sustainable assignmen local agenda 21

7/23/2019 Sustainable Assignmen Local Agenda 21 1/8 Department of Civil Engineering \ Transportation Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment The National University of Malaysia Semester ! Session "#$%"#$' Tas( % )ocal *gen+a "$ Sustainable Urban Design Name Stu+ent Ameer Abdul Adheem Hussein P81466 )ecturer PROF. DATO' R. DR R!A AT" A#DU$$AH #% O.&. RAHAT

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Department of Civil Engineering \ Transportation

Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment

The National University of Malaysia

Semester ! Session "#$%"#$'

Tas( % )ocal *gen+a "$

Sustainable Urban Design

Name Stu+ent

Ameer Abdul Adheem Hussein




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Tas( )*

  ,ou are given a tas( -y the mayor of +,ur h,met,-n to evaluate an+ give

suggestion on ho. to plan the to.n in accor+ance .ith $,al Agenda /1/ 0rite a

-rief report on your e0aluati,n an+ suggesti,n/

a m+ h,met,-n 2 #aghdad 3 ra 5

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  My hometo.n Bagh+a+ is the capital of the 1epu-lic of ra23 locate+ in the

heart of my country/ Tigris 1iver +ivi+es Bagh+a+ into t.o parts 4ar(h an+ 1usafa/

 *rea its a-out "#5/" (m"/ * population of a-out 6/' million people in "#$73 ma(ing it

the largest city in ra23 the secon+ largest city in the *ra- .orl+ 8after Cairo3 Egypt93an+ the secon+ largest city in 0estern *sia 8after Tehran3 ran9/ *ccor+ing to the

government3 the population of the country has reache+ 7% million3 .ith : million in

the capital/

  )ocal *gen+a "$ is a local!government!le+3 community!.i+e3 an+ participatory

effort to esta-lish a comprehensive action strategy for environmental protection3

economic prosperity an+ community .ell!-eing in the local ;uris+iction or area/ Thisre2uires the integration of planning an+ action across economic3 social an+

environmental spheres/ 4ey elements are full community participation3 assessment

of current con+itions3 target setting for achieving specific goals3 monitoring an+


  *lso )ocal *gen+a "$ is all a-out3 act local an+ thin( glo-al/ f all of us acte+

responsi-ly locally3 glo-al pro-lems .oul+ -e re+uce+3 if not eliminate+/ The conceptof )ocal *gen+a "$ really -egan in $:<6 at a meeting of .orl+ lea+ers in Nor.ay3

.here they agree+ that the .ay for the planet .as to a+opt policies of

=sustaina-le +evelopment=/ n other .or+s3 the (in+ of +evelopment that meets our

present nee+s .ithout compromising the a-ility of future generations to +o the same/

This pro-a-ly seems li(e simple common sense3 -ut such policies have -een far

from common in most .estern European countries/ )ater3 at the 1io Earth Summit in

$::"3 these i+eas .ere further +evelope+ un+er the term )ocal *gen+a "$3 the

strategy for implementing sustaina-le +evelopment at local level/ Each countryrepresente+ .as urge+ to +evelop a )ocal *gen+a "$ strategy .hich +evelope+ in

close liaison .ith local communities an+ organi>ations/ n $::'3 *-er+een City

Council signe+ the *al-org Charter for Sustaina-le Development/ Since then

 *-er+een City Council has un+erta(en a .i+e range of programmers

achieving sustaina-le +evelopment an+ is seen as one of the lea+ing local

authorities in the Unite+ 4ing+om in this fiel+/ n "##53 *-er+een signe+ the *al-org

Commitments/ The Commitments are a clear set of actions that shoul+ -e ta(en to

ensure sustaina-le +evelopment at local authority level3 they cover?!

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1 7,0ernane.

/ $,al anagement t,-ards sustainabilit+.

%atural ,mm,n g,,ds.

4 Res,nsible ,nsumti,n and li9est+le h,ies.

) Planning and design.

6 #etter m,bilit+: less tra99i.

; $,al Ati,n 9,r health.

8 <ibrant and sustainable l,al e,n,m+.

= S,ial euit+ and >ustie.

1? $,al t, gl,bal The @,unil is urrentl+ underta(ing a re0ie- ,9 ,ur r,gress -ith b,th

the @,mmitments and ,ur $,al Agenda /1.


