t b e only aftebnoi wll t w i? il l s j e w snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/twin... ·...

^ tbe ONLY AFTEBNOi TW I? - * ^0^ a. 1^0 32. 'fiifflliO -illHPIlPffl . lIpMSE Lieutnnant Governor Signs Ex- tradition Documents; Mrs. ! Ormsby to Leave Tonighl to j Taiie Woman in Custody I :a i ,n:.1D o ’cloek th b iniifnlntr LIuii- ' B ienan^ OovDTBor U. C. MnoVc aUacliCil ' 1 hb •rKnoturo anil oWicInl, »i'ol to ox- ■ a tradition paper# in tlic mku of IiV<ln ( Soultntd.. Tbo napers wutf tU'UvvccV ' imiu«UntcIy to Bhorlff U. K. SluTihnn ; who, wilb Attorney Ocorge Hcrrioti, iW reproecotinf^ the Idnho Stu/^' rnmrr- ^ i taco cempaiy, in now oh liln wny. hv suUimoViJp. t«.T>rJD i ’tiJ k ^iwnhcTili , f i« I'xpoctcd Jioronbotit.n or 4 o’clock. I Announcement of thi* bIrh' i'C of tin’ r6qui»5Uon for Lydii Sontlmrd wni ' teloplionod The Kowt.froni tliu Kovcrn* 0*’* «oon after the of (Sff* lm‘* I li'eeti jwrfomicd, Iho slnlo nrcotnpany- i ' in)j sayini’ thnl Bhorl/f Slimtimi nimli' i rto.'dfliiv in hJs ilcporliirr. Por Eirljr IHpwtora Imml•dialo^y .upon nrrivnl of Sheriff ' •Shftmiin la TwlQ VaJU tlic ofnclat tlorumpnla will bo’ dcliven'ii into tlio hsnili of Mr*. V. H. Ormsby, who fi« ' » to leave on tho. owning; trnhi for Og- Jen, whi're ehanRo will be inade for 8an PrantiMO. Mrn. Ormsby will incol ' her hwbwid, Deputr- Sheriff Orni»by, In 8ai»-T^nncWo BM^tho two will nnil on tic inornlnR af May IH for Ilonii- lulu to Iftko cbB«:j;o'>f Mrn. H/iulbar'5 RBi\ brlni: her lo-‘tbe mainland nnA then U) Twin ' U n . Onn»by lino . liMn_jjJioBon oCfitffij nmlron for M ri. , Houtliard oil tho trip. ReiMrtB from the Vnclfii- cuant i-on- i-ertimu the aunpleion tbut Mr;< Houth- unl had stolon a lonno dinmu'nil valued al ♦ISO, tho proporlv of Mrn. Lloyd K w o. of Buhl, ft donghtcr of Mr; nml Mrn. t'rcd Jame# of «02 IJiue Uki-r ^ Hmikvntd, Twin Tn\l». aip tonflTnmd ,lty Mm. .TamM. TJie luttor slnte* tbat althoujtb tboro wn« boiiip iimterlftl cvl- tcndinR to f it rcdjionsibillty fo'r thp lofs on Mr*. Southftrd. Ihe cnse wn* dropped on sufnicstion of Mr. JamM, who oppored pioioetiiion on the Krounil that court, profeedlnjw inlgftt ultach •A'ltfiwelcomc.-,■.publicity ..to uicml’orii of 7 Uk family.. ' ToUfl-of-AJIegwl'Theft ‘ M tii.iJattw trplftlwi thnr two w<«l:s :iftor tho barJiil of M cjcr Inst Brplem* beir.uho nni-Mm. 'Noece Irft , for l^'S Anjfrlus, where • lh«y spent ncvcrnl week* on n vnrnllon trip, They put « . «« at ll hold ftuil wcttf lovatcd tlicfv n,. short tlmo nfter their nrrivnl by Mr.* Southard, .then Meyor. Tho latter i:nll(>.l on thom severaj titne:' dnrhiR . Iboir stny, lihfl- M n e omployod; in a .•itfelcrla. itrti;y,»uthard learned ot - lb).* soctcl’'p lti^ |% liirh the dinmond VH-. h l d d e n 'J t '« t » l , ,Mr«. .Inwcs ai ' «iTlit thot wW»*iTW- Bouthanl .jTiia calllsff on and daagbter' ono '■vvnbg tho laUcT two Jctided’ lo at' lend an orehesltft eoneert in tho hotol ' an.1 invited Mr». Southard to accom’ l>nn\* them . Tbo'talter 1* lald to have I'xcuted henrlf, ttatiag Ihnt she Had Slime lam 'to waat out. Mrs. Jamifl ond Mm. *I{eflco ‘ijttondcd tho concord nnd tho ncjt day Inycitlcatlon of tbr jnwel caio revealed dlsnppcaranco of H the dlnmon^., .Mru'-Boiilhnfd, it, 1> (Oontlaaed oa Page Pi'vel ME! ms iipilFI . ./KajiBaTiB Htsar Non-Partisan' Leapo Leader Defend Per- ^ ^ ^ sonal Eecord 'n'KinNOTOX, Knn., (/p)--\\l.n.e.< henklcrs wen.' numerous Inxt niirhi nl ' the debate of Willinm I/iiiK.T..forMier nttorncy fjenernl of Norlb-Dnld'tii, iiml. " Townloy. president nf tho N'.i-j ii»nn) Non-pnr»l»iin Jenpu-. Tiiwnley, In prescntiDR liis ver).iiir iiT his proscnitlon in Minnetoln durinjr | i|u' «ar.'aHriliutct\ nl to "Rtatn Rtim- Men.’' Ur. Lancer anerted tliat “ tito bett war to judga tlis Koa-yartUaa leafftia U to oonHd«' tbfit fotu'. jrom ago J, Fratter vas .. eloctM gDT<rDor of North Dakotu ^ four to one, while lost rear'ba was - roebcted by a majority of only one per cont. •‘I made hundreds of ijJeeclic" dnr- iiiu' the wnr, flKhtlnt; tho tiKbt of tli.O fnrtiirr' s(;ainst the cmin ttambler.^ and iViv Wrf trs«l,” «Mil Townlev, “ The Kfivernnicnt hnd n;;onl»; takir;f 5t(Vii>l.'r'‘r li''’ ""t'** eyorythlnff I nald. Tin- stn’o of Minnnotii bnd op (Tfttive* walehinif and. liMohlng . tti ■-nrrvthinn I sni'l..- I nsk .voii, why didn't they fil'- on me? Wiw II be- . riiiine lliev' were nfraiil of mcf “ niinllv lhe (.’raili'(tnmWor* fouDu u littji- Ixvn Jiv four county nttnrney ill .laVkson rfjbol^r Mlnnesotn, wbo Q ^7mlld work for them. 'He did not say J was ilisiovnl. All bc could chnrRe j ^rixv Kith was lliftt I hsd contplrcd w ith, ▼ o mnn whom I had never « t eyes upon, t'l utter disloyal remarks and hinder riiliwtmi'nts. -I* ' “ t'dirl not-tnke Ihe stand In my ou-n defense. I .would havo been a fonl tn fnee ft frameup, luch n* wa.i O on PAPER IN jpAm S PA ' B annock N ational B a n k a t Pocatello Closes Its Doorf . No Explanation for Stop ia Oi7 en; Federal District Ezam- *' I Iner in Charge 1‘OCA.TKLLO, Wnlvo (8i>ccinl 1i> Tli News).—Wilhout statoinont iu oxpln , nntlon of the action, thijHaniiock Xn *• Honnl bank hero closed'Hi Tloor*. JTTT 0 Macken, dintricl national.-bauk-cxom iner, is in chn'rKe. The in»il finnndn atalemoiil Issued by the institullm 1 showed a antisfnrtury coudltlnn of It ,,1 ttffiiltt',1 witb ilvjwxlu iiiiiuuntlivR t' J.IIiOiOOO. H, I* Jtceno Is miyildeat, am n U I). Franklin, nisblcr of tho inatitii tiou. .Most of Ihe 8to<r<c is bold b; n Omahn and Kunsns City interests, l0'» I Ihnn one-fourtk of tho total beinR heh .. locally. ' United Brthren Urge DryLawforFilipinoi !• INDIANAPOLIBrinJ-, (/P)—Botolu ‘1 Uons BTglJiR'thnl cbnyrcis Itflco’acUoi '■ to prohibit the maiiufnoturo and tal '• of intoxicating liquors in tho Phlllppln Islands und -enact lci'i*lation to pit \'ent tho manufneluro and aalo of cij '[ nrettes in tho UnUed States, woro pre it sented n| the (luadronnlal conferoneo o 1^ thf I'nited llrcthrcn chureii horo t« i» ‘la y . Anntlier memorial cnllud for tho ap ir pointment of eonferenco BupcTiolond entH by tho bishops. Lake Superior Swept J by Severe Blizzart fiMJLT- HTE MArT k, Mich., yp)- Ono of tho worst spring blitiards ii yeat* swept over U ko 8ui>crlor la* nigbt, driving nil lako vessels into hm ^ bor. Bix inches of anow fell. \ Hix mon comptlslng thv «e\v <v{ tU J hargo Mijitee'iiro bolioved to havo bee tost in the bli*tard of Inst night m'l enrly todny, which tore tho Slirtec an the bnrge'I*nrti(fo looso from tho steair er Zillah off WhHo«"lca?Piret*ln Lak Superior. . ' ____ y RAIL LABOQ BOABD OEDEBS BOOST FOB .STATION AOBNT, ill OHICAOO,- (;p) — .Voniolegrnp )f ngiMits nt Hit.slationx.on the 81. Lmih Sun Ptftneisro rnilrond were ordere inwewftl firr eents'im litnir under'th Jnly, 11)20, wngo award of tin- rallroii *. liilttf^'bonrd in a rnlin;: lifmdod dow ,,j by tho iKiiird tndny. I'mli-r vfn}! nwnrd, nj>enl« were iurrni»i.il ton eenl , nn hnur exeept for non H'legri.ph sli ^ tionn. Thu ojiiphiyes in .in,-»iion hn rontondcir thnl they were I'nrfien i tho loleRrniilier-f’ ngriTiiienl nn j- rhoiild hnvo Ihii ten conls iiioretise, bii lhe bonn) decided tigillnnt them. MEXICAN MIBEL LEjU>ER IB ^ . BEPOBTBD HAEBOBED IN U. 1 u 'M iW lOO ■ClTV,„(/p)_(;n,enl Krai « eiseo Miirgnlii,Tcboi leader, wna seven •t' ly InjuTBd In a rcccnt clash with foi ol eriil troops near Ular, atato of of Tan aiilipna,,nccordlng to wnr offieo roporl •® and Is now Kcupotatlng nn tht* Amer can side nenr U i Vaeaa, rf ------ ----- hr p . . ;— I " TLASHES FR BUENOS AIBB8,^fV^laqueu ate applauM ia Utft BuAd; A im tb '' nalo&lzed as a regnlar part of t ^ ti .1 od of owing a debt of gratitude t I clalnu. • " j PIEERB, S. D.. (/P}-Simdiy bi ta if an admlaslfih foe Is cbarsod, I .haling down Its opinion In tbe ca { broosbt against Allen Ooetttal, Hurt I tor, wbo WM charged with vloUUor I'TI: on Sunday. I •WABHINGTON, (/P>—The whi per cent botween 1010 and 1020. tb ' total pofiulsUon of 6j,8flO recorded I wltii 36,400 In 1010, Indians In it num ber^ 26,t t l ; aegTOM 128; Obto wallans aad Korean* 00. } WASHINGTON, fam ; Tanl* avenfle and Fourteentb streeti j al capital, was removed at aldnlgl I Ufo which began wben Poarteeath i tree h u looked dovn upon every i and has shaded famous politicians a nwaod for Sawuol F. B. Uoree, inn latea, often sat beneath it and redt the telegraph. The trunk of the t foiMtry asjodaUon, -------—... ■ - MEMBERS SUE UNION FOR WAGES LOST ON STRIK NaUonal Offlceti7{ Railway Brotht Pj hood are Uade Defendants in Sev- I . . en Damnge Suits in ' tri ATt..\N‘TA, Oa.. (/?l-!i<"'’‘v<'ry - hy l i r o ? lost while on an illc'k'Hl ^t^iI(l■ 10- nikoii in/sevrn dnninKe •'iiili lolnllli >4I0.-! fih-d here ngnlnst nntiniuil nfl ai'i eerK of *1ip Hrolherlmi.d c.f Knilwi py nnd Wtonnisliip Clofks. Krrich' Hn ho dliTi, Kxpres* ruid KIntion Kniplnyev ay 'riio iH-'itioners were nmong clerl Re rnliiloyeil. by the Oontrnl nf Oi'ore th _rnlUvny when, tlifv nsv'jt. .1. \V. Thni in, i:i». c>nnl viee president nf Ihv clork er iL'i.ii, .nl!fd n slrike MnV 17. 102 whirli the grand president Inler <ierln I'y od' illogril. The stnlement ii majlc th a being under ontli to oliey Iheir ofl tLi 'orn 'he meu went out nnd thnt lot ...... ............• V..\. iV-l. uv_ ' , 'X' W CARRYING TBE FV ILLS TWIN fALLa. nUBO. I p H r iim ii BTlGli Till- 'I'!"- Secretary of War Orders Us : of Federal Forces if Neces (001'I sary'io Quell'Mining Oistrli ;j“ i Disorders ' WAmmoTos, a o„ OP) - Uartlal Uw in tbe area ef disturb- ®”“ anee oa.the Weflt 71rglnla.Kofl- ta c ^ border is to be declared by y Yiesldsnt Haidlng, SeriaVir Butt- J®” .'efUnd of Wert Virginia aald late today, after a conferanee with tbe pteddent at the White Bouse. A lter it had b«sn docjded to K- p ' Btie a proclamation declaring mar- tlal law In Kentucky and We«t t08 Virginia late today, the war d«- I * partment received a message from solu-j CWVenjor Uorrow of Kentucky. lUon saying that suta troops had been aalo:.. sent into tbe strike district. The pine prodimatleB then waa withheld, pw-' Tho piocluaitlOB. bowe’fet, w » cig-!.' alaned by the presldeat, who em- pro-i powo«d secretary Weeks of tho Q o f i war depa^ioient to proaolgate it , (o-f shotdd later Information indicate I that it WM Mowaiy. ap-l ~ end-; WAWIINOTON, (/P)~Major Gener I Hend, commaBaoat of the fifth cor] Iiiron, was instructed'todoy by Socrotai I. ] Wcuks to send federal troops into UL ' .Igo county, Wost 'Virginia, if tho goi r |'^ |o rn l deemed tho preacnco of troops thoi jjii'cesWTV lo quoU tho iiiiTder CW bo T)-,"'"'- ______ s in I _ Jofli IBOKDEB V IU A aS a BOBNB OF l,nr-' nOHTINQ OONTINUATIO • j WiI;I,IAMBON, W. Vn., (ff)—TI ^'''‘hiattle In the mountnins which ban ra ^‘‘?” (ed for two doya between sympathlM nntl opponents of the Unitrd Mil Workojn In ibo ^Vinlnm*on coa\ di Irirt-w ns resumed todnv ut MeC/u Ky., nnd Lynn, W, Vn., « littlo villai iioiic M cC art.' l-'Uliig alsu was roport< nt aprigg. ■ An unconfirmed repnrt wns receivi uf KtnIc polico headquarters Ihis nftc rnph noon thnt men had been killed in figli onls- ing lit Lynn, W. Vn. ,, ._.Qreat»s..StTnggle.Ecveal8i_. 'I'l Tlto bnttle in the mountnins otM i I wll ''Ounty, 'West Virginia nnd Pii i>p f«>‘''t.v, Ky., nlong the Tug river, wbii ^nU "‘“''oral days, fierce ae , ' li.iK been, is meroly n phnso of a great litiil ’‘trngglo'iu which this rich coal distri is locked—tho induatrial struRBlo ov ,m l Ihe question of uuloalring or ki!opii ]„il “ o|iotuthc thineaV. - ' • I’nlun miners nn “ lork'-nut'' strike lenders lioscribo it, wcro odcted f(0 hccnPs, owned by tho coui companies, 0. 8. *^'110 near by on lensod land in to colonies. No.lwi(;or nble to'trndo at tho eoi '•iinny- oommias-irics nt tho vnrlnus mi ^ 0 “-llng towns, they,subsist on rations shi [ |K'd jn by tho union. • - «rts,; ii(.pdved of funds, as n result o^ I m erl-; ___________ _____________ .......... ) ((•ontinned ou I’lijjo .1.) ROM THE W IRE lueura, boys, men, whose voeation is to cre< I theatres, .have demanded their righta to-be eatrlcai profeselon. Anthon who am accus- e to tbelr humble .supporters oppose their r baseball cannot.be pla'y«d In'^uth Dako* 3d, thi state sapteme court ruled today in I ca»e testing the “ bluo laws” of tho sUte [uron, 8. D„ moving plctun theater proprie- tlon of the blue laws by operating his show white population of Alaska decreased 23.i . tbe census bureau announced today. Of n Bd last yenr, whitea totalled 27,683 compared n Alaski^ on the baslr of the 1020 censos, Jblnese 86; Japaaese 312, and ^^lptao^ Hit ______________ Lt ’amoui Idorae «ta a t th« comer of Pennsyl- eou, one of the old landmaiks in tha natlim' olgbt after a long, bat losing fight for lu ih street wm widened some yean ago. This cy inaagu»tion parade held in Washington IS 08 th ^ discnsMd affairs of state. I t was inventor of th# telegraph, who, tradition re- edted t« interested listeners the wonders ol e tree has been presented to the, American IR I SENATORS AGREE UPON IIKE; NORRIS BILL CHANGE Ither- Sllnor A lteration Meet Appntvai lev- Committee; Plans are Laid to PrM Ueasnre y ‘'*'i \VA8!riN'(>T0>r~nr (/i'i -Sui ike il ,-hmigos in tho .Vnrri" hill for fode; 'nf'n ’’’J'-"'* ind ilwHV nit'''‘<‘'l n r " .teiliiy ll'’ I Unr- "eiiBl*: ncrirultnre .■nmmlltci'. I ’hi ■ev iTi-ro mnde t'o pres.i Ihe ine;i«iiie In I ore'^B 'hnw- l'*'"prIntiott mensnro" nre fliit ,nf t ork;' way, In revising the hill, thi-mmni 1020, reilored ,:i proviiinn 'icnninnti ^fhal -'•0"'"' slnnrr orer invesllcn'lon and affn later M ating tn the menl biisinfsi. exri nnAR nf .-i,nitri,«« WLL D.IY LEASED WU DAll i. BAnmPAY, MAY 14; 1021. France F I Germ^ jH French N eutralitj tion in Event| bi Teutons and ices-. _______ '™ ' PARIS EXPRESSES. SENTIMENTS irb- :oa- PAEIS, — ^Tbe enti leflia woold provoke interventi 'ttte would mean war, and in soo the neutral, according to ezpressi Gernwn Newspaper i» S Charged with Treaso •om « ky. iiK ltux, yp)-Allvgs;l^ni, of hi| ^ tronaun nr<‘ mude in proceedings ini ^ tutud. by the ministry of dofen iru o^aahsl tho ratiiciil new>n«ijnT «o «B- Pahno (red flug) a9___the lo-iult of pn tho llention by thnt paper of n nerles it docuiui;nl8 liearinn ou this situation ste Silesia. Thesu documents are nlleg< to prove ihnt the Oermnn militnrv n minbitrntion had planniHl uni invosh meral of thu Upjwr Siloslnn pleblSfite nr corps Inat OtlolnT,.and hnd plotted the r. {tftiT HOAsinivtion of Adolbert ICorfnnlv. jUn- -------------- --------------- =El(P[CISPII[ffl BElllllIFilLUl! *rag- ______ 'Ifin” Berlin Hears Upper Silesiai 1 Look for OoUapse-oUasor- 'mfgo / gent Oampaign- HHItlil.V, {flVCoUapHo of Ux. ,1’ leivod i^^' i” Upper Rilt'sia is expe'et nftcr- i»- aulhoriintivc (|m tors thore, i finht- cordini: ta u siw'-iul dUpntch receiv . here from Ureslnn. importnnt eonfi cnees are now in priy;ros». nnd itjr I i-‘ ■ lifcVcd Ihnt Adollietl Korfanty. ToriV Min- of the Polish InsnrKcnta, loNfhIa fin Pil“» to seruro U]>|H'r fjiiesin for i’oland. which -xlio tctUenK'ut of Prince itntsfio ae it Qerman- membor of tho nllied eounc renter at Ojipeln. I* altrilnited to the innl Istrlet ity on Ihu pnrl of Ihe allied forre" I over l(nlt the ndvnnre of Korfnnty's mei liMlliilEii c in m n ' com- ___ I min- Have America Comma' Respect Before Proposing 0^ be- Laying Down Arms l-lin,Al)KmriA, (ffj-ln n Jin; rend before today's session of tho t»v ty-flfth nnnuni meeting'of the'Ami E enii Acaditiiy of Politicnl and 8o« Hcienco, John Ilaya Ilouimond deeloi dSsnrmnniDnt on the part of tbe Unl _____ Stntes In the present state of inter tiniiiil relations unless other great pi ^ et» Alwrw at the Nlnl^ time, “ vto' ' j r ' - l.e the belght of folly, if not n-cif ^ , inal lilunder.” , “ Ilisnrmnmcnl enn bo uffected b; strniRlitfonvnrd unequlvoml mesm ff®”' "'‘I' Bovernment to Knulnnd f Japnn,- ho snid,.“ to Hie effect fl ^ “ the United States hiiH no nmbitlon nitnin the siiprcmney of Iho sens ' that she is jievertheless di'lermlneil : to necept a subordlnnto naval positi lu this nnr poliry is inriexible. 03 4 “ When tlieoe' nutiiins folly ren; ir'tt i)f mvix-tinK with , Rftin navai superiority they will 3! ly and quickly ncree to the limitnii' of jinvnl armaments and not be(<iro.' METHODIBT WOUEN WILL . BEBUILD HCBPITAL IN OHT 4^ ’ .Sl’JlINflFIKI.T), 0.. (/P)-The goi . jy nl exeeulive bonrd of tho Woman’s i l>h(, eign Missionnry soeiety of tbe Mot dist Kpiscopnl rhureh h.ts npprovec motion to npproprlnie S20,000 for ire- rebuilding of the (iiuiibnhl Hospital , Olinnklng, Cliinn, It was announced lean Additionnl missinn.irloH neccpted the bonrd iBclude; M'*s <lliv6 L. Qni Aiinmosa, lown: Miss J.iicille Colo of North I.lbertv, lonn; Miss Mild I-. Pierce, of IlcvcUl. Iowa; Mls.i M( JGES ^^li>'^■of Mnrion, Iowa; Miss E nbeth n. Chnso, of Hrorklinm, 8. ^ M iss'nnttie M. flei-iKTly. nf I.inei NEW MEN AEE-FOOiND TO ^ TAKE JOBS at TONOP. . T0N0I*Air, Nev., (/P)-rortycl odern. njujjier, nnd'miners nrrived hero fi indn'- Hau Vrnndsco todny ^to work in !>• Ill" nllvsr rhinos, which have been shut df I’l'ins reduction of wni;e" n mo In lhe ^ cone to work. *.'■ A wrek ngo a like niimJ'fr .'irri nf the from fiaa Trnnjlsco nod i'll 'U’wt mimil- *beir jobs upon ri'iwrting. The 1 nntiiiR ‘'.'T woiC-J*- ll.r.l for uiurk-TH amnU''' nnd inechanies. ■^ffni^ IDAHO 'WBATHBB. exeept ' Tonight nnd Sundny fnir. co<i. IRE REPORT OF TBE LY N foresees Ne nsEnterUi ty C alled O iit of Quei of C ontest Betw een I Polish R egulars S AMAZEMENT OVER rs OF BRITISH PREMIE ntry of Qerman troops In Upper I mtion by regular Polish troops, whl iQoh a war France could not remt ssions in official ciroles here today The utmost AmaznKOt-wxf'e} lg pressed in these circles at th speech yesterday 1of Ur. Uoy son Oeorgo,, the Brltlah prime ainlstei on the Upper BUeslan altualbu high containing what is regarded u ei insti traordioarlly rriendly references t fen*n Oermany and Judgmenta hostile t ward Poland aad unsjwiithetle tc ««>•: WKilTUlce. JV puil- Premier Briand him*«ir took th es of unusual conrM of receiving all tb nn lu foreign &ew9»PV csntspondent ib'K*-''- In a group this afternoon to n y ml coi^t to them what the Trench gov ■nsiun emment had done and intended t nren do. . ^ I’AUlfe, Prunet is unaltoro op[Hisod to inv Gcrmnn mllitnry op< tions in l'|«l>er Hlleshi, i’remier Brl; I lU-clurod today. - "Never, never, could the Trend government consei^t to 'Germu ir troopaonterlagBiiesia," th , , premier ex'claloed to half a hm dred foreign correspondents *- he received at the foteign offiee 1 c o n « 4U8a c e of Premier Lloy lano Oeorge’tf speech yesterday in th Brltlah house o f _ c ^ ^ ^ ^ • “ Oenn'uif^hds nro operating In' per Sili-sin, maltreating aad ancst Poles,’’ coutinucd M.Bclnad. “ Not I’oi- thejlisordors in that provlnco arc ] leeted dnecd by the Poles. Tho I'rench { lie- ernnioiit could nnl [wrmlt Oerman . li'lvod itary forces to /nt*'rveno in sueh n onfc untion. ... rre n ch JJutymifiUed fk'ht ■' ‘ ^ pri'test witli alj my energy aga J thn- fnlso impressibilB buing 'spi cfietd, througlinut the world. Tlio French 1 mnel'! criimont has fulflllod to tho utmbs nnlill' l>owcr its duty in'Upjier Silosio. rcH to 1-,0U0 troups thero who bavo to deni wltli 10p,000 insurgents on rising of wvernl bunJred thousand, N il Tlio V'lMicb Irtpop* conld do no s • iiU than hold.thu cilieK, the to«roB nnd I : Britain Oould Help “ If tilt! Brltiah'govornmont wi sond 50,000 troops there lo help us, n a n o disordors eould bo put down , v ng ijuiekly. ' . “ Till! new* received by tho fori offiee frmn fpin-r Bllesln ioday is ' Ihe insurcentR nro' giving to Iheir hoi nnd returning to work, tivon- guvernment'» solutic that tho allies should ih the first p Social njuume 11 riilm altitude and inst elorcd jijflif commissioners in Upper Silcsl Jnlledjtry ,0 r.-neh a unanimous n^oomfii iternn-1 Segregate OtmUnonlUeB t pow- <;Hii'rh iin aKrcemonl,’’ said M. n'nd, “ would not be difficult if oil :(Uim- ,j,ionitioii* except the results of plebiscite wcro eicluded. Tho P n ^ •" government's only instructions to commisaioners,’’ bc s.iid, “ wcro to d nnd ioj,„in,. neeording to the mnjorit) t fhnl|jj,^, In vntUms tommun lon lo whieh should go to Polan'd nnd w « '’»t tn O.Tmany,’’ America to Be Ueard. ’I .\t the elose of Ini' itntement imier Hrinnd wnx nskod re/arding p „>,’ .„jble uicdlatijiii by the Unlled Slat' . ^Ind'l “ The United States." he i ;nti<'i,'. , piled, “ has nstumod without i ro.' ’ serve to the aupreme caunciL H voloe-may be heard and her ido wili be received with the gt«aM HINA favor.” gonor- I’remier Hrinnd in his stntcmenl ’s I’or- eiiunteil the i-irniinstnnfes under w Uotho- <Ik' dlsturbnnoes liroke out among ived n I’oli’h miners in I'piier Hileiin, 1 or tho the rnpid Mpromi of re]mrts thnt Ihi ital in Iies'had deeideii.lo nwnrd nil the red to. big nnd Indiistrinl areiis to Oerii rognrdless of tho plebiscite result, ed bv dlsliirbiincoH lieing followed b; Qnnld ’'trlko vclileh sotvn Involved the ei Jolonv' industri.il basiu in much violence, fll^rfd' “ Tho preneh gnverninent,'' Uftrip iinued M. Brinnd, “ protests with Flir. «rentent energy against nil mislcfl Q 't,' or fnl-fc statements tending to r ineoln’ , •‘*^Ylll'll Ib e. dnennients nrc 1 public 'it will be seen thn* il n« pHshed its task in tho be*t pos mi Q.«U.n. \ Turning id the question of the d , •] fUtnn nf I’pin-r 8 »lf*lnn IvrTltnrv . jA.rn ‘Irr tho tn'ftty of Voriallles, Prc ' J ; '" Tirinnd snld: ' “ The trenty dne- nnt -nylhat, ferenl tr>-nfnieut nhnnld he .->|iplie nnv given reginr, nccnnlliic ni It or’has not roal deposits. The tt I'wcWrt ppj {^,„j t|,j workmen are worth lei* than tho> the greal Oermnn indusfrialijit*-. tbere ia n i’nlisb mniority in tlie mg recioni: those regions'ouRht n< be taken from Poland iwranse the /IViiHmnA^ n> P m . Viva) E ASSOCIATED PRESS ’ JEW S PBIOB TIVB OBNTI ew War if ^pperSilesia Hpi - eeiihis TEi Gie III PBE ilEfl’SIM ’hfoh Comment on Lloyd George's ly, Speech in Denunciatloni of ; Polish Revolt in Silesia the ' --------- oyd LONDON, ^ Prttalw Lloyd ter, George's donunointion of tho Poli»h too, revolt In Slleala in the house qf eom- «. mons yesterday fnllod of- unanimous sto fupport,. froni London nowrpapers to i to day., to. Two Sdltort Approre. Tho Dally Expross cbmmooded the the prime minister’s'"polioj, courage and the etatosmanship" and insisted ‘'Poland mts jnust be taught abe eannot be slewed re- to bo&ome a disturbing olemont in Eu ;ov. rope." , to The Dally Nows held that Poland nust bo tanght a lesson s«d approved the primo minister’s epm h. OtaaOthK-B^ta, ipcra- ^ Chronicle, usually n irland »tft“neb aupportar ~ot Ur. IJoyd Ocurge, snid it would tako moro aert-. ously all aueh if It W e not for Uui- o«ll t«pk. m .K It«d»r. 0( Ho M Turkl.h ullonalUK; a«brli>lo d'Aii- niinxlo, who orcupUid Plumo for morc An- thnn a year, and Oonoral Zellgouski. torn whoso Polish ‘irregulars’ aro rtill hold- »in Ing Vvioa. oyd, Mt. Lloyd Oeorgo was ^barged tha “ with bitter partisuship intense dis likQ of Poland, pusaltaniwous feai^ ot n ttT Qormiiny nnd ignorancn of Kuro'pean S politics," by the Morning Poat, ;otnll It'concluded by expressing the ‘ . hope that the British public mnld aot lilow itaeif to bo nahed into 11 mil- acqiUeicence in the prime tnlnb- . .u. ter's oo'ntsnpttble and ieniiilBei pro-Oemaalm ' Offieial.'oxpresylont which..weoldjn ' ' 'Oicato the aentlment rcgnrdlng aetloi ^ n s t Jn Silesia in government cirolct • It «P«a»l Wnraaw were-b«Ing awaited wlthlkeei “ ROV- interest licre loday, lOBt o f ^ ifltElllffiS = UMPEIIIE! wduld .' --------- ; : iB, th« Semi-OfficiolAgency Says Pax. . moro jjj injonag London bf Views oreign on Bbino SltQatioo' is tbnt ' . . I homos, I>ARI8, (/P)—In a stafoment today tbtf aemi-offirial Havas agency savi tion.ls thtre is reason to belivve tbal tb* ; place Frcncli govornmont haa informed thi istruRt Dritlsh government that France b it cjIa to fnvor of mabtaW ng tho penalties lent." ngainst Oermany adopted after thi IB London confcrciiec in March, wben th> f. Bri- Germans rofuecd lo secept. tbe -Parb ,11 con- terms of the allies, inelnding enstomi of tho line on tho Rhino and tho oceapatioi EVdneh nt Duossoldorf, Duieiborg aad Bohr to Its nrt. " to de- 'Tbo statement wns brouffht out by • ity of it'liorl through Iterlin.thal the DritisI uniUe* favurnblu to cancel wliich Ib'tioii "f penalties in fjueslion. . J IP P llM T i I ' :isiiiiPBfiim Tub Boat Orowa Quit Post itest Pollowing Bofnaal to Move SWpboird Boat m t re- . . ^ ______ which GALVF^TON, Texas, (ff>-BefnBJ ‘he ct tUR bant engineers lo move the I7»i , upon p,j (hipping bonrd stcaner I«1 nwnnna Ihis momlng prcclpltaled', e nil"- of tug bont crow* tn Oalvestot All fug boats iu port.wore Ued u tho Bhorlly before noon and eperators bega p-nying the.men off. C. H. Marshal entire .^lutrlct ngent of tho shipping W i s.iid offers woaKl bo made to got not th '^t''hi- Icodini: T.atTBti MAMHHBS' • rrpro- AOOEPT-WAOB EBDUOTIO] ilCTKOIT, Uleh.,- w*Re n nerom- duction'of fifteep pCT ceht bu-bee losslble accepted by masters, mates, pilofa.aa engineers ot rsllwnv {errlea operate on Lake Mlohigan, take 8t. Ololr an the Detroit river bjr the W aba^, Oran rv r P * " Mftrqoolto Anh'Arbe ^mier wns aanoBnoed today. HPOKANH UNION QAKPBNTEBS iL tV, • CUT OWU WAOB IN ^A L ' [ 8P0KANE, Wash., (ff^-Anuonnei trentr today of • 60 cent wog of Ihe rcdnrtian vttttd'by the ideal - eaipti nt tcf*' union, briaging the-daily wage t " I, $7. A like reduetlon wM Toted by .th ir'miu carpenters several 'w^elis ago. No d( not' to tnands, it was deelirod, bad been mad ho nia employers for.n.wTige.cut, .whic ___ was voted in tbe hop^'of Utimulalln ) baMtoff.'-; • .....- . .

