tabla contenidos publicaciones odontologia enero 2012


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Tabla de contenidos de publicaciones de odontologia que llegaron en enero del 2012


Page 1: Tabla Contenidos Publicaciones Odontologia Enero 2012
Page 2: Tabla Contenidos Publicaciones Odontologia Enero 2012




pain conditions 1365Restoring noncarious tooth

defects 1368I

Pain that may not originatewith the treated tooth 1383


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Page 3: Tabla Contenidos Publicaciones Odontologia Enero 2012


page 1343


1333 Editorial: Clínical Judgment: A Requirement for Professional IdentityM. GlickThe JADA Editor explains why clínical judgment is an expression of professionalautonomy and an essential function of dentists' professional identity.

1334 Letters: JADA readers explore bitemark analysis, restoration repair and what it meansto be a dental professional.


1339 Cancer: A four-gene signature may predict accurately which patients are at higher riskof experiencing a recurrence of oral squamous cell carcinoma, according to a reportpublíshed online Oct. 11 in BMC Cancer.


1343 Antibiotic Prophylaxis: Dental Procedures and Subsequent Prosthetic JointInfections: Findings From the Medicare Current Beneficiary SurveyD.D. Skaar, H. O'Connor,J.S. Hodges, B.S. MichalowiczDr. Skaar and colleagues examine an administrative data set to assess if dentalprocedures were associated with prosthetic joint infections.


1352 Case Report: The Crash of Colgan Air Flight 3407:Advanced Techniquesin Victim IdentificationM. Bush, R. MillerDrs. Bush and Miller describe the identification of three víctims from the 2009 crashofColganAir flight 3407 in Clarence, N.Y.

1357 Case Report: A Multidisciplínary Approach to the Treatment of OralManifestations Associated With Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome: A Long-termCase ReportM.T. Abeleira, J.M. Seoane-Romero, M. Outumuro, F. Caamaño, D. Suárez,1. Tomás CarmonaThe authors report a case involvíng the 15-year follow-up of a patient with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome.

1365 Pain Update: Temporomandibular Disorder and Comorbid Pain ConditionsP.F.Lim, w: Maixner, A.A. KhanThe authors describe the treatment of a middle-aged woman whose chief complaint wasthat she had pain in her jaw and teeth for many years.


1368 Restorations: Restoration ofNoncarious Thoth Defects by Dentistsin The Dental Practice-Based Research NetworkM.M. Nascimento, v.v. Gordan, V. Qvist, J.D. Bader, D.E. Rindal, O.D. Williams,D. Gewartowski, J.L. Fellows, M.S. Litaker, G.H. Gilbert;for The DentalPractice-Based Research Network Collaborative GroupThe authors conduct a study to quantify the reasons stated by dentists in The DentalPractice-Based Research Network for restoring noncarious tooth defects and to assessthe tooth, patient and dentist characteristics associated with those reasons.

132Z JADA 142(12) December 2011

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1376 Practice Guidelines: Treating Dental Patients Who Use OralAntithrombotic Medication: A Survey ofDentists in the NetherlandsD.E. van Diermen, J.J.M. Bruers, J. Hoogstraten, M. Bovenlander,A. van den Bosch, 1. van der WaalDr. van Diermen and colleagues examine the knowledge and opinions of Dutchgeneral dentists regarding invasive dental procedures in patients being treatedwith oral antithrombotic medications.

1383 Critical Summaries: Pain After Routine Endodontic Therapy May NotHave OriginatedFrom the Treated Toothp. BenjaminDr. Benjamin provides a critical summary of a systematic review in whichreviewers estimated that the frequency of nonodontogenic pain after endodontictherapy is 3.4 percent.

paga 1357


1385 Migratory Patterns: The Declining Number ofPracticing African American Dentistsin Cuyahoga County, Ohio, 1970 Through 2010F.M. Curd, M.A. McClain, C.R. McClainDr. Curd and colleagues track the declining number of practicing African American dentists andits relationship to the migratory patterns of the black community in Cuyahoga County, Ohio.


1393 Observations: Dentistry's Forced Return to Its RootsG.J. ChristensenDr. Christensen describes the significant developments and changes that dentistry has hadacross the past two centuries, as well as the influence that the current recession has hadon slowing and modifying those changes and influencing dental practice.

1396 A Better Practice: How to Respond to Dissatisfied PatientsR.P. LevinDr. Levin provides a four-step method for responding to patients' complaints.

1398 Ethical Moment: What Are the Ethical Ramifications and Suggested GuidelinesWhen a Dental Office Is Confirmed as Having an Active Bedbug Infestation?K.A.HennerDr.Henner addressesthe ethics involvedin formulatingan appropriatecourseofactionto take when disclosingthat a practicehas a bedbuginfestation.


1401 JADA's continuing education program highlights the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey'sfindings regarding dental procedures and subsequent prosthetic joint infections, restoration ofnoncarious tooth defects by dentists in The Dental Practice-Based Research Network, treatingdental patients who use oral antithrombotic medicaJion and the declining number of practicingAfrican American dentists in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, from 1970 through 2010.






JADA142(12) December 2011 1323

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Page 6: Tabla Contenidos Publicaciones Odontologia Enero 2012

Journal of Clinical Periodontology · Vol. 38 No. 12 December 2011

ContentsPeriodontal Diseases

Serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterollevel associated 1071with the extent of periodontal inflammation in type 1 diabeticsubjects

MMP-8 -799 C>T gene tic polymorphism is associated with the 1078susceptibility to chronic and aggressive periodontitisin Taiwanese

Hydrogen-rich water attenuates experimental periodontitis 1085in a rat model

Ten-year longitudinal study of gingival recession in dentists 1091

Periodontal Therapy

Application of self-regulation theory and motivational interview for 1099improving oral hygiene: a randomized controlled trial

Treatment of experimental periodontal disease with antimicrobial 1106photodynamic therapy in nicotine-modified rats

Potential impact of surgical periodontal therapy on oral 1115health-related quality of life in patients with periodontitis:a pilot study

Acellular dermal matrix allograft versus subepithelial connective 1122tissue graft in treatment of gingival recessions: a 5-year randomizedcIinical study

Engineering of a periodontalligament construct: cell and fibre 1130alignment induced by shear stress

Implant Therapy

Impaired force control during food holding and biting in subjects 1137with tooth- or implant-supported fixed prostheses

Vertical bone augmentation with 3D-synthetic monetite blocks in 1147the rabbit calvaria

Research Methodology

Risk of bias of animal studies on regenerative procedures for 1154periodontal and peri-implant bone defects - a systematic review

This jouma! is abstracted or indexed in: Abstracts on

Hygiene and Cornmunicable Diseases, Botanical Pes-ticides Abstracts, CABAbstracts, Chemical Abstracts,

Chemicallndusby Notes, Cinahl: Cumulative Index lo

Nursing & Allied Health literature, Curren! Abstracts,Current ConIents, Current Tllles in Dentislly, Dental

Abstracts, Exoerpta Medica. Abstract Joumals, For-esIJy Abstracts, Global Health, Homoultural ScienoeAbstracts, Index Medious, Index to Dental Uterature,Index lo Scientific Reviews, Index Veterinarius, MED-

