steven tinkler 2015 portfolio


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Post on 08-Apr-2016




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  • BA(Hons) Design Portfolio

  • Concept

    The final concept was to create a montage of Playstations most celebrated characters from the last 20 years. This would feature the most iconic characters as well as more obscure ones forhardcore fans of the console to try and pick out in the crowd.


    The montage shows a history of the console's characters in chronological order from Playstation 1 on the left to Playstation 4 on the right.

    The artwork was used on the Sony website and as part of a competition in which clues were given to the public to identify a different character each day. Every day one winner received a limited edition 20th anniversary Playstation 4. anniversary Playstation 4.


    To celebrate 20 years of Playstations rich history by crafting a piece that can be viewed through both digital and print mediums.

    Playstation 20th Anniversary Steven Tinkler

  • 20 Years of Characters

    The final montage (above) contains over 300 playstation characters from the last two decades. the most challenging aspect of the project was assembling enough high res copies to use for the piece, especially from characters that are nearing 20 years of age.

    The backgThe background features the iconic shapes associated with playstation that are seen on the consoles controller. I wanted to create a sense of depth as if all characters were assembled for one giant school photograph. This meant thinking about characters in order of size, as well as date, so that they all look as if they could be interacting with each other in the same world.

    (Left) Some of the platforms most iconic characters of recent years, including games such as Batman, Killzone, Assasins Creed and The last of Us.

    This pThis project taught me a lot about the organisation of design in terms ofmassive layered Photoshop files and keeping track of characters, as well as the overall aesthetic looking impressive and interesting to the public.

    Playstation 20th Anniversary Steven Tinkler

  • Detail

    Close-up crops of the piece show the level of detail andattention given to the montage. The image online was able to be viewed when zoomed in up to 8x, meaning every character had to be carefully cut out and shaded with thecorrect lighting and shadowing.

    I had to also ensuI had to also ensure that overlapping charactersbodyparts were in order and the scale of characters was in tact meaning that no characters looked out of proportion.

    Playstation 20th Anniversary Steven Tinkler

  • Exposure & Promotion

    My montage was used as part of a competition by Sony in which the public had the chance to win a special edition 20th anniversary Playstation 4 - of which 12,300 were made. (Above)

    To be in with a chance of buying the console, fans had to follow @PlayStationUK on Twitter. At a certain time each day (left) the Twitter account tweeted a clue about a PlayStation character.

    You then headed to PlayStations 20 Years of Characters page, which features my montagecontaining over 300 characters. . containing over 300 characters. . You were taken through to a secret website, run by retailer Game, where the first 100 people to find the correct character were sent instructions to buy the console.

    This gave me an insight into viral marketing techniques using the power of social media to gain attention. Below is the originally pitched concept image featuring just 70 characters.

    Playstation 20th Anniversary Steven Tinkler

  • Brief

    Set by the YCN creative network to design the next generation of instoresupermarket experience for Morrisons.


    The creative challenge was to design a series of future in store innovations that will further Morrisons' aim to make food buying enjoyable rather than functional for the next generation of customers.

    ReseaResearch told me that what people dislike most about shopping is not being able to find the items they are looking for & having to queue at the end of a shop. I looked at ways i could minimize these problems for the future shopper.


    I created a mobile app called Morrisons Myfeed. This is to be used both at home and instore.

    Users gain inspiration from other members within the community at home and compile a shopping list. The app calculates a route around your local store which locates your items in a logical order.

    By making use oBy making use of new technology users are able to scan all items at the end of a shop by walking through a scanning gate that gives you a total price instantly. You will be billed to your phone if you are happy with the total, saving you time when you shop.

    Award Winner2014

    Morrisons Myfeed App Steven Tinkler

  • Morrisons Myfeed App Steven Tinkler

    1 2



    1 Users have their own social profile. This diplays their activity, followers and who they are following within the community.

    2 Your feed gives shopping list suggestions including ingredients for meals from professional chefs. Collections are also uploaded. For example movie night caters to foods for that specific occasion.

    3 All food items have an RFID tag on them instead of a ba3 All food items have an RFID tag on them instead of a barcode. These act in the same way but do not need to be scanned directly as they use radio waves rather than infa-red scanning techniques. This makes it possible for the scanning gate to work & bill you instantly.

    4 RFID tags store data on them. These will alert you when food is about to expire at home and give you the option to add them to your next shopping list.

  • Concept Video

    This is the main deliverable for the project. I created a promotional video to best show off the Applications features.

    I recorded a voiceover narrating the apps components which combined with in-store footage

    using overlaid graphics. This accurately demonstrates what you would experience when

    using the app. Viewable at

    Morrisons Myfeed App Steven Tinkler

  • Concept

    The ident was shown between programmes and at the beginning and end of the Cadburys Christmas adverts for 5 seconds.