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T W I ?- * ^ 0 ^ a. 1^0 32. ■•

' f i i f f l l i O-illHPIlPffl . lIpMSE■ Lieutnnant Governor Signs Ex-

tradition Documents; Mrs.! Ormsby to Leave Tonighl to j Taiie Woman in Custody

I : a i ,n:.1D o ’cloek th b iniifnlntr LIuii- ' B ienan^ OovDTBor U. C. MnoVc aUacliCil ' 1 h b •rKnoturo anil oWicInl, »i'ol to ox- ■ a tradition paper# in tlic mku of IiV<ln ( S o u ltn td .. Tbo napers w utf tU'UvvccV '

imiu«UntcIy to Bhorlff U. K. SluTihnn ; who, w ilb A tto rney Ocorge H crrio ti,

iW reproecotinf^ the Idnho Stu/^' rnmrr- i taco cem paiy, in now oh liln wny. hv

suUimoViJp. t«.T>rJD i ’tiJk ^iw nhcTili ,■ f i« I'xpoctcd Jioronbotit.n or 4 o ’clock.I Announcement o f thi* bIrh' i'C of tin’

r6qui»5Uon fo r Lydii Sontlmrd w ni ' teloplionod The Kow t.froni tliu Kovcrn*

0*’* «oon a fte r the o f (Sff* lm‘* Ili'eeti jw rfom icd, Iho slnlo nrcotnpany- i

' in)j sayini’ th n l B horl/f Slimtimi nimli' i rto.'dfliiv in hJs ilcporliirr.

P o r E ir ljr IH pw to ra Imml•dialo^y .upon nrrivnl o f She riff '

•Shftmiin la TwlQ VaJU tlic o fn c la t ‘ tlorumpnla will bo’ dcliven'ii into tlio hsnili of Mr*. V. H . Ormsby, who fi« '

» to leave on tho. owning; trnh i for Og- Jen, whi're ehanRo will be inade for 8an PrantiMO. Mrn. Ormsby will incol ' her hw bw id, D eputr- Sheriff Orni»by,In 8ai»-T^nncWo BM^tho tw o will nnil on t i c inornlnR a f M ay IH fo r Ilonii- lulu to Iftko cbB«:j;o'>f Mrn. H/iulbar'5 RBi\ brlni: her lo -‘tb e m ainland nnA then U) T w in ' U n . Onn»by lino

. liMn_jjJioBon oCfitffij nmlron for M ri. , Houtliard oil tho trip .

ReiMrtB from the Vnclfii- cuant i-on- i-ertimu the aunpleion tbu t Mr;< Houth- un l had stolon a lonno dinmu'nil valued a l ♦ISO, tho proporlv of Mrn. Lloyd K w o . o f Buhl, ft donghtcr o f M r; nml Mrn. t'rcd Jame# of «02 IJiue U k i-r

^ H mikvntd, Tw in Tn\l». a ip tonflTnmd ,lty Mm . .TamM. TJie lutto r slnte* tb a t althoujtb tboro wn« boiiip iimterlftl cvl-

tcndinR to f i t rcdjionsibillty fo'r thp lofs on Mr*. Southftrd. Ihe cnse wn* dropped on sufnicstion of Mr. JamM , who oppored pioioetiiion on the Krounil th a t court, profeedlnjw inlgftt u ltach

•A'ltfiwelcomc.-,■.publicity ..to uicml’orii of7 Uk fam ily ..' T oU fl-of-A JIegw l'T heft

■ ‘ M tii.iJa ttw trplftlw i th n r tw o w<«l:s :iftor tho barJiil o f M cjcr Inst Brplem* beir.uho n n i-M m . 'Noece I rf t , for l^ 'S Anjfrlus, where • lh«y spent ncvcrnl week* on n vnrnllon trip, They put

«. «« a t ll h o ld ftuil wcttf lovatcd tlicfv n,. short tlmo n fte r the ir nrrivnl by Mr.* Southard, .then Meyor. Tho la tte r i:nll(>.l on thom severaj titne:' dnrhiR

. Iboir stny, lihfl- M n e omployod; in a .•itfelcrla. itr ti ;y ,» u th a rd learned o t

- lb).* soctcl’ 'p l t i ^ |% l i i r h the dinmond V H-. h l d d e n 'J t '« t » l , ,Mr«. .Inwcs ai ' «iTlit th o t wW»*iTW - Bouthanl .jTiia calllsff on and daagb te r' ono'■vvnbg tho laUcT tw o Jc tided ’ lo a t ' lend an orehesltft eoneert in tho hotol

' an.1 inv ited Mr». Southard to accom’ l>nn\* them. T b o 'ta lte r 1* la ld to have I'xcuted h e n rlf , t ta t ia g Ihnt she Had Slime l a m 'to w a a t out. Mrs. Jamifl ond Mm. *I{eflco ‘ijttondcd tho concord nnd tho n c j t day Inycitlca tlon of tb r jnwel caio revealed dlsnppcaranco of

H the dlnmon^., .M ru '-B o ii lh n fd , i t , 1>

“ (Oontlaaed o a P age Pi'vel

ME! msi ip i lF I

. ./K ajiB aT iB H ts a r N o n - P a r t i s a n ' L e a p o L e a d e r D e f e n d P e r -

^ ^ s o n a l E e c o r d

'n 'K inN O T O X , Knn., (/p)--\\l.n.e.< henklcrs wen.' numerous Inxt niirhi nl '

• the debate o f Willinm I/iiiK.T..forMier nttorncy fjenernl of Norlb-D nld'tii, iim l.

" Townloy. president n f tho N'.i-jii»nn) Non-pnr»l»iin Jenpu-.

Tiiwnley, In prescntiDR liis ver).iiir iiT his proscnitlon in M innetoln durinjr | i|u ' « a r.'aH riliu tc t\ n l to " R ta tn Rtim- M en .’ '

U r. L ancer a n e r te d tlia t “ tito b e tt w a r to judga tlis K oa-yartU aa leafftia U to oonH d« ' tb fit fotu'. jro m ago J , F ra tte r v a s

. . eloctM gDT<rDor o f N orth D a k o tu ^ four to one, while lo st r e a r 'b a was -

ro eb c ted by a m ajority of only one per cont. • •• ‘ I made hundreds of ijJeeclic" dnr-

iiiu' the wnr, flKhtlnt; tho tiKbt o f tli.O fn rtiirr' s(;ainst the cm in ttambler.^ and iViv W rf t r s« l,” «Mil Townlev,

• “ The Kfivernnicnt hnd n;;onl»; tak ir;f 5t(Vii>l.'r'‘r li ''’ ""t'** eyorythlnff I nald. Tin- s tn ’o of M innnotii bnd op (Tfttive* walehinif and. liMohlng . tti

■-nrrvthinn I sni'l..- I nsk .voii, why d id n 't they fil'- on me? Wiw II be-

. riiiine lliev' were nfraiil of mcf“ n iin llv lhe (.’raili'(tnmW or* fouDu

u littji- Ixvn Jiv four county nttnrney ill .laVkson rfjbol^r Mlnnesotn, wbo

Q ^7mlld work for them. 'H e did n o t say J was ilisiovnl. All bc could chnrRe j

^ r ix v K ith was lliftt I hsd contplrcd w i th , ▼ o mnn whom I had never « t eyes upon,

t'l u tte r disloyal remarks and hinder riiliwtmi'nts. -I*

' “ t 'd i r l n o t- tn k e Ihe stand In my ou-n defense. I .would havo been a

■ fonl tn fnee ft fram eup, luch n* wa.i

Oo n PAPER IN jp A m

S P A' B a n n o c k N a t i o n a l

B a n k a t P o c a t e l l o

C l o s e s I t s D o o r f

. No Explanation fo r S top ia Oi7 en; Federal D istrict Ezam -

*' I Iner in Charge

1‘OCA.TKLLO, Wnlvo (8i>ccinl 1i> Tli N ew s).— W ilhout statoinont iu oxpln

, nntlon of the action, thijH aniiock Xn *• Honnl bank hero closed'H i Tloor*. JTTT0 M acken, dintricl national. -bauk-cxom

iner, is in chn'rKe. The in»il finnndn■ atalemoiil Issued by the institullm

1 showed a antisfnrtury coudltlnn of It ,,1 ttffiiltt',1 w itb ilvjwxlu iiiiiuuntlivR t'

J.IIiOiOOO. H, I* Jtceno Is miyildeat, am n U I). Franklin , n isb lcr o f tho inatitii

tiou. .Most o f Ihe 8to<r<c is bold b; n Omahn and Kunsns City interests, l0'»I Ihnn one-fourtk of tho to ta l beinR heh .. locally.

' United Brthren Urge DryLawforFilipinoi

!• IN D IA N A P O L IB rinJ-, (/P)—Botolu ‘1 Uons BTglJiR'thnl cbnyrcis Itflco’acUoi '■ to proh ib it the maiiufnoturo and ta l '• of intoxicating liquors in tho Phlllppln

Islands und -enact lci'i*lation to p i t \ 'en t tho manufneluro and aalo o f c ij

'[ n re ttes in tho UnUed S tates, woro pre it sented n | the (luadronnlal conferoneo o 1 th f I 'n ited llrcthrcn chureii horo t« i» ‘lay.

Anntlier memorial cnllud fo r tho ap ir pointm ent o f eonferenco BupcTiolond

entH by tho bishops.

“ Lake Superior Swept J by Severe Blizzart

fiMJLT- HTE MArT k, Mich., yp)- Ono of tho w orst spring b lit ia rd s ii yeat* swept over U k o 8ui>crlor la*

■ n igbt, d riving nil lako vessels into hm bor. Bix inches of anow fell.

\ Hix mon comptlslng thv « e \v <v{ tU J hargo Mijitee'iiro bolioved to havo bee

tost in the bli*tard of Inst night m'l enrly todny, which tore tho Slirtec an the bnrge'I*nrti(fo looso from tho steair e r Z illah off WhHo«"lca?Piret*ln Lak Superior. . ' ____


ill OHICAOO,- (;p) — .Voniolegrnp )f ngiMits nt Hit.slationx.on the 81. Lmih

Sun Ptftneisro rnilrond were ordere inw ew ftl f i r r eents'im litnir under'th Jn ly , 11)20, wngo award of tin- rallroii

*. liilttf^'bonrd in a rnlin;: lifmdod dow ,,j by tho iKiiird tndny. I'mli-r vfn}!

nwnrd, nj>enl« were iurrni»i.il ton eenl , nn hnur exeept for non H'legri.ph sli ^ tionn. Thu ojiiphiyes in .in,-»iion hn

ron tondcir thnl they were I'nrfien i tho loleRrniilier-f’ ngriTiiienl nn

j- rhoiild hnvo Ihii ten conls iiioretise, bii lhe bonn) decided tigillnnt them.


u 'M iW lO O ■C lT V ,„(/p)_(;n ,enl Krai « eiseo Miirgnlii,Tcboi leader, wna seven •t' ly InjuTBd In a rcccnt clash w ith foi ol eriil troops near U lar, atato o f o f Tan

aiilipna,,nccordlng to wnr offieo roporl •® and Is now K cupotatlng nn tht* Amer

can side nenr U i Vaeaa,

r f ------ ----- — —hr p — . . ;— I ■

" TLASHES FRBUENOS A IB B 8 ,^ fV ^ la q u e u

a te applauM ia Utft B u A d ; A im tb ' ' nalo&lzed as a regnlar p a rt o f t ^ t i

.1 od of owing a deb t o f gratitude t I c lalnu . •

" j PIEERB , S. D.. (/P } -S im d iy bi• t a i f an admlaslfih foe Is cbarsod,

I . h a l i n g down Its opinion In tb e ca{ b ro o sb t against Allen Ooetttal, H urtI to r , wbo WM charged w ith vloUUor

I'TI: on Sunday.

I •WABHINGTON, (/P>—The whi p e r cen t botween 1010 and 1020. tb

' to ta l pofiulsUon o f 6j,8flO recorded I w ltii 36,400 In 1010, Ind ians In it n u m b e r^ 26,t t l ; aegTOM 128; Obto w allans aad Korean* 00.

} WASHINGTON, fam; Tanl* avenfle and Fourteen tb streeti j a l capital, was removed a t a ld n lg l I Ufo which began wben Poarteeath i

tr e e h u looked dovn upon every i and has shaded famous politicians a nw aod fo r Sawuol F. B. Uoree, in n latea, o ften sa t beneath i t and r e d t th e telegraph. The trunk o f the t fo iM try asjodaUon,

■ -------—... ■ -


N aU onal O ff lc e t i7 { Railway Brotht P j hood a re U ade D efendants in Sev-

I . . en Damnge Suitsin ' tri A Tt..\N‘TA, Oa.. ( /?l-!i<" '’‘v<'ry - hy l i r o ? lost while on an illc'k'Hl t iI(l■ 10- nikoii in /s ev rn dnninKe •'iiili lolnllli

>4I0.-! fih-d here ngnlnst nntiniuil nfl ai'i eerK of *1ip Hrolherlmi.d c.f Knilwi py nnd Wtonnisliip Clofks. K rrich ' Hn ho dliT i, Kxpres* ruid KIntion Kniplnyev ay 'riio iH-'itioners were nmong clerl Re rnliiloyeil. by the Oontrnl nf Oi'ore th _ rnlUvny when, tlifv n sv 'jt. .1. \V. Thni in, i:i». c>nnl viee president n f Ihv clork e r iL'i.ii, .n l!fd n slrike MnV 17. 102

whirli the grand president Inler <ierln I'y od' illogril. The stnlement i i majlc th a being under ontli to oliey Iheir ofl

tLi 'o rn 'h e meu went out nnd thn t lot ...... .......... ..• V ..\. iV -l. uv_


I L L STW IN fA L L a . n U B O . I

p H r“ i i m i i

B T l G l iTill-

'I'!"- Secretary of War Orders Us : of Federal Forces if Neces

(001'I sary'io Quell'Mining Oistrli ;j“ i Disorders

' W A m m o T o s , a o„ OP) -U a r tla l U w in tbe area e f disturb-

®” “ anee o a . th e Weflt 71rglnla.Kofl- t a c ^ border is to be declared by

y Y iesld sn t H aidlng, SeriaVir B utt- J®” . 'e fU nd o f W ert V irginia aald late

today, a fte r a conferanee w ith tbe p te d d e n t a t th e W hite Bouse.

A lte r i t had b«sn docjded to K- p ' Btie a proclamation declaring mar-

tla l law In Kentucky and We«t t 0 8 V irginia la te today, the w ar d«-

I * partm en t received a message from solu-j CWVenjor U orrow of Kentucky. lUon say ing th a t s u ta troops had been a a lo :.. sen t into tb e strike district. The pine p rodim atleB then waa withheld, p w - ' Tho piocluaitlO B. bowe’fe t, w » c ig -! .' alaned by th e presldeat, who em- pro-i pow o«d secre tary Weeks of tho Q of i w ar depa^ioient to proao lgate i t , (o-f shotdd la te r Information indicate

I th a t i t WM M o w a iy . ap-l ~

end-; W AW IINOTON, (/P)~M ajor Gener I Hend, commaBaoat o f the f if th cor] Iiiron, was instructed 'todoy by Socrotai

I. ] W cuks to send federal troops into UL ' .I g o county, W ost 'Virginia, i f tho goi r | '^ |o r n l deemed tho preacnco of troops thoi

jjii'cesWTV lo quoU tho iiiiTder CWbo

T ) - , " ' " ' - ______s in I _Jofli IBOKDEB V I U A a S a BOBNB OF l,n r- ' nO H T IN Q OONTINUATIO

• j W iI;I,IAMBON, W. Vn., (ff)—TI ^ '''‘h ia t t le In the mountnins which ban ra

^ ‘‘?” (ed for two doya between sympathlM nntl opponents of the Unitrd Mil W orkojn In ibo ^Vinlnm*on coa\ di I r i r t-w n s resumed todnv ut MeC/u Ky., nnd Lynn, W, Vn., « littlo villai iioiic M c C a rt.' l-'Uliig alsu was roport< nt aprigg. ■ ’

A n unconfirmed repnrt wns receivi uf KtnIc polico headquarters Ihis nftc

rnph noon thn t men had been killed in figli onls- ing lit Lynn, W. Vn.

, , ._.Qreat»s..StTnggle.Ecveal8i_.■ 'I ' l T lto b n ttle in the mountnins o tM i I wll ''Ounty, 'W est Virginia nnd Pii

i>p f«>‘''t.v, Ky., nlong the Tug river, wbii ^ n U "‘“''oral days, fierce ae

, ' li.iK been, is meroly n phnso of a great litiil ’‘trngg lo 'iu which this rich coal distri

„ is locked—tho induatrial struRBlo ov ,m l Ihe question of uuloalring or ki!opii ]„il “ o |iotuthc thineaV. - ' •

I ’nlun miners nn “ lork '-nut'' strike lenders lioscribo it, wcro odc ted f(0 hccnPs, owned by tho coui companies,

0 . 8 . *^'110 near by on lensod land in to colonies.

N o.lwi(;or nble to 'trndo a t tho eoi '• iinny- oommias-irics n t tho vnrlnus mi

^ 0 “ - l ln g towns, they,subsist on rations shi [ |K'd jn by tho union. • -

« r t s , ; ii(.pdved of funds, as n result o^ Im e r l - ; ___________ _____________ — ..........

) ((•ontinned ou I’lijjo .1.)

ROM THE WIRElueura, boys, men, whose voeation is to cre<I theatres, .have demanded th e ir r igh ta to-be eatrlcai profeselon. A nthon who am accus- e to tbe lr humble .supporters oppose the ir

r baseball canno t.be pla'y«d I n '^ u th Dako* 3d, t h i s ta te saptem e court ru led today in I ca»e te stin g th e “ bluo law s” of tho sU te [uron, 8 . D „ m oving p lc tu n theater proprie- tlon of th e blue law s by operating his show

w hite population o f Alaska decreased 23.i . tb e census bu reau announced today. O f n Bd la s t yenr, w hitea tota lled 27,683 compared n Alaski^ on th e b a s lr of the 1020 censos, Jblnese 86; Japaaese 312, and ^ ^ lp tao ^ H it

______________ Lt’am oui Idorae « t a a t th « comer of Pennsyl- e o u , one o f th e old landm aiks in tha natlim ' o lgbt a fte r a long, b a t losing figh t fo r lu ih s tre e t w m widened some y e an ago. This cy in a a g u » tio n parade held in Washington IS 08 t h ^ discnsM d a ffa irs o f state. I t was inventor o f th # telegraph, who, tradition re- e d te d t« in te rested listeners the wonders ol e tree h as been presented to the, American

IR I SENATORS AGREE UPON IIKE; NORRIS BILL CHANGEIther- Sllnor A lte ra tio n Meet Appntvai lev- Com mittee; P lans are Laid to PrM


y ‘'*'i \V A 8!riN '(>T 0>r~nr (/i'i -Suiike il ,-hmigos in tho .Vnrri" hill for fode;

'n f 'n ’’’J'-"'* indilwHV nit'''‘<‘'l n r " .teiliiy ll'’ I U nr- "eiiBl*: nc riru ltn re .■nmmlltci'. I ’hi■ev iTi-ro mnde t'o pres.i Ihe ine;i«iiie In I

ore'^B ‘'hnw- l'*'"prIntiott mensnro" nre fliit ,nf t o rk ; ' way, In revising the hill, thi-mmni1020, reilo red ,:i proviiinn 'icnn inn ti

^ fha l -'•0"'"'slnnrr o re r invesllcn'lon and affn

la te r M a tin g tn the menl biisinfsi. exrinnAR nf .-i,nitri,««


D A l li. B A n m P A Y, MAY 14; 1021.

France F I Germ^j H F r e n c h N e u t r a l i t j

t i o n i n E v e n t | b i

T e u t o n s a n di c e s - . _______


irb-:oa- P A E I S , — ^Tbe e n t i

le f l ia w o o ld p r o v o k e i n t e r v e n t i 'ttte w o u ld m e a n w a r , a n d in so o th e n e u t r a l , a c c o r d in g t o e z p r e s s i

Gernwn Newspaper i» S Charged with Treaso•om «ky. i iK l t u x , yp)-A llvgs;l^n i, of hi|^ tronaun nr<‘ mude in proceedings ini^ tutud. by the ministry of dofenir u o^aahsl tho ratiiciil new>n«ijnT «o«B- Pahno (red flug) a9___the lo-iult of pntho llention by thnt paper of n nerles

i t docuiui;nl8 liearinn ou this situations te Silesia. Thesu documents are nlleg<

to prove ihnt the Oermnn militnrv n minbitrntion had planniHl uni invosh

meral of thu Upjwr Siloslnn pleblSfite nr corps Inat O tlolnT ,.and hnd plotted the r. {tftiT HOAsinivtion of Adolbert ICorfnnlv.jU n- • -------------- ---------------


*rag - ______

'Ifin” B e r l in H e a r s U p p e r S i le s ia i 1 L o o k f o r O o U a p s e - o U a s o r -

'm fgo / g e n t O a m p a ig n -

HHItlil.V, {flVCoUapHo of Ux. ,1’leivod i^ ' i ” U pper Rilt'sia is expe'etnftcr- i»- aulhoriintivc ( |m to r s thore, ifinh t- cordini: t a u siw'-iul dUpntch receiv

. here from Ureslnn. im portnnt eonfi cnees are now in priy;ros». nnd i t j r I

i-‘ ■ lifcVcd Ihnt A dollietl K orfan ty . ToriVMin- o f the Polish InsnrKcnta, loNfhIa finPil“ » to seruro U]>|H'r fjiiesin for i ’oland.

which -xlio tctUenK'ut of Prince itntsfioae i t Qerman- membor of tho nllied eounc

renter a t Ojipeln. I* a ltriln ited to the innlIstrlet ity on Ihu pnrl o f Ihe allied forre"I over l(nlt the ndvnnre of K orfnn ty 's mei

liMlliilEiic in m n' com- _ _ _I min- H a v e A m e r i c a C o m m a '

R e s p e c t B e f o r e P r o p o s in g 0^ be- L a y i n g D o w n A r m s

l- l in ,A l) K m r iA , ( f f j - l n n Jin; — rend before to d a y 's session of tho t»v

— ■ ty-flfth nnnuni m e e tin g 'o f the 'A m i

E enii A caditiiy o f Politicnl and 8o« Hcienco, John Ilaya Ilouimond deeloi dSsnrmnniDnt on th e p a rt of tbe Unl

_____ Stntes In the present s ta te o f inter tiniiiil relations unless other g rea t pi

^ et» Alwrw a t the Nlnl^ time, “ vto' ' j r ' - l.e the belght o f folly, if not n-cif ^ , inal lilunder.” ,

“ Ilisnrmnmcnl enn bo uffected b; strniRlitfonvnrd unequlvoml mesm ff®”' " '‘I' Bovernment to Knulnnd f J a p n n ,- ho sn id ,.“ to Hie effect fl

“ the United States hiiH no nmbitlon n itnin the siiprcmney of Iho sens ' th a t she is jievertheless di'lermlneil : to necept a subordlnnto naval positi lu th is nnr poliry is inriexible.

03 4 “ When tlieoe' nutiiins folly ren; i r 't t i)f mvix-tinK w ith

, Rftin navai superiority they will 3! ly and quickly ncree to the limitnii' o f jinvnl armaments and n o t be(<iro.'


4^ ’ .Sl’JlINflFIKI.T), 0 .. ( /P )-T h e goi . j y nl exeeulive bonrd of tho W oman’s i l>h(, eign Missionnry soeiety of tbe Mot

dist Kpiscopnl rhureh h.ts npprovec motion to npproprlnie S20,000 for

i r e - rebuilding of the (iiuiibnhl Hospital , Olinnklng, Cliinn, It was announced lean

A dditionnl missinn.irloH neccpted th e bonrd iBclude; M'*s <lliv6 L . Qni Aiinmosa, low n: Miss J.iicille Colo of North I.lbertv , lo n n ; Miss Mild I-. Pierce, o f IlcvcUl. Iow a; Mls.i M(

JG E S ^^li>'^■of Mnrion, Iowa; Miss E nbeth n . Chnso, of Hrorklinm, 8 .

^ M is s 'n n ttie M. flei-iKTly. nf I.inei


. T 0N 0I*A ir, Nev., ( /P ) - ro r ty c lodern. n ju jjie r , nnd 'm iners nrrived hero fi indn '- Hau V rnndsco todny ^to work in !>• Ill" nllvsr rhinos, which have been shut df I ’l'ins reduction of wni;e" n moIn lhe ^ cone to work.*.'■ A wrek ngo a like niimJ'fr .'irrinf the from fiaa T rnnjlsco nod i'll 'U’wtmimil- *beir jobs upon ri'iwrting. The 1nntiiiR ‘' . ' T woiC-J*- l l . r . l for uiurk-THamnU''' nnd inechanies.

■^ffni^ IDAHO 'WBATHBB.exeept ' T onight nnd Sundny fnir. co<i.


L Y Nforesees Ne nsEnterUi

t y C a l l e d O i i t o f Q u e i

o f C o n t e s t B e t w e e n

I P o l i s h R e g u l a r s


n t r y o f Q e r m a n t r o o p s I n U p p e r I m t io n b y r e g u l a r P o l i s h t r o o p s , w h l iQoh a w a r F r a n c e c o u ld n o t r e m t s s io n s i n o f f i c i a l c i r o l e s h e r e t o d a y

• The utm ost A m aznK O t-w xf'e} l g pressed in these circles a t th

speech yesterday 1 of U r . U o y s o n Oeorgo,, th e B rltlah prime a in ls te i

on th e U pper BUeslan a ltualbu high containing w h at is regarded u e i insti trao rd ioa rlly rriend ly references t

fen*n O erm any and Judgmenta hostile t w ard Po land a ad u n s jw ii th e t le tc

««>•: W K ilT U lc e . J Vpuil- P rem ie r B riand him*«ir took th

es of unusual conrM o f receiving a ll tb nn lu fo re ign & ew 9»PV csntspondent ib'K*-''- In a g roup th is afternoon to n y ml c o i^ t to them w h at the Trench gov ■nsiun em m ent h a d done and intended t

nren do. . ^ ’

I’AUlfe, Prunet is unaltoro op[Hisod to inv Gcrmnn m llitnry op<

• tions in l'|«l>er Hlleshi, i ’remier Brl; I lU-clurod today . -

"N ev er, never, could the T rend governm ent consei^t to 'G erm u

i r t r o o p a o n t e r l a g B i i e s i a , " th , , p rem ier ex 'claloed to half a hm

dred fore ign correspondents * - he received a t th e foteign offiee 1

c o n « 4U8ace o f Premier L loy l a n o O eorge’tf speech yesterday in th

B rltlah house o f _ c ^ ^ ^

^ • “ O e n n 'u if^ h d s nro operating I n ' per Sili-sin, m altreating aad a n c s t Po les,’ ’ coutinucd M .Bclnad. “ Not

I’oi- the jliso rdo rs in tha t provlnco arc ] leeted dnecd by the Poles. Tho I 'rench {

lie- ernnioiit could nnl [wrmlt Oerman . li'lvod ita ry forces to /nt*'rveno in sueh n o n fc untion.

. . . r re n c h J J u ty m if iU e d • fk 'h t ■' ‘ p ri'test w itli a lj my energy aga

J thn- fnlso impressibilB buing 'spi cfietd, througlinut th e world. Tlio French 1 mnel'! criimont has fulflllod to tho utmbs nnlill' l>owcr its du ty in 'Upjier Silosio. rcH to 1- ,0U0 troups thero who bavo

to deni w ltli 10p,000 insurgents on rising of w vernl bunJred thousand,

N i l “ Tlio V'lMicb Irtpop* conld do no s • i iU than ho ld .thu cilieK, the to«roB nnd

I : B rita in Oould Help“ I f tilt! B rltiah 'govornm ont wi

sond 50,000 troops there lo help us, n a n o disordors eould bo put down , v n g ijuiekly. '

. “ Till! new* received by tho fori offiee frmn fp in -r Bllesln ioday i s ' Ihe insurcentR nro' giving to Iheir hoi nnd retu rn in g to work,

tivon- guvernment'» soluticth a t tho allies should ih the f irs t p

Social njuume 11 riilm a ltitude and inst elorcd jijflif commissioners in Upper Silcsl J n l l e d j t ry ,0 r.-neh a unanimous n^oomfii iternn-1 Segregate OtmUnonlUeBt pow- <;Hii'rh iin aKrcemonl,’’ said M.

n'nd, “ would not be d ifficult i f oil :(Uim- ,j,ionitioii* excep t the results of

plebiscite wcro eicluded. Tho P n •" governm ent's only instructions to

commisaioners,’’ bc s.iid, “ wcro to d nnd ioj,„in ,. neeording to the mnjorit) t fh n l|jj,^ , In vntUms tommunlon lo whieh should go to Polan'd nnd w « ' ’»t tn O .Tm any,’ ’

A m erica to Be Ueard.’ I . \ t the elose o f Ini' itntement

im ier Hrinnd wnx nskod re /a rd ing p „>,’ .„ jb le uicdlatijiii by the Unlled Slat'

. ^ Ind 'l “ The U nited S ta te s ." he i ;nti<'i,'. , piled, “ has nstum od w ithout i ro.' ’ serve to the aupreme caunciL H

voloe-m ay be heard and her ido w ili be received w ith the gt«aM

H IN A favo r.”gonor- I’rem ier Hrinnd in his stntcmenl ’s I ’or- eiiunteil the i-irniinstnnfes under w Uotho- <Ik' dlsturbnnoes liroke out among ived n I’oli’h miners in I'piier Hileiin, 1 or tho the rnpid Mpromi of re]mrts thnt Ihi ita l in I ies 'had deeideii.lo nwnrd nil the red to. b ig nnd Indiistrinl areiis to Oerii

rognrdless of tho plebiscite result, ed bv dlsliirbiincoH lieing followed b; Qnnld ’'t rlko vclileh sotvn Involved the ei Jolonv' industri.il basiu in much violence, fll^rfd ' “ Tho preneh gnverninent,'' Uftrip iinued M. Brinnd, “ protests w ith

F lir. «rentent energy against nil mislcfl Q ' t , ' or fnl-fc s ta tem ents tending to r ineoln’,

•‘*^Ylll'll I b e . dnennients nrc 1 public ' i t will be seen thn* il n« pHshed its ta sk in tho be*t pos

m i Q .« U .n .\ • T urning id the question of the d , •] fUtnn nf I’pin-r 8 »lf*lnn IvrTltnrv . jA.rn ‘Irr tho tn 'ftty o f Voriallles, Prc ' J ; ' " Tirinnd snld: ' ■

“ The tren ty dne- nnt - n y lh a t , ferenl tr>-nfnieut nhnnld he .->|iplie nnv given reginr, nccnnlliic n i It o r ’ has not roal deposits. The tt

I'wcWrt ppj {^,„j t | , jworkmen are w orth lei* than tho>

■ the g real Oermnn indusfrialijit*-. tbere ia n i’nlisb mniority in tlie m g recioni: those regions'ouRht n< be tak en from Poland iwranse the

/IViiHmnA^ n> P m . Viva)



ew War if ^pperSilesiaHpi-eeiihis

TEi Gie III ™ PBEilEfl’SIM’hfoh

C o m m e n t o n L lo y d G e o r g e 's

l y , S p e e c h in D e n u n c ia t l o n i o f

; P o l i s h R e v o l t i n S i l e s i ath e ' ---------oyd • LONDON, ^ — P rtta lw Lloyd te r , G eorge's donunointion o f tho Poli»h too, revo lt In Slleala in the house qf eom- « . mons yesterday fnllod of- unanimous s t o fu p p o r t , . froni London now rpapers to i to day.,to . Two S d lto r t A pprore .