UNE, Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews, Review 01 Aro-

malic and Medicinal PIants, Review 01 Medical and

Velerinary MyooIogy, Rural Development Abstracts,Scienoe Cilation Index, SciSearch, SCOPUS, Soybean

Abstracts,Tropical Diseases Builetin,Veterinary Buile-

tin, Veterinary Scienoe DatabaseThisjoumal is availableonline.Visil wileyonlinelibrary.comljoumal/jcpe lo search \he artlcles and registerler lable 01conlents e-mail alerts. Prinled in Malaysia

A. Passoja, M. Knuuttila, L. Hiltunen, R. Karttunen,O. Niemela, T. Raunio, O. Vainio, P. Hedbergand T. Tervonen

Y-H. Chou, Y.-P. Ho, Y.-e. Lin, K.-F. Hu,Y.-H. Yang, K.-Y. Ho, Y.-M. Wu, E. Hsiand e.-e. Tsai

K. Kasuyama, T. Tomofuji, D. Ekuni, N. Tamaki,T. Azuma, K. Irie, Y. Endo and M. Morita

F. Matas, J. Sentís and e. Mendieta

A. Godard, T. Dufour and S. Jeanne

V. G. Garcia, L. A. Fernandes, V. e. Macarini,J. M. de Almeida, T. M. Martins, A. F. Bosco,M. J. H. Nagata, J. A. Cirelli and L. H. TheodoroA. Saito, K. ata, Y. Hosaka, M. Akamatsu,H. Hayakawa, e. Fukaya, A. Ida, K. Fujinami,H. Sugito and T. Nakagawa

N. Moslemi, M. M. Jazi, F. Haghighati,S. P. Morovati and R. Jamali

S. G. Kim, S.-G. Kim, B. Viechnicki, S. Kimand H.-D. Nah

K. G. Svensson and M. Trulsson

J. Torres, F. Tamimi, M. H. Alkhraisat,J. C. Prados-Frutos, E. Rastikerdar, U. Gbureck,J. E. Barralet and E. López-Cabarcos

e. M. Faggion Jr, N. N. Giannakopoulos andS. Listl

Page 7: Tabla Contenidos Publicaciones Odontologia Enero 2012

- 5~ --1TMVolume 140Number 5November 2011

American Journal of Orthodontics8rDentofacial Orthopedics

DeInineralizationIs there an evidence-based methodfor preventing this problemduring orthodontic treatment?


See the RCT by Robertson et al.


LitigationDon'tbug me!

\Official Publication of the

AmericanAssociationof Orthodontists,its constituent societies,the AmericanBoardof Orthodontics,and the College of Diplomates of the American Board of Orthodontics

Published byElsevier, Inc.

ISSN 0889-&406

Page 8: Tabla Contenidos Publicaciones Odontologia Enero 2012

American Journal of Orthodontics~ Dentofacial Orthopedics



Founded in 1915 Volume 140 Number 5 November 2011Copyright @ 2011 by the American Association oIOrthodontists



On the cover: Demineralization of enamel is an unfortunate aftermath of poor oralhygiene during orthodontic treatment. Is there an evidence-based method for preventingthis problem? A randomized clinical trial documents the effect of MI Paste Plus atpreventing demineralization. The results of this study provide a valuable clinical solutionfor orthodontists. The smiling patient on the cover is Kaitlyn Castor, who was treatedorthodontically by Dr Grant G. Coleman, Charlotte, North Carolina.



Do you know what this image represents?Vincent G. Kokich, Editor-in-Chiej, Tacoma, Wash


Concerns about the new logo!Andrew P. Collins, Durham, NC


Clarification of a historical factChaninah Zweihorn, Brooklyn, NY


Third molarsRaymond P. White, ir and William R. Proffit, Chapel Hill, NC


Author's responseSanjivanKandasamy,Midland,WesternAustralia,Australia


Correction 602


When the tail wags the dogPeter M. Greco, Philadelphia, Pa



Residents' journal review 604

The American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (ISSN 0889-5406) is published monthly by EIsevier Inc., 360 ParkAvenue South, New York, NY 10010-1710. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY and additional mailing offlces. POSTMASlER: Send address

changes to the American Journal ofOrthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, EIsevier Health Sciences Division, Subscription Customer Service,3251 Riverport Lane, Maryland Heights, MO 63043.

2A American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics/November 2011

Page 9: Tabla Contenidos Publicaciones Odontologia Enero 2012

- ~me,~" _

Volume 140Number 6December 2011

American Journalof Orthodontics8r Dentofacial Orthopedics

Official Publication of the

AmericanAssociationof Orthodontists,its constituent societies,the AmericanBoardof Orthodontics.and the Collegeof Diplomatesof the AmericanBoardof Orthoaontics'~-'-~-".

Published byElsevier. Inc.



ISSN 0889-5406-,

. ~.'~....". .-.¡


Page 10: Tabla Contenidos Publicaciones Odontologia Enero 2012

American Journalof Orthodontics8i DentofacialOrthopedics

Founded in 1915 Volume 140 Number 6 December 2011Copyright@ 2011 by the American Association ofOrthodontists



On the cover: Orthodontists occasionally treat children or adolescents who havesignificant maxillary hypoplasia and require maxillary protraction. Unfortunately, whenteeth are used to anchor the protractionforce, significantorthodontic rather thanorthopedic effects are encountered. However, when bone-anchorage is employed, theorthopedic effects of protraction are substantial. The smiling patient on the cover is MeganMacher, who was treated orthodontically by Dr. S. Jay Bowman, Kalamazoo, Michigan.


Create the visionVincentG.Kokich,Editor-in-Chiej,Tacoma,Wash



How good are you? 752FrankR. de Winter,Amsterdam,TheNetherlands

Studying the spatial character of the temporomandibular joint 752Hongbo Li, Beijing, China

Author's response 753RobertWillerFarinazzoVitral,Minas Gerais,Brazil

Perplexing relationship between bite force and occlusal contact area 753Shao Longquan, Guangzhou, China

Asymptomatic third molars 754KennethRankin, Wilmington,NC

Being statistically literate 754ArunachalamSivakumar,Vishnupur,Bhimavaram,India

Are we legally in the right? 755Uday Kumar Umesan, Chua Kui Lay, and Priya Balakrishnan, Bandar Seri Begawan, BruneiDarussalam

Concern about space for the tongue 756Stanley Waese, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Author's response 756ShujuanZou, Chengdu,China

The American Journal oj Orthodontics and Dentojacial Orthopedics (ISSN 0889-5406) is published monthly by Elsevier Ine., 360 ParkAvenue South, New York, NY 10010-1710. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY and additional mailing o[f¡ees. POSTMASTER: Send address

ehanges to the American Journal ojOrthodontics and Dentojacial Orthopedics, Elsevier Health Scienees Division, Subseription Customer Service,

3251 Riverport Lane, Maryland Heights, MO 63043.



2A American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial OrthopedicslDecember 2011 .,.1

