stephen williams born sunday 11 may 1980 local time 14:52 ... and carolyn soulmate.pdf · moon...

Stephen Williams Born Sunday 11 May 1980 Local Time 14:52 Universal Time 18:52 Arena, Delaware, New York Long:74W44 Lat:42N06 Carolyn Foster Born Sunday 26 April 1987 Local Time 07:06 Universal Time 14:06 Valencia, Los Angeles, California Long:118W36 Lat:118W36 &

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Stephen WilliamsBorn Sunday 11 May 1980 Local Time 14:52 Universal Time 18:52

Arena, Delaware, New York Long:74W44 Lat:42N06

Carolyn FosterBorn Sunday 26 April 1987 Local Time 07:06 Universal Time 14:06

Valencia, Los Angeles, California Long:118W36 Lat:118W36


Carolyn Foster

Planetary PositionsStephen Williams

Soul Mates for Stephen & Carolyn

Born Sunday 11 May 1980 Local Time 14:52 Universal Time 18:52Arena, Delaware, New York Long:74W44 Lat:42N06

Planetary Positions

Born Sunday 26 April 1987 Local Time 07:06 Universal Time 14:06Valencia, Los Angeles, California Long:118W36 Lat:118W36



j 20°17'31''6




a 21°12'37''2sdfgh






Planet/Point Glyph Sign Glyph Position HouseSunMoonMercuryVenusMarsJupiterSaturnUranusNeptunePlutoAscendantMidHeaven






j 20°36'17''9




a 5°48'54''2sdfgh






Planet/Point Glyph Sign Glyph Position HouseSunMoonMercuryVenusMarsJupiterSaturnUranusNeptunePlutoAscendantMidHeaven





Soul Mates for Stephen & Carolyn

Stephen's Aspect (mode of relationship) Carolyn's Glyphs OrbPlanet / Point Planet/Point

Sun Conjunct Ascendant 01°19'q _aMoon Conjunct Moon 04°26'q ssMoon Conjunct Venus 08°51'q fsMoon Conjunct Jupiter 00°27'q hsMercury Conjunct Ascendant 03°16'q _dMidheaven Conjunct Mars 05°02'q g+Midheaven Opposition Saturn 01°40'w j+Uranus Opposition Ascendant 01°08'w _KMidheaven Opposition Uranus 07°31'w K+Moon Square Neptune 05°39'r lsPluto Opposition Moon 01°33'w s;Pluto Opposition Mercury 04°23'w d;Venus Square Venus 05°11'r ffVenus Opposition Uranus 03°05'w KfSaturn Square Mars 06°23'r gjAscendant Square Mars 06°41'r g_Ascendant Square Saturn 00°01'r j_Ascendant Square Uranus 05°52'r K_Mars Trine Sun 03°30'e agJupiter Trine Sun 05°13'e ahMoon Sextile Mars 00°20'y gsMoon Trine Saturn 07°02'e jsNeptune Trine Moon 04°05'e slMidheaven Sextile Moon 00°56'y s+Jupiter Trine Mercury 06°39'e dhNeptune Trine Mercury 01°51'e dlMars Trine Uranus 05°51'e KgMars Trine Neptune 05°37'e lgPluto Trine Mars 05°39'e g;Saturn Trine Ascendant 02°15'e _jAscendant Trine Ascendant 01°57'e __Jupiter Trine Uranus 04°09'e KhJupiter Trine Neptune 07°20'e lhPluto Opposition Jupiter 06°26'w h;Saturn Square Saturn 00°19'r jjSaturn Square Uranus 06°10'r Kj


Soul Mates for Stephen & Carolyn

Stephen's Aspect (mode of relationship) Carolyn's Glyphs OrbPlanet / Point Planet/Point

Neptune Conjunct Saturn 01°29'q jlPluto Sextile Saturn 01°02'y j;Neptune Conjunct Uranus 04°22'q Kl


Soul Mates Report Above is the astrological data for Stephen and Carolyn . The Relationship interpretation that follows defines the synastry or Inter-Aspects between the planets in Stephen's birth chart and the planets in Carolyn's birth chart. Please check that the birth data is correct in both cases. The Inter-Aspects - or 'chemistry - between Stephen and Carolyn' is divided into four general types:

Key Connections Relationship Challenges Relationship Strengths Socio-Cultural Interactions

As you read them, the following should also be noted:

aaaaa 'Close One' To the right of each pair of symbols, which represent the interaction between the planets, is a group of 5 stars assss denoting the closeness of the Inter-Aspect. The more dark stars there are the closer and more intense the interaction. Whenever an Inter-Aspect is a 'Close One', indicated by four or five black stars, it forms a tight bond. These are the interactions which make up the core of your relationship, be it good or bad. As a general but not absolute rule, a relationship is described as 'close' when around a third of all the Inter-Aspects between Stephen and Carolyn are 'Close Ones'. 'Birth Time Sensitive' This means that the interaction will be technically correct only when the birth times are accurate to within fifteen minutes. If a birth time is correct only to within an hour or so, then any interactions involving the Moon of that individual should be regarded as unreliable. Double Whammy When any Inter-Aspect, along with its interpretation, is shared - for example: if Stephen's Moon is Conjunct Carolyn's Pluto while Stephen's Pluto is Conjunct Carolyn's Moon - then that will have a particularly intense effect on the relationship. Inter-changeability Inter-Aspects can indicate an exchange of roles between the two parties as a result of psychological projection, cultural and gender influences, and the status and inclination of each party. Therefore, either or both parties can emulate the other person's role in the relationship. The One Golden Rule It is not possible for a single planetary interaction or Inter-Aspect to make or break Stephen and Carolyn's relationship. In a healthy relationship, it is always possible to find the strength to deal with the occasional stresses and strains. Challenges can be overcome with patience and love. Needless to say, many relationships do not turn out to be long-lasting or permanent. Even so, they exist for a reason - and the Inter-Aspects will explain what that reason is.

