syntelic transportation resource manager

Transportaon Resource Manager Executive Summary Syntelic’s fast and accurate Transportaon Resource Manager tool helps you make opmal driver assignments to stay ahead of the Department of Transportaon’s new Hours of Service rules, increase your equipment ulizaon, and keep your drivers sasfied about their schedules. Syntelic’s “smart” logic and meline tool lets you see and set daily dispatch plans with confidence even several days in advance. Balance Daily Demand with Available Resources Building a daily dispatch involves many factors. You have to consider the availability of drivers based on their current hours of service, vacaon requests, unplanned absences, and possible overme implicaons. What tractors and trailers are available depends on maintenance schedules. Your operaons may also include master routes, bid packages, or other requirements that further compli- cate planning. One mistake can cost you precious time, money, and customers. Syntelic’s Transportaon Resource Manager brings together all of the many factors that go into making smarter route assignments. Today’s dispatch plan should not complicate the next day’s plan. When building a daily dispatch plan with Syntelic you can look into the past, the present, and the future to assign drivers and equipment to routes quickly and efficiently. Benefits of Syntelic Ensure compliance with DOT hours of service rules. Increase equipment utilization. Gain daily visibility into transpor- tation operations using interactive dashboards and user configurable views. Satisfy drivers’ expectations for scheduled leave. Reduce labor expenses.

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Post on 27-Jul-2015




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Transportation Resource Manager

Executive Summary

Syntelic’s fast and accurate Transportation Resource Manager tool

helps you make optimal driver assignments to stay ahead of the

Department of Transportation’s new Hours of Service rules, increase

your equipment utilization, and keep your drivers satisfied about

their schedules. Syntelic’s “smart” logic and timeline tool lets you see

and set daily dispatch plans with confidence even several days in


Balance Daily Demand with Available Resources

Building a daily dispatch involves many factors. You have to consider

the availability of drivers based on their current hours of service,

vacation requests, unplanned absences, and possible overtime

implications. What tractors and trailers are available depends on

maintenance schedules. Your operations may also include master

routes, bid packages, or other requirements that further compli-

cate planning. One mistake can cost you precious time, money, and


Syntelic’s Transportation Resource Manager brings together all of the

many factors that go into making smarter route assignments. Today’s

dispatch plan should not complicate the next day’s plan. When

building a daily dispatch plan with Syntelic you can look into the past,

the present, and the future to assign drivers and equipment to routes

quickly and efficiently.

Benefits of Syntelic

Ensure compliance with DOT

hours of service rules.

Increase equipment utilization.

Gain daily visibility into transpor-

tation operations using interactive

dashboards and user configurable


Satisfy drivers’ expectations for

scheduled leave.

Reduce labor expenses.

Use a Timeline for


Syntelic pulls together

route histories from actual

onboard computer data. It

then compares that history

with information about

future routes from master

route schedules, schedule

requests, planned leave,

bid packages, and tractor

and trailer maintenance

schedules. The planning

dashboard shows all routes to be planned, any pre-

assigned routes, a list of drivers and their available

hours of service (HOS), and available equipment. As you

make route assignments, Syntelic’s Horizon Timeline

View lines up the route schedule with driver history to

prevent HOS violations and reduce overtime hours.

Adjustments are as easy as dragging and dropping

drivers onto routes, until all routes are planned.

Configured for Your Operations

Because every company is different, Syntelic’s Transpor-

tation Resource Manager can be configured to your

business rules and your workflow. You decide what you

need to see in every table column and row. Filtering

data is as easy as a mouse click. Hide columns or drag-

and-drop to move them. Syntelic’s easy dashboard

builder allows you to set up custom dashboards by

combining views of routes, drivers, available equipment

or any relevant transportation data.


Truckload Optimizer

Syntelic’s Truckload Optimizer dynamically selects

the optimal mix of pallets of varying densities to fully

utilize trailer capacity and reduce the number of out-

bound truck loads.

Transportation Analytics

The deluge of daily transportation data from dispar-

ate systems such as route planning and onboard com-

puters hides actionable intelligence that can lead to

gains in efficiency and cost savings. Syntelic unlocks

those insights fast to support better visibility and

facts-based decision making.

Dashboard with Horizon Timeline.

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