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  • Susana Patrícia Fontes da Costa

    Development of automatic bioassays for the

    evaluation of ionic liquids’ toxicity and


    Tese do 3º Ciclo de Estudos Conducente ao Grau de Doutoramento em Ciências

    Farmacêuticas na Especialidade de Química Analítica

    Trabalho realizado sob a orientação da Professora Doutora Maria Lúcia Marques Ferreira

    de Sousa Saraiva e co-orientação da Doutora Paula Cristina de Azevedo Gomes Pinto

    maio de 2017


  • É autorizada a reprodução integral desta tese apenas para efeitos de investigação,

    mediante declaração escrita do interessado, que a tal se compromete.

    Assinatura do autor,


  • “Ninguém é tão ignorante que não tenha algo a ensinar.

    Ninguém é tão sábio que não tenha algo a aprender.”

    (Blaise Pascal)


  • Às pessoas que sempre acreditaram em mim e me fizeram continuar,






  • Agradecimentos

    Não posso finalizar esta etapa marcante da minha vida sem relembrar e

    agradecer a algumas das pessoas que me incentivaram e ajudaram a superar os

    percalços desta viagem atribulada chamada “Doutoramento em Ciências Farmacêuticas”.

    Ao Professor Doutor José Luís Costa Lima e à Professora Doutora Sallete Reis

    agradeço a autorização para realizar o meu Doutoramento no Laboratório de Química

    Aplicada. Os seus incentivos e acolhimento durante todo o percurso fizeram-me sentir

    uma privilegiada por ter integrado tão prestigiada equipa de investigação.

    À Professora Doutora Mª Lúcia Saraiva, orientadora científica desta tese agradeço

    a confiança, o apoio e todos os conselhos e críticas feitos ao longo da execução deste

    projeto, só assim foi possível a entrega desta tese. Agradeço também a disponibilidade,

    simpatia e amizade, sempre demonstradas.

    À Professora Paula Pinto, minha co-orientadora, agradeço por todo o que ensinou

    não só a nível científico, mas também na forma de estar na vida, com a sua contagiante

    simpatia, bem-estar e constante preocupação com os seus orientandos.

    Ao Professor Doutor Fábio Rocha e à Professora Doutora Regina Monteiro

    agradeço a disponibilidade e orientação que foram essenciais para a concretização do

    trabalho realizado no CENA, Brasil.

    Agradeço também a todos os colegas do CENA pela calorosa receção e pronta

    ajuda durante a estadia. Um agradecimento especial à Joyce, à Gabriela, ao Eduardo e à

    Karina pelo apoio e colaboração decisiva no trabalho desenvolvido nesse período.

    Agradeço ainda à Vanessa e à Bárbara pela ajuda no desenvolvimento de

    experimental de alguns dos trabalhos aqui apresentados.

    Aos Professores do Laboratório de Química Aplicada deixo uma palavra de

    apreço pela sua recetividade e simpatia. Ao Professor Doutor Rui Lapa e ao Professor

    Doutor João Santos deixo um agradecimento particular pela sua boa disposição, ajuda e

    constante preocupação.

    À D. Manuela, à Patrícia e à Vânia, pela simpatia e disponibilidade que sempre


    À Cláudia, à Sofia, à Edite, à Ana Marta, à Ana Luísa e ao David muito obrigada

    pela vossa amizade e apoio ao longo desta jornada, quer nos momentos bons, quer nos

    menos bons. A minha vida nunca foi a mesma desde que vos conheci!

    A todos os colegas do laboratório obrigada pelo acolhimento, pelo

    companheirismo, pela solidariedade e pelo incentivo. Com particular apreço à Marieta por

    toda ajuda e contribuição prestados desde que iniciei-me na investigação.


  • À Lígia, à Ana Cardoso, à Margarida, à Sandra, à Ana Fróis e à Joana que mesmo

    sendo amigas outsider sempre me incentivaram e apoiaram a alcançar os meus


    Agradeço à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto por me ter admitido

    como estudante de Doutoramento, disponibilizando todos os meios necessários para a

    realização deste trabalho. Agradeço, também, à Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

    (FCT) pelo suporte financeiro referente à bolsa de Doutoramento com referência

    SFRH/BD/86381/2012 e todo o apoio financeiro, no âmbito do “QREN e POPH e

    Tipologia 4.1 e Formação Avançada”, co-financiado pelo FSE e pelos fundos nacionais

    do MCTES.

    Aos meus pais, ao meu irmão Victor e à minha cunhada Sandra muito obrigada

    por tudo! Estiveram sempre presentes quando precisei, apoiando sempre as minhas

    decisões e encorajando-me ao longo do percurso, que por vezes tornou-se atribulado e

    nem sempre fácil, relembrando-me que a meta estava cada vez mais próxima.


  • Abstract

    The remarkable physic-chemical characteristics of ionic liquids (ILs) combined to the

    possibility of tuning them resulted in an increasing interest of scientific and industrial

    communities in these compounds and their potentialities as alternative to traditional

    organic solvents. Before the use of these compounds in large scale it is necessary to

    ensure their quality, efficiency and security. Concerning the security, it is important

    evaluate among other parameters the ecotoxicological effects of these molecules, their

    degradability and risk of persistence in the environment. Therefore, the evaluation of ILs

    environmental impact before their release to environment is of primordial importance.

    Under the scope of this dissertation were applied methodologies in discrete mode and

    based in flow techniques to evaluate ILs toxicity and their (bio)degradability. It was used

    sequential injection analysis (SIA), with the aim of associate the potentialities of this type

    of technique to the assessment of ILs. The described works had the objective of develop

    and implement alternative methods with a good sampling rate, good repeatability, robust

    and suitable to evaluate the effect of ILs in living organisms and enzymes, as well as to

    determine the risk of permanence in the aquatic field. Furthermore, these methods should

    present an effective reduction of costs through the decrease in reagents consumption

    combined to a small production of effluents.

    The first experimental work presented in this thesis consisted in the assessment of acute

    aquatic toxicity of six ILs using the freshwater organisms Daphnia magna, Raphidocelis

    subcapitata and Hydra attenuata, with the last one being applied for the first time in

    ecotoxicological studies with ILs. The bioassays were performed exposing the organisms

    to increasing concentrations of ILs and observation of D. magna immobilization, inhibition

    of R. subcapitata growth and the effect in H. attenuata morphology and the mortality


    The aquatic toxicity of ILs was also tested using the bacteria Vibrio fischeri and the effect

    in its bioluminescent activity. The assays were performed in a SIA system for contact

    periods of 5, 15 and 30 minutes, as performed in the conventional methods. To maximize

    the sampling rate of the method were used three mixing chambers and conducted assays

    with different stop periods in simultaneous. Additionally, the use of mixing chambers

    ensured the creation of optimized conditions for the contact between bacteria and tested

    ILs. The results were also compared with the obtained data in the conventional test

    Biotox®. The inhibitory profile of each IL for each of the tested stop period was determined

    and also calculated the concentration of compound necessary to cause 50% of decrease


  • in the bacteria bioluminescence. These values were analyzed to verify if there were

    significant differences between the times of reaction in study.

    The effects of ILs in the enzymatic activity were tested for the enzyme cytochrome c

    oxidase with the evaluation of its inhibition. The assay based in monitor the increase in the

    absorbance at 550 nm due to inhibition of iron oxidation reaction from the oxidation +2 to

    +3 in the molecule ferrocytochrome c, which was catalyzed by the enzyme cytochrome c

    oxidase. The inhibitory profile of each IL was determined and calculated the concentration

    of compound necessary to cause 50% of decrease in the enzymatic activity.

    In the methodology to determine ILs chemical oxygen demand (COD) was implemented a

    step of photodegradation by UV light with the objective of increase the degradability of

    samples in study. These values of COD for the selected ILs were determined by

    fluorimetry to evaluate the reduction of cerium (IV) in the presence of ILs. The method

    was calibrated resorting to a solution of potassium hydrogen phthalate which is

    standardized for COD assays.

    The developed method for the rapid determination of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)

    was based in the chemiluminescent reaction between luminol and active oxygen species

    resulting from quinone oxidation by Baker’s yeast through a redox reaction, and catalyzed

    by ferricyanide. The use of a chemiluminometer with two input ports in the cell guaranteed

    that the reaction between active oxygen species and luminol occurred inside the

    chemiluminescence cell.

    Finishing, in the scope of this thesis, it was assessed the toxicological potential of various

    ILs in distinct biological systems and identified possible toxicophores. Moreover, it was

    evaluated the chemical oxygen demand of these compounds, as well as their sensitivity to

    photodegradation. The works also aimed the development of new analytical procedures

    suitable to be implemented for these purposes, with the added value of automation.

    Keyword: Sequential injection analysis; Automation; (Bio)degradability; (Eco)toxicity;

    Ionic liquids.


  • Resumo

    As notáveis características físico-químicas dos líquidos iónicos (LIs) combinado com a

    possibilidade de moldagem das mesmas resultou num crescente interesse das

    comunidades científica e industrial nestes compostos e nas suas potencialidades como

    alternativa aos tradicionais solventes orgânicos. Antes do uso destes compostos em larga

    escala é necessário assegurar a sua qualidade, eficácia e segurança. No que refere à

    segurança, é importante avaliar entre outros parâmetros os efeitos ecotoxicológicos

    destas moléculas, a sua degradabilidade e o risco de persistência no ambiente. Assim

    sendo, a avaliação do impacto ambiental dos LIs antes da sua libertação para o ambiente

    é de primordial importância.

