. volume xxi....

t. VOLUME XXI. . · < · "' ... .. I SATURDAY, 15, 1880: t _... NUJtBER 98. J .Addrou from tho Prieata of tho Clltho-1 give tQ each f you •. from tho bottom or m_y DBP.All.':rUU OP HIS I to fou,IIX.,or boly '!'emory, 110 a11 to give I or a 1111inL) have cluatcrod 11round 1.oar I tba.promite that J ahtJ.l olkr my d.ral and other., &c. heart, my blelltn!f. . . DB. O.AJlJ'.AG:NINI. whllo you ltOod eentUiel on the me tho Umo 1 .,,... 10 Roruo. 113Crcd. clt:ltftctor-ll clwaetcr which nctlbcr blc God 1Aai Uo may conti11ae to --- . . Yo . ura failhfully m [n to a public requiaitioa, aigned tower or Jcruaalem." Apart rich I t011dCT my beartl clt tbRnh f 1>r the tho of tho en'fious nor t.ho nrro- jllllill you io tho pracUco of tba ..uta. ol On Salurcll\y l:ut, 8th taat.., the followtng ll{.ay8. t CARFAG:SIN I, O.S. F. by many or tho oldeA aod moo respoetod barveaL of souls, who OW9tQ.JOIIr word ud aotdenCbaltco yon hu o preaontvd me ;.aud ganou oln.M ignomnt llhlo to wmporanao aDd charity . Add r eg \ VM presented t o. lbo -- - , citiu111, a lArgo aad iu8ueutial meeting of e_temal •ah · atic?D, TOut dally llhal.l keep M a moat and st4in. You ret.nrn homo with thuopproral YounJ fAillafull io Cbrin, !IIoH lt .cvd. Ur. by the (F ro111 IM of SatiD'flay the RorAaD CaiJioliCII Harbor Gnce an.d 1taeH wau chP tore edi!y, of 70ur t.lutlneas aud good- of your own conacieuCM!, with tho bleasillg t n. 0.1J.F. of U 1 c Calbedl'l\l, nod othc111 of tho Dtocceo -- . . Catbooear ., .... bold rn the Total Abell- end 011, oar- , dnnq · Lho UIIUIY the bc.L of my ol tho peoplo of moat very clue ia New- May 4th. \tho luld come to 11:\r bor on t he oc- Addreu from the Inhab1t.lmt.a ot liar- nenee .Elall on the afternoon ol Sundfty IMt, U C8t m po.rfonu&IJ()O, yqu the fouoda- lite, I hue Spollt amongat> you. [ nead no' toa.ndlaod; 11111 : hruh die oepeci&l (evor of . of bis Lordship's dcpsrture : bor Grace. for tho -eirposo of coD!Iideriag the belst ti on of a BOlla confid e which time caa aaaure 1 onr romomber tbis tho Jlot.r lfathe't Loo' XIU., wbo baa 1.1eoo from u.. or u.. Im- :U" r IT l'L£, 1 SE Yot: I: l. onnsu 11 ., _ To 1M R i?hl &o. llisaY CA.n.r AON j 111 , D.U., meMllJ'CS to bo adopW on tho. dep;u\ure of acver eff3Cc. 10. ber, !I edlod, c.boclful la.•t to tUUcbmr nt to pleased to J'OWIUd merit by promoting lliacala1.1 OoDce$Jtio2l Tu lhe D!\Wtl of tbo cleflP' . or ITubor B i»wp of ll arbor Ora«. Hia Lordahip the M01t. ltOYd. H. Carfagn.ini pic Ly SU' 'O tru • !"Jd . to .your mt, CI Till u&ng 1t on t !Jo nl tar of your !rom a hborioat missionary 71 tM H.llf ' .. ,.; L,4 our hrethren or l from thia OOUDI.ry. L. worda. ; pva ef- God. di ocese to the /)eo or Gallipoll-, namo II .1J. llmJ.. nT c,.u ... cumu, D. D. tlri$ Oi"c.-"" wbo rop.,:rcll hit her nn l\h-rrr " ; o:. Youn l.ont>XI"ft', - was catloc1 t.o tho chair, and F. J. McCArthy, f 1.-et (o yOitr !! a. .abWUCI . (and . Yell, you ab:ll t C:YCIT hi'IYO a abnro or my of whldl signltib beaJatifel ·""- <} F, . • ' • - tbia th e .. ,d C\' C or \' o ur T .orJship' ,; dep ... r- We. the lubabitaol.ll or n .. Esq., requeetod 14 &ct .. Secret ary . Tbo they 1\ro the btgheet order), your l.naa.- bumble prayora'wltb. the new D oc k G pd hu fi "'t ius wo loll.rll, wU a d,iaciplo of lilT fl'rLUSk'TOUft OJtoslJIP,- t ure, l beg to in Your r .or dshlp'a oor Gl'l\cc, bl\'l'o with regret that Chainuau briefty explllined tho object of t. be nod 'l!'lthout to my c:uo: Churcu of tho P,ril.lj)() tho. St. .Peter. lu tbo IW!'e of tho Officera aad Me•bers presence tho txpresaion of ou r Miucero r e- you 1\re td>out to lcllvo this Oiocose i and meeting, a(!Qr which the followi ng resolu- rn of 10mo do- G!\lllpoh llhl\ 11 ever bu iu my FArClfc lll our n iahop, farewell 1 of tho Soe•ety or t he Jmlll&Culat.o Coa- rorcl , bid you .. \'10 reel il incumbent upon ue before you r t ion WM unuimotaly adopted:- atgn b.'\\ ' lliEt for Ita the or God, hcllrt w!th t hat pf ll nrbor G r:u:o by t ho May God, who di reell a.U Utiuga for tho boat, coptiou or tbo Blesee-1 ,Villrla, pennlt UIJ, " v { 1 1 Jepi n \>Uro to cxpren to you our aontime nta the . W\ 'Il!Jon of soW., l.bc adnuooment "oldeu l mk nr love. tmtl d oMh shall f.::' . • 0 your 1\u-" "OUr .. ndor' ·lt- de:uly beloved Father m Cbria&, to olfer To Mll\t e that l l'Ur lip's ret ir ement f d i . r th IV4tro<v, ha'I'IDf! looroed tlul our b<llo'l'ed ti u u - .... from this lsl: mJ is fdt by to be 11 public 0 rcap.:ct 1111 :1pprcc alton or e nu\ nncr baYing apeol obout tw•nty-al.x of. _religion &lld oduC3tion. It. WAS this not aovcr it, for ' love is slrooger tbllll uga Denoath t be Runny ak.iC8 of your nn- Your Lor oehip our good ud to bid in wh1ch you bllYO austl\lnctl JOUr cmlt<!d r•:\J'• lo Nowlouodl&nd, duri n.," whkb, b•· blo 11pmLed zeal t bat llfTilod z r:u for the tivo '•ncl b• •l tb llud h• pprn' ·- •• you our lasL farewell. lou but 10 re-echo tho prcvnlent d ''-1 • . . th' . ... ' "' .. Th 1\n r«ponat u o {'0-'lboa tu os commnDI.J. unl Cor ll oo h t•oor of Uod ADd tho ... halloo of rvorilou.a dutica which for . y •. w.ra B ut bcforo mt derur. tnrc rue 14 upon J OUr n.t ". An·• 1 ·r your ' ia C\d duty, however bon.o rab . lo it ntay in thii Oioce&c. Hut it moro (> :linfull" and \V 1 b d ·· · ·h d · t' 1 b '--· ·• r •·· If tb 1 ,.. " r- •- " " v wu .. 1 o tnvo a to WI• :1 mtm 100 .op •• o .,_ e.rouu or uonoae o r ""r>oc.., o'l'e you so well 110d sc n otabl y auc- aum up be6, 1\ l t he 1natructions I bavo thou ab•• a hould turr 1 to };our fonncr l'te ld be, over\\: 1cl:na our 110ul 1 Wltb aoch d eep tlir"ctly n!fcc ts us, your cl.:rg y. Und er your tl 1 · •• t b' 1 h and \'eneratloo of uia poouto-bu '-o •Pt ><>lot..d r. ' " - rulo wo livet.l '"'PPY ; and to 08 ,, 00 h!\VO IO ' cep m .... res w •o 1 you nvo ever by th• Holy in hla.ostl•n lr.ud. cCMfu l o n tbc ....,bnulor. Oar Catbodml given you, y r cpOI'lting the paning "fOM of l AbOr bo !\t'lured thst cro fo nd &nc.l 1\od hc11.rtfolt 10rrow we feel boand to b een nlwnya " dU r<l guid e. earnest cvinccJ Ill 11.11 matters alf coting tho ctluCl\- ,. ., have dN'no o<l It ou r dulr k> hero to-day epc.'\ka volum,cs iUJ own-it is your ":orlc or. ou r .Saviou.r to . II is : wnnn whose every wish is fM _ your ou r inability .to flod lllnjtlLAgo OJ:· . , 1 . lion of yout h, t-he inuuatrial a.lrl'lncerue nt In '" u 1 or.,..ourbcarllelt """rot Cot tho ua- Rupre.mcl• ·. Tho 1d01'1 In " Ou_ r p1oua L tltff. chofdrtn, "" a lotl lt trlufc 1 'am wotk. •tou, wcl !• pc, ftn·' - bo•.. .. ;. th •·o proUI'fO . of oor AIM I bow . e •er piety nn< l wot.1 w n ch you discbarg- ( 1 1 d tl 1 f .. .\ _ •w u " -,.. .ww.• "- ' - u h .,- coJ the Julies of your culled et.:ttiou be- o t 10 pcup e. IIU 10 0101'11 progrou o cx)l«lod lou of our oot..,moo And vcnen totl t•... bcut: took 11\11\po llnd BYlllDtetry m .your butlxf ore 1 dt part f rom you, t/ 1111 !1,1 I II(Tilin 0\ld ngniD glndduued bJtho cheerful h? t e grtef of yo.•tr tho communi ty; &nll I"C havo noted \fith tor, ami aL Lbn uma l ima '" Ill• wcJ I-mronucd mllld, nnd 1113Umed te8ht.v in COI'I mcw tl you that you fmoc oue aJJothtr. l"et, tid'tng• or your " ·pp'tu"·· nu peoplo uu tlue C\d occ:urion, I& corainly t oli: coed you the nccvmplitbed p!ISto r. . f I lh r J-ordllblp OD bit promotion ln•on • wluioa.r•· U /\ """ '1· whose mctDory Sbl1ll e\'cr c!Jeriah, and Jl ruat.l.tllls aet un e mc.'\Suro.-o auccellll dl""""e 1 ., th•l or Oalllpoll in ltal 1 , · your 1\blo hllntl3. 'l'he woader ia, tbl\t, wilh l o•o all <nco u the childrou of· Goo, nod Wi U1 sentimo uta or !he moat pro oundro - cannot eqnal who, having in a tpeeilll who 1 ,. lifl) it will be onr aim to itDitate. you r e&rncat and Mdu- Beitr4..,...fvr• r.,..,wtll odo lrt u so little nt your J ispoSltl, you effected so lo,·e Gocl iu th em; by ao doi ug . yt>u speel, manner cxpcriencod your gOodoua aDd l ndcod, my Lord, to en umcr:\tc .-our o 3 e rt8 1n t oc•u g reaL calbudylng 1 hr tor"b-olnt: oenthuoniAI Ia much : we could nlmost fancy y our ,·er· h&vc (nlllllcd th e ll\w-f ur al l tl.e fatr fu /- ' Vc Y our Lonbhip's vrilllcu ed your piety, feel more deeply ' lr pceth•c of reli gious denomination to lila LOt"<laloiJ> oa hi• flwol <leparturu !rom 1< .'\lilo ""niua ·11 crcntiro po\Yer in itaelf. ji lt ed i11 one word: tJwu thoft lo.x thfi ll d!Jhbor " -"' hu'"' ·lo . !d n•·-·•· 1 e nt •arvlln'• tbe . lost of o ur zeslous l'11tron aud belond virtUCil, tho Juanv 1\ltd eploudid adorn meat & . b . • t' tl .• h . · ·- _ ... I b .,. b .,..,.. uoU '!""" - ..., 0 I t . wo U"\IIC Ill tc s tmony to le po- Ul, anu I >Ill "" arronopawDt y o.u ., ,. When tlli JI been 153id-and D Ol ing lcsa (U tho obac rnaco or w icli shall p D"'V'"REUX j"- ·' J- .l:'utor. ur Soci6ty OWCI Ita t.o of your mind 1\11< ICMt, t •e momori:th of which you bnvc poaae-.•cd t>rot>rl•to auuvua lrol Uio aaocHOLI.Ik> and gr:.teful could be !!:tid-the \Torl:: !l:!mllins a W!IJ'\',.;1 sccuro pclll:c for wounrelvca in t hia world, Clltb't· 'u "' "i •I •, 't .-n.rb So'uc':lt your Lordlbip'a zeallllld piel", for you ia- :.eal you ha\'o left bohiu•l. won lJ be " Jnbor 0 •A ' tt ·" to 'O"r ruuto 1 peoplo. r d 1 1 o tc cucvo e n. m etc ·'t t d 1 d · d · ' b· " · • · . .. f .o· 1 •·cr • comnu cu J u ,.- ra d h ·' ·' _., o c:onmzc 1\n 3 uor. IlL< otoroAI Joap :J:1 uc•• lu t ho next. D , ..__ 1 au u e t ·, au m O lD"' 10, "'Ou .,.. 1D new, of lo· ···· uu t ILl excceumr: the imil.ll or 1\ r An 1\d Tell., Willi l en re.'u :\Ou submilto ;u - ... ·' .;J«;IT ary " ' chn .,;c. nutI to the unironn cxcrclllc o thnt •n 1 e educ.'\tiou o r oulh. 1\ f.::mine . n.t l' ou biiYo . ma an uuptlrnllclc, d · · : _ . ' ·. lllnctification of oar 10ula; short :t<l. lrcn. .\ 8 our lliohOJl you aJded . II . . I tc . ht I I b•· tho Chllinnnn, wbiclt WM IIJ>proveJ or 1: T ' D. 'E p d dl b I ( .... H f m uo11ce '" m ver mt.ct c ou ' and vcr• · defined plnoo rn ' 'our h 1 pa eXIlmple of d cvolton, llocnltty, rwd obedt- "' . i u... , ren.lknt an 1 Y, t e .g orr . o. we ou so o ·li,•nt 't _,. to our t•r ic•thoou, aud in •· 1 l' r ,. I' · t · 1\ncl • d optc by thn mecti tw · and the fo l- ' "' H b G 1 God l' .t. b b f to tuc pro. uc too o ui.SC:Oo:u, !\Ill 10 m:u ro ll. tn· u ,. d cai....,.. of bcneficor•eo .• a' tl tho now Cocuce to me, aa yourj.ri u • llDd e\·on moro llr or .1'1\.c• A. & IJ. Socioty. . . ..,. . ow tl!<l r 111t or na n .ow to t ruth our mo< .lt•l. \\' c hn\'<l t bc · h 1 1 1 · b t IO\Tin,. named rocu Ucmeo &J>poiutc•l 1\!1 o·- P ., J •., L' '-' G .-. • hJ It b -" -' 1 1 '"11 t e 11\rmomoua re a tona c weco " " le,. 0 you ha.vo built, ti'C .. 0 .,.., wUl bo a ao, M your l'utor, uriug tho .mnny •·c:u-s -x.crrlury. t . u t we awu no ongor ·ee . c lD o .ar Jl\nt Hontincl of Lbo house of Ja!"'ol "midat all cii\SIINI of cit ir.ena lu t. hia communit y. lom1iog " d. eput.,tlon to wait on Hill Lord- " f bl . " 1 I fi 1 h t l C ti ' you our belo'fod 10 Chrut, ,., :u one of and felt Cf!ns!r:uucd to 1\C· Rulntionll 10 li:inrl ly'" thoJe .rhicb hn.·o ahir ":ud. iL : J. L. o to I. p nc, "J 0 ;wongs h t' nua •;· M. J. Acti"!J. P rtlitltllt eucouragi' ' th 1 1 r hun rut our gUJde- ·• / uutfltort.• between us cauuot be sovl!rcd with- J .l ., Chstrmlln, F . J. :ll cCnrthy, J . P., wi' onr CD edrnl, the til r of our So· ruy cnr nco a, lla o t;•t o tea, towar Society St.. Vinceut.-dc-I' aul. th th ugf Ul 't ti J Our d o y .crvor 011 wti n t .. tr.'' Your ole""t .ion to .tho 0 ,;t mutnnl eorr'O\V. Secretar y, C:1ptAios W illi.w1 cictie a of my aucccsaor: 1 J OIL.'f CODY, Sterctary. 0 pa 0 g: on, ao nr-ag t cl J not the nu: ul\l>Ju 81111 phCJt\· of n 1010118 Gear y, NicbolM l!nnr:1lmn, :\lichM:I complete io all their np;r ·\eots. llllll ef- Lot me now reqaost 1\ lMtfnor from you ---- our. otlful Cc&thedm -!\ butld- P" o ;:e tl " th lo of • .\ ncl 1 \'t trust that we "'" Y bur a sh are U . J I K I h I f 't rnlu fi caciouli for their pu ' . wo lDlly well I aru eurc, you will noL d eny : whou Reply : !Dg wtll ovor be II mosL 110 . moro . I II c nn ) 'OUr in Your Lordship's r·l eM.\nt mcmori ell, 80 nen , 0 Ill J, • c 0 Nl I . vi any olber con- pmymg for you r n ew P astor, you will noL lrr D EAlt uupbamg or Your Lordabtp . .lire. \\ o . tho I we cau MSnro yon o :\ in our Jl\tncs Keefe. ll cMrs. C. L. Kennedy. ll•os. gte!,'lltion of cqu:U menus rfld hero lorgot mo your old r utor, tbat 1 uuy bo I tb t be t'f I d t lla . lid e.nergy and S:CDIUS, and a l;'& obllga· th e pn est :\OJ llii,JJ IOiltlry b. "'' heeu ; wi.he8; ""' ' or ou r sincere deaire tbnt your Malone, J ames Kehoe, J ose ]h :ll3Ckcy, or olsewbero. is all ibc of yo ur llblc to fulfil my towartla my ne w d u . b llU I hn 1\11 oomos ttcrlllg tiOU o{ gnt.tttudo IUld admtratlon for a ll you ) 'OUrself to "II !or connection \Yith your new ctuu;e may bo John ::)tno.pp, ll nttbcw l' owc r, o bu Hogan, zeal. 114!f4"-' r' fl ock ; thnt I may e. wo my aoul and the rcsa ,.. ue ve en to pre- thosil :who prize works of Art aDd Iteligion. J ca ll.'l t..:hr•st .. m M "' "tisfi\"IJlry to 311 pl\rtics "" bav.. been ThomM Fion, Jrunes Kcllt P eter l>wycr, \ Lok f l 'd d tnula of tltoae who bnvo been now e ntrusted sent me ou o OI'O of my final Dunng t ho WIIPY yMrs of your Apoatolio y uu led '" huuullry. "' our Awluuon your rultttions to tho commuuity of ll nrbor JAmes Kichard . urphy, Artbnr .i s t\t ·en o ot lttr a'L .u o, pe lr d- to my CI\I'O Ancl \Yheu yoq have from this dih, you lmvo dopic your- mlasion, yea r ual for t bo love of God and \\'1\S tu c c tho•e . .. ·, •r whnm ,,,.. Gr:tce. Thomey, Johu George, 'Yillinm r1 0 ;) ,j OlriL_O il l hP a go ff beard .I hllvO paliSOd away from tbi.l a• ·c Ul. ll.nifes!Ald most forcibly, tho aalYlltion of souls bu been as great liS yo u anol chiuf. T loc \\'c hM·o th e honou r to bo RichArd :\lcCArthy, ·Jnruea Cl\lbnrut, . lA alppi''t','n . wu."" s . rw c r- vallcy'o! tri:Uaarulte:lnt lotyo urcbnrity uot now in dcvolioa /'nd attach- tbt.t which hu alwaJ8 cbr.raoloriud tho my Lo rd, 1\ loich you hron.;ht to Your Lorcl.ihil>'a obedient humble sernnts, Flemming. P eter ll nmilton, Mlclmel ll nr· mg \<It 1 1t t 10 .o y ::,..em ct o t 10 me ut to me 11' IC1, oaao many onner OCCI'l· 11 l · p 1 t f tb F . OrJ b · tl II " · t 'f'b •• dl d '1'-'·· 1 D · 'II bo 1 :d t •- d atop 1\,t my gta\'e i but l et yonr ch:mty go you hllvc s ho,,u iu "'ordt a ud in deed a. 1 08 .n ouc& "" n cs 0 0 tllDCISCSD or y upon o ur •• < ' · uclll!( , yo ur i .\l ex. Ho<. •, l'reabyteril\0 :\linistor , ery, omas -..llU cr, an " r c=o wyer, ) Oll \fl p . o ren ltmuo:r ':l'• 1\D )>oyond it,'huo 00 ti mitd, M God, beCAuliO fo thta country; and your vcncra.ced 113m0 forbc,.,.,.u, ·e on the .J ohn M. :\ ocl, Hector ::; 1 . l' l\ul' 8 , J. l'. up to tbe .\l mrgbt.y A pmJcr Ill our be· God iA chuiL.... ll encu iL is impol!lllible for me, under present aball bo forever cD.Sbri ned l i\(o theirs in ow: coudeaccndinJ: frn nkoc.<-1 of yonr in t.ur.·onrs<• t ,J ohn Goodiaon, MinisLer, J. L. wu. Le t • d f. d I ' I It circu!DIII.'Iucea, «;, fiud wonls to m&li:cn en it- bcll.rl!l 1\ud yon eha ll be hlcasod u oue d_ith " :· ·. 8ph,:' l nu I entl.•:.r;" .: tr!\i ta or I ]'. Dcmcux. c. . :-: . A., ' 1-' . J. For tho 1 1\St time .-o roflc.'\t fnre- fonn o'::'; 1 : t S: of ou'r Y ct, your " t T c "''" T 1: . Be nnett , l)isl Co urt., & cr cta r.•t. welL :\l nny of us t1 1 ill too mol nl ir. lifo; ld us love Goll 1\Ud our nei g hbor, in. You, nmoogn other witb zclll been t oo cr c&t to bo forgot .ton . bY pu t" o !\' an• t s tecw . .... un;: \\'. I' . ,J. ., M if no:hinr; could hrins to tbnt ,ro !bay meet e ""iu in he:tTen, wbero •'- --'·f 1 r 1 . ( ,, d r h ns ; hM been thAt holy ze.-.l wlncl.1 tu· .: "' lr " c. If h:UI 11'\ltl.blc I ll s J r 1\lay 2nd, 1880. our he!\rt& W o h:\\ 'U !oat (I Bishop 1\nd II o- .......... n t: O lltgll 0 gmut U e t c c:lre n d h b t r tl hi 1' l ch ·r 1 · · 1 1 · · · 111111 we euall nuvor bo aep: uit ed, but livQ nut ! interest 1 t ook in tho P"""'l\l.ill nod wei· , t !l rc.'\1 .o IO se.l'llpulc a rut.r : I e• uo::>t on n 14 I' 3r(.'t 0 11 II r ro· .J ohn l'l\terson, J. 1'., friend; nnd :L• Ion:; M po wer hnppy iu tile bosom or God for till ic. -.. :Sl F r:tnciS, lllld )Ike him It ht,s you { ,>ol iul( ua, to whoo• he· : E. w. Quintin, Tho follo ";og llro tho l'lddrc. "-'IC8 which laata, l'l!mcmbcr you :md all that yoa otcrulty. f:tro or the SocieU cs o! \Yh ch you nrc mcm· IMvc tho _comforta of home aad tho 80Ci cty tnn,:1 t ho prn10c !Jqt :u tl ,. ).!'c nerou• fTorl• T. I' . (lu intin, luvo been prel!Cutod, and Il ia l.orJhbi t)' iltu · havo Juno for \IlL hers. Dul ia 10 doing, 1 on ly fuUillod 1 he f f da t beco tb .r 1tr. o( tho ,.;n tvu.< I"' bt·. "hu iJ now I? plies thereto : w ·u r d t; · y I no'" bleas 1ou, lltld in y ou 1\11 my obligatious which 1 had in tho 0 your n en tJ mo e 6t7Tanl 0 { I nno l w•., 3e ln...< w·· ao de. ph· h- : Amlr.>w lt ntltcrford, I '. pro oun li 6Jc de 'b:lio our cbildreu of l. bis dtocese, wbet bor l>rcaeuL or l'tltnbli• bment or th em; aud I mthor Ccel .cn ·tJIII -1 of GW-11 ptoos. n. .ud fe rvent mmia- l:lO'l'. i\l'· '· ; 1 ,., . uu•·g·H.v ··n •wll .·:uu r Address from the Cntholics ot Harbor .o uru o cot scr- ab•out ; ood may t hia my bleums be to ruy.e tr bound to .. 0 .. r 9 ,. lloo ......., {nond or m. . lau, &.. u C":.P. & L.R.C.S. ...__ __ n-·• O•·bo-·•" \'1\llt.s w mt, r 1 , , __ , · ' o--- 1\ o ooo110'·"-" •- .< I ·-d l kl r• Ill hi.·. nn I th·· t.. u.;!" it .. :>ol 'ln..... , u ..... - "' "" 'f04l A II • ···w- 011 thM l!C-'\1 . .......,_ .... WJOWJ'O c - "" r I · inburgh. Tu IM .ll ost Rcrd. Ur .. o;nr C. l nf .\O )> ISI, D.D.• J. L. J.f' ., • nna 1 't r h lui nd o eu ert!J;;. .. - -, t·h th . tb . :n·--rl lu t he f.u lll u cn',lllt bu vour r c- E. :\ . t..r .... '.I., 0 . I' >/ JJ bo G Chairman. r ou"' fniUifullyw ..,, .. .f.. 1 fr!'}J:.2 . •. I.?';l ..... "' ' O.,,m .. -? . .'S U$ nil. How we en, WI 0 IU • • l!lrlt·>th. · . ..\ ., .:s. ·., ;: r rac t. F. J. )lcCAP.TllY, .T.i>., t U. O.S. F. hM•c j,.'3incd tho good-will Mel gnotit udo or u• Jl ... "''• your ft l' crnJl ""· mv L"' \'' 1. tn O'll"'•h·o• 1 T . L. ll :.llo:tt . :\lA\' IT I' J.t:.IS I: You n UOSIIIr, - crrttt•· .q. Mny nil honest me tL You ll!1\'C, indeed, relic nd you tavo Cl\rne our tovn r"" lnl: £l r:1lttn e, '- r ' '" "'. l'"' 111 i"· '" our ,.,,ru e" \\' 1 \\' , U L O nce 111ore, nud wo •·our ehildron, the . 1 · 1. _ , -1• ond ha\'c 11dued splendor to your gloriotlS ' . 4 . \. l Ou, J --- - my poor Jn t telr a nu.neccSSI le3; you o ..:o b • o--- h' I h I .._ nliMiolll Ill lu J:ll ... t •\'llll'·''" '' Ifil l• ,. l It I {' atholics of II arbor Gmcc 1\lld c:;. ,rbon- c. Kcnnc·l)', Tho:nn Ml\lone, Sr ., Wi t- A"· 'ro·· from !• n Co.thOll'o SoCl'otios of I I .•. d r th b I I t II• •uOr w IC l :JJI a wap .,.,en l ·' • • I 1\r( ,. ""' - ·- U\ \'U 1:\III Sue rom c omca 01 my {'COf e r th b . It ·- f tb ou r II J ll· F"t h, •r ! .• o X Ill """ n•nid• t l ht• 1 .•. 11 i; 1-:tnt•, ( 'hi ef C'lcrlt and humhly solicit to you. liam ll cuoe S!!uy, J !\IIJC.i Kehuc, ··' icholu Hubor Graco. 1 uiJ!cry, tl eRtituti onll tlll ot her evils, of wbich one o o r•g 1 es ... 0 o .tu!i•·\11 to .,j ! " l'' ''"'n !..,.,..,•i 1 · (' \\' e know it to bo tho time, nnd we hMc Uanmlun, ' fhu"- l>lic bl\(!1 llrieu, 1r , · ,, r r 1 .. Church, n lUOSt aoble monument of Maetity I. (,•J:O<lrnr :-iul'rcmc .ourt, ( IS uiO C. '\r II I!Ollrce, uy pro- I l d r . tion w•·ll 10 " "' 1 1 · 1 · T , , u come to uv 1-'. lni:WCI.L. tidiul,'>' J ohn Kc ncnly,J oliOI•h .,. Jr r. 11 C D 0 · · -'· d · 1 d th •·- n nu, Cll rtl ing, nn 1\ synonym 0 (lllbuOC IS J;c !'"''"''· m•· l ..c.n I. •<I•·· II 111 the 1 "" " lnu•tcr. S oe nr ·' · ., of Your Lo r'J.,hj' from etn otwst :\latthew l' o ,.or, J olm Nichol as ' 0 • WI ott '. cst:r AltF.\ C:)> fSJ, · ., motJnf?, nr wo""' ao 10 'ce s. 0 .,.,no • and oinerifi co. 11. W. Trn puoll. c. 1 ' .. o O.S.F., J.Ji,ht>p of Uurlor !Jmc... cent nr tuo of T cmptrnacc. lly so <loi ng \ .1 b 1 d F tl · Ch · • 'th to o iT<•r t he'S.' <n: r "'at.mcr.t" of <I n·· II 1 fl L us wu tnrn..,•lc bo to diabolio\'O; but Fi•..r•cl'l\lu, ' l1 10m.u Pinn, ames Kelly, h 1. r 1 ' nu UO\V, o O ft & lOr Ill na., Wl ri cor;.: u . Emt•rson, . r.. . ., ., ., 1 -.. 'l ,. Lo you : \I'C uo:eomo J:'n.•al uene actol"'l nne tnu : · . 1 t. b' l 1 , ( .., •led '" 1 hll.,l ,.,,,.,,; .. ion t(\ , 'I 1 · 11 r. · .. 1 now, thl\t uo room is loft for d oubt, t1o Peter Dwyer , J nmeil \Y11.l ab, HiciU1rJ 1lur · .. \\ ' IT PLEAS£ • Ol'll r. DS tln' ,- f · ... r b th d r II · · 110rrowtng :tcnr • we ll you our as. arn- .. ·' " " ' r•n . . ' · ' · !:icuOO. I k . r It h d r I I J I 1' r J t c 'Y' II ' - . . r neuua 0 your ro c"' nn (! 0\\'·Cil U:CII'!. well! :\l.av "od brio," you u fo to " CUr t hl' .. .. ... ,.'\lolc l' vnlltl, IIIII "·:.; f<)r us !n•J. l ol I' I' ll I trUlll!t ri ea pmn u y ome i nn wo C(' p 1)', l.CC l'. 0 Ill COJb'll, I l.llm On belutlf or }bb- Catholic SOCIC!JC!I 0 (.; t' uc wy dc:lr friood.t iu c he gmcticc ... 111 ,., t.•li•· ., ,. 11 , .. Jio·ll·•!l. ·L·1 111 nl rt ..._ .. , (' it in nil il8 , force. However strongly Putnphre ... , Hichud :'\[cCnrthy. B"roor Gmco "o tk" to l>id )'Oil, our be· f 00 1 1 11 ·,' d 1 0 tl 1 .:_. ,., native l•od ; and thoro maJ yt!llre of pence 0\' o. I · ·• • ' 0 0 cuon.y roo ,rui' CI'IIIIC • ·• 10 •= 100 an ll you i11 10m0 In noy t. .. r!. Rl ;hi, h(o)l r (I \ •. , . I' I . natu re's impulao lllftY ursc us 14 chAfe llllii\U, ,Jilmes Peter ll :umlton, loved Bishool and zealous l'atron or Otlr f I I bol \ll of II o•h ·· -- . · · 1. '' 1111 ro · · n ll r · th · be u : 1 1 fl •r 1 c dJ •1 · L •• o 1 ° t lC poor, •ere 0 '"• "' " 1 rn eaauru ror t he aod trinls you loo: mldy ' "'"·it ! ll •·nrv \ c 'll fl 11 1 "S"IIIlit o our tLe r tetl80n a ... c UlC nrLery, IOiliM nn er, u ICUl><U !:iociotit!ll, 1\ Wt (1\rowcl. fnm1 ·t1 ·"" to whom voa bnvc K'CllreU "" 3CC, •·- 1 . . . - · r b d . bh I . D J p d ' 00 · ·l ' t.l . . ' th . d' ' d _, •n I " I d ..- ·· to l tUde-..tO dun ' u" ''O Ur Dliuion•ry life, c •ptance of tl11• '<,.,...,,..,, l'' "" . l'b · .. iouH Wnt td, oJ8 1 .• wyer, . ., eu ., .... lCI'll. \\ i 1 comrnmntlea, M w• m 1\'1 u ...s, hnro1 ony tlUd p c nt iaess, will c. 'll owu upon ·u""d 111 " 0 -, 1 . ,, for th: .. it.• iutrin•w \':Jln·· mnv be u! ltttlc Cllll !itI J F \l nl n "' .. w ...... .. thero periods io the courso or liftl whon you the bl i!Slliog or HCII\'Cn u ' < e rHiuu t•> \' 1 ur I. ,,.t.h ip: yr t . "" t he • · 1 · · 1 . 1 . 1 1 ' II :\1 (' n dcLerminntion the iuue of \v ieh we ec&n- Reply: the mimi 13 so oppreSl!ed nod the 110 v .., :_. · ·-' t d 1 lh to ret urn to dust," mlly your holy spirit bo Ll•m of t:cdem 1 .:to:>, nnd n .u 1 "·,·u>r of" ·' I A ot. 1 t. ·· · · not otlton,·im con temtlnto than with \'Cry •" .'D D t' fu ll, that men stri\'O iu \'run to find """' 10 tlcs .,.,ng eroc e >y e a u- 'cro...,ned \'lilh eternal g lory iu t be COIIIJi:lny T. \\' . ( ;: .. te n, I Ul.l' . d or Gm.'TLD!EN .. DELOY1'.D IN thority of your lli lhop, you such , M or tho 1 our dc•·otc•l cl••r,:y, wc • ur.•. it will 1 1. .J. Watl3, $(Ttl VI. IUl 1 01\ r elt regreL OunrsT,- lrle<ju.'\1.9 lO uxpresa the ir feelings. ::iuc 'l mcmbo111 or them, nnd M true children of p u f. bel od U b l bl bu pri t.ed by yoar t••ou" mind an•l I .J . <:odtlen. J.r. Your Lordship's petiti ou for relei\BC,M well A lo• ·iog sod tentlcr fnther, on t he ovo of lt cv. l' rolate, is to till th e present OC· tho Cotltolio Church, h!\ve 0 ,.er been doeile rny or llll, ov . 11 017, llnl cas afi<'ellono. tu hcnrt. I I. You<lll\1, u of Home'd gt'llCiOt ll couceasion iu r e- hit d eparture for e loog a au pcriloua TOY· casit>n, when you, our bclo\·ed nod vcncr- and auhmiu h·o to a uthorit y. (.;onthmo your not! cbtl dron. co bt'hn.U of his hrother-pritA 13. ( '. w. lt no.•. " 'u sa y not hiog boyood-"In 1\11 age, uncertain of over aeoing his home ntl'<l I'atron, nre about to from us. in th is prniocworthy line or conducl ; JAN I::T M. :\lay 1:1. r :. f. \\' AI.SI I, I '. I' ., Uri!! ns. ' I ho mo• Ho-. . wo acquiesce"" Catbol.ic:a, but with wrung nod llear fl\lully, with hi:s hesrL full of Yes, o ur he: nl.ll aiult "ith GT!Of in pYtiug your Sociclit.'8 sbl\ll novor uevitl.le from t be "I ·' G''lE .,. .ll'mc• I Jil'l' isluy, J. P. hcnrn." · emotions end conflicting foeliu:; t, ia from ono who, for the &.'\ leo or our pooplo, holy objuet for which they have been catllb· " •• " GHEEN' "" REl- L Y: w. tt. Stirling, tho long •pa ce or 11 qul\rt.or of a to find worda or to cxpr eu them in IUIIWor ba de farowoll 14 tbo clinrms of hit oati\'O liabcd. Yes. borroyiug t he worcla of St.. St<:rciCi r!J. l\JT Dun r;o; Cll lt lq,- T . . \1 . CnirM. century you hi\YO drain ed llDIOD gtlt ua, to "'o finn. ! a dieu of l>ia w e.) ping, beloved, country, Md for o•·or n qMrter of e century, l o'lllltiua to thu :\fngnctrin.n.s : " I recommend Your sentime nts of tlenolion nud Ill tAch· llc oj11min l'"rsous, wt thou\ eLiot, tho beat caorgi es of a spot- aod loring cb ildrcn. 'l'bi•, ia tni dst nod t.rillla of the mose try· to yon that you do all tl•inl,'f in tho couco rJ Roply : meot to me, " hich I hnvo expcrieuced for Tho•. ll cn•lel'!lo u, less lire. From tho Mot.ropoliJ of thia [B. my pr esent positioo. Never lbole oo, I tbal1 iug \fl lh untl rin,c: energy, boly zc. ,J, of God, tho biabop prcaidiug for God. . . Ml' SIS TERS IS J ES US ClllliST.-- ao many hy clo4c conn ec•iou with Uich llrtl Huthe rford, land, wbero lim begun your connection try, aa far. aa J. CliO, to aay e f ew wordt io anti CAro, wl\tehcd c.u efully over All the . Lord didJJotbing vrithout tho fathe r, I t hank you for beaut iful 'A ddrc$So you, you need 110t e xpress io most kind Johu with Newfoundland, to lhoromotcat Bahing anawer to tho very flattering addreas w ith our bo!t intereatll, llUd IRbored bArd to pro· so neither do you anything Uto and l asauro you thM th o kin(l Addrelll which you have presented ma on Robert L.'\hcy, eat.sbliahmdnl.ll on tho o r Labrador, which you h11vo boen pleued to pr080nt moto roli gionl\nd eduCAtion. pric.osl '' 'l'ho holy nll\l'tyr recomme nded to lhord n exprcuod to wa.rda me •hs ll over t hi11 tho eve of my aep.'\ratiou f rom you. llonry 'l'rnpncll, your honored name wu ever in tho moutbs me, on thia the eve or my fiutU. depsrturo You hi\VO been n fnther 14 ua; y ou them "to respect t.ho miuiJtcrn of tho mys· hue a place io tny miad i 1 lh&tl be for Dut, by t.ltia II.Ct or ltinttoees, while you John Trspnc ll, , of nge 1\od youth, a synooym of oadearmCIIt from aruongat you. I shnll, bowover, con- hM·e loved U8, and you moat bnvo or J esus Cbriat., (ibe dOftcoua), tho ever minilfnl of the goodnea.aof your hesrt honor yourselves, you &!Tom UIO u- .la!IICII Jarvis, artd e\ ·e ry ACCrdoW virt ue. For the IIII.Ule fino myaelf to only a row remnru, lea-ring lo\'ed our pcoplo lfCII indeed, to renmiu in priuata, llS tho &eUIItc of God, and the bitho y. froiD \fbicb they hllVO emaaatod. t iafii.Ction to. fe et tb11t my conduct hu had <.:. L. Kenne dy, JlC!riOd you held r,rominent. council tho 14you-to you wbo know my bellrt this country so .long; nmi 1\'0 juJitly fecl M God." . Yes, ia tho Society or tho yo ur a pprob:ltion, and for which a c- 0 . V. Tmvera, ruiu a lellding muter Y hand io tho d e- 10 well. l11 1\t iu losing you, we lo<10 th e beat offalhers, he uy8 to t hem, "\.ho very [mlllooultllo Conception, I blld a cept m) moat gro.terul thanks. n. D. Mc R1'1C,11.nd others. .sign, eoaduot, &admadcx ecu btioo nthearlyChovery I a tho fi111t I ht"':e to congratulate tho ki ndest of friends.. or 11 clturch is gi ... en." A nd object in view : th e bolluty of tl•e 'J. 'etuplo Wbate, ·er good r ba\ 'C done hor o, l hue HarbOr Gmce, May 7, 1850 stop In a dv&llce 0 ore lD e urob you on your pe111ovomnco in kiod ueu By us, by ll.'l al one, who h!ll'e erperieoccd ho adtls " UU\t ho \rno ia witlJin tho 1\lt.'U' is of God, llnd, more so, thM or Ilia aplritual uoae tbrongb you , and witb you, 1\nd ---- you loved so well sud goodneu to me for wbicb you we re your ltiudoess, beuefit cd by J' Our clc!\n, ut htl who is 'ITi thou t it, is \Yith· t emple " hich yon nro, my beloved lriateriL wilbou t you I cou ld do to you , BEPt.Y : Among mlltly II.Cia of devotion to ·alw&ya so much diJtiuguisheu i and lnbol'il lllld auporior genius, lldmircJ your out til , pric.ets, nud dt acollll, is u ot ll...,u , iouectl, '"Y object. thi\L- you migbt therefore, f or My good tbaL has been tloDe, du&y which di.rtingulabed Your Lord sh ip'• nluo you 1et upou tloo li ttle I havo been amiability ancl of llli\Unor, nnd clc.:m." Au wrilin1: to t he l'bilnuclpbi : ms 1\doru 1\nd be autify by your os ortiollS and ia due t ho tri bute or pnliao. Aooopt my ben tbaalts for th o most kind hero, we reeord, with peeuhar al.ol o tn do iu helping for\'1(\rd your wt.o bll\•(j your ZCI'll for lloly Ho- he 11- ' '1" : " • cl•ildrou or a nd truth contrihuliOM t bit bolisc or God; 1\n cl ia 10 · You, a.a tho El•le l'll to .\f oatt, b&ve be en aad u11aptct«l Addreas you hnve been plea.s- tho memorable s taud nw.lll by aa well ,u yo ur rempo111l But I ligiou, end yo or llrdont de.siro to promoto s hun divisions nud unsound doctrines : doing. you · aro outiUcd my .uuuli:a, aa to me, iadecd, o( great help; fo r " tho ed to preae ntruo, on the evoo{ my you in ropc:Uing inftlion of tho u.cred laws muat confosa t hat, whate\'t'r I hi\YC dono tho eduCAtion or our childr en, c:1n bo pro· \vhcro tho p:\Stor iJ, thero rtblo let tbu fi oek well u thoJu of all tho fait llful o! thi• com- hcary burden" of the E piscopate " waa from this Dioeuo.. Upupect ed, did I uy ? and diactpUno wbieb opbold our C hurch, for you, [ bah only donp my duL y. I only pcrly tbc void your al>$euoo will bo: those who aro of God nnd Christ they lllltuity: .beside• Lhc ctertllll rewRrd wt.icll abovo mynrcngtb," sud "I could not bear No, I am wrong. 1 this act of and mAko ti er l ovely in -the sis ht of men. lhet elreum)tane08 and ruy ow a in· era.te. nro w) th the hlshop; do uol deeeh·o you rna)· expe ct from God who dwella In it. it alone ; being thar ed you" it be- kindoees from you, whom I huo ro- 'l'bo eDJDplo whieb you have given ability hiiVe not permitted mo to do more. Bound 14 }:ouT Lordaltip, tbon, by eo yourtOivea, my bretbroo, '' And riting to nut my object "Ill tbllt you came " so' many pro d• ol attention aad heaps confidoaee, if auch. were waul- · Yea, t ho odaeatioo or 1our children bu umny ti oa of nff1.-etion and grntlt udo, our thow of SmyrnA ho a dds by f. 'lying ; " who obtain f rom God, t hrough tho int.:n:oatou Ynn ruol rnr u,., or fl()ul.s 11n- fri!lndahio duriQII' t.Jt' J'1'.Jideaeo 1 hero iD,g, in the firmnCIIand integrity of cbureb onr bc oa lhs obicet or my hcnrt, 111 it 'WM in scp.'U'tlting must bo groat i ndeed· hon ors tho biJbo p, is honored hy Gvd, llnd of His ltumllculate Moth er, your PelTooCIIII, trtlll od to your care; your readi nCII in - from you whoao IJIOtftl aDd nte lbv v ml rur wu u:r. r <rNI Unh...l to como to and the limi UI or a f11 rowoll adtlreu c:m bul who tr ius u nderhand injuro the bis hop tb o gt'IICC to onRblo you to ndorn and M&wc riDg to tbo call of duty &lld chari ty, loetutU. vlrtuea called forth my ad· or 14 wh ich you belong. thia country upwnrds or a qnartor of a inlldequntcly convey tho of aorrow gives homage . to the do vii, +J iabolo priiUtat l>cMt tify your 10ule with virt.uos. F or iu 1 re gardleu of al l ob Jtac lu, abowed you to miration, from tbe 6rat momoat I h&d You ... .from ua, buL there is one cenLuryaao; and, llftcr boc omi"e your uu. which ovonr helm ourbeArtrl. Your parting ulJnquiUJw.) erec ting your Society l plll(letl it.smombor11, be zealoue rwd faithfullaborera in thTine- the hRppi n•14 malto· yoar &equalntaaeo, b . h .r-• . th trild hl h worthy Futor , tho education or ) vuwords sink u d eeply ioto our boll.ita 1\1 1 repeat thcac exhortAtions hero, bec:luae in A spccitl.l miUiuor uader Lbo proloctioo of yard of Ute Lord ; your devotion aod llnd wtVCh increaaod with I!Jy knowledge or ng t 10 0 on>OA w c wo obildron became one or mi manifold and th0110 of tho Apoauo ;sc. r .. ut tv tho l\Jilo t'b-e._ .. of subject ion and obedicoco to lho Mother of God, and tl or to t it em b · · •- tb it -" f yon-from you wbo•o nooerout and chari t- loYe to tight. We are allured that New- u cred dutiu. Hence, &ftoraome atro<>o>le a••n& •·t '" l -o lAlli fl " t i j 1 d · · t' · L.. aa an C.Xl1mple fo r their iwitauon. ea mw1oa .... my au or '1 ma.ue me orge. .. foandlancJ, whieb you ha•c edified, i.e onlJ 0 ,. ., """'"' w a you ,.mong P":5 ors, n mon o nt •n 10e1e 108, 1& ruo"' I wu your Diabop, you aa trna min. able heart, loftY. and enlightened miad, made threahold 14 a })911it:ion of etill more con- I wu a bout to r ealize t bi11 cherished objcd I llatle gcme pmulu' ng IM Ki"!f <l t ,; ,. o mjurious to religion, 11 nd of moro IC4nclnl Yea, the c:bi ldreo of tbo holy P:ltriArcb, of tJ•e Al tar, e nd 0'1'0 you 118 broUtel'll. you rovere ani\ · true 'firtuo whore- apicuout ud mark.ed. trust in your native or mr deairea, iD eJtabliahiny; e · apperior God, lliall- my fa«. no 11101'1: i e nd the lloly to tho pooplo thllU in 'fhi.s is SL 1-'raucil, hAve beon the .. or tho Continuo , my dear broth en , in thiJ ex- onr fo und 1 and n eo he ebadow of it ia me. la nd. 011t be.t wl.eb. Oll will pursue you .eboo for of t o youth of Scripture te1J.I u.s that tho fnith(ul were wbl\t snd exporienco overy,.,·bero toii.OheH 1111. 1-'1\ilh in tllia lslllnd : for thllt reuon, 1 pro · emplary an.d prai.aoworthy line of condact It does, IDUeod, do bon or 14 your heart wbithoi'IOOYer you go. Turning uido f rom this diocuo. The new SChool building ia sad wopt 11Uhcao worde, whilo they Dot 1 know thAt the to exbortl\tiona 14 ourod t beL benutifulatatu o of Sc.. ·Franca..; under myaucc0110r, ud may ho appreciate and mind io te the littl o good I our own boreavomeut, we ...... with deli.,.bt a ow 11early completed , ud my aneceasor, bNJa!]ht tho holy Apoat.l c. on rmy to lluJ obedience ao<l aubruiasion 14 apiritu:U au- ahui LwaamyinLeolionto oroctanAllariot bo. ba'ndono l'ogarding' tbe odoCllltioa of the th f o- 1 d who, I am epro, will bo to yun a wp. Aad wo, like tlioaojli.'IL Chrittinns lhorityof tho boly i!Jartyr ,St. fgoaUull, tho CllhedMll, uadorhianamo, tothc Ai mighty. and IOYO you .. I .dla. And may Lord, yoath of thia Dio..'tlll; and to appron of Ol1 it proepect 0 maorc a an annoy Paator lllld lead )'OU puture, will 11.110 be \'(j reuon 14 gri0\'8, beCIIU80 we ehali intliiiAIO uieeiplo or St. J ohn tho F.vaagtliat, 'l'hero p tOil tmt o beforo it. you and tU. l lbl) ia whoao yott 10 falthfally labor, my aa recall ud l mpr ell day io et.oro foT you m dtt kin do the rest. , no l onger see in onr midst our belove<l l' u- hA• •o ever been e ngraved on your sod faitl1fu'l miabt olTor hurublo prayera to Gcsd give you, after death, &.be reward Ho baa upon tho minda of .r people that Hencef orth { 0 n will follow tho wont. Tho work of the Cathednll is nther tor ; wo IIIUJ II no lolfgor hQ.'\r hiil \'oico you,' Dly uCI\I' frlcods, 113 t n. 1o or 14 obtllio from lliru, through tho intoreet- promi.aod to Bi.l fOOd KITIDta, ud to tho comma ndm'cnt of p Lord t.o love all mon od . tenor 0 year waya amona-t your youra t baa miao ; your 1lCIIeroaity i o rc· n.s to clu!tity-to God llnd Il ia holy church, havoalwayftcted aion of roy ICnlphic F11tbcr St. Francie, t he faithfu l dilpeuenJ of Hie Holy m,.teria&. u chil dren or God,aa , to do good unto all ; ::Jt. epondiu!f to my CAll, aod ' th o zcll.l of my tbc (iraotico of Ill! ChriatlAu virt ue& Wo a cc ordingly. Conti Due in your wor of graces to follow serupuloutly t he dlctationa 1 am glacl to hoar of yoar , ud aDd, ' u a Gen't.teiiWI tad Cbriltfau Diahop, away m n• hotter lo'fed JOU will net' prie.ta tn JOur. contrilfutlon1, griove, lllld with ue griovo ell your faithful clutriLy aud in tho virtue of leruporance un• ·o( thllt l- '11itb, wb10b hie c\i lc.tren, my ftlial attachment to B it Rollo- Leo I could 111tfor 14 4ee the ' c hlldri n of my bo. 'u.- _, d bo b tlM b baYo enabled me to do 10 mach. · Let ii people from tho reruotoat parta of tho [.a. der tho guidftnco of your Pastor, &lld your brolbo .. , wiU1 10 much., dovotloa and &eal xm. Coatiuiae to choriab u,- be&a- HoanlllJ Fat.ber my btvtbon aud lollow- u aor -ool UT· tuftl'!O 14 say tbat it Jt aow all b ull com- brador 14 the ostromo llmita or your otLeo- Sooiotloa abel I ev er bo qt\dor tho proUlction hau planted in tble coun&.ry. tiful U14 eablhae eeotimeata towardl the "' lllld dtprinld of the den yoar dloliuil!l yean, aod. ud plele ; aDd that althoagb tho tum of aivo dioceeo in NewfOWldl&nd, beea010 your of God. I a hall ac•er 14 Pl"1 for yon, a od yooerablt E'•U. aDd pray tba* fruit ofobarity.tiCI WbC1l the oome, compoeo . hnDdied &Del ilfly poUDdl i.e QUO On i!l'ae- people WOf9 DO lbanpr& 14 )'OU aud you lfay the pl11)'011J and t banh of tho poor, hin lurO JOU, in cour c:bar\Ly, wtll .Alm!pty Gocl -., IODJ proaenoo him 14 ud welfare . of : )' O Dl' eyoe ill death. oou" yeti lean 14 che amoon• 'lfOI'e,DO etr-a.,ger to them. ' you huo gladdened with yoar pro· Uefcr forae• 14 P,.Y for mo. All\)' God, ecwom Oil Uolr Cbarell. -z eball bo most harmony ud JOod-1fUl Ita mem- Thro1:';' &he the unwoloome of oee . &boiilucl fD ita fa•our. J 'l'bore II' bu' ODe thing whleb, on tbit cd ia thei r destitute a bode11, and of tboao t be bellllt.y qf wboao honao you. hno ao _ happy to proeenlto the )tuber your Oort. But, in doiDJtiCI, I li . IJU)ly perfennod news of our Lordabip t der.zro but&ke .n boiYOftl', to lean It uu8alabecl. ooouloe, .adtJ&ata ill.,_ oar 10"- wi'foe and children who r cjo[Qo to ha,·o, much at hearl, throua:h the of ho!Uiie olaftachmonl 14 Him my dllt1,1411'VCM GochudBoCWy·· ud my all by ud eUnec;l ,.W..lto their '!lie rtdnnceil ol &be WOik ancl IO'tr ucl thia& it, tbal what caua na 10 through you, IO\'Creff tempor.lnCO, temper- lila lmm•'!ula*lllot.hor 1 w:ltOCie}rloriee ud aDd to &he BoJ7 See, deyote cf people,u hiiP. upeet., tmoria· "'1 dep · 'Y oa11eld m u eiDiueDUo- &be plaDe ucl wblob I' lean mad; Lordab lp pereoa- ate loving r.ober ud kind dot'Otion .)I>)U have 10 IO&IODIII promalpt.d Blm to ,oulal8 od theba. 1"!1 tM ..... _, ucl r:r!: i lftft •!J wllJ mike oomplolioa,.D tuy ally boaor ud plnea. ,tf&er so 111110)' father& and brother., be your reward on 1\Dd proa:ul.ed ill ihiJ oommuntiy, pnl you I wader yoa Tee. .... Uemetl. 1 Hall keep,_- Ad- iad,- 00Df01114 no &lao lit the tut. _,Jeavel&uu- yean of bo111 1pe11t in t hiurdu- e&l:tb. And after tponding your lifo, fol- Uia 14 lead In \llil world a l'ectoral cro. di'OII u a .-.mbniJioe of 10flr podDeta wide COIDpul -a Cltncerity of emotion batla.hill brlna I' on oae roo. retum to the l o,riug in tho footatape of our Saviour, d o- llfu wonbr ol &be t rue daaabtc>n Of Mary 1 off• me. Aa ad -. a8cl .U ,_ wlaiola the ooalllioll 11M Yow my u,rc. u I' hu ntr been the laud 01 JOV 'liealnUul Jt.q. A Ina 1o0d aato al l men,IMJ you ud afhtr a happy d1111th. 11111 lle adllllt.JOil .S.pdcnl IDd ia dall wod4 :for ware oar IDOl& rnerecl aad , Am ol mlad. Bat. wftb &bellll#rial bero from woddl7 Bit iililda, dWb, &bat. crown or Rlory the ble.aeci Ia We ut Milie ...,_ bela Ule&odo Charchl briar,uarancloDJDJll""' do tU apa whieb He bu for U1o .ctwiaablo olerual llabd witlaoan-r .. thl)llrltall-tllat. le 1011 : JOII, lrt*·; llld for tba fello•·•aeo. 1 IIDJ alltN:Jtpdltn of . til wUil Olll" - 'JIIIIl ...,. .• ,._ whOII fi"OdO• ...S ua,. 1etr .- t1101e w11o, ridu:lliac ,_ I tbaok you apia for 1oar. alectJuna&e *-... 't' 11 .... of)o'l! Lora- -• to • ,..Jl trle!l aa4 Wica of tWl::fl7 IDd.IIICriloll, M&iiP dIDd more eo, for the aoocJ yoo hate 1ia -" .._ cif-M ...................... OfJOllf r ·• -e:..::.lOft-= to thil, IDJ e'lef BcMaucl ... !JAil' At,.._ol..:la:W-.cli_. .... ,to Iahe,Ictvei0 1 jo aanclillJW.toaU - .. or tMil!lf.. Chldl. llaaftl .... fW of a the -lllbel"' ol your from tho W• lelttft11, ..._. -*!' IW Gllill wldllla 1M .... liM ..trr) Mtl ,._ INl ... beela tW bodOm of m7 lila._.,, witll '