Soul Mates for Stephen & Carolyn


Key ConnectionsThese are usually the most powerful and dynamic points of interaction between you, but do not be put off if you find little or none, as other interactions will provide strong connections. They can be either harmonious, difficult or a bit of both - depending on the planets involved.

Stephen's a q Carolyn's _ aaaas Close OneStephen relates intensely with Carolyn The lighted way Birth time sensitive Your meeting should mark a new beginning for one or both of you. Stephen is rather like a beam of light who shows Carolyn the path towards what they are supposed to become. If Carolyn is looking for some way forward ( or out ), either consciously or unconsciously, encountering Stephen is a bit like a light being switched on for them. Not only are they made to see their way ahead more clearly, they also get a clearer idea of what their current circumstances are about. In fact this may come before seeing their way ahead, but only a little. Naturally enough, such a ready and positive response to their ego causes Stephen to behave in a confident and magnanimous fashion. Consequently, the two of you get off to a good, even dynamic, start which can, as I say, lead to a new path for one or both of you, either together or individually. A possible downside to all this bright interaction is owing to the fact that your respective egos and images are so intensified as to make you act rashly, and take on more than you originally thought you were taking on. So eventually, competitiveness and being too much in each other's faces may be a problem. However, if they're other fast and furious interactions between you, then the immediacy of this one will be irresistible. Sometimes life is running along rails, and all you can do is apply the brakes a bit, but if Fate wants you to switch tracks - you will. Seeing that this interaction leads to a far stronger sense of yourselves and your abilities, you may as well toot your whistle and move on down the line - but watch out for amber or red signals!

Stephen's s q Carolyn's s aaassStephen relates intensely with Carolyn Emotional surfers Your emotional rhythms and dispositions are very alike, which means that you not only mirror each other's highs but also your lows. You crest together and you trough together! Yet because you are so emotionally in sync you kind of surf side-by-side through these troughs and peaks. It also has to be said that a great deal depends upon the actual Moon-Sign(s) in question, which will usually be the same. Check out the positive qualities and help one another to make them more so. Check out the negative qualities and make a pledge to each other to keep a wary eye out for getting simultaneously caught in any downward spiral. The trick here is to not go over the top when you're both on a high, otherwise the inevitable low could wipe you both out for a while or more. By and large though, you are excellently and instinctively well matched - peas in a pod, type of thing. Whatever or whoever is under your care should count themselves lucky - troughs notwithstanding!

Soul Mates for Stephen & Carolyn


Stephen's s q Carolyn's f assssStephen relates intensely with Carolyn Sweet and lovely You have a feeling for each other that is both sympathetic and affectionate, caring and loving. If this sounds good, you're right, it is! This interaction highlights love, marriage, friendship and family relationships like no other. The natural occurrence of what could loosely be termed 'native' pursuits is something that you draw great pleasure from, as well as providing it for others. Such things are singing, dancing, crafts, artistic expression, etc - but all done on a personal or domestic level, and not necessarily a professional one. This is a very gentle and 'female' interaction because you both tune into what are lovable and likeable, rather than desirable and admirable. The former qualities are accommodating and flexible, whereas the latter can be brittle and distance inducing. For this reason, this interaction very much assists female-to-female relationships. If there is a 'but' to this lovely interaction, it is the possible excess of this 'femaleness', for it can incline you to be too passive as a couple. So unless there are some more dynamic interactions between you, this means that you can get led down whatever path presents itself rather than be consciously self-directing or discriminating, with the result that pleasure and comfort seeking becomes your sole directive, and aimlessness your only product. Apart from that possible hitch, together and with each other, you are "Sweet and lovely, sweeter than the roses in May...".

Stephen's s q Carolyn's h aaaaa Close OneStephen relates intensely with Carolyn Emotional abundance There is a great and natural feeling of understanding for one another. Whatever might be occurring in your lives, together or individually, it is always within both of you to explore it if it is positive, or to accommodate it if it is not. There exists an innate faith and trust in one another, to whatever degree it needs to be there. For these reasons, this interaction has more the nature of furthering and maintaining a relationship rather than initiating or creating one. And so, if your relationship is ongoing, then you can be sure that together you will progressively overcome any difficulties, and prosper in the process. It also highlights child-rearing and caring for the spiritual or physical health of anyone or anything - as long as you avoid doting on each other and self-righteous conduct or prevarication. But do not expect this aspect alone to fire you up. Indeed, the ultimate expression or energy of this interaction may go beyond emotional and physical gratification, as it leans more and more towards altruism and philanthropy. Kindness towards one another, and to those around you, is the great key to emotional well-being bestowed upon you by the benign effect of this interaction.

Soul Mates for Stephen & Carolyn


Stephen's d q Carolyn's _ aaassStephen relates intensely with Carolyn Food for thought Birth time sensitive Carolyn will act as a sounding board to Stephen, who will in turn give them back food for thought. In fact, 'food for thought' describes well what you both are to one another, in direct proportion however, to your current states of mind as individuals. You put one another in touch with not only ideas and ways of translating the meaning of things, but also introduce one another to interesting people. You also stimulate each other's wits, and joking can be a strong component to your interaction. Together you can bring alive the phrase 'body language' as you connect so well through word and physical expression. But this does not mean to say that what is communicated is always pleasant, you may even get on each other's nerves - a case of the media being good, but not necessarily the message.

