n 'e foun" in the !lcul!te" D!t! menu, !s

    ell !s $lots hich c!n 'e foun" in Br!$hics Define 6lots. They !re org!ni(e" '!se" on the scen!rio

    co"e, !s ell !s !""ition!l co"ing th!t TAD !$$lies !utom!tic!lly.

    !lcul!tions !re !ccesse" 'y clicking on the St" !lc or A"# !lc 'uttons on the tool'!r shon in the

    scen!rio in"o 3i.e. 6l!nning y"r!ulics. >elo is the c!lcul!tion in"o !s it first !$$e!rs 3>!sic I

    )lement is the "ef!ult setting. The !$$e!r!nce of the in"o ill 'e slightly "ifferent if !nother ty$e of

    c!lcul!tion is selecte".

    Version 4.21 Page 49

    !ese buttons allow t!e user to #iew

    (and edit) any of t!ese co"ponents

    w!ic! "ake up t!e cenario.

    *ata entry for t!e calculation setup.

    !is section will c!an$e for eac!

    different calculation type.

    %alculation types (bot! standard and

    ad#anced s!own). !own wit! asic T

    le"ent currently selected. !is calc

    s!ould always be done first.

    *ifferent options will appear in t!is

    section dependin$ on t!e type of

    calculation bein$ perfor"ed. -enerally

    t!e buttons down t!e botto" will allow

    you to #iew t!e results after perfor"in$

    t!e calculation.

    !is section si"ply su""ariEes

    t!e "akeup of t!e scenario t!at

    you are calculatin$.

    !e %alculate button is $enerally

    t!e only button used fro" t!is

    $roup. !is button is used to run

    t!e calculation after all t!e ot!er

    data is finaliEed

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    Version 4.21 Page 5"

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    7or the current e+!m$le "rilling the 12L hole, the folloing nee"s to 'e mo"ele"/

    1. The )D !cross the !nnulus hen circul!ting !t TD

    2. The $ressure "ro$ !cross the 'it !t TD

    . The S66 !s the section is "rille"

    4. S66 sensiti#ity to rheology hen circul!ting !t 1FFF g$m.

    8. The m!+imum flor!te !s the section is "rille" 0 com$!re for ! r!nge of liner

    si(es !s ell !s 8OL #s 8PL "rill$i$e.

    9. The m!+imum flor!te !s the section is "rille" com$!re for ! r!nge of liner

    si(es !s ell !s ! sim$le cle!nout >A ith 1FF$si $ressure "ro$ !cross the >A !n" 9 + 24


    The folloing c!lcul!tions !re re5uire" ith the results shon in the folloing section.

    7int; ;hen $erforming hy"r!ulics c!lcul!tions, the $rogr!m !utom!tic!lly gener!tes #!rious $lots

    th!t !re not use" or m!y not 'e nee"e". These shoul" 'e "elete" in Br!$hics Define 6lots

    !s ! m!tter of

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    Version 4.21 Page 52

    or 3 abo#e use t!e *ept! 6lots calc;

    A6lot titleC is t!e title for t!e plot (can be

    c!an$ed later in -rap!ics H *efine 6lots)

    7it %alculate to perfor" calculation.

    66 plot will s!ow a plot of t!e surface 66

    at a ran$e of flowrates as t!e strin$ $ets

    deeper in t!e well.

    %* plot will s!ow a plot of t!e %* on

    botto" (as t!e 6W* would "easure) at a

    ran$e of flowrates as t!e strin$ $ets

    deeper in t!e well.

    or 4 abo#e use t!e &!eolo$y &isk calc;

    et to t!e A&C enter a letter fro" F w!ic!

    corresponds to t!e sin$le flowrate t!at you

    want to use for t!e calculation. ll t!e

    ot!er rele#ant infor"ation is t!en

    auto"atically $enerated by t!e pro$ra".

    nter t!e r!eolo$y c!an$e as a B or F

    percenta$e of t!e #alues defined in t!e

    scenario. !e default nu"bers as s!own

    are $enerally used.

    7it %alculate to perfor" calculation.

    66 plot will s!ow a plot of t!e surface 66

    at 1000$p", wit! a ran$e of r!eolo$y as

    t!e strin$ $ets deeper in t!e well.

    %* plot will s!ow a plot of t!e %* on

    botto" (as t!e 6W* would "easure) at

    1000$p", wit! a ran$e of r!eolo$y as t!e

    strin$ $ets deeper in t!e well.