Page 11: Tabla Contenidos Publicaciones Odontologia Enero 2012

CONTENTS continued

Silver solder toxicity? Show me the evidenceJamesJ. Zahrowski,Tustin,Calif


Author's responseMariaPerpetuaMotaFreitas,Rio Grandedo Sul, Brazil



When patients are used as currencyPeter M. Greco, Philadelphia, Pa



Residents' journal review 760


Abstraets of this issue's On/ine On/yartie/es appear on page 14A

Treatment outcome analysis of speedy surgical orthodontics for adults with maxlllary e251protrusionHyeRanChoo,Hyun-AHeo,Hyun-JoongYoon,Kyu-RhimChung,and Seong-HunKim,Philadelphia, Pa, and Suwon and Seoul, Korea

Assessment of motivation and psychological characteristics of adult orthodontic e263patientsSona Pabari, David R. Moles, and Susan J. Cunningham, London and Plymouth, United Kingdom

Changes in stress distribution of orthodontic miniscrews and surrounding bone e273evalu~ted by 3-dimensional finite element analysisAkihiro Suzuki, Taisuke Masuda, Ichiro Takahashi, Toru Deguchi, Osamu Suzuki, andTeruko Takano-Yamamoto, Sendai and Fukuoka, Japan

Gram-negative periodontal pathogens and bacterial endotoxin in metalllc orthodontic e281brackets with or without an antimicrobial agent: An in-vivo studyPaulo Nelson-Filho, Remberto Marcelo Argandoña Valdez, Marcela Cristina Damiao Andrucioli,Maria Concei~aoPereira Saraiva, Magda Feres, Carlos Artério Sorgi, and Lucia Helena Faccioli,Ribeirao Preto and Guarulhos, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Landmark identification errors on cone-beam computed tomography-derived e289cephalograms and conventional digital cephalogramsZwei-Chieng Chang, Fu-Chang Hu, Eddie Lai, Chung-Chen Yao, Mu-Hsiung Chen, and Yi-JaneChen, Taipei, Taiwan

Physical properties of root cementum: Part 21. Extent of root resorption after the e299appllcation of 2.50and 150tips for 4 weeks: A microcomputed tomography studyAlistair D. King, Tamer Turk, Canan Colak, Selma Elekdag-Turk, AlIan S. Jones, Peter Petocz, andM. Ali Darendeliler, Sydney, Australia, and Samsun, Turkey


Associations between sleep-disordered breathing symptoms and facial and dental 762morphometry, assessed with screening examinationsNelly T. Huynh, Paul D. Morton, Pierre H. Rompré, Athena Papadakis, and Claude Remise,Montréal, Québec,Canada

4A American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial OrthopedicslDecember 2011


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. - . -Vol. 19 Núm. 3


Page 13: Tabla Contenidos Publicaciones Odontologia Enero 2012


Editor fundador:

Dr. José Antonio Ramos Tercero

Editor:Lic. Rosalfa Alvarez

[email protected]

Director Científico:Dr. José Luis Ureña

Odontopediatra, Universidad de Michigan, E.U.

Profesor y Exdirector de la Facultad de Odontologra de la Universidad Intercontinental

Editor Clfnico:Dra. Maritza Silva O.

UNITEC. Odontopediatría Univ. Texas at San Antonio, E.U.


Ivonne Ló



Para información sobre tarifas de publicidad, favor de dirigirse [email protected]


Oouglas B. Berkey, O.M.O., M.P.H., M.S.

Profesor School of Dentistry and Medicine, University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado

Thomas G. Berry, 0.0.5., M.A.

Profesor Department of Restorative Dentistry, University of Colorado Health SciencesCenter, Denver, Colorado.

L. Jaekson Brown, 0.0.5., Ph. O.

Associate Executive Director, Health Policy Resources Center, American Dental Associa-tion, Chicago lIIinois.

Oominlek P. OePaola, 0.0.5. Ph.,O

President and Chief Executive Officer, Forsyth Institute, Boston, Massachusetts.

Anthony J. OiAngelis, O.M.O., M.P.H.Chief of Dentistry, Hennepin County Medical Center; Professor, University of Minnesota

School of Dentistry, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Chester W. Oouglass, O.M.O., Ph.O.

Professor Deparment of Oral Health Policy and Epidemiology, Harvard School of DentalMedicine Boston, Massachusetts.

Raúl l. Garcla O.M.O., M. Med. Se.

Professor and Chairman Department of Health Policy and Health Services Research,Boston University School of Dental Medicine, Boston Massachusetts.

Barbara F. Gooeh D.M.O. M.P.H.

Dental Officer, Division of Oral Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention

and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia.

Beverly Isman, R.O.H., M.P.H., E.L.S.Dental Public Health Consultant, Davis, California

Riehard Niederman, O.M.O. M.A.

Director DSM forsyth Center for Evidence-Based Dentistry. The Forsyth Institute, Bos-ton, Massachusetts.

Trisha E. O'Hehlr, ROH

International Speaker/Author, Phoenix, Arizona

John O'Keefe, B. Oent. Se. M. Oent. Se. M.B.A.

Editor-in-Chief, Canadian Dental Association, Ottawa, Ontario, Cana da.

La fotografía que aparece en la portada fue tomada en la Misión Católica de la Ar-quidiócesis de Munich, Alemania.

68 Dental Abstracts en Español

en Español

Comentario .Compasión por los pacientes de edad avanzada

Extractos-Largas jornadas de trabajo + cero ejercicio =mayorriesgo de muerte cardíaca«d.ÓJJ. -

ÉticaRemitir pacientes

Consentimiento Informado

Lo que los pacientes desean


Enfermedad Periodontal

Trat~entos clásicosy contemporáneos

Estomatología EstéticaBlanqueadores OTC

Imágenes Dentales

Fundamentos de la tomografía computarizada de haz cónico

Medicina OralAnafilaxia

Odontología Pediátrica

Hielo para prevenir automutilación después de la anestesia












Page 14: Tabla Contenidos Publicaciones Odontologia Enero 2012



Barniz de clorohexidina para controlar a estreptococosmutans

Tratamiento de maloclusiones Clase 111con

aparatos fijos y extracciones


La cognición y quejas relacionadas con la amalgama


Gel de clorohexidina contra la periodontitis


¿Cuál es el están dar de atención?

Salud de los Dentistas

Problemas por la jubilación prematura




El costo de un absceso periapical

Necesitamos sus fotos:

¿EsUd. fotógrafo aficionado? ¿Tiene Ud. fotografías de viajes o paisajes que pudie-ran ilustrar la portada de DENTAL ABSTRACfS en Españon si Ud. posee foto-grafías que quisiera que los editores de DENTAL ABSTRACfS en Español con-sideren, por favor, envielas a: Providencia 1218 -9 P.B.Col. Del Valle. 03100. México,D.E TelJFax: 5559-9599 [email protected] su fotografía eselegida, Ud. recibirá el crédito correspondiente y 10 copias gratuitas del númeroen el que aparezca su fotografía en la portada. Sedevuelven originales a quien asílo solicite. Por favor, lIámenos si tiene alguna pregunta.

Publicaciones representadas

86 AccessAGDImpactAlpha Omega nAngle OrthodonticsBritish Dental JournalHealth Day NewsInternational Journal of Pediatrics DentistryJournal of Dental ResearchJournal of Oral and MaxillofacialSurgeryJournal of Periodontal ResearchJournal of Prosthetic DentistryJournal of the American Dental AssociationQuintessence International







94Nota:Para simplificar la consulta de DENTAL ABSTRACTS en Español,todas las figuras y los cuadros aparecen aquí con el mismo númeroque los identifica en lafuente original.Esto permite al lector reconocerque cualquier cuadro o figura publicada en DENTAL ABSTRACTSen Españolpuede ser sólo uno de variosdel artículooriginal.Portanto, la numeración de las figuras y los cuadros incluidos aquí noestá fuera de secuencia.

