studi banding komunitas center

Final Project “Pusat Kegiatan Komunitas Kristen (Christian Center) di Jakarta” FEB 4 Posted by andrianarch Rancangan ini berupa hasil (beserta konsep) perancangan komplek bangunan Pusat Kegiatan Komunitas Kristen (Christian Center) di Jakarta. Konsep utama perancangan Christian Center ini adalah arsitektur simbolisme, dimana diterapkan/ ditransformasikan nilai-nilai/ filosofi Simbol-simbol kristiani ke dalam bentuk gedung gereja, gedung convention hall, gedung komunitas dan kantor dan rancangan tapaknya. Konsep lainnya yang digunakan dalam rancangan adalah nilai-nilai filosofi ajaran Kristiani dan nilai karakter kehidupan umat kristiani. Teori anonic dan canonic design digunakan sebagai dasar konsep perancangan, yang menekankan pada arsitektur simbolisme sebagai solusi desain. Pendekatan filosofi “Oikoumene” terhadap pola kegiatan dan perencanaan fisik bangunan menyimbolkan kebersamaan dan bertujuan menciptakan rasa kesatuan antar denominasi Gereja di Indonesia. Perencanaan proyek ini menerapkan metode pengumpulan data dan analisis yang dilakukan secara komprehensif, dan kelompokan kedalam tiga aspek yaitu manusia, bangunan, dan lingkungan. Metoda pendekatan perancangan yang digunakan dalam proses desain ini adalah dengan studi literatur, studi pengamatan lapangan, studi banding dan wawancara. Tujuan perancangan ini untuk mejawab masalah yaitu penyediaan sarana bagi komunitas Kristiani dalam melakukan kegiatan pembinaan keagamaan terhadap umat Kristiani di kota Jakarta, serta permasalahan lain yang terdapat pada desain Conventiion Hal sebagai tempat pertemuan dalam skala besar. Latar belakang lain yang ditemukan di lapangan/ gedung-gedung Gereja di Jakarta saat ini yaitu

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Page 1: Studi Banding Komunitas Center

Final Project “Pusat Kegiatan Komunitas Kristen (Christian Center) di Jakarta”FEB 4

Posted by andrianarch

Rancangan ini berupa hasil (beserta konsep) perancangan komplek bangunan Pusat Kegiatan

Komunitas Kristen (Christian Center) di Jakarta. Konsep utama perancangan Christian Center

ini adalah arsitektur simbolisme, dimana diterapkan/ ditransformasikan nilai-nilai/ filosofi

Simbol-simbol kristiani ke dalam bentuk gedung gereja, gedung convention hall, gedung

komunitas dan kantor dan rancangan tapaknya.

Konsep lainnya yang digunakan dalam rancangan adalah nilai-nilai filosofi ajaran Kristiani dan

nilai karakter kehidupan umat kristiani. Teori anonic dan canonic design digunakan sebagai

dasar konsep perancangan, yang menekankan pada arsitektur simbolisme sebagai solusi

desain. Pendekatan filosofi “Oikoumene” terhadap pola kegiatan dan perencanaan fisik

bangunan menyimbolkan kebersamaan dan bertujuan menciptakan rasa kesatuan antar

denominasi Gereja di Indonesia. Perencanaan proyek ini menerapkan metode pengumpulan

data dan analisis yang dilakukan secara komprehensif, dan kelompokan kedalam tiga aspek

yaitu manusia, bangunan, dan lingkungan. Metoda pendekatan perancangan yang digunakan

dalam proses desain ini adalah dengan studi literatur, studi pengamatan lapangan, studi

banding dan wawancara.

Tujuan perancangan ini untuk mejawab masalah yaitu penyediaan sarana bagi komunitas

Kristiani dalam melakukan kegiatan pembinaan keagamaan terhadap umat Kristiani di kota

Jakarta, serta permasalahan lain yang terdapat pada desain Conventiion Hal sebagai tempat

pertemuan dalam skala besar. Latar belakang lain yang ditemukan di lapangan/ gedung-

gedung Gereja di Jakarta saat ini yaitu kurangnya lahan terbuka yang bisa digunakan untuk

jemaat melakukan aktivitas selain beribadah, merancang penghawaan mikro disekitar

bangunan dengan suhu kota yang panas. Penerjemahan nilai-nilai lokal dan arsitektur