    No âmbito desta dissertação foram aplicadas metodologias em modo discreto e baseadas

    em técnicas de fluxo para a avaliação toxicológica dos LIs e sua (bio)degradabilidade. Foi

    usada a análise por injeção sequencial (SIA), visando associar as potencialidades deste

    tipo de técnicas à avaliação dos LIs. Os trabalhos desenvolvidos tiveram como objetivo o

    desenvolvimento e implementação de métodos alternativos com bom ritmo de

    amostragem, boa repetibilidade, robustos e apropriados para avaliar o efeito dos LIs em

    organismos vivos e enzimas, bem como para determinar o risco de permanência em

    meios aquáticos. Além disso, apresentaram uma redução efetiva de custos através da

    diminuição de consumo de reagentes associada a baixa produção de efluentes.

    O primeiro trabalho experimental apresentado nesta tese consistiu na avaliação da

    toxicidade aquática aguda de seis LIs usando os organismos de água fresca Daphnia

    magna, Raphidocelis subcapitata e Hydra attenuata, sendo que esta última foi pela

    primeira vez aplicada em estudos toxicológicos com LIs. Os bioensaios foram realizados

    expondo os organismos a concentrações crescentes de LIs e observação da imobilização

    da D. magna, da inibição do crescimento da R. subcapitata e dos efeitos na morfologia da

    H. attenuata e mortalidade associada.

    A toxicidade aquática dos LIs foi também testada recorrendo à bactéria Vibrio fischeri e

    ao efeito na sua atividade bioluminescente. Os ensaios foram realizados num sistema

    SIA para tempos de contacto de 5, 15 e 30 minutos, tal como é realizado nos métodos

    convencionais. Para maximizar o ritmo de amostragem do método foram usadas três

    câmaras de mistura e conduzidos ensaios com os diferentes tempos de paragem em

    simultâneo. Adicionalmente, o uso de câmaras de mistura assegurou a criação de

    condições ótimas para o contacto entre a bactéria e os LIs em estudo. Os resultados

    foram ainda comparados com os obtidos no teste convencional Biotox®. O perfil inibitório

    de cada LI para cada um dos tempos de paragem estudados foi determinado e foi


  • também calculada a concentração de composto necessária para causar 50% de

    decréscimo na bioluminescência da bactéria. Esses valores foram analisados para

    verificar se existiam diferenças significativas entre os tempos de reação em estudo.

    O efeito de LIs sobre a atividade enzimática foi testado para a enzima citocromo c

    oxidase tendo-se avaliado a sua inibição. O ensaio baseou-se na monitorização do

    aumento da absorvência a 550 nm devido à inibição da reação de oxidação do ferro do

    estado de oxidação de +2 para +3 na molécula ferrocitocromo c, a qual era catalisada

    pela enzima citocromo c oxidase. O perfil inibitório de cada LI foi determinado e calculada

    a concentração de composto necessária para causar 50% de decréscimo na atividade


    Na metodologia para determinar a carência química de oxigénio (CQO) dos LIs foi

    implementada uma etapa de fotodegradação por luz ultravioleta com o objetivo de

    aumentar a degradação das amostras em estudo. Os valores de CQO dos LIs

    selecionados foram determinados fluorimetricamente por avaliação da redução do cério

    (IV) na presença de LIs. O método foi calibrado recorrendo a uma solução de

    hidrogenoftalato de potássio padronizada para ensaios de CQO.

    O método desenvolvido para a determinação rápida da carência bioquímica de oxigénio

    (CBO) fundamentou-se na reação de quimiluminescência do luminol com espécies ativas

    de oxigénio resultantes da oxidação da quinona em reações redox com a levedura do

    padeiro, e catalisado pela ferricianida. O uso de um quimioluminómetro com duas portas

    de entrada na célula garantiu que a reação entre os radicais ativos de oxigénio com o

    luminol ocorresse dentro da célula de quimiluminescência.

    Finalizando, no âmbito dos objetivos desta tese, foi avaliado o potencial toxicológico de

    vários LIs em distintos sistemas biológicos e identificados possíveis toxicóforos. Além

    disso, foi avaliada a carência química destes compostos, bem como a sua sensibilidade à

    fotodegradação. Os trabalhos visaram também o desenvolvimento de novos

    procedimentos analíticos passíveis de implementação para estes fins, com a mais-valia

    da automatização.

    Palavras-chave: Análise por injeção sequencial; Automatização; (Bio)degradabilidade;

    (Eco)toxicidade; Líquidos iónicos.


  • Index










    CHAPTER 1.

    General Introduction 1

    A. Environmental impact of ionic liquids: an overview of recent

    (eco)toxicological and (bio)degradability literature 2

    Abstract 3

    1. Introduction 3

    2. Concernings about the greenness of ionic liquids synthesis 5

    3. Degradation of ionic liquids 6

    3.1. Recent data regarding ionic liquids biodegradability 6

    3.1.1. Anions 6

    3.1.2. Cations 7

    3.1.3. Biodegradation of ionic liquids by elected species 10

    3.2. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs): chemical, photochemical and

    electrochemical degradation 12

    3.3. Ionic liquids ability to adsorb 14

    4. Toxicological impact of ionic liquids 16

    4.1. Effects of ionic liquids on organisms with different levels of complexicity 16

    4.1.1. Antifungal and antibacterial properties 16

    4.1.2. Enzymatic inhibition 18

    4.1.3. Cytotoxicity 18

    4.1.4. Aquatic toxicity 19


  • 4.1.5. Phytotoxicity 21

    4.1.6. Others species of living organisms 21

    4.2. Structural-activity relationships models 22

    5. Summary 23

    References 24

    B. General and specific objectives of the thesis 55

    CHAPTER 2.

    Experimental 57

    1. Introduction 58

    2. Reagents and solutions 58

    3. Flow apparatus and instrumentation 58

    3.1. General aspects of flow analysis systems 58

    3.2. Components of flow systems 59

    3.2.1. Propulsion/aspiration devices 59

    3.2.2. Fluid selection device 60

    3.2.3. Tubing and other manifold components 61

    3.2.4. Detection systems 62

    3.2.5. Computer control and data acquisition 62

    3.3. Other instrumentation 63

    4. Development and optimization of the flow systems 64

    5. Preparation, maintenance and application of aquatic organisms Daphnia

    magna, Raphidocelis subcapitata and Hydra attenuata on ecotoxicological



    5.1. Maintenance of tested organisms 66

    5.2. Toxicity tests 67

    6. Statistical treatment of results 69

    References 71

    CHAPTER 3.

    The aquatic impact of ionic liquids on freshwater organisms 73

    Abstract 74


  • 1. Introduction 74

    2. Materials and methods 75

    2.1. Test compounds 75

    2.2. Maintenance of test organisms 75

    2.3. Toxicity tests 76

    2.4. Data analysis 77

    3. Results and discussion 77

    4. Conclusions 78

    References 79

    CHAPTER 4.

    Toxicity assessment of ionic liquids with Vibrio fischeri: An alternative fully

    automated methodology 81

    Abstract 82

    1. Introduction 83

    2. Materials and methods 83

    2.1. Reagents 83

    2.2. Apparatus 84

    2.3. Reconstitution of lyophilized V. fischeri 85

    2.4. Sequential injection procedure 85

    2.5.Microplate reader assay 86

    3. Results and discussion 86

    3.1. Optimization of the SIA system 86

    3.2. Evaluation of ILs (eco)toxicity through automated and batch assays 86

    4. Conclusions 87

    References 88

    CHAPTER 5.

    Automated cytochrome c oxidase bioassay developed for ionic liquids’ toxicity

    assessment 89

    Abstract 90

    1. Introduction 91


  • 2. Materials and methods 91

    2.1. Reagents 91

    2.2. Apparatus 92

    2.3. Sequential injection procedure 92

    3. Results and discussion 93

    3.1. Optimization of the SIA assay 93

    3.2. Cytochrome c oxidase inhibition in the presence of ionic liquids 94

    4. Conclusions 96

    References 96

    CHAPTER 6.

    Environmental impact of ionic liquids: Automated evaluation of chemical oxygen

    demand of photochemical degraded compounds 98

    Abstract 99

    Introduction 99

    Results and discussion 100

    SIA assay optimization 100

    Application of the automated methodology to evaluate ILs 101

    Conclusions 102

    Experimental Section 103

    Reagents 103

    Apparatus 104

    Sequential injection procedure 104

    Dichromate method 104

    References 105

    CHAPTER 7.

    Microfluidic chemiluminescence system with yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

    for rapid biochemical oxygen demand measurement 107

    Abstract 109

    1. Introduction 110

    2. Materials and methods 112


  • 2.1 Reagents 112

    2.2 Apparatus 113

    2.3 Sequential injection procedure 114

    3. Results and Discussion 116

    3.1 Optimization of the SIA assay 116

    3.2 Applicability of the automated BOD method 119

    4. Conclusions 121

    References 122

    CHAPTER 8.

    Final conclusions 126


  • Index of figures

    CHAPTER 1.

    General Introduction

    A. Environmental impact of ionic liquids: an overview of recent






    (eco)toxicological and (bio)degradability literature

    Figure 1. The potential contamination f ionic liquids.

    Scheme 1. Possible products of the hydrolysis of dicyanimide anion detected by MS measurements. The assumed degradation products are highlighted

    in gray. Adapted from Ref. [50].

    Scheme 2. a) Pathway for aerobic biodegradation of omim. b) Products of anaerobic breakdown of omim, as identified by MS measurements. c)

    Major degradation pathways of the omim cation in presence of microbial

    community of wastewater from Jeonju city (based on information from Refs.

    [75, 76, 78], and [79]).

    Figure 2. General guidelines about ionic liquids' biodegradability, considering cation, anion and alkyl side-chain moieties.

    Figure 3. Effects of ionic liquids on living organisms at cellular and subcellular levels. Image of cell from ChemDraw.

    Figure 4. Some (eco)toxicity trends of ILs and routes to synthesize greener ILs. 24

    CHAPTER 2.