Tho D ally Expross cbmmooded the th e prim e m in iste r’s '" p o l i o j , courage and th e e ta to sm ansh ip" and insisted ‘ 'P o land m ts jn u st b e ta u g h t abe eannot b e slew ed re- to bo&ome a d is tu rb ing olemont in Eu

;ov. ro p e .", to The D ally Nows held th a t Poland

n u s t bo ta n g h t a lesson s« d approved th e primo m in iste r’s e p m h .

O t a a O t h K - B ^ t a ,ipcra- ^ Chronicle, usually nirland »tft“ neb aupportar ~ot U r. IJoyd

Ocurge, snid it would tako moro aert-. ously all aueh if I t W e not fo r U ui-

o«ll t« p k . m . K It«d»r. 0( H oM T u rk l.h u llo n a lU K ; a«brli>lo d'A ii- w » niinxlo, who orcupUid Plum o for morc An- thnn a year, and Oonoral Zellgouski. torn whoso Polish ‘ irregu la rs’ a ro rtill hold- » in Ing Vvioa.oyd, M t. Lloyd Oeorgo w as ^barged th a “ w ith b itte r p a rtisu sh ip intense dis

likQ of Poland, pusaltaniwous feai^ o t n ttT Qormiiny nnd ignorancn o f Kuro'pean S p o lit ic s ," by the M orning Poat,; o tn l l It 'c o n c lu d ed by expressing th e ‘. hope th a t th e B ritish public m n ld

a o t lilow itae if t o bo n a h e d into 11 mil- acqiUeicence in th e prim e tnlnb- . . u . t e r 's oo 'ntsnpttble a n d ieniiilBe i

p ro -O e m a a lm 'O ffieial.'oxpresylont w h ich ..w eo ld jn

' ' 'Oicato the aentlm ent rcgnrd lng aetloi ^ n s t Jn Silesia in governm ent cirolct • It «P«a»l W nraaw w ere-b«Ing aw a ited w lth lkeei “ ROV- in te res t licre loday, lOBt o f ■ ^

ifltElllffiS = UMPEIIIE!wduld . ' --------- ; :iB, th « S e m i - O f f i c i o l A g e n c y S a y s P a x . . moro jjj i n j o n a g L o n d o n b f V ie w s

oreign o n B b i n o S l t Q a t i o o 'is tb n t ' . . Ihomos, I>ARI8 , (/P)—In a stafom ent today

tbtf aemi-offirial H avas agency savi tion .ls th t r e is reason to belivve tb a l tb* ; place Frcncli govornmont haa inform ed thi istruRt D ritlsh governm ent th a t F rance b it cjIa to fnvor o f m a b ta W n g th o penalties l e n t . " ngainst Oermany adopted a f te r thi IB London confcrciiec in M arch, w ben th> f. Bri- G erm ans rofuecd lo se ce p t. tb e -Parb ,11 con- te rm s o f th e allies, ine lnding enstomi of tho line on tho Rhino and tho oceapatioi EVdneh nt Duossoldorf, D uieiborg a ad Bohr to I ts n rt. "to de- 'Tbo sta tem ent wns brouffht ou t by •

i ty of it'lio rl through Ite r lin .th a l the DritisI uniUe* favurnblu to cancelwliich Ib 'tio ii " f penalties in fjueslion.

. J IP P llM T iI ' : isiiiiPBfiim

T u b B o a t O ro w a Q u i t P o s t ite s t P o l lo w in g B o f n a a l t o M o v e

S W p b o i r d B o a tm t re- . . ^ ______which GALVF^TON, Texas, (ff>-BefnBJ

‘he c t tUR ban t engineers lo m ove th e I7»i , upon p,j (hipping bonrd s tc a n e r I « 1

nwnnna Ihis m om lng p rcc lp lta le d ', e nil"- o f tug bont crow* tn Oalvestot

All fug boats iu p o rt.w o re Ued u tho Bhorlly before noon and eperators bega

p-nying the .m en o ff. C. H . Marshal en tire .^lutrlct ngent o f tho shipp ing W i

s.iid offers woaKl bo m ade to got not

th ' t''hi-Icodini: T.atTBti M A M H H B S' •

rrpro- AOOEPT-W AOB EBDUOTIO]ilCTKO IT, U leh.,- w*Re n

nerom- d u c tio n 'o f f ifteep pCT ceh t b u - b e e losslble accepted b y masters, m ates , p ilo fa .aa

engineers o t rsllw nv {errlea operate on Lake Mlohigan, t a k e 8 t . Ololr an th e D e tro it r iver bjr th e W a b a ^ , Oran

rv r P * " Mftrqoolto A nh'A rbe^ m ie r wns aanoBnoed today.

HPOKANH U N IO N QAKPBNTEBSi L tV, • CUT OWU W AOB I N ^ A L' [ 8P 0K A N E , Wash., (ff^-A nuonnei t r e n t r today o f • 60 cent wogof Ihe rcd n rtian v t t t td 'b y th e ideal - ea ip ti■ nt tc f* ' union, briaging the -da ily wage t" I , $7. A like reduetlon w M T o te d by .th

ir 'm iu carpen ters several 'w ^elis ago. N o d(n o t' to tnands, i t was deelirod, bad been mad ho nia employers fo r.n .w T ig e .c u t, .whic___ w as voted in tbe hop ^ 'o f Utimulalln

) baM to ff.'-; •.....- . .

m u m :FEICillS.ra w SIS'

Accommodatfons ai Italian Cap­ital; Preempted for Montlts in Advance and Visitors Must Come Prepared to Bivouac

llOME, o»"T>» oKram p KTOURd*' will bo tbv 'lo l of.Ain- e H u u n ish lag to Rom«. Itomo i)

• futI, fa ll fo r month#, io the fiolot men aay. Atdcrlcdo tou rlita have raptnr«('. find tHT.iipj- it ''« » th a t olhom of tholr rountrym cn ^ l i l o f f lo go t Jn m ust b'l HpokcQ for in advanco or miiBt pavi:. a (p]]tlca road tor tbemeelvet in gntu iliCN to hotel p o r te r i and cloikn' in rn lo r to Kct- a plaeo where to lay their hMdn.

“ Sorry b u t wo nro full. I>iil you w rite u i* D id >-ou to le ^ ra jih f" it Ibv e onitan t c r ; o f the funetionarici 'n t tho hotels. I f ono cannot aniw er In tbo affirm ative , sorry Indeed Is their lot fo r w<lary pllRrimoRea from one ho­tel /to another Ib tho only nlternotlve.

••B ciipor’' m g h t A l l A e lia a u m l ^ t b r in g a room * 'h b 1|I

e t ” to ono 'a asslBlnnee. Tliix CDnsltlP Jn o ffering a room in a private liouso for which th o duJly atipulntlon' I t oner- nou*. Thero \nui ono cxatnplD 'where no American naid 110 a ni|;ht for hid room In o p rivn to family. Thu roon>WM only scan tily furnlBheil and not modern in its appoin tm cntn .'

AaWo from tho (icnrctty of lodgings, Komo Bccms' to have taken or it« pro­w ar tou ris t a ttitu d e . Thp snmo ven-

• dors o f cameos prciient tbcmtolvcs to tho A njeriean on h ii apitearnnco. in K«me. Tho luunc oM (aeet aia aeoa In the an tique shops and Iho a r t ihow roomn. Tho oaino boggars occupy the ir

' aceustomed places, whllo Iho ^ l o old “ blind b o a d " w ith its full-sighto.1 “ dnm iincr’ ' o f foiirlst shokoU ffrlnd" ont, its unintolllgiblo vioiUn sqneakj

'nnd clarionet groans. Cob driyors rulu tho highw ays, excep t fo r a now aulu bus lino which hos superseded tho old horeo line on th o Corso Umberto. - *

W ee s havo m ounted ton to twenty- times w hat thoy were in tho old daya.Alt tho souvonire are a thousand ^ r

' cent h igher. Tbo a r t w orks and an­tiques havo tok e n a Bimilor loap. " i tc h in g p a lm a " g ree t the Amorlcflti ton rls t a t o v try oaglo. Tlotol prices, ovon when trana ferrod in to , American aoBcy, a ro tw o o r throo times their fonnor lovel. A ro o a and meals oa tho A a e rira n p lan costs d t least K a person, whei'o i t uaod to iJoet two.

l i i i silN iS iS fflEPOEPIlIT

Veritable Panic Reigns when Aniiouncimertt is Made of

Jrapending Witlidrawai of Troops froni Cilicia District

N p w T O RK , (/P) — Announcement th a t tho r re n c h troops would be w ith­draw n from th o C llleia di<'lrlet o f Tur­key OS a resu lt o f negotiallonr w ith tho T u rk ish nationalisU , cansedr n panic among tho Arm enian residents there, says Dr. J . K . M artin , a relief worker a t A in ta b , m a report sent tc t|)o K ear E a s t re lief .

Dr. U a r t ia sa id th a t most o f Iho Ar- monlnns woro Ic a v b g th a t city oji fast 'sa thoy could a n d th a t the poorer peo pJo who fOuJd JJOt a ffo rd to leavo were almost d is tra u g h t w ilb fetir. Tho T urkc havo becom e bolder, (ind moro threa ten ing slnco ropoit* o f thn con­tem plated F rench evacuation w rre rc- coivod.

Tho m iasionary quotoii • a reported boast o f tho M oslems th a t they WouM robtdld th e ir sh a tte re d mosques and minaruts w ith C hristloa skulls and says th is -h a s a o t failed lo have lls c f fee t on (ho A mericans. Dr. Afartin nddr:■“ A n A rm enian said to rae: 'W o

•routd a ll o f un go calmly, joyfully , to tomo desert p laoo if only p e m lu io n wen) g lr< s us. W® w ould prefer lo dlo i t hunger and sta rv atio n many tim*! rather than onoe again fall into the hands of the inhum an T alk s.”

“ The A jincn'lans soo themsolves again going to th e slaughter w ith n o t ) hand in nil th e ^ o r ld raised In their lofeaso o r a volco u ttorod in protest, rho nations o f tho world r i t aronnd, ook on and eontinue to caat lots. Y el - — r »e tru s t th a t in tom o way,, wo do not mow bow, dolivoranco w id eom e."

A rm oniass in I<ondon werf> advised bat tiio F re n ch ' troops begnn ovacna- ion of C ilicia p rio r to April 12. Ar toalaaa U»«ra h o J appeaJw! t io Veaeb prem ier a o t to w ithdraw th's roops n o til a b iB tem otionnl fotco rai organitod to eontroi Tnikey. I t r u s ta te d tb a t ISO,000 A naen iasi a i decided to a b a a d o s Cilicia.

Y o u .M a yB eto ,Says Claude,

th a t i f yon haT© yonr repair work done a t

'C. M. GATES AUTO CO.ron w ill gBt y o u r m oney 's worth.

A ny one w ill to ll you tha t.

m s a a A n i r o .

—f S Q j i s f ro


KOREANS MAY GET VOTEJa«aiU M B oom of BAprvseatatiTei

A dopts BiU to B xtend FrancM ss

TOKIO, (Correnpondnni’o of tbe Ail soeinted IVcsi)—Tlin political progrnin of Blngonshoku, t i e well knuwn Ko rcan who wns recently aiflaiuiinntcd in

I Tokio was Iirought one s te p nearer I when ft commltteo of tho fiouso of rep

O rd i

e n o i

f a v c

A WONDE ice ere whieh'o

■ ti§s ih making ' purer thing; i than ever befc time when we as pure and fi

' skill and care

W ehavefounc a iy air—the a rooms and co world—NO LO

. ENOUGH EO;........m G 'O F Y O V t

.CREAM! It enough, b e c a u E

ing.new disco; a t our disposal

' mosphere, whic ■ DRED TIMES j


B ym eansofac(

. vice, the ordinal

ers while the ice

super-pure atm

This process is c we speak of the

duces as “CARI

N (' The atl

im rity 1



— - J»ure, h

n m e (2

S t e r l i

>AILY NEWS, TWIN FAT C rw nntalivcs nnanimouiily approved ' ^ nrnjoct to extend th e prow nt electlo

lnw of Ja{ian io K orea. I t the dl< I’f " pas*e<i Uli* bill I t means lh a t tho K< • lenn peoplo will bavo tho righ t to vot

on the name basis os tho Japanese.A.I --------- T - - • •rnm w ju t Is ttselest to yon m ay b t t i K o u ,b i , to othet* — td T tr ilM I t b t l . in tla s ilfltd .irer ^ ' 'rep KKAPi T H E DAXLT 5*W B .

This is C hap ter 1 Of a 8.. f

i n a r y a i

u g h f o r

□ r i t e d e

lEBPUL thing.has hamper ream-making ‘business; opens up undreamed-of

ngthis. your favorite d( ; a finer thing; a' BETTI ifore.' And th is has happi re thought we had made i fine as it was possible fo ■e to produce.

nd out th a t ordin- air th a t fills our ^

covers the whole,o n g b r i s g o o d ' cc :0R THE MAK-. - JR DISH OF ICE :t 'is n o t good nil use this astound- , lovery has placed nl a STERILE at- ichisONEHUN- S PURER THAN “ ( TAIR!

compJicated littlemeehar

lary air is driven out of th

ce cream is15eing frozen, £

mosphere is substituted

3 ealled “CARBONATING tie super-pure ice cream

lk)N A TED ” iee cream.

o g r e a t e r patinnHphcre we nso m carbbnaUiig

Ly known to m an. B y careful selw

Kupir and flav o rs ; in fa c t only th

LVW! Now w e freeae th e crcam in

, hoftcr-than-OTer ice cream—ifl re

? (lispJajed;

i n g D a i r

^ A L L s j I D A H O , S A T U R I


I -WABHINGTON, D. 0.,' (ff> -W ea voto o*’ pw dlc tloo j fo r th'o week '{wginnl

c. Mondny a re : Dppef M lsslislppl a lowor ill s ro u r i T olloys:. C o o l 'a n d ,i

t .Tal- se ttled , w ith occasional rain i.1 t b t N ortnem and Bouthom Boeky moi

' ta in , p latoaa re^^ons and Foci s ta te s: G cner^ ly fa ir u d norm al to peraturo.

a s t o r y j u s t a s w o n d e r f u l o s o n j

: ' ‘ / -

i r n o loi

t h e m a]

s l i c a c y ;

le n 'e d to th e ~ A N ]; a th i i ig u r fp o ss ib ili-delicacy, a We pay

TER thing ■ the beslip en ed ata V h ld n VB ice cream PURE ifor human “

I “cannec

S T E R L I N G S u p r a

c a rb o n a te d ic e crea

is th e o n ly ice crea

m ade in th i s c i t y I

th is m a r ie lo u s n t

m eth o d o f

‘ C A R B O N A T IN G !

an ica l de- A n d —or

th e f r e e z .

1, and thisth e m a s

id fo r it. cream ,. ' v a lu e o f:

TO”—a n d m o sp h jn a n d Deve

n i t p ro - fo r you r c ream E j sp quickl

p u r i t y k n o ^i n g y o u r i c e c r c n m is 100 p e r cent,

j l w t i n g , t e s t i n g a n d b u v in p we use

' t h o P U R E S T O P E V E R Y T m N C

i n a t m o s p h e r e w h ic h i s A B S O L U I

; r e a d y f o r T O U to t r ) ’, N O W , a t a i

l ’ '

r y P r o d uP H O H i n E 7 5

IDAY, m a y 14,1921 ,; C L £A fiIN a BQUBB B E S m V B S n>A T . I K SXOBSS O F SSQ U IB BU B]

Teath- NEW YORK, ( f lV T h o actual Inning '^ '^on of clearing houst banks , I tru s t eompanies fo r thiv weok sh ‘ th a t they bolJ-M ,200,II00 reserve

cxtcBs nf legal roqulrem eats, an crcoao-of $702,800 from lust woek,

locifle O U n lfM tdvertW ^ tt I tem- ett thbg yoo eaa b o T ^ e i ia t td

the proflU it b r i ^ yoo.

iny yoiiV c ovor hoard or road

►nger i s

ik in g ,o f

I c e C r «

ND now t h a t we. k ao w ab u s in g th is o ro cess to : c ream , w e W O N D E R w hj

Defore. T he w hole th in g sy o u t eno rm ous sum s oj 1s t o f e v e ry th in g else—ju eam p u re a n d good. But t THO U G H T o f b u y in g ; 5 a tm osphere , to p e r fe c t t led' ice cream . Y ou know w ives seal th e ir ‘“preserv ed” goods, to EX C L U D E

' .c a u s e T H E Y kl spo o n fu l o f a ir f r u i t o r veget.

e r n e W h y n o t ice e:

s a m ' W ell, a t a n y k

n o w . A n d th?am cream which n

—purer than Wi b y e d it COULD be

us a little mor Hgip . cause NOW we

PURE atmosph AIR used to be costs YOU.no m

l f )> —or a quart—c cause we assume expense.

on top of th is trem endo i PY - “CA RB O N A TIN G ” ’to m ake th e ice c ream Bl i t enhanges th e a c tu a l f I shade-lno re no tic eab le i

T h e n ,'i t a c tu a lly increai if iee c ream —b ecause th is 3re we iise has lo n g been v erages; h a s b een provei ir stom ach. F in a l ly . i t i EA SIER TO K E E P ! Doej kly.

iw n t a m a nnt. pure—and th ere is no m ore per

ise only the p u rest o f m ilk a n d c r

m W H IC H G O E S IN T O Y O U S :

D T E L Y pure. Tho re su lt—th e sa]

; any of th e s to res w here yon seo T)

a c t s C o mO


I eon. .MEXICO CITY, (ff)-6eareh fo- s and t ihus germ, for tbo dlscovoty o( shows wbleh the .newspaper Ualversal offenW ■ve in a prlio of 25,000 pesoe, bair boen nban- n in- <Ioned by the numorooa Uttzlean phy- ek. ' slcians wbo sought it aid the nom

paper's offor has been withdrawn, ateap* ., ,•J >r P IH 8 T MOKTOAaE ^KVEST.WTTwro. -Arthnr I* 6wt», H‘ ».

g o o d

' y o u r

e a r n !

b o u t it, a n d a re m ake y o u r ice

ly no one th o u g h t g is reasonab le . - o f m oney to buy iu s t to m ak e th e i t , u p to now, we

a KQ p e r cent, th e p u r i ty o f th e

IW, y o u rse lf , how fves" a n d o th e r ;E A L L A IR —be- <now th a t even a ir w ou ld spoil th« , stables o r m eat, c r e a m ? ' ■

ra te w e’ve g o t i t ;he re s u l t is ice re a lly IS P U R E '■(we’d ev er d r e a m - .)em ade; I t costs ire to m ak e—be- 'e P A Y f o r th is )here, w h e re th e e F R E E . B u t i t more, fo r a b rick -or a d ish —be- le th e ad d itio n a l

ous ad v an ce in r” does o th e r 3ETTER. F ir s t f la v o rs—m akes a s yo u e a t th e

a ses th e FOOD- s su p e r-p u re a t- n u sed in foods e d to be GOOD m a ie S th e ice

e sn ’t m e lt q u ite, . . ■ . . I

1 - *



I I O E - I



. , c

i p a n y

. «

■ M

f TodayjsSpo:

I H lO O L li

l i i i i i. N i n e t e e n E r r o r s i a r e A c c i

■ B 6 t h S i d e s , a n d H i t t i i

I f B u h l l i o l d s ; R e c o r d j

■ I S w a r m s A b o u t V i s i t o

P l a y e r s '

■ ■^^■"ILOeiNO a (lurerorful basobpll MMon t h r

' Rclioul' ^ tenm yesterdny wlmlcii

tho Bulil hl|;h achool olab 18 to fl. Tlio Rnm'.'

I • WM pfayc<J OB tho BuM. • [ proum h nml wn* probk I— ' * * ^ 1 ably tliD wlorJciil prc"' f ODtAtion of the fireat nnliunni ;jami

ilaffcd in thlA s e c tio n 'o f tlir roimiry bntnrccD tra ined team*.' Wblle tho EvnnBmen uutliU and out- fic ld n l tho wcBt-ondcr* It wn« not by a very wido m argin in cither dopnrt mnnt. Tw in Falls | ^ t 14 anfe liinKlcf while Buhl .wns nmnsaint; 11, and Tirln Fall* compiled o lU t o f 10 bobble* to 19 o f tho Weat end rotoric. In thn m a tte r of Iodr h its tho Bnrry hopeful*

w ith n double, a trip le bnd n homcr , ORJilnst A couple o r tr lp le n for the jlo- *ic*tlci».

Iliihl atood a'(P)o4 chance of holding Tw in Fall* even had It oot been for ^ tcrie* o f bad errors nnd play nila- Judjfinent. D eliberate Hodffins,' for

■ B a rry ’a o n tflt. bod p lenty of purilinR Btaff in bin d e liv e ry ,,b u t be lacked 1 'aupport. T lx,',on th n 'o th e r Unnd, vrn* 1 h it aomew hat hard , aiid hi* aupporl I rouW fi/ivc been a whole h i tie^itor. n “ Speed ” Newman h a ’dnn rapeeially !i brui d a y nt, *hortslop, nccumii'jitlnj: ai.< r ju iey and dmnoKinff error* during the ro n h ie t . Tho home plnytr, liowovcr, tmd poUiinfj on BnrryV oprnnd bn*o- I man, D uun, who kiekcd nud m uffed J nr.irly e v rry rhnnce tbn t m m r hla wny. a Snyder a t ' t h i r d baar nnd fbortatop, i tno. bn-1 tronble, nnd lb r Knmp i« Iriir * nf C linton, ano ther nf Hiilil’* in fie ld -||i nrn. who esanycd th r *bortaloppinx a riilr fo r ft frw inninKi. f ir wn* ynnkr;! by th r conch, who ma-le n (renernr i-tianRr in the llne-np in 'n n effort lo o i*ny defcnt. I l wn* a iloipcrato rc r nnri. bu t ifot nothin?. •

‘‘ Bob*’ Pu tzier w rnt intn tlio pUnc f tntlnjT an a ttnck of grip, l.ut b r atuck li

" nnd rendered n"p>rUy fnir'iv-count of * h’liiH-lf b o th n t bn t niid in flcldinc t Nil position,

An unforlunnie incidoiil connected w i’h the Rnmo-wn* tho untporlamon t like a ttitu d e of n lot of younRaters, V nin itly o f sehool SRC, whn'lhronRCd tlie *

• v i« ito r* ',bench durinj: the early pof’ * tinn o f tb r Rame. brnp ln- vile nbua<' h OB Ooaeh Evnna, the Twin Pall* acorr- l> kc-.‘pcr nnd all lb r plnyer* on tli<* o (I'flm. ChnllenRea fo “ rome out nnd

. f iR ht” were *ent to nil tb r visitors, lind w hen no notice wn* tnkrn nf th a *i vrrb lajje the chnllenec* w err rhanBcd 4 lo abu.iive Innpinm* of particulnrlv n iliaRrncefnl tj-pe. No apparent action * w n; tnken by eilher Uubl team mnn- ll ncem ent or Ihe BubI civil nulhoritie* i' tfl T/roHeT protw.tion for tlir viailor* m avninat tbi* unforlim ntr aitualion un- \ t i l R obert K rai, i-alrber for lbo Hubl tc:im. took the m sttcr in Iianii und np pealed t« the mob tn dlipcriK' .nid (rivi- H flir vl*lfor* the fn ir irenltnrut due ii Kurnis o f lbe hl(»b m-bnjl Imll club. B Thi* appeal hnd 1Ih rffc'-l i'nd tbc t, iTuwd q u i t ' t h e nttnck. *'

Scorr: *'Tw in' P»llB A ll H 11 r o A E "V ochon, 2b ........ -.7 -J 1 4 2 1 bTiiekrr. r ............... .,....'.7 :■ .1 30 1 J

■ PuU ler, l b ..............._ 0 S 3 7 0 0- Fix, p ..................■..........7 n 0 0 1 0

Ni-wmaJi, ** ...............2 n •-> 4 (i -. T bom oti, I f ....- ............ 0 'n :i I 11 0 ll

I'h lpps, e.f ...................4 f) 1 .1 0 11Sclek, r f ---------------- 4 2 1 0 n 1nioler. 3b .................... * 1 2 0 1 1

Total* ....................•'51 18 14 27 1> 10■ Huhl AB R II V o A K

AinbrOM. If ................3 .1 2 d "rnx,. lb ............... .........■' 1 0 10 1 IllntljflnB, p ..................4 1 2 0 2 1Krnl, e .......- .................S 1 2 D .1 1Hnvdor, .^b■aa .... 2 3 1 1 3

■ Kimbnll, I f ........ ...........B 0 0 1 'fl 3M aebacck, cf-3b 0 0 0 0 1Dunn, 2b ..................... 4 0 0 2 2 fin in to n , s a _____ ____ 2 0 1 I .0 3■Whitaker, c f ...............3 0 0 1 0 0? O ftu lt................... .........I O'* O' 0 0 ■«'•P u tm a n .............. ....1 0 0 0 0 0

T otals __________ 43 8-11 £7 0 10O nult .batted for Mnchacek In Oth.

■“ Putm an batted for Dann in Otb.Hummar)-—Two baso -hila, Snyder;

lhroe b n so 'h its , Tucker, Pu lrier ,, Bny-. lier. n rc ic ra n , Ambroae. Struck out, l.y Tis, 9; by-HodR ins, 11. IJnso on

,l.all, o ff F l*, 0; o ff IIodRlna. 1. . l u t l.y p itched bnll, b y H x , • Mncbaeck, iioclgina; by.H odgin*, Solck (2}. Fira t bnnc oh crrom , Twin Falla,' 10; Bohl il, Sncrifier hita, Newmnn, Phlppa.- Stolen bnse*, Yochcm, Putzier, Thometz, S.-lck, 2 rnch ; Tucker, Newmnn, Biel- r r . n in to n . L efl on basea, Twin Falla,10; Biibl. 10. 'R m r Pf jpirne, 2:30. Um- l.irr, Vnn Pntton.


BAHT 111.. ' (^>)-nii;-Kyle, fornii'r I 'ic r MelhimiM miniater Iind Loren WilliamMDU. of Mount V/r-

( nnn Ilia-, w err w nlcnced lo a it yenrn \ in th e federnl pcnlu-ntiary a l Leavci;- ' w orth, K an.. Tliursday by FodvrnI

•ludRo Engllah on a ehaiRe of robbing n~m ail. poneb co n ta in laf 1189,000 a t M oant ve m o o , Ja n & u r 14, I u i

Q riingJjG ^s

f f iS E P N

I i i i i lj c u m u l a t e f i b y P l a y e r s . o r

t i n g i s ^ N o n e T o o G o o d —

l i o r M i s p l a y s ^ C r o w d

t o r s ’ B e n c h a n d A b u s e s

ft----------------- ^ --------------------------------

.'1 f >

BASEBALL I'-' V ________ :______ J• ' - P ld f I o O o « 5 t L u j i i i

Han Francisco 8; S a lt Lake 0,, Hcnttlo 0 ; O akland S. Lo* ADReles 2 ; Socnuoonto 1.

Vernon 4 ; Po rtland 1..A asrican L u g u a

Boston IB; Chicajfo 8. ’W iaahbgton 4 ; CloA'oland 2,

’ N w Y ork 0 ; D etroit 4.'« S t. liOUia 7; Phlladolphia 5.° KfttlozuU Iiu iT te. Xow York C; S t. Looi*' 1. r Cincinnati S; Brooklyn 4,. • Chicago 4 ; Philadelphio 5.

PlttaburB-Boaton; rain . •

; Brief B its of sportt -------J Harry, H arper, aiiuuipnw of lbo Yan i kcra, Waa b it in ^Lo moiiUi by a throwr• ball on A pril.,2.% three teetb knocked I Ioom nnd' bi* lip* ru t through.' Th>

namo day Cateher Fred lloltman wfli > lilt on the tin g c r by ii thrown ball and c put on tb r sbolf for a while.J ’ ---------, T hr Cbii'iign W hile Hnx dumped n ' bntcb of flvo men on tbe minora or 1 April 20.1 -Tnck Tcjnr. pitcher, wm . acnt Io Sioux City. I 'rank McOiic, In , fielder, and E d Knrl, pitcher, were ’ aent In N nabvillr. Slnnley KlnR, - 1 pitcher, nnd Joo K iefer.-vilH uir. werf 'ia liipped to Indiannpoli*.

I W hite Sox And nrnwn», »* a reaufl ) o f bnd w eather, nnw linvr five post'

poned gnmea to niny off. two in SI. Ixiuia nnd three In Cliir.iijo. .ludginK

' from reaulta tbe W hile Sot oU Rhfto I bll glad for the delnyn, for the Browni r wnn- a ll Ihrro ol[ Uiu Rn-ne* the twn ; lenm* playrd.

I Whettier or nol Bt’rn ir .I ’olnnd wnnt.'to piny nuy more bnll •» not known,

, bill Iir oiiRht to b r a little bear for ' aomr elub In n cllm nlr n'hero Kie arn.• wnuld bavr a rbnncr In rnme bnck. He• lookrd like onr nf the be»t bel* In the- bitalnexa b rfn rr thn l nrm w rnt Innm• on him.

, A quirk nf tho Ann'rirnri Iragur I arheduir gnvr Clevoland .Mny 2. 3 nnd I 4 as o ff do}-a nnd nnbod'- to p’.-iy. Mny• 3 ’and 4 w orr likcwixe nllc dnya In the I arbcdnle for the Ht. I.ouis Itrowiii.- the Fohl team not rrliirnlng bumo for I i'H long aland n n tll Mny though ita I ^eril'a in Dctroll ' w.na flnithed on ' Mav 1-.I "-----

In tbc final gnme of th r Cl.-vclnnd- ' Kl. LouIh Hcrira, .For B< well wna' *piked ' il' the heel. .MnnnRcr Kohl of the . Brown* p rrm iltrd Jnck flriinoy lo ruh ' for Scwoll nnd th ru tlie Indinn*’ ahort-

a 'op w ai allowed to 'return lo hi* posi- tlou n fler b is wound bnd been f itis l

. ii|). T hnl'a a 'b r a n d nf npurtaihanahl;) ' you d o n 't o ften e rr in profeaaional [ bnjiebnll.

j The Ctili'ngo W hilr Sox nro wilHnc

i ^I . y *

EoooV>U S E S

I 'III ' . U s e d D o d iI c lo s o d c a r t) c x o o U o n t) a n d i n a p p1 ' n o w o n o u r a r e m o s t a n

i f 7 o n a r o ; \ a r o a l e;

; “ b u y ." w oin g in a t c

I y o u a r o w o:d e m a n d f<

I B r o th e r s - 1I b o tb n o w I

v o r y a t r o a g



i Office Phone 29J1

TWIN FAIXS DJi1 to wall un til ihey i'o t atralffhtoned ei

bcfom playinj; thoir c ^ e s . 'Ilie Bovcnlb iwslponomont, on April 27 wi

3 euRincered nRaln*l the Brown*. Thci* wa* n kpHnkle of rain in Ibe mornlr

blit lbo aun was o u t by gamo llm Y rt tho W bltc Sox official* called tl gamo o ff for the dny becauae i " r a in . "

Kverclt Yaryan. tbe much-touti awiitter of tbo W hilo Sox was *ent n* A plncb h itte r In th r !;nnio of Api 2C (ut Dicky K err In thcf n in th Innin Shocker fed him three .ilnw balls, I took three wild iwinRB. nud the gni) wa* over. Eddie M u ^ b y . cbampli

I I pinrh h ittrr , bad ba tted for MuIIIriI I I in - tb o samo mninK and bo alao w |U b itten by Bboeker’s *low death.

L ljQ ilm apo l^A ndro ,B^illot, liei Tbomas and Geno CaaxenRr; J>eneh ii

o n tnmobllc nwo drlvem , toijelber wltb

I biiFl bf meohanlcs nnd bel|H!r*, nrri — od yestordaiy a t tho IndionnpoHa spee

„ j wiiv -where tho 300-mHn in to will i hold Monday, May 30. 8 1 t oversr,

m e ear* are entered In’ llir racc.

