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  • 8/6/2019 Success Isms



    101 Passages that Define

    The Principles of Success

    compiled by Liz Thompson

    Copyright 2003 by Liz Thompson

    All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced,

    stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic

    or mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without

    written permission from the author.

  • 8/6/2019 Success Isms


    1. Do not think that love in order to be genuine

    has to be extraordinary.

    What we need is to love without getting tired.

    Be faithful in small things because it is in them

    that your strength lies.

    -Mother Teresa

    2. Ive been telling you I had a secret plan for

    wealth, well its time to tell you the secret. I

    want to be the best dad I can be & up until

    now, Ive been keeping it a secret.

    3. I will die a very rich man financially, but it will

    not compare to the richness in spirit,

    contribution and giving of myself helpingpeople to see greater visions of themselves and

    possibilities for their life.

    4. I do not know anyone who has got to the top

    without hard work. That is the recipe. It will

    not always get you to the top, but should get

    you pretty near.

    - Margaret Thatcher

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    5. If everyone agrees with you, run.

    6. Success isn't permanent and failure isn't fatal.

    7. If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.

    -Milton Berle

    8. Did you know most people will work 90,000

    hours before they retire? Take 5 minutes to

    change your life!

    9. Dont be called out on strikes, go down


    10. Watch for big problems, they disguise big


    11. One who gains strength by overcoming

    obstacles possesses the only strength, which

    can overcome adversity.

    -Albert Schweitzer

    12. Dont use time or words carelessly. Neither

    can be retrieved.

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    13. Never let someone elses opinion of you

    become your reality.

    14. Live your life as an exclamation, not an


    15. Life moves in one direction only- and each

    day we are faced with an actual set of

    circumstances, not with what might have been,

    not with what we might have done, but with

    what is, and with where we are now- and from

    this point we must proceed; not from where we

    were, not from where we wish we were - but

    from where we are.

    -Richard L. Evans

    16. Leave everything a little better than youfound it.

    17. What the mind of man can conceive &

    believe, he can achieve.

    18. Dont major in minor things.

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    19. The secret of life isn't what happens to you,

    but what you do with what happens to you.

    -Norman Vincent Peale

    20. Be a good listener, opportunity sometimes

    knocks very softly.

    21. Life can only be understood backwards, but

    it must be lived forwards.

    22. Do not listen to music,feelit Do not

    look at beauty,touch it Do not wonder

    about life, experience it

    23. Rather than counting your years, make your

    years count.

    24. What I do today is important because I am

    exchanging a day of my life for it.

    25. No one can make you feel inferior without

    your consent. -Eleanor Roosevelt

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    26. When the going gets tough, the tough get


    27. If you must make a mistake, at least make a

    new one.

    28. Why not go out on a limb; isnt that where

    the fruit is?

    29. I find the great thing in this world is not so

    much where we stand, as in what direction we

    are moving.

    - Oliver Wendel Holmes, Sr.

    30. The best teacher is experience; other

    peoples if youre smart.

    31. You cant steal second base and keep your

    foot on first.

    32. Speak only if it is an improvement on


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    33. Its much better to prepare and not have the

    opportunity than to have the opportunity and

    not be prepared.

    34. When anyone has offended me, I try to raise

    my soul high that the offense cannot reach me.

    -Rene Descartes

    35. Experience gives you the test first, the

    lesson after.

    36. Success is a journey, not a destination.

    37. If you want to be successful, do what

    successful people do.

    38. There are only two ways to live.One is as though nothing is a miracle.

    The other is as if everything is.

    -Albert Einstein

    39. The road to success is always under

    construction and full of detours; enjoy the ride.

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    40. A true handicap is what we don't do with

    what we have, not what we can't do with what

    we don't have.

    -Christopher Brewer

    41. If the grass is greener on the other side,

    yours may need watering.

    42. Use the stumbling blocks of life as stepping-

    stones to Success.

    43. If you keep thinking the way youve always

    thought, Youll keep doing what youve always

    done, And keep getting what youve always got

    44. Success comes in cans; failures come incants.

    45. Everyone has a future. Some people plan


    46. Obstacles are those frightful things you see

    when you take your eyes off your goals.

    -Sydnes Smith

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    47. The longer I live, the more I realize the

    impact of attitude on life.