Abreviaturas estándaresLos siguientes términos aparecen abreviados en el texto: síndromede inmunodeficiencia adquirida (SIDA),virus de la inmunodeficien-cia humana (VIH)y articulación temporomandibular (ATM).

Volumen 19 ·Número 3 ·2011 69

Page 15: Tabla Contenidos Publicaciones Odontologia Enero 2012
Page 16: Tabla Contenidos Publicaciones Odontologia Enero 2012



1267 Effect of Aging on Power Output Properties in Rat Skinned Cardiac MyocytesEunhee Chung and Gary M. Diffee

1274 Enhanced Delivery of Rapamycin by VI56K-apoA-1 High-Density Lipoprotein Inhibits CellularProatherogenic Effects and Senescence and Promotes Tissue RegenerationKyung-Hyun Cho

1286 Thioredoxin1 OverexpressionExtends Mainlythe Earlier Part of LifeSpan in MiceVivianaI. Pérez, Lisa A. Cortez, Christie M. Lew, Marisela Rodriguez, Celeste R. Webb,Holly VanRemmen,Asish Chaudhuri, WenboQi, Shuko Lee, Alex Bokov, Wilson Fok,Dean Jones, Arlan Riehardson, Junji Yodoi,Yiqiang Zhang, Kaoru Tominaga,Gene B. Hubbard, and Yuji lkeno

1300 Experimental Evolution Reveals Antagonistic Pleiotropy in Reproductive Timing but Not Life Span inCaenorhabditis elegansJennifer L. Anderson, Rose M. Reynolds, Levi T.Morran, Julie Tolman-Thompson, and Patriek C. Phillips

1309 Age-Associated Alteration in Innate Irnmune Response in Captive BaboonsDianne MeFarlane, Roman F. Wolf,KristenA. MeDaniel, and Gary L. White



1321 Risk of Continued Institutionalization After Hospitalization in Older AdultsJames S. Goodwin, Bret Howrey, Dong D. Zhang, and Yong-FangKuo

1328 In-Region Versus Out-of-Region Hospitalizations at the End of Life Among Older Rural Residents:The Relationship Between Personal and System-Related FactorsVerenaH. Menee, Seott Nowieki, and Philip D. StoJohn

1336 Arterial Stiffnessand CognitiveDeclinein Well-FunctioningOlder AdultsNora L. Watson,Kim Sutton-Tyrrell, Caterina Rosano, Robert M. Boudreau, Susan E. Hardy, Eleanor M. Simonsiek,Samer S. Najjar,Lenore 1. Launer, Kristine Yaffe,Hal H. Atkinson, Suzanne Satterfield, and Anne B. Newman

1343 Long-term Cognitive Impairment in Older Adult Twins Discordant for Gynecologic Cancer TreatmentKeiko Kurita,Beth E. Meyerowitz,Per Hall, and Margaret Gatz

1350 Gender and Life Course OccupationalSocialClassDifferencesin Trajectoriesof FunctionalLimitations in Midlife: Findings From the 1946 British Birth CohortEmily T. Murray, Rebeeea Hardy, Bj(lrnHeine Strand, Raehel Cooper,Jaek M. Guralnik, and Diana Kuh

1360 Intrinsic Association of Widowhood With Mortality in Community-Dwelling Older Women and Men:Findings From a Prospective Propensity-Matched Population StudyBeverly R. Williams, YanZhang, Patricia Sawyer, Marjan Mujib, Linda G. Jones, Margaret A. Feller,O. James Ekundayo, lnmaeulada B. Aban, Thomas E. Love, Amy Lott, and Ali Ahmed

1369 Relations of a Marker of Endothelial Activation (s-VCAM) to Function and Mortality inCommunity-Dwelling Older AdultsKim M. Hujfman, Carl F.Pieper, VirginiaB. Kraus, William E. Kraus, Gerda G. Fillenbaum, and Harvey J. Cohen

1376 Muscle Strength and BMI as Predictors of Major Mobility Disability in the Lifestyle Interventionsand Independence for Elders Pilot (LIFE-P)Anthony P.Marsh, W.Jaek Rejeski, Mark A. Espeland, Miehael E. Miller, Timothy S. Chureh,Roger A. Fielding, Thomas M. Gill, Jaek M. Guralnik, Anne B. Newman, and Marco Pahor,for the L/FE Study lnvestigators (See Appendix 1)

1384 Muscle Strength and Sedative Load in Community-Dwelling reople Aged 75Years and Older:A Population-Based StudyHeidi T. Taipale,J. Simon Bell, Danijela Gnjidie, Raimo Sulkava, and Sirpa Hartikainen


A New Prognostic Index Centered on Polypathological Patients. The PROFUND IndexMaximo Bernabeu-Wittel, Franeese Formiga, and Manuel Ollero-Baturone, on behalf of thePROFUND RESEARCHERS

The Importante of a Standardized Instrument to Assess the Burden of MultimorbidityClaudia Diederiehs, Dorothee B. Bartels, and Klaus Berger






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Table of Contents

Restoration of the anterior maxilla after thermal trauma as a sequela to postremoval: A clinical reportWinston Chee, DDS, and Anas Aloum, BDS

Complete and partial contour zirconia designs for crowns and fixed dentalprostheses: A clinical reportBaldwin W. Marchack, DDS, MBA, Shoko Sato, DDS,Christopher B. Marchack, DDS, and Shane N.White, BDentSc, MS, MA, PhD

An interdisciplinary treatment to manage pathologic tooth migration: A clinicalreportSe-Lim Oh, DMD, MS

Effect of repeated screw joint closing and opening cycles on implant prostheticscrew reverse torque and implant and screw thread morphologyKeith L. Guzaitis, DDS, Kent L. Knoernschild, DMD, MS, and Marlos A. G. Viana, PhD

Microstructure, elemental composition, hardness and crystal structure study ofthe interface between a noble implant component and cast noble alloysYurdanur Ucar, DDS, MS, PhD, William A. Brantley, PhD, William M.johnston, PhD, Masahiro lijima,DDS, MS, PhD, David S. Han, DDS, MS, and Tridib Dasgupta, MS

Effect of substrate shades on the color of ceramic laminate veneersShereen S. Azer, BDS, MSc, MS, Stephen F. Rosenstiel, BDS, MSD, Robert R. Seghi, DDS, MS, andWilliam M. johnston, PhD

The impact of post preparation on the residual dentin thickness of maxillarymolarsErick Miranda Souza, DDS, PhD, Luciano Maurício' do Nascimento, DDS, MS, Etevaldo Matos MaiaFilho, DDS, PhD, and Cláudia Maria Coelho Alves, DDS, PhD

Marginal accuracy and intemal fit of machine-milled and cast titanium crownsHyun-Sook Han, DDS, MSD, Hong-So Yang, DDS, MSD, PhD, Hyun-Pil Lim, DDS, MSD, PhD, andYeong-joon Park, DDS, MSD, PhD

An alternative multiple pontic design for a fixed implant-supported prosthesisRafael Del Castillo, DDS, Carlo Ercoli, DDS,juan Carlos Delgado, CDT, andjaime Alcaraz, MD, DDS

ThejournalofProstheticDentistry (ISSN 0022-3913) is published monthly by Elsevier, Inc, 360 Park Avenue South, New York, NY10010-1710. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY,and additional mailing offices. Customer Service Office: 3251 RiverportLaneMarylandHeights, MO 63043. POSTMASTER:Send address changes to TheJournalofProstheticDentistry,ElsevierHealthSciencesDivision, Subscription Customer Service, 3251 Riverport Lane, Maryland Heights, MO 63043.