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kristiani dalam transformasi seperti bentuk massa bangunan, fasade, gerbang, perencanaan

lahan, landscape dan beberapa hal lainnya

Lingkungan bangunan Pusat Kegiatan Komunitas Kristen (Christian Center) di Jakarta ini

terletak di daerah Jakarta Pusat, dimana terdapat Pemukiman penduduk, Kantor-kantor,

Hotel, Kantor pemerintahan, Kantor Organisasi Kristen, dan pusat perbelanjaan serta

komponen penting lainnya. Kemudian akan tampil desain terhadap permasalahan konteks

kota tersebut. Permasalahan dalam merancang Christian center adalah permasalahan

bangunan berupa permasalahan fungsi,bentuk dan struktur, permasalahan lingkungan,

permasalahan sosial dan juga bagaimana mewujudkan sebuah rancangan pusat kegiatan

komunitas Kristen yang menjadi landmark umat kristiani Jakarta dan memberikan

pengalaman religius bagi penggunanya.

Gedung-gedung pada komplek Pusat Kegiatan Komunitas Kristen (Christian Center) di Jakarta

ini memiliki fungsi ruang yang berbeda dibagi atas tiga fungsi utama yaitu fungsi ibadah dan

pertemuan, fungsi komunitas dan pelatihan, fungsi keorganisasian, fungsi pelayanan sosial

dan pelengkap. Keempat fungsi utama ini dikonfigurasikan dalam gedung yang terpisah-pisah

yang terdiri dari tiga buah massa gedung yaitu, Bangunan Kapel dengan ketinggian dua lantai

yang terdiri dari altar, ruang duduk jemaat, dan ruang musik. Bangunan Convention hall

dengan ketinggian tiga lantai terdiri atas ruangan pertemuan berkapasitas 3000 orang, ruang

panggung, ruang kontrol cahaya dan suara, ruang persiapan, ruang latihan,dengan fasilitas

pelengkap yaitu toko buku keristen dan cafetaria. Bangunan Komunitas dan Pelayanan Sosial

dengan ketinggian tiga lantai terdiri atas ruangan pusat informasi, ruangan perpustakaan,

klinik umum, guest house, ruang kelas seminar dan pelatihan, ruang latihan musik, ruang

pengajar, ruang kantor organisasi kristen, ruang kantor pengelola, 2 ruang serbanguna

berkapasitas 200 dan 300 orang.

Nama                       : Andrian

Judul                       : Pusat Kegiatan Komunitas Kristen (Christian Center) di Jakarta

Topik                       : Arsitektur Simbolisme

Tema                       : Prasarana untuk peningkatan kualitas kehidupan umat Kristiani, dengan

pendekatan Arsitektur Simbolisme dan karakter Kristiani.

Lokasi                     : Jl.Arief Rahman Hakim, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat

Tipologi                  : Tempat Ibadah

Klien                        : Bimas Kristen DKI Jakarta

Luas Bangunan    : + 10.170,9 m2

Luas Lahan            : + 16.166m2

Pembimbing         : Dr. Ir. Sri Astuti Indriyati, MDP

Dosen Penguji      : Dr. Ir. W. Harry Susilo, MM., IAI.   &    Ir. Winardi, MT.


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This week for my Community Center review, I went and checked out the Kitsilano Community Center.

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Located at the corner of 12th and Larch, 2690 Larch Street to be exact, Kits Community Center is the mall of community centers. More like a 70’s mall that’s had a recent reno… The place is huge, sprawling, and has everything that you need.

Kitsilano Community Centre

Founded as part of a grassroots movement to provide public recreation while commemorating those who lost their lives in the

Second World War, Kitsilano War Memorial Community Centre features a fitness centre, ice rink, gymnasium, dance studio,

youth lounge, and seniors lounge. Specialty programs include a licensed preschool, special needs youth activities, and

personal training.

View drop-in schedules

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Kitsilano Community Centre drop-in schedules

See the schedule of drop-in activities taking place at Kitsilano Community Centre.

Register for programs today

Kitsilano Community Centre programs

View and register for recreation programs and lessons.

Enjoy our facilities

Kitsilano Rink

Ice available from September to March. Dry floor from April to August. Ice surface: 200’ x 85’. Seating: 100. Located at 2690

Larch St in the Kitsilano neighbourhood.

More facilities at Kitsilano War Memorial Community Centre

The Kitsilano War Memorial Community Centre also includes the following facilities. We will provide more information about

these facilities as we expand the information on this site.