A tlantie City, N. J .-^ Iae k Kenrr manager for Jack DempHry, nnnnunci

___ yra tc i^ ay thn t ho had rnRngrd *everw ell'know n botora nnd trnlncra to a Hist Ihfl champion lu hla -.vork of pi

, ] porinj* for thc biiut w ith Ororger Cf ‘ 'I pentler, Iho FrenHi eliallengcr, a t J i

/ My City on Ju ly ‘I Among Iboao wl ^ will help in tho w orkouts, Kenrna la

nro M arlin Burke, New Orlenn*; Jl Bfljwy, I’oTtlaad, O re.; Leo Houe rrfincaater,. P a .; J e f f C lark. Jopll .\(o.; Jfo rlv (.VONK. ('huek Wiggin* «i Willlo Jnek*nn, N. Y.. and Edd O 'irnm .

New Y ork—Benny' K nuff, mi*iK'n c d -. Oinnt outfleldor wn* fnund n Rullly -if atenling nn imlomnlillr.

New York—BAiny Lcimarji b; been na tebed to m eet Hocky Kana, n t Harrison, N . J .t Juno fl

i i l L l C isAiSSUIIR[ND[Tb.) •_____

and B ^ p u b l i c a n F l o o r . L o a d e r T e l P h i l a d e lp h ia A u d ie A c e O p -

„ ' p o r t a n i t y B o o k o n s

wa" I*HILADBLI‘H IA , (iP) — The, pre in ' <’n t dondition of worl.d nffa ira nffori

rere a ' wonderfnl opportunity fo r ronsur InR, mnlliiR an internnlionnl diaafmnmei rere ngreenienl, H cprcfentalivr F rank V

Mondell,. republican,' W yoming, floi lender in tho bouae, anid Friday , in t

suft ftddrcM f-efcrc fhe Amerienn Aeadem ost- of Polltlcnl and BoHal Sciences.SI-. O ppcrtnnlty o f A ll Tim#,

ring 'M’rovldcncx' bas afforded lh a t oj portunlty directly to tbe Unite H tn tr* ," lie added, “ na tho only m tion whirh rnn toko tbo Inltlalh without confca-ainR weakneaa.". " I n our peculiar poaition of strongt

and rrHiiurcr*,” Mr. Mondell stii “ We havr a l Ihl* juncture, tbe gron eat opportunity over o ffered a poopi

'‘I?* in a ll tbe tide o f tlmo. A timo wbe , _ a ll the wnrld know* w r could, i f neo

* ’ be, inrrenu- our w ar equipment anfigh ting foreea to an overahndowin rIzo anil Btrength, wo ran offor th no rld a lifting of war burdona, and re lief nf wnr d a n g ers .'’

Iny Confident ,of 8ucc««.llu- tVinfidence thn t e v rrj’ nation woul mn. welcome an inv ilatlon to' Join In dii fo r armament and th a t the .agreemen Ita rnuld f.u ily bu earned ou t waa ci on prraNOi] bythe speaker.

“ W r muat judgo of the probablliV of fulfillm ent of voluntary obligation

nd- aueh aa are propoaed. by lbe w orld' ked rxprrlence w ith trca lJe t, which in tb the mnin have bei'n the hnr*b term* etac i ruh rd of a d rfenled pi'Ople,” ho said, ort- ‘ '-Th'' world will, in my oplnlor oal- ngree to a lim itation o f competitm tod in nrmomcnt*'beeauao th r world mui ihlj) know tha t therein lies Ibn only hop tn a llo f solvency and rehabilitation .

" A l l hialory teache* and recent hi' tory ban proven conclnalvely, lhat

inc nation poaaraalng a g rea t fighting 'm n

/ A L U E S I n

0 C A R S

o d iro I B r o t j i c r s a r s w h ic h a r e

m o o h a n ic a l lv ip p o a ra n o Q a r clUr f l o o r . T h e v .a n u s u ^ v a lu e s .

:o i n t e r e s t e d in e n c lo s e d o a r

/ e a d v i s e oom * *t o n c c , f o r , a s w o ll i a w a r e , t h o

f o r D o d g e ■ M o t o r o a r s , w a n d u s e d , i s '

tn g .


!99 Parts Phone 298

)AILY.NEWS, TWINd out rhino will duvelop on IneljBOtlonTlielr nse I t; Ibn t w llb Iho growth aad «»ar WB* tenanco of luch an eatablichnient th<Thc('. ia developed n prid rj a jealouay a■rnln^ a.1 false phlloaopby wblch uri^'a allm r. Juatlfir* Ita use.” ' «d the • -K nf ^

J fIFTEEN YEARS AOO ."Jf. IN TWIN EALLSin /ne I . . N m Hto W, « .i ;gnlnr ' ■ ■ ■ n ■ m

m pion, Tiio Twin Fnlla Hoapltal njuwHatli UlRati Liinlted, baa been incorpojatcd wi ) wna a capitnl aloek of |2.'i,00fl. T h r.in ri

poratora were ,I)r. Trumim 0 , Ro' Dr. W . P. M kr. Kred L. Iiarria, U

Hone I’o ttl t nnd 8. T llam lltoa 8o soon 'h 'lit i- tho Incorporallon has been perfect t'llb » iho nssocintion will *ocurr n s ite i nrriv- the horpllal and proceed with the w(

r 'd- of crcctlnR th r building I t ia Ibe br tentlon fo p u t u|» a bospttni whioh «

ersrn* br r ig h t up to Ibe minute.

Tlie boa rd of achool truster* met enrn*. W ednesday, recoivod lbe rrpo rt unccd Superlntendont P o tte r , aelected ac^ everal tcnchors fo r the coming year and ( to na- poaod of u n fb isbod • buaineaa. 1 f pre- trncher* hnvo no t beon engaged 1 ' Cnr- will bo offered tbo poait'nn lo wh t Jcr- th « / bavo been awigned. Tlioy a G who T. W. Po tter , *uporInlcndrnl, aali a lan l <11200; . S. D. P a rk , prlnelpal, Kali ; Jim >S0 per nionthf Mis* Edna IKi Ik louek. eigtilli grndo, *70; Mlsa Britlomi 'oplln, Wolfo, fount, grnde, MIT- Mlsa E « and Hobljon, th in l grnWr. (M ; Mm* Ir Eddir Myers, of Pocatrlti), ua*l»lnnt In a

ond grndr, ♦03.

i|K'nd' Hiniry J . Wnll lin.s Inkcn lo th r *a 1 nol brnah. Ho ia rngagoil in proving

, nn bic fnrm near Huhl, Mr*, Wi ' Misa. Byrd W nll and " K o x ” , tho u

b a i qultous fox' terrlor,' arv accustoml ansaa HinniflpJvcB fb thc mAjestlc ncvncry

th r weat ond nnd Miaa Klbrl ManV la koopinR th rm company.

S flond proRreaa i* brinR mnde on I railway bridge neroaa Rock C*rciik. T

prlnclpnl d iff icu lty I* in keeping- t foundation p it clear o f wnicr.

, J Kev. Jobn Gourloy nnd family bn . 1 arrived. M r. Qouriey 1* tb r ni

I I’fcahytorinii pactor and ho will i aume. hia duUe* iit oner.

r o l l s Work ha* roinmriircd on • Ihc pi p . line which will c.onvjy wnter from t

low lin r cnnnl to lb r oily for dome*l piirpn»o*.

I>ctailod plan* for th r 'T w in PY n t l V »tcm will soon •be n-ndy f

“ , preaenlntion. T . A. Porkina, the co ‘ . . . Niilling onRlnrer, ia hero c o n fc ^ i floor Cookinbain, wtin hns bC'

, mnking tlin aurvoy and ia prrparii

........ ............

Tueadny, M ay S, wna I’y thian lii in Twin Fall* nnd ’rlU long be remw

I op bered by tho metnbrra o f tbc o rd rr nited one of thp ;brigh te* t in ils bialorv. ( f 08 ' tha t dny H ir T«-in Fall* K. P. lodi .all\Y w na'in iitilu led w ith ft memberahip "

M. G rand Clianricllor Spaulding ' ingln Iloiae conducted the ceremony, aaab Btld. rd by Grand M aster a t Arma Dola

^ont nlao of tbc rnpitni. Tho Pocatel eoplr tram woa in ntlendanco. and did rpie when dill w ork. T b r viators nrrived < need Tueaday aflernoon, rcaplcndoni and white bat* and linrn duatcra. Tin

winf' wore bndgra bearing tbc IcRci the "K n igh t* o f l*yUiins, Pocnlclln

fld a Twin Falls .* ' The Twin Falla Iod| sprang into o tlslenco w ith the. follow Ing offirrr*! Dr. T rum an 0 . Boyd,

, , C.; Jnmc* A. Water*. V. C.; J.’ ' nralngcr, P .; I*. M. Lucy, K of R. 6

“ “ A. N., Spragun, M. o f P .; A. H. GIbt M. o f E .; L. E . Salladay, M. A.; Ola

Pearaon, L G.; H orbcrt Lamming, ' 0 .; A. S. S p r s ^ p , I* M- Lucy, IL }

,i Ha.vrr nnd Olaw Penraon. past eha MU I " tbo evonlng n claaa of

member* passed tho fim l degrcr. Ti * * , lotal lodgo will meet .In Craven bc

rvcry Tuesday o-cnlng.

nlon, , itinn

hop<’ I 'I I

, hU- a t 1 •nm-

' 4

D u rir .n n il th e y< l :c t, ’VC h a v e n e v e r

, j c o m p lo m ta o f m o to rm e n ta ls in a m o to r T r u c k h a s n o t o n ly J a n d e c o n o m ic w a y . com ea f ro m lo n g p n

' ' q!1 i n d u s t r i a l 'a n d Cl■ ' \ : ‘ s tf ltc fflcn ta w e r e no i

; . b e large e s it'ia,‘ i ' sc rv icc . C o u p R d w i

' i ' o f u sa g e , c o m e s thisI . f a c to r y d e l iv e r y , fo j

- I o f m o d e m b u s in e s s 1j •' a n c c t u d n e ce ss ity ."

W E ST E R' ' I 142214I ' PHC


kftin° ' ■ — Cti ines* C hlldrtn , Tho Clilneao have nnrodroua gar

nml ®nny q u iir sim ilar Ihoar plnyed I no,I Amerlcno rhildron. K ite flying nod 1

' lledore ond shultlecock oro popu Tn Ctiln. nr "hU tlng 'tho ball." Is p W b j Blrlklng the bnll to ibc gro wltti the hand n* often nn poiwl

IU Vnrious form* of hlindm on'n buff.Ifb-ln. or whipping the top, ond to |

^ a form nf hop seolrh. proTO tb o t ct IM* howl knows tho snmo Rnroea In in

conntrlea. Punch nnd Ju d y ahowa _ ^ Tery popular w ith C h ln n o childrcs

‘ “ fl"; BEAU T H E O M B B In E D i B a ' inror- — . ■ ,,fl".’’'!.U L . ^

’ected, 1 * ^ i;o for J l f t If* o fk E - t Q T

h w il l i m

'<'t on B W l L \ \r t ofaovrn’ | ^ k [31; y \ d dis- I S a l l A m

Thed bul T W j } '\ f c \ which

nalnr.-Kalory —~ ---------- ■ .

^omar| — ------------------ , — -----------------

' B A T T E Iankrr

Today and E You Use an l

W h e n y o u te le; bny-' 7 , ' . E x id e B a t t e r y scii

. T h e r e o re n u m e ro i • . B a t te r i e s a rc s e n n i

l>ipi> .: T h e E x id e B a t tc " • le sso n le a rn e d in . :

e v e r y p u rp o se d u n i ^ T h a t ’s w h y i t w ill

PYlia i n lo n g 'lo s t in g pow

. e x i d e S E E

s . : v ,

- P H (dny

, " i • ' t^ s ia dlodi.'o

' H I^ ^ ^ H R h | | | I^ ^ H H I in | l l l | | I r

)olan. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ■ | j | l l l | | | l I jsite iio . I^^HjIIIIIIII II I n, r k n . I

0° I UJ III, ^ ^ ^ H i l i i l l liiilll 111

Tliey y'Rend IIIIIII ljl|’ iMr^^^^^^HHUIIIIIII Ilodge |{jyi^^^^^^^^^H|jUI|lllj■>. c,■ Q- W m M ^yiiriT iiiiI. 8 .; .iibb*, W F ■Olow > g, ;

rhan- ' ■ h K Mif

Tiio ' ■ ■ B Bball

T H E U N l V E R S A f t C

: y e a r s t h e F o t d M o d e l T O n e T b n T r ^er h a d o n e c o m p la in t o f r e a r a x le t r t o r t r o u b le . A s th e m o to r a n d t h e reo o r t r u c k , w e h a v e th e n g h t t o c o n d u d ly m e t t h e d e m a n d s o f b u s in e ss^ b u t h a ay . T h e r e i s n o o th e r e v id e n c e s o c p r a c t ic a l e x p e r ie n c e . F o r d O n e T o n I c o m m e rc ia l lin e s . Y o u w iH f in d th i n o t f a c ts , t b e d e m a n d f o r t b e F o r d 0 ia, b e c a u se p e o p le a r e n o t b a y in g t

i w i tb t b e d e p e n d a b il i t j r o f t b e F o l d O c this e c o n o m y in o p e ra t io n a n d .m a in t t f o r t h e m e rc h a n t , m a n u f a c t u r e r , a n d S3 m e th o d s , t b i s w o rm -d r iv e n O n e T o j y . ' C o m e in a n d t a lk z t o v e r .

RN AUTO C O .3nd Avonuo N orth

Ip N E 129

IDAY, MAY 14,1921

w FORDS FOR SALE ’ ,I* “ • ■ 8 D : TO P IC K lE O M

Ip ln ,: . 'A l i lA T B M O D B lBTooni)

""•i« CENTRAL GARAGE CO..r. lab,a pnn, ' Kxrluslvc .Hocond'hand; Dealort

child- 3 1 8 S h iU l io s a '8 t '^ « t t inntjy

ra u t — PnO K B 4/0—1 °* C on Bonght, Sold u d Bxdun^fld

OUB BATTKBY MAN . M SAYS'Y f Our W lllaid Threndod Bobber ’- 'f nlnrago ba ttery is th e bost haa

rvcr tried out, and ho knows! | I ^ llo has toated them all., th a t 'a

why.. i ! e c .a .n a L b a t t« r j r j f « V - 5 ^ 1 Icn under all dally eonditloas, wo .

rrcommend th is ba tlo ry t« yoa. Etamlno il, i,


IOI 2nd At ». N . n o M i a - T W IN F A IL S , IDJiHO

miES IE v e ^ -d ay II Exide '

ilephone; t h e c u r r e n t f ro m a a * e n d s y o u r v o ic e o v e r t h e w i r arous o th e r w a y s i n w h id i B x id o . •vnng y o u d a ily . J

:te r y fo r y o u r c a r c o n ta in # c v o y i^ m a k in g s to ra g e b a t t e r i e s f b r ; n n g th e p a s t th i r t y - th r e e y e a r * .II p r o v e .a r e a l e c o n o m y t o y o a ■3w er a n d c a r e - f f te s e rv ic e . -j |

K V I C E S T A T I O N i^AXiLAOB, D istilbn to iSnd A re . N ortb - -

l O N E 6 0 3 - . . ;

fd* **

lj |||||l|ffl||||H

& A R

T ru c k h a s b e e n o n th e m a r- t r o u b le . W e h a v e h a d n o e a r a x le o re th e v i ta l fu n d a * u d e t h a t th e F o r d O n e T o n ' . h a s d o n e s o in a s a t i s f a c to r y I c o n v in c in g a a t b a t w h i ^ rn T r u ^ a r e s e rv in g a lo n g b e m e v e ry w h e re . I f t h e s e O n e T o n T r u c k w o u ld n o t t r u c k s w b id i d o a o t g iv e

D ne T o n T r u d e i a a l l c la s s e s ite n a n c e . O n . th e f a r m , i a id c o n tra c to r , i n l t h e s e d a y s . ' '?oa Ford Trudciu»-bccom«

' ; n a i k

....... ' -I


r — . focJW is o o n f i in C to v e r a o r G ra n tB a

C o m p lo to P a r d o n t o J o h n Ci F . D io tl “ i

_ _ _ '

M A D IW N , WiB., (fl^-O om pleto p ir- dou WM gran ted John P . D lo tr-T liu ri' wwl <]aj by Governor DInino rcntorlitf; H' freedom to tho widely known “ dofoDd" er o f Cameron D n ra " on tho tcn tb on- nlvoraary of hta convietlon o f tho kill- iii^ of Omat H arp, a d epu ty ib e rlff , on *u ri Ociober 8, lOlO. B,,

OonfltdoTB TrlAl Legftl ' •Iif'-''

■ Governor Blaino la p o n llB g tho par- ' ^ <lori fltAtad th a t ho b u l eonddared tko tria l w ni lepU In roBpcet to tho judi- clnry proeccilings and doclnrod th a t “ from consideration o f publie polley ’ aoil in tnak ln^ allowaneo for tho oxccp- tional cirenmBtnncca’’ ho hnd eonclnd- NJ

' cd th a t D lcle ahould bo froc. th«" I nm coDBclouB," tho governor #aJd, brief

" t h a t from tho ovJdcnco -boforo rao th a t there ia o doobt oa to tho ^ I t o f Jobn 1 tu D ietz of tbo crioio cbargcd, and th a t be ebief Ahould bo ^^rantcd a comploto p a rd o n ." In d h ' Dlotz bold o ff a sh e riff 's posio fo r dude months, a ttra c tin g natlon-wldo'.liUou- A tlai tion. I t is uot-cxpcetod tb a t dther liond charRcs pending against D iotr In fiaw- bucic, ye r county will bo prosaed 'liy tbo of- uHier iixirXL , ■ Ual

Tho controversy ^vlileh lud to tho con- Colon vietion nnd sentenco of tlio W iscoutin und ]iionocr to lifo Imprisonment fo r f irs t hoiiv} doRTCO m nrder atnrted In 1001, shortly fo r ii a fle r ho liod moved into Sawyer conn- in tin ty In thu vrooded northern section of honv> tho sta te . Bhiirci

n ^ t OnlmluAtes Dlspoto Ilia a ttitude In oppoainj tho CBilppo-.

wa Lumber nnd Boom camp.my r m l t e d Vni in trouble, caim inated ia a figb t w ith „ *i„, tho. aheriff on A pril 25, 1005. Disputes io d orison over tho property r igh ta of D ie ts in hla Jiomestead w hich bordored on a lo s i n g s t tM a . , ' ", Tho feud in which two men,' ono a , , deputy (iheriff, wero wounded In flghta w ith D lutz brought tbo troablo t a a climax when a sh e r i f f 's ^ s s o besioged N E ' tho D ietz J io o e and U arp wns U Ued In .glosi'd tho figh ting . - 'UW; i

Tho fnmlJy tbon snrrondorod. 18702;D ietz was conTieted of m nrder nod 1-4’s

senteoeed to llfo imprisonm ent b u t Victor formor O ovcm or UcO oTom commuted $07.88. tho sentonco to tw enty y o sn .

-------------;*-------- — - - T II I— . liinrltei

7 o d \ y a I ^ i ! i r k . o i - 5 " j , ' " ,

------------------- — ----- ---------------- — I I llc o 'l


H ard S aIUm O airy Q uotattons TTp f n n frelghi DocUnsa to Y e i tc d a y 's LoTsl .,

CraOAGO, m - P assaw o f tho «<> 3o 1 Tlncher bill by tbo. national lioiiBO of rcproBontatives w ju gcaorolly ascribed TIio as tho reason fo r a .Koak oj>cnlDg on <h“ 'frc Jio Ohieago board of trade loilay. \ ^ o a t ulnted, ita rtod from 2 to 3o o ff. ' Reports of rain in somo p a rts o f Oklahoma helped ***”■Ibo in itia l m ovem ent “ ,

.Crop reports coupled w ith claims of coyerii frost Jn N ebraska led to buying by com- i nission bouses ftnd pricos s ta rted to lue tuato rapidly. L ato r damago o f th e Octohe Nebraska crops by f ro s t were denied.

U ay opened 2 to 3 H e lower n t n e w 1.41 to 1.41 l-S ,.JnIy . being «1.14 to closed .14.1-2, w hieh w s« 1-4 to l-2e below $3.84; . ostc rday 's d o ie . ' • NovcmlF rc tb drives continued dnll; th e m ar-

o t appeared ovorM ld and bard rallies anifld p riees np to abont tho fina l iguro. TJje c lose. s^#r May no t on- S " banged a l «1.43 1-4 to 1-2 and J u ly 2 ;“"®' niy 1-40 n e t lower a t IL IC 1-4 lo 1-2.'

Corn w as governed almost en tirely y tho action of w heat. Ju ly opened ■6 to l-2e lowor a t 02 3-4 to 62 7-6«; ^ loptombor s ta r ted 1*2 to 3-4e lowor a t 4 5-8 to 54 7-8*. Pnm is

Corn followed w heat down slowly W heat, nd row slngglBhly in tho f in a l rallies, u iy ended 3-4 to 7-8e no t lower a t 02 _-8 to 63 1-Sc. Soptom ber's closing of 4 5-8 to 64 3-4 w as 6-8 to 8-4c below S'**"® ostorday 's f in a l figures.O ats followed eo ra and whent, Ju ly „

to rtlng 3-8 to 3-4e lower a t 39 to 30 ^ u t te r f .8c. stanchProT liion. m r e l l m hceiiuo o( op- E en . .

InisUe trade reports from packers. Op> ning p rite s wero generally a fraction pun Igher bu t trado was lig h t

Oasti QuoUUoos ' ," . cgtji, ClIIOAGO, (/P )-C ash w heat: No. 2 xtal ICc

ard •1.01. n og*Corn: No. 2 mixed 60 to Ole; No. 2 ^ e g r

ellow 61c. .. . PoultryO at* -N o . 2 w bite 38 -4 to 38 l-2e;

:6. 8 WhUe 38 1-2 to 38 8-40.B y e -N o . 2 «1.38 1-2. ■ P u nBarley-i-OO to 72c.TimoUiy seod—#5.40 to M.00. ' , o tj..d

■•Clover s tc d -^ 1 3 .0 0 to.«13.50. .u ttin gP ork -N om lnn l. « OO- iL n rd-«0 .00 . . * • ^H Ib » - |0 .5 0 to $10.60.

Ohlca$o Fxodsee CinOAQO, B u tte r low erj cream-

7 ex tras 30cJ f irs ts 25 to 27 I-2e; P lo u ', J K»nds 18 to 23e; standards 27 3-4c. Bugar, 1 ZggB low er; rcceip ls 27,034 eases; Sugar, < rs ts 21 to 21 l-£ej ordinary flrsW 18 PoUtoci I IDej n t m ark, cases induded, 20 to Crenm ( ) 1-2; standards 21 l-2c'. Dflck cPoultry a live low er; fowls 30c; broil- • •s '45 tonC e. . . Lettuce,

‘ • ~ , B read .E a n n i O it j P r o d n e

K ^ S A S O ITT, (/P>— Eggs le lowor; B u tto r i r s ts SOe; seconds ICc. - Eggs >(rB n tter and poultry. Qsehanged. \ Chicken

F o r t l ia d Id ro sto ck Bacon .PO RTLA N D ,’ Ore., (/P) — Cattlo Oacon. i eady ; reeeipta 1,807.H ogs s teady; recolplB 3,057. ?Sheep stoady; receip ts

O aa lu i l iv e s to c k ' • p „ n , OMAHA, H o g .ro c d p ts 4,700; Pork sai ilrly aetiTBt-Mfis'dy w ith yesterday 's Slenk- tr a g o ; bu lk '160 to S40 poosd botch- SOc; cbi s,.l8-£5 to S.40; to p M.CO; bu lk botch- B e e f- s, S/10 pounds and o m 16.15 aod up. jptato 15i


Catilo receipts 400; m arkot compared vith week ago: beef ateora m ostly 50c ilgber; top $'8.85; sho-atoek 50 lo 75o ilffber; bulia, eannora, c u tle rs 25« bigli- irj slockors and feeders strong.

Hhoop recipla Koou. .Market compar-. id with weok ogo: spring lariiba COu tlgJici; Ti'ooloii and ,cl5pi«d lam bs fully iO to 75c highor; ahoop 25c higher; ’ccdors steady. j

Ohieago Z<l7estock<* |CHICAQO, — C attlo roccipU 1,-1

tOO; compared w ith w eek .ag o : beef ilocrs, shO'Stock, atookcra and feedors I

(0 40o higher; bulls s teady; ven) ■nivcs SOc lowor; top beef sttflirs for veok $0.75.

Hog receipts 3,000; mostly 10 to 15c Dwcr than y e s te rd a y ’s nveragu; ligh t k-cights o ff m ost; hold over light, weaic; op iS.OS; bulk $8.25 to 8.75; plga tfiidy to 15o lowor; bulk desirablo 8,50 to 8.75.Blieop rocelpls 7,000; mostly packers

irw t; Aupply on aalo a l l .N ebraska UpjKjts ' Rolnx to slili'iMitA a t steady rici's; cumpnred w ith week ugo; aged nd now c ^ > lam bs mostly $1 to $1.50 iglier,' shorn yenrlings 25 to 60o high- r; fm lo r Inmba iiomlnrilly steady.

New Y ofk Stock U a rk e t N EW YOHK, Shorts eoatrollod

10 stock m arket throughout to d a y 's r ls f trading, period. PreBraro from la t source caused oxtremo d e d in es ^ f to almnsi fivo po in ts among loaders,

jiefly tho motor, oil, and stool issues, idlviduni fea tures of .tho roaetion In- udcd Jloxlcan Petroleum , H ouston Oil, tian tio Gulf, Studebaker, 'C handler, usch Magtieto, H an 'ca to r, Sours Boo- tck, FamQua-Players and somo of thv her uudnsjifiod speclnltlos.Uail#, notably B a ltim ore and Ohio, dorado Soutborn, Now Orleans, Tvxn.-> id Moxico ;nnd “ S o o " also wen^ nvy. Losses woro pa rtia lly rolrloved r II tlmo b n t Iho n iurkot gayo again tho finnl dealings. Tho elosing wns

nvy. Salea npproximntud 376,000 ures.Trnding In atovks iit tho ou tset o f to ­y 's short session w as of tho usuaI in ­finite weok-ond chnrnctor.Motors, oils nnd tobnccoa regislerud idcnito oxtehsions lo recent 'docUnos. nndlcr, Bosch M ngnelo, Ilouston, downter and Sum atra fell 1 to 1 1-2 InlB. Sum atra mado quick recovery, never, und eisowhero thcru were in- :ntiona o f short covoring.

U b e r ty Boada VEW -YORK, (ff) - L iberty liOnds si.'d: 3 1.2'b $88.50; f ir a t 4 's $87.54 1; sccond 4 's $87.30; f i r s t 4 1-4'b '02; seeond 4 1-4 's $87.40; t h i r d '4 's $ 0 0 .7 $ 0 ;.^ u rth 4 1,4’s $87.42; jtoQ- 3 3-4 's $07.88; V ic tory i 3-4’<’.88.

SuffariE W YORK, '(/P)— Tho n iw sugar rkot was firm er ond prices fo ; un- trolled sugars, woro higbor w ith ;s roported o f 47,000 bags of Porto o ’s ilflont fo r vory prom pt shipment- equal to $5,02 fo r cen trifugal. No ^s of Cuba’s wcro roported and tho :cs aro nominal n t $3.71 cost and Ight, equal to $4.80 fo r e en trifu g ^ . Inwiiiugar^tuturi'B woro.itrogDlar aad sing priccB wero fon r po in ts lower 3o higher. Ju ly closed a t $3.84; Sop- ibor ^ $3.00 and D ecem ber At $3.58. lie morket fo r rofinod w as ua- Jiged a t $0.30 to $0.00 fo r fine g ran ­ted, w ith somo o f 'th o higher priced ners snid to be accep tlng .orders bo- tliclr lis t quotations. .

Icfined fu tures woro .stoad io r nnd ering and.eloslog w ore cbaogcd io 1 I t no t h igher. J u ly and A ugust cd 0 $6.40, Septombor a t $0,50 an<l ober a t $0.40, a ll b id .

Sogar r a ta r e a ’EW YOBK, (/P) - S ugar fu tures ed s teady; sales 050 tons. Ju ly 4; Beptember $3.00; Octobcr, $385; ember $3.60.

P o u t o e s 'HICAGO, (ffH P o ta tb o s , old sUghtly kor; . reeeipta S e a rs ; N orthern to, bulk $1 to 1.10 e w t ; now stoady; as Triumphs $4.25 io 47S& ~ewt.; Islana While's $3.60 e w t

T W IN TALLS l lA B K B IS a n la

raished by T w in 'T a ils Flour Mill*a t , No. 1, o w t ______ ::_____ $1.55

P o ta toes , rnlshed by Boylo Com-nission Co.t e _________ :--------------------------05.'l e t a _________________ L..______ 75f

ProdDce.e r f a t --------- i------------; ______ _ 20cch 'b u tler ................. ......................25cs -------------------------------- - SOc

Ltraetock furnished by Independent Ment

M arket

U tlo-Co'ws 4@5e; s teers 5 0 5 I S-*,7@8c.

Bgs—Prim o 8c. . ,leep— M atton 4e; lambs 6c. try —Dens 16e; fry e rs 24c.

H oy

'urnished by Tw in FaU s County Farm B ureau -

nndard o r b e tter ha y , in stack , flrai ng, $7.60; some, poorer, a s low s>I; baled, $12.00. •

H O pS B W U X 'S OTODB (Betall Prices)

r, 88-lb. saek ____ [email protected]•r, beet, 100 l b s .______ $0.2509.35T, cane, 100-lb s .______ $0.35©[l,45toes, 100 lb s . .........—[email protected])m Cheese .......................... ______ 30ci cheese ......................................... 40cIS __ ____ ____________ ____ ; 6(jce, le a f , 'i b , ..................... ........... 30fd ................................. ....... ............ 10cor (creamery) ............... .... 35@-lOi'or (ranch) .....'........................ .......30e■(ranch), doz. .........2O025.-

kens ---------------- :........................ .15fn -------------------------------------- -lOfn. s lic e d ......... ............................... 50f

..........- ........................................... 35c, sliced .... .............................. ....... GOechops.......................... ........... 25@30<

on chojis ........... .................. 26@30eroast .. .................................. .25@30csauBage ________ _________ 26c

•nk—flIrIoln*35e; T-bone 35c; romad. chock. SOc.ef—P o t roast 20c; neck 17 r-2«:15r; brisket lO e.. '


P R U• '

. '

1Getting back tb noTit it over with the bette Manager of the Com and hardware house Twin Falls Branch i these linea in THIS P

In som e d e p a r tm e n ts

■ a r tic le w ill be so ld s ii

T U N IT IE S . E v ery th

p ro p o sitio n b u t a R I

m a n y o f th e w id e ly r

o f o u r firm . F ollow ii

com plete, lis t. Y ou-c

$36.00J. D . 14*inc‘h wood bea t $22.50—,J. D; 10-incIt s tee l be $18.50—14-iiicli ch illed w iilki $52.00—J . D. W alk ing cd rn ai $94.50—J . D. orclinrd cu ltlva

•' $15.25—5-tooth P la n e t J r . , oi $122.00—P la n e t J r . o rc h ard $ 2 3 1 .7 5 -3 1 4 in . J D . B a in c

• narrow ti re s ,.........$79.50—2 row rid ing beo t cu $217.50-14-6 double disc 8u\i$G.').50— La P o rla p o w e r.........$99.00—12-inch deep tilla g e i$1(X).00------ Double disc plow$1.05—Stool sinfile-treo .....^ . 00—Steel double-tree, com ^ .4 0 — E x tra heavy m ow er t $10.25—6-foot ce n ter tr ip liai 90c_W ood derrick pu lley foi $4.50—Buggy horse' collars 95c— W alking i>low hand les . $45.00=—Team buggy harncsK $4.50— UoiHtiiig, s ing le tre e $13.25—14-foot s teel d rive ga $19.60—G rapple d e rrick forli $5.85— Double harpoon fork$30.00—O rchard h a r n e s s ......$6.35—Orfoot ^^^‘b(‘ w agon ri$15.25—H ack s c a tf l ................ ;80c— Heavy tin,' lO -qnart m il .$4.75—3-gTillon ex tra heavy i i^.OOr-M itre Imx and saw ga

W e H aye aI f you need a b e e t cul'

s ^ u s . O u r priees_anc

cause th e goods w ill be


Monday, Ma

C o n s

& N a



Mrtnal means that all d f us ter. In compliance w ith i insolidated Wagon & Mac se proposes to reduce i t s «

: House is making some p PART OF THE STATE.

t s th e p ric e s h ave been SL

s im ply because you canno

i th in g is ta g g e d show ing

REAL SA LE, g u a ra n te e d

r recogn ized s ta n d a rd m a

v ing is a lis t o f SOM E o f t

.• can ’t h e lp b u t b u y a t tfi

eam “ k i n g p lo w ............$26.00beaui, v ineyard p lo w ......$16.00Iking p lo w ____________ $12.601 an d po tato c u lt iv a to r .... $22.50i v a t o r ........... —____ ____ $50.00, one horse cu ltiva to r .... $11.00rd c u lt iv a to r ........... ......... $73.60JO o r W ebor wagon comp.............................. ...............$185.00. .c u l t iv a to r ......................... $65.003u\iorior g ra in d r i l l ........ $175.00..... :...................... ..................$30.00 ,je 8Ub-Hoil Bulky plow.... $60.00 o w .. $100.00

* ...»85comp $2.25r to n g u e ............. ................$4.00h ay s l in g ..............................$8.50fo r rope ..1 ™ ........................45c

rs ......... ....................... ......... $ l ;6 0 ‘3S ... ^ ... 50ccsK $25.00}e .. $1.50g a t e ............................ ....... $10.00

ork $12.tfOrk .. .$4.25

$20.001 reaches.............................. $4.50

.............. ........................... $7.50n ilk p a i l ......... ........................ 55cy m ilk c a n ......................... $3.50'g a u g e ...........................i.....$2.75

1 Full Line oiu ltiv a to r , m ow er, rak e , b i

n d te rm s a re r ig h t . Don ’

be m oving fa s t.


ay 16

i o l i d a t\ .

i c h i h e* L .T . W RIG H T , D is


) lts must su f fer some loss, e

i the announcement o f G achine jCompany, tha t tl.1 stock and get b^ck to a prices that have never be


lo t a ffo rd to pas's up thes

f th e r e g u la r an d sa le p r

:d 'b y th e 'a rtic ie s them si

lakes, a s w ell a s b y th e w

: th e a r tic le s on sale . Sp

;fi ese prices. R ead on—

$30.00—Cook Htove, 18-inch o' $85.00— Ihigiies E lec tric ovei(iOc—Folding Inneh b o x .........$4.00—24-ponnd fam ily scale $20.50— N ational Hteani prewi$2.00-ClotIiCH b a s k e t .............$1.30— UouKe b ro o m .....$1.50-7-Warehoii8e brooms .... .$1.50-^Wood ciiopping bowl$14.00— Lard j) re8s ........

