supporting diversity with a new approach to software (os bridge 2016)

Supporting diversity with a new approach to software Tammarrian Rogers Jon Pincus Open Source Bridge 2016 Hashtag: #osb16 #div5y

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Supporting diversity with a new approach to software

Tammarrian RogersJon Pincus

Open Source Bridge 2016

Hashtag: #osb16 #div5y


Goals for this session

● Shift our thinking

● Gather perspectives

● Share techniques

● Spark conversations and connections

● Get excited

Cultivating a positive, supportive, space

● The opportunity to participate and share is critical

○ Write your thoughts down on index cards

○ We’ll collect them at the end of the session and share the results

It’s okay to talk about emotions!

Roadmap for today’s journey

● Introduction

● Imagining software that works better for everybody

● Setting Intention, Gender HCI, and other techniques

● Looking forward

Three aspects of diversity in software

● The people and teams that create software

● The processes we use to create software

● Supporting diversity in the software itself

Imagine we’re a team that’s come together

to design and create software ...

Software to connect

people (like us!) interested in

supporting diversity with technology

Getting to a different mindset ...

Close your eyes ...

Unleash your imagination!

What do you feel?

What image comes to mind?

Roadmap for today’s journey

● Introduction

● Imagining software that works better for everybody

● Setting Intention, Gender HCI, and other techniques

● Looking forward

Software today works best for

people like its creators

Software reinforces power dynamics

SoftwarePeople andCommunities



The industry is primed for change

Look around the room

Look around the conference

We - and our friends and allies - are the critical mass to create change

Let’s create a virtuous cycle!

Software that embeds diversity

Diverse, Inclusive

People andCommunities



TechniquesSetting intention

Choose language intentionally


Internationalization and multilingual support

Human-computer interaction: Gender HCI, Feminist HCI, Sustainable HCI, …

Don’t pretend algorithms are “objective”

Pseudonymity and Multiple personas

Muting, blocking, reporting, and content filtering

Flexible self-identification of gender, race,and pronouns

Development tools, languages, environments

User rights

Setting Intention

Reinforcing intention through language and interactions

Gender HCI

Gender differences in human-computer interaction

Gender HCI: some key facets

● Self-efficacy: how confident are people in their abilities?

● Information-processing style: start by gathering fairly complete information, or try the first thing that seems promising and backtrack if necessary?

● Risk aversion: how comfortable are people with risk?

● Tinkering: how much do people playfully experiment with the software?

Applying Gender HCI

● Think about the software we’re designing to connect people interested in supporting diversity with technology

● How can this software be better for people who are risk-averse and aren’t confident?

Roadmap for today’s journey

● Introduction

● Imagining software that works better for everybody

● Setting Intention, Gender HCI, and other techniques

● Looking forward

Getting back to the different mindset ...

Close your eyes ...

Remember how it feels, how it looks

Software to connect

people (like us!) interested in

supporting diversity with technology

What can we as a community do

to bring this project to fruition?

Software to connect

people (like us!) interested in

supporting diversity with technology

How can you apply these ideas to

other projects you’re involved in?


● Came together as a team and set intention

● Got into a different mindspace before talking about details - and revisited it throughout the process

● Looked at specific techniques

● Identified next steps

● And hopefully had fun doing it!

Continuing the journey and staying connected

● We’ll capture results on the wiki● Share the images you came up with at

○ or the #div5y hashtag on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram● More conversations at Open Source Bridge

Other suggestions?

Supporting diversity with a new approach to software

Tammarrian RogersJon Pincus

Open Source Bridge 2016

Hashtag: #osb16 #div5y