t abntab ufl - university of kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt74mw28b78z/data/1163.pdf · t abntab...

t abntab E11tnin A- a P ufl I i- i VOL XXtl NO 148 PADOOAH KY TUESDAY EVENING DECEMBER 17 1907 TEN CENTS PER WEEK ftUNUSUAL TRADE BYI I I PADUCAH STORES t Yesterday Wag Record Break cf4 C cr For Holiday Trndo in tt Many Lines Preferably Sub stantial Goods Wholesalers Condition f41btNT13It4 i 4- 1 mr nooiv PRICK I t Yesterday was limo htmlcst day ot the year with tho local merchants nnd trump of Ui> in oven report tho day as the builrit In their history The Christmas sliopj > ors dean lo bo out earlier this yoor than usual Tllo Illlnoto Central car employes were down in force doing their tlirtetmnn shopping nnlln great many country inoplo woro In town r I contributing their share to the trade Wo June lad n bettor day than the same day last year said ono v clothier yesterday Wo have had 1 more people In the store than we qt hC llld watt on satUfactorlly toddy t mid Chrtntinas trade 1 Is starting oft bettor and writer than It did last year Wo have told any number of ladles stilts for Christmas gifts r wild a prominent dry goods nor ¬ chant and the people seem to be going In for the substantial glfU this time Our storks are I lower than they wore In this line s yedr ago nnd we bad a very much targcr ilodk than last years to Msrt tho reason The who1 pioplo report a grunt Impruvvmwt In I their trmto and ox IHWI H soon to ppraxlmato nornral IOne whulossler wire Wd cancelled his r I order for fire works a month HPQ Will OagNl trying 10 ni orders com InK 4ft great rnlunio last V6ak by burrow I ins from oats dt lite competi ¬ S tors This fraturo I of the trade Is nollfenblc In srvrrnl 1 Uue morelianti nniUuc orM < for l111rllnt ROJ1dLUI had raiiMilvd not exitecinig any f i 1i + < 1M hi iMiuibiTit flint 1h4 y all Mtnu lo have muse Tolwern r cotrilHKiu In gKfciy I t volume this wrh and tho tendency I In to a higher price A farmer cams to ni witti a i tURdor Inferior tobacco yelotdayold a dealer tndaysand Iwtigfccd I lit eI i > when we offered him R std v y rtiiu mndMald ho had btGl ufterotd 9 The weed IK too high but the farimm haul money allll Cell dls to hold It anti under present iiunHl i teS they may force us to f f lny the hlRkor prices t At Clio iostcilllrn atii I I working erwtimo to kelp up with tho work The ruth of buglnoM has i Undoi Sam 8e U ljs with all who profit by the ChriHtmas trade i anti to date tho volume of business done nt the nostoflloe turpawoa that of last year a Rood margin Thu i r JmlkiUlons are that tho jfe months cndluc with thus mouth will show a big Inrrottw i r 1IWSON SHOWS HYSTi- MTtxiitiwr l I I uoosKviur l Washington Dec 17 Thomas W Lawson sj >ont a half hour today with tho preHtdont Ho wouldnl say the i t + t1obeed of ills vlttlt outside of stating ho worded do sea If the white house QIUlI thor TO QUIT SKXATK L- Ioys t imdir Miillory of 1lnrlda Wilt Not Ho n Oindldnto- Pennacoln Fin Tee 17 United States Senator Stephen It JIallory to F duty announced that ho will not l bo n candidate for reelection Ho lased- ouxly III at his hotne hero and real izes that homuRt retfroirom public d life to regain h1i 1 > Icalth i OLlh1i WINDOWS 1 01 HKSTAUItANT Uncle Jimmy nutler caused n 1great deal of excitement nt tho Union elation by jthrowlng Tock vithrough George Martins restaurant windows this morn ug t ode Jim ¬ d my waS employed as 1a restaurant rink and this mqrntng wanted hU pay When Mr Martin pave It lo Mm Jimmy thQlffelit It was + vnot right so Martin explained matters and everything was thought to bo Bottled oiitsldo Jimmy threw n t couple ItitfcCtVtt > two win down jfoi Martin Mr ofickS v Martin will si stove poker P Ju bps chate Duller away but InBtcafiot bola scared Jimmy 1J I3n to irQW Iv s at Marlin a They cur BCd 1 lu njpck Iluel uulll Jlmny r n loncoore notifled or r tM trout II Ith hunted for > Uncle J n1JJ1f > > > utje ocould pot bo a v- t fiodad i i J Sixty Soldiers Under Veteran Go to Hopkinsville Where People Are in State Bordering on Panic H Indgo Cook in Answer to in- quiry Says Ho Will Convene Special Term of Court if it is Deemed Advisable Louisville Dec 17By United IressSixtysix picked men of the First Kentucky regiment armed with KrngJorgcneona and provided with 6000 rounds of ammunition left for Hopklnsvlllo to guard that city against another raid of the night- riders Copt Van Carroll a Spanish war veteran Is commending A let ¬ nlgllLrider of their number was killed In tho re ¬ cent raid flimsiness in paralyzed In Hopkins villa and citizens ore under such a strain that tho prexonce of troops Is considered necessary to restoro ft nor ¬ mal condition Troops Arrive Hopklnsvlllo Ky Dec 17Sp- eclalA Louisville company of soldiers arrived this morning for guard duty here Adjutant General Johnston left for Frankfort this morning He cnmftleted his Inquiry at Cadiz but refused to talk on the subject Jliiy Have SHrlnl Tcnn In a telephone nttwsagofrom Mur- ray ¬ Circuit Judge Cook stated that ho was willing to order a special t ferui of tho Chrittiluu circuit court If one was 1 joined advlanblo by the IKtople of Hnpklnsville at any time that could be fixed not to conflict with his court Miedulo Judge Cook says he doubts the ex ¬ pod I leney of an Immediate eoeslon as ho believes there ghnuld bo plenty of evidence In accumulation before the Impaneling of a grand JIIIYI VIIJXXA IIHIlTIKS RIOT OnoThrimHIiifu of Wowl tit Inttl- iliiil of tlic Honor JIJkIlnu I utlUti tide afternoon M mlMin + of the Itmihenlan party interrupted the prortHMllnpit rind n Ruth > nlan depu ¬ ty threw a plpco of wqo l at time 11l1l1I Went of the house The Chrfstlan Sockilhla retaliated by attacking tho Rutho nuns ii itnr chairs as weapons Several dnput1vB sustained serious In ¬ juries OF