t. d r-. 1~ -...

•· I '{ C f n1 )f ..) , J. I I ·'J I' . ./ .. •I ' C':' 0 ;r c r ·cr f j -' ( _., J. A / I I i I '••• I l . . i . ' .r I ;h.: t•. •d 1• 1 \ IJ·' ,, .. ,tf '•• I ' I ;, ,.. I fl W _ A=Y:;=, Y==27 =, =l=S"'=, 6=· ::: 11 . :r. L.1BRA00R t'ROX HOPSD.ALE TO XAlS. ' mound -s hnpcd, :.t bt\oJc llhwh ic:b.. i3 . · ,, 1 '" '" . .. .1 -- \ F rom Hopr<hle tbl' roui'!M\ lies fiituatcd .MerruJ.icld ID<'\UQ.IW.n; , I\ &q\UlrO • t. t J I d I "•! Insurance- N otiees.: A cr;:;TS TO!t TilE Haroor GraCA -Standard f:T. .. ... . llr. T. M cl'oo onn BnH .rs .. ................ " G. Guahue. B.A. 'I' Rotn :nn..... .. . .. R. Simpaon. P onT ·DF.- GnAn: 1 11 J. Andrnra ..... .. , COT& ... ... . ... •• •• C'A IIIIO:-I.i AII · .. . .... .. J h :A nT's C'o:<Tt :<T .. 11 lh:u ;: .t .. John C'rnn<'. J. F.. Pike. It Rutherf ord. H. J. Haddon. }'onTU!\'1: ......... 5 ......... .. ... .. " W. ]Usu?:u Soc:sn . ..... ·• A. ...... ...... .. C'I\pt. '1'. \'1 ST A ... .. ........ Mr . .T. I. :nvrcncc. o a'F.'osPO:SD.......... . •• F. 1 Wh ite. 'Foo.o ...... .... . ........ " J. 'F'i t? . l!emld. Tw!l.t .i :sa . •TF. ...... . " J . J . Penrro. Advertisements. PHENIX Insurance Company· t;APIT.u-£2,000,000 Sterli11g. Q'ClmN JNS'l'R. <\ 1\CF. BUILDING Ll \' E RPOUL; - •x n- Q'CEE.N 1.:\:-: t: TIAN t 'E -anLDIXG ISO li ll.ACJ.::Clll.; Hnl LONDON )n poi nt of Socurit)'. it if!' bel ieYCd tht1t Quee n Pellclcs nrc \ :u .. The fvllo .. ins ci irll•' t frou1 tho THill· 11a:!fTU A N:-t:.A.L U t:t'•IRT (.rcnr I :11 ll cl'<'UI bc r, 1 iU) , w ill she>w 1t 11 II UJDlc rh:t rnt:!er. Tho }' t; D:3 of the Co mp: w .• at Aud 111 follows :- 'T:"; '"e Assurance Comt•any \ t·llpitnt r"id up. ........... ........ . ... J: ..u r } Fire 1naura.nee Reocrvo F ..... L c,mba rd Chcu ing Lifo Auurnnco Acculiiii\UPII l-und 129.130 Cross. I Annuity Fu nd... ....................... 7,889 I . LO ;\ DO:\ . I:S'I' ADLI!-II ED · ,aJ,.,.o. -Tho Authorised Capi tl\l lo £ 2, 000,()(10; and tho t!u lJecrilJud Capit:ll £1, iUt' ,000. 1ife :Bra.nch. - I :A:nilvA L' Ot TJf& 1 1 %.1CTOII." .. NO\' A r-. HoLTOS, 1., Tv .r th: nnrrow chnnnel nt•xt North of the hillnhout I i OO fl't't hir•h. I t .• HARBOR' GRAbE . · · 1 I " ZkltLDLA"-SuxA..'i DROW!'IE.O- .A.N· . l Com·:wl eJ. j rounding W ost of Acl rvit.otU.· '.runungq.yuslu.k sboulu oo ' I ·- - n llnrk clliTed islnnd, wl 10n a ooureo 2 caLl.,., off when r•' IUill:Ulg t.y.e No.rt.)t 1 FURNITURE DEPOT. OT)W\,,J,liSA, I\UJ). ,, . . D [ n E c T 1 0 X s. N'' hy K F:., will lend lw. to :1\ '0id n ah.o:tl <i!:'E: it I On Saturday tn emn,;. t.h o T1clor, Cl\p· F H 1 , I 1 d N l- tWL't'u X ulobknl:lkllll ik R d:u·k clill'v u,. n tli. 'lt:mct. of aomo I •· . N' 11 -'I d I I ··t G I d rom o :1.11 , A c<Jurso • . ' I . I h ... ta W:0 ·e roa_ l. • Ul, recutlll · \ V. G3 mi)O;j will J,•tul ' l'utkcr lnJlll tmd 11. smnll bl11ok rock 3 fe•:t abo, ·ll ow L't f't.S. two <: r: rwels will be disclpp- ! . . '?' ..., . ': lslllml C\nd (.lunkCI' rtcf, whcnco N. lty 1g wnt<:' r. 1'9n\ illl ... , . I!. . 1 '' e11,...111 lll 'UTOW, WlWA O¥JY 'll!O --o- - A. & E. P ' ARSO . NS, 8eal banngfw on"ltl' 3 '>40 scn!J<. l 1 ' h' h ]' th' "'" 1.' •l e \' " "' ·• 1• -1 t wl11ch 1 It IS C4looli.ltedr Will Tleld abou t \" •> 23 . 1 . 11 I .. .. , , l' -- 1 1 10 3 mi ll'« will th•· \ 'C>-"!d Ot,>. f.oth •>ms w:ttN· in it, O) >ell a nt tho west • 0 . n•L - •. . t' D 'I . •. -1 lnl c.!, WI cnn v aJX' uu-r. ::! ' • • ... T CA Bl "' E1 '- l ' AKERS , 1- 3 tuns of mi. · . ... ..,. 'farlar. ef t llllt ee · 1 ... _... f u 1·1 1·' t\ ccu n r owul 121) hi"h on end into tbc IJ3'j ' of th" Nnrt.h shore, of H J.JJ \rc ... •1-> ·L i. 1'-b d I . I son. c o.w U.L,. 0 cur :11 u. ' "' ' ,. ,... ,. ., on .' "" 0 .. "" '" ruary, IBYtqg Uv THE: ISSE:t TllACK.-'Roumlu 1 g We- thi· Ea.st, nnol .Mul tn, n hil!'t. 5lu rp ·rcnkr "'i1ich X CXlr, n ia . .....,.. ... . NG G !number o(, Qltn a.t Sl1etii}Dd 1 1 I lnnd . ' ' \" l.y \' ' e ' ,>d on tht' \V('f{t hl<lr·. c!u .• t' m cn .d of •I. . is. chun . • I N TH.I,..,KI their mnny friends in __ _, _, b . .. d lCc c a cou rse·'· •. u ,, .. "<> ' ,-- ,.. l" ., w Harbor Or1100 and th e Outporta gene .-. s he_ iO ' ,t 0 .. lisui.ng .grouo 10 miles will lcnrl clu.c;o No 1 i.l 1 E of M 10 il'('l nl.o, ·e l11glo wntr. n .. l "l'OIII 't<e aho11ld he stccl'fd to IC!\yo ally, f or tho liberal hcr4ltufurp wiHch, ough )''\S.'SI\gP, Willi I sml\ll it.l;•t o ll'llonble bland!!. Tlum , V. :4 n ml" cJitf.c..e..,J i.:JJ.u1d nt l !\knlinnlt L.l:tnd. .hobwcc:n thq n:Ct'i• ·cd, 0..-g 1'1:Spootl ully to ILimouucu, wu.b vOI!licls ol N., 7 1-10 miles will pn. s., I n{i!f"<. 1' 'mm tlw 12ll11'CL ch:ulllcl s) b:Uf n milu off, to !l\'Oid n I"'(·k t b&l. they lt&\' 0 oa h.uld"' large •!!- .Pl•ly of t.l1e ·fleet. Alkr CAllllllg· about · for j of DouLle l sl n 11 .t 8 aud :::iou th uf the nc:ct N! E. :! t lc:L;ls to t he time and thcuco E. Ly N., 1 N., . FurnitiJ.- _ e, ooruo tunc, 1\ f'Bl<:? of waa aceu on 1 iAiet. T ho c. mr;;o'nmst tlwu IJo chaus• •l I <'l.tmuc•' e1f t ick l•· (I :l utile!! u early, will lend to a low isiii.Ild 31'\l of Apnl lU 6D 1 to !'I . w. ! w., t.o between L>o;; J:. ., ) If tlw I<'<• is in, p .Jwr d1" 1 , 1 · .. ruontory, on ilio E.lst . cx!.ro1uo of .I ho WCM n ot. Ill lm ng on tl.o . b.nds t\JIJ th·· nutinlunt.l. ltountling r · lane! .j miiNI fi'Om N:•p:1 wl.ich i.'l n.n Esquimnux wiffo'h wiU ofl'on.-d for aale at a Ye ry 100, and Ill n scn ls ' Lllnnds II COtU'I!O- . 1::.. 'viii lead frum t.rkalik, n Cnllr.!t• X. Ly \\'. W .. :\ Tv n\'viJ this llhnJiow k rcp moderate prico. ..-ere nboan.l. 'lh" llhlp t.hon horu "',.'llJ of !J og lsln.nds w tbl! I will le:t.cl ='nu th of .. paktnltk Ll r.r.;lu:u; 11 mirl o;-hnnnel Pcl\\'Ct'T\ TuJ\IIlls-Y.usluk Tue folluwillg compri.el\ porti on of the furt.h!Jr non h, and on t ho · 1 con icul b lruHI , pa ,., inl( of the Inlnnol j pMk 500 ft.>t·t hi i!IL. 1utll tlu :nce . n. :: md Juk tu inr lk, luc F ot·th, at oc.k :- the roat of th e catch "'" fl•?t.. m .butude l -.. · ilh th e two nml •. 1 nv•l·dmnrwl l><:twccn the 1 until tl 1 e sNond chllnnl'l, runmng N orth, 0 1::1 AIRS-Rooking, Nunc, Cano-boUom, 73 nort h. The be1ng O\'or, the: 0 it. From 'cone J:l; . E. bv ·N. li n,,) nnd th e of of I is op<· n. . hktuinnk · ill surruouarlcd by II. Childrcu'a. · r'icfol' _le ft 011 for Lomu. 1 N ., 11 mtlll:i, wdl hriug the to N t•)•'\la lik ill the :)outhern, .,.,;11 lew I tu \ hill, GOO feet. hi:=h, that f:ill.s in 11 steep Centro aud Dining. No ncchlent. oocurred tho voy· , RIU'N'" p:o&a::;u bct.ween tho ruaiu.l. mJ I ti t' kle. . . ( cli11' O\'t'r Tho SOFAS, LOUNGES, BEDSTE •VS, "St'· .an t) t he OnJuyed good (u.n(l oomo lo"· roclc:., J»L .... l::r""t uf tht' L'l tho only : promlll rnt! nrthf' rn porti on :l gTE<'nish DUllEA US, DS, . off Mll.nak lHlnnd" ; u nJ 'I I 1Janel Ill t hc,;c trnck11 ; tl . l.r.'\ [ hill. . Do tween t h e tv.·o ta slack.· in SUITES I 'I: mommtr the N ovQ Z.:rnbln, \\' C3t oft\ tlonh)(' uul c.'l. Th e rks nhouL t.hc &:\111(' heig ht, .2 J0 tht' Iuiie. nnd all ot1icr nrticlca necc! 1131j' to compte to C.uptAm J.L ,t of Gr<'_t!n·l m:\y thon 00 kq•t. oli' u. rcnsoaah).., • :.A-t , KIHI Mtrot.eh frmn n.nd lie ott' I is Gitoo.tcd f-Mc of Fumi· IAfnl dl an;neddf . Jil ." cbr consls l:: olist.nnce to P omiruilul.: t .oml, wh.:n•.:o.· t.O It m nil th recuoml. I ' I tht' Juktmnnk. gnd til wed go tho ture at. a rea.sona.blo pnce, ohout <l givo 0 ' . •" ae.t 1 "' 11 ' ••vv 'O - tho IBI&lldl! ot l' Cupo .Mukko• ·i k i.:l K 8l -nnuk tok ( llc.:u'!!,-F ann·pml ,. nmrly O \'Or chc \ Vest c.nrcrn .. , l'anona'• Furniture Depot. a call. ft l8 oxpected. •tho.t tbe pr?. miles. l nnd• lisht·rmo.n) n group cnn· I ofl' wb ic·'k, ,.)O!'P to, is n Proceed 1 -Aiw- .Juec 110 tuns of fly THY. Ot;T' BII 1'!1.. \ CK .-N. t:.. \ of two principnl soverul l het" 'l 't'n.Jnktuinnl: llnd'.l'uuuDW\,VIIkso:tk, Sh ip'a Wheel a, Bcl11ying P ills, Lofley T'eflOl't, that After l eavao.g D .. miiCl! from W cl..t'Ok l slnnd . wtll S!ll "ll•·r :-5. 1 ·: by E:• W a oil' 1m i':lt·t 5 feet tl.o di• r [A);; ll I tl all au th roquU.1tes in thu on tho 8 th of Mareh B lronb hi!.IIU Wl mb, \ .EA.st.or n .o"'"eU blnmls, when n course Ul pe n.nd N. K by N. ::-; ., i :.l.o•·e high wnter. 1-rom l\ or tlt end I •lullS a noll'!•' ou t of I \\ 0 Qulii!)Utl,.. shi;>pino; :in:Otnatlo to order. . with h.-.lvy gl\11!111, "' . ero N. by w. r_ w. 2:! .\ _ miles, will [V!1Ch tho 1_ 1}1 miles f rom t: _ nll IRIIUI U. fl l or clumn.(ll tl.le low is! . .. nd. prom(\11()- s .• J. Luhhn ck, B•rt . '' · W hioi "l!· V.• q. .. fl I I .. ·d I f -.1 l k h ''· 1 l 4' D1RECTOR8. .. F H.!'.J ll ouhury E1q. niul \'nlunllonll, 1111d th<' l"'l :.n c. Hi l ul n N. H.- Aa tho Ust>zRT.li;INO Bllsllf f-SJI teruu. even• IM.''Y 6eQll \\eN ·l oxtrctno of lGdli:Uuil. by the 1 lt 11'1nu,, mlllly 1r0:• . ,. \\'C!'e 1 w.ry. on wluc. wo Jut, l' •rmu• 1\ur'- n. F.•q '( . II. ll n• lll ' " n, eJ.pt'n!IC•, 1he Ill t ht" o.l ao fo rma part of thoir . oc:cupaljOD, a ll l tnd unf oli:un&tely . ono of these l4uhcJ I 'Enat·oud of Uigokl inluit ntul tbcu btecr I n<t.• n I><Jt wl!ou t i.(.IMI ,• .(.:..po nnrl w1ll biJ );on.h_li . Tr>•r« llull nn. E•q . .' ro, II. n•. 1- ;IJ . n .. J 1 t uf llw Ll Fl:: . F[ :\ IJ l in th..t .d c. pa ri1ucnt rocci•·o t he th& hno mano.gor, N. 'f.· 1. 1\.,...6 mile.'! for <.:ape care 1 thiS hm, •' H •n . hn•• • lh·n.,, It, II) •11\111 ::,l •• w. l·.·q "I X rr . F I\' E pt•r l'CIIt. of tho eu tlrc atnctcat u.tt .. nbon. · maer, wbo waa drowned. Frauc· \lollS I k ik • / .... t.akl·n when U ll \' l!,'lltUl" Ul tlt:\L lOCAl:- \\ e Aellp.l tok (1\11 hlnucl \\ lth .I""" · E.q. \\' .J. I": · l ·>•t· ruco:i• cd uo eve ry f'<>li,·y uo w 1'7 Spuci:.'" t wo wiil he gi\'Cn to Out port 43 yenrs of a;:!", and bel. on:,-etl to ·B. Tho t.rnck of the (/amul IJ:\.'=S 'Y;· . . 0 . 1" tlcep cow, in whi ch ro o. 1::. Cj II. II . 1 ouun.n. ,,. ,,. II ordora. . Shetland, ,ffiere lte lea\'etl n. Widow And ·w t of tl le bltLntl.'! w t hu 1 , Capo Hnrnt.ran 1::1 tho out<•r point of hotl in 1 z fu thonls); :\nd IL nnd J (. p, ' •. l·:. q. c K lo ••O•Ihrorl. 1 ·.··1 :\ ""' HualllCM-Firat Quinoqu en· ·- BY'IlnC'MI St .. nC, - 180 W:t.tor St.reo I (ami! f. At the .. rune mt Jl . of Kidlinl mL tllc T ickle S,'1'01. 1p. mninL'Ind nbout .7.o;u-. From .. Zon r G ./\ . Fuller, E "l· I A. Gordun. 'l· III Uiu ........ .. ..... .. ....... ...... £,1 8,3$() oppoaito lhCi mqrc.'\nlilc ca14bluhrncut .h 'I nntned Tbol niU · 'Vtii 1UI?80D \1(1\1) I BY Tm: lliUDU: Tll.\CK .--St:\IIJ llown n_rc <l buut lngh, fil ii· . N.l'_.R., eonsllits 1 O corgo· ,w. Lo\ ·ell , E"'i ·· l nuo "nulld •httu .I; I ,.U2, -I w Jo u:-r M u:-r-s & Co. th ttt . he '"'lUI tDcaJUcttllt.ed tlu_ tlll g the ; for J i r b lnnd, n.nri whou ::; . 1 u tg m u sc ':es of to L 1 gh c.:recn h1 1ls, Wi th rn1M'd . terrncc J ohu J. ':ir.:rrl.rry - .... A. & E. PA RSOXS. remllmder of the voyage. Singularly 1 \ V. N. \Y. hy N. :iN. I !'J m: lo.o:, to I pomt.. Iht' pro,· t'ntcd tho • b enei 1 Cl; on the slopes, llcep 1 he l 'ro mJ"hu c.Jt o11l1 Li: . wr:. &h l > t:nrrful ot l .h ·M , und April 22. enou:;h ho waa waahed by onu I Enn of 1'iltaoml.ik. ilie 1 tho and ru1 o'x· · indcntntion.'l. ThlB c?unso w1.!1 nu .,.. 11 11 h\th all c,£, ·•,•o.1 (" (' u llM qu ., utlnl hu ;; c Rnd on declc.& :JIIID by ru1- o:ctrome of K.ik.kert.'t.\'ak (Hogors) 1 1uninrttwn bl!mg made ol tho outer bar· 30 fl' •ct htgh, p 11 (EJ\' L\. U FFJ C E lJO);O \ .! N, 1 $?0 .P"r dny at h omo. Samples othe r. H 18 shoulder ,.-,\S d lalocat.cd, keep clo.w to tho shore till tho duu,. 1 . Uburl<. 1 of whtch, .n cour.u> of 'N. ! E. nnleP, y r. TO _. wnrth 'st free. Sn:fs0:-1 & a ud he was-eeui'Piy cut on the , n Pl North of t.hnt is opon, tlwn \\'i111ly Til·kl" (r_k irosal11k) i!l the wil) II' Jid close W t:>sf of N'\:n;;omnlt (d?g), I &<e .. II \ l'"j •• e ... ll IIOIO n . nd ll , rt•n _i _qrnl oundland. ' Uo. , P ort bnd, Maine. Tba NdiXJ ID!Ide ' th e ICC on : st.rl nd off short' until Pornizulluk point 1 t·l l .. •t\1'('1'!1 tht'>l.- ISiumls !\.1\t l t he n con I 400 r ce: ht;;b, t\nd 1 .... , • • • bu:ln•u "f 1 : . I March !!2nel, In l •t. .11 .20 · 1\DJ s ecu "·ull clear of tho su!.r vf th,• It of t;vo 1:\ .E. 2 of a .hrk islet 40 feel b1gh, to the shoro lll ... •• r.l' :001:- El'f '' ''·' :' ': • • DH E \\ 1 . D RYSDA I.E, tJI 1.20 \V. . JllLISIIl{; north C.t ptum Adlllrik (j ronp, whun oou r;;o 1\. t I :nile-:- nud W. Ly '\. 3 m ilct<. In tho of . n la.rgo l sln.nd GOO ft. •n•• t lie h 1 o 1 ' 11 lu o IL 1 '" "" 1 ll nr bor Grn.ce. Lo6 1y fell Ill w1th scv.,r al p: lt c hos of st, 11 ! milt!&, willlca.l bo:t .. ·ccu Por· l r"ach a shoal st.retchc."' olf the I high. shore should be keplnbouf. •hortllm• ln•u• onr-. nre •'· R. 0. STIF.EIIA =" & Co .. } seAls on l>I tt rch 29t h, II\ lat. iU 2 ll lld ·n:l luk IUld wmo low .u.Jot.> 6 n.t bigllt on the s l1oro ; hut l!y ' :? cn ble:. till the nnrTOY chann I f• ct ·d ·n a l11l'>" rHI) k o:o tl ul IO S t. Pit' rre INDIAN sALVE long : 2.0 ,V, P rococding&otltb t. hrough COUl'liO muy Ue steered W cst.sh oro on bo:trd II (_ l'og) ronchr<" 1 , I\ ·• 1 , 01 . ·j •n<l on tla· m<"l f.,, •· •• 1 1 1 '' 1 "" ,\ Z. II l the 1ce a pack w!a Q,jiC Muk ko• · ik. The soundi.nl;" ou tit is 1 t ruck will !.,( .• found. . On tlw Xo rth ! pu::si.u:,: of . Q l ugh u u l <& a l 1'"'\tculor• ul !n•u' """ 0 '" l . - ---·- - ------ - -- - e<l on A pnl l ... th, m lat . 1 1.1., I , 1 · 1 T -.ul•r ''" 1 111 :. < r t he W Lt.:ml IS 11 J eep bay, WIUt 1 ,.,., ·ith n Jeep rnnnc through tho 1:\orth " --o-- . W \V rou,c 1\ 1'1" c.., , "" - v ..... , Le ball on mt • 1 · • '" " 1 " l'f f • . . ·. . . 6. 30 \V.-J. an illaylln. beanng . . • . . i should be n'\00 with gl'('at C:U'I'. j . 1 i.,Jet m the two 1\fl· c:ctl·c.ml', a poruon . w. & G. HE:\P F. I. WNif.OrfJ ,,,, i\ o Fa mil y sltoultl be Wtllulut tlus a bo .'fft"!!6 miles. Alter prosecuting L uo ! . . o)101<11,;1'8. The water IS shm•l nC:Irly ont or !' \ da.rk ST .J I trell·lm.oum t'e tncdg. tishin;; until )'OUog W('N tnkmg tbe ' FRO lf Al l.LIK TO ' ret h i.. llllnndfrom wi¢ 1\ !<l liPmi,t_ t,bOiit&OQ ' O...Jugh, A!ll'lll• .f. ' ·'' "i"'"'dl.:r..l Ll:f'e l it is uneolu:tlll'd· for Cut.•. n' urna, Soru of. WU. te1' 1 Oaptnm Lotloy bore up for hom!', 1 Br TilE ]s:<En TR.\CI\8.- rom Cnpt) dimly from nearly dry to 10 fllthOtn'l. in a ch!T"'fnce 0 :1 th e :SOuth· ----- - .. ___ - -- ·- nil kuuh "" 1 1 uf nhl .Frllllt !.l ite clear of t he. i. cio elll'ly on , Allik N. W. ! ., 3! miles, will ,te:11l · Y1 !:>,t:'l8 lllwul.l not anchor in than J w est ?f an Islnntl, w1tb ,rro- ); E w t· ; I L); D I. : \\ I) L l li II T :;. A s s u r a n c e c 0 m p a :a l u=r S.."Ut'\'Y in the h nnCia, Dry I' ilea, 1\llli Pnd; a aru \'I Ill; • S.Jutb of the Ts l.,ts vf the rur· 1 nttempt t.o the mint'nt sum tth?ul feet !ugh, Y I nil Sores, Eroptio:>s, Ulcero or m Dorw1nk on Apnl 21. t he ex. 1nnvil.:..,rouptothc \\ 1 1 hl' '\\ est h<·nd of "\\ 1ndy tack .Uoncw on · West et dc nnd :!. l:-7:i.) I I . I o T l . ' \' •. r ,.-- l ""- TO l\1 :\.fUN£ n:,, i ())" LOI\001\'. fnr wh icl1 l::le:t.lil!P 01ntnumt ia ruquircd. ce ption of "li$;h t nilmanlS i ncadonw to t..t 1 rou mled ut n cablo's he i 1 ,Jmllow from onolu<'r islet. ymg est IJ.'Iys "'itn cliff Sh . orcs on tte =ost. ) Est a b 11 ' s h e d 1 J.l 8 . Thi a Sures is AlaO fur O!ltla on the cli mllle, c .. ptain Lolley n>pm ts the best ruotc t.l fvlluw is N. '\\'. hy .• (Qu r' 'f tht> one d t'.'><'ril.cd, nnd mid chnnlh' l J n.k.tnlt ian •mall , lblnnd &hout I ii O b osl th of d1e • crow to Dtl\'e been excel - , miles, to tJu.) s triped of t;knlluk· :,J 10uld bt• kept : but o,·cn then not more f<"Ct high,. with an PriC?e, 25 cents per box. lent. . J t.ok; th'. IS pa.ss i.ug \\" of I 'l f• uh<>ms he ro.r;i d \\' i• . o;t extl'('m('. The W l'st sllore JR A LTB!{AT!l));. C \PITAL . £:!,OOO,ooo S tg Sold b. llfeaan. I W. H . T tto'm 'SOS J. J. From tb .e unrt. )'at.cll C&ptnan Lofley , l'O<:lkll tmJ brcnkl•rs, 01 tho :Yo lvw wnt.cr- \\'l,t h w I hy ? "tl tbn of TOT.\1, 1:-r n:STED 1-'II.Sll:t l).nd alt de:{)e" 'in m;Jiclnoa -had 6500 lli!Aia a nd t.lto :aacond 4 800.. a.rchipclngo of CiltUtlill l!l :< ':JC!t. : frmn to =" or-th, ter rdu.• ' Kik.kl'..t.l-'o• :1k, tmmcd 1 at<· ly opp oSlLc, hn:' is her eby th at Fa nm nw.uws OF ..... ·· ... 2,750,0:)0 " through out the Provlnee:t. On _the acoontl· be 1 wu a :com· Af ter t.hc st.npcd blow down thll I rocl.:J; abort R t!D L rnii T hc r ttoforu rx h 1 b 11 "'' . at . -\ s:<t'. lL l NCOlll.:, l: P- llt.rcb 18. · by th e 'Ycfor, l nnd an l lllc!t.:, feet !ugh, 0 cah!oa " e •n of t he lty \\ . Frotn. thlll'<l:.Vrow passaac l .Ji,. hy h ](.. )('a; f l' oi ST, !I.\ nno rt WAll liS or ... .. ..... ... 3:i0,000 " bu t tbvessala were a taucu a dhtrut co i it, tho \\' Cl;t cnJ of tho tJkalluktok : •.• 1 q frvm th•! I:: utrnnc·· of 3 miJ,'ll, will p.'ISS Eu.st of nu T t:H: B.c. T. lo 1\ F l.n :•· - Baza ia· r' •.. from pnck thAt theY_ WMO una ble t.o I group s.houlol IN NUJidcc.l , and t he poiut1 1 'iudy to 1\ gmup o{ low ' 1;-l:llld n.bout 000 f eet .... wiW,lllllOUI.d. \V HITF: nnl'. except whl ·n iu . lino . 1\ 'll.h T ho .. G c !RDl .. beiJIS :1 fi r e! wat.c rl:. lty-angumllflt their C:l.tche!l. Both of 'fikkcr:asuk s•l!crcd for. Th () II !IIIli I !.'lets p:t.<MII,I: Vf'Ht of Ishtnd I \lt:':l l'fy delncbed j\t the f Eil.,b end. tho l hrbnr Rock, in wb1ch dlrcl'tlon at F.u:; h•h I UIUT:lnco Con1 p11ny. otlf-re , Capt !Lin Grft'l"iU ao11 Nicoll d id t ntck from this is w s:.c"r F . W. l Ku tullil:). feet. to nn!l.o! f'h,, !ltqftbotll.l t>rs crt.end-!II'Arly hnlt· will show R •: o. I al l .. mu •t dc•i r- o.blo to in --o-- . 1 :• ev&r) _tlai ng WIUI • Possible w do by I6J miles, t.O :t brown 1! feel of n r o.><·k 5 f.:ct nh,r·:c w.l· to the opp<l. •i te tuc Io cn ter in!!: t ho IT nr bor tif e tho •urcn, f l:t. : und. rupt rtl U:tbll _ lt J. THE of the _of St .• the 1 oe, eo, but t wat\!r. '!'hen .1'. \\ :• 2j .1mlc..,, ,t cr , IJ mtltll f urther 11n•1 tllt) I w·l hmwoo? s.houlol be n nng:·m ... l with L i;;ht a bert h _ on the Port bo nd 11:rmr An:! promp t of 1 Geoq;e •- Ch u rch, llngms, mt.end 1 tho1r etlorta not crowu cd •'lth sue· I w lUI islet GO !ugh, \\ c'l of of two J nr k cr.•n_ t c:nmon. ·I f11thoms wn _ll'r cnn bo u ntil pnet t ne Hd L1 eht. . . d:11m1 fo r l""· (D. V.) to h old n llAZ AAR. nt t he .Cat )t.l\m LoOey rcporta t.ha t. duL· 1 1\Jl wet ;o C. .1c l h1c;h at ls miles. ThcncP J <' ru L.'lno ud.·t. etmwd t ht\ l\IJ!lt 't ,he 1\ orth U\.'\n Thu A :'r>Arf toa The undeni!p!ed hninl-{ nppoint of tho of ill of . tho ing tho fiahiog the winu WM st rong frvm 1 for u 10 point u.ndcr N'iuchu ngflut, the ,,,·hl'ris n p ·, ,;t of I hi' ::ihor\1. it ]ltoptr iC or thP S th Wit h t\ I cd :" SMlf prt-,p Bred compl cu on and l uruuslung of a ne v. t he E.• and N.E..I with .h oD ft '\lllt. South cortical hill M tho ex '.Cou:pill\·, !i·· ·· IJI' Xt ::'."·mh f .'lent LII IH Turu.nl:r e>.'lk ( Pownnl or 11inglo Argood burnl'r. ' to ll)' 1' 1 re. Church. 1 t 1 em'l of K ayal.;,;;ulltili.k, p:t. ... I> C' I\'.c n B.•r· f t is r •'jt<.'r'.col tha: t\ 1. 111 ,1) i' )li j m iJ,.,. sitnlltNl J 0 STI' .-\\Rr, \ JAMES S. :-iTJ<:H. The following po1'81lns havti R r:vu :w OF TRE F tsm:s-o. nn hlet 1\Dtl n rock ? ftJOt .:\W\'!l high \\',; . 1 p ewer fall ot t!1" " :" 't 'V\1' ,. "l .,f l' :!., hll:!;Q<t:tk. nth! . nmrly 1 J ohn't, to niiS . ist , and will tbn nk.fully 1 leT ,West of 1t. Keop the E·l'! c;:trar...:e to tht-• mlet, rum th.\1 1 ,l,y two t f'P m ku;_ runmnE; frmd L. w. to D on rd of W orlcs Olli··c. St. JOSEP H OOUDEN. tri bnt.ions in aid o(tho :Uawar :- Nn\1' t;aat the whole of th., vnssela I point.s of oloso on lJo. v .J, pili.:tg llC't t :J::(' w .. :t __ tn•":'PS. tho 'Sool th WC;t( , N e"·fo uc dlsn.J. l Gtb D,.c.-. Sub- Ag unt , II a rbor (:}l'll.u, Mre. Alf D£1LSON', _f rcm, Groenlnnd, pro · to avoiu a rook wuh 3 feet watoc on 1 t, ' j,. 'I:Ccpt. nt wut t:r nn<l w1th a c.:>m- 1 oppn, 1 t •' PaluugMII.(, 1A rt"\mnll promoa- f ,•br uarr 7. " Mosu (l.l.nur!n, tl '.e foUow. wg tlgurea regarding the 4 cablos within u 10 oonl'. Lrcrzr. . tory !n ." m?"ntt, wit h F •shAJ " ls.uc 6alnr.s :- 1 When Nuru 'k!IOI\kntuk, the Northern ,¢.Iter NunJ.i.n.; th<' l o" · J;l''ll;'l of 1s· l.:l\'I'On l'nch f:l!rd ,-itb houldcrll. I J' OkT llER h M iutJ BAII.T.L-EU, · Ship. , 1 O.ptaln. Sel\la. cone, i. N. ')¥.by N 1 •• . tl.llch 1\b.J"C thr. vf · 'F.Jrd nt . the. end of M .... BoTL. \140, ... 1!1600 110 I m'ilca, "1"ill reach _ [l ik.:uilik. sh•1ul t.l t:, ;.., iorml'd by 1\ flnt tory , SPECJ d , NET k.1' Wl: N'E Co. . Doaton AS SU P.AN CE COM? ANY l' GAliDNKil, 1 1 .. ... 8,7 7 6 90 Another coursp ,from 1!\ to 1k cpt on board till tho ..cn..!.ho l:)outb, ....compq6Cd of . n . s_sn Cll of 1 " · J £ 11Bl :TT, ·• E.J;tkl .,; ....... ,. O ,GOO M 1 Jl-'l..'t'l ' o.bout n milo of thr. when two tr.\('ks pN'.>t'nt torri\.("A•. 11\!l)' he seen f rom · "01:\ " L ....... l>&Dutccl r, 1 brc 1 u .. 1 ;•let.. When ''Vest l .• 1 ftlv- Tnc .. l n t.h'"j .. I I ' '"Ri:SCE, Jn.nofllyen .... eu tan, c;,, "" I "• . ' - '' . :: . -1 I I "' n- I' , ll i11e1 NoTT.c.LI,, I..... -n- 11 ,_ 1 •• n. Cl••n G mi1e.q wdllcn.d to n. U:lrrow l u" fr\'6 from fi('ld ICI' 111 nm· c·nrl\' f'C'rl rxl to t he t:l llln nne. n ull ut:'tR .• &.>OJ.u c •• a_. . vao.. , I o .. 1. f I I f h I L- b tl FX R E ... iiFEJ )Ir e. ,J()IJ!II SltliT U. ActiTe,. 1 .... .... 2,500 !!0 South of the feel 1 "f tho nml t.:fl th\' shorrs"' t t:' 11\.rnour, nt 10 A)llf'J.l L }l!>T I>}. - uJO. FUOltL n! . • • .., ... , ... l . . .. .. £180,000. AJn>o.tL JU;n :liUE .ruoAl L \r..: !'ltJtJ.UtJAJ1 ...... 1 ......... ,. £110,000 no.ll lST£U· .&..n J:'u:ws, Ji LUU.:r ..... . .. ............ .Sol 2, ()()(. . ·: " liarwh11 l, ....... 2,WO 26 , under h .Ayrtk;!\lntllik, an1l '\ t·st of n ; b11! the m O'•t threct nnd 1. , water d!Xlptm.' snddcjlly to _10 fRUt om!. '' WJ u. t .-.ll Wu ..coL , , C.•upurqop, .Or uiii, . 1 , ,690 42 ; !IOilllJ rern;arknblo cliO)' humn11:1cl.R. A (>u tl:() M <' :tll'liflr,l. I Y.l h au m tho B.1y, Marrb !!5. . . .... . JS;iooll. • so I shP.d bend WC4t !U\d nll!ILIII : I' .I C\ ' Til f. Wl:sT <Jf N Q:-lh'("'!\.'ti oi )Jol'l's J1QU.,e in 1 :l to 1o · a. . mit? lone;, l c.d i.nt o. nn ItO r oun<h :-d nt nbouL f.tthomq mud,j!OOt l ho1 dinfr wonnd. J US'J! A'RRJV.bD ' ' T tal . '{78 678 , .01)Ctl c)lllliUel, whcpcc n C04TSo N. t :1 c:tbl!'S ·· IT . TbONor!h hR3 (lccp From 1.he our.u nc>J , bolweon . Pn.lung:t· . 0 ........ / .. l .. ' N G U)ilqs will brinn tho "' ·i thin with clifly sugil··lo&f hills fonn ing true llnd J'nnl'11 1. -tltuld, tho COMt .of the lho I of Uto' . lwg.flt..'\lt H, oJte tho · point.s, and p:u;:;iug Soul l1·\\'P8t Ahould bo !.: opt nilou; 1\ mila chbi'co TCMol.i' •. "!. dDIC. ' I : pf somo ,alopecl . tl K! · nt:r, wit.h C').t t:'l!l E.,. H.' u.c inth s, .Crot: us, A ne.mo.nes · "f.mcli; · lie ldabg 45 " Dr Tm: Qu 1 m TII.Aox.- From Cnf >t' ))ouJ h -wcst fi •1 m:h, ...-hQn lnf\ tl"i nt..of Lii" of Lily Ot l l)o. vAlley or o!L 'TI/ti Td ue or Ai llik to Gulf roC\t•·, ill , u' nlilc.t, fa\lm hflOr!. disuuu;c otl . .. tlnl! JtOitlt, will IICt\r l nlJout .. Doatooth \ 'iole te, 1 , fi-.ljmq Gdt . The Vll·lno whiola 11 coursf\ N. bv 1uilos, will rW. N. !> .mile.;, ht:t':''c.e.D'A 't.lto M i£nion s\.1\t.io? HEAD OJt h 'lQES. ' I Lili u lll,o-Xu lip•, N ,b( 'b!J '1llhmit (hti year,. \)een JASll <1 C:\bJOa .&\IlL of tho l'I"CfK lx!twecn, tlnrL: l al!llld on tl!o . \\ nnchcrns:e ln.l3 t_tthem Snowdrl'p• , by 1'ellaals, · tnstc:ld o( Gull rookl\nd tho isletcUf NotUtem Tur· the \'t'>lSCI, with r.lggc.d. , }l'?iJUs endiUIJ !nul l. Tbo ru b ' LO.NDON/1 Moorgate . Stre et. Dic)y//a S t iiiA 4'n u:eqa I fot m prtr, or nMik Lll.\nd i tL011co ll b t i&lt'tJ;; tp1d on the Ew. sidp S9mo l <>w I!' thn.t the I wnt.ct· S A NG ABERDEEM-3 Street. 1 ani 1 , ,.. thi.li tO wUllONl .to NMnnk tok ( Whi. lo+) li :!·tr t)te che qpcla the li• of M rl, t.o 1\1:1:-.< u1 ft Boqueta , of CITLlrlist10g .ftowtN (or nae. t he lfe-; ronl ?lantl l nml), throo r 1 uart.crs of n milo) '' l"lJich thQ outl'lf jsjnud,.i · seen. ·!': orlh lln rl i£t,.st of l uo. IMt('r t W E o ff rr to o UT STAND· AHD TI EHIH:'\G m ount eo.! in rvory ' IITI irnlar as dirt-ctt-d by nporienced h lr nd Fiehe rro l'n, with n·li:able prompt on all :lccrpt- lld orJen. Wo Cl ffor' ll 1 1o a l ight COD sBl NP. to · UIIC' in ttr ung curreo u. Seiotn d t'.nonatrat l'd that more Fiah enD be seco rt'd wi th tbetn pea'.Y one11. ', TRAPS ana POUNDS ou !d6 to ' or der. · Rate. w me" t (bn npp.r oval of i 01porto rJ. 1 I Dec. !!4. r HE S'GBSCHfBBR IJega I Pare to io D o. 1 for indoo11 decomt{OA " 11 at' · oonrae, ad g , 1 l' Wcat ot'. a.. ruck bl '\:)ll..•. T• 'rom ,. \l\ wou t. 2QO l' kt hl .l) ' '• 'yill Nrrin,f.>nr l)('j(l'OilF h'\ VC b r. I land Cu Jla af Pru · Bultet• of of erlut.Toa ··llowe,.. 11 : .:..frciUJ (41S bllll) , we hn.•" a Ntmua.ktok t.o .cl.mr Lho ofl' Uyau-. oo r.cen. : : ·. . , "EWZI, :-nd ' ·MS:'IIII _mll.!lt a.ndtor iofonn the 8 o( Harbor o uu.c . at. neut U!a r...:t· "' 'lower pote, ueortd •izea t\ , drin ''' li ,P? ,• .. zuk.auli t N . .3 .w. . Gt an<l Whfln r .or. !,Iu s l}.:lfl n.. low citbe JX"Ir cof:ll) an .lmr. ., f; - ce ou t- port•, gener rt ll.ol, t lta l, om. • ·· " 1 ' 1+ 1 of lut v ,.r '{ :1 1 1 1 1 If tl "'' "'h c:d.rcm.c •f ;;r 3 of a bout.. tDon t h ,., qf .Applicatiop IQr '' · · 1 " 'froode'ci . •, " 1 ,, ; " ' , 1 ,. .1 .. : tllat ia pa.ssl!d, t.lte 11i<l<l qf G11H Il\· l l. 11a.: a,ot 1 rl! 0 •• . ·r:- 0 1 ::.\t': 70 , 'l't.\l"..!!Ott. d m b . f lL )! ' iru null Lif a other ',, I. 1:. r!· ' ' .: ' Ill ·" ' ) . j j }/'rom. the Nort..h .'unkon ? ftln .R Ullet., , ., .-rt ,; .h ')I ·I 4 l uprnu,, tiou ..all •OO obtat o ed at tbo 1 .: •• 0 d !' 1 '"" l :1 . :mans.. •uit 'clle s ido of OulllalAnd, W . by S. ruul nc:1.rl.y i 1 J,. tl lJcL": M N . Ulliet t or !; I ' D • a Yl!fe 1 C lf. ' d n; .. 'IOMR, DOlle; '11"!111 ofi"ereUtin. llvid.en!llf lfill .Of>el\ N ort4 oCl{mlJII.ok, li Bnd > jUEt 1'9111 t 11.11 W' ('!., 'd . jT i'l • r :r fi 0 1\ .. mid 1 ¢;o , , A. 0. HAYW ABD, · I : r •\ia · \) ), Qhods ·t ; tO a!c \nmbnl .. the two !,'l'Oilps of 1 1 niJt'S, f, b b' St. Jobn't ,'· . "' r;l(ft J U .. : 1' "nd. UJenOC\ N. W ., t W est., 1 ll milee, 1 1l u.-,1\ 'n t 11 1r' ""·""· ;. ..,. bu been douo or l o It trlJ Aaeot-for Ncwf o uodlaiid. ' I• I , I •' iT he wl'\ . o iW inMo(iuctiou 'l will bnlag the veuekwithin Right of thoy n j'-) J erQl S.. t S. year•. :ROB ER!' MOBJliS. lu!.f:. l. fl# d J.' · oowm:cap OtiO oC hi8 lllll.ng. Mi n ion 6..'\g-etnft' n'tl l{op."<<t\le. p; :!Ut of gtonp qf IUl c lr- I tl gcn ' I f .. : ''II I'll •oJ I i- --- ........ . ...---.. :

