swo 501 storytelling project powerpoint

Owen’s Story

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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Owen’s Story

Owen was born on December 31, 1984 in Winterport, Maine. She loves to laugh and her smile is contagious.

Owen grew up in a very safe and loving home. Her parents have always adored her and believed in her.Owen’s father is a Social Worker and her mother is a high school guidance counselor.

Growing up, Owen cherished the time spent with her grandparents. She was very close with her grandmothers.

“My parents always joked that I was my grandmothers child. My parents are very shy and love to be home. My grandmothers, both, were extremely social, easy going, and vivacious.”

“I was a very active kid who loved playing outside, sports, music, and Disney movies.”

“I am very out going, love to laugh, loyal and adventurous. I danced for 16 1/2 years. Jazz, tap, hip hop.”

“I always wished I was Anne of Green Gables. I use to draw freckles on my face with my mom's brown eye liner or the Little Mermaid.”

“I use to believe that the fireworks on my birthday were solely for me.”

“Christmas is my favorite holiday because of the white lights, the smell of evergreen and time with my family.”

“Being an only child I was always starved for companionship. I was fortunate enough to get the opportunity to choose my sisters, they all bring different elements to my life. I am so very lucky! I also have two younger girl cousins who have always been like little sisters to me, they are very important to me.”

Owen holds her friendships close to her heart. She has been best friends with the same group of girls since childhood.

Owen holding her cousin

During the Summer of eighth grade, Owen’s parents separated and her mom told the family that she was gay. Owen remembers having a conversation with her Dad speaking about the marriage being broken but not the parental relationships. This Conversation with her Dad helped her with feeling safe and she gained an understanding that people have their own journeys. Her parents were wonderful during their separation as they never argued in her presence.

“I am an only child so I was always the center of my parents world and continued to be after their divorce. I will always be grateful for their love and support. ”

“I chose to stay with my dad when my parents divorced and I believe that has resulted in our very close relationship. Before they divorced we traveled a lot as a family, I was very fortunate.”

Owen went to high school at Hamden Academy in Winterport.

“I have always been very social, so in high school relationships were more important to me than academics. I was a B student but because of all the different social groups I belonged to I wasn't treated very well by faculty.”

After High school, Owen was Indecisive about going to College although she had thoughts of becoming a lawyer. Her father was very supportive about any decision she wanted to make about her future and her mother supported the idea of her going to college.

Owen decided to attend school at Southern Maine Community College studying at The Spa Tech School of Cosmetology in Portland. During this time she moved from Winterport into her own apartment in Portland.

Owen found that it was hard maintaining her own apartment and going to school full time. There were times when she was not able to pay rent, buy groceries, or pay for electricity.

Making ends meet was very difficult.Having the support of parents was her safety net. Without their support she may have been homeless.

This was a period of Independence and growth. Owen made many wonderful connections with people during this time as well.

“My time at Spa Tech was very life changing. I was 18, living in my own apartment, working 2 jobs and attending school full time. The program has a minimum time line of 10 1/2 months, I completed the program in 11. During this time I was very poor and really learned who I was. I was alone in my apartment a lot because most of my friends were away at college. This time reinforced how lucky I was to have the parents that I do and how truly deep my independence ran.”

In June 2011, Owen’s Memere passed away. Memere was one of her most favorite people. She was colorful with a warm and loving personality.

“I wear my Memere's ring every day and it is a constant reminder to stay grounded.”

On Owen’s 21st birthday she planned a trip with her best friends to go to Spain & Italy but plans changed and they traveled to Paris & Italy. This was an amazing experience as Owen was able to learn & explore.

“It was my first time across a different continent and I was so grateful to have spent it with 3 great friends. It was a trip of a life time!”

Owen met Rick shortly after her trip abroad with friends.

Owen married Rick in 2012. Planning the wedding wasn’t an easy task as many family members and friends needed to travel.

The wedding turned out to be amazing. Friends and family from all over were able to attend and were so supportive. Owen and Rick have been together for 8 ½ years.

”I am so lucky to have the relationship I do with Rick. He is unconditionally supportive and loves me so completely. I have been in school since I have known him and he has always understood the importance of completing my education. We were married on our 6 year anniversary, it was very special. Our wedding was one of the most perfect experiences I have ever had, pure bliss.”

Owen’s very best friends were there to share her special day.

“I went to SMCC and graduated with my associates in liberal studies. I then transferred into USM as a junior and chose psychology because I really saw myself working with people as a counselor or another form of support. ”

Owen is now pursuing Social Work.

“I am excited for the future. I'm excited to see what it holds and where my journey will take me!”

“I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow. I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights. I've learned that regardless of your relationship with your parents, you'll miss them when they're gone from your life. I've learned that making a "living" is not the same thing as making a "life." I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance. I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back. I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision. I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one. I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back. I've learned that I still have a lot to learn. I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ―Maya Angelou