Page 19: Tabla Contenidos Publicaciones Odontologia Enero 2012
Page 20: Tabla Contenidos Publicaciones Odontologia Enero 2012


Denttstry VOLUME 106 - OCTOBER 2011- ISSUE4


Table of Contents

Management of misangulated implants for a maxillary overdenture withspherical abutments: A dinical reportAvinash S. Bidra, BDS, MS, and john R. Agar, DDS, MA

Nonrigid connection of tooth with implants in the esthetic zone with a ceramicrestoration: A clinical reportPanagiota-Eirini Spyropoulou, DDS, MS, Michael E Razzoog, DDS, MS, MPH, and DimitriosChronaios, BDS

Severe and rapid erosion of dental enamel from swimming: A clinical reportLeilajahangiri, BDS, DMD, MMSc, Steven Pigliacelli, CDT, A. Ross Kerr, DDS, MSD

Annual review of selected scientific literature: Report of the committee onscientific investigation of the American Academy of Restorative DentistryTerence E. Donovan, DDS, Maxwell Anderson, DDS, MS, Med, William Becker, DDS, David R.Cagna, DMD, MS, ThomasJ. Hilton, DDS, MS, andjeffrey Rouse, BS, DDS

Photoelastic stress analysis of external versus internal implant-abutmentconnections

Pattapon Asvanund,DDSMSD,and StevenM. Morgano, DMD

A segmented implant surgical guide conn~cted with magnetsjunping Ma, DMD, and james S. Brudvik, DDS

News and Notes

TheJournalofProstheticDentistry (ISSN 0022-3913) is published monthly by Elsevier, Ine, 360 Park Avenue South, New York, NY10010-1710. Periodieals postage paid at NewYork, NY, and additional mailing offiees. Customer Serviee Offiee: 3251 RiverportLaneMaryland Heights, MO 63043. POSTMASTER: Send address ehanges to Thejournal ofProstheticDentistry, Elsevier HealthSciencesDivision, Subseription Customer Serviee, 3251 Riverport Lane, Maryland Heights, MO 63043.


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Mean score of oral pain evaluated daily in both Groups I and 2-,

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Volume47, Issue 12www.elsevier.comflocateforaloncology

December 2011



B.Anne-Gaelle, S. Samuel, B. Julie, L. Renaud 1099and B. Pierre

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P.A.G.Carvalho, G.e. Jaguar, A.e. Pellizzon, 1176J.D.Prado, R.N. Lopesand F.A. Alves

Dental implant placement after mandibular reconstruction by micro-vascular free fibula flap: Current knowledge and remaining questionsTreatment guidelines of lymphatic malformations of the head and neck

Juvenile psammomatoid ossifyingfibroma: A review

Functionalgenetic variants of TGF-{31and risk of tobacco-relatedoralcarcinoma in high-riskAsianIndians

Salivaryendothelin-1 potential for detecting oral cancer in patients withorallichen planus or oral cancer in remission

Antitumor activity of a novel histone deacetylase inhibitor (S)-HDAC42inoral squamous cell carcinoma

Nucleartranslocationof MRP1contributes to multidrugresistance ofmucoepidermoid carcinomaThe impact of EGFRstimulationand inhibitionon BPDEinduced DNAfragmentation in oral/oropharyngeal mucosa in vitro

Relationship between the expressions of PD-L1 and tumor-infiltratinglymphocytes in oral squamous cell carcinoma

Factors predicting survival after diagnosis of laryngeal cancer

Co-morbidity and treatment outcomes of elderly pharyngeal cancer, patients: A matched control study

Non-invasivemeasurement of the microvascular properties of non-dys-plastic and dysplastic oral leukoplakias by use of optical spectroscopyThe volume of retropharyngeal nodes predicts distant metastasis inpatients with advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma

Evaluation of low-level laser therapy in the prevention and treatment ofradiation-induced mucositis: A double-blind randomized study in headand neck cancer patients

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ISSN 1079-2104

Volume 112 . Number 6December 2011

OralSurgery,OralMedicine,OralPathology,OralRadiology,andEndodontologyORALANO MAXlllOFACIAl SURGERVClosureof difficult palatal fistulasusinga"parachutingand anchoring"techniquewith thetongueflapA. R. EIyassi,E.R. Hel/ing,J. J. Closmann

Comparisonof three pain scales after impactedthird molar surgeryK. Isik, A. Unsal,A. Kalayci,et al.

ORALMEDICINEA modelfor the pathogenesisof bisphosphonate-associatedosteonecrosisof the jaw andteriparatide'spotentialrole in its resolutionG.Subramanian,H.V.Cohen,Samuely.P.Quek

Nicorandil-inducedoral ulceration:report of 3 casesand review of the Japa'neseliteratureK. Yamamoto,Y.Matsusue,S. Horita,et al. .

ORALANO MAXlllOFACIAl PATHOlOGVComparativeimmunohistochemicalstudyofameloblastomaandameloblastic'carcinomaH.-J.Yoon,B.-C.Jo, w.-J. Shin,et al.

A prospectiveclinicaltrial for assessingthe efficacyofa minimallyinvasiveprotocolinpatientswith ,

bisphosphonate-associatedosteonecrosisof th~ jawsF. Moretti, G.A. Pel/iccioni, L. Montebugnoli, et al.

ORALANO MAXILLOFACIAlRADlOlOGVJohn AlexanderReid,November29,1924-March29,2011

Characterizationof an opticallystimulateddosimeterfor dentomaxillofacialdosimetryJ. V.Valiyaparambil,S. M. Mal/ya

ENOOOONTOlOGVEffectivenessof ethylenediaminetetraaceticacid(EDTA)and MTADon debris and smearlayerremovalusinga self-adjustingfileOzkanAdigüzel, S. Yiiiit-Ozer,S. Kaya,et al.

A quantitativeandqualitativeanalysisof ultrasonicversussonic endodonticsystemson canalcleanlinessand obturationV. Kanter, E. Weldon, U. Nair, et al.

