superior court of california county of riverside


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FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2010 by 1:30 p.m. (PST)



RFP 042910-02-JANITORIALHAWTHORNE Janitorial Services-Hawthorne

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

I. Introduction – Summary of the Intended Procurement 1.1 Issuing Body 1.2 RFP Layout and Sections 1.3 Project Overview 1.4 Firm Pricing 1.5 Term 1.6 Extensions 1.7 Price Increases

II. Procurement and Evaluation Process

2.1 Procurement Schedule and General Instructions 2.1.1 Contact List 2.1.2 Disposition of Material and Confidential or Proprietary

Information 2.1.3 Proposal Preparation Costs

2.2 Pre-Proposal Walkthrough and Conference 2.2.1 Pre-proposal Walkthrough and Conference

2.3 Pre-Submittal Process 2.3.1 Request for Clarifications or Modifications 2.3.2 Ambiguity, Discrepancies, Omissions 2.3.3 Contact with Court 2.3.4 RFP Addenda

2.4 Submission of Proposals 2.4.1 Proposal Delivery 2.4.2 Amendment or Withdrawal of Proposals 2.4.3 Mistake in Proposal 2.4.4 Error in Submitted Proposals 2.4.5 Authorized Signatures, Validity Period of Proposals 2.4.6 Knowledge of Requirements 2.4.7 Independence of Proposal and Joint Proposals 2.4.8 Covenant Against Gratuities

2.5 Overview of Evaluation Process 2.5.1 Evaluation Committee 2.5.2 Reservation of Rights 2.5.3 Evaluation of Budget 2.5.4 Cash Discounts 2.5.5 Requests for Additional Information

2.6 Minimum Qualifications 2.7 Evaluation Criteria 2.8 Interviews and Negotiations

2.8.1 Interviews 2.8.2 Negotiations 2.8.3 Payment 2.8.4 News Releases

2.9 Award of Contract

III. Proposal Format and Content 3.1 Description of Products and Services to be provided 3.1.1 General Description 3.1.2 Technical Specifications for Janitorial Services General Requirements Storage of Equipment and Materials


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Table of Contents Materials Labor Security Equipment Certifications and Verifications

3.1.3 Customer Service 3.1.4 Inventory

3.2 Invoicing

IV. Statement of Work 4.1 Executive Summary

4.1.1 Executive Summary Content 4.1.2 Vendor Information, Validity, and Authorized Signature

4.2 Company Information 4.2.1 Company Background Information 4.2.2 Subcontractors 4.3 Experience and Qualifications 4.3.1 Prior Experience and References

4.4 Technical Approach and Methodology 4.4.1 Work Plan and Methodology 4.4.2 Customer Service 4.4.3 Reports 4.5 Budget 4.5.1 Government Rates 4.5.2 Pricing and Pricing Adjustments 4.6 Required Proposal Forms and Documents 4.6.1 Required Forms 4.6.2 Acceptance of Terms

V. General Conditions

VI. Attachments

Attachment A – Courts Locations, Hours of Operations and Holiday Schedule

Attachment B – Vendor Certification Form

Attachment C – Schedule of Cleaning Tasks

Attachment D – Cleaning Standards

Attachment E – Budget

Attachment F – Statement of Acceptance of Terms and Conditions – General


RFP 042910-02-JANITORIALHAWTHORNE Janitorial Services-Hawthorne



1.1 Issuing Body The Superior Court of California, County of Riverside (“Court”) is issuing this Request for Proposal (“RFP”) to provide the Court with competitive bids for janitorial service for Hawthorne Elementary School.

Through the solicitation of competitive bids the Court will select a vendor capable of providing the most efficient, successful, and cost effective janitorial services to the court.

1.2 RFP Layout and Sections This RFP is laid out in sections as follows:

1. Introduction – Summary of the Intended Procurement

2. Procurement and Evaluation Process

3. Proposal Format and Content

4. Statement of Work

5. General Conditions

6. Attachments

1.3 Project Overview

The Court is requesting proposals from highly qualified vendors with expertise in providing janitorial services for Hawthorne Elementary School. Office space for courtrooms and judges chambers. Services requested are primarily for office space.

The Court intends to award a contract to a vendor that is able to provide janitorial services to Hawthorne Elementary School that offers the best value to the Court, as further described in Section IV of this RFP. However, the Court reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, in whole or in part, submitted in response to this RFP. The Court further reserves the right to make no award and to modify or cancel, in whole or in part, this RFP.

1.4 Firm Pricing

The period of firm pricing shall be 365 days after the contract is signed. 1.5 Term

This contract will be awarded for a period of one (1) year with two (2) option(s) to extend the term of the contract. Extension option(s) shall be for one (1) year periods and are at the sole discretion of the Court. Unless this option is affirmatively exercised in writing by the Court within thirty (30) days of the expiration date of the contract, the contract will be deemed terminated as of the expiration date and the Court will have no further obligation to vendor. The start date will be mutually agreed upon by both parties

1.6 Extensions

The extension of services shall be contingent upon successful negotiation of cost pass-through and service adjustments mutually agreeable to both parties.

1.7 Price Increases


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The vendor’s budget proposal in Attachment E must describe how future price increases will be minimized and capped and how both increases and decreases will be passed on to the court if the contract is renewed


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II. PROCUREMENT AND EVALUATION PROCESS 2.1 Procurement Schedule and General Instructions

The Court has developed the following list of key events from RFP issuance through notice contract award. All deadlines are subject to change at the Court’s discretion.

No. EVENTS Key Dates 1 Issue RFP Thursday, April 29, 2010 2 Scheduled Walkthrough and Pre-Proposal

Conference Date: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 @ 11:30 a.m. (PST) Location: Superior Court Hawthorne Elementary School 9174 Indiana Avenue Riverside, Ca 92503

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 @11:30 a.m. (PST)

3 Deadline for Vendor Requests for Questions, Clarifications or Modifications

Tuesday, May, 18, 2010 by 5:00 p.m. (PST)

4 Answers to Questions and Clarifications will be posted on Court website,

Friday, May 21, 2010 by 5:00 p.m. (PST)

5 Proposal Due Date and Time Friday, June 4, 2010 by 1:30 p.m. (PST)

6 Notice of Award (estimated) June 18, 2010 The RFP, any addenda that may be issued, protest procedures, RFP questions and answers and other information will be available on the following website, referred to as “Court website”:

2.1.1 Contact List Submittal Contact: Luana Eutsler 4050 Main Street Executive Office, 1st Floor Riverside, CA 92501 951-955-5556 Email: [email protected] Contracting Officer: Kurt Johnson 4050 Main Street, Executive Office, 1st Floor Riverside, CA 92501 951-955-5238 Email: [email protected]

2.1.2 Disposition of Material and Confidential or Proprietary Information All materials submitted in response to the solicitation document will become the property of the Court and will be returned only at the Court’s option and at the expense of the vendor submitting the proposal. One copy of a submitted proposal will be retained for official files and become a public record. Any material that a vendor considers as


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confidential but does not meet the disclosure exemption requirements of the California Public Records Act should not be included in the vendor’s proposal as it may be made available to the public.

Even thought the Public Records Act (PRA) does not apply to the Court, the Court’s policy is to look to the PRA for guidance in responding to requests for documents. If a vendor’s proposal contains material noted or marked as confidential and/or proprietary that, in the Court’s sole opinion, meets the disclosure exemption requirements of the PRA, then that information will not be disclosed pursuant to a written request for public documents. If the Court does not consider such material to be exempt from disclosure under the PRA, the material may be made available to the public, regardless of the notation or markings. If a vendor is unsure if its confidential and/or proprietary material meets the disclosure exemption requirements of the PRA, then it should not include such information in its proposal because such information may be disclosed to the public.

2.1.3 Proposal Preparation Costs Vendors submitting proposals do so entirely at their expense. There is no express or implied obligation by the Court to reimburse a vendor for any costs incurred in preparing or submitting proposals, providing additional information when requested by the Court, participating in any selection interviews or product demonstrations, or participating in this procurement.

2.2 Mandatory Pre-Proposal Walkthrough and Conference

2.2.1 Mandatory Pre-proposal Walkthrough and Conference A mandatory pre-proposal walkthrough and conference to answer questions related to this RFP will be held on the date and at the time specified in Section 2.1.

The pre-proposal walkthrough and conference is mandatory. Prospective vendors are required to attend in order to better understand the proposal requirements. In the event a potential vendor is unable to attend the pre-proposal walkthrough and conference, an authorized representative may attend on their behalf. A representative may only sign in for one vendor. Proposals from vendors who did not attend the mandatory walkthrough and conference will not be accepted and will be returned unopened.

The Court will prepare a summary of questions and answers from the pre-proposal walkthrough and conference, as an addendum, which will be provided to attendees or, if identified in Section 2.1, will be posted on the Court website.

2.3 Pre-Submittal Process

2.3.1 Request for Clarifications or Modifications Vendors interested in responding to this solicitation may submit questions on procedural matters related to the RFP or requests for clarification or modification of this solicitation document, including questions regarding the General Conditions in Section V, to the Submittal Contact. If the vendor is requesting a change, the request must set forth the recommended change and the vendor’s reasons for proposing the change. All questions and requests must be submitted in writing to the Submittal Contact listed in Section 2.1.1 no later than the date specified in Section 2.1, Procurement Schedule and General Instructions. Questions or requests submitted after the due date will not be answered.