    Figure 1. A. Schematic representation of Valco selection valve components. a)

    screws to fix the valve head; b) side ports; c) stator; d) rotor; e) actuator; f) valve

    body. Adapted from (9). B. Photography of fluid selection device. 61

    Figure 2. Photography of mixing chamber. 62

    Figure 3. Photography of computer software. 63

    Figure 4. Photography of D. magna at real size and amplified through a 67


  • stereomicroscope.

    Figure 5. Photography of Neubauer measuring chamber; and, R. subcapitata

    viewed under a microscope at 400x of amplification. 68

    Figure 6. Progressive changes in H. attenuata morphology from sublethal to

    lethal stages when exposed to xenobiotic agents. Adapted from Santos et al.,

    2007 (15). 69

    CHAPTER 4.

    Toxicity assessment of ionic liquids with Vibrio fischeri: An alternative fully

    automated methodology

    Figure 1. Chemical structures of the studied ILs: (1) 1-ethyl-3-

    methylimidazolium methanesulfonate (emim [Ms]); (2) 1-ethyl-3-

    methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide (emim [Tf2N]); (3) 1-ethyl-3-

    methylimidazolium acetate (emim [Ac]); (4) choline acetate (chol [Ac]); (5) 1-

    butyl-4-methylpyridinium chloride (bmpy [Cl]); (6) 1-butyl-4-methylpyridinium

    tetrafluoroborate (bmpy [BF4]); (7) tetrabutylammonium chloride (N4,4,4,4 [Cl]). 84

    Figure 2. Schematic representation of the SIA manifold. C: carrier (NaCl 2%, pH

    7); S: syringe; HC: holding coil; SV: selection valve; D: detector; IL: ionic liquid;

    MC: mixing chambers (containing a magnet each). 85

    Figure 3. Effect of different inhibitor volumes (10-100 µL) in V. fischeri

    bioluminescence. 86

    Figure 4. Experimental toxicity data of ILs tested in SIA system, for 5 min of

    contact time (average of three replicates). 86

    CHAPTER 3.

    The aquatic impact of ionic liquids on freshwater organisms

    Figure 1. Chemical structures of the studied ILs: (1) bmim [PF6]; (2) bmpyr

    [BF4]; (3) N1,1 [N1,1,1OOH]; (4) N4,4,4,4 [BF4]; (5) emim [Tf2N]; (6) (Hex)3(TDec)P [Cl];

    (7) acetonitrile; (8) methanol. 76


  • CHAPTER 5.

    Automated cytochrome c oxidase bioassay developed for ionic liquids’ toxicity


    Figure 1. Chemical structures of the studied ILs. 1. emim [Ms]; 2. emim [BF4]; 3.

    bmim [BF4]; 4. bmim [Cl]; 5. bmpyr [Cl]; 6. tbph [Ms]; 7. bmpy [BF4]; 8. hmim [Cl];

    9. bmim [Ac]; 10. chol [Ac]; 12. bmpyr [BF4]; 13. emim [Tf2N]; 14. emim [TfMs];

    15. N4,4,4,4 [BF4]. 92

    Figure 2. Schematic representation of the SIA system applied in the enzymatic

    inhibition assays. C: carrier (Tris-HCl buffer 10 mmol L-1 pH 7.0, with KCl 120

    mmol L-1); S: syringe; HC: holding coil (2 m); SV: selection valve; RC: reaction

    coil (1 m); D: detector; IL: ionic liquid; E: enzyme (CytCox); S: substrate (FeC);

    W: waste. 93

    Figure 3. Effect of different FeC volumes (20-60 µL) in CytCox activity; and

    CytCox volume (20-80 µL) in absorbance signal. 94

    Figure 4. Influence of enzyme concentration (10-20 mU) in the FeC reduction. 94

    Figure 5. Influence of reaction coil length (60-200 cm) in the CytCox activity. 94

    Figure 6. Effect of different times of stop period (0.5-7.5 min) in the reaction coil

    in CytCox activity. 94

    Figure 7. Experimental toxicity data of ILs tested in the developed SIA system. 95

    CHAPTER 6.

    Environmental impact of ionic liquids: Automated evaluation of chemical oxygen

    demand of photochemical degraded compounds

    Figure 1. Effect of Ce(IV) concentration (0.1 to 3 mmol L-1) in the fluorescence

    intensity. 101

    Figure 2. Effect of aliquots intercalation sequences in the fluorescence intensity. 101

    Figure 3. Representation of Ce(IV) aspiration flow rate influence on

    fluorescence intensity; and, the effect of propulsion flow rate of the mixture to

    the reactor coiled to UV-lamp and to detector on the method sensibility. 101

    Figure 4. Experimental data of tested ILs COD values resorting to SIA system. 102


  • Figure 5. Chemical structure of the studied ILs. 1. emim [Ms]; 2. emim [BF4]; 3.

    bmim [BF4]; 4. bmim [Cl]; 5. bmpyr [Cl]; 6. hmim [Cl]; 7. bmim [Ac]; 8. emim [Ac];

    9. Chol [Ac]; 10. bmpyr [BF4]; 11. N4,4,4,4 [Cl]; 12. emim [TfMs]. 103

    Figure 6. Schematic representation of the SIA system applied in the

    determination of COD. C: carrier (ultrapure water); S: syringe (5 mL); HC:

    holding coil (2 m); SV: selection valve; RC: reaction coil (1 m); FD: fluorimetric

    detector; IL: ionic liquid; B: blank (ultrapure water); S: substrate (Ce(IV)); L:

    reactor coiled to UV-lamp; W: waste. 104

    CHAPTER 7.

    Microfluidic chemiluminescence system with yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

    for rapid oxygen demand measurement

    Figure 1. Schematic representation of the SIA system applied in the

    determination of BOD values. C: carrier (phosphate buffer, pH 7.0); S: syringe (5

    mL); HC: holding coil (2 m); SV: selection valve; H: hydrogen peroxide; L:

    luminol; Fe: potassium hexacyanoferrate (III); N: 1,2-naphthoquinone-4-sulfonic

    acid; Y: yeast S. cerevisiae; SS: standard solution (GGA); MC: mixing chamber;

    D: detector; W: waste. 114

    Figure 2. Representation of the effect of reagents concentration in the

    percentage of chemiluminescence intensity increase resulting from differences

    between blank and GGA assays. 118

    Figure 3. Effect of S. cerevisiae concentration in the percentage of

    chemiluminescence intensity increase resulting from differences between blank

    and GGA assays. 119


  • Index of tables

    CHAPTER 1.

    General Introduction

    A. Environmental impact of ionic liquids: an overview of recent

    (eco)toxicological and (bio)degradability literature

    Table S1 Supplementary data. Ionic liquids ecotoxicity data since 2010. 29

    CHAPTER 2.


    Table 1. Composition of AAM (11). 66

    CHAPTER 3.

    The aquatic impact of ionic liquids on freshwater organisms

    Table 1. Results of R. subcapitata growth inhibition after 72 h of exposure to the

    tested compounds, expressed as IC50 (values in mg L-1) and with respective

    95% confidence limits. 77

    Table 2. Results of D. magna immobilization after 48 h of exposure to the tested

    compounds, expressed as LC50 (values in mg L-1) and with respective 95%

    confidence limits. 78

    Table 3. Results of H. attenuata morphologic modifications or death after 96 h of

    exposure to the tested compounds, expressed as EC50 and LC50 values,

    respectively (im mg L-1), and with the respective 95% confidence limits. 78

    CHAPTER 4.

    Toxicity assessment of ionic liquids with Vibrio fischeri: An alternative fully

    automated methodology


  • Table 1. Analytical cycle for the evaluation of V. fischeri bioluminescence in the

    presence of the tested ILs. 85

    Table 2. Results of the inhibition of V. fischeri by ILs expressed as EC50 for 5,

    15, and 30 min of contact time in the SIA system. 87

    Table 3. Results of the inhibition of V. fischeri by ILs expressed as EC50 for 5,

    15, and 30 min contact time in the microplate approach. 87

    CHAPTER 5.

    Automated cytochrome c oxidase bioassay developed for ionic liquids’ toxicity


    Table 1. Analytical cycle for the evaluation of CytCox inhibition in the presence

    of the tested ILs. 93

    Table 2. Results of the optimization of CytCox inhibition assay in the SIA

    system. 93

    Table 3. Results of the inhibition of CytCox by ILs expressed as EC50. 95

    CHAPTER 6.

    Environmental impact of ionic liquids: Automated evaluation of chemical oxygen

    demand of photochemical degraded compounds

    Table 1. Representation of the developed methodology optimized parameters. 100

    Table 2. Results of COD values expressed as mg L-1 of O2 in the automated

    and standard assays for 12 different ILs. 102

    Table 3. Analytical cycle established for monitoring ILs susceptibility to

    photodegradation and determination of COD values. 104

    CHAPTER 7.