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HA·RB~R ·a~CE,. NEWFO~~, SATURDAY, ~y 15, 1880: t • • _... •


.Addrou from tho Prieata of tho Clltho-1 give tQ each f you •. from tho bottom or m_y DBP.All.':rUU OP HIS LO~ I p~grua ~~morality~ to fou,IIX.,or boly '!'emory, w~ 110 ~ a11 to give I or a 1111inL) have cluatcrod 11round 1.oar I tba.promite that J ahtJ.l eft~' olkr my b11111~ d.ral and other., &c. heart, my blelltn!f. . . DB. O.AJlJ'.AG:NINI. whllo you ltOod eentUiel on the me tho laa~ Umo 1 .,,... 10 Roruo. 113Crcd. clt:ltftctor-ll clwaetcr which nctlbcr blc prayorr~ God 1Aai Uo may conti11ae to

---. . Yo.ura failhfully m <:h:-''~· [n respon~e to a public requiaitioa, aigned tower or Jcruaalem." Apart from~ rich I t011dCT ~u my beartlc lt tbRnh f1>r the tho a~lumnica of tho en'fious nor t.ho nrro- jllllill you io tho pracUco of tba ..uta. ol On Salurcll\y l:ut, 8th taat.., the followtng ll{.ay8. t H~ CARFAG:SIN I, O.S.F. by many or tho oldeA aod moo respoetod barveaL of souls, who OW9tQ.JOIIr word ud aotdenCbaltco yon hu o preaont vd me ;.aud ganou oln.M ignomnt ~ovuLe llhlo to wmporanao aDd charity.

Add reg \VM presented to. t~is Lordahi~ lbo --- , citiu111, a lArgo aad iu8ueutial meeting of o:ranl~lo e_temal •ah·atic?D, TOut dally ~a- llhal.l keep i~ M a moat de:~r and st4in. You ret.nrn homo with thu opproral YounJ fAillafull io Cbrin, !IIoH lt.cvd. Ur. Carf:~gmnl by the t~neatt (Fro111 IM Stm~dard of SatiD'flay ~t.,~ the RorAaD CaiJioliCII o~ Harbor Gnce an.d TOr&'l~On 1taeH wau chP tore:· edi!y, iu~.mon~ouL of 70ur t.lutlneas aud good- of your own conacieuCM!, with tho bleasillg t n. C~FAG.'iL.'U, 0.1J.F. of U1c Calbedl'l\l, nod othc111 of tho Dtocceo -- . . Catbooear .,.... bold rn the Total Abell- end ~truct. Re.ervc~ ~ 011, oar- ~eat ,dnnq ·Lho UIIUIY yeAn~, the bc.L of my ol tho peoplo of moat very clue ia New- May 4th. \tho luld come to 11:\rbor Gr:~cc on the oc- Addreu from the Inhab1t.lmt.a ot liar- nenee .Elall on the afternoon ol Sundfty IMt, UC8t m po.rfonu&IJ()O, yqu the fouoda- lite, I hue Spollt amongat> you. [ nead no' toa.ndlaod; 11111:hruh die oepeci&l (evor of . c:l~ion of bis Lordship's dcpsrture : bor Grace. for tho -eirposo of coD!Iideriag the belst tion of a BOlla confide which time caa aaaure ~o~ t~ 1 ab~lt onr romomber tbis tho Jlot.r lfathe't Loo' XIU., wbo baa 1.1eoo Ad~ from u.. ~ or u.. Im-:U" r IT l'L£,1 SE Yot: I: l.onnsu 11., _ To 1M R i?hl &o. llisaY CA.n.r AON j111, D.U ., meMllJ'CS to bo adopW on tho. dep;u\ure of acver eff3Cc. .t~ 10.ber, !I edlod, c.boclful la.•t to ~~f ~aect!ou ~ml tUUcbmrnt to pleased to J'OWIUd yo~ merit by promoting • lliacala1.1 OoDce$Jtio2l

Tu lhe D!\Wtl of tbo cleflP' . or ITubor B i»wp of llarbor Ora«. Hia Lordahip the M01t. ltOYd. H. Carfagn.ini picLy SU''O tru • !"Jd . to .your mt, •CI Till u&ng 1t on t!Jo nltar of your Lo~ip !rom a hborioat missionary 71 tM ~mt H.llf ' • ~....._.._...1· .. ~ ,.;L,4 our hrethren or l ~ from thia OOUDI.ry. ~- L. P:ron~K.Q.. worda.; &Q~~ pva ef- God. diocese to the /)eo or Gallipoll-, namo II .1J. llmJ.. nT c,.u ... cumu, D.D. t lri$ Oi"c.-"" wbo h~,·o rop.,:rcll hither nn l\h-rrr " ;o:. Youn l.ont>XI"ft', - was catloc1 t.o tho chair, and F . J. McCArthy, f1.-et (o yOitr !! a. ~ .abWUCI . (and . Yell, you ab:ll t C:YCIT hi'IYO a abnro or my of whldl signltib beaJatifel ~- ·""- <} F, . • ' • -t bia the .. , d C\'C or \'our T.orJship',; dep ... r- We. the underaigu~d lubabitaol.ll or n .. ~ Esq., requeetod 14 &ct .. Secretary. Tbo they 1\ro ~f the btgheet order), your l.naa.- bumble prayora'wltb. the new Dock Gpd hu fi"'t B~op ius wo loll.rll, wU a d,iaciplo of lilT fl'rLUSk'TOUft OJtoslJIP,-t ure, l beg to t~mlor in Your r.ordshlp'a oor Gl'l\cc, bl\'l'o lc~rned with regret that Chainuau briefty explllined tho object of ~ry nod !aJI~enco ~ployod 'l!'lthout entruate~ to my c:uo: ~he Churcu of tho P,ril.lj)() ~f tho. Apo~es. St. .Peter. lu tbo IW!'e of tho Officera aad Me•bers presence tho txpresaion of our Miucero re- you 1\re td>out to lcllvo this Oiocose i and meeting, a(!Qr which the following resolu- •~Lerrupl!on rn t~o p~utio:1 of 10mo do- G!\lllpoh llhl\11 ever bu eouu~clcd iu my FArClfclll our bcJov~ n iahop, farewell 1 of tho Soe•ety or the Jmlll&Culat.o Coa-rorcl , ~n·l bid you .. f:m~\'lell." \'10 reel il incumbent upon ue before your tion WM unuimotaly adopted:- atgn b.'\\' lliEt fo r Ita ObJee~ the g~ory or God, hcllrt w!th that pf llnrbor Gr:u:o by tho May God, who direell a.U Utiuga for tho boat, coptiou or t bo Blesee-1 ,Villrla, pennlt UIJ, " v {

1 1 Jepin \>Uro to cxpren to you our aontimenta the .W\'Il!Jon of soW., l.bc adnuooment "oldeu l mk nr love. ,· tmtl doMh 1~olf shall f.::'. •0 your stan~~ 1\u-" Iii~ "OUr .. ndor'·lt- de:uly beloved Father m Cbria&, to olfer

To Mll\te that l l'Ur .ore~ lip's retirement f d i . r t h IV4tro<v, ha'I'IDf! looroed tlul our b<llo'l'ed ti u ~.~ u - ~ ~ .... from this lsl:mJ is fdt by u~ to be 11

public 0 rcap.:ct 1111 :1pprcc alton or e nu\nnc r Di•hor-r~er baYing apeol obout tw•nty-al.x of. _religion &lld oduC3tion. It. WAS this not aovcr it, for ' love is slrooger tbllll uga Denoath tbe Runny ak.iC8 of your nn- Your Loroehip our good wi~b01, ud to bid in wh1ch you bllYO austl\lnc tl JOUr cmlt<!d r•:\J'• lo Nowlouodl&nd, durin.," whkb, b•· blo 11pmLed zeal tbat llfTilod zr:u fo r the tivo '•ncl ~·y b• •ltb llud h•pprn' ·- -·•• you our lasL farewell. lou i~ but 10 re-echo tho prcvnlent rcolin~ d ' '-1 • . . th' .... ' ~ "'' • ·~· ~· .. ~ ~ ·w• Th 1\n r«ponatu o {'0-'lboa tu os commnDI.J. unl Cor lloo h t•oor of Uod ADd tho ... halloo of rvorilou.a dutica which for . y •.w.ra But bcforo mt derur. tnrc perm!~ rue 14 upon J OUr n.t" . An·• 1·r Ofttnh''·~·· your ' ia C\d duty, however bon.orab. lo it ntay

in thii Oioce&c. Hut it moro (>:linfull" and \V 1 b d •·· · ·h d · t ' 1 b '--· ·• r •·· If tb • 1 ,.. " r- •- " " ~ v wu .. ~ 1 ~ o tnvo a to ou:~Cri'O WI• :1 mtm 100 .op • • o .,_ e.rouu or uonoae o r""r>oc.., o'l'e you dtsclm~cl so well 110d sc notably auc- aum up be6, 1\ l the 1natruct ions I bavo thouab•• ahould turr1 to };our fonncr l'teld be, ove r\\: 1cl:na our 110ul1 Wltb aoch deep tlir"ctly n!fccts us, your cl.:rgy . Under your tl 1 · •• t b ' 1 h and \'eneratloo of uia poouto-bu '-o •Pt><>lot..d r. ' " -r ulo wo livet.l '"'PPY ; and to

08 , ,00

h!\VO IO ' cep m .... res w •o 1 you nvo ever by th• Holy Se<~IO "dl~e i n hla.ostl•n lr.ud. cCMful o n tbc ....,bnulor. Oar Catbodml given you, y rcpOI'lting the paning "fOM of lAbOr bo !\t'lured ths t cro bt!:~t fond &nc.l 1\od hc11.rtfolt 10rrow tbe~ we feel boand to been nlwnya " dUr<l guide. Th~ earnest cvinccJ Ill 11.11 matters alfcoting tho ctluCl\- ,.., have dN'noo<l It our dulr k> 10~1 hero to-day epc.'\ka volum,cs ~. iUJ own-it is your ":orlc or. our .Saviou.r to .II is ~loved "l>?stl~a : wnnn h~rte, whose every wish is fM _your co'n(~ our inability .to flod lllnjtlLAgo OJ:·

. , 1

. l ion of youth, t-he inuuatrial a.lrl'lnceruent In or<l<~ ' " u 1or.,..ourbcarllelt """rot Cot tho ua- Rupre.mcl•·. Tho 1d01'1 roo~ In " Ou_r p1oua L tltff. chofdrtn, "" a lotllt trlufc 1 'am wotk. •tou, wcl!•pc, ftn·' - bo•• .. rc-•~·t ~ .. ~·1et•· ;. th •·o proUI'fO. of oor feehn.-~ AIM I bow. e•er piety nn<l fiddit~· wot.1 w n ch you discbarg- ( 1 1 d tl 1 f .. ~ .\ _ ~ ~ ~ •w u " -,.. .ww.• "- ' - ~ u h .,-coJ the Julies of your culled et.:ttiou be- o t 10 pcup e. IIU 10 0101'11 progrou o cx)l«lod lou of our oot..,moo And vcnentotl t•... bcut: took 11\11\po llnd BYlllDtetry m .your butlxfore 1 dt part f rom you, tl1~ t/1111!1,1 I II(Tilin 0\ld ngniD glndduued bJtho cheerful grea~ w~y h? t e grte f of yo.•tr fait~ful

tho community; &nll I"C havo noted \fith tor, ami aL Lbn uma lima '" c:oa~o.,..tuiAto Ill• wcJI-mronucd mllld, nnd 1113Umed te8ht.v in COI'Imcw tl you that you fmoc oue aJJothtr. l"et, t id'tng• or your " ·pp'tu"·· nu pro·~n·· peoplo uu tlue C\d occ:urion, I& corainly toli:coed you the nccvmplitbed p!IStor. . f I lh r J-ordllblp OD bit promotion ln•on • wluioa.r•· ~ U /\ """ ~ '1· whose mctDory ,~0 Sbl1ll e\'cr c!Jeriah, and Jlruat.l.tllls aet un e mc.'\Suro.-o auccellll dl""""e 1., th•l or Oalllpoll in ltal1 , · your 1\blo hllntl3. 'l'he woader ia, tbl\t, wilh lo•o all <nco u the childrou of · Goo, nod WiU1 sentimo uta o r !he moat pro oundro- cannot eqnal onr~, who, having in a tpeeilll who

1,. lifl) it will be onr aim to itDitate. wj,ic~ha1·~ "."e~•lecl your e&rncat and Mdu- Beitr4..,...fvr• Nu<>lttd-'l'~''" r.,..,wtll odolrtu so litt le nt your J ispoSltl, you effected so lo,·e Gocl iu them; by ao doiug .yt>u t~luotl speel, manner cxpcriencod your gOodoua aDd

l ndcod, my Lord, to enumcr:\tc .-our o 3 e rt8 1n t oc•u g reaL e~~usee. calbudylng 1hr tor"b-olnt: oenthuoniAI Ia (lr~Rut<l\1 much : we could nlmost fancy your ,·er· h&vc (nlllllcd the ll\w-fur all tl.e fatr ~ fu /- ' Vc Y our Lonbhip's vrilllcu ed your piety, mu~t feel more deeply ' lr pceth•c of religious denominat ion to lila LOt"<laloiJ> oa hi• flwol <leparturu !rom 1<.'\lilo ""niua ·11 crcntiro po\Yer in itaelf. jilted i11 one word: tJwu thoft lo.x thfi lld!Jhbor " -"' hu'"'·lo . !d n•·-·•·1ent •arvlln'• tbe. lost of our zeslous l'11tron aud belond

virtUCil, tho Juanv 1\ltd eploudid adorn meat& . b . • t ' tl .• h . · ·- _ ... I b .,. b .,..,.. uoU ~· '!""" - ..., 0 ~ I • ~, I t . wo U"\IIC Ill Cllnn~ tcs tmony to le po- •mou~t Ul, anu I >Ill "" arronopawDt y o.u .,,. When tlliJI h~e been 153id-and DOl ing lcsa (U thy~e.lf; tho obacrnaco or w icli shall p D"'V'"REUX j"-·'J - .l:'utor. ur Soci6ty OWCI Ita ox1a~nea t.o of you r mind 1\11< ICMt, t •e momori:th of Leu~ ~~nucuro which you bnvc poaae-.•cd t>rot>rl•to auuvualrol Uio aaocHOLI.Ik> and gr:.teful could be !!:tid-the \Torl:: !l:!mllins a W!IJ'\',.;1 sccuro pclll:c for wounrelvca in t hia world, Clltb't· 'u"' "i •I •, 't .-n.rb So'uc':lt your Lordlbip'a zeallllld piel", for you ia-:.eal you ha\'o left bohiu•l. wonlJ be " Jnbor 0 • • A ' tt · " to 'O"r ruuto 1 peoplo. r d 1 ' · 1 .~ • o tc cucvo en. m etc "· ·'t t d 1 d · d · ' b· " · • · . .. f .o·

1 •·cr • o~ comnu cu J u ,.- ra d h ·' ·' _., o c:onmzc 1\n 3 uor. IlL< otoroAI Joap:J:1uc•• lu tho next. D , FL~'"' '. ..__ 1 ~ au u e t·, au m OlD"' 10, "'Ou .,.. 1D new,

of lo····· uut ILl excceumr: the imil.ll o r 1\ • r An 1\d Tell., Willi l en re.'u :\Ou submilto;u • - ... ~., ·' .;J«;IT ary " ' chn.,;c. nut I to the unironn cxcrclllc o thnt •n1e educ.'\tiou o r >·oulh. h~Jd 1\ f.::mine. n.t l' ou"'~v.cs. an uuptlrnllclc,d · · : _. ' ·. firatl~ho lllnctification of oar 10ula; short :t<l.lrcn. .\ 8 our lliohOJl you aJded . II . . I tc . ht I I b•· tho Chllinnnn, wbiclt WM IIJ>proveJ or 1: • T nn~· 'D. ' E p d dl b I ( .... H f ~• m uo11ce ' " reprcMtn~ " m ver mt.ct cou ' and vcr•· defined plnoo rn ' 'our h1pa eXIlmple of d cvolton, llocnltty, rwd obedt- "' . .,~;:,. i u... , ren.lknt an 1Y, t e .g orr. o. we ouso o ·li,•nt' t _,. to our t•ric•thoou, aud in •· 1 l ' r , . -~ I' · t · 1\ncl •doptcd ·by thn mectitw · and the fo l- ' "' H b G 1 God l'.t. b b f • ~ to tuc pro. uc too o ui.SC:Oo:u, !\Ill 10 m:u ro· u ~ ,. • dcai....,.. of bcneficor•eo .• a' tl tho now Col· cuce to me, aa yourj.riu • llDd e \·on moro llr o r .1'1\.c• • A. & IJ. Socioty. . . ..,. . ow tl!<lr 111t or na n.ow to t ruth our mo<.lt•l. \\' c hn\'<l se~u t bc •·i~i- · h 1 • 1 1· b t IO\Tin,. named rocuUcmeo w~re &J>poiutc•l 1\!1 o·- P ., J •., L''-' G .-. • ~ " · hJ It b -"-'1 1 '"11 t e mo~t 11\rmomoua re a tona c weco " " le,.0 you ha.vo built, ti'C .. 0.,.., wUl bo a ao, M your l'utor, uriug tho .mnny •·c:u-s ,....,u:..;~, -x.crrlury. t . u t we awu no ongor ·ee. c lD Jl\nt Hontincl of Lbo house of Ja!"'ol "midat all cii\SIINI of citir.ena lu t.hia community. lom1iog " d.eput.,tlon to wait on Hill Lord- " f bl . " r· 1 I fi 1 h t l C ti ' miCU~ you our belo'fod t't:~ther 10 Chrut, ,., :u one of u~, and felt Cf!ns!r:uucd to 1\C· Rulntionll 10 li:inrlly'" thoJe .rhicb hn.·o ahir ":ud. presen~ iL : J . L. Prc,ndcr~t., so~rcc o t.b~mg to our~ I. p nc, "J0 'Pt~ ;wongs yo~•· h t' nua •;· M. J. FLY.N~i'. Acti"!J. P rtlitltllt eucouragi' ' th 1 1 r kco~wl~dt:o! hun rut our gUJde- ·• / uutfltort.• c~istcd bet ween us cauuot be sovl!rcd with- J . l ., Chstrmlln, F . • J. :llcCnrthy, l·~q., J .P., wi' onr CD edrnl, the til r of our So· ruy cnr n co a, lla t.ruo t;•t o tea, towar • Society St.. Vinceut.-dc-I' aul. th th ugf Ul 't ti J Our d o y .crvor 011 wti n t .. tr.'' Your ole""t.ion to .tho ~pisco- ~ 0,;t mutnnl eorr'O\V. Secretary, C:1ptAios W illi.w1 llenuo~y. cictiea of IJcnc\'Olcn~ 1\o~T.empo"-'ooo, my aucccsaor: 1 J OIL.'f CODY, Sterctary.