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Without disclosing the source of the question or request, the Project Manager will provide a copy of the questions to potential vendors or, if appropriate, post a copy of the questions and the Court’s responses on the Court’s website.

If a vendor’s question relates to a proprietary aspect of its proposal and the question would expose proprietary information if disclosed to competitors, the vendor may submit the question in writing, conspicuously marking it as "CONFIDENTIAL." With the question, the vendor must submit a statement explaining why the question is sensitive. If the Court concurs that the disclosure of the question or answer would expose proprietary information, the question will be answered, and both the question and answer will be kept in confidence. If the Court does not concur regarding the proprietary nature of the question, the question will not be answered and the vendor will be notified.

2.3.2 Ambiguity, Discrepancies, Omissions If a vendor submitting a proposal discovers any ambiguity, conflict, discrepancy, omission, or other error in this solicitation document, the vendor shall immediately provide the Submittal Contact listed in Section 2.1 written notice of the problem and request that the solicitation document be clarified or modified. Without disclosing the source of the request, the Court may modify the solicitation document prior to the date fixed for submission of proposals by providing an addendum to potential vendors or, if identified in Section 2.1, by posting the addendum on the Court website.

If prior to the date fixed for submission of proposals a vendor submitting a proposal knows of or should have known of an error in the solicitation document but fails to notify the Court of the error, the vendor shall propose at its own risk. If the vendor is awarded the contract, the vendor shall not be entitled to additional compensation or time by reason of the error or its later correction.

2.3.2 Contact with Court Vendors are specifically directed NOT to contact any Court personnel or consultants for meetings, conferences, or discussions that are specifically related to this RFP at any time prior to any award of a contract. Unauthorized contact with any Court personnel or consultants may be grounds for rejection of the vendor’s response.

2.3.3 RFP Addenda The Court may modify the solicitation document prior to the date fixed for submission of proposals by providing notice to potential vendors or, if identified in Section 2.1, by posting an addendum on the Court’s website. If any potential vendor determines that an addendum unnecessarily restricts its ability to propose, it must notify the Submittal Contact listed in Section 2.1.1 no later than three (3) business days following the date the addendum provided or posted.

Pricing shall reflect all addenda issued by the Court. Failure to do so will permit the Court to interpret the proposal to include all addenda issued in any resulting contract.

2.4 Submission of Proposals

2.4.1 Proposal Delivery The following must be received no later than the Proposal Due Date and time specified in Section 2.1 at the address listed in Section 2.1.1 for the Submittal Contact:

• One unbound (stapled or clipped is acceptable) original proposal, marked “original”

• Four unbound secured (stapled or clipped is acceptable) copies of the original, proposal; and


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• One electronic copy of the proposal in MS Word format sent via e-mail to the Submittal Contact.

. • The cost proposal will be evaluated separately from the technical proposal.

Place the cost proposal in a separate sealed envelope, must be clearly marked “Cost Proposal”, RFP Number, Project Title, Proposal Due Date, Proposal’s Name and address.

The original and all copies of the proposals must be submitted in a single , sealed envelope. The outside of the envelope must be clearly marked with the RFP Number, Project Title, the Proposal Due Date, and the vendor’s name Proposals received prior to the Proposal Closing Time that are marked properly will be securely kept, unopened until the Proposal Closing Time. Late proposals will not be considered. All proposals must be delivered via U.S. Mail, common carrier, or hand delivery. Facsimiles will not be accepted. The vendor is solely responsible for ensuring that the full proposal is received by the Court in accordance with the solicitation requirements, prior to the date and time specified in the solicitation, and at the place specified. The Court shall not be responsible for any delays in mail or by common carriers or by transmission errors or delays or missed delivery.

2.4.2 Amendment or Withdrawal of Proposals A vendor may amend its proposal prior to the Proposal Closing Time. All amendments must be in writing and received by the Court prior to the Proposal Closing Time.

A vendor may withdraw its proposal at any time prior to the Proposal Due Date and Time by notifying the Submittal Contact listed in Section 2.1.1 in writing (email or US mail) of its withdrawal. Amendments or withdrawals offered in any other manner, than those described above will not be considered. Proposals cannot be amended or withdrawn after the Proposal Due Date and Time.

2.4.3 Mistake in Proposal If prior to a contract award, a vendor discovers a mistake in their proposal that renders the vendor unwilling to perform under any resulting contract, the vendor must immediately notify the Submittal Contact listed in Section 2.1.1 in writing and request to withdraw the proposal. It shall be solely within the Court’s discretion as to whether withdrawal will be permitted. If the solicitation contemplated evaluation and award of “all or none” of the items, then any withdrawal must be for the entire proposal. If the solicitation requires the evaluation and award of the contract on an “all or none” basis, then any withdrawal must be for the entire proposal. If the solicitation provided for an evaluation and award on a line item or combination of items basis, the Court may consider permitting withdrawal of specific line item(s) or combination of items.

2.4.4 Error in Submitted Proposals If an error is discovered in a vendor’s proposal, the Court may at its sole option retain the proposal and allow the vendor to submit certain arithmetic corrections. The Court may, at its sole option, allow the vendor to correct obvious clerical errors. In determining if a correction will be allowed, the Court will consider the conformance of the proposal to the format and content required by the solicitation, the significance and magnitude of the correction, and any unusual complexity of the format and content required by the solicitation.


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If the vendor’s intent is clearly established based on review of the complete proposal submitted, the Court may, at its sole option, allow the vendor to correct an error based on that established intent.

The total price of unit-price items or individual line items will be the product of the unit or line item price and the quantity. If the unit or line item price is ambiguous, unintelligible or uncertain for any cause or is omitted, the unit or line item price shall be the amount obtained by dividing the “extension” price by the item quantity.

2.4.5 Authorized Signatures, Validity Period of Proposals Proposals must include the vendor name, address, telephone and facsimile numbers, and federal tax identification number. The proposal must be signed by a duly authorized officer or employee of the vendor and include the name, title, address, and telephone number of the individual who is the vendor’s designated representative.

Proposals will be valid for ninety (90) days after the Proposal Due Date specified in Section 2.1. In the event a final contract has not been awarded by the date specified in Section 2.1, the Court reserves the right to negotiate extensions to the Proposal Validity Date. 2.4.6 Knowledge of Requirements The vendor shall carefully review all documents referenced and made a part of the solicitation document to ensure that all information required to properly respond has been submitted or made available and all requirements are priced in the proposal. Failure to examine any document, drawing, specification, or instruction will be at the vendor’s sole risk.

Vendors shall be responsible for knowledge of all items and conditions contained in their proposals and in this RFP, including any Court issued clarifications, modifications, amendments, or addenda. The Court post addenda and clarifications to the Court’s website. However, it is the vendor’s responsibility to ascertain that the proposal includes all addenda issued prior to the Proposal Due Date.

2.4.7 Independence of Proposal and Joint Proposals Unless a vendor is submitting a joint proposal, the vendor represents and warrants that by submitting its proposal it did not conspire with any other vendor to set prices in violation of anti-trust laws.

A proposal submitted by two or more vendors participating jointly in one proposal may be submitted, but one vendor must be identified as the prime vendor and the other as the subcontractor. The Court assumes no responsibility or obligation for the division of orders or purchases among joint subcontractors.

2.4.8 Covenant Against Gratuities Vendor warrants by signing its proposal that no gratuities, in the form of entertainment, gifts, or otherwise, were offered by the vendor or any agent, director, or representative of the proposer, to any officer, official, agent, or employee of any Court with a view toward securing award of or securing favorable treatment with respect to any determinations concerning the performance of any resulting contract. For breach or violation of this warranty, the Court will have the right to terminate any resulting contract in whole or in part. The right and remedies of the Court provided in this provision shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under the resulting contract.


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2.5 Overview of Evaluation Process

2.5.1 Evaluation Committee The Court will conduct a comprehensive, fair, and impartial evaluation of proposals received in response to this RFP. All proposals received from vendors will be reviewed and evaluated by a committee of qualified personnel (“Evaluation Committee”). The name, units, or experience of the individual members will not be made available to any vendor.

2.5.2 Reservation of Rights The Court reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, in whole or in part, and may or may not waive any immaterial deviation or defect in a proposal.

The Court’s waiver of an immaterial deviation or defect shall in no way modify the solicitation document or excuse a vendor from full compliance with solicitation document specifications.

If a proposal fails to meet a material solicitation document requirement, the proposal may be rejected. A deviation is material to the extent that a response is not in substantial accord with the requirements of the solicitation document. Material deviations cannot be waived.

Unless otherwise specified in the solicitation, the Court may accept any item or combination of items as specified in the solicitation of any proposal unless (1) the vendor expressly restricts an item or combination of items in its proposal and (2) conditions its response on receiving all items for which it provided a proposal. In the event that the vendor restricts its proposal, the Court may consider the vendor’s restriction and evaluate whether the award, on such basis, will result in the best value to the Court. The Court may determine, in its sole discretion, that such restriction(s) is non-responsive and renders the vendor ineligible for further evaluation.

The Court reserves the right to negotiate with vendors who have presented, in the opinion of the Evaluation Committee, the best proposal in an attempt to reach a contract. If no contract is reached, the Court may negotiate with other vendors or make no award under this RFP. The Evaluation Committee can reject all proposals and make no award under this RFP at any time. Moreover, the Court reserves the right to reconsider any proposal submitted at any phase of the procurement. It also reserves the right to meet with vendors to gather additional information.