  The status of services has +eteriorate+ significantly in Bagh+a+ after ra2@s

.ars in recent +eca+es3 an+ especially the secon+ Aulf 0ar in $::$3 an+ the US!le+

invasion of ra2 in "##73 an+ the su-se2uent events .hich le+ to the arrival of the

case of pu-lic services to very lo. levels/ 0here Bagh+a+ .as occupie+ the last

place in the .orl+ in "#$"3 the .orst city to live in the .orl+ accor+ing to a survey

carrie+ out -y the =Mearsl= group Alo-al uman 1esource Consulting3 .hich is

-ase+ in Ne. ,or(/ The report .as -ase+ on the situation that prevaile+ in Bagh+a+3

from .here poor pu-lic services3 an+ political unrest3 an+ cho(es the .alls of

concrete an+ the accumulation of gar-age an+ -uil+ings +estroye+3 in a++ition to

interruptions in the supply3 an+ the pro-lems of the se.erage net.or(

primitive3 .here the city suffers from significant floo+ing +uring the .inter/ *n+ this

category also comes along .ith another report launche+ -y UNESC in "#$"3 .hich

has -een classifie+ Bagh+a+ thir+ place +irtier cities in the .orl+3 an+ eighth capital

on the level of environmental pollution/ 

So Bagh+a+ suffers of ncrease in population an+ traffic ;ams an+ the lac( of

services3 so nee+ to -uil+ up the ur-an center an+ put the +evelopers in challenge

to serve Bagh+a+ an+ population its /


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  *ll this time Bagh+a+@s pro-lems affecting our country can all seem

over.helming an+ can lea+ to a sense of po.erlessness an+ apathy/ o.ever3 there

are many simple3 or+inary things that .e can all +o locally to ensure a -etter 2uality

community for the future3 such as recycling more of our ru--ish3 re+ucing .astage3an+ minimi>ing our contri-ution to pollution/ 0e can also ma(e choices a-out

influencing glo-al pro-lems3 too/ For instance3 .e can -uy Fair Tra+e pro+uce to

help or+inary people in the +eveloping .orl+3 .e can -uy recycle+ pro+ucts to help

ma(e recycling cost!effective3 an+ .e can lo--y our councilors an+ Ms a-out these

.i+er issues/

  1eason the economic situation +eteriorating & .ar .ill hampere+ the planning

till recover from the economic situation +eteriorating an+ salvation of .ar/

.ill eplain every one locally an+ futurity?!

1 Sa9et+ and seurit+ s+stems*  lanning preparation an+ environmental +esign can contri-ute to thinning out

the opportunity for crime to occur an+ people@s fear crime/ The city council shoul+

ma(e some crime prevention plans/ ncrease mo-ile patrols an+ response

service3 setting up security cameras in an+ aroun+ vital areas an+ open

e+ucational programs to promote pu-lic consciousness/

/ $ighting*)ighting is nee+e+ in many places for the pursuit of pu-lic safety an+ it can

enhance the appearance of the -uil+ings3 ho.ever much eternal lighting is -a+ly

planne+ controlle+ an+ mis+irect an+ this can cause light pollution/ The -enefit of

.ell!+esigne+ an+ coor+inate lighting inclu+e a +ecrease in overall energy

consumption an+ an enhance+ evening economy as goo+ as re+uce light

pollution an+ personal safety/

Rene-able energ+ s,ures*  Bagh+a+ +ont have rene.a-le energy facilities Bagh+a+ shoul+ a+opt

some pro;ect to +evelop alternative metho+s inclu+e solar energy installations an+

.in+ an+ geothermal energy .e can also use solar houses to supply

energy for the home an+ its suita-le in Bagh+a+ -ecause the .eather is hot most

of the time/

4 ntegrati,n ,9 trans,rtati,n and gr,-th*

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a9 mprove+ the roa+ system in Bagh+a+ -y ma(ing use of the spaces

-esi+e the previous roa+s an+ ma(e it more encompassing/-9 ncrease the pe+estrian fiel+3 particularly in the city core an+ high