III 3F II Grocery III i l Siiloon Ninth and Streets Ran- sacked in Search of hoard Two quarts of whisky a bottle of gin two boxes of cigars nnd four dol ¬ Inrs In money were stolen from the grocery and saloon of M H Galla ¬ gher Ninth and Trlmblo streets last night by a burglar who entered the trice through n front window The store hud tho appearance of saving been ransacked generally the suppo- sition being that the burglar thought there was a largo amount of money concealed about thoplace > Time saloon of Oscar Denser at Twelfth and Ilarrfcon streets was also entered but the only thlnj missed by the proprietor ode a lot of chewing and smoking tobacco The thief entered the Denker place through iy side window TilE WEATHER N Halu and vaniirr tonight probn bty tuniiiiK to snow Wtnliusday told dowel by colder IllgliVKt teni IIrl ture yesterday 48 bus est today U7 c 3k = = POSTMASTER GEN WILL RELIEVE MR HITCHCOCK OF IT Washington DO Dec 17 Frank II Hitchcock flret assistant postmaster general has been prac- tically deposed by tho administration as postofllco dispenser In the south and tits work of handling appoint ¬ ments down there In which there Is any politics has passed directly to Postmaster General Meyer In the only cases that have arisen In the south In the last tow weeks Postmaster General Meyer Mum per- sonally ¬ handled them Tho Anniston Ala case Was one of these In that ease the recommendation of the men who have been playing with Mr Hitchcock was turned down and the recommendation of a new power In the state was accepted In two Gear gla appointments about which there Is a fight In the senate IMr Meyer Is personally In charge From now on he will handle politi ¬ cat appointments exclusively Mr Hitchcock received a tip about ten days ago to turn over southern ap polntmcnlH of a politico nature to tho postmaster general All other appointments Mr Hitchcock wilt caro forIt Is retorted that Mr Hitchcocks aptlvlty In behalf of his former chief Oortelyou Is responsible Siiullirrn Kxpmitt C < Klncd Carthage Tehn Doc 17ln the orlmlnal court hero todAY the South- ern Kxirts company was convicted on the charge of delivering whisky to minors and fined The Southern Railway company was Indicted on Joint charge but the attorney general admitted that it oould not be held These cases aro a aorles brought by RKlKeUb In time effort to brink up the wlrctwnle Importation and sale of whisky to minors Itofwtlvi Flue Cwtses Fire The reeldcncp of WMIiam Smith of flB WHHo street caught fire this doreCtlv11nuo rayed and extinguished tho blaze with a slight loss v THIEF EXPECTED TO FIND LARGE SUM MONEY CONCEALED IN THE STORE = Gallaghers Trimhje Thoroughly PADUCAH OFFICER CATCHES ESCAPE FROM EDDYYILLE Ed Mnrtln alms Lewis Slaughter nn escaped convict was captured at Kontqn Tcnni Saturday by Detective T J Moore and returned to tho Eddy vllle penitentiary Captain Moore was paid n reward of 100 for hh work Martins liberty extends over a period of tyro and a halt mouths but he like covered a great deal of territory In that time having been heard from ln the cities of Evansville St Louli Pittsburgh Mobile and Can ¬ ton Miss Detective Moore followeu hls movements by way of decoy let ¬ era and finally landed him at the Tennessee town He was sent up two years ago from Princeton on a high ¬ way robbery charg- eENJOINS UNFAIR LIST Wnshlnglon Dec 17r tempor- ary restraining order was granted by Justice Gould against the further publication by the American Fedora ¬ lion of tabor of tin Wo do not patronize list in so far as It affects the suck Stove and Range company of St Louis SPECIAL PETIT JURY Judge Reed will empanel n pedal petit Jury tomorrow to try tho rob ¬ bery charges against toO Vaughan and James Tucker charged with as ¬ saulting and attempting to rob Her ¬ bert Blackburn on the river bunk The cases agalriit tho live negro women charged with breaking Into Cornelia Roods house may also be I tried tomorrow If Indictments are re- I turned today by the grand Jut CORTELYOU SICK AND PHYSICALLY MUCH EXHAUSTED Secretary Taft Declines to Submit Political Fortunes to Ethereal Waves and Says lie r f Knows Nothing of Changes in Situation < I ROOSKVKLT rWTY ItliTUllNS Washington Doe 17Secretary Cortclyou is 111 at his homo Ills physician says It Is the grip and that tho secretary must remain In his room for several l days Tho attack of grip is considered unusually seri ¬ ous owing to rundown condition of the secretary Roosevelt Party Uncle Washington Dee 17Tho Roose ¬ velt party arrived on the Mayflower shortly after 8 oclock and went Im ¬ mediately to the white house Taft Is Reticent New York Dec 17Taft by wireless telegraph refused to make any comment on Roosevelts last proclamation putting himself out of tho race for renomlnatlon Ho was equally reticent on his own aspira ¬ tions saying ho has received no pot lltlcal Information So far as he knows the situation Is unchanged since September CAIUXirr MAlt111Y LINCOLN- IS SAVKI FROM PIES Evansvllle Ind Dec 17AA wal ¬ nut cabinet made by Abraham Lin ¬ cola and prized beyond value was saved from a disastrous flro in tho residence of United States Commis ¬ sioner J W Wartmann yesterday afternoon A corner of tho cabinet was burned off Private and as yet unpublished correspondence between Captain Wartmoun and W 21 HorhCoit fAn ¬ colns Jaw partner was damaged Tho eorrospondcnco deals largely with Lincoln and Is to bo the basis of a magazine article by Captain WurtmantK Captain Wartmann directed the firemen to save tho cabinet If they hind to lot everything else burn New Outlaw League Philadelphia Dec 17A new outlaw baseball league has been formed It Is composed of clubs in Philadelphia Brooklyn Newark Pat terson Baltimore and Reading AI W Lawson will be the president and the new organization la to bo