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Post on 20-Dec-2015




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What is STRESS?

Is a physical and psychological

responsesto the pressures of

daily life.

What causes stress?

Some of the most stressful events are: getting married having a baby serious illness in

yourself or a friend or family member.

Stress is also caused by long-term difficult circumstances, such as: unemployment poverty relationship problems difficulties at work bad housing noisy neighbors.

Symptoms of stress

Physical symptoms of stress:

Low energy Headache Upset stomach

including diarrhea, constipation and nausea

Chest pain and rapid heartbeat

Insomnia Frequent colds Loss of sexual desire Cold and sweaty


Cognitive symptoms of stress:

Constant worrying Forgetfulness and

disorganization Inability to focus Poor judgment

Behavioral symptoms of stress:

Changes in appetite Procrastinating and

avoiding responsibility Increase use of alcohol,

drugs or cigarettes Exhibiting more

nervous behavior, such as nail biting, fidgeting, pacing

Work-related stress

Is the response of people may have when presented with work demands and pressure that are not matched to their knowledge and abilities and which challenge their ability to cope.

Seven types of Work-related stress: Overworked underling Frustrated go-getter Castaway Doormat Burnout Bully target Wronged victim

Unhealthy ways of coping with stress:

Smoking Drinking too much Overeating or under eating Zoning out for hours in front of the TV or

computer Withdrawing from friends, family, and activities Sleeping too much Taking out your stress on others

Dealing with stressful situations:The four A’s: Avoid the stressor Alter the stressor Adopt the stressor Accept the stressor

Depressiona common mental illness that affects a person’s

body, mood, and thought—it causes people to lose pleasure from daily life, can complicate other medical conditions, and can even lead to suicide

Suicidesevere depression often manifests itself in

thoughts about death or suicide, or in suicide attempts.

What else can I do to cope with stress?

a. Acknowledging your problemsOnce you've begun to tackle your problems, you will then be more able to relax.

b. Sleepis very important to health, and sleep problems, such as insomnia, are a common sign of stress.

c. MindfulnessMindfulness is an approach to wellbeing that involves accepting life and living ‘in the moment’

d. Physical activityExercise helps to use up the hormones that the body produces under stress and relaxes the muscles.

e. Healthy eatingThe key to a healthy diet is variety of different types of food, with a balance of protein, carbohydrate, oily fat and fiber, including plenty of fruit and vegetables. It’s also important to drink plenty of fluids;

f. Alternative therapiesMeditation, different types of massage, aromatherapy, and autogenic (a specialized relaxation technique) are just a few examples of therapies which some people have found helpful in relieving stress disorders and promoting relaxation

g. Having funMaking time for regular leisure activities can help you release tension, and to take your mind off the worries of the day. Whether you unwind by soaking in a hot bath, browsing through your favorite books, listening to music, gardening or photography, the important point is to enjoy the activity, purely for itself, and take your mind off work or whatever is causing you stress.

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