Stephen's + q Carolyn's g aasssStephen relates intensely with Carolyn Jockeying for position Birth time sensitive Stephen provides Carolyn with a sense of how they can make their mark in the world or simply an idea of what that mark is. In return, Stephen energizes - either by promotion or attack - Stephen's own place in the scheme of things. A quite competitive spirit can reign here, mainly with regard to professional interests. Obviously, mutual promotion would be preferable, but thrashing out and fighting for one's space and place is intrinsic to this interaction.

Stephen's + w Carolyn's j aaaas Close OneStephen has a difference of opinion with Carolyn Firm foundations or want of them Birth time sensitive The fears or sense of order of the one of you, probably Carolyn, come into direct contact with the inner, private or domestic realm of Stephen. A great deal depends upon the strength of Carolyn with regard to their own house being in order if it is a case of Stephen not having their house in order. This will also apply the other way around. So the expression of this interaction can, on the one hand, be a dire, cold and chaotic private relationship that undermines the professional life of one or both of you, or, on the other hand, a stable and well-ordered private or domestic life that acts as a sound base for career activities. In effect then this interaction serves to show how well or badly each of you are doing at this particular time of your respective lives. It may therefore be a lesson in the learning, or something sober and firm - but maybe a bit lacking in emotional warmth - that lasts and lasts.

Soul Mates for Stephen & Carolyn


Stephen's K w Carolyn's _ aaaaa Close OneStephen has a difference of opinion with Carolyn Freedom and balance Birth time sensitive It could be said that this interaction holds the key to relating. The esoteric reason for this is that Balance, which is what relating is essentially about, is really only found when both people have and allow each other the Freedom to do so. This interaction is all about Balance and Freedom. But before you start opening the champagne and booking the reception, it has to be said that most people either do not know what Freedom actually is, or if they think they do and they are offered it, they feel quite threatened by it. For example, with this interaction, Freedom can first show its face by not allowing you to plan or fix things as you'd like. It is as if it tests your ability to be free by not letting you have what you expect, by not letting you feel too safe. But from a conventional standpoint, these are the very things that we want from a relationship. And so when either one of you feels shaky about the other being unreliable, think again, it is just this interaction rattling the cage of your conventional expectations. Another clue here is that Uranus governs friends and friendship. And so if this is a love or family relationship, attempt to see each other as friends do - that is, not making unnecessary, or least of all, possessive demands on one another. True friends don't. You may indeed find that you are quite easygoing with one another, and do not live in each other's pockets. This is a good sign that you are being true to one another - because you are feeling free to be yourselves, and allowing each other to be so too. However, if one or both of you is secretly hankering after something more complete, and is just pretending to be 'modern' and laid-back, then expect the other person to start upping the dosage of unpredictability! Another very common manifestation of this interaction, one that happens after two people have married and settled down, is divorce. But this only happens because you got married for reasons of security and social convention - anathema this interaction - even though you may have thought along the way that you were free and easygoing, and even open to experimentation. All the same, experimentation is what it is about in a very pragmatic sense. In other words, with this interaction you are both discovering something new, by trial and error, and possibly developing some new social values in the process. In any event, yours is not what others would class as a 'normal' relationship - whatever that is.

Stephen's + w Carolyn's K assssStephen has a difference of opinion with Carolyn The bomb in the basement Birth time sensitive Carolyn brings disruption to the home and inner life of Stephen, but this is only because they unconsciously needed to clear out the cobwebs in that area. The trouble is that the home and private interior is usually the very place where one wants peace and stability - and so Carolyn may eventually get 'expelled' or not admitted in the first place. However, it is also the place where habits can cause one to stagnate. If Stephen can accept this seeming 'disruption' in this spirit then they can be renewed and liberated. In return they can provide Carolyn with the place to realize their uniqueness and accept what is unusual about their nature, and make something of it. Generally, the home and what goes on inside of it are out of the ordinary, shocking even.

Soul Mates for Stephen & Carolyn


Relationship Challenges These are the interactions that are most likely to produce friction and disagreement - some more than others as the interpretations point out. In fact, they often explain why you were attracted in the first place because they define the deeper reasons for your coming together in that they force both of you to become more self-aware and improve your relating skills or ability to love and be loved. Too many of these Challenges however (in comparison to the Relationship Strengths below) can make it unacceptably uphill and lead to separation. But it would still have the potential for self-growth.

Stephen's s r Carolyn's l aasssStephen clashes with Carolyn Emotional compulsion The issue here is one or both of you having personal boundaries that are defined too strongly or not strongly enough. Consequently, there are three possible scenarios. If you both have vague ideas of where you begin and end as individuals, you then accommodate each other only too well, in a rather indiscriminate fashion. This invites emotional confusion as you tend to drag one another down to the lowest common denominator of living standard. What allows this to happen is the fact that in the first place you kind of melt into each other, fostering the illusion that you are closer than you actually are or were. In this case, one or both of you has to find the strength or help to make a stand, possibly having to be quite ruthless in the process. The second case is when one of you is quite open emotionally, and the other is relatively closed. The open one gets under the closed one's skin, in spite of themselves, forcing them to be more emotionally forthcoming. Unfortunately, this is unlikely to be done consciously, but more in the way of being victim-like and needy, compromising the other 'stronger' person in the process. But the stronger person should read this as having to be more compassionate. The third case, when both of you are quite separate as people, would mean that something occurs or will occur that forces you to be more open about your individual vulnerability. Without dealing with whatever your scenario is in the constructive ways suggested here, your relationship could go from confusion to delusion, from misconception to rank deception.