    To me, attitude is more important than the past,

    than education, than money, than circumstance,

    than failure, than success, than what other

    people think or do. It is more important than

    appearance, giftedness or skill. It can make or

    break a company, a church, a home.

    The remarkable thing is you have a choice

    every day regarding the attitude you will

    embrace for that day.

    We cannot change our past; we cannot change

    the fact that people will act in a certain way.

    We cannot change the inevitable.

    The only thing we can do is play on the one

    string we have, and that is our attitude. I am

    convinced that life is 10% what happens to me

    and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with


    You are in charge of your attitude.

  • 8/6/2019 Success Isms


    48. The curve of a smile can set a lot of things


    49. At the end of your rope? Tie a knot and hang


    50. If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If

    you can dream it, you can become it.

    -William Arthur Ward

    51. You become what you think about all the


    52. If you want to leave footprints in the sands

    of time, don't drag your feet. -Annot. L.Sheppard in

    Women's World

    53. Dont compromise yourself; you are all

    youve got.

    54. When life kicks you, let it kick you forward.

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    55. Michael Jordan never ever said, Im good


    56. Two minutes in a roller coaster is far more

    intense than 8 hours of boring meetings.

    57. Good things come to those who wait,

    But only whats left by those who hustle.

    58. Just Frickin DO IT! -T. Harv Eker

    59. All you can do is all you can do,

    But all you can do is enough; Do

    all you can do.

    60. How will you know the taste of victory ifyou dont take the risk?

    61. Everyone has a defining moment.

    Either you define the moment or the

    moment will define you.

  • 8/6/2019 Success Isms


    62. We all have freedom of choice, but you will

    never have freedom of consequences. Choose


    63. Where there is great love there are always

    miracles. -Willa Cather

    64. Set it into motion; Take a little love andset it into motion; Do some more think a

    little less.

    65. To be appreciated, all you have to do is


    66. Dictionary is the only place that success

    comes before work.

    Hard work is the price we must pay for


    I think you can accomplish anything if you're

    willing to pay the price. -Vince Lombardi

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    67. Memories: Enjoying the richness of each

    experience in the spirit of the moment in which

    it was created.

    68. Progress is not created by contented people.

    69. The true measure of success is revealed only

    by looking at the obstacles that an individual

    had to overcome to achieve their goals.

    -Bill Phillips

    70. The race is not always to the swift... but to

    those who keep running.

    71. How poor we truly are when we measure

    wealth in monetary terms; overlooking the true

    value of ourselves and those we love.-Kelly Comeau

    72. A good thing to remember and a better thing

    to do, is to work with the construction gang and

    not the wrecking crew.

    73. It doesn't take a lot of muscle to give a heart

    a lift.

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    74. Nothing happens unless first a dream.

    -Carl Sandburg

    75. It's nice to be important, but more important

    to be nice.

    76. I do not know WHAT the future holds, but I

    do know WHO holds the future.

    77. Success is not measured by what one brings,

    but rather by what one leaves.

    78. Yesterday's lessons and experiences must be

    used wisely today to create a better tomorrow.

    79. You make a living by what you get, but youmake a life by what you give.

    80. I believe in faithfulness.

    81. You will never leave where you are, until

    you decide where you'd rather be.

    -Dexter Yager

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    82. Efforts and courage are not enough without

    purpose and direction.

    -John F. Kennedy

    83. Do not follow where the path may lead. Goinstead where there is no path and leave a trail.

    -George Bernard Shaw

    84. You can't change the wind, you can however

    adjust your sails.

    85. There are no traffic jams along the extra

    mile. -Roger Staubach

    86. The man who does not work for the love of

    work but only for money is not likely to makemoney nor find much fun in life.

    -Charles M. Schwab

    87. Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever

    achieve greatly. -Robert F. Kennedy

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    88. Unless you try to do something beyond what

    you have already mastered, you will never


    -Ronald E. Osborn

    89. Hard work spotlights the character of

    people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn

    up their noses, and some don't turn up at all.

    -Sam Ewig

    90. Are you bored with life?

    Then throw yourself into some work you

    believe in with all your heart, live for it, die

    for it, and you will find happiness that you

    had thought could never be yours.

    -Dale Carnegie

    91. Making a success of the job at hand is the

    best step toward the kind you want.

    -Bernard M. Baruch

    92. Todays preparation determines tomorrow's


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    93. There are two kinds of people, those who do

    the work and those who take the credit. Try to

    be in the first group; there is less competition


    - Indira Gandhi

    94. If you believe in what you are doing, then let

    nothing hold you up in your work. Much of the

    best work of the world has been done against

    seeming impossibilities. The thing is to get the

    work done.

    -Dale Carnegie

    95. The highest reward for a man's toil is not

    what he gets for it but what he becomes by it.

    -John Ruskin

    96. Work is love made visible. And if you can't

    work with love but only with distaste, it is

    better that you should leave your work and sit

    at the gate of the temple and take alms of the

    people who work with joy.

    -Kahlil Gibran

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    97. The heights by great men reached and kept,

    Were not obtained by sudden flight, But they,

    while their companions slept, Were toiling

    upward in the night.

    - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

    98. Success is dependent upon the glands--sweat


    -Zig Ziglar

    99. Unless one is committed, there is hesitancy,

    the chance to draw back, always


    Concerning all acts of initiative there is one

    elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills

    countless ideas and endless plans:

    That the moment one definitely commits

    oneself, then providence moves, too.


    100. It is better to wear out than to rust out.

    -Richard Cumberland

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    101. The great difference between those who

    succeed and those who fail does not consist in

    the amount of work done by each but in the

    amount of intelligent work.

    Many of those who fail most ignominiously do

    enough to achieve grand success but they labor

    haphazardly at whatever they are assigned,

    building up with one hand to tear down with

    the other.

    They do not grasp circumstances and change

    them into opportunities. They have no faculty

    for turning honest defeats into telling victories.

    With ability enough and ample time, the major

    ingredients of success, they are forever

    throwing back and forth an empty shuttle and

    the real web of their life is never woven.

    -Og Mandino

  • 8/6/2019 Success Isms


    How to create the life you've always desired for just$1.00

    Now You Can Be Among A TinyHandful Of People Who Have

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    Discover How You Can Transform Your Life... SlashDebt... Eliminate Scarcity... Shatter LimitingBeliefs... And Instantly Program Your MindFor Success... In As Little As Seven Days!

    "Chris and Janet Attwood have provided a clear, simple, and effectivemethod to help you identify your core passions so you can live the life

    you deserve."

    - John Gray, Ph.D, author, #1 NY Times bestsellerMen are From Mars, Women are From Venus

    From: Liz Thompson

    Dear Friend,

    Finally, it is possible to make dramatic changes in every area of yourlife instantly and turn yourself into a success magnet. Yourcreativity, insight, and achievement will shift to auto-pilot. And bestof all, youll learn to live life to the fullest, savoring every momentand squeezing every drop of its sweet nectar in the process.

    If youre like most people, you probably believe, that it is a struggle to reach yourgoals and achieve all you want in lifesometimes you might even think itsimpossible.

    Most folks believe they will never stop their destructive habits and eliminate them

    for good. They want to shed those un-wanted pounds, take control of theirfinances, find a career they truly love that allows them to spend quality time withtheir family or meet the person of their dreamsbut something keeps holdingthem back.

    People Arent Alw ays Destined to Fail

  • 8/6/2019 Success Isms


    You probably doubt you can unleash such incredible powers and program yourlife for success...

    And almost immediately notice a powerful surge of motivation and completelyeliminate the last remnant of procrastination from your being.

    We understand these claims may seem like hype, fluff, and tall promises until youunderstand these facts:

    It's Not Your Fault

    Heres what this is all about. Regardless of where you are in life or what'shappened in your past, whether you're crippled by debt, are overweight, stuck in adead end job or struggling to find that special someone, your future is about to do

    a 180 degree turn as you soar to success.

    This system is designed to affect every area of your life. It doesn't matter whatyou want to overcome or accomplish. You will discover how to achieve all yourdreams and desires... even the ones that seem unreachable right now.

    Listen up. I'm not talking about positive thinking of the Law of Attraction. I'mtalking about making your dreams come true once and for all... through positiveand lasting change by following a proven system created by the most successfulpeople in the world.

    A Life Changing Opportun ity

    For more than 25 years combined, with the help of my Ric Thompson, and Chris& Janet Attwood (co-founders of "Healthy Wealthy nWise") we've tracked down,studied and interviewed the greatest leaders in the field of personal developmentand human achievement...

    What we discovered in our research was that some people are destined forsuccess, while others lead lives of quiet desperation. They're silently hoping andpraying for some sort of miracle to save them from their current situation.

    It's for this very reason the Real Life Legends Club was formed. It represents myown personal search for the Holy Grail of success. It is the fastest, most cuttingedge human development system available anywhere in the world. In my quest tofind answers to my own questions I made a shocking discovery...

    How To Unlock The Secret To Success

  • 8/6/2019 Success Isms


    You have incredible potential hidden within you at this very moment. Nowtheres a proven method based on studying and modeling the most successfulleaders and teachers in the world - that can allow dramatic improvement in yourquality of life.

    You're probably wondering how this all works? Well, weve scoured the globe tobring you the finest lessons in human development. This includes the areas ofemotional, physical, spiritual, financial, relationships, career you name it andweve got it covered. Weve left no stone unturned to create a program that helpsyou live a happy and fulfilling life.

    We've even traveled to far away places like India and Nepal to recruit somemembers of this "Dream Team" of personal change. These experts have alreadyassisted tens of thousands of people in achieving their dreams and distilled theirlatest knowledge and research into a system so powerful, it out to be illegal.

    For the very first time, these cutting edge techniques are gathered into one place.And the best part is they are so simple and easy to use. While we've done all thehard work, all you need to do to tap into your own inner success mechanism is"plug and play."

    Each member of our team of experts brings their unique contribution to the tableand - with profound clarity - explains how easy it is for you to activate your ownpersonal power.

    Each one shares with you their piece of the puzzle that will change your life. Butwe must warn you, the breakthroughs revealed are so awesome, you may not beable to sleep after hearing them. Your success programming will be sounrelenting in wanting to take action.

    You'll quickly discover you have developed new habits and beliefs that will steeryou towards your goals. You'll finally blast through whatever obstacles have beenholding you back.

    Almost overnight, you'll shatter limiting beliefs, transform your world view, andset a course for success. Problems and difficulties will melt away and you will seethe world in a totally different way.

    And all of this can occur in less than 7 days...Here are just a few people who put their doubts aside and gave us a try...

    The RLL Club continues to meet my needs by giving me access tosome of the world's most incredible minds. They are thought leaders inthe physical, emotional, financial and spiritual areas, who challengeyou to continuously step outside your comfort zone and follow your

  • 8/6/2019 Success Isms


    passion. RLL Club gives you the tools to take your life to the nextlevel...

    ~John Curran

    Hampton, New

    I appreciate the blessing of being able to tap into the wisdom andexperience of those who are indeed real life legends - as a gift to mefrom the Universe - and yourselves, Liz and Janet. I also appreciate thefocus on passion, wisdom, and experience - and not just on businessstrategies.

    ~Beverly Rilatt-Richardson

    There is a lot of great info on these calls that cannot be readily foundelsewhere. I like listening to motivational speakers and successfulpeople, and have friends who feel the same way.

    ~Victoria White

    My B reakthrough Secrets To Tap Into The Power of theUniverse

    Here is a small taste of what youll discover inside the Real Life LegendsClub:

    The one secret that most people are never aware of that will spell thedifference between failure and success.

    Why happiness is not something that happens to you and how you can goout right now and create it.

    How to overcome "Scarcity Thinking" and stop its life-draining effecton your career, relationships and your health. Youll learn to discoverwhat you really do want and how you can access it instantly.Warning: These techniques work quickly so use them with care.

    How to discover your Personal Destiny and live a life that is exciting,delightful and fulfilling.

    The easiest way to align your life with the things you love most. Youlldiscover how to eliminate 95% of the distractions in your day, almostinstantly.

    Erase everything youve learned about goal setting, organizing yourself, orthinking big. Youll discover exactly what the successful people do thatsets them apart and how you can do it too and achieve your dreams.

    You'll learn how to think in a brand new way that opens up the path

  • 8/6/2019 Success Isms


    to unlimited richness in your life. More money. Better health. Morefulfilling and electrifying life experiences.

    No matter how busy you are or how little money you have or even yourlevel of education, you will be able to tap into a power that will show you

    how to create true financial abundance. How to make lasting change in your life. Simple techniques to install

    what you want. How to maintain supportive beliefs so you never slide backwards in your

    progress. This is the single missing ingredient in most success programs. And so much more...

    Can I reallyhave the kind of l ife I really want?You bet YOU can!

