strategies 23 and 6 drogos and beutjer revised

The Rest of the 7 Student-Centered Strategies of Assessment for Learning Jon Beutjer & Erin Shook Strategy 2: Strong/Weak Examples Strategy 3: Effective Feedback *

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The Rest of the 7 Student-Centered Strategies of Assessment for Learning

Jon Beutjer & Erin Shook

Strategy 2: Strong/Weak ExamplesStrategy 3: Effective FeedbackStrategy 6: Focused Revision


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Objectives: I will:

be able to define and apply Strategies 2, 3, and 6

be able to explain how strategies 2, 3, and 6 are related to the questions:Where am I headed?Where am I now?How do I close the gap?

apply strategies 2, 3, and 6 to my next instructional unit.

aspire to use the 7 strategies of Student-Centered formative assessment.


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Agenda: Strategy #2 (Strong & Weak Examples)

Key ideas Ways to implement Let’s Try

Strategy #3 (Effective Feedback) Self-assessment Characteristics of Effective Feedback Let’s Try Suggestions for Offering Feedback

Strategy #6 (Focused Revision) How do I close the gap? Strategy 5 & 6 Strategy 5 & 6 in AP Let’s Try

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The PLC Cycle & Formative Assessment

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The Seven Student-Centered Strategies of Formative Assessment

Strategy 1: Provide students with a clear and understandable vision of the learning target.

Use examples and models of strong and weak work.

Offer regular descriptive feedback. Strategy 4:

Teach students to self-assess and set goals.

Strategy 5: Design lessons to focus on one learning target or aspect of quality at a time.

Teach students focused revision.Strategy 7: Engage students in self-reflection, and let

them keep track of and share their learning.

Strategy 3:

Where Am I Going?

Where Am I Now?

How do I Close the Gap?

Strategy 2:

Strategy 6:

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Describe It!



Sit with your back to the audience.

Examine the following picture.

Describe this picture to the audience.

YOU MAY NOT: Give feedback Ask questions of the



The volunteer is going to describe a picture.

You must attempt to draw this picture.

All you know is: The picture contains

rectangles The rectangles touch one

another You may not ask for

feedback or questions*

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Describe It!

As a table, discuss the following:

How close was your picture to reflecting the volunteer’s original?What led to your success?What would have helped you be more successful?How did you feel when participating? Why?


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What if…?

The volunteer is going to describe a picture.

You must attempt to draw this picture.

All you know is: The picture contains

rectangles The rectangles touch

one another You may not ask for

feedback or questions


Strong Example

Weak or Incorrect Examples


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Strategy 2:

Use Examples and Models of Strong and Weak Work

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Strategy 2:Use examples and models of

strong and weak work.

By using examples of strong and weak work inconjunction with the learning target, you are:

Clarifying your vision of the intended learningShaping the student’s continuum of qualityCommunicating your expectationsAssigning meaning and relevance to quality

levelsPreparing students to understand your

feedback to them and to engage in peer-and self-assessment

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It’s About More than the Model

To be clear:

Simply flashingmodels of strongwork will not

yieldreplicas of strongwork


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Get students to use the models of work to help see your vision.

How can I do this?

1. Match the phrase in the rubric to the relevant aspect of the sample work

2. Rank/score the samples according to a rubric

3. Match up quotes from an essay to feedback comments

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Let’s Try:Score the Samples According to a Rubric


1. Read the rubric on pg. 1 of your activity handout.

2. Examine the two student work samples on pg. 2 of your activity handout.

3. Score each sample according to the rubric.

4. Provide a rationale for your score by identifying the phrases or concepts that are associated with this score in the rubric.

5. Record your score and rationale on pg. 2 of your activity handout.

Using Strong and Weak Examples 1 Using Strong and Weak Examples 2 *

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Let’s Share Our Thoughts

Sample #

Strong or Weak?

Score Rationale



WHAT DOES YOUR TABLE THINK?•How would you score each sample?•What evidence in the work justifies your score?•How does an activity like this facilitate student understanding of the vision for learning?

Using Strong and Weak Examples 2*

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Strategy 3:

Offer Regular Descriptive Feedback

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Self- assess the frequency of your current feedback

practicesThe feedback I provide students… (A, S, or N)

1) directs attention to the intended learning.

2) occurs during learning so there is time for

students to ACT upon the feedback.