0 pa

0 g: e~ on, ao nr-ag ~to t cl ~11 J not the nu:ul\l>Ju 81111phCJt\· of n 1010118 Geary, NicbolM l!nnr:1lmn, :\lichM:I complete io all their np;r·\eots. llllll ef- Lot me now reqaost 1\ lMtfnor f rom you ---- ~~orat; our. otlful Cc&thedm -!\ butld-

P" o '· ;:e tl " th lo of • .\ ncl "~ 1\'t trust that we "'"Y bur a share U . J I K I ~I h I f ' t rnlu ficaciouli for their pu ' . wo lDlly well wblc~. I aru eurc, you will noL deny : whou Reply : !Dg "'~'ch wtll ovor be II mosL ~~o>lemn ~~ ~·our \r:l):~ 110 . moro . I II c nn ) 'OUr in Your Lordship's r·leM.\nt mcmoriell, 80 nen, 0 Ill ene~ J, • c 0 Nl I ~c . • ehl\l len~:lrisou vi any olber con- pmymg for your new P astor, you will noL lrr D EAlt Fnn::-11>~.- uupbamg monu~cn~ or Your Lordabtp . un:u~uuun,; .lire. \\ o . f~dnd tho ht~hop I we cau MSnro yon o :\ eh~re in our bea~ Jl\tncs Keefe. llcMrs. C. L. Kennedy. ll•os. gte!,'lltion of cqu:U menus rfld numbe~. hero lorgot mo your old r utor, t bat 1 uuy bo I tb t be t'f I d t lla . lid e.nergy and S:CDIUS, and a l;'& obllga· whn~ the pnest :\OJ llii,JJIOiltlry b."'' heeu ; wi.he8; ""'' or our sincere deaire tbnt your Malone, J ames Kehoe, J ose]h :ll3Ckcy, or olsewbero. 1~ is all ibc rrui~ of your llblc to fulfil my dutic~ towartla my new d u . I· b llU I hn 1\11 oomos ttcrlllg • tiOU o{ gnt.tttudo IUld admtratlon for all you m~~lc ) 'OUrself ~II to "II to~~'" ~II !or co nnect ion \Yith your new ctuu;e may bo J ohn ::)tno.pp, llnttbcw l'owcr, obu Hogan, zeal. "Eet.~ tat~rd.u 114!f4"-' r' flock ; thnt I may e.wo my aoul and the rcsa ,.. ue T~U ve en pi~ to pre- thosil :who prize works of Art aDd Iteligion. J call.'l t..:hr•st .. Haokt~~ foreu~ost m d•~:?•.ry. M "'"tisfi\"IJlry to 311 pl\rtics "" bav .. been ThomM Fion, Jrunes Kcllt P eter l>wycr, \ Lok f l 'd d tnula of tltoae who bnvo been now entrusted sent me ou ~I o OI'O of my final ~uro Dunng tho WIIPY yMrs of your Apoatolio y uu al~o led '" huuullry. "' our Awluuon your rultttions to tho commuuity of llnrbor JAmes '~ll.l sh, Kichard . urphy, Artbnr . i s t\t ·en o ot lttr ~!'0 a'L ~-1 .u o, pelrd- to my CI\I'O Ancl \Yheu yoq ah:~ll have from this dih, you lmvo dopic your- mlasion, year ual for t bo love of God and \\'1\S tu cn·c tho•e ... ·,•r whnm ,,,.. .\lmi~:hty Gr:tce. Thomey, Johu George, 'Yillinm l'umphro~·. ~;t r1 0 ~~~~ ;) ,j OlriL_Oil lhP a goff beard ~hilt .I hllvO paliSOd away from tbi.l scl~es-you a•·c Ul.ll.nifes!Ald most forcibly, tho aalYlltion of souls bu been as great liS

pl:t~e· l you lath~r anol chiuf. T loc l•n·in~; \\'c hM·o the honour to bo RichArd :\lcCArthy, ·Jnruea Cl\lbnrut, ,JI\mc.~ . lA ·~~· • alppi''t','n . wu.""s . rw leo~. cr- vallcy'o! tri:Uaarulte:lnt lotyourcbnrity uot now in "ritin~! : hn~ dcvolioa /'nd attach- t bt.t which hu alwaJ8 cbr.raoloriud tho sut~reat. my Lord, 1\ loich you hron.;h t to Your Lorcl.ihil>'a obedient humble sernnts, Flemming. Peter llnmilton, Mlclmel llnr· mg \<It 1 1t t 10 .o y ::,..em ct o t 10 m~ • • meut to me 11' IC 1, oaao many onner OCCI'l· • 11 l · p 1 t f tb F . OrJ b

· tl II " · t 'f'b •• dl d '1'-' ·· 1 D · 'II bo 1 :d t •- d atop 1\,t my gta\'e i but let yonr ch:mty go aiou.~. you hllvc sho,,u iu "'ordt aud in deed a. 1 08 .n ouc& "" n cs 0 0 tllDCISCSD or

e~r ~nce.U.'\ll y upon o ur ••<' · uclll!(, your i .\lex. Ho<.•, l'reabyteril\0 :\linistor, ery, omas -..llU cr, an " rc=o wyer , ) Oll \fl p c~ . o renltmuo:r ':l'• 1\D ~ )>oyond it,'huo 00 timitd, M God, beCAuliO fo thta country; and your vcncra.ced 113m0 forbc,.,.,.u,·e ,·~rgiug on indulll•""'~· th e .John M. :\ocl, Hector ::;1. l'l\ul'8, J .l'. ~~•orr up to tbe .\lmrgbt.y A pmJcr Ill our be· God iA chuiL.... llencu iLis impol!lllible for me, under present aball bo foreve r cD.Sbrined li\(o theirs in ow: coudeaccndinJ: frnnkoc.<-1 of yonr in t.ur.·onrs<• t ,J ohn Goodiaon, G~~lcyan MinisLer, J . L. PRE~DERGM.,~r. wu. Let • d f . d I ' I It circu!DIII.'Iucea, «;, fiud wonls to m&li:cn en it- bcll.rl!l 1\ud yon ehall be hlcasod u oue d_it h ":· ·. ~rd,:'l nu I entl.•:.r;" .: tr!\i ta or I ]'. Dcmcux. c. . :-:. A., ' 1-'. J . McCARTU\~'irn""'· For tho 11\St time .-o roflc.'\t fnre- fonn o'::'; ~iose:~c~~?u~' 1: ~u~ 1:~:itl:~; :~~ ~r:!;b~~t tS: ,~:~c~~:!o~o~~~~ of ou'r llrc.,~llt bonef~Lol'll. Y ct, your ••ro~ll wn. " t T m~;t e,·~r c "''" ~~~ ~)Ur T 1:. Bennett, ~lise l)isl Court., &crctar.•t. welL :\lnny of us r,~l ~e t11ill too molnl ir. lifo; ld us love Goll 1\Ud our neig hbor, in. You, nmoogn o ther Uliug~~, ~~peak witb zclll ~1!18 been too c rc&t to bo forgot.ton .bY

pu t" r~tu·!l o !\' ~cuou an• t stecw . .... un;: \\' . I' . ~l uun. ,J. ., M if no:hinr; could n~u hrins to tbnt ,ro !bay mee t e""iu in he:tTen, wbero •'---'·f 1 r 1. ( ,, d r h ns ; 1 ~ hM been thAt holy ze.-.l wlncl.1 tu· n~; .: "' lr"c. If rdi~ion h:UI "'''"~ 11'\ltl.blc I ll s ~ I J r 1\lay 2nd, 1880. our he!\rt& W o h:\\'U !oat (I Bishop 1\nd II o- .......... n t:O lltgll

0 gmut U e 0~ t c c:lre n d h b t r tl hi 1' l ch ·r 1 · · 1 1

· · · 111111 • • -· we euall n uvor bo aep:uited, but livQ nut! interest 1 took in tho P"""'l\l.ill nod wei· , aol~ t !l rc.'\1 .o IO se.l'llpulc a rut.r pro~rc<S : I e• uo::>tonn 14 I' 3r(.'t 0 11 II r ro· .John l'l\terson, J . 1'., friend; nnd :L• I on:; M recoll~:ction'• po wer hnppy toa~tbcr iu tile bosom or God for till ic. -.. :Sl F r:tnciS, lllld )Ike him It ht,s mt~do you mi~•u~ {,>ol iul( 1\lllon~:sL ua , to whoo• he · : E. w. Quintin, Tho follo";og llro tho l'lddrc."-'IC8 which laata, ~rc '~ill l'l!mcmbcr you :md all that yoa otcrulty. f:tro or the SocieUcs o! \Yh ch you nrc mcm· IM vc t ho _comforta of home aad tho 80Cicty tnn,:1 tho prn10c !Jqt :u tl ,. ).!'c nerou• t· fTorl• T . I'. (luintin, luvo been prel!Cutod, and Ilia l.orJhbit)'iltu · havo Juno for \IlL hers. Dul ia 10 doing, 1 only fuUillod 1he f f da t beco tb . r 1tr. o( tho ,.;n tvu.< I"' bt·. "hu iJ now ~~1·11 I? plies thereto : w·u r d t; · y I no'" bleas 1ou, lltld in you 1\11 my obligatious which 1 had contm.ct~:d in tho

0 your n en tJ • mo e 6t7Tanl

0{ I

'"~'·o u ~. nnol w•., 3e ln...< w·· ao de. ph· h- : Amlr.>w lt ntltcrford, I rd~ '. pro oun li 6Jc de 'b:lio our cbildreu of l.bis dtocese, wbet bor l>rcaeuL or l'tltnbli• bment or them; aud I mthor Ccel .cn ·tJIII-1 of GW-11 ptoos. n..ud fe rvent mmia-l:lO'l'. i\l'·' · ; 1,., .uu•·g·H.v ··n •wll .·:uu r •~· (i ,•o.~J\ I,.I:A· ",',..," · Address from the Cntholics ot Harbor .o _upCshn~ost uru o(~ o cot scr- ab•out ; ood may t hia my bleums be to ruy.etr bound to llt~~nk .. 0 .. r9 ,. lloo ......., wr,Q.f~oapcl, ~ho {nond or lb~r,

'~ m. . lau, &..u C":. P . & L.R.C.S. ...__ __ n-·• O•·bo-·•" \'1\llt.s w mt, • r 1 , , __ , · ' o--- 1\ ~rce o ooo110'·"-" •- . < I ·-d l klr• Ill hi.·. nn I th·· t..u.;!" it .. · i t:ui~n :>ol 'ln....., u ..... - u~ . "' ~ "" 'f04l A II • • ···w- 011 hA•o~ ~y-peopl-..wi~ thM l!C-'\1 . .......,_ .... WJOWJ'O c - ""

r I · inburgh. Tu IM .llost Rcrd. Ur .. o;nr C.l nf.\O)>ISI, D.D.• J . L. l'RE~utatGt\::0'1', J.f'., • ""'~" nna 1 't r 1· h lui nd o eu ert!J;;. ~w .. - -,, ·t·h • '·th. tb -.~ legnty

.:n·--rl lu the f.u lll u •cn',lll t bu vour rc- E. :\ . ~(nrtin . t..r .... Q.P. l. , l~tu;. ' .I., 0 . I' n:..~w >/ JJ bo G Chairman. r ou"' fniUifullyw Chrlll~. ..,, .. .f..1fr!'}J:.2 .•. ~!.~1~v I.?';l ..... "'' O.,,m .. -? . .'S _ur~ U$ nil. How we en, WI 0

IU • • • J'i~rd l!lrlt·>th. · . ~ ~~1. . :\I.U. ,~ .. \ ., .:s. ·., ~ " ;: r ract. F. J. )lcCAP.TllY, .T.i>., t U. CAHF.\.0~1~1 , O.S. F. hM•c j,.'3incd tho good-will Mel gnotitudo or u • Jl ... "''• ""~ the ferv~r ~f your ~P•;;r.. ft l 'crnJ l ""· mv L"'\'' 1. tn ~~·~il O'll"'•h·o• 1 T . L. ll :.llo:tt . :\lA\' IT I' J.t:.ISI: Youn UOSIIIr,- • crrttt•·.q. Mny ~lb. nil honest metL Y ou ll!1\'C, indeed, relicnd you tavo Cl\rne our tovnr"" lnl: £lr:1lttn e, '-r ''" "'. l'"' t ·111i"· ' " ~' l'r""' ou r ,.,,rue" \\' 1 \ \ ' , U L O nce 111ore, nud wo •·our ehildron, the . 1 · 1. _, -1• ond ha\'c 11dued splendor to your g loriotlS ' . 4 . \.l Ou, • • J ---- my poor Jn t telr wnn~ anu.neccSSI le3; you o ..:o b • o---• h' I h I .. _ nliMiolll Ill l u ~11· 1 h· J:ll ... t •\'llll'·''"'' Ifil l• ,· , . l It I {'a tholics of II arbor Gmcc 1\lld c:;.,rbon- c. r~ Kcnnc·l)', T ho:nn Ml\lone, Sr., Wit- A"·'ro·· from • !•n Co.thOll'o SoCl'otios of I I .•. d r th b I I .... cr- t II• •uOr w IC l :JJI a wap .,.,en l ·' • • I 1\r( • , . ""' - · - U\\'U 1:\IIISue rom c omca 01 my {'COf e r th b . I t ~ ·- f tb our II J ll· F" th,•r ! .• o X I l l """ n•nid•t lht• • 1 .•. 11 i; 1-:tnt•, ( 'hi ef C'lcrlt and ··~r, humhly solicit to nppro:~ch you. liam llcuoeS!!uy, J !\IIJC.i Kehuc, ··' icholu Hubor Graco. 1uiJ!cry, tleRtitutionlltlll other evils, of wbich one o o r•g

1 es orn:~men ... 0 o

rom t•'ir~t~· l .tu!i•·\11 too·• .,j ! " l '' ''"'n!..,.,..,•i ~ 1 · ( ' \\' e know it to bo tho lu~ time, nnd we hMc Uanmlun, 'fhu"- (;~3r,\', l>licbl\(!1 llrieu, 1r , · ,, r r 1 .. Church, n lUOSt aoble monument of Maetity I. (,•J:O<lrnr :-iul'rcmc .ourt, ( ll ll~OIIIH.'l<& IS uiO C.'\r II I!Ollrce, uy pro- I l d r . t ion ~non·. ,,, w•·ll 10 :n¥~ru " "' t 'hurClt ~ 1 1 · 1 · T , , u come to uv 1-'.lni:WCI.L. '11\U lir.~t tidiul,'>' J ohn Kcncnly,JoliOI•h ~lll.cke•·,John ::itmpp, .,. • Jr r. 11 C D 0 · · -'· d · 1 d th •·- n nu, Cllrtling, nn 1\ synonym 0 (lllbuOCIS J;c !'"''"''· m•· l ..c.n I. •<I•·· II 111 the cl~r nnl.

1 • """ l<· nu•tcr. S oenr ·' · ., of Your Lor'J.,hj' 'e ol~rturu from etnotwst :\latthew l'o ,.or, J olm 11o'~n, Nicholas ' 0 In~· • WI ott'. cst:r AltF.\ C:)>fSJ, · ., motJnf?, nr wo""' ao

10 'ce s. 0

.,.,no • and oinerifi co. 11. W. Trnpuoll. c. 1' .. o O.S. F., J.Ji,ht>p of Uurlor !Jmc... cent nrtuo of T cmptrnacc. lly so <loing \ .1 b 1 d F tl · Ch · • 'th ~"'' to o iT<•r the'S.' <n:r "'at.mcr.t" of <I n·· II 1 fl L us wu tnrn..,•lc bo to diabolio\'O; but Fi• .. r•cl'l\lu, 'l110m.u Pinn, ames Kelly, h 1. • · ~ r 1 ' nu UO\V, o Oft & lOr Ill na., Wl ricor;.:u . Emt•rson, . r.. . ., .,.,

1 -.. 'l , . Lo you :\I'C uo:eomo J:'n.•al uene actol"'l nne tnu: · . 1 t . b' l 1 , (

.., •led ~,,, •.w~ 11 o '" 1 hll.,l ,.,,,.,,; .. ion t(\ , 'I 1 · 11 r. c· · .. 1 now, thl\t uo room is loft for doubt, t1o Pe ter Dwyer, J nmeil \Y11.lab, HiciU1rJ 1lur· .. \\' IT PLEAS£ • Ol'll r.DStln',- f · ... r b th d r II · · 110rrowtng :tcnr • we ll you our as. arn-.. ~nocs ·' " ""· ' r•n. . ' · ' · !:icuOO . I k . r It h d r I I J I 1' r J t c 'Y' II ' - . . r neuua 0 your ro c"' nn (! 0\\'·CilU:CII'!. well! :\l.av "od brio," you u fo to "CUr t hl' ....... ,.'\lolc l'vnlltl, IIIII "·:.; f<)r us !n•J. l ol I' I' ll I trUlll!tri ea pmn u y ome i nn wo C(' p 1)', ~mea ~ l.CC l'. 0 Ill COJb'll, I l.llm On belutlf or }bb- Catholic SOCIC!JC!I 0 (.; t' uc wy dc:lr friood.t iu che gmcticc ~ ... ~

111,., t.•li•· .,,.11, .. Jio·ll·•!l. ·L· 1111 ~, ·11' nlrt ..._ .. , ( ' it in nil il8 , force. H owever strongly Putnphre ... , Hichud :'\[cCnrthy. Jllme~Ce.l· B"roor Gmco "o tk" to l>id )'Oil, our be· f00


·,' d 1• 0 '~nd tl 1.:_. ,., native l•od ; and thoro maJ yt!llre of pence ,~.u w:lro 0\' o. I · ·• • ' 0 0 cuon.y roo ,rui'CI'IIIIC • ·• 10 •=100 anll lo~ppt'o'-"• com,..n~<~lO you i11 10m0

In till~ . noy t. .. r!. Rl ;hi, r~rtiu·: h(o)l r (I \ •. , . I' I ~I . nature's impulao lllftY ursc us 14 chAfe llllii\U, ,Jilmes }'lemmi~. Peter ll:umlton, loved Bishool and zealous l'atron or Otlr f I I bol \ll tl•·~ of II o•h ~ -~> ··--. · · 1. ' '1111• ro · · n llr · th · be u : 1 1 fl •r 1 c dJ •1· L •• o 1 ° t lC poor, •ere 0 '"• "' " 1 -~ rneaauru ro r the barcUbirn~ aod trinls you m~•· ,.~ loo:mldy ' "'"·it ~·nqr ~··il'r··,-r., ~~· ! ll •·nrv \ c 'llfl 11 1 "S"IIIlit o p:L"liu~"· our tLer tetl80n a ... c UlC nrLery, IOiliM nn er, u ICUl><U !:iociotit!ll, 1\ Wt (1\rowcl. fnm1·t1·"" to whom voa bnvc K'CllreU ""3CC, •·-

1 . . • . - · r b d . bh I . D J p d ' 00 ··l ' t.l . . ' th . d' ' d _, •n I " I d .. - h··· to ltUde-..tO dun' u" ' 'OUr Dliuion•ry life, c •ptance of tl11• '<,.,...,,..,, l ' ' "" ~ l'hou.~ h . l'b· .. iouH Wnt td, 1~rt.l1•y ~,. oJ8

1 .• htoth0w•mto•~,-e's?~~t ~:rob h~.',~ogle~dyru10• wyer, . ., eu ., .... lCI'll. \\ i 1 comrnmntlea, M w• m ~ 1\'1 u ... s, hnro1ony tlUd p cntiaess, will c.'ll owu upon ·u""d ,~IJCII 111"0- ,1. ,, ,1,;11~como for th: .. du.~

it.• iutrin•w \':Jln·· mnv be u ! lt t tlc Cllll!itl· I J F \l nl n "' .. • w ...... ~ .. thero periods io the courso or liftl whon you the bli!Slliog or HCII\'Cn u ' ~- < e rHiuu t •> \'•

1ur I. ,,.t. hip: yr t . "" t he em~ • ·1 · · 1 .1.1

1 ' II :\1 (' n dcLerminntion the iuue of \v ieh we ec&n- Reply: the mimi 13 so oppreSl!ed nod the heM~ 110 v ..,:_. · •·-' • t d 1 lh to return to dust," mlly your holy spirit bo Ll•m of t:cdem

1.:to:>, nnd n .u1"·,·u>r of"·' I A ot. 1 t. ·· · · not otlton,·im contemtlnto than with \'Cry • ". ' D D t' • nL~ full, that men stri\'O iu \'run to find lnngt~I\~M ~ our """'

10tlcs .,.,ng eroc e >y e au- 'cro...,ned \'lilh eternal g lory iu t be COIIIJi:lny T. \\' . ( ;: .. ten, I Ul.l' . d t£ or Gm.'TLD!EN ~~ .. • DELOY1'.D I N thority of your llilhop, you M · such, M or tho "J~»od.

1 our dc•·otc•l cl••r,:y, wc :.r~ •ur.•. it will 11. .J. Watl3, $(Ttl VI. couc~rn IUl 101\r elt regreL OunrsT,- lrle<ju.'\1.9 lO uxpresa their feelings. ::iuc 'l mcmbo111 or them, nnd M true children of p u f . bel od U b l bl bu hi~hl .•· pri t.ed by yoar t••ou" mind an•l I .J . <:odtlen. J . r . Your Lordship's petitiou for relei\BC,M well A lo•·iog sod tentlcr fnther, on the ovo of Mos~ ltcv. l'rolate, is to till the present OC· tho Cotltolio Church, h!\ve 0 ,.er been doeile rny or llll, ov .

11 017, llnl cas

afi<'ellono.tu hcnrt. I I. You<lll\1, u of Home'd gt'llCiOtll couceasion iu re- hit departure for e loog a au pcriloua TOY· casit>n, when you, our bclo\·ed nod vcncr- and auhmiu h·o to h~ authority. (.;onthmo your fni~bful not! BOrro\'ltu~ cbtldron. !:ii~neJ co bt'hn.U of his hrother-prit A13. ( '. w. ltno.•. s;:on.~. "'u say nothiog boyood-"In 1\11 age, uncertain of over •g:~in aeoing his home ntl'<l I'atron, nre about to dcpr~rt from us. in this prniocworthy line o r conducl ; :~ud JAN I::T M. >JtY!)~~;..~;hf. :\lay 1:1. r:. f. \\' AI.SI I, I '. I'., Uri!!ns. ' I homo• Ho-.. wo acquiesce"" Catbol.ic:a, but with wrung nod llear fl\lully, with hi:s hesrL full of Yes, our he:nl.ll aiult "ith GT!Of in pYtiug your Sociclit.'8 sbl\ll novor uevitl.le from tbe "I ·' G''lE .,.

.ll'mc• I Jil'l'isluy, J. P. hcnrn." · emotions end conflicting foeliu:;t , ia un:~,blo from ono who, for the &.'\leo or our pooplo, holy objuet for which they have been catllb· " •• " GHEEN'"" REl-LY: w. tt. Stirling, ~·or tho long •pace o r 11 qul\rt.or of a to find worda or to cxpreu them in IUIIWor bade farowoll 14 tbo clinrms of hit oati\'O liabcd. Yes. borroyiug t he worcla of St.. St<:rciCir!J.

l\JT Dun flr.nTIIL I~' r;o; Clllt lq,- T . . \1 . CnirM. century you hi\YO drained llDIODgtlt ua, to "'o finn.! adieu of l>ia w e.) ping, beloved, country, Md for o•·or n qMrter of e century, l o'lllltiua to thu :\fngnctrin.n.s : " I recommend Your sentiments of tlenolion nud Ill tAch· llcoj11min l'"rsous, wtthou\ eLiot, tho beat caorgies of a spot- aod loring cbildrcn. 'l'bi• , gentl~ruen, ia tnidst llllrdahi~ nod t.rillla of the mose try· to yon that you do all tl•inl,'f in tho coucorJ Roply :

meot to me, " hich I hnvo expcrieuced for Tho•. llcn•lel'!lou, less lire. From tho Mot.ropoliJ of thia [B. my present positioo. Neverlboleoo, I tbal1 iug oalu~, \fllh untlrin,c: energy, boly zc.,J, of God, tho biabop prcaidiug fo r God. . . Ml' Dn~r: SISTERS IS J ESUS ClllliST.--ao many yror~. hy clo4c connec•iou with Uichllrtl Hutherford, land, wbero lim begun your connection try, aa far. aa J. CliO, to aay e few wordt io anti p:~tcrnal CAro, wl\tehcd c.u efully over All the .Lord didJJotbing vrithout tho fathe r, I thank you for yon~ beautiful 'Addrc$So you, you need 110t express io th~t most kind Johu ~·.Apsey, with Newfoundland, to lhoromotcat Bahing anawer to tho very flattering addreas with our bo!t intereatll, llUd IRbored bArd to pro· so neither do you anything withou~ Uto and l asauro you t hM tho kin(l ucutimun~ Addrelll which you have presented ma on Robert L.'\hcy, eat.sbliahmdnl.ll on tho o r Labrador, which you h11vo boen pleued to pr080nt moto roligionl\nd eduCAtion. pric.osl '' 'l'ho holy nll\l'tyr recommended to lhord n exprcuod towa.rda me •hs ll over thi11 tho eve of my aep.'\ratiou from you. llonry 'l'rnpnc ll, your honored name wu ever in tho moutbs me, on thia the eve or my fiutU. depsrturo You hi\VO been n fnther 14 ua; you them "to respect t.ho miuiJtcrn of tho mys· hue a place io tny miad i 1 lh&tl be for Dut, by t.ltia II.Ct or ltinttoees, while you John Trspncll, , of nge 1\od youth, a synooym of oadearmCIIt from aruongat you. I shnll, bowover, con- hM·e loved U8, and you moat bnvo teric~ or J esus Cbriat., (ibe dOftcoua), tho ever minilfnl of the goodnea.aof your hesrt honor yourselves, you &!Tom UIO ~;re:1L u- .la!IICII Jarvis, artd e\·e ry ACCrdoW virtue. For the IIII.Ule fino myaelf to only a row remnru, lea-ring lo\'ed our pcoplo lfCII indeed, to renmiu in priuata, llS tho &eUIItc of God, and the bithoy. froiD \fbicb they hllVO emaaatod. t iafii.Ction to. feet tb11t my conduct hu had <.:. L. Kennedy, JlC!riOd you held r,rominent. council tho rea~ 14you-to you wbo know my bellrt this country so .long; nmi 1\'0 juJitly fecl M rcpres...nliu~. God." . "Withou~ Yes, ia cst.sbl~bing tho Society or tho your approb:ltion, and for which ac- 0 . V. Tmvera, ruiu a lellding muter Y hand io tho de- 10 well. l111\t iu losing you, we lo<10 the beat offalhers," he uy8 to them, " \.ho very [mlllooultllo Conception, I blld a ~wo~old cept m) moat gro.terul thanks. n. D. McR1'1C,11.nd others. .sign, eoaduot, &admadcxecubtioo ~r nthearlyChovery I a tho fi111t pl~c~, I ht"':e to congratulate tho kindest of friends.. u:~tno or 11 clturch is no~ gi ... en." A nd objec t in view : the bolluty of tl•e 'J.'etuplo

W bate,·er good r ba\'C done horo, l hue HarbOr Gmce, May 7, 1850 stop In adv&llce 0 ore lD e urob you on your pe111ovomnco in tha~ kiodueu By us, by ll.'l alone, who h!ll'e erperieoccd ho adtls " UU\t ho \rno ia witlJin tho 1\lt.'U' is of God, llnd, more so, thM or Ilia aplritual uoae i~ tbrongb you, and witb you, 1\nd ---- you loved so well sud goodneu to me for wbicb you were your ltiudoess, beuefitcd by J'Our a.t~~itluoua clc!\n, ut htl who is 'ITithout it, Ut~t is \Yith· temple " hich yon nro, my beloved lriateriL wilbout you I could do oothin~;; to you, BEPt.Y : Among mlltly II.Cia of devotion to ·alw&ya so much diJtiuguisheu i and tho' hi~;h lnbol'il lllld auporior genius, lldmircJ your out til , pric.ets, nud dtacollll, is uot ll...,u , iouectl, '"Y object. thi\L- you migbt therefore, for My good tbaL has been tloDe, Gr~'TLEICE.'l,- du&y which di.rtingulabed Your Lordship'• nluo you 1et upou tloo li ttle I havo been amiability ancl simplici~y of llli\Unor, nnd clc.:m." Au wrilin1: to the l'bilnuclpbi:ms 1\doru 1\nd beautify by your os ortiollS and ia due tho tribute o r pnliao. Aooopt my ben tbaalts for tho most kind epieeop:\~ hero, we reeord, with peeuhar al.olo tn do iu helping for\'1(\rd your ~pirilual wt.o bll\•(j 'll'itn~Aed your ZCI'll for lloly Ho- he 11-' '1" : " • cl•ildrou or ligb~ and truth contrihuliOM t bit bolisc o r God; 1\ncl ia 10 · You, a.a tho El•lel'll to .\foatt, b&ve been aad u11aptct« l Addreas you hnve been plea.s- ~~atm'&etion, tho memorable staud nw.lll by aa well ,u your rempo111l •~elfnro. But I ligiou, end yo or llrdont de.siro to promoto shun d ivisions nud unsound doctrines : doing. you ·aro outiUcd t~ my .uuuli:a, aa

to me, iadecd, o( great help; fo r " tho ed to preaentruo, on the evoo{ my dep~~rturo you in ropc:Uing inftlion of tho u.cred laws muat confosa that, whate\'t'r I hi\YC dono tho eduCAtion or our children, c:1n bo pro· \vhcro tho p:\Sto r iJ, thero rtblo let tbu fioek well u t hoJu of all tho faitllful o! thi• com­h cary burden" of the E piscopate " waa from this Dioeuo.. Upupected, did I uy? and diactpUno wbieb opbold our Church, for you, [ bah only donp my duLy. I only pcrly oon~eh·od tbc void your al>$euoo will bo: those who aro of God nnd Christ they lllltuity: .beside• Lhc c tertllll rewRrd wt.icll abovo mynrcngtb," sud "I could not bear No, I am wrong. 1 ~peetod this act of and mAko tie r l ovely in -the sisht of men. regre~ lhet elreum) tane08 and ruy ow a in· era.te. nro w)th the hlshop; do uol deeeh·o you rna)· expect from God who dwella In it. it alone ; being thared ou~ UDto you" it be- kindoees from you, r~'ai whom I huo ro- 'l'bo eDJDplo whieb you have given ability hiiVe not permitted mo to do more. Bound 14 }:ouT Lordaltip, tbon, by eo yourtOivea, my bretbroo,'' And "·riting to nut my prioci~l object "Ill tbllt you rui~ht came "" cei~ed so' many prod • ol attention aad heaps confidoaee, if auch. were waul- · Yea, tho odaeatioo or 1our children bu umny tioa of nff1.-etion and grntltudo, our thow of SmyrnA ho adds by f.'lying ; " who obtain from God, through tho int.:n:oatou

Ynnruol rnr u,., Ml~11t.ion or fl()ul.s 11n- fri!lndahio duriQII' t.Jt' J'1'.Jideaeo 1

he ro iD,g, in the firmnCIIand integrity of cbureb onr bcoa lhs obicet or my hcnrt, 111 it 'WM ~er in scp.'U'tlting must bo groat indeed· honors tho biJbop, is honored hy Gvd, llnd of His ltumllculate Mother, your PelTooCIIII, trtlllod to your care; your readinCII in - from you whoao IJIOtftl aDd ntel· :::J=;;~~~';h'ot~-0~;; lbv v ml rur wuu:r. r <rNI Unh...l to como to and the limiUI or a f11rowoll adtlreu c:m bul who trius underhand t~ injuro the bishop tbo gt'IICC to onRblo you to ndorn and M&wcriDg to tbo call of duty &lld charity, loetutU. vlrtuea called forth my ad· or Biabon~~

14 which you belong. thia country upwnrds o r a qnartor of a inlldequntcly convey tho feolin~ of aorrow gives homage .to the do vii, +Jiabolo priiUtat l>cMttify your 10ule with virt.uos. For iu 1

r egardleu of all obJtaclu, abowed you to miration, from tbe 6rat momoat I h&d You ~ ... .from ua, buL there is one cenLuryaao; and, llftcr bocomi"e your uu. which ovonrhelm ourbeArtrl. Your parting ulJnquiUJw.) erecting your Society l plll(letl it.smombor11, be zealoue rwd faithfullaborera in th• Tine- the hRppin•• 14 malto· yoar &equalntaaeo, b . h .r-• . th trild hl h worthy Futor, tho education or ) vu• words sink u deeply ioto our boll.ita 1\1 1 repeat thcac exhortAtions hero, bec:luae in A spccitl.l miUiuor uader Lbo proloctioo of yard of Ute Lord ; !In~ your devotion aod llnd wtVCh increaaod with I!Jy knowledge or ng t ~- 10 0 on>OA w c wo obildron became one or mi manifold and th0110 of tho Apoauo ;sc. r .. ut tv tho l\Jilo t'b-e._ .. a n~ of subjection and obedicoco to lho Mother of God, and ~;&vo tlor to t it e m

b · · •- tb it -" f • yon-from you wbo•o nooerout and charit- loYe to tight. We are allured that New- u cred dutiu. H ence, &ftoraome atro<>o>le• a••n• & •·t'" l •-o lAlli fl " t i j 1 d · · t' · L.. aa an C.Xl1mple fo r their iwitauon. ea mw1oa .... my au or '1 ma.ue me orge. .. foandlancJ, whieb you ha•c edified, i.e onlJ 0 ,. ., "~ """• '"' w a you ,.mong P":5 ors, n mon o nt •n 10e1e 108, 1& ruo"' I wu your Diabop, rotiJ:~ you aa trna min. able heart, loftY. and enlightened miad, made threahold

14 a })911it:ion of etill more con- I wu about to realize t bi11 cherished objcd ~ehorn I llatle gcme pmulu'ng IM Ki"!f<lt,;,. o mjurious to religion, 11n d of moro IC4nclnl Yea, the c:bildreo of tbo holy P:ltriArcb,

i.e~ra of tJ•e Altar, end 0'1'0 you 118 broUtel'll. you rovere ani\ · resm~ true 'firtuo whore- apicuout ud mark.ed. trust in your native or mr deairea, iD eJtabliahiny; e ·apperior God, lliall- my fa«. no 11101'1: i end the lloly to tho pooplo thllU in indl~idull.lll. 'fhi.s is SL 1-'raucil, hAve beon the pione~ .. or tho Continuo, my dear broth en , in thiJ ex- onr found

1 and n eo he ebadow of it ia me. land. 011t be.t wl.eb.Oll will pursue you .eboo for edue~~Uon of t o youth of Scripture te1J.I u.s that tho fnith(ul were wbl\t snd exporienco overy,.,·bero toii.OheH 1111. 1-'1\ilh in tllia lslllnd : for thllt reuon, 1 pro·

emplary an.d prai.aoworthy line of condact It does, IDUeod, do bon or 14 your heart wbithoi'IOOYer you go. Turning uido from this diocuo. The new SChool building ia grit~vd sad wopt 11Uhcao worde, whilo they Dot 1 know thAt the to exbortl\tiona 14 ourod t beL benutifulatatuo of Sc.. ·Franca..; under myaucc0110r, ud may ho appreciate and mind io ap~ree te the littlo good I our own boreavomeut, we ...... with deli.,.bt aow 11early completed, ud my aneceasor, bNJa!]ht tho holy Ai~ rmy to lluJ obedience ao<l aubruiasion 14 apiritu:U au- ahuiLwaamyinLeolionto oroctanAllariotbo. yourpriaatly rirtuet1 udre.poe~yoamore, ba'ndono l'ogarding ' tbe odoCllltioa of the th f o-1 d • who, I am epro, will bo to yun a bette~ wp. Aad wo, like tlioaojli.'IL Chrittinns lhorityof tho boly i!Jartyr ,St. fgoaUull, tho CllhedMll, uadorhianamo, tothc Aimighty. and IOYO you .. I .dla. And may Lord, yoath of thia Dio..'tlll; and to appron of Ol1 it proepect 0 maorc a 0~ an annoy Paator lllld lead )'OU kt ,bet~r put ure, will 11.110 be \'(j reuon 14 gri0\'8, beCIIU80 we ehali intliiiAIO uieeiplo or St. J ohn tho F.vaagtliat, 'l'hero p tOiltmto beforo it. you and tU. l lbl) ia whoao via~,.,.d yott 10 falthfally labor, my ooado~ aa BIJbo~to recall ud lmprell day io et.oro foT you m dtt kin red~ do the rest. , • no longer see in onr midst our belove<l l'u- hA••o ever been engraved on your hc:~rt, sod faitl1fu'l miabt olTor hurublo prayera to Gcsd give you, after death, &.be reward Ho baa upon tho minda of .r people that gtea~ Henceforth { 0 n will follow tho wont. Tho work of the Cathednll is nther tor ; wo IIIUJII no lolfgor hQ.'\r hiil \'oico o~•· you,' Dly uCI\I' frlcods, 113 t n.1o child~n or 14 obtllio from lliru, through tho intoreet­promi.aod to Bi.l fOOd KITIDta, ud to tho commandm'cnt of p Lord t.o love all mon od . tenor 0 year waya amona-t your youra tbaa miao ; your 1lCIIeroaity i o rc· n.s to clu!tity-to God llnd Ilia holy church, havoalwayftcted aion of roy ICnlphic F11tbcr St. Francie, the faithfu l dilpeuenJ of Hie Holy m,.teria&. u children or God,aa , to do good unto all ; :C,W:~:cf14h;:'! ~~lt;~:dre ::Jt. ~=r epondiu!f to my CAll, aod 'tho zcll.l of my tbc (iraotico of Ill! ChriatlAu virtue& Wo accordingly. Conti Due in your work · of graces to follow serupuloutly t he d lctationa

