swift vs scala 2.11

Swift vs Scala 2.11 Denys Shabalin June 2014

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Page 1: Swift vs Scala 2.11

Swift vs Scala 2.11

Denys Shabalin

June 2014

Page 2: Swift vs Scala 2.11

Control FlowSwift Scala

for-infor i in 1…5 { println(“i = \(i)”) }

for (i <- 1 to 5) { println(s”i = $i”) }

for-yield N/A for (i <- 1 to 5) yield i^2


for var i = 0; i < 3; ++i { println(“i = \(i)”) }


while while cond { … } while(cond) { … }

do-while do { … } while cond do { … } while(cond)

Page 3: Swift vs Scala 2.11

Control FlowSwift Scala

if-then if cond { … } if (cond) { … }

if-then-else if cond { … } else { … } if (cond) { … } else { … }

switchswitch value { case pattern where cond: … }

value match { case pattern if cond => … }

control transfer

continue, break, fallthrough N/A

labels label: while cond { … } N/A

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ExpressionsSwift Scala

unary op!expr * customizable

!expr !* limited to !, ~, +, -

binary op a + b a + b

postfix op a++ a++

assign a = b (a, b) = (1, 2)

a = b N/A

is a is T a.isInstanceOf[T]

as a as T a as? T

a.asInstanceOf[T] N/A

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ExpressionsSwift Scala

literals 1, 1.0, “foo” 1, 1.0, “foo”


“\(x) + \(y) = \(x + y)” !* not extensible

s”$x + $y = ${x + y}” !* extensible

array literal [a, b, c] Array(a, b, c)

(mutable) map literal [a: b, c: d]

s.c.m.Map(a -> b, c -> d) !* scala.collection.mutable.Map

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ExpressionsSwift Scala

selfself self.foo self[foo] self.init(foo)

this this.foo this(foo) // in exprs this(foo) // in ctors

supersuper.foo super[foo] super.init(foo)

super.foo super(foo) N/A


{ (params) -> ret in … } !* ret can be inferred

{ (params) => … }

place-holders f { $0 > $1 } f { _ > _ }

implicit membership .foo N/A

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Swift Scala

block { … } { … }

return return foo return foo

throw N/A throw expr

try N/Atry expr catch { … } finally { … }

importsimport foo.bar import class foo.bar N/A

import foo.bar N/A import foo._

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DeclarationsSwift Scala

letlet x: T = expr let y = 2 let (x, y) = (1, 2) @lazy let z = f()

val x: T = expr val y = 2 val (x, y) = (1, 2) lazy val z = f()

var var x: T = expr …

var x: T = expr …

propertyvar name: T { get { stats1 } set(v) { stats2 } }

def name: T = stats1 def name_=(v: T) = stats2

observersvar name: T = expr { willSet { stats1 } didGet(v) { stats 2 } }

N/A !* can be emulated via macro annotations

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DeclarationsSwift Scala

typealias typealias T = … type T = …


func f(x: A) -> B { … } func g(x: A) { … } func h<T>(x: T) -> T { … } func k<T: A>(x: T) -> T { … } func m(x: Int = 0) { … } func n(x: A)(y: B) -> C { … }

def f(x: A): B = … def g(x: A) { … } def h[T](x: T): T = … def k[T <: A](x: T): T = … def m(x: Int = 0) { … } def n(x: A) = { (y: B) => … }


subscript(key: A) -> B { get { stats1 } set(value) { stats2 } }

def apply(key: A): B = { stats1 } def update(key: A, value: B): Unit = { stats2 }

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DeclarationsSwift Scala

enum case

enum Foo { case A(x: Int) case B(y: Int) }

sealed abstract class Foo final case class A(x: Int) extends Foo final case class B(x: Int) extends Foo

enum with raw cases

!enum Foo { case A, B = 1, 2 }

// roughly but not really class Foo private(value: Int) extends AnyVal object Foo { val (A, B) = (new Foo(1), new Foo(2)) }


struct Foo { … } !* alocated on stack

N/A !* multi-parametric value classes?

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DeclarationsSwift Scala

class with explicit and

convenience inits

class Foo { let x: Int init(x: Int) { self.x = x } convenience init(x: String) { self.x = x.toInt() } } Foo(0) Foo(“1”)

class Foo(val x: Int) { def this(x: String) = this(x.toInt) } new Foo(0) new Foo(“1”)

struct with default init

struct Foo { let x = 0 } Foo() Foo(x: 1)

class Foo(val x: Int = 0) new Foo() new Foo(x = 1)

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DeclarationsSwift Scala


protocol Nameable { func name() -> String } !func f<T: Nameable> (x: T) { … }

trait Nameable { def name(): String } !def f[T <: Nameable](x: T) { … }

extensionsextension Foo: Nameable { func name() -> String { … } }

implicit class RichFoo(foo: Foo) extends Nameable { def name(): String = … }

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DeclarationsSwift Scala

prefix operator

operator prefix + {} func +(x: T) {} !* extensible

// this: T def unary_+ = … !* not extensible

postfix operator

operator postfix ++ {} func ++(x: T) { … }

// this: T def ++ = …

infix operator

operator infix + { precedence 100 associativity left } func +(left: A, right: B) { … }

// this: A def +(value: B) = … !* associativity and precedence via convention

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PatternsSwift Scala

wildcard case _: case _ =>

binding case let x: case x =>

tuple case let (a, b): case (a, b) =>

enum case Foo(let a): case Foo(a) =>

is/as case x is Int: case x as Int:

case x: Int => not sure

expressioncase “foo”: case x: case 2 + 2:

case “foo” => case `x` => N/A !* limited subset of expressions


N/A case B: !* you can emulate nullary extractors that return booleans via custom comparator and expression patterns

case A(x) => case B() =>

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TypesSwift Scala

identifier A N/A * swift types aren’t nullable

tuple (A, B) (x: A, y: B)

(A, B) N/A * but similar to { def x: A; def y: B }

function A -> B A => B

array A[] Array<A> Array[A]

optional A? Optional<A>

Option[A] !* doesn’t directly map as swift types aren’t nullable by default

implicitly unwrapped

optionalA! ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<A> A

protocol composition protocol<A, B> A with B

metatype A.Type B.Protocol N/A