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    Version 4.21 Page 53

    or = abo#e use t!e low rate trin$ calc;

    *o not need to c!an$e A6rofile prefiC (code

    $i#en by t!e pro$ra")

    A6lot titleC is t!e title for t!e plot (can be

    c!an$ed later in -rap!ics H *efine 6lots)

    7it trin$s F button to select up to =

    strin$s to be co"pared

    7it /iners 1F= button to select up to = liner

    options to be co"pared

    7it %alculate to perfor" calculation.

    6lot 'ai"u" lows is t!e only plot t!at is

    reDuired. ote t!at t!e line for"ats and

    le$end on t!ese plots often reDuire so"e

    "anual "anipulation.

    or > abo#e use t!e low rate 7 calc;

    *o not need to c!an$e A6rofile prefiC (code

    $i#en by t!e pro$ra")

    A6lot titleC is t!e title for t!e plot (can be

    c!an$ed later in -rap!ics H *efine 6lots)

    %!oose t!e pressure loss ite" to #ary

    7 will already eist. dd option by

    enterin$ t!e ApressureC into t!e table, !it

    t!e AC button to add t!e noEEles and t!e

    AUC button can be used to copy noEEles

    fro" t!e pre#ious line.

    7it /iners 1F= button to select up to = liner

    options to be co"pared

    7it %alculate to perfor" calculation.

    6lot 'ai"u" lows is t!e only plot t!at is

    reDuired. ote t!at t!e line for"ats and

    le$end on t!ese plots often reDuire so"e

    "anual "anipulation.

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    >.1.3 V5W7&+/

    After $erforming the c!lcul!tions, the $lots c!n 'e #iee" 'y clicking on the $lot 'uttons on the c!lcul!tion

    in"os themsel#es, or 'y going into Br!$hics Define 6lots. The $lots c!n 'e mo"ifie" !n" e"ite" !s

    "et!ile" in %[email protected]. The $lots for the !'o#e e+!m$le !re shon 'elo.

    Version 4.21 Page 54

    !is plot s!ows t!e %* in t!e annulus w!en circulatin$

    at *. !e pore pressure and fracture $radient are

    auto"atically plotted if t!e - profile is selected in t!e

    scenario setup. ote t!at due to t!e lar$e dia"eter !ole,

    t!e flowrate !as little i"pact on t!e %*.

    5n t!is ea"ple t!e %* at t!e 13C s!oe at ?000 would

    be R10.Lpp$ (re$ardless of flowrate)

    !is plot s!ows t!e increasin$ 66 at a ran$e of

    flowrates as t!e section is drilled to *. ote t!at it starts

    at R1000psi w!ic! is t!e specified pressure loss across

    t!e 7.

    5n t!is ea"ple, wit! t!e bit at 1=000 '*, and a flowrate

    of 1100$p", t!e 66 at surface would be 4=00psi.

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    * +sers -uide

    Version 4.21 Page 55

    !is plot s!ows t!e 66 as t!e section is drilled to * at

    1000$p", wit! a ran$e of r!eolo$y #alues.

    5n t!is ea"ple, wit! t!e bit at 1>000 '*, 1000$p", and a

    r!eolo$y 20G t!icker t!an t!at specified in t!e scenario

    setup, t!e 66 at surface would be 4400psi.

    !is plot s!ows t!e "ai"u" flowrate t!at can be

    ac!ie#ed as t!e section is drilled to *. !e plot

    co"pares a =F1T2 and =N drillstrin$, wit! a ran$e of liner

    siEes in t!e pu"ps.

    5n t!is ea"ple, wit! t!e bit at a dept! of 12000 '*, t!e

    "ai"u" flowrates ac!ie#able would be as follows;

    L04$p" (=QN dp, >C liners)

    1000$p" (=QN dp, >.=C liners)

    ?@0$p" (=QN dp, @C liners)

    10>1$p" (=N dp, >.=C liners)

    1030 " =N d @C liners

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    Version 4.21 Page 56

    !is plot s!ows t!e "ai"u" flowrate t!at can be

    ac!ie#ed as t!e section is drilled to *. !e plot

    co"pares t!e sa"e strin$ wit! different pressure drops

    at t!e 7, wit! a ran$e of liner siEes in t!e pu"ps.