Proposals that contain false or misleading statements may be rejected if in the Court’s opinion the information was intended to mislead the Court regarding a requirement of the solicitation document.

2.5.3 Evaluation of Budget All figures entered on the budget (Attachment E) must be clearly legible and must be printed in ink or type written. No erasures are permitted. Errors may be crossed out and corrections printed in ink or typewritten adjacent to the corrected text and must be initialed in ink by the person signing the proposal. If the solicitation requires the vendor to provide an electronic copy of the cost sheet(s) and there is a discrepancy in the printed cost sheet(s) and electronic copy, the pricing on the printed cost sheet(s) will be evaluated.

Where more than one line item is specified in the solicitation, the Court reserves the right to determine the highest evaluated proposer, either on the basis of individual items,


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combination of items as specified in the solicitation, or on the basis of all items included in the solicitation, unless otherwise expressly provided.

2.5.4 Cash Discounts The Court encourages vendors to offer cash discounts for prompt payment. However, unless provided elsewhere in the solicitation, cash discounts offered by vendors for the prompt payment of invoices will not be considered in evaluating offers to determine the successful vendor for award of any resulting contract. 2.5.5 Requests for Additional Information The Court reserves the right to seek clarification or additional information from any vendor throughout the solicitation process. The Court may require a vendor’s representative to answer questions during the evaluation process with regard to the vendor’s proposal. Failure of a vendor to demonstrate that the claims made in its proposal are in fact true may be sufficient cause for deeming a proposal non-responsive.

2.6 Minimum Qualifications

To be considered for full evaluation and possible award, vendors must first meet the threshold minimum qualification requirements listed in the following table (minimum requirements can be met by combining experience, expertise, and resources of vendor and any proposed subcontractors):

No. Minimum Qualifications 1 5 or more years experience working with like-size customers with public access

buildings. 2 Vendor is not currently under suspension or debarment by any state or federal

government agency and neither vendor nor any of its proposed associates are tax delinquent with the State of California or Federal Government (reference Attachment C, Vendor Certification Form).

3 Vendor must have all required licenses and permits as required to perform janitorial services. Please show proof.

4 General liability and worker’s compensation insurances as set forth in General Conditions, Sections V of this RFP, #8.0.

The vendor must state specifically in its Executive Summary (see Section 4.1) how it will comply with each minimum qualification specified above. Subject to the Court’s right in its complete discretion to waive minor deviations or defects, only those proposals that meet all of the foregoing minimum qualifications shall be considered for a full evaluation and a possible contract award.

2.7 Evaluation Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated to determine the proposal or proposals that offer the best value to the Court. The evaluation will be based upon the criteria listed below in no particular order. Although some factors are weighted more than others, all are considered necessary and a proposal must be technically acceptable in each area to be eligible for award. With regards to cost, the Court reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject any proposal whose price is outside of the competitive range. a. Experience on similar assignment b. References c. Cost/Pricing factors d. Experience of key personnel


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e. Work Plan f. Overall response to RFP

2.8 Interviews and Negotiations

2.8.1 Interviews Following the initial screening of proposals, the Court reserves the right to require, and each vendor must be prepared to conduct, oral presentations and other discussions (written or verbal) on the content of its proposal. If the Court determines that interviews or presentations are required, selected vendors will be notified in writing of the date, place, time and format of the interview or presentation. Vendors will be responsible for all costs related to the interview, which, at the Court’s sole discretion, may be in-person and/or by teleconference. Failure to participate in such interviews or presentations shall result in a vendor’s disqualification from further consideration.

2.8.2 Negotiations If the Court desires to enter into negotiations, they will do so with one or more vendors, at their discretion. If the Court enters into negotiations and no contract is reached, the Court can negotiate with the other vendors or make no award under this RFP. The Court reserves the right to award a contract, if any, without negotiations.

2.8.3 Payment Payment terms will be specified in any contract that may ensue as a result of this solicitation document. THE COURT DOES NOT MAKE ANY ADVANCE PAYMENT FOR GOODS OR SERVICES.

2.8.4 News Releases News releases pertaining to the award of any contract resulting from this solicitation may not be made by a vendor without the prior written approval of the Contracting Officer noted in Section 2.1.1.

2.9 Award of Contract

The Evaluation Committee will make a final recommendation for award of the contract. Upon award, the successful proposer(s) will be required to execute a Contract in accordance with the Statement of Work in Section IV and the General Conditions in Section V, and provide a certificate of insurance in conformance with the requirements set forth in the General Conditions within thirty (30) business days of award. Contracts are not effective until signed by both parties.


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III. STATEMENT OF WORK 3.1 Description of Products and Services to be provided

3.1.1 General Description Vendor shall provide janitorial service in accordance with the special provisions, terms and conditions, technical specifications and Schedule of Cleaning Tasks set forth herein. (See Attachment A for Court locations, hours and recognized holidays; Attachment C Schedule of Cleaning Tasks; and Attachment D for Cleaning Standards, and Terms and Conditions, Section * of RFP.) 3.1.2 Technical Specifications for Janitorial Services General Requirements 1. Vendor shall provide janitorial service for Hawthorne Elementary School,

Riverside, as specified in the schedule of tasks and cleaning standards, with the exception of Court holidays as set forth in Attachment B.

2. Vendor shall furnish all necessary labor, supervision, travel, equipment and

materials to perform the janitorial service as required. For instance, the Vendor shall provide a ladder, or other suitable device, of sufficient height for cleaning and dusting of areas with high ceilings, mop buckets, vacuums, floor buffers and cleaning agents.

3. Vendor shall provide sufficient labor and supervision at all times to carry out

the works satisfactorily, and shall ensure that only competent workers who are skilled in the type of work specified are employed. If the Court determines that a person is incompetent or unsuitable, the Vendor shall immediately remove such person from performing any further service and make sure that all keys, badges and any other items that belong to the Court are returned within 24 hours.

4. Vendor is responsible for maintaining satisfactory standards for employees

in regards to conduct, appearance and integrity (i.e. use of foul language, use of court staff’s personal items, cooking, phone and TV usage.)

5. Vendor shall ensure that staff working after business hours keep voices and

radios/cd players at a low decibel level.

6. Vendor shall ensure that no person(s) not employed by the Vendor (i.e. spouse, children, brothers, sisters, friends, etc.) shall be allowed to enter the premises during performance of services.

Vendor shall keep a record of each employee working on this agreement, as follows: • Name, Address & Phone Number • Work Classification and Rate of Pay • Bi-weekly hours worked • Emergency Contact Information

7. Vendor shall provide relief personnel as necessary to ensure that each

assignment is performed per specifications and deliverables, regardless of employee absenteeism.


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8. The lead person on any janitorial crew shall be able to read, write, speak and understand the English language to the extent required for communication in person, via telephone, and in writing with designated building representatives in connection with the janitorial duties to be performed. Further, the communication ability shall extend to being able to call the appropriate law enforcement agencies and/or an alarm company in the event of a break-in or inadvertent activation of a burglar alarm system. The English speaking person shall be over the age of eighteen (18) years.

9. Vendor will be required to learn the proper operation of the security alarm

system, if necessary, and ensure that the building is properly secured and locked when they are the last ones to leave the facility after hours. In addition, the vendor shall ensure that all employees are properly trained on safety and emergency procedures (such as fire building evacuations, etc.) for the facilities in which they work.

10. Vendor shall notify Court of any irregularities noted during performance of

services including, but not limited to, doors left unlocked, lights not working or left on, defective plumbing, broken windows, broken bathroom fixtures, unstable or broken furniture, graffiti, vandalism and/or damage to the building or its contents. Storage of Equipment and Materials a. The Vendor shall obtain prior approval from the designated Court

representative for any space or area required for storage of the Vendor’s equipment and materials.

b. Equipment and materials shall not be piled or stored at any location to

hinder normal business operations or to constitute a hazard to persons or property.

c. All materials which are stored in the liquid state shall be stored on shelves

not higher than three (3) feet above the floor.

d. All products stored in secondary containers shall be properly labeled as to the contents. Materials a. Only material meeting industrial standards will be acceptable in the

performance of this work. The Designated Court Facilities Contact reserves the right to specify the type and quality of all materials used in the work. In the event a substitution is necessary for a required material, written notice will be provided to the Vendor and a material of equal value will be substituted at no additional cost to Court.

b. Under no circumstances will cleaning tools and materials be left unattended

during normal business hours. c. The Vendor shall handle chemicals provided at each site so as to minimize

the possibility of exposure of facility occupants to acid based or caustic based materials. A list of all chemicals used for these services shall be submitted and pre-approved by Court’s designated representative.

d. All paper goods (2-ply toilet paper, paper towels, seat covers), liquid

antibacterial hand soaps, sanitary napkins/tampons required in refilling


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dispensers, including trash receptacle liners will be furnished by the Vendor. The Vendor will be required to furnish all other materials and supplies as required to complete janitorial service to all locations which includes but is not limited to: cleansing powder, disinfectants, deodorant tablets for urinals, ammonia-based glass and surface cleaner, dust cloths, grease cleaner, carpet shampoo, floor stripper and finish.

e. All unused products and empty containers shall be properly disposed of by

the Vendor as required by federal, state and local laws and regulations. The Vendor shall provide Court with documentation of proper disposal of all products and containers used in the performance of services.