known as the United League of Profession al Baseball Clubs of America Dr Francis K King of Baltimore was elected vice president Dead for Revenge Chicago Dee 17 Ferdinand Ma rlglelno 22 years old was shot dead for rcvengo In an alloy at tho roar of 78 Bunker street today Tho bullet had been sent through his heart by an avenging husband Murtglelna had been shot to death by Augustine Goeco who found the young man attacking his wife who was resisting with all her strength With the assistance of two boarders Goeco carried the body to an alloy and hurled it In a garbage box Goeco claims that tho attack on the woman Justified his action He Is now under arrest ABOUT 75 VICTIMS Yolanda Ala Dee 17lt Is now known that mine explosion victims will too between 72 and 75 Thirty two bodies were recovered early this morning hy searching parties ROBERTSON FINED IN MURRAY COURT AND APPEALS CASE Murray Ky Dec 17Special- L Robertson of Paducah was con ¬ victed In police court yesterday 01 several warrants charging him with selling whisky without a license ODd fines amounting In all to 200 were Imposed Robertson mado occasional trips to Murray which In his former home and Is alleged to havo brought whisky In a suit case and sold It to friends Robertson declares his Inno ¬ cence and the cases will bo appealed to tho circuit court Alfonso Clark a farmers was also fined on several charges of the sanle offense 4 n City Revenue From Many Sources Falls Off New Administration Faces Embarrassing Condition Property Tax Licenses Police Court Show Decline in Spite of Increase of 20 Cents in + Tax Levy For 1907 With an Increase of 20 cents on tho J1001 In tho tax levy Indications are that the total revenue for tho city for 1907 will not much exceed that of last year and the new admin ¬ istration will start Its term with n considerable load to bear TO date It la said property tax collections amount to only 130000 In round numbers as compared with 148 38415 last year Including Decem ¬ ber Of course December collec ¬ tions will bring up time amount BO tral thousand dollars for this year License collections have gone down front 4055677 to approximately 38000 and police court revenue has tumbled about 1000 from p6 91456 last years totals of fines and forfeituresDeficits also are anticipated In some Departments notably police and fire Departments which have now nearly used up their budgets of 28000 and 28500 respectively The total collections last year wore 21780963 Up to date this year they havo been about 2r5OlOO Riverside hospitals revenue showy a slight Increase but there Is a deficit in the hospital fund year old tax collections are considerably belter and other small Items shoW a slight gain but the fixed estimated sources of Income have disappointed the fis- cal officers Perhaps a political campaign caused a slump In somoofflces but tho property tax collections fell be- hind In the fall when the market slumped as Indicated by the fact that poll taxes are equal to those of last year The poll taxes are paid by + the same people who pay property tax and tho bills are made out with the Juno laxen showing that the June taxes were paid Tho city should derive bout 18 000 more revenue from property tax this year estimating it on the same valuation as last year because the rate was Increased 20 cents on the 100 going up from 1G to 165 That throws real estate property taxation at this dale 47000 be- hind ¬ Instead of 29000 Early In tho new year probably the city will hayo to borrow money again to moot the payroll as usual giving short term notes City Treasurer Dorian Is anxious that property taxes be paid up as promptly as may bo so that the city may meet her obligations Up The Clyde will take out one of tho biggest trips of Christmas Jugs that good boat has carried In many days when she deports on her trip up the Tennessee river tomorrow afternoon On the last trip she had a good CUT go of Jugs but this week It will be the principal item of freight Up the rlvcr men are accustomed to sacrific ¬ ing anything to assure their Christ ¬ mas good cheer and this year while there Is rarely Anything doing In late railroad tie line one ot the principal products of that vast tern SEVERE STORM AT SEA CAUSED HER INJURY Mn Henry Well C04 Broadway has returned from a several months visit to relatives in but la confined to her home by Illness resulting from a trying voyage over Tho ship was in a severe storm and Mrs Well was thrown across the cabin and quito badly hurt At Cleveland Ohio she sons too ill to make the journey alone and was met by her son Mr Jesse Well who went to accompany her She Is able to be up now ATr GOLDFIELD Goldfleld Dec 17Flr t consign- ment ¬ of strikebreakers about 45 ar- rived ¬ today There was no demon itratlon The men wont to tho mines prepared to work Fifty more arc duo tomorrow Ono of the largest mills ran threw shifts I last night and today the first since tho trouble began Funston will leave hero to ¬ morrow for Sao Francisco It to said he will recommend reducing the num- b ¬ of troop to 200 that they may be left hero alt winter M a precau Uoa t move 1f 4 OWEN MUST GIVE 2000 BOND FOR HIS APPEARANCE Murray Ky Dec 17 Special Tho bond of Ethan Owen charged with attempting to fire Z C Gra ¬ hams and R Downs tobacco ware- houses first fixed at 56o has been raised to 2M0 by order of County Judge Wells It is supposed that ad- ditional ¬ evidence has been secured by tho detective working on the I case Owen had arranged to give the = 500 bond when tho amount was raised According to statements made by DetccUvo Marshall Owen told him ho was to receive la for the Job but ho refused to tell who employed him Owen still stoutly protests his Innocence Killed With an Ax Poplar Blurt Mo Dec 17Lnto yesterday at Ash Halt a small town nine miles east of here