Complete table if contents begins inside

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r . Vol. 112 No. 6 December 2011

Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine,Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and

.J Endodontology



Teriparatide's potential role in jaw bone related diseases. Craig S. MiIler, DMD, MS 703


Bisphosphonates that lack a nitrogen-containing side chain do not causeosteonecrosis of the jaws, regardless of their effect on STAT3 phosphorylationand SOCS3 expression. Allan C. Jones, DDS, Los Angeles, California 706

Bisphosphonates that lack a nitrogen-containing side chain do not causeosteonecrosis of the jaws, regardless of their effect on STAT3 phosphorylationand SOCS3 expression -reply. Jayne S. Reuben, PhD, DaIlas, Texas 707

Two-stage split-crest technique with ultrasonic bone surgery for controlled ridgeexpansion: a novel modified technique. Eduardo Anitua, MS, DDS, PhD, LeireBegoña,MSc, and GorkaOrive,PhD, Vitoria,Spain 708


Closure of difficult palatal fistulas using a "parachuting and anchoring" techniquewith the tongue flap. AIi R. Elyassi, DDS, Eric R. Helling, MD, and James J.Closmann, DDS, Honolulu, HI 711

Comparison of three pain scales after impacted third molar surgery. Kubilay Isik,DDS, PhD, Alkim Unsal, DDS, Abdullah Kalayci, DDS, PhD, and Ercan Durmus,DDS, PhD, Ankara and Konya, Turkey 715

Changes in quality of life after orthognathic surgery: a comparison based on theinvolvement of the occIusion. Ashish Khadka, BDS, Yao Liu, DDS, Jihua Li,DDS, Songsong Zhu, DDS, En Luo, DDS, Ge Feng, DDS, and Jing Hu, DDS,Chengdu, China 719

Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology (ISSN: 1079-2104) is published monthly by EIsevier Ine., 360

Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010-1710. Business Offiee: 1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd., Suite 1800, Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899.

Editorial Offiee: 3251 Riverport Lane, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. Customer Serviee (orders, c1aims, online, ehange of address): EIsevier

Health Scienees Division, Subseription Customer Service, 3251 Riverport Lane, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. Periodieals postage paid at New

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POSTMASTER: Send address ehanges to Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, EIsevier Health

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Comparative analysis of osseointegration of titanium implants with acid-etched surfacesand ditTerent biomolecular coatings. Cornelia Katharina Mueller, MichaelThorwarth, MD, DMD, PhD, Michelle Schmidt, MD, Karl Andreas Schlegel, MD,DMD, PhD, and Stefan Schultze-Mosgau, MD, DMD, PhD, Jena and Erlangen,Germany 726

Plate removal following orthognathic surgery. Bart FaIter, MD, Serge Schepers, MD,DDS, Luc Vrielinck, MD, DDS, Ivo Lambrichts, DMD, PhD, and ConstantinusPolitis, MD, DDS, MHA, MM, Genk, Gent, and Diepenbeek, Belgium 737

Online Only Arlicles

Gap coronoidotomy for management of coronoid process hyperplasia of themandible. Chun-Ming Chen, DDS, MS, Chao-Ming Chen, DDS, Cho-Ming Ho,DDS, DDS, and 1-Yueh Huang, DDS, MS, Kaohsiung, Taiwan El

Conservative treatment of dentigerous cyst associated with primary teeth. Yu-HsuanHu, DDS, Yu-Liang Chang, DDS, PhD, and Aileen Tsai, DDS, MSD, Taoyuan,Taiwan (ROC) E5

Composite bone graft for treatment of osseous defects after surgical removal ofimpacted third and second molars: case report and review of the literature.Khalid S. Hassan, MSc, PhD, Hesham F. Marei, MSc, MFDS RCS, DDS, and AdelS. Alagl, BDS, CAGS, DSc, Dammam, Saudi Arabia; and Assiut and Ismailia,Egypt ES

Craniofacial morphology characteristics of operated unilateral complete cleft lipand palate patients in mixed dentition. Renkai Liu, MD, Dawei Lu, MD, PhD,Peter WamaIwa, BDS, MS, Chenghao Li, MD, Haikun Hu, MD, and Shujuan Zou,MD, Chengdu, China, and Nairobi, Kenya El6

Accelerated healing with the use of a silk fibroin membrane for the guided boneregeneration technique. Ji-Young Song, DDS, Seong-Gon Kim, DDS, PhD,Jong-Won Lee, DDS, Weon-Sik Chae, PhD, HaeYong Kweon, PhD, You-Young Jo,PhD, Kwang-Gill Lee, PhD, Yong-Chan Lee\ DDS, PhD, Je-Yong Choi, DDS, PhD,and Jwa-Young Kim, DDS, Gangneung, Suwon, Seoul, Daegu, and Anyang,Republic of Korea E26

The surgical management of a leiomyosarcoma of the submandibular gland in a95-year-old patient. Paolo Boffano, MD, Fabio Roccia, MD, Emanuele Zavattero,

MD, Cesare Gallesio, MD, DDS, Emanuele C~ssarino, MD, Paola Campisi, MD,and Sid Berrone, MD, DDS, Turin, ItaIy E34

PSA block for maxillary molar's anesthesia -an obsolete technique? Mukul Padhye,MDS, Savina Gupta, MDS, Girish Chandiramani, and Rati Bali, Navi Mumbai,India E39

Mandibular traumatic peripheral osteoma: a case reporto Ruggero Rodriguez yBaena, MD, DDS, Silvana Rizzo, MD, DDS, Giacomo Fiandrino, MD, SaturninoLupi, DDS, and Silvestre GaIioto, MD, Pavia, ItaIy E44

2A December 2011 OOOOE

Page 26: Tabla Contenidos Publicaciones Odontologia Enero 2012

The use of zygomatic implants for the rehabilitation of atrophic maxillas with2 different techniques: Stella and Extrasinus. Ernesto Barquero Cordero, MSD,Cesar A. Magalhaes Benfatti, PhD, Marco A. Bianchini, PhD, Leonardo Vieira Bez,MSD, Kyle Stanley, DDS, and Ricardo de Souza Magini, PhD, Santa Catarina,Brazil E49

Squamous cell carcinoma arising in a skin flap: case report and review onmalignant transformations in skin grafts and microvascular cutaneous flaps.Wolfgang Zemann, MD, DDS, Christine Jacobsen, MD, DDS, Michael Malek, MD,DDS, Philipp Metzler, MD, DDS, and Joachim A. Obwegeser, MD, DDS, Zurich,Switzerland, and Linz, Austria E54

Caldwell-Luc procedure for retrieval of displaced root in the maxillary sinus.I-Yueh Huang, DDS, MS, Chun-Ming Chen, DDS, MS, and Fu-Hsiung Chuang,DDS, MS, Kaohsiung, Taiwan E59

Limitation of mouth opening caused by osteochondroma of the coronoid process.Manuel Acosta-Feria, MD, Raquel Villar-Puchades, MD, Juan José Haro-Luna, MD,Benito Ramos-Medina, MD, and Eulalia García-Solano, MD, Cartagena, Spain E64

Management and outcomes of three cases of rhinocerebral mucormycosis. StefanoViterbo, MD, DDS, Massimo Fasolis, MD, Paolo Garzino-Demo, MD, AlessandroGriffa, MD, Paolo Boffano, MD, Caterina Iaquinta, MD, Giulia Tanteri, MD, andRemo Modica, MD, DDS, Turin, Italy E69

The association between orthodontic treatment need and maxillary incisor trauma,a retrospective clinical study. Ali Borzabadi-Farahani, DDS, MScD (Cardift),MOrth RCS (Edinburgh), and Anahid Borzabadi-Farahani, DDS, Los Angeles,California; and Tehran, Iran E75