f. Material Safety Data Sheet: It is required by law that all hazardous materials

be accompanied with a “material safety data sheet” (MSDS) at time of delivery. Labor Hours of work on this contract shall be in accordance with, and subject to, the provisions of the State of California labor code. Security a. All employees shall be identified while on the premises by shirt, blouse or

smock indicating the company name or logo in print large enough to be read easily. At Vendors expense.

b. Vendor shall be responsible for use of all keys and/or security cards issued

to him/her. The Vendor shall not put identification on any keys. Vendor shall not duplicate any keys for premises under any circumstances. Any lost keys or need for additional keys shall be promptly reported to or requested of the Designated Court Facilities Contact.

c. Security of Court's properties shall be maintained. Doors, gates, and

windows shall be closed and locked when not in immediate use. Upon completion of the Work in any single building, employees shall check exterior doors and windows to make sure that they are closed and locked. Certain areas are protected by security alarms and procedures for entering and leaving these areas shall be as directed by Court.

d. Under no circumstances shall Vendor’s employees admit anyone to areas

controlled by a key in their possession.

e. Please include in your proposal your current background check process. Give details of your program. If the court deems this process not acceptable to the court the vendor will be required to perform specific live scan background checks for their employees according to the requirements for the building being cleaned and supply documentation to the Court. Such background checks will be paid for by the Vendor. Equipment a. The equipment used by the Vendor and methods used in the handling of the

work will be such that a satisfactory quality of work will be maintained, and which will insure compliance with the intent of this contract.

b. In cases where particular types of equipment have been banned, or in

cases where the Designated Court Facilities Contact or his/her designee


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has condemned for use any piece of equipment, the Vendor shall remove such equipment from the site of work. Failure to do so within a reasonable time may effect a breach of contract.

c. All vacuums used must be equipped with Hepa Filtration. Certifications and Verifications a. Commercial General Liability Insurance b. Auto-Business Worker’s Compensation Employers Liability Insurance

3.1.3 Customer Service The vendor’s customer service process shall ensure that all customer service issues are addressed in a consistent manner, including problem escalation and resolution. The customer service process includes, but is not limited to:

• Customer service organizational structure

• Contact process (phone, email, fax, etc.)

• Follow up process

• Internal procedures to track customer service contact and resolution

• Escalation process to resolve outstanding customer service issues

3.1.4 Inventory The Court has an ongoing requirement for the products indicated in this RFP. The vendor or vendors awarded a contract, if any, shall maintain access to a reasonable stock of such products on hand for the term of the contract. Failure to maintain access to a reasonable stock may result in termination for default of the vendor’s contract.

3.2 Invoicing

The vendor shall submit a single invoice monthly all inclusive. The following information must be included on the invoice:

• Vendor’s name, address and telephone number • Name and address of vendor representative to whom payments are to be sent

if different from the above. • Name, title and telephone number of the person to contact in case of an

incomplete or incorrect invoice. • Description of goods provided or services performed.


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IV. PROPOSAL FORMAT AND CONTENT Responsive proposals should provide straightforward, concise information that satisfies the requirements of this solicitation. Expensive bindings, color displays, and the like are not necessary or desired. Emphasis should be placed on conformity to the Court’s instructions, requirements of this solicitation, and the completeness and clarity of content. 4.1 Executive Summary

4.1.1 Executive Summary Content The vendor must provide an Executive Summary of its proposal. The Executive Summary should be a general overview of how the vendor proposes to accomplish the requirements of this RFP. The Executive Summary should demonstrate the vendor’s understanding of the requirements. The vendor must also address in this section how it meets the minimum qualification requirements in Section 2.6.

4.1.2 Vendor Information, Validity, and Authorized Signature

The Executive Summary should include the vendor information, validity period, and authorized signature, as required in Section 2.4.5.

4.2 Company Information

4.2.1 Company Background Information The Court requires the vendor to be a reputable company of strong financial standing and outstanding experience in the field of janitorial services. The vendor’s proposal must provide the information requested below. If the vendor is a joint venture, information about each vendor must be submitted separately. The information to be provided is as follows:

a. Complete name and address. b. Federal tax identification number. c. A short narrative description of the vendor’s organization. d. Principal type of business. e. Total number of years in business. f. Number of years providing products and services similar in size and

scope to those requested in this RFP. g. Significant transactional events in the past five (5) years such as:

bankruptcies, mergers, acquisitions, initial public offerings (IPO’S) h. Annual contract value of the vendor’s three (3) largest contracts for

similar products and services in the past three (3) years. i. Percent of turnover of service staff for each of the last three (3) years in

the vendor’s organization that will be responsible for providing products and services described in this RFP (e.g. Account Manager, Customer Service personnel, etc.).

4.2.2 Subcontractors

If a subcontractor is proposed for this RFP, provide the following information for each subcontractor:

a. Complete name and address. b. Federal tax identification number. c. A short narrative description of the vendor’s organization. d. Principal type of business. e. Total number of years in business.


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f. Number of years providing products and services similar in size and scope to those requested in this RFP.

g. Significant transactional events in the past five (5) years such as: bankruptcies, mergers, acquisitions, initial public offerings (IPO’S)

4.3 Experience and Qualifications

4.3.1 Prior Experience and References The Court requires the vendor and its subcontractors to have prior experience in all aspects of the products and services described in this RFP for customers similar to or with relevance in the size, complexity and scope of this RFP. Vendor shall:

Describe the vendor’s experience as it pertains to providing products and services similar in size, complexity and scope to those required under this RFP and in the manner required pursuant to this RFP.

Provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers for a minimum of five (5) customers for whom the vendor has provided similar level of services and products within the last 24 months. The vendor should include a brief description of the scope of products and services provided to the customer and the duration of the contract. The Court may contact some or all of the references provided in order to determine the vendor’s performance record. The Court reserves the right to contact references other than those provided in the proposal and to use the information gained from them in the evaluation process.

If the vendor’s cost proposal includes re-manufactured or compatible products, the vendor’s references must include customers that have used the re-manufactured or compatible products.

4.4 Technical Approach and Methodology

4.4.1 Work Plan and Methodology Vendor shall provide a work plan that describes how the vendor intends to provide the requested products and services as described in 3.1.2., Technical Specifications; Attachment C, Schedule of Cleaning Tasks and Attachment D, Cleaning Standards. The description shall include, but is not limited to, the following: Description of

• Account Team structure and role (including description of sales contact

process, Account Team support, and periodic account review process) • Describe experience of key personal • Communication process between the Court and Vendor • Time Schedule, how many hours to perform daily work • Products list (Environmentally Friendly is preferred) • Emergency/Hazardous Clean-up Process and Training-The court must have

someone available on call at all times to respond. • Vendors background check process

Customer Service

Describe the level of customer service that will be provided, including procedures that will ensure consistency and problem escalation and resolution. The description should include, but is not limited to: • Customer service organizational structure • Contact process (phone, email, fax, etc.) • Follow up process


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• Internal procedures to track customer service contact and resolution • Escalation process to resolve outstanding customer service issues

4.4.3 Reports Vendor shall describe the common reports that are available to the Court. Include the type of report, the information provided in the report, the frequency of the report, the process to request the report, and the process used to deliver the report. Vendors are encouraged to include a sampling of common reports.

4.5 Budget

4.5.1 Government Rates It is expected that all vendors responding to this solicitation will offer the vendor’s government or most favorable comparable rates.

4.5.2 Pricing and Pricing Adjustments Vendor must submit pricing as required by Attachment E, Budget. Please give detailed pricing as listed on Budget page. The pricing is all inclusive. Tax is billed accordingly and should be listed as a separate line item on the invoice.

The Court is exempt from federal excise taxes and no payment will be made for any taxes levied on the vendor’s or any Subcontractors employee’s wages. The Court will pay for any applicable State of California or local sales or use taxes on the products provided or the services rendered. Taxes shall be included as a separate line item on a vendor’s invoice.

4.7 Required Proposal Forms and Documents

4.7.1 Required Forms a. Response to RFP b. Vendor Certification Form – Attachment B c. Budget – Attachment E d. Statement of Acceptance of Terms, Attachment F

4.7.2 Acceptance of Terms The vendor’s proposal must include a statement as to whether the vendor accepts the General Conditions in Section V, (Attachment F, Statement of Acceptance of Terms) or whether the vendor takes any exception to those terms. The vendor will be deemed to have accepted such terms and conditions, except as expressly called out in the vendor’s proposal.


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1.1 "Owner": Riverside County Superior Court (Court) acting through its authorized representative(s). 1.2 "BIDDER": Party or parties submitting a proposal for the specified Work. 1.3 "CONTRACT": The agreement between Court and Vendor, including the Specification and

appendices, together with any other material specifically incorporated therein. 1.4 "VENDOR": Party or parties entering into the Contract with Court for the Work. 1.5 "VENDOR'S REPRESENTATIVE": Vendor's employee above the level of Foreman who is

directly responsible for the Work. 1.6 "WORK": Labor, supervision, materials, equipment and all requirements specified. 1.7 "SUBCONTRACTOR": Party or parties entering into a Subcontract with Vendor or another

Subcontractor to perform a portion of the Work covered by the Contract. The obligations of the Vendor where set forth in the Contract shall also apply to the Subcontractor.