Jim Baggctt killed a man by trio name of SIfford splitting his head open with a double bit ax TIle killing took place In Slffodrs yard Both men were loggers and the trouble came up over Slffords wife Baggctt escaped to tho woods and is still at largo The sheriff and the deputies aro searching for the hiding man but no trace of him has yet been found t TOBACCO ARRIVING Clarksvlllo Teen Dec 17Then- ew crop of tobacco Is beginning t ° appear and the receipt last week wore 35 hoghseads Tho sales wore only 2 hogsheads O of old tobacco at unchanged pTlces Favorable weath ¬ er has resulted In much tobacco be ¬ ing brought here to the Independent dealers and association prizing houses The Dark Tobacco Growers association Is now formulating Its plans for the sale of the 1907 crop of tobacco and has no doubt fixed Its schedule of prices but they have not yet been published For old to bacco the following prices are quot- ed ¬ Low lugs CO0 to Q25 common lugs 650 to 7 medium lugs 725 to 775 good lugs 8 to 850 low leaf 876 to 1975 common leaf 950 to 1 medium leaf 1025 to 11 good leaf 1125 to 1200 Xmas Jug Trade to Average j Germany torY and tho peanut and cotton business havo flattened there Is no diminution in the number of orders for whisky Jugs Ordcs were a little late In coming In this season and some dealers read in this a slack In tho trade but the last few days the malls havo been freighted with orders and business on Second street is quite lively Tho Clyde will take out her largest load today and Saturday tho Kentucky will havo a big one too as it Is tho last boat to make the trip before Christ ¬ man ABE HUMMEL DYING New York Dec 17 Physicians at Dlackrwolls Island penitentiary say that Abe Hummel tho lawyer who Is serving a sentence will probably not live through tho day Governor Hughes Is being petitioned to pardob llummol so he wont die In prison NEGIIOES ELECTROCUTED FOR KILLING TWO WOMEN Trenton N J Dec 17Charles negroeswere prison They were convicted of kill- Ing ¬ two women while trying to rob them NEW CIGAR FACTORY IS TO lIE STARTED IN CITY Young Olvey are proprietors of a new cigar factory to be started on South Title street next week The proprietors Ire both practical cigar makers and start Into business with fluttering prospects of success Grain Market St Louis Dec 173Ylicat99 orntS7oa 15t 1 > t TO PRODUCE RIFLE THAT SHOT GOBBEL IN POWERS TRIAL The Defendant Says He Had Nothing to Do With any Co- nspiracy ¬ to > Kill William Goebel Concludes His TestiJ mony Today now GUN WAS DISPOSED oFi 4 Georgetown Ky Doc 17Spo- dalAt the close of six hours test ¬ mony yesterday in his own behalf Caleb Powers said the rifle With which Goebel was assassinated had been found and was In the possession of the defense An effort win be mado to trace the weapon directly to Henry E Youtsoy Tho gun was discovered In tho possession of Albert lIelton of Knox county in exactly the state it was at the time Goobcl was shot Helton took It from Frankfort afterI I the assassination having found IL Powers this morning testified he was never In any conspiracy to as ¬ sassinate Goebel Ho completed his direct examination and crossexam ¬ Inatlon was begun by Franklin i Tho Marlin rifle calibre 4855 + which was used In killing Goebol was Introduced In evidence today Witnesses will bo introduced to trace Its whereabouts since 1900 showing that Henry Youtsey gavo the gun to a man named McKnlght who pawed It to Albert Helton YoutBey testified ho gave It to tho negro Janitor Ben Howe Kiirthqunko Recorded Washtugon Dec 17A very small earthquake was recorded at tho weather bu cart yesterday afternoon beginning at 125720 p mTho amplitude of motion throughout the i disturbance was very small 1 and only barly distinguishable on the records t DIRIGIRLK ItALLOOX r War Department to Construct a + Model Aerial Machine Wash tastes Dec 17 SpwoMca t LIons for the construction ot a dlrlgl blo balloqn for use of tho army and for which tho signal office of tho war department asked proposals were Is- sued ¬ today by General Allen as the chief signal officer The specifications are framed with oho view of secur ¬ c ing tho best possible balloon whlcfc tho latest developments In Oral navl gallon can produce The balloon Is to be of silk inflated with hydrogen capable of carrying two persons weighing 350 pounds with 100 pounds of ballast must bo capable of making a speed of 20 miles per hour in stilt air though lower speed may bo proposed at re ¬ ducal cost own to 16 miles OPERA WIt BEGUN i CtmrliMl Will Try to Prevent TcU razzlul Appearing Independent Now York Dec 17A war ot opera managers Is threatened by hobnob Oonreld manager of the Metropolitan opera house who on nounces that ho will take legal stops to prevent Mma Tetrazztnl the prIma dono who has recently created a furor in London from appearing In I America except under his man gc mont The singer has been announc- ed ¬ i to appear at tho Manhattan opera house January 15 Mr Conreld states that ho signed i i- n contract with time Tetrazzlnl In 1904 under the terms ot which she was not to sing In America for three 1TblS l 1 to enforce Oscar Hnrtmersteln says tho singers will surely appear at the Manhattan as advertised MRS STUXTESANT JSIIt I Comllcd Mnnjr Chicago Proxies for < Her Husband Chicago Dec 17When Mrs Stuyvesant FIsh wlfo of tho former president of ttho Illinois Central rail- road ¬ Was InChlcago last October she accomplished more In tho way qf get ¬ ting proxies for her husband than any one else I Among the Chicago stockholders of the railroad ¬ I peeI givethe i of requestSho in i elegant style and titled on her earl ¬ ous friends She said the mil was < merely a social one but before she eft she had the promise of at least a 1 few that the < r pro dee Would fte given to the former KwMwt i fi i wJt I