    Microfluidic chemiluminescence system with yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

    for rapid biochemical oxygen demand measurement

    Table 1. Analytical cycle applied in SIA system to determine BOD. 115


  • Table 2. Results of the optimization of BOD assay in the flow system. 116


  • Abbreviations

    (Hex)3(TDec)P [Cl] trihexyltetradecylphosphonium chloride

    [C2F5]3PF3 trifluoridotris(pentafluoroethyl)phosphate

    2-HDEAA 2-hydroxydiethanolamine acetate

    2-HDEAB 2-hydroxydiethanolamine butanoate

    2-HDEAF 2-hydroxydiethanolamine formate

    2-HDEAiB 2-hydroxydiethanolamine isobutanoate

    2-HDEAPe 2-hydroxydiethanolamine pentanoate

    2-HDEAPr 2-hydroxydiethanolamine propionate

    2-HEAB 2-hydroxyethanolamine butanoate

    2-HEAF 2-hydroxyethanolamine formate

    2-HTEAB 2-hydroxytriethanolamine butanoate

    2-HTEAPe 2-hydroxytriethanolamine pentanoate

    AAM algal assay medium

    AC activated carbon

    AChE acetylcholinesterase

    AOP advanced oxidation processes

    APX ascorbate peroxidase

    B[CN]4 tetracyanidoboranate

    BDD boron-doped diamond

    BF4 tetrafluoroborate

    bmim [Ac] 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate

    bmim [BF4] 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate

    bmim [Br] 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide

    bmim [Cl] 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride

    bmim [PF6] 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate

    bmpy [BF4] 1-butyl-4-methylpyridinium tetrafluoroborate

    bmpy [Br] 1-butyl-4-methylpyridinium bromide

    bmpy [Cl] 1-butyl-4-methylpyridinium chloride

    bmpy [dca] 1-butyl-4-methylpyridinium dicyanamide

    bmpyr [BF4] 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinum tetrafluoroborate

    bmpyr [BF4] 1-butyl-1methylpyrrolidinium tetrafluoroborate

    bmpyr [Cl] 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium chloride

    BOD biochemical oxygen demand

    C carrier


  • C[CN]3 tricyanmethanide

    C10mim [Br] 1-decyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide

    CAT catalase

    CCO channel catfish ovary cells

    Ce(IV) cerium (IV)

    CHO chinese hamster ovary cells

    chol [AA] cholinium amino acids

    chol [Ac] choline acetate

    Cl chloride

    COD chemical oxygen demand

    CytCox cytochrome c oxidase

    D detector

    DABCO 1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane

    DESs deep eutectic solvents

    DNA deoxyribonucleic acid

    DOC dissolved organic carbon

    EC50 median effective concentration

    emim [Ac] 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate

    emim [BF4] 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate

    emim [Ms] 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium methanesulfonate

    emim [Tf2N] 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide

    emim [TfMs] 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoromethanesulfonate

    epy [BF4] 1-ethylpyridinium tetrafluoroborate

    epy [CF3COO] 1-ethylpyridinium trifluoroacetate

    ETA extended topochemical atom

    FD fluorimetric detector

    FeC ferrocytochrome c

    FIA flow injection analysis

    GC gas chromatography

    GGA glutamic acid and glucose

    GPX guaiacol peroxidase

    GSH glutathione content

    GST glutathione S-transferase

    HC holding coil

    hmim [Cl] 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride

    hmpy [Br] 1-hexyl-4-methylpyridinium bromide


  • hmpy [Tf2N] 1-hexyl-4-methylpyridinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide

    HPLC high performance liquid chromatography

    IC50 median inhibitory concentration

    ILs ionic liquids

    ISO International Organization for Standardization

    L reactor coiled to UV-lamp

    LC50 median lethal concentration

    LD50 median lethal dose

    LDH lactic dehydrogenase

    m(oe)2mim [Cl] 1-(2-(2-methoxy-ethoxy)-ethyl)-3-methylimidazolium chloride

    m-2-HEAA N-methyl-2-hydroxyethylammonium acetate

    m-2-HEAB N-methyl-2-hydroxyethylammonium butyrate

    m-2-HEAP N-methyl-2-hydroxyethylammonium pentanoate

    m-2-HEAPr N-methyl-2-hydroxyethylammonium propionate

    MBC minimal bactericidal concentration

    MC mixing chamber

    MD coarse-grained molecular dynamics

    MDA malondialdehyde

    MIC minimal inhibitory concentration

    moemim [Cl] 1-methoxyethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride

    MS mass spectrometry

    N[CN]2 dicyanimide

    N1,1 [N1,1,1OOH] dimethylammonium dimethylcarbamate

    N1,1,1OOH dimethylcarbamate

    N4,4,4,4 [BF4] tetrabutylammonium tetrafluoroborate

    NADES deep eutectic solvents from natural sources

    OECD Organization of Economical Co-Operation and Development

    OH heme oxidase

    omim [Br] 1-octyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride

    ompy [Br] 1-octyl-4-methylpyridinium bromide

    ompyr [Cl] 1-butyl-1methylpyrrolidinium chloride

    PAHs polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

    PE particles electrodes

    PF6 hexafluorophosphate

    POD peroxidase

    PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene


  • QSAR Structure-activity relationships

    QSPR Structure-property relationships

    RC reaction coil

    REACH Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of


    ROS reactive oxygen species

    rsd relative standard deviation

    S syringe

    S substrate

    SEM scanning electron microscopy

    SIA sequential injection analysis

    SOD superoxide dismutase

    SP spectrophotometer

    SV selection valve

    TAAILs tunable aryl alkyl ionic liquids

    tbph [Ms] tetrabutylphosphonium methanesulfonate

    TES N-tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl-1-(2-aminoethanesulphonic acid)

    Tf2N bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide

    ThCO2 theoretical carbon dioxide

    ThOD theoretical oxygen demand

    TOC total organic carbon

    UV ultraviolet

    W waste

    WWTP wastewater treatment plant

    ZVI/AC zero-valent iron activated carbon


  • Symbols

    T Temperature

    t Time

    V Volume


    2 Reduced chi squared


  • Outline of the thesis

    This thesis is organized in eight main chapters:

    Chapter 1. Introduction

    This chapter provides a theoretical background of the thesis theme and introduces the

    main and the specific objectives of the developed work.

    Chapter 2. Experimental

    This chapter includes the general procedures for the preparation of solutions and the

    devices applied in the research activities carried out under the scope of this thesis. The

    description of instruments and the experimental methods used in the developed works are

    also described in chapter 2.

    Chapter 3-7. Original research

    These chapters describe the developed work under the scope of the thesis. The

    experimental studies were designed to accomplish the general and specific objectives of

    the thesis. From that resulted five original manuscripts, four of which were already

    published (chapter 3, 4, 5 and 6) and one is in final stretch to be submit for publication.

    Chapter 8. Final conclusions

    This chapter contains the general conclusions of this thesis, concerning the

    methodologies developed and ionic liquids toxicity and (bio)degradability based on the

    anions and cation cores.



    General Introduction


  • Environmental Impact of Ionic Liquids: Recent Advances in(Eco)toxicology and (Bio)degradabilitySusana P. F. Costa,[a] Ana M. O. Azevedo,[a] Paula C. A. G. Pinto,[a, b] andM. Lfflcia M. F. S. Saraiva*[a]

    ChemSusChem 2017, 10, 2321 – 2347 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co. KGaA, Weinheim2321

    ReviewsDOI: 10.1002/cssc.201700261


  • 1. Introduction

    The industry is in constant development of faster, more effi-

    cient, and more economical processes for the manufacture ofnew products. Minimization of the hazard potential of a proce-

    dure is important during the design and optimization of tech-

    nical performance, as it contributes to sustainable develop-ment in accord with the ideals of green chemistry. In this con-

    text, a large area of research in the development of greentechnologies is dedicated to the design of new environmental-

    ly friendly solvents with the potential to substitute traditionalvolatile organic solvents. Ionic liquids (ILs) are molten salts

    composed of organic cations and organic/inorganic anions

    with melting points below 100 8C. With regard to the structureof ILs, cations are usually composed of organic cores, such as

    imidazolium, pyridinium, phosphonium, pyrrolidinium, piperidi-nium, morpholinium, and cholinium ions. Typical anions in-

    clude halides, acetate, fluorine, and cyano derivatives. The nu-merous structural modifications possible on the anionic and/or

    cationic moieties enable the nature of the ILs to be modulated,

    that is, the synthesis of a considerable number of compoundswith fine-tuned characteristics.[1] Then, the physical, chemical,

    and biological properties of ILs can be tailored to the require-ments of a designated process, for example, volatility, stability,

    density, flammability, solubility, and antimicrobial ability of theIL.[2] These noteworthy benefits have led to a remarkable in-

    crease in the number of publications in the last two decades

    involving the use of ILs in different areas, including catalysis,biocatalysis, electrochemistry, and the food and pharmaceuticalindustries.[3] In 2000, in the meeting entitled “Green IndustrialApplications of Ionic liquids”[4] several criteria were set thatshould be met before the development of ILs for industrial ap-plications. Currently, around two dozen companies already use

    ILs at the industrial scale. BASF,[5] Degussa, Linde, Pionics, and

    IoLiTec/Wanders[3b,6] are just some of the examples of industrialcompanies that commonly use ILs in their industrial processes.

    ILs have reduced vapor pressure relative to organic solvents,

    near-zero flammability, and are recycle as a result of their ex-cellent stability, and these factors have contributed to ILs

    being preliminary designated as “green solvents”. To prove this

    premise, several studies have been conducted to evaluate their“greenness” relative to conventional organic solvents. Ideally,

    to assess the potential environmental impact of an IL, its lifecycle should be considered, that is, from its starting materials

    to its release into the environment. In fact, the synthesis of ILsis not always very clean, and improvements at different levels,

    including an increase in energy efficiency, the use of renewable

    sources, and the avoidance of large quantities of reagents, es-pecially organic solvents, are required.[7] Additionally, some

    concerns about the implications to the environment after ILshave served their purpose have also been put forward by re-

    search academia. In 2006, Earle et al.[8] demonstrated thatsome ILs could be distilled at low pressure without decomposi-

    tion. Therefore, the possibility of atmospheric contamination

    cannot be discarded, at least if ILs are used at elevated tem-peratures. The capacity of these salts to disperse in water

    raises doubts about their fate if released into the environmentthrough wastewater discharge or leaching of landfills. Then,

    the risk assessment of ILs taking into account potential con-tamination pathways must be performed before they can in-

    discriminately be used. Several studies have been conducted

    to evaluate the ecotoxicity, biodegradability, and bioaccumula-tion of ILs. The biodegradability assessment of ILs is mainly

    based on standardized assays implemented by the Organiza-tion of Economical Co-Operation and Development (OECD)[9]

    and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO),[10]

    which evaluate the biodegradability of chemical compounds

    under biotic conditions. The ILs that do not pass these testshave a greater potential to bioaccumulate in the environment,which is a distressing concern, as the available data show that

    various ILs cannot be classified as readily biodegradable.[11] Thechemical structure of ILs influences their biodegradability. The

    reduced mineralization of various ILs by microbial communitiesincorporated on usual activated sludge highlights the potential

    risk of these salts to persist in wastewater and, consequently,

    to contaminate the aquatic and soil systems and living organ-isms.

