sunday bulletin · 2010. 11. 6. · priest entrance hymn, 2nd tone come, let us worship and bow...

Sunday Bulletin June 7, 2015 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 13555 Hillcrest Road, Dallas, Texas 75240 Office 972-991-1166 Fax 972-661-1717 Reverend Father Christopher Constantinides Reverend Father Peter Kostakis Reverend Father John Essa Reverend Deacon Mark Pakes Reverend Deacon Athanasios ClintSharpley

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Page 1: Sunday Bulletin · 2010. 11. 6. · PRIEST ENTRANCE HYMN, 2ND TONE Come, let us worship and bow down before Christ. Save us O Son of God, who did arise from the dead. We sing to You,

Sunday Bulletin

June 7, 2015

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

13555 Hillcrest Road, Dallas, Texas 75240 Office 972-991-1166 Fax 972-661-1717

Reverend Father Christopher Constantinides Reverend Father Peter Kostakis

Reverend Father John Essa Reverend Deacon Mark Pakes

Reverend Deacon Athanasios “Clint” Sharpley

Page 2: Sunday Bulletin · 2010. 11. 6. · PRIEST ENTRANCE HYMN, 2ND TONE Come, let us worship and bow down before Christ. Save us O Son of God, who did arise from the dead. We sing to You,



If you are either baptized and or confirmed as an Orthodox Christian and

have spiritually prepared to receive Holy Communion, please come up from

the middle aisle of the Church with reverence and humility, row by row, in a

QUIET and ORDERLY fashion, and depart as directed. Please remain

seated in your pews until a council member indicates your row should go

forward. If you are standing in the back of the nave, please wait until all

seated parishioners have gone forward and a council member indicates you

should go ahead.

In receiving Communion, you should place the cloth under your chin, recite your CHRISTIAN NAME, and wipe your mouth after receiving. Women, please remove your lipstick prior to receiving Communion.


Fr. John Kalantzis, Commander, USN

Konstantinos Kostibas, 2nd Lt. USAF

Chris Krucke, USN

Jeff Lohmann, Lance Corporal, USMC

Ryan Lontos, USNJ

Nicholas D. Patitsas, USN

John Politz, SSgt. US Army

Stephen Serniak, Major, USAF

David Thomas, Staff Sgt. US Army

Dr. Jim Thornton, Commander, USN

Raymond Walser, LTC, US Army

Ben Winfrey, US Army

Corey Zarras, ET3 USN

Robert Adler, Commander, USN

Dale Alexander

Michael Artemis, Marines

Dana Ray Austin, USN

Arthur John Athens, Commandant, USMC

Chris Ballas, USN Reserves

Brandon Bell, USAF

Joseph Biasatti, US Army

Michael Bocan-Collins, USN

Joseph Bowley, US Army

Stephen Cariotis, SSgt. USMC

Angelo Carter, 1st Lt., US Army Reserves

Peter Costas, Major USAF

Michael Gomez, USN


Page 3: Sunday Bulletin · 2010. 11. 6. · PRIEST ENTRANCE HYMN, 2ND TONE Come, let us worship and bow down before Christ. Save us O Son of God, who did arise from the dead. We sing to You,


Sunday, June ,, 015 Hymns at the Small Entrance




Come, let us worship and bow down before Christ. Save us O Son of God,

who did arise from the dead. We sing to You, alleluia!




Your Church, O Christ our God, clothed itself in the blood of Your

martyrs from throughout the world, as though it were a robe of linen and

purple; through them, she cries out to You, "Send down upon Your

people compassion, grant peace to Your commonwealth, and to our

souls, great mercy."


Remember Your servants, O Lord, since You are good, and forgive their every

sin in this life; for no one is without sin, except You who are able to give rest to

the departed.




As the first-fruits of our nature to the Planter of created things, the world

presents the God-bearing martyred Saints in offering unto You, O Lord.