1.8 "SUBCONTRACT": An agreement between Vendor and Subcontractor or between Subcontractors

at any level for a portion of the Work under this contract. 1.9 "SPECIFICATION": Court's specification which includes these General Conditions, the Specific

Conditions, and any addenda to these. 2.0 PROPOSAL

2.1. WORK SITES: Bidder shall inspect the Work sites and satisfy itself in regard to scope and location of each facility, and conditions that might affect the performance of the Work. Lack of knowledge of existing conditions will not be accepted as an excuse for failure to perform the specified service, nor shall such excuses be accepted as a basis for claims for additional compensation.

2.2. PROPOSAL ITEMS: Work has been classified in the Proposal Form and Bidder is requested to

quote prices in accordance therewith. Prices quoted shall include taxes incurred in the performance hereof.

2.3. ADDITIONAL LABOR AND MATERIALS: Court may on occasion request Vendor to perform

Work and/or supply materials not specifically covered in this Contract. Proposal covers Vendor's charge for this Work or material, or both.


3.1 INDEPENDENT VENDOR: Vendor shall perform the Work as an independent vendor, and persons employed by Vendor in connection herewith will be employees of Vendor and not employees of Court in any respect. Only Vendor and its employees or approved Subcontractors’ and their employees will be allowed on Court property.


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3.2 SUBCONTRACTS AND ASSIGNMENTS: During the term of this Contract, Vendor shall make no Subcontract or other assignment without the prior written consent of Court. When consent is granted, it shall not relieve Vendor of any obligation to Court.


3.3.1 No oral statement shall in any manner modify or otherwise affect the terms and conditions set forth herein, and no charge shall be made for extra Work, changes, or materials unless they have been ordered in writing by Court.

3.3.2 An authorization number verbally given by Court is considered notice to perform extra

Work on a time and material basis as stated in the proposal form. 3.3.3 Court reserves the right to add or delete any given type of janitorial Work. Cost shall be

calculated or negotiated at the time change is required. 3.3.4 Court may choose to reschedule Vendor's hours of Work.

3.4 INFRINGEMENT PROTECTION: Royalties or other charges for patents for design, machinery, equipment, or materials furnished by Vendor for the Work, or for processes or arts employed by Vendor in said Work, shall be considered as included in the Contract price. Vendor shall indemnify and save harmless Court, its officers and employees from loss, liability and expense arising out of claims for infringements of said patents.

3.5 REGULATIONS AND CONDUCT OF WORK: Vendor shall plan and conduct the Work to

comply with local, state, and federal government agencies' applicable rules, regulations, codes and/or ordinances to adequately safeguard persons and property from injury. Vendor shall direct the performance of the Work in compliance with reasonable safety regulations and Work practices and with applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations, including but not limited to, "Occupational Safety and Health Standards" promulgated by the U.S. Secretary of Labor and Safety Orders of the California State Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal-OSHA). Court may require Vendor's employees to wear approved "hard hats" and also to observe reasonable safety precautions in addition to those in use or proposed by Vendor. Neither the giving of such special instructions by Court nor the adherence thereto by Vendor shall relieve Vendor of the sole responsibility to maintain safe and efficient working conditions.

3.6 WITHHOLDING FUNDS: Court may retain from payments due hereunder sufficient funds to (1)

repair or replace Work deemed defective by Court, and (2) discharge delinquent accounts of Vendor pursuant to paragraph 3.7.

3.7 LIENS: Vendor shall discharge at once, and hold Court harmless from, liens or stop notices that may be filed in connection with the Work. Court may retain from Contract payments sufficient funds to discharge delinquent accounts of Vendor or Subcontractor for which liens on Court's property have been or can be filed, or for which stop notices have been or can be filed, and Court may at any time pay therefrom, for Vendor's account by joint check or otherwise, such amounts as are admittedly due thereon.

3.8 CONSTRUCTION LENDERS: In accordance with Civil Code Section 3097 (m), Court represents

that there are no construction lenders for this Work. Vendor shall make this information available to any person seeking to serve the notice specified in Civil Code Section 3097(c).


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4.1.1 Vendor shall conduct its Work in a manner that will cause a minimum of inconvenience to Court's employees and the general public. Court's business must be maintained without interruption during the progress of the Work, and no unnecessary interference will be permitted.

4.1.2 HOLIDAY SCHEDULE: Vendor is responsible to provide services as described herein prior to or

during each Court workday regardless of Vendor's holiday schedule. Vendor shall review Court's observed holiday schedule with Court annually. Court's currently observed holidays are:

January 1, New Year's Day The third Monday in January, Martin Luther King Day The third Monday in February, Presidents’ Day Lincolns Birthday March 31, Cesar’ Chavez Day The last Monday in May, Memorial Day July 4, Independence Day The first Monday in September, Labor Day The second Monday in October, Columbus Day November 11, Veterans Day The fourth Thursday in November, Thanksgiving Day The day after Thanksgiving Day Dec 25, Christmas Day

Every Monday following a Sunday that falls on January 1, March 31, July 4, November 11 or December 25.

Every Friday preceding a Saturday that falls on January 1, March 31, July 4, November 11 or December 25.

4.2 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: Vendor shall furnish all materials and supplies required to

perform the services except as specified in the Specification. 4.3 MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP: Material and workmanship shall be new and first class in

every respect. Work shall be subject to the satisfaction of Court, who may exercise such control of the Work as is required to safeguard the interests of Court. However, it is the Vendor's responsibility to manage and supervise the Work performed hereunder and the methods used, and to deliver satisfactory services to Court.

4.4 COURT'S EQUIPMENT: When Vendor is permitted to use Court materials, tools, facilities or

equipment, they shall be maintained by Vendor in first-class condition and good repair. Vendor shall be responsible to Court for damage, misuse, or loss thereof.

4.5 PERMITS: Vendor shall obtain required permits without additional cost to Court. 4.7 ENERGY CONSERVATION:


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4.7.1 Vendor shall use minimum lighting and electrical power to perform the Work under this Specification.


5.1 EMPLOYEE: Vendor shall employ personnel qualified to perform the Work. 5.2 EMPLOYEES REPLACEMENT: If Court finds Vendor's employee to be unsatisfactory, Vendor

or Vendor's Representative shall replace said employee immediately. This provision in no way requires the Vendor to terminate the employment of any employee replaced pursuant to this paragraph. Nor, by the terms of this section, does Court endorse or approve (expressed or implied) any termination by Vendor of any employee replaced pursuant to this paragraph.

5.3 VENDOR'S REPRESENTATIVE: Upon request, Vendor's Representative shall be available to

Court within 24 hours. 5.4 VENDOR REPRESENTATIVE'S TRAINING: Prior to commencing Work, Court will instruct

Vendor's Representative regarding Court's requirements for safety, security, fire prevention, and janitorial services. During the Contract period, Vendor shall perform the following:

5.4.1 Instruct each employee, prior to commencing Work on Court's property, of the safety,

building security, fire extinguisher locations, and operation requirements. 5.4.2 Inspect facilities under this Contract at request of the court and transmit a written report

of the inspection to Court. 5.5 EMPLOYEE DATA: Vendor shall furnish Court the following information on each employee

after award of Contract and prior to starting Work:

5.5.1 Full Name 5.5.2 Address 5.5.3 Date of Birth 5.5.4 Social Security Number 5.5.5 California Driver's License Number 5.5.6 Court Work Location

5.6 EMPLOYEE APPEARANCE: Vendor's employees shall present a neat and clean appearance. 5.7 NEW EMPLOYEES: Prior to commencing Work, Vendor shall personally advise Court of

temporary or permanent changes or additions of employees and identify these employees to Court in accordance with paragraph 5.5.


6.1 SANITARY FACILITIES: Vendor personnel shall be permitted to use existing sanitary facilities

within the buildings. 6.2 STORAGE: Materials, tools, and equipment may be stored in the buildings and yard areas but only

in locations designated by Court. Storage areas shall be kept clean and orderly. Court will not be held responsible for damage to or loss of Vendor's material or equipment.


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7.1.1 Vendor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Court, its officers, directors, agents, and employees, from and against all claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, expenses, including workers’ compensation expenses incurred by Court, and legal liability connected with or resulting from injury to or death of persons, including but not limited to employees of Court or Vendor; injury to property of Court, Vendor, or a third party, or to natural resources, or violation of any local, state or federal law or regulation, including but not limited to environmental laws or regulations, or strict liability imposed by any law or regulation; arising out of, related to, or in any way connected with Vendor's performance of this Contract, however caused, regardless of any strict liability or negligence of Court, whether active or passive, excepting only such claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, expenses, liability or violation of law or regulation as may be caused by the sole negligence or willful misconduct of Court, its officers, agents, or employees.

7.1.2 Vendor acknowledges that any claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, expenses, and

legal liability that arise out of, result from, or are in any way connected with the release or spill of any legally designated hazardous material or waste as a result of the Work performed under this Contract are expressly within the scope of this indemnity, and that the costs, expenses, and legal liability for environmental investigations, monitoring, containment, abatement, removal, repair, cleanup, restoration, remedial Work, penalties, and fines arising from the violation of any local, state, or federal law or regulation, attorney's fees, disbursements, and other response costs are expressly within the scope of this indemnity.

7.1.3 Vendor shall, on Court's request, defend any action, claim or suit asserting a claim

covered by this indemnity. Vendor shall pay all costs that may be incurred by Court in enforcing this indemnity, including reasonable attorney's fees.

7.2 WITHHOLDING: In addition to any other right to withhold, Court may withhold from payments

due Vendor hereunder such amounts as, in Court's opinion, are reasonably necessary to provide security against all loss, damage, expense, and liability covered by the foregoing indemnification provision.