    The toxicity of ILs has been evaluated by resorting to biolog-ical models of different levels of complexity, namely, unicellular

    organisms, such as bacteria[12] and fungi,[13] invertebrates,[14]

    fish,[15] algae,[16] plants,[17] and mammalian cell lines.[18] These or-

    [a] S. P. F. Costa, A. M. O. Azevedo, Dr. P. C. A. G. Pinto, Dr. M. L. M. F. S. SaraivaLAQV, Requimte, Departamento de CiÞncias Qu&micas, Laboratjrio de Qu&-mica AplicadaFaculdade de Farm#cia, Universidade do PortoRua Jorge Viterbo Ferreira 228, 4050-313 Porto (Portugal)Fax: (+351)226-093-483E-mail : [email protected]

    [b] Dr. P. C. A. G. PintoA3D-Association for Drug Discovery and DevelopmentRua do Baixeiro n8 38 Aveiro (Portugal)

    Supporting Information, containing the toxicity data of ionic liquids re-ported since 2010, and the ORCID identification number(s) for the au-thor(s) of this article can be found under

    This Review aims to integrate the most recent and pertinentdata available on the (bio)degradability and toxicity of ionic

    liquids for global and critical analysis and on the conscious useof these compounds on a large scale thereafter. The integrated

    data will enable focus on the recognition of toxicophores andon the way the community has been dealing with them, withthe aim to obtain greener and safer ionic liquids. Also, an

    update of the most recent biotic and abiotic methods devel-oped to overcome some of these challenging issues will be

    presented. The review structure aims to present a potential se-quence of events that can occur upon discharging ionic liquids

    into the environment and the potential long-term consequen-ces.

    ChemSusChem 2017, 10, 2321 – 2347 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co. KGaA, Weinheim2322



  • ganisms carry distinct characteristics, and in the presence ofILs, they can present different susceptibilities and behaviors.[19]

    The extensively reported data has demonstrated trends interms of structural features.[15,20] Additionally, the assay condi-

    tions also contribute to differences in the toxicities of ILs.[21] Be-sides (eco)toxicological tests with biological organisms, in silico

    models have also been developed to predict the environmen-tal impact of ILs.[22] Jastorff and co-workers were the first touse a mathematical model to predict the environmental

    impact of ILs on the basis of five distinct indicators: release,spatiotemporal range, bioaccumulation, biological activity, anduncertainly.[23] It is widely accepted that the head group andthe length of the alkyl side chain are the main contributors to

    the effects of ILs on living organisms. The anionic moiety alsoplays an essential role in molecular toxicity ;[24] however, less lit-

    erature is available on this subject.

    Considering the potential negative impact of ILs on the envi-ronment, various approaches have been suggested to over-

    come these drawbacks. For example, the design of safer andreadily biodegradable ILs without neglecting chemical per-

    formance, preferably synthesized from natural sources, such ascholine[25] and amino acids.[26] Additionally, to improve the de-

    gradability of ILs and their removal from wastewater, other

    strategies have been developed, namely, (photo)(electro)chem-ical oxidation processes and methods based on sorption and

    enrichment of microbial-community efficiency. Some strains,such as Sphingomonas paucimobilis, Rhodococcus sp. , Brevibac-

    terium sanguinis, and Kocuria palustris, show promising resultsfor compounds of recognized low biodegradability in the stan-

    dard method.[27] Various chemical degradation processes havebeen reported in recent years, based mainly on Fenton-like

    systems,[28] ultrasonic irradiation,[29] and boron-doped diamondelectrodes.[30]

    Considering the importance of the environmental impact of

    ILs (Figure 1), as would be expected, the topic has alreadybeen reviewed.[31] Hence, herein we focus on some aspects notdeeply covered in other reviews, and in addition, we providean update of the recently reported data on the ecotoxicity and

    biodegradability of ILs, more specifically since 2010. In thisReview, lifecycle analysis of ILs and its importance to assess

    the environmental impact of these compounds is briefly ap-

    proached. Moreover, particular relevance is given to newly de-veloped strategies to improve the degradability of ILs and

    their removal from wastewater and soil. Concerning the eco-toxicity of ILs, besides the median inhibitory concentration

    (IC50), median effective concentration (EC50), median lethal dose(LD50), and minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values and

    trends related to possible toxicophores of ILs, the effects of ILs

    on living organisms, cell lines, enzymes, and others at the cel-lular and subcellular levels are also described. Additionally,

    Susana Costa received her M.Sc.

    degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences in

    2012 from the Faculty of Pharmacy,

    University of Porto. She is currently in

    the final year of her Ph.D. program in

    Pharmaceutical Sciences at LAQV, RE-

    QUIMTE, Faculty of Pharmacy, Porto

    University, under the supervision of

    Prof. M. Lfflcia Saraiva. Her research in-

    terests are focused on the develop-

    ment of sustainable automated bioas-

    says to evaluate the biological activity,

    (eco)toxicity and biodegradability of ionic liquids and the predic-

    tion of their environmental impact.

    Ana Azevedo is an Invited Assistant at

    the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of

    Porto, and a Researcher at the Associ-

    ate Laboratory LAQV, REQUIMTE. She

    obtained her Master’s degree in Phar-

    maceutical Sciences from the Faculty

    of Pharmacy, University of Porto, in

    2013. Her current research interests

    focus on evaluating the toxicity of

    ionic liquids through automatic enzy-

    matic methods. She was awarded the

    Best Short Oral Communication at the

    20th International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis and Relat-

    ed Techniques.

    Paula Pinto is currently a Project Man-

    ager at A3D. She worked as an Assis-

    tant Researcher at the associate labo-

    ratory LAQV, REQUIMTE, Faculty of

    Pharmacy, Porto University, and is now

    an external collaborator of this institu-

    tion. She obtained her Ph.D. degree in

    Analytical Chemistry (2006) from the

    Faculty of Pharmacy, Porto University.

    Her research interests focus on se-

    quential injection analysis, specifically

    on biocatalysis in aqueous and ionic

    liquid media. She is now dedicated to the development of post-

    graduate training in the field of Pharmaceutical Medicine.

    M. Lfflcia Saraiva (Ph.D. degree in

    Analytical Chemistry, 2000) is an

    Assistant Professor in the Faculty of

    Pharmacy, University of Porto, and

    a researcher at LAQV, REQUIMTE Asso-

    ciate Laboratory. Her main area of

    interest is the development of auto-

    mated (bio)analytical tools. She now

    focuses on the use of ionic liquids

    as a replacement for organic solvents

    and on studying the impact of ionic

    liquids on the environment and

    humans by enzymatic screening methods and whole-cell toxicity

    assays. She is also involved in studying the potential of deep eu-

    tectic solvents.

    ChemSusChem 2017, 10, 2321 – 2347 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co. KGaA, Weinheim2323



  • new alternative procedures developed to evaluate the ecotox-

    icity of ILs and their biodegradability are also discussed in this


    2. Concerns about the Greenness of IonicLiquid Synthesis

    In the last years, ILs have emerged as greener alternatives toconventional solvents in a diverse range of chemical transfor-

    mations. Their unique properties, including good performanceas reaction media, negligible volatility, and low flammability,

    have contributed to this fact. Furthermore, the idea of greencompounds with low toxicity, biodegradability, and recyclabili-

    ty has also promoted their widespread use by researchers in

    the laboratory and in industry. In addition to currently knowingthat these concepts are not true at least for some ILs, it is nec-

    essary to consider that there are many other factors that influ-ence their greenness. In a simplified way, all the stages of

    a compound’s life can contribute to its potential environmen-tal impact, starting from its preparation, going through its ap-

    plications, and finally ending with its effects on ecosystems

    after use. The lifecycle assessment (LCA) method has been ap-plied to assess the potential environmental impact of a com-

    pound on the basis of its life cycle, from acquisition of the rawmaterials, through production and use, and finally to treat-

    ment, recycling, and final disposal.[32] In the particular case ofILs, their synthesis does not always meet the principles of

    green chemistry; for example, some reactions use large quanti-ties of reagents, including organic solvents, which results in

    the production of large quantities of waste during the proce-dures, most of it with a negative impact on humans and theenvironment. The assessment of the greenness of ionic liquids

    at the synthesis stage is based on a series of green-chemistrymetrics of different categories; among them, the most often

    used are atom economy[33] and the environmental factor (E-factor).[34] For each reaction, atom economy provides the ratio

    between the mass of the atoms making up the final product(s)

    and the mass of the atoms that are incorporated in the start-ing materials. The preparation of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium

    halide salts using quaternization, for example, is 100% atomefficient, whereas the ILs prepared by one-pot or metathesis

    reactions are

  • to form a eutectic mixture without the need for any additionalsolvents.[37c,42] Additionally, ILs have the advantage of solvent

    recovery and reducing waste generation and emission to theenvironment.[43]

    For future processes, there is still room for improvement ingreener procedures both in the synthesis of ILs and in their ap-

    plication and treatment before their release to wastewater. Fur-thermore, the design of ILs should be oriented for the synthe-sis of nontoxic, biocompatible, and task-specific ILs. Additional-

    ly, for the development of easy and cleaner synthesis methods,the selection of raw materials, preferably from natural sources

    and harmless, is also recommended. Consideration of the ef-fects of ILs on living organisms, the risk of their persistence in

    the environment, and strategies to overcome inherent prob-lems will be presented in the following sections.