Through their earnest entreaties, keep Your Church in deep peace and

divine tranquility, through the pure Theotokos, O You Who are greatly


Page 4: Sunday Bulletin · 2010. 11. 6. · PRIEST ENTRANCE HYMN, 2ND TONE Come, let us worship and bow down before Christ. Save us O Son of God, who did arise from the dead. We sing to You,


Epistle Reading

St. Paul's Letter to the Hebrews 11:33-40; 12:1-2

BRETHREN, all the saints through faith conquered kingdoms,

enforced justice, received promises, stopped the mouths of lions,

quenched raging fire, escaped the edge of the sword, won strength

out of weakness, became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight.

Women received their dead by resurrection. Some were tortured,

refusing to accept release, that they might rise again to a better life.

Others suffered mocking and scourging, and even chains and

imprisonment. They were stoned, they were sawn in two, they were

tempted, they were killed with the sword; they went about in skins

of sheep and goats, destitute, afflicted, ill-treated - of whom the

world was not worthy - wandering over deserts and mountains and

in dens and caves of the earth. And all these, though well attested

by their faith, did not receive what was promised, since God had

foreseen something better for us, that apart from us they should not

be made perfect. Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a

cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which

clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is

set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfection of our


English Reader: Christina Canellos

Gospel Reading

Matthew 10:32-33; 37-38; 19:27-30

The Lord said to his disciples, "Every one who acknowledges me before

men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven; but

whoever denies me before men, I also will deny him before my Father

who is in heaven. He who loves father or mother more than me is not

worthy of me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not

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worthy of me; and he who does not take his cross and follow me is not

worthy of me." Then Peter said in reply, "Lo, we have left everything

and followed you. What then shall we have?" Jesus said to them, "Truly,

I say to you, in the new world, when the Son of man shall sit on his

glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve

thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And every one who has left

houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for

my name's sake, will receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life. But

many that are first will be last, and the last first."

Parish Council Schedule

June 7

Ari Rigopoulos, Christina Hochleutner, Jim Chappel,

Sam Torolopoulos, Peter Hronas, Mary LeBrecht

June 14

Tasos Kaiafas, Wade Stephens, Matt Naftis,

Alin Voicu, Mary Ann Trapalis, Fotis Papanicolaou

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Daily Commemoration of Saints

June 7 Tarasios & John the Martyrs; Zenais the Martyr; The Holy

Martyr Theodotus of Ancyra; Our Righteous Father

Panagis (Paisios) Basias; Sebastian the Wonderworker

June 8 Removal of the Relics of Theodore the Commander;

Kalliope the Martyr; Melania the Righteous; Anastasios

the New Martyr of Constantinople; Theophanes the New

Martyr of Constantinople

June 9 Cyril, Patriarch of Alexandria; 3 Virgin-martyrs of

Chios; 5 Nuns beheaded in Persia: Thecla, Mariamne,

Martha, Mary, & Enmatha; Righteous Father Columba

of Iona; Righteous Father Cyril of Belozersk

June 10 Alexander & Antonina the Martyrs; Timothy, Bishop of

Proussa; Our Holy Father Gregory, Bishop of Assos;

Theophanes & Pansemne of Antioch; The Holy

Martyrs of China

June 11 Bartholomew the Holy Apostle; Barnabas the Holy

Apostle; Revelation of the Hymn Axion Estin to a

monk on Mt. Athos by the Archangel Gabriel

June 12 Onuphrius of Egypt; Peter the Athonite; Holy Martyr

Antonine; John the Soldier of Egypt

June 13 Aquilina the Martyr of Syria; Triphyllos the Bishop of


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Commemoration of Saints

Calendar of Events

Sunday, June 7 Sunday of All Saints

8:15 a.m. Orthros

9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy (S)

Coffee hosted by the Parish Council immediately following Divine Liturgy

(Community Center)