^ $2.00—Kope w ire s tre tc h er .. $2.25—Traco chains, p e r pa ir75c— Chain cow t i e .......85c—12-quart heavy galvanize $2.25—No. 2 Iieavy galvjinizec .$2.00— No. 2 liglit galv jin ized '$2.00— HruHh sc y th e .................$1.25—8-inch adjuKtnble B. & $3.i75— F ro n t door lock a e t ....

. 90c— Him knob lo c k .................85c—3,1-2 inch nt(!el plated b$1.00— Saw clamp an d v ise ....$2.25—G rain, s c o o p ..................$1.00—C-inch garden hoe $75.00—A. B. C. E lec tric Wasi

- $1.25— Lawn trim m er v............$2.50—Liirgd, solid shank irrii

.. A ll McCormick m achine repai All emery wheels reduced All sharpening stones reducedAll therm om eters re d u c e d .....All butchcr. knivea reduced ...

rf P a in ts andb in d e r 'o r a n y th in g on t l

I ’t w a it to th in k i t over;


!! Saturday Ni

1 ^i C o m ilis tr ic t M an ag er

DAY, MAY 14,1921

> i i E &

m• • - ■

and the quicker we get G. G. Wright, General th is . great implement a normal footing, the hefore been heard o f in

3G G N IT I0N a n d every

ese G O LD EN O PPO R -

irices. T h is is no fa k e

selves, Which inc lude

w o rld w ide re p u ta tio n

p ace w ill n o t p e rm it

o v e n ....................- ........... $18.00en $25.00

.. 40cl e ... $3.00iSure cooker'.................... $15.00.............................................. $1.25


1 .......................................... $1.00............................................ $10.00

$1.40 .i r .......................................... $1.50

.. SOc •ized .b u ck e t.................... ... 60c:ed w ash t u b .....................$1.501 wash t u b .........................$1.15

$1.25& S. wrench .........................85c

- $1.50........................... ............ ••........ 65cb u tt h inges '.................. . 50c

.. 65.: $1.50 .. 65c

i s h e r ..................................$60.00........................ - .......... - .......... 85crig a tin g s lio v e l..... ;......... $2.00a irs reduced ......40 P e r C ent.............................. 30 P e r C ented .;..,........-- ...3 0 P e r C cnt

.......:.............30 P e r C ent..............................30 P e r C ent

1 K alsom ineth e fa rm th is season,

■; com e in a t onee be-


ight, May 21

a g o n

p a n y

r ' sEraiF®' mmmii

FEIlffltliR a id e r s , in G i i i s e .o f B r i t i s l ) S o i -

d i e r s . E n t e r M o u n t J o v P r i s ­

o n a n d R e l e a s e G r i f f i t h b u t

F l e e w h e n W a t c h m a n F i r e s

^ DUBLIN, (/P)—An unaiicccMfu! ai- tem iit WM mmlo tliU m orn inc to tmcuo A rtlju r G riffith , founder of tho Binh Foin ort.Tinlrntion, from h if conflnf- moni in M oun t.Joy jirinon.

An armored cnr wlilch lictU rccontly licen ca|>turcil waa usod by tho rc|)ub- Hcjina ill Hip ftllom pl to rcscuo Qrlf- fitli.

Bind OOTomor and D eputy.

A man In on o ffice r's uniform alighted n l f lo priiion zn tcs, wbleh opened to o d n il tli'o pu sn g o of tho ear nnd bo 'm id his Bupposod itoldicr com- paniona in tho motor drovo sfralght lo tho (;oTcrnor'8 office, wbcro the

I i;ovornor and h li deputy wcro bound Y and, RnxRcil;:.....‘• Tho v isitors proceeded to Tolenro / OrJf/lth and othoM 0/ >’<(? priffoncra

ond were return ing to Ihcir enr m n partv of mixilinrics'opproaebod. A sen­try t t nn elevated point in tlio prisou bccamo anjpicious nnd fired a ahot.

L earo Prisoners B ehind.^•The rnidi'M bnstlly deciinipcd with-

ou t'th o prlfloners b u t took the armored car whieli Inter was fo u n i abandoned

A rtliur Q rifflth wap arrested In Dublin on November 20 Inst, nnd wn» lodged in 'M oun t Jo y prison. I t w »j explained la ter tb n t th e Rovernmeiit

. desired to leam If he wirt reaponslb'e f for tho alleged emplojTnont o f repub-

lIcAn funds on .am buscades nnd other operations involving the lives of troops.

x r» ' Oaptnrad Oar.Tbo enr used In tbo a ttem pted tl-j

cuu' is reported to hnvb been cnptured by tbo Sinn Fcincr* this m orning a fte r a Jiirprlae a ttack jn w hlrb two of thu

' soldier occupants of tho cor wero ' wounded.

Tho Sinn TV'inors tben disguised tliomaelvi-ii n# raenibers o f tho c r o ^ forccs and proceeded to M ount Joy prlaon. '

M U ltarr P n n iu B a ld e n .

• T he w ihlftty followed Unr car wUca It sped from the prison n f tc r tho fnl.- ure of the coup, nnd a ficrco flffbt en sued. The cnsualllea bad n o t been re

•ported up to m id'afternoon.

. G IL B E R T I S h L d ON + A F U G I T IV E W A R R A N T

Local Mon plao«d— U ndor-B o t«n tlon A w aiting A x rln l o f M ontana


Upon telegrnpblc • request o f Koboft O o rd o n ^ sheriff o f Cnscado county, MontanoTR- H . Ollbert, o lias Bill Wil-

i liamson, ip boing held hero by rb c r lf f 's fotccs ftwnllinR Uic 'sanval of a G reat Fnlla officer.

Q ilbert, who has been n residen t of Tw in FaHa aomelhing Jess than two years is a bnrber by profession, bu t in tho past few montb* hasybcort engaged

, in tbo operation of- a viticanlxing shop on Sccond avenue Houtlb A ccording to S h e riff Oarclon'fl lelflgrnm, G ilbert i t wanted in Great F alH to answer n fbarge of denortlng his wlfo.

Upon npprehetislon th is m orning G il­b e rt sinted bo would w aive cJtrnd ltlon and re tu rn w llb Uio Ca.snide county authorily.

I Today’s Games}fatlonal Lcagafl.

Scoro: ' 1{. II. F.. O lncinnatl __ .............. ..........0 8 0• New York ____________ _____ 5 P, 1

B alterlfs: Luquo and Ifargrnvoi ■ Benton and 8mUh.

'S core: R, II. B.St.. LouU _____ ______________ 4 10 1IfrooltI>-n ________ __________ 5 5 S'Batteries: Pc rtlea nnd Pilhoofer;

• Riiothcr,, Cadore, M itchell and MillerE nd O th - • B, B . E .

^ ll^ttfburgh ..........— ............. M • ••• PU ^ dc\phu i ...............................A, r •T Batleries: Cooper and Schmidt;

Sm ith nnd Wheat.

American L « a ^ 0 .Scoro: E . H . E .

• Phllndolrfila ____________1 fl 1C U c a g lo ___________________ 3 ICr 0B atteries: Mooro and Pe rk in s; F a ­

ber and Schttlk.- E nd 3 r d - ’ . R. H . E .

Boston ____________________ 1 • •St.. L o u la __________________ i • •.B atteries: Thormahlon, Euwioll and

Jtuel; Boland, Palm ers and Sovorold.' Knd 7 t h - R .J I . E.

WnaJilngton •__ :____________ _ 2 • 'A ■ DetroSl __________ ______ 1 • •

••ilattorlcs: Zachary and i G harrlty ; Oldham and A lnsm iti.

End Slh— • B. H . E .Now Y o r k __ — •.— , 0 • '

C le v e ln n d ___L---------------- J___3 , • ’BaU rrks-. Quinn nnd Bchang; Ban-

by nnd O ’Noil!.

BUTH KN0C3KB U T H HOM EB CLEVELAND, 0 ., ( iP )-B a b o Ruth

' knocltcd his elc.vfi?th home run of tho MMon In Uic clfii«b Inning game lirri’ todny wilh two men onibnscs.

The Beauty ol LIcHen*.^ . T lic .'fiiiiiotiN •'iflm sdti Cllira- e t• Crtnuliiuil. wlilrh .'XiriKl for miles, do. TJ. r iu ' ilii-li' vi>ii'iii)|il ciilur from red

m ihl.i-ii TIk' v l - l - IMH"! fpt'i from tho ' ...Ilv r i i r Crilili-n UulC,lll the

Vi-lii>i\s|iiti<- <iui-H it« naniL‘-(o the, jc l. Inu- II. ...... „r IN Infiv «vnllH.

n 'p i n TTTTf m .A R uiP ii-'n atjr.

j. Divorce Q nktion ' Is Again heseAted L to Pfresbyteriar

R Qenoral A ssom bl; w ill be Aaki

to Bon ISarriago of Legally ' S epara ted Persons

.1 ^VINONA LA KE, Ind., yp) - T ^1* (lueslion o f dlvoreo will again lie cc P . sidored by I»re8bytflrians, i t bi-iiig p

nouneed bero th a t tbo Preabylcry u t I’hilaclolpbla has overturned tho g(

crnl assembly which openn a nlne-d S conference on Moy 10,. to change t

I’TCsbyterlnn rxinfcsijoii o f faith , nin Ing' It unlawful, for a mliil.ilcr to nii

;uo ** divorced person.Tlio overture refers (0 tJiu gre

ptovalenco of ro-marriago of divorc ]icrsona and comments upon tbo gre

jjy numbor of divorcca “ for sligh t ai unw arrnntablo reasons w hlrb fond

.Ij. dlminWi Uio t a t r t l ly o f Uio mftrrla tlo.. and threa tens tbo pu rlly o f t homo and is an obstacle to tbo m w at tho kingdom of Q od.”

fm A fter citing more • inatanees ai CD other grounds why divorcer should •ar Jnoro clo:ioly gtut'rdcd Ih u . overt-u m- rome* oul ax fr.llowa rela tive fn-m i :ht is ie r s :’ho “ l l njjall be unlawful fo r nny ml nJ inter to ’mnrry a dlYnrccil person, ot

c r Ibnn Iho Innocent p a rty w bero t iro divorcu han' boen f o o te d upon t

ground o f odultcrj’; and lio sfinil n n m arry such parly unlil onu y e a r sbi

m- bavo wxplrcd sineo tbo tim e . o f t ou (jruntliig o f the dccree.

.OHN m il ; ITUSTil!j'e _ —

[’*■ Five S ta te M easures a r e Snl ut m ittcd to Poopio a t Speoial


L-J 8ALKM, Ore., (/?)-FivL ‘ Mtatc mer od ures, tbree o f them proponed omen :er mopts lo tho stnto c o n sfitu tlo n ,'w hu go boforo-{he yotcra of Oregon f TO thoir approval or disapproval nl

special eJerUon Tuesday, .lune 7. I cd were roforred to the penple by 1 td' 1021 leg lslo tu ie., oy TJio measures aro:

ClooslUutional aniciidin>-nl rlrcatiji a world wnr votem ns’ atnlo fund,

c a ConsU tutlonal amendment I'l- Ing tho duration of tho atnto legislx in urc and Increating tbo pny nf mei re bers.

ConsUtutlonal am endniect ciiflblli ' the governor to volo tbo cmergcrii

clauso on IcgislaUvo measures. Ilygionic marriage exam ination ai

IT llconso bill.Measuro qualifying wonicn to sit

'Tbo purposo of tbo world w nr v( efnna s ta to aid fund amendment Is Isauo bonds In Ihc atnte not to c ice threo ]>or cen t o f tho ns'ca.^ed valii

Ift tioa of all property in Ibe alnto ' ■y, raise money to bo loiincd in nmoun il- o f n o t moro than $4000 or pnid as " s bonus of $15 for cnch month of ser a t Itc, b u l |\ioV to cxteeil $r,uO lo Orogt

ex-scrvlco men. o f Tbo measuro lengthening duration 10 tbo legislaturo amends section 20, c in t id e 4 o f th o constitution. I t Incrons od tho length of tho sc.iaion from -10 op no dnvrt, inercaser the (>ny of mcmhe UK from $3 to $5 a day, bolh for regul Tt and special acBalons nnd places a lim

a on the period in wbicb bills mny be i Iroduced.'

II- Tho oliject o f the mnrriogo examin »n tion and llrenso bill is declared to 1 ly to stop propagation of feeble-mindi

persons or thoao otherwise likely su ffe r by Inlicrilance. I t provid

_ th a t bo 'h mnto and fcmalo nppllcan

examination by com(ictent physlciai __ to nsccitnln If Uiey arc n ffllctcd i r t

contagious o r communicitlilo dlscaao P w hether they are normnl meotally. n both o r cither fall lo pass ibo examln V liou tho measuro would D roblbit the

marriago unless ono or bo lh wcro st( ' t l lu d .

p Tho wonian ju rors hill ia a rovlsli I o f tho Jury law providing th a t womi

nro qnallfied to a lt as jurors.


' {Contlaned from pago one)

• Ing ou t o f work thoy draw benefi from tbo nnloo.

P ropaganda is being circu la ted 1 both sides, oach^ blam ing th e o thors f d lto iden .

^ T E B E in o rrnX N O 'E B P O B T E D 0 ON BOTH BANKS O F TUO EIV E

'n- PIK E V IL L E , Ky., (/P>—T errific fi ing from botb tho K entucky ond Wc

E V irginia sides of Iho T ug river aloi• the section th a t bos boen in a v irtu• sla to o f w ar for tho la st 48 hours, w;

od resumed -early today according lo r ■ porU from Plko county o fiicers ia tl E troublo w ne. From tbo W ost Virffln• aide came word lh a l a num.bor o f mo• whoso flames b a d ' not boon loomi

y j wero killed. ' -(

E . ----- ;-----------------------------------------------


* O E .\ t - l I n ry P l tK o id 1» " T to Lo' L ig h t” ; TopU . of tlio Dny ai Scroon Magazine,

th OBPHBUM— Vaudeville. F o lop laj:,. lie w cilorn drama, "T h o Show Dow n' ae In tom atlonaJ, Npwe; niso a 2 pa

comedy. ' • '.. m A H O —B ryani W ashburn in * 'A F i

H ouso” ; Also a Mack Bennett coi

. t ’ "*’-' ____________0. No Maflic in K roipanty.!d SprlnjB mny bubblo over bu t boeke I t have 10 be Oiled. As much w ater w 10 be token from a tucket ae Is pu t lai !l* IL Likewise jiroifpcrlty baa to be c r

oicd before men cun beeome prospe ous. n t who refttsc i to tictp crca' r.M«ni.>-ri '<fAc£rvAt none.


rjAPANFEAF3d BY UNITEDws influeng:akod^ Immioratlon Problem Takes

Brains in Effort to Discc ; Z". Hughes’ Note on Mandate K “■^ReBlive to Questions Aff ■' boo', nial Conference ,ic-dny '0 th f TOKIO, f/P) — E xam ination o f »>nk- |,nu'i) iKisltlon rela tive lo tbn cn

field of fluertions n ffccting the Eust Is tho objoct of n coioninl 1

g reat fcrcnco lo bo held aoon, nrcordinR orcoii nulborllativo informntion. Tho < p e n t ferencc, 'w h ich possibly muy 'rem(

and J a p a n 's policy In Sllicria and in Cti id to n-lll bo allcnded by the liigliesl .Tnr

pKo civil and m illlnrv official* bold f tho t jjnUlons On -01111)0, Slberln, Ko rowlh biiiuilung Kw ongtung, nnd Manchu

Ono of tbo principal subjecls to oo'i considered ia hald to be the comp

Id be m ilita ry evocuntion-of-S lberia . rt'UM gha n tm g Issuo Flgiires.

'■ Porc.-ostr o f tbe work of .the . mio- crnpbniiizo Ihu im parlsQth- plncod upon the quesUon of, Shanti

0 the poraists in doclinlnf , tl,., ohter into negotiation fo r tho rcati1 not d lstrlc :. In an abnll iPM'i't to hasten a so liitlou 'o f the tji

• iiif. tton, it Is said, Jnpan mny dccide withdrtt'v hnr Iroojls from the Tsinr fu railrond bu l reports thn t th is cn

C lr>' intends to .rclcnse Ih'o en tire pci £ula of Sliantung nuc^mdUlonany

• au iboritntlvcly descrllied ns nnnse I cal ns Jnpan probnbly will Iniiiiit I

D TBiug-Tnu bo made ' n r Intcrnatic purt.

. There is snid lo bo no [.(isslbllity recognition hem p given Uio 80 ('(jincse govornmont n t Canton, wbicb Dr. San V a t 8cn Is prcsldi

3 n b - Tboro nro indication* nlao ih o l Jn l is dorionily examining tbe pos-iibi

^ lo f n Irado ngreement \U th Ihe 1 E astern republic,' wbleb hns Its t lo f gfivernmcnt a t Clilta.

mcaj)- American AtU tudo P m lo a . \' America’s n tlltnde tow ard Japs

7 " iicUvitlcs in Iho F n r E asf Is deeply ‘ cup.ving tho .Japanese w h i npparer

nro try ing lo understand w hat sign , , cnncj lies behind tbo recent noto ti

to lhe powors b y .^ c r c tn r y of Sl ' • ' Ilagbcs, relative to the disporition , - mnndato overja lnndn In tho Paeifii

K ndeavors ivill bo made. I t is _ dnred , lo dctermlno A m erica's ox

^ inlentiotis in Ibo P a r E as t and J a la anid to bo disposed frank ly to ( line her own attitude .

„ Tho foreign office declines to ■ Hi-ia tbo visit to America of Dr. U who Is clone friend of Secretnry

, SlMo Hugbci, nnd Sccto laiy of ‘ Weeks., i t n , The m n d o f public dlBCUsslo:

i S H I i m S i S - NElDINPilPPINa s .n ••

rogon Salaries aro B oosted to A ttr( Instruc to rs from United

S ta te s•enae.i '10 to M ANILA, (/p) — H f ly Ameri. iihers leachera for tho butcaii of oducat P''»r 0( Ho Phlllppino lilm,I. .oto no» JcTn- too ilns school year wliich

gins tho f irs t o f nex t June nnd minn- depnrtm ent o f public inKtruclion to ho notified Dr. W. W . M arnuard t, au^ ." ® intendent o f Filipino penslonn

(thoao wbo Ore o t school in tbe U ni J S taica n t government expcnaft) In

It to to obtain tho serviolnn* numbor as soon ns poislbit

, Dr. Alejandro" A lbert, ac ting soi so or public instruction, qaid thal, , f ordor to a ttr a c t AmerUaji tcachors

*^0 Philippines, th e oatrance sa la S ‘Jccn “t 2800 peros a y . r r (oppro tim alely $1400), 3000 p< * " «1800) and 3400 peso8-(|1700). 1

•liiou ^ Increase o f app ronm ntcly $ ■omon heretofore p

American leachorB ., •The entrance snlarj- o f 2800 (appj

JJ , imotoly $1400) is o ffered to those i havD had no experienco In toacbl tho 3000 pesos to Iboso who havi

____ lim ited exporicnce, and 8400 piDofita sa lary vrill bo pnid thoao who havo

voted eoveral years too codac&tie i by 'vork.rs fo r “ Tho<e figures shoutil ho s n f f id

to A ttrac t Americans to tho P h i pines and even if thoso amounta

> considered insufficient, Ihe cha [VEB that. Is li^vcn adventurous Americ : f i r to come to th e Philippine Islands 1 W cjt tho F a r E a t l, should bo su fficien t along make toachcrs aeeept tho o ffe rs ,” a Irtual Df. .A lbert.- “ Upon accepting the , wos fers a contracI fo r tw o years is to0 re nigned, and this period m ay bo a the tended, U s o ’ desired. M ost of g ln ia teachers will bo scattered over tho mon, nnds and will bo nskcd to teach E

»med lU h ."1 •

Conducted 29,000 Inquest*.— A Mininer 111 one of ibe Lond

borouslH nntired w ith a reco Imvlng {-jjndurie'l 2F,f)00 Inquests-'di

— in . h i. iv n r . .ervico.

and • --------- »


— C O I H ‘ ^TheRe

I c r f r '

7 . I D A H O T H I


S sTn g u r s t o) STATES UPOf GE IN FAR EAS

7 .\

kes Second Place as Orientals Pu scover Significance Behind Secret ates; Examination of Nation’s Posll SffectirfclDrient to he Object of Ci

o f Ja- . hero relaUvo to relationa ■botw^ eniirv A merica and Ja p an Is d istinct

he Fnr a ;n y from th e Immigration pro al con- Iem and to v a n l tho e u te m fU :ling to of Asia, I t being boiloTsd th a t 1 } c<in- undenrtandlng on AslaUc matte remoib-: Is urgently neoded.

' i :ni i)hn«ir4ng thia view, Count'fi , "I?.''"' jim a. a liberal member of Iho bou* holding ct a rt

• on rclatiims botwoea Jnpnn nnd A tcfturia. jjjp avowed purposo of tb

'o , *?" ing such light on -tho situation nn )mplote ndjus(m ont. Ho dUm

, llm California- question os a d ifficu lty ,” bu t Insists th a t pole

10 ron ruuac!i of trouble c x lrt on Ah orlance qucnUHtiH,ontung, H ints a t W ar of Defeaao.n ln g lo - 1 / tho United States; -with reatorn- cuormoua w ealth and astounding '

fin flf- “ nhould oppress Jn,e qiier- 1,0 imponaihlo ^ r Japii:clde to mainlflin tho pence, despiio a ll hei 'siannii because her seci* conn- n-opld he endangered.”pcniii- ______


WASHINGTON, D. C., lisbmenl. o f an intenm lionnl pon

llltv ,,r |T sing -T au is contcmplaled by tho o i , , , , [oneso government as soon as it B ouuu jjjjj governm ent of Cblna to

derliiko negotiations fo r the relinqi liuiiit o f Japanese cm tro l over tho lire province of SImnlung, i t waa

he f£ Japanese quai

In tcfnational conU o l.o f Uio poi intiiitcd upon by, jnpanese it wn«

\ • plained because M aintenance of a lopnn's tinctlvo Japaiipse aetUemeat a t T: p ly Ofr Tau might Invito demands from aren tly oUier maritime powers fo r simllnr signifi ccBsioas. I t was sa id th a t I t w to aent bo Impossible to assign separate (; ’ S ta le te rs in Tsing-Tau to lbe-liA lf d tion 0 ' maritime pow orr corresponding cifie. . their holdings in such open po rt is de- {Shanghai fo r instance, for tho re. oxnct th a t Uio port o f !nHng-Tnu is onti

Jap an too small to adm it o f au'di compou to oul- Tho Japaneso propose to setUe

V. qnetUon of control over ih is m to dis- soUlcmcnt by inv iting tho Cbl . U rlu. government to eatabtlsh a gendc ary of force w ith T u ffitien t strength lo pf W ar BUto thoir a b ility to Veep nff l i e hi

of handitB which gw ara in Sham salon provloce. __ _______

IBf SCIENTISTS AGREE UPON l|||rq HABITS OF GORGOSAUfll l l | . u ro o tp r in ts and O ther E videaee I

L igh t on B n t e N e re r Seen by Ujttroct ------ -

NEW YOBK, B e s t'm in d s tho American Museum of Natural to ry .ngree th a t Iho Gorgotaurus, a

le rican beast'w bicb lived w ay bnelacatlon I’l'loo^oic limes, ran , when in a bn

«o.a«d “ ! '• 'ich bo- “ Gorgosaurus,nd the snooping nround hla nne3n hast found enlightening 1

I 'r in lj nnd othor ovidenco Mint be 1 , 7 lived in whnt is now tho Cana

provlnco of A lberla. Thov show V " ” *: tbls carnivorous d ino iaur used all f

_j ordinnrv trave ling but being a rod to htgh speed, tho big fellow

»‘Wo. up on his hind legs. Acrordlngl;, ■ GoTgosauras skcloton recently acnt:

w a t U by the museum from tho Bed ] r iver beds o f A lbe rta has Jtisl 1

- m ounted-in bis running ]X>ie.In explaining tbo prohable habit

, the Gorgosannis. Dr. W. D. Mattl ioiln cum lo t <if tho tn«8cum.'*. dopttttt

y of vcrtebrato palacontologj',. p ict P“ '" the prehistoric m onster in chase 1__ _ couplo of unw ary duck-hilled c

ipprox* jmyp carelessly wandfrom tho bnnks of r iver and lagi

J^hlng, yfiijpi, them -aa refuge fromI ncior like tbo Gorgosaurus

^ Th® Gorgosaums was long on s .♦? f t hu t short on brains . Dr. MotU

said. I n fact, he waa a real lowl among Iho oneioat animals. In te l

' p E would havo been a good 1r w lo n toT crocodiles, wblcli are

.V .? « “t ‘ to foot o f the claas in moat ;Dr. M atthew said, th is onon

A. hu t rathor stupid boast would reli J® “ J h ia speed to catch tbe frightened d '» .f tU ‘’“ 'od dinosaurs. Standrng upon U , . - .p r »caT i tg r and ,using b is m an lvo ta ’

trt I1Q balance the body he wouM pursue hn Ca.tching them, he would oto f thd fflrociously. w ilh claw and tooth, thn l . t duck-billed Jinosniirs had no meanh EnS- “ ‘J ’* prom ptly conslgticd to a placo on

Tha Golden Rule, ^ndoo. T he •'Gohlen llule” la a term •ccord, Irt (;i,ri«t''i ciiM'trlno of doIni

o t l i m an w.- •lumlil wish ihccn U m lu. ii« s>->- l.iii.<- >1 :u.


> M IN Gest less Sex 'H E A T R - E - " ° x S ^ °


' (Ooatlaned from P a c t Oae)

•"“ 'lo “ 1‘ o f woTkiiien. ' I N commlsnlou must trace Uin fruntle

cording to the vole, tak ing Into nidenjtion e thnic aad economic

E ditors Voloe Beiiret.

P n 77lo ' “ )■ i«?oirU Z Z Ie pressed deep reg re t-a n d eonnldo rp tflP V over the address ycnlcrdoI C W iy Pcimo M inister Lloyd Oeorgo ir iS ltlO n lii'itish houro of c<itiimons during 1 P I ho severely nrralgued Poland; L o lo - Thv i ’o llt I’lwUWii dvrlUTcd

L loyd Georgo was “ playing tbo c f Q erm utiy '’ ond denied tho tru Iho assertion that Iho .indigCDOos

^weon ulation of Upjier Silesia wns Goi ncU y “ Nono one,” il added, “ hiut prob- r igh t, c ither iu England or In Fr f ie ld la disregard tbo rules o f cotnmoa

a t an and enolness.”

Fraaee Plays Own Hand.» • t “ >'rnnco does not permit ber t oo.'*'- to he fo rc e d ,'’ dcclnred tho Ecli ouac ul nnd tn i l - a o t . poTinii tbo I

trim d lslrie t whleh has como I.Amer-throw-

nn m ay y |,j, m njoritv of the newa)! Ismsaes tl.lok Umt

loea0 bis thoughls” und tbo Journal . A siatic if Qriliah prem ier “ dii

Iry lo tnko revongiT for bis chet llio question of teparatlons.” -

Jnpan . 'Too much harte In the work 0 ipiin ti^ commission 4 a -o rd o r to have th her cf- p o 't reudy for thu Londou confe lecurily largely responalble fo r tbo

cully in tbo promleri's oiilnion- “ I f the high commlMioners had

J tim e tbey would bave reconcil'otirU N O differen t v iow poinls," went 01 -E .ia li- y rian d , “ and would bav'i roach non a t docision In conformityLn Intl. tlio views o f tho populntion.It cm. “ My keenest dcsiro Is th a t tho

1 to un- BOtUcd amlcnlily, thal Innulsb- ‘‘cosod and work bo rosi tlm en thcro oro German hands who

iinulted, molested niid arrested P iiinrinrii offieors. O rder m ust be imposed

11,0 O ctm o.. .< » . l l „Jo .

Jn« e ” “ Tlio Gcrinnus ore trying to ’ a dis- •Icvelopmcnlg. I t ia ponailile th a t

many mny intorvono in lurn upor om Iho r ” Slleala. I t would he an cm ftr eon- I'®*" r^^ t,-she would provoke tho

„ , , M form idable ovcntualilleB.0 ona r ‘*Fr“ncc could not be disinter ' dozo'i a lly , would nutboriu_ _ en try of German trooim into I ,o?ts Z

jn tirc ly S H E E n T ON W AY W ITH PAJpounds. ---------Uo tho (Coatlaaed from Page Ose)

mixed ------------------------ -------------------------Chinese sta led , w as accused of tho tbel ndorinn Mrr. Jam es who sla te s tk a t th;

lo lu- cuH-d womnn mado no denial.0 bands- Jam es ro ln in td Uio aerviccs- o t lantunjr toclivo and asserts th a t In a scr

o f thfl room occupiod by Mrs. Sou iji^ found a -piece of lavender tlasoe

---------- aimllar to tbo paper In whieh t l imond was wrapped when socroti

JN tho box.i i t i i m Shortly a fte r thia epiaodo U n U b fl^uohlood, falhor of Mrs. Soul

appcdrcd In Loe Aiyiclcs, and e Shed tbcro a sbort timo lnvostighUn( Mnn charges mado agfiinst his daug

Mrs. Southard disappeared from nda of niniost immodrntoly a fte r Iho pai . . a rriva l. I t i i said. Mrs. James

M rs. Nccco rolurned to Twin Ja U ’> Ri M onday prior to la s t Tlianksglvln jack in ,

o r« » d ttl E ltm tn t cf W hich H* « E duard Grieg, JC Noru*5ian

us, bu t poser, who tyrole o t the Vlklogs nneiont tbo g rea i occan. wbo sang, *‘Ai lg fo o t' ' ' '“ 9 Trygvcsson aud ho s ho onco ■ ivldc"-Orlcg .<inndian ® 'bccauso » iIW th a t him dcnclily 111. Although money 11 fours 0 b°<ll7 needed nsset Id tlio. I g spur- household, oil ihc contracts nt ow got lous priccs which American pan i ngty. 0 cfferc<1 him were refused. bc< c q ^ ren a boot ride would bovo killci d D eer occnn-moiilclBn.-^3harlC8 D. Isai

to f le o r s f s M ocatlne.

ihlta Of e = s s ^ ^ = s s B = = s ^ = : a tthew , • •

dlno- ^

iagooM < ^ 0 0 ^ ^ ^ 0 ®

O'" M E 8 A U :^T w C T tync io"npp ' chard, end of Fou rth ovcnue oa

a speed tm do fo r farm property. ^»tthow» Robinson, Bogerson Annex,owbrow •itelleet- FO B 8 A L B -N e w five rocm>d com- om houso w ilh break fast - roomire p n t pario r and fireplace, eemeat drivos t zoos, garage, chicken ran ; M700; termlormous suit. Phono 1003B.rely 0.1 ----------------------- ---------------------------d duck- FOU RENT—Tw o room hoiisc,ion bis nished or unfurnished. Call alta l i t c V'lfUi W.