    3. Degradation of Ionic Liquids

    In recent years, various groups of investigators have beencommitted to evaluating the greenness of ILs. Fundamental

    studies have been applied to determine the ecotoxicity, biode-

    gradability, and risk of bioaccumulation of ILs in the environ-ment. The sorption of ILs on soils and their biodegradability

    seem to be important factors that contribute to soil and waterpollution. Therefore, several researchers have evaluated the

    biodegradability of ILs and the risk of their persistence inaquatic and soil fields, and dissimilar results have been ob-

    tained for different groups of ILs. Recently, extensive researchon the development of alternative techniques for the removal

    of ILs has been performed. In this section, the breakdown of

    ILs by microbial cultures, newly developed chemical and elec-trochemical pretreatment methods, and the ability of ILs to

    sorb onto soil will be discussed.

    3.1. Recent data regarding the biodegradability of ionicliquids

    According to the OECD and ISO, there are a number of stand-ardized assays that can be applied to determine the biode-

    gradability of a compound. The most commonly used are thedissolved organic carbon (DOC) die-away test (OECD 301A),

    modified Sturm (OECD 301B), closed-bottle test (OECD 301D),and CO2 headspace test (ISO 14593). For most of the tests, the

    compounds are designated as readily biodegradable if theyreach a biodegradation level of 60% of the theoretical oxygendemand (ThOD) or theoretical carbon dioxide (ThCO2) (70% of

    DOC) within 28 days. The pass levels have to be reached ina 10 day window after the degree of biodegradation has

    reached 10% of ThOD, ThCO2, or DOC. These methods havebeen applied in the assessment of the ready biodegradability

    of ILs and their subsequent risk of persistence in the environ-

    ment. The accessible data needs to be interpreted with cautionand used consciously in the future to design new biodegrad-

    able ILs, and the results should not be assessed exclusively be-cause the IL ion pair either passes or fails the biodegradation

    test. If a compound fails the pass level, this does not necessari-ly means that it will not degrade in the environment. Further

    tests would be necessary to explore the initial suspicion of per-sistency. Additionally, the interpretation of biodegradation

    tests, especially if parameters such as CO2 evolution or bio-chemical oxygen demand (BOD) are used, can lead to misinter-

    pretation. In general, the results are expressed as “percent bio-degradation” on the basis of the total carbon content of the

    whole molecule, that is, the carbon content of both the cationand anion comprising the IL. Then, an IL, for example, 1-(pen-

    toxycarbonyl)-3-methylimidzolium octylsulfate, can be classi-

    fied as readily biodegradable, as it passes the 60% markthrough the oxidizable C content of the side chain and the

    anion, but it still contains a non-biodegradable core.[44]

    Considering that ILs are formed from a combination of

    a large variety of cations and anions, the influence of theirchemical structure on molecular biodegradability has been

    evaluated. Recent studies have also been focused on elucidat-

    ing the possible biodegradation pathways of ILs and detectionof the resulting metabolites. Additionally, strategies to improve

    the biodegradability of ILs have been developed, and this willbe briefly discussed at the end of this section.

    3.1.1. Anions

    Halides and pseudohalides (e.g. , BF4 and PF6) are usually select-ed to be incorporated into ILs. These anions are not essential

    in biodegradation tests based on the measurement of oxidiza-ble carbon, and then the biodegradation level is fundamentally

    dependent on the organic cation. The metabolization of these

    anions occurs mainly under anaerobic conditions. Conversely, ifan IL comprises organic cations and anions, both contribute to

    the carbon source. Therefore, it cannot be assumed that a bio-degradable cation is the same as a biodegradable ion pair. In

    fact, the first studies reporting the biodegradability of theanionic part demonstrated differences even for anions of the

    same family. For example, the anion diethyl phosphate was de-

    gradable in the BOD test,[45] whereas dibutyl phosphate wasnot significantly degraded in the CO2 headspace test (OECD

    310).[46] Anyway, more studies are needed to determine if thedifferences are only related to the composition of the anionsor to other factors that also contribute to the observed differ-ences, such as the assay conditions.

    Carboxylate anions, such as formates and acetates, if com-bined with 2-hydroxy(di)ethanolamine cations, in general pres-

    ent biodegradation superior to 60% after the 28 day assay (86and 69%, respectively). Also, organic linear alkyl sulfates, suchas octyl sulfate, are often selected as the anionic components

    of ILs, as these anions exhibit higher biodegradability thanothers anions (25 vs. 5% for analogues with other anionic moi-

    eties).[47] The biodegradability of tetrabutylammonium-basedILs seems to improve slightly if combined with natural organic

    acids such as succinate, l-tartrate, l-lactate, l-malate, pyruvate,d-glucoronate, and d-galacturonate (9.9–22.8% for natural or-ganic derivatives vs. 0–7.9% non-natural organic deriva-

    tives).[11a] However, none of the compounds can be classified asreadily biodegradable [closed-bottle test (OECD 301D)] , which

    suggests that the cation is recalcitrant to biodegradation. Thebiodegradability of 18 amino acids combined with the cholini-

    ChemSusChem 2017, 10, 2321 – 2347 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co. KGaA, Weinheim2325



  • um cation has been investigated by Hou et al.[48] Asexpected, considering the starting materials, all of

    the synthesized ILs pass the 60% biodegradability(62–87%) mark in the closed-bottle test and the CO2headspace test. The amino acids with carboxy andamido groups are more susceptible to microbial

    degradation. The amino acids with branched sidechains are more resistant to breakdown than un-branched side chains. The low toxicity and high bio-

    degradability of cholinium amino acids make thesecompounds interesting for use on a large scale as al-

    ternative environmentally friendly solvents.The study of Neumann et al.[49] was one of the few

    to evaluate the biodegradation behavior of fluoroor-ganic anions {e.g. , bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)amide

    (also called bistriflimide) (NTf2), trifluoridotris(penta-

    fluoroethyl)phosphate ([C2F5]3PF3)} and cyano deriva-tives {e.g. , dicyanimide (N[CN]2), tricyanmethanide

    (C[CN]3), tetracyanidoboranate (B[CN]4)} (80%). However, phenyl-,

    cyano-, and nitro-substituted imidazoles are poorly mineralized(

  • zation, as does the cation with a hydroxyethyl group incorpo-rated in the imidazolium core.[55] Stolte and co-workers[56] have

    synthesized a new class of ILs that present a charge distribu-tion completely different from that of traditional imidazolium-

    based ILs. Unfortunately, six of the developed tunable aryl alkylionic liquids (TAAILs) show 0% primary biodegradation (OECD

    301). Only the 4-carboxy-substituted compounds reveal com-plete primary biodegradation within 28 days. Others modifica-

    tions to the imidazolium cation have been attempted with the

    incorporation of four and five substituents in the ring; howev-er, these compounds also show low biodegradability (<

    10%).[57] The metabolism pathway of 1-hexyl-2H-3-methyl-4,5-dimethylimidazolium iodide has been assessed, and the results

    suggest b-oxidation of the side chain with the formation oftwo main products : a cation with an aldehyde group in the

    side chain, which results from oxidization of the terminal

    methyl group, and a pentyl group instead of the initial hexylgroup. The fusion of aromatic rings in the benzimidazolium

    cation improves molecular stability and, consequently, reducesits biodegradability relative to the corresponding imidazolium

    cation.[54] Besides modification to the imidazolium core, evalua-tion of the influence of the imidazolium alkyl side chain on

    biodegradability has also been studied. For instance, the incor-

    poration of a long linear alkyl side chain, such as an octyl,decyl, and dodecyl chain, improves the biodegradation of tet-

    rakis(imidazolium)- and tetrakis(benzimidazolium)-based ILs,with biodegradabilities of approximately 10% for the IL with

    an ethyl side chain and almost 30% for the IL with a decylchain.[58] According to Docherty,[52] elongation of the alkyl side

    chain favors an increase in degradation as a result of two main

    factors :

    1) The chance of any structural hindrance between the cation-ic ring and the potential binding site is eliminated; thus,

    the side chain of the IL becomes readily accessible to bac-terial enzymatic digestion

    2) The hydrophobicity of IL increases because of the longer

    alkyl side chains, and this might influence its toxicity,namely, increase it ; this may lead to selective grow of the

    only species capable of metabolizing the IL

    ILs with amino acid residues in the side chain[12b] significantlyimprove the biodegradability of imidazolium derivatives. ILs

    containing one or two phenylalanine residues are more than60% biodegraded (61 and 64%, respectively) and can be clas-sified as readily biodegradable under aerobic conditions (CO2headspace test).

    The pyridinium cation and its derivatives are commonly

    used, as they can be applied differently, for example, in analyti-cal processes and in biocatalysis.[3a, c] Early generations of pyri-

    dinium ILs have higher biodegradability than imidazolium

    ILs;[52] nonetheless, not all pyridinium-based ILs can be consid-ered readily biodegradable.[55,59] Docherty et al.[59] have as-

    sessed the biodegradability of three pyridinium-based ILs {i.e. ,1-butyl-3-methylpyridinium bromide ([bmpy]Br), 1-hexyl-3-

    methylpyridinium bromide ([hmpy]Br), and 1-octyl-3-methyl-pyridinium bromide [ompy]Br} through a modified OECD DOC

    die-away test. Elongation of the alkyl side chain, as observedfor other families of ILs, increases the biodegradability of the

    molecule. In fact, [bmpy]Br and [hmpy]Br are fully degraded bythe activated microbial community in 41 days, whereas

    [ompy]Br requires less time (26 days). The [ompy]Br IL is theonly IL to reach the criteria to be classified as readily biode-gradable. The DOC concentration profiles indicate that the lim-iting step to full biodegradation is the cleavage of the pyridini-um ring. The degradation products can be examined by HPLC–

    MS and MS–MS methods, with the limitation that only metabo-lites containing the pyridinium ring can be detected. Differentbiodegradation pathways are observed for the studied ILs de-pending on the length of the alkyl chain. All ILs show unsatu-ration of the side chains, but the location of the hydroxylationis dissimilar. Hydroxylation of the aromatic ring occurs for the

    bmpy and hmpy cations, whereas hydroxylation of the sidechain occurs in the hmpy and ompy cations. The metabolitesare less toxic to Daphnia magna than the initial compounds,

    which suggests that biodegradation of these compounds, andperhaps others, in an aquatic environment contributes to a de-

    crease in the toxicity associated with the initial compound. Thebiodegradability of functionalized pyridinium-based ILs has

    been evaluated through the CO2 headspace test (ISO 14593).[55]

    ILs containing 1-(2-hydroxylethyl) or ester groups on the sidechain generally present good biodegradation rates (62–71%).