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~ :r. ~· Q~'~'5ftif ~bblntr. L.1BRA00R t'ROX HOPSD.ALE TO XAlS. ' mound-shnpcd, :.t th~ bt\oJc llhwhic:b.. i3 . ~~!~ryise~~p~s. · ,, 1 '" '" . ... 1 t·u~:-- • -- \ ~ ~ F rom Hopr<hle tbl' roui'!M\ lies throu~-tl • fiituatcd .MerruJ.icld ID<'\UQ.IW.n; , I\ &q\UlrO •

t. t J I d

I "•! •

Insurance- N otiees.: A cr;:;TS TO!t TilE

Haroor GraCA -Standard f:T. l ?u~·a... .. .... llr. T. M cl'ooonn BnH.rs .. ................ " G. Guahue. B.A. 'I' Rotn:nn..... .. . .. R. Simpaon.

P onT·DF.-GnAn: ~ 1 11 J. Andrnra ll.\IH:~EI:D ..... .. ,

JSLA.~D COT& ... ... . ... •••• C'A IIIIO:-I.iAII · ... .... .. Jh :A nT's C'o:<Tt :<T .. 11

Gll.l~n lh:u;: .t ~ ..

John C'rnn<'. J . F.. Pike. It Rutherford.

H. J . Haddon . }'onTU!\'1: ......... 5

TRI~ITT ......... .. ... .. " W. ~ittmnn. ]Usu?:u Soc:sn . ..... ·• A. Til~ey. CATAl..l~-~ ...... ...... .. C'I\pt. '1'. St<~ne. }lo~o \'1ST A ............. Mr . .T. I. :nvrcncc. o a'F.'osPO:SD.......... . •• F.1White. 'Foo.o ...... .... . ........ " J . 'F'it?.l!emld. Tw!l.t.i:sa.•TF. ...... . " J . J . Penrro.



Insurance Company·

t;APIT.u-£2,000,000 Sterli11g.


- •xn-Q'CEE.N 1.:\:-:t:TIAN t 'E -anLDIXG

ISO li ll.ACJ.::Clll.;Hnl ~11{EJ::T, LONDON

)n p oint of Socurit)'. it if!' belieYCd tht1t Queen Pellclc s nrc \ :u .. nq•a.,~ccl .

The fvllo .. ins c i irll•' t frou1 tho THill·

11a:!fTU A N:-t:.A.L U t: t'•IRT (.rcnr enJiu~

I :11 ~t llcl'<'UI bcr, 1 iU) , w ill she>w 1t11

IIUJDlc rh:trnt:!er. Tho }' t; ~ D:3 of the Co mp:w .• atAud

111 follows :-

'T:"; '"e Assurance Comt•any \ t ·llpitnt r " id up . ........... ~ .... ..... ... .tn9,~ J: ..u r } Fire 1 naura.nee Reocrvo F ~n<l.; ..... 00,~

L c,mbard Stm~t ~- Chcu ing Lifo Auurnnco Acculiiii\UPII l-und 129.130

Cross. I Annuity F und.......................... 7,889 I .

• L O ;\ DO:\ .

I:S'I'ADLI!-II E D I~ 11&~

· ,aJ,.,.o.-Tho Authorised Ca pi tl\l lo £ 2, 000,()(10; and tho t!ulJecrilJud Capit:ll £1, iUt' ,000.

1ife :Bra.nch.

- I :A:nilvAL'Ot TJf& 11%.1CTOII." ~nd .. NO\' A r-. HoLTOS, 1., Tv ~.\IS. .r th: nnrrow chnnnel nt•xt North of the hillnhout I i OO fl't't hir•h. I • t .• HARBOR' GRAbE. · · 1

I " ZkltLDLA"-SuxA..'i DROW!'IE.O- .A.N· . l Com·:wleJ. j :l.}\Cho~·. rounding W ost of Aclrvit.otU.· '.runungq.yuslu.k sboulu oo k.oJlt.~Q#Il~-t

' I · - - s~k. n llnrk clliTed islnnd, wl10n a ooureo 2 caLl.,., off when r•' IUill:Ulg t.y.e No.rt.)t 1 FURNITURE DEPOT. OT)W\,,J,liSA,I\UJ). ~: ,, . . D [ n E c T 1 0 X s. N' ' hy K ~ F:., 3~ mil~ will lend lw. J~nt, to :1\'0id n ah.o:tl r.~tchwg <i!:'E: it I On Saturday tn•emn,;. t.ho T1clor, Cl\p· F H 1 , I 1 d N l- tWL't'u X ulobknl:lkllllik R d :u·k clill'v u,. n ~ohorl. tli.'lt:mct. Pa:ain~-East of aomo I •· . N ' 11 -'I d I I ··t G I d rom o ~Ill ~ :1.11 , A c<Jurso • . ' • • I . I h

... ta W:0 ,;.an~ ·e roa_l. • Ul, recutlll · \ V. G3 mi)O;j will J,•tul hc~wccu 'l'utkcr lnJlll tmd 11. smnll bl11ok rock 3 fe•:t abo,·ll ow L't f't.S. two <: r:rwels will be disclpp-! . . '?' ..., . ': lslllml C\nd (.lunkCI' rtcf, whcnco N. lty 1g wnt<:'r. 1'9n\ illl ptL'•''n~e, ... , . I!.. ~ -· 1 '' e11,...111 lll'UTOW, WlWA O¥JY 'll!O


A. & E. P'ARSO.NS, 8eal li~>hm<r banngfw on"ltl' 3 '>40 scn!J<. l 1 ' h ' h ]' th' "'" 1.' <~I •l e \'" "' ·• 1• - 1 t

wl11ch1 It IS C4looli.ltedr Will Tleld about \" •>23 .1 .11 I .. . . , , l' - - 1 1 ~ 10 3 mill'« will brin~r th•· \ 'C>-"!d Ot,>. f.oth •>ms w:ttN· in it, O)>ella nt tho west • 0 . • n•L - •. . t' D 'I .•. ~ -1 lnl c.!, WI cnn ~· v aJX' uu-r. ::! ~ • ' • • ... • T

CA Bl "'E1'- l 'AKERS, 1 - 3 tuns of mi. · .... ..,. 'farlar. eft llllt ee · 1 ... _... f u 1·1 1·' t\ ccu n rowul i~J,•t 121) ft~t hi"h on end into tbc IJ3'j' of th" Nnrt.h shore, of H J.JJ \rc ... •1-> ·L i. 1'-b d I . I son. v~ng c o.w U.L,. 0 cur • :11 u . ' "' ' ,. ,... • ,.

., on.' ""0 ·--~ .. " " '" ruary, ~ IBYtqg Uv THE: ISSE:t TllACK.-'Roumlu1g We- thi· Ea.st, nnol .Multn, n hil!'t. 5lurp·rcnkr "''i1ich X CXlr, n ~li~on.:a.ry ~;t.ntion, ia . .....,..

.... NG shiJ~pod G !number o(, Qltn a.t Sl1etii}Dd 1 1 I lnnd . ' ' \" l.y \'' e' "· ,>d i~<lnnd on tht' \V('f{t hl<lr·. =>U~inn c!u .• t' u:~.t.~ 1 . Fr.~ m the"'~ cn.d of •I.. is. chun. • IN TH.I,..,KI their mnny friends in _ _ _,_, b . .. d lCc c ~ a course·'· • . u ,, .. "<> ' ,-- ,.. l" ., w Harbor O r1100 and the Outporta gene.-. s he_ I'•~ iO ' ,t

0 .. lisui.ng .grouo • 10 miles will lcnrl clu.c;o No1i.l1 t~f ~~~«' E ~,t of M i~let 10 il'('l nl.o,·e l11glo wnt!·r. n .. l "l'OIII't<e aho11ld he stccl'fd to IC!\yo

ally, for tho liberal pntror~e hcr4ltufurp wiHch, n~t.cr .,_~ry •ough )''\S.'SI\gP, Willi I sml\ll it.l;•t oll'llonble bland!!. Tlum , V. ~~~ :4 milt'<~, nml" cJitf.c..e..,J i.:JJ.u1d nt ~ l!\knlinnlt (~ho L.l:tnd. .hobwcc:n thq l\~0 n:Ct'i•·cd, 0..-g 1'1:Spootlully to ILimouucu, reoelrc~halon~ wu.b th~ ~fher vOI!licls ol by~-~. N., 7 1-10 miles will pn.s., ~orth I n{i!f"<. 1''mm tlw 12ll11'CL hi~h i:~Luvl, ch:ulllcls) b:Uf n milu off, to !l\'Oid n I"'(·k t b&l. they lt&\' 0 oa h.uld"' large •!!-.Pl•ly of t.l1e ·fleet. Alkr CAllllllg· about · for j of DouLle l sln11.t8 aud :::iouth uf the nc:ct N ! h~· E. ~ !·~1st. :! t mile.~. lc:L;ls to t he time l>ru:<l>.~; and thcuco E. Ly N., 1 N.,

.FurnitiJ.-_e, ooruo tunc , 1\ f'Bl<:? of ~Ia waa aceu on 1 iAiet. T ho c.mr;;o'nmst tlwu IJo chaus•• l I <'l.tmuc•' e1f \\'inel~· t ick l•· ( I ki1~1.'1ruuk}. :l utile!! uearly, will lend to a low isiii.Ild ~!oo 31'\l of Apnl lU lat.a~udo . 6D nor~h. 1 to !'I. w. ! w., t.o pus.~ between L>o;; J:.., ) If tlw I<'<• is clt~SU in, p.Jwr r~'\.<~Sin-~: d1" 1,1· .. ruontory, on ilio E.lst. cx!.ro1uo of .I ho ere·~ W CM not. ~oog Ill lm ng on t l.o . b.nds t\JIJ th·· nutinlunt.l. ltountling 4J<~I) \'lifT·fM~'<I r · lane! .j miiNI fi'Om N:•p:1b · wl.ich i.'l n.n Esquimnux Ln~.

wiffo'h wiU b~ ofl'on.-d for aale at a Yery 100, and Ill n .-ho~ tlm~'llbout 1~00 scn ls ' Lllnnds II COtU'I!O- . ~ 1::.. 'viii lead frum t.rkalik, n Cnllr.!t• X. Ly \\'. ~ W .. :\ mil,·~ Tv n\'viJ this llhnJiow ch:u~nel, k rcp moderate prico. ..-ere nboan.l. 'lh" llhlp t.hon horu "',.'llJ l tboilllot juo~t ~orth of !Jog lsln.nds w tbl! I will le:t.cl ='nu th of ~ .. paktnltk Ll r.r.;lu:u; 11 mirl o;-hnnnel Pcl\\'Ct'T\ TuJ\IIlls-Y.usluk

Tue folluwillg compri.el\ portion of the furt.h!Jr n on h , and on t ho · 2~nd ~\pnl 1 conicul b lruHI, pa,.,inl( .E:L~L of the Inlnnol j h~h pMk 500 ft.>t·t hii!IL. 1utll tlu:nce . n. ::md Juktuinrlk, luc nc;~;t Isrr~.~ F ot·th , atoc.k :- the roat of the catch "'" fl•?t.. m .butude l -..· ilh the two ~>U imnitJJ nml J.."~'•o.sy i.~J •. 1 nv•l·dmnrwl c<~nrso l><:twccn the n~oun·

1until tl1e sNond chllnnl'l, runmng N orth,

0 1::1 AIRS-Rooking, Nunc, Cano-boUom, 73 nort h. The ~ be1ng O\'or, the : 0 o· it. From thi.~ 'cone J:l; . E . bv ·N. ~ l in,,) nnd the ~up of lsl~nds. of ~hie!. I is op<·n. .hktuinnk ·ill su rruouarlcd by II.