Soul Mates for Stephen & Carolyn


Stephen's ; w Carolyn's s aaaaa Close OneStephen has a difference of opinion with Carolyn An appointment with fate Here there is a great contrast between how Carolyn and Stephen experience this interaction. Stephen is somehow emotionally 'feeding' off Carolyn in order to satisfy - very unconsciously, initially at least - a deep craving to gain, or regain, a position of power. For some reason, most likely a feeling of being disempowered or denied something earlier in life, Stephen wants to get their way - and will go through hell and high water to do so. Unfortunately this can be quite oppressive to Carolyn whose feelings and security feel threatened by what they experience as Stephen's emotionally manipulative or merely neurotic onslaughts. How Carolyn deals with this very much depends upon the position of the Moon in their own birth chart. As a general rule though, Carolyn will feel rather like they did as a child when oppressed by their mother - and this means a sense of powerlessness that only has evasion or passivity, rebelliousness or contrariness, as a way of coping or resisting. Ultimately all of this leads to some sort of crisis which either tears the relationship apart, or, which makes you closer and stronger as a couple. In turn, this process of going through the mill could also deeply involve the families, dependants and offspring of both of you. If you reflect for a moment, you will remember that there was always a sense of the inevitable about your coming together, like an appointment with Fate that has been or will be in aid of putting you far more in touch with your respective emotional depths. However, because this interaction does pose quite cataclysmic upheavals, you both may sense this and choose just to experience the chemistry between you as an almost irresistible tug with distinct sexual undertones - but if circumstances bring you together often enough it may prove untenable.

Stephen's ; w Carolyn's d aaassStephen has a difference of opinion with Carolyn The delver and the browser Stephen penetrates to the core of Carolyn's mind and attempts to bend their way of thinking towards what they think is more valid and profound. Although Stephen can at first find this impressive and somehow compelling, they sooner or later experience such mental invasion as being nerve-wracking. So they then crave that erstwhile and relatively superficial attitude to life where probing and plumbing the depths is not regarded as essential mental activity. However, Stephen's hold on Carolyn's mentality is as persistent as it is genuine in its profundity and psychological insight; if they have some point rooted in truth then Stephen will find it irresistible, despite their objections. If though, Stephen is simply out to suppress Carolyn's own point of view, then Carolyn will grow increasingly distrustful of Stephen's words and intentions - and ironically be intellectually more robust as a result. But with this interaction it is important to remember that each of you is supposed to become more aware of their respective strengths and weakness, rather than simply resist or insist. This means that Carolyn may gain some far more reliable insights into how life works, and get to the bottom of things rather than flitting around rather ineffectually. Stephen, on the other hand, can learn to take things more at face value and not be quite so interrogatory, letting Carolyn ( and themselves ) take time out with a bit of brain candy every once in a while.

Soul Mates for Stephen & Carolyn


Stephen's f r Carolyn's f aasssStephen clashes with Carolyn A need to accommodate different values Your tastes and values clash in some areas. This may not be too great a problem unless you let it become so. Small things like disagreeing on what to buy, what film to see, what food to eat, etc, if allowed to become a priority could undermine whatever sharing and harmony you have between you. More seriously though, an imbalance in terms of how much or what type of affection is shown could amount to a dissatisfaction that is hard to ignore. If such a thing can be regarded as not that important, then well and good. If not however, dissatisfaction could lead to separation.

Stephen's f w Carolyn's K aaaasStephen has a difference of opinion with Carolyn Excitement before love You were probably attracted to one another in a lightning-like, irresistible fashion. However, there could have been a certain sense of difference and distance at first meeting, something which may have taken place in an unusual place or circumstances. However, such is the electro-magnetism between the two of you that synchronicity conspires to bring you together again, seemingly by accident. The sexual dimension is strong between the two of you, but you may even try to resist this too. But again that electro-magnetic attraction wins, and the whole subject of sex and what it implies becomes a major issue, with co-incidence, accident, unusualness, etc. streaking through it. But this is possibly all perennially resisted by one or both of you to a degree where the decidedly disruptive and unstable qualities of this interaction seem to be strangely self-imposed. But then this is life making the point that everything is self-imposed, consciously or unconsciously. And so indeed you are both on a sexual roller-coaster that'll lead you know not where. Socially too, Carolyn will introduce Stephen to new ideas and sensations; this could be mutual. But this interaction's intention is to surprise and shock you out of your ruts and awaken you to whatever you need to know next about life and yourselves. And so Stephen becomes more aware of what their values and pleasures really are by having them turned upside down by Carolyn. Carolyn will just re-throw the dice and hope for better luck next time. As you have probably guessed, this is not a relationship to grow old and grey together with, not unless there other interactions that bestow this, or unless you are both quite kinky or into openly sharing. On this last point, so-called 'open relationships' are more often than not just a reluctance-to-commit posing as 'liberation' - especially on Carolyn's part.

Soul Mates for Stephen & Carolyn


Stephen's j r Carolyn's g aasssStephen clashes with Carolyn Brakes and accelerator The interaction that you have here is bound to give you trouble and stop you getting anywhere as a couple - unless Carolyn is prepared to take stock of how they actually go ( or don't go ) about getting what they want as an individual, and if Stephen is not too hard on Carolyn for not being as effective or mature as they deem Carolyn should be. But 'hard' is very much the keynote of this hard aspect, which means that hard feelings are bound to arise - that is unless you are both seeing the hardness as coming from some quarter external to the relationship itself. The reason behind such hardness is that Stephen is inclined to thwart and control Carolyn's urges in a way that reminds them of how this possibly happened to them in childhood. Consequently, Carolyn is bound to get angry or upset - which would offend Stephen's sense of propriety and order, causing them to suppress or belittle Carolyn even more. So the vicious circle of this interaction is all too obvious. One could see your interaction as a case of accelerator ( Carolyn ) and brakes ( Stephen ) being applied at the same time. As such, it will either never have got going at all, or it may not be long before your relationship breaks down altogether, and the question will arise as to whether it's a write-off or is simply in need of repair.

