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. TBEONLYAFIEm TW II yOL. 2. vo. 27. im F WRY AM , TEOTO IPEOPLE All Parties Unite in Denuncia- tion ot the Treaty Proposed by the Conference of Paris to the German Nation. PRESIDENT WILSON IS OBJECT OF CENSURES Hope Expressed That Changes WUI Be Made; One Peace Delegate Would Unite wiUi the RuMian Bolsheviki. 1< 0 N1> 0 M, yp)—Iti & review of Q®r - mna opinion on tho torms of p^ace. tel cgraphod here. Eontor's BerUn cor respondent imys tbat o remark beard «n all aides in Borlia ts: Bather anarchy thiui stieh slav. «rj'/' aad ibat all tho people aro dij- cHsalnjr the conscqucncos of a rofosal by Oormaay to aign tho treaty. “ PrcaldoDt Wilsoo,’’ coatinucs the ■oorreapo&dent. "is particularly tho' ob- joct of critlciAn, bis so^allod woftknesi evoking indignation, although thore arc stUl ''many who, base thole.topoii.u^on liim. T natr DMland Zmpoadble “Aifcording to the ZoUnng Am Mittao *11 tho parties, from the ortrcme left tn the eztromo right, regard tbe treaty ni impoisible of aceeptaoeo. Tbo prei*- ident ef tbe Berlin ehamber of com- mereo. F iaas -Headelraohn, says tlie first impression is a crushing one bat lie la hopefal that tho entente may b« finally conHnced that' Oormany eaa ■only diaeharge her obligations if she retnaios economically sooad. ''IHrector Guttmonn of th() Dresden bank expresses blmsolf aa convinced 'that tbe peace prpopoiuilB.^ unless tbey are altered, mean Oermaoy's absolute Toin.’* Russia Presents One Possible Solution. BERLIN, (ff>-*'There ia only mo immediate aolotlon-poace. frtth B a s^ and the use of Bolshovik troops for ■Oermaay," Horr Qoisberts, one of the -Qerman delegates at Vorsallloa, ia quot* T -oc) by the Koao Zeitong" aa doclaring witb-reference to thc peace terma sub- mitted. Contldeni It OroeL Other of tho German delegates are < 7udfed, by tho newspaper's Vcrsalilos -ilispatch as folows:: Horr Landaborg. “ Tho cruel an- )i(;tincemo&ts of tho pross havo been oTceodod. Ko verbal objeetionfi can bo lumded over. Wc can do -nothing but aay Yoa or No, That Ja tho quintess- ence of a peace of forcc." Profesor Bchuecking. ' ‘‘Tho dncj- • ment js simply awful.’ ’ mllsiiiiE EXPEG IEDS flO ll Peace Delegation from Other . Central Power Is to Arrive in France About Monday. PABIS, (/P)—Tho Austrian pcaco del* <>galtoQ is ozpcctcd to arrivo at St. Ocrmain on May 12. Infonnation from Frrnch sourecs is tbat tho. delegation han not left Vienna owing to difCicul- tica in tho soIccHon of delegatea b*- rauao of di/ferenccs of opinion regrad* ing tho proposed incorporation of Oer- man AusMa in Germany. Dispatehes reeeived today Indicate that while Frank Klein, president of Iho delogatlon favora annexation, Prof. Lamftsch, another influential \mcmber, opposes it and tbat sentiment ai;ai&at the proposal is growing. Tho rest of tho delegation Is said to be divided on th e <}oestIon. RECOGNIZE NEtJraALXTY UERNK. </P)—Tlic Swisi political (Corei^ affairs) (le]iartmcut announc- es that os n result nf an exchange ot notes between the Swiaa nnd Frcnch governments agreement has been reach- eii on the text of an article to bo in- serted in the peace treaty whereby the guarantees of Swlaa neutrality are ree-; ognized as eonstituting international . \ obligationa of the niaintenanee of ^ ‘ipoace. FORMER CROWN F IN BUSINESS OF WASHINGTON*, (ilp>—Tho forme the pottery bnsiness, according lo of from Holland. A now company juat oa tbe island of Wieringen in tbe N WUliam BoheuoUera as the diroctc largg laractor ia the enterprise. A tpeeiaUy aabltioos pieeo alx ia • tltla portalt of tbe dloetor-m back^roaad of ehn^rb asd cottagas. that tbe (Itte bad been bonght for aemeaeeaa of Prance. ____________________■ , • I .' „ INOOlVNEWSPAPm fJVi N : F A Germans Likely to Propose Some I . Changes to fext Objeotion to' Peaoe Terms is Expected and WiU Be In- I r vestigatedbyAUies. PARIS, (/p)—It is gomraliy he- iiovod that tho Gormans wiil an- swer tho treaty of poaco by propo- *|g. sals rolativo to certain phases of . ' the document. A competent com- S6 d mission will examino tho German trie “Dawer and if modification are ins nocosaary the Germans will oe no- tified. It ia expected that in thia rejoin- der tbo enemy will bo allojrod four or fivo days to agree definitely to tho whole treaty. I t is therefore - [ES probable that from twenty-five to , thirty days will olapso boforo the pact is-finally signed. ges - * ace Bureau Appeals for fith Soldier Addresses --------- f ' WASHINGTON, (iPp-Tho war risk bureau today isaued another Qer> appeal for disabled- soldit^TB and tel- sailors who are entitled to roceive cor- a cojfiponaatJoa checks, baf who »ard may not bo receiving them on ac- count of a rocont change of a/l- dav* droas, to communlcato the now ad- dij* dross to the bnreau at oneo. Noat- nsal ly 3.000 checks aggregating; thou- sands of dollara roprcaentlng conii> the pensatlon for injuries have been.ro- oT> turned to the buroau for lack of ness proper address, aro — ' • Severe Storms-Take . ^ Large Toll of Life BROWNSVILLE, Texas, (/P) — ireif. Wire communication throughout tho lower Rlo Grnnde valloy whieh was t]ig visited by a sovero wind, hail, and bijt rain storm Wednesday night was r 1,0 gradually being restored today. The best ^estimates placed tho number bI}q of doad at fifteen. Properly dam- age, according to meager reports, iden exceed *100,000 confined maln- iced ^0 Knoll fa m bouses and build- ings. The damage to growing crops, lute la feared, will rcach a higher figure. Austrian Navy WUl Be Thing of the Paat fot PABIS. The' naval, terros'crf tbe troaty to bo presented Austria, as thoy havo been completed, en- tirely wipo out tho Austrian uavy. All tho ahips of that navy, large nnd small, aro to be surread^^ Thoir disposition among tho allies ia to be adjusted later, are Tho drafting committee thla af- [ilos tomoon began, work on tho treaty as a whole. :: PLUN IlG limJECTOBS Persons Beceiving Hoaorable ' Disohargos froin Prison Are Subject of Sosolution. N s t. IX)UI8. (/P)-Conrt-llnti«ii l.y congroM of nit Imnnrnble diaehnrg- cs granted conarieutious ohjoctom by order of tho war department wts rcqucated in n resolution placed be- . (pro the eaueiis bv tbe reaolutiona ier <^mmittee. The.^ reaolution, Bi.onaored by ' ~ Mnjnr M. Booth, of Idaho, di- clares the griintlng of surh db-. chnrces to f-onseicntinuji obieetori* ‘'itlnoed a jireuiiuni ot» dicloyaUy." lel* All the reaidtitions pri-fx-ntrd to St. thi> roucus pawed tbe comtnittce by om .largo mnjoriilos. lon s iltEmsHlSTBOGIDI : HO I TO so TBEin of -----; ------ OhinesD Eopresontatives - Are Told Not to Attach Signa* • of turcs to Proacnt Terms. on _____ PARIR. (/IP)—The Chinese delegation I.a" reeeived eoliled instnielions from Peking not to sign the tre.ity of peace cal •bn Kiao Ch.iu Shantung act- jjj.. tlrmcnt. Inatnieticjns to the aamo effeet have nch received from the Tepre*entativea ol lK>th the northorn and southern (jov- ernmenta in the pearr conferenee at the ___________ nii TDAHO WEATHEB of Tonight fair and rnl.IiT; Saturday fair. PRINCE STARTS UP ^ MAKING POTTERY rmer German c'rown prinee haa gone into > official dispatchca reeeived bero today uat organized to nae the calcareoos sands e North sea. "bas named Mr. Frederick 9eter-«naaac«r." It was said be was a already pot out by tbs new eoospasy ir-manegsr In oatiac eeetame against a (w. diroateb aaid it was reported ' for #40,000 for prcMmtatioB to Premier , • ' 1 N IDAHO CARRYING TR ^LLS TWIN 7AIXS ZDASO, T JJPS SOONDS " FOR S flLO IEB : iNDUIillKEII n- ^ ^ J. B. Conover, State Represent- S; ative and Cp - Tnder of G. A. R. P o s U . *p Beyond .. " W To C I’'^ '* '_ i'* jM R A D E T O PART IN SERVICE ho --------- Relumed Soldiers to Assist in Military Ceremonies at Grave ies Veteran Who Worked for Memorial. ar -------- er With tho flag under whleb he served »d dunng tho civil war-presented to his vo view nt hia request in his laat cooscioua m niomentii, Joseph B. Conover, represen* c- tatlvo from Twin Falls county In the d- Mnho legialaturo and commander d- of Dan McCook post. Graad Army of ■t- the Republic. Twin Palls. sQcenmbod at u- 1 o clo^ Timrtdoy afternoon, at bis n' home, 007 Shoahono street east, at tbo 0* ago of 75 yearn, following na illness it of several weeks duration from rail stones for which ho recently underwent an operation. The funem! services will, bo held at i S’ i ® afternoon from tho First fe interment will bo ill tho Twjn Palla cemetery, B. H Barnes, former commaadant of the Ida* ho soldiers homo, who served with Mr. 10 C9 H 0 ver dnrinff tho civU W as mem- u bers nf tbo SAh Illinois regiment of id volunteers. wUI direct tho services on la tho part of tbo Grand Airoy post. A' le ftrmg aquad and • musicians soleeted 9r from among rettirnod soldiers will aa- n- Hist in the ceremonies at the cemetery s, firing threo volleya ovor tho grave and n- Rounding tap* In accordance with Iho li- regulntioas, for military funorais. SponaoTS Memorial Bill *■ As a member of tho Idaho IcHslature Inst folt^Ir. Conover was instrumental in securing tho p^ulang^ of a measure 01 which ho was the author,.nppropriat* ,of 10(000 for tho improvement of the '9*' state park at Shoshono falla as a mem* > orlal to the aerWee aion from this coau- - ty. provJoa's .>olltlea^ wiperiea*© B, bail been eonrined to ooe' term as trew- , urer of Mason eounty, liUnois, to which position bo was eleetcd in 180{>. EnlUting at the age of 18, Mr: Cono- i. \er served with tho SStb Illinois rogl- ^aUnaed ea Pag® f- - — - - - y _____________ _______________________ ; I W O R L D NE^ BQ PABIS, (/P)— It was statec that Thomas Nelson Pa^e, A] woold resign his post npon tl ble _______ i PASIS, (/P):—Debate was 1 utios^o.day on a bill giving w< the'Hght to voto for membe > ' genoral conncils'of arrondiss ;; HALIFAX, N. S„ (/P)— Oon orable for tho start, of tho st " Amorican hydrdaeroplanes N y * clear and there was a brisk 'of the planes which started fi reached this harbor last nig today at Trepassoy bay, N. P. i^ E D O , Texas, (/P)— Ch tion inspector, and tbreo uni , and two mon seriously wounc gnn fight botween Amorican n glcrs, seven miles southeast Hill of the Texas health servic smuggler, were wounded, Val Training Camp at i Presidio in June ■om Oolonel Murphy in Command---- ace School Will Be Open for a lot- Period of Six Weeks. ! VM (XHlVALLiy. OiV<.. (;p>—The com- Iiinnilant of Oregon .\griru!tun»l col-! ' lege has reeeived a letecram from the] J offiee of tbe committee on e.lueation] nnd special tr.iininc. to tho ,-ffeet thatl tbe B, O. T. C. training camp will b>‘: lieM at Ihe Preaidio of San Pr.anciaco.. •*>’ for aix weelts, beginning .Tune 21. j r-ol. Pierce A. -Murphy has l>een de-j __ tailed n* eommander of tbe eamp. I *■■■'------- - I ^ XVOBU> MATtJH AXtBANGBD LOU18VIUX. Kt., Nate Lc'^-^ la. of Chieago. manager for Pal Moore.; upon bis arrival here to.Uy aniiounccd terms bad been accepted for what he; railed a world’, title mateh between Moore and .limmy VTilde in Ixuiiloa on_ or about Jnly 4; Moore, aeeording to; Lcwls> Is guaranteed approximately; ♦ 15.000 for the match. PAOE BBAOHHBS PABIS PARIS. (JP)—^Thomas Nclaon PSR-5. American ambassador to Italy, arrived in Paria at 3:15 o'clock tbis afteraooa. lie wa« accompanied b r Camille Bar- \ . 1 '. r 'HEFULL DAY LEASED DAII F&Xt>AT, M AT S, 1019; ^PERPEEXINGl RUSSIA BEC( WITH UNION B Great Difficulty of Aid Rapidly Dissolves Ur of All Forces Except g' ALLIES MAY RECOG nd AND SUPPORT EFF( ‘{‘.HE complexity of the Bnss patently is on the verge of simp (Jg Paris, where are gathered-rep factions indicate that the govi . Omsk will be adhered to by all and also wUl be recognized bjr t IVe ment of Bnssia. It is the hop< for govemment with the potential will be able to bring the Bolshe Ithrongh continuance of its no^; iis iir :i D ISPOS IT ION OF I GOLONyUNF im at M Issues Note Concerning Deci- ;h ! sion of Council to Make Mr! Great Britain Mandate for German East Africa. . on - A' PABIS, (/P>—The Belgian delega- ted iion has issuod a note rolativo to aa- Qreat Britain being nppointed man- -ry, datory for German Knat Africa, nnd snying that it is "unable to be- tho lieve that thia action hns been tak* en by the councii of four.'’ Bel- gium is unablo to admit that/Ger marr Baat Africa could bo disposed ,t,j of by agrocmcnts in which she hns uro “Ot participated. [at. Tho Belgian delegation called at tho Amoriciin headquarters today nn<l modo [•IQ. onc^etic representationa regarding the mandate for German Enat Africa. T^e im-mbera also cowplalBed strongly'of )S». the omission from tlic poaco treaty Ich p'roviflioMB indemnifying Bolgium for the MTv'oa billion kn^kn of Gorman ncH noney forccd into circulation in Bel- )gl- gii>n> during tbe German occupation lind wliich has dopreflated to one-fourth ef, ifn fnco voluo. 3WS EVENTS ted in high quarters here' today American 'ambassador to Italy, - . tbe. conclusion of peace. .8 begun in the chambcr of dcp- women beyond the age of thirty ibers of municipal councils and issements and departments. londitiotts oarly today were fav- t second-leg of-tho flight of tho NO-3 and NO-1. The day was 3k westerly wind. The itinerary 1 from Bockaway yesterday and light, called for a landing lato P., a distance of 4G0 miles. Charles Hopkins, an inunigra- anknown Mexicans were killed, andod, and perhaps fatally, in a an'officers and Mexican smug> ast of Laredo last night. Ira vice and Joso Valdez, an alleged Raidei is not expected to live. \Department Arpiy te Plan Unchanged _'Tcmporary Army of 529,000 Men to Be Urged at Extra I Session. i WA.sillN’OTOX. (/fpi Progress l)V the jieare roiunii.wioners at '”‘';Pari* has ennar,! no eh-intfr in tho war I department's poliey of a temporarj* nr- of npproxiniately .'J9.00O offieera U l.rrnme knowri nffiriaWy U>day jthat the dc|>artmrnt i« prepared to , I prena jimetieallr the same bill at the extra session lo l.egin Mny 10. ^AUSTRIAN ASSEMBLY OPPOSES UNITING TC.! ----------- Benonncee Idea of CoasoUdattag wltb ne; Osman Katlon IS Xntereet '«•" of Wptld Peace. J -------- - A'l . UASLE, (;?)—The m:iJority'faction ^ ; in tbe A»Frtrlan national assembly, ae- ' cording to a report from Vienna, bas ; decided to renonnee the idea of the union of Oerrosn -Austria and Oermaay S').lin the interests of Austria ami world 'ed; peace. oa. I The .Kuitrian peaee delegation will *r- lc»xe the Austrian capital for Paris. : V/-- ^1 D WIRE REPORT OF TH LY N aPROBLEMOF GOMES SIMPLE )NOFFAGTIONg hiding Distressed Countrj Under General Agreement pt Bolsheviki. OGNIZE GOVERNMENl 'FORTS AGAINST REDS nssian governmental situation ap implifioation. Late dispatohes fron representatives of various Bnssiai government of Admiral Kolchak ai all factions except 4be Bolsheviki, >jr the allies as the de facto govem< lope of the aUies that the Eolohal ial strength given it by such actior shevik government to a speedy end DOW snccessful military operations r—^ Sees Podble Alliaace. The possibility of an oJliancrby Gel « mnny with tho Bussltan Bolsheviki 1 I seen in thc remark Herr Geiaberta, on< of tho peace delegates, is quoted bj German corrcspondenta as having madi I in oxpreaaing his opinion of tho inac ceptabllity of tho pcaco treaty, H« Is quoted as having declared that thi M oi;ly alternative to acceptance of thi M treaty is "peace with lluain and thi f l uao of Bolshovik troops tor Germany.’ I I Whilo opinion on the troaty, from thi Gorn'an viowppoint is divided, tho con smsus ia that tho documont is ono ol •ci- hnrahnem and oxtromol> tlificult of occepptance. / ike Czechs Adraoce in Bn^ary. for Czech forcoa, operating in conjunc tiun with Bumanian troops agalnst tbi itungarion'' soviet govornmont bavi tfikcn Nagysxecaeny, a town 40 mlloi - north of Budappost, according to a Hun gorinn official announcement, Buman iuii troops rocently woro reported 8 ' wiles east of Budapest. I Tbe conncii of foor at the peace coaferance now la dellberatliu on Y tbe torma of tbe treaty to be pro* sented to Anatrtan xepreMnta* Uves. It la i«port«l tbat tbe see- tlon deaUng wltb aaval affaln wiu ' deprive‘Auatria absolutely of her ^ navy. Tbe Aastzlaa delegatea, ao* y cordiag to latest reporta, bave not toT Pnnoe, btli^ delayed la tbelr .depaxtun by dlaaeation aa to tbe Inchialon of Oennan-AQatHan' , delegations wltb tbelr party. OblaeM May Kot Siga maa The Chincso delegation to tbe peaei Bel- confcrenco has rocci\*cil cabled inatruc tion tiona from Peking not to sign tho peaci orth tivaty bccawnc «f the aetticment Tnad- in tho Kia Chnu ond«6 hantung eontro ___ versy, by which Jnjon waa given Ger man rights on tho Shantung peninsula ---- 1 Uclgium’s delegation to the peaci ^ eonfcrence lias made a protest ogainai ^ the reported tleciaion of the council ol y four in mnkitig Great Britain a man ___ dntory for German Bast Africa. Bol gium, it ia snid, hna interests In Afrlct which muat be considered in dividioi up aectiona of that continent for ad liiinistration under *thc k'ftguo of na DRflFTED lN lnfl BEDISWGEOm ICommanding Qenerals Are In* [ strueted to Belease Those I in Selective Servico. I WASHINOTON'. (/P)— Commnniiinj! I generals of t'he northeafitern,-eaatern, j southeaatern Rud central «lepartmcnti i ami (if Campi Knox. Brngg. Benning I Hitinplii'vs. Kiistii- nnd Fort Sill were 'insiriieted today that il is the desire 1of th.* wnr ili'pnrtnient to hnve dia- [eliarj'ed Iiy .riine nil men drafted O! fillstecl for tho emergency who 'arc |eii;;ili|e for cli*M*hnri;c. ] Thp exeeption of the !>outhern ami , ivVKfern de[iartments from fhe ordoi Iv.TN understood to he dtie to the fo.-f llliiit tlie iiniix iindiT tbi' iiupervi.iion ni __ 'these (lejiartnientn are largei.v on dnt.v ---- I on the Mexican border'ftnd Ihnt it there fi re inight imt bo )>metieflMe to releaai' jthe men bv .Tune 1.'. ^ ed\ -------------------------- iCasualties in Egypt i Clashes Not Large I>ONnON^ (/P)—The fot.il mili tnry raaiinltien iu the <li«)rdcni in ress Eg>-j>t for the last two monthn at were: fivi- Britiah offieers killed, war ftrjij SIT woiinile.l: other ranks, eigh- af-i .ti'i-n killo.l nnd fifty, xvotindeil; In- fers ( .li:,,, troopi, six kille.l ami twenty- five wounded. The rasunltiea among day the rioters arc estimatel at under to one thou^n-l inelndin;: predaton- the Bedouin*. JIG KENTUCKY MOUt TANK TO KEEP PE. WASIlIN'aTON". M>)—T«nVj h< tucky mountaineer thinks on might :ion I'p in the mouataioi where he ] ac- ment, ■^he roads get ver>‘ bad; almo bas I horae makes idow going and he often the night. Hi* wife rather doubts tbat “ I havo heard that theao taa good speed,” he writes, “ so when t ... war material pleaae send me one sa Ji; peaee witb my wife." HE associated PRESS ^EWS PRICE PTVB OTNT8 ; P IIRTES IIEREE . fs TOJOHOER s COMMON FORMS Russian Factions Decide Part ^JT of Wisdom Is in Uniting DS Forces with One Govem- ap. rom MUST RESTATE PROGRAM BEFORE RECOGNITION : at X _____ All Extend Thanks for Aid iiak Given by Allies and Czecho- Hon Slovakia Troops in Stemming ond Tide of Bolshevism. >ns. ____ PABIS, variosa Buasiaa Ger- ^oo^na in ^iria apparently are com- Ici Is ^8 together on a platform providijij . QQo for the aupport of aay govemneat tbat I by ^eraateoa s coastltutional usetably nado ^ e te d by universal waStnge. Former [qbc. Premier Kereoaky who la ia Paris, o» Ho poses tbe govemment of Adiairal Kot tho ebak. bnt tbe ndmiral’a repeated prom- thr ieea of a eoastitutlooal aasembly appa^ the eotly bavo satisfied most of tbo Bus- ,ny.” sian radieals in Parl& tlio It appean probable Admiral Eolcbak con- ho askoa by tbe' great powen to 0 of xoatato bia program, rbofora reeogni- molv tiea ia granted. MeaawbUe encouraging reporta bavo beoa roeelved bero of taa nrogreia of Kolebak’a tnoope againat &e Bolabe lunc- VikL PToni east of Sataar% northward ^ tbo Bol^eviid u e beiog paahed. baek. On tbo extreme norther^ wing tbo Bol- Quoa abevikl are retreating rapidly a few milea oast of tbo Importaat railway and oan* manufacturing town of Valtka. ^ PARIS, (ff)—The movemeat for tbi recognition of tbe govohuneat of Ad- ^ miral Kolchak at Omsk by tbe aUioi _ aud tho Unitod States aa tbo do fa«tc ^ government In Bussia la supported sc gonorally in Paris tbat announcemenl ^ of sueh action aify day wotild not b< ^ ■urprl.lng. IC* Will Becognlie geTexumant - lot President Tscbalkow^ of the nortb la ern' Bussian government in Arebange to bas conaeated to’ tecognixe ^ e .Kolchak «n' government' oa tbo* centra nvemmon of Busala on condltioa tbaT the Areb angel and other local gDvernments an permitted to retain.control «f local af true. la expected on tbt ' pnrt of Geneml Doneklno, tho head ol nftd«i Coasack govcrpment at Jikaterino- dJr, whoso advisors In Paris havo roe QpjJ ommendod it. - sula. Evacoatae City eaco According to dispatches received b; tinat tho Russian committeo ift Paris, Sam- il of arn, nn important point on tho Volga, nnn- baa beea evacuated by tbe Bolahoviki. Bol* ond Kolchak’s forces aro moying rap- trica idly toward thc Volga in pursuit o( dioi< the retreating Bolshoviki New Government Gives ' Thanks for Assistance WAflniNGTON, — Tho strength of the Omak government hns reachen aueh n stage thnt a formnl declamtion II If mndo today by B. ITgbot, chnrgo d* af II I faires nd intcrhn of tho Bunriaa eat:' ILI linssy, begins: '*Tho bour which Russian patriots Tti. ond democrals hnvo been waUinp for . during-long montba has come at last.” ^ Tho atntement indicates that tho de- tails of the eKtalilishmcnt of the gov- ernment nt Omsk ns the nlI-Bu*sian gov- liing eniriient havo b^en enmpleted.” cm, . Thnnkn are given to tbe United ents Slates nnd tho oUlcd noilona -lor Ji»o ling, -------- ------ ------ ---------------------------------- —. wero (Continued on pago olgbt) ?sirc - SDELEGSTES iILL DELVERTRE lin lere-;___ i Newspaper Men Return to Ber- lin and Ministers Are Ex- pected to Follow. ge ----- VKRS.\lLU:i^ 05V-Several German li i newspa5 >cr men returne.l to Berlin ta- in inight with a German courier, fn.ordei hn I.to be ahle to write moro freely thMr d. ' views on the penee terms submitted. •h- None of thc. Oermsn plenipotentiaries n- aa far aa ran he leamo.^. has yet do- V- parted for Berlin, but tbo departore ig of Miniater* Oieabcrta aad I^aadaberg er in order to give their persona) views oa TV tho treaty to tho other members of : the e.ibinct is eonaidered probable. ----------------------------------— N LTNTAINEER WANTS EACE IN HOUSEHOLD 1 helped end the war ia Enrope; a Kea- ight help end domestic/warfare for him, he lives, this man writes tbe i w depart* ilmost impaasable. Afler a bara raM Ua ’ten does not reacb home nntll very lite at tbat bsd roada are the reaaoa. taaks travel over impasaabl* grooad at en tbe govemment diapoeea ef ita aorplaa 0 so I can got bom« on time^ aad Uva ia .. ~ ' •. '

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T W I IyOL. 2. vo. 27.