    The outcome that I worked on focused on the feeling of joy gained from unwrapping and sharing presents at Christmas. This led to the tag line Unwrapping Joy which also drove the visual style.


    Emphasis was placed on a wrapping paper style patterned design. This pattern was used to wrap gifts in the advert.

    This visual element was carried over onto the packaging of Cadburys products. This plays upon the joy that Cadburys chocolate gives people being likened to the joy felt when opening a present.


    To create a concept and final outcome for Cadburys Christmas identto be shown on ITV over the festive period.

    2014 Cadburys Christmas ident Steven Tinkler

  • Typeface

    I created a custom typeface called Joyville (right) to be used on the ident for the tag line Unwrapping Joy at Christmas and wherever else suitable to the campaign. I crafted lettering with a soft serif look that promotes a playful joyous feeling that appeals to both children and adults without being too serious looking.

    Visual Style

    The concept of a knitted pattern was used as a visual style. This inspiration stems from Christmas jumpers and stockings used to tie in a festive look.

    Easily identifiable images associated with Christmas such as the snowman Easily identifiable images associated with Christmas such as the snowman were used for the packaging pattern. These, when arranged in a repeated line pattern, serve well as a simple and eye catching wrapping paper design. This design was used for presents within the ident (below) and on Cadburys chocolate packaging over Christmas (right).

    2014 Cadburys Christmas ident Steven Tinkler




  • Design in use

    High quality renders from the final ident showing the knit design in use. Purple is a consistent colour throughout as it is synonymous with the Cadbury brand.

    Presents are stacked high with the print pattern used as wrapping, as well as various Cadburys products dotted around the presents torreinforce the similarity between presents and chocolate.

    (Left) My Joyville typeface being used to portray the tagline on a bar of Cadburys chocolate, which closes out the ident. I have added anembossed effect to really make the lettering stand out and give it a soft feel associated with fun and joy.

    2014 Cadburys Christmas ident Steven Tinkler

  • Advert timeline

    This is how the final ident looks when introducing and closing out the Cadburys Christmas advert. The original present animates to burst, freeing the joy inside the gift which fills the screen with gold.

    This acts as a transition into the advert which depicts a town covered in the same wrapping paper. The town is then unwrapped by excited children waking up on Christmas day. My typeface can be seen at the end when a chocolate bar comes back into shot concluding the Ad with the tagline Unwrap joy this Christmas.

    2014 Cadburys Christmas ident Steven Tinkler

  • Personal Photography Steven Tinkler

  • Personal Photography Steven Tinkler

  • Personal Photography Steven Tinkler

  • 2014 London culture Steven Tinkler

  • Concept

    I wanted to explore the extinction of the dinosaurs as a key historic event. There are still several theories as to how they ultimately died out. This makes an interesting topic to educate people about as there is no difinitive ending & is regarded as one of historys greatest mysteries.


    I decided to design a childrens book to demonstrate the extinction. There are four theories as to how the dinosaurs died out. This lends its self to an exciting book with multiple endings where the child gets to choose what ending to read based on different decisions within the book.

    Dinosaurs aDinosaurs are a topic that a lot of children are fascinated with and this book educates them on the theories why they are now extinct in a light-hearted friendly style.

    What happened to the Dinosaurs? Childrens book Steven Tinkler


    Take an historic event of your choice and tell the full story.Illustrate how this event came to be and what led up to it.

  • What happened to the Dinosaurs? Childrens book Steven Tinkler

    Storyline choices

    Some double page spreads throughout the book offer the reader a choice on what storyline to follow. For example if you choose for the world to become colder then one ending sees the dinosaurs freeze in an Ice Age.

    Alternately if you were to pick a different route then earth would be struck by a giant comet instead.

  • What happened to the Dinosaurs? Childrens book Steven Tinkler

    Cover Design

    I chose to design a wrap around cover for the book so that it is interesting to look at for children from all angles. This also affected my choice not to include words on the back cover, as the main draw of the book is the vibrant friendly illustrations.


    I wanted to use dinosaurs that chidren are familiar with so that they can connect with the characters easily. I also created a custom typeface which I used for all type throughout the book.

    I made suI made sure that the typeface is easily legible when scaled down so that it is still easy for a younger audience to read whilst fitting in seamlessly with the aesthetic of the book.

  • Concept

    I wanted to engage with actual world events in real time, giving them a Monopoly twist to keep them relevant to the brand.

    For example, Movember themed posts featuring Mr Monopolys Moustache keeps the brand relevant and people are more likely to relate to events that are currently in the news.