Stephen's _ r Carolyn's g assssStephen clashes with Carolyn A need for assertive management Birth time sensitive Carolyn's manner of asserting themselves is sometimes offensive to Stephen. Then there is the possibility that they will react in such a way as to possibly make Carolyn's assertiveness turn to anger. It could also be said that something about Stephen's conduct is what gets Carolyn going in the first place. The resolution for this possibly vicious circle is for Carolyn to temper their forcefulness or control their hot reactions, while Stephen should try to be more assertive, and less defensive, themselves. And patience needs to be exercised on both your parts.

Soul Mates for Stephen & Carolyn


Stephen's _ r Carolyn's j aaaaa Close OneStephen clashes with Carolyn Adult and child Birth time sensitive Carolyn will find the personal manner of Stephen offensive in some way - it'll be too childish, egocentric, showy and impulsive. Because of this, Carolyn tries to discipline or belittle Stephen into behaving or expressing themselves in what they see as a more appropriate way. Naturally enough, Stephen finds this stifling, painful and/or boring, and will most probably step up the very actions that got Carolyn going in the first place - either that or sulk. Needless to say, a good amount of love and understanding, hopefully provided by other interactions, is needed to make each of you know that the other has a point. Stephen does need to re-form their manner of expression and how they physically hold or present themselves if they wish to make a better impression, whereas Carolyn should focus upon exactly why it embarrasses them or makes them feel uncomfortable - maybe they should take a leaf out of Stephen's book of self-expression, or heed the same criticism they themselves are dishing out. Failing all of this, this interaction is decidedly divisive.

Stephen's _ r Carolyn's K assssStephen clashes with Carolyn Disruption Birth time sensitive Carolyn will attempt to change the outlook of Stephen in some way or other, but Stephen may resist this. Carolyn may do this unconsciously by being unpredictable or unreliable, or actually causing them to move away from their previous environment, thereby forcing Stephen to adopt a more flexible attitude or simply become more aware that how they look at things is inappropriate and needs changing anyway. For example, Carolyn would not take kindly to Stephen impinging on their freedom in any way, and so Stephen would have to adapt to this if they wanted to maintain the relationship. Alternatively, Stephen's conduct could put Carolyn through a few shocks and changes. All the same, it has to be said that this is not an interaction that engenders a stable and long-lasting bond. In fact, it is actually in aid of shaking off any idea that such a thing is possible with the current state of one or both of your personalities and abilities to relate. So in any event, this interaction should find you somewhat the wiser with regard to appreciating the place and space that freedom of expression demands in a relationship.

Soul Mates for Stephen & Carolyn


Relationship Strengths To varying degrees, these are the harmonious interactions that create pleasure, reward and fruitfulness - as well as providing you with the love, compatibility and understanding to manage and transform the Relationship Challenges.

Stephen's g e Carolyn's a aaassStephen gets on well with Carolyn Social desirability This is a very positive interaction for it means that your intentions and actions are in sync with each other. And so activities and projects are executed swiftly, enthusiastically and efficiently. There is also a natural sexual harmony between you, at least on a purely physical level of expression. In fact, this interaction is quite basic for it makes it clear who wants what, who's on top, etc. If this can be accepted as enough then this interaction would act as a strong contribution to your relationship being lasting and satisfying. You are able to keeps things simple with a kind of 'go for it or forget it' attitude. This can ease and overcome many difficulties that might arise, but not those of a more complex psychological variety. The asset of this interaction is that it makes you as a couple quite brisk, as long as it does not cause you to skip more subtle issues. Sporting activities are also something you may enjoy together or even excel in.

Stephen's h e Carolyn's a aasssStephen gets on well with Carolyn True and mutual generosity This interaction is bound to give rise to, or at least coincide with, personal advancement in the lives of both of you. The hallmark of this excellent aspect is that you help one another to improve your personal lots in a way that is altruistic. There is no thought of doing what one of you does for the other as requiring or deserving any sort of 'payment' - although one paying the other for something to help them out is a good example of the generosity that this coupling engenders. This is all the more significant when considering that it is not just the individual ambitions of each other that you each assist, but rather something for the both of you. Of course, it could be said that what helps the one in a partnership also helps the other, and indeed this is the essence of such a coupling - but in a more far-reaching way that either of you may yet appreciate. This interaction is about prospering and growing - but in a wonderfully impersonal way. So this aspect of your relationship is a real gift, a boost to, or restoring of, a belief that life is something great, holy even. You also make good travel companions for you believe that the road ( of life ) will take you where it will - together or apart, as you have a respect for each other's freedom.

Soul Mates for Stephen & Carolyn


Stephen's s y Carolyn's g aaaaa Close OneStephen gets on well with Carolyn Energetic accord You have a vibrant interaction here that enables you, individually or as a couple, to get a lot done for you tend to energise one another. Carolyn acts as a ramrod to Stephen who otherwise may have stayed at home and not achieved or experienced much. On the other hand Stephen can show fiery Carolyn how fun can be had in a more private and cosy way. Naturally, this aspect is more favourable when Carolyn is male and Stephen is female, for they are then in their traditional roles. But this description can give a limited idea of the great scope that the 'energetic accord' of this interaction affords you both. Sexually, for example, you can be equally physical and emotional, and instinctively lose yourselves in the heat of passion. But just because you are interacting through such instinctual drives (security and sex, need and desire) there is a danger you could consume yourselves, so some moderation would keep the fires burning nicely.