, TEOTOIPEOPLEAll Parties Unite in Denuncia­

tion ot the Treaty Proposed by the Conference of Paris to the German Nation.


Hope Expressed That Changes WUI Be Made; One Peace Delegate Would Unite wiUi the RuMian Bolsheviki.

1<0 N1>0 M, yp)—Iti & review of Q®r - mna opinion on tho torms of p^ace. tel

cgraphod here. Eontor's BerUn cor respondent imys tbat o remark beard «n all aides in Borlia ts:

Bather anarchy thiui stieh slav. « r j '/ ' aad iba t all tho people aro dij- cHsalnjr the conscqucncos of a rofosal by Oormaay to aign tho treaty.

“ PrcaldoDt Wilsoo,’ ’ coatinucs the ■oorreapo&dent. " is particularly tho ' ob- joc t o f critlciAn, bis so^allod woftknesi evoking indignation, although thore arc stUl ''many who, base t hole.topoii.u^on liim.

T n a t r D M land Zmpoadble“Aifcording to the ZoUnng Am Mittao

*11 tho parties, from the ortrcme left tn the eztromo right, regard tbe treaty ni impoisible of aceeptaoeo. Tbo prei*- ident e f tbe Berlin ehamber of com- mereo. F ia a s -Headelraohn, says tlie f irs t impression is a crushing one bat lie la hopefal that tho entente may b« finally conHnced that' Oormany eaa ■only diaeharge her obligations i f she retnaios economically sooad.

''IH rector Guttmonn of th() Dresden bank expresses blmsolf aa convinced 'that tbe peace prpopoiuilB.^ unless tbey are altered, mean Oermaoy's absolute Toin.’*

Russia P resents One Possible Solution.

BERLIN, (ff>-*'There ia only mo immediate aolotlon-poace. frtth B a s ^ and the use of Bolshovik troops for ■Oermaay," Horr Qoisberts, one of the -Qerman delegates a t Vorsallloa, ia quot*

T -oc) by the Koao Zeitong" aa doclaring witb-reference to thc peace terma sub­mitted.

Contldeni I t OroeL Other of tho German delegates are

<7udfed, by tho newspaper's Vcrsalilos -ilispatch as folows::

Horr Landaborg. “ Tho cruel an- )i(;tincemo&ts of tho pross havo been oTceodod. Ko verbal objeetionfi can bo lumded over. Wc can do -nothing but aay Yoa or No, That Ja tho quintess­ence of a peace of forcc."

Profesor Bchuecking. ' ‘ ‘Tho dncj- • ment js simply awful.’ ’


Peace Delegation from Other . Central Power Is to Arrive

in France About Monday.PABIS, (/P)—Tho Austrian pcaco del*

<>galtoQ is ozpcctcd to arrivo a t St. Ocrmain on May 12. Infonnation from Frrnch sourecs is tbat tho. delegation han not left Vienna owing to difCicul- tica in tho soIccHon of delegatea b*- rauao of di/ferenccs of opinion regrad* ing tho proposed incorporation of Oer- man AusM a in Germany.

Dispatehes reeeived today Indicate tha t while Frank Klein, president of Iho delogatlon favora annexation, Prof. Lamftsch, another influential \mcmber, opposes i t and tba t sentiment ai;ai&at the proposal is growing. Tho rest of tho delegation Is said to be divided on the <}oestIon.

RECOGNIZE NEtJraALXTYUERNK. </P)—Tlic Swisi political

(C orei^ affairs) (le]iartmcut announc­es that os n result nf an exchange ot notes between the Swiaa nnd Frcnch governments agreement has been reach- eii on the text of an article to bo in­serted in the peace treaty whereby the guarantees of Swlaa neutrality are ree-; ognized as eonstituting international

. \ obligationa of the niaintenanee of ^ ‘ipoace.


WASHINGTON*, (ilp>—Tho forme the pottery bnsiness, according lo of from Holland. A now company juat oa tbe island of Wieringen in tbe N WUliam BoheuoUera as the diroctc largg laractor ia the enterprise.

A tpeeiaUy aabltioos pieeo alx ia • tltla p o r ta l t o f tbe dloetor-m back^roaad of ehn^rb asd cottagas. tha t tbe (Itte bad been bonght for aem eaeeaa of Prance.


, • I . ' „INOOlVNEWSPAPm fJV i

N : F AGermans Likely

to Propose Some

I . Changes to fex tObjeotion to' Peaoe Terms is

Expected and WiU Be In- I r vestigatedbyAUies.

PARIS, (/p)—It is gomraliy he- iiovod that tho Gormans wiil an­swer tho treaty of poaco by propo-

* |g . sals rolativo to certain phases of . ' the document. A competent com-

S6 d mission will examino tho German t r i e “ Dawer and if m odification are i n s nocosaary the Germans will oe no­

tified.I t ia expected th a t in thia rejoin­

der tbo enemy will bo allojrod four or fivo days to agree definitely to tho whole treaty. I t is therefore -

[E S probable tha t from twenty-five to , th irty days will olapso boforo the

pact is-finally signed.g e s - *ace Bureau Appeals forf i t h Soldier Addresses

--------- f' WASHINGTON, (iPp-Tho war

risk bureau today isaued another Qer> appeal for disabled- soldit^TB and tel- sailors who are entitled to roceive cor- a cojfiponaatJoa checks, baf who »ard may not bo receiving them on ac­

count of a rocont change of a/l- dav* droas, to communlcato the now ad- dij* dross to the bnreau a t oneo. Noat- nsal ly 3.000 checks aggregating; thou­

sands of dollara roprcaentlng conii> the pensatlon for injuries have been.ro- oT> turned to the buroau for lack of

ness proper address, aro — ' •

Severe Storms-Take . Large Toll of Life

BROWNSVILLE, Texas, (/P) — ireif. Wire communication throughout tho

lower Rlo Grnnde valloy whieh was t]ig visited by a sovero wind, hail, and bijt rain storm Wednesday night was

r 1,0 gradually being restored today. The best ^estimates placed tho number

bI}q of doad a t fifteen. Properly dam­age, according to meager reports,

iden exceed *100,000 confined maln-iced ^0 Knoll f a m bouses and build-

ings. The damage to growing crops, lu te la feared, will rcach a higher


Austrian Navy WUl Be Thing of the Paat

fot PABIS. The' naval, terros'crf tbe troaty to bo presented Austria,

as thoy havo been completed, en- tirely wipo out tho Austrian uavy.All tho ahips of tha t navy, large nnd small, aro to be s u r r e a d ^ ^ Thoir disposition among tho allies ia to be adjusted later,

are Tho drafting committee thla af- [ilos tomoon began, work on tho treaty

as a whole.

:: PLUNIlGlimJECTOBSPersons Beceiving Hoaorable ' Disohargos froin Prison Are

Subject of Sosolution.

N s t . IX )U I8 . ( /P ) - C o n r t- l ln t i« i i l.y con g ro M o f n it Im n n rn b le d ia eh n rg - cs g r a n te d c o n a r ie u t io u s o h jo c to m b y o r d e r o f t h o w a r d e p a r tm e n t w t s

r c q u c a te d in n r e s o lu t io n p la c e d be- . (p ro th e e a u e iis b v tb e rea o lu tio n a

i e r <^mmittee.The.^ r e a o lu tio n , B i.onaored by

' ~ M n jn r M . B o o th , o f Id a h o , d i- c la re s th e g r i in t l n g o f s u r h d b - . c h n rc e s to f -onse icn tinu ji obieetori* ‘ 'i tlnoed a jire u iiu n i ot» d ic lo y aU y ."

lel* A ll t h e re a id tit io n s p ri-fx-n trd to S t . thi> r o u c u s p a w e d tb e c o m tn ittc e by o m . l a r g o m n jo r ii lo s . lo n •

s iltEmsHlSTBOGIDI : HOI TO so TBEin

o f -----;------

OhinesD Eopresontatives - Are Told Not to Attach Signa* •

o f turcs to Proacnt Terms.on _____

P A R IR . (/IP)— T h e C h in ese d e le g a t io n I.a" r e e e iv e d eo liled i n s tn ie l io n s f ro m P e k in g n o t to s ig n th e t r e . i ty o f p e a c e

c a l •b n K ia o C h.iu S h a n tu n g act-jjj.. t l r m c n t .

I n a tn ie tic jn s to th e aam o e f f e e t h a v e nch r e c e iv e d f ro m th e T e p re * e n ta tiv e a

o l lK>th th e n o r th o r n a n d s o u th e r n (jov- • e rn m e n ta in th e p e a r r c o n fe re n e e a t

t h e ___________

n ii TDAHO WEATHEBo f T o n ig h t f a i r a n d rn l.I iT ; S a tu r d a y

fa ir .


rmer German c'rown prinee haa gone into > official dispatchca reeeived bero today uat organized to nae the calcareoos sands e North sea. " b a s named Mr. Frederick 9eter-«naaac«r." I t was said be was a

already pot out by tb s new eoospasy ir-manegsr In oatiac eeetame against a (w . diroateb aaid it was reported 'for #40,000 for prcMmtatioB to Premier

, • ' 1




J . B . C o n o v e r , S t a t e R e p r e s e n t - S; a t i v e a n d Cp - T n d e r o f G .

A . R . P o s U . *p B e y o n d

. . “ " WTo C I ’ '^ '* '_ i '* j M R A D E T O

P A R T IN S E R V IC Eho ---------

R e lu m e d S o ld ie r s t o A s s i s t in M ili t a r y C e re m o n ie s a t G r a v e

ies V e te r a n W h o W o r k e d f o r M e m o ria l.

a r --------er With tho flag under whleb he served »d dunng tho civil war-presented to his vo view nt hia request in his laat cooscioua m niomentii, Joseph B. Conover, represen* c- tatlvo from Twin Falls county In the d- Mnho legialaturo and commanderd- of Dan McCook post. Graad Army of ■t- the Republic. Twin Palls. sQcenmbod a t u- 1 o c lo ^ Timrtdoy afternoon, a t bis n ' home, 007 Shoahono street east, a t tbo 0* ago of 75 yearn, following na illness i t o f several weeks duration from rail

stones for which ho recently underwent an operation.

The funem! services will, bo held a t i S’ i ® afternoon from tho F irstf e interment will bo

ill tho Twjn Palla cemetery, B. H Barnes, former commaadant of the Ida*

— ho soldiers homo, who served with Mr. 10 C9 H0 ver dnrinff tho civU W as mem- u bers nf tbo SAh Illinois regiment of id volunteers. wUI direct tho services on la tho part o f tbo Grand Airoy post. A' le ftrm g aquad and • musicians soleeted 9r from among rettirnod soldiers will aa- n- Hist in the ceremonies a t the cemetery s, firing threo volleya ovor tho grave and n- Rounding tap* In accordance with Iho li- regulntioas, fo r military funorais.

SponaoTS Memorial Bill *■ As a member of tho Idaho IcHslature

Inst fo lt^ Ir . Conover was instrumental in securing tho p^ulang of a measure 01 which ho was the author,.nppropriat*

, o f ♦10(000 for tho improvement of the '9*' state park a t Shoshono falla as a mem* > orlal to the aerWee aion from this coau-

- ty . provJoa's .>olltlea^ wiperiea*© B, bail been eonrined to ooe' term as trew-

, urer of Mason eounty, liUnois, to which • position bo was eleetcd in 180{>.

EnlUting a t the age of 18, Mr: Cono- i . \ e r served with tho SStb Illinois rogl-

^ a U n a e d ea Pag®f- - • — - - - y _____________ _______________________

; I W ORLD NE^BQ PABIS, (/P)— It was statec

that Thomas Nelson Pa^e, A] woold resign his post npon t l

ble _______i PASIS, (/P):—Debate was 1

utios^o.day on a bill giving w< the'Hght to voto for membe

>' genoral conncils'of arrondiss;; HALIFAX, N. S„ (/P)— Oon

orable for tho start, of tho st " Amorican hydrdaeroplanes N y * clear and there was a brisk

'of the planes which started fi reached this harbor last nig today a t Trepassoy bay, N. P.

i^ E D O , Texas, (/P)— Ch tion inspector, and tbreo uni

, and two mon seriously wounc gnn fight botween Amorican

n glcrs, seven miles southeast Hill of the Texas health servic smuggler, were wounded, Val

Training Camp a t i Presidio in June

■om Oolonel Murphy in Command----ace School Will Be Open for a lot- Period of Six Weeks. !

VM (XHlVALLiy. OiV<.. (;p>—The com- Iiinnilant of Oregon .\griru!tun»l col-!

' lege has reeeived a letecram from the] J offiee of tbe committee on e.lueation]

nnd special tr.iininc. to tho ,-ffeet thatl tbe B, O. T. C. training camp will b>‘ : lieM at Ihe Preaidio of San Pr.anciaco..

•*>’ for aix weelts, beginning .Tune 21. j r-ol. Pierce A. -Murphy has l>een de-j

__ tailed n* eommander of tbe eamp. I*■■■'------- - I


la. of Chieago. manager for Pal Moore.; upon bis arrival here to.Uy aniiounccd terms bad been accepted for what he; railed a world’, title mateh between Moore and .limmy VTilde in Ixuiiloa on_ or about Jnly 4; Moore, aeeording to; Lcwls> Is guaranteed approximately; ♦ 15.000 for the match.


American ambassador to Italy, arrived in Paria at 3:15 o'clock tbis afteraooa. lie wa« accompanied b r Camille Bar-

\ .1 ' . r ■


DAIIF&Xt>AT, M AT S, 1019;


B Great D ifficulty of Aid Rapidly Dissolves Ur of All Forces Except


‘{‘.HE complexity of the Bnss patently is on the verge of simp

(Jg Paris, where are gathered-rep factions indicate that the govi

. Omsk will be adhered to by all and also wUl be recognized bjr t

IVe ment of Bnssia. It is the hop< for govemment with the potential

will be able to bring the Bolshe I throngh continuance of its no ;


a tM Issues Note Concerning Deci- ;h! sion of Council to Make Mr! Great Britain Mandate for

German East Africa. .on -A' PABIS, (/P>—The Belgian delega­

ted iion has issuod a note rolativo to aa- Qreat Britain being nppointed man- -ry, datory for German Knat Africa, nnd snying that it is "unable to be- tho lieve that thia action hns been tak*

en by the councii of four.'’ Bel­gium is unablo to admit that/G er marr Baat Africa could bo disposed

, t , j of by agrocmcnts in which she hns uro “Ot participated.[at. Tho Belgian delegation called at tho Amoriciin headquarters today nn<l modo [•IQ. onc^etic representationa regarding the

mandate fo r German Enat Africa. T^e im-mbera also cowplalBed strong ly 'o f

)S». the omission from tlic poaco treaty Ich p'roviflioMB indemnifying Bolgium for

the MTv'oa billion kn^kn of Gorman ncH noney forccd into circulation in Bel- )gl- gii>n> during tbe German occupation

lind wliich has dopreflated to one-fourth ef, ifn fnco voluo.

3W S EVENTSted in high quarters here' today American 'ambassador to Italy, -

. tbe. conclusion of peace.

.8 begun in the chambcr of dcp- women beyond the age of thirty ibers of municipal councils and issements and departments.

londitiotts oarly today were fav- t second-leg of-tho flight of tho NO-3 and NO-1. The day was

3k westerly wind. The itinerary 1 from Bockaway yesterday and light, called for a landing lato P., a distance of 4G0 miles.

Charles Hopkins, an inunigra- anknown Mexicans were killed, andod, and perhaps fatally, in a an'officers and Mexican smug> ast of Laredo last night. Ira vice and Joso Valdez, an alleged Raidei is not expected to live.

\ Department Arpiy te Plan Unchanged_ 'T cm porary Army of 529,000

Men to Be Urged a t Extra I Session.i W A .s i llN ’O T O X . (/fpi — P ro g re s s

l)V th e jie a re ro iu n ii.w io n e rs a t '” ‘' ; P a r i * h a s e nnar,! no eh -in tfr in th o w a r

I d e p a r tm e n t 's p o lie y o f a te m p o ra r j* nr- o f n p p r o x in ia te ly .'J9 .00O o f f ie e ra

U l.rrnme knowri nffiriaWy U>day jtha t the dc|>artmrnt i« prepared to

, I prena jimetieallr the same bill at the extra session lo l.egin Mny 10.


TC.! -----------Benonncee Idea of CoasoUdattag wltb

ne; O sm an Katlon IS Xntereet '«•" of Wptld Peace.

J -------- -A'l . UASLE, (;?)—The m :iJority 'faction

^ ; in tbe A»Frtrlan national assembly, ae- ' cording to a report from Vienna, bas ; decided to renonnee the idea of the union of Oerrosn -Austria and Oermaay

S').lin the interests of Austria ami world 'e d ; peace.oa. I The .Kuitrian peaee delegation will *r- lc»xe the Austrian capital for Paris.

: V /-- 1


LY NaPROBLEMOF GOMES SIMPLE )NOFFAGTIONghiding Distressed Countrj Under General Agreement p t Bolsheviki.OGNIZE GOVERNMENl 'FORTS AGAINST REDSnssian governmental situation ap implifioation. Late dispatohes fron representatives of various Bnssiai government of Admiral Kolchak ai all factions except 4be Bolsheviki,

>jr the allies as the de facto govem< lope of the aUies that the Eolohal ial strength given it by such actior shevik government to a speedy end DOW snccessful military operationsr — ^ Sees Podble Alliaace.■ The possibility of an oJliancrby Gel « mnny with tho Bussltan Bolsheviki 1 I seen in thc remark Herr Geiaberta, on<

of tho peace delegates, is quoted bj German corrcspondenta as having madi

I in oxpreaaing his opinion o f tho inac ceptabllity of tho pcaco treaty, H« Is quoted as having declared that thi

M oi;ly alternative to acceptance of thi M treaty is "peace with lluain and thi f l uao of Bolshovik troops tor Germany.’I I Whilo opinion on the troaty, from thi

Gorn'an viowppoint is divided, tho con smsus ia tha t tho documont is ono ol

•ci- hnrahnem and oxtromol>■ tlificult o f occepptance. / ik e Czechs Adraoce in B n ^ a ry . for Czech forcoa, operating in conjunc

tiun with Bumanian troops agalnst tbi itungarion'' soviet govornmont bavi tfikcn Nagysxecaeny, a town 40 mlloi

- north of Budappost, according to a Hun gorinn official announcement, Buman iuii troops rocently woro reported 8 ' wiles east of Budapest.

I Tbe conncii of foor a t the peace coaferance now la dellberatliu on

Y tbe torma of tbe trea ty to be pro* sented to Anatrtan xepreMnta* Uves. I t la i«port«l tba t tbe see- tlon deaUng w ltb aaval a f fa ln wiu

' deprive‘Auatria absolutely of her navy. Tbe Aastzlaa delegatea, ao*

y cordiag to latest reporta, bave not toT Pnnoe, b t l i^ delayed la

tbelr . depaxtun by dlaaeation aa to tbe Inchialon of Oennan-AQatHan'

, delegations wltb tbelr party.OblaeM May K ot Siga

maa The Chincso delegation to tbe peaei Bel- confcrenco has rocci\*cil cabled inatruc tion tiona from Peking not to sign tho peaci orth tivaty bccawnc «f the aetticment Tnad-

in tho Kia Chnu ond«6 hantung eontro___ versy, by which Jn jon waa given Ger— man rights on tho Shantung peninsula---- 1 Uclgium’s delegation to the peaci eonfcrence lias made a protest ogainai

^ the reported tleciaion of the council ol y four in mnkitig Great Britain a man___ dntory for German Bast Africa. Bol

gium, it ia snid, hna interests In Afrlct which muat be considered in dividioi up aectiona of that continent for ad liiinistration under *thc k'ftguo of na


I Commanding Qenerals Are In* [ strueted to Belease Those I in Selective Servico.I WASHINOTON'. (/P)— Commnniiinj! I generals of t'he northeafitern,-eaatern, j southeaatern Rud central «lepartmcnti i ami (if Campi Knox. Brngg. Benning I Hitinplii'vs. Kiistii- nnd Fort Sill were 'insiriieted today that il is the desire 1 of th.* wnr ili'pnrtnient to hnve dia- [eliarj'ed Iiy .riine nil men drafted O! fillstecl for tho emergency who 'arc

|eii;;ili|e for cli*M*hnri;c.] Thp exeeption of the !>outhern ami , ivVKfern de[iartments from fhe ordoi Iv.TN understood to he dtie to the fo.-f llliiit tlie iiniix iindiT tbi' iiupervi.iion ni

__ 'these (lejiartnientn are largei.v on dnt.v---- I on the Mexican border'ftnd Ihnt it there

fi re inight imt bo )>metieflMe to releaai' jthe men bv .Tune 1.'. ^

e d \ --------------------------iCasualties in Egypt i Clashes Not Large

I>ONnON^ (/P)—The fot.il mili tnry raaiinltien iu the <li«)rdcni in

ress Eg>-j>t for the last two monthn at were: fivi- Britiah offieers killed,

war ftrjij SIT woiinile.l: other ranks, eigh- af-i .ti'i-n killo.l nnd fifty , xvotindeil; In­

fers ( .li:,,, troopi, six kille.l ami twenty- five wounded. The rasunltiea among

day the rioters arc estimatel a t under to one thou^n-l inelndin;: predaton-

the Bedouin*.


