€¦  · web viewthe rest of the children in the...

Children’ Group Lectionary Based Planning Remember that you can find many other versions of the Bible text for these stories, these are here as a guide and to help you. You might also want to show video or try dramatizing the story together. Session One 17 th June Introduction: Parable of the Mustard Seed A parable is a story with a hidden meaning. Jesus tells lots of parables to try and help people understand more about God and especially about heaven. Story: In the parable of the mustard seed, Jesus likened the family of God to a tiny mustard seed that grows and grows. What is God’s kingdom like? What story can I use to explain it? It is like what happens when a mustard seed is planted in the ground. It is the smallest seed in all the world. But once it is planted, it grows larger than any garden plant. It even puts out branches that are big enough for birds to nest in its shade. Game – tell the story in a new way One storyteller – adult One seed One child to be branch ‘B’ Two children to be branch ‘C’s Four children to be branch ‘D’s The rest of the children in the class can be birds. Storyteller: In the parable of the mustard seed, Jesus likened the family of God to a tiny mustard seed. When it grows, it becomes the biggest of plants and its branches provide shade for the birds to rest under. We are going to grow a class tree to show how the family of God grew and grew. The seed walks to the middle. Storyteller: (Child’s name) is the tiny seed. The seed crouches down as small as he / she can. Storyteller: Our seed begins to grow.

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Page 1:€¦  · Web viewThe rest of the children in the class can be birds. Storyteller: In the parable of the mustard seed, Jesus likened the

Children’ Group Lectionary Based Planning

Remember that you can find many other versions of the Bible text for these stories, these are here as a guide and to help you. You might also want to show video or try

dramatizing the story together.

Session One17th June

Introduction: Parable of the Mustard SeedA parable is a story with a hidden meaning. Jesus tells lots of parables to try and help people understand more about God and especially about heaven.

Story: In the parable of the mustard seed, Jesus likened the family of God to a tiny mustard seed that grows and grows.What is God’s kingdom like? What story can I use to explain it? It is like what happens when a mustard seed is planted in the ground. It is the smallest seed in all the world. But once it is planted, it grows larger than any garden plant. It even puts out branches thatare big enough for birds to nest in its shade.

Game – tell the story in a new wayOne storyteller – adult One seedOne child to be branch ‘B’Two children to be branch ‘C’sFour children to be branch ‘D’sThe rest of the children in the class can be birds.

Storyteller: In the parable of the mustard seed, Jesus likened the family of God to a tiny mustard seed.When it grows, it becomes the biggest of plants and its branches provide shade for the birds to rest under.We are going to grow a class tree to show how the family of God grew and grew.The seed walks to the middle.Storyteller: (Child’s name) is the tiny seed.The seed crouches down as small as he / she can.Storyteller: Our seed begins to grow.The seed looks up and slowly spreads arms upwards and outwards. Branch ‘B’ comes on and sits bythe seed.Storyteller: (Child’s name) passes the word on to a friend.

Seed: (Turning to branch ‘B’)Have you heard the news?Branch ‘B’ bends to listen, then sits up again then slowly spreads their arms upwards and outwards.

Storyteller: He/she listened.

Page 2:€¦  · Web viewThe rest of the children in the class can be birds. Storyteller: In the parable of the mustard seed, Jesus likened the

The two ‘C’ branches come on and kneel up just by branch ‘B’.Storyteller: And he/she told others.Branch B says, ‘Have you heard the news?’ to two of the ‘C’ branches, as the seed did. Each ‘C’ branch bends to listen, then they all kneel up tall and spread their arms upwards and outwards.The Four ‘D’ branches come on and stand just behind and to either side of each ‘C’branch.Storyteller: As the word is spread, our tree, like God’s family, grows and grows.Each ‘C’ branch says, ‘Have you heard the news?’ to two of the ‘D’s. All the ‘D’ branches listen and then stand up tall, holding their arms out.

The birds run on, flapping arms forwings.Storyteller: Then the birds came to rest in the shade of the branches.The birds ‘fly’ over and squat down under the children’s outstretched arms.

Storyteller: Big things can come from small beginnings. God’s word is like a tiny seed. As we spread his word of love, and others hear it and continue it, God’s familygrows and grows.