Stephen's s e Carolyn's j assssStephen gets on well with Carolyn Stable stuff At a very basic level you can rely upon one another: Stephen for being there emotionally, domestically and if necessary, maternally; Carolyn for being materially and professionally committed. Either of you could actually fill both bills. This could be called a 'meat and potatoes' aspect for it provides those essentials of responsibility, duty and durability for home, family or business. Good, solid, lasting stuff. However, unless your coming together was 'arranged' there would have to be more interesting or romantic interactions for you to have come together at all. Then again, this down-home sort of feeling between the two of you may remain just a notion if there are serious conflicts or illusions about and between the two of you. But whenever the boat rocks on choppy seas, this aspect serves as excellent ballast - but it isn't the kind to get you launched in the first place. Perhaps this interaction favours a traditional type of partnership with, for instance, the man being the breadwinner, and with the woman being the mother and homemaker.

Soul Mates for Stephen & Carolyn


Stephen's l e Carolyn's s aaassStephen gets on well with Carolyn The healing relationship As a couple you feel as one at a very fundamental, even unconscious, level. And so there is what could be called a 'psychic familiarity' with each other - that feeling of having known each other before. All of this makes for a fine receptivity and sensitivity that not only enables you to sympathetically tune into each other's feelings, needs and weaknesses in a positively therapeutic fashion, but that also allows other people ( and animals too ) also feel at home and at ease, even healed, in your presence. In addition, this psychic interaction means that you can operate well together in any creative or spiritual endeavour. Such accord, other interactions notwithstanding, can make for a particularly loving and caring relationship that can eventually spread to alleviating the suffering of certain areas of society as a whole.

Stephen's + y Carolyn's s aaaas Close OneStephen gets on well with Carolyn Mutual support Birth time sensitive This is mutually supportive influence in that both of you encourage and reassure one another with respect to domestic and career issues. This can take the form of one of you actually providing a home or workplace for the other, and the other giving intellectual guidance and emotional sustenance.

Stephen's h e Carolyn's d assssStephen gets on well with Carolyn A meeting of minds You have an excellent mental rapport here because Carolyn can help Stephen to contact and express their visions and beliefs in a more effective way, while Stephen enables Carolyn to see how their ideas and attitudes fit into some broader, cultural perspective. Put more simply, you both support and further the minds of one another. As a result you can work together on projects where both the general and the particular need to be equally considered. You can also fruitfully discuss ethical matters and reach an understanding that oils the wheels of day-to-day, mundane matters. Literally or metaphorically speaking, this is rather like a positive relationship between writer and publisher.

Stephen's l e Carolyn's d aaaas Close OneStephen gets on well with Carolyn Fun to be with Birth time sensitive You have a fairly easy banter going on between you. You also make good working companions, and possibly even met in your place of work. Carolyn gets along easily with Stephen in a day-to-day way, and connects with their personal style, while Stephen find the wit and agility of Carolyn fun to be with and work alongside.

Soul Mates for Stephen & Carolyn


Stephen's g e Carolyn's K aasssStephen gets on well with Carolyn Forever young Between the two of you much can be achieved that will make you feel more as individuals in your own right. So paradoxically, this interaction inclines towards a certain 'looseness' rather than closeness. A great deal depends upon other interactions and your personal attitudes towards relationships, but ultimately this interaction is saying that you can both follow your own stars and not jeopardise what you have between you. In truth, you actually make your feelings towards one another all the more positive - simply because it is evident that you trust those feelings. So there is a youthful and friendly flavour to your partnership that frees you from restrictions and the limiting ideas of life and love that created them in the first place. Very refreshing - and can be quite sexy in a breezy sort of way! Whatever the type of your relationship, you strike a blow of freedom, and maybe not just for yourselves.

Stephen's g e Carolyn's l aasssStephen gets on well with Carolyn Sexual healing Because you instinctively and psychically pick up on each others feelings and desires, it can mean anything from your becoming exquisitely intertwined emotionally and sexually - or that you avoid having much to do with each other at all. This is not as perplexing as it might seem. You really do sense what is best for each other, even despite your lesser thoughts and feelings. This is not to say that this fine sensibility cannot be over-ridden, but it will always be there, trying to make itself felt. Such a subtle interaction is actually of the healing variety for it is this unerring ability to tune into areas of trouble and then lance or cleanse them that is the essence of it. If one or both of you are so inclined, this healing ray may be used very effectively upon others as well. In fact, there are many areas of endeavour, from dancing to business to film-making, that can draw from this sensitive interplay you have between body and psyche, muscle and the mystical.

Soul Mates for Stephen & Carolyn


Stephen's ; e Carolyn's g aasssStephen gets on well with Carolyn Powerful coupling There is a powerful and dynamic energy flowing between you which is basically sexual in nature. But, in itself, it is not an interaction that will force itself upon you, or be forced upon one of you by the other. It is rather like a reservoir of physical and psychic energy that can be called upon by both of if you both choose to or if you have to in time of need. In any event, it acts as a strong aid to survival, be it emotionally or physically. If your relationship is a sexual one, then this is the kind of interaction that make the earth move for both of you, especially if you are involved in some sort of sexual discipline like Tantrism or Taoism. Apart from such 'specialised' harnessing of this raw power, you are both instrumental in enabling one another to be more effective and independent in whatever fields you are involved in, to a lesser or greater degree. It is quite likely that in some way one or both of you are put back on your feet by the other, either through a prolonged process or simply through pushing one another in the right direction. Being able to eliminate some attachment that is holding one or both of you back could figure in this exercise. Taken some steps further, as a couple you could become effective in performing this service for others.