    I split the creative into several routes. One, for example, titledIf Monopoly was real focussed on real life scenarios that could be improved if Monopoly were real, such as the use of a get out of jail free card or free parking space.

    Other Other routes were holiday based, such as fireworks night or Christmas day being promoted using Mr Monopoly or places on the Monopoly board. I wanted to retain a fun and shareable element to my designs.


    To design for Monopolys online advertising presence. Promote the boardgame through regular Facebook posts to interest social media users and drive traffic via the Monopoly page through likes and shares. This will ultimately mean more Monopoly players and buyers.

    2014 Cadburys Christmas ident Steven Tinkler

  • Change of art style

    The original Art style of Mr Monopoly (left) that was being used looked dated and was out of touch with modern advertising styles.

    I created a more realistic Mr Monopoly that people can relate to more easily. This new look can also be dropped into real world scenarios and photographs without looking out of place.

    This change in art style allows the new look Mr Monopoly to be re-appropriated into Facebook posts that suit the occasion.

    For example the Christmas post (above) where a santa beard and hat has been added. All posts contain the Monopoly watermark to subtly keep the posts on brand when they are shared elsewhereon the internet.

    Monopolys online advertising Steven Tinkler

  • A post for 50 things about Monopoly. the design is framed in a border stylized from a Monopoly board tile.

    What if Monopoly were real? series. For example, what if you had a Get out of jail free card when you forget an anniversarypresent? Photography style is candid as if anyone could have taken it from a real life scenario.

    Post encouraging audience participation. Movembers competition to grow a Mo like Mr Monopoly. The most liked image wins a prize .

    Were not running a hotel! Tag any parents whove said that recently. This post encourages the public to relate to and share the post. This example portrays people re-decorating their house toresemble a hotel from Monopoly.

    Introduction image for the Movember Monopoly post series to be rolled out to Facebook and Twitter.

    Driving home for #Christmas? Dont get snowed in!As posts became more regular, a more modern framing guideline was established. This is more minimal to allow the artwork to speak louder and captions to be written underneath.

    Monopolys online advertising Steven Tinkler

  • Design in situ

    My designs were posted onto Monopolys social media outlets.The Facebook page (above) currently has over 11.5 million likes, so the audience is huge. These posts regularly gained thousands oflikes and shares online.

    This work taught me what sort of work and advertising strategiesaare successful online and what is the best way to attract peoplesattention. I had to demonstrate high quality mock-up skills inPhotoshop as the audience is so wide that designs must be bothconvincing and engaging.

    Monopolys online advertising Steven Tinkler

  • Brief

    This brief was set by the International society of typographic designers. It was to gather a complete knowledge about one single thing and make that accessible for the public in the form of either a book, magazine oreven a digital presence.

    The The relationship between text and image, layout, grid use, colour, hierarchy of information and typographic treatment must be considered.


    I decided to focus my project around lightning. I created a tall book with a thin grid system to reflect its downwards nature. I limited myself to a yellow & black colour palette to highlight the stark contrast between a stormy sky and a flash of lightning.

    I wanted to portray a conflicting rhythm within the pages showing a slow I wanted to portray a conflicting rhythm within the pages showing a slow calm night suddenly erupting quickly with a jolt of lightning.

    Everything about Lightning Steven Tinkler

  • Everything about Lightning Steven Tinkler

  • Everything about Lightning Steven Tinkler


    This project is a typographic representation of the natural phenomena known as lightning. The book covers everything from describing how lightning is formed to myths and stories people have shared.It is a mix of scientific and entertaining matter which also appeals to designers through inventive layouts and use of typography.

    I created a strict ten column custom grid to fit a taller page size. This is to keep order to body text. Some pages however need to break the grid to be successful. For example a page representing the boom of thunder breaks the page boundaries deliberately as if it is too loud to be contained.

  • Brief

    Well known fish & chips brand Harry Ramsdens set a brief tore-brand themselves , reasserting their relevance in the current market. The main deliverables should include marque & menu redesign aswell as food packaging.

    Harry Ramsdens Rebrand Steven Tinkler


    Harry Ramsdens Fish & Chips emphasise fresh locally caught produce. This influenced my working and colour choice. Overly saturated bright colours, which they currently used, were toned down to give a morenatural look. A script type added to the friendly, informal atmosphere that I wanted to portray about the brand.

  • Visual Inspiration

    Harry Ramsdens is inherently British. A traditional British day at the beach is not as picturesque as abroad in terms of perfect skies and ideal heat. This influenced my deeper blue colour scheme. I focussed on a nautical theme, keeping colours and patterns navy blue and white.

    I wanted to bring thI wanted to bring through the identity of Harry Ramsden as a person. This influenced my hand written wording and type style.

