t mtb & reconciliation commission truth & reconciliation ......4. when we got out of the...

Truth &Reconciliation Commission f." " • '' ' i-': ' " AMNESTY COMMITTEE From the Office of: Adv. Martin Coetzee Executive Secretary T mtb & Reconciliation Commission Tel: (021) 24 5161 Fax: (021)22 2221 PO Box 3162 CAPETOWN 8000

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Page 1: T mtb & Reconciliation Commission Truth & Reconciliation ......4. When we got out of the hostel onto the road, we were picked up bv a police caspir driven by a White man, whose name

Truth & Reconciliation Commission

f." " • '' ' ■ i-': ' " AMNESTY COMMITTEE

From the Office of:Adv. Martin Coetzee Executive Secretary

T mtb & Reconciliation Commission Tel: (021) 24 5161 Fax: (021)22 2221

PO Box 3162 CAPETOW N 8000

Page 2: T mtb & Reconciliation Commission Truth & Reconciliation ......4. When we got out of the hostel onto the road, we were picked up bv a police caspir driven by a White man, whose name

27/07/1998 15:47 27-21-222221 TRC:AMNESTY PAGE 02

a f f i d a v i t .

I, th e u n d ers ig n ed ,


do h e re b y m a k e o a th an d say th a t : -

1 . I am 2 3 ye a rs old and a m p resen tly se rv in g a 1 6 y e a r prison s e n te n c e for

m urder, at th e M a x im u m B Prison In L e e u h o f. I w a s c o n v ic te d in February

1 9 9 5 . I h a v e a s ta n d a rd one e d u c a t io n .

2 . I resided a t 6 7 1 N u m an Road in Evaton until 1 9 9 0 , w h e n ! le ft th e to w n s h ip

and w e n t to live in the K w a -M a d a la Hoste l in S e b o k e n g . T h e re i jo ined the

Inkatha F reedom Party (IFP). T h e m b a Khoza w a s the c h a irp e rso n of th e iFP

in the V a a l Triangle . T h e IFF used K w a -M a d a la Hostel as a base fro m w h ic h

th e y w o u ld lau n ch a t ta c k s on res idents of th e to w n s h ip .

3 . I w a s p a rt o f th e g ro u p f ro m th e hoste l th a t w e n t on th e ra m p a g e in

B o ip a to n g in J u n e 1 9 9 2 . Before w e le ft th e to w n s h ip , w e p e rfo rm e d

various rituals. J u s t before w e w e re about th e leave, S g t. Peens of th e S A r

ca m e and g a v e Khetisi (V ic to r K h e s w a ) s o m e m o n e y . T h e m b a K.noza also

to o k guns f ro m Peens.

4 . W h e n w e g o t o u t of th e hoste l o n to the road , w e w e r e p icked up bv a

po l ic e casp ir d riven b y a W h i te m a n , w h o s e n a m e I d o n ’t k n o w . In the

hippo there w a s S h aka of th e Security Branch, a w h i te p o l ic e m a n k n o w n to

m e as R o o ik o p , w h o had red hair, Peens and our d r iver . T h e re w e re

^ fo u r te e n or f i f te e n IFP m e m b e rs inside th e h ippo O t h e n s w e r e w a lk in g

alongside. T h o s e th a t I rem em b er w e re ^ n the hippo w e r e G a th e n i,^ w h o had

o rd e re d us to g e t in to th e h ippo , RubSn, T h e m b a , L u c k y , M a k u k a anc( r U M e )

D o n d o .

Page 3: T mtb & Reconciliation Commission Truth & Reconciliation ......4. When we got out of the hostel onto the road, we were picked up bv a police caspir driven by a White man, whose name



6 .

7 .


15:47 27-21-222221 TRC:AMNESTY PAGE 02

- 2 -

i first s tarted o f f in the to w n s h ip and th e n jo ined o th e r IFP m e m b e rs in the

Slovo Park. I killed 8 to 9 peop le on th a t n ight, and p ro b a b ly in jured m a n y

m o re .