’’J l t i k ST K -V Y ED -Lleht fcoy liouo,ijijjp mano nnd ta il, weight abnut lOOi

eaji* o f lim nJcd on le ft shoulder, ^amo iiy 4 c ro shoulder. Phono flOOW.on the - ' — — —

» IDAHO GROWIn Oold Collars, Dorm at

IN pla t g un til Juno 1st,

Own-Boot B oscb, Vines

K im b e r lK l M B l


RDAY, MAY'14,1921

F H IE iiB F^ SlFiEllS llllSraIto con- • ■ . ' • •

’*■ Acting Mayor of Cork, in Paris Disoussingf.Fortbooming Eleo-

tlons In Ireland

.Itnl"!.!! 'I’AUIH, '(/p)—I'rediotions th a t “ th In t n ®‘»n IV ia '^ o n ld win nearly h a lfU i

''2 scata In the nortjiorn Irish or Ulste •“ pariiameiit wcro made to a reprcsont:

•cd M r *'“rry E rbj„ ■ ncijng lord mayor of Cork, who i , . I » here. H e pointed to thu ll!! unotipose M tU ®‘" " " ‘■"’Inations fo r tbo soutl lAFmn!, ®''n I '’i"b parliam ent ^ d expressc jormoii. ,i,„ i the ginn Fvln woulVrimVn northern Ire land tban Ih

’ iinlonlnlt' were willing to • concede. Mr. ?!gau denied s ta tem ents th n t th

Sinn FViii bad., opened nogoliatlot w ith tho Rrilinh government,

ir hund ns mmlbern Irclnnd Is 'c o iIclio Dc '■crned tV'u result; ,|iarlianietrtary 'Wa I Indus dM.«led ytnliiTdny 'S inn - 'F cln rand

lo her tlotes being nomrnated unopposed i y frooi 12't of tbo 138 (Ustrictn. Four imp<

rialist enndidalos were nominated ut fsiiapers opjwscd from Dnblin. As no opnoe a t the tlon candidatec In any uf the souther xccodcd distric ts, the poUing coiisotiuently wl .1 asked bo dispcnsnd wltb nnd the Bmn Foli did no t era plan U iat tbu auuthern pnrllniner leck on “over sbnll function.

F o r Uic nortbern parliam ent 77 cm d ldales wcro iiomlnnted, ' A unionii

j m ajority o f 11! in thn elections to - l o f Ibe hold May IH is predicted in unionii

the ro- quarters.iferonco .......... *--------------0 dlffi- . FOEaEB.Y I S OHAEOE

iml linit Modrell, aged 19, la boiag helW n i , WOO to answer a con

w [dalnt, filod in tho probato court, chari ichod a forgery. Tlio yonng man ia said 1 V w ltli passed a worthless cheek a t tl

. atore o f E orl II. 8ir.er, on ^ p to m lx •if< trou- '^ 0 imioont involved is |1(>. .Tt itt l vio- W® "O co . Ba;esumed Modrell w as 'o rrosted yealordsho hnvc Edon by D opnty Sheriff Cox. I t Prench thero aro several sim ilar ebeeS

xl upon "Ut draw n by Uie young man. jon tbo ■' . ■ • ' •

HEAD T H E OLASSDriED AOS.0 forco ____ .. I . . . .- .I . —a t Gor-


r SUNDAY S MAY 15scrutiny

ir r AT'THE''

Old Grounilsd 'Was ing thougfiter. • , • ' ■

i f I. D. STORE^Ing., .

= = = : V S . =----------T

S ROCK CREEKsailed,COnld

GRANDSTAND ■ Admission 2 5 cinngersjCCaOB®

r-cis; 2 o’aock p. M.

i ro N ] Im mod- I

COALsc, fu r- I a t 6l’2 I

— NiWcy-Ghannel» J Itj .. L D M ^ OOMPAHT

VN NORSERY STOCKant, a sd in 'F ir s t CQass Oondition )!or

rt, oom pkte sto ck of T recs, S lin k s ,

3S a n a Perennia ls. 7

l y N u r s e r ie sl E R l i Y r I D A H O .

lE d 35>R 23-R .-l>2 '

r tn .

rWIN FALLS DAILY NfWS Qm e d every* .anemoon «scep( Sunilft]' |

rwin Paltii N a n Publlihljig Co.. Inc.(Bstabllahed UOO 11

l o r A. READ....................'...;.Pr*ltil«til UfOHH C. HARVKT................... T reaw rer . |

Entered u iccotfd c lo u moll mftdcr IH Iprll ». IBIt. a l Ihe poitofflce a t Twin l l IWIt. Iilnho. undff th r Ac* of Mnrch I, *■n»

eu'oSCfllPTION flATBSMa year- ............................................. I«M tO1 monlha ............................................. f ■ .I montha ............................................. l-JJ QII month ...................................................— -------------------------------------------------- e r i

MEilBEn OF AflBOCIATKI) VRESH The Aaaoclutwl J’reM I« exclualvelr en- WFN

Illed JO the uaa for rapuhllcailoti of all lewa dlspaichpa credited lo l(. or not inSd Q lUiprwlae cradllcd. In thla paper, and alao iie locaJ newa publlah^rf herein, Al,Itnia of republleatlon of apwial <ll»- and coi wtclira h'-raln are nl»o reaorved

No reaponnlblllijr if iiaaumrd for tho j"Are cf unaollclied mnnuaerlpi. pholO- PrC T«pha or Olher contributed niatiar, A^.’ nskint;(dra aubmllW d-for publlcnilon w ill.b f PrcuKv •ed or not a t Uie dlacreilon of the editurnd no mnnuicrlt'i 'will bo reiurne<J un* i.\r^w cMl nccompanled by nrrraaary poiiace. Thoj* n—.— ---------------------------------— ,— cd. f prlamber Auilli Uurntu o( ClrcuUllona tJiat ot _____________________________ _______ ^ a l l ll

EABTEIIN REHaEHBNTAflVESOeorio n . Duvid Co.. inc.. HI Mndlaoo , *1

LVe.. Sow Yortt: A. n . Keaior, Mtt Hm i -ord Uulldlnir Ch(ca«o. OIncinr



I t 1* hoped th a t IlcproaontnHvit June# Xwo.UcCIiDUc, of the Bovcnth OklshooiB rolntivf

liatriet *tay* riRhl on ilie job when nnotion ia tnado io tho bouM to c itobd ity of, tncm lor'ii rem arltf nmJ havo Ihon th e den .rioted In tho CoDgrmlotinl B o c o rd -. {troetico th a t has c o it thn govoromoot womouURC Bun^s of m one/ during tho yoara poaed; t haa been in vojfup.

The absurdity of filling Iho Congrca' o f (lentlonal Hocord with Bpoochca th a t are jover di'livcred nppcarn to have in - ^ jnr\’i.ii'd ilM lf in ti practical wny upon Tlir ;eprencntativo McClintic ,anil ho liasrun o lijK lin^' tn wanting Iho publio’if o f tliclOnrv nnd imnnaiiig on il n t tho s a n e ^ 'oarly

■ I Winona• fll' sran

I t may not, be gvnrm lly kuown th a t A Ji ;iny of Ihc 8]k’cc)ics which are lon t■idcr piingreaiiinniil f ra n k to adm iring Poroign•iifctitui'nts by mnny mcmbrra of coD' agcncioi :i*»; w ith gennroiiB ip rink llag of “ ap-aiwe” nevor henrd, have been thn Churrhlan adoptt'd in congrca.t lo keep » Babbatl ,1‘itilHT from wnsUnic tim e over ft sUb'-•ft in which nnhody la Interested. Supply.

Thu prncticc; liita enabled niaoy mcm-cra of mediftcrc nW lity to ha ro apecch- KonieiTs w ritten , and, a /tc r .s ta t in g tho sub- doncd Mt tn tho house, obtain pennUslon t»'rov iie and extend rem arks in tho roe-rd. I t i l o plan th a t found much fa- .trot, toor w ith members who sought to croatoII im pression 'n ith the 'fo lks a t home. iioard

Jtepresoolativo MeOlintio should 'con-Inu# to io tc rjee t h is “ I o b jo c t" lo (o"thV i'10 In terest* o f oconomy. In the ovent bytcriaim t ojiything should a ffec t his vooal ”)rds to make speeoh Impossible, i t is V m by tipod th a t he will w are his a n n i or vnke o the r signs th a t will Indieate to C'u-chle hoase bis de terrain ition to sU y oa ^wnnsole jo b o s long as an e ffo rt is made to [‘qq

«1, Iho pobllc Ih rouf^ tho Oongros- th a t Ihonal Itocord. '" '“f

___________________ MK-ciaJ■ Colon

I lh a t gr

O PIN IO N S s' a«prlB t«d lum ed

___________ _________________________ Cliirn

Now West Mnpir-ine: {*nc of Ihv iniCH of our nnliun loday is the at- •mpt of too matiy of our cilir.pua to m th r lr nfiighbora’ bininp-r. Toi nny poraons liavr aiwumcd Ihc hIIi - triiinni mIc lh a t evrryim e Ik n ^proftli-cr but imaelf. TliU has lit'crf: a trlklnglv iitA i ii lin trn tcd in the- pnM ir illilitv indim VVUMi

_ _ i M IP

lnv,'Hlin.-nl Now- (Cliirngn): Any- i ^ n e l r iw. w ith lh r iniMli- |i:iviiig n t thii , - lie of f :0 0 11 Ion fur w hat wns worti: *IC a ton III 111'- f.iniiorSvlin rnlnpd il, inxlilrr lill' lUildn nliirli liringir tenra ,. th.' ciinsmiirr'.s .'ve», ____aelf-ioc

N™-- \V r,r M .c . im ': T t , . r a l ' ’"I!'™ 'lenhl d.’m«!iil tl.a t foni.i-rvation shall '■'‘K-1'"ll W lKin;;Ie.l t.. inoflu r.-sorvfttfon " '‘' ' ‘f ''iat the pl.in» and adminialrntlon of *',*! ’ ll* ('ovcrniiii'iil 1.0 madn practical,Iminnting ri'il tnpi- detnya nnd per- ,itllBC T h i. [ fo u r rIcM I ' " ' '

_ _ _ retaryLcwlalon Tribiiiii': In lem atlonai

pvelnpmi-iilH of lhi> lant hnlf decadu lOuld aervi- In .awaken Ihf Afflorlcan soplo to ' IliP fa r t th a t we know UtUn r noth ing of foreign I'venla, and th a t |l>‘* * irh ignoranci- ranno t continue If we *'re to m cape the^pennltira flf ignor- herie if ncc. The onty Impe for (he Mpprea- vicllm ion o f inlornatinnal vlolenpc’ ns thi’ lo « ‘fr e lerm ining fa.-lor in the affaira o f na- Ihoao a iona i.< lo nuhHlitiiti- for ita in le rn a - M im ional publir opinion. Uut inlerna- fo r hci lonal publir njilnion i« inipoaaililr- nearest •Ithout in ternnllonal inlelHgcnri'. women :ommuniratinn Jr n*-e*«rntinl to the men ia Ivillzation between natino* aa il ia fn lance a ivillin tion w ilhin nation., . Acco

- — 200,000 Uwi»:<'n T rihiine: Ifndrr the read- he.drrl;

iiatmi-niM e ff r r trd aniJ. impending, „ny ru: rnnsporlation coaU rn'tt* n n d . will l>e iw terafed, Imt no t lo an exlent lha t rill n e u tra h w Ihe ndvanlnKe of dolofi^ f homo aome of. the m ouufaoturlng rhieh ia I tcb g done for ua fnr from o m e . 't i r “ th?f will p re v e n t 'th e .o jx n OaU iver rou te from m aking money for j;,y , he shipprm in bolh direeUonr over hose who hnve only the higb'prlced'^ilroad ai’rv tre in . Ih rlr b u a l n e s a , • _____ _

•u. < ■ ,


philBstlons of Eligibility pf Wom- ,™ to to Serve as Deacons and of Ciiurcti Union, Up to Gen- .o" erai Assembly S

... ........ thiafFNONA L A K E, Ind.. (>P)-Tli« thro 1 Oonern! Aaaembiy of the I’reaby- an Church will meot hero Thuradaycontinue untii ^ ;ny liO. crwi

ine large preabylcrii-a »iavi> unlled Ibcondon-lng-an overlure, whieh will Orii.presented to 'th o General Aasembl.v, ganmg for a d iange In ihe form o f larinbylorinn govcrnmont, folatlvo to alleresontaiinn in Qetiorul Aasimbly.' andy aiic th s t commlsslonrrs bo olert- ropi(pr twu y rnrs Instead of onc, and cloai onr'hnlf nf Ihe numbcr so oloetod nlalI be held oVer lo tho following a v Ingt)Iy. - - Thoho presb>-terlcs endorsing th is oTcr- nun' include D rooklyn-Kassau, Cayuga, wnrlinnali, Minneapolis, U o rris and remngo, Sf. Lou(s, . Afomneuth, Rvrn- ofto

and Zanevllle, ' ‘ ingOhnrch Union Oppoaed ' I t

fro im portan t reporU wiU b r mado ZV.live to fho Buecess or non.aucrest'' ,Ihe overtures sen t down bv UrjI Atsembly, regard ltrg Ihc ejlgibi!- ” ; of womon to sen-o as deacon* and deslrnliility o f eco p era lln g In th r nRclical P lan o f Churrh Union. OnII 29 the vofo .on the ellgibllKv of . , irn wns 110 In favor and fl? nn- ?d ; on ovangclieal union 7S in-fn- l " “ and 104 opposed.

rd of Home Missions rondurlod ils I Hnmo M ission Coundl, whleh conlinuc in session until May l.'i.

IP tecond U rgcat prc-Assembty crencc will be lh a t held in the, in' it n f evangelism under tho nuapices :hc Committeo on Evangelism, " rly -100 persona will h r brought to ona L ake for n two-day evnngrlls' '‘" '‘i iranion.

jo in l pre-Aasemlilv conference be held, by the Board of Foroigh “ "I"

liona and Ihe W om en’a Board of ■i(^ Mbcalons. O ther boardu nnd , iclra which will have pre-Aa«em' gatherlnga include the Qenrral •d o f (lilurntion, the Hoard nl ' reh Kreclion, the Committee on ? m th ObKcrvnnce. th e M en'a Work , mittri-. the X ew E rn ebmmiltec the Committee on V nranry and ["p"'

enrrnt AascmbVv bcgina is arMlona " " "• in. Mnny overlurca will he prr- r " '”' e ir 'K oclirafer profljylcn* has cned an overlure ask ing th a t thero , ncluded in Ihe P reabyterian nnnuil ' ret o n lr thoao honrda nnd agonelea « ?r d irerl OenentI Aaarmlilv eon- fo he e ffec livo from A pril’1,102" “

'veral preabytcrlea ask O cnrral As lly I r mergo the W esbvlerlan rd o f Mlasiona fo r Prenmen with I*reabytcrlnn Ronrd of Home Mir- J", ‘ <. Tlibi requeat Is mmle, nceordin,: , hr overture, so lh a t " i n Ihe Pren- rian Cliurch all racea will be han- as p a rt o f one g reo t problem nnd „ ®

no race w ill he alngled out by the by lerlan Churrh.M*^ « a I

Would Inclttdo dwcho-SUT , «dio-6 lovakia ia now a republi'-. nurj lUse o f th is fac t and becauar thero h ltli g reat mission opportunities In Ihnt mm , S leobcn p resbytery ovcrtu rrr ask \ \v

Ihbi rcpubllfi be included In the drm• Rook of IVaycr fo r MisiHona for n f ii iaj atudy and nppenl. \ „g,if ilomdo I^i'abyteriana nre anxloua of t

grea ler cmphnsls bo plared nn (in<■tian i-iiiirntion. Colnrado R.vnoil I Hu.prepared nn o v e rlu re ’ ask ing tha t Thnollen lion o f rollege atudenia he imnird 1(1 ( 'hriallnn atnieim nnchlp. ai-xolieago. W aahlngton (’i 'y lutd Plor- ntulpreabyti-rlra will un ite in nn ovrr- (|i,naaklng for inveatlgntion .o f th>.' iplm

e m atte r o f homra for age«l. rou H«centa and orphana, w ith a view tn i„ . |I’r lind more- ayatcnialir nilm inu- ..nfji>ri i>f auoh homra. j | j,

ii«AN DEVOTEsU fE to = «l,i\IISTR? AilllONG LEPERSf I>ly W hito W o o in E n te rs on O sreer I If Self-SflCTlfico in Ind ian Sof. I

f e r o n ’ Colony I

3N1>0.V, story o f h irn ir <aacrifice nnd devotion haa n-uchivl • Innd fnmi the leper v lllage 'o f Chan- • Inilin, w hrre M ary Reed, n an iiln rr i c woman m inlouar>', is giv ing ber i tn m in istry to th e Bufferings of ber iw lepers. 4DWM of her iso lated life was broaght 1 [ by Mr. O ldrlovc, organizing acc- ry of the Miasion to lycpeni,- who ju st returned from a 70,000 mile nry vifdting all th r leper rolonira - ndia.flirty yenrs ngo Miaa Reed w ont inln •

deaolate apot in the Illninlayas, - 0 fee l abnvo the ara level, o ffering , elf In 'the . leper cJiuae. AllhougK n Ini o f the miilndy, she is still able j airry im her sp iritua l work among n) afflicte<l like heriadf. iaa Ri-pil »d<|nm area white proplc hrr. atntion ia flO milra from the

rest railway line; T h e re 'a re -4 ll len k-iKTS in the rommunliy nnd 10

ia th r men V refuge a short dls- 'e away.cconllng to ^ ilr . Oldrlovc. there are . OOOli-pora in India. “ A t p resen t,” Irrlared, " i l ia no t righi to say thnt run- ftir trprosy h|ia been found .’’


lalsomlnuig tnd Painting dona, littmates aiven. :

----- PHONH — •


' t h e NEWS’ SDNDiiBy C H A R L E S G L E N

R ecto r, C h u rch o( the A

HOSPITAZ. DAY. ofHI. J ia t t . 10:B: “ Heal the f t

alck. ♦ • • ” to--------- efl

A hundred .vjmra ngo tho Englia’i ihilanUiropUl,- ^'loieave N igbtingalo, ^ .va* born. We know of thie romnrk- jei lie womnn chiofly because of hor rnln- atralioiis to ih e slek In liospltala and :o llie wounded oa th e baUlofiold. fiho ” ' .egan early In life to s tudy the wholo "i‘ lubject o f hospital methods, and to v* :hls end sho t« v c Io d ve ry o iteaslvely Ihroughoul tb o continent of Europe. " Gventually sho eniorod on a course of irainlng w itb th e Sisters of Sain t Vin- “ rent de Paul In P aris and a t tho KaU- ?rwi'rlh in stitu tio n on tho Bhlno. Iu T Ihc year 1854, a t tbc outbreak of tho , u'rimcan w ar, Ploronco N igbtingalo or- “ i ;anlzed a nursing doparlm rat a t Sr.u- la ri, and by her energy nnd ab ility In ulleviatlng Iho suffering of tho slcl: {"' in d wounded ocijulr/^d n world-wide ropatalion. Records sliow th a t a l 'l h e "“J eloae o f tho wnr aho gavo a leatlmo- ![• nlal fund of #50,000 townrd Iho found- :!‘ Ing o f tho Nighlingalo Homo a t Bl. Thomas’ hojpital for, tho tralDlng of nurses. During tho American Civil nrnr and th6 Franco-Pruasian w ar, sh r ^ rendered invaluable Bcrviro, nod waa )fton consulted on questJons concern- "fj ing camp hospilnts- ' ^ !. I t w at ft b eau tifu l U lbule to tho H ff - - i\-ork of Ploronco- Nlghilngalo, and nost npproprlnte, to observe the birth- ' lay o f th is illustrious publie servant IS Hospital day . TJio dnv appointed ' »as laat T hursday , M ay i::. nnd Tw in ^ Pnlla joinea w ith thousands of com- “ nunities in tho U nlled Bi-Mes nnd Can- ?" Ida in g iv ing spccinl thought and itudy to tbe subject of hoapitalr, on his nnnlveranry orraslon. • A national •rganirntlon.lina been perfected, lo bo ™ (nown as tho N ntionnl H ospital Day ommlttee and thn movement promises I [real things fo r 'Ih e fu tu re in m aking ’ ho public b e tter nciiunlntcd w ith m?d- rn aims nnd methods in hospital ad- ulnlstrfttlon.

Tlie dny'^haa long paared when the' ieneral publio thought o f n liMpIial a t — 1 plaef> of laat resort, whero *alck folk I rcrn tnk rn in n critlcnl i f no t hopeloaa ondition, a fte r th ry had had a long jiell o f homo trra tm e n t. Fbrm crly It dm vna coujparatlvrly unuauni a.nd excep- 1 ionnl fo r n a lck peraon to bo taken fo Kpi I hnapltnl; Uml la. the number of inc illlng neoplo who hart the dne- hif ur m inlsler fo l.hi-m In tholr homes . ' vaa vaally In exceaa o f ihoac who went0 Ihe hoapitalr. Uui thero -h.is boon1 grent rhnnge in the popular n tlltude ow ard boBpltals. N’owndaya people » lavo the hospital hnliit. Thoy kaow 'nough nbout modern honpHnls to real-ze tha t they a r r very human Institu- > Ions, having vory m uch/of a homo ai- iioap(u-re nbout them, nnrt ye t possess- p,., ng e r e r r fae iilty Ihnl train rrt physi- •inna nnd nurara i-nn providr in ehring j,,,, 'nr Iho sick iinil reatorlng Ihem to .j,,, iralth and r lrrn g lh .

One of th rjairpoR ca of Hospital Day j|| , a to d raw the n iten llon of young wo ,j„ non III tho opporlun ilirr whleh thoy nay find todny In the profession 0' luraing. I t luia alwnya been recognlr. i 'd Ihal there la no finer flold for use- ,,.* 'ulness to aoriely Ihnn lh a t o f the ra in rd nurse, no voration more noble, i«d in mnny resperta no work morn lerolr. I t has y r t to be more grnor dly understood and nppreeiat«d, how cally large th r flrlrt o f nursing is, ind In how m any dcparlihenta uf nod- ■rn life the servicea of pm fnsional lu rjrs ariu renulred . JJ/>at o f na have iltlo coneeptJon Indeed o f the vast fj.j ompQsa o f th e Ihiblie H eallh Renrire ] Ve probably know a.a lit t le o f the largi Irmanda for nuraca todny In th e plant* if. induatrinl organlrnliona. where man- i,,,, igrmrnta nre rr« |tonilble frir Ihe hi'allh }{,.,) if Ihouaaniif o f eiiiplnyrs. nol nnly for'^^ ,. he anke o f tlinv ' rmplnye<r, but fo r! ,] ,, he good of th r ir buaineaa in trreatu riirn t h r r e ‘flre mnny o].|)Oitnnitie» fo ri lunirii In the employ of tobrn-iiloa i-1— laaofinlinria, nnd iu tin.- inihli'- wlim i-tj. md vnrloua other edii'-Atinnal im .tit'i | lnnr w hrre good In-altb and u”' ' ' ’ ( eholarahip a re infide n I'liiimon <:reii;.

H ii'pllal dny hna lielp-.l ua ti. reaV re Ilinl good beiillh ahoiiM be a publi.-; .iirjiiiMi' aud n 'i-ommiiiiilv rn ’«'riiri.n '.,:i luiH lii'I]ied «H to appr<'.-'iite the vnlu-1 ^

L E A D & r Z IN CP A I N T «

J yni i : IJM ■ IIM l - ^

■ i l ^ I O rI H ■ IB I -

W ~ whi

l i r n i 7 /Ml t t y / ^ X - *nd ■/ 2 ^ / ■”

7 b r

s -



)AY SERMONEITE [iiE N N B A I R D , i \ l A . »

!. A scension , E piscopal_ ' • ' _______ _ h

of tho physiciaH’s skill nud thnnu ranV trnining. I t ' has rnllod 'o u r nttontidn ^ to tho hoapilal ns one o f Iho g rea t btn- eforlions in au nge when m ost a c tiv i­ties, organir.ed ns well aa unorganized, are ronductcd moro or )css iiclfishly w ith private profits niP thu mnln oli- u jec t. 3,

Hoajiit:.la are rrligloua institu tions, ll whelher or nnl, Ihey nru- nlways ho ti dni<aifli><l, Tliry huve the reUfil'Ibua li tuotive hack of Uiem, for tboy arc si fhoritob le >n Iho best tense b f tho n word. I t .c M ts monoy to m aintain si them , but mnny o f-th e m make no b pro fit w hatsoever, and in (ac t, faeo an 1: annual de fic it; wUlo otb-.‘n mako no T p ro fit n t a ll commcasurato w ith tho 0 servleo Ihcy jonder. H ospilals havo tl had a v o ry im p o rtan t placo In tho his- h tory of tho Chrlstlaa Churcji, and no t n: w ithout reason; Iho G reat Physician si H im sol/ n n t only wont abou t hoalmg «i the sick of ali m anner of diseases, b a t ci He Instm eted H is dlielplcs to do, the H aamo a a .a jc g u la r p a rt o f th e lr minis­try . a n d 'to ld them th a t “ greater things tlmn theso ye shall do .” One o( the finest and noblest th ings nboul m odem , missionary w ork ;s the vast am ount o f monoy and ta len t lha t I ' eonsecrntcd lo tho buil|Iing o f nospi tnls throughout the w orld. H ospitali a re (be best possible oxpress/on o f ap­plied Christianity._ ; 'H e n l the s ic k l” We ran a ll do a g ren t deal toward tho literal fulfill m^nt o f th a t command bv giv ing ev­ery possible support to tho boroital m orem ent. I f you wish lo establlsb a w orthy memorial to a friend or rela­tive , endow a bed in some hospitol, nnd make I t free fo r aomo poor, unfor­tuna te mnn or woman lo uao. But if you cannot afford lo do ro much, send aume m agadnes o r books arouBlI'to the ' loral bo^pltnls fo r the us>- of palients. This Is a ll A p a rt of Iho Chriatlan min- 0 iatr>‘, and it ,I s a p t lo be the pnrl tha t In moat negleeled.

•________ I___________ . ______ «

. E D E N ]

BDR.V, Idnho - Mrs, PkhI Wnlkei en tertained a number o f littl(« girla Friday rvening in honor o f her little daugh trr 'a birthday.

Prof. L. Omar nbd H . I I . Tliornton apenl the Intter p a rt of tho w rok w ork­ing in th r eommunity in behnlf o f th r high achool propoaltlon.

Mr. nnd Mra. Holmes of Burlington, W nah.rhave rrtu rned homo n f te r Bev• i-rul weeks v lr ifw lth F . D. T urner nnd fnmlly.

The gitls of Ihe Cliristinn Kndeavor aoriety r lrarrd tJic sum o f J20 n t their bnr.nnr laht Saturdny.

The Civir elnb o f Eden mel at the home of Mra. Seroggs, Wedneaday evening. May 11, w ilh Mra. .T. W. l)n- vls and Mra. Scott Elson a s naalstant liiistcaa4<;. A fter Ihe b u s in o n ' ncMloa the In-Ht inxlallmont o f rilnho hialory wna given Inrluding n d ta rrip tion of the "V n lley of the M oon.’' A diarua ilon of th e linr o f w ork Ihe ctnb shall take up lbe roming year will cloae llie o w n ing prngrnm. •

Mrs. Lnra Sirenaon dle<l n t Ihe roun­ly hnspifnl in Twin Falls last- Hsturdoy evening a fte r a week’s rerloua illneaa following ft double ojK-ratioxt. Mra. Hwenaon hna alwnva bren a woman of inMuonre in lUla rom uiunlty nnd a fid thfu l worker iu the locftl Presby- trr inn chnreh and h rr prcienco will b-' miaaed m ort thnn w ords can expreaa. Hhe ienvea u hosljand and two llttlo woa and a host of olher rela tives and fj-trnda lo mourn h rr departure.

F. I). Torner w at a bualnrss vl.iltor in Jerom e Tnraday.

T^e Oirla Sewing rlub k e n t o i i ^ - houae nl Ihe home of Mrs! AVnHfer on .S.itiirdny afternoon. H|«>elmena i f '

j>rwing anil olher work done by thr irliili girla w rre on exhibition.1 A la riir num brr of people from Kdrn

ii ID A H O O L S A H E B S A N D I = I D Y B E S

CHAS. E . S O W O L n T B * 0 0 .Phone 216-W

138 Shoahono B t W e n I French D ry Cleaning

Repairing—D yeing

H m H

b b BfKEEl E n o u g h D e v o e ~ |

Lead and Z inc lU o t — & ry o u r b o u K > - iP ^

t r a d e r actual test, Dcroe doesn’t T ..,wear t y m or two or three TOUI Iloncer-"loo<er end better—ifato — tajr other p Jo t yoa «bo«ol'Or—ptint half youf boue with “Deroe. and the other hili with —whatorer you like. - —IfDevoedocsa'ttakefewerKalloos. ZoniJ cost lets moaey, weH make -o o d w je fo rD ero e l -C ta you aford to pts* this offer ~j■without in v e s ^ o a P -biroiftO O tW T lira tiaM ettedssi ^ iB re re n .-b sc k cd b r lf tf r t tn 'e ii^ [ I 1

T L ^ U b j t h t D r v o t A g n t ^ ^ fis yoitr coowiviutj

[XS, IDAHO, SATURDAYond 'iu rroundlog^eottn try attended thn funorol'o l M rs. Sw eatoo a t the IVosby- jcrin ii church In Tw in £ U ls Tuesday.

D allai G ordon and w ife u d Mra. V'.B. Blakoloy' wero M n Z ^ lb v isllon F riday ' evening.

Mrs. H . B. Lyons k a ttending to business m iitters in Boiso tbis wook.

' NO7 KIE O F BALB o r PBBSOHAIi ‘ PB 0]^E B T 7 -T m D B K .8E IZ tm B TO

S A T ia r r p b b s o n a l tA Z c l a i m

> ■Notice is hereby given th a t by anil

■ undor a\ithorJty o f .Article Sections 3313 and 3314; Compiled GIntutes o f

, Iho S ta te o f Idaho ,-fo r the purpose of I ta tlsfy ing claim s of personol propertr

taxes In fhe am ount o f $024.78, . o.a I shown by tbe pereonal property assess- I ment rolls o f O ^ in Palls Coanty, I wili I soil a t public ttuellon a t tho place of ' I business o f D . 0 . W atson ft Compaoy,1 128 Second A venue N orth, City' o f I Tw in Palls , Idaho , a t tho boor o f i I o ’eloeli .P . M . (M ountain Time), on I tho 17th d a y o f May, lOBl, to th e ' - h ighest and best bidder fo r e u b , so ; much of tho following d e te r lb ^ per- I sonal proporty as moy be neceesary to ; sa tisfy tbo above claim nf taxes oad : costs herein Incurred:• B attery E quipm ont:

1 Work Bench. I1 P late Press.

( 1 Wasb B a ck ,.1 2 B attery Sbolres. t .1 R echarging Tables.. 1 Slahl R ectifier.

1 Deak and Shelving.' 1 S-Rol. Croek.

J W ater B o ttle fiAck.I .Vgnl. .W ater B ottle. I

, 1 Plnto B urn ing Back. .-S Distillcd W ate r Bottn;s.

1 Cadlum T est Set.I 1 D ydnite T ester., 1 W nrm ing’Oven.

4 gal. Po in t. . .,2 Cans Sealing Compound.

- I B attery T urntable.' 1 B atlery Vice.

1 Set of Rcam ert.- I Set of M arkers.

1 Olftda Fuhnel.Office F ix tures:

1 Display Counter.1 Bookkeeper’s Desk.

'I . . 'I II'I II i .

Lustreless PaI

The idenl finiah . for walls one L ustre Finiah. An a rtia ti^ snn: rapeeially for walls and ceiUngs.