WASIlIN'aTON". M>)—T«nVj h< tucky mountaineer thinks on might

:ion I 'p in the mouataioi where he ]ac- ment, ■ he roads get ver>‘ bad; almo bas I horae makes idow going and he often the night. Hi* wife rather doubts tbat

“ I havo heard that theao taa good speed,” he writes, “ so when t

... war material pleaae send me one sa J i ; peaee witb my w ife ."

HE a s s o c ia t e d PRESS



Russian Factions Decide Part JT of Wisdom Is in Uniting

DS Forces with One Govem-a p .


: a t X _____

All Extend Thanks for Aid iiak Given by Allies and Czecho- Hon Slovakia Troops in Stemming ond Tide of Bolshevism.>ns. ____

PABIS, variosa Buasiaa Ger- ^ o o ^ n a in ^ ir ia apparently are com-

Ici Is ^ 8 together on a platform providijij. QQo fo r the aupport of aay govem neat tbatI by ^ e raa te o a s coastltutional usetably nado ^ e t e d by universal waStnge. Former [qbc. Premier Kereoaky who la ia Paris, o»

Ho poses tbe govemment of Adiairal K o t tho ebak. bnt tbe ndmiral’a repeated prom- th r ieea of a eoastitutlooal aasembly appa^ the eotly bavo satisfied most of tbo Bus-

,ny.” sian radieals in Parl& tlio I t appean probable Admiral Eolcbak

con- ho askoa by tbe' great pow en to0 of xoatato bia program, rbofora reeogni- molv t ie a ia granted.

MeaawbUe encouraging reporta bavo beoa roeelved bero of taa nrogreia of Kolebak’a tnoope againat & e Bolabe

lunc- VikL PToni east of Sataar% northward tbo B ol^eviid u e beiog paahed. baek.

On tbo extreme norther^ wing tbo Bol- Quoa abevikl are retreating rapidly a few

milea oast of tbo Importaat railway and oan* manufacturing town of Valtka. PARIS, (ff)—The movemeat fo r tbi

recognition of tbe govohuneat of Ad- ^ miral Kolchak a t Omsk by tbe aUioi _ aud tho Unitod States aa tbo do fa«tc ^ government In Bussia la supported sc

gonorally in Paris tbat announcemenl ^ of sueh action aify day wotild not b< ^ ■urprl.lng.IC* Will Becognlie geTexumant -lot President Tscbalkow^ of the nortb la ern' Bussian government in Arebange to bas conaeated to’ tecognixe ^ e .Kolchak « n ' government' oa tbo* c e n tra nvem m on

of Busala on condltioa tbaT the Areb angel and other local gDvernments an permitted to retain.control « f local a f

true. la expected on tbt' pnrt of Geneml Doneklno, tho head ol

nftd«i Coasack govcrpment a t Jikaterino- dJr, whoso advisors In Paris havo roe

QpjJ ommendod it. - sula. Evacoatae Cityeaco According to dispatches received b ; tinat tho Russian committeo ift Paris, Sam- il of arn, nn important point on tho Volga, nnn- baa beea evacuated by tbe Bolahoviki. Bol* ond Kolchak’s forces aro moying rap-

trica idly toward thc Volga in pursuit o( dioi< the retreating Bolshoviki

New Government Gives ■' Thanks for Assistance

WAflniNGTON, — Tho strength of the Omak government hns reachen aueh n stage thnt a formnl declamtion

II If mndo today by B. ITgbot, chnrgo d* af II I faires nd intcrhn of tho Bunriaa eat:' IL I linssy, begins:

'*Tho bour which Russian patriots Tti. ond democrals hnvo been waUinp for . during-long montba has come a t last.” ^ Tho atntement indicates that tho de­

tails of the eKtalilishmcnt of the gov­ernment nt Omsk ns the nlI-Bu*sian gov-

liing eniriient havo b^en enmpleted.” cm, . Thnnkn are given to tbe United ents S lates nnd tho oUlcd noilona -lor Ji»oling, -------- ------ ------ ---------------------------------- — .wero (Continued on pago olgbt)?sirc - •



i Newspaper Men Return to Ber­lin and Ministers Are Ex­

pected to Follow. ge -----VKRS.\lLU:i^ 05V-Several German

li i newspa5>cr men returne.l to Berlin ta ­in inight with a German courier, fn.ordei hn I.to be ahle to write moro free ly thMr d. ' views on the penee terms submitted.•h- None of thc. Oermsn plenipotentiaries n- aa fa r aa ran he leamo.^. has yet do- V- parted for Berlin, but tbo departore ig of Miniater* Oieabcrta aad I^aadaberg er in order to give their persona) views oa TV tho treaty to tho other members of

: the e.ibinct is eonaidered probable.

----------------------------------— — N

LTNTAINEER WANTS EACE IN HOUSEHOLD1 helped end the war ia Enrope; a Kea- ight help end domestic/warfare for him, he lives, this man writes tbe i w depart* ilmost impaasable. Afler a bara raM Ua ’ten does not reacb home nntll very l i te a t tbat bsd roada are the reaaoa.taaks travel over impasaabl* grooad a t

en tbe govemment diapoeea ef ita aorplaa 0 so I can got bom« on time^ aad Uva ia

.. ~ ' • •. '


Naval jyiachlne Which Lost O'ul Yesterday in Flight to Hali­fax Is Found and Towed ir Harbor.

WABUINGTON. (^ V T lio .lo|iartiiri of-lho nnvnl seaplanoH N O I and NC-T from Halifax for TrojiftaBey boy, N 1'., on tho aocond lc( of tholr trans*At lanti£ flight baa boon postponod unti toniorrow, tho navy dopartmcnt waa ad Tiled ju st beforo noon today in a radii niCMaf o foom tho supply ship Bdltinion

. a t Halifax.Comm^Ddor Towors explained that il

had boon fotinil .iiocoflsary to do some work on tho prbpoH'ors of tho planes but ho did not gd into dotnUs. Lea: favorable woathor for tho flight to morrow than that obtaining; today wai forocast by the woathor bureau.

CHATHAM. Maaa., (fl>h-Tho hydro airplane N 04 , which wax towed int( tho naval dir station hero today aftoi having boon compelled to land yoater day bocauso of engine trouble wbilo ot tl)P firs t log of tbo trans-Atlantio fllghl probably will resume tho trip to HaU fax tomorrow, according to naval offi cials. Two of hor four onglnos won out of order, but mechaniclana expeotoc to bo able to mako repairs quicltly.

CHATHAM, Mosfi., (/PJ—^Tho nava acnplano NO-t, miaaing ninco lato yon tonlay whon nho wns forced tn dosccnd whilo attem pting a flight from ^ c k away to Halifax, waa towed Iuto the Chatham Harbor by a motor boat from

• tho Chatham aviation station about 0:3Q o'clock this morning.' Tho N 0 4 wna first sightod by a guard a t tho station. Tho mombom of tho crow of tho floa ri~ parted tha t they wuro rnmfortahlo.aad that thoy had pasacil tho night on a calm noa. eno cnglno of tho nun-piano wsfi in nurvicd. tliu other hnving been dianblod on tho trip from Rookn* way.

Si^htod a t DaybreakWhon sighted a t dnyhrvnk the NC-4

was trying to rcach port um lcrhor own YHtwor. ^ 'aplancs stationed horn wero immediately sont out to givo nny nood- cd attslstaQCo but tho crow uf the NC-4 Aignallod that all on board wero safo nnd th a t although thrco of the four engines had gono “ dood" thoy htiil'bcen able to mnko ounaiilurnblu [irogn'HS during tho night in the smooth nun.

Oan Be B«palrod Officials a t tho air inal4«M-i)ioi‘o said

the NC-4 wnnld bo eM y v d iinim-dlatc- ly and probably w ^T cr^ tu tn ' lo Ruclc- flway Bcnch. Whpthcr.thctwtum flight would be ntartod today ftepiitidcd on ibo time reqiilmd for ri>i«iirs as woll nn weather conditions. .1


Labor Troubles of Motor Com­pany Are Rapidly Reaching

High Pitch.TOLKOO, O.. ' (;p)—Lalior troublo,

whirh hns rlo!<ed the Willyn-Ovorland nnd two othor largo jilflnts hen- and inndi» 10..')00 men nud womrn iJlo. cou- timu'd to show sorlous prni>ortions to­day, followlni; rioting and arrcntn made yi-Blnrdny nftcrnoon ntvd lnst night. There npponred m> prort]'HTt nf ncttlo- ijipnt of .lispiiptcs .at -the Ovrrlniid. Au- to-Llt«\ 'nnd Ford jdrito Klnns c-nnipaiiy jilnnti', nnd n stntemeni enme from the niprrhnnts and iiiniiiifiirtiirers’ bonrd timt iiule<ii Inlxir troiilile is at onre nl- layed, other iilant« may he eldsed.

Includos Lar&'o Force Thu Willys Overland plant whoro u|>-

I»roiiimiitcly 1(1.000 incn nnd women ari' on striko ovor hours of work, contlnuca to bo rlosed indefinitely, and CiRht men aro held in tho Wood county jail ns a result of rioting ut fhe Ford glass plant.

The men Inst nielli held n dcuionstrn- tion in frx>nt of jiolirc hcudcpmrters nfter the nrrest nf three men in con- Mprtinn with riotinj; nt the Ovrrlanl plant whero it is charged n number of loynl workers were attacked. The jxh Jier relc.ised Iho prisoners to quell tho Tinting. _

If you know wbai a advertised todsy you know what to buy today—where tn flnd'it.—what il will coat.

EzcBllent bog feed for u ie . Tbe Twin Polla Plour MiUa, fAdT.)



Man Aconsed of Mnrdering

R Women Is Alleged to Have Burned tho Bodies.

PARIS, (/P)—Calcined human bones nro nald to have beon (iinrovered by

r tn t the-polico pi tho villa a t Oambasa, UUI ownedT>y Henri Landni,'who is undor a l j . arrest on suspieion of having murdered

* sovurnl womon who have disappeared in I jp tho rocont past. Acconling to tho po­

lico Landni usod a furnnco boated by some mothod as yet unknown to bum tho trunks o f his vfctims and destroyed

turo Hrabs in tho fireplaces of hiavilla. * i

Js;, Ono of tho most importnnt discoveries *-At* investigation of this mys-u'ntil torioua caso hoa been a mass of stones I ad- against a wall of tho villa. Thoseajio stones evidently belong to a furnaco lioro clinging t0‘ them, it is said, woro

found bus of melted glass In which It it pleeos of bonea whieh phyBlcians iomo declared to be hamon. Theseinea, alleged to include fragmentsLeas throo human sknllB.

ZiNylOESTlOllS I ISEl MEETwore Second Day of Convention of f "* American Leflion Opens with aval 'List of Problems.JO.- ---------

ST. LODIS, («>)—FBOllog bolivooi. nd- nntional guard and tho

tno rogulnr army todoy was brought to tho front at tho second day’s sosaion of tho national caucus of the American legion, composed of men and women who were in the military or naval*sorv-

‘ ico of the government during tho war.Urges E qoU Footing.

Major ffamlltoa Pish of New, I'ork . prosontod a reaolution urging thot con-

’kii national guard ond thoregnlar army on on equal footing and charges wuro frooly made tba t national guard officers in Prance bad boon dis- criminated against in fnvor of regn*

•wn iftrs.•ero rrohibition and omploymont wore

nmong othor questions brought up. Sev- <-'■* ural resolutions concerning prohibition af(' wore preaontod to tho resolutions com* o.or mitU'e, and ns in the caso of the nd* pen tionol guard-regulnr nrmy qucation. thoy >'S8 wore embodied in one for final preson

tntion to tbe caucus.Woold Hold Over.

Tho prohibition resolution finally jtp. adopted by tho committeo urges thot the ci(. snlo of beer and llsh t wines bo eon-

tinuod until the membora of^tha Ameri- fbo ton expeditibn« 7 foreea c>a Tolee AM thoir opinion.

Th^ prohibition question was brought up by Joaopb Beoly, aon of Tim Healy, a prominent labor loader of Kew Y or^ Iliii resolution charged that “ eertoin forees more intercatod in prohibition than in winnii^ tho w ar” hod ‘Uokon advantage of tbe abscneo of the coun-

r t t ry ’s sona who wero fighting for do- L pocracy.»‘ ________ .

U Tho ada of tho stores oro nows-bud- geta. Thoy givo you fncta aa to whnt is hnppcning in tho world Df morchau-

II" dising—prico trends and actual selllag l>ricos. You must keep in tourh with storo nows in order to bo ablo lo jlidge values.


i M A Y S Pht.le-

T5 1 0 . 0 0 w i l l p u t t h i s h o u

y o u r h o m e — ? 6 . 2 5 p e

m o n t h s w i l l k e e p i t t h i



by --------

ndor London Laborites Are Taking Strong Dislike to Peace

I Terms for Germany and Giv- burn ing Verdicts Against Them.>yed • _____

h ia iLONDON. (;P>—Aftor meeting to con-

jries siller tho terms of pence imposed upon nys- C’ennnny by tho allied and aasocloted ones iiutions.'tho national oxecutire commit- hose tee of the British labor party tonight naco issued a manifesto declaring the troaty voro ill some ossential particulars ‘‘opposed hich to tbo declarations'of President Wil- iana aon. of tho intor-alllod labor conforenco hese nnd tho Bome conference, and vory do* ents foctive from tbo standpoint of world

peace.’’' Shows CotnpTOnlMS

1 0 “ i t bears evidonco of n compromise m by rapitalism and imnorinlfsm which I I I nt/ll domlnntu European staten.*’ the ■W manifesto declared. ‘‘Any permanont ■ V denial to Oormany of an opportunity to

I bucomo a mandatory undor the. loague ' I of nntions must causo jealodsy and un- _ I rest leading to farther intemationnl

disputes.”I Points Otltidsed

Other points criticlned wero the fail* Ij uiu Io >;lvo Germany representation on

the n>parl itioDs eommisaion and tho oiuisaiun of proviaions for a progrottivj limitation of annaments by lho other

oa. Pignatorioa to tho treaty. Tho m*al- the frsto protested againat tho permanent tho of Soar basin from Qor-q{ biuny nnd advocated a plobiseito in

ican A'almedy and othor conteatod torritor* men between Belgium nnd Oermany. * orv-

J I W il l B u i l d H o u s e sork I:on- at opce on any ef n y v*eant lotstho or acreage traets and sell on termsand of 1-4 down and 1, 2 u d 8 yeara,mal 8 por cont, or^

I will Loan You the Moneyop to 1*2 value a t 8 per eent on mod* em improvod, woll located residence property, or for bollding porposes.

r A R T H U R L . S W IM‘°y ■ •son ■


Immodiato poaseaaion of- l^O' aares,L good locatod land— 1-2'anlles from rk! Jerome. Crop goes with farm. 80 lin ocrea in alfoifa, '20 acres Sn wheat,

small thrco-room house, bhra for 8 horacs. deep -well, pump and gasoline

Io- engine, good water, all fencod. 9200 per ocro takes It. Pedoral loan on plaeo nt d%.

s Would-tako a residenco os part pay- ment in Twin Falla or Jerome.

i G. P. WERTZBAUGHER!J50 Phono rroOM 228 8th Ave. East


P E ,C I A LI . )

^ < [ a i i c 5 76 .50 CASH

lousehold necessity in per month for 12 there.


_ _ _


. In Addressing National Assem- , p bly Leader Declareis Treaty L Means Slavery.

BERLIN, W»)—Promler Hirsch, of Prussin, speaking., in tho Prussian na- toinal usseinbly today characterized tlio

nO- pcnco tonns as ^oproseoting a purely mailed f is t” peaco, which “ would

IC6 mean slavery Tor tho Fatherland and fresh bloodshed for Europo.”

IV” “ Tho government appeals to you,” m ho continued, “ to closo your ra n ^ ,

* preserve your calm ond avoid indiscre­tion in eoso of dissensions. Wo ore

OQ. faced by tho question of to bo or not QOQ to be. Tho entire nation moat stand tod behind the goVemmont to convert this nit- projected pooco of violence into a poace j.|it of rlgbt. That is poaaiblo only if tbe aty nation which is oxpeeted to sign Its own , 0(1 death w arrant, flxw y supports tbe gov- tfi\. ommont. Tii?, tbo moat mournful day „(.o in our hiAtory.'muat find us strong.” do* 1 .. •trid When you aeqoi(«-tho habit of stody*

ing your buying problems, oven though thoy may bo small problems, you will

. havo ncquirod tho habit of th rift, of , foresight, of confidonco in your own ,5 judgment. A study of tho ads aro eu*

sontial. out |-'t® b e a d THE CLASSIFIED A D agucun- ' _ ' ■nnl iiMMiar|,iii|i|a>||||| 1 ii| |i|||inil'lli>l|i|i)Wll>r

”“n ' MWiil™ttio l l l l N u n N l ^ l - Tiv j B M B H lu a i^ h : .

BlnSnHiMiiH mu uU* DUmlniilTiM^.)'ont nfiN|m|lU/rjwAn^lor- M M lnilU il 11In UUin^lA > S t

‘ 1 1

^[|IW ' ffi

Light, tast; I you never sav

them —so delii demand biscuits for them once n


“ B E S 1

— a baking p possible to be t

_ i n c Economy. T bakings—no re-b wonderful leaveni C alum et is the wc ing Powder becai w o r l d ’s h o u s e w iv e s t h : e c o n o m ic a l . U s e d in i p r o d u c t o f t h e l a r g e s p o w d e r f a c to r ) - iri e x i D a k in g : s u c c e s s , m o r e d

CALUMS U od a p t . . i3 Lrvd Uapoetifult CaSumtt Be.

PPtetUr 1 1 ^ 1 tmpoo»/Ml salt

'3 Ltcti tablapooi^HU thcrtemng Cups mSk er water

This U pctitiMtf ont of tht hat etui pane in your r

B A W ord o f W arniiB W h e n y o u b u y a p o u nB p o u n d — 1 6 0 2 . S o m e hiB n o w b e i n g p u t o n t h e iB o f a p o u n d . B e s u r e >

" B y o u w i n t i t T Q o ^ sh o rt

■ 'v c"



New Senator froin Georgia Tolls .Wilson He Will Vote for

Amendment.WASHINOTW. OT) — Information

•J ■ reached Waahington today thnt WilUnm J. Harris, tho new sonator from Gc6^

1% gin, wlio^is now in I^uropc. hns told nnd Wilson thot ho will voto for

thu equal suffrago amendment resolu- , , tion, wblch failed a t thu last suasion

i of tho senate by ono vote.’ Suffrago o<lvocatc8 sold Scnotor Har-

® * rin' vote wns not necessary to insure passage of tho roaolution as a poll of

and g a s 8 = ^ = s a s ^ ^ ^ g g i_ _ ,.^ ------th5s J ________ TT-rrTT-1.1________r—r-lace

- S E E U S^v-day

If you want you absolutely correi


D a j . ,


^ 4, ^

M i t ssty, flaky biscuitaw o r tasted the like ilicious that the folks m its twice to where they ;

now, when the leavener


powder that makes £ truly American in BaThere-is no loss—no spoil

:-bakings. It never ening strength—never variiw o r l d ’s ' h i g g e s l : s i : l l i n g Bak- c a u s e i t h a s p r o v e d t o t h e t h a t i t i s , t h e m o s t d e p e n d a b l e m d i n t h e U . S . A r m y a n d N a v y . A g e s t . f in e s t , m o s t s a n i t a r y t n k i n g e x i s t e n c e . T r y i t . H a v e g r e » t « re d e l i c i o u s a n d w h o l e s o m e fo o d * ,

JMET BISCUITSH ow to M ak* T h w a — ^ , a

told mdk or tarndottgh. Turn dough tm fioirta haordand roll out tightly till

tngjt Ihtct. Cut into bisatiij amd Itf hibakttuipam. U i Hand for Amutfi; th<n bake in kot oom.

l<at biscuit rm'pts ever formulaUd. Oitt'■ur recipe book /^future rr/frvMoL '

rn ing W orth L is te n in g Toj u n d o f C a lu m e t y o u g e t a f u l l e h ig h p r ic e d baking^ p o w d e r s a r e i e m aflce t in 1 2 -o z . ca n s in s te a d •e >T)u a re g e tt in g a p o u n d w h e n or* w eighfK w ith C a l u m e t

tbe sonato showed moro t b u tbo .two*' tbinls majority required. Sjy>por)»r» of the amondmont expeet to prosa for

l i n las passage early in the oxtra seiiioA M y of congress. *

DO TOim BS8T3lls Everyone. sbonld do all ko to

provide for his family and ik ordoi* t» do this be must keep bis physical ays* tom in tbo best condition possible. ono can roaaonably hopo to do moeh

tlon whon he is half aick a «>od share of the' Hnm time. . I f you aro constipated, bilious or cor- troubled yith indlgoatlon, got A paex* told ago of Chamberlain’i Tablota and fol- for low tho plain printed dlreotions, and

lolu- you win soon DO feeling alright and s'iou able to do n day ’s work.—*dy.

nar- Claaalfiod Ads are ehoap—effective, jure *I of Subscribe for The Twin F illa New»

our picture framisdreet and up-to-date, , .

• O K S T O R E ,A I.I .S , IDA HO


fet -J* J iii

lits, ■ K tiB io f BH biKHh

w i l l. U H H H f f i N Sf a s k

T mmR H Ds B B hRBiak- H H B j y B moileds its ■ W B H M M n B irie*. H H H n i i n R

BHMHlih e — — ■ W ltn dA

- SId ^ l i i * n r t l j l ^

” v ^ s l ! & d



■ ITHEEBif'j' —

Several Regiments Are Oi ized in Country as. Pos Reserve Force Among W Are Units of Home Gu

^VTTH t e s AMEaiCAN AB51 OCCUPATION — (CornoBpondoi tho Auoeiated P ro n )—In tho o of American army officers who tla j b j imj tho process of domoh tlon and readjustment of onomy it appears likely thnt Genoral vo tow -\ orbaek, tho Oorman comn who rotomod to Gomnnjr in : from Africa, is Rnpidly uniting Mn eommood all tho loyal marine

WtltisfT ia tho summary of I • gcnco of tko tliird Unitod Statoa

of recent date one of tho Amoriei ports who ■pcciollzos upon tho lucnta of all Oomon armed forccs ' ‘Such • division (marines) mi cxpected t* be ono of tho most ] ful instnunenta of iho:T>w8<5nt gi mont—aad n ig h t ovon bu a rvaoll power."

HuBCTOtia Units Appear; Owing to tho jwpular approclat:

tbo BorvicM of the moriaes durlc ' • war and io tljd i^ tia tio n of the

lution last November, by marino noroua zaa/ine volDotoee. units hv pearod In Qermttny during tho pus jiiontha Booking to cnplt^izo tho loxity. So many of thom, howove veloped iato robber bands compoi tnon ia tm ifomu who nqv0r sorv tlio mariao sorvico- t)<Ai o^ tail Average Oonnaa civilian hna beg look vpom toy num in a nmrliK form aa a probablo thief.