8.0 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: Vendor shall maintain the following insurance coverage. Vendor is

also responsible for its Subcontractors maintaining sufficient limits of the same insurance coverage.


8.1.1 Workers' Compensation insurance or self-insurance indicating compliance with any applicable labor codes, acts, laws or statutes, State or Federal, where Vendor performs Work.

8.1.2 Employers' Liability insurance shall not be less than $1,000,000 for injury or death each


8.2.1 Coverage shall be at least as broad as the Insurance Services Office (ISO) Commercial General Liability Coverage "occurrence" form, with no coverage deletions.


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8.2.2 The limit shall not be less than $1,000,000 each occurrence for bodily injury, property damage and personal injury. If coverage is subject to a general aggregate limit, this aggregate limit shall be twice the occurrence limit.

8.2.3 Coverage shall: a) By "Additional Insured" endorsement add as insureds Court, its

directors, officers, agents and employees with respect to liability arising out of Work performed by or for the Vendor; b) be endorsed to specify that the Vendor's insurance is primary and that any insurance or self-insurance maintained by Court shall not contribute with it.


8.3.1 Coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office (ISO) Business Auto Coverage form covering Automobile Liability, Code 1 "any auto."

8.3.2 The limit shall not be less than $1,000,000 each accident for bodily injury and property



8.4.1 Crime insurance or fidelity bond covering the dishonest acts of employees furnished by Vendor.

8.4.2 The limit shall not be less than $50,000 each occurrence.


8.5.1 Before commencing performance of Work, Vendor shall furnish Court with certificates

of insurance and endorsements of all required insurance for Vendor. 8.5.2 The documentation shall state that coverage shall not be cancelled except after thirty (30)

days prior written notice has been given to Court. 8.5.3 The documentation must be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind

coverage on its behalf, and shall be submitted to:

[Court Name and Address] A copy of all such insurance documents shall be sent to Court's Contract Negotiator

and/or Contract Administrator. 8.5.4 Court may inspect the original policies or require complete certified copies, at any time. 8.5.5 Upon request, Vendor shall furnish Court the same evidence of insurance for its

Subcontractors as Court requires of Vendor. 9.0 PAYMENT

9.1 COMPLETED WORK: Vendor shall submit invoices for completed Work accepted by Court, unless otherwise agreed.

9.2 PAYMENT: Monthly in the amount of 100 percent of the value of the Work satisfactorily

completed during each month including extras, if any, within 35 days after receipt and approval of correct invoices by the Court Representative, subsequent to Court's acceptance of the Work.


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9.3 WITHHOLDING FUNDS: Court will retain from payments due, Vendor sufficient funds for the

following reasons:

9.5.1 Discharge any delinquent accounts of Vendor for which liens or stop notices on Court's property have been or may be filed, and Court may at any time pay therefrom for Vendor's account such amounts as are admittedly due thereon. Funds will be withheld for Work deemed by Court as not meeting the requirements of this Specification.

9.5.2 Provide funds to cover cost of property damage by Vendor, its employees or

Subcontractors to Court facilities. Expenses to cover damages shall be at Vendor's expense, and repairs shall meet with Court Representative's approval.


10.1 TERMINATION FOR CAUSE: Contract for the Work hereunder may be terminated by Court

upon a 30 days' written notice provided however, that Court may terminate this Contract upon 48 hours' written notice to Vendor if Vendor for any reason whatsoever fails, refuses, or is unable to perform the Work in accordance with this Contract. Court will be the sole judge whether Vendor is substantially performing service in accordance with this Specification. In the event of such termination, Court shall pay Vendor for services satisfactorily performed prior to the date of termination. In no event shall Court be liable for lost or anticipated profits.

10.1.1 STRIKE: In the event of a labor dispute or strike by Vendor’s or its Supvendors’

employees which threatens the progress or cost of Work, or Court's labor relations, or which disrupts Court's operations, or results in a secondary boycott at Court's facilities, Court reserves the right to restrict additional hiring of Vendor’s employees, to suspend or discontinue the Work of the Vendor or any Subcontractor, or terminate the Contract for cause. This paragraph shall be applicable whether or not any Vendor or Subcontractor is directly involved in a labor dispute.

10.2 TERMINATION FOR COURT'S REASONS: Court may suspend or terminate the Contract,

without cause and upon 30-day written notice to Vendor. Contract thereupon shall take whatever action with respect to performance of the Work as will tend to minimize its claim against Court. In the event of termination, Court shall be liable to Vendor only for the value of the Work performed to the date of termination, plus costs reasonably incurred by Vendor in terminating its operation. Vendor shall not be entitled to any payment for anticipated profits or overhead on uncompleted portions of the Work.


11.1 FEDERAL REGULATIONS: During the performance of this Contract and to the extent they may be applicable to this Contract, the Vendor agrees to comply with all laws, orders, and regulations included by summary or reference in the following paragraphs:

11.1.1 Equal Employment Opportunity--Executive Order No. 1246, 3 CFR 339 (1965):

(Contracts exceeding $10,000) Provides that Vendor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin and further that Vendor shall take affirmative action to ensure that applicant and employees are treated without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.


exceeding $10,000) Vendor will not maintain or provide segregated facilities for its employees and will not permit its employees to perform their services at any location under Vendor’s control, where segregated facilities are maintained.


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11.1.3 LISTING OF EMPLOYMENT OPENINGS--Executive Order 11701: (Contracts of

$2,500) Vendor will list employment openings with the Employment Development Department in accordance with the Veterans Employment and Readjustment Act of 1972 and Executive Order 11701. The Contract clause set forth in 41 CFR 50-250.2, is incorporated herein by reference.

11.1.4 EMPLOYMENT OF THE HANDICAPPED--Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 41 CFR 60-

741.4: (Contracts exceeding $2,500) The affirmative action clause and the regulations contained in 41 CFR 60-74l.4 are incorporated by reference in this Contract.


Executive Order 11246: (Contracts of $50,000 or more) If the value of this Contract is $50,000 or more and the Vendor has 50 or more employees, the Vendor agrees to file appropriate EEO-1 forms in accordance with existing regulations and maintain a current written affirmative action compliance program at each establishment at which Vendor has 50 or more employees.


41, Chapter 60, Part 250: (Contracts of $10,000 or more) The affirmative action clause and the regulations pertaining to the employment of disabled veterans and veterans of the Vietnam era are incorporated by reference in this Contract.

11.1.7 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: Vendor agrees that, to the extent it may be

applicable to this Contract, Vendor shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C., Section 12101, et seq.) and with any regulations promulgated pursuant thereto.

11.1.8 CALIFORNIA LABOR CODE SECTIONS 1060-1065. The Court

requires successful Contractor(s) or subcontractor(s) to comply with the California Labor Code §§1060-1065 (“Labor Code”). The Labor Code requires a successor contractor or successor subcontractor (“successor”) to retain, for a 60-day transition employment period, employees of the terminated contractor or its subcontractors who have provided services for at least four months at the site(s) covered by the successor’s contract.

At the end of the 60 days, the successor is required to provide a written evaluation of each janitor's job performance and to continue employing janitors whose performance has been satisfactory. The responsibilities outlined in the remaining sections fall on the new contractor.


12.1 APPLICABLE LAWS: Vendor shall comply with all applicable state laws, rules and regulations, including, but not limited to, Public Utilities Code 465 and 466, for the performance of the Work to be performed under this Contract.

13.0 CONTRACT PERIOD: The Contract period shall be one (1) year and includes a firm option to be

exercised by Court in its sole discretion to extend the Contract on a year-to-year basis, not to exceed a total of two years of extension. The Contract may be terminated at any time by Court pursuant to Article 10. Pricing shall be firm pursuant to Article 14.


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14.1 PRICE: Contract prices shall be fixed for one year, unless through governmental regulations (prevailing wage increase) Vendor is required to pay a labor rate higher than that shown on the Direct Labor Cost Breakdown Sheets included in the proposal. That portion of the Contract price which represents Material, Overhead, and Profit (MOHP) shall be fixed for one year.

14.1.1 Where there is more than one labor classification or geographic wage rate, the Vendor

shall submit a separate Direct Labor Cost Breakdown for each classification in each geographic area.

14.1.2 Where a collective bargaining agreement affects the wage rates paid by the Vendor for

Work performed under this Specification, Vendor shall enclose a copy of such agreement with its Proposal.

14.2 RENEGOTIATION: Court reserves the right to renegotiate or exercise the option to Contract with

another party. If Court, at its discretion, extends the Contract on a year-to-year basis the following conditions apply:

14.2.1 A proposed change in Contract prices shall be submitted to Court for consideration

together with supporting information including collective bargaining agreements, if applicable, and certified payroll records giving evidence to warrant such changes. Within 30 calendar days from receipt of this information, Court will negotiate changes with the Vendor. Changes in rates shall be fixed for a minimum period of one year unless otherwise specified.

14.2.2 Renegotiation of prices for labor employed by Vendor and engaged directly and

exclusively in the performance of Work shall include the following: Direct wages. Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA). Federal Unemployment Insurance (FUI). State Unemployment Insurance (SUI). Worker's Compensation Insurance. Bodily Injury and Property Damage Insurance. Health and Welfare. Sick Pay. Pension. Vacation and taxes on vacation. Apprentice Training Fund (if applicable). Holidays.