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Page 1: t abntab ufl - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt74mw28b78z/data/1163.pdf · t abntab E11tnin A-a P ufl I i- i VOL XXtl NO 148 PADOOAH KY TUESDAY EVENING DECEMBER 17 1907 TEN

t abntab E11tnin A-


P uflIi-






tYesterday Wag Record Breakcf4C cr For Holiday Trndo intt Many Lines Preferably Sub

stantial Goods WholesalersCondition

f41btNT13It4 i4-


mr nooiv PRICKI

tYesterday was limo htmlcst day ot

the year with tho local merchantsnnd trump of Ui> in oven report thoday as the builrit In their historyThe Christmas sliopj >ors dean lo boout earlier this yoor than usual

Tllo Illlnoto Central car employeswere down in force doing theirtlirtetmnn shopping nnlln greatmany country inoplo woro In town

rI contributing their share to the trade

Wo June lad n bettor day thanthe same day last year said ono

v clothier yesterday Wo have had1 more people In the store than we

qthC llld watt on satUfactorlly toddyt mid Chrtntinas trade 1Is starting oft

bettor and writer than It did lastyear

Wo have told any number ofladles stilts for Christmas gifts

r wild a prominent dry goods nor¬

chant and the people seem to begoing In for the substantial glfU thistime Our storks are Ilower than theywore In this line s yedr ago nnd webad a very much targcr ilodk thanlast years to Msrt tho reason

The who1 pioplo report a gruntImpruvvmwt In Itheir trmto and oxIHWI H soon to ppraxlmato nornral

IOne whulossler wire Wd cancelled hisr I

order for fire works a month HPQ

Will OagNl trying 10 ni orders comInK 4ft great rnlunio last V6ak byburrow Iins from oats dt lite competi ¬

S tors This fraturoI of the trade Is

nollfenblc In srvrrnl1 Uue moreliantinniUuc orM < for l111rllnt ROJ1dLUIhad raiiMilvd not exitecinig any


i1i+ < 1M hiiMiuibiTit flint 1h4 y all Mtnu lo havemuse Tolwern r cotrilHKiu In gKfciy

It volume this wrh and tho tendencyIIn to a higher price A farmer camsto ni witti a itURdor Inferior tobaccoyelotdayold a dealer tndaysandIwtigfccd I lit eIi > when we offered himR std v y rtiiu mndMald ho had btGlufterotd 9 The weed IK too high butthe farimm haul money allll Cell dls

to hold It anti under presentiiunHli teS they may force us toff lny the hlRkor pricest At Clio iostcilllrnatiiI

I working erwtimo to kelp up with thowork The ruth of buglnoM has

iUndoiSam 8e U ljs with allwho profit by the ChriHtmas trade

i anti to date tho volume of businessdone nt the nostoflloe turpawoa thatof last year a Rood margin Thu

ir JmlkiUlons are that tho jfe monthscndluc with thus mouth will show abig Inrrottw


MTtxiitiwrl I IuoosKviurl

Washington Dec 17 Thomas WLawson sj>ont a half hour today withtho preHtdont Ho wouldnl say the

i t +t1obeed of ills vlttlt outside of statingho worded do sea If the white house

QIUlI thor


Ioys t imdir Miillory of 1lnrlda Wilt NotHo n Oindldnto-

Pennacoln Fin Tee 17 UnitedStates Senator Stephen It JIallory to

F duty announced that ho will not lbo n

candidate for reelection Ho lased-ouxly III at his hotne hero and realizes that homuRt retfroirom public

d life to regain h1i1 >Icalth


Uncle Jimmy nutler caused n

1great deal of excitement nt thoUnion elation by jthrowlng Tock

vithrough George Martins restaurantwindows this morn ug t ode Jim ¬

d my waS employed as 1a restaurantrink and this mqrntng wanted hUpay When Mr Martin pave It lo

Mm Jimmy thQlffelit It was + vnotright so Martin explained matters

and everything was thought to bo

Bottled oiitsldo Jimmy threw n

t couple ItitfcCtVtt> two win

down jfoi Martin MrofickSv Martin will si stove pokerP

Ju bps chate Duller away

but InBtcafiot bola scared Jimmy1J I3n to irQW Iv s at Marlin

a They cur BCd 1lu njpck Iluel uulll

Jlmny r n loncoore notifled orr tM trout II Ith hunted for

> Uncle J n1JJ1f >

> >utjeocould pot boa v-

tfiodad i i J

Sixty Soldiers Under Veteran

Go to Hopkinsville Where People

Are in State Bordering on PanicH

Indgo Cook in Answer to in-

quiry Says Ho Will ConveneSpecial Term of Court if it isDeemed Advisable

Louisville Dec 17By UnitedIressSixtysix picked men of theFirst Kentucky regiment armed withKrngJorgcneona and provided with6000 rounds of ammunition left forHopklnsvlllo to guard that cityagainst another raid of the night-riders Copt Van Carroll a Spanishwar veteran Is commending A let ¬

nlgllLriderof their number was killed In tho re¬

cent raidflimsiness in paralyzed In Hopkins

villa and citizens ore under such astrain that tho prexonce of troops Is

considered necessary to restoro ft nor ¬

mal conditionTroops Arrive

Hopklnsvlllo Ky Dec 17Sp-eclalA Louisville company ofsoldiers arrived this morning forguard duty here