-11 frraco or knlanmine bul ;h r r cn.imel.


la economical b<|niuH its durabilil ' unnocesssry. ' I t can be applied

ranvns, wood or any aurfnce upor

Color Mmplr cards u l our store




W h e th e r the task is t colossal harbor improv adtninistration of -a n( p o u e ts io o , th e D epartm ent to b r in s to, th e task a high ( fa l jodgm ent. H ow “peace renow ned than w ar" for tl tb e nation nter'eatingly d ooe o f a n instructive series m en t now being |distribu< Institution.

I W e shall be pleated to see! p lete serie i, if you w ill »I address.


— Hember Federal

lY ,M A yi4'19a1 - 1 F le t Office Table. '

1 Typew riter. '1 Envelope Cabinet. '

. 1 Safe.'I 1 Eripr Register.

1 Swinging A ttachm ent fo r ' Typo- ) w riter.

1 Filing Cabinet.. . .------ 1 Bookkeeper’s Stool.

1 T ypew riter's Stook ; 2 Offii-e Chairs. ,[' Ignition Equipment: • •

1 Test Board and Motor., 1 Lathe, Chucks and I.lne Shaft.

1 Affibu Test Sat., l.B encb Grinder.

1 Vice.: 1 Growler., . I Grip Puller and Bearing A ttach

ment.' 1 H and Breost Drill- . . 1 Black HaWk Wrench &ei. 1 D riirP rcss .• 1 M agnet Charger., 1 W ork Bcneh-nnd Oshlnels.■ I Creeper., , 1 Doleo L ighting plant (without bat- f terie«).

D ated a t Twin Fulls this 7th dnv of : Moy. 1021.

S. CLAUD STHWABT, AaacBsor nnd T ax Collector.

Twin Falls. Couiity, Idaho.I



L ecre T v ln ra il s 8 A . B t. ViaFiler, Buhl, H tgennan, Bliss, Ring Hill, OlBOna Farry»:.Monntain Bome


(Dinner a t Mountain Home, 30 - ' Minutes),

t^ ten -h n u r Sehodule to Boise. Fare , tame as Railroad.

TRASK BEOTOTESWe Call fo r You Free o f Oharg*'

Twin F a llt Office: T ^ Boseiaon H o­U l; Boise Offiee: I IS 'K . 12th B t

'Z. L . FBBSONIUS, D itr e r

8 f S ■

aint for Walls ^md ed llngs is Acme Qunlity No- anitary, lustrelcas oil pa in t m adr I. H as tho .soft, velvety boouty of.

rleonllness .and durability o f an

lUAIJTY:e e f in is h

illty renders frequent re-deeoralloif<y^ d over plaster, wall board, metal.)on whieh paint is ordinarily used. ,

ire fo r tbe asking.

G D N l MAGHINE CO..L S . I D A H O , . ^

S O F P E A C E 3 S E O F W A R

the construction o f a Jvement project, or the newly a c q u i t in ^ la r nt of W a r is alw ays prepared 1 degree o f skill and m aster- « ha th her v iao ries n o Jess th e m ilitary departm ent d described and illustrated io s o f articles on O ur Govern- luted oxc lu siv d y . b y th is

' 1

:e th a t y o u rec e iv e tn e com *»’end u s your name and

IK AND THLST CO. ! ^I X S , I D A ] ^ ^i Eesorro STStoxn—

- - L j -

" l' . f Daily" Advertisem enti

, . HO. l i a .B«port o f the .Q on itttloa of tlio

BA21E o r B O Z ^ T E B a t HoUUtor, Idalio, I n t lia ^ 8 ta t« o f •• Idaho, p io io o f Bbs1m « ,

- ' A p ril 28, 1021.• EBSOUEOE8. . _ “

1. Cash OB h o n d ------ ---------» 3,351.612. Duo from banka _____ 13p<3.fl68. Checks and d rn fU cn

» othor banka ------------ 247.4:S. Loaos a n d dlieounts . . . 80,050.406. O vordrafta ________ ____ 81S.067. Stocke, boads and vnr*

nitota ■-------------------------- 5.(HH.7l>0. Clolma, judgmenta, o te - S50.00

10. Bankinp: hotue, furiii-turo ond f lx tu r e a ____ 12,600.00

11. O ther rea l e*tato ______ 4,059.8513. Bxpcnaer in ,e z e e u of .

oamlngB ---------- ---------- yS2.27

T o ta l ' ....................... .«1!»,710.3TL IA B IU T IE S .

' 1. Inyividual dcpoaita • a u b C '" * * - '' '"jc c t to check ______ • ' 57;334.82

5. Timo cortlfieatCB of, do-posit -------------------- ------ 28,4C5.i;i

Q. C aahicr's rhceka ______ 420.42i T o ta l depositB ............» 8«,210.37

10. Capital aloek paid in.... 20,000.00 ,i k Surpjii* ---------------------- 5,000.00 t14. Dills payable, Including |

obUfifitlons rq)Pcil(ratlng ‘ monoy borrowed ............ 18,500.00

TotaJ .... - ........................4120,7J0..17 ^S talo of Idabo, County of Twin

Falla, a<.1, A. P . Craven, cashier o f tho abovo

named bank do solemnly sw ear th a t „ tho abovo-statem cnt ia tm o to tbo best o f w y Rnowledgo and belief. — •

A. P . CRAVEN, ■ •, Coahler. a


Directora.Subscribed and awom to beforo me C

tb ls lOlh day pf M ay, 1921.I c ertify th a t I am n o t an officer of

' o r diroetor o f thia bank.J . D. laR C IIN B R ,

(Seal) N otary Public. ^

NO. ICO.B oport of th e Oonilltion o f tho

B A N K O P WXTETAirOH ' (j a t U ortaogh , Idaho, l a th e S U to 'o f

Idaho, a t th o Oloso of. Btulnoss . A pril 28, 1021.RESOURCES. a

1. Caah on band ................ t 1,452.80 t(2. Duo from banka .............. 8,521.80 ic4. O thor caah itema ___ 102.755. Loans and diacounto .... 78,425.80 .0. O vcrdraffs .................... -• , B0.3i»' ^7. Stocks,, bonds and w ar- Jv

r a n t e - ...... lB ^iaC 7 . '10. B anking houie, furni- “

turo and fix tures .......... 2,505.40 tl12. O ther rcaources ___ 971.33 fr13. Expenses in cxccss of....................... fc

oamlngfl ...... .................... ,080.15 bi------------------ to

T otal ........................... ,...$105,340.28 ^LIABJLITIEB. ' to

1. lad lv ldua l dopoaits sub- It je c t to chcck ...... 35,103.00 ig

, 2. Savings donoalts ......... 133.08 _ |5. U m o cortlficalea of do-

posit ________________ 10.440.75 “C. C ashier’s chocks ______ 013.41fl. Duo to o the r bfinlcs '(do-

jw sits) _______ ____ ___ 323.44 BiT olal deposita ...... .'....I 55,074.2a «

10. Capital clock paid in....$ £5,000.00 • 11. Surplus .... ................ ....... 3,500.00

14. R llli payable, iDcluding oblld itlo iis rop rtso iting • monoy borrowed ..........- 7,700.00

15. Rc-diaoounts ............. ....... 13,475.00

Total ........................fita to of Idaho, Counly of Tw in \

Falla, sa. II , L . IL U crryfie ld , cashier of the

abovo naoied bank do solemaly swear t i a t tho abovo statom ont la truo lo the best o f m y knowlodgo and .belief.

L. n . M E R R Y nE L D , .Cashier.


Dircctora. Subscribed and sworn to boforo mc

thia 13th dny of M ay, 1921.I .c e rt ify thnt I am n o t an officer of

o r direc tor of th is bank.P. w . W A c n i io i / r z ,

(Seal) ‘ N otary Public.

The W onderful T lg r li.T n a B asdod to tbo m o . o o r« t h u

QOO o l le i , th e T lgria Is n a t l ja b le for t o y boat oo t dm w lns n o re tt)iu> Bbont « l |h t fec i. R iver ^ tea m e n go to Bsc* dad, thouglt they often n iir ts ro o n d CD Oie ahJfllDg banka. —

Gas Buggies—The fable o


, M V 1 O O N 'T 1K N O V THE F » ?5 T I T)C CW T+1IN<S /4B O U T

' Newits under this

VO. 142.. Boport o f th « O oodltlos o f tho

IDAHO e iA T B B A K E If At T w in Fallfl^ l a tlt» 8 U t« of Idahi

a t th o Olow o f Bosliuiss A pril 26, 102

. . . . ...-BEJ30U E0E8.1. ' S i r on han d 0,744.6

*1 3. Dno f ro m ’b anka ______ 22,088.86 S. Choeks and ' d ra f ts on' ; , opicr banka --------------- 1,700.1

7- i4. O lhor cnsh itoma ______ 52Q.Ifl '5 . Loans and discounta _ . .'134,501.9^ «. pTordrallta ------------ - qo.H;

,7. Blocks, bonda and n-ar',ranU .................................. 15,077.5

0 9. Clalma, judgm ents, ctc... 128.4i . 10. R anking houso, furnl-

0 turo nnd fix to rcs ............ 17,089.2;>• 12. Other rcaourtea .............. 243.6-

7 Total ................... ............073.3:

f L T A B IIim F,8 .

1. Individual deposits sub-.. jc c t to c h c c k __________.^170,388.8!2 2. Savings deposits ...... ...... 24,542.1i

5. lim e cerlifleatfrtrofTilo-■1 poait ................... ............... 52,921.211 0. C ssbicr'a checka ..... . 4,liil).a': 7. Certified chockd ............ 532.6!

Total deponlt« ............$252^74.4:

! 10. Capilal slock paid in _ « 60,000.01' 11. flu rp lur .................. 0,500.01.

12. U ndivided p rofits, Ipaii . exponsc'K, in lcrost -nnd

ta x es.p a id .............. .......... 2,008.0!r 14. Dills payable, including , J obllffitlona rcpri'senling

moni-y borrowed ............ 88,530.2.S

! Total .......... ..................J4300,073,'J.i■ S ta te o f Idaho, County of T itIii■ , Foils,

I, L. P . Rroeken', cashier of the above named bank do aolemnly awear t lia t Iho abovo'Btalemont is Irao to tho beat of m y knowledge and bolief.

L. P. BRACIJEN, Caahicr.

• CORRECT— A ttc rt: , ,C. N . BEATTY,

' ■ C. J . HA HN ,Dircctora.

Subscribed aod sw ori/ to beforo me this J3lh day o f Mny, 1021.

I certify th a t I am not an officer of or dirccior of th is bank.

J . a KEEL, (Seal) J N o la o ' I'ubllc.

. AIL Add to Burial Calm s.I t w as Em erson who orl|:loatcd tho

costom, a till lo vogue, fu r every v isitor to T borcou '8 grave , n e a r Boatou, to leave two Btooca oo th e 9 II0 tliere, nnd toko ono aw ay os a Kouvcnlr. Stono c a lm s n t tho jr iv c s ld c of beloved and g rea t men a rc found In muny widely varied j ia r ta ^ q f the globe. In Masai the re la a snpc re tlU ous'fear o f moving tbo body o f a person who died away from tho k ran L ' I t Ir le ft w here It fell, and a ll who puss th a t way add a bongb. n h a n d f^ of gniH*, o r li Rtono to ensure It r e n . In Sweden and In tlio Scotch' h ighlands a alm ilar cus­tom Ib found here uud Uiere. lo Syria It Is a common p rac tice fo r tlio Mos­lem s when coming In sigh t o f - aacred pjace, such na U cbron or the lomb or Moscs^ to ndd 0 stone . Just aa In nil of D orthem A frica a c a lm Is commonly erected nud (.'onsiuntly added to, n l tho shrine o f oil tbo suinis.

RAILBOAD TIME TABLE(C ity e r U oun ta ia T ia * )

BastboojulNo. 16,0..----------D epart 6 :i0 %. a .No. 84______ d e p a r t S :4( p. m.

WMtbOIDldNo. 83......... — D ep irt lilO p. mNo. 156______D sp art 4:46 p. m.

EOOBBflOH BBANOH T B A m SohUtbottad

No. 389---------D epart 12:46 p. n .

Hoztbbenud No. 8 4 0 --------4 :t0 p. ■ .

M A 1 L 2 U E B U P

No. 16e a t e a . m.No. 83 a t OOOD.N a IBS a t 4 p . a .No. 64 a t S ^ a .Bogeraoa b raaeh a t aooa.The forsgoiag a a i l m akaap la

epera tlre a sd a ffa e tiv i u d t r e> diaary eondlttoaas. i i a m a t amooat o f m ail ibould be drop* ped a t abont tb a tagnla^ eletiitg time it woold be bipoaiib le to diapateh the a a i l o s tha prealaa


I of tke modern Sir W alt

CJNMfi etn- f W CflS VEMT 11 SU J<K 6 T D E A P- T m » . 1iN 5PE C T 6 EN TIEM A N »5 I

:Afl6U e B W FIXIN6 THET9 VHERE c A o a o n E T O fi-JI T B O U « £ > — “ — T----------- 1!»■/ r — ■ V



trs Claii_head, One Ce:

B y a c t u a l c o u n t i f o u i

t h e s e p e o p l e w h a t y o i

^ e s f o r s a l e o r r e n t , t h

Ssis? »o- w-Bepoit o f th e Oonditlon of the

10.12 T W IN FA L L S B A N E tt TBUST Ol a t T w in F a in , In th e BU t« of Idaho,

'• “i: th'o Olbao o f BnalneeB A pril 28, 102 TlESpUBCES.

•751 1. Caah on hand ______ ;$ 20',753.'>8.40 2. Duo ftom bSnka — .... 134,832.:

3. Chocks and d rafts on19.22 o th e r 'b a n k s ------------ ■4,403.113.6-1 4. O ther caah items ------ 770,1____ -5. l^ a n a a sd dlacounts.. 1.JI97,024.1■3.33 0. O verdralls ' .................. 3,810.'

7. Stocks, bonda andw arm nts .......... ........... :i70,020.1

9. Claims, judgm ents, ole , 4,070.:,8.8S' 10; Banking- house, furni- .2.10 turo a ^ fix tures ...... 05,108.(

11.^.Other real estate ....... 10,313.:1.21 ' ’ ' ----------------lO.ij.' T o ta l .......................... ♦1,035,788.12.63 U A B IL IT JE S .

). Jadividnnl dopoal t.a :.^ '' r r .rub jec t to c h o c k » 72fi,570.!

2 .-Savings depoalta ....... 109,310.!4. Demaud certifica tes of

dopoalt ___________H53,S20.<0. C rah lcr’a checks ....... 12,150..’7. Certified checks ....... 1,391..'k P » o . to otbei- bonks

(dopoaits) ...........- ...... 37.C45.CTolal deposits ....... 1,102,041.:

10. Capital stock paid in 100,000.c "*’* 11. Surplus ...........■ 75,000.1]

12. U ndivided profita, lc « ' the cxponsca. In terest andrear taxes pnid -------------- 18.820.Ctho 13. Rcaerved for taxes ...... 53.t

14. Dills payable, includ­ing obligations ropre-

r. scntlng monoy bor-rowod .............. ................ 305.000.fl

15. Ro-discoimts .........' 207,230.210. O th}r llabilltiea; -

J. L o iter .of c r e d i t ' ........ 300.0-Intorcst collected but

n o t earned ........- ..... 7,333.7

o'' T o ta l ....._ . l ..........- .....$1,936,788.8S ta te o f Idalio, County -of Twi

Palla, as.'■ I , J . Q. Bradley, cashier o f tho abov

nnmod bank do aolemnly tw oar thn Ihd nbovo s la tcm on t.b truo to tho bes

tbo of my knowledge ai)d bellof. lo r J . 0 . BRADLEY,to Cashier,

md CO RR ECT-A U cal:,ni, J . S. BUSSELL,

L, T . W RiOUT,DiroctOM

Mt Subscribed and aworn lo beforo mi ins thla le th day of May, 1021., ,5 I certify th a t I ara no t nn officer 0:

ii or iliroctor of tb ia bank./ f l . Eaton,

' “ (Seal) > 'olary Public.


REN T HORNBECK’S PORDS - J T hey ’ll gel you Ihero and bring yoi

back. •0 . _____________________________________of 0LBA N BE8. -

liy Carpets, rugs, navajos. Spota rc j]o moved; color rostored; work done

a l your fidme. Phono -7.W. K irk OJean- iag Co. W rito general dolivery.

— 'C A N D Y 'M A K IN o 'B U S IN E ^ li ta r l a t ' home; eveiy th ing fum iahed; men- women; $30 weokly. Bon-Bon Co.,rblladclpb ia, P ^ _____________________

MOTOBIST8, horaaitar whaa j n b rin e your ears to us for repalra, wi will te ll yoD b«f«r« w* M art ja a t v k a t i t will eo a t L U d AotoaobUa Oa. >

PIR ST CLASS • dreum aklng and lad les ' U ilortng. Misa E. A. Kellogg, 218 Second'N .__________ ^ ___________ .

MONEY TO LOAN 'MONET T o i o A N o a ' ^ ^ e r a

dwellings A rthur L. Swim. Twia Falll.




KEB.'-HCK-!- / how COUIO IT THE e e w TTiE P lM lP E U € H T - \0 0 f l P H lE N O -'tO J T f lO U B tE I& TTlEO Ry 1* AU. » N T H E « W K \ v V R O N < S -P L U € ^ -M T ,V ____


i1 .

IS"'m m \4m S

- i ' •


issifi<ent per w ord piu r o a t o f every f iv e homes ?ou have to sell, t ra d e , b a r th e position you W ant o r i

^ FOR SALE-^REAL ESTATIf 0 0 . POR 6 A U : OR T R A D B -40 ac lio. a t sood wntor right, on highway. J . 1021 Gatho, Hanaen, I daho, Rooto 1.

POR SA LE - 1 B eautiful s ix ro bungalow, friiit treea, flowt

83-U-. femeni w alkr, e leetrie slove. Ej terms. F o r particulars Inquiro !

! S 1 ______02(.as f o b S A L K -a m .l l room lns boo ilO .lJ M, p ., n ™ ..

)M.OO SIX BOOM HOUSE, tio .o In, . I t ijiO.31 ly m odern ,. fireplace, large cemi

baioiacnt w ith ho t and cold w ater ni.n S n l““ '!mont drain ; garage, cement d ri313.79 wny; original coat. $8000; $5750-tal — — il; $2500 caab, balance to rm sj will tt '88 .6 . up jQ 13000 in A-1 f i r s t mortgogo 1

per. Addrcas P. 0 . Box 2 4 1 . ' -

370.53 SALE — One room houae310.80 wheels, bu ilt m fcalurcs, sink, rani

bedding, dishes and eooking uleni!)20.40 Mnin ave. S., or pho [59.ni 351R. . ^ _______________

POR SALE—Oooa four TOom -hoi H5 05 sleeping porch; modem exce )415C icliool; guod le n

■' I’hone 1221B.

'OJ-?!! FOR B A L E -F lv e room b oM oT ^ shone street. CaU I^owlinij alloy.

KOK H A LB -T w t, room nouse; pn 120.C9 «900; c u b >400, balanee montbly pa 53.02 meuti. aS2 V»o BUren s t , Qoldea Ba

~ FOR RENTFO R R E J n ^ P iv o r o o ^ o u s o ; do

In; terms roaeoBoble. Phono 929M.

00.00 r o R R U N T -lB ire o - ro o ^ fiimlahi apartm oat, newly docoraled, clean. $J

33.7. Apply A partm ent No. 1, Sccond av — — and F ifth el. E,88.8J ' -------TwIl PO R R E N 'P -T hroo niec fron t bous

keeping rooms. C37 Third avo. W.

tjiat FOR R E N T -O ood location on trae: besl Shoshono; auftab

• for business purposec, warehouso 1 storage. Inquiro Room 9, Smlth-Bii

i r . ....................... ..................... _

FOR RENT—B uilding on Shosboi streot fouth. Suitable fo r garag a toro 'or warehouao; possoaaion Juno

•‘0 " ; Room 0, Bmith-Rico bldg.I m o ------------y - — — ------------------------

VOR BB N T-PuM Jlshed room; -wi )f o( furnish two meals. Phone G08\Y.

PO RRENT—Furnished bod room i f . modern bomo. . Phono 630W. SC

E ighth ave. E .

■ TOR R E N T -^ u so k e o p in g a p a rmc'ata; popular firlces; by week c

1 _ month; overylhiag furnished. Thyo’-i -<S8 Main N. ................

____ FOR R E N T -V o ry desirablo 0 rooimodom house, ex tra largo lo t; nowl

jQ. pointed and kalsominod Ihroughoul ]ono POf nionth. Inquiro Swim & Co Jan. I ’hono 501.

__ TOR KENT'—Modern rooms. <’I«aand warm. D anow Roomt, Pnon

a jjj- 18CJ.

FOK H E N T -3 lo o n /u rn l,b o a apn r m cn t A pply Api. No. 1, Second Avi

j „ and 5th S t E.

POR R E N T -F n m lsb ed rooms fc ~ llgb t housekeepbg., Phono 444W. ,

~ 1 W ATER ^ To ren t, 40 to 200 ih a n pijj, for th e seawm. A rthur L. Swim.

’ ' f o b E E N T - a U i f i g rooms. U — 6th A t i . E . Phoa* 7W -B

_ FOR SALE-HISCELLANEOU!i ? ! FO R S A L E -S lo c k y tom ato plan li

E a r l iu a , 01obo,'Pondcrosa. E arly Jow el, D w arf Champion, John Baer, Bonn

= Best, Beefsteak, Stono, Bed Hea*! Manyfold, Juno Pink, E arly Detroit Ooldon Queen (largo yellow) and Tel low Plum (preserving). Celery, e a t

I bage, eaullflowcr, pepper, muskmelo: I and egg planta Flow er plan tai pans>

(tster, verbena, snapdragon, hollotrop ' petunia, gypsophilla, da tu ra , n id e : glow ehryeanthemum and c a n ^ tu f l A n r tim e except Sunday. Falrvlo^ Ranch, cstjibllshct Ju ly , 1004. J . W

; . Spaekman. Tel. 550J3.

FO R S A L E - ^ a ln u t dlnlijg ta b l and chairs; roll lop desk. 216 T hin

» ave. N.

f l M N O T IN M K W I N M N •0 6 5 / 7 JC h a b t t o f r v o f i r m n o utC UR T H E O n Z IN S - IM TAUUNS-41 tu . J iV l (MVING- , l U HAVE YO

1— p


ed Acper insertion, aii e s i n T w i n F a l l s r e c e i v e T

i r t e r o r e x c h a n g e , , a b o u t y r t h e h e l p y o u n e e d — O n e (

iTE -OR SALE-MISCELLANEO~ ~ l-flK S A L i- j ju M U r . a w o j '

l o H tl . Slil T h ltd uv t. No. Phoao B

_____ IIEMSTITOUINO a o j PlooUagroom w orks on a ll sewing

chincB; price $S; personal cbeckj, extra. L ig h t's M all Order House, 127, Birmingham. Ala.

_____ POR 8A L £-.O no brand aew Chnn.A Jowcl 3-bumer oil stovo and ovcn.

Van Burea. _

FOR BALB—One team and harr >nlls .east and quarle r mile st

-r nnd W ashington sehool. ;

S l S A IX -S e o u . b .fo io bojI tnk.. aracBatc uf lead for spraying. 1l e '_______________________ _ 1X)R S A L E -Screcn doori, win:

jfrcpaa; bowaro, of, tho deadly ; •® have your 'screens -re p a ired .. Pb'

3 w iil "phone FOR SA L E -O oriinod Bed clc

seed, 99 per e e n t W. C. Cortis, B sen.

.housfl —ixccpt .FOR SALE-iYouiig dairy cows f terms, calf. Alao 0 h. p. gasoline engine. .

dress W in earo of News.

B. D; KELLOQO, agont f o r - L m er’i Dry A rsenate of l^ ad for n

-------- m aterial. Call Phono 050R. P. 0 . im . ■ _____

TOR SA LE—0 . A. C. Barred~R------ eggi, $1.60-per M tting. 708 Sixth: 1

E. Phono 378W.________ •_________

— FOR PU R E extraeU d boney eall close Qjni S ta te V ulcaniting shop; 46 c<

a q ua rt ja r.

lahed FO R S ^ E - Q o o d yonag m ares 1 $35. borMi, I welt broke, eaab or te r nvo. pbooB O-B-2. 0 . A. Ballie, Bolllc

Idaho. . .

ouso- ‘F O ^ B A L 'a ^ e w Diamond onto ti J- 30*3, $14.00; 30x8 1-2, 117.00. Inqn — Sout h Park Grocery. ____________

tab le r i lR SALB— Bicycles, trieyele i, ti or sod arceisoriea W erner's Bepair Bh

-Biee fU Socond s t E.

— - IX )B -S A L B -F irst and sec6nd c ibono ting hay, loose or baled a t ito re . Cur rage . Idaho; Phone 64SRI.

■ FOR S A L E -N o w . E den elect — — w asher; cheap. Inqniro 620 Aah it.

TOR BALE—Idaho grown a u r*— stock in eold collars, dorm ant, a sd

ic f lra t class condition fo r.p lan tin g ui301 Juno • la t; complete tto ck o f tr«

shrubs, own root roses, vines and -~ r . ronnmls. K im berly N ursenes, Kimb

'y . _________________

^ FOR SALE-AUTOMOBILE:room- PQJJ gxL E —T htee paasonger roi

o r trade fo r good yonng bora 1300 Iba. and up. 5 1 6 .P i f lh W . C a fte r 5 :80 .' .

FOB SALB OB T E A D B -S tudeb i „nnt> er rM diter in oxU a good conditio

1^1 accept Fo rd in trade. Pho____ SCOW.part- '

*'"■ POSITIOH WASTED“ T“ WANTED—Position by oxperionc

itenographor, 14 m onths legal woi• ■ E thy l Mason, 730 S eventh avo. E.

WANTED O irl wflnta . genei____ houaowork in small fam ily. P . 0 . B

U J 171, CUy.

___ WANTED—Y oung woman o f abllli i iQ w anta general e lencal w ork politic

A d ^ e is Box 25, earo Naws.

? “ ■ W A H T E D -W o ik bT t i l IiOD. T lii

•"y* HELP WAHTEDcab WANTED— Girl ftor gnnorftl hou; elon work. 312 T en th ave. E .nay, ------------------------------------------------------Zop'>, M£}7 w anted to qualify for firem lden brakemen; experience unneeessar ;uff. transporla tion fnm lahed, W rite irlow Scoter, S o p t, B t Lonis.

t o TRADEable ------------------------ -----------------------------h ird TO T R A D E -) jy equity in ci

properly fo r Ford car. 600 So. Mai

W^OTflER- <m /vm iVE (BHOTTB mMNCIr 4 B d U T ? (KOBE H M N »A T E T< Y OU / e v e r t /M E 0

i 'p -

I m

"T , ■ •tDAY,MAY14,1921

1 Pageind WORTH IT tT h e N e w s , D a i l y . T e l l a l i i

y o u r r o o m s f o r r f e n t , h o u s ^

! C e n t P e r W o r d — P h o n e 3 2


' having fo n n fo r aalo: sta lo cash prioe • - and full deseription. John J . Black,

g At i.]ai,o Chippowa PaUs, Wis.

J . lO c W A N T K D ^ \ f « jh Jersey cow. t . Box pyito niuat b« right. Phono 1641W

Chna. A. Johnson, Kimberly to a d . .

WANTEID—Children to cato fo r dnr-

” ******” *

W A N T E D ~T o frigh ten your, b o ae soulb with our fam oui Mc.Murty pa in ts; 49

s tep i from poitoffice to-onc^axeluiYK pain t and w all p n p ^ r^ o re . K unkle t

________ __ __________________W ANTED—To trade high grado

7 — piano for good Ford; piano la in Twia Falls. W rite p . 0 . Box 502, Burley.

ETiono W A N TED -W ToaiaV e your "hoae walls- nnllo n i th our guaraatoed Ma-

■ r— M urtry Palnta . 40 steps from ‘poat- 'S ''* '’ offico. Tbo axdusivo pain t store.

“ ““ ■ JCunkle and Bemiller, Phono 231.

— TT W ANTED ~ Your rw o r blades to ' Iharpen. W ern er 's Bepalr Shop, 222-• A'l S « c .rd . 1. E . , .

^ IliSiSS OBM !> 0f i a u t o E E P A im a

’ E B lP m B A U tO B H O P - P o r t - 8 p i5 i------- l l t a . . H ave yom* Ford repaired rightall a i “ by O eorge.” Phone TeSW. t t l c«nt^ Third a v o , a

r ^ d " BAKEBY» « « • W AONBB’S B B B A D -W hole w heat. lUtor, graham , ryo, nu t, milk and Viaaiui

bread. Cakes and pastry. 210 M ala ave. .N. Phone d ________________

T O T O O V c iiB S -^ W ln d ih la id s . 'I S ' Bhop, ine t work. Moon’i Bhop. Phone I .


^urry. *3. 4 0 . will ta v o you monoy on yoor • pa in ting , paper hanging and kalao

_ _ mining. Phono 0. 0 . Oeo, 8G4M. W. DCtile P. G rin itead , 004B.

U—. . . . . . . TEABS7XE .......... .n a j -----------------------------------------------------------id in OBOZISB I& A NB FB B' O OKPAITr. u n til Phone 948. u e e i , , •i po- f-------------- -----------------------------------------\»bor p j - o f e i S j i o M . d l


ro o T D. X aALM ON— A ccountant 30s" She- >rsei, ihone s t S. Phono 066.

Call • . _ i _ATT0BHE7B

ibok- O E A Sr X S o B t n i - i i w y e r . Smith tion; RIm BnUding.

JO H N W . Q B A B A M -U w y er, Bu T a ^ T n m Bldg. Phon i 986-B.

AHHBB B. W X IS O H -U w y k r. '

HOUBB C. MTTiTi> —Boyd B oU iiic .

s w m m k m i m j s Y - A t i « u j t i a t taw . P ra e tie i in all lonrta. Tw ta

. • ■B. IL.W OLrE _ U 1.J .I , S o o u i u 4

___ fl. over Idaho D epartmeat e tore , Twia,ility F a lll, Idaho. _________

“ »”• J. H. VnBB-Uwjroi. Pallj O T IuIu l io llee tion d e p a r ta e n t O fficei — Boomi 0 and 7,over Twin P a lli B aak * Co., Tw in Palls, Idaho.

DON J . H B N S T —Boob 1, Pow ar Bld«.

' OOSTEAOTOEOUSO- --------- - - ■ ■

F . B. THOHPBOH - Oeaeral ooa- trae to r; bnngalows » specialty. 40»

jmen. Sixth A ve. £ . Phooe 614W.lary: — — ----------------------------------------- —

A. M txtura T h a t Makes fo r Succeai. N olbing v e n iu m l, ootblog gained. U

~ t aaylug' w llb which a ll a re fam llla t T he lorge m ajoricy of auccesafol moo assumed reasonable r i s k . when they begnu tb c lr corccrs. SQCCcaa resoH i

ta iZ combination o f bn in%comuioQ sense and coorage.

bj B«ok

■ O fF ,Y oy« I ('r tX W TE C ^ - ' ^

T o w d s r e . s j | _ i | . } , .

ON \ o o - / —


jioniLsmjF H iiii:

, — I"'"I to c a l A ttorney Snccooda 0 . B.

Channel a s H ighw ay Oom- m ission’s ObairmaQ tun

■ t’ny

KiMlinK A ilicr B. Wil*OB prc«idflat, tho new buniil of T w in KuMs highnfty <, 1 (llfltrlet «niiimtMionora, th is mcrninft ,|o^ took of/ic<- in »ou t i e board removed coir

. hy pourl ruling. TIjoao aeated nro, io - rj,a. Hide* I'roBldent Wilnon, A ttlile B. Mann, > ■ o f Hansen, nml Nick flm ith, o f Hollla- nj„j lor. TItoBc retiring iirb: C. n . Clinnnol, j£a. A. I^iHon and J . M. Btoelgmlth. ,„oi

TliP oTKnniiiitlon in ttU nR \-nt tallcfl prij fo r JO o ’clock thin m orning, and iiliort- ojli Jy a fte r convoniiiK Mr. Wilson was moi

, named clminnan. B lim rt H . Tnyior w m \Vli retainod tcmpotaTlJy an n fc tttoo '- tion* . oui urer of the bonril, Imt- no othor aji- Jac< jw lntincnti wore m ndo' a t tliln moot- *' lHR. ilio board ndjourncd n t noon for .10, two VouTB, aad w en t in lo SMsiuu agai'^ nV

• a t Bo'clock this afternoon. W lio thoror ucn no t the comtoissionora woulil consider com clianj^eg in tlio o fficia l Btnff n t tliln sen

I rnoottnjf M r. WlUon woui»\ no t In ilitalf. a 'ld Ho sta led th a t’ the ch ief liuslnou of inlc lbo board fo t Uic p rcseni would lm ” flhcckinR In and j-cttlnK apnuaintu'l w ith tlio KtuUnc of affnir*. Uc atlvt^^U iat whnt clianRcs in of/ir.« |tcr*onncl and arc made would probnlily not bo mado T crr quickly.