Dance studio 

Teen/youth centre 

Seniors lounge


Playground (Connaught Park)

Free public WiFi; see the Front Desk for more information

Kitsilano Community Association

The Kitsilano War Memorial Community Centre is jointly operated by the Vancouver Park Board and the Kitsilano

Community Association (KCA).

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Through the creation and management of resources and physical environments and working in partnership and cooperation

with other community organizations, the Kitsilano Community Association ensures an adequate balance of opportunities

within the Kitsilano Community, for people, individually and collectively, to participate in a wide variety of recreation activities

which satisfy basic needs and aid in improving the quality of community life. For more information about the KCA and to get

involved, visit the Kitsilano Community Association website  .

Facilities & Rentals

Kerrisdale Community Centre Is Operated Jointly By The Kerrisdale Community Centre Society And The Vancouver Board Of Parks And RecreationWelcome to the Kerrisdale Community Centre we have an  indoor pool , exercise room, gymnasium, public library and a  Seniors Centre.Kerrisdale's Cyclone Taylor Skating Arena (with the summer indoor play area 'The Kerrisdale Play Palace') is just two blocks away. Renting A Room At Kerrisdale Community CentreLet us know your requirements. We have many beautiful spaces in which to hold your next meeting or celebration. Some of the uses for the facilities include:MeetingsLecturesWedding ReceptionsBanquetsSporting EventsSpecial EventsBirthdays / Anniversary Parties Find out more about our children's birthday party program If suitable facilities are available, you will be asked to fill in a rental contract and pay a refundable deposit to reserve the space. The total rental fee is due two weeks prior to the rental date. Click here to find out more about room rentals 


Palo Verde Library and Maryvale Community Center / Gould Evans and Wendell Burnette Architects

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Museums and Libraries Public Facilities Selected Works AIA AIA Western Mountain Region ArizonaGould Evans Phoenix USAWendell Burnette Architects




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© Bill


Designed by Gould Evans in association with Wendell Burnette Architects, the Palo Verde Library and

Maryvale Community Center is a multi-use facility that includes a large public library collection area, a 150-

seat auditorium for recital, drama and public lectures, and a community center that includes a park, pool,

basketball courts, running track, and gym.  The design intention was to discover a way to maintain the

existing recreational park all the while providing a building that energized the surrounding community.  

The Palo Verde Library and Maryvale Community Center has received numerous awards including a 2009

Honor Award, AIA/ALA National, 2007 National Honor Award, and a 2006 Merit Award,AIA Western

Mountain Region.

More photographs and drawings following the break.

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Architects: Gould Evans 

Location: Phoenix, Arizona

Associate Architect: Wendell Burnette Architects

General Contractor: Smith Construction Management

Structural Engineer: Rudow + Berry

Mechanical Engineer: Kunka Engineering

Civil Engineer: WRG Design

Electrical Engineer: Associated Engineering

Landscape Architect: Ten Eyck Landscape Architects

Signage Design: Thinking Caps

Lighting Design: Horton Lees Brogden Lighting Design

Acoustics: Wardin Cockriel Associates

Historian: Nancy Dallett, Projects in the Public Interest

Client: City of Phoenix

Project Area: 43,000 sqf

Project Year: 2006

Photographs: Bill Timmerman

© Bill


The design team worked together to meet incredible scheduling and budget parameters. A parking

variance and an intergovernmental agreement with the schools to the south saved the large ball field. The

explicit intent of the design was to be environmentally responsible, and for the Public Park and its environs

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to remain the “green” heart of Maryvale. The design team’s ability to deal with the existing park-like

conditions and provide a unique building solution for this site and the City’s goals demonstrates the design

team’s dedication to finding unique solutions for the circumstances of a given site.

floor plan

This project’s challenges included the need to maintain the existing recreational park, while reinvigorating

the area and establishing a renewed civic presence in the community. By designing a building comprised of

metal clad blocks that rest on an 8-foot high band of glass, a transparency was created that allows people

passing by to interact with the activity inside. The southeast corner of the park is preserved, and is thus

transformed into a contemplative park for the library, as well as an unobstructed window into the site. The

solid, upper portion of the street volumes are clad in mill-finish stainless steel. This requires 40% less

energy to fabricate than ‘finished’ stainless steel and has a unique quality that absorbs light and color more

than it reflects them. This quality allows the park to appear as if it figuratively moves through the mass of

the building. The building simultaneously reads as bold and quiet, there and not there, while recording the

range of light – a true response to our unique Arizona climate.