Adjutant General Johnston leftfor Frankfort this morning Hecnmftleted his Inquiry at Cadiz butrefused to talk on the subject

Jliiy Have SHrlnl TcnnIn a telephone nttwsagofrom Mur-


Circuit Judge Cook stated thatho was willing to order a specialtferui of tho Chrittiluu circuit court Ifone was 1 joined advlanblo by theIKtople of Hnpklnsville at any timethat could be fixed not to conflictwith his court Miedulo

Judge Cook says he doubts the ex¬

pod Ileney of an Immediate eoeslon asho believes there ghnuld bo plenty ofevidence In accumulation before theImpaneling of a grand JIIIYI


OnoThrimHIiifu of Wowl tit Inttl-iliiil of tlic Honor


utlUti tide afternoon M mlMin + ofthe Itmihenlan party interrupted theprortHMllnpit rind n Ruth > nlan depu ¬

ty threw a plpco of wqo l at time 11l1l1I

Went of the house The ChrfstlanSockilhla retaliated by attacking thoRutho nuns ii itnr chairs as weaponsSeveral dnput1vB sustained serious In ¬



III3F II Grocery III i l

Siiloon Ninth and

Streets Ran-

sacked in Search of hoard

Two quarts of whisky a bottle ofgin two boxes of cigars nnd four dol¬

Inrs In money were stolen from thegrocery and saloon of M H Galla¬

gher Ninth and Trlmblo streets lastnight by a burglar who entered thetrice through n front window Thestore hud tho appearance of savingbeen ransacked generally the suppo-

sition being that the burglar thoughtthere was a largo amount of moneyconcealed about thoplace >

Time saloon of Oscar Denser atTwelfth and Ilarrfcon streets wasalso entered but the only thlnjmissed by the proprietor ode a lot ofchewing and smoking tobacco Thethief entered the Denker placethrough iy side window


NHalu and vaniirr tonight probn

bty tuniiiiK to snow Wtnliusday tolddowel by colder IllgliVKt teniIIrlture yesterday 48 bus est today U7

c 3k

= =




Washington DO Dec 17

Frank II Hitchcock flret assistantpostmaster general has been prac-

tically deposed by tho administrationas postofllco dispenser In the southand tits work of handling appoint ¬

ments down there In which there Isany politics has passed directly toPostmaster General Meyer

In the only cases that have arisenIn the south In the last tow weeksPostmaster General Meyer Mum per-


handled them Tho AnnistonAla case Was one of these In thatease the recommendation of the menwho have been playing with MrHitchcock was turned down and therecommendation of a new power Inthe state was accepted In two Geargla appointments about which thereIs a fight In the senate IMr MeyerIs personally In charge

From now on he will handle politi ¬

cat appointments exclusively MrHitchcock received a tip about tendays ago to turn over southern appolntmcnlH of a politico nature totho postmaster general All otherappointments Mr Hitchcock wilt caro

forIt Is retorted that Mr Hitchcocksaptlvlty In behalf of his former chiefOortelyou Is responsible

Siiullirrn Kxpmitt C< KlncdCarthage Tehn Doc 17ln the

orlmlnal court hero todAY the South-ern Kxirts company was convictedon the charge of delivering whiskyto minors and fined The SouthernRailway company was Indicted onJoint charge but the attorney generaladmitted that it oould not be heldThese cases aro a aorles brought byRKlKeUb In time effort to brink up thewlrctwnle Importation and sale ofwhisky to minors

Itofwtlvi Flue Cwtses FireThe reeldcncp of WMIiam Smith of

flB WHHo street caught fire this

doreCtlv11nuorayed and extinguished tho blazewith a slight loss v








Ed Mnrtln alms Lewis Slaughternn escaped convict was captured atKontqn Tcnni Saturday by DetectiveT J Moore and returned to tho Eddyvllle penitentiary Captain Moorewas paid n reward of 100 for hhwork Martins liberty extends overa period of tyro and a halt mouthsbut he like covered a great deal ofterritory In that time having beenheard from ln the cities of EvansvilleSt Louli Pittsburgh Mobile and Can ¬

ton Miss Detective Moore followeuhls movements by way of decoy let ¬

era and finally landed him at theTennessee town He was sent up twoyears ago from Princeton on a high¬

way robbery charg-


Wnshlnglon Dec 17r tempor-

ary restraining order was granted byJustice Gould against the furtherpublication by the American Fedora ¬

lion of tabor of tin Wo do notpatronize list in so far as It affectsthe suck Stove and Range company

of St Louis


Judge Reed will empanel n pedalpetit Jury tomorrow to try tho rob ¬

bery charges against toO Vaughanand James Tucker charged with as ¬

saulting and attempting to rob Her ¬

bert Blackburn on the river bunkThe cases agalriit tho live negro

women charged with breaking IntoCornelia Roods house may also be

I tried tomorrow If Indictments are re-II turned today by the grand Jut




Secretary Taft Declines to

Submit Political Fortunes to

Ethereal Waves and Says lierf Knows Nothing of Changes

in Situation <



Washington Doe 17SecretaryCortclyou is 111 at his homo Illsphysician says It Is the grip and thattho secretary must remain In hisroom for severall days Tho attackof grip is considered unusually seri ¬

ous owing to rundown condition ofthe secretary

Roosevelt Party UncleWashington Dee 17Tho Roose¬

velt party arrived on the Mayflowershortly after 8 oclock and went Im¬

mediately to the white house

Taft Is ReticentNew York Dec 17Taft by

wireless telegraph refused to makeany comment on Roosevelts lastproclamation putting himself out oftho race for renomlnatlon Ho wasequally reticent on his own aspira¬

tions saying ho has received no potlltlcal Information So far as heknows the situation Is unchangedsince September