0 . H. Chnnncl, form or -picsldcnV ofthe board of coramlBalonors, a ttcndod y ” tills mornlnB’e niecUni: fo r a short tiine, “ ‘w nnd offered lili aorvlcca in lu-lpinj: lils A- suceeMors In tim nttly in toMth wUli

■ conditions. He gave tliem suurancc' tlm t lio would l « n t th e ir N tvlec any tim e they eared to call on him formas- i aistnrieo or for informnlii)n. |


A rrangem ents Oompletcd fo r lior Schedtile M eeting Noxt w.

W ednesday Evening ^

1.NiirimrrfinlJMlifflil nasnball league r«|>rexentativcs la r t nlRht held nn or* . RunirjiUon mcotinR a n d mnde plan# fo r r ttic w aK in’# play. -

T eam s represented :it the mooting wnre: Moofic, I. P . S ., Banks, E lks, T K lei'trifians and U 'g lon . D. C. Omy- Moi licftl ftiipoatcd fo i tUtj Mooie, H . ,T« of ] D lnkelarker for the E loclrlclnns;, H nui- 0 . I^Autcrliarh for the K lk t nnd Ls- (fion, A rthur Borkwllr- fo r tho I. D. S i, and E . ? . Stottler.' hank*. jl .

N f r t W ednm lay evening naothor ncwlon will bo hold in M o o k hall w ith team rap ta in s and iiinnagcm present. / ; A t th is sussinn n iwhcdule fo r tho sea- ,{ son will be iidoiiled nnd o lh e r nrrango mont* mnde for carry ing on thn a f ­fair* of the league. Thin afternoon , a fomDiltlce composed o f AtUiiir Boek- wit*, H . h. D inkclarkrr nnd E . P . 8 tot- Ucr If meeting w ith M. C. Mltehell o f ,Ihn high' sehool. to arrange for tho •' line of Lincoln f k ld t h b year. F ra n k nor K le ffner wM mado ahairm un of la s t Thi n ig h t 's raeetiog. for

■ Mr.


H O L D A N N U A L M E E T IN G ^

D n n S a tW o id o{ TacH IsiU tiita «1H A d d t« « P r u h j t n l u i O lnb TimiU |7

Thi* M cn’t aasooiatlon o f tbe P re i- ly ti 'r ian ehureh will hold th e f ia t l iiieeting of the year n e x t T n u d iy /* evening a t 0:30 o 'elock, in the ehnrch *•'“* parU.M. TIiP chief apooker o f .the uvening will bo Dean .1. E . B e t^ rfo rd of llu! Idahu TcchnlPftl In jU tu te a t I’ricutollo, who will- diseuBs tbe n b - > r l “ Tlic Singlo TM i.” bnil

.111 addition, a m uileal p rognua h ts The been arranged. A fte r th e addrcai t i c "I"'' nNKoriatlon will elect o f f ic e n for tho next year. ' _ ,

o o n r a t o o o n t e n t i o n . ii

K. .1. O slrnndcr, eommander of tho Crnnd t'oinmandery, K o igh tr Tem plar }“ 'r (if Mnhn. leaves M onday for Ooeui p'-’f ■rAleno to a ttend nn nnnuni awembly o f th e 'g ran d eotomnndery No. 10,^and i".'"' Charlpn Jonen will a ttend th e conven­tion of (he Koyal Areli rhnptor, to bo ^ liebi u t the um n tim e nnd place. U r. Joni's in head nf tlio lornl R. A. M> rhn j'ter. _ '

JtTDOMENT CLAIUBD O K DEBTThnmnn Kyiie i« made ilofendant in \\

au action fnr jiidgmeni, filed in thi; {„ < U ittric t court by tlic Keel-WJIkiaon- coh Btronk Lum ber nim n.my. Tho aniouni fni|; alleged to be dne fo r m ateria ls sup- |i.(i p lied by tb r p la in tiff rompan.v U „f •410-00.

• lieoiLOW P B IO E a • den

Wc axe p ricing all our goodi on c*as p tlM only. ' On nn a f te r May W, T 1D2J, ^ r . icrni" ^atc l aub; Oall a t'o Q r a l 1 a to te and-gct our-prlr<-» before buying. Ing E very th ing reduced., H lar O rorery, nen J . T . Pa tlon , Prop.—ftdv. a l ;

Dto Rubber Floor Varnirli In renciv fnn you r floor*. K unkle 4 Ik m itle r; only 40 step* froffl posloffiee.--ndv. B

A N N O U N CThe Office S erv ice B ureau h i

ca tion on the ground (loor, 116 ] W o hsvo also onlargod o u r Jo l

can now handle any th ins in. Job ] • es before placing y o n r o rd er o r o

need of a PnbUc S tenographer,. Service Line^ - •


wan . / ' ■

M M M iO BOaU to A ttend Ohnrch an d An-

nnal ExorciaoB is S e n t • Fo rth to All

Signed by, offleera of Dna .\[cCool£ jionl. No. 33, do])arlmcnt of Idaho, 0- A. It., Mumorial day orders havo been bueri iwued. .T ho orders aro ‘ 'S pecial No. I , 'I a n d ^ ^ n a li tu to a call -to a t tunil nn'nual luomorlal aorvlces on Sun- <1ny. May 29, in tho F ira t M cthodbl church,. hH well aa to a ttend aod par- tleipato in regular Memorial day cx- erclics on tfao following dny. Tho or­ders, signed by C. A. Onlraiider, poat eommnnder, and .T, >r. Ilk-e, udjutant, read: „

' ‘I’ursunnl to orderK (roin nntional Diid dopnrtm ent hcadijnarters, Sundav, May L'n. lOL’l , will bu obsurvi'd nii Mq- riiorial Hunday. l l i e uminl and appro- p rlotc aervico will bo held ut Ihe Metli- odlat chu re ji.ii t 11 o'elort' a. m.. svr' mon by llii*‘i>/ul(jr, llov. Kdgnr I. Wliito. The nifmherii uf the jionl wilj OMNnWo-ai lO-.jO In Uil- p a rk ad­jacent to the nhiireh,

* '0 n Mcnioflnl dny, Monday, i l a v 30, .the chief .fentures will bu a j.arodi- aV 10 tt. III., followed by memorial nervleo and decorntlon of g n iv r i n t thi.) cemetery. A t 2:30 ii. m. a memorial icrvlco will be held >a the hlghvsebool audilotium w itli a a addiea* by Super Inlendont H al Q. Bluo.

" I n thP nbservanee of th is day thu local ])Ost o f Iho Amerli-an IvCgloii will i«ln wjllv th e Q raaii Army, dltecUHR ind pa rticipa ting in the pnrudc. -A de- lulled program wlll bo pu;ll»hed la ter. ■

“ All iiffilia ted and ]iatrlntlr no siotles Bte cordially and vivrin’ntly in v itcd lo jo in 'in tlie 6ervin'» of.liotN Iheaq davn, and tho I^idleM nf the 0.A. It. aiu asked to 'jiruviili' ihe flowers for decon ilion ."

l ^ o c i a l j ^ o i e s

Kdlled by U rt . £ . B. W illiams I T eleylione 890 • : j

.Mrs. Oliver E a ra tad on tortainod-pie ' Fortnightly c lub F rid ay afternoon a t ! hor liofflo on S ix th avenuo uoat. Mra. W. C. H aszard nnd ilra . Leonard wcro \ gueata, thu members preacnt were Mea- ' dames Bari P e lt, Edwiird Cooper, F . W. ' Bronaugh, H . B . Barber, C. H . K rengel, , M. (is U iU hell, W . T . Lcallo, L . E. Sal- tiHly and W . H . EldridKC. Bridge wa- Ihl; diveraion fo r Uie aftoruoon. ' |

--------- 1Thu Pon Uolleaie club will 'm eoi on

Monday evening, U ny 14, n t the home I uf M ir. V„ U. H tlnockc on Bceflnd ave- ’ nu(- uaat. j

Mrs. Frank Horn woa huatcHS to the ' 11. N. A. elub W ednesday nflernoon. A general social tiriiu w ith musio waa en- ' joyed and dain ty rofreBhraents.Bcrvod 1 by tho hosteaa naalated by M rs.-U abol , Harwood. M rs. and Miss Shumwny were gucata o f Iho club nnd twelve lUHnlicni were iiresent. The nex t m eet­ing will bo w ith Mrs. K rivnnek, 421 | PSflli nvenuo north. ,

Mra. Kliio H anbo cntcrtoiDcd a t din- jnor a t the H e rb it and Rambo atoro on iThursday uvening. Covert were laid <for .Mr. and U rs . Blake und aoo, Boberl, IMr. and M rs. K. Herbal, Mra. N’olliu 1 l‘hnl|M, >[udamc. H erbat nnd Mra. .Ram-bo. • . ’ ~ I

.T he H lar Social d u b will m eet wiUi < Mrs. Bd 8. Johnson, 103 Poplnr ave- I IIUD, on U onday w ith U rs . Jam cS Sm ith, Mra. Quaylo, U rs . Chns. Jones and Mrx. | [Irouao hoateaioi. i

Thu Episcopal Ouild met in Iho ao- pial reom o f tho Pn'flsh hall Thuraday ; iflorliobtL Tlio meeting was presided ^vcr b y ' the- president, Mre. J . W. Wheeling. I’lans wero eomploted fo r 11 rnmmngo aalo on Saturday nex t In a luiilding adjoining tho public lib ra ry . , The. remnindor of tho afternoon woa : Kprut Aoclolly and tho hostcssca, U r t . : K 1’. Newman to d U rs , .T. A .-K eefer, (^■rvi'd refrcahmonta, . ' ,

--------- 1Honoring U ra . George Longtelge, U ra . ,

Cnrl WuHhburn enterta ined a t n liand- kereblef shower on TPhuriday afternoon. ; Pororutiiins uf po tted plants and apple < lilu«snniK were used.. Games were cn- jtiyi'd and refreshm ents served.

. — —II (

. £ ) e a t ] i 5

, — IWord liiiK been n rc iv e il « f ih» deiitli.

It Vinilfl, Oklnhomn, of Mrs. llcuvnrd ,'onover. Mrs. Conover hud been ir railing licnlth for w m e montlir, nml | efl here in O rtuber H- go lo the home , )f her i.arenlK in Oklnhema, hoping - :linl Iho lower nltltude i 'imld be nf lienefil lo her health. .She wa-s a re«:- lent o f Twin Palls fo r aiveral years.

The body of Sirs. Addle .SjK'nrer ’U ' U the DeSVHt m ortuary flin^>el awnil- Ing completliin o f delailn for the fn neral. Decedent, years (tf nge, died ll a loi-n! hoipilnl llii« murnlng. Mhe WM Oie wife uf Willinm b)ii-nfer. i former n-nidiiig near Klinberl.v.

a sA D ' ^ " o L A ^ m r o i s a

CEM ENT nhM m oved to th e lr new lo- 6 M ain Avo. E ast, lob P rin tin g D epartm ent ^ d b P rin ting . Beo'ns fo r prio-' r oontrac t. Also sco ns if in ir, o r anyth ing in th e Office I

' S IE R V I C E B U R E A U


IN , S E A B B Y T O V ^ ' ' '

I« t t N Bhabbytovm they do nol M I caro i f th ln g t look-scody ev­il erywhcro, Thoy liavo no pep.

Ihev 've ln»i Ihclr gripjl thoy gltjijdy s it around .ind jip , in envy''! loncs, o f Qlosayville, llie shltilng villngo on tho hill. Oli, 8habbytowi| is punk ond i>riiy,

■ and it shows symptoros o f do- ■ cay, and straiiKofs pooling ~

k through rem ark “ It.su re ly (lutcn )- W k to tho A rk .” “ Cloan-np II ’ and I’a in t-u p " innkes men frown ll nlong tho s trccta o f . Bhabby- L town- 'A enn o f pa in t m i^ee no 1- appeal to th is bum village, down ll n t heel; tJio peoplo tliink there Li r- im M'nso In going to «o mueh ■ c- expenso; so th ings nro always r- going down, a a d gu tting worao it in SlirJibytown. I t alw ays givei t, m y Mill a th rill when I arrlvo

, in Olossyvillc, The town loot's il liko n blooming b ride; the pe.i i'i pie lake a h e arty pride ln ’maR>V inir things look clean nnd bright,I' und In tholp labors lake delight.I- T hey 're lavish w ith the helpful, r ' paint, selec ting colors chaste or i quaint, and decorating every IJ shack; thus' w arding o ff defay'n 1- o tlaek , and m aking all the •

b ^ Id ln g s look liku building rend y " o f in a hook. And atraugon .,1’ .w hen they «('c Ihc tow n,, s.iy, l l “ H ere w e’ll come nnd ■ solllo ll.) down, and raiae us 10 kblr ll apieco, and livo nnd d ie aa vlick )l __#a grease ." Thia happy burg, r , ^ M ripbJ abrad , wJiiJo Sbabbv-

towo is prone, and dead.0 .W ALT MASON.II - OleoQ-Up P a y l i AOMvUjrK . ------J

:• imouiCLiiiPOF1 TiEGIllf IS PINED

C om m ittees H ave Completed Schedule fo r Oenoral Seno-

. va tlon of Town

No wore ennipletcly thorongh eani- pnign for any single scheme nf b e tter-1

; menl liiw ever lieen roocelvcd than th n t dc.ilgned fn cover Iho e lty 's ann- unl Cleun-np. seheduled for nex t Uon-

. (luy. Tlie genernl elean-up eommittee Im venm pleled plnns. nnd subordin-' n te bndies under the dlreellnn of bloek

' rnjilnliH, now wn>t nnh' Ihe dnv for / doing. • ■ • .

lli’n tlii 'f t riioiK'niJiiin by nil eSvie ordiTH, rily dcparlinenlH, eliurehe.i nmi

'■ sinillur rnmmunlty seein.ns hns beer. IiMniised. givlni: rise Jo '(h e belief.lhu t tlll^ miiivnlitvn of th e r i ly In nil o f j l s pnrllons wilt be enin|ileli' in detail,

in Arrnngenii'nts hiivi- been made t>> ic give Ihl- Boy Sodiils’ .{irgonlMiion E- ehacge I'f m -etn l v ity ilifltncls, nn'l

the ri'.si o f the lin 'orporated town will be 111 charge of cUirens under orders of reginnal heads,

I« cottMcUott w itu th e Clttaa-u» «-uni|iiiii;a thu genernl eommillce hrt>

, niuile Ihe fnllow ing ' nnnounrement of I lienefils lo be defU’ed from a cleanly .. kept •fity- .' “ ThU I'unipnij-ii rediiee* fire Iniiur

nnce rntes und fire b|ioies: inerenscs (iroperty vahics; mnkes gardens of vacan t lo ts ; awuts the f ly ; Improved U ie 'health nf the ■'nnimnniiy; develop: Uurdeiis; ninke.i rienner nlli'.v!., nireets.

>• .vnrds nnd homiM; edui-ute* ehildren in n fire prevenllnn nnd elean-iip meAsurex, d rn lle rls riibbbih; mifke* mure altrae- I, liv e and safer homes nnd plaees of iu business. -t ‘ ' I t d'-velopes u enmmnnlty rp irit

Ihnt iKTmanently insures a clenn'cr, safer, healthier and more beautiful

ll r ity . Tho clounesi town in the world ;- Is the best one to live i n . " , .h, ---------------


0- ______■y F ile r AnUiorlttes W an t H a lf UUa of '•i H ighw ay Bnrfaeed on W ost Side / . T ti t P « k)r —n A ili'legntlon composed of memher-i ^ o f Ihe Kiler Highw ay Dl-rtrict aud the « town adm iniatration of PHor. w aited «- ii|Kin Ihe rounty rniiimisHinnri^~l(i'nny r , tendering a request fo r+ l/e surfneinj:

o f a liiilf mile o f road nlong the coiiniy fn lr grounils. Those ptesontlug the pe-

*. linn u-ere: II. J . W eaver nnd Arihur Andemon, for th o hlRhway d is tr ir t; I.,

’• M. Kmith nnd TIroVcr Davis fnr the !'• r lly . J . M. M nrkcl, uiciuagec of th-

Fnlr biiiird, nccompnnleil. tho party .The Nireteh of road nsked to i>e »tif

faced is from the a ta te highwa.v, smith of the fair grounds, to tlio nocUweiti corner o f thaf eni-lnsure. I t Is hnlf mile in Icui'tli and, neeording lo s|«erlfic;i- liiins of eonslruclion, can bc buill with cruvi.) top nn m k htiae fo r almut H . fino,

‘I Leading F ru ita.The elfiht leniUwB fruU« c o o tto » 4

' ' In Kew Yotk c lly during th e c o u n t of ^ one yenr wuulrt nil fKMsm freH lil cart.

'I'his H<U|M nmke n 'ln itii ^ 0 in lln

BEA D 'T H B O L A S S O '^ A M .

1- — — ------, n

: Ir g T j l f ^

I W S I You IF i t t i n g G l a s s e s i s n o t

t h a t ’s O u i

] P a r r o t t OI -— R e a l O p . t d m e t r i s


T r a l i rJffipClSE

P a te of A. D. Pollock, Form er B anker, Accused of Forgery,

, lu Hands of 12 Men

Lnle Ihia afternoon tho ju ry Im­paneled In the e ta te ’s ensc against A. D. I'olloek, former vice jiresldent of tho Bank of Hausen,* wns given thu C.1SC fo r a verdict. Pollock haa been on tr ln l m ost o f the laH cr pnrt o f tills week on a ehargo.Involving forge/y In eonnoetion w itb IhSloperallona of tho bnnk.

The easo itse lf had fur'11b basis n • prom issory nolo for S3500 bearing Hie

HiRnnturc of 0 . U . E tter, per A. D. P. Tlila no te tho sta to claim a,to havo been forjied. intlm atlijg th a t the do- fendnnl allem plcd to cnpy the style employed -In U r. E t te r ’a ehirography. In nddltlon the r ta te liaa coatcoded th n t slnco Iho su it waa inatitulcd, or

- Nhorlly liefore, tho .defendant - aildod tho “ per A. I). P . " na n means of de­fense ngninst the charge of forgery.

D efendnnt Pollock hsa never denied th n l lio bc lh wxtrte the noto and ^Sgncd it, bn t Ihroiighout bda Inaiated th a t hr did xo upon the authority o f U r. EUer, th n t nulhority being given over tho lelppb&ne oa M oy. 12, 152&, Mr; Pol­lock a tn ting th a t the reaaon he wai empoiTcrcd to w rllo thla paper waa tho inab ility of U r. E t te r to call n t tho

I bejik on th a t da te. Mr. PoUock hat snid tho noto waa given i s pa rt aecur- I ty for .1 « 0 0 0 loan made by tho Fol- e ral Kesetvo bank o f Salt Ijikc.

Qn till! uland Mr. W tcr has d«nlc<l

E_ thn l he cvor gavo Mr. I’olloek nuihor- n lly lo Hign his name to any nole, ond II l>ua Hubmitt'cd evidence tending to

prove .th a t on U ay 12, 1020, he waa en route w ith U r. Pollork from Salt

.ed Lnko nnd th a t had thero been any need lo aign nny aeeurity papcra for tlu) bank he could easily have done ao.

Mr. Pollock, replying lo questions by Ihe s lo tc ’e counsel, ai-ited tbn t he

u x -jm ade two nolea; one tho original, and 'f^ -jtlie o ther a renewal. Asked to cxplalii in ’* I whn paid the in terest nn the noto he n n - ' snid he Imd done so himself-. Thla pay on-;tiien l. lie snld, wns by rhcck to the tee-Jiiitik. He gave wbat" he bollnved .to H n 'jbe III.- diife when Iho check' w ns'w rit f c k ltc n fnr the inten-sl, but wns unable t-* fo /jf iiu l nny reeord of Iho Interest tran s

; nelion iu the records of the bunk In- • trodueed in evidence in court.

L aler in Ihc U ial Curtis Turner of i'|*'’ :ih e Twin i ’alla Bnnk & 'Trust com* i),n,t pnny, ia raid lo have dcclarod the in- i t '’ le rest was no fpalil '.by Mr. Pollock.

In explanation of hia claim lh a t he t'> hnd paid tho in terest on hia own ini-

ion tia tiv e 'M r. Pollock said the M500 n< iii'l eount of E t le r ’a w ith the baak- wa?

offset by an account the defendant P” bad w ith U r. E tte r fo r a like amount.

On tho stand U r. E tte r denied the ex- latcnce o f sneh a counter aeeount.

In an nlteiiipt to 'ln y the foundnUon for iinpenrhment of tho iritiic&a, the

niy defense iccalled "Mr. E tte r and pul him Jbroiigli a severe .g rilling in erosi

'Of exnminatlon un poinls b rju g h t uul by the stnlo. X a tc r F rank Goodwill, who

of Klnled he had known Mr. lilttcr a num- b e r of yenrs and wna wtjil nrqnaintei'.

'*!'■ with him . alnled ho had honrd Mr. Et te r suy he Avoiild “ send Pollock lo Ihe

i" pen if il takes mv last d o lla r ." Mr. f‘‘"> E t t « i» the fa ther o f Pollock 's Inlc

wife.The di'fenae realcd ils caao n t 4:-l'j

last evening, Iho tria l being tnken up i''*' TfitU rcbw ttal evidoBto a t 0 th is laorn-

Ing. Curtis Turner, Ouy W ade, Judge Law rence Hanson and ClirU Peterson

fJ'' wore called on for teaUmony w ith re- U tb a to tho noter to. tho tisu s. Judge Hanson, preiideat o f tho bank, ita ted hia a tten tio n had no rer been called to the exiatoneo o f the notes while Mr.

JN Pollock waa connected w ith the bonk, and th a t ho had nover aeen thom unti!

o f a f te r tho inv ta tlga tion of th eT 3 ai* 's , I condiUon wae made.

; F o r the atate tbo caao has beon coii 1 ducted b y Proiecntlng A ttorney F , L.

,cr,H Btophofl nnd E . U . Wolfo,, wbllo W. I'. j),i, lO othrie and Taylor— Cninrains have (,^j[conducted tho dofenie. la v » —

« PAROLE IS ACCORDED r ; TWO'.COUNTY PRISONERS,*•' In tho d is tn e l court thie mnrniiii

J tm ea U cB rido ond Clifford Hlnegunl- a e r wore prcsentod boforo Judne W A. Babeoek for lentenee. The former

" 'f wa# tonteneed to aorvo from I lo 14 years in the s ta te priaon for fnrgerv. n ia eg a rd n c r waa ordered eommllted lo

‘l’‘' the a ta te industria l ichool a t 8 i. Aii- thonv. In both eorca aentenee wus stis-

it>‘ pended. McBrldo ia o moricd mun and his fnm ily needs W» auppnilini; nid. H iaegardiier, who la only in vent', nf

, aco, wns found guilty of eowpllrity w ith l i e Jenning* men in the theft nf

• 4 a a nutomobile. H v l ia a U e n paroled Of to Uie probaUon officer, John It. Ault, rt. Tho Jennings broUiert aro now serving n aeatences in tho i ta te prison for Ihe



Y o u f N e e d ) t i G a l W ork,I Need the BESTla t a s id e line w ith u s— )ur B u sin ess : .,

O p tic a l C o.rists a n d O ptic ians—


Heat Wave Bita Local District

with Keen Zest

r r - i H E m o r c u r y yeaterday . , .1 Toaebtd anmmor'a eatalo,

l e r • RotUng into tbo 80 onr^^_ ‘ una. To bo oxoel th e top waa

Ml, w ith 0 drop of 45 marka for low a t night.

Cooler, though fa ir woalhor ta lm . predicted fo r tonight and Son-

Y eaterday 't ffiM iaiBa r c p n / I aenlfl the high h eat record <or tho presoat aoazoa. '

lids I Z ---------------------------------------------- ^’ In - — ttho _______________________________

t aP . ^ . __ __________1 .

avo ■do- -Bolao M aa V Ii l t I i ig H e i» -A . j ; Hal[yie ia among tho Bolae 'via ttort l a thU e lljihy. --------------ded r ro m PecttoU o—P rank B lako of Pc

or catello la tronaaetlng boalneaa In TwL ded Palla.de- : — ■' ,

r. M nrtM gh O tU e r -^ . E . Btolnoiir o ned U urtough waa a v iailor la Tw in Pall nod Friday . .

heter. Horo F io n B o M -B . 0 . Bbork of Boh the wag a buaineaa via ito r ia T w ia oi E’ol- Tburaday.

th j ^ n a e t t la H e r f t - E 0 . B oanett o ^bo Jerom e waa a bualaew Tiaitor In Twii

F alla today.'!ur- - ,

O om u t i m J t a U a j . - M n . U n i , , Criap ia In tho e lty from Ja rb idgo fo

a b rief Tialt. lo r' ^in .l v ie ito t from B n U - U ra . 0 . W hito o

Iluhl waa am oag tbe viaitore In 'Twii f®" Tails yeaterday.la lt I .tny O o B u i n e a V m t - J . W . Ultohol for ig in tbo o lty from Pocatollo o a a brio ao. b u d n c ttv la lU

on* Ihe , T W ta F il« ad » -U r8 . Boy SmIUi 6

»nd Jerom b vlaited with, frienda in Twij aln Foils Thursday.•’<' ,

ny H ero on Friday—U ra. W . A. 1 the Btowo of Kimberly tp e a t F rid ay a fU r . to noon in th la lUty. n t ,’ t-> Idaho Falla O aU ors-U r. oad U rt . II ‘ns H. Young of Idaho Falla aro am ong thi In- vlsitora In thla c ity .

of Mrs. WUIUms O all»~U ra. P . W. Wil“ni* iinma of Idaho Palla waa a v isitor Ij >"• Twin Fnlla T huraday .’

I'.» r o t m o r t V M t - M n Bonold McK«; »"• uf Bogerson woa among the Thurada'

nrrlvnia in Twin Falla, was - _a n t U akea B rief OaU—2iIrB. .0. J . Cbild in t. was in Twin Falla yoBterdnr from he cx- home n t ,Filer fo r a i r i e f visit.

ion Onest ftom PocKtoUo— Mrs. U o I' the H anifan of Pocatello, ia a Rucst nt th. pul homo o f Mr. nnd Mra. H. B, Sabin.

t,y T raa sic tln g B u s lo ea s-J . J . Buehleffhii of Ogden - ia t r a n i a c t l^ buaineaa ii„ni. Twin Fnlla nnd othor towaa in aouthenite,I Idaho. , •

To S p o M 'W o o l t M H o n - M il flladya Rcgner and U las L aura Flooi

l . p of Bcrgor are-apeoding tho week em 111 Twin Falla.

„ ' Bocoverlac f n a O peratloa~^eorgi Teis, who underw ent a major opcrnUoi n t La Merced bo ip ital a ebort tim e ago retunred lo hla home Thursday.

Lookla« A ftw B nilaea» -1 ’. B. Ox,(0,1 ley and A. N . Aahline of Shoahone w er [ |„ Twin Fnlls v lslto rt yc iterday lookin) J lr . ;iflcr business fo r the sta te highwa.v. lOk. • ■—

£,i; T r o m . Sacnunaato-M w c MnrJorC 'A Crow' a rrived '^ Tliursday from Siicra

menlu, where she has !n-en loaehlnj .oil for the pnst three y rsrs Sho wii

L. spend the, summer months w ith he _ J., parents, Mr. and Mrs. I». II. Crow.

■ To V ialt E elAtlTes-M ra. U nrion P Deity with her small ton and danghte

f t s p i i i i i i s i i i i i i i i i i i i i g i i i i i i i i i H

I I Your Busi-rv. S

« i g a r e d e s e r v i n g o f

s o u i i d a

lu- s a n g l e .

ikd ® -

t e = T h e b u s i n e s s m a

1 h i s b a n k e r — w i i o

g a n d h i s h e l p — i ^

= H ' o t h e r f e l l o w .

I Y o u r b a i l k i s ' i

s m a k e u s e o f i t ?

II T w in Fa I & T ru stj = TW IN FAI

Ig ‘‘Member of fedei

>AY,MAY14,m-- comc down from'' B oport yo tierday a f ­

ternoon to spend n fow day t w ith bor - parents, M r. und Mra. J . S . Qonwuy.'.

b o S ta te Bnalnes»-D r.' John \V n o sh e r i# i a the c ity toduy arraag inc to toke aomo orphan ehildron in Moa doy. The doctor Biion'dt Sunday ia ' tho churchcs a t K lor.

Oono to K . 0 . O onvoatloo-H nrry J Bcnolt and Willinm M acauley le ft Im i evuning forL ow ialon, Idaho, wbero-they will a tten d tho K night# of .Colngbui

I cOuvenUon w dclcgatci from, tbo X ^ a Falla lodge. .

^ - A ato P a la t« t Eotunsa—J . J . U cK ln non h o r roturned;' to hla p o s l t i^ w ith thO’ C u tting A uto P a in t compoily, o ft-

. . e r apendlng aovoral m,bntiba a t Loa Angolc#. E is fam ily will an lv o hero from Californin to join him In th e - Immediate fu tu re .'

T oachen on (ra tin g -T h irty -flv d ^ o f tho m m bora of Iho facu lty o f tbo Twla Fulli ichoola le ft F riday ovonlng imme-

, d ia tely a fto r. oehool /o r Guyer H ot ,*** Spriaga, wbero thoy will tpond tbe week

end. .T w o largo truokt-carried the «x- ~ curaioni/ta w ith tholr-oqnlpment to tbo

. p r i . 8 . _ _ _ _

otfmSTDFSM’S,j r a i N i N i :

'“b i

Floodgatiis will he Opened f o r 'Irrig a tio n of Salm on Dls-

tr ic t H ay Lands

The I s itia l delivery o f w ater for Ib-'. . jjIj aeaBon on the Salmon R iver n rojefi jfjy will b o 'tu rn e d from tho reservoir Into

tho cana\ Byatom on Bnnday to «m - tlouo for nbout 30' days, ocM rdlny to

. f nnnouneement of Superintendent J . C. Porterfield o f tbe -Snlmon Hiver Cnnnl compnny. ■ T b is d«U verv ,-il» experted

. will be used for Irrigation of hoy, pns-- boll tu re, e tn , w ith irrigation for gm in ti> riof follow immedlnlei.r. L o Irr run* will

be .m ade lo ault r.nndltlons na tboy de veiop, M r. Porterfie ld saya.

Of Allotm ent Is made, a t this tlm e 'o l nrin ono acre foo t -per-’nere or shiire of

stock ag ainst wbieli there is no un{ial<l mttlnlenan<e assessment.

L. There ii every imllfotion lha t con t j j . aldernble w nter w ill 'b o earrled over

in tho reservoir to Ihe nex t aeaaon, ae- conling lo Mr. Porterfie ld . A rending •

D. o f fhe Knugo o t the rcforvolr today tlig allowed Iho w ater level a t feet,

indicating n rise fo r tbn paal week of • 5.1 fee t. Tlio am ount of avoilobk .

7j], atorago w ater in tho rcsen-oir tuda.'- la WOB 107,300 nere feel, tbc gain fnr the . wliek being 10,780 acrc feet.

Should tho run-off eontinue, os may bo an ticipated from preaeat cnndi-

j j y tions, officinls of Ibc companv sa.v, It ' Ih possible tha l Ihe nm -off* fo r the

season will a|>pron<-h thul of IOI* lids which was over 210,000 nere feel, her , 1 ' j i - ,, ■" =:■ — ------

f Home Madeia


Gake$ and Pies?nd

fll VARNEy’SIgo.

C a r r i e d in s t o c k

' o r m a d e t o o r d e r


1 39 M A IN w e s thef.

— PHONE 3 6 6 -1p ,


i t i i i i i i i i i B i i i i i i i i i i i n i i i i i i i i i i n

iiness Plans fS

i f s e r i o u s e o n s i d e r a - g

a n a l y s i s ' f r o m e v e r y g

a n w h o c o n f i d e s , i n 3

.0 s e e k s h i s c o u n s e l p ’

[ a l w a y s a h e a d o f t h e g

f o r y o u — w h y . n o t =

Ia l ls B a n k I : C om pany^ L L S , I D A H O

t e r a l R e s e r v e S ) s l e m " 1

! .'! '