During tke past-few weoks tho i ■of tho marino units bhs b iSn clc up and from information gathorc

• tho Third Army officers it is now .«iblo to givo a genenU Idoa of th rino uaita. In an .article in tho mary of iatolligonee Isauod. dail ihe third a m y one of tho Ameriei ficors saya*..

Home Guard loca ted "Tbe marino units of Spartacl

•doubtfnl leanings may bo conai firs t. Ifev t important of thoso i Volkamaria® division which wont tn tbe Spartacists In tho January Mareh tronblos in Berlin, but has

, boen BQpprossod in Berlin. Howit haa • branch in Braunschwei «loarl7 Spftrtaoist purposes. Many wore prominent in tho dissolved ui Borlia ore now in this unit, whlc! pears to be the foundation of tho en t Spartacist control of Brnunsch A t least two home guard units ol rloM aro kaown. one a t Munich ono a t F rankfurt on Main. . Neith theso hac.beOB fairly tdod, but: mb' nnqneationably of strong Sf ■clit l e a a ia ^ '

<<6 oppOTtnkg Mlnistor of War ' ko aad tbo present govornmont arc oral marino nnita of excellent.mi which appear all or nearly all. to~l Iho proeesa of uniting a t the' pr time, under control of Qcnearl von tnw-V orb«k, tho Gorman commi who retursod from A fdca in Marc

"U o « t important o f these is the ' Marine Brigade' or Marine Bri Rohdoa, nader Colone! ron Bol This was organized in Klol, offii ozeluaiTely by officers of a t loasi toon years’ scrvice. I t suppressed orders early this year ia Bremen, haven, Wilkelmshavcn, and Bmden had a large part In tho roatomtU

-order ia Beriln, especially a t Lie berg ia ICareh.”


One Niflht Pa^es Witliout 1 gle Important Violation (

Larceny Law.CIIICAOO. (/P>—Last night hi

yjiued fo r thc first time in i n-onthi without a larcenous crltr iPBjor momont, Clilcf of Police Ga heaved a sigh of rollof today am ncuncod, tha t in his opinion, that <ago is aow practlcnlly free of bai Mfo blowers and burglars.

Tbreo week* ago tho police start arrest every known crook In alghi fivo huadpod of them aro now 1< ui» oa vagrancy or olher charffC have left town, Chicf Oarrity said is probably tho greatest Tald o kind ever mado in tho countr;*,” tho chief, and ho helieve.l that a tho prisoner* or fugitives were who for a lotiR timo mule off

Itayrolls and robbed banka with i lng regularity.

NEURALfC PAII, C iv« W ay t e SootbtnK H an

“*"• Wlx an l OII■ Hamlin's Wixard Oil ts a *af«

<ncct!Yc treatm ent for headach« neuralgia. Rubbed in where the

' i*. it ac ts a tonic ta the tori " rc rv c s .a n d alm ost Inrariably b

«jiiick relief.Its healing, antiseptic qnalitic:

always he relied upon to prever (ection ,or o ther serious results.

-4 sprains, broites, cats, bums.and stings. J a i t as good, too sore feet, stifi neck, frost bites, sore* and canker sores.

Get it from druggists for 20 < If not satisfied-return the bottlt jret your money back.

Ever constipated o r bare headache? Jo rt try W itard 1 ^ V lu ^ p e a s a n t little ptok pill ccata. Csarasteed.

PEIBAT, lliT », 1019. '

IS p MOrgan-

Possible r '9 Which Guards.i i u i r OFDdoDco10 opinion 'ho follow mohilizzn- my forces

von Lot- ommondor in Mnreh


utos arm.'’ orican ox- :ho movo- rcea. nays,

may bo ist power* it govern-


tho rovo-nu- .ap-

past fow tbo popu- ^over, do-sfm d in S ta rr in g in they r t h o LIOR AND THE- UOUSE, a lbegun toirliio uni- . .


fROMPWso is tho — :-----

Patrol Routes Are EstablisI Efo“ ."c' for AW t« Ranaers in P

of tecting Against Fires[any who , , , j **d uait in W o o d s .rhich ap- — —

WASniNOTON, (fl>)-Pnlrol of « ofm a* tlimal f 9ro>ts by army alrplanea to ; nich and <‘"'^7 warning of forest fires will either of J'uno 1 , with tho Inanguratlot but botlL patrol routes from Mareh fl

Sparta* Rivexsldo. tJal;, aceording'-'tonouncoment hero by tbo, forost ser

ra r Noa- department of agriculture,aro aev. same day obacr\'atlona eovorin morale, large cart of the Angoles national

to" bo in ‘’8 be started from a captlvo I present stationed over the anny ball von Let- n«ar Arcadia, Califorfila.mmander airplanes will bo osed on <larch. **>0 patrol 'roiites whieh willth e 'Iro n 100 miles long and oack nBrljrado covorod twico a day. WnmiBohden. ^Ul bo transmitted cither

officered »"cans of parachute mesaagcn drop least flf- bv tho aviatora doaciasod dl»- iofT communicating with tho fo on. Oax- *upervlsor. den, and ••Wlon of y o a A WEAK STOUAOB

® As a'genoral rule all^'ou neod tola to adopt a diet suited to yonr

U and occujtttlon fnd to keep your boi regular. When yon fool th a t yoa h

■ eaten too much and when consUpa Uko one of ChamberhUn'a Tablot

l i y To “ flaance” a ’ 'To L e t” ad I I I I campaign you need only set a

■ —for perhaps a few daya—a parl rour pocket monoy."

lit Sin- = = = ^ = in of =

; having

« A RESP0N5 bnndits, BANKING (

tarled toi s o f t e n t i m e s

s r " ”!i «f »> p r i s e .y ,” salJIt among ▼. i i .■rc those I t h a s b e e n t

F i r s t N a t i o r F a l l s t o s h a i

1 1 I I O m e n t a n d p r o ; l IN S c o m m e r c i a l i i

f y i n g e x t e n t .

, W e i n v i t e n e 'ichc and f u l l k n o w l e d ]

m e n t i s o f t h ' r b r in n • v i c g a d e q u a t e

i i t i c .c n e x a c t i n g r e q i

Its. from

« The firstJO cents. ,jttle and T W U l J

ire sick •d LiverpaiM, 30 _________ ____________________


tbo '^ntagraph Snperproduction, 1 1, showing a t the Gem Theatre, Toe

I CONSP RUCyTO rS.JREIITEMra B ; EOWERIblished Stations Where Soldiers n Pro- Saifdfs Are Kept Are M .JS jn Centers of Plot to SI

.Trouble. ■LONDON'. (JPi—A eonaplroey ti

1 of na- duee BrUiah sailors to mutiny and a to givo diors to demobilize themselvea will be- TTJirehing out' of thoir barrackahaa atioa of diseoverod, according to thc Dally 1 lh f(eld, T h^ prctHlaon of varioua .poTSona

f’.'to' an* lioeix'aearcBoiT and <ToJ'umonCa"scl« aerviee The ntatlonn Involved tho nowup uro. -On n.*»ya, Include, four In Franco and m vering a nl in E!ngland, while tho sailors In

anal for- val porta bavo been circularized wi tlvo bal* view to Inciting tllem to selzo tho t

balloon nnd invito the poldlorn nnd jiolir< join thom.

on each Tho object of tho plot Is Bald ti will bo to compol tho govemmont to uso. f :k ronte if the projected dlsordeni should o< ^nmingn tho organizers bellovlng thot this w Ither by preclpltato anarchy, dropped ' ' •descend- BEJEOTED ZKOBEASED SAIiAJ >0 forost RAPID CITY, 8 . D.. :

S. Johnson, a local Presbyterian isler rocently rejected a tolcgra

• offer of *0,000 a year and oxpe ~ ftom a Canadian chautauqun comj>d to do located a t Calgary. Rov. Johnj onr ago present salary la $1,500 a year, r bowels gave as hla reason that ho felt oa havo thero woro moro possibilities for d lUpatod, good tn hla work hero, iblota.—> <




NSiBLE1 CONNECTIONe s a c o n t r i b u t i n g f a c - s u c c e s s o f a n e n t e r -

1 t h e p l e a s u r e o f t h e i o n a l B a n k o f T w i n h a r e i n t h e ' d e v e l o p - r o g r e s s o f T w i n F a l l ’s 1 i n t e r e s t s t o a g r a t i - n t .

n e w b u s i n e s s — i n t h e e d g e t h a t o u r e q u i p - t h e b e s t a n d o u r s e r - a t e t o m e e t t h e m o s t e q u i r e m e n t s .

it National BankIn Falls, Idaho


i I There ^@ T h e e n d b f o n e w

I j - I W T h e e n d o f t h e o l g y t e n t e d .

I I H ER E AR1 i ' f ir s t -1 ® SECO^P ® A r e y o u h e l p i n g

& W ' a c c o u n t o r a r e y^ ^ e x p e n s e . F o l l o 'v s® ® e s t e d i n .

I I W H ICHI B I ' © B O Com F la k e .....................j 9 ® Quaker Coro Flake...............| S @ Largo Post ToasUea ............k M ^ Large Kellogg Oom Flake

Oingdr. S n a p ------- ......^ BorsOata_____ :--------^ P ack a g e-O ats______ ____

', j. . ■ r a i Argo Staifch ...._:-------- --- —T... V®. Silver Olosa Starch, 2 for_

- • Tomatoes, P a rk e r ..................■ @ Major C om ........ .....

^ D ntdi C le a n se r----------------^ UaMhoS;- j l tt t>0X ________

Old Inn Jam ...... ....... ..........

ro d ay , ^

r i s| y ® N e x t D o o r t o l d a h (

rji ©dl®©)®®®®®®®?C U P FO R T O U R N E Y W IN N E

S and Moaoow store Donates Tropliy foi |\||a(j0 dlTldnal Conteat a t U. Qf J.

Start (Special Cotnreapondonco)JJNIVER8 ITY OP ipAHO, Mo

—A largo loving cup will bo awa thc moa who win out In the Indivl

' ‘I* tennis toumoya lo bo played- a t and sol- trniveralty noxt weok. Tho cup rea by ),(,eQ donated by a local depart laa been store.,ly Man. Winners of this toum ev will bo na have pnllmaa to com pol^ln t ^ co ‘® ^ “* ence tennis match. According to wKpapor dope/ Idaho stands a fa ir » a n c d never- winning a high placo in tho confoi I In na. j^cvt.: with a ,


to be <0 . force 3 occur, '

■ A n OLABY IV. Paulin tnin- l | m f •SS Warner)hnson’s >r. l^e sU that r aoln*

S a l e t >JTTEB.U TO

I—AdT. WARNER’S CORSEc l o t h i n w h i t e

c o r s e t f o r -

WARNER’S CORSEp i n k o n l y . (

c o r s e t f o r -

F o r s u m m e r ■ w ea:

P r o o f C o r s e t s — t h e y

s t a i n s o n y o u r l i n g e

m a d e a n d s o l d a t t l

B u n gON

B u n g a l o w /

T h e y c o m e i n

y o u d e s i r e . F u l l

W a r n e r ’s

B u s f - P r o o l T u A F

C o r s e t s ^ D p < o d


) ® @ @ ® @ @ @ ® @ @ ® ® ® ® ^

A re T w o RcJ w i l l f i n d y o u h a p p y a n d I o t h e r w i l l f i n d y o u w h e r e

R E T H E T W O !

IT—PAY CASH AND BU OND—CHARGE IT, ANDl g t o p a y t h e s a l a r y o f a h i y o u p a y i n g c a s h a n d s s o w i n g a r e a f e w c f t h e p r :

H I I R O A D . D O Y O........................ ..........l i e pkg. CTTBtal W..................................10c i»kg. Flake Whi....... ...... ....... ... ....._20c pkg. Cream Oil

“ »•--------------------------------;------------------ 30C Peanut Bu........................................... 70c Peannt Bu--------------------------------- 3So Peannt Bu_______ ________ ______ lOc Oraham Flifor----------------„ ---------- 21^. Cereal Orej..... „....;________ __ iCc can com---------------------------15c can Dried PhiB— ---------------------- lOd caa Dried Peac---------------------------------- 5c Dried Aprt......................... .... — 4Sc q t Dried Apri

jK A Ga h o T h e a t r e

— — ,1 i-,| . M. T .......... —JNPRQ BOTB Ain> onti.8 s p e a k■ i i& n o VIOTOBY 3

; I” DENVER. Pa"®**" of■ motion pictures wero astonished r

ly when the Intormisalon eame i») show during wbleh speechea woro

Moscow on behalf of tho Victory Llbortyawarded to aoo boys and girls monnt tvdividual speakers’ stand and talk to the gI- a t tho upa. This in tho firat lon:n campaicup has whleh thia plan was followod a

partment has worked out suecossfully.Elimination speaking contests «

t bo seat Manual Training High Bchool roJ confer- i» tho aclcction.of fivo y o u th fu l,

to local minuto” mon and ‘'fo n r niinuto’ 'lanco of whoso Bcr>'lces wore donated tinfcrcnco loan campaign.

We are sgatn malting stockfood feetive. Twin Falls Plour Mllle. (

O p p o r t u n e T i m <

■’s Rust-Prol a t u r d a y o n l y w e h a

t w o e x c e l l e n t C o r s

SET m a d e o f f i n e A l e j

i t e o n l y . G o o d s t y l e . A


SET m a d e o f C o u t i l c l i

G o o d s t y l e . A n e x

. . - fl

• e a r w e r e c o m m e n d W a r n e r

l e y w a s h — t h e y -w ill i i o t m a

L g e r i e — t h e y ■w ill o u t w e a r a n ;

c t h e s a m e o r e v e n h i g h e r p r

y a lo w A p ]rN SALE SATURDAi" A p r o n s m a d e o f p e r

i n p l c d n a n d f a n c y p a t t

u l l c u t , w e l l m a d e — i n e v e r y

_ “y A e G r e a t e r —

UIODEPARTMENTStodatm r e . ' jn i i 'T I ^ I M I I - t l i l ' l

D @ ) ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ®

oads in L ifed w i t h f u n d s i n t h e b a n k , r e y o u s t a r t e d a n d d i s c o n -


I b o o k k e e p e r t o k e e p y o u r s a ' v i n g t h a t u n n e c e s s a r y

p r i c e s y o u s h o u l d b e i n t e r

OU TRAVEL?. Wliite Soap, bar....__..->-...._-....______._5cWliite Soap, b a r ____________ _____ ____ 6«Oil Soap, 3 b a r s ____________________ .25cilire Boap b a r _______________ ......_____lOo•ablet Soap 3 for_____________________ 25c

Butter, 1 lb________________________ 28eBntter, 2 1-2 lb_____________________.65cButter, 5 l b s . --------------------------------*1.20

, Flour, s a c k .... ........... ........... .... .......-„ ...-60cOroam, sack ....... ..................... ................_ 65cleal, sack ____ ___ _— 70chrones orchard new, lb._________ _UVkc’eachea, lb__ ________________________ L06ciprlcota, lb---- ------------------------------------ 20eLpricots, 10-lb. boxes kt lb........

rG ST w i n F a l l s , I d a h o

• 1. ,

DEBATE FEDERAL CONff. Denver Teams of Idaba aad IContaM VI:d rccent- * gltlee to Dedde Question.10 ia the ' ---------'oro ma.1o {Special CorrespoBdmjco)f UNTVER8 ITY OF IDAHO, U>0 ffrown- ~ T b e yarslty debato team wUl <

in whether or not tho govomment i) .^ .1 If continuo to control the'railroads“ “ It meotn tho Montana S tate Univrta nt ihn 'a*® i'l May. This Is the fiiI bato in tho year. Tbo Moatana„i will havo debated tho Bubject»«»» it comes to Idaho.•1 tK* 0“ member of tho Idabo team haI *0 *"« actual floor experience.

ood. Tbe AdveHiae i t la .the Claasified eol (Adv.) of Tbe Newa. Bomebody will wa

me T o B uy

oof Corsetsl a v e p l a c e d on r s e t N u m b e r s

l e x a n d e r _

A j o o d$ 1 . 1 9 J y

c l o t h i n , 7

; x c e l l e n t

$ i . s a - r a n

l e r ’s R u s t -

n a k e r u s t W iTE \ \

j n y c o r s e t

p r i c e .

)fan^ 98c» A Y O N L Y

e r c a l e s a n d g i n g h a m s ,

i t t e m s , l i g h t o r d a r k e i s

ry 'w a y a d e s i r a b l e a p r o n .

Store ltd.A rcgnssspg ‘ f l e i f H t C S d

tuA «E

P A im r p T m 'I s s s= s s= s= = = = = = = s r= s[ TWIN FALLS DAILY NEWf- BOY A. ^ E X i) r.T.i ■ JOHN a HABVET-------- N*wa EdiS .. TAlepbone S2 . .

I ... - . T o d a y ' s N e w s

i Entered aa soeond-elau matter Afi • , 1918, a t the postoMlco at Twin Fn Idalio, ondor tbe Aet of Varcb S, 18

SUBSOEIPTION RATESMail Carr•S.OO________ Ono T ear .............— «0•2J50________ fl m ontha--------------#3

, #1.25________ 3 montba--------------t l .• .C0_______ 1 m o n th -------------- • .

jld rertisin^ Ratoa Upon Application

Eaatem nepresentatives: Gcorgo David Co., Inc., 171 Madison Ave., N< York. 1411 Hartford Building, Cl»lcaj

No reaponaibilitj is aaaomed for t ^are of unaolieitod manuaeripts, pliol grapha or other oontribntad natt« Artlclea aubmitted for pubUcation w be nsed or not itt tbo discretion of t

. editor and no manaserlpts will be i turned onleaa aeeompanlcd tb« n« •ssary po ata^ .

MEMBEB OF ASSOCIATED PREiThe Aaaoeiatod Pcesa is oxeluaiT«

entitled to tho ttse for republieation < all sows dispatchos credited to It, < BOt otherwiM credited, in this pap< and also the loeal news published ber

t io. All righta of ropobUeatioa of sfeial dispatohes heroin aro also resenre

- ’ < § >

Not Yet Too Late.E ver/ ” bo liua not aubnurib<

j to tho victory Joan ond cyory porat; who lioa failed to HubaerlbD lila f t

i)uotb‘shoold b ta r in raiml the loHowii j focta sot forth by tbo publicity eoi‘ mittoo ond purehaae bofore ^ u .clo

of tho drive tomorrow uight.In rocogoixlng thnt o state of war c

isted botween this eoontry and tho Ii periai Oarman govemment, Ooiifn’oaa, < tbot momorable AprU 0, 1017, cloaod i resolntioa with tbo folIowinR soled pledge:

I “ And to bring tho conflict to a auceaafui tormination, all tho rosourcea i

! the country aro hereby pledged by tlI Congrott o f the Unltod States,"t Congreas waa pledging not only itac:

to tho succosafnl probeeotlon of the m i it wna dedicating evory individual An urican to a full share in tbo burdea c tbe war asd to the honor aad gloi

! whieh would bo Amorlca'a when tbfonftict onded in 'v iftory for tin- allie )>owen.

j The War ia ovor. I t Ima bcwi brougl)to I^‘ '8uccea8ful term ination."

But, certain obligations ohtnilod ii bringing It to o aucceaaful terminatlo 8^11 remain.

Patriotic, National and Civic dut. ilcmnnda tha t thcno ohUgatonn bo mc a t on<ro ami unanimously, by tho Ame lean pvople. Our armod ai-a and lan< forcoa met thoir obligations fully, iiii nnimouBly nud with good’ moanurc.

Ono..of tho biggvNt obllgaliona hot confronting Anirricnnii in tlio full aub ncriptinn of tho romparolivrly iimni amount sought by Uncle Ham in tlio Vir tory Liberty I»aii iasuo.

Sace Peterminatlon. \ AuiiDung thnt the authora of “ Thi

Klakcn of W ar.’’ n work for whicli n» jintroduction waa' writton by f^rmo. Preaidant T aft and whieh warmly commended by all rrvicwi'rn, nro rorroci in their ntatrmonttf rrgurding tlio racial divifliona of Europe, the jx'oce troaty as aubmitted, ahowa great rof^ird foi tbe principloa of rnro determination.

Polea predominato in thr }M¥la of Biltaia, Poaen and West P ruu la which are rc<lcd to Poland. Thero i* a »lrong

W A R WW h e n y o u s e e t h i s i l i t t l e f u r t h e r , c o m e d e t e r m i n a t i o n a n d b e s t C l o t h e s A m e r p r i c e s n o t i c e a b l y I w p e c t e d t h i s s e a s o n .

' M o d e l s f o r e v e r y o c f a b r i c s a n d p r i c e d

$25, $3i

. c

EWS 1“ --------------------------------JddeatEditor ' “ By C. ’

^ ‘S P R I N GApril I don’t know bow to advertlsoFalla, Geranioms aad pansies and

, 1870. I ftuoss tHey'U bar® to ^ o to wPepper plants aad egg plants.

I ’m gottlng old and baggard, 2' .n r>n In tb&t glistoxilng, tauiw cappo

I look Jost Uko a scarecrow oi-*3.00 lik# tombld t -tl .5 0_• .00 Oome tb itbar with yonr rilvor,. - __ Or bring along old Dobbin, butioa - Tomato plants—a revelation, c — ' ETerTthtng tb f i t your gardea •go B., Now Olose rlg&t by th s d ty towar^ iicaffo. We send by zoall aad all post i;__^ Try os onco, and satiafactloaJf tb« moaey'ip lo t .latter. OITY TOWB1 WlU . TW >t theJO re- . ' •> B0O- ----------m mi-TT --- --- -- -- ----------

RE38 I’olisli c lm ont in the partn- of iCu lively I^ruaaio who ftro to dotormino tboir o on of lo^once by a plebiBcite, whilo tho cit laper, Dantzig, which is to bceomu n frt here* city, haa a niucii mixed population,

f sp ^ Thu portions of Germany betwou _ Luxemburg dnd Holland which oro ai

nexed to Belgium, nro popdioted b Walloons, n Lutin-Gallic roco whic

.— —r conatitutcn n largo ]iroportion of th inhabitantH of Belgium.

>ribo(l ' Tbo predominant raco of nioHl o erson ^chlcHwig'lIolatoin ia 'tiorman, but i I one part thu majority ia Daniab. Th owisg plobiacito will doubtlcsa roault iu th eom- portion going back to Denmorcloao which it waa soparatbd in 18G4 an

tli6 Oorraan part remaining with Ooi

ar ox-^ jpj. Tho rnp.ial origin of the peoplo o' ^ tho Soar valloy, who will ultimate];

’ vote in regard to whothor they ahal ° boeomo French or Oermaa eUlsona, 1

" ft>t clear, and. thoir predelictions wil doubtleaa be ahown when-the plebiscit

I su e i , tuken.iea of The much dlnputed qucatiou of Fiumi y tho Daluiation coaat ia not di^

posod,of in tbo treaty, as that wlil b< itself covered in tbo agreement with Austrio

Thot the majority of tho peoplo in volvd tlioroln nro Jugo-8lavs cannot bi

50 of qucationed.