+ensity fiel+s an+ provi+e passage in the .al(.ays for +isa-les

people/c9 Ma(e a central station inclu+e all cases of strings that reach all the

areas all aroun+ the ur-an center/+9 Ma(e -us terminal an+ station near to the central train station to ma(e

it easy come from another city -y trains or -uses s.itch to other trains

or passenger vehicle/e9 mprove+ -us system an+ replace ol+er -uses .ith ne. singles .ith

ne. engineering systems for navigations an+ o-servation systems/f9 4eep the green spaces an+ plants in the mi++le strip to cut the air


) "ualit+ ,9 de0el,ment*a9 rovi+e lo. cost houses3 or flats for homeless an+ provi+e serve+

resi+ential center for senior people an+ +isa-le people/-9 The respect special case re2uires li(e +isa-ilities an+ -lin+ people/c9 rovi+e various resi+ential areas for various people levels an+

-u+gets/+9 Ena-le housing nee+ to -e playe+ effectively an+ on an affor+a-le

-asis3 especially for (ey groups such as homeless an+ ol+ people/

e9 rovi+e services close to the resi+ential area to not +esignate thepeople go outsi+e their >ones for shopping/

f9 mprove shopping centers an+ other facilities li(e restaurants an+

par(s to attract people an+ to earn the -enefit that .ill go to the

people in that country/g9 mprove+ the overall 2uality of life for citi>ens an+ -y coor+inating

investment in housing .ith investment in economic3 social an+

environmental +eman+s/

h9 mprove planning strategy to ma(e Bagh+a+ 8my home to.n9attraction area/

6 Par(s 7reen and Oen saes*  )ocal plans shoul+ sho. open space stan+ar+s -ase+ upon the national

playing fiel+ association minimum stan+ar+/ This measure involves the provision

of "/5 hectares of open space per $### population of this $/' hectares shoul+ -e

for sport an+ #/< hectares of chil+ren play par(s/

; Par(ing*

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  0e have a pro-lem in par(ing space in my hometo.n3 especially near

shopping center & clinics & hospitals so?a9 The lac( of par(ing spaces that means that this country is an

attractive area an+ people +esire to use pu-lic transportation3 so the

suita-le solution is ma(ing multistory par(ing an+ -etter pu-lic transit


-9 1e+uce par(ing spaces in the streets an+ encourage people to usepu-lic transportation -y offer goo+ prices per traveler/

8 n0ir,nmental imat*  Minimi>e the environmental impact +ue to surge in travel +eman+ also the

congestion .ith traffic in the city center is the main cause of air pollution an+

smo(e/ So it@s shoul+ provi+e .ith plants to provi+e a goo+ environment to .al(

an+ re+uce the pollution an+ the plantation it shoul+ inclu+e the mi++le strips for the pe+estrians/

= Bater "ualit+ and Drainage s+stem*• The .ater sometimes affect .ith some causes li(e +ust3 +irt an+ other

soli+ pollution an+ chemical solutions from the aci+ rains an+ factories

all of that are .ashe+ rain.ater into +rains3 the .ater sometimes

+ischarge untreate+ .ater into local .ater.ays/• Decrease the impervious are -y ma(e the par(ing lot impervious -y

layers of gra+e+ aggregate an+ the surface from stones or +esign the

resi+ential area in .ay re+uce the impervious area/

• 1e+uce the 2uality of the rains -ecomes surface runoff -y ma(e

+etention or storage tan( for the etra .ater from +evelopment 8G

after +evelopment is smaller than G -efore +evelopment9/

1?Air "ualit+*

 The main cause of the air pollution is traffic congestion to +ecrease the

pollution of the air shoul+ -e +ecreasing the num-ers of vehicles going to the

city an+ this can -e +one -y motivate the people to use pu-lic transportation

11 %,ise*

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  Buffering >ones shoul+ -e planne+ -et.een commercial an+ resi+ential

areas as +istance is an effective metho+ for re+ucing noise levels an+ it is cost

effective/ Shopping centers shoul+ -e planne+ an+ +evelope+ that place the rear

of the stores out -y the -usy street an+ the par(ing lot -et.een the stores front

an+ the resi+ential property lines/

1/#i,di0ersit+ 2$andsae5*  The assessment of -io+iversity in manage+ lan+scapes remains a pro-lem

for mainly?!

• Diversity measure strongly +epen+s on the chosen spatio!temporal

scale of the prevailing assessment an+ unfortunately there is no

satisfying scaling function applica-le to transfer result to another