A f te r th e a t ta c k w e w e n t v ia Iscor and hid our w e a p o n s in th e ceiling.

T h e r e a f t e r w e had a ritual w a s h in g and T h e m b a K ho za co llec ted all our

w e a p o n s . T h e people w h o w e re in c h a rg e of th e a t ta c k w e r e M t w a n a and

G a th e n i.

T h e m b a K h o za w a s an ind una a t our hoste l. H e a t te n d e d m e e tin g s ,

briefings and de-briefings. He also delivered guns to th e hoste l on a regular

basis, using his S p rin ter .

T h e acts for w h ic h I h a ve been ch arg e d and tried re la te to t w o in c id en ts in

Zone 1 2 , S e b o k e n g and E v a to n . O u r ins truc t ions c a m e fro m M t w a n a and

he ordered us to shoot residents w h o w e re w a it ing for the ir taxi in Z o n e 1 2.

O n c e w e had d o n e this , w e o v e r to o k a bus w i th a tra ile r . A s w e w e re

parallel w i th th e bus w e m o ved very s lo w ly and sh o t th e c o m m u te rs inside.

T h e re w e r e s e vera l o f us w h o w e re in v o lve d in th e s e in c id en ts , n a m e ly /

Khetsi, Z w e e , Sello H u n te r N d lo vu , M ic h a e l R a m a k a u , N h lanh la G qindi and

m y s e lf . O n ly th e driver w a s not^carrying a w e a p o n . [G e t fu r th e r detasis]

W h e n i w a s first b rought to co u rt in S e b o k e n g and th e n in th e V e re e n ig in g

Circuit Court I found th a t I w a s the oniy one on trial. I w a s also a p p ro a c h e d

by S h aka and Peens , w h o to ld m e th a t if I m e n t io n e d th e ir n a m e s , I w o u ld

be killed. I p le ad e d g u i ity and w a s d e fe n d e d by a p ro -d eo co unse l.

Page 4: T mtb & Reconciliation Commission Truth & Reconciliation ......4. When we got out of the hostel onto the road, we were picked up bv a police caspir driven by a White man, whose name

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* 3 -

1 0 . I n o w w a n t to go b e fo re the T ru th C o m m is s io n and tell th e m a b o u t these

inc iden ts . I h o p e th a t in do ing so, th e y will g ra n t m e a m n e s ty .

T H U S D O N E , S IG N E D S W O R N to b e fo re m e a t J O H A N N E S B U R G on this thed a y o f J U N E 1 9 9 6 , th e D e p o n e n t hav ing a f f i rm e d th a t he k n o w s

and understands the co n ten ts of this affidavit, has no ob jec tio n to tak in g tn is oath and co nsiders th is o a th b ind ing on his co n sc ien ce .


Page 5: T mtb & Reconciliation Commission Truth & Reconciliation ......4. When we got out of the hostel onto the road, we were picked up bv a police caspir driven by a White man, whose name

2 7 / 0 7 / 1 9 5 8 1 5 : 4 7 2 7 - 2 1 - 2 2 2 2 2 1 TRC:AMNESTY m a t uo2 “I - * 1 * 5

i ? FEB. 'S3 11:39 7507.7 $ CELLhUk SALES 75827518 PAGE D2

e p / l " 5 ' 2


FORM 1 *


1995 (ACT NO. 34 OF 1995)

This form is also avaihtU in :ht othn official languages at the address c f the Committee on Amnesty mentioned hereunder,To be completed in block istrtrf, a w n toliohmnly offirnsd btfort a commissioner of oaths and returned to the Co/ntntee* on Amnesty. F O Bo* 3162, Cope Town, 8000(Plsast use a separate p$f* ff more space w required) _____ __________ ... _______

1. Surname.......H K K g * ........................................................................ , ..........................

2. First names in full ..M M l........ ...............................................................................

3 . Addrws ...... $ 1 , S .............. ...........

............ ( V t jL ^ C ^ , . ,0 . ^ ................. ........................................................

..................... ................................................... Postal Code . . M M .................. ..................

A. Identity nurnbcr/PaiSpttt num ber.................... ........................................................................