14.2.3 Increase for material (if applicable), overhead and profit shall be fixed for the entire term of the Contract in accordance with the percentages listed in the Vendor's proposal.


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14.2.4 Total Contract price increase for the second and third years of the Contract shall be

determined by using the Renegotiation Calculation Sheet which is included and made part of these General Conditions.


14.3.1 Renegotiation of prices shall apply to labor employed by Vendor and engaged directly

and exclusively in the performance of Work hereunder which include direct wages, taxes, worker's compensation insurance, bodily injury and property damage insurance, Health and Welfare, sick pay, pension, vacation and taxes on vacation. Renegotiation shall not apply to Vendor's office, clerical, superintendent, or other personnel, nor any portion of wages paid as a bonus.

14.3.2 In computing authorized adjustment, wage rates used shall not include subsistence,

travel-time payments or other "fringe" benefits than those specified pursuant to paragraph 14.3.1.


15.1 ACCESS: Court's duly authorized representatives shall have, during the term of the Contract and for two years thereafter, access at all reasonable times to all of the Vendor's and its Subcontractors' personnel, accounts and records of all description, including but not limited to, computer files pertaining to the Contract to verify or review the quantity, quality, Work program and progress of the Work, reimbursable costs, amounts claimed by the Vendor, estimates of cost for fixed rates including those applicable to proposed changes, and for any other reasonable purposes including any and all records of the Vendor for the purpose of verifying compliance with the "Conflict of Interest/Business Ethics" provision (paragraph 16.3) included herein.

15.2 APPLICABILITY: This provision shall apply to all Contracts except those performed solely on a

lump-sum basis. However, where lump-sum and time and materials work (unit price, reimbursable cost, fixed rates, etc.) are performed together, either as a part of this Contract or as separate Contracts, then the above audit privilege shall also extend to Court access to all Vendor's records pertaining to all Contracts including the lump-sum for assurance that the portions of the Work performed on a time and materials basis are not being charged with time, material or other units or cost which are intended to be covered by lump-sum or fixed rates, etc., provided herein, supplement hereto or in such other agreements.

15.3 ACCOUNTING: The Vendor's and its Subcontractors' accounts shall be kept in accordance with

generally accepted accounting principles in the particular industry and shall be kept in such a manner and in sufficient detail to clearly disclose the nature and amounts of the different items of service and cost pertaining to the Contract and the basis for charges or allocations to the Contract.

15.4 TIME PERIOD: The Vendor and its Subcontractors shall preserve all such accounts and records for

a period of two years after the term of the Contract. Court's duly authorized representatives shall have the right to reproduce any such accounts and records.

15.5 ADJUSTMENTS: Vendor shall promptly adjust any inaccuracy in the billings. Adjustments shall

accrue interest, compounded monthly, at a rate equal to the reference rate charged by the Bank of America, NT&SA, San Francisco, California, at the beginning of each month, from the date of payment of the invoice being adjusted to the date that the adjustment is paid.

15.6 SUBCONTRACTORS: The Vendor shall include the necessary provisions in its Subcontracts to

ensure that its Subcontractors comply with this provision.


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16.1 REASONABLE CARE: Vendor shall exercise reasonable care and diligence to prevent any actions or conditions which could result in a conflict with Court's interest.

16.2 TERM: During the term of this Contract, Vendor's employees will not accept any employment or

engage in any work which creates a conflict of interest with Court or in any way compromises the Work to be performed under this Contract.

16.3 GIFTS: Vendor or its employees shall not offer substantial gifts, entertainment, payments, loans or

other consideration to Court's employees, their families, vendors, Subcontractors and other third parties for the purpose of influencing such persons to act contrary to Court's interests.

16.4 ACCURATED DOCUMENTATION: All financial statements, reports, billings, and other

documents rendered shall properly reflect the facts about all activities and transactions handled for the account of Court.

16.5 NOTIFICATION: The Vendor shall immediately notify Court of any and all violations of this

clause upon becoming aware of such violation. 17.0 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: The California Health and Safety Code requires businesses to provide

warnings prior to exposing individuals to materials listed by the Governor as chemicals "known to the state to cause cancer, birth defects, or reproductive harm." Court uses chemicals on the Governor's list at many of its facilities. In addition, many of these chemicals are present at non-Court-owned facilities and locations. Accordingly, in performing the Work or services contemplated under this agreement, Vendor, its employees, agents, and Subcontractors may be exposed to chemicals on the Governor's list. Vendor is responsible for notifying its employees, agents and Subcontractors that Work performed hereunder may result in exposures to chemicals on the Governor's list.


18.1 PREFACE: Court is committed to maintain and promote job safety and health for all workers at its facilities. In addition, Court is determined to protect its employees, customers, and the general public while they are on Court property from any harm caused by illegal drug and alcohol use by non-Court personnel. To accomplish these objectives, Court has established the following drug and alcohol abuse policy for access to Court facilities by its Vendor and Subcontractor personnel.

18.2 COVERAGE: This policy applies to the personnel of all Court Vendors and Subcontractors

providing maintenance, construction, and related services at Court facilities. Court employees are covered by Court's Drug Prevention Policy and the Court Standard Practice on employee conduct.

18.3 POLICY:

18.3.1 Court may deny access to, or remove from, its facilities the personnel of any Vendor or

Subcontractor, who Court has reasonable grounds to believe has: Engaged in alcohol abuse or illegal drug activity which in any way impairs Court's ability to maintain safe Work facilities, to protect the health and well-being of Court employees, customers, and the general public, and to promote the public's confidence in Court's service and operations; or Been found guilty, pled guilty, or pled nolo contendere to a charge of sale

or distribution of any illegal drug or controlled substance as defined under Federal or California law within the past five years, whether or not the criminal record was later expunged or sealed by a court order.


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18.3.2 The following activities are prohibited at all facilities owned or leased by Court: Possessing, furnishing, selling, offering, purchasing, using or being under

the influence of illegal drugs or other controlled substances as defined under Federal or California law; Possessing, furnishing, selling, offering, or using alcoholic beverages, or

being under the influence of alcohol.

18.3.3 Where reasonable cause exists that paragraph 18.3.2 of this policy has been violated, the Vendor or Subcontractor must inform Court. The Vendor or Subcontractor is also expected to take any or all of the following actions unless prohibited under governing collective bargaining agreements. Search the individual, his or her vehicle, locker, storage area, and personal

effects; Require the individual to undergo a medical examination to determine their

fitness for duty. Such examination shall include obtaining a urine and/or blood specimen for drug or alcohol analysis unless the examining physician deems such tests to be inappropriate; Take any other appropriate action to determine if there has been a violation

of paragraph 18.3.2.

18.3.4 Refusal to comply with a request made under this section shall be grounds for denying access to, or immediate removal from, any Court facility.

18.3.5 Any individual who has been denied access to, or removed from, Court facilities or

violating this policy may obtain permission to enter or reenter provided the individual establishes, to the satisfaction of their employer and Court, that the previous activity which formed the basis for denying access or removal has been corrected and his or her future conduct will conform with this policy. Court retains the right of final approval for the entry or reentry of any individual previously denied access to or removed from Court facilities.

19.0 INJURY AND ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM: In the performance of the Work under this

Contract, Vendor acknowledges that it has an effective Injury and Illness Prevention Program which meets the requirements of all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to Section 6401.7 of the California Labor Code. Vendor shall ensure that any Subcontractor hired by Vendor to perform any portion of the Work under this Contract shall also have an effective Injury and Illness Prevention Program.



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VI. ATTACHMENTS Attachment A Court Locations, Hours of Operation and Holiday Schedule Attachment B Vendor Certification Form Attachment C Schedule of Cleaning Tasks Attachment D Cleaning Standards Attachment E Budget

Attachment F Acceptance of Terms and Conditions - General


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• January 1, New Year's Day • The third Monday in January, Martin Luther King Day • The third Monday in February, Presidents’ Day • Lincoln’s Birthday • March 31, Cesar’ Chavez Day • The last Monday in May, Memorial Day • July 4, Independence Day • The first Monday in September, Labor Day • The second Monday in October, Columbus Day • November 11, Veterans Day • The fourth Thursday in November, Thanksgiving Day • The day after Thanksgiving Day • Dec 25, Christmas Day

Note: Every Monday following a Sunday that falls on January 1, March 31, July 4, November 11 or December 25.

Note: Every Friday preceding a Saturday that falls on January 1, March 31, July 4, November 11 or December 25.


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I certify that neither __________________ (Proposer) nor any of its proposed associates are currently under suspension or debarment by any state or federal government agency, and that neither Vendor nor any of its proposed associates are tax delinquent with the State of California. I have listed all contracts with government or commercial customers during the five years preceding submission of this Proposal.

I acknowledge that if Vendor or any of its associates subsequently are placed under suspension or debarment by a local, state or federal government entity, or if Vendor or any of its associates subsequently become delinquent in California taxes, our Proposal may be disqualified.

________________________________ Signature

________________________________ Printed Name

________________________________ Title

________________________________ Date


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It is impossible to indicate every specific item that requires custodial service, but the following tasks and frequencies indicate most of them. This information is intended to inform the custodial vendor that nothing less than full service custodial will be accepted.


This schedule provides a minimum frequency of cleaning tasks required and applies to all areas (lobbies, corridors, elevators, restrooms, offices, etc.) as applicable. However, your proposal may indicate an increase in frequency of a specific cleaning procedure and/or change in cleaning method to ensure a high standard of cleanliness.