Memorial for the falling asleep in the Lord of His Grace,

Bishop Anthimos

40 Day Memorial for John Sigalos

40 Day Blessing for Konstantine Varsamis

Monday, June 8

10 a.m. Yarn Guild (BR)

7 p.m. HT Greek School (GS Rooms)

7 p.m. Ionian Village Students (GS Rooms)

Tuesday, June 9

1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Pickleball (Gym)

6 p.m. AHEPA Mtg. (Gym)

6 p.m. DOP General Mtg. (A)

7 p.m. Choir Practice (downstairs)

Wednesday, June 10

6:30 - 8:30 p.m. GOYA Boys Basketball (Gym)

Thursday, June 11

7 - 8:30 p.m. HT Greek School (GS Rooms)

7 - 9 p.m. Pickleball (Gym)

Friday, June 12 No Activities

Saturday, June 13

9:30 a.m. Cancelled Caregivers Support Group

5 p.m. Great Vespers (C)

Sunday, June 14

8:15 a.m. Orthros

9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy (S)

Coffee hosted by Philoptochos immediately following Divine Liturgy

(Community Center). Centennial Event/Missions & Outreach Expo 12-1 p.m.

1 Year Memorial for Kristina Borsos

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Dear Parishioners,

Graduations are coming faster than we ever thought was possible,

and summer is just around the corner. I for one will be looking

forward to a relaxing summer devoid of the usual insanity that

surrounds having a teenage daughter that is on the brink of her

senior year....YIKES!

Before you run off for the far flung corners of the earth in pursuit of that killer

tan and time to just unwind and relax, make sure that you go online and

register to volunteer for a couple of shifts at the Festival. We are expecting

records this year! Before I go much further with my plea, I must recognize all

of those who volunteered their time to help us market the Festival at Central

Market during their Passport to Greece 2015. The managers at Central Market

were very impressed....THANKS!

Think of how many more people will be coming to the Festival this year JUST

from the exposure at Central Market. We also are working on some tie-ins

with the wine distributor that supplies our wines. This is on top of our usual

marketing. As you know by now, LUNCH is making its return after a 5 year

hiatus. There is a lot of great things coming together this year, and we NEED

your help. I know it is tradition to wait until September to commit, but it really

makes our job of planning easier if you register sooner. Billy Karant and his

group do an awesome job at getting everyone assigned to a booth and making

sure that there enough bodies. Help him out by going to (the password is Opa!2015).

Be a vital part of our largest fundraisers . . . and if you need an excuse to take

off on Friday, then make sure to come help on Friday. If you never worked the

Festival, don't be scared, it is actually fun, and you'll make some new friends.


Jason & Maria Ortgies

Mark Fritz

Co Chairs

2015 Greek Food Festival Of Dallas

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Holy Trinity Greek School Information

For more information, contact:

Presv. Alexandra Poulos, [email protected]

or Billy Karant, [email protected]

AUGUST DATES – Afternoon Classes (Children)

August 16, 23 – Enrollment opportunities, after Sunday Divine Liturgy

Classes resume on Tuesday, August 25

Classes will be held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 5-6:30 p.m.

New Conversation Class, Thursdays – for students in middle to higher

elementary or middle school regular school grades

ADULT CLASSES - Classes will begin on Monday, September 28th.

Class days are still being determined. They will be held on Mondays,

Tuesdays and possibly Thursdays. Please check the Ekfonesis for more

information concerning the schedule and enrollment opportunities. The

classes are divided into three eight-week sessions, running consecutively,

$160 each.

Thank you!!!

Our Panayiri Name Day Picnic was a wonderful

celebration thanks to:

Chris Canellos and Burger House!

Jimmy Horiates and great Greek music!


Our Philoptochos ladies who came early to set-up,

stayed late to clean up,

brought desserts, and as always, the gracious

hostesses of Holy Trinity.