5. Date of birth ........................................................... ...... .

6. Fiace of b i r t h . ................................................ .................... .......................

7. (a) If you areAv«?e al\ of?icfer/of*ice-bearer/member/supporter of any political

or^aiHSation/irtStiiution/bOdy or liberation movement, state name thereof:

J jU M j P t j f t , ...... f , K G & P ,Q C *........ £ * £ 0 .........................................

..................................................................... ..............................................................................

(t>; S u te capa-Uy ir. which you served in the organisation/institution/body or

liberation mcyorr.ent concerned, If applicable, end membership number, if

any:Q fJb iy /fl/ t y i f f W . ..... > tv & f ^ T . c»F ...............................

. j f y M v . B . P . .......t t t .7 * £ , , ...... ............................................................

8 . (a) If you are/wert> ari offic^r/ofncer-bearer/«nployee of the'State or any

fomiar ^tate or if you t z t f v T t n a member of the security forces c f the State

Page 6: T mtb & Reconciliation Commission Truth & Reconciliation ......4. When we got out of the hostel onto the road, we were picked up bv a police caspir driven by a White man, whose name

2 7 / 0 7 / 1 9 9 8 1 5 : 4 7 2 7 - 2 1 - 2 2 2 2 2 1 TRC:AMNESTY PAGE 0E

15 FEB. ‘96 11 : 39 750275 CELLULAR SALES 7562751$ PAGE 03


or any forsr*er stats, sttte the departntent/dlvislon:

.....................y j.k ............................................................................................*...... ....................

(b) State capacity arid period In which you were in the service of the State or

former state or served in the security forces, if applicable, end force

numbci, if any:

.......... uJLk...... ........................................................

P. (6) Furnish aufficfent particulars of the act/a. omission/* or offence/s associated

with a political cbjsctiv® in respect of which amnesty is sought, including

date/s, place/s and naturs thereof and the name/s of any other parson's


(i) Act/s, omissiotVe or offence/spluE^J?(L Of kvC- 5U 11 o I t f jf f j,S ^ f^Tt,.,,$£!?;£

a - n o h m P .................................... v -

(ii) Date/s

. R l j .................................................................... ...................................................

(iii) Plaee/s

Nature and particulars£ - ( P P ( q _ W G - i ^ s t i j O 'r ) t & £ = d ^

X & c ~ > t ' ^ S o S L

1V1 f a C o * p p r f " k - r s wi t K * .

"ioo A ̂ 4^'' V̂f. ......... *"

c ~ - r o & 4 . /WG - T ^ ^ 4

Page 7: T mtb & Reconciliation Commission Truth & Reconciliation ......4. When we got out of the hostel onto the road, we were picked up bv a police caspir driven by a White man, whose name

2 7 / 0 7 / 1 9 9 8 1 5 : 4 7 2 7 - 2 1 - 2 2 2 2 2 1 TRC: AMNESTY PAGE 0715 FEB. ‘S8 1 1 : 40 750275 CELLULAR SALfci-


< 7 W ............................ ...............


' t r ^ L ..... ^ . . ^ ■ • ^ • • ^ — 1 .......* ......................... I ,............................................................................

t o ) Siau Whwhet any Pe*on injured, killed or suffered an) dwnajr.e to

property as a rsjult of such icV ., omlsslon/s or offence/s:

(c) If so, state:(i) The name/* of the victim/*

(ii) Ths occupation^ and address/es of the vicLnv*

(ill) The and » d W s of the victim's/victims' next of Wn


Page 8: T mtb & Reconciliation Commission Truth & Reconciliation ......4. When we got out of the hostel onto the road, we were picked up bv a police caspir driven by a White man, whose name

cxusiiucu r a 3 c

Page 9: T mtb & Reconciliation Commission Truth & Reconciliation ......4. When we got out of the hostel onto the road, we were picked up bv a police caspir driven by a White man, whose name

20-JPN-1999 17:35 FROM RADIO NEWS *0-01£9332451 P. 02





jror see'^s to ingratiate tne g g e d in the mudi It ha3

Id to implicate MO if1 theirOn each occasion; jn which

|g§( the S A 8 C and the ether ;ept silent wr*en in e iruth ; d e m o l is h e d during cross-