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© Bill


site plan

This project demonstrates an approach to site-specific design – the ability of the design team to carefully

consider the context of the site from many different scales, and respond to the unique circumstances of

climate, views and open space.

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Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

Architects: SchilderScholte architects

Location: Rajarhat, Bangladesh

Area: 910.0 sqm

Year: 2014

Photographs: Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects


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Design Team: Gerrit Schilder, Hill Scholte

Structural Engineer : PT-structural, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Main Contractor: MEI, Rajarhat, Bangladesh

Building Costs: €44.000,- (excl. VAT)

Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

From the architect. The Dutch foundation Pani commissioned SchilderScholte architects to design an

educational building in the north Bengal town of Rajarhat. The architects couple embraced this pro bono

assignment coming from ideological motives and knowledge sharing. The building serves as a community

centre for folks from the region, aged from toddlers to elder people.

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Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

During the design process attention was mainly focused on locally available materials and weather

conditions. The starting point was to realize a building using materials and skills from within a 15 miles

radius around the site. Bamboo, hand-shaped brick, Mango wood, reused steel, local mortar and wafer-thin

recycled corrugated panels are the main materials used in the building.

Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

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The drive was to encourage locals to become aware on the basic principles of sustainability and durable

building concepts. In effect close to zero electricity or fossil fuels were used during construction and other

necessities required for erecting this building. Thus realizing an environmentally friendly building that

contributes to the community in a significant way. The plan (79×105 ft) is East-West oriented and consists

of two volumes under a large bamboo roof construction.

Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

The classrooms and lavatories are positioned on the South side and on the North side we find the

workshop with store. Two sight lines traverse the building in all four directions. The lifting of the roof high

above the volumes has achieved a considerable reduction of heat build up within the spaces. Further

cooling is provided by cross ventilation, surrounding vegetation and the nearby pond. With the completion

of this striking design the architects have proved that conventional local resources and materials can be

used to build successful environmentally friendly unconventional architecture.

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Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

Lay Out

The composition of volumes housed under one big U-shaped roof creates interspaces that are open for

public use. There is no architectural loss. On the ground floor there is a covered plaza with adjacent

collective lavatories. At first level, on top of the workshop, there is a freely accessible assembly floor for

public meetings. This part of the building is connected by a footbridge coming from the classrooms.

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Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

Bamboo Rules

Although bamboo is seen as an inferior material in the region, the architects have chosen to make the

whole roof construction out of it.  Even the walls and French doors of the workshop are cladded with it!

Thus being a reference to the bamboo bicycle frames that are made here. The final assembly of the bikes

take place at the backside under the roof. The front of the workshop faces the main road and houses the

bicycle shop.

Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

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Sustainable Features

From a bioclimatic point of view the orientation of the building allows to emphasize the natural cross

ventilation, which prevents costs with electric fans.  The roof of the building is suspended to both sides

(East and West) providing shade, protecting the biggest openings against rain and collecting rainwater into

the courtyard. The concept is to combine and optimize local techniques with local materials. For this the

strategy is to participate in the evolution and modernization of the local construction processes without a

rupture in the ‘’know how’’ of the population.


Floor Plan

In the North of Bangladesh buildings are almost all constructed with bricks in combination with corrugated

panels, so we propose also the use of bricks but in an optimized and locally unknow brickwork bond that

doesn’t require whole-brick walls for stability, minimizing the costs and maintaining the main advantage, the

use of local materials and craftsmanship. U-shaped brick columns support the South facade of the building,

thus creating a row of small vertical windows. Ultimately, this can be understood as a single stone wall, a

great saving on construction costs, time and labor.

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Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

The dimensions are chosen with great care, in such a way that direct sunlight into the classrooms is

minimized still providing in optimal daylight illumination. Also the use of nearby ponds for natural draft to

cool the classrooms was taken into account in the design. The techniques use for this project are also very

easy to learn and diffused by the main contractor, which will contribute to the local construction

modernization. This application of local bricks is less expensive and reduces the use of construction wood

by combining bamboo with thin concrete floors. This minimizes the shortage of wood in Bangladesh as well

future maintenance costs.