1 am glacl to hoar of yoar , ud aDd,' u a Gen't.teiiWI tad Cbriltfau Diahop, away m n• hotter lo'fed JOU will net' prie.ta tn 'collectin~r JOur. contrilfutlon1, griove , lllld with ue griovo ell your faithful clutriLy aud in tho virtue of leruporance un• ·o( thllt l-'11itb, wb10b hie c\ilc.tren, my ftlial attachment to Bit Rollo- Leo I could ~ 111tfor 14 4ee the' chlldrin of my bo. 'u.- _, d bo b tlM b baYo enabled me to do 10 mach. ·Let ii people from tho reruotoat parta of tho [.a. der tho guidftnco of your Pastor, &lld your brolbo .. , wiU1 10 much., dovotloa and &eal xm. Coatiuiae to choriab u,- be&a- HoanlllJ Fat.ber my btvtbon aud lollow- ~peace u aor -ool UT· tuftl'!O 14 say tbat it Jt aow all bull com- brador 14 the ostromo llmita o r your otLeo- Sooiotloa abel I ever bo qt\dor tho proUlction hau planted in tble coun&.ry. tiful U14 eablhae eeotimeata towardl • the ~u- "' ~ lllld dtprinld of the den ~r yoar dloliuil!l yean, aod. ~ ud plele ; aDd that althoagb tho tum of ~oar aivo dioceeo in NewfOWldl&nd, beea010 your of God. I a hall ac•er ro~ 14 Pl"1 for yon, aod yooerablt E'•U. aDd pray tba* fruit ofobarity.tiCI D~fOl't.betpirhaiJ., ~t;y, WbC1l the tilDe.~ oome, compoeo .hnDdied &Del ilfly poUDdl i.e QUO On i!l'ae- people WOf9 DO lbanpr& 14 )'OU aud you lfay the pl11)'011J and tbanh of tho poor , hin lurO tha~ JOU, in cour c:bar\Ly, wtll .Alm!pty Gocl -., IODJ proaenoo him 14 ud tempo~ welfare . of ~ : ~. )'ODl' eyoe ill death. oou" yeti lean pro~ 14 che amoon• 'lfOI'e,DO etr-a.,ger to them. ' who~t~ you huo gladdened with yoar pro· Uefc r forae• 14 P,.Y for mo. All\)' God, ecwom Oil Uolr Cbarell. -z eball bo most harmony ud JOod-1fUl ~ell Ita mem- Thro1:';' &he ~ the unwoloome of oee . &boiilucl po~atfa fD ita fa•our. J 'l'bore II' bu' ODe thing whleb, on tbit cd ~oco ia their destitute a bode11, and of tboao t be bellllt.y qf wboao honao you. hno ao

_ happy to proeenlto the )tuber your Oort. But, in doiDJtiCI, I li.IJU)ly perfennod news of our Lordabip t der.zro but&ke.n ~·· boiYOftl', to lean It uu8alabecl. ooouloe, .adtJ&ata ill.,_ ~ oar 10"- wi'foe and children who rcjo[Qo to ha,·o, much at hearl, throua:h the interce~aioo of ho!Uiie olaftachmonl 14 Him my dllt1,1411'VCM GochudBoCWy·· ud my all by .a~, ud eUnec;l ,.W..lto their '!lie rtdnnceil ·~ ol &be WOik ancl IO'tr ucl thia& it, tbal what caua na 10 through you, IO\'Creff tempor.lnCO, temper- lila lmm•'!ula*lllot.hor1 w:ltOCie}rloriee ud aDd to &he BoJ7 See, deyotecf people,u hiiP. upeet., tmoria· "'1 dep · ' Y oa11eld m u eiDiueDUo- &be plaDe ucl di~ wblob I' lean mad; crlefbd~Yoar Lordablp pereoa- ate ~tad loving h~da, r.ober ud kind dot'Otion .)I>)U have 10 IO&IODIII promalpt.d Blm to ,oulal8 od theba. 1"!1 tM ....._, ucl fa'f~ of~ r:r!: i lftft •!J wllJ mike i~ oomplolioa,.D tuy ally boaor ud plnea. ,tf&er so 111110)' father& and brother., be your reward on 1\Dd proa:ul.ed ill ihiJ oommuntiy, pnl you

I wader yoa Tee. .... Uemetl. 1 Hall keep,_- Ad- iad, - 00Df01114 no ~ &lao lit the tut. l'llrttrthoJ..,r~s _,Jeavel&uu- yean of 4po~toUe bo111 1pe11t in thiurdu- e&l:tb. And after tponding your lifo, fol- Uia holylllit&a~oo 14 lead In \llil world a l'ectoral cro. di'OII u a .-.mbniJioe of 10flr podDeta wide COIDpul -a Cltncerity of emotion !DW~ect; batla.hill brlna I' on(Jr&Y~ on oae mt.iOD&J'1~~· roo. retum to the lo,riug in tho footatape of our Saviour, do- llfu wonbr ol &be true daaabtc>n Of Mary 1 off• me. Aa ad ~Dad.,.. ~ -. a8cl • .U ,_ wlaiola the ooalllioll 11M ~ Yow my u,rc. u I' hu ntr been the oon~Dtal laud 01 JOV ~to 'liealnUul Jt.q. A Ina 1o0d aato all men,IMJ you reeei\'~Jrom ud afhtr a happy d1111th. 11111 lle adllllt.JOil .S.pdcnl IDd ia dall wod4 :for ware oar • IDOl& rnerecl aad ,Am ol tliOapt._~ mlad. Bat. wftb &bellll#rial bero ~ from woddl7 aobln~~~Mata Bit iililda, af~r dWb, &bat. crown or Rlory ~~r~oop& the ble.aeci Ia We ~ion ut Milie ...,_ bela Ule&odo friude~ ldeDti.Wwi~-:;'ID......, Charchl briar,uarancloDJDJll""' coeldno&~m,oro"*'11_)Cl do tU apa whieb He bu J.l~~ for U1o .ctwiaablo olerual bl~ll.,.reD.

llabd witlaoan-r .. v.~-. ~ thl)llrltall-tllat. le 1011: JOII, ~ lrt*· ~ulll.......,.of; llld for tba bootaCtoraol~lr fello•·•aeo. 1 IIDJ alltN:Jtpdltn of . til wUil Olll" - 'JIIIIl ...,. ~ .• ,._ ~ whOII fi"OdO• ...S &UM~i- ua,. 1etr .- t1101e w11o, ridu:lliac ,_ I tbaok you apia for 1oar. alectJuna&e *-... ~ 't'

11 ~ .... of)o'l! Lora- -• to • baft-~ • ,..Jl trle!l aa4 Wica of tWl::fl7 IDd.IIICriloll, M&iiP de· ~ IDd more eo, for the aoocJ yoo hate 1ia -" .._ cif-M

...................... OfJOllf ~Zk':.\:1~~: r ·• -e:..::.lOft-= ~da. t:.:ddfal~':!U~ to thil, IDJ e'lef BcMaucl ~ ... !JAil' =-·=~iii~ At,.._ol..:la:W-.cli_. .... ,to ~~~~~~= Iahe,Ictvei01j oaanclillJW.toaU - .. or tMil!lf.. Chldl. llaaftl.... jMffcirtllalff'~·'i.-wa fW of a the -lllbel"' ol your ~ from tho W• lelttft11, ..._. -*!' IW ~ Gllill wldllla 1M .... liM ..trr) Mtl ,._ INl ('If~ ... beela tW bodOm of m7 ~ay lila._.,, witll


t---=t!!!:: :z:= a

Items ·-------~ .... -----------

-I'¥ young mAll who waut.t. to iN uv ._,1.!1 \1 e ann muat uot tl' up too Jato wtt.b the daughter -

-OU1Ung11tshcd \raenc:an (Lra.clhnsr m R uwa) llerQ as a 111~ Ox I on m-tnv1te I t o <hoe with tbo Cur and oo 1uhu1'11uc.s o o m y hfo I

-A "French cngiMcr ur~men Pilrod1e, <cl111ms to haTe dialorored a me tho I of eon ... llfiOJl )aJ'1tC <tU&Ill1hCR O( O(cClr!Ctty O" Cr llu\~t dut.tnoee 11od d~tcnbouag 1t a~ aoy lllllll~t Of pooota OQ tbo way ~;Ac:tl)' ~~~0 t;M o r water

- \ drunken Scotch pmnah1oocr wa< ad tnnn18hed bv hts pA11!< u I Clll f!O tnlO :\ Vtll~~;;e coocb 1ed t he la tter and coono bO!IIIlll;.,'&lu \'ltthout gotung druuk ~ \h ll'eeneater, but l w ao popul:u- ! wu th11 f uddled ~LchtD&D I ApOIOJOIIC I'\II'IY

- T he P nnc.,as Bc.tnc:e 11 1-~"''"ll n re pulaUon Mao elegaut.o 1U dre,s, her tolle~, 11t the Q 1teu a lut lev~e of pe11ch atlk wtth l>odice aoll tra1o of black And peA< h att tpe<l Telnt., aug~tmllg aotn!llhm g dehcoon~ ancl "tforth) a truo l'utateouo 1U lbo matter qf .... ,.,

-lit PerT}" a co o pulsory o<lu~tJoo lull p ropoae& to d e:ll wtth parents ror noo atl.eodan.:. of 1h.,1r chtllre o u follow• a 111mm0fta b<!foro tbo Kholutl.c COIII,..INIOI!ef' and & reprilll3nd , the a;uue procuanu: Uld t b11 poattns: or tho oamea of par.ut.t oo the door of t ho 1114tn< & aunuooll8 befoN & JUatiCC Of tbo ~ace WUO W1ll11t1po10 ltmp(e (IOhce penalt1ea, wtth the n ght to take e:r t.eou~t•us: orcuiJI• Lance. aoto cout~Jerat.iou If pOUIIrlC,

-Ourin;r t he polhug wh1cb ~e.sultod tn the eleeuoa o r Mr Gladlto oe Cor M od lot.lnao ao nnlortunately prophetto bard c:1reulated a aoo~r .amoug th<~ elecvora o ( w htch thete • ere t b.o coucluJ1og vo~"S<"a -

T hn b•s wd l:&gp3e· p•clt ' o noodna IPf'Ud a plock Wtll For rou "'II ~:u .the a.ack

I lho Land:> tho lkrl


T ho bonny S<>o lt•o• weel Woll Wb• ""•' has rowe<l tb~ kool \\ 11! A ad IJolktth • fUll tho hi I

Fur 1ho J aou o lho R~l

- IIORRIRLt l>&ATO 01' \ DL~IIISO " '"

- ' -n: :·:7.:e~::: Qtbe ~faw~r~ pubhehes the Collowmr cabltp&a - ~ a;J JW«. .U

.. r o:wo,. April H.-Tho lo~U~ n~ou ._.uro-belw .. u tha 'unho<l 8talM IUtd o ... t Urltalo ro- CONCBPTJON DAY ADYEllTISEif. lallnst 10 lha F oTto no BAy ( Nowfou•"land) a«aclN ,.... . .._..._.....,.,...,.. ___________ __.. on :\nlorlca~ flntNtD eu l..l a foy W.rt ·~ lo ,, 1bo r.fllUI of lhe Uri lith OovernmeotLO rOC'O,coi4e Ire a,..lf« rwpo~~~t'ble{or,llor w ~ee 'by pllbl~ the hul!~nf IU 4,mermon dafnot 1.-J 9A11tbnry I"!J ~nt.Jonw, lU OpUIIOIU of 0111' Cf""-1~· rc111~t to tho d~DI"'' ol tile Unltod S!Aitu fnr clr Ill jl03 ~ clanUf:U b7 a po.oii!Yo ref , .. Ito P•T or tn r-~"lll•o tha ju~tiN oltho elah... llo 1akU01 tbe JUOIIn I 1 ... 1 tke U..II!IJ &..tu Oobotni.ID In clra,..l~ O.v r Inn• frulll th 1bore wore ,.,.,,.It"_. tho Jlrl•H- grant-.! thea> uodor tloo •-•1· WT.Itb. l.oJ"J Sall.barv hold>< dOd nt)j. or><:lulo ,,, tho ~ ah"ro Bt l on& tlo rosht fo IAn I lor tho purp<>ao ol lr~wlng 4~'""" lro111 tho •h ro. llo a lao~ olh I~ tin $UIIo t: whb Mlou 1ho :\mrn"'n lbl>~n.,..n ~~"<•~ Ylol•lmg ' "'""llaou ••hldo were In u • ...,,_ wb•D II o trtaly W3t "'" ~~o~tJ .. <1 vbll:b tb.,ro!urouurk.ed til• oooditlo • aul ]~1 ID wh t b tho An..,ol ~o• reeoo•.,l lh•fr rl;;ba. •n I priY 1.,.,.... Ut lu thotreal) bo .W 1118 llut 110 lncol act r•6tllallng tho lltborl.. "hlch "'"' 1••••1 aubs"'t" l hJ lbo trNIT Wl'~ld o!f<'Ot tl o lr4ol\ rl~ht• of tl o Uoale<l S1•tc• butln•Lita tb•ltlu tm1uJ <.:t lof ae«>ple<llloo fbherr ngb"' eol1..:1 to all loco I atu and TOS"Iatlono Ia to'""' at tl)" lhu... Lot\1 ::.~l,.bury a an1wer eont~iolng thlt r~f , .. ,, ,.-...,. lor....,rdod Ia litll 11ulteJ til31e.< G<>r•rom•ll •nmo I•T• •:ro lllu•os at ~~ .. , n"' l roublo60mo qu ... uou OJ'"' lor hb ••Cl~sor t o eJ.GUio.. ..

1 bo flmua aprhed to :Ur F \"1\rll Sccrc l4ry of St.t.w 1111 l'huradnj1 (orfuller tofor mattoo l:.uL :\lr Enrl.ll ijlougbt bunaelf obhged for the pl')lacnL to 111ake DO pubh calla o of ~rd Sallsbury • de•pALch fbe Hrrold a~ the co11ntry ,, l lflP~~•eqL Cor tho run repqrt and ~ta we SecretAry 8 rc Licence tbe mure becaueo we autpect th11t tL w11l be round when the correspoodeqee 111 ruado p ublic: lh3t llr Et>arta bu ahrowdly c:oalnwed to ris co the quutton o( \bo !Uh ene& 111 a pn«tttoo eoltrely adnata.gcous to tbe U o1teil tAles and t.hat be hu 111 fac:t, ach1eved on unporl:lnt dtplom.,hc: tnuntph wluc:h r eac:bl!!l much further t hiUI a mere c:laom fo r d:un~s:c:"-

1 ho llrro/ r s edttort~l ;:ocs on lo s:• vo :~n &CCOIIII~ Of lh<: UU!rnj;C, and C:OUC:Iudes U foiiO\fS

Tm: d uty hu d erol,ed IIJ)Oo l:iera­WIIllatU th11yeu .. ~~did lul of eeetDf that cve1'7thlQJ prejudiCIAl to hcaiUa bu boten Nmoved from vt~ttoaty of d\folhng houae W o tu rn that thtro ap pura to be an I.Qqreu1og • pprec:l&boa oo thil'pmrt of tho h ouseholder gonora.lly or tho beoofita d orin.blc Croru t ho Cree uatt of hme wlntowub ct Me rJU»U om •r I hoso 10 1\uthonty, to who m 1$ entrusted tho care o r tho pub hc.he11l tb bno tbe1r best ro wl\rJ 10 tho c:ooactouaaea ol duty perform ed aqd In tho knowledge th11t :.uuc:b good rcaulta bavo rollowed ' ho fatthlul carr) tllg out of •osnlaliOtlll pret~ertbed by l llw It muaL be pleasant llltowo"" to find t heir W'Or~ becoauag wore and 1.aoro lf~ld 1l)


('TO Tilt t:Dn'OI.t Of Tilt: STA:SD \I:D} D t.\1 ::SIR -

1 eeo b.y your moe of &turtlay IMl th't , our St. J ohoa corrosvondont :SI!;ID(l, tnkCJ OCC3Saon to millet wh<tt appeal'3 to m~ • ury hJ.:u 1\ 1lur Oil our ex~::cllcut retm:lll Chtcf J ustice 1r Jl(GII lim l.t::! :\lr

tml ' who " ntea ,. tth nn :Ur of nutbonty th1l would se~:u1 to 1m1l> th.'\t he Ill\ • c r) n uportnnt perwuaga tud,c I IDI!IIIuntes lh&t Sa lh <olt " ould hM~ nctc I wore crerhtnh lj if be h~tJ retlr.,;l f rom Ofii~O ICIIIIO 11 "J'" •• 1 1111d thl\t he m•t-:ht \ c t .)' \\ ell hrt\C till< so on u.-c:ouot o f bMIO~ P"'"to mean~ of bu 0\\ n 1 ftul lo I'CO tho lo,lC of tho~ modo of ro.~DIIlf: or thll )IUtiCC ol expecun:; sucb rtn exlnh1llon of d1sonu:res cdncs' on the l~'rt or Mr l!{llt ES b Cl\IIAJ he happ~n, t\ to laa~c II.WCd p:tr~ or Ius [llllt e~mlll~ or nil Ulllll "ho hn•o lnke11 n pcn8tou from ~u .. rouudland1 the lt\t<: <. htcf l wmcc L' uol\ cranll) nctnowlc lgc1l IO ha o rar or I 1t., no l1t I!Ccms to bu prl!ll) poor lo;:w t 1\tgllll that bccnnl!O t1 mrttl h:\(l('k!ns 10 h:" c huab.'\mlc.t tbo M U11g11 o f hos cttrhcr c::trccr ho should deny lunll!Clf tho " ell m~ntc I ~ "ard o r and <lutms;uishod pnbho I!Cr ncu&. bta exc~puonol nght to wluch Ill :lC

co•dc I hy lhc I:TO!A~ boll) of InK fellow cnt zon• nnd countn rucn

'\ our corrcsponuent p.u!!CI 011 from tlu~ to c:ut " l!rntuttouR 11111 ut.,t.ion upon the cbl\rnclcr o f the nall•cs of X cwfnnntlll\nd M 0010g M b.'\(J M the >lrl\ns-:r Indeed "orse t'or bo prc.sumca " good lhlll on h11 tU\li\'UUO tt

l•lung thlll IICntencc 11 connectiOn " 1tb tt.~ conu:xt 1\ntlm 1 10" of 1tsm lcfin tettd>& othc rwo8c tt llPJHl'ra t:> lllc l\11 that uatncs nrc more cl:unorou• nnd cu ling 111 tho~r dl.'tnl\nd~ ou tbc Go~~rrtt11ent tlu\11 str:>llg<ll"3 or those "ho nro not n"u' CJI aN 110 I thM the) ~ro thus c:onap:\mttYcly m pActOU8 hcC.,UIIC they lrn (c upon the f ICt th:>t they h:~p~n &.u bnvc boeo boru IIJ ~cn'fouudl"n l \\ hA~ occ.wty tbero Li Cor D)al:tn!f th111 <il8ttnctton ur fo r 1wng lh1s comp.,rtAOn In tho pre~~ent connech o u dou a ot A('peu I be l 8:1) thAt complMSOOS MC OthOn8

1\n<l tlu• n'Onld ~111 to be n case 1o po1 11 audtltool l rortOW:\Ikc l nwn• I rlun lin I I nl•l tolrlll l.H hlruo C trt:uolJ l ul,.:c llOILIStll'crp~IUUiul

> hr • I uo4 f tl I ,. I'" 1 • r fl hNmJn up(lu hL• nnttHll:t.o to CXAC~ n pentuoo -1 ftriOUJIJ sl3tcmrntll mOrf' or ltt'.-t f'lrrOD~' }' " ll 1t-o 1 r,. .. 1 ... t..., I r• •• • JC!'t"it n o ( f r\)ol d • t,;0 , r ,moor or a. r3 \:or f rom any

ou~ I ~vc bee n c Jrre-a t rf'C~ 1U l N'l)~tlllJ: r. L 1 t:. • ur> ' • n ' 11 r S" J u~ 1111" ll u '" -' J 1.: .... - .., ~.,puuuuu&o ,.1 1101PUOl)' J h • .... hJ t r l th Ill th:u II .. r r~oo tr 11f l1:t.t t ('f ,. J I' c r .'lt Ur La '""1..1 k \V no~ Abn u tl..w uJ "'" ~ ""~<:» v r I 3

I'! },.~~~~:H0~1 n~ta',l IU>Ioly exos1• l h~ ll oh tho n nuu n • " r ""' 1 • U..llo•::bf"'>'"~r~ j rot¥rcruent tbnu &nJbOO) ciao docs aud 1f t h b l IC. >dt ·~r• 1\ ~ v fo ""' b II •• bvll tl n 1 > 'ho • >d tbo Ur ll•h 80 nnd t( tbc&e elrC:UIIIStnOCCS 111 \ 0 h., D , wit. 1J con I c o J r C"ry CI\U~C nt uor:tl \ n r lf nt"n 11 J' " "" Jrr r t .. nur rt~l t... th d 1 1 1 II t rouble lhat tlrll . II ro ul II Ill~""'"'" I u I r I"" rna~ J" I I> I u ultn II onltl • Stl!;ltl:l upon c con uc. 0 UtZO Ul i i:S o( ner•ous p r<'otrattvu uv, rwor'-. an 1 1 r • I wl I <•. ,,. 1 1 '• • , , , ,, , 11 111 the m~tlcr t Le a:>oocr " e lu•o them nuJc wnnt ofeurc.3e~o l .alulmou>:urtn •hod " "' h r.l• •·~··• publor the better H nppol) Str ll lGII h e: h:a• beea 3CCU~IOIIIC I ~·~ tell III II 'I"" I ' 11

· ' " !i • • ~ •1•• ..... na.D~· thllllith 1\b<ent f r<IUI thll c:o Ill try 18 s ttll Ill

hom <i1sruot ro ' "" nntl tl , .., , 1 ) arc Aro oil I the lno I of the h'lng and 1111 the oudenc:e h <n :\Mo rt t l AI I'" health s fntltn~t vtot l l' -~ > ~ q H I t l ll ~o - \\ tl•nn •Cufttllrd I " 'tho Ct\.'!0 11\1\\ bo I' ocu~d If the puhltc llta me lte&ltulv~,nl are ver v nus oou• that._ I owtl, r ""~'' I .,L,.Io r r c up• "'' lei"-'-• 1""1 " ... -.on "' corr"rt the f3Ct~ nro :Ill tltc he 2ho aid have cb:tng~ o ( aor 11,. tumm ... ..;..: eoo, (u,1 ,r 1 tu r pu lduo~ • 1 1 plcS \\llttna;T other wrty nud \l r lloTLRS ll~llher \Vrtnted bu~ tt ucma llu.t tl o th"l-.11.s ""I pruunro I I , I t I • ~ • J ic udo I " I huot1 t.o Hoce ~lln.:mont from 1\Cll•o ~.,,cc uor cons.: brought to bear upon hun b~l'l80 \rho ~~ 1 "I' }rrt,. loti,,. p 1 lltns...,. &c al:ta quentJy a pen.tlOO (or lllLCIJ\ llJ Dut hoi\ would r~IO cbatn hun 10 thr ~lAke I aVP (or I uri.: n I ~· """~ " IIICI) Blanc OICr that may be Str lla;GII 1\M tho IM~ lmhcrto 1\Yalluol to preven t lu u lrumlaktug J mntt~c It •• •Ire ltl) II·~ ol QIJU 0Mored ml\n Ill ~cwfo lndl:uad to put ron~t\rd nuy a ay auc:b dcc:ISHm ro r •u rc (U ,.11 on I " 11 11 lk d c1ru111 th~t r~atcd upo n 110 Alcn~cr n fuundn I au nr :--cc reel ; . on ) I k m ftn ItO II M lito arc:ld<:nl or hi" blrtb llo \IM or

- Tut ll!:m~ Of' T" n ( r.n11 "' IS l s 1 ~Ll~e cotllatn1, Rbon~"~ 1 t~: "S'~ful~~~~ too m:\liiV a dtapo,.uou and o( too sene1ble DRI:SS l strot :11 - I'" ' ' A rm I _4 _ \u 1 ow lcr nul (o tr tcMpoouCul~ ~I nJ:~I:e a t1 uno I to r,.•t Ius clau os upon 1\11) tbwg leN! amtUlOl[ &tory IS relat~d 10 I CINII'tnrlll to dehctou• (.; 18U\nl \II IIIOl r I GG~ A8k our sub.~ll\IILI:ll tbrut Ius OIVU pen!Onnl anu 1U

day fhc Pnoc:" o f \\ales 11 ftecma, wen t groc:or for tt.. W tl"on 8 Custard l'o ; der t nnsto mena., and ovon on tltat bUll bu t o take a J urluah b:tth o tlay or two IIS:O t:t!lde up wtth frntt, p roduoe& a tltlteLOUJ oeYor ob~rud~'<i h11 rqonl.ll or clauns. llUI a nd wb1lo recllnoo~: on th., .1lab aft.!r 1n and refreabttl(j dt1h ~l~:dlcal COI'ttficat.ea fe llow couotrymeo generally behove that d ulgtog 10 t~o luxury or • b:tth he perc~1 ., P to purity &ou wholcaomeac.a. no bouor or roward 11 too roucb ro r bun etl lt.t.odmg beatde h1m 1\ vory darlt UI&D Tlnlag OLUU ne<t a .. ., 1~ of tbo ro arallon tl!a~ :-lGwfouodlaod eao OOJtow not because whom h e took for a oegro 1\tt~odnnt.. Jne ~nnwo,.. Wtlaoo 11 uatard 1 owder P1 ld I rom ho bappens to bo a oauve but b.:caUJO be clark man wa.s 10 tbo UIUAI uadreu uno(orlll II• ronol lluro"' and mlldo of preparation tbu IL 11 rendered Ill nod to tlto (.;oiOO) auch diatm peculutr to tho fqrk11b bath lne 1 noec • whol • ...,mo ar tldo nlloo.l gutahed antl Tnluablo IICr\ 1co 1\8 uo money tapped b1m oo the ahoulle r a ad command The •~nco u1od for ft•TOuron;" propar .. t by ca.n cowpute and no earthly buuor can o ut-e<l htm 1n a curt IJl.lnAer c.o ~ub hnn doyn • opc.:lal proooo• ..,., "'render h murb wer Uan wetgb f o h,. utontJbmeo~ tho dark miUI drow ::r';'.!.""'"11 employed In bouoebolda lor •udl 1 way say 10 coochwon that whtlo 1 hM•e htm1cl£ up to h" full belaht, w1th a lof lJ. AS nnE w 1\ 11 J IS DSA y :u 0 w:. no aymp.'lt.hj w1U1 tho cant nbout nnt.n tn.wc aJr dnaped h.imae!l IIT'~tS to• el u 1r 110 A•i>")lol:i~ Oalllu 1~11 Sov 1~<~'!1 ••n1 or sU':Uig~:r 11m '~Inch your corrc• 1t wc ro a mmature to~ Mid .w1tb 11 ~rttog Dr llnd .. y baa rononlled mo tu rel.r• 1co ~ poudcnt 110 uoneCC'l'lnnly refcn1 to ant\ IUD look of eeorp ADd d e f\&ace atallted AWII) tho abo-<11a f I co •u• In hi• ntlnl<m. not Ill fn~ or o ( dtacnrnlnut.tog e11he r for or T be r nnco blld m11'"ea Oon C.arloa for a 0 F:OR< ~ I :\\\ SOS I rd ol Cl•ml•try O,.."lllliA~ n mnn 111 e3lun:~ohng tho \MilO o f d ar key aemat., Md :all tbc CaU~It•n blood Wbol•••lo A"'""' In r""""f'llon u., s • ., huo pubhc 6Cr> 1ces, on &ecount o llua btrth or t.ho hetr or tho Snanub Crown roao up lou ~n .. I llewr.. J II L \IlL> nr.o I u f liS (llaco I tbtok my fe\101\' nallVC!! Will be pre

.- Uorbor l •n to 1 d '·· &ptOit hetr or ~bp E;ul!l tilh Throne p.1re1 to ffil\lllt:un 1\D JlrOt'C t""l WO 1\rtl DOL E £ ~o;o1 n1~; 1 1 y cxcuptioMlly OXJ\ctiug- on tbo Govcn,meot..

- The toh nrnAn praolice adopted by80mo ~c1ther 11.11 11 rule, 1\Nl nattr es of tho coon m ereenuy ah1p o woe,.. 1n eondiorr uuaea TllotU.o Excaunott EcuOTntc On.. try unuauRlly ra,ored by tho Government., wort by ahuw on vovagoa til att ll continued 11 ortA Tt• rtJUU •'• "":;At ... Gok/-1""~ ~ "" far 11.11 m• ob&crwaho n "Gel Hu t be t.h11

.- .~- n.ot. "!I~"" tUtd ./ " 10 aptle o f lho eft'orta to p rereot aueh oc. It 11 tho ~h ... J>dt modldnc our m.od~ Ono as tt may [ am ttUtlo cerl:lln that no mao eurn:oces. A case recently oconrrod m the doao eurN tf1111moo ooro lhr'?\L Ooo boule ha• who Wll!hCJI well U) the colllltry And 1ta tn lou of tbe ahtp lfarlbtn'ollg/1 'lt'btc:h left Car eur...t ll•n •hhl• f fly r..nta wortl ha• corN! toreatA, and to thl\l good wtll Rod harmony t1tlf for Geooa o n t bo l!'Jtb of Jut ~ovcm •• ohlat.tndln~ mu~;h It I.O•Itl•el> cu,.aoo~Arrh whic:b arc easenlilll to t til future provea ber Wlt.h a crew o( twenty On bAnda IUid a ulhiDA • >d rtnup.. ~ •fty oeu"' wo•tb 1•1 au rod and auccea, w1U bo prompt to raJAO the cry ,.,.,...o or coal Alld bad nner been htl&l'd of erlek Ia I be bock •nd tho unoo '1"""111> 1• n. bod! -the m111erable and au.schievoua e""-Wh1ch -o ol el~tht yun1 at.uullu~r It ~lllft awtllod J>eclr ·~ .. ace the ptlo t left her The owo, r or tho tu111ora. rbeumaUom nooralp 111rr jqUtll, opln,.i would tep&J"'\te from each other &orl&rraym T-1 Mr r.arboU, edllulted tb&L tbo f a d1fllcohlee oo I pain and oor.,aeula uyp.ort uo ho.Uhty to each other thOIQ wbo b&ppqn to ael wu under QPDJitld but urged thd this IWitltr "btr" II onay 1..- oor from "''"'' c.uoo It ha' e beco born en Ute co no try 11nd thoao who wu the retull of ao 1rror of JDdgmeat., and ""'J' arlo• 11 at ... ayo dou roo good. 1 wen11 ftye amo to 1t a h l tle later 10 tho day h h had d I . .. b ""ott W<>rlh bat cur .. I baJ ea.oot of ebmolo an<l

t a~ e DO e11UJ to 010. .. ,e abtp y blno<ly ~y«ooh..-y Ono ll!U~al c:ur.o collo 1 encloeo my card IIJld rellliLln, wboeo dt~~appesrance he had loat ,elj ~ In 16 mlnu..,._ It will of pll~ that Youre. &r_ Tbe court. hell\ that the ~eael yu o o1t4blo II b po .. ble ta ""'" Sl:t tn oll:h• • ra""''luno,. SUBSCRIBE R. thAi ~ load hue bad beeo altered, and ,...rnoiA!d to ""r" '""1....,.. of •"corlat.<l nlppl.a that t.he ah1p wu OYOrla4•a apd under or oollaon6<1 hreaal. l' or bnoi.IM flopplle<l olloo manood , Wltb tho koowle .. r.e and aanctlon an I bn~ad up lboro Ia nover tl o •llt~:b ""'l dl•

,.,._ oolorathtn Ia 1114 a• In J 1 co~ tho palo nf a burn of lb e man~~&JII&' owuer f.ookiUlf at t.he u aoon u epplled. Corea r,.lod f""L bo Ia grou carelea11- aod lOll of hfe occ:utoa wart• •nd eorna aDd wouada of oyory dCIICflpllon ed b)' ll, tht cotu1 ordered t.b~ oyqtr to P-1 oo IIWI or beau . £25/) eoata. Ul'lt'&aa op lxrri.Tton ..-1\olt lor Dr Thonou

Eclettrlo OIL 8oe that lbo tdpaturo ol S. II{

T'-' I• an lito •rapp<'r1 u d l~o nom•• of .Northro nun are hlo,.n ln the bottle •nd Tn.h tlold bJ.: all DJodlclno d.,.l•re. r u ~·•• NOR rnnor a: r n1A:s T o In Onl . l'roprl<IOtl fnr 11M Dootloloo

N -Edldr-oloclod and ~od. ltA L

Up~r }l/a11d Cuu, Jlfayll 1880 ( TO Til& EDITOR OF nu: STANDARD)

DEAII Sut, -.1\a you ~~~~en fit to put my firat Iotter on

your paper, and I gtft!l you tbanh for the lAIIIe I than~ to my101£ wb.on I geta a ipeU I will back lha~ feller up W1t.h aooUler Tho letter looked bettu on the n oosepaper than o n tho nting paper aud perhape tbaL goL aometMng to d o wiLl} my l.rytog to nt.t anolhor 'How80mewer, wbe o a poor t11at1 fioda tblap goes roor when they oupt to ~ riabt, I alwaya aya ~ it more better to put them oo priut tb&o be all \be time a­gnunblln aud a-growlln abo1lt them. I certified IOta ill my first J.Uer LbU thea ,. bad DO Road Board, DO mort We badn &, Now we hu cot one. whleb Ia the ame old Roud &I ewer, onlt two more boY' it added to ~p~ochhe mooeyl'u&or Alld.ltll'e enoub It did 10 lilt &Jtla time Tllert wu LtrO fltulderd ,Ud fqrty IIMIIl ucl boya IIICl dtJJcleru WorkJIIf aiJ ~ 0G0t. 'l'lley ... Ill It for two bole ~ or 11111ybe a tnlel!Oat­or 'J"bn all IW IIIOHJ Wll pe. 'I1ie ~ ........... l!llftD aiiUJiap, aod becia11111 \bert ,.. ao ..-e 1.,. after lba&, 1J91De of the l!tOWd ~ to rite to (he 0oYVIIII' DOL to lilld DO mort 1110Mf1o lllucl Ooft. tor ..._~, mtlClla tbt7 ..,. • Ub DCJ.dll~Wt Of ..,.lclc!M OOtlaelt to bow IDOf't t111D WI ..-,..w lfttllllll'l if oar


Ro.d Bo&N waa ua eao~ to t11rt olf obiWeaa too a-u &o ~ ... cmal. t.ll­uu ... 4tny mes w~o MiitJr Dehwku la IJarbw a,... ao• •o~~t~y belq!IIJq to lo die Bot, ucl iJiteD u.lp olll1 &JaoiB per -ooa who ls reel poor aoct b&4 off, &he mooer would look mort tlaaA i& 11 aqd aomo aood work wollld be cSoot ~ it.. 1 eaya It Ia a cruelllwDa for rich ~~t.. ""'" Uleupe]Yee ~taaotf.,Ta'lt6il, luldeolla lhiDjp to poor MODI#\ to wee their bit of moooy away from lhem Uld they doea thta by foi'Ciog tho R~ Board to gt~o them ~ ''""- «lie T'llll.. They aaya t.bpt waqla theU' alwe nod 1nU b&Yo t.lje~r lhart, ao4 11 the Boctrd -.ont •lup t hem. thor thtfath~n• to 1r0 on t,ho road on therr 0'11'11 book :S ow S1r, 1 uka you or aoy dactut man u tluL what &ho Governme nt wanll whoa they granta Lbia mouey I baYo u kc!d & lo~ or meo who oogbL to \uo• aad thtly u lla me not. They uya tt 11 tho JlOor maua ~rmnl.. So I tbmks to, but 1 ltno.-a ltko1nao tlus 11 uoL \fbAt folk• tlunka II ere

W 11 11ro Jlllt 111 b.1d oil u "'lton t lllnt you my other le Wo heara notb1ag of no potatJc4 u yet. I 1e12 your people 11 to Q'oL 80mo nod why not 0 1 who ta Umca WOI'!ICr ofT Fences tll f,"Dill!r up fMt but "haw t be good of (e.,ces w1th no pot:ll••• to puLJDIIdt of the tn ~ot a b1t or 1(00(1 10 tllo Ylde woritl I am to ld P11n100 W IU"Cn ee.:n Daw bit 'I' C!e~ aad bo to ld the I'ai'I!On bo wonld try to do hi• best for ua. l bope1 th11 m11y bo tho for ocrtoin bu~ tbe tuuo ls llt l ling ruunucl u p 110\Y an I allba....U wtll be ~oon bu\31 {1"1 tms: to n tea ~ t.h~ Lnrbsrdore 1\nd 110 tf "e tlont geL the01 80011 jll!t M wclltako them nud he'e lhm ov~r o ur pubhc •bArf thM s ~:olng to be vbe n t l:a complc~ted lf you put& thlll on •o ur l per d ont 11.'\Y tw:ur me ~~~~ 11, for ril!i• &I h.'lnda ts on tho r oug ln\Ck Somt r., .. ~peelS me but most II:\ )'a lorna not tnu lmL aomc ot&cr foll• r 1 n1ns tho l'llk or l!)Q51og my c redit bot wb.'\la ro~ht 1.8 nglt~ '\nrl cant bo tMdc rong no ht)W I onl:f c:hllfb'I!S OIIC IIOOIIOP.,'\por for my lt l lel'!!l het umo you scot mu two I m"y nw c.g:un 110oo nnd rt ruauu