I 3m d i s g u s t e d that every time a self-confessed mur TRC in order tc obtain an amnesty, my n a m e is c happened before, and over end J Sam those ^ crimes have been proved to be liars of the vvorstorde,. sopieone iinp!icated-m e in his crimes ounngTR C nea^ rrtec'oa yeve sensational relevance to the n e w , am ctg ed or the credibility ol the witnesses story axa.n ir.avon. The \ fu th does not mska news.

y e s te rd a y . . W S A B C reported that an, 3 t * ? f L c l ' “ mi ‘n “t Boipatong m a s s a c r e testified that c o n 9r‘ ula ' f T conqISUJUted anyone for

r r - . f r « « *< " **$ '* —violations of hum an r .ghts.

S e c o n d l y , w h a t th e S A B C r e p o r t e d is fa ls e . ! h a v e j a p p l i c a n t s w h o d e p o s e d y e s t e r d a y d a rn e d t oi v e r y i n v o l v e d in th e Boipatong m a s s a c r e d . e i t h e r b s p e c i f i c a l l y , t h a t I r e c e iv e d or c o n g r a t u l a t e d a n y o m a s s a c r e R e p o r t e d l y , t h e s e a l le g a t io n s w e r e m ac T h a v a n e v e r m e t or h e a r d o f . T h e s e a l le g a t io n s w e r e d e n ie d b y t h e m . T h e w i t n e s s w a s . w l f - c o

I rP supporter, hut h.s rt)portec |yfan ANC supporter. I have

“ s ^ m ^ . X e % 5“ “ « e n i in - h . t t - . ~ c h j . L m , «. not

The ev id en ce conta ined in N osenga'a affidavit c = | | e d l « 9 the ev idence collected

Jen advised that the amnesty g 3t io n t h a t I w as ip s n y w'ay re or after ths fact, and, A\o allegedly com m itted the

|my one Mr. Nosepga. w hom .re put to ihs witnesses and ssad perpetrator and ellegod

new s, w h ich w e re entirely


on°thoVBoipatong case during the p js t fivei years. H TRC. w h ich , reportedly, acted w a h unprecedente TRC itself solicited the affidavit r a m e i , 4' fo rew ord and in doing so :gnored the a P P ' ^ Tinform ed or for sow h a t tno blasad TflC has w a m « n iv aqainst me. M y law yers are suing .he THC D support its s ta tem ents that l was m any w ay ,nvo rights, and it seems thot tha TRC is now g fabricating such evidence nacif.

s affidavit w as obtained by the /ioiation of e th ica l!ru les / The

[ing for the applicant to come ; ow n l a w y e r w hb was not

3a w o n d e r t h a t Nos.eogc s t a le d j n y years, n a m e l y allegations ju s e th B re i * no '<w iden;c* to d in gross violations of h u m a n to t h e d e s p e r a t e e x t r e m e of

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20-JAN-1999 17:35 FROM RADIO NEWS TO *0-0169332451 P. 03

i. in ttvn a to do with The T R C produces m ° f's l ®rsn . ^ anC conuadictefev.denca 3 r'd al'egationb e ,aily it u is w h *b e or Sho w i s h e s w i t h i m p . w j 0 l « r a « a

s i W * . ™ = - . « ■ » " > “ 1despicable liar

jd ic ia l p ro c e s s in 'w h ich A n y b o d y c a n s a y w h a t

ig TRC w6T,tS-'lo hear ! . j a t io n s w h ic h I c a n n o t iiis a g a in s t m e K s f 3 r sne

t o f l a w or o u ts id e th9 ■rove th a t he or sha is a

TOTAL P . 03

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Collection Number: AK2672 Goldstone Commission BOIPATONG ENQUIRY Records 1990-1999 PUBLISHER: Publisher:- Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand Location:- Johannesburg ©2012


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This document is part of a private collection deposited with Historical Papers at The University of the Witwatersrand.