Oral and maxillofacial myiasis: a case series and literature review. Antonio AzoubelAntunes, DDS, Thiago de Santana Santos, DDS, MSc, Rafael Linard Avelar, DDS,MSc, Evandro Cameiro Martins Neto, DDS, Bruno Macedo Neres, DDS, and José

Rodrigues Laureano Filho, DDS, MSc, PhJ!, Sao Paulo, Porto Alegre, and Recife,Brazil ES1

Isolation of mesenchymal stem cells from the mandibular marrow aspirates.Bu-Kyu Lee, DDS, PhD, Su-Jin Choi, MD, PhD, David Mack, PhD, and Se-HoonOh, PhD, Seoul, Korea; and Winston-Salem, North Carolina ES6

Periorbital emphysema during dental treatment: a case reporto Lokman OnurUyamk, DDS, PhD, Melek Aydm, DDS, Oguz Buhara, DDS, Aysa Ayall, DDS, andAtakan Kalender, DDS, PhD, Nicosia, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus E94

Maxillary sinus floor augmentation in patients with maxillary sinus pseudocyst:case reporto Nukhet Celebi, DDS, PhD, Zeynep Burcin Gonen, DDS, Erdem Kilic,DDS, PhD, Osman Etoz, DDS, PhD, and Alper Alkan, DDS, PhD, Kayseri, Turkey E97

Accidental benzalkonium chloride (zephiran) injection. Erdem Kilic, DDS, PhD,Nilay Er, DDS, Alper Alkan, DDS, PhD, and Ayten Ferahbas, MD, Kayseri, Turkey E103

OOOOE December 2011 3A

Page 27: Tabla Contenidos Publicaciones Odontologia Enero 2012

December 2011 .Volume 69 . Number 12

@!)oumat 06



Bleeding Evaluation During SingleTooth Extraction in Patients WithCoronary Artery Disease andAcetylsalicylic Acid TherapySuspension: A Prospective, Double-Blinded, and Randomized StudyFrederico Buhatem Medeiros, AnaCarolina Porrio de Andrade, et al


AneurysmaJBone Cyst Causing a PathologicFracture of the Mandibular CondyleByung-Joon Choi, Sung Chul Choi, et al

Benign Myoepithelioma of Floor ofMouth With Mandibular Involvement: ACase Report and Literature ReviewKyle T. Hunt. Mark R. Stevens. et al

Page 28: Tabla Contenidos Publicaciones Odontologia Enero 2012

JOumalof Oral andMaxillofacialSurgery

EditorialVOLUME 69, NUMBER 12, DECEMBER 2011

2941 Maxillofacial Surgical Oncology and Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery:A Perfect Fit

James R. Hupp

Letters to the Editor 2944

oalveolar Surgery 2949 Bleeding Evaluation During Single Tooth Extraction in PatientsWith Coronary Artery Disease and Acetylsalicylic AcidTherapy Suspension: A Prospective, Double-Blinded, andRandomized StudyFrederico Buhatem Medeiros, Ana Carolina Porrio de Andrade,Gabriella A. M C.Angelis, Valéria C. L. S. Conrado,Lilia Timerman, Pedro Farsky,and Luciano Lauria Dib

2956 Retrospective Study on the Treatment Outcome of SurgicalClosure of Oroantral CommunicationsSusan H. Visscher, Marije R. F. van Roon, Wim J Sluiter,Baucke van Minnen, and Ruud R. M. Bos

esthesialFacial Pain 2962 The Efficacyof D<;xtroseProlotherapy for Temporomandibular]oint Hypermobility: A Preliminary Prospective, Randomized,Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clínical TríalHamida Rejai, Obada Altahhan, and Rehab Elsharkawy

2971 Temporomandibular ]oint Problems and Períodontal Conditionin Rheumatoid ArtlÍritis Patients in Relation to TheirRheumatologic StatusBalkees Taha Garib and Sarhang S. Qaradaxi

e488 ExtracellularMatrix as an Inductive Template forTemporomandibular ]oint Meniscus Reconstruction: A PilotStudyBryan N. Brown, William 1. Chung, Matthew Pavlick,Serafim Reppas, Mark w: Ochs, Alan J Russell,and Stephen F. Badylak

Continued on next page

Page 29: Tabla Contenidos Publicaciones Odontologia Enero 2012

Contents Continued

Dental Implants



2979 Zygomatic Implant Placement With Flapless Computer-GuidedSurgery: A Proposed Clinical ProtocolGuido Sehiroli, Franeesea Angiero,Armando Silvestrini-Biavatí, and Stefano Benedieenti

2990 The Effect of Splinting Implant-Supported Restorations onStress Distribution of Different Crown-Implant Ratios andCrown Height Spacesjoseph Nissan, Ora Gross, Oded Ghelfan, flan Priel,Martín Gross, and Gavriel Chaushu

e506 Undersized Implant Site Preparation to Enhance PrimaryImplant Stability in Poor Bone Density: A Prospective ClinicalStudyHamdan Alghamdi, Pradeep S. Anand, and Sukumaran Anil

e513 Post-Traumatic Implant-Supported Restoration of the AnteriorMaxillary Teeth Using Cancellous Bone Block Allograftsjoseph Nissan, Ora Gross, Ofer Mardinger, Oded Ghelfan,Roberto Saeeo, and Gavriel Chaushu

e519 An Open System Approach for Surgical Guide ProductionMareus Abboud and Gary Orentlieher

2995 Aneurysmal Bone Cyst Causing a Pathologic Fracture of theMandibular CondyleByung-joon Choi, Sung Chul Choi, and Yong-Dae Kwon

3001 Benign Myoepithelioma of Floor of Mouth With MandibularInvolvement: A Case Report and Literature ReviewKyle T. Hunt, Mark R. Stevens, Rafik A. Abdelsayed,and Cuong T. Nguyen

3006 Odontogenic Choristoma: Report of a CaseAhmad-Reza Noroozi and Eshansh Arora

e525 Formalin-Induced latrogenic Cellulitis: A Rare Case of DentalNegligenceDurga Shanker Gupta, Shilpi Srivastava,Padam Narayan Tandon, Sunit jurel, Shalender Sharma,and Sudhanshu Singh

3010 Biomechanical Analysis of Mandibular Angle Fracturesjulie Kimsal, Bret Baaek, Lionel Candelaria, Tariq Khraishi,and Seott Lovald

Continued on next page

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Contents Continued

3015 Are Maxillomandibular Fixation Screws a Better Option ThanErich Arch Bars in Achieving Maxillomandibular Fixation? ARandomized Clinical StudyAnshul Rai, Abhay Datarkar, and Rajeev M Borle

3019 Treatment of Intracapsular Condylar Fractures WithResorbable PinsUrs D. A. Müller-Richter, Tobias Reuther, Hartmut B6hm,Michael Kochel, and Alexander C. Kübler

3026 Deidentification of Facial Images Using CompositesMark E. Engelstad, Molly McClellan, julie A. jacko,and Genevieve B. Melton