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Holy Trinity Centennial Celebration

"Missions of the Heart" Expo

Sunday, June 14th (following Divine Liturgy, during Coffee Hour)

The “Missions of the Heart” Expo will display many of the outreach

efforts (the ones we have information on) our parish has been involved in

during it’s 100 year history.

We ask for your help to make sure we have captured all of these

activities. Please send along any descriptions, news articles, photos, video…

anything that can be displayed during the Expo.

We would also like a representative available for each display to

answer questions and provide additional insight into these various outreach

ministries. Please let us know which of these ministries you would like to


Contact: Dean Xeros [email protected] or John Sallas [email protected]

Food Pantry – Swiss

North Dallas Shared Ministries


Austin Street

Habitat for Humanity

Premiere Night – Featured Charities - (need list of featured charities)

Thanksgiving Turkey Distribution - Six Church/Synagogue Joint Effort

Thanksgiving Meals Distribution near Austin Street

Shoes for Orphan Soles – Buckner Home

OCMC/IOCC – kits/coin boxes

HTA – Haitian Earthquake Tree

Angel Christmas Tree – India/Romania/Bulgaria/Guatemalan orphanages

Christmas Can Drive

Greek Relief Efforts & Greek War Relief Efforts

Holy Trinity Benevolent Fund

St. Basil’s Academy – Vasilopita

Jonathan’s Place & other local charities - Philoptochos

Yarn Guild

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Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church History

Your help is needed for the Centennial History of our Parish. We

are asking each person to fill out a questionnaire and return it to us, as this will

help us construct a picture of our parish. Everyone is asked to participate, even

if you are new to the parish. History is constantly happening. You can

download a questionnaire from the Church’s website. Here is the link:

Ancestry-Questionaire-2014-15-vCP.pdf. The deadline has been extended, so it

is not too late! You can also email Mary Sharpley at [email protected]

for a Word version or pdf to be emailed to you. Copies are in the Narthex and

on the table across from the office.

We would like photos and stories of past military service of ancestors in

Greece, in the U.S. and current service. We are looking for photos and

documentation of parish life. We are interested in how our parishioners make

their living today and in yesteryear. How our parishioners from the old

country became contributing citizens of the U.S. and in the Dallas Metroplex is

also a part of the story. If you aren’t sure if something you have or a story you

have to share is appropriate or needed, then just give us a call. Obviously, we

can’t publish a telephone book of every single person’s story, but we can use all

information, documentation, and photos to create an accurate historical record

if you will help us.

We would like to tell the story of the people of our parish and not just

enumerate lists of names and dates. This is not the time to be modest or

shy. Let’s document our history. We will maintain what we receive in the

Parish Historical Archives.

This is exciting work, and John Faxon, Bill Karahal, and I are having a

wonderful time pulling this information together, and the product of our efforts

depends on documentation, photos, and information. Be a part of this great


Centennial History Committee:

John Faxon 214-363-0647 Bill Karahal 972-931-3230 Charles Pappas 214-207-7795 Dna. Mary Sharpley 214-770-3726

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100th Anniversary Celebration

2015 Monthly Events


* Mission of the Heart Expo celebrating all of our Mission/Charity

Programs (14th) *

JULY * Independence Day “Coming to America”

Celebration - BBQ, Dancing & Fireworks (4th) *

AUGUST *Celebration of Religious Education first Sunday of classes (16th)*


* Revival of “Premier/Preview Night” of the Greek Food Festival (24th) *

* 59th Greek Food Festival of Dallas - “Festival of the Generations”

theme (25-27th) *

OCTOBER * Symposium for Youth - “Storyboarding for Animation” for

* Public/Private Schools * (TBD)