Floor Plan

By Nature

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Some biomimicry elements are put on the test here! The brick-built volumes are all plastered and partly

painted. The interior walls are coloured in light blue, a hue that flies shun. The splay of the classroom

windows are painted yellow, a hue that specific insects dislike. Yellow has been opted as the dominant

color. It refers to the flowers of the mustard plant, a crop that colors large parts of the country from

December to January. Grey and black are the other shades, which in turn refer to the color of the Bengal

earth before and after rainfall.

Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

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Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

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Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

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Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

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Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

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Courtesy of SchilderScholte architects

Ground Floor Plan

Upper Floor Plan

Roof Plan

North Elevation

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South Elevation

Section 1

Section 2

Section 3

Section 4

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Clayton Community Centre / Jackson Architecture 20SEP2012

Cultural Educational Healthcare Architecture Mixed Use Museums and Libraries Selected WorksSports Architecture AustraliaJackson Architecture Melbourne




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Page 34: Studi Banding Komunitas Center

Courtesy of Archiphoto Pty Ltd.

Architects: Jackson Architecture

Location: Clayton, Victoria, Australia

Project Year: 2008

Photographs: Courtesy of Archiphoto Pty Ltd.


Ground Floor Area: 4,300 sqm

First Floor Area: 2,350 sqm

The Clayton Community Centre co-locates a Fitness and Aquatic Centre, Library, Auditorium and Theatre,

Youth and Family Services Centre, Maternal & Child Health facility along with Preschool and Arts facilities

creating a dynamic ‘one-stop-shop’ for social and recreational services. Also included is a new community

Medical and Dental clinic. The planning makes these facilities “legible” and encourages exploration so that

users of one facility may be attracted to others on offer. In this way the design seeks to engender a sense

of community, ownership and pride.

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Courtesy of Archiphoto Pty Ltd.

The architectural expression intentionally contrasts with the adjacent environment using a unified deep red

skin and canted glazed walls to provide a high degree of transparency. The large glazed volumes of the

Aquatic zone (north facing) and the Library zone (facing Centre Road) were each given a canted wall and

roof to “book end” the building.

Courtesy of Archiphoto Pty Ltd.

Ease of access, personal amenity and security are key issues that have been addressed in the design of

the Centre. A prominent Main Public Entry provides access to the Library and Aquatic Centre via a foyer

with a Café. Adjacent is an internally located Theatre. Further on, the Clayton Art Room and Youth and

Family Services facilities adjoin a large landscaped Courtyard accessed via a covered verandah that leads

through to the Preschool and Medical Clinic. The east-west courtyard is a key feature of the masterplan as

it provides increased northern orientation and separates the Aquatic/Fitness functions from the rest of the

facilities. A Pre-school is located at the rear arm of the site with its discrete drop off and secure playground

bordering the Council’s western car park. A dedicated entry is also provided here with lift and stair access

to the Medical Centre at first floor level.

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Courtesy of Archiphoto Pty Ltd.

The architectural design addresses the security for staff and visitors with clear site lines from the

reception/control desk that will allow staff to monitor the traffic to toilets, meeting rooms, treatment room

corridors and the administrative office zone. Staff facilities have been separately zoned from public areas.

Courtesy of Archiphoto Pty Ltd.

The design ensures visitors and staff will find the centre accessible, safe and inviting – the transparent

butterfly roof unifies the various elements; well conceived pathways lead people through the Centre; health

treatment rooms are positioned at the perimeters to maximise natural light; and sunshades protect the pool

area whilst allowing dappled light to penetrate.

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Courtesy of Archiphoto Pty Ltd.

The Centre’s ESD credentials were ensured with a considered building orientation design response to site

restraints and opportunities, exploration and correct selection of building fabric (eg double glazing), and

finally rainwater collection and harvesting for its landscaped gardens.


Floor Plan

Courtesy of Archiphoto Pty Ltd.

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Courtesy of Archiphoto Pty Ltd.

Courtesy of Archiphoto Pty Ltd.

Courtesy of Archiphoto Pty Ltd.

Courtesy of Archiphoto Pty Ltd.

Courtesy of Archiphoto Pty Ltd.

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Courtesy of Archiphoto Pty Ltd.

Courtesy of Archiphoto Pty Ltd.

Courtesy of Archiphoto Pty Ltd.

Courtesy of Archiphoto Pty Ltd.

First Floor Plan 01

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Ground Floor Plan 01

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