Y o-1r sen'llnl \ l 'OOH :\1 \~

(1\1 Til& I!DilOr. Of nu: ~'T \SD \I!D) DE" Sm.-

\ OU 1\Sk-\\ htt thmk y ou of n CAml\j!C tin' " off mto tb1 country ~ Al moat um~~ tltc reply would bo::-1 tbmk tt dol~~;htful -nt one I moo ralhag :\Ions: o~ cr t lte level and d u" n desccl~ at llllother t.t.l:u 11 o tr time ~;oong up M::cutA \ mon:,: the dm v b:lcks to purfect C:IIJ"l mont [ ftl:\) llf'M mentton tb()s nL\11) •m'\ll at.>ncs that 1\ro thro"n from (;i\Nt!llJ or else ar~ placcJ on thu r.o:u l ly '"'" b'"'ous pc~ ~~ U c:ca AIOIIIII~o II llhOwcr or au.ot h!\II LO he en countorod when the 1\ mu ~wcc(M oiT the clfi!J place•l on tlt~ ro!WB 10 piRCC or grate/ \ d am ttl nlltheoc diiiCOmlitu~• 1 c/o enJO) n Url\0 tnlo th11 eo.JOtl")" 111 the olr) ~enson Unt 110r-.!ith \ pnl-tt \\ould be cquallo b:>nl lnbor to utt.lcrlAkc CillO a fc v mtl~• JOUrney tn almost nny ohreclJOII C ruel!) 10 wan l\O I WMI? • ou IL'k \\ by ao no" 1'-"Ucula rly lllD c thn • At oth~:r aeuon• ? :S1mply ht.'Ct\11110 mco "" /( r ct>rla • onj{u t rr• •nil not bo lnllgbt by cxpcnenoc nor "''II tl1<) 11twn I to ad,.teo they oltca fin I 1:'1\ 0 11 thc•n Ill the col umns or the ST\:SIHHII 1 hAt I& t he r~M occ:ret. fnPDWJ and no mt~ LAkr \ boot t his uone lnst y~r o correJ pootleut of tbo :,nstnt o OYI'r the tub'l•a t uro or Sec s,w called 1\llc nuon to tho f act th11t MOog oar .-ere ro bo fou nd a m1 obcr o( wlut bo tenntu ho~o nnd tul\ 1 traps aud ho pomlutl out thu WI\ II w rende r them no 1 tM InoM l mRlJ (boll~ J kd 1 should cnll them 1n a.dth ll oo) arc trorun_ by .lau:lt Fron on his d co.•n.pre from 11\lr """ ln ow~r word!! tn mn~>:tng our roads au the P'"t no Qrtl W3S t.~kcn to ub t.~m 11 to ltd fou ntlnhon Clny aurfi<Cc• wn, CO\CNld watb ell\~ d 1: (roao tho stdc lnun~ --<lay 011 clny on theso :\ (.,,y anebc, ' I vmvd hMe been pll\tcd gcnerl\lly t he rO.'\ I II quttcjlr.l 'l'btc:ll ro' stolllg t ho r:l lM Of \\ III!Ct l!ll t llr:\U'II the ell\' It frc~:a.e• 1\lltl IThoo tho frost l>e~n, to como out tn tho spnn,. e \ Cr\" hero and there tho ell\) 18 OtL~tc I or w4lrh-J up 111111 a j)l.'rf~ct mot11lr Ill I"<'Uicll tbc whecb smk to tb n:t1c 311 I the hon~e 1;~ tlowo w Ius g~r h~ I hli I:L•I, llllthc ronrl olr,e.s when nil becomcR tlnn 1\DU Nllll'\11" ~o t oll noxt spr "f: -wluc:h hko to morrow 1101 cr come~ WIT II l•

1 hi\• u 1:" 011 obj. rtlo:-as to no on ''"' 1111: Ill th11 IICA!Oll ~If ~t'Cond t~ D. c<JU3Ih abocr- groH11d 1\5 the Conner 1.!< 1 mlrr Our fO!Id.IDU"I'S Of tho ('M (and the 11.'\Ul\1 011\Y be s ud or 11101t or tl~e preacnt) covered O'~"cr lnrge. a ton a \llluob lio o n tl1o road track well uode r ground lenvtng a 1ruall part O\ er At tbJS ICAIOil or the ycar the Cro.t com1ng ouL of the grou nd loosena t.hcru beaTing lhow well up u they ho aurrouml ed by water thua ofonqg an opportumty to ltnl\8h them up 11nd placo thu fms:meot.l 10 the bole~~ Cro1n wftich t hey aro tAken or mUter 1 11bo ultJ II\} oogb~ to be l4keo ): ou ba•o aeen atooca thu hoYe up b) tl1e Croat wh1ch frow the1r fa• orable (lO!IltJon eould ~ly bo remo,.!d m bnlf an hour but wlucb 1f left. M tS d ono now to c<m nt and bo ow bedded 10 the 1110rt.v wb1ch now aa n hqu1d • tate su rround& tbe111 would ro­qutre many boul'll to remove ~ et tbia may bo helped a nd mUJl bo

belped if )'OU ffaot SOOd road&. JJut bow Cl\11 1t be helped? you uk Qmto CMly & gut at I~ root of I~ aboMIIIGIIOIL }'It'll., employ men to conduc~ your road nulaug who ltttdulland aoruotbmg or wbat t.hey uf1 dertako t'o perform- tho moro they know the bolter And wbU!per lneud1 Jnlt Joolt over your sho ulder round the ooraor to aee tha~ your !Wad Conductor~~ brro 110 pt~'KI" at utttruu wh1ch mAy tDterfert v1th tho 10 terata of tho public.. Suoh a t.bmg has laappooed to OIMr couotrie. Uld migbt hap pea to thia. and '!lilY b.&\ e happeow Cor all I know to th• ~ ... ~ c - ... · "' •l, ..... • ·

prtL'tNI rulstakeL &condly Lo CNre tho eYila I complatn

of MJ&ta u much ol your roada u you can 111 the 1pnng. Begln by d out yellow clay wbtch tho froflt huves up fill up tbo hole w1tb Ulla'llat4Dellwhtc:b..may agam be CO\ orod with 80tue ol the clay bo­fore talten out. Thill w11J ~~ tho atone aod rtllltl\ tbe grawol Each aml tTC!TY big atone wbtcb po"kes 1ta heed aboTt ~olld IUI&Ih up Spare ootc yoor blow.. ob ye mendera of our waya I Peg ill to the~n witb wight Uld m•Jo and 80 make glad tho be~ or uaveller I

'l he n tn IIJlring time, u in autumn 1~ will be a plc.uure to dnvo along over them , aod you wUI be able to freelJ connno wtth yont companion and 110L be ~lkd to cllawouoUrom yourcarNp enry haU IDile to utricate ita "tfbttla from one or thoee "trape." jllli, I)OII{bly, ae you llaTt mooted & qoe.doa wblob • -1 bt abotaL tq_ao. ••er iD the dtn~~al;be, bo' ~ to tU Dep&ift U IOOD M abe- )'OGJ' WtDptl'

J:llaze up. aod ~nrbeart 1011 -

r.b&doallt tip,_ ~·o~ u the ottmaptios. AU: raat llapP;!!ta &9 auy. ODt-'~D·~ .,..

Jloed. Ia iD -rt ·- tlwa Oat ~hill work Ntwfoandllnd. GonrD· .. ata -.ct Roed Boerdl aod .nn.A'a. are blamed wbea It it tM ~ .. lalcb liaa *a doing tbe mllehltf all t~ -.rbil.. " "" qa, oompett11t _penon widala a oert.ia es:U~ ol ttmtory, (~, ooe. ~ ~&breo ~) wbo oout hlltt ,uerd nl'f"laioll .. ol 1M ...,...ttl-., lk ....t, uMI wllo ~ Ia· lind oterMen Aow tl p/«tt - 1o wrl: tW *1..., aftll if tlie . ~ Ill,...

ta«M ,\tl w~cb tber are ~ Ho, Ia t411-p to bt pUd? 'l)e ~ cao'U(onllt.l Yolfc!.Ul ...... ~ .. lit IDIUIC!H Ql• ..... f~ .-.... • • .-u parceo~e of the wtiolt pant f6r ~e ' ltrrito17 ~odor &ht llljptrYilor'a jcniedic

uoo wollld p&y hUll and be, If be kMw AU 'b~~n., .... _,_. ••• IUa pay aqd ae mocb more It tAla true ? Ccrwnly ~~ Ia tntt. You would no~ go to tbe barber to bue your autl of clotho. ouL out-juat becauao aHhough ho UIC& the ll1eara • aod u11d ..... at&odlt twug tbcm m hu trolk he doea no~ ~tuderataod lbo boW~H& of & ~lor .Qr gar. monkatter Apply tbi1 t.nuam to JOtlr do'" of roi\d..lo(IClf'\'1801'1, and yoll are ~ way to ptrfectioo berore you awt.

Y oura etc. l'l:UL PRY, Jllllior

Apnl 27 =="'!~~

~LIOB OOUB'l' \ Aan BUtloop u Dolly Merccr-abOilYe (angttll{l1l Md IDCiliO(; tO brencb Of tho ptllCO and ordered to find au,..ue~~ for the ~ for 1.! moutha 111 the sum of t 20

l'l\tnc:k D erup&ey and .foh n Falloo­druuk and d1aorderly D ompsoy wu fined 61 o~2 daye imprtsoomuut. FILlloo 810 or 14 c!Aya 1mpnaonmeut.

WUham Dl~~ekmao Boston, U.S.A.­drunk on Street. Adtno oiA!Ied and d.iacbargt.-d.

lltomu GoiJ Wilha m Murphy, Robert. Penn}' Jl\ru~:s Barr) Wdham Butt and l\lartm Murpby CarboneM-druolt on W atcr St.ruot.. Admon111hed and diacll&rged

J oseph ltcdmonll c-a r bOnur-<truolt and diaonlerly .fined S 1 o r 2 cby& nnpnaon ment.. D~n1c l 1-'\nders-druok and dJSOrdtrly

~ uctl ~ I or t days 110pn80nment.. James ( o rdoo e1 t::hol P tke-uamg

tbrC11tcu1ng lan~ Orde r<!<! to find aure IJca Cor tho pe11ce fo r 1.! montha '" t.he 111111 or $ .:!0 o r 10 tlefaul~ s d &yll tmpn!IOoment.

J oltu ~onncll-..drunk an d thsorderly Ftuerl Sl 60 or S rlii)B 1mpr11otuncnt.

James WM¥h ( 1ubonear~lnmk aod d1.1 orderly bned S I C.O o r :} day• 1mpnaou mcnt

John } lynn l alsnd Co~e.......,rauk anti MSllultmg loom"' \\ ~biJcr on \\ IlLer Street. ~ tncd $-' or I I d:l) s tmpr11onmc nt.

lo3Cph Uc~:r H.ive r 11 ~1\d-drunk and Rttcwr I IllS: to "-"l'CUe n pn<on, r from Con ~t.t.ble :SbOIJ""d F IDccl e or 2:> dnya 1111 pn~C)IlmCnl

f raqk MMtln-dnmk 1\n I <it&Orderly ('II ed $ 3 Orr, d:l\8 IIOj)rtfOIIIUCOt

J ohn h UJ!cmld t :u llut \!.1\r - d runk•IUid $!1111~' of au lc~cnt bclmnor l 1ocd . S or G d"\TS '"'J M l"V I IUO lt .•

I hontl\3 llcu~ou-.di•Ortlcrly conduct ou the ~t re~:t. huod $1 i>\J or 1.1 d:~ys 1rupn aonn,t.:uL

."itcpl e n \\ tllilllllS-dl&orJ, rly conduct. r I ned S I :,0 or (i da) • uopnsunmeoL

J obn Uro) tuad IJnuac:11 \dltu~rder I) conduct. Hrnyvos hued Sf :.Oor Gd•y• IU>prbOliiUCDt .\.dlltnS WI\$ dU!IOIMed

ltobcrt ~lorn&--vtoleut oouduct ooJ u s mg msult tng lnn~;na.,"C "lule drunk \d lliOIIIllhcd nud dt~UAr)(Cd

\ n o rder of nlliiL'\Uon wM 1\pphed for by U ary \ un I undr1~;nu 1\).'"''"'~ ,Joho ftl her or 1111\ck l>uc L: l'o ttl (''\liiW I Day Tbe c:ompl:unt Wftl <IL!!mu•ed

:Sbul ) ~01 I s ou th :Stdc lla rho r Gl'l\cc-rlruuk nut\ tlt~orJerl) 1 111ed $1 60 or:} da\ S mprl!OIIItteut

&hr"rd "lo:lll:>hM t ~ ~ tchulns luulfthlln - A~' th 1\n I tmng thrca~<:tttn~t laugullf:<' ~lr \\ l>Otl fur l>deudnnt. r ~tnth qu:arrol The Udcud:\ut "~ ortl~r~ I 10 ttnJ ~urcHtc• on S h 'll nud l'lMnltff tn $.!0 to kcop the l:.c'ce for I ' months In tlcfnult 3 wontba unpn.soomeut c:1eh

Dh,..., n tt - 1 OOt.: lll

n uor.f J uOG• IIEssarrr Tlllm Ht~harls , , rt hll u~IT)

fo· Sill fur ~nL J u l<;mt nt for for SIll :mrl en• to.

ll I hii~:Cmltl r:- 11111. ~l enne) Car bonrar \ c 11ou for S G.o blll:ancc d ue M on undcrwrm:r 111 the \ t utu~l ~11\nnc I u •nmtlj.'U C lub o f Concopllon ll:\) M r lltft for lldcod~ J u lg llllUt (or I lam ttff for Sf. f > Atll'f CO<!>!.

J, 11~ ~ ~ ro•t u S.tuorcs x Co Ac:llon for $ .o I !Ill for good< suld aud dehvcreol. Soul~ I

lhos ~owworth~ "' ~loses ~ OSC\\Ortloy \elton fo r 8 I tO for j!Oolls l:lkcn (rom l'hltnufT on boar I of l <alx:Ua RJdlty J udg

.¥tent fo r Pl11mt1fT for S I .JO oou costa. J o bo Slone 11 J oseph l,;dell CarboncAr

Ac(Jou for S40 I'IJ\wutra • LI\ro of proJ'Crl) l!n> cd from wrecked ateamslnp E irtt t 111 tLc !nil of 187!1 ~lr G II t::merson l r for P L'\mllfl i\lr i\lc~ e1ly Q C for De! en dl\nt So• ctal wlloeuea were euruancd for tho f'lstoloiT Tbe follow1og Judgweot Wll! gn en

Tl u I lalniiO' a O.bery oer,..ol orl1h II o Oo ler d!ont ... t. lor comrreo.,tlot u • aahor ol 1 r<>p<'rlJ .. , eJ lroon ot~nter E<rtac ,. bleb wu wrcdtl'd on th" l.A~ra lor lut fall

Tb• lac:1<1 oii~...J l>.r l't.lnllrr and 'DOl dl•r.utod l..y D•l.toU..otorfl I ro~!lv that on r~rinr ofor m&lfoo oltbo lo.uolthc t;Or.,.. lho Oef•ndant ro­quuled Ll• o-ow (wl tl 'wu composed of SI1Aro moo on I \\ Aj: .. ruoo) to occoropatT I om In bit IIChoooer It um lied ll•y lo 1bo -...of tbe "Totlr - at the oamo I mo proml1ing lbOftl lbal U ant' thlog wu kYod tbe) aboold be w~II&J<Uofled ~ Tbov appear lo bau oueeeodod In .. nag a brg. qllauiiiJ of f1 ur b tll4r tbeoao 11.11d oblp • aut•roal t uffideot to IO&d lh~tr aebooner whleb lb•y aubteq rontly convoyed lo Rod ll•r T ho oorv><e« roo lr red by Matter aod Crew were murhOTIOill oad all~ doiiYeriag ta tho .lr.ut of tl o ol~amu tl o proporUo11 ~ood upon 1 ere rtmallle<l fUC' lho IJolendaotand hiS...,..., S.S6 oaekt of flour "5 c~•••• !8 bsrrolo of butter aucl a boot LH wonb of wre.-k makrlal, Oat of thlt Oul1011dant apponlonod to hi• S~.Aremeo

1 28parttotat>hu blo obaro and ocooflboWag .. mea (• wilotU lu tW. .....,} r- IYod SG lor bta unicee. Alttr P<l)'lali tbese amouolt thoro,.._ malaod In tho haod1 of Oaloo latotaboul !~9 oatkt ol flour ~t •b- IUid,. tl lamt. of butler and abont .£40 Ia 01alo. lbo prooeeda el matltfial told lo Rt.. J nloll •,-r"\11 n(..o ..... ~t-..t-"- _... -.

Jolr liCNtl y 1 Q.O. cou~~MI lor Oelooclant ,... Ilea oo tbo n ipping pspor, and doolu lhAI Plolntlll porlormod any etnlco lluol ~· waa not l!oond to render aader tho bi'O<\II ,~..,. of lbo .lgroemoot.. rio taobey alllawfol ootaouodo and do ••~~ry tblog lo hltl powcw lor lhe s-1 o1 1bo 'rD)'&$:0 and that U Oelaodaot -.Jo All1 prom'H ol exlra a>ll\ptD .. IIonlt wu a ptultall8 prooalto wbltb be wu not bouod to J)41rlonn thai bJoflog paid Ptalntlll' tho .Upulalod wart~~ there waa oo further obllcatlon oo him, &Q11 Itt at PlaloUII' hu lolled to provo Ilia dalm thtrroloro llo DIOne for I POo.-tU(L

J eauoollgrllf' wfth ll• JtlcN.Oy U. bla riwof tile cuo and bold that tho""'- lo"'oded by tho ~tteral won!o of tbo A;ntmanl aN' U.e Ultlal Cllllnalary and .... u no'"' -y-Ut eonaeetJon with &lt!o.r plaol.alloae and lhe ~tloo of tht llabery eod tbU lhe ltuler 0011lcl Dot nqaii'O the Nrr&nluderiJtat .i~t to p-....1 with abolr ooltb ol llab to lloaireol lor lo•ta-. allbclo!!h It m{Jbl be for the "s-1 of tba Yo roc-• 1 new oa wbat U.. Plalotur bu ~ a " Wraekior VOJ..., • 1 tlaUtlt that the Pla&atur wu a -... oa '-rd. aod llll pori 011 a tort«e not eoo oeoted •lth the lltthery, and 1101 tloaa..plaled Ia the A...--aJ I!Iat tlM Maator lo botuul br. bia ~ to"Mtlafy"hlllt; &lid llaittPialo~ a eo tuW laaehart of Ute-pro DOftJoo .... oU....~ AallllnlfT OMnil • Jlrll!M M ..... t_(l..,..o l ao4 I~.,. Jedpno f~n Plaloti4 for fU .• -tt &Ail brief r .. ol f!-60, . ........_

T B. 'II:NlUlTT JeiJitD~c..m

llfr MoN ealy appealed to t he Supreme Coon.. .Appeal wu dbmlaed w1th co.ta - tho Jodameo~or the D11trtut Jullfe being l tlllaioed

By Telegraph~ I

awn.u, f'::.=r 8.-Do .. afoa l'ar- .. Tb ....... -~ 1' ..... "" w ......... .... ... JtlteMay - t- D• lt'o ........ y, t......,.-, "Priah lAO ldillla(orCaaadJOO'l'bort· armed yeltel'da1 lOID Brtltol t o Meean.

dati~ tbt 8. 84tflilliU. J ohn lltuon & Co , with a aeoeral CIUIO-Tbe railway ~""* CRkr .ot lJc{aqt The Hi9A.Jl~tr made tho pAIUIIe ouHn :J1

Voeuriaa it OOtPpJeted daya. The Briuab Go•erumeo~ took the lo

tt~f• lo muaurea,to compel the Porto to aeule tbf Mooteaeiriu dillcultJ, 4uaLri& lteartily -~'"' •

A Sbugbat deapatoh d ecluu that China 11 !Rily retOived upon war watb R u1111.

l!IJ&bt membera of tho 8nt1.1b M1ot1t'7 haY8 booo ro elected wlthouL oppoa~tloo Mr Herbert Glachtonelw b<!cn elected Cor Leoda.

Al&rmiag atriko or freoch cotton apl11 Dtrt. 20,000 operatiYH ate Idle.

Germany propoMS a apeclal won roreagn ahlpe to German barbara /

An maurreetton bu broken out 1n Cuba. Eartbquakea aod 'fOicaotc erupt.ioo• are

reported to Mex.1co. Ctup~an am Jed •' 10 SO t.bUI monuog

ReP,~Urt elfoctod at S t. J obo a proved aet1.1 factory

May t O-Senator Drowp d1ed at 2 on Sunday mo mmg, opit>craal aorrow felt, funer&l oo Weuoeaday will be publio.

E1gbty .:olton and a~lk maou!actunog eattblit hmeat.t at llombu &rf clo.ed through atrlk011.

Eogl11nd aod Ftaoc:e cbiJige A.cbMI:r.dora at Couat&nt anople ehnulttneooaly, to 1ecuro bannon1ous ac:l loo

D ffi•.Ud- ~>.•-••• D~oa anti Ramblll'lf CODboue B~~m&rclt dtalrta control o ( Free {;JLiea Banna aympathtzea with llambufll'

l 'ho Mayor of Dubhn appllea to GoYcrn ment for more help to rehon lnoh famtao lo Galway people Will die by ecorell uo ltu rehond ttll ead ol J uly GoYernraeot p romUICI to do the1r n tmo•&. UJ gtY10g loaot to laodlonla to prov1do work

B eljpum expels t ho J eautl.ll who huo II.)U~fbt ref11ge t bero from Frnnco

H &ruagtou baa roYcrsed (. raubook s .tc ca oo to aepmrato Caodnbar Crow Afg haol&­tan. lnltmate& that Auatnl\ m uat abtde atnct ly by lrea~y ol Uerhn

t.oacheo 1 m1u ooo to I urke) mcaus onor geltc acllon IDatatlog u pon refor!llll.

fho error 111 the lnrloan Dudget amouota to fuur taolhon pouotb.

A rupture between Ch1or. aad Japan 11 &mmlucnt

lluaua odds e1ght Ycsacla to bor A11alio fleet

loo huh !lome Rulera w1ll bold 11 Coo (ereoco oo t he 17th

l 'bo roof or :st. Go\ bard tUDael Ce ll 1o lalhng throe worktoeo

Cau11da dnlla twculy ooo M1h tta weu tlua year

~l.u 11- 1oomwton from Abdul llab IDAil K han croued tbe llwdoo K ooah IDOunllllDI

General ::Stewtlrt. IOUlemeot or Canda har affrura 11 unp o v1og tbe pohttCIII attua lion. I he lt1bes are q utcllng

Il1o O:uuto~ 111 South \ (nca Arc aurren <lenug U1eor armd n .o cow plctc p:!Ctlica IIOD o ( t bc DAltve t.riJoea II o earl) ICCOID phabed

Ual.llnZA, In \\ CIIL Arne& hM botn born oorded by Unttsh (or til t.rc~tweot o r Un l 11h IUbJecLII b) the nnttvea Excuewen~ pre ntls 111 lnd1:a eotUequcnt

upon thu aunouacement of tbo error of t hree m tlhnns 10 t he bud~et.. Str John ::>trachr111 s reputation na a fia~nCJer •• ru oed

ll \ \ 1-- J bo Swecdiah Q neen lll lonous ly til

Ruuta propO-'l'a to Italy to auppreu the ;\lba111ao rcbdhoa

lJa•hop ~lf"M"t\n f•o nr .. ""o ,_, lot. Laoa t...•!Cuu as pes t tfcrou..

F th een tic rea o f tho 1- ooL'\mb lea u forc•t I ave been IJu rnt

:Ju uuu heoch c:ottoa a ad t~lk opei'IIIIH& s tnke

.1 be Brtttah Go\ emment lnr b1d naVftl 11nd ra1hlsl') offic:enJ to 11Ct u apecoal c:orre~pon <i tna., to p&(lenJ or to eoutr11Juto to p erood1 cnlo whtlc In IICti\ O &erwlcU

GI!Wstooo dtacln1ms bostlltl) to Auatnn 1\nd CXI>re Ill r eb'TCt o f hu1ng 3ltrtb lied to the £ ulsooror lan:;uago ho d 1d no~ usc llv w1ahcs tho ~ uoperoraucceaa to c:ouaoh d:umg the emp1re

I ho t:oro~er Jury to tbe cuo o( tho lion George Drown found a nrd1ct o( w11f t l wurder as:a1oat George Dennett tho would be U&IIMIO

fbo Ho rutlo Cathohe B11hop U~S~try coo demos the laod le•s:ue

LaoCliShlrO cotton o perat.iwee demand 6 per c:ent a<iviUico o n wages A etrilte Ill threatonerl

I be Untub Comroooa hulldJouroed ttll the 20th

Sou Lou11 Cuba bu been burnt SOO hooaea d eatro) cd 3000 people bomc leaa

Mu 1 3-SO 000 Blaeltburo operllttYes etruck o n fuesday A prolonged at ruggle 1.1 expected

Ma.uon1 G r&ndmlllltet or Italian F ree M1111ooa IUid & mombcr of the Leg11latur~ tt de!W

All or ~orthcru AI banta Ia 10 anna 1 ho a u tbontiea are powerleaa

Dnh•h C~rcub.r Nolo argos the atteoho n of the l'owera to Moateoegro G reoc:e, and Armeo1a.

Tho,..l lon. George Brown 11 runel'lll wu lead1ng men from all parLII o r Ooton o Toronto wu c ro wded wuh Vlllloi'S ~ JJrowo WU li\ Jtn!'a of aj:e

1 ho London preu comJ]lcnt aewerely oo tho apology of Gla.datone to the AuJI.Jian Gonroment..

1'ho Comm1ttee o l the llouao or Co m mons buo dec1ded lbat.llradlaugb •bould not be adm1tto:l w11hou ~ taking oaUt

lliT J4-llarcourt, llomo S.c:r.,LIIry been defeated at O xford

A Pru&~~aa town .Baumbltder, hu been ,..,._, ' " ooo .,..:ul'l a .u~u~nea..

G,OOO deatba have occWTed m the Por ailwl.._-proYiocc, Unaaa, from f&m1ne etoce January.

The Freoeb Jawt.t toelt refuge m Lbc Channel lalMda.

The t\lb&nWII &od Turka make common au1o agalnat MooteoegTo.

S tate or kiege to Salo n•ca. Harttogtoo lo & apeecb to the Dnooablro

C lub 1t.tted bo wae almoat aghaat at the complUJty of Lbe problellla ooaaec:ted with India. The poatUoo iattpded by the GoY' eromeat wu Dot (ree froiD embarraall!eDI. andd&Dgtr

Prince Leopold ..Uecl for Canaday-terday 1

Tbt rtl&Uou betwtta EDaland and Ana tria are uoellonLtUIOt Gladatooea1etter

The Walnu, b&riog reade ~Artie tript to the lot th!a spring, ill whloh abe hu been uotptionally aoooeafol ia all thrtt, ltl' pon oo Wtdatec~a1 JaA rew Gree111p011d to laad ~er ~·. to wblob J11- tlltJ ~ be1oow; eao\ mao, we au. ..,., takl!lf YIUI him caaJa, or Itt nlat, to arnottot of onr aome .£60 I u b1.1 -.bare or th'l'ro­doce of tbt tbree 'fO~tapyiDI lea tin tw .-MI UolorUu~Uely &be Wal. ,... Ia \be ooly ettuner-~ eu be aiel to baTe ID&dt a aaoce.fal MUOL-7 on:4.

The Metltodlata aro ... to the froo'- .. will be Mea by lll_...atla taa• paper e for ...a-rcw .a..~olaDtw

lo Coeluue ~ We udtl'· tlla& ~ ltrweiDn .. lat.dtel to be

of wood. aod to ooa& ao& aon t.baa aboaa CJ,OOO.-~ •

-On our flrwt pap to-da1 will be foaocl tho addreu 'It' bleb o n S&Lu.rday Jut wu pre• eea&ed to Bla Lordablp &he lloeL Rn ll Carltt.gniOI by, tbe rne•ta of the Cathedral, ud otbara of tbe lJ1oceae.

-The fore and aH aebr Pizic beiOD$liDlf to Mr Jobo &rrott of Spantarda &y wluch btely naa oo 1horelu tho bottom ot Ttitwty Bay hu wo learo, betn 110t oa aga111 After be1og en"oxed ebo wu pu~ 011 for Ale and wu bought byltr George Miller or Now Harbor for the IIUD or, we under 1t.t.11d .£1 26 Mr Miller after 801DO .trou blo succeeded 10 floaLoog her o ff

- 'J;ho S.S. I allflUOrd Capt. Bany, left here on TbUI'Idaylu~ bound to M ontreal Wltb acal 011 e &o. Alaater Fletcher Apaer, (aoo of J F Apaey, £eq ,) took J>lllllrC Ill ber for lilo abo"e c1ty

Tbe S.S J(tUiijf, Capt. H Dawe a180 at led OD \be aame day for Syd11ey \Vbtla~ ate&m•or ouL of ~be harbor ab11gn~uoded on tho &ron wb1ch abe b1111g' ull tho u de nalog r olcuod hor, when abe p roceeded oo bet "'Y We w11h her and her conaort a SIZI&rt ~go up 1111d a aafe I'UII dowo

-There apoean at pro.eot no lodtcatiou tbat tbo unpr,'UOdeotud.cont.tnUADce o( mw damp Cogs:y nuoy frosty snowy weather we ltnvo ll:~d tb1e opn ug Ia to bo aucceedod lOOn by n muro scasmablo at:at.u o ( llnnflS. fhc apna~; 11 fully a mont h Inter we t htolt t bou 1~ \lOU I:LSt ~enr I ho CrOAt 11 uot yc' out or tlusgrouud h IS worae lhau u~~ei~M to attumpt tb~: aowllljl n( aead~ t ho meadow a look alno• t aa acre 11.'1 t hey dtu " mont~ ago t bo harbor has been caught over more no.:hLII t bl\o OOI! aod wo bav., lntely b.W c<>n81derablc fall• o( aoow ou t wo cbj:s w1tlnn n wcok of e:\c:b other

- We hct1r that ~leu I'll. Muon & Co. s two hl\okel'll the , ,., Jane and tho PmtCI' 1\!1 well M :\lr ltorke I SllfJft'<lrift (all o r whtch ve-osela left for he:\d or tho lby a short Inn~: SIOCC Ill queat o ( b:o1t) havo lx.-eu ouct:cMful •n tbc~t &Cilrah 1\od havo 11rooeed ed to tbo llsluog g rounda.

\\ e are ple:IJ!c!d tu note MilO thnt t ho Sum1e S J/d\o~~:n a nll tho J II' l :OO..rt• o" ned h) :\J,gn~. I t I rowao & Son of ot. Johns b:>\il hkew•ac obwned n 11upply o f b.'\tl nnd bkcn thc~r dcp.ut urofur tbe b:\nka. I~ tA nccdlcM to ndlltbat \\C wuth nil H MCia n &U(H:rllbuudnut me;~.~~uro ol JUC

-Ailnl\ AI.S FOOII Till SE \1 f tsrn;r.y Stsct: L1'>T \\ HK -,..t Usrbor Gnu:c S.S tftutiff :~od SS I'UJ19tard- ( .. udtrtps) -clel\n

At ~t. rohn a 1'4'/"'""".r J ()()(l !'; ~ rrnrn ~~~~~ ~ :S f (,MJflflr 100 ' ,.,

\ arll'lltl 1-'\HJ s \ rJ III ' 1000 ~ S lkar 1000 ::S l«lnud 1:100 S 1/u tor iOO l\ll<i s S 1\ tr c:le~n-:\11 .2nd tr~ps Cnpt \\ lit<: or tl c , ,,,., IC (wo lellrn frllm the 7 ''':JrUII} rcrlOr.., lbnt he forrc<l Ina wny d OIVU t bc U 1>MldOr co~t M far M C npa Bnm on wbcro he expertenced ICrrtiJio IQOw Slorms ~ud llltNISO frool I I C \Vo:;>lh~r couttnuctl •e• cro up to the ttmu or liu lt:AVIUS Cor howe

-0\ T.t D~& \ L<;31 t..-Coo3tdemble nux •'T J a• Lcc.u (cit 1.•- (o..,. ~Q • • w e I .:t.~t. "llh te~prct to tit~ 11.\foly Of t he 8Chr (;IU ne whtclo .. ,1le t f rom \nU,.ul\ for t ltur port on t he l s i \1Mc1" 11nd couserp1 Ill) li now out nyer 'i l:l) J II o (..czrflt 11 com mouded by t apt \\ 111 II l'oke (~on of CRpL Gco I tke or 1 ~~~ IDwn} and lt:u a crew o( liTo ltrtn.U couolotmJl of-L--ander CurtiS lllMC ~loo<J I'r,nc:h J oac11h I 'l'f" All< \\ 11l1am ,\ Ait IH)I\ nun ""'I J> otnck l o htn coo~-~!1 o' whom ('"tth the ox CCP.ltOO of t he l,ut 11'\UI~U} nru tnllfrlc lllleD

Jlte Curr r "'a line loru :~ud of~ eehoon er of - .! to ns 1J arth~n Sl 0 left t ins port ltulen w1t h ft. h fllr ll:\rb.ulocs 011 the !ht J:1nuary nnd 1\fte r lmdm~ het c.u;to pro cccdcd o n tQ \nt1gu11 where abo to<1k Oil board 11 Cull Cretj.:bt of moiM1e1 and su:;nr fur Measra J ohn ~l una & Co o r t hls pi11Ct, by wbotn a Ius 11 owaod

-Pti!SOSALS.-Amoa~r tho pMIOnger• who amwod ptr TAcl!J Glnrtr o n l'buradll.)' lMt w o uot1c:cd tbo £am1hsr Co nn of our old townsman Hobert W a lah fAq w uo, wo underaW~d, rcturoa to Harbor Umoe to •pend tho aammer mouths nt leu~ to our modal. \\ o 11ro pleMod to aeo our o ld Cn~o1l look ong 110 well

'l be RoYdL E F w IIIah I' r Dr~gtU, ADd w \'ol telt p r }\:toga Covo werotn town Jut weck-;rueJta o ( Uu LorU.htp Dr Carfagum1

\\ c l\1';) pleli6Cd to nob cc once moro 111 town our fom•or tOIYDBm'\o tho Hov S Fl)nn I' l' F ortune fll\rbor Tho rov gcntlcmno mnkca but n Bhort. atny hot'c l llll' I OJ; wo undo nJt.and on :\lontlay next Cor h ta p.utoml atauou &t Fortuno U arbor Notre Dl\tnO !lay

The Ro"" Mcura. Ptlot &od aiJrhp n wore ln~ll 011 a VIlli~ of IMpCCUOQ to tbo .school¥ of tbc &y

- \\ e learn from C11rbonear Jln-ald that on S:atordayllllt thoro wu lAunched front the docJc ynrd Of tho IJon J Jtorke II apleud1d veaael a• rued florh 1 Drift o( 87 tone menauremea~ lt!ogtlt oo deck 80 feet etttrome breadth 23 feet and d ept h o f hold !I feet B cmg n haodaomo model 11nd Tory anhobontio,Uy built.. ah11 ..._...,..w-d • d o­llrable • - I for tbo general lra.d.e Md tho ootlre work reOecta ao email 1ltaro o r ored1~ on tho hmlder Mr James l'itman We underat.t.ud tbe Drifl Ia tnteoded for tbe llao lt 6abery bot w1ll Dot engage 10 t hat buaiDeu uaul n exL year abc w1ll b<! e o gaged m the Labrador fi.ebory tho eo.aulog aeaaon

' Y eaterdat mornmg tbe Ol.!'e Rranch wu Jauoobed &lao from tbe sawo yard. Thitt T-el It wtll be remembered wu bard to tbe water 1 edge m the early p!lrt of Lbe w1cter, and haYing 11noe ~e1ved tbe n~ repatra wu pu~ alloat oooe more.

-FATAL AcetDEiflS.- Ltlte !etten from Booamta (aaya the NnrftHUtdl4lltkr\ report that & gtr1 named Elllaboth Fling 16 yeaua old, beloo&ing to Btrd lalaod Con, left her home 011 the :!8Ur' alt. oo a TlllL to ber 1D&J'ried altter at Northern B~ght, On the day followiug 1t wu rooad tballho b ad not rMChed bu lister.. aod dlllJtODL aeare b waa u onet made for l.tro'NJ' &bt fin 1111U11 bttweeta bolla pl-. La&er -~~ .. 11a7 t.he poor r!rl bid not been foaod Uld (I be­lle• ed to 'ban falleo ioto ODD of tht pouda oa her 'llr&!J

A Y'e~ ad acc.tdtnlla al10 l'ej)OReclfrolll o- S., A mau -eel &mtatl Pye lltlac '" Brooklya wu pallloa hb three ohlldrep. a-.o boya aod a afrl, oa a .. Ide ao,_ th Arm &o ICibool w ... abota' ball wv Oftf &!It tilde ,.., thtoop th lee ucl tH tlane oblldrea ,.,.. dri-tt.l. ... ladiw btlq '-lei buelt aliYe. I& 11 lltdlld .._. ... liMit _... aps lS 1-* bor Hft ta tbe .._.. lie ..... to an bu IMber Blat bad ao& • ... eUdt to nlt. 111 ' ' ' alaa&ee beror. n r.u tbro~

-We han to apolop to oa r ro&dor a for the llOG-4lppearaoce io to-day'• paper o f the WMitlyloUer o f our St.. J obn'a COITDI· ponden• " SiguiL"

. . -A CCIDJ:liT 41' 1'11& .Bini CoYI ' MIKL-

THE ··· HAR:hOR ·GRACE 8TANDARD . .. ... . . .