* Offsite Celebration Event - Tentatively at Klyde Warren Park *

NOVEMBER * Celebrating our Military Veterans & Eagle Scouts Luncheon (8th) *

* Holy Trinity Choir Concert (13th) *

*Celebration Gala - Cocktails/Dinner/Slide Show/Speeches/Dance (14th)*

* Hierarchal Divine Liturgy & Memorial Service (15th) *

* Entire Parish invited to a Complimentary Centennial Brunch and

Commemorative Group Photo (15th) *

DECEMBER * St. Barbara’s Philoptochos Nameday Luncheon and Kickoff of the next

100 Years (6th) *

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Weekly Bulletin Stewardship Report as of 6/4/15 Contributions received 1/1/15 to 6/4/15

2015 Stewardship Pledges

Number of Pledges

$ 2015 Pledges

$ Contributed to 2015 Stewardship

% of 2015 Pledge Contributed

No Change to Pledge 363 $415,204

Decreased Pledge 109 $110,467

Increased Pledge 200 $324,991

New Pledges 38 $43,380

TOTAL # of Pledges 710 $894,041 $409,689 45.82%

Jim Dolmas Harry Yianitsas

2015 Parish Council President 2015 Stewardship Chairman



Graduation is here and we have a new collection of sterling silver

crosses to give as gifts. Our new collection of books is incredible! We suggest

“Thirty Steps to Heaven” and “Daily Vitamins for Spiritual Growth Volume 3,”

as excellent books to give as gifts or keep for yourself!

We also carry the Bob Munro collection of pictures of our Church and

icons of the Church on porcelain ornaments and triptychs. Other items include

wedding crown holders, beautiful icons from the Monastery which have been

blessed by the Priests and Monks, greeting cards, children’s books,

CD’s, ribbon crosses and much, much more.

Your Bookstore Team: Mary Zotos, Betty Boyd, Alin Voicu

and Mary & John Benson

Summer Bookstore Hours:

Only Sundays after Divine Liturgy until 12:30 p.m.

Page 20: Sunday Bulletin · 2010. 11. 6. · PRIEST ENTRANCE HYMN, 2ND TONE Come, let us worship and bow down before Christ. Save us O Son of God, who did arise from the dead. We sing to You,

grad·u·ate (grăj′o ͞o-āt′)

v. grad ·u·at·ed , grad ·u·at·ing, grad ·u·ates


1. to receive an academic degree or diploma

2. to pass from one stage of experience, proficiency, or prestige to a usually

higher one

3. to change gradually

With the graduation season upon us, many of our young people are

receiving their hard-earned diplomas and certificates of proficiency.

Undoubtedly, they have worked hard to achieve this milestone in their life. But,

most of us realize graduation is only the beginning of a new journey that allows

us to grow even more in our career or academic pursuits. Graduation, after all,

isn’t the end of this process of academic and intellectual growth, it is really the

true beginning.

I remember how great it felt to receive my high school diploma. But

that was just a step toward the greater growth and challenge of my university

experience. It felt even better to receive my engineering degree a few years later.

Maybe because the challenge had been greater, indeed the accomplishment

meant even more. But I soon discovered in the “real world,” my graduations

were not the end of learning and improving. In fact, I once remarked to an

engineer friend of mine that getting our degrees had been like someone handing

us a toolbox full of tools, but not telling us what each tool was really good for. It

was up to us to figure that out and do well with it! We had to find the way to

best use our intellectual talents and advance ourselves.

On the other hand, a few of my friends graduated, but never seemed to

advance themselves. Sure, they got the diploma, but that was it. They did OK,

but just didn’t use their talents to their potential. They just went through life

kind of coasting along. Most of us would agree they may have received the

diploma, but they had not truly graduated. They hadn’t continued to, as

definition 2 says “pass from one stage of experience, proficiency, or prestige to a

usually higher one.”

Our life as a steward is much the same as our graduations. When we

become stewards, how many of us strive to improve ourselves from year to

year, and increase our stewardship of time, talent, and treasure? Do we just

make a pledge and let it sit, or do we improve on it over time? Our stewardship

“graduation” should be the start of continual improvement!

In other words, did you just receive the diploma, or truly, have you


Have You Graduated? By Harry Yianitsas, Stewardship Chairman