    5n t!is ea"ple, wit! t!e bit at a dept! of 1>000 '*, t!e

    "ai"u" flowrates ac!ie#able would be as follows;

    L04$p" (1000psi, =20 noEEles, >C liners)

    ?@0$p" (1000psi, =20 noEEles, >.=C liners)

    @=0$p" (1000psi, =20 noEEles, @C liners)

    10>1$p" (100psi, >24 noEEles, >.=C liners)

    1020 " 100 si >24 noEEles @C liners

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    @. -&675%

    7.1 SURVE% PLOTS

    -nce the ell$!th h!s 'een cre!te" !n" the $lots h!#e 'een gener!te" 3!s "et!ile" in %54.0 the

    $lots c!n 'e e!sily !ccesse" !n" e"ite" un"er Br!$hics Sur#ey 6lots.

    There !re fi#e st!n"!r" sur#ey $lots th!t !re gener!te" 'y TAD/

    1. 6l!n Vie

    2. D Vie

    . Vertic!l Section 3see "i!gr!m 'elo

    4. ori(ont!l *e!ch 3see "i!gr!m 'elo

    8. nr!$$e" *e!ch 3see "i!gr!m 'elo

    The function!lity !n" e"iting of the sur#ey $lots is !lmost i"entic!l to th!t for the T&D !n" hy"r!ulics $lots

    "et!ile" in the folloing section. The m!in "ifference is th!t sur#ey $lots c!n 'e either

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    * +sers -uide

    7.2 T)$ AN$ #%$RAULICS PLOTS

    All $lots gener!te" 'y the $rogr!m c!n 'e e!sily !ccesse" !n" e"ite" un"er Br!$hics Define 6lots. The

    folloing sections highlight some of the e"iting fe!tures !#!il!'le ith the $lots.

    @.2.1 6//55-

    The folloing in"o ill !$$e!r !fter selecting Br!$hics Define 6lots. This t!'le lists !ll the T&D !n"

    hy"r!ulics $lots th!t h!#e 'een !utom!tic!lly gener!te" ith the c!lcul!tions !s "escri'e" in the $re#ious

    sections 3other th!n sur#ey $lots.

    The folloing $!ge "escri'es some of the o$tions !#!il!'le ith this in"o.

    7int; Al!ys ensure th!t 'efore !ny e"iting is "one the correct $lot is selecte" 3single click

    !nyhere on th!t recor" or ro. Cote ! "ou'le click ill !utom!tic!lly $lot the gr!$h.

    Version 4.21 Page 58

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    * +sers -uide

    @.2.2 6/V5W

    Version 4.21 Page 59

    ABC adds a new $rap! and AFC deletes t!e selected $rap!. -enerally t!e ABC is ne#er used as t!e pro$ra" will

    $enerate all t!e plots itself auto"atically t!rou$! t!e calculations.

    llows you to edit t!e setup of t!e current plot (title, scales, fonts), and add a #ertical line onto t!e plot. ote

    t!at it is often easier to enter c!an$es (e.$. plot title) directly into t!e table and t!is function is rarely used.

    y clickin$ on t!is button, t!e plots will be sorted in different order, based on code t!en $roup t!en date.

    !is allows you to #iew and edit t!e cur#es on t!e selected plot. &efer to t!e followin$ sections for furt!er

    details of editin$ and addin$ cur#es.

    !is allows you to #iew and edit t!e notes t!at !a#e been added to t!e selected plot. &efer to t!e followin$

    sections for furt!er details of addin$ and editin$ notes to a plot.

    !is allows you to #iew t!e plot itself. urt!er editin$ is t!en a#ailable as detailed in t!e followin$ sections

    (includin$ sendin$ t!e plot to ot!er software as a bit"ap).

    !is pro#ides a Duick and easy way to copy an eistin$ plot. !is option "ay be useful if you want to "odify

    an eistin$ plot, but also keep t!e ori$inal.

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    * +sers -uide

    ?n the $lot #ie shon on the $re#ious $!ge, the folloing e"iting functions !re !#!il!'le.

    7int; After $!sting ! 'itm!$ into !nother ;in"os $rogr!m, it is 'est to con#ert the im!ge into !

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    @.2.3 *55-%+&V

    ur#es on the $lots c!n 'e e!sily !""e", "elete" or e"ite" !s "emonstr!te" in the folloing e+!m$le.

    Cote further e+!m$les !re !lso shon ith the Me!sure" D!t! in %5?.0.

