synthesis essay 1 revision 1

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  • 8/10/2019 Synthesis Essay 1 Revision 1


    Nguyen 1

    Andrew Nguyen


    AP Lang 11 P3

    7 November 2014

    Synthesis Essay 1 Revision 1

    Our knowledge, our values, our communication. These all come from what we call

    books. Books are the sources of information and literature. They play an important role in

    daily life. Not only do they teach students valuable lessons, they also effectively increase our

    communication with others. Anthologies and canons have defined which books are deemed

    worthy of reading. Consequently, nations have been forced to decide whether or not their

    students should have a defined school curriculum. Due to the evolving age of technology, the

    difference in how students learn, and the exclusiveness of canons, standardization of texts should

    not be implemented into school curriculum.

    Literature has changed drastically since the old ages where literature was written on

    tablets or spread through oral language. As technology advances, texts move from page to

    screen(Fowler). With this movement, school standards are also changing to compliment the

    efficiency of the digital age. Source F demonstrates how the notion of a standard has collapsed,

    and a stable canon of works and authors is meaningless. Therefore, the enforcement of a

    confined curriculum would not effectively harmonize with the new age, but rather, hinder the

    progress of students. Nevertheless, it is the choice of the students to choose the most beneficial

    path for themselves.

    Every student learns differently in their own way. When students read a piece of

    literature that they are able to connect and relate with, a mental bridge is built. This bridge

  • 8/10/2019 Synthesis Essay 1 Revision 1


    Nguyen 2

    enables them to further retain the information and values of the text. Florez-Tighe employed

    multicultural literature and she discovered the enhancement of language development in children

    of certain cultures. She used African-American folktales to teach respect for African-

    American culture and affirm a childs feeling of self-worth (Source E). Because these African-

    American children read texts from their own culture, they are able to further connect with it.

    Because of this enhanced relatability, they have a better chance of learning the core values and

    morals of a culture. Thus, texts should be unstandardized in hopes to increase the learning ability

    of students.

    In schools where texts are standardized, teachers pull literature from a canon an

    authoritative list of literary works (Landow). However, in order to be admitted into a

    reverential canon, a writer must advance past the gatekeepers of the fortress of influential

    critics, museum directors, and a board of trustees(Landow) and in order to do so, one must

    achieve, not exactly greatnessbut status and accessibility to a reading public (Landow).

    Unfortunately, many great writers do not have this superior status so their literary works are

    merely brushed off like lint on a commoners shoulder.Because of the difficulty in being entered

    into the canon, few woman writers have managed to gain entrance to such anthologies

    (Fowler). The minority of women has already been seen as inferior to men, and now anthologies

    intend to degrade the potential of great female authors. According to Clayton Eshleman,

    teachers have to make their own decisions about what texts are best and most influential

    towards their students. But how can teachers choose what is best if they are so limited to the

    works defined in a canon? They wont be able to choose whats best;therefore, the

    standardization of texts should not be implemented because doing such would destroy the vast

    labyrinth of literature written by men and women available for students.

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    Nguyen 3

    Books are the sources of infinite knowledge that should be freely chosen to teach with.

    Technology has evolved into a norm where anthologies are no longer viable. Each and every

    human learns a different way. Canons limit the possibilities of great writers to be heard and

    praised. Why limit students knowledge by restricting the books they read to ones in canons? The

    diversity of books increases the knowledge of students around the world and helps to create a

    better generation for the future.