C<~mmoo ~~ond Childrcu'a. · r'icfol' _left 011 Snnt~a.y 11\~1. for Lomu. 1 N ., 11 mtlll:i, wdl hriug the ves;,~l to tl1~ Nt•)•'\la lik ill the :)outhern, .,.,;11 lew I tu \ hill , GOO feet. hi:=h, that f:ill.s in 11 steep 'f .I,.UL~S-J.'ancy Centro aud Dining. No ncchlent. oocurred l\11nn~ tho voy· , RIU'N' " p:o&a::;u bct.ween tho ruaiu.l.mJ I ~~~~ly tit'kle. . . ( cli11' O\'t'r So~th-oast cx~~mo, Tho

SOFAS, LOUNGE S, BEDSTE •VS, "St'· .an t) t he ~ro"' h:~.ve OnJuyed good (u.n(l oomo lo"· roclc:., J»L .... ~iug l::r""t uf tht' 1\..ikk~rLR~'\k L'l tho only : promlllrnt! ~ nrthf' rn portion h.'\.~ :l ~lopulg gTE<'nish DUllEA US, WASB')TA~ DS, h~~t.O>. . ~leU! off Mll.nak lHlnnd" n~ ; milt::~, unJ 'I I 1 Janel l·~~~t Ill t hc,;c trnck11 ; tl . l.r.'\ ~~·u [ hill. . Do tween the tv.·o ta d~'Op slack.· in CI::IA~ffiER SUITES I 'I: ~tt:rday mommtr the N ovQ Z.:rnbln, \\'C3t oft\ tlonh)(' i~let n~ ~ uulc.'l. The ~hnrp rks nhouL t.hc &:\111(' height, .2J 0 tht' Iuiie.

nnd all ot1icr nrticlca necc!1131j' to compte to C.uptAm Lofle~, \11~ J.L,t of th~ Gr<'_t!n·l cul~.<lt m:\y thon 00 kq•t. oli' u. rcnsoaah).., • :.A-t, KIHI ~ct·f~ . Mtrot.eh frmn n.nd lie ott' I T'umm~:;n~·nksOilk_ is Gitoo.tcd f-Mc of

th~i~:;'.!:,h!~u7~ d;~in~~·uaehold Fumi· IAfnldl ~eo~oo'' an;neddf. Jil ."cbr ~-~<t_~ conslsl:: olist.nnce to P omiruilul.: t.oml, wh.:n•.:o.· t.O It m nil th recuoml. I 'I tht' Juktmnnk. gnd til wed go ~hap-'(1; tho ture at. a rea.sona.blo pnce, ohout<l givo 0 ' . •" ae.t

1• "'

11 ' ••vv U~t' ' O - tho IBI&lldl! otl' Cupo .Mukko•·i k i.:l K 8l -nnuk tok ( llc.:u'!!,-Fann·pml ,. ~umrnit. nmrly O\'Or chc \Vest c.nrcrn .. , l'anona'• Furniture Depot. a call. f t l8 oxpected. •tho.t tbe ca~h w~ll pr?. miles. lnnd• nf~ho lisht·rmo.n) ,.~ n group cnn · I ofl' wb ic·'k, ,.)O!'P to, is n ~<uo:tl. Proceed

1 -Aiw- .Juec ~tboot 110 tuns of ~1. C11p~mll fly THY. Ot;T'BII 1'!1..\CK.-N. ~ t:.. ~ \ ' lri.elin~ of two principnl ru~tl so verul l het" 'l't'n.Jnktuinnl: llnd'.l'uuuDW\,VIIkso:tk, Sh ip'a Wheel a, Deadey~•. Bcl11ying P ills, Lofley T'eflOl't, that After leavao.g D .. r~·,ck miiCl! from W cl..t'Ok lslnnd . wtll cll'a~· ~ S!ll"ll•·r i~h·~~. :-5. 1·: by E:• 1.0~ nul~·!! fr<l~l po..~in): W et~t, a cabl~. oil' 1m i':lt·t 5 feet

NOT\\lTHSTA~lJJ ~l..:i tl.o di•r [A);; ll I tl all auth roquU.1tes in thu on tho 8th of Mareh Blronb hi!.IIU Wlmb, \ .EA.st.or n .o"'"eU blnmls, when n course U lpe Hnrr1;;:~n. n.nd N.K by N. ~ ::-; ., i :.l.o•·e high wnter. 1-rom ~h!• l\ortlt end I •lullS a noll'!•' ou t of I \\ 0 Qulii!)Utl,.. shi;>pino; :in:Otnatlo to order. . with ft~uent' h.-.lvy gl\11!111, "'. ero cnco~n· ' N. by w. r_ w. 2:!.\_ miles, will [V!1Ch tho 1_1}1 miles f rom t:_nll IRIIUIU. .~\fter fl l or thi~ clumn.(ll tl.le low is! . .. nd. prom(\11()-s .• J . Luhhnck, B•rt. '' · W hioi"l!· V.•q . .. fl ·~.. ~ I I .. ~. ··d I f -.1 l k h ''· 1 l


~l . l' .. F H.!'.J n•~:o•1d ll ouhury E1q. niul \'nlunllonll, 1111d th<' l" ' l :.nc.Hil ul n N . H.- Aa tho Ust>zRT.li;INO Bllsllf f-SJI teruu. • even• IM.''Y 6eQll \\eN ""~l'f>C · l 'l~t oxtrctno of lGdli:Uuil. l'1~' by the 1 ~>i.!'\mg 11\~ze lt 11'1nu,, mlllly 1r0:• . ,. \\'C!'e 1 w.ry. on wluc. I~ wo ·~"WJUI!naux Jut, l ' •rmu• 1\ur'-n. F.•q '( . II. ll n•lll ' " n, F ·~· .,l:~uus :~uJ eJ.pt'n!IC•, 1he ~~~~ouu.t Ill t ht" o.lao forma •part of thoir . oc:cupaljOD, all ltnd unfo li:un&tely. ono of these l4uhcJ I 'Enat ·oud of Uigoklinluit ntul tbcu btecr I n<t.•n I><Jt wl!ou t i.(.IMI, • .(.:..po Jl~n·11,~lll nnrl w1ll biJ 6t'~'!' );on.h_li ~lie~. . Tr>•r« llull nn. E•q . .' ro, II. :'tl ·~· n•. 1-;IJ. n .. J 1t uf llw Ll Fl:: .F[ :\ IJ ~~ o~er l or~AU in th..t .dc.pari1ucnt •~ill rocci •·o the o~lllrbootnl th& hno mano.gor, All~m. N . 'f.· 1. 1\.,...6 ~-10 mile.'! for <.:ape ~lok· ~1kkcrw.ksoak; n~.l ~m. care shoul~

1 Frqn~ thiS hm, ~-~· •' uulc.~. wllli~Mi

H •n . hn•• • lh ·n.,, It, II) •11\111 ::,l •• w. l·.·q " I X rr . F I\' E pt•r l'CIIt. of tho eu tlrc atnctcat u.tt .. nbon. · ~ maer, wbo waa drowned. Frauc· \lollS I k ik • / .... t.akl·n when Ull\' l!,'lltUl" Ul tlt:\L lOCAl:- clo.~ \\ e ~of Aellp.ltok (1\11 hlnucl \\ lth .I""" C'lullo~. ·E.q. \\' . J . I": '"11 ''~" · l·>•t· ·l'r~111 j 111110 ruco:i• cd uo every f'<>li,·y uow 1'7 Spuci:.'"t wo wiil he gi\'Cn to Out port ~thont 43 yenrs of a;:!", and bel.on:,-etl to

0~. ·B. T ho t.rnck of the (/amul IJ:\.'=S 'Y;· . . 0 . 1" tlcep cow, in which nno;-h~rngc ~'':IRY ro

o. 1::. r""~~' E· Cj II. II . 1 ouun .n . ,,.,,. II 0 1i~ t ence. ordora. . Shetland, ,ffiere lte lea\'etl n. Widow And ·w t of tlle ~-d bltLntl.'! w t hu 1·:U...S~ 1, Capo Hnrnt.ran 1::1 tho out<•r point of hotl in 1 z futhonls); :\nd bc~WI'l'll IL nnd J • ~ (. p, ' •. l·:. q. c K lo••O•Ihrorl. 1·.··1 :\ ""' HualllCM-FiratQuinoquen· ·- BY'IlnC'MI St .. nC,- 180 W:t.tor St.reo I (ami! f. At the ~~ .. rune nno~her mt Jl . cx~me of KidlinlmL tllc ~\' in:Jy T ickle S,'1'01.1p. Til~' bLlnd.~ ~ tho mninL'Ind nbout .7.o;u-. F rom .. Zonr G./\. Fuller, E"l· I A. Gordun. E· 'l· III Uiu ........ .. ..... .. ....... ...... £,18,3$() oppoaito lhCi mqrc.'\nlilc ca14bluhrncut .h 'I nntned TbolniU ·'Vtii1UI?80D \1(1\1) ~urt ~o, I BY Tm: lliUDU: Tll.\CK.--St:\IIJ llown ~· inl~lllg ~~ n_rc <lbuut ~20 f~'<)l lngh, fil ii· . tl~o l~tnd lrcn~ N.l'_.R., n~d eonsllits 1 O corgo·,w. Lo\·ell , E"'i ·· Suu~r. rJ. lnuo "nu lld •httu .I; I ,.U2,-Iw M~llara. J ou:-r M u:-r-s & Co. thttt . he '"'lUI tDcaJUcttllt.ed tlu_tlllg the ; for J i r b lnnd, n.nri whou i~ I>CJu~ ::;.

1 u tg m u sc':es of ,conl~tl humrnock.~ to L1gh c.:recn h11ls, With rn1M'd . terrncc

J ohu J . Hruo~lllh'-' 1'1 . ·'~ •• •.tl•"'' ':ir.:rrl.rry -.... A . & E. PA RSOXS. remllmder of the voyage. • Singularly 1 \ V. ~ N. \Y. hy N. :iN. I !'J m:lo.o:, to I t~c F.:.L~t pomt.. Iht' IC~ pro,·t'ntcd tho • benei1Cl; on the slopes, surrou~1hng llcep 1 he l 'romJ"huc.Jt• o11l1 Li:.wr:.&h l > t:nrrful ~d(•t:tlon o t l .h ·M , und April 22. enou:;h ho waa waahed ovcTbo~nl by onu I Enn of 1'iltaoml.ik. Uouudi.n~; ilie

1 (~ulnnr~ rout~umg tho ~mt and ru1 o'x· · indcntntion.'l. ThlB c?unso w1.!1 ~-cncl~ nu

.,..1111 • h\th all c,£, n· ·•,•o.1 (" (' u llM qu.,utlnl hu ;;c Uo a~wces. ~e:l Rnd :or~hed on declc .&:JIIID by ru1- ~~ o:ctrome of K.ik.kert.'t.\'ak (Hogors) 1

1uninrttwn bl!mg made ol tho outer bar· i~let ~hout 30 fl'•ct htgh, ronnrl).~S I;-n~t; p 11 (EJ\' L\. U FFJ C E -.,l}ll)~ lJO);O \ .!N , 1 ~t $?0 .P"r dny at h omo. Samples other. H 18 shoulder ,.-,\S d lalocat.cd, keep clo.w to tho shore till tho ti n~t duu,.

1. Uburl<. 1 of whtch, .n cour.u> of 'N. ! E. " ~ nnleP,

y r. I ~·) T O _. wnrth 'st free . Sn:fs0:-1 & aud he was-ee• ui'Piy cut on the h~d. , n Pl North of t.hnt L~lruld is opon, tlwn \\'i111ly Til·kl" ( r_k irosal11k) i!l the ch~n· wil) II'Jid close W t:>sf of N'\:n;;omnlt (d?g), I &<e ~, .. II \ l'"j •• e ... ll ~ IIOIO n . • nd ll , rt•n a~":rrrl _i_qrnl f~r • ~•r oundland. ' Uo. , Portbnd, Maine. Tba NdiXJ ~Mthla ID!Ide ' the ICC on : st.rlnd off shor t' until Pornizulluk point i.~ ' 1 t·l l .. •t\1'('1'!1 tht'>l.- ISiumls !\.1\tl the ~nnl~· n con it::~ I !~tlnd 400 rce: ht;;b, t\nd J·.<~· t. 1 nu~l .... , •• • ~n~ bu:l n•u "f

11• ~ 1 ''" I •~· ~ : ub. _~ "'," r'. · . I March !!2nel, In l•t. .11.20 · 1\DJ Jon~. secu " ·ull clear of tho Ew~ su!.r vf th,• ~~Ui l. It C•III!U~t..~ of t;vo bc_nd~. 1:\ .E. 2 of a .hrk islet 40 feel b1gh, to the shoro lll ... ~ • •• r.l' :001:- El'f ' ' ' '·' :' t.\l~n ': • • A~ DH E \\ 1 . D RYSDA I.E, tJI ~ • 1.20 \V. A~t.er . JllLISIIl{; n orth C.tptum Adlllrik (j ronp, whun ,~ oou r;;o 1\. t I :nile-:- nud ~. W. Ly '\. 3 milct<. In tho of . ~{ikke~,·alt, n la.rgo l sln.nd GOO ft. • n•• tlie h


1' ~ J• I':t::


h· lu o IL 1'" "" 1 llnrbor Grn.ce. ~Uti/DIS7 Lo61y fell Ill w1th scv.,ral p:ltc hos of ~· st, 11 ! milt!&, willlca.l bo:t .. ·ccu Por· l ~llulucm r"ach a shoal st.retchc."' olf the I high. Thi.~ shore should be keplnbouf.

< !l~~~.:·:"~nll •hortllm• ln•u• onr-. nre •'· R . 0. STIF.EIIA =" & Co .. } seAls on l>I tt rch 29 th, II\ lat. iU 2 lllld ·n:lluk ~.oint IUld wmo low .u.Jot.> 6 n.t bigllt on the E,_~~ sl1oro ; hut l!y ' :? cnble:. lli.~tnnt till the nnrTOY chann I f• ct ·d · n a l11l'>" rHI) k o:o tl ul l""lor ll~ IO S t. Pit' rre INDIAN sALVE long: 2.0 ,V, P rococding&otltb t.hrough ~ ~~~hcuoon COUl'liO muy Ue steered fU:. ~ kcepingtho W cst.shoro on bo:trd II el~ar het<V(JlU it~ndJ~ll~ (_l'og) i~ ronchr<"1,

I\ · • 1, 01. ·j •n<l on tla· m<"l f.,, •·••1•1•

1''1 "" ,\ u~: . Z. II l • the 1ce a m~ch ~arge_r pack w!a ~~~IIOWCr· l Q,jiC Mukko•·ik. The soundi.nl;" ou tit is 1 t ruck will !.,( .• found. .On tlw X orth s~Je ! pu::si.u:,: ~~ cs~ of .~ ocli11hk .. Q lugh l ~hutd

u u l<& an·l 1'"'\tculor• ul !n•u'""" 0'" l . - ---·- - ------ - --- e<l on A pnl l ... th, m lat. 1 1.1., I on~. , ~·

1·1T -.•ul•r ''" 1 111:. 1~u'" < r t he W ~.,;tern Lt.:ml IS 11 J eep bay, WIUt 1,.,.,·ith n Jeep rnnnc through tho 1:\orth " --o-- . W ~ \V rou,c 1\1'1" rn.~,• c.., ~ , " " - v ..... • • • , • • •

Le ball on mt • 1

· • '" " 1" l'f f • . . ·. . . 6.30 \V.-J.an illaylln. beanng . . • . . i should be n'\00 with gl'('at C:U'I'. j ~ .1 i.,Jet m the Jmddl£'~_ mnkmJ! t wo 1\fl· c:ctl·c.ml', nr~ly _tltliCOn~oc~ng a poruon. w. & G. HE:\P F. I . WNif.OrfJ ,,,, i\ o Family sltoultl be Wtllulu t tlus abo.'fft"!!6 miles. Alter prosecuting Luo ! . . o)101<11,;1'8. The water IS shm•l nC:Irly ont Wo.'l~. or Nuk~tttok, !' \ da.rk hln~d ,

ST .J Oil ~ ·, I • trell· lm.oum t'etncdg. tishin;; until ~he )'OUog W('N tnkmg tbe ' FROlf Al l.LIK T O uorr.D.~I.r- ' ret h i.. llllnndfrom t.bo~horcdccpcningsud· wi¢ 1\ !<lliPmi,t_ t,bOiit&OQ' O...Jugh, ~o.lhng A!ll'lll• .f. ' ·''"i"'"'dl.:r..l F~:r.·e ~ Ll:f'e l it is uneolu:tlll'd· for Cut.•. n'urna, Soru of. WU.te1'1 Oaptnm Lotloy bore up for h om!', 1 Br TilE ]s:<En TR.\CI\8.- l· rom Cnpt) dimly from nearly dry to 10 fllthOtn'l. in a ch!T"'fnce 0 :1 the ~rtl1~11d :SOuth·

------ .. ___ - -- ·- nil kuuh ""11 uf nhl ·~mdi~J;. .Frllllt !.lite ~etlin:; clear of t he. i.cio elll'ly on Sun(~llY , Allik N. W. ! ~ ., 3! miles, will ,te:11l · Y 1!:>,t:'l8 lllwul.l not anchor in .ll~ than J west ?f Xiato~ , an Islnntl, w1tb ~wo ,rro-); E w t· ; I L); D I. :\\ I) L l li I I T :;. A s s u r a n c e c 0 m p a :a l u =r S.."Ut'\'Y in the h nnCia, Dry I' ilea, 1\llli ~Mt, Pnd; ~rt.cr a ')~lck_f"'l8Silge aru \'I Ill; • S.Jutb of the !:?vuth~rn Tsl.,ts vf the rur· 1 ~ fo.thum~-n~r nttempt t.o ~? lnstd~ the mint'nt sum nul~. tth?ul 3~0 feet !ugh,

Y I nil Sores, Eroptio:>s, Ulcero or di~enH'II ' m Dorw1nk on Apnl 21. \Va~h t he ex. 1 nnvil.:..,rouptothc \\ csLL!lr\nd,th::~t should 1 i!-Lu~<l. 1 hl' '\\ est h<·nd of"\\ 1ndy tack I~ ~;m06th .Uoncw on · West etdc nnd d~-cp (~o. :!. l:-7:i . ) I I . I o T l . ' \' • . r ,.-- l ""-

TO l\1 :\.fUN£ n:,,

i ())" LOI\001\'. fnr whicl1 l::le:t.lil!P 01ntnumt ia ruquircd. ception of "li$;h t nilmanlS incadonw to t..t1 roumled ut n cablo's dint<~nco. he i 1 ,Jmllow from onolu<'r islet . ymg est IJ.'Iys "'itn cliff Sh. orcs on tte =ost. ) Est a b 11' s h e d 1 J.l 8 . Thia Sures is AlaO ~..s.collen~ fur O!ltla on the climllle, c .. ptain Lolley n>pm ts the best ruotc t.l fvlluw is N . '\\'. hy ~ .• (Qur ' 'f tht> one dt'.'><'ril.cd, nnd mid chnnlh'l J n.k.tnlt ian •mall , lblnnd &hout I iiO

ho~'ll. boslth of d1e • crow to Dtl\'e been excel - , miles, to tJu.) s triped l~lnud of t;knlluk· :,J10uld bt• kept : but o,·cn then not more f<"Ct high,. with an .F~u~jt ~tnt ~o PriC?e, 25 cents per box. lent . . J t.ok; th'.IS pa.ssi.ug \\" ~-:.t of th~ 1111111~ 1'0\IS I ~~~II 'l f•uh<>ms ~:\11 he ro.r;it·d tllr«~.~h \\'i•.o;t extl'('m('. The W l'st sllore JR

A LTB!{AT!l));. :Sc!l~<mtUP:D C \PITAL . £:!,OOO,ooo S tg Sold b. llfeaan. I W. H . T tto'm 'SOS J. J . From tb.e unrt. )'at.cll C&ptnan Lofley , l'O<:lkll tmJ brcnkl•rs, n.n~ }'.lL~l 01 tho :Yo lvw wnt.cr- \\'l,th CCl't:~mty. w ~~b I frin~·'d hy htlll~dc~. ?"tl tbn sl~oro of TOT.\1, 1:-r n:STED 1-'II.Sll:t D~f!'l, l).nd alt de:{)e" 'in m;Jiclnoa -had 6500 lli!Aia and fro~ t.lto :aacond 4800.. a.rchipclngo of CiltUtlill l!l l~ll$ :<':JC!t. : ~(·inlh frmn ~ ." . to =" or-th, terrdu.• ' Kik.kl'..t.l-'o• :1k, tmmcd1at<·ly oppoSlLc, hn:'

~otice is her eby ~:ivrn t hat t!1~ F a nm nw.uw s OF ..... · · ... 2,750,0:)0 " throughout the Provlnee:t. On _the acoontl· ~i1on be 1 wu a :com· After p.~~ing hctwc~n t.hc st.npcd ;sl::trul l '~"n!ls blow down thll Soutb~·rn n·:~ch. I ~\me lo~ rocl.:J; ~ abort c\1~t.n~co o~. R t!D L rniiT hcrttoforu rx h


11"''. at .-\ s:<t'.lL l NCOlll.:, l: P- llt.rcb 18. · ·p~~nted by the Odrnp~rdoaon ·nnu 'Y•cfor, l nnd an llllc!t.:, feet !ugh, 0 cah!oa " e•n of ~(•nc(' t he n~H'. ~\course ~ . lty \\ . ~ Frotn. thlll'<l:.Vrow passaacl ~- .Ji,. hy h

](..)('a; f l'oiST, !I.\nno rt HniT\)~·. hm- ~ WAll liS or . .. .. ..... ... 3:i0,000 " but tb• vessala were ataucu a dhtrutco i it, tho \\'Cl;t cnJ of tho tJkalluktok : • .• 1 q frvm th•! 'Ye:~t I::utrnnc·· of 3 miJ,'ll, will p.'ISS Eu.st of Pnl~m:;ntn.k, nu Tt:H: B.c. T . h~~ b~t'n !'h.~n!!i'J lo 1\ F l.n :•· - Bazaia· r' •.. from ~he pnck thAt theY_ WMO u nable t.o I group s.houlol IN NUJidcc.l , and the poiut11 • 'iudy fi~Uc-, lend.~ to 1\ gmup o{ low ' 1;-l:llld n.bout 000 feet hi~h .... wiW,lllllOUI.d. \V HITF: nnl'. except whl·n iu. lino. 1\'ll.h T ho .. G c !RDl A~ .. beiJIS :1 fi r e! wat.crl:.l ty-angumllflt their C:l.tche!l. Both of 'fikkcr:asuk s•l!crcd for. Th() II !IIIli I !.'lets p:t.<MII,I: Vf'Ht of ~f:l:uaCI'I) Ishtnd I \lt:':ll'fy delncbed j\t the f Eil.,b end. 0~ tho l hrbnr Rock, in wb1ch dlrcl'tlon at l'l"~~ F.u:;h•h I UIUT:lnco Con1p11ny. otlf-re ,Cap t !Lin Grft'l"iU ao11 Ca~ia Nicoll d id tntck from this is w s:.c"r F . W. ~ ~-. l Kutullil:). nbou~ ~00 feet. ~'~·'~" to nn!l.o! f'h,, 1~l !ltqftbotll.l t>rs c rt.end-!II'Arly hnlt· will show R •:o. I all tho~ .. nd~aut nge mu •t dc•i r-o.blo to in --o--. 1 :• ev&r)_tlaing j~ WIUI• Possible w do by I6J miles, t.O :t brown !~let 1! feel al~,·c l:r:~~.:>t of n ~ ""' r o.><·k 5 f.:ct nh,r·:c hi~h w.l· ~ w.,~· to the opp<l.•i te ~;horc, "n~d tuc ch~~-

I o cnter in!!: t ho ITnrbor tife tho •urcn, f l:t. : und.ruptr tl U:tbll_ltJ. ft~••our THE lndi~ of the congrc~ijoo _of St . • lll;~.~tmg_ the 1oe, eo, but unfort~Mt.c~y t h~gh wat\!r. '!'hen .1'. ~ \\ :• 2j .1mlc..,, ,t cr , IJ mtltll further o~t, 11n•1 t'I'O.."-'~~ tllt) I w·l hmwoo? s.houlol be nnng:·m ... l with L i;;ht a i:~od berth _on the Port bond lab!~ 11:rmr An:! promp t octt1~euh of 1 Geoq;e • - Church , llngms, mt.end 1tho1r etlorta ~ere not crowucd •'lth sue· I w lUI isle t GO lee~ !ugh, 1~:1.~~ng \\ c'l of ,jnuuth~ of two •l~t·p mle~-;, J nrk ~.'lllf· cr.•n_t c:nmon. ·I f11thoms wn_ll'r cnn bo u ntil pnet t ne Hd L 1eht. . . d:11m1 fo r l""· (D. V.) to h old n llAZAAR. nt t he ~nd ~- .Cat)t.l\m LoOey rcporta t.ha t. duL· 11\Jl wet ;o C..1cl h1c;h at ls miles. ThcncP .~nd J <' ru L.'lno O.oy ;~. Dan~ ud.·t. etmwd t ht\ l\IJ!lt ncn~r 't,he 1\ orth U\.'\n

Thu i.llurn!MllO~ A:'r>Arf toa ~,;; ~., .., ; The undeni!p!ed hninl-{ be~n nppoint of tho ~ou~ of Non!~~r, ill ~i<! of .tho ing tho fiahiog the winu WM s trong frvm 1 for u10 point u.ndc r N'iuchu ngflut, the ,,,·hl'r,· is n p ·,,;t of I hi' Hu.l>~ou II.·~·~ ti:t' iiout~ ::ihor\1. it i~ ]ltoptr iC or t hP Sth Ot:.~_:r:. With t\ I cd :" SMlf fo~ ~ twfo~odlnnd" prt-,pBred complcu on and luruuslung of a nev. t he E.• and N.E..I with .h oD ft'\lllt. South cortical hill M tho F~t~: ex '.Cou:pill\·, !i···· IJI'Xt ::'."·mh t·f .'lent LIIIH T uru.nl:r e>.'lk (Pownnl or Pnnl'~ h· 11inglo Argood burnl'r. ' to ~~~uo Fohl'll'll l\~ll l llllt lo~d ll)' 1'1re. Church. 1 t1em'l of K ayal.;,;;ulltili.k, p:t. ... ~in;,: I>C'I\'.c n B.•r· f t is r•'jt<.'r'.col tha: t\ ~b"oc; t~tl•· 1.111,1) i' )li j miJ,.,. hHl~. sitnlltNl ~~rth-

J 0 R~ STI' .-\\Rr, \ JAMES S. \~1 :-iTJ<:H. The following po1'81lns havti voln~t.eerod R r:vu :w OF TRE F tsm:s-o. nn hlet 1\Dtl n rock ? ftJOt .:\W\'!l high \\',; . 1p n:~1l ewer fall pr.,vn~J... ot t!1" " :" 't'V\1' ,. "l .,f l':!.,hll:!;Q<t:tk. nth! . nmrly cl~,·~de<l 1 Sa,J-tory.~ ~t . J ohn't, to niiS.ist, and will tbnnk.ful ly rcoeivu coo~ 1 • leT jus~ ,West of 1t. Keop the E·l'! /h:~lluw c;:trar...:e to tht-• mlet, rum th.\1

1,l,y two t f'P m ku;_ runmnE; frmd L.w. to

Don rd of W orlcs Olli··c. St. J(l lrnt~. JOSEPH OOUDEN. tribnt.ions in aid o(tho :Uawar :- Nn\1' t;aat the whole of th., vnssela I point.s of KnyD.ksu~tilik oloso on lJo.v .J, pili.:tg \'l,!~t:h ~uonld llC't t :J::(' )'1:1.''-'~t) w .. :t __ ~' tn•":'PS. ~ tho 'Soolth WC;t(, N e"·fouc dlsn.J. l Gtb D,.c.-. 1~1~ Sub-Ag unt , II arbor (:}l'll.u, Mre. AlfD£1LSON', ~&vo n-~.umod _frcm, Groenlnnd, ~~~ pro · to avoiu a rook wuh 3 feet watoc on 1t, ' j,.'I:Ccpt. nt ~lnt:k wutt:r nn<l w1th a c.:>m-


oppn, 1t •' PaluugMII.(, 1A rt"\mnll promoa-f ,•br uarr 7. " Mosu (l.l.nur!n, ~~ tl'.e foUow.wg tlgurea regarding the 4 cablos within u10 ~Mh!!rll oonl'. )un.n•l~~ Lrcrzr. . tory cndin~ !n ." ~oo.'l{J m?"ntt, with de~p

F •shAJ • " ls.uc Bo~.llnETT, 6alnr.s:- 1 When Nuru'k!IOI\kntuk, the Northern ,¢.Iter NunJ.i.n.; th<' lo"· J;l'' ll;'l of 1s· l.:l\'I'On l'nch ~::cle f:l!rd ,-itb houldcrll. I ~ J'OkTllERh M iutJ BAII.T.L-EU, · Ship. , 1 O.ptaln. Sel\la. Tun~t- cone, i. ~actted. N. ')¥.by N1 ~ ~ •• ~! .tl.llch 1\b.J"C UQ!l~iool'd thr. coa~~ vf Ui;::~.. l · 'F.Jrd Tr~.>nr i~ nt .the. E.~ end of M .... BoTL.\140, Eaqui~u:r, ... Y~e 1!1600 110 I m'ilca, "1"ill reach Hopedn.l~. _ [l ik.:uilik. (l~rt'Oit~n~ Islr\~G) sh•1ult.l I~ , t:,;.., I o;J~ntl , iorml'd by 1\ flnt promo~ tory ,


AMERICA.~ NET k.1'Wl:N'E Co. . Doaton

AS S U P.A N C E COM? ANY l' GAliDNKil, 1 1 Po!.Y~UA, .. ... ,.Ktl~uur, 8,776 90 Another coursp ,from Tikkc~UI\k 1!\ to 1kcpt on board till tho E:\.~t I'Xtl~'mo 1~ ..cn..!.ho l:)outb, ....compq6Cd of . n . s_sn Cll of 1 " · J £ 11Bl:TT, · • E.J;tkl .,; ....... , . \~allcer, O,GOO M 1 Jl-'l..'t'l ' o.bout n milo S.out.'b-wes~ of thr. ~chnd when two tr.\('ks pN'.>t'nt tbnm-~ torri\.("A•. 'l'hl'~nrho1,1r 11\!l)' he seen from ·

"01:\ " L Intr~pld, ....... l>&Dutcclr, ~26011 ~~ 1 brc1u .. 1 ;•let.. When ''Vest by~. l ~ .• 1ftlv- Tnc \\',·~t .. l n i~oon,enil•nt,n.a ~ tlt<! :'Yf..~t ()\,>~T tue ~niixNr. U•trt ·ioi'n~ t.h'" j .. I I ''"Ri:SCE, Jn.nofllyen .... eu tan, c;,, ""I "• ~ . ' - '' ~~ . :: . -1 • I I "'n- I' ,

ll i11e1 NoTT.c.LI,, I..... ~- -n- 11 ,_ 1 •• n . Cl••n G mi1e.q wdllcn.d to n. U:lrrow pa.::..~c· lu" fr\'6 from fi('ld ICI' 111 nm· c·nrl\' f'C'rl rxl 1 1romon~ry to the t:l llln nne. n ull ut:'tR .&.\.o'\Vtnecrt.l~, .• &.>OJ.u c •• a_. . vao.. , I o • .. 1. f I I f h I L- b tl FX R E ~X ... iiFEJ )Ire. ,J()IJ!II SltliTU. ActiTe,.1 . . ...... Fairw~thor, 2,500 !!0 South of the ~ott~! i.q~~~ nl~<;n~l 3(~) feel 1" f tho St'IL~on, nml t.:fl fog ~~~~)' ~tc ~~~ lnn~e th\' shorrs"' t t:' 11\.rnour, nt 10

A)llf'J.lL }l!>TI>}.-uJO. FUOltL r~ , n! . • • ·~Pruu.uuu.. .. , ... , ... l . ..... £180,000.

AJn>o.tL JU;n:liUE .ruoAl L \r..: !'ltJtJ.UtJAJ1 ...... 1 ......... ,. £110,000

A•~u.u.)UTEN'U& no.ll lST£U· .&..n UPONlNnari'~m J:'u:ws, Ji LUU.:r ..... . .. ............ .Sol 2, ()()(.