B e p r e s e n ta t i v e s o f M a n y N a- ® t io n s 'V o io e A p p r o v a l o f I ta

T e r m s a n d O o n d it io n a :duty . . ' ______PARIS. (>P)—Interviown with repre

imei- wntativea of countries whoae territor , , ii-P aro affected by the treatv ore pub

HFhed In tho Temp*. Panl liymana ol un- Belgium declarea he la generally Mtla

5 ■ S O D A• O n a n d a f t e r M a y 1 t h e n

c r e a m s a n d s n n d a e s a s f o l

<Tbo l c o n 5 o a n d 1C1 nn 2 0 . 'o n lO c o r 1Crmor S o o n 2 5 o o r 30

T h is t a x m n s t b o a d d e d to t -roct I a n d c o l le c te d f r o m e a c h c t‘ 1“ ' S o r r y f o l k s ; b n t y o u kno'w

;; VARNEY, The Ihich 1 3 9 M a in W e s tong

V IG K C LCs a d i n y o u r p a p e r , g o a l e i n a n d s e e t h i s s t o r e ’s d a b i l i t y t o s u b m i t t h e l e r i c a c a n p r o d u c e a t - l o w e r t h a n w o u l d b e e x - '

o c c a s i o n , o f t h e n e w e s t | 5 d a t s e n s i b l e f i g u r e s . |

535 to $45■■ ^ D is p la y in g 1

« d s t o c k w e

^ I s h a p e s a t 2

s t r i p e s a n d

J o A t h e X ( C o J l a r J , 3 2

C. W. Nightiagale.

G P O E T R Y ”irtlse, the plaats I ’ye got to aeU.Id “ frost p roof" cabbage swell; to wasto, three hondred thoosaa d stroag. u t s , to balp the world aloog.

ird, I feln wotUd go to rest;apped, Eoasblne, op hy the eagle's tm t.w on yonder rocky cliff;bia weeds, by overy windy whiff.

liver, c r yoor Cadillac w ith ^ h t .0, but cone a t any ra t? . ' -on. caallflower plaats sod kale; rden, grown by old jn as Nightingale.

7er« seen fo r many miles and jniles.^ s t paid, s i ^ y plants of maay styles, tlon ‘Will yoor stmmier days mako glad, ney’s gone; yoa see w e've spent jo s t all


Eoat fio<l. and tho I’oliah dclegutca olao c oir ol* l"'^''^ Kutiafaction, although tho aoluti<

cf the Daiisifr problom doea'not gi'0 c'ty them oil they exi>ectcd,a froo Daniah roprcHpntntlven cx ircHii ilei

wxtiafnction wlUi the diapoaition i Si'liloawig-llolstcin. Dr. -Bernes, Czech

twoon Slovak foreign mlniater, alao voicca b ro an- Kntisfnctiou witb,the arrangombnts thi

, , „ havo been, made, with aomo minor rc •“ orvntiona.which I • ' .......—


“ Besnit of Disagreement on Stec imork Prices May Mean Entire

New Body.Gor- _______

WASHINGTON, OPi—lU;nifsnat\on c Jq tho dopartmcn^ of commerce's Indui

trial board, was expoctod in officii lately circles hore today os a result of th ahall railroad n d m i^ tra tio n ’s refusal to a<

la boards schodulo of stool prl<OH. With tho largest purchasing agonc

1 will ia tho eountry buying on a competitiv isclto baaia. it waa said tho board was witl

out influeneo to promulgate agroo pricoa for tho .uno of the public.

J'iume Socrctary Redfidd and tbo membei ; JU. of tho board wero in conferonco toda til k . it waa aaid tbot an onnouncmen

would ho modo tonight, stria- I ■


Policeman Obarged'with Steal

m ing Money from Orphan ‘ rnnd Beiiistated.

Na- PORTLAND. Harry C. Balei who waa diacharged from the polic force in January, on a charge of bav ing utolen t-’iSO frora -.a bottle contain ing donations for the bonefit of Frencl

repre< ond Belgian orphans, today was fount ritop not guilty by the munieipol civil aei'v pub* ice Iwaid and waa rratored tn duty witl

aa of full pay dating from tho time of hi Mtla> discharge.

A T A Xhere will be a tax on soda, ico ■ follows:

: lOo drinks or dishes 16o drinks 6r dished 30c drinks or dishes

to the regnlar price of the goods i cnstomer. ^ now yonr Uncle Sam.

e Live Candy ManPhone 366

■ 1 1 ^ ^

,O T H E S

ng the largest and best select- ; we havc ever shown. All new kt 26c, SSc, 60c. All the new Lnd pl&ln colors go a t 26c.


- ■ T W IN F A L I

P e a r j o M . a . i s

L. E. Hayward spont Thursday Biihl on business.

Mrs. J . T. Morris of Bub! spont Tbo: doy in Twin Falla. ’ ' ■

Frank Pcavoy is suffering from broken collar bono.

J . G. Cunuingbam went to Kimboi ou buaiiicas'Iaat night.

Joo Putnam, is sufforitig frotn b a i tack of blood-poisoning.

Mra. E. A. Mann of Hanson vlait in Twin Falls ycatorday.

M n C. J., Eplina of BabI shoppod Twin F d is on Thursday. *■

J . C. Sabin' bf Borloy spent Thorsdi in Twin FoiliB on boslness.

Mrs. J . M. Shank of Bubi shopp* in Twin Falla on Thursday.

Mrs. F. C. Snow of Hanson shopp< in Twin Falla on Tborsdt^r,

* . Misa Nooml W right of Kimber apent Thursday in Twin Falls.

Mrs. J . Ifc Lane of Bubrispont Thui day in Twin Falla with friends.

John McBride of Barloy spont Tbui___ day in Twin Falls on businoss."" Mrs. S. G. Cairncross fo Buhl sbo — pod In'-Twin Falls on ThnrsdSy. •10 ox- Cbarlie Mood of PoeatoUo' Is bo: ution for a fow days visiting relatives.

Mrs. Sam Dunn of Hanson spei Thuraday shopping in Twin F ^ s .

Mr. and Mrs. A- E. KUss bf Bui iccho- “ o^o'cd to 'Twin Falls on Tbiirsday.•s bia and M i^ Homer. Craven of HoI tbat Uster spent Thursday lo Twin Falls, r roe- Mrs. L. JTWealoy of Burloy spoi

Thursday in Twin Falls on business.Cliarlos Hucaer rotumod Thnraday t

Salt Lake after a short visit In Twi “ Falla.

M.rs. A. R. Scott o f Hanscn spon I n N Twin Falls visiting relt

i i r . and Mrs. B. F . BatclLffo of But. __, woro in Twin Foils on businoes yoit e e l to rday .

Mr. > id M n. OUbtrt. Whit« of 8U( - ahone motored over on Thursday for

biiainoaa visit.,n of John, F. H ., aad A. F. SkiUom o idus- Boiao camo horo by ootobobile on bosi liclal BM| yssterday,

tbo Dr. and Mra. Looa q . Philips wit: J ac- Mrs. W. A. Heiss motored ovor fror ptic- Jeromo on Thursday.

^ ®- Laraoa of Burloy wbo spon tho. past two wooks hero on busiaosi

-rood Thuraday.Arthur Vaughn of Chicago who ha

ibors wooks hero looking ovor thQjjjy country, wont to Burley last night, ment Mr. and Mys. E. D, Jonos of Mnr

taogh spent Thorsday in Twin Falli

- l i i G iales, ^^Uco ^

® H a v e y o u t h e n e c e s

i k ? J p o s s i b l e ? W e c j

"Uta ® ' n e e d s a t u n u s u a l l y

If'Canvas for® 40 inches wide, lO-o ^ 48 inches wide, 12-o: ® 60 inchea wide, I4-o:

I Irrigating S@ C o n q u e r o r I r r i g a t i i

§ p o l i s h e d s h o v e l

d ■ I I

1 1 ^ -

T h i s f a m o u s P a t e n t

I t i s t h e m o s t e c o n o

a n t e e d t o g i v e s a t i s f

U.S. White Rubber U.S. Red or Black Bl U.S. Half-Hip Booti Firestone Rubber B<

C o m p a n y i n G r e y

REYNOLITwin Falla, Fil

LLSDAILYNEWSMr. Joaos.w ont to Moscow oa bi ness tbat ovening, while Mrs.' Jonos

y ttimed home.__ J Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Wylaad, Mr. i

Mrs. 0 . L. Dory, accompanied by N. OUvor of Los Angolos, O al, moto

ley in to Twia Falls from Barley yester* on a sightseeing trip.

Tbors- ■»" —Classified Ads ars cheap—effectii

rom a ^


b a at- ____■

. . . T a k e opod in

irsday ^ ^your bltopped

.bcriT W e w a n t e v e r y m

r h ™ s t e p p i n g “ R e a d y

rhura- s l i p h i s b l i n d e r s i i n v e s t i g a t e t h e s e


H i r s h ,■ - C l (

' Hol- dls.

T h e r e ’s a r e v e l a t

o r i n g a w a i t i n g y i

spent e r s o f t n e t r o p o l irela-

p o s i t i v e p u r s e - s a -Buhl _

p r i c e s , a s c ^ m p s

f S a h a v e b e e n p a y i n f

rn ofbosi- ^ T h e H I E S H , W IO K I

w ith o v e r c o a t d o u b le s ofrom'

fa c t io n . I n s i s t o n bespentiaoss,

Mnr- ^ ^ .Falls.

nONTIMEc e s s a r y e q u i p m e n t t o m a l

! c a n - s u p p l y y o u w i t h e v €

■ ly . l o w p r i c e s . I n v e s t i g a t e

ir Dams at Spi)-oz, s p e e i a l p r i c e , a y d ........

f-oz., s p e c i a l p r i c e , a y d .......

<-oz., s p e c i a l p r i c ' e , a y d .......

Shovels at Sp(t i n g S h o v e l ; w e i g h t 4 p <

Special Price $1.85

I. S. Rubber Bcn t P r o c e s s B o o t i s s t r i c t l y

i n o m i c a l f o o t w e a r t h a t y o v

i s f a c t o r y w e a r .

er Boot, a p a i r ............... ..........

Boota.&'pa.ir........................ota. Red or Black ...............Boot m a d e b y t h e F i r e s t i

e y o n l y , a p a i r ..................................

DS BROS.FUer, ' Biihl, Bui

. . . . I

1 busl- ASSXaNBD t o BOSDBB.aos re- WASHINGTON, (/P)—Brig. Gea. Vi

R. Smedborg, jr.. hna beoa asaigi , - command tho bordor district w ith hei . i r n quarters o t Dooglos, Ari*., aad Br

V* ^ ^cn .. Cllat Heomo to commaad • i lotorod* paeifio coast, artlUery diftriiior<iay dopartmont inaoonced today

Advertise i t in th^ Classified «olon jctlve. of The News. Somobody will want

ilindersm a n w h o h a s b e e n s i d e -

i y t o W e a r ” C l o t h i n g t o

s f o r a f e w m i n u t e s a n d

i s e

, W lC K W IR E .Q T H E S

a t i o n o f r e a l h a n d t a i l -

■ y o u . . . a t r e a t i n m a t -

) l i t a n s t y l i n g a n d . . . a

s a t i s f y i n g s h o c k i n t h

i p a r e d w i t h w h a t y o u

n g y o u r “ t a i l o r . ”

3KWIBE lahel in a snit or I onr gnax;^ntee of satis- bavisg It in yonr clothing.

G r e a t e r

f fM E N x S T O R E L td .P ro g r* » * iv 0

MS MUEIl a k e y o u r w o r k a s e a s y |

i v e r y t h i n g a ^ i r r i g a t o r |

t e f o r y o u r s e l f . |

lecial Prices I........ .................... ............................ , . . 6 5 c I

....................... - ........$ ijo I

.........................................................$ U 5 IE

lecial Prices Ip o u n d s ; s o l i d s h a n k ; ffi

* •oots Il y o f t h e h i g h e s t g r a d e . ^

■ o u c a n b u y . F u l l y g u a r - @

............ ....................................... , ......... ^ $ B M i

...... — .................. $SM i........................................... ......... $ 6 J S 0 1

s t o n e T i r e a n d R u b b e r #

■ $ 6 M 1

CO., Inc. I■urleu, . Caatleford #



. ^C o n ta c t Mining Engineer T< on. Progress in-Copper F ducing District In Its Ri tion to Twin Falls.

Agricultural rcoourccs of (he 1 I'aUs country counlcd with tho vi n d n i^ l posoiblliticB of Cootact Jarbidgo, combiJilng two'OBScntiai dottrlM, Twia PalU bids fa ir to eomo a city comnaoabic in bIzo WMltli w ith Balt Lako, Doavcr or kanc, according to tho atatement well known mining onginoor made in connoction with a roport on thf vclopment lit progross .In tho Cos coppor Inning district.. *‘Pow.pooplo horo roalizfl tho-oa of important dovelopm ontB t h a t 1 boon p r o g re s s in g Btoodlly d u r in g poB t B ovoral m onthB in thc Contact t r i c t , " th iB e n g in e e r s a iil . I n th is v Kom<Tof th o best k n o w n n i«n in th o i i n g world aro rcpreBontad.

.0«iieraJ,PR)gze8B Koted K. F . Orny, ono of tho fopomust

iikntifiod with tho development of Novada Con#olidatod properties nt Nevada, and lator with the Quggont interests in Alaska, Ih now opera tho Novada Mining Si Miliiig property in Contact.

Three ahlfts of meu aro pusUlnj; th o m a m nio tU tuimol anil gonoral ac ity ia noted in p r e p a ra t io n for in n iv e nnd in te l l i g e n t d o v e lo p m o n t of o re bodloB of Eln'no D m o u n ta in .

Ouo of tho 8cattIe*Contact cnmp proporty, W. U. Sengravcd has ine led hoisting and pumping machinery opening tho old Delnno mine wl hurotoforo hoH produced a largo tonn i>t high grado shipping oro. Mr. i graves ia ono of tho country’s foren mining onginoors and waa rocontly manager of oho of tho worid'a grea roppor minoB, tho Kannccott, of A

- ka.Tho lessees on, thc Bollovuo bavo

onod fivo foot of ohlpplntr ore a dopth of about 20a foot. Tho loan operated by MessrB. liutx ond liulsi

'E a s t aid9 ActiTltr • On tho cast Bide of the cnmp the I ton and Aritona mines under thu in agomont of B. A. Ilankn, ore expec to rosumo oporation in a . nhort ti

^ Tho Boston mino i s noted in tho i tric t for its high g ra d e golA a u rt nil values asaooiatcd with an immenno b of milling coppor ore. Tho Arixona >>hipi>cd conslderablo high grade i togothor with thc Boston, Dole Mammoth and Bonanza, in among principal nhowings of thc ramii.

Tho Contact aasodatea of Duluth i Now York havo recently incorporn fheir holdings undor tho namo of I>olko Minoa company With a capit /ation of ^,000.000. An nctive cou of development la nntiri|ratrd undor nt'w incorporation.

Tho China Mountain Mining o pnny, romponod of Oklahoma and 7 IM" oil intorents. hnn n-ccntiy coinple


SOM E'dastardly in the back of 1

because she is or trainer’s daughter! picture of English plots, big'^cenes an

Friday an> . Matinees c

Nights a t 7: Usual I

raiDAT, MAY 9, 1919.

Red Cross Penny Fund Turned Ov

' n One Copper Qrows to tl . 11 Under Enconragement atU Book Oreek.

E (Special to The Nows)ROCIJ CBEEK—Tho Rock Crcc

Red CVosB haa a fnnd which slm January sovonth has grown froi

•<.*no penny to $1.54. Tho firet poi • T a lk s ""O" >{i'’«n by sn unknown mn

who objected to carrying buc :P P ro * xmoll ehango, and tho othora hav

p ■ been given n ’fcw pennrcs nt a tim iicla.'* by othors who wished to keep th

Hed Croiui iK'nny company. Th fund,, oxcopt ono penny, will noi bo turned into tho trcanor^' by (

10 Tvin J . Domrow who 'has it> In chargi0 virgin antj tho ono penny will bo replaco act and in tho cigar shuwcaso to attrac atial in- othora in tho coming montha. Tbea r to bo- aro all unsolicited ponnloK.ilxo and •

r S ’t ALCO CLOTHES SHOP TOI 'h .T be- established heiContact --------

W. T. Bronaogb Bays Grocery Stock a. extent' -Seeora tfaAn Avtaraa Locatfoa foi at bare Business He Will Boo pen.lng tho --------tw t di» Tlio Alco Clothes Shop In to bo ro lla work t.-iblinhed In Twin Pnlls tjy P. W. B tho min- nangh who, tout fall, sold out tho ste

of morchnndiso earned by thc firm i1 released tho building occupied by it ost meu *hn Grill cafo nnd Box barber- sh t of tbo home pt tho Alco iB to bo <nt Eiy, building now oceupiod by tho Tv

Bonhpim Fnlla Qroccry & Mercantile compa; [H’rating Bronaugh has bought tho ent ompany "tock of gpoccrUts nnd will offer it :

nnlo beginning'tbdoy. When tbe nte Ivlng in i» rlosed out the buUdiug will bo tl ac tiv modeled throughout and mado ren r inten- tor th6 clothing store. C. -I. McC t of thc •ni<‘l<, former propriotor of tho Oroc( ], 1: Mercantllo company, It U undorstoinmnany ^'ili accept employment an n cmlesm : instal- ^ ith tho Southern' Idaho Wholeni icry. ro- Grocery company. ^I whirh ■■ "tonnago BBVEBAL OOMPAKIBS ABBIVB tr . Sea- NEW YORK, (;P)—Tho t r a n a p o r t £ orcnjoBt f i a a r r iv e d today with 1209 fo rm itly the members o f the American Third arr ^cateat o f o c c u p a tio n . Tho units in c lu d e d t if Alas- 32Qth bakery company; SOOth bake

c o m p a n y ; 408th telcgroph b<ittallc avo op- supply and medical sections, headoui e a t a t c r s company, co m p an ic a D ana ! loaso is 4(J6th onginccr pontoon train; 101 [ulslter. f ie ld h o s p i t a l ; 102nd and lG3rd amb

lanco c o m p a n ic a ; 162nd and 103rd fie he Bob- hoB pltala. le man* • ■*l»cted - - a s s e m b l y IS CALLED L BERNE, Swltrerland. (fl>>—Tho Q.I .iiv«. man national assemblv has been call )o body Monday. May 12.ona has i n~lie and a '$2,600,000 incorimratlou and repo! Dolano. a resumption of active work. . mg tho • Contact hna representativo hoUIln

nt ncanly. overy imiKytant city lu t Ith and United Staten. I■ r seeing bunlncBn ni porated mining men have been buying prodi of tho ing Contact proportion for the pnnt no

apltali- oral years. B utte ,’New Vork. Bosto courso Minneapolis, Cliirnjro, Seattle, Tacom

dcr tho Salt Lnke, Dalian, IIuko, Oklahom Lon Angelea and Son Prnnclsco nro

(J oom- fow of tho importnnt ritlen a c t ^ id Tex- represented in the <’ontac< mlnirfR d npletcd triet.


“A m ondcfeif^^^ m Earl made lovg I t to her I ”

■ /

MT©yi!SKlEyi!SP R ^ S e N T S

m m m Hofe” 'S p ^ i

pinett lyHAUPKfTOul>H(Ult

ly scheme, the chap has f his head. That’s Sure, only a humble horse- sr! Don’t riiiss this real ih “sporting life”—big and big thrills!

nd Saturday8 at 2:15—3:45 7:30—9:00—10:30

I Admission


; a t . -------Men Charged with BiUdng 0

tie Company P^ead Guilty Creek Misdemeanor.■from' •” probato court horo in

t pen- Gr<?on nnd Bryant ScbnI man. Jerome, accused of defrauding

Rubdttnm Cattlo company, which I havo begun Wednendny and continued u I time ■ Thursday, took a auildon iu rn whei tn tho reaunied on tho socond day. Pn

Tho cuting Attornoy Prank.L. Stophan n. 1 now dismianal of tbo felony chnby C. ngninst tho accused and filed a i liargc. demeanor charge,' alleging the samo )Iacu<( exeopt that the amount oftlrac t “llog'd fraud would bo Teduood. : Theao dofondants ploadod guilty to the t

demeanor chargo and paid finea i coata amounting to

Tho cbargo against tho dofonda U • waa liased on tha allegation tlmt U UCDC fraudulently Topresentod to n c n c agent of the Rubottom company t

they had employed additional nns Itock to burying ' 174 caln for o’Tood by tho company, osd had i

lected $360 on th o ' strength of bi roprespntatlona.

« Attorney Henry J, Hnll of Jeroiw defendants, nrgood thnt

* * V ngrecment had been made botwoen 1° " , ogonta of tho company and tho defe ^ i t ^ 'or- shop. _________bo tho «

J Twin j . ■ ''T t k o y ^ \ n n o u n c © m © t t t ir it for — "0 ntock — — •bo ro- There vrill be n npecial mofitlug of ready Pythian SintcrB on Saturday a t 2

McCor- at the home of Mm. H. E. Cutting, I 3roccry Sixth avenno north, jrstood,

lo ? e S , Thc ’ NcighUra o f iWco.Jcra/l v hold their next regular meeting o t i J. O. O. P. hall tonfght nt 8 o’clock, itrntion will-toko plncc. All mcmh

ort So- inM e^. ^former i f there’s a bottor valuo to bo had1 array the samo cost, that is important to y

tho If-you study tho ads you will ascortibakory fnct* of thfs kind. ■ ttalion.

• in : - — =IClBl

ambu- d field

10 Oer- called 12.

reports Xn previotis adver. and, wliile most advert

° u ‘the gretted that aU advert?sn ni»d- ' In an advertisetn(proa..c< Seo-the pair. This-hostSonton, I ' Z have been’selling faeoma. ' This samc advertise]

■ctjreiy Whether this kind of[fK div mialeading and unfair

A merchant who adv< ' from the manufaotnrer

doing thia with the tho A merchant who is ii

it necessary to bny for To btiy merchandise

goods whero they can 1 alone.

I hear more co'mplau What would you thin

.brand of garments who in the same town and h;

How do yon regard t out sale and who wotUc 6 Oc and resell them nnd

. What would you thin when as a matter of fac

The business of thisRELIABLE MEBCHANI


A store where a chil

Coat* 8i>ool Thread...... .....R, M. C. Crochet Thread Toilet Paper (Crepe Fini* Palmolive ToUet Soap

RIT Soap (for dyeing) .....Crepe Paper (20-ln. wide, Percale, good qnality, 30 i

(.'rash Toweling good qualil

k C l

As an evidence of th year show a gain of oi

• ing at the highest price:


w [ I T ocalR re-v-itio jUSED ^ - — —

Leanu of Sister's Death—J . D. Bo• f ia t received word on Thursday; tho denth of his slater, who livedlty Fort Collins, Colo.

Guests for SuBuaerT-Mra. H.j„ Rhoden nnd son, B illy,'of Kansna C

o ,„,5„i, nrrivod hcro on Thursday. Thoy i .... Hpond the Hummcr months with i

wna • ’“'den’ prfrentn, Mr. nnd Mrs. R. 1 .,,,111 rhen itProse- On Bad Mission—Mrs. II. J . Youi

n mov- nwd daughter, Miss Ruth, left on Thi chnrgo *Iny morning, for Illinois with tho mt a mlH- of Modnmo. Youngs.. Mra. YoongB 1 mo nf. her daughter will spend tho aummer of thi> former homo in Hlinois.. Tho -7 *e mis- Make Home Here—Mr. and Mrn.

ond D. Kellogg have Yccently come to Tl Palls to mftko thclr homo from B<

ndanU Sprinp,, Wfo. D. 1 . OomU mrii t they here on Thnraday with tbelr son a ;o an will viait in tho Kellogg bomo foi Y that few days. nnslBt- - » ■■■

Association Man Ooes—R. J . Cla i been hero in tho intercstn• the Y. M. C. A. drivo for a club ho

, , in Twin PaUs, lo lt on Thursday ovcniiR.-. jjjg, Tacoma, Wash. Mr. Clark 1

found It advisable fo poatpono tho dr"fend-or tho , ■

Ar® Quests Her»—Dr. and Mrs. L. Lugar of Allertown, In., woro tho gue

— of Mr. nnd Mrs. I. E. Joslyn on W< , nesdny nn(L Thumdny.- Dr. Lugnr I

LTi5 recently returned from service na ci « tnln in a medical corps in Franco. M

Ltignr will bo bettor rcmombered her Twin Falla friends na Miss Ed

of Iho BrnccwcH, n teacher In the high schi , 2 :1 0 nome venrs past.;g, 2.111 — •

Debators to Meet—The niembern • Twin Fnlls liigh school nffirmntlvo i

i will tenm left Innt night for Boia t the ’Thev were accompanied by Miss Al: t. in- Johnnon. Tho ntudeutn of tho hi mhcm school wero'givon nn opportunity

henr their speeches on Thursdny nft noun. MIhs Beryl Blake, Walter Kn

lad a t gel. Waldemar Read wont to Bol0 you. while the negative tenm of Theodr ertais. KrJiinton, Burton 'Van Tassel nnd !

nicr Wyland will debate Boise'n nff

--------------------------- — In so M

Truth Inr e r t i s e m e n t s I h a v e c a l le d a t t e n t io s e r t i s e r s a r e n o w c a r e f u l t o t e l l t h e s r t i s e r s h a v e n o t b e e n w o n o v e r tc im e n t A p p e a r in g in a lo c a l p a p e r t: 9 se is n e i th e r a l i s le n o r fn l l fa s h io i X l o r s o m e t im e , a n d s t i l l h a v e in s s e m e n t o f f e r s a l a d i e s a r t s i lk h o se

o f a d v e r t i s in g i s d u e t o a J a c k o f k i .ir to t h e p u r c h a s in g p u b lic , i v e r t i s e s t h a t h e i s c o n n e c te d w i th a e r a n d p a y in g o ash . f o r h is m e r c h a i th o u g h t o f m is le a d in g t h e p u r c h a s i i 9 in g o o d s t a n d in g w i t h th o s e f r o m o r c a s h . C o n f id e n c e b e tw e e n b u y e r s e w h e r e i t c a n b e b o n g h t t h e c h e ; n b e b o u ^ t to t h e b e s t a d v a n ta g e

l a in t o f g o o d s s o ld i n s to r e s w h e re [link o f a s t o r e k e e p e r w h o a d v e r t is e h e n a s a m a t t e r o f f a c t t h e r e w e r e1 h a v e b e o n c a r r y in g th e m f b r so m e d a m a n d o in g b u s in e s s s u p p o s e d ly Tild s o n d to a c o m p e t i t o r a n d b u y : n d e r t h e g u is o o f a b ig b a r g a in a t 61 [link o f t h e m e th o d s o f a s t o r e a d v t f a c t t h e y w e r e n o t b e s t q u a l i ty a n d lis s t o r e is fo u n d e d o n th e foU ow iii



:hild c a n b e s e n t w i th a f e e l in g o f

_ P R IC E S T H A T A......— 5 c J Tablo Oil Cloth, full wldth.._4S<

■ Gingham, gtmulno Amos- 'inish) 6c k e a g ....... .... ....... .........._....20«

Gauro Veata, women‘aid e X I ^ alies ........... — ................... 25.30 in. 10c Chtldrrn’a Hose, double lality IBc - ---- ------------ ----— 25<

T h e s h o e b u s in e s s o r a p id g r o w th i s m o s t s h o e s f o r t h e e n t i r e f s

B o y s ' s h o e s s e e m tc \ B la c k Q u n M e ta l foib T h e s a m e f o r t h e bij

~ ^ B la c k G u n M e ta l in e r b o y s , s ix e s u p to 7 a

O h o c o la te o r D a r k I ) t h e y a r c h e r e f o r $ 4 .5

^ I v e r i ly b e lie v o t b a t g T T iii itT ^ s h o e s h e r e .

t h e r e g a r d in w h ic h th i s s to r o is 1; o n e - th i r d , o r s a y , 3 3 p e r c e n t , o \

c e s e v e r k n o w n f o r a lo n g t im e .

I ' <LLS DAffiY NEWS........■% mativo team in tho auditorium this

Lo j --------------------------• To “ finance" a "T o L e t” ad tising eampaign you ooed only aot a —for perhaps « few ja y ^ - a pan

>. Bam- yonr pocket money.<ltty of ------------ -■Ived at


R- P. P R E S E

S E N IO .'■ o f th e T w in

imer in < •

lavering Thealre, Tw°'tX ADMISSIONQU and T Ic K e ts M 1

for ft

^ —Clark, '

catn of prE m vrw w w w w w w iT w n

S ! PRESERVE0 drlvo Ier. , U Q U I D S ^ 7 /7 o 'P A S 1 ^ J I o n d O x - B l o o d (guests {

1 K E EP YOURta cap- j ^

schobT I


Advertisintion to the tendency towards oorrei ;he truth in describing goods offer r to this idea.r there was offered ^ ladies Uale tl hioned and not particularly good ve Jl stock, a much better hose than tl lose full fashioned, a t 79c. This hi

f knowledgo of merchandise or is ii

th a number of other stores and is t ihttudise, when as a matter of fact h< asing publio. ')m whom he buys goods and is fine jrer and seller today is the most im] iheapest is not proof of good mefohc Ige and the matter, of quality is far

ere prioe seoms to bo the main poii tised that he was the solo repre ere two or three other stores oarr] ime timo? This has occurred right 1 idly in a regnlar way who would c< ay men’s neckties sold by this com t 66o? This has been dono right het idvertising best quality of Bockfoi ind hardly-a good second quality? wing principles:



of perfect confidence.

A R E , I N T E R E S T I N.„4Sc Black Hoso, Women’s good qual-

l t y ............................... .... .:._....3Cc...20e (Wido hem, doublo heel, toes

and Bolrs.)...25c

Silk Gloves (Kaysers Donble ' _.£5c Tip) ................. — ..... .......... 85c

S H O E SIS of this store has becomo a most ost surprising, due no doubt to tl1 family.1 to come first as they “go f ir s t/’ i for the smaller chaps a t $2.06.

I big ones up to size 7, $3.50. in the English Toe Style, now so n

7 a t $3.75.•k Brown In the Pointed Toe Style, 4.50.bat you can save from 25c to 50c

is held I wotild mention the fact tl , over thc samc month last year, an

this ev- MABBIAOB U0BNSB8.Marriago licenses wore Issnod Tb<

day in Twin F ^ la to tho following: ' advttf- Gilbert Hurd, Bupert, and Dora ot aal'lo Calvert, Filer. _ a . part o f - ^ —

Oiassified Ads i n Sheap—effeetlv


) R C L A S Sn F a l ls H lgh.School

fuesday, May 13, S:30 o’Clock50c, 75c and $1.00

M M a je s t ic P h a r m a c y

E ^ ^ L E ^ I i E RS T E S : ForBIock.Whlte.Tan d (d a rk brown) Shoes*


n grreot statements in advertising - fered for sale, it is to be rc-

e thread foil f^hioned hose at [ valne a t tbe prioe.0 this one a t the prioe.1 hose is not full fashioned in

s intentional, it is nevertheless

is buying goods in oarloud lots th e does neither, is apparently

financially sound does not find important feature in business, ohandising. -I believe in buying far more important than price

>oint than from all others, presentative of a well-known urying the same line 'of goods it here in Twin Falls.I conduct a special or olosing- ompetitor in a regular way at herein this little oity. io rd sooks a t a special prico >y? This has boen done here.



N G _________ _____^• 'M en 's extra qoallty Work Shirts,

full ent, well m ad e_____ tL lSI (Not 11.10 aa advertised else­

where.)Work Pants, good qnality a

pair ___________________tS.7B

, . ..

ost important feature and its ) the excellent value given in

/ ’ so I wonld mention;

o much in demand by the larg-

le, thc boys wiU have them and

Oc a pair by buying yoar boys'

t that the sales for April this and last year goods w tre sell-



Manager D. M. Mercer, An nounces Probable Line-U| for Twin Falls In Openin! League Game.

Tlio Twin Falla baaoball club wil aond into tho first gamo of tbo Soutfa «ru rdaho loaguo to bo playod boro oi Sundny noxt againat tho FUor alno, ai ^RRrogation of hand-piokod p lajor thnt huvo ft clnfih on tho ponnnnt fror tho Btnrt, ocoordlng to Manager E, U Morcor.

Tlio probablo lino-up aa announeot by Manager .Morcor, includoa W hltw nnd Wataon, tlio two romaioing Bur vivatora out of TtvIq Falla lino-up.tbro< y rars ngo, and a bunch of formidable now material, including Donman, at ox-collogo player; Singleton, formoi minor leaguer; Noiiman of tho higb school nino, and Thotnpson, a Ukol> slugger frotn Eimborly,

Tho probablo line-up for tho initial gnmo Is os foUows: Pitchora, Olivoi

• ojid Tadlock; ootoh^r, '^ a tto n ; firaf bnso; Noumann; seeond baso, Whitzoll; shortstop, W atson; third baao, Denman; le f t .field, Singleton; centor field, Thompson; utility; Lavender and H a rt

OUvor wUl s tart tbo game on the raouod tor Tvrln Falls,, with; Tadlock in rcsonrs.

F ile r’s battery is composod of Aee Carson . and Joe LeOhanco, . backstop, who h a w been playing in the shipyards lenguo on tho coast.

Tho loagno soason will bo oponed by the other clubs with BoW p la jing a t Burloy, and Paul s t Bapert. ■

SacgM tloa tex s OaQploc H pBuy « bottlo of OhamborUln's OoUe

and Diarrohea Remedy boforo leaving home. As a mlo i t eaanot be obtained when on a hnntittgv fishing or p roam t- ing trip . Neither oaa i t bo o b tw e d while,on board tbe cars or steamships and a t sueh timea atad p laeoa.it la most likely to bo needed* ^ e safe way ia to bave i t w ith yoo.-—adv.

p o c i a l

Tho Thuraday Bridgo Club was lightfully entertained a t the horoo or, Mrs. H. ^ Johnson yesterday aftc^ noon. Tho hostcn uiiod lilacs and tu­lips foil docorntion. At the closo of tho afternoon a dainty lunch waa served. The cluh has decided to abandoa the giving of pri*cs and in thoir stead tho nix mcmbors with the lowest ncores for tho next months wilt entertain tho six members having tho higheat scoren for th a t time.

Tho ProBbytcrlan Lo<Uca Aid Society mot in th e narlors 'of tho church on Thursday afternoon. Tho afternoon was spent in discussing the busineas uf the society. Tt wna decided to hold the the second of n sflrirs of ccokod food sales on the 24th of this month.

Mrs. Uerman F. Rexroat was hoatoan to tho members of tho Kimberly Boad Clnb on Wodnosday afternoon. Tbe af-

• trrnoon bogan with a short prugnira ami lator club busincnx w as dSncusAed. At tho close of the afternoon Mrn. Kex- ront served dainty refreshments.

Tho Morningside Club was entertain- ed by Mrs. Otto Young on Wednesday. TUo guests spent the dsy in-finishing some Bed Cross sewing. At noon'a de­licious luncheon was scr\-ed.

Tho Shamrock club was entertainoil a t tbe homo of Mra. C. J . Cordis on Thursday afternoon. Aftor a pleasant aftomoon tho hostess served a dainty lunch fo r her guests.

•Mrs. C. E . Booth will entertain on Saturday for n number of guests. Thia is the fourth of a scrlcn of partios to b« given by Mrs. Dooth this spring.

Mr. and Mrs; I. Ii. Joslyn, Cnpt. and Mrs. C. H. Krongel, Capt. ami ilrs . U L. Lugar spont Wednesday evening st Shoshone Falls.


Mrs. Moore Waa So Weak She Cotild Hardly Oot Ui>— '

Health Restored by Tanlac.

'• I feci »o well now that I cnn hsr«l- ly realize the awful rondition I was in bofore I' took Tanlac." naiil Mrs. E. tk ^foore. o f 913 S. Wellington Ktreet. Memphis, Tenn.

" I hn<l born in a rundown oomlition for two re a rs .” sho continued, ‘‘and was so weak I coold hardir keep going.1 had to forco myiclf to cat, but noth­ing npreed with me nnd I got ao life- h t s and no account thst I could hardiv get up when I was sitting or lyinj: tloTTD, or ovon do jny housework. 1 suffered with iip1ittin>: hcndsrlii-x that would almoflf drive me diitrartod.

“ ify appetite picked up on niy first ; rottlo of Tnnlae and I nm now e.it-

injr three hearty meals a day. thov- aw­ful beadschcs are gone and I am fcol- injf jn it fine. 1 havc gain<sJ ten poun !s and nm strong enoagh to do sll tny fcou*ew«rk with ojuv’. Tanlac tii,l m'- a world of good—more than nil tbe oth­er medicine* I havc taken ppul togeth­er. ~

Tanlac is sold la Twin Fslls by Cily Pharmacy, in Rogerson t>y Thonp«on Drag Co., in Mnrtaogh by Murtaugti Drag Co., ia R le r by A. B. .Wood, t t Baht by C. D. Borlag Brothers Co.. aad in Kimberly by A. L. Stowe.—sdv

■»AoB8n ; ’...........

f f ■ Sovonth Day Adventist ^ l.'iiion Ilall, ovor Vn'.iieyi’s Candj

Erjvicos ovory Saturday. Sa>*.iP<I sol'fol 2:00 p. m. Chnrch so.vices 3.01 p. .m.

A n* biblo locturcs will be roiiTne.. im Sunday evoning. th j topic bcini. - u p "The Four Boants of Dantol". Eopi'cin l i n g " ’ •1 >0 Riven to fJit hour o:

F . D. Wagner, Pa?tor.

, F irs t Presbyterian Ohatrcb>uth- Asher Hnrlan Brand, Minister' o on Morning sormon thomo, “ Whoji In :

Nation S a f e f ' ' iTora Services a t 11 o'clock, from • I^ii^calaureato aerviccs a t H p. m. Ser

„ mon hy tho Rov. W. A. Mooro, pnstoi ' “ • ol tho Firat Christian church.

Music for the Day Ural ^forning 11 o ’clock:■IIP Orgii(ii prelude, *‘Anndnnto in E,*'

hrooablo Q “ JJ'’cnlng and Morning,"

rm“ " 'I " ” "M olodr."Organ postludo, “ Concluding Volun-

tar> ^ Ilaidol. -itial I '’e»lng 0 o'clock:

Organ pruludoH, (a) “ Jorunalem tho Spark: (b) "Chanson Du

»«!!• Bockor; (e) “ ProcesaionalMarch,'- Elgar.

Holo, “ The Ivord is My Light," Woo- k r. Mrs. C. J . itcOormick.

Anthom, “ Breast fho Wavo Chrlat- ia m ." SheUey.

Of/ortory ongon solo, ‘‘In Moon- . . . light,*' Kinder.

Trio, ' ‘L ift Thino Eyea," Mendola- sohn-

Organ jwatludo. "Crodo,’ ' Haydn.

. P irst Ohtirch of Christ. ScientistSundny Horvlcea 11 a. rn. Gem Thea-

. Icr. Subject of lesson aermon for M ar II , "Adam and Fallon Man.’’

,, Sunday school a t 10 a. m. Oom Thoa- tro, roceivos pupila to the age of »20

Proo reading rooms nro maintained ^ by tho church on tho Snd floor of the ■j” -lewel building, U a ln avonuo west, and ' ure known as rooms 1 and 2. Horc sJl

nutborizld Cliristian Scionce literature may bo toad and obtained. Tho rooma UOO open from 12 noon to 4:5b p. m. on all daya oxcept Sundays and heU- doys, and also Baturday night from

^ 7:.10 to 0:30. Wednesday ovening tea- > timonial mootings continuo n t tho

• xUurch a t 2.10 -Ird Avo. Enat. at 8:00 ^ (J'clock. ■

d ^ I f you w ant 50c "cash" for yenr eggs of, take them to the Mutual Creamery, 222

:e^ Shoshone St. adv-tu- >1tho ■ I. ■ . .. 11. ^

S f R O C K C R E E K J

(Specinl-to Tho Nows.)BOCK CBEEK.—i£rs. Wealey Hyde,

who waa takon ill Sunday was moved jtv Wodnesday to tho county gonoral bos­on pital, whore an operation will be per­iod formed the first of next week. Mr. uf Hydo and Mrs. D. P . Alboo accoznpa-

the "led hor to tho hoapital and when thoy ,od left her aho was resting mueh better

thnn whon takon from her home.Robert Broae. jr., has lo tt a horse,

can saddle and bridle la a vory mysterious >a'l Several nights ago the horse wasar- taken from the corral and tho saddle mil and bridle from tboir placo in the shod. At At flrat Uttlo waa thought of their dis­ox- nppearanco, as ho supposed it was a

joke of some of the /am ily or friends, but as thoy are stiU missing i t is bo-

lin. ginning to look as If they were roafiy »y, gono.lng Mr, and Mrs. Jamos A. Walker woat do- to Twin Falls. Wednesday. Mra. Walk;

er had Jnat' reeolvod tho news of tho death of her grandmother, Mrs.

10,1 Younra, a t tha t placo. on L. P. Larsen mado a trip to hls raneh

iu t a t Deep Creok, Tnesday. nty ' Mr. and Mra. L. M. Tan Eaton and

C. J . Domroao were buslncss visitors a t Twin Falls Tuesday.

hia = = = = = = = = =

I 1

u \ mat F i t t l 1 f *V

fS^0. ' I s T l

p Slacker inI f you have a flatiron o r oi

"In idle because of th e m^ you arc wasting jnone}^. T

ice in th a t broken dcvicc—on

fs • m enIly A few cents’ w orth o f work

frequently reclaim from the mt worth many dollars.rat Electrical household devict

patriotic work. T he goven ol- new appliances when th e c

most old ones can. Let us t<” ■ Telephone us today—you.h-


T W I N F A L L S , I D A H O


I —Antonio Montez Fays Pene^t

for Yielding to Temp- :ajuJy tation.>'.ppn« Antonio Montor, 27, was' oontonee ' 3.0L» Thursday by Probato JudgevO. P. Di

vail to aervo a period of 00 days in iiToeJ prisonment in the county ja il as th being pennlty /for th e thoft ooafessed b ii'clnl Moiitoz of a cont and vest from th ur of Toggory horo on Priday laat. Monte

stated, ,ia roply to questlona of th tor. court, tlmt ho had arrived in Twi

Falls only a . fow houra beforo he wa , arrcBtod for the thoft. Ho came hon

)r he Raid, frotn Loa Angeles, whero hi Ih .t widowed mother with a younger so

and two youngor daughtora, reside.Joso Gomor, 10, arrostod a t tho sam

, Scr- time Montez was takon in custody ani nstor chargcd with tho thoft from tho Idab

Departmont atoro of a auit of clotho valued a t under circumstancoa con Htituting the crimo of burglar>* in thi

E ," second degree, is to havo his prolimin nry oxnminntloii today in tho probati

lng," court

iy ." p — ------------------------------------- ----

"i™ l ^ a r r i a g e stho

|„°1 H»nl.drivertThe marringe of Miss Dorn 0 . Cal

;Voo- Filer and Oilbort Hur of EuI'ort, took placo Thuraday aftomoon ii

irlat- probate court roomn horc. Judge O P. Duvall officiating.

We aro again making atoekfood. The dels. Twin Falla Wonr MUlfc—Adv.

f ----------------------------------------;---------V

P I L E R .hea- ^Mar --------- ^

(Special to Tho News> hoa- FILER — Warner Kirkpatrick left ’ »20 .Monday evening for Hood Bl% er, Oro-

gon, where he was callod by the sori- Ined OUH illneaa of his roothor.

Wm. Dotwletor, who has spont sev- onal months paat overseas, rocolvod hla

' dischargo and aftor a visit with rela- HvcR in Cnlifomia returned home last week.. r — .

inui Mra. J . U. Wiso and Mr. and‘rin, Mrs. W. 8: Mallory of Twin IVills spent {gg. Thurs<lav evi'nhig a t-th e Joo Mallory the —-,:00 D, F. Dotwlcter and son BUl loft on

Monday evening on a bualnoss trip to Salt Ijike.

ggs Mr. and Mra. H. E. Miisaer and Miss 2S2 Gail ahopped iu Twin FaUs Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. J . Darrow of Cedar Drnw spent Sunday a t tho Prank Bceso homo.

I Mlsaes AUce DaUon. Lulu and Stella J Murray and Messrs. Haory Bobertson,

^ Earl Moeks and Dci^s Stawart formed n picnic party a t Thowsand Springs on Sunday.

do, E. 0 . Hughes and A. A. Timm spent red a few days last woek in southern Utah los- looking for a location.»er- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Anderson re- tfr. turnod Tuesday from Balt Lako City, pa- Mrs. Andorson apent tho j>ast week loy there with his mother, te r Mr. and Mrs. Augnat Bremers apent

Sunday a l Cnystal Hprlngs. rse. Grandma Fiaber who has been aori- ous oualy iU. In thought to ho recovering, vas Mra. Nath Roberts ia Ul at tbo bomo dio of hor daughter, Mrs. Victor Poase. cd. Mrs. J . xl Edwarda motored to 'Bubi lia- Sunday. Mra| Bronsoan, daughter of I a Grandma Fiahor. returned with her. ida, Mr. and Mrs.'Cbas. Owens, who havo bo- spent tho past month at tho Walter illy 'Musgrovo home, left Monday fo r Spo­

kano, Wash.. looking for a location, ent Misses Edith Williams and Emma tik; Eggleston spent Sundny In Twin Falls, tho Misses Cleo Hoover and Lima Hack

hj'cnt Monday in Buhl.C. C. Cochran and family loft Tues

ach day fo r a visit a t Payette, UL,SlrK Fletcher Simpson of Camey,

ind Xeb., a aister of Mrs. Orvillo Creed, ar>I a t rived here Tuesday for an indefinite


There a "

a Your Attic? H iir Other useful electrical worker e need o f some trifling repair,

There are years of good serv- e—

N D I Tork by orie who knows how will’ the scrap heap a useful article

vices save tim e and labor for vemmcnt asks us not to buy le old ones can be mended—IS tell you how little it will cost.you will incur no obligation

TRIC SUPPLY CO.U 3 L A 8 . M a o a g a r

O P H O N E 4 4 6


e d ty - ■ 'FBIDAY UMl.irOKY7


noed Producer - Began Work th a t Day c “ Sporting l ^ e . "

, in,. Tho bugaboo thnt Friilay Is an u tho lucky day, does not alarm ilau rii by Tourneur, producer of “ Sporting Lifo'

tho grent Paramount-Arteraft sped ntcz picture which ia to bo oxhibitod a t tl tho Wnho Theatro Friday and Saturda

[■win picture was begun by Mr. Tou ^ a a “u IVIday, its biggest sconcs woi

lore, Phdtograpbod on Fridny. i t was fii isbi'il on Fnlday aod whon it was pr

^ 2 1 si-ntcd fo r tho first timo in public i the Rlvoli Thcaotro, Now York, on So; »«mbor 15, 1018, i t proved to bo on

and biggest auccoases tho acroon htlabo known.thoa There are many thrilUng incidents i con- ®f auporb adaptation otho Drui^ Lane melodrama whio

nin- *^0 stago for moro_, than twoil)ato Chiof among thoao aro

prize figh t in tbo National Sportln (-’lub of Jjondon and a reproduction o Derby day a t J^som. Tho story has t ill' with John, Earl of Woodstock, wh

I buttles again it odiTs to regaia bis los fiimncJal position by backing, two groa sj)onting ovonta, arid whoao efforts ar

— ' nenrly balked by an iiivoterato and un scrupulous enemy. Tho vnrious role arc excellently portrayed by promlnon

Cal- Bflreon nrUsta.Bu- --------------1 In Wall paper cleaning, ^ tlm a te a giv 3 O. en. Phono 700-B. Jd*

Real Estate TranslersFnmlBhed S j tbe Twin FaUa Tl-

tia aod Abstract OenpaBjr

, Wedneaday, May 7, 1019[eft Deed, A. W. Oatrom to P. Potorson

lots'25 and 20, block 05, Buhl, $1000. 0* - Deoil, C. A. DUlon to Gladys B. Truo,

g 4. block' 1, Dillon Sub. Murtaugh,

his Deed. 1 Bcom to D. W. Bupp ot al, Bia- lot J, block 33, FUea »S,S00. laat Deed, .T. J. Welch to D. Patrick. S

1-2 lot 22. “Yeatman Add. T. F., »5,000. »nd Deed, Georgia OoTObs to L. M. ont DoWi let" 0 and' 10, Terraco Lawn Sub., ory nOO.• _ Deed, U. W. Mund to C. F ritr , Pt.