Stephen's j e Carolyn's _ aaaas Close OneStephen gets on well with Carolyn A mutual learning experience Birth time sensitive Something about Carolyn affects Stephen in a way that causes them to feel in touch with something stable and accomplished inside of them. Consequently, Carolyn expects Stephen to live up to this feeling that they have evoked. Essentially then, a teacher/pupil type relationship develops, but it is not always clear which is which. All the same, this mutual feeling of respect for each other's weight and authority means that these very things are furthered by your coming and being together. This is a quite sober and serious connection that you have here, and other people sense it - and respond to it with whatever their own agendas might be. Cool composure can and should characterise you as a couple.

Stephen's _ e Carolyn's _ aaaas Close OneStephen gets on well with Carolyn Seeing eye to eye Birth time sensitive You see eye-to eye and are physically at ease with each other. However, this effect may only last long enough to get you interested in one another. You may hit it off on the dance floor or in bed; or there is simply plenty of times when your paths cross, giving rise to opportunity. Physical compatibility is what this aspect is all about. So much so, that even if you go for long periods apart when the initial intimacy has worn off, you still feel that immediacy of physical connectedness. Looked at another way, even if there are storms on emotional or mental levels, this physical accord keeps you on intimate terms or gives you the feeling that you had when you first met.

Soul Mates for Stephen & Carolyn


Socio-Cultural Interactions These Inter-Aspects consist only of the slower-moving Planets. These are Jupiter and Saturn, sometimes called the Social Planets, and Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, the so-called Transpersonal Planets as they go beyond the individual and have more to do with generations and the shaping of cultures and civilization itself. So they show how two people interact at these levels. In some cases these interactions are hardly noticeable for they are absorbed into one's social and cultural milieu and not experienced as anything that 'personal'. However, by being made aware of them one is able to see advantages and setbacks that were previously 'invisible' and can thereby increase or reduce them. In other cases, especially when one of the Planets involved figures strongly in other interactions, or is a Close One or a Double Whammy (see Introduction above), such Inter-Aspects can be felt to be very significant.

Stephen's h e Carolyn's K aaassStephen gets on well with Carolyn Lucky together A healthy sense of freedom and equality is the keynote here, and it is linked to the fact that your individual philosophies of life, without necessarily being the same, are able to find common ground. Yours is a modern and future-orientated partnership, and you could both be actually involved with new realms of thought and religion. Without any conscious effort, this interaction seems to foster the development of the innovative and unusual. This is not what you would call a dynamic interaction, but it does provide an atmosphere of altruistic and platonic co-operation. This is a harmonious connecting of your higher minds - so to get the best out of this, quite a lot depends upon how consciously or deliberately you invest time and energy as a couple into mind-expanding pursuits. Potentially, you are able to further each other's higher or better interests, and this in turn would attract 'luck' into your life as a couple in the form of good timing and unexpected opportunities or windfalls, and possibly disappearing into the wild blue yonder every so often.

Stephen's h e Carolyn's l assssStephen gets on well with Carolyn Compassion and goodwill At a very basic level you have spiritual compatibility. This means that as human beings you are always human towards one another in that you maintain a certain gentle tolerance and respect. Friends and associates will pick up on this harmonious vibration - possibly quite subliminally - and like to be around you, or even seek your help and sympathy in times of trouble. How much you make out of this, or do not, is the question. On the one hand, such passivity is developing towards something all on its own peaceful accord. On the other, it can cause you to just coast along in a nice but somewhat ineffectual fashion. Ideally, if you are both evolved to some degree spiritually, then you can 'use' this spiritual energy to achieve greater good. Compassion and goodwill, are, after all, the basic ingredients of this basic compatibility.

Soul Mates for Stephen & Carolyn


Stephen's ; w Carolyn's h assssStephen has a difference of opinion with Carolyn Morals versus passions Moral principles are thrashed out through the sexual or other powerful forms of involvement that make up your relationship. This interaction makes it clear that giving into your passions ultimately leads to some kind of reckoning, or that sooner or later ethical standards will have to prove themselves to be more than just opinions. The possibility of blame and recrimination is strong with this interaction as the emotional urges or convictions of Stephen clash with Carolyn's beliefs. The contrast between the two should serve to make you both more aware of where you stand with respect to these issues. Ultimately, what you are both after is some form of philosophy that goes deep enough to enable you both to understand what it is about human nature that draws us downwards and inwards, despite, or because of, our best intentions or sense of what is right and what is wrong.

Stephen's j r Carolyn's j aaaaa Close OneStephen clashes with Carolyn A need for caution You tend to work at cross-purposes, yet at such a basic level that one or both of you may even overlook it until time together, or apart, makes this more obvious. Because of this, it would be wise for both of you to exercise considerable caution in making any kind of substantial commitment. Fortunately, this interaction often implies that one of you won't be that keen on taking the plunge - but they will have their work cut out making this plain to the other, more eager, person. If one of you feel any doubt, it is imperative that you give expression to it, otherwise you could find yourselves in a highly inconvenient situation later on. Beneath it all, there are important differences between you with regard to what you take most seriously, what you define as appropriate activity, and your status or positions in life. Having said all of this, if there are positive and harmonious connections elsewhere, this interaction will still tend to slow things down and highlight the duller side of life over the more uplifting. There is always the possibility that you are learning about the nature and necessity of your respective limitations and duties as a result of such a relationship, which may include having to learn which of those obligations are no longer necessary for you, and which you must break off from.