Evansvllle Ind Dec 17AA wal¬

nut cabinet made by Abraham Lin ¬

cola and prized beyond value wassaved from a disastrous flro in thoresidence of United States Commis ¬

sioner J W Wartmann yesterdayafternoon A corner of tho cabinetwas burned off

Private and as yet unpublishedcorrespondence between CaptainWartmoun and W 21 HorhCoit fAn ¬

colns Jaw partner was damagedTho eorrospondcnco deals largelywith Lincoln and Is to bo the basisof a magazine article by CaptainWurtmantK

Captain Wartmann directed thefiremen to save tho cabinet If theyhind to lot everything else burn

New Outlaw LeaguePhiladelphia Dec 17A new

outlaw baseball league has beenformed It Is composed of clubs inPhiladelphia Brooklyn Newark Patterson Baltimore and Reading AIW Lawson will be the president andthe new organization la to bo knownas the United League of Profession

al Baseball Clubs of America DrFrancis K King of Baltimore waselected vice president

Dead for RevengeChicago Dee 17 Ferdinand Ma

rlglelno 22 years old was shot deadfor rcvengo In an alloy at tho roar of78 Bunker street today Tho bullethad been sent through his heart byan avenging husband

Murtglelna had been shot to deathby Augustine Goeco who found theyoung man attacking his wife whowas resisting with all her strengthWith the assistance of two boardersGoeco carried the body to an alloyand hurled it In a garbage box

Goeco claims that tho attack onthe woman Justified his action HeIs now under arrest


Yolanda Ala Dee 17lt Is nowknown that mine explosion victimswill too between 72 and 75 Thirtytwo bodies were recovered early thismorning hy searching parties




Murray Ky Dec 17Special-L Robertson of Paducah was con ¬

victed In police court yesterday 01

several warrants charging him withselling whisky without a license ODd

fines amounting In all to 200 wereImposed Robertson mado occasionaltrips to Murray which In his formerhome and Is alleged to havo broughtwhisky In a suit case and sold It to

friends Robertson declares his Inno¬

cence and the cases will bo appealedto tho circuit court

Alfonso Clark a farmers was alsofined on several charges of the sanleoffense 4


City Revenue From Many Sources

Falls Off New Administration

Faces Embarrassing Condition

Property Tax Licenses Police

Court Show Decline in Spite

of Increase of 20 Cents in+

Tax Levy For 1907

With an Increase of 20 cents ontho J1001 In tho tax levy Indicationsare that the total revenue for thocity for 1907 will not much exceedthat of last year and the new admin ¬

istration will start Its term with nconsiderable load to bear TO dateIt la said property tax collectionsamount to only 130000 In roundnumbers as compared with 14838415 last year Including Decem ¬

ber Of course December collec ¬

tions will bring up time amount BO

tral thousand dollars for this yearLicense collections have gone downfront 4055677 to approximately

38000 and police court revenuehas tumbled about 1000 from p691456 last years totals of fines andforfeituresDeficits

also are anticipated Insome Departments notably policeand fire Departments which havenow nearly used up their budgets of28000 and 28500 respectivelyThe total collections last year

wore 21780963 Up to date thisyear they havo been about 2r5OlOORiverside hospitals revenue showy aslight Increase but there Is a deficitin the hospital fund year old taxcollections are considerably belterand other small Items shoW a slightgain but the fixed estimated sourcesof Income have disappointed the fis-cal officers

Perhaps a political campaigncaused a slump In somoofflces buttho property tax collections fell be-hind In the fall when the marketslumped as Indicated by the factthat poll taxes are equal to those oflast year The poll taxes are paid by


the same people who pay propertytax and tho bills are made out withthe Juno laxen showing that theJune taxes were paid

Tho city should derive bout 18000 more revenue from property taxthis year estimating it on the samevaluation as last year because therate was Increased 20 cents on the100 going up from 1G to 165

That throws real estate propertytaxation at this dale 47000 be-


Instead of 29000Early In tho new year probably

the city will hayo to borrow moneyagain to moot the payroll as usualgiving short term notes

City Treasurer Dorian Is anxiousthat property taxes be paid up aspromptly as may bo so that the citymay meet her obligations


The Clyde will take out one of tho

biggest trips of Christmas Jugs that

good boat has carried In many days

when she deports on her trip up the

Tennessee river tomorrow afternoonOn the last trip she had a good CUT

go of Jugs but this week It will bethe principal item of freight Up therlvcr men are accustomed to sacrific¬

ing anything to assure their Christ¬

mas good cheer and this yearwhile there Is rarely Anything doingIn late railroad tie line one ot theprincipal products of that vast tern



Mn Henry Well C04 Broadwayhas returned from a several monthsvisit to relatives in butla confined to her home by Illnessresulting from a trying voyage overTho ship was in a severe storm andMrs Well was thrown across thecabin and quito badly hurt AtCleveland Ohio she sons too ill tomake the journey alone and wasmet by her son Mr Jesse Well whowent to accompany her She Is ableto be up now


Goldfleld Dec 17Flr t consign-


of strikebreakers about 45 ar-


today There was no demonitratlon The men wont to tho minesprepared to work Fifty more arcduo tomorrow Ono of the largestmills ran threw shifts Ilast night andtoday the first since tho troublebegan Funston will leave hero to ¬

morrow for Sao Francisco It to saidhe will recommend reducing the num-b


of troop to 200 that they maybe left hero alt winter M a precauUoat move





Murray Ky Dec 17 SpecialTho bond of Ethan Owen chargedwith attempting to fire Z C Gra ¬

hams and R Downs tobacco ware-houses first fixed at 56o has beenraised to 2M0 by order of CountyJudge Wells It is supposed that ad-


evidence has been securedby tho detective working on the

I case Owen had arranged to givethe = 500 bond when tho amount wasraised

According to statements made byDetccUvo Marshall Owen told himho was to receive la for the Jobbut ho refused to tell who employedhim Owen still stoutly protests hisInnocence