3032 Oral Piercings: Immediate and Late ComplicationsElma P. Vieira, Andre Luis Ribeiro Ribeiro,joao de jesus V. Pinheiro, and Sérgio de M. Alves jr

e528 Septoplasty: Thoughts and ConsiderationsTirbod Fattahi and Faisal Quereshy

e533 A Modified Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy forHemimandibular Hyperplasia and Simultaneous InferiorAlveolar Nerve RepositioningBernardo Ferreira Brasileiro andjoseph Edward Van Sickels

e542 Anterior Maxillary Distraction Using a Tooth-Bome Device forHypoplastic Cleft Maxillas-A Pilot StudySunil Richardson, Nisheet A. Agni, and Dhivakar Selvaraj

e549 Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Maxillae Using SpiralComputed Tomography and Its Application in PostoperativeAdult Patients With Unilateral Complete Cleft Lip and PalateHongQuan Li, YuSheng Yang, Yang Chen, YiLai Wu,Yong Zhang, DanVan Wu, and Yun Liang

e558 Distraction Osteogenesis Combined With Tissue-EngineeredCartilage in the Reconstruction of Condylar OsteochondralDefect

Hongbo Yu, Xin Yang,jie Cheng, Xudong Wang,and Steve Guofang Shen

e565 Two-Stage Treatment Protocol for Management ofTemporomandibular ]oint Ankylosis With SecondaryDeformities in Adults: Our Institution's ExperienceSongsong Zhu, jihua Li, En Luo, Ge Feng, Yongqing Ma,and jing Hu

Continued on next page

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Page 32: Tabla Contenidos Publicaciones Odontologia Enero 2012

Vagus nerve (cranial nerve X)



ltiS dentists are not en strir.e today.

Wedo,_. 1110angerandIJUstrationof~~ ¡'_andOOhe<pücservicesat the GoIenwnent's attack on NHS pensions.

Supportpensions action day p453





Thecoverimagesin volume211of theJournal depict the 12cranial nerves,showingboth their originin the brain and the areasthat they innervate.Thisissue'scoverfeaturesthe vagusnerve.As well asprovidingparasympatheticinnervatian to nearlyall the abdominaland thoracic viscera,the vagusnervealso receivestastesensationsfrom the epiglottis andcontrols the musclesfor voice,resonanceand thesoft palate.

I/Iustratedin waterco/ourbyJoannaCulleyBA(Hons)MMM RMIp,MedicalandScientificArtistwww.medical-artist.comTel:+44 (0)203287 7202


443 AntibioticstewardshipAlexander Crighton




What lies beneath

Lacking foundation

Glucose and sugar .

Different prioritiesOculomotor concern




Tenders invited and 1,100 apply for training

Have you seen John rveson?

Patients with mouth cancer should be exempt from dental charges

Honours, awards, appointmentsTooth cell service launched

New method for ideal crown attachment

Support pensions action day



Page 33: Tabla Contenidos Publicaciones Odontologia Enero 2012

Scanningelectron microscopesection of a microbial biofilm on a

root canal wall surface p463





.~ .



Richard John Hall p485



455 Education,education,disillusion?C. Holland

459 lost in transition - changes in communication in the leap from dentalstudent to foundation dentist

A. Holden


463 Contemporaryendodontics - part 1 VERIFIABlECPDPAPER

J. J. Barnes, S. Patel


471 A selection of abstracts of clinically relevant papers fromother journals John R. Radford

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo following closed floor sinuselevation procedure: mallet osteotomes V5.screwable osteotomes. Atriple blind randomized controlled trial

Frequency of persistent tooth pain after root canal therapy: asystematic review and meta-analysis

Influence of water sorption of the underlying abutment on fractureresistance of zirconia copings

A prospective non-randomised study to compare oral trauma fromla.ryngoscope versus laryngeal mask insertion


472 Summaryof: 'Estimationof remainingdentinethicknessbelowdeeplesionsof caries' .

474 Summaryof: 'Treatingpatientswithdrymouth:generaldentalpractitioners'knowledge,attitudesandclinicalmanagement'


E20 Estimationof remainingdentine thickness belowdeep lesionsof caries

P.E.Lancaster,H. 1. Craddock,F.A. Carmichael


E21 Treating patients with dry mouth: general dental practitioners'knowledge,attitudes and clinicalmanagement

A. Abdelghany,A. Nolan,R.Freeman



477 Educatingthe dental team: exploringperceptions of roles and identities

S. Morison,J. Marley, S. Machniewski


485 ThesurgeonsHalstedandHall,cocaineandthe discoveryof dentalanaesthesia by nerve blocking VERIFIABlECPDPAPER

A. López-Valverde,J. De Vicente, A. Cutando


Page 34: Tabla Contenidos Publicaciones Odontologia Enero 2012
Page 35: Tabla Contenidos Publicaciones Odontologia Enero 2012

Accessory nerve (cranial nerve XI)



Ixed braces are best and cheapest.p507

Researd1'encouraged amonghygienists and therapists p508





Thecover images in volume 211 ofthe Journal depict the 12 cranial nerves, showing both theiroriginin the brain and the areas that they innervate. This issue's cover fea tu res the accessory nerve, whichcontrals the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles.

lIIustrated in watercolour by Joanna Culley BA (Hons) MMAA RMIp, Medical and Scientific

Tel: +44 (0)203 287 7202


501 Theethicsof cosmetics

Stephen Hancocks OBE


503 RVGgloveNHSastonishment

Callingdisableddentists504 Doesit work?

Wellequipped patients505 An advisedchoice

Disease risk





Fixed braces are bes1:and cheapestGDCannouncements

Evolution of oral medicine celebrated

Honours, awards, appointments

Research encouraged among hygienists and therapists

State-of-the-art facility for Newcastle

BDAcelebrates excellence in dentistry

Name change for BSSPD

Volunteers needed to promote careers in dentistry

Globalleaders unite in fight against caries



Page 36: Tabla Contenidos Publicaciones Odontologia Enero 2012

Periapical radiolucency associatedwith an endodontically treatedtooth p517



511 An effective oral health promoting message?

w: Richards, T.Filipponi


517 Contemporaryendodontics- part 2 VERIFIABLE CPD PAPER

S. Patel, J. J. Barnes


525 Aselection of abstracts of clinicallyrelevant papers fromother journals John R. Radford

Cost-effectiveness of endodontic molar retreatment comparedwithfixed partial dentures and single-tooth implant alternatives

Spontaneous re-eruption of a permanent maxillarycentral incisorafter15 years of ankylosis - a case report

Commentary: Obesity-years-a new metric to measure health effectsof obesity

Causal assessment of smoking and tooth loss: a systematic review ofobservational studies


526 Summaryof: 'Introducing care pathway commissioningto primarydental care: measuringperformance'

528 Summaryof: 'Factors influencingthe shade matching performance ofdentists and dental technicians when usingtwo different shade guides'


E22 Introducingcare pathway commissioningto primarydental care:measuringperformance

R. Harris, C.Bridgman, M. Ahmad, 1. Bowes, R. Haley, S. Saleem,R. Singh, S. Taylor


E23 Factors influencingthe shade matching performance of dentists anddental technicians when usingtwo different shade guidesVERIFIABLECPDPAPER

M. Alomari, R. G. Chadwick



531 Current trel'!dsin removablepartial denture teaching in Britishdental schools

R. K. F. Clark,D. R. Radford,A. S. Juszczyk