3) addresses partial understanding

4) is phrased so the students must do the thinking.

5) is appropriately limited in regard to corrective information so the students can act on the feedback

A: All S: Some N: Not


Please complete the self-

assessment on

page 3 of the

activity handout.Offer Regular Descriptive Feedback 3

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The Research has Shown…


1/3 feedback worsens performance

1/3 feedback yields no change

1/3 feedback led to consistent improvements

Feedback focuses on person instead of task

Feedback focuses on elements of the task & gives guidance on ways to make improvement

(Chappuis, 2009, p. 56)

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5 Characteristics of Effective Feedback:

1) Directs attention to the intended learning, pointing out strengths and offering specific information to guide improvement

2) Occurs during learning, while there is still time to act on it

3) Addresses partial understanding

4) Does not do the thinking for the student

5) Limits corrective information to the amount of advice the student can act on( Table from Chappuis, 2009,

p. 57)

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Effective Feedback…

“Directs attention tothe intendedlearning, pointingout strengths andoffering specificinformation to guideimprovement”

Success feedback points out what the student has done well

Intervention feedback gives specific information to guide improvement

(Chappuis, 2009, p. 57)

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Success or Intervention??  “The information you found is

important to your topic and answers questions the reader is likely to have.”  

  “The table you drew really helped solve the problem.” 

  “The drawing you made didn’t seem to help you solve the problem. Try drawing a Venn diagram and placing information in it.” 

(Chappuis, 2009)




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Providing Quality Feedback that will guide the student toward creating a more

accurate replication.


Quality Feedback: 5 of your 6 rectangles are correctly oriented. In this particular exercise, all of the rectangles are the same size. How could you adjust your drawing to embody this fact? Offer Regular Descriptive Feedback 3

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Let’s Try…


Part I- Read the feedback comments on pg.

3 of the activity packet For each feedback comment, please :

add context revise the comment to make it effective

success + interventionOffer Regular Descriptive Feedback 3


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How would your table turn these comments into interventionist feedback?

Offer Regular Descriptive Feedback 3*

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Suggestions for Offering Feedback

• Stars and Stairs• That’s Good? Now

This• Codes• Immediate


Pictures or Cues

• Written Comments

• Two-color Highlighting

• The Three-minute Conference




•What do you currently use?

•What will you try?

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Strategy 6:

Teach Students Focused Revision


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How do I close the gap?

“Sadler (1989) identified that, in order for improvement to take place, the child must first know the purpose of the task,

then how far this was achieved, and finally be given help in knowing how to move closer toward the desired goal or ‘in closing the gap.”

(Chappuis, 2009)*

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Strategy 6:Teach students focused revision.

Remember Strategy 5? Strategy 5 gives students focused instruction.

Strategy 6 offers students focused practice to ensure they avoid the common misunderstandings or correct them.

(Chappuis, 2009)*

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How do I Close the Gap?Strategy 5 & 6 in AP

STEPS TAKEN: Identified Common Misunderstanding

Collecting evidence that supports the thesis statement

Provided Instruction The criteria for historical evidence

Provided Practice Read the evidence statement & determine does it help

or hurt answer the prompt Prompt provided for you to support with 7-10

statements of evidence

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Focused Practice

Collecting Evidence that Supports the Thesis Statement

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Let’s Try:Applying Strategy 6 to “Describe It!”


AS A TABLE:•Identify the misconception, partial understanding, or partially developed skill in the student work.• What focused instruction would be provided to “close the gap?”•What focused practice would be created to “close the gap?”

Focused Revision 4


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Three of the Seven Student-Centered Strategies of Formative Assessment

Strategy 2:

Use examples and models of strong and weak work.

Strategy 3:

Offer regular descriptive feedback.

Strategy 6:

Teach students focused revision.

Where Am I Going?

Where Am I Now?

How Can I Close the Gap?

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Application Activity

1) Turn to your activity packet page 5.

2) Use the graphic organizer provided to apply the three strategies to an upcoming learning target/unit.

Application Activity 5

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For More Information:

Visit the PLT web site:

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Chappuis, Jan (2009). Seven strategies of assessment for learning. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. 2009.’

Stiggins, R (2007). Assessment for learning: An essential foundation of productive instruction. In Douglas Reeves (ed.), Ahead of the curve (pp56-77). Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree.