subject index volume 90 (1995)

ELSEVIER Cancer Letters 90 (1995) 237-240 Subject index Volume 90 (1995) CANCER LETTERS Adhesion, Episialin; Metastasis; Cytotoxic lymphocytes; Breast cancer 90, 27 Adkeaii mokxuleq Genninoma; Brain; Immunohistochem- istry; T-cell; T-cell receptor 90, 183 Advamze& Breast cancer; Inflammatory; Chemotherapy; Sur- gery; Radiotherapy; Breast conservation !%I, 103 Altemative splicing; CD44, Cervical cancer; Serum tumour marker 90, 231 Antituaor activity; Photodynamic therapy; Photofrin II; Excimet dye laser 90, 163 BInreduelive actIvatInn; Mitomycin C; 2,7-diaminomitosene (DAM); Intercalation: Noncovalent interaction with DNA; DT-diaphorase 90, 133 BraI& Germinoma; Immunohistochemistry; T-cell; Adhesion molecules; T-cell receptor 90, 183 BRCAl; Breasts; Cancer; Tumor suppressor genes; Dele- tions 90, 51 &emit eaneer; 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine; DNA damage; Oxy- gen radical; HPLC-ECD 90, 157 Breast cancer; Advanced; Inflammatory; Chemotherapy; Sur- gery; Radiotherapy; Breast conservation 90, 103 Breast eaneer; Breast surgery; Local recurrence; Quadrantec- tomy; Segmentectomy; Tumorectomy 90, 91 Breast crneer; Clonal analysis; Polymerase chain reaction 90, 57 Breast cancer; DNA amplification; Cyclin Dl; Review 90,43 Ws%?it CIUMX; Epidemiology; Mortality; Incidence; Japan 90, 75 0304-3835/95/$09.50 0 1995 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved Breast cancer; Episialin; Adhesion; Metastasis; Cytotoxic lym- phocytes 90, 27 Breast cancer; Estrogen receptor; Tamoxifen 90, 35 Breast cancer; Etiopathogenesis; Prevention 90, 81 Breast cancer; ODC; Carcinogenesis; Tumor promotion; Elec- tromagnetic fields 90, 207 Breast eaaeer; Tenascin; Myotibroblast; TGF-PI; Cell-cell interaction 90, 65 Breast cancer; Transgenic mice; Oncogene; Histogenesis 90, 13 Breast emservatioo; Breast cancer; Advanced; Inflammatory; Chemotherapy; Surgery; Radiotherapy 90, 103 Breast cooaervation therapy; Disease free survival; Duct car- cinoma in situ; Nuclear grade; Pathologic classification; Prog- nosis 90, 97 Breast surgery; Breast cancer; Local recurrence; Quadrantec- tomy; Segmentectomy; Tumorectomy 90, 91 Breasts; Cancer; Tumor suppressor genes; Deletions; BRCAI 90.51 Cancer; Breasts; Tumor suppressor genes; Deletions; BRCAl 90,51 Cancer &gnnstIe marker; Fibronectin; Sialic acid; Human meningiomas; Human gliomas 90, 119 CarcInnembryonIe antigen; Gastric cancer; Flow cytometry; Immunohistochemical staining; Prognosis of gastric cancer patients 90, 111 Carchogenesis; Breast cancer; ODC; Tumor promotion; Elec- tromagnetic fields 90, 207

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Page 1: Subject index volume 90 (1995)

ELSEVIER Cancer Letters 90 (1995) 237-240

Subject index

Volume 90 (1995)


Adhesion, Episialin; Metastasis; Cytotoxic lymphocytes; Breast cancer 90, 27

Adkeaii mokxuleq Genninoma; Brain; Immunohistochem- istry; T-cell; T-cell receptor 90, 183

Advamze& Breast cancer; Inflammatory; Chemotherapy; Sur- gery; Radiotherapy; Breast conservation !%I, 103

Altemative splicing; CD44, Cervical cancer; Serum tumour marker 90, 231

Antituaor activity; Photodynamic therapy; Photofrin II; Excimet dye laser 90, 163

BInreduelive actIvatInn; Mitomycin C; 2,7-diaminomitosene (DAM); Intercalation: Noncovalent interaction with DNA; DT-diaphorase 90, 133

BraI& Germinoma; Immunohistochemistry; T-cell; Adhesion molecules; T-cell receptor 90, 183

BRCAl; Breasts; Cancer; Tumor suppressor genes; Dele- tions 90, 51

&emit eaneer; 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine; DNA damage; Oxy- gen radical; HPLC-ECD 90, 157

Breast cancer; Advanced; Inflammatory; Chemotherapy; Sur- gery; Radiotherapy; Breast conservation 90, 103

Breast eaneer; Breast surgery; Local recurrence; Quadrantec- tomy; Segmentectomy; Tumorectomy 90, 91

Breast crneer; Clonal analysis; Polymerase chain reaction 90, 57

Breast cancer; DNA amplification; Cyclin Dl; Review 90,43

Ws%?it CIUMX; Epidemiology; Mortality; Incidence; Japan 90, 75

0304-3835/95/$09.50 0 1995 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

Breast cancer; Episialin; Adhesion; Metastasis; Cytotoxic lym- phocytes 90, 27

Breast cancer; Estrogen receptor; Tamoxifen 90, 35

Breast cancer; Etiopathogenesis; Prevention 90, 81

Breast cancer; ODC; Carcinogenesis; Tumor promotion; Elec- tromagnetic fields 90, 207

Breast eaaeer; Tenascin; Myotibroblast; TGF-PI; Cell-cell interaction 90, 65

Breast cancer; Transgenic mice; Oncogene; Histogenesis 90, 13

Breast emservatioo; Breast cancer; Advanced; Inflammatory; Chemotherapy; Surgery; Radiotherapy 90, 103

Breast cooaervation therapy; Disease free survival; Duct car- cinoma in situ; Nuclear grade; Pathologic classification; Prog- nosis 90, 97

Breast surgery; Breast cancer; Local recurrence; Quadrantec- tomy; Segmentectomy; Tumorectomy 90, 91

Breasts; Cancer; Tumor suppressor genes; Deletions; BRCAI 90.51

Cancer; Breasts; Tumor suppressor genes; Deletions; BRCAl 90,51

Cancer &gnnstIe marker; Fibronectin; Sialic acid; Human meningiomas; Human gliomas 90, 119

CarcInnembryonIe antigen; Gastric cancer; Flow cytometry; Immunohistochemical staining; Prognosis of gastric cancer patients 90, 111

Carchogenesis; Breast cancer; ODC; Tumor promotion; Elec- tromagnetic fields 90, 207

Page 2: Subject index volume 90 (1995)

B-carotene; Cytochrome P-450: ILIDP-glucuronvl; Transferasc.

Lymphoma: Mice 90. lOi

CD44 Cervical cancer: Alternative splicing; Serum tumour . -, marker- 90 ,?i

Cell<ell interaction: Tenascm: Breast cancer: Myotibrohlaat

:c,t;-Bi 90. f:

<.ervicaI cancer’ c’D44: A!ternative splicing: Serum iUITlcll\:

narkcr W. 231

Chemotherapy, Breast cancer: Advanced: Inflammatory: Sur-

nrry: Radiotherapy: Rreast conservation 90. 107

Cholecystokinin: Soybean; Proteasc inhihttors. I’ancreatt~

cancer: Humans 90. 149

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Nitrogen mustard drug re\t\-

tance: DNA repair 90. 139

Clonsl analysis: Breast cancer: Polymerase chain reactton 90

I‘yclin Dl. Breast cancer: DNA amplification: Review 90. 4.X

Cytoebrome P-450; &carotene: DDP-glucuronyl: Transferase.

i,ymphoma; ‘Mice 90. !91

Cytotoxir lymphocytes; Episialin: Adhesion: Metastasis: Breast

~..n”tler 9(! .-7

Deletions: Breasts; Cancer: Tumor suppressor genes.

YR(.‘A ! 90. 5 !

2,7dlamimmitesee (DAM); Mitomycin C; Bioreductivc actt-

vation; Intercalation: Noncovalent interaction with DNA; DT-

?::tphora~c 90. ! 1;

Diiylstiih&rol; Liver: Krdney: Nuclear proteins: Syrian

hamsterc 90 ?!s

DiNerentintinn: MEL Cells; Vitamin D1 90. 225

Disease free survival; Breast conservatton therapy; Duel cat-

cinema in situ: Nuclear grade: Pathologic classification: Prop-

!,losis 9fJ ‘Y

DNA ampllflcation; Breast cancer: Cyclin Dl; Review 90. 4?

DNA dnorrge; g-Hydroxydeoxyguanosinc. Oxygen radical:

HPLC-ECD: Breast cancer 90. 157

DNA repair; Chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Nitrogen mustard drug resistance 90. 139

DTdiaphoraae; Mitomycin C: Z,i-diaminomitosene (DAM).

Bioreductive activation: Intercalation. Noncovalent interaction wnh DNA. 90. !‘I:

Duct carcinoma in situ; Breast conservation therapy; Disease

tree survivnt: Nl!ctedr grade: Pathologic classification: Progno- >:> 90. Y’

Electromagnetic iields; Breast cancer: ODC: C’arcinogenesis:

!‘umor promotion 90. X-

Epidemiology; Breast cancer: Mortality: Incidence; Japan !W. ‘. q

Episialin; Adhesion; Metastasts: Cvtotoxic lymphocytes: Breast cancer 90. Y’

Mrogen receptor: Tamoxifen: Breast cancer 90. 3s

Etiopatbogenesis: Breast cancer. Prevention 90. XI

Exchner dye laser; Photodynamic therapy: Photofrin II; Anti-

:umor act~v:!! 90. lh?

Fibronectin: Sialic acid; Human meningiomas: Human gliomas;

C’ancer diagnostic marker 90. 1 I9

Flow cytometry: Carcinoemhryonic antigen; Gastric cancer;

Immunohistochemical staining; Prognosis of gastric cancer

p,\tien!s 90, I I I

Fusion protein: Vaccine: MUCI peptides: Mannan 9% ?I

Gastric cancer; Carcinoembryonic antigen; Flow cytometry:

lmmunohistochemical staining: Prognosis of gastric cancer

patients 90. I Ii

Germinoma: Brain; Immunohistochemistry; T-cell: Adhesion

molecules: T-cell receptor 90. 1x7

Growth inhibition: Receptor; Heparin; Tumor: Metastasis 90. : >; “.

Heparin; Receptor: Growth inhibition: Tumor; Metastasis 90. ‘, ‘:

Histqeaesis: Transgenic mice: Oncogene: Breast cancer W.

HPLC-ECD; 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine; DNA damage: Oxy-

gen rdd:cdl. Breast cancer !JfJ. I57

Human gliias; Fibronectin; Sialic acid; Human meningiomas:

f:ancer diagnostic marker 90. I I9

Human meningiomas; Fibronectin; Sialic acid; Human gliomas;

Cancer diagnostic marker 90. I I9

Humans: Soybean: Cholecystokinin: Protease inhibitors: Pan-

creatic cancer 90. 149

EHytlroxydeoxyguanosine; DNA damage: Oxygen radical;

HPLC-ECD: Breast cancer 90. I57

Page 3: Subject index volume 90 (1995)

Subject index/ Cancer Letters 90 (1995) 237-240 239

Inmumobistocbemifpl stainlug; Carcinoembryonic antigen; Gastric cancer; Flow cytometry; Prognosis of gastric cancer patients 90, 111

Ir~~~~uwhiotoehemistry; Germinoma; Brain; T-cell; Adhesion molecules; T-cell receptor 90, 183

In&Iance; Breast cancer; Epidemiology; Mortality; Japan 90, 15

Inflrslmatgr; Breast cancer; Advanced; Chemotherapy; Sur- gery; Radiotherapy; Breast conservation 90, 103

Intercahtion; Mitomycin C; 2,7-diaminomitosene (DAM); Bioreductive activation; Noncovalent interaction with DNA; DT-diaphorase 90, 133

Japan; Breast cancer; Epidemiology; Mortality; Incidence 90, 15

Kidney; Diethylstilbestrol; Liver; Nuclear proteins; Syrian hamsters 90, 215

Liver; Diethylstilbestrol; Kidney; Nuclear proteins; Syrian hamsters 90, 215

Lucal rectrreoce; Breast cancer; Breast surgery; Quadrantec- tomy; Segmentectomy; Tumorectomy 90, 91

Lymphocyte migratioa; Retrovirus; Mammary tumor; Superan- tigen; Mtv gene 90, 3

Lympkoma; B-carotene; Cytochrome P-450; UDP-glucuronyl; Transferase; Mice 90, I91

Mammary tumor; Retrovirus; Superantigen; Lymphocyte migration; Mtv gene 90, 3

tnmorigesesis; N-methyl-N-nitrosourea; Parity; Pituitary isograft; Mouse 90, 171

Mamma; Vaccine; MUCI peptides; Fusion protein 90, 21

MEL Cells, Differentiation; Vitamin Ds 90, 225

Metashis; Episialin; Adhesion; Cytotoxic lymphocytes; Breast cancer 90, 27

Metastasis; Receptor; Heparin; Growth inhibition; Tumor 90, 123

Mice, &carotene; Cytochrome P-450; UDP-glucuronyl; Trans- ferase; Lymphoma 90, I91

Mitomycin C, 2,7-diaminomitosene (DAM); Bioreductive acti- vation; Intercalation; Noncovalent interaction with DNA; DT- diaphorase 90, 133

MnrtaIlty; Breast cancer; Epidemiology; Incidence; Japan 90, 15

Mouse; N-methyl-N-nitrosourea; Mammary tumorigenesis; Parity; Pituitary isograft 90, 171

Mrv gene; Retrovirus; Mammary tumor; Superantigen; Lym- phocyte migration 90, 3

MUCI peptides; Vaccine; Fusion protein; Mannan 90, 21

Myofibrobkwt; Tenascin; Breast cancer; TGF-@I: Cell-cell interaction 90, 65

N-methyEN-~~Itrosourea; Mammary tumorigenesis; Parity; Pitu- itary isograft; Mouse 90, I71

Nitrogen mustard drug resistance; Chronic lymphocytic leuke- mia; DNA repair 90, 139

Noncovalent interaction with DNA; Mitomycin C; 2,7- diaminomitosene (DAM); Bioreductive activation; Intercala- tion; DT-diaphorase 90, 133

Nuclear grade; Breast conservation therapy; Disease free survi- val; Duct carcinoma in situ; Pathologic classification; Progno- sis 90, 97

Nuclear protelm; Diethylstilbestrol; Liver; Kidney; Syrian hamsters 90, 215

ODC; Breast cancer; Carcinogenesis; Tumor promotion; Elec- tromagnetic fields 90, 207

Okadaii acid; TPA-induced differentiation; Vanadate 90, 199

Oncogene; Transgenic mice; Breast cancer; Histogenesis 90, I3

Oxygen radicd; 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine; DNA damage; HPLC-ECD; Breast cancer 90, 157

Pancreatic cancer; Soybean; Cholecystokinin; Protease in- hibitors; Humans 90, 149

Parity; N-methyl-N-nitrosourea; Mammary tumorigenesis; Pituitary isograft; Mouse 90, I71

Patkobgic classIfIcatIon; Breast conservation therapy; Disease free survival; Duct carcinoma in situ; Nuclear grade; Progno- sis 90, 97

Pkotady~mic therapy; Photofrin II; Excimer dye laser; Anti- tumor activity 90, 163

PhotofrIa II; Photodynamic therapy; Excimer dye laser; Anti- tumor activity 90, 163

Page 4: Subject index volume 90 (1995)

Pituitary imgraft; N-methyl-N-nitrosourea; Mammary tumorl- genesis: Parity: Mouse 90. I?!