. ·: " ~ouo.a: ~li!Tll, liarwh11l, ...... . li~'.Lonnan, 2,WO 26 , hi~, under h .Ayrtk;!\lntllik, an1l '\ t·st of n ; b11! the E-:~1l'MIIS m O'•t threct nnd 1., water d!Xlptm.' snddcjlly•to _10 fRUtom!. '' WJ u.t .-.ll Wu..coL , ,C.•upurqop, .Oruiii, . 1 , ,690 42 ; !IOilllJ rern;arknblo cliO)' humn11:1cl.R. A (>u tl:() M<':tll'liflr,l. Anl'~tom;;e m~y IY.l hau m tho B.1y,

Brignll~ Marrb !!5. . . .VIctor~:::·· .... . JS;iooll. • s.~l'l so I shP.d bend WC4t !U\d nll!ILIII:I' ~orGh, .I C\' Til f. Wl:sT TR-~Cs..-The COM~ <Jf N Q:-lh'("'!\.'ti oi )Jol'l's J1QU.,e in 1 :l to 1o · .N~va "7f'~~~~,n6r; '. 1 ,'


1 ~,:!00' ~·, cach1 obout a. . mit? lone;, lc.d i.nto. nn Uka.sikA:_:I~k mu~l ItO roun<h:-d nt nbouL f.tthomq mud,j!OOtl ho1dinfr wonnd. J US'J! A'RRJV.bD ' ' T tal . ~ '{78 678 , .01)Ctl c)lllliUel, whcpcc n C04TSo N. r~. t :1 c:tbl!'S ·· IT. TbONor!h ~linN hR3 (lccp From 1.he our.unc>J, bolweon . Pn.lung:t·

. 0

........ / .. l .. ~;i:'" ' N G U)ilqs will brinn tho ,:t~ "'·ithin ~bl\ys with clifly sugil··lo&f hills fonning true llnd J'nnl'11• 1.-tltuld, tho COMt.of the .J1atl~ i~r lho .~llhm~ ~-JirCMetlted I ~g~t of Uto' ~!.ssion .lwg.flt..'\lt i,~ H,oJte tho · point.s, and p:u;:;iug Soul l1·\\'P8t lt~.~r Ahould bo !.:opt nilou; ~aJf 1\ mila Pt-~f·C3. Clllfti~ri: ~ chbi'co ~0 ~~ti~~. 0~ b))·. ~~~~~~ TCMol.i' •. ,t~.e d~'(ed ~teh "!. dDIC. ' I : pf somo, alopecl . gtl'llUi~h ~nnliR, tlK! ·nt:r, wit.h ~ gi.':IC I\~l C').tt:'l!l o. · ~· · E.,. f:~r

H.' u.c inths, .Crot:us, A ne.mo.nes · "f.mcli; ~~,. ~5.29.~ ~)s. · lieldabg 45" Dr Tm: Qu 1m TII.Aox.- From Cnf>t' ))ouJ h -wcst poi'\~.uf . ~·h1t'.h ~ fou~t.fo1· f i • 1 m:h, ...-hQn lnf\ • :~tA1 tl"int..of ~.1m Lii" of , 1tbe.~ile, Lily Otl l)o . vAlley 'Cu~ or o!L 'TI/ti ~UnV.tetl Tdue or the'~ Aillik to Gulf roC\t•·,ill , u ' nlilc.t, fa\lm hflOr!. disuuu;c otl . .. ~ ~0). tlnl! JtOitlt, ~. will IICt\rl nlJout .. ~V~t· .Jtoumlin~ i~lfll Doatooth \ 'iolete, Spirea...J~Gaira 1 ,fi-.ljmq ·~ .~21P~6 1~ Gdt. The Vll·lno whiola 11 coursf\ N. bv .E.,':.!~ 1uilos, will rW. by~-! N. !> .mile.;, lo.;~ ht:t':''c.e.D'A 't.lto M i£nion s\.1\t.io? Tlll~ .be~n;.oO'"·Iuc:h

HEAD OJt h'lQES. ' I ri•..A~lica,. Liliu lll,o-Xulip•, N o.~ua ,b( 'b!J '1llhmit (hti year, . ~Ia oh.~h.., \)een JASll <1 C:\bJOa .&\IlL of tho l'I"CfK lx!twecn, tlnrL: o;-l~v l al!llld on tl!o . \\ cs~ lit~o ~f nnchcrns:e m!\)'.J~l oh~llHld ln.l3 t_tthem .{~nquil•. Snowdrl'p• , ~ycjl.unen 1P'~;~ by Mb~en 1'ellaals, · tnstc:ld o( Gull rookl\nd tho isletcUf NotUtem Tur· the \'t'>lSCI, with r.lggc.d.,}l'?iJUs endiUIJ ~~ !null. Tbo rub i» 1101\'or&!llfor.l~us~o.'\.~

' LO.NDON/1 Moorgate . Stre et. Dic)y//a ~pec.taltili•, St iiiA 4'nu:eqa I • twelv~ · 1:a fot mprtr, ,~4£!a.Ada~~· or ~~e nMik Lll.\nd i tL011co Nor~h, llb Juile<~ t i&lt'tJ;; tp1d on the Ew. sidp S9mo l <>w I!' thn.t the I wnt.ct· dii~J'M" Kud(ll'~t~· ~r~m SA ll~M'iiKI NG A BERDEEM-3 ~i'ng Street.

1 Hya~;fn~ G~~· ani ~upporu 1 , ,.. A~f1~'havlhg thi.li • Proclecjl~· tO wUllONl.to NMnnktok ( Whi.lo+) li:!·tr Is-. J.la~¥1", thrq1t~h t)te cheqpcla be~wocn the li• of thell~uk.l.t.n; M rl, t.o 1\1:1:-.< u1 ft Boqueta, of CITLlrlist10g .ftowtN (or nae. the lfe-;ronl ?lantl ~bl!lf, maya~ IS'"~n lnml), )>:\."-~ ing throo r1u art.crs of n milo) '' l"lJich thQ outl'lf jsjnud,.i ' ~ · ~ seen. ·!':orlh llnrl i£t,.st lim~~ of l uo.IMt('r t

W E offrr to Importf'r~ o UT STAND· AHD TI EHIH:'\G N~S.

m ount eo.! in rvory ' IITI irnlar as dirt-ctt-d by nporienced h lr nd Fiehe rro l'n, with n·li:able prompt ~ehvery. on all :lccrpt­lld orJen. Wo Clffor ' ll11o a l ight COD sBl NP. to · UIIC' in ttrung curreo u . AJDcrio;-~ Seiotn dt'.nonatratl'd that more Fiah enD be secort'd with tbetn ~hnn pea'.Y one11. ',TRAPS ana POUNDS ou!d6 to ' or der. · Rate. w me"t (bn npp.r oval o f i01portorJ. 1 I

Dec. !!4.

r HE S'GBSCHfBBR IJega I Pare to ft'll~rtmQeae(\Ccted•..;.rrop'orn- io Ve~{ D o. 1 for indoo11 decomt{OA • " 11 at' ~~~~332., · 0~ oonrae, ad g ,1

l' Wcat ot'. a.. ruck th.a~ bl'\:)ll..•. T•'rom ,.\l\ L~:M,Il wout. 2QO l'k t hl.l)' '• 'yill tb~n Nrrin,f.>nr stnAll ,wht~ l)('j(l'OilF h'\VC b r. I land Cu Jla af Pru · Bultet• of oferlut.Toa ··llowe,.. • 11 : ~~ of Ill~ .:..fr ciUJ (41S bllll) , we hn.•" a Ntmua.ktok t.o .cl.mr Lho ~~ ofl' U yau-. oo r.cen. : : ·. . , "EWZI, :-nd '·MS:'IIII _mll.!lt a.ndtor

iofonn the 8 ip-o~hera o ( Harbor ouu.c . at. neut U!a r...:t· "''lower pote, ueortd •izea ~.~~1 ma~,,- t\,drin''' ~ li,P?,• .. ~bt-1 ~ul~ zuk.auli t N . .3 .w . . Gt m~ ; an<l Whfln r l'aM.~ .or. !,Ius Isl~d, l}.:lfl n.. low citbe JX"Ir cof:ll) an .lmr. ., f; - ce :~.nd' out -port•, gener rt ll.ol, t ltal, om. • ·· " 1 ' 1+ 1 of lut v,.r • '{ :1

1 1 1 1 If tl "'' "'h c:d.rcm.c

•f;;r 3 Ab6~eo of a bout.. fif~ett tDon t h,., Proapect~-FoON qf .Applicatiop IQr '' · ·1" do~efa 'froode'ci ; t~~pa.adiua . •, " 1 ,,; " ' , 1 ,. .1 .. : .· tllat ia pa.ssl!d, t.lte Jin~ 11i<l<l qf G11H Il\· l l. 11a.: a,ot 1rl! 0 ~ ~'0'' •• . • ·r:-0•1 ::.\t': 70 , >r.;:~ 'l't.\l"..!!Ott.

d m b . f l L )!'iru null Lifa ln;,u.ra.a~eaudo.ll other • ' , , I . ' -·A~o':._' 1:. • r!· ' ' .: ' Ill ·" ' ) . j j .W~<i ·m•y ~rtitllld.M. }/'rom. the Nort..h .'unkon rock~~.ohjl}for.J.Hn.st ?ftln.R Ullet., • ~ ,., .-rt ,; ~ .h ')I · I ~ ~;Kl~G~e 4 ~~~~t o~.'~~=~w~l-k~~wn l uprnu,,tiou ..all •OO obtatoed at tbo 1 .: •• 0 L~ d !' 1 '"" l n~· : 1 . ~Int.: :mans.. divo~ •uit 'clle ot~er sidoof OulllalAnd, W . by S. 2~. ~ilea, ruul ~~~ nc:1.rl.y c'n1~.cct«l i 'l'"'t~ th~ 1J,. tl ~ ~::-;r;wt,~~;~ lJcL": )j\'P~!!!\!:\ M N .Ulliett or !; I ' D ~n • a Yl!fe 1 Clf. ' • dn; .. 'IOMR, DOlle; '11"!111 ofi"ereUtin. llvid.en!llf lfill.Of>el\ 'Jb,&-~ N ort4 oCl{mlJII.ok, liBnd>jUEt ~- 1'9111 t 11.11 W' ~ ('!., 'd ~ . jT ·l.~"'lct i'l • r :r fi 0 1\ .. mid •p~m~io"~n~~~~~


~0 1

¢;o :~th¥!:~~~ , , A. 0. HAYW ABD, · • I : r •\ia· \) ),Qhods·t ; tO ~ro.lhim a!c\nmbnl . . 1~1ev~ ~twOiln the two I~ !,'l'Oilps of illl~tfl.t,, Nalc-r;_~d'i 1

1niJt'S, lc:ula~,·e!i~~C ~~np~~- .~~~n~:;'!!,\";,,1 1lll~~·~·\tJ.cen~

f, b b' St. Jobn't,'·. "' r;l(ft J U .. : 1' • W...tb.oro,but>wt~~ Dot.tUan--bf,~oo'O.rt. "nd. UJenOC\ N. W ., t W est., 1 ll milee,1 1l u.-,1\ _ argo~~n 'n t 111r' ""·""· ;. : · ~.,, · )tNiRtalco.o;~:\~~~ ..,. bu been douo or l o ,P~IIIt I t trlJ Aaeot-for Ncwfouodlaiid. ' I• I • , I • ' iT he P~Y wl'\. o ab~tod iW inMo(iuctiou'l will bnlag the veuekwithin Right of thoy ~'·I'~~ ~ n no~w tl~;k)~~ lt:LS$1~ ~~~l j'-) J ~lrtu erQl ~~· S.. ~ t S. year•. :ROBER!' MOBJliS. lu!.f:.l. fl# d J.' n,"J)~yJI>~LE· · oowm:cap OtiO oC hi8 ~·tsin lllll.ng. Min ion 6..'\g-etnft' n'tl l{op."<<t\le. p;:!Ut of ~ gtonp qf ult:'~, ~meal IUl c lr- I tl gcn • '

I f .. : ' 'II I'll •oJ • I i ----........ __,--~ . ~ ...---..:

Page 2: t. d r-. 1~ - collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18760527.pdf · lJ .. . • . & ~ ----· .. =· • ! .. . ! ~ . • . .. •





\'-' I l''ro.m ~cr 'ef ~ ~_,

theru 11111 ~All.'}~~ uf Nint.nk.. tiful Wlltch to tho ~vr 1\ll, Wfl but nn intro-

og ofLho

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hcnrt's

A C?"n.~ .• ~ .~y· ~if miles frum Am us· ,hnsz A. ROO II liS, of Ynrinouth, N. ..u-e, n Corot.aaw of devclop-~;o.,,k •• 1\:i.).,\1!)11~ north of Nuk.1..1u~utok. l by tlio' ~cmbc.nt of hill COllgi-egation-to . ~1 owaitinf tlte\r p roper occa-

further, if nCCCSll:lry. A cnrcful driver is A1wftya c.L' Iln.nd, IU\d wllh lemtB 111 modernto !Ill possible, what can yon moro deau:c 1-Hu· A~r0'> tWO\ i:d:uu.l, Nochuli~ l!lu\11 be which tclucuco wu.s maJe iu our loat 10~<>11.~. Then wo & 1\V th~ fu!h in tiu onna

"'.~t-etllfur ; l~t~ ''n-;cli 1\]wul.l ll!IO thi~ I il!lluo :- · . c.'\r,,c noL within t.j1o o[ It-he

-H ill Clltimated that the popnlation of Landol\"-lafllf, ltJs inetelllld ~-l,469 during tho tltlt 9a,c• .

..i\.o'I"ERTI:IIE.lU~.,'T. m.J3. \iull1Ud wtt!~ grmL cal'l". 11.1 Lht•ro ill n T 1' . J A R ns l\l'ltol ' t'rcaty, bccnu!IC of tho lheir wck othhu luw i:~l.:ta We ... ~ u£ NukMu.- 0 \E\. ·


1; • ~ 1


1 , pwking- thoy ~ero 8. 8. Lion, Capt.. Ash, ia at Trini1y

after tho 8"00nd trir, wtlhout ~!a.­Chronicle, May ~9.

l>UWk. n eH.I' /'tUtOr,- \.1\0Wlllg I "!l t~•.· l1 uut -'II&,C:aQ_,·,\:Jl'lll;.llll'll.'llJIJ utV•~JWlrCI..it . .Frvm 'Vindy 'l'ickle to Fol'll lfnrbor p~·nlH'<i ~1 tho l1.)tk-s of th 'QU)Il ~- ~"""'""

h~'Cr ns before d irect.o..'<l till the }':,,_~~ wludt t.l'nmnatO>'. )'OU\' ·,.rcsonL i!J IWO~ _ COUj'lle,_ \lJso poin~ of Uknsiksalik (l<~Lonu i~lnno l ) lntnt t" Y:•··n\Uuth :-1orth <.;i~i~ wi thil1 :-.\'0 t'hu\ <etlec lt1l11y -The S. S. Pan/leu, Capt . .Ahrant

Bartlett., arrh·ed Lo M e!SIIrs. B..tine, John­ston & Co .. ye~~tertl11y mornif!P• • •ith 'i,titJtr~,&OCOPd t.rijl.-/ baJ. • ~

1.1 ~IICtl. lo'rom this, E. by ::). ~ :-\.. :! : hOOn ltU lll hn~•l - it M.>eu\3 w us tilling, CUJll\Ot w ahipp«l othcrwi~ dum in m~ds Lo A.y:.s:ttolr; " ba~n islrm•l ~ul~w-lt"o>oo:o I~ Juo W yuu as -..·ell as t.be hi bit Cftl\!l; rutJ wo migh" as ju~u with 1~ rouncl ~un11111L nhout :!UO ft. high. •:,.,at N(.l!o you luwt• IlL h!'nrl. th.1t am thut oven thou~:h our bw 1ulwiLt~ flour A rOQ~ lies l:i. " ' '· frottt ,thi!i isl:m•l nllo•,tlo:~.: .<'~'iiun of o 1r kin.lli•·"t f!'l.·lin~ Juty fro<!, wo could LUX~ ~iu -.~ ··fr<C'_'i'a'~. _ •. Ll )f'.G"~m ... t.O t" ~ o\blllo!.. From the \t('!tlt uf ~hi.\ l_.;buJ I .. uuuld he couwy. tl to you M t.hu Jli'\:SCIIL wluell it comes: •• \ I ~\!Jll"!'ll!!'e ~"n.mlmlll TI retia :l .N. ~ 1 N. 71 mile~ will IMJ to .!'.;~;. \tim<'. . . Aml if a porpoi.'IO ill not 11 fish, we nro of the Co1tstitution, p rov1 rng 0 1· re lgl · k S " T ''r -' 1 t th t t tl h · oua-liber~y--:l2Q.."• _ _ " _*o 84. __ ""'-' ----+~~l'lt~-'l't!"'" ..._ L.-. orw.J.soo!.:: ( prnekJin1 :i ... i:mci) ; 1mt . 0 nN'[\ J l'("~r ~ y-our S 1t1 WI I curio\15 LQ kuOW Lo W 1\t g®.US ~ ~ r tmnget to "'"

. T11e s. ~-Fl~~ cax!VCjmoy¥. or­rlv{.-cl on ~nnJ'ay oven10i'f&l!t, from tho

·- - -- -j~IOQIW_~·~~·.U! 11~0 -I• Xlill .. \:oMT~ t hu i!llet..-1 nll.'\rly in t:ll' tnlck 11111~t 1>1' In" ''so 1•hort; lor wo hn•l thuL the long ,Joc8 bolong in t.he lig hL of Anwric:.u dip- , ___...,. ~..:"""11\_ppft' ~tpinst is ~he flllh torpedo, one apedCll ot kept" lltU•· further ott' tlon'l Utt• olir<'t·t o·r ~- ..,u n•m;1in, Lhe strong('r l){'C\Jtno..'3 thl\ lumuey. Ucner.tl -lni.Crrt+.Rtion clll&SC!I -;-N~t~JII \\lo ·~Ml.t!JiW'f't't~':rori ~~n which can bo~~l'ril1gly~lletlumlwr' --M~itDl<f.uso.~o~~~ week,

......... O.)UI'IO lt.'ULI, t.) !\\'ui..l :IU\' KJIIII"'' strikin~ ~~~ t,hot. bmrl you Ulhl ~s t.o;;ethc_r. In· it with the wh:d!' speci~, f\1\<l we llhn.l l of D.t~hnston, s. c ... ~-~urn ... ;.~n . ~ · Wl\l.er fo'r"il' milo, 111\U Wlllllicn slllk • -.<lm~ t.oour columM, IDi~i.n<Jt<

brougbl.-.rCaji~ . .7 ucl.:mnn lliid liiacrew of tho ete:.~.rfter.Dawl:.-!biJ,

otf t hem. • · t imii't.l' llOJUIIIllt.:mco dlo;co\'\1111 Ul you probnl.oly hcnr at no ,ful~un~ fl~y ~u•~ ll1o 14tK msq IU. .$100,'<v.""> 'f:"'.tr"fl:~ ' Sltip ifi~~kt;a ~cr. ,.. ., . 1

nr f!ll'flm~ ~QIO'Il~· •0~m Itt ho.kliMm /(int .X';icd!~Yed ¥om Kikl-:ort.'\lclo:tk :;;;;•rncklint:'• T'\l:uvi ) i~ peNOMI quuliti•'ll cmle:ll·il~g ~ 1\ll- and snmc nccurnt.e, honest di.SCrlnllllli~IOII ob- li!IJCd., ~. J 13~ '· • 'tX - · . - , v D ./, H ' ci~q re • tg .. ~~b dl~ U' o~e t?s 1ft" I r~~r,' l~L e\·~ning Lo~!r. ~lie b.

very r-em.trk"''l!', l'<'ing l li!\ ft . hil;h. we fed t1m~. ll.ae plen~~ mlen:OUMIC wl' jcci.III.Q "·Ju\lo oil, M lhe p r01lnoo of nni- . - ---:-\lot 'IIWrW~ ,..-~(ja tuWc~1~~~fflel4 oftbCPotlcc oroo. 'l1i T_.ARll 111 nel,;f.p\j_Jt with .. ~tbout 200 anla.. • 'l;'he th. Ollt~r h'.;h r.lan.l, :mol hnnu~ LWu hrl\'(l h:ul With )'011 will 1\01. soon Ue for· mnl!l \\'holly distinct frum tho ~hy tl'iiJ.l. -AdfiCU from Scll\l'O ? ( ·~ tl!ftt ...u,.. P~lO htts·~~eU ·t~ .;II>Oind a. PI~~ ~1~ pow. at. t4Q, ~latiou ro.rJ't,zryql hud Uceiijl\inhied nenrly tb'• "h"rl' 1>1" .1:~ at Lhe ::=;.111th ,.11,1, 1111.t "hi;: I, -.;ottcn.

1 .

1 . The 1~meut will be nu~ ouo wl1it less lh_ott " ·~al.tle: \ftll . la.;:yk r::rsto;~•1 uuoth~r O~trdi.niliu .A.mct·icn. and Ui•hop Jlo1 ~a-t• ,...._ cort:espan"d~t,·· ht to.duy'a wholo epnng and at' olle limo wrus wi~hiu

m onnclnt tho Mrth. T lwro j, " hln.oll B tlt he11t of oo.ll -t~~~~ w uo 1 IJI . mo.~t mtioua.l tllld oonclu....U,·e. . H"'ICII, 1n wl110h . 7~0 r a n · Ly ry:h ,o.f Sql\t~ Ca~olina ¥ '!i!Okel\ of ~~~ ~'i.~~~~· c;,!:}t~bit.~ wlii\tlie consitlen~ tho foo r,.mllo/· oNM' n~~&ln booy of Seaill.-ll:trhor on t.hc 1:: .. ,L siol •, 'lholtcl'\~1 hpouw :mirn.'lting to the ~hnsu:m hearL, L~ th • If tbcn we ~ro t~ luwo no Commim~n Rorguuu ~ere -kllleCJ. • ~ " ' th~ Jlf!'~l~; ~»lJOi.~~ •C,Anli"~• l l _c· ot~ !lidO" or '~h&'tqu~l.l'bn-.- 'Wno ne:h ibid. ' ' .. . i:!ltt.~ fact t.hnt. your IIOJOilnl nuw.n;; "'" hM to IIOltlo Olfl' ti~hcry clulll\:1. been \IS<!, Ul· • ~~~ 'u l Closlley r .. , ·ors ba• 101{ two 'Clll'\ltu>tls '" ¥~'ill vlaco tho pa)Jer 0? hill hula J::.r:pur· I·;;- ' - ---

u vint;i"yuk ( l ..,1,..i•l<' i~luul) i~ n "~ l>l'en ~tpi l~lu~tl_ly profitab~c. .t\ ••t only vn noocl, .J mlgG Clilfonl .tit'<i, 1md no one · -:-'V ~ .A~I~ ~aa 8PI,_. Lo 1~ ';11· ·~·~~~-~rica.. •, 1ln · ~~I ol\t~ll,RM.'\I~~nl V.tltl .;~ 1 • ~ , · ; .. :. : -+'Pna .~f 1'1111. Sn:~u:R " rTAwJ'."-

mvkuht.•domr-~h"J""I 1\lCk, :\ltVuLI()Il fl'tl Utr 0\nl Cli'O\IIt hut_ 1\l~ Ill otlt<·r >«'t:ll'lll~ o-:\l\ ho f,uultl to fill hi.~ plo.o..-u M A.Jn~ricnn \)el-1."' DUIC:IflhDar:r Co~ ~~t w~ ~~ or n.uot.her ~rdm .. J_ on'lhis ~lltlrlCnl > I . Aner .c) oven YC&rll struggl9)vlUl ioo-fl~, high, \V. h\• ~- \ ~- :! \Pnlc.i frum Kik· of nnr countr?', evtdrnl.ll' . of no J onhtful t: owno isonuoor; if nciLhur our ll(lO.). 01l! nor "g_nma!; the deorte by_-w~ · ~eCI~ey would ~til ,hp -~~pn.~ ~ _ .FtRt:--At Cnrlocncur on t.hc morn. and' a t 'l'o~· .tuccbshal cnret\r under llw l.:t'n.:oi...""'':\k: ... ~in· I ill fumWted :tht'~·mg ~~It\~ unclo• r our J•lrpoi~ oi!. nor ou_r wbalo Oil, Ill t() mislled from the pabtio - the l!e.IIIOr JIOWer, .IWU the teeo:''d olli¥ irm )f :=;a~u¢ttfln.'f~ n coopcr-Rhup_ 00. ~P.IIJilllll oC,Cnp!-L 'E. Whitr, Wru. Jncit~

Uknllik ( H'ln.·) i.., :Ill i~lnn• l witll t•·n l :o.l yo~' hr\\'o ON!n .m.,trunwnu~l . Ill entc-t American llOrUi duty free, beet~lll-0 • • would ac' mo~ aa " dt~pu'y m .looltwg 16n~n$: to Mr: TholnMIM61hnn, -v.'lut .to. mn~ •.. unci ~rthur Ja\ckmnn, the old summit.,, :100\lt 2110 f,~·~ lll;:t., :1. K hy K quie~nnm~. proft'li.'COr.t t() !;1'\.'<ltA.:r :ICll\'1~~. , \ uu-nc:Lil Clll'ldit.y ehoo~ to t~l\r liiW -Thrre ill' a •movemeu~ ill .. TanOUS out fo~ t he lllWMII8 of the,_ en~~' Ill tn.llr. . tlestroyl'd !,y- 6rt-. 1:he-bulkling llP,,I[k ltn.~ .s~~~ .d'?"'ll _to lo~r I'I'St benl':\t.h 1 E. 1 ~ milr< fnnn Kik:C··•-r"k.,.>:~k . Thi.' :u_ul m ndd.•ng many t.o tho h c•lccmer R t.lltt.t'I"B our siJo of tho Treat-y, t1lld yot J.:urop<'IUl COmllriell ngainsl the J~w.- the - 110ntlacm" f"'T't o.f the Un1U:d Sta.c:~ whi :,, Wl\8 unin~urcd, cbnt.nin~ ... l a\ h1rge t.J,~ ~luo l ~lt.!.'rs <If . Notro !>.unc Day. ' 1 J l I 1 ·1 f that. the.y be deprive(! of 11ll•civil rigbiA, . I • c;,., h Ao ~ · "R'cr m~ d C t: d is th(• slrmolusunlh· m.t•l" hv lfo(l ~~~~- "l'l:t om. . m:lko our oro.-<t.'ll wca tl ~ 1C SJlOI o ~ . •l r!;f~n., :-vut . --i' enca._. _ _ • n~~ of Jllfltt· rinlll bctiidcs vulunblo tool,., .• r .1 111 ·1P :un rut crow wew Mion Ship for gom"g t•itiaur ·to z,~,r ,,r N or woulol we omtt.thc M.lll«'-' of your American fiRh l'nnen. wl111t then n.ro we lln<i l.oo u-cnt.od"' reaident. ot,lgna.ra. ..., • .._ ~ ; ' ....J __ . : ':, . • .J ·_.j The''on~Pn 1 of tho' firo is ~a'iA!u~id!KI lin ~cd Y Ut~,liC~mcr Nim'rod, M <l

, . · .uoi:ohlt' wifl' nnd lu'r ~I.'II.Cr ~1 1"' Wncl.:- - ~ ,....t for onr h .... nmm f W o I)('C:lw e n . . . · - It is now proJlO!Ied to tiN in thAt im· 16"-.-J<b!n'. : ~. u. o tv>Ml' bad ~1'\ ~- ~I'Q.w:;l\t Sf<foly wto _port on Sunday onn-.,tun.. I . I h ~I ~ ,- ·-,. ·' " Till' Gauth!. ll&'o' l tJ.e Bnu,b fitct J ,-- I \.bo I 3nl f " KC'IIl't t.l\1' nutt'r i•lnn•l. i~ l!it.ll:\tN :5. "' IOhU gllmn nn.nner.t ~, . ., won lU • 1 pnrLy t.o the Tn'nt.~· 1'1·itlt thu l.ouli..a L'lnt . - . · been rderod meWIO• inla.ml gulf, the Zllytlu Zile, in· tDq'in tlo!' 11hop St.'l'crnl·llh)'llp'r10t to ita n~!,..- .' u.t t ~!l o ~fny tl o E . ~ E. :t'i mile·~ from l 'knllik. teem . of tho comulniii~Y-""'1 '':hn-.• I W«' h:~<!J\. fu.ir ac:roun~ in it, 1"'d tbn~ its m thf' Mcdlt.err_ant>an ~~~s '

8° .-xtc.nt 200 1\ntl uold miles by •bottl 60....; ~U;g hunh, it 'ill bcli~ t.o be the work llau:k rl'CCI~·ccl t~e first corundernulo