Craft: Each child to draw around their hand and arm to make a branch shape. Then cut out, colour in and stick on leaves cut out of green paper. At the end of the session join all the branches together on top of one large tree trunk cut out of brown paper/card.

Page 3:€¦  · Web viewThe rest of the children in the class can be birds. Storyteller: In the parable of the mustard seed, Jesus likened the

Session Two 24th June

Introduction: John the Baptist This is a special Sunday devoted to remembering John the Baptist, most often we remember him as the person who baptised Jesus and it’s important to remember that today.

Story: There once was a man named John the Baptist, who actually was one of Jesus' cousins.  He became a preacher and was telling others to ask for forgiveness for things they had done wrong.  He wanted to help others change their lives so they could become like a brand new person inside.

John was a man who wanted to live a very simple life.  He felt that having a lot of things wasn't important; he felt like God was all he needed.  Nothing else was more important.

When people heard that John was in the area they would come from all over to listen to him and get baptized.  When someone believes in God, baptism is a way of showing others that you believe in Him and want to live your life the way God wants. 

When some people came to listen to John he had a strict warning for them:  they needed to feel bad for the wrong things they had done repent – which means say sorry and try to turn your life around for the better.

He told them, "I am baptizing you now, but very soon someone greater than me will come.  He is so great that if He asked me to carry His shoes it would be an amazing honour."

Game: Ask the children to move around the room – perhaps to some music – and when you say ‘repent’ to turn around and go the other way. Explain that repent means turning around and starting again, not just saying sorry but carrying on like you did before.

Craft: Using a blue paper cup, make a hole in the bottom. Attach an arrow facing one way to one end of a piece of string and feed the other end through the hole. Make the string the right length so that when you fix an arrow facing the other way to the string it cannot be seen until the top arrow has moved right down. Decorate the cup to look like water and explain that the arrows remind us about changing direction once we have been baptised and repent.

Page 5:€¦  · Web viewThe rest of the children in the class can be birds. Storyteller: In the parable of the mustard seed, Jesus likened the

Session Three1st July

Introduction: Healing of Jairus’ daughter. It is important to emphasise the God of the impossible and that He has power to do anything. But also that sometimes healing doesn’t look like what we want it to look like.

Story: Jesus got out of the boat and stood on the side of the lake. His disciples were there too. Very quickly a large crowd gathered around him so that he couldn’t walk very fast. Jairus, an official of the local synagogue, arrived. He said to Jesus, ‘My daughter is very sick. Please come and see her.’

Jesus started off with him but they couldn’t go very fast because so many people were around them, pressing in on Jesus from every side.

Suddenly Jesus stopped, and looked around. He didn’t look puzzled, just seemed to be looking for someone. Jairus was getting worried. Then Jesus said, ‘Who touched me?’

‘Master,’ said the other disciples, ‘People are pushing in from every side!’

‘No,’ said Jesus, ‘I felt the power go from me.’

Then a woman stepped forward. Everybody knew that she had been ill for many years and the doctors had given up trying to help her. Many people didn’t talk to her and she wasn’t allowed to go to the synagogue because of her illness.

She spoke. ‘I am sorry master, it was me. I thought that if I just touched your cloak then I would be well. And… I think I am!’

Jesus smiled. ‘Go in peace – your faith has healed you.’

Page 6:€¦  · Web viewThe rest of the children in the class can be birds. Storyteller: In the parable of the mustard seed, Jesus likened the

But while Jesus was saying this some messengers came from Jairus’ house and told Jairus that his daughter had died. ‘Why bother the teacher any longer?’ they said. But Jesus ignored them. ‘Don’t be afraid, only believe!’ he said to Jairus.

They went to Jairus’ house and went in. People were there making a loud show of being sad about what had happened. ‘Don’t be worried, she is just asleep!’ Jesus said. But they all laughed at him. Jesus ignored them, and made sure that everyone apart from Peter, James and John the disciples and the girl’s mum and dad were out of the room where their daughter lay.

Then he took the girl by the hand, and told her to get up. Jairus’ daughter, quite impossibly, opened her eyes!