    ?n this e+!m$le, the $lot of the 12L S66 ill 'e mo"ifie". The folloing is re5uire" 3see origin!l $lot


    "elete cur#es for 11FF !n" 12FFg$m

    !"" ! cur#e for 1FFFg$m ith the 2FU thicker rheology 3see e+!m$le in %5>.1.2

    Version 4.21 Page 61

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    * +sers -uide

    !e "odified plot is s!own on t!e followin$ pa$e

    Version 4.21 Page 62

    1. %lick anyw!ere on t!e record of

    t!e plot to be "odified. !en

    elect %ur#es button to open t!e

    net window

    2. %lick anyw!ere on t!e record of

    cur#e X=. elect t!e AFC on t!e

    toolbar button to delete t!e

    record. &epeat for cur#e >.

    3. elect t!e ABC button to open t!e editin$ bo to add a

    new cur#e.

    nter t!e net Anu"berC in t!e seDuence

    !e A*ata et ypeC is t!e type of data in t!e new cur#e

    (use t!e drop down "enu to c!oose t!e appropriate


    !e A*ata set %odeC is t!e actual data t!at you want to

    use (use t!e drop down "enu to find t!e reDuired data


    A%ur#e typeC is t!e type of data t!at is to be plotted.

    !e re"ainin$ entries allow you to for"at At!e lookC of

    t!e cur#e t!at will be plotted, and t!e le$end title t!at

    will be s!own.

    elect a#e w!en finis!ed.

    elect 6lot button in t!e toolbar to #iew t!e plot.

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    * +sers -uide

    7int; Different $rinters ill gi#e the $lots ! slightly "ifferent look. 7or e+!m$le, 6 ty$e $lotters

    ten" to m!ke the lines thicker. !ser $rinters ill m!ke the lines thinner !n" you m!y !nt to

    incre!se the line thickness 304 to ensure they !re e!sily seen.

    Version 4.21 Page 63

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    * +sers -uide

    ?. '+&* *

    This section $ro#i"es ! 'rief summ!ry of ho me!sure fiel" "!t! is entere" into TAD. This me!sure" "!t!

    c!n 'e use" for sur#eill!nce on the current ell, $l!nning for future ells 3e.g. o't!in !ccur!te 77s, !n"is ! critic!l $!rt of c!li'r!ting the mo"els.

    Actu!l "!t! from the fiel" is !l!ys entere" un"er the Me!sure" D!t! menu. There !re then to !ys to

    $resent this "!t!/

    1. Su$erim$ose the me!sure" "!t! on the theoretic!l cur#es gener!te" in the 6l!nning section 3!s

    "iscusse" in %5=.0 !n" %5>.0.

    2. 6lot the !ctu!l "!t! on theoretic!l cur#es gener!te" in the Me!sure" D!t! section itself

    -$tion 1 using the $l!nning $lots is ! more common !$$ro!ch !n" this metho" ill 'e "iscusse" in the

    e+!m$les $resente" in the folloing sections.

    8.1 T)$ AN$ #%$RAULICS IN 12&' #OLE

    Some !ctu!l T&D !n" hy"r!ulics me!sure" "!t! hile "rilling the 12L inter#!l is shon in the 66*5

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    After the recor" h!s 'een cre!te", select the T&D Det!ils or y"r!ulic Det!ils 'uttons on the tool'!r. This

    !llos you to enter the !ctu!l "!t! !s shon on the folloing $!ge.

    Version 4.21 Page 65

    1. elect ABC to add a new record.

    !e input table will appear.

    2. nter t!e reDuired data. ote t!a

    t!is data is used for calculatin$

    t!eoretical plots in t!e "easured

    data section. s suc! if usin$ t!

    plots fro" t!e plannin$ section,

    t!is data is not critical (!owe#er

    still needs to be entered).

    3. s abo#e, if usin$ t!e plots fro"

    t!e plannin$ section, none of t!

    infor"ation needs to be entered

    +se t!e orDue and *ra$ and

    7ydraulics buttons down t!e

    botto" to to$$le between t!e

    reDuired 8* and 7ydraulics

    data entry.

    3. W!en finis!ed select a#e or t!

    Ac!eckC on t!e toolbar "enu to

    sa#e t!e record.