. . , ·lon:~uun hv(\'1 ""' ' clfortA, hanl be<'n pro' ~:~io:UI were to be hciJ n mnt.ual Lo renduvoo.a 1~medsu.1Dly at.' cny~•· once, indeed, what i~ will rrobtt.bly 11gairt uf 'w loetlucli~~- · ·1 ' • •hunnglf..Lia.VJII{; I~ lltr ~ddtr, and luw-TI\Oll sriUCKLISG 11 ts~-\-'il> ~0 ZO.\I~ I hl!\".•cJ nf GoJ Ill 1ho COII"0"'1" 11 of"""''"· ! hnnd. 1f thill :tsSumeJ bond tu11111 out In YICW of p<Uilole On~tal ~cwlle~~. toe . .. fruitful pi:\ on, dottfoci with smilinc: • " '· ' · · ing ~N'ti 1\ sl1orp nil' in tl.1e quau'l.cr, A. COIIr.IC N. 'V. hy ~ - i :" · !i nul<'.!! l 'cnmt u s t<> Mk yom· fi(.'Cl' pt.;tnet\ 11f .1h·.-adv t.o be for u.~ 11 mockery und u •. • < ' \ dll11~es. Tho ITunrlt'lil fJIIce, "lie bod of '· ~~~'c C!\11 (i r.;,. dl\re)•tltc ntt¢ntlon of r~ndl·mo~ contino.obt pt~pitlg necess:try.

willlo:t.d .E:ut nf :1 ;:rnup .. t Mon·.tl i,Jet.'<, the 1\CC<IInpiiO);nJ,! J'l'l'l>l'll~ fr•llll tht' C<">ll · I du~~t 'u. facilit\" for the .... hoiCRIUO r luoder -Durms Lhe last . 80~en yeat11 ;t e "'loicb 't'' B~ OT~rwlu~ltleU by on erupt jon tho puli~'(· to the fnct thnl. liOrm!· purtios Clpt. Jlid;nllln tuKI . lnJI crew brnve!y thn \'icsU!rn P :q '<'r l ul. 1111 r.~ L. wla ·· n·~·l ~rr,.:aunn <•f \\·('~l··~·au1 l 'hurch, .._, " nf o•;r coast..~. arc we, rn t.hu JUIJite of'l &nk of EuJ~I"nd'brur pald Oof,OOO'~OO of the se.'l Ul tho sixL~otb eentmf. Will 1\.niiu tho h:t.hiL of l«lllllling ..tl1et~Vcs Rt"!~l~'tl, W l.:C('p llu~tr vc-ssol aflon.t. . ttll N . W . ~ N. !l fnul"'- wdl I.. •11 '-! ll .. · ,.,.,., ~m,Jl y••e tnuj:;iblu ~okcn vf r<·><t"-'ct for f'Ommon Hen""' nn•l hunur, to oo kept t.il'<i no~, vnlund 811~3,000,000,000 8~·l.'ng· I! rained not many yea111 ' ago hy a e"IO · 'hy'r, mutil><ting• the . 110.'{\.eft J>Mtw \lp tl;,: : Wtf,....of ~Jm ~IIIT"Ht tnol!Lh, lluL Rei to ~he WL point vf Tut"1";.::1yulul· • Y""l'lll'lf 1111d f~t1U1ly. . . hv (I mnt~\;LJ olllig.1tiou wh iuh wu alpnc wluch would Wftl()h 112 ~ns, 1\nl.l JOt net! pnn; or F.og,li>oh en:;infJCt?!. Thc' ZuyJI'I' 1\bt 1t to•-h for th~ ii1foi'TDilliun of (he tho st.camer, m.,.ml>lnttl, wus gNtrng more ". ll~tl<1 l~1llo>ek jeoino• I t" lh•· lll'"".l .bo~<l. l n cxpr.,'\.'lutg " •h·• lrr th:•L Lht· r<.'CO_nl n~· hound prncticully to uphoiJ I I together reach 15·000·s u\eri. (lee clnlell from about tho time . when P'nblit. N ot to mmtio n tiiiRitl fll•·ntlti· ~o,l'otJJfO 1111L'ltmnge.•ble 1111d \U\liUwortloy K eep lhUI l~bml , Jaur,• nLun L t. .. !l n uulr now m:11lo 11\.'\Y rocall plc•L.'\1\IIL mrmunc.o1 This qm·stion wo apprehc•nd will very '/ Earl Cnodwin'8 Lmds boc:a•l\e nlreaoloer·. \X':td which uflcn l\nl doe~~ (licf~t,hcir nntl Ill lf'n:;th,_ on. ~unJny moruin~. tloo nd: ~tto;•rin~ W . R. \\' . I uulo .... rnitl· In :.ftt·r Y•'·""' I hi' hopu i" clwri~ho:'tl tim~ ~oou pr<'M for a 'I!Oiutiun- in other word, -It ia rcporie•.l l lmt the.e.~!6C'Ulo00 o vUl Unkl>ank=-au ~IIOCh ~aarlctblo (or cont.ent." uosuath! known,J l!\'~ta.. .tl•o I'"'" ll tl_a of )luy. In synte of ~k pump!! rtld cbnnrl bo:twN:n tha~ hln~~<l ouul ,l'"'" 1,. d1u u:nuo of" I, p,._,lur and P•~•plo . rnny fnr tho ~tholition ofll Tt'Cllty wl1icb pro•·ll'l And~~· Gort.IIO:li kotilaod D.-lnfttek re- e ltt.ensi•·e ini'OI\chl of the 8CA al.o~~g t.hc cla. ~utiollll issnl'\l by hill Ho,I\Or,J:tylgc "'11J:!\ 11C pum!J", t h., wat.l'r. rlll!e so ln~lo 11..~ lands :'\ortlt of II .• \kla~ahk ::utol runnn· bo fount! tilllun:.: t.he ~;rca~ multttuc~c '10 ..,, .. ~~h· rcr•·<'rtiLh: l.v ""'"'of the menn· an~ted IU a CVt_opleWt&lf"tlllllllln~. wuelll~ '"hol~ · aouthel'fl 006!1L of ~ae Oermi\O B<'onctt ~-omo ... tn for a shnrc of th!'6C to .a.h~~·the fum:\cc 1J~, nnd c.•mpt·l 5ray"ksunk. the formi'r 11l.MJ11L ;j()() ft.. hu:h which " " mnn can numl.('r , wn~t.c.u m Ollt. chi.;,. no IUld injnt>tlcO. roan\.ol ~be IIUICUteed bf tho Onlll~ l'o · Occam. A wriln Ul lhu London lJuily patlic:~' 1f!i;~pfco~ n~f1tto1111. All une tho llrurlu .. tout _CupUIUI 1\IIU cn•w to

"1th nmnero\lllcomcnlllummtt.~, nn•lt, .. .._,. Lhl' L'\mb'" 1,.10k uf life. en1 relauve to reform:t 111 .Tm:key. !'i'ev;l obsM·Yea that tho addition which I.'ISC:I . ~~~n;: lie . ~-loT tl~~ (X'Iotdtics Sl~~~um!'· · 'co~u·e .7"i pml ~me _llu• in~: cl<l81' to rut i:dl't 11hunt 60 f<ot-t hi!.; h. I Y.mr..o m the l .... mh of C:hristi= lo,·e, Our reu.tlcn~ 11re 1\Wat'O that a P ostAl 1

' ~he utftinag;. of the Zuyder Zee will t,.f·ltlng w, .. 1 N. £ ~(:j\n;;rrt> n~nnmg JLJ¥t;,' '~'· "':\t.chwul'\1. . '\ ho Dl<'n hl\it l~'ltt'ly tunc 'fhi:! wulll".ul t.o tho cntm11w of th..- ch:on 1 f. 'i'Jw•l l.y tk .lf, nJ>enl •?ftk Church, U uion ,..M fnnncd tt short timo ~o, un· -Tho r!ICI'D~ conf~IIce at Berlin . on make to Hol!:tnd .will be eqtfn.l to t.hl' l?-'ll'~·c. t.loc·u· .el\lthes nut! a ~mall qu;m· 111'1 hc~wt'"n S.1ktuina l.: ou11l Ttuaungny .• k· rnrmoul/1, ,\'ortl•. ) • u~>r tho T=tLv of Iknto, whicl1 t..h.i11 Col- ~h•1'ur~_i11b embropho waa lootrmouiO~lll<l CO.Nir601.'1 of t.ho cbnnty of Sui\T9y or - A 'Goon • CA-ron.-11to ltdi(Xml~ 'tllf ,o( i'"'"'tS!OII"' fo r tile p:usst~,~:c !toll."'·

k I • 1 . 1 1 - J • • • • cd' ,_ 1 and ""t'lllC"IAJ .... • fbu 1•b.n adopt.od Wt •- 1 Tl JJ rt d J 1 1 1 hOI\ :1 n!.'\< ) 'l'tiCTl "-"'· onr "''1\.~ tn\'ltA..'li to ent.cr-1\n I~ w ... · .... . ·~ . . l ll~urly G per Cl!nt. of 'bo wholo p~nt F7~rt, Cllpt. J olon ~ - Dntl·r, in uttf·mpt• ltl Ill • l!'aJlJ:lOOI"C l m~\lfl l t II) H'e I'I:U:II srR.\<"KI.Isc:·~ ~~~-'~o ru ro11u [To Til& r.otTVR ov Tllr. ST.'-.'i0.\1\D. J ,...:,.u~"m<'nt btwing be-en propJ<Icd tore· i ~ ~::wF;.~~~ '::Um~~:~ G~~l'~~~ urea of· tln1t country. in~ t.o gl!t atluM' <~wi:;h ftlr St.: John'~ on livid, ami iiJ>pa-oprmt.cly ciOI!Cd ht-r ronglo

n .\IIROll. Ot:A r. ,·1n, _ I du~" the po-'•t.'l~e bl'twren Europo nnd ~ "'* gn•• • . • I Tuo /"l.ty ' ll\.qt, 'w:ts l'T1'\'l'Ht .. d hi· - lwr tut· 11nd l<tormy Clrt'<'r. Afh·r ''"n".' h!Jtlr.t .. . I . k A . f t 6vo ccntt the ha\lf ·- - I . ,.,... d . r I cJ.nr lotl\·in" "'ot cnt!lllf'll'\l 1\lllllrl' ""l. llliiiiC 1'1':\\'(•lli'ns;, Copt. J uekman :\uollu:~ Cl'l•\\' 1 w:u uJ'ornl<'<ll·)· thl' nati,·o·/1 tlo:\1 " ":-it•'Cl .. t.oor. Ill Y"".r ~~-t 1"-qur, mn '4'8 rnrnol l'O D\ Ill X • .o , n t . - The "Vtei\Jia COlTeSflOll ~nt o t a.• .... . " b P , " .. 1 ~ 1 tl , . h. . • \ ' ' •. 1 1 1

f h 11 1 ( I Oo\ernmcnt gnvJJn. pro lp . . · l l • old .cluunll uml a\Jichors lym~ on ~ht· hut.- r•!:IC 1" 1\ 111·"-' m~r • wlr"" t ult '"'' c-J,· • .r 1'-,""-IZo' wouhl J,.. fuun• l l~·tw•-.:11 n-.c '' . >11\lllt' n ·ry •mJ•I\ll ·' • c .111~11.'\_t:(\ onnct'. nr . . h ' I I sh j -Of t b&. ~ hundred • lln<J lli,.etrcn T~,~~ SllJII t~c ree<tn_!.ll~tmstrn,l c lk.nj;C'I I toii"O. - Afv.r nboat two dnyt.' work, l~tpll Lll!'~~ly ~·ns nmr. un .. uyo . I• I p.-r· Ull""-' )'bee.:. l.y .. tN'rill~ ~ . ~ 1: I !111 1'·11•-<:llllg c•n. tlw 1:"1"1?1'\ o: our 1-ollt'(' i 1\. ....... IIL Ul _tho: P~JlO!IIb~~ ICI I t_ IIIU r I mill ion• of c)oJIAra 4f gold on•l a ilver IUl· at Constnnhnoplo were c:loliet.l by thll l D <f I . . . 1''1•1\" the 1\l).,'lllll elf tlt~ti'C"-" n,·in .. lln 't l c uulo·~ I <I ·"'"' h··r "'·"'' ' r"ll••• l K ikk··r· f ore<'. t~nu CII•'M :\ NW' m wlllcl~ he nvo>r< p m lmhly llll'Oh'lllJ: n reo ttctlo~ o nnall produmd, niu.-tootlas aro expo~teJ demonstnr.tiun of ~poo ~1 "~>-"tlmc.n tht.-o- I. '~""-"(str~"'"' r" Ibn . . ,""'""~ '-~lvun nnl . nltnw1onl'<l StCIImc:r lwfo~: ,<J .. : m~lc. ,,: c ··kKunk ( 131>' I <J,,..,,,_ al • •• , t :IIIII ( hwh, ' tlmt n l'tm~l.tlolo· wnonsfully llll!'rfl'n'•l 1'1(>91.'11 ro·venuc fort.bo r_~tteot,_ proiXLI.'II.'d totLe'!Ji'·•a' to .,;y for tR• coffee, au .. r, I ·' h t I . tJJt'o to tl e lL'll ' .:omr " w lCol W<'l;liKN ll!':tr " I . ~· ,.. ,., I . I k I b I fi ICOCY m II Rhm-t • ~ • ,-· -. ,... OIJII!.Il~, w o sen . l\ ' cpn ~ II oo hal{ " I.<IJ•) nnd " oorl.llioll'n<hle qunntiLy tnl"t thtlt thr //rurk i.~ .'lnltiai .. ndy ~-u,·•·r· ""J 11:\ttl~l, in oudon·· • It,.,.,,,. ~ . K ~ 1 with ' ri ti,~·n "":::>'~· ·· an rronnnn!-! ~?"~~' 1~' 111" 't• J::OOt. sue ' «'

1'£ · d llpioes. silk, tiD, dJCII\tufJ'a 1111d otb~li yn. Sultnn respej:tlag Lho NWO\ "' of the ,-1cl ' '· . ll ~~ I . l' · t I , I! 1· col 't('f lln'\'t•nt hl'r o~"rinr.t tmm iHl·urriJ S.: mti•'O\ to> S1oral ik or :-).,n,J< t ~l11nol, ""'"'II "~'k' ' ' '"''n lll•' l:on<• h~·twc-rn tlw 1.''11'· tlml' hy t.ho l~cre:rut!l 0

OOITe:lptJII ~nee, entul product& COtlJIUDoU by .E11ropo i.nd Grnntl Vi:titr and Schieck at h iAIII. ~~'' ' i UUfl-1 . l10..1.~ 0° c 1~" 11:~' ~1'1 . . ' 1 1(: ""'' w a-ious loJ.S. "' t · thr· tim" u( · J.t·r

I'll fl\)111 till' ~'Oiour. 'J'fa,: \\\'"t , • • iut uf 1-:"'l'h ulliro• Rill I tlor Um!'n llouM'. :Sow, I unci WliA ceruun, 1\L n~l OVCD~'I, to oonfer Am-.,;~ ·. • . ' n _ 1 a· o.l tb' d 'I o"t I al C.'L'I ~:. • • ltf'l lllq l.lt t 11'..... • I ( I I I t. f lll o beneht. ~ .. - &.Xlt 1 0 JCUII wero rc~l<?'£1\ 011 !& c. tn l1 1t lut~to lo\.:n in tht~t' nn~ition f,,r nmn•· ~i nltinx llv· //cud; \\'11..~ nbout :!:.! 1ulio·>1

tloiH lal.•n•l must hu ko·pt ··I.P'\1• t n. to> ll\'o \ld 1 :'II r . E• ll<lr, 1111'1""11"' 10 ll' " 11 ,•'Y"· ' 110111'' lllllOUil 0 pn 1 tullUU. )L lnrge eL'OWO ....,.emi.JieJ f a\ tloc ,-~ ' f C· . J J 11 · 1 • :a hhrol. rutol fr-•m it. K. l ,\'. G mil~,' witn<'"-' I<J thi.~ lltl'my, rtwl feel uoy~Wlf I It WIL'I u~ulnmt~ tbJ\t tho chnngc -.RIBDOlfS To W ASU.-lArlies Olk)' ioetJIIIntion o( tho uow V"u.ier, w!tich ao y~ nml pwhal.ol); "'' 01'\! los~ /'Y l!LI~· rvul ·'I'" u on. ·:•. w'll T\.1..'\<:h lt'ord H .. rhor unci lo rontr.odl,·t tlo·· ~tHteol!'nt.~ of wc"'ld ooroe mtoeffcct her:o notln~r tbllri lc th 'l'.bld ribbons look n.a good All Rlllrm!d the ChriKti.m K tloott thc:y n..kcd ,.~ ns "" I"'~' '~~'I comr ~rwa~ to ~lmon nml coo fiijh nrc becot~ina

' \\")1 F. :'II.\ X""EI.f., •· Sp<>ct.:•!t•r." Till' citizrn in qu«'HIIon, I July n<'xt.; but fro~ luto ~tf?rmatl?n, we ::. eby ~Mhing them in colrl IU~I. And p~tec:Liou from Jorei,gu ~<mhaP•I\olot s. ~ 'n' ' l,ll1u o~·uct·;..,. up, l' ~~~~-ut~l "t'; 'tilT~ som('wlul~ pl~utiful in our m:.rl·,•t. on \.SttcffCvllWVJI!<{uau,/ .'illriY.tfoJr . I in n·_m,.vio~; th·.· c.'L'Ik~ dow·n t_be ltUto u urlPr.tt.l_mrl! Lhcn: L'l n d.iih?ulty m the j ,·ron'ln tb•m J"nst. be-fore t hov .... L t!ry. ·~ ~d'W~.;or ho11>_.er Jt.•s uletl"cJ I• II •' r uo I<' !1\U'C<"'-~ "" ."l'' n tt·tu ( us T . -' •l .. '

- mrn_twno.J_ , wh•··h h/\.!1. '\ consldt·mhl~> l wuy of lt..\ unmor_hu.te opcr.ltlon. It. 1\J'" A. .;..! .ot~l·,~·n · " Oir1d "- ll~J .• · _e.~ over b' ,/ 'tr L ~-'r·l~n~irl"mol~ •:; r o l llliM•n1,uuc. Tlu· l'n~•· ~ llt lt·:~~t w"rl h I ue.',~"Y Mtllnfl~n ~ell lfrcodom _ i) tlol lltl cl>. I rdin h le f th 1-~- ·- "" uo ...,_ trn.~ ~~ · ~"·o fn•i<•lo!S fn•m the l':\ ital. LJICr u., " 11 our ~~~ cou 1 JC 11111 • • ( indmo·-ln~l.l·:trl nf nJII m~: thNr. \1o,.,, ~11r' that. &COO _g tot 0

nTL'I 0 c tht:m before puaing tM iron-which · 'rho, I.lullllllll tol(·g~•l'h ugency . au- ~ 0 I d::used ,,t 10 ctnts e loh .-/l.id J/11y :!.;.

New A dver bsement. I •ingly, ....... , all ·•win~; llwm tn roll rluwn 1'l..-.n.ty! the nnruumo~s IL'>!INI~ of _ ll1~ should not be too hd~-ov.er. poun,_ 'h"' lhe R.liiiAI/' 'l' onr<-ette -~··kol . . . .l • I --- • ------ ------ in tJ, .. , .s n.ul r .... r .. t.o".,•·l h!'r. WlthnuL oount..,<'S Hll'llfUiy fonnmg tho Uruon Ill • ·1 .• - T .. - • r I" • .... • , . I 111u procl:un:ttl\ln latch· ~ ~~b!'n IJ,· hLo;

I • • f tJ .. 1\1\IIS fi'Om ' lclololtiiU lOr Con~LIII<IhflV ll n J I n. " . t.. . • •I >1 he I:\St or ~he ~en lin .. lltcnmeiS clear·

L t ll)('ill).; prvt>"oly guiol l'<l, '"''I twrmiu~n~: ~ llf'()('SMry to tho ~muwon o r~ny o, Jcrs; -The immense landing' s tages n~ Li\·· I . ·n d . ·d uno'e JH ;:c •><>1111 !'•~, con IIIII II~ •"' • "

08 th{'lll to> r .. ll .. J.out the ~tl'('·· t auol ""''' I nnd ~hnt tho qucst1on M rc~rdoo <.:anaJu I

1 1 ted The -'oaka of th8 ~l!ere ~ 1u WI '? "~1'! 100

us 11

,:unt .; l l ·to~i.•li)Jill a( t;he Ac;.J~-it•g refer!'ncc to l'<1 from tbc l'or~ ~f St J ohn's t l~i.'l y c.a r

lk . 1. . ~ t ' IN ~ .n. ti l v1·01,beenpro~-l crpoo a t-ecompe · 1• ahtp. . . · , . t .. '-unnntUldln"ofs,.;1w·I!1Ltbadtloe o-f· .fvrlloo ~nr l scahng · tnyn~:e, 'IZ, tho wa ·~ u_• ,. , o•ry ' m -clh>ll sruuo• " ' .···n ""' I :\Ill l ew,ounu.:m "' ., I""""• ~rt no- vo~ao lltea of ~20 acN'I, llnd '~'l..o n""' corro.tJbntlen' of tl~ 7~tllrl '"" r· . . .. ' (q ~) ! ' ·' I (' t Dl l~" I .· . . I

l h 1 r Ll t .'1 n.'COrdcd by ull the 1~ ..'_110 ' ._" .; . • , • feel uf bnu~Siouw one m!'ml;cr. ut lc•llll, of · ·•· ,.,.111111 • ' 1Jl • 1 '11" oorr • nrn\\ " 1ng t wtr w.ty 11

'":"" " 1'' L '' "1'1"'"1~" 111' ,. 1 11


' '0 m 0

• "0

<'WILl form a continuous. line of moro than ,six ~,YII 03lwu~ 1.10'" pro1·ouiM 111 <.A>nsttualt· l 1· . 'L~,"""' • .\ .· h.. Tl · on vr11t<'~dH · mormnz to ~lc.'OSnl ~ .,f tl ... ~1 r,., ·t. 1lo•· 1 \•n,t:1lol,., ~Ill$;. the rcprt'.'!('nt:Ltn ·es prcsl'nt, except. U1c depo· _ .11_ ·1.n 1 .... ,..h. 'I'bc'lp valoe is n llo,OOO,· , t '" )'Ore\ He tnuu 1t.om-.c111 omr. n-1 , • • · . -· · · • ·

-<l I I f tJ Fre cl G !'I ~ who ob- - - --..· • ~ nopoe. .. . • wdl-known gutt~r~uipe rn.ight lmve b.-en t .. J.l, ..t: S.mg, wiUI nbollt !)00 old -wnla. ·~'\n:;o·r llll'\~rr· ' \"••ry pr.opc·r y C.lllliOI IO '< ~y 0 le n I O'l'('mlll l, (I()() sterling. Twonty thouu.nd ' euels A llcrolll t.-lcgnm Lo Uw_ -'~ICI &1.11«'11 , ob•n lllll-""cl' ~-·-. '·-·•o·"' '" •. thn ·-•n.tr"e \ -Ibid.• •

I C IIJT•·n :t ~om~t thr N nr<f• h·· w:..' pu~u · J t:'<'ted on t.he grounrl lllllt the> Fn>nch col· b "- bo of "' I l d ill LeI I t ~~ ''" ' '" """ ~ ..,.. ' """' • 1 • ..'1 • 1 . h- , b'-. 1 IJ . _.I enter t o uat r .LAVerpoo every t ont. t nlulen OilS !JieM\Inl w :rona • I ,,f h -rt, , .1.:.

10,. )Ji~ Jnp:~rtu~ for lit<' \ --

. 111~: ('1ur.··n '""""'·•·r tooltl th•• l t•ll· Ollli'.R 1\U not o ... ml'l terms 1'<1°" Y ..... bell t.h t tb f " ••• ...,....., ., • " '

lb~ common acnsc ,,( 1 '

I ~t..'lhll' t•• &~.u;tl :o..'!.ll', ,;: tho• .<t.tmr time 1

mntJ•gl'()llll with th0110 ofTN·~ 1:0 these yenr. to r ~n e con c~eocc e~ 111• "'·or woo.l>~, on t1oe c~o·ntng of \Vt'<lll, Htlay I ""•· un.lu~tnnol tl"'t <.:npt. ~- Drbnty ., AN AND W 0 MAN ' CAll on,.: lo im :1 .:csonp. ru11l tl •.f~·ing hiu1 to two o.lcpt'ndc. ocics o.f Gre:~t Bntam. He 0~ Rn~tl\n . Ulll(.O mter~entlon, tmme· Wj_t actOinpaniPc:b qy 'n~,r'!!JfP8~ of hi:! I will ha ' '0 ch .. rge lhill JCJ\f of the J.Abrn·

I I d h __ .. . L- .,..,.f f --Cu:.unco S'I'IU'I'I' Bo~~&TS ....... Ciro· dlntelf, ng". ""'.1 Co~auntmo. ~~~ - "tlrl\·1.-1".;.· 'I'Ito: seem~ WI\.~· n v~rv in'JIOS· dor <.~lait.'l1ct!tuluet•. Mt;lt ""1'1101\ll in· inl" rfrro•. Thl' t' >U~!.tlol!' tloc•Jl nrr''"l<'<l I':'Cp~ \., n:u.umcs.<~. • on """. r-• 0 f II 11 1 · b ··'- ' tl *h J d rrL'- "'-· •- the " ""' ' r·-

1 r I ( 1 . G ~~ thd t l ·· nerm u y~ruo•en t .leWu'tl,t en wa .. wt I . · ~ !I . .on Ol,! .J~"'"•. ~."l".!: 'ns u· 1,..~,•-nnol· "an1uter'.~ ·t~·· -•.,~lo11 .. JJ. Lt'rClltc<l in thu pnnctualnnd thoro1"'h him 1uo•l '"''"' t' \' o'<l !tim t.o llu• v icl' 118 o•·ernmrn~, .,., "'' rnw 1~ .., . • • • th 1 1 J d 1 t .., .,..... ··-- ( q • • • ~""'· , " n

with uui~('. Co>n•ld··~llll! thn tlnugo•r l·l p:tS.<·I t ive imrncdiately t lptln t_hl' Fren?b col~n- ao&p lUlU Wllt6r, ndao oroug I y , fill procee 1088 ' tt. tIC (ou tlrence, 111\YH: fours on -tloq nluel\') . IUOIIJ~~g .pitqously 1\1'\:0lliJ'IklboJQIIt of tb~taen·ice will he t'l'l\ by MJo<'r inlly ehilolren and intirm I ic.~ being pltlC(.-d on 1'1 hko footing -.nth dr1 it in Lhu open air. Then stilfe.o 'Yilh "Th<! !lllllOUD~I"Illen~ o ~~ com t!tuLo og~-ec· -tho ruthl~>ss dri,·er ~~ng l,i~ miJro I IJhh l Pf. tl,ois OPJlO[ntJ.U~n.L, . lUI C:tpl.

l b "'lnUih o£ woll l.oo&ton whit. of an egg. ?1ont.bet~o:e11 the thrcll!. l!nJ>ennl JlO" "'I's lwartlell~ • ho ·0 ,,..,.-nrd.'l · wbilu ill ~IJo Dclanry 111 {;l·ncru ll.1· rt'gnr'dcd oa,. tl10

penon>~ - wlllch w:o.~ dtrcat.cncd, [ hf'.. .. t 11' ot Cf'!l. • Y8 1!'V oarefuUy laiJ•,OII> RepiiiDII tho II!. ~t18fttctory . . ~IlL u~ 1~ llJII'!l't~ tltt\l - ••r 1\00 on ~he; si~e.·w~~ t.h~ exulting

1m 011t 11kilful .,ilv~ nnd nnvignto r ~t1on~;

lic•·r tlont the ( 'on,.tal,lc wru pcrif'ctly r The qneshon bM bN'n tAken up by our ~ire' ,• aod Ute .borual!t. will look .,. r•ood 11 ill 1 t e ct 0 ~ "'JIY'Utl ·~· . .., 1 1 .I · justifio:.~l in hringin~-t l'iti1.e11 t.o 01'tlcr, nnol ' (mpcrinl nuLhoritiell, who Jo not ~- w

0 a }'~~1111 ~h~':r.l:l\ 1 1 :~~~~ to tentlc; mnltiWtl!' i't>j9ieing o ,·er hi.'l C:•Jili\i~y. ~ oe J tH:ge';~~;. allu de nons o..-o:uot of t....

s, , 1.,.-Ja,.n .,.,......_~))· in.,ul!.<'tl fur J>trfonttuw 11 1

1 ni.-c ~he IUUl!. _o<n· of thl'. c:\l. ~ pu. t by ' tb11 u now.• 8 "n · ~ •--"'""~ • --''- · 1 d . Thrrfrv111auk whr u lo.st !lOOn wall lwo~d· I'll or.- · en ,. ··- , OJ b ~ »:.•!) l9~~ Inn •m m . . bbo 1 ood u --k P ·'

I part of hi.~ 1Juty. in tloe Jlr\''l<'nco of 1\ I Prcndt mtn111ter, nnd lt. u IJehe,·l'd t. at A f d . ,

1, • .. . , •·d ~ - :'"'~ . ld l.oo Ill£ or th6 net~ r 1 of'""" ·v ~u ---~

. I b ' . . 00 to th I . . or - II!Cl e l'J>Cl81" VIlli .. Jill<~ com,.. e.., lmrgent.ll, WO thtnlt '.t wou prem•· where thC.i,'l'tUIUg i; s:Ufl to\IC gOO.l. 'So:o:nu~o FOR ' ~AT\:R.\LtSTS.--~ • Humbt' r uf IJy.flt.'\nrlt'nl, thl' poltee officrr · t l<l 0 ~cctiou rats e 8( m,~olnd • · Loft® ·11 deemed invuln~~tabl!! It is lure Lo tt!ank tho Chauccllo~ fo,,r tltc · · · , . . ,·erv rt.DHtrkllb1" circ!umstnnco occ'urrt'll

W:l!\ C<ltUIIIV ju~tifiNI in 1\t'rt>Sting the of· . Cnnnch nnd N e ... ·foundiiUld wil Jle Lo In n I • ..L . _ , 'th 11 le r h Rol ~ ~ .• T


who do not funrl~>r. t'hnve no d!'~i rt' .,.·hnten•r to I rcmnn.~tnmcc. In t he m~ntime, bow· soflk."'6 feedt In~ •ne6~;u;. ~ I w~rl A ~ men\ 0 t e stem quts tOJI. -Slncc lnBL _1;.,u!', t4c slca!n<'r lhr· t ll~l'e · q n !n~d Y l,ut, _ "'l~ich }\'ll think llhi!'ld nny CoMlllhle whnm 1 ronvtlo·r I ov<-r, the matt.er rom~tins in nbeynnce,~nd of~nck &n conct"eto 8 I~ .t t7~ ke cu/u bill! 8UCOeetl t'<i it.~ mukif\() two trips Win '\;c rcgnrae<) by IICICl!hBc meR Rft one

C ALL interfering with tho ln wful pri\'ilcgc11 of we 11hnJ I he unahle to have lhe bene6t of th11 ltrtllturl'b~ ~he:f&, dritlae:l 1ale • ;-~evern.1 ncw~papem .. indutling tl~c froru. t.he C!1piW;-PilQ .~ ~ti!JVRY LUit, w~'1'b.¥. ~f }lQlO a n

1d of !n"est'gntion.