RESTROOMS (Including all public and employee restrooms) AND PUBLIC/OCCUPIED AREAS Empty all trash cans

• 19 - Small Trash Cans • 4 - Restroom Trash Receptacles • 2 - Large Trash Cans Interior • 5 – Large Trash Cans Exterior

Damp wipe and disinfect waste containers Replace can liners Provide and replenish restroom supplies:

• Toilet Paper • Paper Towels • Hand Soap • Air Freshner

Clean, disinfect and restock all dispensers, including liquid soap dispensers Damp wipe and disinfect sinks and faucets, including any countertops Clean and disinfect commodes inside and outside including seats, urinals, basins, door handles, latches,

flush valves and adjacent surfaces Clean and polish all mirrors, stainless steel receptacles, plated or enamel surfaces, and dividers Vacuum Office Clean coffee bar areas including sinks Dust mop and wet mop restroom floors with detergent disinfectant Dust offices and clean window frames Clean out utility sink Shake out exterior floor mats at all entrances into the offices Provide all cleaning supplies and equipment

WEEKLY Damp wipe door grills & metal framework of doors and windows Thoroughly clean accessible interior and exterior door and window glass, adjacent entry area glass, and

glass partitions Remove dust and cobwebs from baseboards, blinds, sills, ledges, chair platforms, furniture, fixtures,

frames, cubical tops and sides, and work surfaces (when paperwork or personal items are not present)


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QUARTERLY Dust Window Blinds (if applicable) Remove dust and cobwebs from ceiling areas Spot clean wall surfaces Machine scrub restroom floors All hard surface floors should be deep cleaned. Deep cleaning should include strip old wax, clean,

scrub, wax, buff, and polish floors

SEMI-ANNUALLY PUBLIC/OCCUPIED AREAS Clean/shampoo carpets (Shampoo or Extract, vendors best recommendation) Wash and clean all exterior windows (inside and out) Clean and polish baseboards

End Attachment C


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The following cleaning standards will be used on a daily basis, and by the Designated Court Facilities Contact during periodic quality assurance inspections, to assess the quality of cleaning performance. 1. ENTRANCES Mats and Carpet – Shall be free of spots, stains, gum, dirt and debris without causing damage. They shall appear visibly and uniformly clean. Adjoining walls, doors and floor surfaces shall also be free of dust, soil and cleaner residue. Glass and Metal Surfaces – Shall appear streak-free, film-free and uniformly clean. This shall include the elimination of dust and soil from sills and ledges and heat registers. Corners/Thresholds – Shall be free of dust, dried-soil, crud, finish build-up and debris. These areas shall appear visibly and uniformly clean. This shall include the elimination of cleaner residue. Floors – Shall be free of dust, dried-soil, gum, spots, stains and debris. Floors shall appear visibly and uniformly smooth and clean. This shall include the elimination of dust streaks, lint, standing water, cleaner residue and film. Walls and Fixtures – Shall be free of dust, dried-soil and soil without causing damage. These surfaces shall appear visibly and uniformly clean. This shall include the elimination of film streaks and cleaner residue. Waste Containers – Contents shall be removed from waste containers and can liners replaced. Inside and outside of the container shall be cleaned and disinfected. Containers shall appear visibly and uniformly clean. This shall include the elimination of streaks, food-stuff and the presence of any offensive odor emitting from the container. 2. STAIRWELLS Rails and walls – Shall be free of dust and dried-soil without causing damage. These surfaces shall appear visibly and uniformly clean and disinfected. This shall include the elimination of film, streaks, lint, standing water, cleaner residue or film. Steps and Landings – Shall be free of dust, dried soil, gum, stains and debris. These surfaces shall appear uniformly smooth and clean without leaving dust streaks, lint, standing water, cleaner residue or film. 3. RESTROOMS Dispensers – Shall be free of dust, dried-soil and mold without causing damage. These surfaces shall appear visibly and uniformly clean and disinfected. This shall include the elimination of film, streaks and cleaner residue. Dispensers shall be refilled when required with proper expendable supply item. Hardware – Shall be free of dust, soil, mold and scale without causing damage. Brightwork shall appear visibly and uniformly clean, disinfected and polished to a streak-free shine. This shall include the elimination of polish residue. Sinks – Shall be free of dust, mold, soil, cleaner residue and soap film without causing damage. They shall appear visibly and uniformly clean and polished-dry. This shall include the elimination of streaks, embedded soil, film and water spots.


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Mirrors – Shall be free of dust and soil. Mirrors and surrounding metal framework shall appear streak-free, film-free and uniformly clean. Toilets, Toilet Seats and Urinals – Shall be free of dust, bacteria, soil, organic matter, cleaner residue and scale without causing damage. These fixtures shall appear visibly and uniformly clean, disinfected and polished-dry. This shall include the elimination of streaks, film and water spots. Partitions – Shall be free of dust, soil and graffiti without causing damage. Partitions shall appear visibly and uniformly clean, disinfected and polished-dry. This shall include the elimination of streaks and film. Waste Containers – Contents shall be removed from waste containers and can liners replaced. Inside and outside of the container shall be cleaned and disinfected. Containers shall appear visibly and uniformly clean. This shall include the elimination of streaks, food-stuff and the presence of any offensive odor emitting from the container. Walls and Doors – Shall be free of dust, soil, spots and stains without causing damage. These surfaces shall appear visibly and uniformly clean and disinfected. This shall include the elimination of film, streaks and cleaner residue. Ceramic walls and wainscots, metal kick plates, handles and push plates on doors shall also be polished-dry. Floors and Baseboards – Shall be free of dust, soil, gum, stains and debris. Floors shall appear visibly and uniformly clean and disinfected. This shall include the elimination of dust streaks, lint, standing water, cleaner residue and film. Air Vents – Shall be free of dust and soil without causing damage. This also pertains to air distribution units and exhaust vents. They shall appear visibly and uniformly clean. Light Fixtures – Shall be free of dust and soil without causing damage. Diffusers shall remain in proper position, and appear streak-free and uniformly clean. 4. OFFICES Furniture and Equipment – Shall be free of dust, dried-soil and soil without causing damage. They shall appear visibly and uniformly clean. This shall include the elimination of cleaner residue, streaks and film. Telephones – Shall be free of dust and soil. They shall appear visibly and uniformly clean and polished-dry. Lamps – Shall be free of dust, dried-soil and soil without causing damage. Lamps shall appear visibly and uniformly clean. This shall include the elimination of streaks, cleaner residue and film. Walls and Doors – Shall be free of dust, dried-soil and soil without causing damage. These surfaces shall appear visibly and uniformly clean. This shall include the elimination of film, streaks and cleaner residue. Waste Containers – Contents shall be removed from waste containers and can liners replaced. Inside and outside of the container shall be cleaned and disinfected. Containers shall appear visibly and uniformly clean. This shall include the elimination of streaks, food-stuff and the presence of any offensive odor emitting from the container. Partitions – Shall be free of dust, soil and graffiti without causing damage. Partitions shall appear visibly and uniformly clean. This shall include the elimination of streaks, film and cleaner residue.


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Floors, Carpets and Baseboards – Shall be free of dust, dried-soil, soil, gum, spots, stains and debris. Floors and carpet shall appear visibly and uniformly smooth and clean. This shall include the elimination of dust, streaks, lint, standing water, cleaner residue, embedded soil and foreign objects. 5. WINDOWS Glass – Shall be free of dust and soil without causing damage. This also applies to adjoining sills, blinds and framework. They shall appear visibly and uniformly clean. This shall include the elimination of streaks, film and cleaner residue. 6. JANITOR CLOSETS AND STOREROOMS Shelves – Shall be free of dust, dried-soil and soil. They shall appear visibly and uniformly clean. Supplies and equipment shall be stocked and organized neatly on shelves. Janitor Carts – Shall be free of dust, dried-soil and soil. They shall appear visibly and uniformly clean. Supplies and equipment stored on janitor carts shall also be free of dust and soil and organized neatly. Walls – Shall be free of dust, dried-soil and soil without causing damage. They shall appear visibly and uniformly clean. This shall include the elimination of film, streaks and cleaner residue. Utility Sinks – Shall be free of dust, soil, cleaner residue and soap film. Utility sinks shall appear visibly and uniformly clean. This shall include the elimination of streaks, embedded soil, film and water spots. Brightwork shall be cleaned, de-scaled and polished. Floors – Shall be free of dust, dried-soil, gum, spots, stains and debris. Floors shall appear visibly and uniformly smooth and clean. This shall include the elimination of dust streaks, lint, standing water, cleaner residue and film.

. End of Attachment


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Itemized Fee Quote All Inclusive Fee


Labor Cost – Monthly Fee to provide janitorial services (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Semi-Annually)

Material Cost – Monthly Fee to provide janitorial supplies and equipment to perform task and stock inventories

Other (specify and additional cost the court will incur to provide these services if not included in labor and material cost above)

Total Monthly

Annual Contract Amount

Describe how future price increases will be minimized and capped and how both increases and decreases will be passed on to the court


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ATTACHMENT F Statement Of Acceptance of Terms and Conditions – General

Execution hereof is certification that the undersigned has read and understands the terms and conditions hereof , and that the undersigned’s principal is fully bound and committed. Company Name _________________________ Street Address __________________________ City ___________________________________ Signature _______________________________ Printed Name ___________________________