    Just l isten to what these folks have to say:

    You have amazing people on these calls in a variety of differentfields, all pertinent to todays personal growth needs. Its a great wayto access quality information and helps us to decide where to put ourresources for best results.

    ~Sally Bates

    I think the network you have established is marvelous. I have listenedto and read works of several of the presenters before, but amdiscovering many that I had not heard of or had a chance to listen to orread.

    ~Cassandra Moore

    I have learned much from the calls and look forward to each call andguest on the call. I am a small business owner now making the moneythat I need and am learning much that I can put into action to increasemy business and profitability. People must have dreams and goals intheir lives and must take action to accomplish them. You must havepassion to be ultra-successful!

    ~Thomas Bice

    It keeps me inspired and opens my mind to new and wonderfulinformation.

  • 8/6/2019 Success Isms


    I just love all the interviews you have with all those wonderful people.They are people I would never have heard of on my own. I wouldnever have heard about their books and all their great contribution to

    the world.

    I have been working on my self for 12 years. Trying to understandingme, becoming a better person, better parent, better friend, betterpartner. Listening to the interviews just enhance my growing process. Iam loving my self, my life and the people around more and more

    Thank you for helping me to grow."

    ~Joan PeterkinWealth Initiators Inc.


    A Life Changing Opportun ity

    Youll get instant access to our Real Life Legends Club VIP Membership. Thereare literally hours upon hours of life changing material inside this vault. And ifyou are like most folks who have already joined, youll begin noticing thechanges right away!

    Heres what you get with the Real LifeLegends Club VIP membership:

    1) Unlimited Access To Our Interview Archives:

    You get instant access to every single one of our Real Life LegendsInterviews. (Thats more than 72 interviews with 2 new ones addedevery month).

    Every successful person will tell you the fastest way to get where youwant to be is to learn from someone who has already achieved what

    you want. Thats why we have assembled an All Star team to showyou how to get there the fastest possible way.

    Look, you won't find a resource like this anywhere or at any price. Iknow because we looked... and discovered that it didn't exist and if wewanted it, we'd have to create it.

  • 8/6/2019 Success Isms


    That's why we interviewed people like:

    T. Harv Eker, wealth builder and author of best seller TheMillionaire Mind

    Neale Donald Walsch, author ofConversations with God Richard Paul Evans, author ofThe Christmas Box Jay Abraham, Forbes magazine listed Jay as one of the top 5

    executive coaches in the country And many more...

    Each call could easily cost $24.95 but we are giving you FREEaccess to the archives while youre a VIP member of the Real LifeLegends Club!

    That's a total of over 84 hours of MP3 recordings, 72MP3s in all readyto download. But don't panic - we've made it easy to access and simpleto find exactly what you want and need.

    2) "The Passion Test" Multimedia Course:

    We have taken all the valuable lessons taught in the life changing bookThe Passion Test and turned it into a 6-part, state-of-the-artmultimedia course.

    That's right - for the next 6 months you will be able to plug-in and

    experience a life changing journey as we guide you step-by-stepthrough the principles mentioned in The Passion Test.

    Here's just some of what you will learn:

    Your top 5 passions How to identify the top 5 things that willdrive you to be successful in life.

    Your Passion Score How closely is your current lifealigned with your passions? Jumpstart your life anddiscover your deepest desires.

    Your Markers How do you know when you are really livingyour passions? Your life will transform once you discover thesesecrets.

    Your Passion Pages What is life like when you're livingyour passions fully? To arrive at the destination, you haveto know where it is. Your Passion Pages will tell you.

    7 Key Principles for Living a Passionate and Fulfilled Life I

  • 8/6/2019 Success Isms


    had to learn them the hard way. In this book, we're giving youthe easy way out. You just have to read the book!

    And much, much moreMake no mistake The Passion Test contains the solution to igniteyour passion and transform your dreams into reality. Just imaginebeing able to live life on your terms (no one else telling you what to door when to do it).

    3) A Success Community and Interactive Forum:

    Most people know that when you surround yourself with success, yourchances of achieving it increase dramatically. That's why we have puttogether a community where you can share your hopes and dreams,your thoughts and ideas, and even ask questions. Or if you're a more

    private person, you can just come and hang out and have some fun ormaybe even network. This is a place for like-minded people to hangout and experience life.