1S. naY( rncml.o.lr of tho community ; Lut IlOilo I tbc[lroposoo re<fuction.., cnrly ..,.,..e blld Tm111de of ~0 o ·~1hb f' too o..c'b ro:d Ne.w Yorl.: /!craM tlntl Tt~nu, flarp,.rA aod t)1c o!Jwr 1~, '.fu~'~!-}j. .lfUafioJ; 'e4Cil · ~ ~~~~ CfV'bled Lo 'ouch for1the lru~h of ( I" Spe·ct.'\tor" nnol tlof' "well known citi· noticipnted. ill mt!UI b ~ d"')· • · ' a Jr«'l:ly nnd. }'ra~Jl /,ulie ~ , Jl!ul!r.,t~,~, .Jtmo ~ CQIIJ!i,t"CJ;m}?lf4 1\IUO~!'t ?I fn.jght.. . 1e atntcmeuts we . nre a~ut . to ru11kr,

AT '· u·n" slaouloJ know tlu<t the pnlicl', M l . · cu-e ewun~ Y Y rau IC }lOWe I'. have . OrgDO!Sed an. ~fle!llh6H · f&r t~tt1 ·' J\mou~L t.br~n!:":S on the -for~u:r IM8""!ti.Cit as ,..t have the an d tre<:l from J:ll"rdiiiJI' of tho puhlic f"'~'\c<' hrwc n The T erntory of t ho N:orth Weat nnd . . : - :b I ( '. 1. purpoeo of enC(IrnpM8tn~ tho ·m·IJ . tn OCCMion Wl\8 Fn\UCIS " ' mton, F.~ .• &h- the hps or tho Re~. Mr. But wood.

Lo~OWILI, & T A l ' L Oll' J') [ olu~y Lo pt•rfnrul, Md th:~t no h~tli•·itluaJ Britillh Golum~ia mny oo rou~hly est.irn· d ;-A l,et~b to1 ~·t~~=~ro~eC.:i" !!O'd .. yL ~~~ Lon\J~n Tinw hL~ joinet~ ~r of ~~e _ 1llorni1~ ()l,ronid~ •. who ~ns . It e;eeQ.Ia qu1~ ~n 1'uuday ~h~ lnst

-=====~===='='=:"""':~~~·~ I mcm\x>r of thr community 1w1 any right nt.cd as occopy10g ~bo wholo ..,_ n orl.h na ,a&J'II t ~ " •. the ·enterprl&fl,, 11nd w1l~ l<'lld Dr. Ru~~SCI\, . L<ttdy been nppo~ Dnualmu V1oo- !lu• !I on. ~r .. 'Y~ntllr rurc~ n fn.~h -:; - - \. (..1 conduct 1oim..rlf in such 1\ mrtnner on of tho 49th (lC!.nlllol i Md ita rnAgtlitutJe. :~ot'don/. dotOO ~~fl l~ Y~. ;~t.itlt, at.a.te known 1111 .u Bull1t(m 1 1Cu&.'<4'1, omd an Consulut St. John'~. -Mr . • \\'int.on did sarmon, WOI!;hmg tirr.een JlOillld'l, •ntllll T • l!a bti«Wlb!'"·- Should our . e&~n~~ U bl' to lan th cnn only Le juds-d by comp.riaon na fol- t.haHut ulnU.ummg, lta•1ngna11 work un· artilltl ccnnehe.J w(th ' \he llltutratru not mal.:e" long al>\y ·~~ 1Tnr1>0r Gmco, good eondition, wliich l\1) orderc1t to loo

Omit at any 11100 l.t> lo:tvo t1oe :>t .... :l IC pu le ~rt'f't.s .., . • e!\( Rfir tl ~ lows . . • . • 5niahltd. ho. hopes to rea"th ~lro in SeJ'" Ketcl will u1..01.cb'llll~l\y tho oxped,ition. r(>tuminu.homa irt lll(l tug-hoot on .tiD-' ~·)l,orne. ln th e \ICI.ernooq, wlulo hi !I atlb• hou1105 or our aubacriLo ta. vlcuo pruperty or 1ronw lllJUtj' Lo nno tl'r. .- · . , \ ' '- "- 'Tl fr l '-Ol tl • • ......:~·t.lon to , ,,

1 ~; tt N ,... L R -r, ·~, _ ...;.o. • . • t •· - ' ~

not iCy ua 11mllbo utuiuion -wtltllrN"ccl~- ~pecwLor," pro. I)•, j., ignomnt of a . The Al'el\ of thp United St.nt.M, 116 '6~· ~;'"'l"r.h 1

1~ ••;~ te ~;:' ·i.h The ox,.edihon wi1 """"'t ew ·~ 'lro.: dny morning in' oOrtlpllny with tho Floo. ~"' WII!J' 'J'"IJ:I"Mnt' tMl IIIWDIOn ' r 5ed. ConHt.l\blo'K duty. ThiJJ {{.'('ling o( llnti.- .cinlly ~rt.ainOd, ll 2,9~6,1 GG ·.aq~ro ~\.'.1.3'. tA·Wr~ r~:lun: !' WI about J uno·l lll, In II l!peuiltlta·uin for &11} w. J a, Oo~P!I.r. ,J41Pfl!, .JlY,I\n, K'lq.. cooki nf,, II ~orm Wl\ll found 11\ tl 0

pnthy towarJ., J>Oiicc officers ill gnn· miles; the N ort}vwM ofDritiwb Alneri· :-K'~~.nl\ -.~~ ,, ILIJ~' 0 er I rpoaet~rtpro: Fnr.neillco, -wltlelt 1 ~ ti'rh ·ertu;e.tl to gl> of Bbn'nYi!fu,-N. 'Th\n~ ..... ~-· 9f St. a~p~h .. r , · i .. 1 · ~ The Harbor Grace Standard l emily provtl!l'nL nruongst th0110 oiiUJ.'l<'S ca, including British CQh1mbit\, 2,598, J'!C~ Ill a~Ln~u'fl4 ~- tte1l'of .Upyo a. ~hrough to tlc~tL cit y 'in tiO' Ioon111. The f1 .. t J ohn'a, ouul C!lp!- Fnmk Tuylor, o( C.u-· ··ur. Wmu;r a ft!tcnhon bo1ng tlrnwn. to

· of incli·,iduul:. who aro op1l0fled to h~w nncl 837 aquaN miles. If tho oomp:uisoltl ia C.tro. trnin will' Ira JOel £a Cl1it'llgo O\'tr the ~ncar. ~[~.1 W . 8 pctlks highly of~ . tb~ fa~t., ht tn ,t~e cqn~ of tho cu·cum_g -.l:CD- onlt·r, or cl:.c hnve n"'·er l.oel'n n.ccUIII.<>m· made wit.b .Europe, tho !Ire!\ of 1uJ . . .. Penntyh •,.nia liub(. from :4bence it 'II: fiilLlUibip 9.ualili<.;!~. of_otR!. ~O.tOOJI:-~ ItwiUd the &11'. M~. Jlotwood}o ' 1m

('II to ()("eupy nny ptllli t.ion other lhAil lbo Europe is 3,811.594 "'lllll.!'e rniles. -'-Intellirnce r.om S.lonicaannounces go forwaid 66"'0miiha -b}'ap~~eial eng! ' • 1\.'t-of'-l~~·ila~~r- Ji~.l~O)ISC aml in.: po..:t tbl~ shiango ten· (onccption ~a~ ~blltr llstr bush or 1\ J"'t.oth i,'llrdeu. Thnt of the Dominion, north of the 49th tpat the JJOft 1JJ biJdcaded, and none al . under • Lhe dtrilclio!l or Mr. Stennett. ec.l to Lho ~und IICIU'IIo. E~~JI nnt of. aalt..water a:ltinon. In Mr. Dot,. ~- -- ·'-' · -· ------ ·-~ • WITNESS. p:u-allcl, only 2,598,!137 squ~U"e mil~ lowed to les•o tlnU.hM' !nquil1 'ia wr· 1'huxe~1rili6nU ... Will rein•m in Cbiet~go ~nd -/~wt.1nl.lowiag~ frorn.tl~ !~'II p~po. ~nd, wit~ hill nid, the

RATURDA Y. MAY t;, IlliG. ~ray 2G ' And if we 1\dd tbe totn.ln.I'Cl\ or Ute &ltltr afliDilt.ed. Two Frencll lrbuclada and no lons;cr than· ia. ~·tu transfer r~ky s_itulltion DetU" tho Capo Shore, · 1, 'yyrm ~·1111 ',l"~iully ,Jl1~1-od, 1\n~~ wll•

------------~ - --- ~m Provinces and Princo F.dwllrd llllao4, t.wo.__{ript.ea -~ .. ea ' al ~imeua' 00 •I~ the-tnin tn the tl'tlcrof t~t'l Northwut~ • 3 • : - I ~~ .I L '-~ '· , • I. ~91}04 to \Mi ~J/'l10f/ce,l oh.d.fi~,:.wcl.u All will be socn by~ .\"nr_(.tUwllmltf,r I S7l,!ii0 aquMt mill'S, tho whole Do- 'flay ·u. . Se.l.on l~.;.frnth..diJtnrbauC4'11 1\ro ~ I'Oaltj .l~_L!SanrYt~f&'IICO the ~011'8· • -- TQe drn.mn "Wen.l& k Af Wo•nloo~ ullq'igt/1,. , , .•.

editorial oapifld into llHI"y'n iaa<ul', Lht1 ( flrom lk i'/e,of(ltl.ndlnltder, .!fay 10.) minion of Qftnadn hM now IUl e:xcesa qt feare4l. n..~. ajlh~!! ~ffl.~lqttecl.and v.•ol'lc: flllper party ...-itf tAICe & a~mer Lo \' oko, 0~ tb"'.Spirib.Of U16 Dl~ .11tfltf1{lo," :f/ll8: •, ,thol'f' a~ t\1~ . f'OtDI~kl\ble ~~nta to Americana aro "S"in 11t. their olll trick of I Th'l Amrricnn Oonmmcnt I!Clemnnrl- ArM of 34,241 squt~re mil011 o"er thn.t ql aua~d~. the.~~~. ~f the m~rdc.~ ham.~ .,~ •t,h.e~FO ·. tb~ ,_,~l., I"JJCCocl ~o ~roclucetl,in HuboilOr*.-e rl\,r tlto ti01t \le T}~~ced ~pecf-tng ,t_h!~. Jont.lct' •· violating Trmty obligat.ioM. Tlo11 thin 01111 thnt thcro slllul be no lack of e,· idenoo tho whole United St.a~ QQuu!a 'te atilt u nbuned. .Th.lrty·ll.X c'alcut.t.a, ~iro, ~n I throt}gn tho M ec.h- tiate \Jy thtt ' Literu.t-y' GluUtof'\11& T.:A. , 1{ht.;-A. lApe-woon, ·~ •• ~ body of " (or nr.thor in t.bia instance wh"u ~I i., so tn&how'in '"hut Rpirit tl1oy regard ~be .To ret.um to t.laoiLob.'\ Md the Norih· a~.~l:., ,ll.uietly1~n adect:M-1 ~' -t.emiUWn tol~il~.-~ ~fb1•nt \n"Oceed ¥13. &ciet1 on 'he d-.lcilfrig of 1''\csday ~Jtqop. '2,.1.1-tu t'hq ~f of~ wt\lt· lllunt., IJJiontr) edge or t.he WQOl~ 'W;I., [lMVi.,ion' of tho Wllllhington Trenty,and Wetlt Territorf, the nma or rich IIOil lllld I I '. • ..a.. • ' • to ··Queen.t.own,.•E'Dg~lld, : IUlll.'!!rubark. lut.. Tl~pl&y,t.l•roukl">ll• iiiwn.riolllll\cta,. wawr ,J:Alm~n. ~-:r'h~ nnu&nlll length i~rtedwhanby"]~n'alquibiJII', they tn wh~ttextent thOHC arc to be made 111tb· pMtnrt~.,"ll in the valle111 of tho Aaaini· ...-A. S1~""'1ti~i .Jl")?P.fi.'!&.JS. tltat. tbrM £« N111r Y~k.. r

1 • ;· < • . c YI'M)'tlll~ with efT~ whicJ1 W"fl OOU· ~tf the worru-o,t:r atxly-£wo fe6L .

cxcludod Ollr -1 oil from tlt•• henetit.. or S('trient Lo American not.iona ot- ju• b()ine and SMicl\t.ch owl\n alone is t.bouC.. .new. (\Ofif ~o; e~~~ ~ t.o l.oo tJtt'OWP •• •'. I • ~ . 1. I • Kidmdllfliclklltl!bMl'f tho \'arictoy IUld !!•8 Doct?'' hl\lltho":->rm ,p~r\'C<l m tW W...ebi.ngton TIYJ/Il!f. With wibl tlt'll 11ntl bl'lnor. 40';000,000 acre~~, of which abbut 18;-, op«~n /~;fprt\i~ ~!'h~ . ..,it, ;u:11 ng, lJ tLO'w~t'II .OU~ ~.:« .., ., 'P.It.LII.,.; ... J~~tn~obf[tha.~ 1 T'e clif. s nnf.s, and m tend11, w'o btlio•c, to hr~ml

-~~~by t.hbl ~n !>tOO') of 'KOphi.'(m A nC19' in~Cj) in point hllll been late- 000,000 a()rt!ll\1"\l Atonoo M·~lble foc, UIQ We\11 .~l .\~oim;hO'f!~ . fl~~ if! sit.u~ freqtent·~ of ~t'11f;4 -\t.~um i;l fereu~.e~Utfll were wn.ll ~[\1\1.1)(1 l~ ~ytlf I.e ltlr. Mum~y, ao _nil Lo find IL a ~~ aendi.eeovertl~&&ale.honghalob!tU!rU.. ly Cnmiltbool. One of our merenntilo n~culturiat.., anti tbia la.nd it iJIJlelc with -3t94 , ~'f(,.,fdu ,th!'d w~~ffi.1 Po~on of llie •inllan(!'ra~r 'ataee l ~~ -t.hi ob1)>od, " ; J iltl&igM\It(,lanU Wfltlhi I{W l.ltoce«Li.nga ~ n .!~e. ?JJ~~t~. - .lb1d. · undooutedlr a fiah, t•t.~re is nothill,!t h m111011 •hipped aomo porpois'l oil Lo New n cluics.". . 1 ,~upeh,.,.smsl, 1l1l\J al"'~.~ .. ~ .llfld to·~'- :\l~-- . .r.1u. ' l)lkt•,fflgiletJob ' an;a· •eneral .tc.rmin~ttod-w;itlr the llugb.u;-1~-r ftU'Cil , ;----i• t.b• TrMtr pre,·en*inl; them from lt'vy· York, &Jtd hylllllt mnil len met! from t.boir 1 il\ t•e ,y_,r11cent.re 41r~ f..pip~ W ftn· t.leb!D\tA . .A fe•-cl- or1lha ~tll.aj W.~ ''".The Irulti"'u~ •he>~'iiudl6nco :llllCII'Ied · • T he S.,S. Jltcnw.c bu been cllnrtcrcd illfJ adtd.,.CM&t.\et~tJMinwbich theyt\1'\~ }Jr&- ~nsignt·~ Ulnt it C?uhl not oo entered - Mr. Olathtono i.e onoe more BW\1 qJ¥>w ia ~ ·~ J;rO.'~ o(.cb,kianz, in~•·I'N~ ·~~t•al prneoiite ar~·~ 1teJl IIM.Utfledl, uliv kl.ft.fta'nCia.l t ~·nt> 'of P1 ,AJr~lif{lhoiU14:il, aod i~ now loa<JinJ: rerved,and IIO'W we hiJ:\1' ' ltoe pool!' Jlllfl.l0'16 rr'N) of dnt, unoer the TreAty, tho Ameri· to ap- in the o~ •. w-.. u Jleoi.tw, hrlf wl..'y' '.~et~ee'n }\'ift1£'-~u'd ~dochow. i"U:,;!!dlc f·"'!,"~uaJI\h· • A~y PPI 1!0~0 "ou \oiew the entertainment Willi l llLio 1\ldo- ,for,,Dett:. Cove, -..hen ,. largo Ql\tgO of # .. 16 ....1 · •L- 1 1 b . . 1~.. ~"'" .... 3

• • • n AA .._ q ei•~~tr • oufu n•a H • • . · -''I 1 -'- ' nnA#I • b ~ ,» r-- m .... >V .aae~ry 1\.., t 1'!1 11M . CM ant. ontu.'ll hll•ins: decided th~t a pot'- and Wlllluw• in t.he June number an nr- Ct i.e on t be borde ... o blutn, nd • • {f{ AT'S OMM.ENT lao thll powt 1 'OCM,, \b'e '~b~me lt'lm of'•i.£16• h~ving QOpper o ...... lO .. d~ w . er •or Tru.Ir,i!~{inac:hftmi~)beajew-. poiso ill~" fi..ffi I tiole on modern~ thougbL aMpo t.own. " n ia a dialrid citt aotlon ol-1itbiell, oombi~ .;,ith tha open. \loon ~lacd. 1 ·• l 1 .: • :. • SwAData. The ga.ng ol atn.era that 1\r .. Ill,• YS~:~1tee eorum.~ are ric'·. As one T "te(t! oan be little dOtlb~ from tbilt and • {a Ule ~ .... .o£1 T'U:v'ibf, in tb• , .. ~ the .Pilla. "1'!.,.1intallibly ehlc. ~ L All 'will bo liOen b)' roferenco to•IUl· rived h ro by tho GtR./l,.,U.. rfor tho ·~pf'IRidl ebAraet.en eelebr.,t.in.g the 8imilar procN!din8", ofthl'l l.lesigu Loren· - The Ript Ron. W. & ~ pro-rinoe ol N~,urdli• a f,~ "nilee cuW. t· ~ PruJ -.ct. dinctl~ 'On t.ne \othor column tho Club l.nl.l'lld .lr&-Jiroduc: lto~_, !JOve Jnine -..ill a1l!o co ~wn lly

• ~I or tMi.r fndcpetldl!nOt', the o.let tho .r:\t:ion of the Trt\\t.r" practl· .M. P ., acoordina to "'' IAtloflt u....u, u p &bo :Y~··.,.a .yaqtn It ia .. ~fl3l1., an~ ubpm'f~t ·ipg th~ Qam~'i'~.t.ho OVCIIling of ~on~ tlla.Metrr~oc.--/1*1 •. , " ~· ~Be only itt ~ & fteeniiUI clal (l'llad with·~ to Briti.'lh Ooloailll propoees to visit 'bo pla.L'ilat of Troy ,..,._ &be-Oiftft«•'to .. wb\cxtealiv tnd., ....... ~ wit1~'6·0~~· tJ~t;·,•hen tholO· w:to bnd not th '})l4Jll J.• 1 ---r-- f l

1rttal!t.bo&rnth·~(rt'G,&n~ ~ IIU'O mte;rttal.ll. Wearnjlw~bomot. br lll3thecomit\lalltmlln,inordllt' to•illl·•aad lilre Sfaaacbal,• aDd m11 1' e 1a1111e aOer f~oenu \ hea«ee·ed J . .~~it~ llltteOI'a\tlddtqz'. t'le [lrcHioua ~ onin~ Tbo Spring Term of ~h9 ~npremo ....._._.. ~,. to. . ·mmd. ~.\ rt'hya Of diabon~ pro~Oill\ u aiD')e i'*l ploro &ho .alte Of tho cli~C:)verieil' of Dr· j reuoo, 1touta a To.~l , Cor tbe' auper'rito warm' llrili~, ~~tpee<~il,y rvlax :fi\tlffota wi~l thon Lo a!TordcJ ~ op{k).tunity · o ~ OJII!nod ~~~&tl.lrtlay ln,t., trio l l on. ~ bow neh contemptible Oil IUld Opj'Ort.ruut aes LncrcMO or tramp- Hclllicmann. I ion or it. ~tuetW. aocl prena t allJ penaaoenl uontracu,n. d~ans; 110. - . Chief J uetico IUid ~{r. J ullt.ico Hay\Yanl

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- -... . ... ·-· '

I 1 .;,

lo .. ~ ~~ 1 '

. '•1 .. ; . . ·By Authori 1: · • .'. 1 ... -.~:e·n~:.-. lJ .. ~l,l


t~:~ f•, HiM Ex :!l.~nci, the Go•cmo\' tm,, • llf't

np:\rt ~turtl.!y; ti,c !7th in.,t' :· ~be bh· M-rvrJ n11 n H olfd"y, ·rr. c:elebmt!tm of 11.-r ~hj~sty'!! Blrfbd:~y. tip(jh wlrlch d"y t ltcl''!'fore, tlllJ Public·: OUib:s "ill be closN. ' ' '

. ~ccretn"~-?ffice, ~!?nd Ma~·, 1~7G:-Grt. , tl<. ,

1 •

By , Te1egJ:ap}l

Ln!"no:or. Ma." :lO . ...!..'l'ho Mnh'lm:m inh" l"l.ltoiA of Pi.,dor in llo.ani~t. unrler t l~t• pn:trxt th.u 11 number lJf v'llri•Ji"n1 \\'o-1"'-' n i.Joll t to IJIIi l tlae (On"n, ftl!.t~~llJ

. nnd lniiM.:tCretl II)() Jl'!IMII~. T on•llish t roop!! afterward~ oocupilld the plotce nnd tno.de numcron.~ llt~td.

T he 'I'~J•Iion 1\tHI !'flt('f't:lintl\~nt of t ho Prince of \V aiel! In I .ov~u.lon l:s~t


LONGW'!L~ & TAY LOR.'S. . ~ -- - -


· ~Dollars.· · .. LO~GWILL & .'fA YLOH.

FO R ~..::A LE . ·

Tho P roperty known 1\9

Virginia Water Estate. For r, ico: and TorruR, Apply to

7 W. lJ. HALLEY, •. ' Jlrol.:cr.

St J olm'~, 1\toy 20. 1 i.

ALT. P~>NOrU! indcl!tcd to tHe E:;t.a~ of Jl.JCIV.Jll. Oo\'LE, Jut.c of C\trl.oncnr

''"'"'.1\S<.>d, nro ,n:<ptirc<l to mnkc imm~li· ut~: puynienl; 1111d nil pen~ans lrll'l'lll!f

cluims on Ute J<nid ' K~t.'\to muHt fumi~h t bn sumo irwncJiut...:ly, duly attested tA.'l JUC.

SDlO);' )l1..CARTHY, J.:.r;cutor.

(':uhonrnr, 9th ) Lt)', 1l'i 6. ff.

=· • If .. !

.. . ! ~



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: !I ir I' I

" I

'· .cd;.ll.!f,..~ C"Ti· l I •· w·•r· .... fH ""'~,. · t· r. r, T.f • • { '1 · .tR't or As lU ~e !son AttU-uey ~beral, Ca~m tht ~' or a 130lto\ Committee Oil Jhe G.) cctuld 'ilot · " the ob{eet \1£ whip- Mr wl&H'\fr.l~ti\M' ptti~d (tbm lonj ~Si!itH~:.t£:&u~J4 • rrao~m-t,• ~ut. the Jaw contioued

...___~~-~ ~ ~O-~ _!..:.....__ Sclec~ OommiHe., w whptll were s.tenW Mbjec\ of the .a~pnun~ia,~roC tbi11 c:ol- pins (oo the ~ec~Dcl , oli.tllee, which Charla· Natrluw~ fUel. o~b.-r-,· G.p;il',- ilr.,.., In A~e abohtioa of the old •JrtPm J uheNCI uatU 1~. whea an .Act w .. ~ ...... of' f'.~luJr-. the Bills fur •.be 11tnendruent or the ~at the internationAl Exhibition •t !DighL M a mel'e lsreed.,.- H 'fi'AI to Harbor aact.-djaitlflt.ettJfuieot-w?praJ- cif~!to ao;,t:\~«:.~bliAm~Q\ 9(7 p....d pt~Dfidia' lor the •tabU.hmeo'

Cri111lnill t..w 11.nu tho Bill relariq to ihe Cen~l. ~~n· a~.fhll&del· c:uol of aeaault and fielonce that that' iot Cor a I' t to enable \V. 0 . ~ te~'fto" ofB'ce dt Ill! 111ii\i4Mi! "t\- or foar aCIIdtml•, whleh •ere named the rrroverty of marrioll wom~, preeen' • pbia., during the preaeot year. · po .. iehmeot lbould be altacbed. ·r ' oftbd . ~ ~~~~r Rf ~pftettapt ~¥bool1, a B.oawa Ca&aolio Aeademy, Cor tbe

TaVlllD.t.T, April20. ed tbo rtport o r the . C:0\1\tnittoe. They . On\.~~~tolion or Mr. ltoNfi!r, 'il-4ered ' Mr. Raftua objected mo•t atronglJ t~ ~r ell w-t ab ' ' ad!~ ·n~·eN:&riY.r.abhl(ehed,'&olt p\-O.l '"PP"' ..t wbii:h £600alft. waa snoted, h~d ma<\tt eoiW:I amendmenb in the thai A ~~•.be aenl;to th,J..<>gi~a~e ~ba' Met ion ?e8pec:tio~ lloru;ioa • •• He The bn Receiur Ge.r'eral. froao the ,W~ ~g~d \h~refons to be ma-di IOrtbi • Cburrla of. Englao4 Acadomr, for

(Ccllltitw«<.) nHls. Couoeil, l"'!quolliog tbat !boy 'fl'uu"lab,. abo old oppoao it a1 long Ill hp . ~uldt SeiO<' om mit~~ whom waueferncl 10. be ha'd eue'tained. '''It wu.' r~d'te. wlUc:ll £'00 at,c. wu ~tranted, a nd a Tho Cbairllllln of the Doanl of \Voris Onleretl thllt. lbe rcporL lio on the pllllled to J~roi•b the Bouao ,with a llllDd on bia IPgl. the Bill to ttDeDcl, 8~1 Wac..r ~· ~ p~oeed, in tbe Srlt ~lion'("~"· Geaeral .Ptdteetut arademy, for wbicb

t beu t.rvagla' in a Ljll to vrov•do Cur lho table. ltllteWIIO"- of the IIOOunt of tbo•r eoo.. Mr. Hen nett. tbco made A few teo· 'Compaor A c:t, ~prele~ '• tlle Report r,1HAdCion '$100 per annum,: tQ bel de- ~lGO a~. "UlJtanMd, tbo Board• for constr~o~ctiol'l and "Jl'llt'a of ~ and Onlered that. tho House uo, on tQ. tingenc1u. ' To b. talt'n to the Counc1l lllttrka, aKI"'!tinJ to the prtnciple of tl1e 'o f tboltTofb!!lttt¥.H fc( J}ie,~,e6£il)th&t Ujl :llltb:P~rtb.e\»ml 1!~~0! P@- tlleman&~Mleot .of w~Ueb .wore to bo briugea Ill this C()lony, in t.erun or tho morrow t'el!OI\'e itaelC into Couunhtee, or br t\lr. l\1cNci ly and Mr. Little. . Btll, artor wbieb Mr. Scutt IUiJ;:Q41t.qi tho.r b';d m-;.00 •omo amootlmeDt.. OD tho 'fOb, ylltil b' I bOllia ~1'e . an FODitiloLud of ..membera of tbo relj)fe• ruutut.toWI "'pOrted from the Co•nnutt.~-e tbo wholn on tho u1u D&lls. Mr. )cl\OliJ, from t !io Solt1c:t f.om· that to •ba Suprerue C<lurt al \lno ~ould Rtll. . . ~ ~· f r,dm ~lie c1~~e~njent·•· 'whicb: ,liY~ deoo!"inatlon•, •xcept tho Jut., for wl.ieh WAll re...J a fi111t tlwo auu aec:ouJ Mr. Conroy 1wrsoan~ to notico mond 111~t111e to ioquire int'l tb!' pot it1on of be rcatrtctt!d t ho power ot ftoggltJg f.or On mol1oo of tho boo Ree~&.-~r Goo• .-ol{ld p1aee h1m ln ' a poaluon equal to !wb&cb a Doua wu to be con•tituled o( t ime. au uddress w hi~ ExClfllloncy the Govern N1cholu Sllbb and other~, rcepN'ltng tbo fit I \ olfooco. era I, ~' boueo•t]loo rNOI~!"t~}f ··~ lthat ,.-bisb b,.e '%"'JJ:·u•lf. W.d. :';t'h .. t• mom ben of tho , B.ubli.ht-d Kirk