• ..

I'O:aT or H+B.BOa o~OJt . --. . . WHO~SALE and ~TAlL.

Advertisements. ~. ~te, Inm, Obrome,

&D4 Oopper Ora.

. • DDO~JEiTION 'f .Allf'l'ED. , -A 11Chcrno ia dr&\"1) up, with tho ap­proval or tho CAudU.u Oo~mmon~ for tho ctt:Lbliabruent of an aruay re.eno of 10,000 mep dl':\l'fll from thu Dowinion militia, who ,,.it\ bo lillblo to aenlce io tho Dominion, Eo~:laud or 11broad in t ho eve11t of Great Drit:ain bciog i11volved io war.

Ooo of ~be mOll& alannlaa mlol• accideote &ha~ we buo for 001110 &1.. baaed of, u bappeoh.r on thla tide, a.q_d ~ 1he mol& Mriocw oue of &lao kldll ~ "b&i e n r happened In Nowfooodlaod, too~ plaee al Rolla Co'FD 0 0 \V ed oesday eorenwg, May ()tb, by ilio fooodering o r falling in of tbe whole top of n.u~ Con 81111 Dorinr the day, · or 101110 time llrerioDI to the day of lbe aeeideot. oo iodicetiona of tbb sudden colla pliO Wf"' to be aoeo, a4tllht workmen woo\ to their laboor u uaual, aod the blaatiast ancl eoJiaeerinr wu oont.loniog wi~h tbe Mine t tride u cuatoliW'1· On Wt'Cloeaday; about dar, , a. boy, tho lOll of ono of tho mioera ooticed a lar~re atooo roll down tho aide of Bella Cb'Fo I:Ull ,Into the lako hard by. Be imRJediat~ly g..,o tho &larm tba~ tbe hiU ..,.. abaltiot, and tbe mi.oera wer" communicated with; ltnowiog 1ho danger of thia poaitioo ,t hey immediate· ly took rofugo in & canal o r oow ah&f~ go. iug tbro11;:h tho wall of tho mine. They blld DOt ill got in a&fely wboo t he wbolo top of tbo mioo fell in with a groat crash

~. MaylO.-C. W. Lylo, McCu.y, J>, ~-11·

land, potatoea- J . & R. Maddock. 14.- Highftrer, We~ber, Briatol, general. . C&llo-Joha lluun & Co.

~BY· GOODS, k ·e. Sign of the REl) ~AMP1 129 WATER STREET, St. John's.


P ARTlES iotereatod .is!. or koowloa of depoeltl of tbe allo'Fo mioerata, woald

ot.ligo 6y eommunieatiog 1o "W ," P. 0. Box 19S, S t. John, ~.B. .

A priJ 17.--U.

-lJI.IU'IICtiona hAYO been ~'Fen diroetiog t ho Uritish steam eonetto 11/audt, of tbe Norlb .AIIIoriCI\II aiAI.ioo or other mon-of • wl'lr shortly OX(>i)Cied to arrive 11~ IJalifa.x, to cruis~ from tatitudo 48 dcg. to 60 deg. uor1h u far as longi1ude :JG J og .• remaining e. rorlnigbt nfter p:LUiog 1hu 1\.\nks of X ew • foundland iu aoarcb of tho mi.uing tmiuing awp Atalanta.

-<W o loam Croru tho l .rtlgcr th11t "on S.\bb.\tb e vcuing lut the intercating cere · IIJony of Ordinlltiou of Eldera for "t. Ao­Jrcw'a Preabyterian Cbureb took ['laeo in t heir Chur1:h, and tho f:\OL vf aucb a a im­portant c:erewony beiog •oleuaui:.erl, .. I row & lnt):e CODI{l'CgOliOU.. At U!e c lose o r tho ~~~on, whieb wu prt!achod by Lto.,. (,, G. ?tll\cneill, lleura. ~cl)ougall , NoJic and llryden were duly act a[>art ll8 J::ldc ra of St . .. \ndn!lv'a Church." ----

_ :.;c .... rouolllaud ·proposes to Mit tho l ru· pcrtl\1 Go,·ernll\en~ Cor a I;'UI\r:ullee of a loan of a nullton stetlin;; to bmld 11 rnihT:ty acrou th~l .-olon;-. 'I bis ia the ftnl applic..,tioD of

. 1hc kit.,! from :-.- ~ .. foundlaad, llod M the fiuanccs of tho colony arc iu " rctu'lrlr.ably lh•3hh\' condition, :~ n• l tho Le~i~laturu h:w lt•ll n-lopt eol 1\n anti-Tiritith tarilf, 6n~h M csi~t.s in l:nn:Wa. our much 10 llc •·uvied siste r ought to obtAin n fuorable r<>u~hlcr.nion of now ('ropositions.-1/alifot.c ( .b•q11icL~

a.ud roar. · Tho toou wbo were io danger were thrust

into the ab&f~ u It were by the in dux of tho air, aod tbue eac:aped from death.

A't. tho time of tho accident, there we re about 60 moo, io tho mine ,oo the right abaft aad they were about going to a m eal.

It, ia uaoleaa to olfer any reiJlarke oo this ruiracnl~ escape, or to atte mpt for a mo· meot to a peculate oo tbe probable chances o£ wb&t m•ch' buo occurred bad t be acci­dent ~ken place a t auy other ti too tbao i t did. W e all can feel with moditaaoo wbi\t m!~ht hi\YC been tho a tory hlld matte r ·tnru. ed o~t dilfere ntly, and we can only feel ~:no.teful that ao ,;.rreat an accident ahonld L"PioOll without it5 beinlf attended with loas of hfe. -St. J olu1'1 U traltl.

--·--Dum or Dn. MoiL\s.-We (N~K'foWid-

l•alldtr) r~gre~ to learn of tho death or Dr. ~lorna. :\ l n~riatmt.o a~ Buriu, the aubject of

-~1 \S iron.\ run F.\ l: ll t:r.•.-)Jr. JAmca l lbe fo llowing notice. jus~ roceh•cd :-l.coch h:~t~ return~•l t.o Gorric irom an ox- Bunrs , :\lay lllh-Euly thla mornio~r the h•ndcoi trip t hrough .\ht.ilob3. S1oe11king s.vl oowa wu apread that Dr. Momn bad of th•· pn''I"-'Cis fo• a fllrme r iu lhM coun- I aualdenly pMSc:d from our midst. Ui~ t ry be "-"Y~ : .H A per &no iJ sculcd nu.J doing tlea\h entirely unexpected wu a a:rcllt abock. wdl here I wonl1l nd'fiac bi1L1 to I L\y '~hero I r tat.errlay be \YM in bis uaual bc..Jth-to· J,~ i11, but 1r h is f:um is c ncuuobcroJll, wilh d.t)• we aro miasing aod mourning bim. uo1 ouuch prospect of p3yiug tho debL, and Uurin haa fairly put oa mourning; llaga t ho 8.\IC of it \fill l'e3hlC from 5 1;00 to are wnving &I b:tlf-mMt, &DQ in every bouse, $:!,0()4) o\·~r 1111 indoLteduea, ~hutltUb.l is hig b and low, blinds aro cloaolv dra••n. juaL lloc pl~co ro rc-commcucr, nod with :\or ill it t bo outward sho o., of ao rro<•-hc rntluMry a eooofortnble cowp~1eocy C!IU bo I is rc!\11)' mourned; by bia sorrowing s isters, !ILUtucu in a few yc:lnJ. to ~<·hom it i• here out of plllcc to offer

cc;naolntiou; by bia frie ud.'l who deeply " P· Lorno Mcdt\1.5-A Newfouodltl.lldor cu- JlreCJaLed hia ~oroiA I kindly ooturo. 1\nd by

rics oft th.o Silver ono. the poor to whom bis ehnritiu were bonwl-~ IIOOL E:~..uuS .\T IO" IS Tnn:o.-The len, ::iving them not only anb.'lt.nn lial help,

uJunl tcrouinnl r~nminMion• of t hu ~ l otl.-1 uut k in•l wo rds M wciJ·-(\IW!\JS kinds ::>chools wcr" hct. l la~l wc ... k. 'I h., wurk I worJll, ofte a moro prccivus thno ~:old. '\\'1\8 pronouuce<l by '"" public a.~ cvcu or Dr. ,JftmCII :\Jornu '1(1\:j " ni\CiYC or lrelandt u1orc imcrc•t thlln u~ual. but :.11 thtl best yeru w or Ius liru were J>MS·

Ouc lllO$t ontc':"•llu!! fcaturc ~r tlt<' lo i~:hcr 1

ed in !\~wfouoJiaml. To lhia country be ~rn.l,•a "~ th~ In ··I ~ ''''"'~'"'"'"" fur t be , ,. . ._, d e• ply au,,cbcd, llod wbeu some Jel\11 J.o .. 1~'>111<' •iiTt' r 11u l bront•• rolt'.l s L~ pr•·•e nt- n::o b., visited his fo rm or home, loe told u~ ,.,, uy I~~~ 1·:,,-.. :~n ·y tlac .\ l • ~' l ' i' .. r I.•Jr n<'. on rcturu ing l hat be (~ It more truly ~~ ' I hu l1 11:h ,· lounl nloo ... o:vmt"''"'' !ttr the I hoouo here. In lhe he11rt.s o f the 13unn .oln-r mctlal. T hc • ulrj••ct d •v'"" fo r l lti-t I peopla he had indeed a homo. nor wu it t•h'\\' Ly chu Schuul l ununi•·o.>.> 'I'll, wollo tonly here ho l111d e udearcJ bimaelf. ln '1'"';, " 'courtier's ~1':\~ .... on .. < " .\ lln·rt t h(' l lnrhnr C:rnco nnd Brijlu.t wh~rc bo pr&C· l.uhltl." ' I hi rt t.'l'U tfl t.•<~ci w"·r~ lnutl .. \cl iu. t i&t?'c.l hi1 profession lai. .. uamc was over M · .'\ h er" c.trdul ,. tu<tdcr:rtiou b) t ho• ju.l.:c• soci:\lcll ••Hb d~ ... d~ of Lindne&lll\od ch3rity. - He,· . . J. ~~~-~lollnn, II \.. llr . . \ . l'. l'a,;.•. 1 l'he U ti nrw• of his dutb wall JoabLieu be llr. lbll. :\11\yor Longworth lllld ,\lr. F. J I. rcceiwcol wit h Aorrow l bc re-lhe people or E:.rou, :\ . ~1 - thc pnz,• ,.,,,. ""'~rJcrltu :\l r. • llri;us h'stiried their hi:th &('preciation (; l'Ort:~ ,J uhn :\ouh·y l'homp•on, o r llnrloo r ' of hoa -k•ll au.l killliUciiA Ly II • cry fl:ttleriug t;ri\C<' , .. (f,l .. wlto fo r "'""" rime h:o.o betn I sdtlrc<~ mccompnnied by 1\ hRndsomo watch in nttro~bn•·c ~~ t!o., .\ I odd Sdooul•.-1/u/, . l''~~ ... ntc•l IV hion '"he n lcl\vtu): tbere to ftll , ;L· 1 f,.,,, '''· t he po't .,( .\l,.t:i.crate in Uurlll. llerc he

· 11 ... I rtoro ' • • .. r t 1w :!'llo nit. eo n - made IHo'l-'ICif hdo,·ed. ll ere loe will ho t..'·"·' till· fvllut\1110: . I Ill· '""'~· (I ( chc bioi tore«. wilh the jll"nuinc rognt& or oil. ._.. ~.~ •• I_~.J,. •• ,.-.... u( t l ~o· .!"<o ll ""t'r•uul u ..... n•~ \h·d - I " '" l it. w~ a Lea u t i(ul o a o. V ying h Q

1 n! , l:aull.•· toiT-•r,·.l ll.•· Jla~ ~.vcll •· o~o·v ' '"' h:IS th·• hl~s.ii nga Df tbo JlOOr aud t ho teau " c '''" ' .not • · ··nc-ra.l of l '!\, to tL.<, pupil" of lu~i fric uds,

\ ( \i u I( ·u:lcwl-. wh\, " IH>uld wn~r,e the lh~~t 1 :~--·~· "" .. . \1 \,.. rrtlo~ I . • o.r· "'!" "l'r ue l· 1 )';l ' lr'll •r. IT !';I. A.-L. ... , t ~lonrlay e•·e nin:t, '' hJ \ rn m!\114, ·· .,rc (; ,•nr;.:, .. . J 1h11 .\ iu!""y ju!lt lt._o(oro t hf' st~nuH:r Cvrtt .l was leaving '11.utnlt.:t .-.. L•·••·.uh· \ . ; a~,-~ an--t Bdla :--.t. .lulu••. :\' tl. l., for thu po rl. a mao " ' bo ll ·u th.·. \J,,~ ~.:.•rl" l' ·'''u'~ u:. .. r l· " ·ar··~'\.lf••l ;.!1\\"C lu .. u:u uo R...• ~~t"~eall~"t camo on bo3.rd : ... ,u thi:! l tu.,..,.. , cia t.a_J, :~ ••! ••tuuate fur lnl\lth~atetl li e wu tickel4!tl for Ne\V th••uJ t h~ :"-o1 ,·,·r .'l··d.,l. ,t l:u n )uu:: nl\me, \"u r k: . ~rul no thini moro \f:L• eec n of him tf ~ . c , ... .l :\ · , J .. uu•ll;uul . .-r. \\'h,,. knt:Jw!'l u u ll1 lntthll)otht.. when tho Aftip \YA!I At ac.s , tm· t!t•" tHC'-" tr~ u ( J '"''~' l' l 4 l l\ "" u of tl~~t runu iue: ~round rho v~rt .... ol Mhoutin;.: ·• mur­Jw, • ttl"l.u t l'ol .. n,·, c, la t .tti:O.•h'\n Mod, 01~· dC"r.'' ·r hc 111:tu Wl\.l in11ned iMeJy take n Alu l , •nw t h)o lt.t• th .. w ·•1n"' ,,f ... c:·arm:.: 1\ v:~.lta - !.?ek ~..•d up ann room io the C" .. '\ lJaU, a nd ke pt 1\lth: :\:'i''"ta•lt~r t •• •ur S: .. t';1t ttominion i..u ~ there uuut \VeJ neAdny morning :1t 6l"c t bc ""'"''-•IOIJ ••! " ''"'("""'II""" In C'an:W~:· o d u.,k. II ~ "l'peare<l ('erfo•clly 11.1nu anll

I ... :\A IM~ •eeu J:OIUJ: rorwarol \Yith l\ col\l P o.aoong-ero pl'r .. L ady Glove r ., 0\'Cr loL• '""'· In !lbOtll lhrcC-Ijllllrlc:rs or

~· ,1

• 11 1 r, a n huur n!t~rw:ml• ~lr. :"ol c~cally IYI\8 mil!!·

r I! II• I'· · ~y ' ,.,. : ·r • '''" I·~ 1 · .. ,.,_ cd , ~no •eareb m:ule buL he coul<l not be )lc-.sno.. _.\ rt'lul.olol ~!" I l.u'"'"~". · ~ ' " • t•·.cr· round. It is suppo~cd lhnl he must hn1'e age. ( 11rlonnn1r lu t <•r<- l l r. l lnatlu. 1 Ul'< juoope<l overboard. :"ol r. l ie X cilly wu t o ~P•!t_ f(n/yrt•-;n,nl'. about :!1! ycan~'or :.go, a 1111lesm:ou in &ato rc

!:> \ n mo.\l-;.1" '!1 Ho!Nru ,"' ,.C.ll't- llou. M ~l . • John's and left on :occo..ot o f aomo ::\t.r . . l usue~ I 1o:;en1, He ,·. \\ . ltlu l and ~lr.l trouble.- 1/olif<l.l' Chro11ick. \\ onler: '1 111 •lccr.\l:'e. Coo·c I '> Carbtlntar-:\le""" \\'nll~~ec. f'cnt'<'e "'"I c:"rl11nd. C:oo'f 1 - FA!Iruns 111 r. ~OT-;:::,. ml 1'! 1/arbar fl'ru<"'-.\lCJU'nr. JJiu~ 1\od J . m('r bat fo r' ~0~1·c~ iato be

8oc,0 str~":..~uj;

l'l.vnn.. . . . I wi ll bo ka ocl11•d in on lOp. 'l'be n the rim lo~uso."; ~I ll> 10-;_llar!..•r• to will be jam toed up all ronnd io m:oL:c tho

-:-( :I['L C l?•w(',, .. >l c.ul"'\. l l,llnrnhan and whole effect harmonious. IL will be trimmed S..-ecn•'J': ;\h v..:.s r llylor, \\ ells. Dryu_r, wilh oheet till, turkey wins:a, old fruit cans :.\1~ Connol"'\. Cnrl>ontar ~o c....,~ to I anol debria geuNillly. l l is &D economical •~<>.rn~. Corv !" n rrg!4-'-2 1n •teemge. kind or hat., u it can be made by lAking a

1 n:sDAY-8rog"' to a,u -~Irs. Kehoe; boy'e old atraw ha~. ruuoing a wheelbarrow 8 '.u 11~eernge. lJa!J Cv«:-:'t{CMra. over it a fe w limea ud bitchiog on wba t-lltppt~C:Y· FrnneJ, 1\o!!Cworthy, limes, Bur- enr cornea bandy.. · Sf;1U, :\la.1111 llrodbotry. Coct to Carlxlrll'ar­~1 1"11. LiotdbetJ:: 4 in atcei-ago. Co•"- to liar ­bur Grart'-~lcll3ra. Arcb.ibald. Mealy, Pa.r­aona, ~ ! no. W All, Mn. Flemming.

"~Er>sr.sD.\Y-1/arbor r.roce tn Corr­:\Ir. llowrnan, Mra. Goodiaoo, }lw F iu­gcrald ; 3 io a~arljlc. <:nw. to Brisu-2 io steertlg'C. ('Qt'll to l.Jay Robcrt.r-none.

Ttii::HSDo\Y- /Jny RoiKrt.r to Coct-~lr. .A. ,J. W . )lc:\eily; Sin atcerago. (.'Ot>t t o 1/arbor Graao-(;1\pt. P. Delaney, Caf.L J . D11we, :\fe111ra. It Walab, Fraooy, T. \~&Ish, J . llippialey, llra. DO&De ..

Pnts£m"ATI0:!.-011ToQday weelclut tho n.,.... L. G. ~IM:oelll bad a anbel.llnual proof o f tho Yt:ll-anerit.ed esteem io which be iJI held by bia coojrreg&tloo. In the e• oning, a dopotatioo ealle4 at t he 'Man10 alid pro· IJCoted hiaa with a magui6ceot. gold watch and chain attached, imported from London apecially for tho pnrpoao.. We are ple&.!lod to record tbi1 incident, u ' we r eg&rd tbo l :o.,, Mr. Ma.coeill u a nry ealimablo clorgymao aod a citizen of wbom tho public may be prond.-Ttkgram..

Tbo o.dall<!nlloo of condhlon powd•ro h11 gol t.o ouch • lbot ooo cao DOW buy a l>o'and p~ ol doll a d......, tM !!~ ceota. Tb.,re It only one Iliad now kao.., I bat aro ••rieUr, 111d lll"'o aro S II ERIDAN'S C .. \\'ALil\' CON­DITION r .:>WDERS.

From buodro>do of r1pot1..J e&HI wher• p>llenlo h••• lud ... od lu wehrbt fro.,. n .... w tonr J'O"JUU wJ.ilo uohtg f 'ELLO WS' C01li'OUND ti YRUI' or JIYI'Oi>OOSI'UI TF.!I oo doabt.o roraalo of ir. vo•·r~al ·~a 00 tbe ~ of .. trili-.

AtlU.r~r lthlo,o" S.torday, \laa 8th iuL, lloe wlf• or l&r. r , U o1.Jen, of thf"N d•apten.

AI Fogo, on tbe f 4llo ull,lbo wtra of llr. Edwin £dcor, of& ooa.

KARRIAOBS. AI 8t Pnl'• Church, oo the 6th la•t~ by tbo

nu. J . a.r. Noel, llr. Jamu 0 . !illrllag, to 11111. Aooo Pari&, both of thla town.

On the tad (,..t&nl, 1\L ,Roly Trlalry Church, 8JitUIIar.d'a ' B•y, by th~ Re~r. D. V. Owilym, Mr. 'fbomu CNUIIOI'd, or N . .. ll&rbor' Ill EUu Ooue, of S poolar.d'ellAy.

0? I be 61b loot.. , al Doly Trfnlty Obordl. SptoD• lard 1 &1, "ytho a. .... D. V. Owllp. ltlr. ilduord N011WIIftlty1 lo Elisabeth Au Oollloa, bolh or lhAIJiaoa. •

CU:Aili.O, Mart2-Arelio, Foote, BaTbadoea, lab aud

herriog-J. lll aoo & Co. S. S. Va.ngoard, ~. Mootroal, a~l oil aodblub~o,

S. S. Maatift', Da•e, Srdooy, ~lut-do. '.l.'racey Jane, LoMerolaao" ~Jda•T• ballu' _,...c. W. Rott & Co. •

huenawa. Par NoiHl Scotirul !or Raliiax-Mra. F ..

fl ubloy, M I\.!:_.Reooie, ~. Ju. Thompaoo, aod S In a~eraae.

Per Curlew from tho Northward-Herr. S. Flyoo, RoY. W. Kirby, Mr. and Mra, Butler, Capt. and Mra. W alab, aernotand cbild,Mr, aud &Ira. Murphy, Mra. Pt.teraoo, MIU A. ~lurpb7 Mia 'l'uchr, Moaara. Mol..arao, Fruer, Doooll6b, Mcltuo, Oamood Freoch, 'Fitr.gerald, l'ower, Shear, Kaougb, Garduer, •nd McCormick; « in 1teerago.

l!er A llwmbro for Halifu~Mr. L. R. Tclllior , ll r. Kelaey, Mr. Mcllona.ld, 17 lo ateerage, 2 io ateerage tor ~ow York.

New Advertisements.

THE SUBSCRIBER. will sell or !CMc his U~EXPIREI.) 1:\­T EHEST of nearly Sl yeara io thoao water­aide l'remisea, one pmrt of wbich ie at pre· sent occupied by Meara. J . & 13. PALWSS and tho otbtr pa~ by MCS~r~. J. & It :\I AOOOCK. Bcio~: cenlrally situated ia well adApted fo ro. CMb aud barter buaine&ll.

GEO. C. llUTHERFOltD. Harbor Gmco. May- I a , 1880.:?i.

Look _before you Lea p !


Just received a la~.a~o.rtmerit of DRY GOOD , BOOTS, &c., pearly all of1whicb .w"rc bought before .the late ri~:~e i.Q

prices, o.nd will be sold cheap.

PLANNELB, (all wool) lL per yard. Ladiea' J.\OK~ )'rom 6L ea.oh. CALICO, f rom 2id. per)aril.. Ladiea' S'l'RAW HATS, 6d. eacli. \VINCEY, from :lid- pet yat'd. ' Ladiea' FANCY SHI RTS, !•~ each.· C OT'l'ON PRINTS, f rom Si<J. por yard. l.&liiea' lleiDiti~b J.:IANDKERC WI':FS, S U EETLNG, f rom 9Jd. per yard. Sa. per dozen. MOLESI\lN, from lL Sd.. per yard. Ladiea' SILK '1'1~, Glt. eai:h.

1,000 pairs Men's Mnrchnlong BOOTS, nt 7/11 per pnir. ~fen's Deck BOOTS, 10/6 per ~air. • ·womf:m's P ebble Laced nooTS, 6/ 6 per pair. \V omen's Elnstic·sidc Leather BOOTS, 5/ per pnir. Women's .Fr unolla BOOTS, 3/ per pnir. TEA, TOBACCO, SUGAR. No. 1 Family SOfP, in 3~tb boxes, nt 7/ per box.

liJ'Outport Onatom~rawill find lt t~ their adY'IUltAJ:o to oxaruioo tho &boYO S10ek before purobuiog el.saYhtro.



~I ASO N I C Life ~ance Association. :

. --o-- I

~- :llosno£, Elq., j S. AJ. OLJFT, 1 Pruiito•t. 1'rca.ntrtr.

R oDtRT Wmanr, &crttarll· D IREo-ron · : 1

Broa. Rc.-. W. l'lt.oT 18roa. J .L. Dr·cntlll~ " II. W.Sr.rliOCI: " ,V, WII.Li o\ll~, ,

•· J . Wrr.-.os, " \.. G. Gr.oor_<, " J. H. ll uaur.s. " G. DicKs. 1


1000 toJlS Bones-Animn.l; 1000 tons Fish Manure.

~or S4{pment. to Eqlud. 1

Apply, st.-lt in~ price. term., tea·frti~b~ &c. to"\\'," P .O. &x 19S,St...Joho, N.U.

D4:Z.&4R I r . --:o:--r ill intended to ba'fo o BAZAAR or

S:lle of work iu Xo>'c:.rnbcr for the pnr­ro.<~ of hclpins: IO miJC futl<b fo r pro1~din;c a l'ansou~~j~e in couocction willa St. Gcors;e'11 (.)burch, Urigu11. , •

A Committl'c hilS been fonned, conaiatiog or t he Collo,..·ing pcli"'IIL•, who " ill &IAilly rcee:i"e l\U)' ~CIJ• towards t his object :-Mra. :\lOSt-:5 lJARTL E'M'. PruitW.t. :\Ira. JUil~ S lllTll

1 flirt do.

:\Uu ll.\ RTL~~ l"l', ::iecrttor!J. Mrs. G. SMITIJ, ~lr4. J t::U lt~~·n, :\Ira. AXUim '0~, ~I "'- \\'II ELA X, :\Ira. \\'I Ll:OX, :lira. G. n,\ uurrrs, )Ira. BUTLAXD, :\Ira. C IIAliK EH, Mn1. U. ORlT C:II.

llrigns, ~3 .Jan., A.D., I RO.


156 Water St., Harbor Grau " ,y_ s. CAs~• s o I " J . n ooot n,

A. H. SEYMOUR RULES OR BY-I..\ WS. .l begs to 1\Dn~uuco '? tho pnblic or II arbor t -n, .... /rvd, tbllt thia As.soeiAtion shall b~ THE GF\EA T E S1

(U('(lOIIitc P ost Office.)

&"All ordon iu tho a bove lillo prosnpt.­ly attended to. Graell and (.;onceptton lla_y gene rally, thl\l c 1lled lho Nc~<·Codndlatd Mn'IOuic Life lu ­

h.o has, n.ow C?n hand a n _ned M&OJ"?m.•nl of j aunnco Auocitltion. 1 <-!HO_CJ-.H IES or all kanda, cona11ltng or :!-The object or tbi~ .\ !lt)ciat:on shnl i be 1 l·.n.:h•b nu~ Aouc~lcan _mnnuf:lclu rc of t hc to place Lifo l nsul'l\nCe \t ithin tho rc:lclo or I fiu~,'t qnnhty. whtdo wr_ll ~e aolrl cbc3p. tho .Frat~rnilj' in xe..-fountll11nd. I

\\'0111EH Of MOIIRI\N TIMES. April 3.

(~ U E .E N . r 1\rltcs t herefore Wl~l~mg to l~urch .. •c :J.;_'fbia Anoci~lion ahall b.• ln31111"erl bv

wtll tlo w~ll to c.'ll 11nd tnspcct htl ato~k 11 Commit.tcc of tliirtoep cltctcd hv'\:~11 (;1 Insuranoe Company. udorc ~ouog clac whor~. : on. tho third 'J'ur.~I>A\' I~ Jnnu:~rv,. four 1o j, ..

All tbc Ia teal ouvelttca on b11nd, c:ouopns· r~tirc annually, \fbO ,;1311 bo c'ligiblc for r _loo Pll,L!'I Pu1:1fy Ll_'e nl.>ool. correct ~~~ C .\riTAL--£21000,000 Sterling.

in:: :- r~-eelction. dJ>!OIIlcnl o f I Ito La,·er, St.omac h, J~ a., . l'regcrverl Pincmpplea, Presenc•l Quincu 4--ThoCommitteo at.ell electtbeir Cb3ir - noy11 •Lnd Do\\'ols, ami uro innlno1h:c QU El::~ IN UR \NCF. BU l'rc•e~·od (.;ilroo, Ucng11l l:hulnPy, Ullin, TreMurer And Secre tnry. in all complaints iu.:iuenilll to Fuana.les • LlV E l{POOL ,· ILDIXC, C;rnpe , Qui nco and olhor J ellies a-Eve~ ~IMter :li Mon subscriuing to" .hmJ of I\ II kinW!, Brook's p&tcnL Lemon Lod~:c io :\ ewfvuudbu J, nnd be in~; in sood T~eOtST)II:ST is tho oniy r l'l inblc rc'llMJ Su,::~r Cor makio j:! Lcmouado stanolins;, mny heco•uc n melllln•r o f thi5 fm· U.11) IA>gs Old W oum.b Sores anti

-o\ SP-


J .O~J..>O:s'. Le mon Syrlll) or fine~t q unlity AMOCIIII~~n by tho Jl:l)' llcnl or nu •nlrnhc~- Ulcer.;. or '"'~\'0\'0r lou~ at.t.:td i ng .• l<'or lion S pllnisb Olivos in bulk fee o f $ • . 00 .. "n~ nn 2"C' of $1.10 an ! Hrvuclutis Diloh t hc riu cOu .. hs Coldll t'orned lleef in I and 2lb co. us ad ~nnce, t o hq ourlMc fltil t eh tm. 1 , ' • ' • "· ' • • Ornn~:e .. 1\nll LenLoua, lloocy, S:mlinca G- Oo the detlth of a ml'mb.•r. c:~ch sot~- i l;out, llhmuonhsm,and nll S LanDl.lo!l\liCt TWE~IT ·FlRi-;T A S)lU A L R E -:)ay & :\lartiu'a runo .. ·ned Ulacki o1; " i1'ing member • ball r~:. for tho duly nu- rL ltWi 110 <Qual. P UHT . llro.lie & Co'a celebmted Pickles f •o ri.OO rtpresc t;L'Ui\'~ of lito dc:t'eastd , Bfi:!WA!l1 ~ oz llelfMt IIams, Limo .Juice, l'11per b.1~1. l hro•t&h the Sc:ret:1ry the aum of 6 1.00; K;. ~~ I{JI f! f' T l1o T\cpor~ tUlll A ccouutq for· the A ,.11ried M.'lortmenl of Ensli~h & .\mcriCAn aod 10 cen ls fo r t ho 1\'vrkiuo: exptuses of 1 • • year h ' i , pr't!l!Ml.f:tl to tho ~hnH·hold,••-s

0 0 N F E 0 T I 0 N A R y . th(' A&Socbllon. I Amertcan Coun terfeitS.. ut the Annual ~II'<Jting,oo 'fucsllny, ~ illl con•iatinJ: of k inds ne\'cr introduced in 7-Ench member sh.11l bJ d •rly notiflctl - -:o:- - :\lny, ! Ri!l,nL wlo icl1 l:Nwu··l H llll, K...q.,

llnrbor Grace before. on tho .dellth of a mem'>_cr , nod sh:~ll ben!· I mos t rcs(l<'Cifull.v t.uko Jea\·n t o c:~ J : pn•,idt·ol , alovwc1l, in t he J>i\'iuenol oud

F r ... Sh G A.RDEN SEEDS lowed ~0 lhys 10 P.1Y. loas ~~sml.'ut. _lhs tho nl~nliou of tho Pullliu " l?uerollv to Domu; at tho note to .. C"thcr of l:'i Jlt r ..., ntl!lecttu~ to do ao to t ile 11mc 1pccoficd 1 f 1 . • " . ·, 1 .r 1 • .• "1 r'o·" • ·

b II r r ' t 1. b 1. 1. 1 t ou nc:t, l 1:Lt Ct'tlntn b outes an ;-.; 0 w I cent. w:~s ucc nrcu, ..., -., '"' '"''"G ca.-of nil kinda..-Alao, • " or ct 11~ mctll Cl'6 up, w 11c 1 c:Jn · o.1 1 . 1

oolv be regnlocd by pay;11 .. the aum or 1 Y ork nrc ~< ln~ ' '' tunny pna·t.s o f t h P n e ur\\ n.n • $ 0 1 globe SPU H IOU ' DllTATIO~::: of . PlRl~ BRA~CU,

ti-Aoy Mll.llter :\haon JJulJs~ribin;: to a l my Pills nm1 Ointnwnt. 'l'lot'so !moub I Thnt tltc Pr<'miums fo r l Si~, nfter Newfoundlan,l Lo<l<;e ool joinin~ ~fore ' bc.1r on tlo..:ir In ucla somo n;JJrcss in Nuw I tl ..... luc~ing Ht·· inMtranc.eK, l'mOIIIIU'<I to

SEYMOUR'3 GROCERY EMPORitTJI[ lhe Annua! ~!cetiu.t: in I I, ~~~~II only tlo ; Y or k. .£ 15G,:!i 4. Lc in;; nn inct·caso of .£5,3!1 1 ~ lny I .">. 10 by a ruaJont): vole of Cowunttcc a t next 1 J ,lo uot :~llow Ill\' )lcllic:ine.s t o L~ sold Q I'CI' On• Premium Jneornl'of l ~ii ; nnol

Q~rt~[1Y Dll!fCthttng. T'ul Tl r • b 1•1, in any n:lft oftlou U nited Stn tes I hno•o lhe Uh~ClS t o .£:!5l,GGI, IX'in~ 5."i. I G

A fe"' barrels of Choico Canadisn FLOUR 1\n•l varioua olhcr articles too numeroua to mcul ion nt

THAT fino PIEC E OF LANI.) (receotly occupied by ~he lllt.e W ILLIA.II ~Ill·

liOSOS) aituated 00 the South Side o r lloa­quito- lx.nndedon the Nortb by the W Rler­Sidc; on t ho 'oulb by t he lllaio -rolld; oo tho \\'est by 1he property o f .T.,»I:S S ill. liO:SDS ; and on lho East by tho properly of TIIOliAS W tLt.a.

On tho land stands & DWELLr~G IIOUSE, BAn:.; and C ELLAR. a C AU­UAU E-G.\HDf: :.; is !\lao included.

Jo'or further pnrticnlara apply at t bo office or thia pllper ..

~lay l fJ.



Dwelling-House, Stable, Out-houses

and Grounds, oow io the occupancy of the Soblcribor.

Fo r particular& apply ~ DR, ALL~:s'.

For Sale

4. i 1i&a BaJ lf4RD. riling eix ;yeara o ld, the propertf of Dr. ALLAS.

~·or particula11 epply to ~ Dr.'W . M. ALLAN.

Harbor Grace, April 23.

hea pre t'fooali anoonneed) hu reaumtd buaiooai in lbop No. SSS Wat.r Stree t, di· recllyoppoaite MearaPJ.Tll!aos& Fon&R'S. llo hopea bla old Cllltomera will not forget biro.. lle guarat~teel that he will ~... tbe a me eatiafactio11 that be did pre' to thu)lato 6re..

WORK SHOP d Old S tand-oppoait.e tho mereaotilo premiaee of Meara. J ous MoliN& Co. 8' A largo aod well-eaeorted atook or

NEW GOODS upoc~d abortly. · April U ..

.. - .. one o eao , u or v .._,.,... s ll · , - • : 1 Pi · • be altered except 111 ~ G~ueml :ileetiu;:. I no A gonl11 tLere. rtl y ;'llcdtcmc~ nrc p<•t· ~~- or! t 10 !'Cwmms o.f. the. ~ ('ar. that the ;\ltotiu•!a of 1bc Com- moly m ndu Ly me, nt (i:J:l, Ox lord ' trcct l :S I HE Ll FE DEPAR l .M ~o:_-.; r , mit~o of tb i1 AuociAtioo" shall be held I London. ~ T hat N ew P oli.:ios Lad b i'<'O is~n•'<l Quar~rly on tho second FridAy of Jo ou& ry I In tho hooks of •tircclions nOixc;J to r.,r £:!22,·185 ; nml tb11~ the Life Fund, April , July and October. tho spuric us tul\kO is n cnu tion, wnrniug Ly tho ndultiou", mudc tq it M tho t"CSult

May I. ' llae l 'ulllic 11guinet llcing dcce i"cd by of thu ycnr's OJlllnltions now reprcscnt..'l connlcrfc il.ll. Do nol be rni,loo by tlt!11 lii.9 per C('nt.oftLe cntiro ne t Promi:u ns

N O T I C E. l\nclllcivnN t ri.:k, <~ tl~y are tlo.e c~unltr- re~o:cived on avery P o licy 1.11 Ioree. -1>-- f cit1 tlrry1>rele11d to ff<ll<9WIU. ---.