    Because communities are always growing and sharing, we believe thatthis will be the lifeblood of the Real Life Legends Club. Who knows -maybe you'll make some new friends.

    4) "It's Your Time" Healthy Wealthy nWise Newsletter

    Each issue is the equivalent of a mini-seminar in print arriving at your

    door-step every month. In each issue you receive:

    A Transformational Exercise to give you a specific,actionable step to take in the realization of your dreams

    Before and After scoring surveys so you can measure yourresults and progress with each exercise

    A Focus Exercise to keep you on track and put yourattention on what you want to attract in your life

    A feature on one of our past Real Life Legends so you can taketheir secrets and stories and apply them to your own dreamsand passions.

    Here is just a sample of leaders you will hear from in the comingmonths:

    1. Robert Kiyoski & Wayne Dyer2. Rhonda Byrne & Jim Rohn

  • 8/6/2019 Success Isms


    3. Barbara DeAngelis & John Assaraf4. Art Linkletter & Les Brown5. Lisa Nichols & Neale Donald Walsch6. Joe Vitale & John Hagelin7. Stephen MR Covey & Bob Scheinfeld8. Alex Loyd & Byron Katie9. Harv Eker & Greg Reid10.Jean Houston & Dan Millman11.Richard Paul Evans & Immaculee Ilibigiza12.Christiane Northrup & Mike Love13.Janet Switzer & Jesse Cannone

    Never Before Has I t Been This Simple To Achieve

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    We only ask one thing. You must truly transform your life. It doesn't matter ifyour goal is financial success, weight loss, or personal change. You will be able totap into this powerful system and program yourself for success... if that is whatyou truly desire.

    When you first experience the Real Life Legends Club, you'll discover how toremove the hidden road blocks which have held you back in the past. And it justgets better and better. People who know you will be astounded and they'll demandto know what you've done to transform your life.In fact, they'll be insanely

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    And this is just the beginning as you transform your life and you become asuccess magnet...

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    Make a com mitment to yourself to take action today. In as little as7 days, you will start to see dramatic changes in your life... Take your RealLife Legends Club membership and use it as the launching board tocatapult you to a more successful future!

    We take our membership site very seriously, and enjoy the warm andfriendly community that supports each other extensively. That's why weare always looking for success minded people just like yourself.

    You will bewelcom ed with open arms as you enter this program.Instantly, discover everything you've always wanted and needed to createthe life of your dreams is right here waiting for you.

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  • 8/6/2019 Success Isms


    W ith The Real Life Legends Club $1 Enrollmen t Form

    YES, Liz! I would be crazy to pass up an offer like this.

    Before you decide to change your mind, please accept myenrollment in the Real Life Legends Club for a 7-day unlimitedaccess trial to everything stated above for a mere pittance of$1.00!

    It's simple. I get unlimited access to evaluate whetherThe Real Life Legends Club is the right place for me inassisting me with my success in life.

    If it's not for me, there are no hard feelings. I simplycancel my subscription before the trial ends and I will notbe re-billed. I will only have wasted 4 quarters, or $1.00.

    If Real Life Legends Club is the right place for me togrow my future success, I'll do nothing and mymembership will be automatically re-billed at the veryreasonable rate of $34.97 per month. (Plus $6.95 shippingand handling in the USA or $12.95 for internationalorders). I am free to cancel at any time.

    Before proceeding, I understand I will be transferred to asimple form to process a subscription payment on a secureserver. Once my $1.00 subscription payment is processed,I will gain instant access to the entire Real LifeLegends Program.

    On that very minimal risk basis, I choose to secure my spottoday.... All orders processed immediately,

    even if it's 3 A.M.

    Remem berone good idea can change yourlife

    To Your Success!

    Liz ThompsonHealthy W ealthy nW ise
  • 8/6/2019 Success Isms


    PS. Look, there's no risk in o rdering this system. Y ou ha ve a full7 days to test-drive the p rogr am . In fact, if the Real Life Legend sClub doe sn't OUTPERFORM, OUTMOTIVATE, and

    TURBOCHARGE your life, simply let us know a nd you o wenothing.

    PPS. Please don't fall into the trap of thinking this is "yet another" systemon improving your life. This gives you the hard core techniques that I havepersonally used to create the life of my dreams, along with hundreds ofthousands of others who have followed my advice.

    $1 Trial For A Limited Time

    Sign me up Liz, I'm Ready To Change My Life