On molion or tho Cbainlllm or tbe or Ott-tho JII!Utiou of MarUI.lduh Clow, d:unllj(O to, the tellhor atumer Gr-:en. llou A.tl<lrnoy Gentral-!ho propo-· Oolllllllttee ..o~he w~oiA Q.Dlthe Bill; .H~~PU~O at Hcibool W.llbe Jof Seotlaod, two D~ tile Free Kirk, aoJ Doard of W ork,., the Youse reliOlvf'd 1t- ltlliJoCC~ur of Wetghts 1md .Meuurea .. ~ laud. ,., ll rtot, io St J ,•hu'•· 1~7a. 111l of tho bou and learned nrew bor w11e ~1r. Kelhsrew 10 tho cbatr. oot ~~Fet~ttoq to "lnolt be (bon ~.~.) t"o of tb'e OoorroJationalieu. Al-aelf mto Commiueo ot tho wholo ou tbe !<'~f-ry land, for 11 ul11ry. pruet!ted tile repor~ ol the c:owauttee, a very reoeoneblo one, which might Tho •<'•e rlll ~tolioO. oftho Dtll •ere ba4 rofened, and lt ,pouTd be tlle ool! tlaougb that wu collecJ a General Pto-Btll : M . KoOigrow in the chair. Mr. Bonnett, purauiU\t w 11otico, D\01'· wl~tt'h ~u rrre•Yed and re11d, atnLtn{: •ory fllirly bo acceded to. relld una, im and ad.opted~ with 111 •ell'&, I r cmaioi'ag mauarad by A HoArd jtetlant AcademY"; l;)litber memb~r1 of

Arter 110u1e d&Srnl'lllion the Committee 1'\1 au addre~~S to b1s E~eellenc:y the tba\ eY&deBee h11d bceo produco<l b11lor.. Mr. ltanu~ objeetod to 1ucb a po"or ameodmeo(, and the 'Comn11tl~·ro;6, eo~)pOied of mombera or atl d;nomlda . • tlto Church ofEoglaod Dor Wu!o.rao1 rose, and tho Cb~nnan report.ed pro- Uovemor 011 the pot111on of J . L. Noon· tho. cotnw&ltc" - bow10g the dan••!te _r; be1ng a;:i•~o .to tho J udge11 . of either iod the chdrman reportdd t l.e Bm-whh tio-•. '{'hat ••• e,n' o1a 1chool, in'

00 p• lu.d aught to do with it. manago.ne!M.

gn:ss. To 11i~ again w mon 'Ow ""• of tho l'nstow3, St. J oho'M, for 411 hu e been (o the Amount o f S 1,000 ''!· Court. 1 botr powere t?ere alrclady a.n a.mon.d.m~llt, wbtd~ w .. re"d aud con- ora ' ion etoeo 1848, and conducted, for t~. wa-. tlltrefore a mi1oomer t o call it M r. Fenel(\n, ponul\nt w 11ot we. mo• · mcretlSe o f s.dnry wh1ch they recommeoded be tn)t J:.atd quito cxtoo•ire eouugh. He 1trongly c urrecl in. mapr jean by a muter wbo bad illtrit· th• <ltmoral Prekatant Aeadorn1 • But

ed an address to loia Exc:ellencT thn <;.,v Tbese :u\,lrcssL'S \TPI'O !i!l\'~rnlly r«c'iY· uut of the Roed Ur:lutl for ~t. Julln'e •l iiPO~od tbe in_lred~ctioo or 4 aeetion Oo motio~-of the boo Roet!Uor Goo• ed \be reopoct ot all whe know him. 00\Witbetaodinr thil, tlw Chureb of l'mor, 011 tho petlt.tou uf J ucot.' D1,.hop, of 9(1', 1-e;ul, :vlophd , and or<lcreJ to l>e ca~. East 1\nrl W cs•. • . a.l low1.n~ flo~:IIIDg, Ill Do~ ehapo or nt <'r.ll, tho Dtll "a• read 4 lhtrJ limo o_nd It Di'~ achool whlch h'i'il Clfno J:ood ~ogland .~nd \Voalarao• h:ad to cootr i• Potty l!Krbor grus.'lt.-.1 .. nd pt"t'sontu<l to ll •s .t::xrdluncY Ordered that the Report ho on the aoy time. ~uch a puu11hmont eou ld pnwsod, to bo t:1k0ll lo tho Lc)!tllatiYt' wo!ii\ aod"'.fllbo~ong ~'\e there bote . t o all aup,port, for aceordiog w

~ Mr ~~c~cth· 11111.1111 1\nt to nol oc:e, mo,. the C:u• crnor by such meruucn~ ol tl;.., l:tblo d\1 no good w a m:ut. It would on t_v C'ouoctl for coucurrcnce &, thu bou Re. h11 tS ~~.'t'l, d uwG.llli11 to ·~,a1h tbe 10 appr.>xi.mate .,.tiOJate o( population eel ~n add reM w loa~ ~x(.-elluucy tltu ( ;.,, Houst~ .... , 1\ro of the hun I::u-.:ut&•o Tho Sur rryor GPnl'rnl (Mr. W11rrcn) rendur htm hard anol c:~llout• I~ " ou ld .:l' lfc~-Oe~K>ra~no ~r. Soot'- lcllo~d"di~d}i)Wgr'l®.MDD.mina- thoro wa1 a grant for Prote1taot aead. r rnor on tho peuttuu ul J uhu l'l:uia, ot Counc• l. prc,oot•d a pet lllon lr•'tn Sa~uc l Hu,. tnllk• lum ~ind1ctr•e, . a Dd ~·~re th11o 1'1u:~~ Maet;cr-.;,, · Ch~o~rr.to tho Lo- tio11ally, etill he (booS. G.) waa glad 111aiea &~pon tb•, l>a•i. of £600 atg. to St. J ,,JID'll Tbu Mnster in-Chancery to \ho v g•s· ... u. \t'~Chor of t bo Comnaerctal ~boo!, oua' dotor mloed to ~1st th(\ IOJUittCO or ~ulattve Coonc:-tl brou~l doYU " me• .. 10 •• , that tb- ball -n IUch elrcnJ: Roman C•tbalica, and -'Ut e f the Pro-

T ho atlrlressn ,....,.0 rf'C<'iY(.'ll, too<J LntiTII C.,uuc•l urought down 11 111 ,.~~'1go Bnnanata, orllVItlJ: lnr .:otmd ... ratluu for tho lawa uodor whiC'h he "a' ao pun11b ango acqua.•r ttng tho H onea tbat t ho requee~_mado for ite continuance, that *'aDt ~rant thia.£150 atz. w .. takoo 1\dopted, nlld nrolcrT<It.<• .... ~u!:n••a .,, .... .t acqunmttug tho llou!\tl th .. t the I..,ga•ll•· hlf loo~t lerticet, aod t bat a peoltOU b... I'd. l'bo ol>ject or Criminal lAw WQI to Council bn<l J>M<IOd the B otd n.u •tth· It had'lilen~tilDtdlW"l tliit ecbuol altbou&:h tho donomtnetiooe from' which r rescntt•d to lila Exc--fl,•ucy loy !Hch "'''"\ \ lt\'e Couuc•l hall pn.uc.l tho Lo:ltt Utll, g rnutl'd to b1m. roform erta. tnnl~, no~ to bon .. lbom Into out"aaiehd'ment. . , ehould r.ot be uieturbod, 'fl'h icll would, t he ll04rd for the G e neral Proteataot Lers of tlao H <>HSO I ! Kl't' u! t ho Lull 1-:.t WILhou L amendment. The ~Url'l'l'Or _GPn~rnl 10 IUOTI~Cl do,::~cd aubtotaeion, whtch 00 tho l'ory Tho bon ~offclto; Gomr:~l , frO'rn tho ba" a " l qur'ce or griti6t.'j_tiob 1o ' 11\atry i eadomy ... breututo ~ro.-i.lod to be ecu!.lvc ('nunctl I Oo motion, of tho Cha itman Ctf tho that lht ptllt iOO ho ou t he ~nblo, ~atd urltoat opportumty, \I'Uuld break out Soled Cummitlt\0 on tho Educat tou 4cJ aoil td 1.imtelr (6an s. <i.J ' among' t he aelec:~J. would not llano b~ uotitlad

T lu• MutC'r· ltt·Ch:\I)N!I'Y tn t he 1 ~ .:1s. Bu.l,..l of \Vorlca punsunnt to ()l dcr uf he h•c! pecuh11r ).lltasuro 10 r-"'•tnll~l! t:Jto oren rebelhon t•roMcntod t ho R eport of tbu coma: Htee. nulnbl!r. 1Do Car'x>ooa~ G rammar by popul11tion to more 1 ban£ 15 or £:!0 lall<"o Cuun..-•l brou!!l•L down 11w,.,.•~··• tho 0 ,1\., thu Uou~o re.wlvcJ 1~ 1 f tnt.> •t t o t he IIouao. ft~r mnny •uh•tnntud Tho sl!< t •on WAS thun awt'ndt:d a nd th:~t they had ml\du IIOtllO "mendmenle ' c1,ool wu ett~tlftahed at tho eame instea<l of wbich ther ~t!CtiYed £lGOatg: IICfJU:\&nttRg till' llu•::.~ Lh~t th:: ('outtrtl C'urnuuLt.oc uf tho ~·bolo on tho lt.Ja,J r"n.ou• , 11mon~at whtt•h be mtgh t call ~duptod , anJ t ho r emni!IIOS scd100II •'n tho Btll lo tbPtO referred, , ybicJ, t11#e roa tbe Herbor ,G~c~ Gram war Had tho Chu~h C?f~glaotl or We111oy~ l•ncl Jl-"M~d tho Supl'lT lltll. I I.e l u.t~m·; Utll, :'tlr. 1\.cllagrew 10 the cluur. nttt•nt tou to t l.•o e\ylo 111 wb11:h tt wr<• t1e1n~ read, .wcro adnptt:d.' l OUitllllltHl they preaeolcd for the coneideration of :3c~•ool;'buta Y4c}etJ ( or: etrc:tiahtaoco• ana t>.on repreeeoteJ on. that Jl 1arr nitl' Dtll, oud the Jltll ~;• • tt•!l , 1)t'n•um \ 'fltt~ hor. Heoon·cr Ocncr.LI pnn;unnt

1 "rlltrn nnd tt• du:tattotP, tl ftdontl~ tncn ro~e; aod l bo Chnirmnn rrport(U t he ITou~e · · ~ "" hac. OCC'Url't!ct1o-c:a~no h'O altm"on of no objt-etio~ could flawe boon raited:

t o ·J C :\uttall , K"l .... athouL fttnend 110 not&~'i' mo•cd tbst tho Gene.,.\ w ,,t,.r 1. how111,:: the htj;b qu:shficotlopt " r. tlu thu Du l wtth amcudUlonll, wlucb were On 111otion of tbo bon Solicitor G en . itt!' or1~in• l conelit ution, 1\nd ' to 1869 I£ thellomao C.tbollca were ootttlod t.o IDent . L',.•ui'M IIY Acts ..\nu:ndauont u,u J.o rcaJ ~ pett t•oner 111 11 t~achcr. Tbo petition n·nd and t'nno.:nrred tn. ~l'ftl, tho hor11o t~ rl'ao l ~ed 1t1clf flit· oti~:tnlll TOJ~~~ it "aa ~o~~ to £600 ~~~~-· 111reiJ t he Cp urc:b of ~n, ..

The hnn :\tt4'1rnrl 1 ;rll4't':llpu~••:\lll tu ·' s4'.!ond uruu lu ,1010., su h., wouiJ al•o bnro tho 11:.nature of nu~ .. drottt Oo motton o.f tl-o hun Attorney G cn •n to CorutmUeo oftbe Wholo on tho SL~. half c.r 'wbteti had~een 11ppro- laud a nd \Vt 1li1 4n1 were •ntiUod to onler of ihll .1 ,,. mu ' c·ol t'"'t th~ llt'l f,.r olacct vn ttl.<t tbo oloJer.t of the U.ll w~s I poriOn~. prllTin ~ th11th1t bo ncdc~uc 10 ere I, t lao Bt l I wu r.:-ad a t btrd tuno, lllld I &I ucatton 'Ddl ::\Ir. IIi owl11n trl t hechair. prt,tod fur 'Prolut11ut t cboo1e, and t ho hko proport ton•, nceordmg · to tb~•r tho more efft'ct;t.,l t ruol of nppeHis 111 11,.. 10 ,.,,.1; 0 tho .\ss~tnouts f.,r thll \\',•Lt·r bel'h~JJor1porfll~ln o~~ •eo11~n odrm cb•r l5 illl.Ue•l. 'l'o bo tnk.:a1 to tho Le~ttla 1 ho boo ::i\lhc• tor Geocr:•l 1n moflng ot'kr ha.lf for Uom11u Catbohc ~choola numb0r1. Therefore, bo (boo S. 0)

I I I ' . 1 b 1 <'u pu tu "' o .. r. ""'Wil' e ·:\II t rar tifo Couocll for eoocu rrunco br tho. tho ro:adtns of tho Bra~ ece t&on, would m ::-arbonear. Tb"t $1200 would uow· only rtquired tLe 14mo ri<>htl for t be Ccurt<>f(,!uwrtl'r;:,.,a,IUII~ u•rc:\t "lle(.''lh I ~rYIC(l 1001"0 an !IOCOII Wit t 10 anter- I . ' d d h • r II I d 'f L I I . I .. tune In ,


10 .. 11..- ,.ucend rcndtu~,; of • t'l>LS of tho wLolo commtuutl', 111111 80 I tat ... wrlltng 10 tcate u1Y care u ) uun Attoratl'f Ornor:t nu ..1 r 1lt u 1 o..rail hlm~olf of tho opportunity of ex · bo d~tln)?utcd_ per ouptta, au1on.; a I Church o[~lat.cl and \V't~~leuos 11

t lt.tt.Dall the ho; Allont4'\' Uenon.l11.ud l>l'l)mot.u tbo " i'Ooi'"'"LY of tho W'Yil of ! tbey b:td ~n tna1truHcted. T1~~t poll Ou ruotaon of t he ~on Mr. M.e:-le tlf I plntntog tho geDt'r.ll features and ob-· oleooman11tlon~ tbera. J:Jy "\~o Act of waeac~o~4~d to t~o &~011 Catholic•,

• · 1 . r ,. . d 1 G•· ·• 1 1 ttno t'O.me uc.oro t '" ou•• un · .. o mnAt &ho llouou rctol rcd tt.<elf tnto Cuwmtt Jt'Ct• .. r tbc Dall, lt'u in J: mnttcr• of l SS folea ba~u m,td.:Jor tba sus• and tf 1~ .,,aa dt~t"'d to contmuo tbo tho Dtll -"n~> ouo cunc<'rutu; "l•t••' ' HI :::>t.. J ohn'" wh1ch h:t oeue wu 11 r~o y • f h . d I .• ,.1 f 1 1 h 'I .• \V f f 1 h 1 d ' £ "0

<· " . D l'f' 1 'fh 1 f o t u petitions at r prc:soo tt-u • " &co o thu w 10 u upon t o •' nrr10~ o- j de tat! 11 r fortbftr rcnurk•, whon the teot.at1on o co ercta 11c oo 1 to ta~ lo ttl:', aa a •pocaal Yote to th1 G 110• cases from the .x&uun~ vunrt. turr liT tho wo.U:r tmpp y o tot.1 cost o I II h h d • p Dill M K l b ' J h • H b 1 p t'IICOII of optntOtl mn•t "'C.I'IUO~lly ... ~e 5;11'(llvlll" tho :.own walh walet hPd been I atfgna~ure" were a Ill t 0 IIU rll~lll l! n•cn . ropcrtr I ; r. ont 10 ~ 10 ( •ovora l~ BllCl ton• ah·.u iJ bo reaJ Tho lru:ta ,.other t D ~l 0 n.. ar or era I"'testant Ac.tdemJ, he had DO ob-het,.een tho Judn~-s of th't c •0 .,. 1, .. n.t tho ovr·l j; IOJ OOO, nnd D''ery fooL of lllnU o. t do\ pelhttloours.lc notTohno u t .:w cha1r. I Ball IUS wbat t he \1tlo purportad i l :o Gn co 1\nd Carbooeer; and by eub•e- )ectton•, but would giA 111 suppor t it .

" 1 1 1 d own• by ta m11r o pet•twnl'r Mr. hl c~oily 111id that Dtll ht~d boeo be, " a Bill to eoosoltd11te and amend qut nt le,::iala tion llliUir af-tbeao com· \l r if 1t "'" dettred, a od be chon s. G.)' qnesliOD nllturall~ t\l'll"'· hJW "'"' "I ·~~e "llhlD au liwll:l benefited thot'C l'f an h "d ' · I r L t f c d .J, I 1·' · 1 1 C . • ll a ueen a tet\C 1Pr •Jr oTc r t tr r- o ur refer rod to a Sui• ct ommiuo~, an &t tho Act8; f-.r t bo oncounascmcm of me~io.l ~;roi1b bad merged oto' thn geo · et~on~ly dea•re~ tt, to c oohouo that 104

rlafferen<'.NI to he """'' nrt."n.~uons ought lo 111d 10 moot•n:; ant.crcst 0 11 lat : ,.nra a nd hte compt.teucJ fo r hi~ office <low Rjlpoarorl •n an a. wended .orm. llo eJucatwn." Tbe Acti wh•ch wero con· eral ,.rant tor elemo_ofry l t'hoola •. •.nd alltutlor, c.'lll 1t A GouoraJ A.t'aJemy. uf that Dall pt-ov tlo:el l\ I\Oiuu on 1 ho 3rt! l:.t r"o outln. A L p~n~ Lualtlmgs ouly I Jl d 1 b . d ll b ~ b 1 b " . ('h r o • f 1 •• oeror eeo que1t1ont' il ~.. oh~uld tay tht~l , "' ' st oxpr~o~IDI: t11 eolidattd were Chnpter 7•' o f the Coo- bJ tbv ad• of 1~, tbe ~t:n:uo•ng Le~ 1t be aupported br a apec1nl YOtt>, Mellon pronded tht.t Lht1 1 "~-:'~111 0

"'"' a.. .. ~n • <Lnd lanJ I"'"~ roo. 11 11tnp:srted a a:>uod educ~tion to m:~.nr O!llltton of t h:H Dtll, he wne 111 fnor of ooltd:~ted Stlltutos, an d t ho Act which gra!lll for e<>mlllerelal~e"ool• had· beeD and ml\na~tcd by a lloanl cumpoaed o t the Quartt'r ~IOn" nu .. t •u II uoy nst.rr SOl em! loc.thll..a throughout tho \{)"'" b ·- I L ld I B t I d Tb r b ·L- l f ~ • Th Co w n were now oct'upy1ng tmp~'r .... n tuc o commno a"''· u I tert: IVCIJI be (hon S. 0) hl\d introdueod, and ~o rnor&• • ere ore 1 ...., preton onu rom e rery tot!nomina.tion. anl\logou1 of6Teyeara atAndm~ :sL u t l "u' pro);ert\' hn~ ~n unoccupaed amco thA t. b I . b · · , ' cl d h t th th 11 b G 0

I I I · . 1 po11 ton• · ut •a-•ng an In come oel'er •lCC4dlons w eu 1t 11 oeceua.ry to pro· whtch w11s p:t~~td U1l87~. to proride Btl. it wu profl e t • . ". sran~ to e "' or race :-amm•r ::ichool ; prcatded 0\' ea b'f a gt~nllemnn .... ... "" lJr<• of l t! IG fho OWIIf.'r.l ht<VO not I • £ 100 d I b r d I .'tl I d b d t b d d b bl b been a pl'llCl~c•n~ ll'lrnst.·r for " nn ntl"'r • hntlt "f'O" IL, nor hMI they otl'.:rc:d IL I efxce

1vr tnh~ h ·' b a y~·· tan a Ill'~<' to.:t t ,. p ropert y o morrtc '" omon fur ~1\o denqanoatiooa eub-di,~ion of sh:'lr .al 110 cnerae, ao e 11 n at.)' 10 11n pro a y auc An A...-ademJ " ould

.. • I I IIU\If, e "" oon UO&UIO 0 U \'0 .. n, I rom tho 'fl'llllO of IYortblne aad unpru· tbe DJOD0'!8 grauttd for Pr:~lotl:ant otli;r diat rieh tba? tb~ three mention- boaCCAJpl&blo~ t.> lho" who w~re lor D Ol!· of YC!lrl. H e b .. <! t.een Ktii::U ~~~~~ J~' ::o fur AAiu oa IH tl fut· buaiJm; purposes • 1 h1ng ; and tho achool winc h ho bact \I <len \ husb1mda. Tha Ball apectaiiJ F.ducat1onal putpo•ea. Prior, to UH3., ed. Tbt.t .waa only fail a nd eqt¥~ble, denomtna~onal 1cbool1 ; but wb11t ho of the C~ntnol Du.tncl Conn, nn " "nd lt Wl\ll therefuro tunc t lull • smRII 1 1au~ht with eo much cn.d1t to btmself pro\ldcd for women c:trryin~: on ous1.. tho rr~nc1pla of dtruion of tlt t- s:~nh for St. Joi n'• hal tta ae:ademie•, lla.r (bon S. G ) prqt.eatod 1\l:aintt, nnd woultl 00 trupos!taule to una;::tne "~no...- ''''lo<'S:Itntnt st..oulcl he lev ted upon tl. for I aotl benefit to the l11rg•1 popull\tiOO ueu sopar.:t t.e from thotr hu•b:10ds 'I for eductlttODill puq.totca b11two"n Ho· bot 0 rarll ill g rammar 1ehool, aod Car- would ruiat, '11'111 that deductioua ahould r~potlJQblo postt ton Fur "m•ru r ut such nn ttHpor~<nt put·~ a.s Sltppl) mg llmon~.t trbom be reeirl.-d, bc1og 11bout 1'bo sncralsecttone oC -.he lltil hBVtnl: mao Catboltca ano:l P rotoetnnta bnd bolle11r 111 Yote for euporior ~<'boola : be lll:lde from tit a Church of EndanJ Y,.AI'!I tho Y:aned duttl'll of the uffiL'<' hMl l the town wttn """"r . 1 t<> bo dlll'OD~Iuuro.J, u odvr tho new btcu rood and adopted, tbo Contmtltro been retogot~ by t ho l~ialatuN' anti ancl he (hon. S . G.) truptcd &bet addi and \Vcelryao grant~~, to wh1cb t bey been dtscluu):ed by lbM sontlcmllll uluuu ! ::;o,oml hon mcmlot!:rn of the Oppo~~a~ i ptrfln~:omoote reeultm tro1n t ho &uh. ro~(l, aod tho Cbatrm:~ n roported thu ecbools had boon e•labhshud and ~aiD· tto 1111 l'o to for othor d11trict- wuuld had. a r1ght bJ populatton, for t be eu p· and wath l,;I'I'At pubho snusfactl<>:> At u nrt t!ten•rookc tH sotuo lungth l'Otu •nent.- I dtr~atuo of the Pruto~t:ant F.-lucs t&on Btl! Without amendmenu . I t.:uncd accordin .. Jy'. That princtplo cnt ,ble t he Doard1 io .maay localiuu to porto! ono InstituliGD lrom "'htch thr y t~c limo tbt- Ac' " 11 pns.-*XI, prv~ ultn~ •ng "'h~: r-sely 01' Lite ll•ll, when ~Ir Grao t, bo full bimee' f con•tr~mod to On wotaon or lllr. !~icily t ho Dtll wu ouco ad mtttt'd , ;h.-thor wt~l.'l r or not, eeuhh•h b~gher grndo •chpnl•, whteb • oro oxclu<lod. H eretofore, unttl t ho for the appomtment of l\YO J"'1~ 01; Louie MOOtnmcn.IP.<i LbnL tbe ni4Lt.or be a pptl\l t•J tbnt Houfo and 10 tho Gor rl'nd & t lnrd liUIO . nnJ p:u~d. To bo r.~, no~ fn r htm (hoo :; G.) uow to weto rt rl'rred to in Cbo Bill. Parla .'\ct or 187-l, prontlin11: for Jtu b·J••u•nn thl\t Cvnrt , tt WM "ell nndf'r;t<'Otl tbt t n:f• rrcd 10 :\ Scle.:t C<>~l:n t t\«1 crnUtont for • ncb pm•taton lis woulcl taken to tho L l'l:llld t lvo CounCil for 1 dt•cu~s· 'F.tc:h r.~h~1ous ddno Niinsllen 2nd and 3rd of tho H1ll proJtded ror tho ant?n&: I-ro testa.ot.r, all ~raut.a fo r edu· l>utb aht'llll ;u·I~<"S should bo R<rn~t~rs, Tho !Jon lt..'Cct•ct licneml suutl af It 1 mGblo hin. to support hie fntn•ly l'ht cnncu rr(loco by l ho hou Attornt'J O~n- •


" "' entitlc11 to lho MDI~ ri~:h t aa tho coott:t ull<>n of the Doarda of Edac:;Lt&uu. c~taonlll purposoe 'fi'Oro baau.l uvon a onl'" R o•rmn <..:atuoltc tho oth•·r " ltv • " "" thu "•~It uf tho I louse, he would I woole communil o f tbe largo towo ol ern\ aud ;llr. Kont. Roman Catholic• bad enJnyt-d tbl\t ia tlt• 1r powor1, tho m:maJ:Ollllnt o[ dorlltOI\ botweeo Protoobu t.a anrl R •. tettta.nC Two P.oau:ln c .. thohc u:arr .. tt.nl uut olojl'<:L til tho u.n hrtn~ n:f.,rn:d ton l Bunuialll dtt'pl; •pmp11 thi•oJ l'fith the l'bc }lns!er · tn .. ChB'lC&ry lo the Lo . to tbetr ah;uo o( t ho t'd


u('ahOI:Ial eel ool property, t ho boundartea of edu· mao Catholic•, accof'\.ltog t o popu'a t n n v. ere auCCC'"''• "1Y otf•·n:d tL,. l"~•t•nn '! Sdrct l:omoml~.c<> n,,. onlr 01 'J~l '" I pet1tlooer Ho (:3 G) a.lao felt much for gialuttve.Co.u o~ll broucht do•o a tnt~· sr.:~nt per GllpiJa for tht- sustenance of eal!onal dtatrteh. Thore -:as noma • but u .a. ~llt.tor or fact. our Ho Uian but ixlth dcdm ... t IIC<:l'l•ltng It S<l• l't'lll Lnn~· n~: 111 Lhu Bill '"'"-' Lhu proutotaon biCD Ho.had lon~ knowr> him. and .. ns lllltU •.cquaiOIIng the Houeo tbnt ~ho acho<>ltl a n•l u1anl\:;od bf Board• ol lhoir ter.~a l Altl'ratton ~h1ch rrqu~r~d 1poclal Cutbohc,fr1ends had • much l11r~ur pro• lnymc-n nppphNl for tho "PpowLmeut <•f I of thu puh\tc lUIA't'U"". ami ho would utiefi,•d h., had duoe tu bal:lnt111f bonrfit Council had p:~ued tho o.meod:nent1 own de nonm:iaL•ou. The mop:~ bert of no\ico, but llltent&on would bo d~rected portion tb11n Prote.stanu. Cllt.hohc Jud"~· hHl for the 1\0o>o n"' 1 not ""1'11o11 th<' motn~s of tho hon mero l to tho eucceuful tratntng of Youth H e made hr tho Aa,ombly on tho Co~nctl's tho Church of' E nr::laud, br ftt leul bJ'. h im ( hoo. $. 0 .) to_ tho ameodlllonte (Io be c:onflflu~rl.) wna tho then GoTf'mrnPnl dtd ""1 " 11 th• ' her< Ot•J'OS•lA "' hu hnJ •t>oko.:n on tht~ (S. 0 .) 1faa t ati!Bcd t ho · potittone r au1ondmeot~ on th~ ~til to prov1.do for la r~:e ou tn bore o f I hem, h11d petitioned ta.tllg~tcd, ae tbe aeetton• .. • ere t Nid . ncaocy, eml •t hlld sttocc. b«:n fiii~.J u~ 'lue•ti"'n 1{., wvulol, therefore move "''ould nlaL bue tbo eymp:tthJ of lion tho lospcet1oO of fMo Orl1 &a t btt Cui· A,l(l\io 1nd a grJn. lo;ad by t h11ar .-enttrable The 4tb. pnrt marl_e proviSt\IO ~or the ::::zzz:c t ho lato GoYernrueuL., by • 1"Jin:ln !'/ .. w lhnL tho 11•11 00 tolerrod to a Select tiiemh.-rs on both aides of tho H ouse ony. Wttbout nml'odml'nt a:~d reYerend Uu1b,p, for tub · <lir••t<>ll; quahfico~ttun, tramang and gradtuJ: o f -• Com& hPM~, P .. t, and tell mo lho bo (bon A G) "'M " 1" "r• of 0 1''"''"' l'<>mm•ttco ' snd ho trusted the lltmoat cotofttdora : On mntion of tho Cht11 rmpo ,,f tbe but tt wos no t unt•l U i ~ 1h11t tha; ;uet te11chore, a nd to rem edy ao ovtl whtcb bigge3t lio you Cl\11' 'Ocla, IIUN, your th:at 1\n eclcltuon of £ l OO " 0 " " "