    The existing logo below was redesigned to give a friendly, modern aesthetic that maintained a down to earth look in which anyone is invited to try the product.



    Harry Ramsdens Rebrand Steven Tinkler

  • Menu & Loyalty cards

    The pattern design on menus are inspired by waves and Harry Ramsdens obvious link to the sea. Type choice within the menu is referencing the wording on the side of trawler boats that would be used to catch fresh fish sold within the restaurants.

    The textuThe texture of the card gives a weathered effect to suggest being outside in the open air of the coast. Stripes were chosen to encompass a nautical theme which immediately associates the brand with this environment.

    Harry Ramsdens Rebrand Steven Tinkler

  • Harry Ramsdens Rebrand Steven Tinkler

    The patterned fish print is to be used to wrap up fish & chips to take away or doubles as a placemat in the restaurant . I have photographed the instore items on a rich wood table which gives a quintessential British look. Limiting the brand to two colours brings all elements together and creates a solid identity for Harry Ramsdens.

  • Concept

    Collider is an exhibition charting the journey inside the largest scientific experiment ever constructed. Buried deep under the border between Switzerland and France, CERNs Large Hadron Collider is the work of 10,000 men and women from across the globe, united in their quest to uncover the fundamental building globe, united in their quest to uncover the fundamental building blocks of our universe.

    To me this was an exciting concept to explore and interpret graphically through areas such as hoardings, advertising and content within the exhibit itself.


    I visited the exhibit and discovered that the core concept involved firing proton particles at the speed of light towards each other.

    I wanted to create a sense of movement and excitement through my work that reflected this incredible speed. Explanations of how the collider works were dull, with complex formulas written on white boawhite boards within the exhibition rooms.

    I took this information and created a motion picture explaining the concept, which is to be projected onto a giant curved screen.


    Self negotiated brief to redesign the look and content of 2014sCollider exhibition at the London Science Museum.

    Science museum exhibition design Steven Tinkler

  • Ident

    As the exhibition is strongly linked with movement I saw an animated ident as the most appropriate way to express the event.

    The typography was created out of particles that moved towards each other to create the name of the exhibition, Collider.

    This moving ident works just as eThis moving ident works just as effectively when static (left), as the negative space left in the letters makes the audience solve what the word is saying. Fading light trails maintain the feeling of movement within the static ident.

    Science museum exhibition design Steven Tinkler

  • Exhibition environment

    This exhibition is open to the general public, for all ages. I wanted embrace the challange of taking the complicated concept of how embrace the challange of taking the complicated concept of how and why the Hadron collider works and make it easily understand-able for people with no background knowledge of the subject apart from the previous rooms inside the exhibition.

    This motion picture is to be projected onto a wall in a dark room within the exhibit. There is to be no light as the motion picture features bright colours against a black background which works best in thisenvironment.

    I wanted to create exciting visuals that stepped away from the usual uninteresting diagrams that people associate with physics.


    These images give you a sense of scale of the motion picture. When projected onto a black screen in a dark room, the particles appear to float in the room rather than be restricted by the edges of a screen.

    This is important visually due to the nature of the collisions ccreating large explosions. I wanted these collision explosions to have room to dissipate around the room and the best way to show this large scale experiment was to have it projected rather than be shown on a smaller monitor.

    Exhibition environment

    The environment where the motion picture will be shown is dimly lit to focus attention on the screen. The screen is curved to create the impression that the room is circular, mimicking the shape of the Hadron Collider its self

    This also allows the scThis also allows the screen to surround the audience, creating a more immersive experience.

    Posters will be hung outside the exhibit against gradient backgrounds resembling the aqua light streaks that are featured on hoarding advertisements around the city.

    Science museum exhibition design Steven Tinkler

  • Motion picture

    This exhibition is open to the general public for all ages. I wanted toembrace the challenge of taking the complicated concept of how and why the Hadron collider works and make it easily understandable for people with no background knowledge of the subject.

    This motion pictuThis motion picture is to be projected onto a wall in a dark room within the exhibit. There is to be no light as the motion picture features bright colours against a black background which works best in thisenvironment.

    I wanted to create exciting visuals that stepped away from the usual uninteresting diagrams that people associate with physics. The soundtrack The soundtrack reflects this with grand surround sound effects adding to the sense of scale of this experiment.

    Science museum exhibition design Steven Tinkler

  • Motion picture

    As there is wording in the motion picture to explain how the collider works, I thought creatively about how the text moves and transitions to reflect the behaviour of particles. This keeps each phase of the video interesting and unique to make the audience guess where text will materialize from.

    Science museum exhibition design Steven Tinkler

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