    In fact, hydroxylated pyridinium derivatives demonstratehigher levels of biodegradability than N-alkylpyridinium-based

    ILs.[60] Pyridinium derivatives with a methyl ether group in the3-position and a linear alkyl substituent in the 1-position, on

    the other hand, are only moderately degraded under the same

    conditions (31–36%). The combination of the bis(trifluorome-thanesulfonyl)imide anion to these compounds reduces the

    biodegradability levels even more to 1%. The bis(pyridinium)salts linked by an acetal group also show a very low minerali-

    zation percentage at the end of the test period (,5%), whichmight be associated with the inability to hydrolyze the acetal

    function. A carbamate derivative has also been evaluated, and

    it presents very poor biodegradability (3%).[55] Ester functionali-ties at the 3-position of the pyridinium side chain have beensynthesized by Harjani and co-workers,[38] and the obtained 3-(alkoxycarbonyl)-1-methylpyridinium ILs, also designated as

    nicotinium-based ILs, pass the level and can be classified asreadily biodegradable (68–72% in the CO2 headspace test).

    Gore et al.[11c] have determined the influence of an aromaticring on the biodegradability levels. Benzylpyridinium bromideshows only 2% biodegradation within 28 days in the CO2headspace test, and it is proposed that the benzyl moiety doesnot participate in breakdown of the molecule or the pyridini-

    um ring.Data on the biodegradability of the pyrrolidinium cation is

    still scarce, and as far as we are aware, only two groups have

    evaluated this type of cation.[27c,60, 61] Stolte et al.[61] have investi-gated the biodegradability of pyrrolidonium methylsulfate

    through the CO2 evolution test (OECD 301B) and the mano-metric respirometry test (OECD 301F), and this IL is recalcitrant

    to biodegradation (

  • anions has been evaluated by Neumann et al.[60] As expected,elongation of the side chain improves the biodegradability,

    and 1-octyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium [ompyr]Cl meets the criteriato be classified as readily biodegradable (100% primary bio-

    degradation and 69% relative oxygen demand BOD/ThOD).Moreover, an N-substituted propyl alcohol IL provides 69%

    biodegradation, but the corresponding N-substituted ethyl al-cohol is biodegraded to less than 10%. The ethyl ester deriva-

    tive only achieves 34% biodegradation in 28 days, but 10 days

    after that period the biodegradability reaches 60%, and it isthus classified as inherently biodegradable. The introduction of

    a cyano group decreases the biodegradability of the com-pound (2% of relative oxygen demand BOD/ThOD). The inves-

    tigators have also evaluated the biodegradability of other headgroups, pyridinium and imidazolium already discussed aboveand morpholinium and piperidinium, which will be discussed

    next.Among the seven morpholinium-based ILs investigated by

    Neumann, none show significant biodegradability. The best re-sults are obtained for the N-substituted propyl alcohol IL,which reaches 30% biodegradation in the BOD test. The cyanoderivative show 0% biodegradability, although biotic hydroly-

    sis of the cyano group is observed. The three ILs with an ether

    group in the side chain do not show any primary biodegrada-tion. These results are in accordance with the obtained data

    for other ILs in which the introduction of an ether group re-duces the biodegradability of the compound.[60] N-Alkyl-N-

    methylmorpholinium and N-alkyl-substituted 1,4-diazabicy-clo[2.2.2]octane (DABCO) cations show slight differences on

    biodegradability (3–30 and 22–40%, respectively, to CO2 head-

    space test).[62] In any case, both the DABCO- and morpholini-um-based ILs present low biodegradability, and none of the

    studied compounds can be classified as readily biodegradable.The investigators note for both groups that there is an unex-

    pected decrease in the biodegradation rate upon elongationof the alkyl side chain. They speculate that heteroatoms incor-

    porated into the cation ring can be easily attacked by mono-

    oxygenases in ILs with short alkyl chains. Additional informa-tion is necessary to validate this assumption and to understand

    why these two groups do not follow the same trend as theother cations. Pernak et al.[63] have synthesized various ILs withmorpholinium cations combined with different organic and in-organic anions. Although the developed compounds show re-

    duced toxicity in general, they do not meet the criteria to beclassified as readily biodegradable.

    The biodegradability of piperidinium-based ILs has alsobeen assessed by the Neumann group. Among the seventested compounds, none can be classified as readily biode-

    gradable (OECD 301F). However, the N-substituted propyl alco-hol derivative is classified as inherently/ultimately biodegrad-

    able, as it requires more than 28 days to overpass the stipulat-ed value. The N-substituted ethyl alcohol derivative is classifiedas inherently biodegradable, and it shows a decrease of 85%

    in oxygen demand in 60 days. The remaining ILs show elevat-ed recalcitrance to biodegradation (,5%). The ether andcyano groups present trends similar to those observed for themorpholinium group.[60]

    Among the linear ammonium cations, the cholinium and tet-rabutylammonium cations are the most commonly used. Con-

    cerning the biodegradability of tetrabutylammonium-basedILs, Ferlin et al.[11a] have observed no evidence of biodegrada-

    bility for the closed-bottle test (,23%). Furthermore, the ob-tained data suggest that only the anion is degraded, although

    detailed information about metabolites is necessary to confirmthis hypothesis. In a follow-up study, the same investigators

    have assessed the biodegradability of three chiral tetrabuty-

    lammonium ILs: tetrabutylammonium (S)-prolinate, tetrabuty-lammonium (R)-prolinate, and tetrabutylammonium trans-4-hy-

    droxy-(S)-prolinate, which also show disappointing levels ofbiodegradation (

  • pounds, only the ester group is hydrolyzed, which results inthe formation of an amino acid, whereas the remaining com-

    pounds are cleaved at the amide bond. Products resultingfrom cleavage of the ester group are non-biodegradable or are

    only slightly biodegradable, whereas products resulting fromcleavage of the amide bond show complete degradation of

    the phenylalanine ethyl ester. Both degradation pathwaysresult in the formation of persistent transformation products,

    with the exception of pyridinium-substituted phenylalanine-de-

    rived ILs and the non-ionic derivative. The Stolte group[47a] hasevaluated the toxicity and biodegradability of a new family ofILs, that is, protic ionic liquids, which differ in their structurerelative to “classic”/aprotic ILs. The protic ILs are derived fromaliphatic amines (e.g. , monoethanolamine, diethanolamine,and triethanolamine) and are combined with organic acids

    anions (e.g. , formic acid, propionic acid, butanoic acid, isobuta-

    noic acid, and pentanoic acid). This study demonstrates thatselected protic ILs can be considered environmentally safer

    than aprotic ILs; hence, these compounds have a higher min-eralization level and lower toxicity. Most of the protic ILs show

    biodegradability levels greater than 60% or are at least nearthis level. After 28 days of assay, only the cationic 2-hydroxy-

    diethanolamine moiety is detectable in the extracts, which in-

    dicates that all of the protic ILs, except 2-hydroxydiethanola-mine pentanoate, are completely degraded within 28 days.

    Steudte has studied the influence of dicationic structures onecotoxicity and biodegradability. Although they are less toxic

    than monocationic ILs, the results are still disappointing, asnone of the dicationic ILs can be considered readily biodegrad-

    able under the experimental conditions (

  • bacteria can effectively be grown as a biofilm in any potentialIL bioremediation reactor, which is an asset for potential exper-

    imental applications. The biodegradability efficiency of otherstrains of Rhodococcus[27a] has also been investigated with pyri-

    dinium-, pyrrolidinium-, and ammonium-based ILs. All of theevaluated compounds (except [hmpy][Tf2N]) can be readily bio-

    degraded in the presence of R. rhodochrous (80–100% biodeg-radation). Additionally, activated sludge shows lower biodegra-dations rates for most of the tested compounds under the ap-

    plied conditions. The chemical structures of the ILs influencethe biodegradability efficiency of Rhodococcus ; for example,

    pyridinium-based ILs are degraded at a slower rate. Further-more, the introduction of an ester group into the side chain ofthe cation increases both the rate and the extent of biodegra-dation.

    Deng and co-workers[53] have examined the biodegradability

    of six 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium-based ILs with and withoutoxygenated functional groups (e.g. , hydroxy, ester, and ether)

    in the presence of four strains (i.e. , R. rhodochrous, Pseudomo-nas viridiflava, Nocardia asteroı̈des, and Candida parapsilosis).

    The results, in general, are similar for the four strains. As ob-served in others works, the presence of the ester function in-

    creases the biodegradability of the compounds, but its prod-ucts show a tendency to accumulate. Additional studies are

    necessary to compare the effectiveness to biodegrade ILs ofthe selected species with standard procedures.

    A microbial community in a wastewater treatment plant inJeonju City is able to completely degrade omim derivative

    within 24 days.[75] Three degradation pathways are identifiedon the basis of the initial oxidation: one, attack occurs in thealkyl side chains, more specifically, at the fifth carbon atom of

    the alkyl chain; two, attack occurs in the end of the long sidechain; three, attack occurs in the end of the short side chain

    (Scheme 2). According to the obtained metabolized products,the imidazolium ring does not undergo breakdown. It wouldbe interesting to perform additional studies to evaluate thepotential of the microbial community to biodegrade other

    families of ILs and to identify the strains involved in the bio-degradation of ILs.

    The primary anaerobic biodegradability of different imidazo-lium-, pyridinium-, and dimethylaminopyridinium-based ILs cat-ions has also been tested, but with poor results.[76] Over

    a period of 11 months, the concentrations of the tested com-pounds remain stable, except for the ILs with the 1-(8-hydrox-

    Scheme 2. a) Pathway for aerobic biodegradation of omim. b) Products of anaerobic breakdown of omim, as identified by MS measurements. c) Major path-ways for degradation of the omim cation in the presence of the microbial community of wastewater from Jeonju City (based on information fromRefs. [75,76, 78] , and [79]).

    ChemSusChem 2017, 10, 2321 – 2347 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co. KGaA, Weinheim2330



  • yoctyl)-3-methylimidazolium cation. A recent study performedby Gotvajn et al.[77] demonstrates opposite results for imidazoli-

    um- and pyridinium-based ILs. The [bmpy][dca] (dca=dicyana-mide) and [bmim][BF4] ILs have lower toxicity and are more

    biodegradable under anaerobic conditions. The [bmim][BF4] ILis more resistant to biodegradation under denitrification condi-

    tions than [bmpy][dca] . Further data is necessary to assess thebiotreatability of ILs under anaerobic conditions, which is per-haps an important factor contributing to the mineralization of

    ILs in the environment and is not always considered in biode-gradability assays.

    The composition of the media also influences the efficiencyof the biodegradability of ILs, as demonstrated by Marckiewicz

    through supplementation of vessels containing activatedsewage sludge with glucose (modified OECD 301A DOC die-

    away test).[79] The vessels supplemented with glucose, which

    provides an easily available source of organic carbon, showslower primary degradation of [omim]Cl than vessels without

    glucose. According to the results, the presence of other nu-trients in the sewage or in the environmental media seems to

    influence the biodegradability of the ILs. Therefore, it is possi-ble that xenobiotics containing structures that are poorly bio-

    degradable will not be metabolized if microorganisms have

    other accessible sources of carbon. Docherty et al.[80] have de-termined that variations in the location and time of year influ-

    ence the composition of a community’s wastewater treatmentplant (WWTP) and consequently can change the mineralization

    rate of ILs.The effect of ILs on microbial strains from soil and their abili-

    ty to degrade these strains have been assessed by some re-

    searchers.[12a, 81] Fungal strains seem to be more resistant tolong-term exposure to ILs than bacteria, as the fungal strains

    show a higher growth rate in presence of the tested com-pounds.[81a] In terms of the cation core, cholinium-based ILs are

    only partially degraded by selected soil microbial cultureswithin 2 months, whereas the imidazolium cation is not de-gradable. Short-chain anions, such as ethanoate, lactate, ethyl-

    sulfonate, and ethylsulfate, are degraded, even if only partially.The biodegradability of isolated strains of soil bacteria and

    fungi has been assessed by the Francis group.[12a, 81b] For exam-ple, Corynebacterium sp.[81b] is able to mineralize completely N-

    substituted pyridinium compounds without any alkyl sidechain on the ring within 40 h. The ring is cleaved between C2

    and C3 and two main metabolites have been identified byMS–MS (ESI) (i.e. , ethyl [(1Z)-4-oxobut-1-en-1-ylcarbamic acid

    or (3Z)-4-[ethyl (formyl)amino]but-3-enoic acid and 4-(carbox-yamino)but-3-enoic acid). The bmim-based IL is not degraded

    by the tested bacterium, as Deive has observed for other se-

    lected soil microbial cultures.[81a] Additional data detailing theeffects of ILs on soil are discussed in Sections 3.1.1. and 3.1.2.

    Figure 2 summarizes the factors affecting the biodegradabil-ity of ILs in terms of the cation, anion, and alkyl side chains.

    3.2. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs): Chemical, photo-chemical, and electrochemical degradation

    As discussed in previous sections, various ILs are poorly biode-gradable, and this requires modifications to standard methods,

    including analysis of the compositions of microbial communi-ties and identification of strains essential for biological degra-

    dation process or selection of microorganisms with the poten-tial to biodegrade ILs efficiently. Moreover, the design of ILswith structural elements that favor biodegradation, such as

    ester or alcohol functional groups or cholinium and amino-acidresidues, to enhance the biodegradability of ILs has been con-

    sidered. In the last years, other solutions based on photochem-ical, electrochemical, and chemical oxidation processes haveemerged, and they will be described throughout this section.

    Stepnoswki and Zaleska[82] were among the first to work on

    implementing oxidative processes to degrade ILs. They have

    compared three common advanced oxidation processes (i.e. ,UV, UV/H2O2, and UV/TiO2) and note a higher photodegrada-

    tion efficiency of imidazolium-based ILs with the UV/H2O2system. A decrease of more than 60% in the 1-hexyl-3-methyli-

    midazolium (hmim) cation is observed within 60 min of start-ing the reaction, and only 10% of the initial compound re-

    mains for 0.5% H2O2.This promising method shows that the

    length of the alkyl chain, as in the biodegradation process, in-

    Figure 2. General guidelines about ionic liquids’ biodegradability, considering cation, anion, and alkyl side-chain moieties.

    ChemSusChem 2017, 10, 2321 – 2347 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co. KGaA, Weinheim2331



  • fluences the photodegradability rate, which follows the orderbmim

  • of time, and the preparation of the electrode is complex.Therefore, it is necessary that additional research be undertak-

    en to find other economical, stable, and efficient materials thatcan be used in electrolysis as electrodes or the BDD electrode

    may be modified to generate an electrochemical BDD systemthat integrates the three abovementioned important character-

    istics.[30] The results of the electrochemical oxidation of ILs inthe presence of the BDD electrode[90] demonstrate that theanionic group influences the electrochemical process; for ex-

    ample, the chloride anion enhances the degradation of thecation of ILs. The anionic 4-toluenesulfonate group, in contrast,competes with the imidazolium cation for the anodically pro-duced HOC radicals. The decay rates of the tested anions followthe order chloride>bromide& tetrafluoroborate&hexafluoro-phosphate& trifluoromethanesulfonate>4-toluenesulfonate.Pieczyńska et al.[89b] have also studied the influence of the

    chemical composition of ILs on the degradation efficiency byBDD, namely, the structural elements of the side chain and

    head group. The results suggest that at the end of the electrol-ysis the pyridinium salts are decomposed to a greater extent

    than imidazolium salts, which highlights the superior electro-chemical stability of the latter cation. In general, the incorpora-

    tion of side chains into imidazolium and pyridinium cations is

    not essential to the decomposition rate, as observed by Zhoufor the ultrasonic irradiation method. A different tendency is

    observed by the same group for the PbO2 system,[89c] in which

    the composition of the side chain affects the electrooxidation

    of ILs. Elongation of the n-alkyl chain from a butyl chain to anoctyl chain, as well as its substitution (but not with hydroxy

    groups), leads to increased stability. The intermediate reaction

    products of the electrochemical BDD process for imidazolium-and pyridinium-based ILs result from the same primary path-

    way: oxidation of the side chain of the cation, elimination ofthe side chain from the cation, and reaction between the aro-

    matic head group and O2C@ radicals. Moreover, the toxicityvalues in general decrease after electrochemical treatment ofthe ILs. However, the results for the [bmim]Cl/NaCl mixture

    show that the metabolites are not as harmless as the untreat-ed IL. In fact, the investigators observe a considerable increasein the growth inhibition of the Scenedesmus vacuolatus andLemna minor species after electrolytic treatment.[89b] Recently,AuPd/Fe3O4 nanoparticles have been used as particle electro-des (PEs) in the electrochemical degradation of ILs.[91] The de-

    veloped system shows promising results for [bmim][PF6] , thecomplete degradation of which is observed within 90 minunder optimized conditions. The main intermediates observed

    by GC–MS are the same as those observed by Zhou in the ZVI/AC microelectrolysis system, that is, 1-butyl-3-methyl-2,4,5-tri-

    oxoimidazolidine in the first step, which affords 1-butyl-3-methylurea as an intermediate metabolite, and finally N-butyl-

    formamide as the end product.

    3.3. The ability of ionic liquids to adsorb

    As previously discussed, sorption and biodegradation are the

    main processes that are used to remove chemicals from theenvironment during wastewater treatment in activated sludge

    systems. Although information on the effects of ILs on soil islimited, the available data suggest the possible persistence of

    ILs on soils and adverse effects of ILs on the microbial com-munities of soil. Sun et al. have observed that after 40 days of

    contact between soil and [omim][BF4] the concentration of theIL changes by no more than 5%.[92] Ammonium- and phospho-

    nium-based ILs also demonstrate the ability to persist on soilfor long periods of time.[93] The length of the alkyl side chain isa major factor affecting the strength of binding of the ILs to

    the soil surface.[94] ILs with longer alkyl side chains are ad-sorbed to a higher extent than those with short or/and hy-droxylated side chains in the cation.

    Various studies have been developed to promote the remov-al of ILs from aqueous media on the basis of an adsorption–desorption process and the physicochemical properties of the

    sorbates. Farooq et al.[95] have studied the adsorption capabili-

    ties of different types of activated carbons (ACs) (microporousgranular AC, microporous–mesoporous AC fabric, and AC) pre-

    pared from artichoke leaves by using phosphoric acid activa-tion. The efficiency of the adsorption of the IL can be correlat-

    ed to the porous structure of the AC, namely, the presence ofoxygen groups promotes electrostatic interactions with the hy-

    drophilic bmim cation, which favors its adsorption. As expect-

    ed, the structural compositions of the ILs also influence the ad-sorption ability, and cations with longer chains and a pyridini-

    um core are more favorably adsorbed than cations witha methylimidazolium core. The Lemus group[96] has also evalu-

    ated parameters with the potential to influence the