1"' to thl'' 1 ht' motton wM put ""'I c:trrt<'(l. and \ tun wo uld ho ~ivcn to h11 clatm u tl floard of \\,1ork~~ tho lloueu roeol•~d I ru;bt Wile conced<'d to thciD. The~ Act extetod undo~ t ha old oyatem, Ill rofer · bouor'• llJioUomtln.' Mla'ry :Jf tht scnaor Judi!"· :'tlr. Pro""' th., Udl w, .. , n·f.,ne-1 w • ~d~ct (',l m I wae foom nu f!'u lt of ltie own t hat,' niter tt.self mto Cotohllttee of t ht1 Wboluon of 1874- ,.a, urr1ed 1nto oporo.t ion tn enee t o ouptl tP:lcher•. It "''u PTO-· ----w.,uld b... a '"0 ':" amnii ~o;:t~tuc." of 1"" mttlt'<', ""'1111~"11!: .,f 1.h" hot•. Rc<"'" er : &U Ilia OJ yea,.. of 1ueh useful 11er"ft'· 1ho fur ther cuoaidorntion of t ho Hoad July 1875. One, not tho lo:t•~ dtllicult pda~d that they ahould .bo articled . to - A t tho ciO&O of 11 t.n•crn dmner bm upttno~.-e 1111d of Ius oc~" 11~ prviN lP !a•ral .. \l~nL )!c:Sr_tly. Kell.'~:row, 1 bo waa no" undar tao neceaa~ty of ap·· 13111, Mr...Kelltgrcw m the chatr. • lll4lt.er lobo nrrnnged, undr r thnt Act, thc:r reepecll•e euportntenden t•, tn ofl.ho company full down &tmn~, tho ono tiaonal knowlod~. I LaLtltt h·nclon, tiH' hon :)ultcttor liuner I "Po.ltn~: to tbo GoYoroment and to tblo Ou mot ton of tbo Cba trman of t ho Wilt tho a olju•trneot of l hg C'laltlol upon lll•'ad of to Cha.iriiiDII of Bonrda, and tumbltng w the tintt ltulding plncc nnol

Aft.cr aomo dt!IOU!ISIOU, the mntton w:u o.l , lln.J Dr D .. nnn II uu•e. Bo .. rd .,r \Vork"· tho ~ovc ral 80Clton& l the Prote~taut IICbool p roper!). or tho ab ,uld: durin~: thci.r 5o uno or ;uit_toll, : UIO othe r rollmg t \J tho bottom Somo pu~ and CJirned, "."'' tho 11•11 "n~ ; On ""' 110 11 of th<' hno A ttorne~ (;!'n · 1 Or.Jorl'd to Ito on the tablu. of the btll were rl'nd •ermt&rn :~nd 1\dopt d tll'o=rcnt do'nomtoations 4nd ita dr.posi· be 1ub;ectt!d to por1oottal uaouollltone l ooo rcmnrkod thnt the fir:;t ~~CCim-.1 dnml , reaa" liOCODd tlwo. 1 o llo COUillltLted to l't'ftl, puNnunt t 'l or•ler of the d.ty, thr The Sor~~JOr O unt'ra l KUO noticP ed and tho Chairman reported tho Util i tioa · and p ron •ton wu ruadc in an .!ct bJf Doarde o f. Esaminet'. Tbo law " Y C3," ob3er\'l!t'l the wug, ·• uut he Ul not morrow· ' li ons~ ll'll'lh ~1 •t.~-lf 1111 0 c .. mmttlt•e or[ &!tat on to- morrow ho would mo.-o ao «i~bout aruoodment. Tu bo hken to for \'~lu:ll1oo by arprnt~or,, 1.-RY;IIJ: It , now in u iahnce bad failoJ to prndovo , so far gone as tho other genUurunn

:'d r f'en!':on p reR.-niNI 11 p<'t~L"'~ frnr~ the \\' hull' 0 0 th~ 11111 fur t hu moro cf. f udd;I'J~ 10 btt Exc~rlluncy thfl Gorernor tho Logialeti~e. CouoC'il fo r concurrence bowc vl'r, opttoo:~l 'fl' ith thfl Hoard.< of j • u :h a class vf tcachora o.s wu ortj;t · · below." R ll. Prow~e and others, f,f S · ' 01111 ' fntu .• ! t ru•l of 11 1'1"' ol~ '" lh" Court of on tlw fo rogoao~ petition from tiamuel by t ho Clumm11n or tbo Bo:1rd of EJucati.m 11ppointed uoder t ho 187 ~ tu1.j)y contomplnted, aod tht'fe were not . -- . \ VesL, pra~·mg (or tLo l!r('Ctu•n nl '' ln i Q ltrler ~·lls&on~ • :'tt r Bo" rt11;; 111 the

1 l~"•t·h \V ork• aoJ Mr. L1ttle. . Ac t , to urr1.-0 at the u lue or al!l'f\ururnt n ~" Cll5ea .m wh•,·h. after an educa · - A mtll.:m.'n WM htcly IICCkm~ the dn.n~ tn \Ito DPt.ohborhood of ~rwrs .. ,.d ch Rtr On m.Jiion or the hnn Atlorner Oen· ~lr.l:onrOJIJrt•eot ed o pchtaon from bt:tweco thomeoln• 'fl' tthou t tho 1otor. t tcip at puptl te~chora, •t the npen•~> rud ofthu poltee w trnce tho • ·hcrc.'lbon·ll L tmel.:aln lltlls. I Tier l1on A tlom"y Gcncml """1. ll3 ho ~ral, pur8U8nt to or.ler of the day, tbe tlae R rv )L A. Clancey nod ot ht- r~. of 9entto11 of appra1ura. It wu infinitely o!\ho e \llony, youo' per•.ons had fa tied of ll faru1ly wh~ lud left the no~hborho- J

OrdenJ LL~t tho Jll'lt l iOO Ito on the hall fully lll4l~ hill optniOIIll on that llouoo resnh .. d tltelf into Committee Shoro's CoYO IIOd Cap•• Broyle, pr:tyllll: grntifymg to le&rn tbat 10 no ooe io· to r ·,., any return ohe~I'ICO a• te.achllf~ 0"'111!; lum ctghteen llhillmg'L II Wdl, I tablr . I Ball on •t.~ vocoml t'l'~~<lin;;. l.ts~ o•·ctung, of tho Wbol11, ou tho Crim inal Law fo r a ~trant to opeu aorl reptur ro:tda atauct~, bed t t bllllll found neceuary a n, had aba~dooed lh1o1r profell ton for suppo30 there " 'n.'l nino t!hillm~i worth c f

!Ur Ferrt'lon guo nollt'll tl • ..t on to. 1 he would no·. ~rouloltJ tire llou~ wtth Amocdmeot IJtll; Mr. &bb&&.t lo toe in that locality. lQ tall 10 a 1,pro.ieers. A ll tho Prole~· mue lucrat&Ye employment, aoJ no wstcr tn that &ntlk I\OCOunt," ~marked morrow, ho wouiJ mo,.., an "ddrc.'\11 to '""' gm·tg mw tho '111' 'J<LI 111 n~un a t nny t'hn••. Ordered to he oo tbo tablo. taot achool prnporly 10 tho h land, with at~a bad been t~\:eo to com pol a pel'- the ln,,?ector. " Tbnt'a where iL galls F.xoelloocJ' tho GoYernor l<l tho foN'~ len!!th lie would u11l v ol.scne th.-t ho I The bon Attornl'y Gonorl'l ~aid that Mr Con roy j!l\YO notace that, on to · the flt'epl1oo of a em11ll •t'etion undor fo~manC'e or tht!tr eng:~gemont1. Uo. me-~hn~·,. whore it hurts!" I'CJ>hed tlto ~;oiog pelltion of H I! · Prowse and 'I tho~tght J udg<> Pru'•~ cul it iMI to "n Ill I Btll bed boen Nft'rrl'd to ll StJicc:l Com• morrow, ho would mo•o 11n add ron to one board, b:~d been n lued nnd bJ OlD • 1 der tbe1e circu111ataoco,, a ch:.njto wu doslcr. "Thoy wore new cuJitotner& and oth<'no. . crea.<;c of sulotry I t "''' s all well cno •sit null eo, who hnd m.ldo eoa1e amend- his Rxceilcncy tho G o•trnor, f? r coptca l• tual arran.;emottt. bet1fteD t he boards I a~lutely neeenary, ana he (bon S.G.) [ h:~dn't commcii(.'Ccl to Wlltcr their uulk , Tito llonM t l.ten ndJOttrncd 1.ntal 1.<1• to tAlk of RIJ,Itty nnJ common sen~~, menu upon 1t . Th& eccond section of o f El ·Comtnt~alottor Ho~tnson e IHt~r of tho dtlft~ront dellOmtuattone . aod in ba 1 no doubt bot that tho prcpoacd yot.." I:.OtTCoWt llt 3! uduck. bnt no mntter "lmL 11l11hty (\ rol\n I""' the !ltll w:~a a very uccee10ary one in a to tbo St>creturJ of St:sto for tbe Colon- I thst • mall recltoo, bo (bon s'.CJ.) be· BiJI in ll•• t reep•~t, if earned out, - ---

--- l"e~.'ed· !to conlJ not 11.'\tt, f~<ct.<lrol; dts· tradtnt: eommumty hlce n .. r-, e&pocia J:y i0 , t ho r~ply, and a ll corrotpondea co l liered tho aame courto wae bern,:; a.dopt· wliuld in eo one of hmo produc:o " cl.,s -Pl-ofitins by the lcs.'lOn tau~;ht by tho Fa m AT, A pnl 21. cltugo tho one ron~ dutte3 of t hat 110~1 · "'Ltu 1t te couvletl w•th th .. thtrd eec • th~reto; ed. He (bon s.G.) roforred · to tha~ u of 1:~cbe'!' up t o their "o~k Tbe fi fth great tiro U1 Boston, a m:m II\ mg ncar

The houae met at lull p.1'1t ·th~ o' Ilion without a knowle.Jge of I.L\\ . nml \ton. n .. tore lnJ proet'odi n~ta ~liD bo Alsu, to :tsk tho ~uneyor Gonoral for an e.-ideoco of the amicable feeling p¥t pr<"Ytdt'd for tho grad tog or P~hoola Spring6«;l.d. Mass., b.M !Dildo up bL'I mind eloclc. • ( no mnn 1\'llS 6t f,,. th11t sttuntton CXCPI't t:.krn by a Mn g1etroto 111 crimio:tl mot- copy ofinatructloos lo Mr. \V T. Sal tor ! that n~ttod and tbo onr'nost a nd 1io· aoll defined tho p owerl' aod tluttee of thl\t ho won't bo burned up nh,•e. Onco

Mr. :-;owlan r~cnt.cd r>l'tt tlo 5 from OliO qn.ah!ied uy h·g.ll tl"llllllng. H e let' t he tlocu meotl In t ho C&dO mual pr&or tn hll Agricultuml mtuton, upon cere dntro. of tho two dtlOOmiOaltooe. tbe Superiotondt'nts, upon whom would C1'Cry week he givos the 1\lru-m ot' fiN nt J ohn Can'!'n And otherll, of C·•ll•" nt 11n.l l lherelu• o prop<l'lorl 1.0 lll"rM.~ J ucll(e be r~rwarded to the Atto rnPy Gl'neml, tho 1\Uthority of whtch inetrut't lonA Mr. Claurc:b of Enghnd and 1\tet hod••t, to I dnl'llft weighty ~ponstbtltttre. The~ mtdntght, at which h is wife ond children adJacent aett.lcomenta, Phtltp ?lbhon 4n•l l Prowa.o'" Slllury loy S41lll Il l' thou~:lll, .,h,., i1 tho r .. poneiblo party. If tht! S:\ltflr's Taluablo re,Por' wu t.ollde; ~l~o ca rry out t bu .Act fairly and Jnlll~. It fore t he In-pectora b!'d fro111 ltmo. to instantly t•nsoaud dress. H o tAkes out ntheta, or :1\ orth p ,, u l, H~tlyroo<l, .'ml M lro h•d n'l-.e~tedl) ftt.'\tro . tlutt IL w u• olrenco 11 or a t~~~riou• naturP, 111 a mat• what l"'!muoertJIOD Nr. Salter rtlce&Yod 01 ;1!ht not bo-at t h:~t ltme inopporLunc, , llme, report ed tho ox1steooe of evtl- ; a wanduw m~h, puts a r"po around h;a { roro Wtlham £ nglt•h • nd otla .. rl:, "'I only nn 1\Cl of commoa Jngt•ce to makl' tor of •·ourse, the cue tvtll bo brought and out ol what fund• ; u tbe od uclltlonal 151tec.• io eli:ISt(lnco bt t th<~y had oot .t he p~wor t o apply wife, 4nd l.>wut'll !tor to the j,'T'OUnd, nnd Tur.k '• Gut t\nd Eu~;hoh Co• .-, o.~~.J!t• l llt •t BUJ:lllnddtt t•>n to h .. ~d:try before the SnJ:ronao C<1urt. H not, it Alao, that, to.murro", bo wou ld moYO ltnco J SGS had uptred, to <:411 attco· tb IIUtllbl• remedaee l!'h1ch t her •ug• then throws into he r o.rru, ono ehlld nt aul>Jtd of rrutdL n motion of'! hon ;\ tt<>rm•.\' Ccncr will be ditpOAt'd of aummarilr ' by the an addreae to h11 El~ell~cr the Go,. t 1011 t o a few ata.tiauca illuatratin of g!ted and the ruuft haa beeo t hat oo 11 tirno. fu noxt puts hL'I f=turc mto

Ordorcd that &bet~~~ pt-llt i.:m&..Lo_l!n U~!!- the C ... tuumt th~n mao ""J t ho :11a;:iatrate. J r there u a wan\ of dit- e rnor, on tho potitton of Tbomu Carew what baJ boo a accoJ,Upli~hed under it. i • roumeot bad _beo::t ell'l'clod. Tho tbestreot, aA.!!_ remo1•03 IL w n ph\Co of taule. - Clt .. u Ull\n re1o0a1.e pro;,._ , to sat ag .. m crttion upon the part of the Ma" i•trnto and othel'l!, of Cll~ Oreyh•, on tbo aub · Th11t ayetem b~d boot. loudly cotulemn• n t subject tQ whtcb be (hon ~· G.) ... ,foty. The w!Ualo time occupu~d i'l les3

The Sur,.eyor Cenl'ntl pr.nntr•l pet i to rnorrow •n df'ahng •·&th caa(lt I hAt m11; come j oet of a roa~ from Sboro'• Coro to t bo ed au<l the ro bad buen l ho•o who bad al:ould rofur wae one of erut tmpor. tJII\n liftoon mmul.e'\, nnd ho hope" to Jo t iona from M . D. SlAt~ nn,l otlt"'"'• of Mr F~nclon punmant tn not teo mo,•ed bofuro him, there i• tho Exec:uttfe to main land; tllid tba\ tho 01oneJ had been thrown ta1c~, that of, t he Ac~dotntot, M muel. it in 'an H e broko the a.rm of hi.' second ll•ttgruo TowD an<l Brooklyn. -ncl frtJnt "" add&- to l11s BsC(lllency tho Go' ern huo rt•coune to. Afeo that on to•morrow, ho woultl IIWaJ· Co•rtlltnLJ it had not or.com. n ,!iremont bad e:rteted 10 reform lo ooe Qldeat ehlld t.4d.fint. tiJno, IUid hill wifo W . B Seeoomb and t~t ht'ro , of ~ ,,,~;ruo or, on the l><'t ttton llf H. H Pru\\'110 and Aflar a few romarlt e by :'.foaar1. Kont ult t ho Prem&er ~or a ret urn of epccial pit• bod al\ wo c:a~ld h"'" wtsbed ; but infSt. Jobo'•1 c:allod t he G e neral Pro· Pfl tho piano 18 rather out of t une in '1 own aod Cannon'• CoTe, on the • uhJu.:•.


1 other a for tho erectton of " h~drant 1.., Jlartu~. and Scott, tho aeeood, t bird, fOJIIltl and aerYit"er for wbiob p~y- atill mueh aood work bad boon clooo. t~laot Actldemr. llo eboulcl trouble consorfuoooe oC its many~~.nd hnrrtrd re­

ef ro\ b . twfl!'n C.vt.et 'a"Md Limekiln h illa. Tho l and fourth t l'cttODI aod on to the 1i1· meota '1'ero made 10 1875, .lD aceuuut h W8 ,here wu Pr,.teataut 1chaul tbo House witb a bietOrJ of our Aca- mo,•a ls, but «Kher be is qmto 11:\tt~lil:d The :;,tr,.Pyor 0f'n""'· in mo~in~: &!.ott atiJ1't'111 ... "' ro.lel'<'d, rt:td , ad•l!Jlod, Rnd ttunth aectioo were tben · read aod of Atlantic and lnteruatiooal etoam proporty nluod at £!,005. TheN were dntet, in ordor to romou eomo mia:tp .• wtth tho oxcelloo.co of his plan.

ti e vetitko.' lie on lhn r.tll,., o.A•tl hr w11 11 ord .. rlld t.o he ongro'!Sed nud I" "~"~ 11Joptcd. 11nice , 09 1choole, and t ho febol4n attondiog pr~hr.oeions wh!c'b.neme~ to. pr~u1l rc· bapr•Y to 1111 that tho "'"' ·pra rtf,. rr,. l to to lu• E secllency by such mtunbrra of O n t ha oixtl'r nlh being reed, ~roe SurnJOr Gooer~rol from tho So· tbe~e achou11 numbered 3,~1. wbiltrt io speet&:~g that particular lnet&tut ron, the in 1be~e ~tttiuns wuull toe uttrwl~•l Ill the Houae ~ 11ru of the Luu Exeeullvu Mr. L ittlo nid ho t.houszht whippin~r lect Comm1l t.ee on tho cooa~l att am I SH there w•• ~ehool property £9,870; G , neral Protettant Aca~omy. Ia 1844 iha.iiBrbor &raoe'Sta.nd.l.rct Ho a nd hit collr"g""' wtould ""J~nnr, Council. (or the firat off'enco 1houiJ not bo aJ. eor•ico, preee nted (bo l't'port of tho "hool1 la7; a at! •cbolan, :' ,80:i. That arf • .\ct wu pa•acd bf wbteb t he •um of - " ~ .> "' '- • · u far u pou1hlr. to m~t th~u 'r.:w• .\1 r. Go<lden S""" nnttco tl111t on to- lowtd. Ir; waa moat objeetiouabiP. lt Committee, ~rhich wa1 reco!Yed, rud, Ia create' fa r nctredNI in proporttOD the I~ l,OOO Yal ~pprcpr1ated Cor the eree. -A.lfD-

out. of tbo ro:td •ntl ~ped .. l ~:•••"'"· morrow ho would Mk Ira• o to lormg in a tn ljtht be found f ory aerY!t'Oablo 10 Eng· nnd ord<>rrd to ho on \.be table. incru1o in poRulation bot'fl'ecn !858 &tpn ot • butldrne for an AeadeD\J. tD' «.oncintion ~ilrt ~~bcrtiscr Ordered to Ito on the tnlolol Bill fnr tlte llm<'ndoJont ot the A ct 3G land, but h•re, "here the public circle T be boo Solicitor Ge-neral prenoted aod 18'1-1. & tho opt1Ations under w~ieb there wtro to be t.wo Mulet', to ., iY • Hr. Fenelon, pun~u:\nt to nntu:~. mo,·· Vi<'. Cnp. 8 ontltlrd "Au AcJ w feill· wae 10 co.otraetad,it wu ao unneoouarJ a petition from tbello.-. J. M .• Wood' the old 1yetem dtd oot. merit tho Yory b~ appo1ot~ by tho GoYeroor, ooo R o· ~~ f:lnttd end rubll•hcd nery SATl: R•

ed au add~ ro hi a l!aet-lleucy the Qo,.. ll\!.e the pi'OI!eCUtion of the Seal F1abery." bardahip. and other•, clerJnmeo, churehwa rdaot, ,.nro cnticif~ to which they were m \ D Oalbohe a ad tho other a PI"'ttlla~.. ' ;1 :Y 'mtt~· ~l ~.A!:'!!-9•:! :Mo~:<, ernor 00 the I et.itiun of R H . l'tOWitl c nri .\1 r . Scott ~YO notice tltl\t on to.'Uor The bon Attorney General apprcYed and otbort or tho Olaun:h of Bo&:ltlod, •om'etimt~' IUfUOC:t(ld, Tllo 6rtt. rArt of A\t!.e .. IariN of £800alJI IIOC 250 •fg. Kill I r at!!' ! prfeao]. . , n u offi~­othol"',orSt. Jd&ll'• \V ... t . for~ayJn.nt row, ho would uk t.Le CbairaQ.sm o{tlJe or that pro•i~ion., a moat satiafactorJ praying that tho Director~ or tho tb• B•ll oow before tho C'bmmittoo ~ BoarJ of DirecWN .c~mpotod of ~~~~!jrcet ~•l-li7.bor Grace, lSe•• Lfot"tt.n C..rtt·a'a and L.uut k,lu lull~. Ilud1'11 of W o1 ka whether any olti\Jlgo oalutarJ 8011-:tment. 1~ "Puld b&Jo 11 Church of ~n~tland AudemJ reeoi'e roade prof iaion for tbe nrioue granh ~.~bera!lf tho eeverall"'!l.'g~ou• denom· • t ~ :

The bon Mr. I:Jhtn murt'd no a<ld~ w ba>~ l~t...-n m11de ttl' the t~tr,·ao.._r eo per· mo•t hene6eial ttfecl 'l:ho bon and their ehare, occurd1ng tu population or for o.lueation:ll pu• nt*ll, • which I& wat IDittooe waa to ~~der\&ke Ill Ulan•d~~-l T~~~~~~b:r~~~:a,.rl;mLti:>as per annot11 lai1 E~oelloocy the u-.,yeruur on tLe pet•· tnttrndentl o( ar y dtllftrtmcont of tho learocd mrmb~r, Wr. Sc<ltt, had apolr:crn tho Arado1J11c Grant. propoaot io ac:cordance wi~b t ho pn•i· Jl\ent. Io 18;>0 ..... Ac& wuameo ....., 'r · ·1'1"da ~ • . . liot&.ul Luke Fallt.o, of U.rbor Grace, l' .. or Hollae i IIOd whether Mr. Tbomu or trial bJ jury .. Lbo DICit~ t~flieieot and 'l'bo boo Solic&tor Geoon\1 io mo.-iog los• of auo-diY&Ii9~ affirmed by the a t d inltoad of tbat 001 Bout it wa·· ~or lhrt~ a!R~~!~~::;.~~;)I~:tr.tt,~~ Chiet P.Aioe Cooeta\/le for Cl ine~ of l,;vndon, or •or otbt"r per10n hu been ~are mean• of ineurln~ proper poniah .. tlat £he petition lie' on tbe t.-bla, •aid Legielaturo, to diride and apportion prpn~ecl tba~ tbrH ,lloar~• 1 0,0 d be , • .,7 al.ldilior.lllint 3d. For e•ch. ~n-~lary; a leo an adclteii'OD the petition o' • 1·poiuteJ Swl"'!keopor; or to a111 ot her ment. Dut what had happened onlJ be 'fl'ould bne"an opportunity 00 .M oo- denomiuattonallr per capita, wt~~ one \!I n~htlatorl, ono lWman llAtbohc, one tlauatlp ont tbltd of tb• 6ru ch•~·· ·Jubo ~[unn 11od oth,·rv, for ~ g~• l11mp po.ition in tho Poo•· H unse, and if ao, the other day P TLe bou wember re.. day, when tho bouee would retto!re it- or two excup tiune, to which ho · (boo bfureh ~f Enylaod, .Jn~ 00~ of .Pr~•- Thia pap• la oot iuued to any Subaeribtr a~ tilt junction o( \V .. ~.er ti t Hue\ th•> Cur· wltolh" r Anf, and if My, what ulary or collected t be cue In which on a jury •elf into Pommittoo of l bo Whole on S.G.) would 1pret~otly refer • • Tho tQtaJ !~ o. other d~notD&oatloul. eb for a • LtrcatbiD t i ll moatbt. booeu rMd, Hart.or lJI'JlC1! ; ..UO :\n a·l· rewanl at-:achea to tucb ~torekeeportbip, tri1l, a aeotioee of threo mootba ito. t)e"&Juc:a~i<>b Bill, to d iAC1lll ac.lengtb of the ~erorlll grant•, llmodnted to a ar~ wu to appoint a )(a1ter and tbo ~ .tre.a,on t.be ))6tition of 0. W, Hi~rhhj oiSce or posttion. • pr~~oomeut wa1 \J11eeed on a mau whom the merit. of that petit ion. IUm of nearly $W1000, , which wu e • ~raea we re t.o be £230 •til· for tlae Pravenc.i•e Otlicer, .S.y Robert.A, rot· Hn Tbll 11011~ then adjoumoll until to- tho jur.r (ouncl Rniltr of ma.neladtbter, Ordered that the pet itio11 lie oo the moat liberal Yote, a lafgl' inc1'04Jo upon 8oma.o Catbohc m~etor., ;8200 ·~· for T .J.JNrfi#mtttf• rtc:~ioetl at tire o.fll.:" DCteuo ohtd"'1· 'l'ii&HO a.ld""'uu" w&re morrow at 3 o'elock . a puuieb~~JeDt which he ~on A. G.) !Jo. table. the Am'ouot• ~ot~d by former GoYern . th Churcb o( Envland •naeler, and f('llml'nfer .,itAoiU writltJt ittlfruc· III!YenliJ reotil'ed, rud, adopted anti or liued, -• wholly iDatiequate to ~he of~ The hou1e then adjourned unlil )!on· menta. Perbap1 eo me .mi11bt aay too 4tGO 1tg. ro~ lb~ otl.or Pc:o~tat1L mu- ~ titottl l•••tittf 1/u ru.mb.r qf ifiHrtiou der-M to be encr~l a1~ol prettnt.eol to April 22. fence. ~be bon member 11101t gi•e tbe dar at 3 o·clock. large. in prvpor tioo to our re•cnuo, tt'r 110Jl until 1uttablo bulld1o~ ehould (Attetiotu, •ak., ud Not•:cn, tOMe! iii. ExcellrN:y hy 111eh IDvmb~rt of tho The bou~oe mH o'.lfck. . • Mn~ti•t,.te eroc.h' for iome d11cretioo io but if j udiciou111 expeo&lod the~ wu b! erocted ror ~ch ac•domr • ..Cb mu-· d4ter.,iu u,_,.,. ~pled) tOrU 64 Roue., are or ~be bull Ellt'Cllti\e Conn· Mr. bieN' Ill~ ., .. ,e notioo t~t., on to- I ht• adjudie~~tioo or tbeae ca•o• of " 10- )!o~DA.T, A pril 24. ~0 better ·~joet to which ~ho"r+unuo t f,r WI\~ to profldll rOo Ill I tor tho coo~ rt<p,.•lerl util ortllrrtd in IDf'itilfv '-* oil m11rru..,, be wou.ll won for tb• avpu1ut.- • yor~ portonal yioleoet.~." He (bon A. The bouee met a t a o 'l:l, ck. eNaJcl be applied, IUl•J rut uro genera · dtb•ot hu ~eboo1. T hat wat a aiuguJar 61 witllllrowJt arttl eltM'f~ N corlllnu6o •

. "