Soul Mates for Stephen & Carolyn


Stephen's j r Carolyn's K aasssStephen clashes with Carolyn Compromise or conflict This interaction definitely requires that some compromise be made between the both of you with regard to Stephen who is inclined to being relatively conservative, and Carolyn who takes a more radical or liberal stance - at least, in relation to Stephen. So Stephen needs to loosen up a bit change with the times and adopt new methods and approaches and generally take a more alternative view of things. Carolyn, on the other hand, should try to toe the line, wait things out, and not get so hot and flustered and reactionary when things do not proceed at the speed and in the direction they desire. Looked at positively, which is the best way of dealing with challenging interactions between you, Stephen can benefit from Carolyn's intuitive insights and innovative ideas, if they can be made to see a logical and practical reason for them - before it's too late. Conversely, Carolyn can draw reassurance from Stephen's more solid, steady-as-she-goes, attitude - providing there is at least a token display of flexibility from them. Failing this, this interaction can become quite divisive or create a stalemate situation as Stephen regards Carolyn as becoming unacceptably unstable and unpredictable, while Carolyn sees Stephen as remaining impossibly stuck or stuffy and closed. This interaction can indicate a marked age difference, literally or psychologically, with Stephen being the 'older' person.

Stephen's l q Carolyn's j aaaaa Close OneStephen relates intensely with Carolyn The dreamer and the builder This interaction can amount to either enormous spiritual/creative understanding on the one hand, or a boring and frustrating stalemate on the other. So much depends upon the preparedness of each of you to meet the other half-way. This is because Carolyn is approaching matters from a pragmatic, materialistic and logical viewpoint, while Stephen is inspired by something idealistic, spiritual and mystical. This is rather as if Stephen is the architect with this vision of something wonderful that could be built, while Carolyn is the builder who has the wherewithal to make it a physical reality. But if Carolyn thinks Stephen is just dreaming of castles in the air they will look elsewhere for business, but possibly wind up erecting something dull and meaningless. And if Stephen sees Carolyn as merely suppressive, limited or unimaginative, then they will look for someone who will give form to their dream, but find this an endless search. And yet, you both could have a valid point here, but just not be the 'architect' and 'builder' who are meant for one another - and you'll both have to keep on looking. If however, your respective ideas and abilities gel, then your relationship will indeed be a monument to harmony, understanding and co-operation. It may even be your combined spiritual duty to make it work, by meeting each other half-way.

Soul Mates for Stephen & Carolyn


Stephen's ; y Carolyn's j aaaasStephen gets on well with Carolyn A business like arrangement This is an extremely down-to-earth interaction with Stephen helping Stephen find their place in the world, and give stability to their insights or feelings of loneliness. Stephen's part of the 'deal' - for this is what this aspect of your relationship amounts to - is to confirm or intensify Saturn's sense of authority at a deep level. At the same time, Stephen will also eliminate Carolyn's dead wood - sometimes quite ruthlessly. Carolyn won't give in easily here, but this is what gives Stephen's persistence the seal of approval. This no-nonsense element of your relationship is bound to profit both of you, no matter what else ever happens. You have the businesslike side of relating in hand, and as such this helps a business partnership.

Stephen's l q Carolyn's K aaassStephen relates intensely with Carolyn Mutual awakening If one or both of you are not interested in the metaphysical or mysterious side of life before, then this interaction should herald experience and involvement with it, somehow or other. It may even have had something to do with the way you actually met. Carolyn is instrumental in making Stephen far more aware of their psychic or compassionate nature - and of their weaknesses and blind-spots too. Stephen, on the other hand, can suggest to Carolyn a gentler and more collectively appealing way of giving expression to what is unusual, valuable or even brilliant about them. But Stephen will also show Carolyn how hurtful and inappropriate they can be when insensitively, although truthfully, pointing out the frailties of anyone, especially Stephen. Although this interaction can be quite far-reaching in its effect upon the lives and personalities of each of you - because it quickens your awareness of the more subtle side to being and relating - it can also be quite easily resisted and reasoned away if one or both of you is of a particularly conventional and scientific bent. If this is the case, then shocking and apparently unwarranted events could dog the relationship.

Soul Mates for Stephen & Carolyn


Soul Mates for Stephen & Carolyn

Sign Keyword Ruling Planet Modality Element

Aries 1 I Am Mars g Cardinal Fire Taurus 2 I Have Venus f Fixed EarthGemini 3 I Think Mercury d Mutable AirCancer 4 I Feel Moon s Cardinal WaterLeo 5 I Will Sun a Fixed Fire Virgo 6 I Examine Mercury d Mutable EarthLibra 7 I complement Venus f Cardinal AirScorpio 8 I Desire Pluto ; Fixed WaterSagittarius 9 I Seek Jupiter h Mutable Fire Capricorn 0 I Use Saturn j Cardinal EarthAquarius - I Know Uranus K Fixed AirPisces = I Believe Neptune l Mutable WaterHarmonious Aspect Challenging Aspect Point

Conjunction q 0° Opposition w 180° Ascendant _ Persona Trine e 120° Quincunx u 150° Midheaven + Image Sextile y 60° Sesquiquadrate o 135° North Node . Growth Semisextile t 30° Square r 90° South Node / Experience

Semisquare i 45° Chiron c Healing Planet Rulership Element

Sun a Self Expression Air Thought Moon s Emotion Fire Life Energy Mercury d Perception Water Emotions Venus f Attraction Earth Physical Mars g Assertion Jupiter h Expansion ModalitySaturn j Limitation Uranus K Individualism Cardinal Creative Neptune l Compassion Mutable Adaptable Pluto ; Compulsion Fixed Persistent

House Rules House Rules 1st Personality mask 7th Relationships 2nd Material security 8th Ability to deal with life 3rd Intellectual ability 9th Philosophical beliefs 4th Emotional security 10th Personal status 5th Enjoyment of life 11th Social life 6th Responsibilities 12th Secret dreams