8 1-2 8W NW 28-10-18, «000.Pntent U. 8. to J . Koster, SW 14 and

. NW 2.1-13-JO.Deed, E. C. Niccuni to Ij. V.'Dcan, 8

1-2 8E and. NW SE lT-1.1-10, «4,COOv, Deod, C. T. Bowcrman to E. Molan-

J«r der, lot J, block 5, McCollum Add. eeo Buhl, *1,200.

Deed, T . W. Porter to Ida M. Sin- dla clair, I't. SE SE 25-10-13, $6,000. on, Deed, A. B. McGowian lo A. E. Luce, lod l^t 8, block 04, Buhl, $300. on Doed, W . B. Potter to J. II. Burmeis-

ter, Und. 1-2 P t. NW SW 15-10-17, $1. Dood. H. A. Partridge to J . A. Part-

jih P t. SE SW 2-11-18, $1,-, Deed. T. P.- Co^jp. Oreh.l Co. to S. a

-a, Stanger, lots 41, 42 ami 43, T. F. tv Heights Sub. T. P., $4,000.,/i, Deod. W. H. Gawood to H. F . Allen.

lot J l , block 92, T. P., $L ,n t Deed, Inv. Corp. to same, P t. SE SW

.16-9-14. $1.Deed, O. L. Green to C. A. Dodd,

same lot, $1. ________

RWMftiiti wHtct.o ' The M ntnal Creaaoxy Oo. pays SOc of “ eaah" fo r egga. 3S3 Sboaheae St. w .

adv.IVO --------torCW • -ma ,.***Ils .

/i. Sur: / " II A t te n d y d u r f i r s t

y . C hocolates. T hey/ le c tio n s .” O u r cot

f ' . th o m a te r ia ls u sedI k e ts a f fo rd .

f - . Eaeh box o l 8WE:V «f perfect eaady—fi\ always uniform.

\ \ !




(Speeial to .T he Newa.) BEEGEB.—H. Crookham narrov

averted having his farm burned Sat urday. Some straw and trash cau(

fEJTR firo somo way and had i t not boen j tho concrete foundation, tho barn woi

J on havo burned, ae It was with th e hi of his neighbors tho fire was pnt o

un- V. Doherty is buUdlng a bam Burico piece sonthwest of town.Lilfo'', Mr. and Mra. WiUiam Sumner pocial Filer viaited a t F rank Holloway's Si it tho day.irday. C. E. Carder'a fa ther from Kansaa Xour> visiting Mm-: 7 ore t^ewia Shrlbor has a brother vialti , fin . him.s pro- Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Lammera viall lie a t relatives in Twin Falla Sunday. •1 Sep- Lilllo Parro tt, wbo has ap<D ono tbo pnst yoar in Kansas, has rcconl n has returned to Idaho. Sho visited Sund

a t the homo of hor uncle, F . A. Parro its in Sunday night sho was ^aken serioui on of —which ~ r~ ■ .twen-ire n ^

)nas to ^

I lost

s ' a ^ . , l i f ld u n ' '


[Yuo, - ~

;* DEVOE ],000. The C ooranteeJ iK, M. . _3ub., , f»Cf»

pt. Itm ■ deet

■ . f o r

'iz. requSin- preset

hsrd tlUce,

R r a i . I t w a

w ih a out m

' I : Ji™„ ' ,4dlfoHen.

- SALLADAYP a l n t a , O l la . V a i

T W I N FALLS,SOc - - •W.

■\X-irprise and > D elight

i r s t a c q iia ia ta n c o w ith S W E E T ’S le y a re p ro p e r ly c a lle d “ re a l con*’ c o a tin g s a rc sp e c ia lly b le n d e d a n d ised a re th o b c s t th e w o r ld '* m ar-

WEBT’8 Choeela tea ia np to yonr ideaa >—fcQ e f geodneas, and erery flavor

y S w e e t 'sPapular bare aad fz n a ^

A laA a to ABStcalla .

j 1 n 11 ll jj^I i I > nL

-T W Ul w ith Appendlcltl*. She waa ta i A Tuesday to Twin FaUa fo r treatmc

I whero Mis$ Jennie Parrott ia earing i

.We are again making atoekfood. 1 , „Pwin r a n i Flonr MUls. :(Ad rrowly ,■ - ------ «

Usis the claaslfled columna with caught »ppfeciatl0 B of their valno to you would renting real estate.

0 help it ont.“ Tl on ,

" f F o r d C a r ss Snn- -asaa is r e p a i r e d a t th e .

ialtlng Empire Aulo ShopEO. 6E0HSE & CHAS. WILUAIIS

eSSl!“ Props. ■ 'M ay 136 3rd Ave- s .•noit. Phone 768’leusly ^ » , ^ , ^ - - , - - r - | - i ' i - r — ---------

je t what you' )ay forIven au expert cannot tell raking a t -vamish whether it1 adulterated. That is why i t t so important that you should'. Iwajfs buy vamish with tho uaiantee formula on tbe can.:. Vemosite-7J»i--viASfa,ViaMP a le In te r io r V arn ith M a rb le F lo o r F in is h

'cr cutsiJe tvark all surfaces cposed to water, nse Vemoaite. :will not turn white from rain or cet and the sun will nst blister it.'or inside woodwork where [tremely transparent varnish is :quired, nse Pale Interior. It etervct th e na&xral besuQ rof thew ood^ i l fd to m ar an d w on’t i c n tc h w hite.

T aU Jbm msi^t ttao M arb le IToor .w tferp rooft th e w ood, and cnablea t t to Ethstand th e ■everett w e ar and tea r widk*It marriogaTver chancea with vainlah. Ott Dero« onil jarrr. Remcinber, we gusmtce sstif&ctloa.

ik for booklet— Scciag lEo Brichter Side.**

1ARDWARE CO.V ^arn lahea a n d O la a a


V . .

• :l ‘ /

•”y 'y


FBXZk&T, i d T », U19. 8 = S = = a S 9 ! ^ = S =

^ 0 The man to whom


BUSINESS OAEI) RATES'Od« iasertion, per lin o ,-.................. 1

^ v O n o weok, per line----------------------- 2^ ^ • O s e month, p«r line , ,, ____ 7

' T H O lJE 82 '

WINDIW o i i s sWINDOW OLASS—AI«o cabinet wor

Uoon'* Shop,, phono C.

p ia n o t SnS o

PIANO TUZnNO—Phone 108. Lon U qiU Qo.


ATT0BNE7SA im K B. m L SO N —L a w ^

HOMBB 0. M H a S —Boyd Bailding.

WOBTH » B IB gH A y, B. A T. Bldj

B. T .U U tS O N — General practlc CotUUoa Hall Bldg.

eW BELET & BWEELE7—Attornoy a t Law. Praetieo in all Conrt*, Twi Pall*, Idaho.

B. U . WOLFE—^Lawyer, Booms S an fl, oTcr Idaho Department Storo, Twi


YATZiOB OUUBOKS—Babeoek baU^ ing,. 1£5 Main AVe. W., pbone Si: P n e tiee limited to Probato and Olrl H a tton .

/ . H . WISB—Lawyer. Folly or^iEe< Collection Department. Offlcoi Boom4 6 and 7, ovor Twin Fall* Bon] A T n u t Co., Twin Fall*, Idaho.

. AOOOUNTANTSJ. WOLFBNDBK — Accountant. 11 ' Maim Are. East. Pbono 201.

ENG1NEE£J . 0 . P0B7EEFZBLD—Civil, Hydrao

lie and Mining Engineer. Twin Falli Idaho. • Phone IM -J. . '


TABIDU—All forms of Electricity Mineral Vapor and Electric Ugh' Baths. 30 i P ifth Ave. E. ToL 286

The people wbo are-lNTEBESTED it renting property • will SEE and con •Idor your ad in the classified.

1 F a r m L o a n s

A R fH U R L . SW IM

Monthly payment and itraigbt t^rm. loans a t .especiaUy fav* orable rates.,,,. . , .c^:



4 * 200 acre# oil in cultivation, well 4- improved, 8 room houso, barn lur ^

^1 4 boracB, etc., n( $175.00 per aero, ^ >1* on good road, 6 miles from Wen- 4< 4 . doIL *4,0.00 cash will haudlo wi(h ^ •I* good terms on balnoec a t low rato 4> ^ of intereat. Immodiato posses- ^ ^ sioD. Thia Is tho boat farm on ^ ^ tho North Sido tcocf and is on tho ^ A market nt thia price for only a 4* *1* short time. •{•

4< 120 acres with good house. ^ ^ barn, windmill, orcbard. aod 4* A shade treca—a hlghlv improved * ^ farm S miles of Wendell. Owner 4< 4« will givo Immediato possession If 4* 4* sold within a short time. Wc can ^ 4* sell you this farm for $200 per 4* ^ ncro, $10,000 caab and long time 4« A on balance at 7 per cent. This ^ 4> plaeo is in a high stato of cultl- 4* 4* ration and will not stay on tho ^

iV 4* market long a t this price. If in- 4* X teretted, act quick. 4*

$ Pbone : : s p . o . BiOg.. $4« Jerome, Idaho.^ FEDEBAL ABSTBACT AND +^ INVESTMENT CO. •{•

D O I N G a O F T H E V

1 ; j / ^ T a s

-C-.! P K A C T l S f S . OS & C R . B 7


I . —

m you will sell that properl

r i C L A S S I F I E D— i A D V E R T IS E M E N T S

. CLASSIFIED BATBB,Q Ono insorttoa, p«r w o r d ________ I

_25c (D»ily and W seUy)___ 10l _ 76e Oae moatb (DaUy aod Weekly)

Minimum ebarge for oacb InMrtio-------- of aay claaaifled ad, 15 eesti. Ad

mnst m n fo r a au tod period o l tlma.------- - PHOHB 32 .work. — ------------------ , . _______________ F o r B a le

88^ ^ Five room bouao. Phom

SALE—Soda fountabi. Phon227-W.

— ^ ~FO R SALE — Bural sood potatow Phono 430. Block.

FOB BALE—Stock Dntter milk. Ap ply Sterling Croamory.

POB SALE — Id u ^ 's blcyclo, troi srrayor. Phono 293-J.

—-- FOB SALE—^Ford for aalo, 'iPbosi 69. Auto Bepair ^0hop.

J- Wo are again making stockfood. Tbi 3 L -_ Twin Palls Plour Mills. (Adv.;

FOB SALE—KimbaU plnno, a ba^ gainat$ lC O . Call 320 3rd Avo K.

POR SALE—Maro. smooth mooth------- Weight 1500. Wm. Hogg. Phonimoya C03-lt3. ■ •

FOR SALE—About 100 tons of hay R. ,C. Souders, 0 3-4 miles aouth and 1

: and oaat of foundry.

FOR SALE—Bargiilnn in bicycles, tires, supplies, fisbing tackle. Worner'a

mild- “■*'* -n 'l E*O^vli________SALE — Dark, stocky tomato

plnnts,- also cabbage, celery and peppor ___ piiintK nt Spackman'a.

ik ed FOR SALEJ-^lOlfl Ford touring car] ricoa, or fo r a lfa lfa bay or aeed. Claude

Corbly, 1134 Add Ave.

i FOR. SALE—Shetland, 5 .yoRra old, ,to sell or trado for Liborty bond. Phonu

------*3<0W. 001 Third WcsUl la ------------------------------•-----------------------

; POB SALB—Bleydes, t ire^ oeeea------- sorlea and fiahing taekle. W emer’a

Bepair Shop, 244 & d St. E.;----- FOB SALE—Oood heavy draft'toam ,“ au- or will exchange for Ford car. No

reasonablo offer rofuaed. 130 Quincy St.

FOR s7\LE—Bale tioa for sale, $10.50 per thounnnd. Northweatem Brokora((o Co.. Phono .331. Offico ovor Cloa Book

city, ____________• . ■■■Ift* FOK SALE^Ttvo raaclic , SO aod

100 acrcs; prico tllO per aero for 80;----- $105 per acre for ICO. J . F . Beoco. Nys-D is sa,' Orogou.

ttF O R SAL15, BENT OB EXCHANOE —Jl W**oo‘l rebuilt typewriters of all maltea.

----- Seo Uoovor n t Businoas Collcgo or wrltoJ . B. BIchoy, Buport, Idabo.

FOB aALE>—<MO acre bomeatead for 9 salo; good watnr ond plenty of fall and

siiring rau;;o. Prico $1,500. Phono or write Bank of Bogeraon, Rogoraon, Idi* ho.

i'OB SALB—100 purebred Lincoln owes about 70 per cont lambed. One

r. to. fonr y^ara old. tS,50Q. t^kcs.o^ep, lambs and wooL Filer Seed Co.; Filor. Idaho.

FOR SA LE-^B ollnquts^ent on 8S0 acre enlarged homestead «ntry in Bush

•* Valley country, 60 miles soutb of Salt___ Lake, 4 milca from railroad station.

Addcess C. J ., earo of News.*** FOR SALE— 10 acres, all fenced. C

“ ^ room house, well, clatorn and outbulld- X ~ miles southwest of city.

Y llouKchold goods for<sale. Mrs. Elbi J. 'r Y Ault, General Delivery.

** Y y®'* ” ' ‘0 something, throuab*T reading tho ads, on half of tho things

* X .'’OU purchago-^what a tidy total of 1 T ' ‘earned income" this trould represcjt J T In tho courso of a year.

• f FOB SALB—Good oak furnlturo. buf- T f i t , library tnblo. chairs, rockers, beil», T dressers, chlffodier, couches, desks, se»-

iT iug machino. “ Wonder Washer,” hoat- *1* ing stove, Bango Eternal, practically

* T now, otc. 404 7th Avo. E.r 4« ___ ________________________________t 4* TYPEWBITEHS — Underwoods —* T New or second-hand. Cash or conveni- X ent terms. Wo maintain for your con*

* T vcnienco tho only factory branch serv-* *1* leo station in southeastern Idaho. Uso ' T Underwoods and get superior service. T Underwood Typewriter Co., S18 Porv-

' X Bldg.,.Pocatello, IdaE'o.

4 FOE SALE—Becauso of my health I T am eompelled to sell my wcll improved T SO acrcs on the North Sido; 30 aeres • r alfalfa; 7 acres wheat, 23 acres plow 4* I laad, 5 aeres bntah, balanco pasture; 4* I all fenced and erou-feneod, five room

bouse, well, bam and outbnildings;


L - T E O 0 m u s t b e« I M U 5 T ) \t o t>0 -T W *

O N O U R y ., i 4 N 5 / ---------------

I u - f l f -- I f g


lerty may bc a near neighb-------1 rO E BM2M___________

D stock and machinery goes with tl placo; $2600 down, balanco easy tormi

— ouyer wili havo tbo benefit of tb 3 ngent’a commission. - Writo addreaa 1

0 . Box 408, Jorome, Idaho.S S T w A K r i S '

__ to ........................................ ............ ......__lOu OIRL wanted a t Voraoy'o cand, _ 85e store.

WANTED — ■ Man wltb team an Adi scraper. Call 088-W or a t 220 Boi

DO. Avc., after C p. m._____ WANTED—Good irlgator, good W0 |

cs to rigbt party. .A. W. Irwin, Jerom' - 1 mllo Boutn, 1 west of dopot.

fo i CMaeral A < m t 01___ T.4n«» id fe Znnrance coxnpany* ^Phono quarters Twin Falls. $9,000 flx it yea

to tig h t man. Addzeas W estam ICani ------- ger. Box 2811, Bpokane.


. Ap- UOUSE eleanlng. Goncral honse work 'per day or bour. 469 Srd W est

—— SEAMSTBESS will go out sewing b; ’ tbo day or take hoipo-W(>rk. ,J541 4 t

West. "

■1^" F o r K « n t~ ^ FOB RENT—Modem furniahed room

J ‘ ) - ■. ■ FOB BENT—Two furnlsbeii roomi

for light housekeeping. 204 u t b MainFOU RENT—Front room furnished

C a n ‘” ‘-FOR RENT—Furnished room. Cm

turniBh board. 24B 7th Ave. E. ^Jid 1 W A N T E ir^":B m ?T " "

71— "W A N T E S ^^^^T ren C fu ^fumishod houso or houaekeeping rooma

“ Phono 35 Duhl. Clyde Evana.' w v u i r a T m s ^ E A N B o u s

jppyr WANTED—^Pord or auto for now ___ piano or player. Q. A- Toboy, Bohl.

c*'. MONEY t' o LOAN on city or fa ra aoda property. W. A. Patrick. Phono 380-J___ WANTED—Lawn mowers, to grind

old, on new up-to-date. grinder. W. T. bonu Mooro, tho old reliable. 133 2d Ave. B.

Tel. 504.BCOfr WANTED—All kinds clovver s e e d - ter’a rod, alslke, wbite, sweet. The Albert

pielclnBon Co., Chicago. Local buyer, B. B. Spafford. Phono 100.

■ No WANTED — Wantod ^o Icnso w ^l incy vquippcd farm on shares or work on

fo'rm. Hnvo fnmily of eight. Jnmoa Endsloy, Box 75, Copeland, Knns.

rago ' IF YOU nro not getting satisfaction Book in hosiery try S. S. Arns store, opposito

P. O. Our shoes aro tho best and ^ c e s — - are tho lowest. Arns, opposito P . O. and -------- ---------------------------------------, 8 0 ; -o TradeNys- ---------------------------------- -------------------

. TO TRADE—Franklin 1018 five dm ------ songor car for income property. Box'fOE C70, Twin Falls.ikes. ------------- — --------- —---- -^nto LOST----- LOST—ScotciP’ ^ I ^ ^ a nfor nnmo of Benny. Call 618J 4.

•wit —0 or LOST—L ady's purso, containing Id l- some change; reward. Botura to Nows.___ LOST — Twin Palla Typogtapblcaieoln rt-cord ledger. Ploaao retnm to The One News offico.

' •LOST-^Bed* nndr* black earring on * Main nvonue, Friday ovoning. l u d e r

:___ retura to News office.

tush S T ^T OSTBA-YED—2 dark bay maros, 3 years old, 1 dark bay gelding. Phono 640

___ B 3, or wrlto Box 35, Roulo 2.J. 5 ----------------------------------- :-----------------lild- M iso e lla n o o tts

ji OaU otla. th e secoad-tiiBil mao. He pays tha Mghest eaah pAce for uaed

---- furultura. W8W.TAKE Y0UR~I,lAWN ilOWERS to

^ W erner’s for rcpoiriw or grinding. 24t 2nd St. E. Phone <12a. _____________^


Notico is hereby given thnt tho an- eat- nual meeting of tho stockholdora of tho ally Twin Falla Auto Company will bo held

a t tho office of snid company a t Twin---- Falls on Monday, May 12lh. a t 8 o'clork

~~ p. m., for tho purpoao of electing offi- oni- cers for tho ensuing year nnd for tho ton- conaideration of such other liiiiiness ns

may proj>erly eomo bofore tlio meet- ^•o ing.Ico. CHARLES R. SCOTT,orv- Secretary.

— d b T ' i ^ D i a u r a c ’ V 's n o o kh I desires to announce thnt ho rcnumcdvod the practice of dentistry- nnd is now:rcs located in bis new officcs in tho Snooklow Bldg., 323 Shoshono St. N., Twin Falla,ire; Idaho.wm Houra: 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.igi; Telephono 700. adv.

B E _ A B L E ~ 1 | A N D A J = l= o i

S, Ut.UV J \ T"® THE. on?=----------U B ^ O T > * e j l 2

1 f e s w y

^ IHniiii.


ibor. But you might not'fi

iS E iE "" miEMGyf

Immense Profits flccumulatei ■^5 by Skippers- Operating

Out of Hull.HULL, England — (Corrcai)ondenc

•omo. Qjj jjjp Associated P ress)-J^ rtu n c___ from fish are bolng piled up by aklii; Old P"™ oporating out of Hull. All througl

thc war their profits wero so tromoml — ous that thoy now constitute a kind o ■mttm. local plutocracy. Thoy have town houn

ea and country bouses and gnmgcs fill cd with motor cars.

There are now about ninety skipper working thclr vessels out of this port

lUSO* Tho majonity are rough sailors, witb : I t rule-of-thumb knowledge of navigation g bv and curious Ideas about tbo bent wa;

4tb to spend thoir hugo earnings.For sovcral years many of them Imvi

been netting from $40,000 to $50,001 annually. Ono in said t« bave averog cd closo on to $60,000.

Made High Becord— A roford is hold by tho skipjwr of t loms trawler which Inst fall miwlo tho Ico •ain. bnd.vpyago twico witbin six wcuks, rc ■r;;T turning from tho flnjt trip wifh a lit

l.-ss than $100,000 worHi of fish, nn.___ Inim thc second with a little mnro tlinlCnn •hnt amount. Tho sklppor’s not profli

frnm thu two trij>n wns something lik< *^0 ,000 . The Rticoiid voyage'loHtcdronl} acvontoen dnys. .

Owners o f th?TiBhlng craft,*who take un- none , of tho risks tbo skippers faco.

>ma. luoko t-vcn moro money. A boat which hnrdly would have beon Uiought wor'h sending to sea boforo tho war can bo counted on now to bring in n not prof- it at tho rate of moro than $100,000 n

• yea r., Wild speculations nro golug on* iu trawlers, tho boats changing hnnda

arm at ridiculoua prices.1 . I t is a gnmblo ngainst time, for when— tbo tmwlera now engaged in thc mino ‘lad sweoping aro rolcnscd from that work

T. tlio flHhing fle<!t hero will bo tripled >. B. and fish profits wili drop nccordingl}'.


on ■mea Porccs Gain Footing in Town;__ After Bitter Struggle withion Opponents.slto ---------coa COPENHAQBN, (JP)—Sui>orlop Cjiecn O. forcoa aftor n bitter and fluctuating

a tru ^ lo , have a footing in the town of Nagjrszoeaeny. tho Hungarian nupreme army command announces, snys a me«-

” sago from Budapest today.Nagyatecseny is about 40 miles nortli

of Budapest In tho district of Keograd. I t la on tho Elpel rivor. • This is thc nearest tho Czech forcoa hnvo nj>-

to preached ‘Budapest. Rumnnian troopn woro last reported about 80 miles eaHt

— of Budapestbig ------------->■ ' ■ws. Advertise It In the Classified coIiuiiim

oi rLe Nowa. Somebody will want It. rhe TtVAn~»MTm ^




SHOSHONE ST. WEST.—odv.— s T O o m i ^ H o o i r '

Smnmer clndsrs will be held nt tho oT high school bnihling f<ir secniiit nnd ^ third grndo childron who neod spccinl

holj) to mnke up work. Tliose intorent- . . . ed plcnso call nt .‘ 17 4th Avc. K.. or to phone 873-W. adv.