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    * +sers -uide

    8* *ata;

    7ydraulics *ata;

    Version 4.21 Page 66

    1. fter selectin$ 8* *etails, select

    ABC on t!e toolbar to add a new


    2. nter t!e "easured 8* data for

    eac! dept!. ote if t!e dept!s are at

    re$ular incre"ents (e.$. e#ery 1000),

    enterin$ t!is incre"ent into t!e

    Astand len$t!C on t!e pre#ious

    window will sa#e ti"e as t!e

    pro$ra" auto"atically adds t!is

    incre"ent to t!e dept! for eac! new


    3. W!en finis!ed select a#e or t!e

    Ac!eckC on t!e toolbar "enu to sa#e

    t!e record and enter anot!er one.

    1. fter selectin$ 7ydraulic *ata, select

    ABC on t!e toolbar to add a new


    2. nter t!e "easured !ydraulics data

    for eac! dept!.

    3. W!en finis!ed select a#e or t!e

    Ac!eckC on t!e toolbar "enu to sa#e

    t!e record and enter anot!er one.

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    * +sers -uide

    Co th!t the !ctu!l me!sure" "!t! h!s 'een entere", it c!n 'e $lotte" on the $l!nning $lots 3see ne+t

    $!ge. oe#er, since the mu" eight !n" rheology ch!nges signific!ntly throughout the section, ! ne

    hy"r!ulics $l!nning scen!rio is c!lcul!te" to !ccount for these ch!nges. The set u$ of this scen!rio is

    shon 'elo 3refer to %5>.1.1 for "et!ils of setting u$ ! hy"r!ulics scen!rio.

    Version 4.21 Page 67

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    * +sers -uide

    n"er Br!$hics Define 6lots, select the !$$ro$ri!te $lot !n" then select the ur#es 'utton on the

    tool'!r. The screens 'elo sho ho the me!sure" "!t! oul" then 'e !""e" to the $l!nning $lots 3refer

    to%[email protected] for further "et!ils of !""ing cur#es to $lots.

    Version 4.21 Page 68

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    * +sers -uide

    >elo !re the resulting $lots ith the me!sure" "!t! !""e"/

    Version 4.21 Page 69

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    * +sers -uide

    8.2 9(' CASING RUN

    The folloing e+!m$le shos ho the me!sure" "!t! for the %NL c!sing run 3!s shon in the 66*5

  • 8/11/2019 TAD User's Guide 4.21 (Final)


    * +sers -uide

    n"er Br!$hics Define 6lots, select the !$$ro$ri!te $lot !n" then select the ur#es 'utton on the

    tool'!r. The screens 'elo sho ho the me!sure" "!t! oul" then 'e !""e" to the $l!nning $lot 3refer

    to%[email protected] for further "et!ils of !""ing cur#es to $lots.

    Version 4.21 Page 71

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    * +sers -uide

    >elo is the resulting $lot ith the me!sure" "!t! !""e"/

    Version 4.21 Page 72

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    * +sers -uide


    ?f you h!#e ! l!rge !mount of "!t! 3e.g. me!sure" T&D "!t! th!t you !nt to im$ort into TAD, the

    folloing $roce"ure "escri'es ho this c!n 'e "one.

    1. ?f the me!sure" "!t! recor" th!t you ish to !"" the "!t! to "oes not !lre!"y e+ist then cre!te

    one 3Me!sure" D!t! Me!sure" D!t! X Y etc !s shon in the e+!m$les in $re#ious

    sections. Cote you m!y !nt to $ut some "!t! into this recor" so th!t you c!n see here you ill

    nee" to enter your ne "!t! !t ! l!ter ste$ using )+cel.

    2. n"er D!t! )+ch!nge, Select )+$ort !n" the in"o shon 'elo ill !$$e!r. 7ill this in"o

    out !s shon. Cote in this e+!m$le some e+tr! "!t! ill 'e entere" into the

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    * +sers -uide

    4. ?n )+cel, o$en the file th!t !s cre!te" in the ste$ !'o#e. This is shon 'elo. The e+tr! "!t!

    $oints !t 1FFF !n" 1%FFF 3!n" ! "ummy !re entere" in )+cel !n" the file is s!#e". lose

    )+cel. Cote the folloing/

    ;hen o$ening the file remem'er th!t it is ! te+t file 3i.e. )+cel ill not sho the file if you

    !re only looking for )+cel orksheets select

    o$y the l!st line of the current "!t! !n" mo"ify this line for the ne "!t! so th!t !ll

    columns !re entere". )nsure the

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    * +sers -uide

    66*5< S

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    * +sers -uide

    ontr!ct ;D6/ 801I2= 9F l'Ift ith 801I2=7 connections

    To$ Dri#e/ V!rco TDS04S, contr!ctors norm!l m!+imum tor5ue/ 4F,FFF ft0l' 3r!te" !t 49,FFF ft0

    l' continuous.

    >lock eight/ 8 kl's 3to$ "ri#e !n" tr!#eling 'lock

    igh $ressure $um$ing system/

    o 8FFF $si st!n"$i$e m!nifol"o 2 e!. 1206019F 3r!tings !re for %8U #ol eff., %FU m!+ s$m, !n" %FU liner $ressure

    r!ting := iners/ 12F g$m F9 $si

    9.8= liners/ 1F91 g$m 8F $si

    9= liners/ %F4 g$m 42F1 $si

    8.8= liners/ :F g$m 8FFF $si

    otto" 7ole sse"blies +sed 5n a"ple

    1201I4= ole 6l!nne" Drilling Assem'ly

    o 18F ft = -D + 201I19= ?D 3inclu"es M;D !n" Motor or *ot!ry Steering Tool


    2F ft 801I2= ;D6 3inclu"es E!rs!. 6D 'it ith 8 e!. 2FI2= Co((les'. 1FFF $si for M;D I >Ao 801I2= B01F8 7 "rill $i$e 3S18 [T use" if nee"e" for tor5ue

    01I2= ole 6l!nne" Drilling Assem'ly

    o 18F ft 901I2= -D + 201I2= ?D 3inclu"es M;D !n" Motor or *ot!ry Steering Tool

    o 2F ft 801I2= ;D6 3inclu"es E!rs

    !. 6D 'it ith 8 e!. 2FI2= Co((les\\'. 8FF $si !t M;D I >Ao 801I2= B01F8 7 "rill $i$e 3S18 [T use" if nee"e" for tor5ue

    'easured *ata

    The folloing !ctu!l "!t! !s recor"e" hile "rilling the 12L hole/

    *ept! 'W >00 300 200 100 > 3 66 -6' 6+ &

    FFF % 84 4F 2 2 11 % 28F %F 182 248 18 11

    2FF %.2 89 42 8 24 11 1F 29F %F 18 28F 1 12

    %1FF %.8 8 4 9 28 12 11 29FF 1F1F 188 2: 2FF 12

    %8FF %. 99 8F 2: 18 12 28FF 1FFF 188 28 2FF 14

    1F8FF %. 84 4F 2 2 % 2:FF 1F12 18F 18 2F 1:

    129FF %. 89 4F 2 2 11 1F F 1F%F 148 98 228 24

    18FF %. 98 44 9 2: 1 12 42FF 1F8 1:8 %F 24F 24

    18%FF 1F.2 :F 8F % F 18 1 418F 1F8F 1:8 %8 24F 29

    198FF 1F.8 :2 81 4F 1 1: 18 4FFF 1FFF 198 4F 28F 28

    19%1 1F.F 9 4 2% 14 12 4F28 1F28 18 4F2 248 28

    Version 4.21 Page 76

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    * +sers -uide

    The folloing "!t! !s recor"e" hile running the %NL c!sing flo!te"/

    *ept! lackoff


    *ept! lackoff


    F 8 :FF %8

    FF %F %FFF %

    9FF %F %FF %8

    %FF %8 %9FF %

    12FF %8 %%FF %8

    18FF 1FF 1F2FF 1FF

    1FF 1FF 1F8FF 1F8

    21FF 1FF 1FFF 11

    24FF 1F8 111FF 128

    2:FF 1F8 114FF 18

    FFF 1F8 11:FF 148

    FF 1FF 12FFF 18:

    9FF 1F8 12FF 19F

    %FF 1F8 129FF 1:F

    42FF 1FF 12%FF 1:8

    48FF 1FF 12FF 1:8

    4FF 1FF 18FF 1F

    81FF 1FF 1FF 18

    84FF 1FF 141FF 1:

    8:FF 1FF 144FF 18

    9FFF %8 14:FF 1%F

    9FF %8 18FFF 1%F

    99FF 1FF 18FF 1%8

    9%FF 1FF 189FF 1%8

    :2FF 1FF 18%FF 1%8

    :8FF %8 192FF 2F

    :FF %8 198FF 2FF

    1FF %8 19FF 2FF

    4FF %8 19%1 2F8