T H E SA Vl:\G ·• l!A:.;K will hencerortlr• · Tltoso eonn~rfeit& aro pnrcloMcd by Tho surph:~ b&lnnce ill lho Firo .~.\c-bo opou to depositora upon every dlly unprinci pled VN1tlun nt OM·hnlf the connt wus 11hown to be £107,5(}!), o u t of

o f t~o ~celt a~ the ulluRI hou~. . pticc of rny Pills a10d Ointment, a nci 1uo which .£20,000 was r.ppropril\~d to Sa."'0 i' Baok, At}.te n:-eum JJuahhng , sold to yo u u my J::Cnuino Medicines. Susi)('DSC J\ cconnt, misiug thnt A ccount it. Joho'•~~b ~f~k_ 18-~. ~ m~t enr~estly AJlJICIIl to ~hat sense to £140,000 11nllmnkins with tho Re-

P of JliSttoo, whtch I feel s nro I may v!'n· ~~ervc Fund nnt\ ll.llnnco c.uriod fo1 wcud

N ti

I ~ua o ll llOD asking from ctll bonot:IJble .£324,000.

0 ce ! pen>Olll, lu llliSIIOt mro, 1\UU the Public, M F U N ns -- lnr ns ,may lio iu their •pownr, ill d o CI\(OitAI Pnid up ............... ... ...... £ 180,05~

Good Invutmoot lor money lu tho Rllr· nouooins tlois slmmef•ll l 'rtmd. Oc:noral Hci!Crvo Fund................ 170,000 bor Grace W ater Oompa.ny. Etten P ot nml Dox of tho Goo nine Fin• Fund for l:neomoo Premium11 140,000

-- M~·· · . ' 1. . tJ R . . " 0 &IMCC carried ro r'ITard ... -...... ... 14,0.% "-•--at. at Five ...,,. -"t. per - - -um, ~.YICUlOS, ucars l!l rtltl • orer nmtn. Lif .A 1 .: F d SOO o " ..... _.., .. - ~ ,...... S · o ccumu 1\won un .... ......... ,ol ,.

Goverumou~ Seoority, paynblo lamp, with tho wo11lB " ITotLOWI\\''.\ .\ ru1uit)' Fuuu ....................... ... ll ,f~'l!l hall-yearly. PtL~ A!'O 011/T.Iu:~T, Losoo~,"cngrl\\'cY

WHEREAS lliJI Excelleocy tho Gov­omor-in-Oouocll hM I.Ulclioued tho

incl'l!ue o f the CApita.l Stock of the 13id Company to t ho extent of TIYO Tnou­SANO SeVEN U uson&o r ausns currency (if req uiaite) hi Frn: P OliSD SnARI:S, in conformity with tho Act of Jncor­pomlion, See: In ., Tenden1 will be re­cei'Fed. by ruo from puliu wiahing to take ehams io t ho above "toclt, to the ex­tent of ' ' l'w£:-'TY-roun Llli:.onto Pou...-os (.£2~00) notil SA'l'lJHOA Y, twenty-fourth :lay of 1\ pril Juat. And, AI a premium it de­tlaoded, the Teodera molt tt&te bow many ouoda, 1hillinga, and ptnc:o will bo (>iveo

for ea,ch abare of FiYe pouo!U curreocy. n;ord'i'r, .

C: WATI'S, StcrttMy Harbf)r Oro«. Water Co.

Harbor Grace, 2nd April, 1880.

Dental Notice.

thereon . U a tho lnbol is tho addrOSll, 533, Oxrono STni:£T, Lo s ooN, where nlono they oro i\l t•uufuctured. Iloilo· tcay'l Pill.a and Oiult114nl bearing any ot/j~r addrur are counl(1'{tilt.

'l'bo 1'mde M arkM of tbC80 Medicines 11ro registorcd in Ottllwa.. H ence, any


Geooml Agent fo r :\lld. Suo.A oESTS :

A . T . DRYSDALE, · lfllrbor Grnco.

R. 0 . SlfEE JiAN k Co. St. P ie rre. one throughout tbo D ritish P ossession•,

who mny k i'Op t ho A ruericnn Counter - Dec. 2i, 1879. fcits fo~~~will be proaccntcd. - ---N- -

0- T- I_C_E_! ----

TflOMAS HOLLOWAY. 533, Oxford Slree~, London,

Jnn. I, 1879.- m.l.