Polymerasc chain reaction: Clonal analysis: Breast cancer W. -

Prevention: Etiopathogenesis; Breast cancer 90. XI

Prognosis; Breast conservation therapy; Disease l’ree survival; Duct carcinoma in situ: Nuclear grade: Pathologic classitica- !!ml 90. 9’

P~~~IHJ& of gastric caacer patients; Carcinoembryonic antigen; Gastric cancer: Flow cytometry: Immunohistochemical stall!-- rng 90. I I I

Protease inhibitors; Soybean: (‘holecystokinin: Pancrearic cancer: Humans 90. 149

@mdraoteCtomy; Breast cancer; Breast surgery; Loczal recur- rence: Segmentectomy: ‘Tumorectomq 90. 131

Radiotherapy; Breast cancer: Advanced: Inflammatory: Chemotherapy: Surgery; Breast conservation 90. 107

Receptor; Heparin: Growth inhibition: Tumor; Metastasis YO. I>?

Retrovhus; Mammary tumor: Superantigen: Lymphocyte migratinn: MtY gene 90 3

Review: Breast cancer: DNA amplification; Cyclin Di 90. 41

Segmentectomy; Breast cancer; Breast surgery: Local recur- rence; Quadrantectomy: Tumorectomy 90. 9 I

Senan tumour marker: CD44: Cervical cancer; Alternative hpiicing 90. 73!

St& acid; Fibronectin; Human meningiomas: Human gliomas: Cancer diagnostic marker 90. 119

Soybean; Cholecystokinin: Protease inhibitors: Pancreatic cancer: Humans 9O. 149

Superantigen; Retrovirus: Mammary tumor: Lymphocyte migration: Mtv gene 90. ;

Surgery; Breast cancer; Advanced; Inflammatory: Chemother- apy: Radiotherapy: Breast conservation 90. I03

Syrian hamsters; Diethylstilbestrol: Liver: Kidney: Nuclear proteins 90. 2 I5

T-cell; Germinoma; Brain: lmmunohistochemistry; Adhesion molecules: T-cell receptor 90. 183

T-cell receptor; Germinoma; Brain; Immunohistochemistry: T-cell: Adhesion molecules 90. 183

Tamoxifen: Estrogen receptor: Breast cancer YO. ii

Tenascin: Breast cancer: Myofibroblast: TGF-PI: Cell-cell Interaction 90. 65

TGF-01: Tenascin; Breast cancer; Myofibroblast: Cell-ccl1 interaction 90. 65

TPA-induced differentiation: Okadaic acid: Vanadate 90. 199

Trsmferase; &carotene; Cytochrome P-450: UDP-glucuronyl; Lymphoma: Mice 90. 191

Trae mice: Oncogene: Breast cancer; Histogenesis 90. Ii

Turnor; Receptor: Heparin: Growth inhibition; Metastasis 90. 123

T~~Kw promotion; Breast cancer: ODC; Carcinogenesis: Elec- tromagnetic fields 90. 207

Tumor suppressor genes: Breasts: Cancer; Deletions; BRCAI 90, ‘!

T-y; Breast cancer; Breast surgery; Local recurrence; Quadrantectomy: Segmentectomy 90. 91

UDP-gl~~onyl; &carotene: Cytochrome P-450: Transferase: Lymphoma: Mice 90. l9!

Vaccine; MUCI peptides; Fusion protein; Mannan 90. ?I

Vnnadste: TPA-induced differentiation: Okadaic acid 90. 199

Vitamin Dj: Differentiation: MEL Cells 90. 22.5