Killed With an AxPoplar Blurt Mo Dec 17Lnto

yesterday at Ash Halt a small townnine miles east of here Jim Baggcttkilled a man by trio name of SIffordsplitting his head open with a doublebit ax TIle killing took place InSlffodrs yard

Both men were loggers and thetrouble came up over Slffords wifeBaggctt escaped to tho woods and isstill at largo The sheriff and thedeputies aro searching for the hidingman but no trace of him has yetbeen found



Clarksvlllo Teen Dec 17Then-ew crop of tobacco Is beginning t°appear and the receipt last weekwore 35 hoghseads Tho sales woreonly 2 hogsheads

Oof old tobacco atunchanged pTlces Favorable weath ¬

er has resulted In much tobacco be ¬

ing brought here to the Independentdealers and association prizinghouses The Dark Tobacco Growersassociation Is now formulating Itsplans for the sale of the 1907 cropof tobacco and has no doubt fixedIts schedule of prices but they havenot yet been published For old tobacco the following prices are quot-ed


Low lugs CO0 to Q25 commonlugs 650 to 7 medium lugs 725to 775 good lugs 8 to 850low leaf 876 to 1975 commonleaf 950 to 1 medium leaf

1025 to 11 good leaf 1125 to1200

Xmas Jug Trade to Average j


torY and tho peanut and cottonbusiness havo flattened there Is nodiminution in the number of ordersfor whisky Jugs Ordcs were alittle late In coming In this seasonand some dealers read in this a slackIn tho trade but the last few daysthe malls havo been freighted withorders and business on Secondstreet is quite lively Tho Clydewill take out her largest load todayand Saturday tho Kentucky willhavo a big one too as it Is tho lastboat to make the trip before Christ ¬



New York Dec 17 Physicians atDlackrwolls Island penitentiary saythat Abe Hummel tho lawyer who Isserving a sentence will probably notlive through tho day GovernorHughes Is being petitioned to pardobllummol so he wont die In prison


Trenton N J Dec 17Charlesnegroeswereprison They were convicted of kill-Ing


two women while trying to robthem


Young Olvey are proprietors ofa new cigar factory to be started onSouth Title street next weekThe proprietors Ire both practicalcigar makers and start Into businesswith fluttering prospects of success

Grain MarketSt Louis Dec 173Ylicat99

orntS7oa 15t1 > t




The Defendant Says He HadNothing to Do With any Co-nspiracy


to >Kill WilliamGoebel Concludes His TestiJmony Today


Georgetown Ky Doc 17Spo-dalAt the close of six hours test ¬

mony yesterday in his own behalfCaleb Powers said the rifle With whichGoebel was assassinated had beenfound and was In the possession ofthe defense An effort win be madoto trace the weapon directly to HenryE Youtsoy Tho gun was discoveredIn tho possession of Albert lIeltonof Knox county in exactly the stateit was at the time Goobcl was shotHelton took It from Frankfort afterII

the assassination having found ILPowers this morning testified he

was never In any conspiracy to as ¬

sassinate Goebel Ho completed hisdirect examination and crossexam¬

Inatlon was begun by Franklin i

Tho Marlin rifle calibre 4855 +

which was used In killing Goebolwas Introduced In evidence todayWitnesses will bo introduced totrace Its whereabouts since 1900showing that Henry Youtsey gavothe gun to a man named McKnlghtwho pawed It to Albert HeltonYoutBey testified ho gave It to thonegro Janitor Ben Howe

Kiirthqunko RecordedWashtugon Dec 17A very

small earthquake was recorded at thoweather bu cart yesterday afternoonbeginning at 125720 p mThoamplitude of motion throughout the i

disturbance was very small1 andonly barly distinguishable on therecords t


War Department to Construct a+

Model Aerial Machine

Wash tastes Dec 17 SpwoMca t

LIons for the construction ot a dlrlglblo balloqn for use of tho army andfor which tho signal office of tho wardepartment asked proposals were Is-


today by General Allen as thechief signal officer The specificationsare framed with oho view of secur ¬

cing tho best possible balloon whlcfctho latest developments In Oral navlgallon can produce

The balloon Is to be of silk inflatedwith hydrogen capable of carryingtwo persons weighing 350 poundswith 100 pounds of ballast must bocapable of making a speed of 20miles per hour in stilt air thoughlower speed may bo proposed at re¬

ducal cost own to 16 miles


CtmrliMl Will Try to Prevent TcUrazzlul Appearing Independent

Now York Dec 17A war otopera managers Is threatened byhobnob Oonreld manager of theMetropolitan opera house who onnounces that ho will take legal stopsto prevent Mma Tetrazztnl the prImadono who has recently created afuror in London from appearing In I

America except under his man gcmont The singer has been announc-ed

¬ i

to appear at tho Manhattan operahouse January 15

Mr Conreld states that ho signed ii-n contract with time Tetrazzlnl In1904 under the terms ot which shewas not to sing In America for three1TblSl


to enforce Oscar Hnrtmerstelnsays tho singers will surely appear atthe Manhattan as advertised


Comllcd Mnnjr Chicago Proxies for <

Her Husband

Chicago Dec 17When MrsStuyvesant FIsh wlfo of tho formerpresident of ttho Illinois Central rail-road


Was InChlcago last October sheaccomplished more In tho way qf get¬

ting proxies for her husband than anyone else I

Among the Chicago stockholders ofthe railroad ¬

IpeeIgivethe i

of requestSho in ielegant style and titled on her earl¬

ous friends She said the mil was <

merely a social one but before sheeft she had the promise of at least a 1

few that the <rpro dee Would fte givento the former KwMwt

i fii wJt I