'$.15 00 TO $GOOD 1t r~•· orb lo 20 ~liar

~~~ ~::!::'\.!·'::~; do a.t well u men. llony mili mor<> tM.o ~ &IDOIIDI •~ obo\'o. No oDo c•n fall to make ruoooy fut. Aar oae <ao do tho work . \"no coo make from &0 cu. to ~ oa boar by d~l'oiiD'I r oll{ ""~nlull'" and·~ thoe w tbo ~loe&e. II -~~ notblog ro try LILo bouilot... ~"othlog like It for mo1111y malting IYt r oiJtred ~fore. Dueln~,. pl., aod otrlctly bononoblr. lleadeT1 If )'Oil \Un('to kuow all oboultbo baol JMI.)~ng butlneo.t befor• lbe publfe, IIODd UJI f OUr edd .... ond WO will aend Y"" full portkulora aad prl ... t.t tnma



will pracu co at Harbor G~e nutil further oot ic:o.

HI:SIIlEIICtt: Mn. SA~lUEL GORDON'S ite <.:u•tom U ou1e.

' oY. 1.


HUGH H . CARTER, BIU'rlaWr· llt.-Ln w.

Comer P1U;$CU'f'l' STREET, St J ohn't . \fay 10 t y·

The Subscnoars On 1M 8th lnot.. ll.t the tftld- or U..Bn. T.

Bali18L J olut'a, ltlr. JOMpb .lllller, ol T.,.._t1, t.t Mary JIM, HOOod daa~l# of ltlr. BoiMinBuU, ol Oo:o:pdOCI 8::{, ~ewfOODdJaDd. p

Raw hftta Saadr. '

A · 8 I iotend remainiog but a abort time ,._"1_ i n llarbol' G race, pcraooa reqni:ring IDJ' ICJ'Y~aro requelticd to call u IOI)n u COD,~ODI.

fn~r~ ; ~&n~plea worth 6 dol. alao , ...,. ; you can lh"o malro ap 7oar mind roc r ouraell" Addreu OEORO& STINSON .t Co. l'orrland1 llilae.

A CARD .. · Luo re:ceolly reeeind a brae AQortroenl

-o•·-· DBATJ18 • . J o.A reeelnd at

Thompson'aH'dioalllall· -A Ch .. -'-"-' or­

New Garden

s~· EEDS. April te.


4 verr.eJJ.P8rlar Table

PIAN 0. ( ...... ..... ) ' ..,,.. =::.ra··1-to'tlelk ..,..,. . .,._AI& .

.lJd1 11.

T. L. 11-ALLB'I' T. Marola 20 ..

E. N. MARTIN, L.K.Q..P.l., L.R.C.S.L, L.M., ~.D., .M,;(

LUe Jl.edical Oftloer Allglo-.Amvic&D Neanph Oomp&D)',

Mar be qo~~~nltefa~ MriL S.urun Oo1100.~·• Wat~r Street Eaat, lTubor Grace.

J~o. 80.Gtn. --.....:... _

0 X G- A. Fl. of n rioue r.hoico bl'llnds, vi&.. IIanna, nor·

de-AlmA, J:'lor-de-~lona. <.:onebA ;\lajor, My o .... n Brant!. lloos;h And lttart;r, Jf:.r:l ~, Re.t., Medill Jlcgalla, &c.,

.All of whloh will be _,td at 1'Df7 low Prieoe. •

At.'IO- 'l'ef"!llll'Jr'l 111110(tmeot o!•l.:ldlu', G eol lomen'e aud Chilcirctfa •

BOOTS and SHOES, and GeliU-Oil'a U~[)SR-CLOTIII~C. W'hloh we are preparod b -.u al leea ilia~ uoal priea ·

IA&ely reoeiYed a foil UIOrtaeo~ of

l fw Bsun teas wlaklll wUb oar ral 186ott of DRA· P£Rl', GROCE& B'A,RDWARFJ, .tc. will be eolcl at lcnrW ,. .. ..,._..,... llrioel.

, .liLLARD BBOTUEU. feb. 21. - , ·

BOOKS Suitable for Presents.

Our Drit.Wa Porinlil Paiotera from Sir Peter ' Lely to ,J...,. SIUI-. lG WIIIUMiocw with

deacripJl•o ud laiatoriclll aolicea by Ed­mund Oilier ..

P iewera by Willialn .Mulrelldr. R.A., with deserirtlou. aii4 a bi~pbical aketch or lho l'ain~r by Jamea Da«eme.

Pictup by Charita Robert ~ie1 B.A., willa deeoriptiou and a bl~hleal uetcll ot tbe p& by J.-Dafuoo .. ·

Birkt t Foster'• picturet of Engliall J~­IC3J>O (en'-"red by !lao brolbor'e DaWtl) Pictllfltl til verse by '.l'om Taylor.

Bcautiea o f Eoglith .Laod-po drawo by Dirkut ~tcroogrand by Lahiel lJrotlaera

· J . Cooper, t:.. EnD&t &c. Pioturoaque Scenery iD I reland drawn by

ThoiDM CreawJQ.k R. A. 'Eograved 911 S~cl , with d.cteriptil'e jottiop.

The Chriatian year, illuetrated by Sir Jolin \.ilbcrt, llolre.rt Darnea, W. B. Scoli, 1:1. C. Sclo111, W. ~!!WI, &o..

L'llob'• Tales from Sbakt'lll!*'rt!, odite<l b;r (.;harl~o'll KniS(hL with :1-10 iiJuetnt.iooa by Sir J ohn Gilbert, ItA.

Jlomo Affections portrnyed by the Poet&, Jeh~ctrd aud cd1ted by Cbnrlea lbelt:ay, iUU.!tl'lll~d with 100 enprillgll.

Tho Prineo o f the HoW!C of Davit!. or thl\. 'ye&rain the llo&y City by~ltaw. J.l1

J ngmbom, L.'L.D., with owncro!U illueb:a UIJilll.

l1to :\cw l ilu~tmtod ~1\tUr&l n iatory, by tl He,· .• J. II. \\'oorl. :\I.A., F.L.S., onb'Til''--' lly the llrothel'll O.olzirl.

TI>o: l'opulor ::-lnluml I Ji:.tO!j, l.y lb? MDI~. X:1omi, or The !.A•t D")e of .Je rUMlcm, by

~Lnt. J. II. \\'l'bb, \\ith illu.otratio n on ~led from dmwiu!,!"' by W. 11. lla.rtlett.

Tb., l 'ic1orilll T our or 1h~: \\'orld; comi)rit· ing l'cn tlnd l'cucil ' ketches or ·rn\\·el, l ncidcut, Ath·e.nluro• nnd Scrncry ' f:etchcu from :\:tture in \\':Utcr (.;oloura by ,\ uou l'cnnel.

C.·1non Fnrrara Lii<' of Chri.t with origiuaJ ilhulratioua.

Canon Fnrmn~ l.ifc nnd \\' orka or t. Pl\ul. Lil" :r.nd Work~ of Chrillt by Cunningham

Gcikte, 1 • .1- D. Fleelwo?C!'I Life of Chri,t. En~lnnll'& Hoynl llome, by 1ho Re''· Charle11

llullock, B. D. 'The I lome Life of lllo l'rince Con!!Ort by

l~c ~,tnc. D oubly ltoyaJ, memoriLla of the P rioc:eM

Alice by t ho ~~nruc. W ithin tho l'alnco Gr.tet', a tribute to tho

menoory of }'rnu~ Hi1Uey llcwcrgnl ·by tho MUIC. •

Dcl\nlica o f ShAkespe.'U"C by Ro'F. W. D odd, J>.D., wilh 1:! illuslmltona in p.:n.nanent photosrnphl from :Uoyddl Ga.Jlery.

IlL-cion's D1cuunnry o[ Cui,· Informa-tion. J

Uick ·a Encydop:cdi:t c f J'rnctical llc:ceip~& &c.

Xew \' olumc~ for I 7:'1 of Leiau:-c Hour in tlo n:~: d uuincl llindinl-"'· .

uud:l\' nt llomc iu lim·~ cli.t!tinct bindin~ Good \r o..U~; ~undny :llr..::wnu; Th•· Qui~er;

Tho D:~,· (•f Hell: (.;~II'~ :\illj..'IV.iuc ; t:old o•n 'u ouno, Fruuill· l h ·r.olJ \ 'ul. 4:J: Bu{• 0 1\ n Anuuo.l · or Pnper ; Kind \\'o rda; Cbntr.·rbolo ; Lillie \\'iJc-.\~<akc; Sumlo~; Liltlu Folks; '1 he founily Frit•nd; 'llul fnmily \' i3itor; . T he l'riw ; 'J'bo JnfiiDl'A .\lawuinc; Tho Briliah W ork· no11n: T he \\'nrkworuao : Tho C'olla"Cr l\nd Art6.'1JI : '11tc Bond of llopo Hco·ic~·; T hll Chil•l's Oo·n Ma~uo; ' lhu ~:hild" Compnuiou: '11•.: l;bJidren'a l'lc·~·••rt• Book ; ' l1Jr: .\ dvi•cr; 'llle l'mt· tier for Uo,·a nnd Uirll!.

·n,.. Uu•l{:ct for &y.s ""d Girl1. '~ralonu'A t.imnd Annual rr)r d :c young,

illu .. lmtctl witll ;,o drnwini:v-A ~Jerry C.:h.ri>ltnll& And llappy Xe w \'PU i

.A lluu..cful oi Chilureo. 11oe Gem. of All l 'ictW'tJ Books. FriJ!.:y l\lld his Flock. Little 'l'ol'a T re.uury of Pictures a.od S1oriet. TreiUiurier.. Sunshine for d ull tl.lyr.. :\ly O~<n n ook. ~ly l'ct Book. 1110 Face in the Gl~ The l ndcatruct.ihlo Mother Goose. U. <.:aldecott's Picture Book, coot4ining

dh·crting lliatorioa for tbe young. Remini!lCqncca&Dd Anecdote• of celebm~d

prenclllll"'l hv T homaa .JI\Ckaon M. A. Foxo'1 Book of :llartyra, Tho Choicu lluworo114 W oru of Mark

Tw~tin illu~tmtcd. Tho Complet.- \\' orks of Clw-lea F . Browne

" Ar-Wmus ' V"rd." The Select Worlc'a of Dret H arte, ia P roao

and l'octry illustmtcd. • 1 Grinuu'a Fairy Libmry. All tho StMdard l'oet~ in Cloth Morocco,

l milatioo lvorj' and plher biodio~ llluJninMc:d Texta and Dirthdoy DookL IDdcatructiulo Toy a.od other J uvOlllile

Book .. Prn1cr Books in l\loi'OC'<'o, Ivory, SiU,

\ ol\'CI and othe111 Jliudius;a. Church Scr,·icoll. . Uiblcs all l!izcs aud qualitic~t.

J. F. ClllSHOL~f. • ' t J obn'a, Ocr. IOllt.

F I S H E .tt I E S ! ';[Taps for 1880 t

"{XJ'F. 11ro prepariog, from the beat ltaplo l ' l' Collon, a hard· loi,l Twin~, made

into X ettiug a~cially for Tll.\P~.• n eheell 100 mea he• wide, cand soiJ by the ponud; &lao-the Tmps m:~dc complcle fo r uae In tbo beat mAnnerLy experienced hand~ and eo adjoal ed M not to roll or kink ; 70 lbl. Cotton Ne tting givtl! the ann1e eked ' e tM 100 lbs.. Hc~np dol.'a. Our l'ricc8 \'till b!t Ollldo aotiafact~ry to the i\l trcbaota.

A:ILERl CAN NI::T & 'f\\'JNE Co. Botton

O: t. 1


·. ,'tflW>,\\', ~{1\rch ~ 'l'11o llouso opened pntBW~nt to a<ljoW'II·

meat. ~r. GUE£"'1: r reacutc<l petition froiD

1'n trlck f arrell nnd o tbcra, to:-1\yinA' for the r.:oustroct •un of" ro.'\ll. lie (~r. l i.) fc:Jred thnt for th\1 <'nsuing yclll" tho pmyc r o f tho J>Ctitioocr could no t be liOCCdt."<l to. The w-cat dlat~SB pruvailiog thi11 \Viutoe on the ~uthqr(l ~hort, COnSei(,UCnt on the aluJ08t to ll\! railu"' o f t ho fiahc~·, nniJ thll C:t• Cllplionnl llll'lllity of tllo ~:\&011 b:t.<llle<'('ll· l\"ll\t,~lth6 olx!.~endituro of uc~arly th~ wholo of thu rqiCCi:l and Inc u j.rmut& 'l11is o,x. pentlituro could not bo w oiJ .od. llo hoped, ho,Yerer; thM tho (iovcn nnl!ut wouhl tal:u iu•ll conaidcrotioo tb!.l preil!ini: "ant.ll or UIO l>•~plu <Jf the fti&t.rict o ( 1-'crr~-l!\ml , 11n1l uot dcpri\'0 the J istrict of their r oo.d jtmut.

Mr. Cosr.O\" Anpport«< tllu pmyer of thu 11etition anti cntil"l!ly.cndo rsed thu ' iowA cx­prcuctT by hi~ bon. colleftgc, ~lr. (i rcen .. ••

.:ll r. l'., r.:soss p~nlcd n tnllolbcr of pcli­tiou~ from t ho iuh11billlnt~ uf the diet rict o f .St. ,Jnhu's I·MI, on t ho euhj;)ct of the COli · Mruc lion 11nd repai r!! of r~.~~~<l~ nnu br1d~11.

e<l by, and ably oulorcod by lho Teawb of 1bcir bon. coUuaguo &hu SarvoJor Guoe

Mr. Ltm.!: prc:aentcd a petition from MichAel Woodfol\l and othi!JS, ,i.ohabitantl o f lhtbor Main.

lion. SUII\"li'YOR Gr~lt:.\L rraeutcd " petition from J runca Unllem, e Holpood, m tho District of ::it. ~l&ry'a ('rayiog to be "!'pointed ferryman. ' l'ho peutiooer it uow s~t.Uog up in yei\I'S, aud ho (boo. ::;. G) hop­.:d tha' in ju!tice to ~ claims and th.'t for hill pu~ aerviees thopo" tloo woufu roeoivo tbtlt llttoutlou which ll .!Cj(lrvod. ~r. l>wn:Jl truatt-d th11t this petition

IVOUJd bo ntt.cnded to. l)l'l.lor,-.1 tlmt tl1ca.: pctiliona do lie upou

luo tnhh:. lion. tho l'nom:n ( Mr. White ,.·ny) h~d

been cntnatocl with n potition from UIO inlll\bitAnta or tho Codroy nivCI'IIIInd Cod­ro~· IIMbor, pmyiug fo r " !,'1'1\Dt to COUIJ>Icto tb" ro.w conn«ting tho Cod roy ,·:UJey with the port of Ch11nncl. lie '\u., ~:l:ld to aco tl~~t tbo reoplo of tho CtXIroy d islric\ np· prceilltu tho tiTorta o[ Go•·~mmcnt iu their ~h:llr, nod thllt they ~cogui:o tb.'lt, :~.It ho ugh we 111'0 un!\ble to gh·c tl1cm th11t represent!\· tiou U1cv clsim, '¥C 11rc doing nil wo Clln for the m. il., b.'ld much pi~:\Surc in presenting thid petili llD, and mo,•ing thAt it l io on tbu L3ble. •

l)pon motion the llomo wenl in to Com­millee of tho \\'bolo on 'upply. ~lr. Wat· aon In tlu: cb11ir.

The vote for supply o f Fuel :md l.ij;:hl for (io\'Crnn~nt nou~~e 111111 the \'OIC 10 llH'Ct tho expend!~ of thll 1'011t Oificu Dcp:~rt­rncnt .. ·ere prop<N'O<I for ndoplion o.nd after " tibort d iscull.iion, I'V.IQ(I.

T he cununith.'C then roiiC, N portetl pro­gress. nud n.skcd lc:\\'C to 111t ngl\ia.

DOCU.:IIE~TS t.t\11) U PON 'filE TA· OLJ:: OF Tll£ llOUS~

lion. t.bc Pnr_\lu: r., by command of ll i11 E:tccllcney the lio•·~mor, upon tl1e t:\blo t he followin!: documonta :-

J:~port nf o Oiccr in cl~u-gu of Protection of Fi~heril'o fo r l bi!l.

S L:ltc mout of Genom! \\"s ter Comp~uy for I ' i !l.

Hcport of Po~t .:IIMto r r.U fo r l l!i !l. Onlcred tunt tho 11:\ld d ucuu1uuta lie upon

tJI~ llobjo. On ~lotion the Jtou~ then ncljonrncd to

tb.: 3\"t iuat.

W r.t>xt·<oll'. ~1:\rch :n. The llouiiC opcne.l :It :; } u'clock.


;\l r. ~lcKw presented 1\ petition from tho f nhAhil4nl~ of th,• port of (.'tJ!\nnol, On tho \\' etolcm S h 1rc, l"""yiuq for the complet ion or tho ro ... t to conucct t b:tt port wttb tho \'ft!l.·~· or t ho <..:vo.l roy. lie rlid not l11iuk \l>c llou...: fully l'C:COj:tlitC•I the imJ>O"rtancu o f tho ron<l, tho cuostmclion of which tl1is fWiition pt:~)'Ctl fur. 11.: (.\lr. :lic K.) COD• ehloro<l 1L only ICfcnd iu i1uporL'\nCO tu the ll:\rhot Gr:~ro lt:\il ro."\tl. lie WB:I <'On\·inc~·l Uoat tl1e c.'lrrying uut of tho p NIJl<•"'<l m il­" l'r"f nuderlltldng -.o uld n•! nl' In j,'rC:\t bcnd il& to 1110 t of Ulo tli~tricl& of the COUll• t ry. '1'11c ro:ul which he now Mh'OC.'lted wonltl in~ ~"l dc~trco boo( a c.-orrc~pond­lng IH:uefit to the <li• trict., which it is intlln­•1.:<1 to ronucct. A ~un·t\" of t hi• ro:1d Wl\3 1n:Wc :1hon t the year I ' ;'.:1 or lSi I, by :llr. J.on~: n( thl' Cruwu Lo.nd.11 Ucpan.mcnt., &lid l,hc p rop.>reJ hue wn.s rnMI:col or.l. Since t h~n little o r nolhio~ liM J:oc.-cn nucmptc.J. nl tho uE:h the peoplu llli\'C yenrly pr~ntcd thcir petitions ' to tJU. llo uiiC. 'J11o con­alrucllo u o f this ro.'ld will open up nnd cou­urct with Chl\unel ono o ( th.: finest lll:ficul­l arnl cli3LricLi in !he cou ntry. 'l11is is uot An a~:ricultuml <li,trict without ll popniAtion. but n tlistrict tl:u bM hccn l'cll l~l nod in­ri"CMing in nurnben~ and prororty Cor o~er •HI yc:mo. T h,• cumplction o tloi1 ro:ul will gi-:e w th tl<C people an opportunity o f be ins: 31Jic In &hip tbeirproUUC\! both in winte r nnu :\fr. 0'~1.\IL\ prcaenh:o l II petition f'rom IIDtotmer (rom ChAnucl to St. J oho'11. T hoy Jamc1 H. Collius 1\Ud others, upon the aub­':<ould he cn:\bletl to fu rni.\h tho St. .John's ject o f scwcmgoJ. 1\nd &.'1111 that thu petition TUI\r l.ct with me:1t ho tb 111 winte r a1ul eum- w-.s numurou"IY :.nd rc.~pect.nbly ~<i~ucu, ln~r. By the lru!l Pl .. rtr llC\"Cral qua rtcnl o f nncl 011(1 of great iU>[IOrt.IUICC. At prei!Cul, "Ycry fine beef 1\tM\'cd fro111 t he (.;oolruyllt•in on ac~-ount o ( the cclll\1'11 upon th.: o;outh <.:h~nnel , 311d tlto~ who h!l\"O !\CCII th:J t i111- ~Hie o ( l>uc!.worth eLrcc~ b.:rug bd ow the r10na tion CAu Conn !<Ollie estimatu of the u~-uu dr&in or sewer. etficient dra.rn:\ge w:u <:ha mcter And rt'SOnrces o f this f,·rtil" dis- im['OMllllo. .\ a n con~ocnco, the c.:llara trrct. The \'l\lnu of our imr•urt!\tinns o ( upon thu oortlo siolu of \\ atc r atrcet bcCllmo Olltlc aontully Ml0 UIIl8 to nwnt $:.'0.,,(".~1. fluOlled. II~ p l r. 0 ':\L) trUSted tlt.'\t tho nod t bcso nre chiefly impurtcol from the pctiuou would rccci,·c C\'cry con•id.:r:~tion. IJ~i~hhuriu~ proviucea. llc (:\l r . .:li c K ) lllr. KIST suppmteo lthe prayer of thu pe­t houg!lt there wo.a no n~ce.,.ity of poiotin:: tition, nnd JlOinu:u out L'lo import.~nco of out to bon. ruen>iJer& the imml.'n•o nd'""nta;.'t' the luc.:\h ly where pct1tiuncra r,.,.idell. J lc which th1! colony IT<llllol •len• ,. 1f, hy till' loo1>etl tl11\1 the Jln\)'cr of (I<:UUouc ra would O ptllllllj: II[• nf rO!\<Iil ~<m·h M tho Oil<' pmyc<i b.: comphcol \Yith. fo r, we could. k~cp tlutl ln'lncy 111 the cuuu. l\lr. I'.\IL~os3 nl110 •upporte.l tlw petition, try 1\1 11011!: OUr OWII fllnm•n< :\li.J 1lrO\'IIrq tlllol 1110k till• olppOrtlllliiY Of caJJin!t thu nt• 1\ot only \fo>u i.J 1t bo b. .,,.t~1:•l to tho· rcutJon ,,f 1he Cbl\ltlll&u o ( tile HoM'(] of colony to lwlr<' Anch a b 11:u '"Ill :u ~~~~ I.IH~ o \\' '-'<~& t•• thu~L'\Ic uf tile twopriocipalnrec!ll npcntl\nlim:;: our people. louL rho• J•n rclo•'•-" uf the towu. o ( .:uo<ta ,,f •:\riuu~ kirods ... , ·Uioll>nu..: :\ ~;uo.l I :\I r. ~ I .u·r..\ T t•rt•l<l'ntc•l :. (ll'IIIIOII frorn the pcrc<!nL•~:e o ( th~I1Unounll l•r•ln_,0< rll~ tmp· onlmiOit.,ull uf 1.'\ l' ullo: Uny. JIM~;~~~ fur the duor or Ulc ('lo-t .. m, IIIIU till' (fel<llry II, c rcclo .. n ,,f :\ lh:lot hun~~ llloQll l rua 1•1!\1101. bOJ:ll.'<l d oc h1uo. l:t ccn ••t ( :~:ner-.1 1 •nil r.:n···~ h th~ ( ,..,·unmcnt .:uul I cualplutc thL< t hrll pttition ht~ h<'3rt~· "'f1>011. Tll\1 lu .. n 111.:-ht lhJII-.Q ~~·· ...... .-... ··u;o..,t."" f~r M Cnpc -ccntl~man h.··u hecn :dr('!\' ' tu"trutrh:ut.."\1 1u I lt ,v, wuuhl hi rrun l'.:\r.ltl' c:JJ well lJ~ht..u l, \:.·cping S III,I~IIJ a ~ C:\r ' " rh.: ~"luu~· loy tl•c 1\lnl ·"' Lloc hjn·J,or WIIJI I!UIIIl'14"h!\l ollllicult L'IICUIIr.•"• 1o11 PI o f 1 ,~"1 •h<l >-l• oilo hnj.' 11f dotr:tucc the ~<ork would 1...: ouc of 0 r..:nt

*• th· f._'\~lrh:'Ul of" hnnot.\" l h .•tc. uuht) en. I, :l'l vv;,urt uu;,\ •• r r.-lJ\11110.: " P. Utll ,\I r ) I \t'f\ \' nlf'l) rrt•!k"Utctl t\ J>Ct ition

;?.Jt,.•.•l(t- 111 th~ t.'OUnlry ),,. t lrt-4 "'II· from t bc tuh:-.htt.itllll u( C 'odr.•:-·. pmyin:.;-C"•,Utaf:~Uh"ut of r,tt.J ... ~ rni"IUJ.;. l hrott,:h tlu .. • t h:'\t the lOt.'l\ l ~h.·:'lm"· r IIH~Zht m:.tkc th._,t pon •]tpccoiii-H"<' of :1 r '"' l '~"''"·,•ly' •11 •~11 " J••rt uf call. Tlo1~ lt>t·" lol\' "M Ulll' of nuwuu:. I h~ t•..:p.-•ruiUIIn: of tli ... • :\:u;J'uut cru" Ju:,: unpurl:\IIC"C. "luc!a \~:1."' iilu:twn J,y requ•~-<1 no<· I,. h><>t..c.l UIIO" 111 lhu h,.:lot ul, 111 r,·:~.-etl •lo:pmeut.< uf )'1"0\lucc to tbi" m.r· n u h :YC,I:n•:nt. whh·h \\' •"1 d rc1~,y tll•l C"tiU II · L<:t. I >uul•tl··~ alu :-10 Wt•u..l•l Lc lar !Cly in· try one I1Unolr<"l f,,JJ . J'hc >III.,Ullt tc<tllorc•t «VI\.""' I Ill rh,·, \cUt of thO OtC:UIICr "<'nil in::. lot tlux r<" I f;,,m l'h~nowl to C<><lt~IY II,· (\l r ~lo-K ) rrn•tc•l th,• rnwcr o( t he l'" Crl' wuul~tl '\:' :lhon t l."•.•~.- 1.:uu l H• r•ma- "vcut a.mN·~ "''\Jid I"-' complw• "1t11.

p lctc the w~.l "I' tJo,. "J,.,l,· , .. ,ll~y. wuul•l :'llr 1'."·''1'' J•l'l.·&clotc•l n J"-·ruion Crnm

l>roh>l•l) ' ''I""'' tloc ' "no ,,f $ tllo!.!'.."l. \\' hnt .l<~~tc,·r. (; .1. :')tc<'r, nr11l o tlocr<. (nrmcn )()lb th" r•·<>J•IC uf Clo:uw~l :\lid ( ·.,.lrt>~ mul nonnh'ur (llruo.:l ~ lucnt.:d IIJH)II t he

TI''JIIIre<l , n:od \l h>t '""' P•."lllh)ll n-L •• I r .. r. L oll i; l'uiUI 1\1111 Fr.·-hw~ll! r ...... 1 •. Mkin~: ,,_.:u thf.l cumplctaon o( lhc rH•t~ l fr(HII th,_·H a ro:\• l lh•nr the ~!uul Pu"' nl r.,:!\tlv (.;b:mnl"l to the l .iu h• ~ ·0o 1~~· l:ncr. 11 di•· f"'\ttl:tlly nponc•lmi~ht he ~-onoplct.-•1. If~ t-~nr•• u( Ahnnllhlrty m1l~ J h<'n· ~r.· h''ll>ll .rn:UI :\numul w,•r,• nllo•·Mcd ' " r rh« pur­on the ('.•droy " ' ' .:n;. "p<•pulalluu .. r :\bout ...... e rh.: dufirnlu~· or prucunn~ bvg 1\1111 l iiUO J>eopl•·. nil o f whom In t• l,y f11ru11ng m~uurc "unld b.: gro.:J\tly lc .. ~ncd 1\lld fnrru· lie (.llr . . \l c.-K. ) l>opcd thllt tltc pr:~yer uf ing ""urk stnuul:.~. ll c ho1•edtbc petition t ho pctition, whi~b he b3d plc:umrc 111111 would reccr\"ll t he cou&~JcrntJou of tile honour to present, would rccch·e at tloc llou8C. handJi o f hoD. mcrnbcra tbnt &U(IJ>Ilrl. whlrh :\J r. r ,\ lt-;()SS nJso prcscnlcd 1\ petition C\"Cry OliO 1\Cqcunntetl with the fi\Cla, thu upon n ' uou lnr Huhje<·t ~t~gr1ed by Jill!. ,\. IOClllity, nnd tho iwportaucc of thu To:ub \\' lutofnrol. nud ulhcn<, h \ 111); upon tho Tnr­pmyed for, would, he WM MSnrrd. gl\"C it. h:\y :\lid l'ortu~':\1 Cuvc ro3dS. Mkiu~ tha t :1 H e would thercforo. wo,·o that th1s p.!lition •nm!l nmount ru1~ht he aeL Mido fo r tht allou(,Jiiu oti thu completion o f 1\ roo.d ton bog~ by nlmost

Mr. Ltrru: :t.Ud .:l l r. l'.\r.SOS3 h111l murh nil the fnrmcra upon theMO ro.'lda. Fnnnin~: plc~ure in supporting the prnyer of tho 111 St. .John's was 1\llondcd With .110 mrmy a nd petition, nntl in endul"11iu!f tho a ble rcmcnk• ouch W't'"t dlllicuh ies th!\t it rcqui"-od aomo oC tno hor1. member for I.Surgto nod l .!ll'oile fostering cnro from tho Go,·emu"•ut. I lu o o tho anhject. trnsted tltM thia petition wonld ruse r«aivu

U on. ltt:Cijl\"£11 Go:r.nAt. thou~th~ the cunsidcration. petition n very import& Ill o uo nnd he Count! ~lr. O '.:IL\RA supported the rmyer of tho no difliculty in l:.'h;ng it bit kup_port, anr1 he scrcr:U pctiuonM, (18rtieulnrly the ono Mk· believed It 11•ould bo n atc-p 1n tho rigbt eng for tlte compwtiou of the rond at tbo· cllrection llo hoped tbo Government wonld S:uld Pil.ll, which ho rog:"\rdcd aa ono of grc:lt IICO thd r WilY clear to mako 1\D 11pproprilltion importAnce. for tl1e eonatntctloo of thit ro.'d. S uch Dr. SULTOS presented " petition from tile an appropririlloo would haYo bia e ntire w p- ft e,·d . .:II r. Kirlly. nnd othcr11 of Kins:'e t.;o,·e. pdrt. ft!k ing t hat 11 rostl in tbst loc:llily m 'J!bt be

Order«!, that tho pelitio n lie on U1e drained and completed. Al prc:sen~ tho fnct tnble. th&t it was nut drain.d made it imp:\!8/lbl('.

Dr. SK£t.TO,; pretenlcd a potitioo from Uc ( Dr. S.) hoped when the road Uill cnmc n cory 1'. U. W ood, F..tq., clerk in the before tbe Uou10 tho pc u tioo would be ro-llegiatrcr'• Office, praying for an iocrea~e of membered. -l1iu alnry. Uo acta fo rUJ that bo baa ~en l l r. &:oTT pre'lCnltd a petition from J . .c.lolng work in bill o ffico for wbich ho is not Noel, and ~then!, or St. .John'e, praying for paid, 11nll pr.o.y. thl\t hit p~nt llllDrJ m~y tl1o ~llocntiou of no .nroo~rnt to open up a nd l>u lncre~•ec:. 'llte petition is supportce Ly continue Flo .. ·cr lltii _Fml ~re:\lo: , lie ro­,Jud~ Jlnywnrd o r the ~uprome Court, who 1111\rkcd thllt I!OIDO tuno Alnce tho r J{;Y•

• certtfieo th:I~ Mr. W ood hM pafonncd tlu~ae emmcot- I_1Ml been prt' witl1 11 ~Ieee fllrl\ .services and b.'IS perfonned bit o f land m ~~~t locnh ty by ~r. Vasey Qrtlitury ofl1ci.'l! dutieain u atiafac:wfl..dl:an· upon tho condouon tlmt tho road ahould be ner. . opened up. 'J_'hc diatrict :WM not in " po;!!·

3lr. Gar.DIE, Mr. K~. lllr. 'O'lf.ut.A and uon to ~~et utdo a auffic1eot snm for.l.tb11 :Mr. CAJm:n had much pleaaure in BU!Jpori- pnrpo.e. nod. he ( :\l r .• S.) ~d lbo l;iO\'· lne th• prayer of tho pctJt.ion cmmeot would he lp ru trua •err Docc&ilai"J by t.he bon. membor Dr. Skelton. · "·ork.

Ordort'(l that tho pet.itJou lio 00 tllo . · Upon mo~on of Mr. Htor. tho Bo uMO went table 1 mto Comm1Uee of tho Whole upon tho

• Cout Fisheries Amendment Bill Dr. Skel­ton ill lbe chair.

allowed to' ~pe. '1'ho ptaple ol .. e W.­trlct of Twillm,.t.o &Del !'ogu, u aleo t.hoto ola portion of tbo other d.l-'tic~ where thcao smaller~ aalwon frequent, roqulre, In or­der to tho succewul proeoc:utlon of thl." llalutr)\ 10mo modiftoatlon of tho law u it. a~ pret10!1~ cxim. Tbere W, howo9or, a atiU more IICriout eril of which the people or dl.ll puticutar dittrict. have to complain. Dting unpNPI'ted for ADJ alt~tion io tho law, they h~ purohl\lled a largo qUJWI.ily or tho amaller ai&o net., wbicb 11rc, under tho o~r­ation of tho exittinr law, ~M41,- -l• w them. ln.&ct, if tho pooplo wore to~~­hero atrictly to tbo protont·law It would Ytr­tuallynruount to tho eonfiacatlon or their \'ruuo.blu propert.j. Aa long, howoYor, ss tht:y had those uc t.t in their poiSCMioa, they woultl cootluuc to uao them io open viola­Lion of the law. h would bo far better to Ua\"u l!.l) enactment at all t han t o b.'\ YO a law upon thu :)t.:Lluto & ok o:'·e. Uudcr thcao ' circnmsl4nco:s thorcforo tho J>eoplll u l tbia illlporl4nl d iarrict Mk this L..o;t'lllturo to oxtcud to them 1\n immunity frum tho proviaious o f tho Act :1 Y ic. Cnp. 7, of tho !Jonaolii!Ated S t.'\lutcs which pro­hibitll tho uso of othor than Uto aix mch meah, sut.l which impor;es ~n~Li~11 fo r." vio· l~tion. There llro other u illtn cUI wbrch he hcliovt-d would I!Cck aiorill\r priYile~ocL T here nrc, howo,·or, oth llnl ngnin wbo bo­liu,·c tba~ t he b •.v, u it at preacnt oxisU!, dhould not be diMurbctl. llo conllidcred , thrrufure. thnt tt woald bl! ouly 1\ rnatwr of grncfl nnd courtesy upon tho l\Brt o f the II ouae to neccdo to thu j111t 1\nt re~~Son:~blt: n.'f}ucst o f the poQplo of those diat.ricl3 inl,.· medi.~tc ly conccmtod, t:Rpeci:llly where tho concewon would uot in any \r11y nff~ct the l'•lDcrnl intere;~ta of the colony prujudicinlly. H it we re thought 11dvi.s.,blo to extend o. aimilnr con!.idcmdon to othora UlAn th!\t o f tbo 11is t.rict o f Twillinpto aurl Fogo, he woultl feel happy io giving it hia ~upp.ort. In conch iAion ho woulll rci>C!\t t hat tt mtght bo po!l&iblo to Jegislntc ~ith c ff<JCl. in N f.:r­c ncc to our ioll\lld fi1hcncs, but wtth ret;.\N 10 t110 dce1• flahcrics, thugn:Alcr iuunu­ni ti~e cxtoudcd co them tho bccwr.

llou. Sunn :von G t s t tt.At.-fn justice to tho clrums of other d i&tricts io tbts rcs(foct, ho thought aotno consideration ought to bo oxtcnoled to them. Thero nrc many who ulJjcct to tho Will of t ho smaller u~c~h in t hu proaecutiou of the aalmon hdho.: ry. With rcr'"'l to Uoo it1ahorc fi~hery, thcr~ m:1y be some rusoo fo r t his p ro.vtaiuo , hut 1U applied to thu deep sea tbh.: r~ca, he "'\Y no rcMOD whnteYe r fo r it. llo cooaidcrcd ( row whnt bas been al3ted, that the pct1· tionors ue outitle.l t o what appeared 11 \'cry juat and reaaooablc. requcat. nt t ho han:l~ of tbo Lcgialat uro. On bobaiC of tho •h•· trict o f Plnceotia ftDd St. Mary's, be would aak that tho imrnuoitret from tho pro,·r•1oos Of tho' prt!IOIIl .\ Ct be CXlendoJ tO t ho J>OO· pie there. It hu buc n a grio\':lii~C iu th:tt dillt rict for aomo time, that many people hiiYo beeu d cpri.-etl of a livclihoo•l, iu cou­f cq ueuco of t he compulsory n•u uf the huger mea,b. In rnany p:u l3 of t ho diatrict very fe w p lmou arc tru.: r o ; in t hu e&~tern portion no lugo ~~:~lmoo aro tl\kon. Tho ~IT,'C t of tho pre1cut I :\IV, therefo re, is th&t t he pc-1ple hue been obliged to 11handon tho aalmon tiahory altogether in tl1u o pl~~eoa. 'fho anlendweot Ill prcaent pro­poled. ho cooaidcrcd , mi::;bt bo uw lo ::;~u ­lml in il3 ci!JlnlCh:r, aoJ if wN O fuuud to work inju rioUAIJ, it mi&ht horellfter be arueutleol. He bnd much ple:\1\un: in onp· portint; tho m~:I;Slii'O before tllo chnir, p ro· Yid~d tho pnYrlc:;c.s IIOUS~ht for were CX· teude<l 1.0 t he district of l'laccuti:t &uJ ::it. .:llary'a.

.\I r. D1vn:n had much plusuro in sup­rorllnc: tho Bill. Sincu Lhu l:t.\V providint; for t he 11X iuch mMll ho.a coma into opera · tiou, \'Cry httlo Mlmou bftTO been cau~:ht in l'laccutia nml St. i\lary'" ll.~y. aud in very 10nor iust:t.oces thu fishorwcu there, who pr.:vrously d id well, we re deprived of thu uoe~ns of livrug by tho opeBtiou of t he Ac t. Ito cowudere<l. :~lthousb a livo ioch and " h&lf u1~h ho.t IJ.!IlD M ked for, tha~ " li \'c inch we•h would auit a ll tho rcquirc­rnoiiL'I. l u P l:\ccuLill di.:itr ict t bey uCTcr ,::ct 11.~lmoo lt\rgcr tb:lll seven pounU. wci~;ht. which could not bo aecured uy 11 ei~ inc h meoh. T hey therefore, atovtl io thr umc pos ition M tho fli'Oplc of tho dlll­tri•· t of F'ogo in this respect, aod be would he:trtdy snppurt tbo meuu ro in its present fu rm, pro,•lded tho lik o 1•rivilcgea were ox­lcudeu 10 the tl istnct o l'l"cntia and St.. .llary'11.

llou. ~l r. Wtsnn-W ith re, srd to t he principii' of the mea~~ure before the !lonae, be elooultl feel disposc<l to s:i r c it hi• sup­port, provi•led its application were con­fi ned to tho J eep aell fiilherin only. In other wo~ t hat tl1e law, u it nt preuot elli411\, ahould uo t be iuterferud with 111 far :uJ t ho inshore fiehorlea woro eouccn:ed . lie ~honld like te aee tho restrict ions un­der tho prCllcot Ac t r emoved in ruforencil to tho deep SCA fbhcriCll, iu all rrt.ll Of tbo lalaud. He himself, pnoae nte a petition from tho d i.llrict of llurio, dnrio~r tho flrat 11easion in which be held a seat in thia Le­gi•l:lt n rc, praying for an alte ration in t be present law. The peth ionera act fo rth that the compulsorr nae of tho lnrgor al.zo meab in tho proaect~tioo o r tho he rring fitbo,rJ, wtJJi M far u thoy woro conccruod, practi­Cllll1 to deprive them altogether frt>m oo­BII&"'ng in this fbhory. 'I bi.11 i• cerlsiuly a very great bardahi p upon tboce people, as well aa upon thoso of othor di1tricta CD· ~cd in this industry.' Uo would, thoro­fore, recommend thl\t tboreatrietiooa a boola bo rcmon d ~;coenllly, aa far aa the deep aca fiehe 'J ia concerned. l n that Conn only he sboul• be happy. to aupport.lhc mcaaure.

Hon. tho S ruun.- Tbe nill aL p~ol before the Oo\ule, lutroduced by h11 bon. coUeagoo, Mr., is founded upon 1\ re­preeeotatlon IA'1:l'IY and influcotinlly alp ed by tho peoplo ol the diatrict or 'fwillin, and FC£0. 'fbat dlatrict embraeea a large amormt or cout line, and ill nceeavilr do­p6Ddont u poa tho proaec:otloa of tho IW!er­•~ and notably upon tho aalmon ft.ahorr. 'fb01e poople aro now bclore this Logilla­turo prayiu& tha' IOIDO of the ....criotiona Ill ~ttl to the aiM of the meeb or tho laJmeD neta, to be WICd In tho fllhery, IDIIJ be re­moYtcl u far u they are eooOenled. It -Y D~ perbapl bo a Judielou oocane to _., tho proeent nm jtenenl fn it. chal-.ller.. There are many wbo btJ.ieye tW tile ue ol a .-JJer lbo -.11 tbua eh: htaheo woald I'NDlt ta .-ery ...... JnJuJ·to the ~

u lar • pa11foillir are OOD-~~!IfJIMPt.llalla ..... ca..

lloa . t.ho P w:.1111:n •u ~t~rry to aee tho Bill introduced , t:ecauao it aau to repeal a mcuuro which he bellc•ed would work benoOcially to lha geooral iote rest.l of tho colony. T bo uto of tho amnllor meeb of livo inches, bu resulted io almoct tho extinction o f tho aalmpo filherr. Whore there wu a Cow yeara ago i YerJ croasidemble nomber

. of tiercel t.l\koD, \herO ia YCry JittJe DOW' L\ken. ln the session of 187G " committee waa formed from both branchee of tho Legielaturo to conaidor and report opoo tbi& u~atttr. A CODalde rablo aroouoL of eyideoco waa addoctd, and tho ooanlmou• recommendation of tho committee waa that no am&ller aizo meab than ahr iocbe. ought to be made legal. Some wore lu fanur of aeYoD loch meab. Jt wa.t then pot forward that If auoh a law waa pUled, a great deal of propert! in the 1hapo of oeta would be rcodorod u\elou.. Tlio re ply tbeo giYen wu that they wut ltplatlog for tho pro­toetioo of tbo llllmoo ll.abery, and not for t hat o f tho neta. Tbo eamo obaenatloo waa made to-d&7. llo (boo. ·A. G.) ,.. ebaimwl or diaL jolol. oommit.&ee, and &he7 eodeaYOored to get the beet I>C*iblo nilleooe from Mr. 'l'boc. KnUrbtancf other&, orho woro engaged · lafitly ln tho ftebery. from tbt oYidUlco of eucb competent Jllr­~u• ho felt aatlsftcd tbd they aniyfld at the proper eoootwdon ID lhnl&lq die IIA ·or tho meab to litt loo\ee. Tbt up111111t. or Utt bon. tho S(leaker so eoUrelr to the deep - lllhiiJ, aDd 10 far .. &hM Ill OOIIOmled &here woold ~ to be -· I""JJIda for tbe J)OOitloa w'lcb be .. omoe. The hoa. llr. WIDtar WOIIId .... to tab tbe -• Yle• ol tile q....... To UIU uteet lie woolcl lfl"' ·irlll· u... u4 bO fanller. n., ·~-, ... 1llildler ol r.ot. &11M ~ dle~nlaw ..,...,.. laO...

fll_ ..... -------- .. ... ........... JWclo 110t,..P .... -~-;,.... s,. .. ..,...

.,. _fll ... ~a~pr~.-.--- ... ......... """.,. ~ "'£ 'ne ... ~" ~ ~~~ ,.,..... "' Dllflrb ..... ~ U-1& li I bJih ~- ........ , .. JCOrill-

t:)T.ANDARD. ' .

to tbe rl"rt, atreaDll ADd .. tun.., our I Adv. . ertisementa. aalmoo wlllln&nry•bortuae, INaflalaer,r -------::----~---or &llo"paa' iq, Utla colooy, and dley ~ill be Ba'-1 ng' v;.Ae,-a.:~polltd to bi.YOI'tOOCII'IIe to ftab·b~lng -~~!- ..IIIA\.L ..-.7 -*abUahmenl.l to ree&ock &hem. U t.hey _ , 4T-Ilmlted tho prorilioaa or iho P""Dt Dill. Woodill Ger. nan "Rn/,.;.,;o pquxj,e, to tile deep M&-bbery, belwl ao objeetloa .. -

8 '

1 _ ~':1 r.

to &Jie IDUSUfO. J 0 Hon. t ho Sr&AUL-Tb•T ~no doaire ~ N W I L S 0 N, to estmd Lbo proNi- of the preaent I.SIII to tho Inland S.berj, bn~ limply to coaftno • HALIFAX, N. 3.. i&. &o &hQ..duP aea.llabory. :Lt~e boa. iati-odoeer of thi.l 1d A_'N U F A C T U R E B .

meuure, Mr. Woo, hu dllriDa &he limo be baa been ln tho Route erinoed a marked in- Woodtlr, Ctnnall ~ Po~ la1 ohtai.i-wroet In &ho largo aad lmportut dittt!o~ ell a rt]Julalwn tcntq11411t4 l1y aay otkr. wbicb ho repreMnt& Ho bas oow brought Tile pri>riipol.ftolwr~ of. tAt. .Pudor IIICIM in a tooaenre wltlcb.a f ow yoar~ ago called' by JOB.N WILSON, oro-• forth a lively dob&~. and upon which, be- Jat Purity io ma.ouflt:tue foro a S~loet COUJmitteo, & grea' deal of 2od. h mak'ee+ory U~:be andiW*'Bret.d evidence WM 1:1\kon. But-aUerallwu do.oo, without JMit, llour pucldinp wilhout eggs, it acems wo were all at au wiUt rer,rd to and pully ~!f~~ ud wboleeoc.e. tho aobj~ct upo11 wbicb •o tl:tou lcg11lated. ;Jrd. h Uread and Biaouit' with a ~r. Uico ha. now allown forth by tho pe- olio wmn: appearance, withoat poeaeuiog titiont which he bo.a preacnlod, and by tho any injuriout ingrodioota. "[lilliuna evoked by tho debate on tbia llill, 4th. It bas tho adY&n!Ago o,1 being made tlat wo wcro mi.ttnkro npon tho matter, OAR£1'11t.LT, t.llo makor, JO~VJLSON, J.u t wllilo bo 11peed with tho hon. ~:outle- hftYing had a long c:xpe · extending mi\D upon tho proposc<l monaure, be (.llr. over a period of scvasrt:EN y tbua en-L.) \YIU aurpriaed th11t t he Act ahould be au ring to tho public a Dalciu~r l'owdor which intcodrcl to ~pply to tho d istrict or Twilliu- will gh·o CfCrJ lllt.iafnctioo. ,:;nto lllld Fo~ro aleuo. Jf tho princi!Jie ad-v:m~d by t ho boo. gcullem:m ill acond, Wl1olcaalo Ag\lnl& in Harbor Grace why NJt rict i t.t 01-ornuoa to ono tliatrict? Wbyuot mal;o it apply to ocber d iatric t.ll Messrs. JILI.AR.D Bros. sucl u Placcntin aod St. ~larr'•? W bero u o tho rcpreaeot.athes or other diat:t.o~ lo - REDUCTI ON I REDUCTION I C31iliea that they do not seok to bu~ thi11 m11 apply to cueir d istrict ., llo (.llr. L.) For One ,Month Onlw ! did uot lutood to offer 1\DJ opinion or ad - J ,-i~o t be lloaso UIIOD thit quutioa . Ito " M not 1uffi:iently wall acquain ted with the dc t.'lill o! tho u.lmon fishery to bo in & position to •~Y whether a four iocb net wo.a prefcq blc to n eix inch, bu t it struck him IL3 ao a uooniJ t hnt whilo hun. lll!!mbe.ra llj;rce with lbu principle of the llill intru­<luo:cd by Mr. •icc, l11oy allo•rld uot at­teourt w b:!.Yo its provu ioos 11pply to tl1e ir d i•trictL

N r. l'.\r.sos s gu o h is anpport to tho meuurc iutro<luee4 by Mr. ltiCL'o 11nd con­~tmtuiAtcrl tiiAt hcrl. gcotJomaa upon his llrat cattempt nt log'lslatioo. lie (:Mr. 1' .) ho ped t hat tho fishtm1en o[ Twillin>:"-tC an<l Fo,.co woulol recogme ( in al!o tbitru~t ical lu3n ­n~r) tbo e fforts c;f the J.oo. gc:ntlcm1o Mr. H1ce for t heir beooli t..

llon. tho I'I:Aotll hero propo•«i a n arueudruent which wo.s pc~ aod c:uried .

·n,e Cowmittco thou rose and repor«•.t t b 0 II ill 1\S 1\lnCUdcd.

Pur.m:utt to tl1e Or.ler of lh.o Uny :\lr. I'" r_,oS'I lltOYe<l the :5cconJ re:Wiol; of the Bill rdntin;: to ·c~lent' \\'n;;u.


Slr~GER SEWING MACHINES Lockmnu Band I4aclililot

B ickford Knitting Mo.cbioos E urokn OIOt.hOll W ringers

.Aomo Wa.hing :M4eh.io0ll Ceo tonD.inl. l'lai ll!achinoa

Best Mnchino Oil. 1'\ccdlc~ 11nd All:lch­rnen!J! for All s~;wt ~(; i\1.\IJIII~E • nil r~.lnccd to bottom pric~a for one wuuth uuly.

7 ht Sin!J<r .\lm.,.factllt"in!J Comp<1ny, M. F . SMYTH, .Ago11t,

17:! Water St., St. J ohro'a

£\\"ISO ;\L\ CIIIN F.S R~:PA.UtED. St J ohn's. !\ov. G.

t\ORTUEIC'\ Assurance Company.


CAJ'ITAlr-.£3,000,000 Stg.

FIRE l'HE~II U~I • • ....... ..•..... . .£.103,00< LIFE d o. . ................ 16i,OO< u.- ri::ttE::iT .. ... ...... .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . l Ot,()()(

II J::.\ 0 OFFICES : l.osuo:o;-1 11wr~:::uc Street. A UJ.:t:OI:£."'-:J 1\iug S treet.

[ n•u rnncc dulfuct'll on Pro perty iu New. lounollanJ :~t CurrontR:atca elf l1rc · r .. ium.

P :-oapCCtUI CII. - i'!lrml! o r A f>Vlicntio t fu r Firu :Jn tl Li\v l nsum:uo nncl :1!. ul he r l nf.>r·uulllon e\ln bo obtninc d nt t he Ollico of

A. ll. Tl.\ YWA I!Il !lt. J vlm'•· .\ ~:rnt lt•r Kfhl

!\OT fCE !

' l 'II J:: SU13 'CHlllr:H hM much r lcMurc in temlcrin1= his thank• to tho puuhc

of ' t. J olm'a, ~n<l t he Outport11 s;:cnemlly, for t ho libcml pn.tronng..: ho hna received •lu ring 'thc p~sl Jiyo yr·nra ho I1M b,·,·u in !Ju~incs.i. Aloo, \;.onhl cnll ntte ntiun to tho new v:u toty_ or

Gravestones, etc., which he hn.s now on hnud, nnd c:\n be fnr · uishc.J at shortest uotic.:. l'~raona w:\IIt:n:; .lJU~um·::n::;, (i!L\\I F:.S;ro~BS. e tc., for th~ir deccucd fricndJ, ~roold do we ll

Tliolllps~o·s +--


IN t.hanlaDg my many Cricnda for tholr liberal patronage 1during t.ho p::llt

twcnty-<lne years, 1 l>eg ' to call U11dr c:arcful attention to tllo 1ollo••ing l.iat of 101110 of Lho rrinripal itema ol lAY at011lt. Ot oo\'Cl""Rl o tho articlee hereiD enutnor a tell, I am by far tho l.&rgeet im]lOrter in .Harbot- Grace. My cnilre atock whic)\ 11 very l~trge, v•ried, and oomplc:.te, ia being COilltantly replenished, ia pur t:haM>d for OASR in tho beet marlrot.s and I ofTur it to my eliout.aat COITOIIpond· ing ly ~w,nuoa :-&y Rum, Doru.luo, ru.iog Sllil Blackload Nixoya lllackl<l&d. Bla4IWIJ UroDJ'.O, Gold Leal, J:Jrun.mck Black Lou'a J:t...t~o loUia Rubber Varui&h for Harneoa,'Bna Poliah Cl<.&hoe Bruahoa, .B~ "Bruahe. Nail do roo~b do Sha..-iog do. Breast Roli .. nn U rcaa' G laaaoa, Calll n r:ui.Lo F low en Cuator Oil por gallon do. io bottle. Ohamola Sk.iua Chloride of Limo Cam ph or Uuun Plnator, Uold Croam Cod Liver Orl por ~r&Utvn uo, ln bottle• Drcaaing Comh1. Fino Combii, Cnuuy Socd C<~ncontratod Lye, Bottle Cork• Oroarn of ..'l'ILrlar, Enemu, Olyoorino Fumituro Poliab, Glue, Ouroan\bic, Honey l <11eland Moaor, lnfrmt.o Foedinl( Dotllcs Bonnet Oluu, Kay'a Coagalinc , Loruon Limo J uicc, Llq uo rico, Machine Oil ~tucilago, Nipplca fur Fecdipa Bottle• ~ Olltafool Oil, Rc<l and \'e ll ow Ochrca Dry l'oin ls-allahndos.. Pipo Cfay l'utl Uox01 nod .l:'ulfa, Pink !tout Pn~IStllno, Huain. Sal. l'runolla Salaiil Oil por gallon, du. iu bott lea Salt.lluf Lemon, Saltpetre, Seidlit.% l'uwdo1a Guu1 ShuiiAc , ~uuff Doan1, Caetile Suap Thompson' s M:illow ~p I.Srown Wiod ao •r d.J. Glycerine do . Oarbounte of Soda, Wuhing Cryatt~l Spiri~ of 'furpcntino, Spalillus,,. Oluo S pooftcs, 'fable Snlt, Mathor'e P luton Alcock'• Porvus Plaat.r, Tart.ario Acid Eaacnco u( Lemon, Tooth l'owdor & 1-'uto Cupal Vl\mith , Vin ogar, Copponu l.:<'Chino:.l, Cudbenr. Alum Extra.ot o f Logwood, Ground tlo. . \ da01'a Lnd.i.ul & 1\·o, Wat.1u111 ::.lcholodiou ~Ira Allen's l:lair Rcato.-..r, l:ylobalaonmm do Ayc r • Cherry Pcctoul, Ayc r'a Sl\tl.'lpl\rilla d o Untr V rgor, ltoaotter'a Hair Reatoror

R •• dway'a R~soh·ont, Briti.lh Oil do Reftliy Hc liof , Cacllo ua

Orown'a Oronchi11l Trocbo•, Florida Water Urown' a Chlo rodinc, Burnell'• Cocoaine Children '• Toctl1ing Hinga, Ea. Pot>l>Crwlllt Henry• C11l:incd :\Ja~ncaia El?lloway'a Oin trnout, H ollo1ny'a Pills Cocklo:a Pilla, Unm•. do Nor w n•a do Parson' s do Ayor 'a do ~lorrison'a d 11 k.ndway'11 do Wilaoo'• do Unclo J obn'a Vogoll\blo do J ohnson '• Anodyne Liimcnt KClltio:;a Cough Lozenges

do Worm 'fllb!PUJ Woodil'a Loz.enjlca :lfc l.can'• Yc n a;tfugo, ~lcdicnmenlum St~'Or'a Opodeldoc, Mustnns Linionon~ lloruhc11d 'a Mngnolio l'l~tcr i>vor Mllnls Friend, tlo.h 0s Rat P o ison ltuMia S.-.h ·o. Spint Olnsso Shcridnn 'a Condition l'owdcr Him olll' l a Limo 1 uico nntl Glycorino A lllr~<1 n.ssortment .. r ltim rueil'• pc rfumc S ingleton,, Golden F.yo Ointment W1laon• Che rry ll.uMm, Violut l'owdor

do Suotlting Syr up, l'yrcntic S."lin Win~lo\f• do Cilrllto ~ln:;rc:siu S moking T obacco, Pipes P onknivca l'nt~~>r EnvoiOl)()A Pons, Poootl~ W)'iting lUlu ~larking Inks Tobacco Ponchos, Cn1ool lhir P onoila Sollling Wax, Cigars A•·ory, n ro"n & Co'a Auilino Dyea inlld.



.\ l r. l'AI~'IC IS•.-"I Iou o bject of the prcacn t IIi II 18 tb ~;i vo Scnlet11 tho priVI Ie.:u of o b· L'!.ining tlunH gca u mecl by thcru u11011 the fln~t voyl\~0 io thuy d u not J 1rocecd on the llecoud voyngc. It tat at r rc · ICnt Sc:\IOMI 1\ro compelled tO l i{;n ftj,;TCO· mcnts which ro \' CIY o pprcaive. Jly tbue llj;teCmenta t hey nr~ bountl to proceed on t he I OCODd nntl 8011\Ciill\Cll OD t ho tloir.J voy~&go :11 t he op11ou of the mnl!lur . T his ia a g rc.'lt hnrdship, a u•J one wh ich pt>tUcl ,·cry b:lr,l 1111011 thu clas1 wbicb h ia tho duty of thu Lcgid t1turc to protect, In 111:\D.)' ioaUinces t ht i!O rneo 11ro un!lj)lo to rro­tect tbuwldYea fron tho evil co111eq ucncea of these opprelllli,·• ll):(ree meot.ll. ln the Spring of the yenr U>c ICAiera nro compelled to t:o to the leo to obl:lin a fe w pound, for their f.uuili.r1. Afttr a n ~IJ..Icocc of tlt reo o r four weeks they rctnro :.nd :1:c compelled to le:IVO their \'l~llel from the ll\tCDC&I of the Spring c.'\llin.; t hem to t heir other ~o voeat1ona. U. bowCCY~r. they 101\YO t he vl.'uol, they will aeconling to their 0 ngn:o­meot torflli ~ whnt they hB~C c:lrocd on t ho lln.t volage. T his is 11 gnat btml~hip, and ooc winch t his Bill prupo~ed ~o romcd_!". I t is V06ry euy for WMter.l to obtain aootJ1~r cr.:w, but t hey arc only too 1\Dxious to p resa t ho c ro"' of t bc first voya1;e to g.~, in order c:111L they n1ny obtn10 t he eharca of thosu anfurtunate aulera who mny bo compelled to re:t1nin uhorc. So far bntl cue owucr.r of stcno1crs goue in these opprceivoA;:reenlcDit thalut•oute in:~r..~nccs they h!\YII int.:rte.l 11 cii\USC lh:\t in CM<I t ht• scaler iJ pr~,·~nted l>y illncSJ or C\•en d~ath, froco :;uiug 011 tho 1u~untl voyn;;o netthcr tbc AcAic r uor lo i ~ rt'pr..:aeoi.:Lti\· \!.1 Arc eu­litlcd to h is •lo:~rc C:\tued oo tho fors t voy­:l~o. W hat ho propojetJ now by t hi1 flill ytu to s;ivo thu 11calcr hi" ah3ro of t he first \"O)'I!;C1 DOtl"l'i t iUt.'ID•Iiu~ llD)" a:; rCCIDcnt tO tho coulr11ry. Ito would t bereforo propOJc tbc second rc:.wing of chid !Iii I.

' llliA Uill round DO Seconder.

call buforc purch:uin:; cbcwheru. .1011 :-: Kl~~Elt,

T ctr:\ 1\oTn ~lnrblo W orks, D urkworth l"5t rect, S t. J ohn 'A .~fld.

( Opposite S tn r of the Sen llllll.) J une.

• G!'St Ground CoiTe.-, Calnnnco•, Sn:;o Arrowrvot, Pcn.rl B:1rley Cnndicd Citron P eel , Fluouriog Eaaoncc•

- :o:-The l' and l'er! o r .a..

almila.Uon. The Be!ormor and Vitalizer oC tb•

Blood. · 'rho l'roducer &nd In~gorator of :Nerve IU!d H uaclo.

T he Builder and or Brain l'owor. F~llowe' Compoaaol S.fTUp Ia comiiOied of Ic:>­

I!Hd~nta IJ\tDtlcal whh lbOQ wble' coD.tltutc lroalthy Uloool, Uulldo aod Nu n aDd Orale 8abRull)(l, wbllo Lifo lla4U Ia directly d•peadaol u poo 10t11e or lb-.

tly Ita uulon •ltb lhe hrooo! and IC.. cll'ect "1'0" th• maeGIM, r- laLU.hlag tho oa• ~nd tonlos the othff, hIs capablo of lllfecc.loa tbe lollowlas re.ullll.

It wfll dllpboe Of' wub OR~ tabern loua mat­ter. aad tba c:ur• CcmaWDptloo. D~ lncrculog Ncrvoru aod lfliiCillar Vlgor , lt

witt eo,.. DttJMpela1 feeble or hlll!rnlpled ..-tloD of tho Heart &od Palplcat.IDo, Weakuu ol Jattl­loct OlllH<l by crlel wN ry. OTerlu: or Irregular habit., Uroochltla, l,;;~a or Ch!Ofllc, OoDgealloo O( the luoga1 rna lD tbo -l al&r1nfiiC &~

Jt eoroe Aatbma Lou of Voice, .N.un! , St. Vltu Dance, Epiloptlo Pita, Wbocplng ugh, .Norvoaeoe~~•, Ani! Is a mod w011derrutadlunct 10 other re01odle•IA autaloln& lUe d11dof th. pro­-of Dlpblherla.

$300;\ MO!CTD b'"ll~I"An~ 12 .tol•. " day al booot mao!• bytbo lnoluscrlous.

Caplliol not rc'•tllired; '~o wilt owt you. lfen • .....,mrn,boyo and prl< make moneyfa:tl <r at "'••rk f10r uo th:.n at anything cw. 'rl1e work I• U;:hl ~d plr>sanl, ..00 each u any one c-an bo rlslot at. Tbooo wbo are~ wiN wloo 1<0 tbi• llOI OCO w ill a~nJ U thei• addr .... oe • I ona. and tell for·•s. e-ly OuUll .nd tenu11 free.. :Sow I• tho lim<. Tb~ alre&dy &I ,.ork ar• layio~t up Iorge IIUDJI of mon~y. Ad· drut TRUE .t CO .. Augnt.o,llalae.


Assurance Company OF LON DON.


sunsoan~o o ... nuL ... a,ooo,ooo Stg To'U.L .YNYUT&D :b'u!JDI

IJl'W.A.UDS QJf ............ 2,'750,000 " AN!f11U Jyoow., n-

W.A.Il.I):S or ......... ..... . ·aoo,ooo I

Tbo •1 GUARDIAN " beilltl' a flrat-cl11118 .EnKlish lolurauco Company, c6era all tb010 ad9&ntagea moat desirable to iuau.rers, YiL, undoubted at.lbility, fayorabte ter!DII and promp~ aetllomcnt.l of olaima for lou.

Tbe nnderaigned baring boon ~poinlod Agent for Nowfoun~dil prepared to iJ. aue Policioa aga.lua~ 1018 by Fire.

d u. Lo111on do. do. Oraugo do. Boltlod FrnH•

J uma, J ollies, Marmalade, Cenuod Oyllcra Oondonaoll Milk, Proso~n.-d Boof Prcaon·ed Mutton, Soup 1100 llouilli PoUod Tongul', P otted Hanu , PoliAl<l Beof Corn Flour, P epper, Spioo, Cinlllllllon Curow&y SeOO, Clove•. Pickloa. Saucoa Corrio P owder, Tbymu, Sage, Pnn!ey !llarjorsml... Maco, Table Vinegar, NuUiloga Cayeono J:"oppor, Capen. Matcbea N el110n'a Oolatino and Triwtlau Woodill'a .Baking l'owder, l'ropared B ops Robinacn'a Pat.ent Rarloy, Eppe Cocoa

do. do 01'01\ta Nel\\•o'a Food for lnfant.l, Ball Dluo ~Inall\td in paokagca and botllea Pock, ~~& Co'• colobrated Bitcuit.l

in 21b •· Prtlllr t od S mon. Sardin011

do. Lobllter,Poralan Sherbet.

A larp atoolt of .Koroecno Oil aod OhilllJUn oto., etc. , alway• on band.




Reserve Endowment Polley

On tho ~or nlubloJ'REEBOLD PROPERl'Y ;--4)()Giil&iiJI or-

Howe, Garden, Mea.dow, ~c. At lhan'a Coota*t DOW -•pied a,. -· ployoea of the ADgto-AIIIeric:an Teicgr.apb Com JICUI71 u tellllll t1,

A Loan of £220 on lot.rP~ at CUTTOD' rata

Forlunhor partl.culan apply to J . H. JJOOYE,

ll6licilor f or Proprkw..j St. J obu'a, Jan.

CARD! -- . ~OS. GRAY. M.D., C.M. G.-.dUAto of McGill Uulvoreity, Montreal,


Phyaic.i&n, Suraeon and Aceouch.our R ealdence-BRIG US. J an. so.

. NOTICE I - ·o--

J ust Opened. oppoaite Moura. Pate1110o &: F04tcr'•• A l<'UlST-CLASS

Costume Tailor SHOP wbure nil worlot \rill bo dooc in t ho L:lte&~

nnd moat



Carriages I Carriages !


J AMES WAIUn: :<: " !llbcs to ' thi\Ok hill lllllnJ friend$ in llarbor Grace nml onl­

porta for tho libcralratrooa:e exte nded to him during the ll.UL y<.'llr ,nnd bc!!a to iufonu t hem t hat be hL'J htcly entered into p4rt· ourahi tl \dth llr. J . A. WIU'rll.\~,OJJ ex­pcricuceu


BUJLDER AXD P.A IXTF.R from )\om Scotill. T hey will oow be 11.Lio to do work t h11t cnn not b o surpacalld .

At wo Me imponera of firat-cla&~ at.ock we bclic ,·o \YI.: o n suit t be moat fastid ious

1'.1/STJ.\'G A SI '£CJ.ILTY

&rStrictat ttentivn p:Ud to ou tport ordcra. !'rices modem te. l'L,\ C£ o•· Ut:~lstss-\\' a ter Street, ncu

llirtiu'a I.S rook. WAIUtE~ & Wll1T~.l:X .

April 12.


PER O~S nrriving at ll:ty Hobertll, per stcomcr , ,. n>'rrt tA J lnrbor t;rncc or

t:nrbonenr, cnn be for•~:tl"\lcd by n :>m3rt n:.\ ~t.

Al>ply by letter, tdc..:rnm. or personnlly to l r. ll u:t:Ltltr, ucxt duor P ost O t:ice.

June :!1.

Fisheries-1880. -o-

u rr. nru nl.lo to 1>1\)' t int t!.c <..:otton l"' at.'lph· tlou current year iJ very ztr •II::, 1\rh l that our friend" c:1n have umtlc t..:OIJ, ll i·:HtU ~(;I C.\l'LI ~ & l,t\~CE '1.-:L:\"1-:S of .superior 'l~ahty 11nd tlourou;th "·orkmnn· shi p. lUld at ~&.\ti•iactory r.•tcs; :tl..o, St.m· turd II LHI:I~t; ~l:t ·.

W il11 tho Jlrivll,•.:c of 1hippiu~ in :ll11rch we can effect n ~n·•n.: un ~ rci,;ht., nud iu­surc prompt d iat ribuuoa on their a rri,·.u nt St.¥1m'.s.

Ala;rw;.\~ )\E I' & TWf::\l·. C'o. ' Oct 2a. Uo~ton

Pl-ICENIX Fire Assurance C'pany.

o--LoloiDARD STRECT .!.: C !IArus o Caoss

LO.:-\DO N .


TThU TF.ES & DIRECTORS. Jobc Ed...,.d Uovlll,f'.-q.~•a'OOol U.nt.un•01:4'). Dedmua lhtrloo, t:.q, K.. ll.llod(:'O'>:o,~l lLt'. Tho llou. Jo1uro ll.r ng. 'lr J. Lulobodr, ll$rt., Jobn Cluuon, 1: .. , . l!.P., l'.H..S. 0. E. Co->t><', f..,.t-. lL l' bu. 'l'hos. Lucaa. E-'1 J obn CooJ>O Da ,.b. t:.q· no. D. lf "!:o'llu., E"l: Georg<'.\ . E'alh:r, 1::1'). • obn St•wart Oal~y,tAQ Cbu. E. Guvdh>rt Ea'l· turiN r:in:, E"'t· Dadl•r Jt. lloa hh, E~~q. Wm.J . 'fhowpt~<>a, E1111

AUDlTOUS : Walwr Dlnl, Elkl 1 T.ord Wm. DrookPhl[it>8

J oeopb t 'ruda IMebar, E.q.

Jons J. DnooxrJI!LD, & cnrary/. F UA..'iCIS B. Mc DuNALD, A#r. &crtlar!l

tusnr!IDcea agaiust Loas by Fire M C cf­lected by · tbo

PHCENIX C0~1P ANY npoo every description or Property in cverr part of t he wortu, ou tho moa~ ft\Yorablo t erms.

Tho promptitude aod libemlity with 1

which it.ll ongl4!cmcol.a arc alway. root by thit Company at11 well bown, Md the im­portance o r ita rolatious with lbo J>ublio lllliY bo es timated from the r"t that airu:o ita cat.nuliahmenc., ita 111 ~d moro than TWELVE MILLIO!<JS STERLING in ditchargo of claima for Loaea by fire.

Jlalos o f premium and all other infonna­tiou may be obtained ou application to

W. & G. R.&"iDELL,

Aug. 2.

Sr. Jons's , AfiDUfor Ncrfowlldllmd.

Do aot be d- l•od by l't'modJ .. beulog a tlml­,_., oo other ptepualloo le a aabeUuata for

tblt 1111dt r ""Y clrcu-\&Mee. Loot out for lh•-aod ad4reai J . J. FEL­

LOWS', 8&. Joh11, N.B., oo llw y.U.w Wfti'P"t lA ,.lai"IIW"k whlcllla -~~ bJ holdlac lite paptt belOI'9 the lldJl

1 AMES 8. WINTER, B~ .Tohn'a.

JOSEPH OfJDDEN, ~ub-.t.genVRr. Grace.

Life Insurance C'mpany· The Harbor Grace Standard

·I'Tioe 11M~ ptr Betti•, dz for 8(;.60. aold t.,. all Dnaqllta. Jn• a . ·

Feb. 7.

St. John'a

llir'l• W.ub


Cor. Park Place&ChurohSt., New York

lOIUII P.KlruP, Prwii4flt. lou B. lfnDiaJf, r;. .. w:x. p, & ~·

IUNA.GBBS l'OR OANADA. , Tlroe. A.. Tam&, KariUme Pro~

Bl 1 olm, N .:B. J'. A. llaou, ,_.,..._ OUario ud

Qaebeo, 1'0t'GQ~ o.a .. DlBIDM'OM JOR <JANA..DA-. •

HaD. L.A. WDo11Cft'1 YNittrtetoD; lf. B. 1•9, 8. lllloLWr, l're.idtia• ~ ot

NoYA Boo\fa, Sa11ax.

w .•. T~OKPBOJ!, a-.. :Aptn for.l'll4