24 J ................... ...........

™ TO TRADE FOR CITY I “ PROPERTY IN TWIN FALLSeld ---------------------------------------------pin 40 acrca oa Bing Ilill tract, 6 )rk miles from Bliss; 15 acrca cleared.'fi- Tho King Uill tract' has been tho taken ovof by tho govomment ns and water tight perfected to ono et- of tho beet water righta in tho

country. Growing season about a month earlier than Twin Falls,

ry. making land adapted to growing— early vegetables, metoas, Tokay

grapca and other kinds of fruit that cannot bo grown here.

"’T Sco

— A. E. BISSETT, Owneror J . S. Keel.

llv. ------------- ^

_____________________________ T o s a y

=ORJ3i^ C J O O D n S> X A M P L E ^^te I t^ F s-T -rX

D o o f% . o p £ T ^ C A -m

"TO o w f t j ^ S ^ ^ R E T j s T / p

J# ^

ll W m M

t'find him in a year withot

A L B E .R TIP 530,000 Dry aiLands aro located in Soi

, . the best in that famous d: n6u undor irrigation, tho balanc

taB .The lands are boing pal

time and the company is 1 All lands within a radius ol

ilenco point,ski?*■ouch which Includes watenon,!. chargo $1.50 por Irrigable aero porid of Alfalfa, grain, fiold peaa, potathous- grown.! fill- Writo dircct to tho company f(

l l Gaoada Laod & Irriway Lethbridge


* —

of fls^Ve- ^ u s c m ia the sofa, eeo&e^’ hi- ^ haklBf powdar, H b ‘«ad#<

(iiiij pcBMt tngredlsnta • Is eorreci acbthnh propcrtlbas. OrtMm tais« flrstToflt BiaiftoratoaddMltathaatxlBfbew:

liko ih«aagala whtahMtU applied.:only T to Jin caa dt^ssd tbaolataly.

oiooeat t o '^ o e a the jaoet whola tako }]|i4 u d oaaSy dlc«st«d Useolts,'faco. sod braadf. Write for Oraaosat■hich

.C m a a m t. Oo. HMUtaWulll !>0 , prof-




. .tingu of

mes- ___________________________________

ortli ABOUT BHEOTIATISMPcoplo are learning that It Is only a

waato of timo and monoy to tako medi- "!'■ pine internnlly for chronic and muscular

rheunintiiim, and about ninety-nine out iof n hundred cases are ono or tho other o? theso varieties. All that is roally

H1II4 _______________

BN. ( \ ----------^ _

Idv. » sardine.= Welsh]

r? : Don’t II' . : ^ *

i ! " ' **

■ ■

t a y t h e l e a s t . F a t h e r . i s g

I 'M ^— I TT H e . y d;L-ek.O y o y * R E . J

T A K I M C O P ^ £ X -

— ^ ^ 3 z r I .A C W ,’/ f l l ,

T O ^ . N E E O e o I T ' J

Jd fl


= ^ = ^ = = = ^ ^ S = =

lout using the classified, .fi

F A L A N D Sand Irrigable AcresSouthern Alborta and are among I distriot, 200,000 acres will be ince is being sold for grain grow-

pat on the market for .the first is looking for bonc fide settlers.J of ten iniles or less to shipping

$10 to $30 per aero—Irrigable landa $41/ to , rater rigbt—operation and malntenaneo por year—oaay payments aod low intorost. otatoes and root eropa can be successfully

y for full partieulara and psmphleta.

Irrigatioo Compaoy, Ltd.medicine Hat

) r ta , C a n a d a1

Irst wban bowl, sad

llu,' oak«>sBt Oook

radL i^ ^ h 9 ^3 3 1 ii9 1

l i i r i i P i M P 9 '

. '£ S ?*


...................... Ini’ccssnry to afford relief is to apply

ly a Chamberlain’s Liniment frooly. Try it. odi. I t costs but 35 conts per bottle. Largo ular size, «0 centa.—adv.QyJ •

ther Advortiso it in the GassLflod eolnmna ally of Tho NeWa. Somebody will want It.

inch Suggestions ^6 S n o w T la k e s — t h e d a in - J t e d o r a o k e r w i t h b n D io n — i n e i , c r e a m e d f i s h , s a l a d s , th r a r e b i t , e to . - -

t a s k f o r C r a c k e r s , s a y ' r n a k e s ; /■ g r o c e r c a n s u p p ly y o u . /

i g e t t i n g v e r y c a r e l e s s ,

i fV V H E ^*TH/Vr W A i

-WA'tS ) A NARltOW X ^ e ^ C A P e j J



ASDOEENT w in F a l l s B a n k a s S ubsi

t i o n s B o o s t C i ty 's S ta n A m o n g D i s t r i o t s ; H a r F i l e r a n d H o l l is te r to G o I


Quota ' Subs.Htms«a ......... 10040 I 16,000rU et ........... 69,340 B6.0W)HoUlrter .... llWOO 9.700Twin Fails .... 46G.S08 311,000BuW ........... 101200 87,«0Kimberly .... 69.072 19,660Mclrtaogli .... 7,i40 2,100 Bogenon .... 40,600 ' 8,060

Total* ........»820 OOO W11.760With only ono day remninlnK o

-Victory Loan campaign, T»»-in county lacks 9308,250 or .18 |>or cc tho quota It U oxiwctod to HUb« oceordlnR to figures givon out morning bv. Lioutonant W. L. £pl

. tho campaign faMUlquBrtors horo. Ilansen, P iier nnd Holllrter. Ik

tho list of districts in respeet to portions of tbelr quotas subscribei ccrtaln to re se t tbelr goals bofor drivo oloses, hoadquarters is sssuj

B u k s Help Twin ViUm Tho subscriptions of tho Twin

banks' receivod yesterday for •« ' worth of bonds lift Twin Falls' t<

fourth plyaco in the list of diat Kivlng tb u city a record of 68 per oi i ts quota subscribed as agiuni

, per cont reported by Buhl, whichpiod f ifth plaee « a tho list., Tho. Sorvico M en's ossociation

onlistod ia the campaign on \Yodn< continues to be a factor in thb

• paiarn, although the sorvioo mon I' boWm expect to accDmptlsh littlo

thao injecting » somewhat greaCo groo of popnlar intorost ia tbo u tak ing than has been moalfoatcd tofore.V •• P o t in Wbol# l>»y

n o n ten a n t Wyane Bmlth, Seff Vf. p. McCraekeo and Privnto W Holler. - jiaprosenting th e aaaocli yesterday visited tlio Berger, Bog« and Amstordaa sections in tb o ii cBts of tho campaign. Tboy okoi cd tha t ail of tho subscriptions mat] to th a t tino in those sections bad made voluntarily. Tho sorvico took stopa toward o rn n lu U o a of d' in thcso sections and received proi tha t olftventh ho^r campaigns 't ■would result in nddltloDol subs

. tions. Tho mon spont tho wholo on tho trip returning horo a t 11 o ’( ut nigfit,

Ropr^i«.’'atn)ti\'«H of ' tho nssocii , today ara on a trip ^

~ ' M uruugh. IlansftB and Kimborly.


S o a a t o r S a g s o & ts T h is U o tl a s M e e tin g K e e d o f F le e t

in R c c o n a tn io t io n .

WASIIIN'OTON. Private o] Hon of nil mcrrhnnt ships built by >:ovcni!iiPiit (luring tho wur. ex thow'. iiDfPjiaTy for govcrnmi’iil tlo] mentn. is ppropoHcd in n bill framei Hi-nntor .lotu’n. of Wnxltiiigton, who 1)4 tho rlinirinnn of tho n<>iint(> com iron in the now oonKre*.».

In jinnouucinft th a t he wouM .luce fhi* iiiofuiiiro nt the cx.tni sc'h of I'onf^rrnu, Senator .IciticM wxlil if jnten.icil “ lo en're for the jiresc-til n'. tton until (omlitionN t*hnll Ix-pomi' r iKirnjnl :inil we ran ileirlop ji wino I'crnuincrit "lii|j|>iiii; jMili.-y inormnl <'ou>lsti<iiiN And thi« <<z]onro that will j»ive u« reUiihlv faft.'i ilnin to uk. " .


I On Ql^ O u r p o l ic y i s t o g ivo ; ^ m o n e y . C A S H D E A L IN O

— i t m e a n s p u r c h a s in g ii

r a I f y o n a r e in t h e hrE a g r o c e r i e s j u s t t r y t h e ca^ t h e r e i s n o t m o r e s a t is fo^ g r o c e r y b i l l t o p a y a t th t

^ O n r g r o c e r y s to c k is^ y o u r S a t u r d a y 's s u p p ly b^ h e lp l a s t S a t u r d a y a n o n^ t o b e w a i t e d o n , b u t w e I^ S a t u r d a y s o w e c a n a s s t

I M a rkI C ash aS 336


i |CALLSGENERAl,MEET 1 I OF SCHOOL TRUSTl l l l I f jC^ouBty Superlntendeat Suggests 1 i n i l V leg O ^aoisatlon as Tople foel l l l l I Consideration.

' ■ m n ' ncronlnnce. with (ho decinii I I I 11^ a nnialt ;;athering of school district l l l l 1 ^ tees convening hero in Aprll, Uisa I ■ I J M tnntJMX -\Volfo;- eounty -flUi>erinteT

'■ han called a meeting of tho trusteof the rteponilent school dis

ihcnrin. '*<’ < »>unty to bo hold horo nt lu a i/ l ip anturdny. JCay 24. I t littS n d in Q l'o»<!‘l nt (his meotliig to eonsldo J ndviflablllty of forming a genorxiflnSG nf gnnization to hold mootlnKS oa< 5a Hu o p twice cnch year for discussion of W UVtil niiiijcctH na co.opornUvo buying, t

OTB •alnries nn'd othor m atters o CTB portancc in tho educational flcM.

P er ------------- ->8. Oeat TAPS SOXmDS FOR 80 i;j> niS ,000 .05 ANB ZiAWMA,060 *87 ---------^ (Continued from pogo one)460 mont from July, ltiG2, until Jul;660 .36 18C4, when ho recoived wounds li 100 .28 buttlo of Poach Treo Greek rosulUi 060 '17 tho Ions of his right arm afte r hin ~ tnro nt tha t timo by tho enemy. Hi760 .62 <]lnehnrgod from the "orvice wit): ig of tho rank of cori>ora>. rin Falla Uphill F lgbt

Experioncing five succcmIvo S t u i 'allu/os in hill vonturo iu fnrmln vnt«^ «♦ ‘'I'* to rilno is a t tho closo o_tpjor Bl jjj. Conovor. in t,,y fau

bartkrupt. Ho owed •20,000 as t In nro farm. Ilo wan &dvis<Iboil aro bankruptcy. Ho rofunod

fill cwiP'i tnoro crodit ajid threo yent ter hnd repaid ovory dollar ho c Having clcarcd hla financial rccord

• Conovor nold tho farm' which bo hnvin Falls gained and ontorod the grain bus ' -lOQ.OOO with which he was Identified fo Is' to tho years.districts. Stricken in Busy Career

I'rior to eoming to Twin Fnlls in ^ Mr, Conover was for J-l yearH ovo' Ich occu. p, R, 1.400 ncro farm .in Uilnolfl. {«» With hiH Bonn, Howanl nml Mnrs

’ >'0 with hla widow and ilnughtor, Bessie. Conovor. aupvivo him, Afr. ovor owtlod and operated 480 nere

I t J"***! tft<3 Twin FalU and Salmon0 ow and was tho owner,'bci

1 of considerable city property.® , U p o n hls return in Pobruary froe .eu nero- .„ndanco a t sessions of tho Icgialo

s l Boise. U r . Conovor plunged intc tl%'e busiaess on hin own nerount

BofMant In arrangements for tbo state unu I Wilbur, tnont of tho Grand Army which' i oelttloo, .moot bero in Juno, in whirh ho wai iogtriKA ]pgod when' atrieken by hin fatal

Bcohaln^ * ■ ■■ ■» ■ ■ .made up airM A IIlA N a TTNSUFFOaTBI

PABIS, (/Pi—n In lenrnod on f .Irlvo* authority tbnt thero la no foundn

DtMilses tho cntento' powers^ 'thero "“PPortiojf *ho Rumanian advi .uVinrriD- Hungary which wa» \md«r

i.». on by .Rumania to forontnll projo ' operations by tho Ilungarlnns and

slnns against tha t country, lociation i"— ■■ - ■ = g ^ = s =I Crock, r ---- TT TT —11.1--------- --!■---- L-


F MR. MAN--IREiy, who wanfs a ModerrS o th o d j j ° V .^ e _ ° n . .y g ' y .E a 3 3

Terms.Modom '4!room> houae witl

b*y'*tho "IfeplnR porch, liardwood floor . except and ccment cellar. Modorn gar im T h y Located bcst part of eityivho will .$3000.00 dollars. *230 down; bal fommit- payments.II i*tto- w sc'««ion

i " i” : STUART H. TAYLOR E . L.'M AGViCAn


iroceriesvo you tho utmost value for your. JO means a saving in lowor prices g instead of ordering.

habit of paying cash for your i cash plan for a while and sec if <

isfaction in 'it than in having that j the beginning of cach month. • !

is complete in every detail. Buy ![y bero. On account of not enough !lombor of customers were unable !7c have aecured au extra clerk for ,Lssure you good senriee. i

k e te r ia Iand C arry j

SO K utK ftln {



H-AGAMEffillisttlCtB ----------

J, n t 1 :0 0 B o ra h D s o la r e s I f P a r f y V

i.ijJ rT h ii f o r C o v e n a n t H e W ill L

' ”oT « « R e p u b l ic a n s a n d S a y s Bi n of .uci, ^ v i ja t H is C o n v ic t io n s A rng, tesch- rs of lm.icM. . WA$III.\aTON'. (/P>—8cnator

of . Idaho, in n lotter-mado-public Jg renffirming his opposition to tho 1JUTAWBP of nationn, naked that tho repul

party announce Its attitudo oi adoption of tfao leaguo covenant n

, . ».imateil thnt if approval wero.glv< July 22 'it>«“n»ont ho would quit tho nart>

ds In tho I'’***'*’ "'®*' written to the oditor o suiting in Mass., Transerlpt,r hin cap- Uses Strong X.sagaager. Ho was "it is a mntter nhoiit whieh only with tho ardn nnd political pimps eould Iia

ccnvieilons.” wroto tho Idaho sei “ Con a partlenti undor nuch ci

Jvn ri'nn Hnk whnt about ll)20f (rminff on parfy under nuch clrcunu™ of lho “ It j»yl.n»k bciI of 1878 ex|>ect to holiin nn.l Un confldenco-and rospect of a vig ivrw to people! Can It docli;

hnvo opinions Can a ropubllcn ’ In . fccUng and sroolUng around as a

i,n nwK 1 livered satollito. of baso oxpodlonc ,r_‘ would bi» a thousand times bett

!o hnd re- if dofoatod wltl

a n f t t o n e s " I f tho republican party c(|uld

through dofcat sovc tho sacred I ^ tions of Amorieo, proservo Arnosiu]O i:i, inatitutions and maintain uAImp ovo'mcer tho indopondcneo and untrammelex

lolfl. oToignty of tho republic. It wouldMarshall, dcr a aervico scoond not oven t itor, Mi"* heroic servico undor tho loadcrsh Mr. Con- tho Blessed Martyr. But ^ su [^ nercn of ahould bo saiil to such men ns m

mon Ulv- that tho party might bo Sn fnvor o r.'besiden popositlou. Very well, lot it sa,

Let it jurrondor its placo tf It v from at- an the dcfonder of Amorican Ini

igislature tionn' and 'American ideals. Ant into ae- thoiw who would abhor such his

}unt and cowardice fumigate thomselves am encamp- — .

Ich' is t<> ' . ' —I was on- < ■ 'fatal ill- ^

T H Eon high

s h o w i n g iadvance

indortttrf-projected»nd Hu,. P o p u l a r A d m l

-7 " A V1TA(

a s y Whc

. A L K = JOY(

R U l

J -“T H I ^ L IO

I . ' ANIJ T H E;3 ^

J M O L‘■ , 1 F m m CHARLES

ip EUDom DramatiI Sjh Snl { * 'Ik.le ,- i .- .™ .

I l l , W ~ k l k . . o . ^m \ . T>. T « , k.%1

L i ^^ i

T W IN FA Li r t would bo »6ioU nblo than to go skulking througl n a figh t without views or convi

1 | | . or ovon on attitudo. I woitld n< ' 11''/ party t<r^agToe witb-mo but I-

IRH 1'°'’* position andl I lH ' I soon dotormino roy course. I d l l l l coward and I hate a traitor."

M z e t a c h i F m ^ n 7 a in l

Claims six Points Over* Olose Be in Xntremolar Tnkc)c Meet.

' V otSS (Si)ccial Corrcspondonco)L e a v e UNlVKRSlTy o p id a iio , MU l^j —Tho renults of th o ln t^ M u ra l OOiQiy nn.ot played o ff tKETwcok indicati A rp tiK' Zota CTii jUphn fraternity

maintain Its lead of six points ov< Beta Thota Pi’s whiraro cloao soi

or Bornh The- Zota Chin havo captured b< lie today firsts and tho hardest part o f t ^ Iio luagtie has boon played off. ^ ‘publican Pope for the Pullman meet

on the Binged noxt week has been fun: t and In* hy the pniont eontost. Indlci ;lven tho aro that Idaho will bo nhlo to put trty. Tbo s tiff battlo against tho Pullmanit >r of the Although no rocords havo bcc

tabUshod. tho Idaho boys aro 9 good steady work. Porrine and 1niv enw- Ho joint getters for theliavo no

•S BHI PIISIPIIB HI :fS iDHESS IN TWIII FlVigorous .jclino to _ ^ _iicait go Expresses Hope of Disous a whllo League of Nations Her<

lo'tto 10 1-a‘ o r in S u m m e r .Tith cor- -----—

Because of tho convening of sjscBsiott o f coagTcsa. StatCB

iild oven ato r John F . Kogent will bo unat■d tradi- muko an nddroas hero undor thoiTnerican pices of tho democratic county ccImpaired committeu on tho'aubjoct of the 1<eled flov of nationa, as ho had intended tluld ren- This information together witlIt to itil iitatomont ^ h a t the senator hopirshlp of trake tho eo&templntod tour of i[ ^ s e it em Idaho when congress next adjci mysolf waa roceived today by James D.)r of tho lan. sccrotary of tho county comm

say ao. Tho tour which has boon postpt wants Would Have includod 12 or 15 addiinatltu- in southom Idalio beginning next

And lot day. On a recent tour through shideous enatom Idaho, Bnnator Nugent maiam) get speochos in 10 days.

G E M T ]Today and Tom orrow

You Syn a i s s i o i k P r i e i e s 10, 15,

LGRAPH Siipei ) S t9g e Success lo le W o d d T a tt

CE / C E ^

£ J l)N —D w jnH|

J S E ^ES K L E IN ?Rtic SocceMw w p — i t i i r t ■ ■ ■ ■ r r ^ f c s utlM afl«M acalM t tW l « «f u j

n s W CatW for'M sT h s rs M s t t lM w W s^ fc s fum t

mwT H »w «»rfisfcsw ah«s.<BiH s<i r t h W t U s M « f » M w r s%bts « f «b>M w a u J w M M J t t

IL L S D A IL Y N E W gOTO ho&or- PAATXBS AOBSB TO JO IN V ough sucn PBB OOMMON tonvict^ms .■ —■d not ask (Continued froni psge oneIt I-would - -- - —_____________ _ind I will assistance given tho r«w govor I despise an I onpocially to tho Ccocho-Slo'

public whoao- soldiers, stomm’oi flood of Bolshevism a t thu mos

I I CAlS ‘'“ i before tho Omsk gove:U CHU CTiulil- he orgnniscd. -

- “ tlusslA'iS'coming Caek to lif( s Seconds eludes the stateDient. "and thi Ceat. futuro will sec her a greaC otj

stato built on broa<l dcmocratii V ciples, w itt equality before tli . fo r ovcry creed and nationality.

'» «o»«ow Bia-B eonntitutional. social and ; *t . prohloms will bo solved throuicato thnt all-Russlan constituent assembly ilty will , - . ■'

d several — - ' ’ -tho meet ' ■■ 1 ' ■— ■

■ F /JV E ffadlcatioas

“P " Ouo of tho bcst Jiomrs in\con"* cs- residence district, is sirictly»o doing nicoly finished. Thero a r « 'nd Irviitg sleoplng porch, gtvago and futhe homo giso don 't fa il to MO this one

HIS 'FALLS -F^rrhTor^


« n * ' 8 P E 0 I A L B ]unablo to ^ -

Tne Peerlessbe loaguo 3d to do. .-with tho A c o m p le te n e w s h o w ( hopes to M u s io . E v e r y o n e tof south. » *Drx: . A M a n a:

immittco. S t a r r i n g th e ^ h a p p y {

addMssoB A B I G P E A ' ?“ ‘s?S h : O O M IN O S O O N , O a n a il mado 20 t h e g r e a t ea

•H E A T B> w t h e S m a s h i n g B i g S p

[ i r e W a n t t q S e e .

5, 2 5 c . S p e c i a l O r c ^

er-productioii o f » T h a t S et Uiel l c i n g i !



one) _____ _ «svoniment, U ayot's Oommlttae Fravldea fo Slorak ro sons WKo A n ^ e t « d fror imod tho Tenementa.most criti- ---------ovemmont , NEW YORK, (/P)—Tho nntyor’

________ mittee on rent profitceiing-piteYh fo '' eon- ,ny tents ou school sites In tbo B tho nonr aeetion of Brookl.vn today I Mganiiod vhlo shelter vfor 100 families w

ratie pnn- pret to bo ovicted.I tho law There were scores of ovictli lity. Bus. New York clly todoy and hobscho id nation- uituro was piled on the sldewa: irough th j city maiahslis in virtually evory ib ly .' Reports woro received of several

iu which dispossessing landlordi -erftfc*lv».. oasaulted by angered tenants.

HOME FOR SALEI in Twin Falls. I t Is locatcd in tho very bi tly modem In eveiy way, rooms are large a »«•'] rooms, a largo atorago room, flropla 3 full basement. I f you cav use a homo of'tl ooc. Prico, *7,000.00. Tottas.

ATEP LANDS CO.n i i im a .s i i i i c s i i s .


IS Hawaiiaii CompanP r e a « n t i ^

w of American and Native Songs ai le an artist. Photo play feature

a n d H i s M o n e y>y go lucky Irishman TOM MOOBE V T U R E P R O G R A ! lAibals of the South Seas, taken t ; explorer Martin Johnson

> I P Q U A L I T Y ^ F O T O P L A Y S

S i x - P a r t P r o d u c t i o n

s h e s t r a A r r a n g e n a e t \ t

f Ia J -

TBjn&l', X A Y 9, >