Game: Here are a variety of challenges you can try (and how impossible they are).

Challenge: Put your left hand where your right hand can’t touch it. Solution: Put your left hand on your right elbow. Possible.

Challenge: Jump over a coin whilst holding onto your toes. Solution: Put a coin on the floor, and have a volunteer stand about 10 cm (4 inches) away from it. They must then bend over and grab their toes, then WITHOUT LETTING GO of their toes, jump over the coin. Please warn the children not to dive over otherwise this stunt can be dangerous; it must be a clear jump. Impossible to all but a very few people.

Challenge: Stand against a wall and lift your arm and leg without falling over. Solution: All the children can join in with this one at the same time. Have them stand against a wall with either their right or left shoulder touching the wall. Now they should put their foot on the same side (right or left) against the skirting board or bottom of the wall. They now lift their opposite arm and leg high in the air as if doing a star jump. Impossible for everyone! Your centre of balance cannot stay directly above your foot while you stay against the wall.

Craft: Decorate three pieces of bunting each with the letter A and join them together with string as normal. We are celebrating the God of the impossible. Write onto the bunting using the ‘A’ lettersGod who is Ableto do Anythingif we Ask in his name

Page 7:€¦  · Web viewThe rest of the children in the class can be birds. Storyteller: In the parable of the mustard seed, Jesus likened the

Session Four8th July

Introduction: Today is SEA SUNDAY especially if we live in coastal areas we should celebrate and remember this special day. There are lots of resources and ideas here

Story – Jesus calming the stormUsing a parachute (optional)

Disciples – count to 12 really quicklyBoat – sit down and stand up againWaves – make shapes of waves with your arms to lift the parachuteWind -blow and make stormy noises.

The disciples were just exhausted. All day crowds and crowds of people had been following Jesus, listening as he taught and watching as he healed the sick. Now the sun was beginning to set over the Sea of Galilee. Seeing how tired they were, Jesus said, “Let’s get into a boat and go over to the other side of the lake.” It would be good for all of them to get away from the crowds for a while. The disciples rowed away from the shore while Jesus went to the front of the boat and lay down on a cushion. The waves lapped gently against the side of theboat, lulling Jesus into a peaceful sleep. But suddenly a wind began to blow dark clouds across the sky. The waves weren’t so gentle anymore. The little boat began to pitch and rock.

The disciples began to get a little worried. But Jesus still lay sleeping in the front of the boat. Then the wind grew stronger still. The spray from the waves got them all wet. This was getting to be a bad storm! But Jesus still lay sleeping in the front of the boat. By the time the fishing boat reached the center of the lake, the wind had turned into an angry gale that whipped the waves so high they washed right over them. Thedisciples were terrified. They thought they might drown. But Jesus still lay sleeping in the front of the boat.

Finally, someone went and shook Jesus. “Master,” he cried, “don’t you care if we drown?” Jesus looked around. He listened to the howling wind. He felt the cold, stinging spray as waves crashed over the little boat. He saw the fear in the faces of his disciples. Then Jesus stood, stretched out his arms to the wind and the waves, and commanded: “Peace! Be still!” And all at once the wind died down and the waves became completely calm. Then he asked the disciples: “Why are you so afraid? Where is your faith?”

Page 8:€¦  · Web viewThe rest of the children in the class can be birds. Storyteller: In the parable of the mustard seed, Jesus likened the

Jesus showed his power over the wind and the waves that day on the Sea of Galilee. Just as he cared for his disciples in that little storm-tossed boat, he will care for you

Game -

1. Port: Everyone runs to the left of the playing area or room.2. Starboard: Everyone runs to the right of the playing areaor room.3. Bow: Everyone runs to the front of the playing area or room.4. Stern: Everyone runs to the back of the playing area or room.5. Man overboard: Children lie on their back and waggle armsand legs in the air.6. Captain’s coming: Children salute and shout “Aye aye captain”.7. Climb the ladder (or climb the rigging): Children pretend toclimb a ladder.8. Crow’s nest: Put hands above eyebrows and look out to sea.9. Sweep the decks: Children pretend to clean the floor.10. To the lifeboats: (If you have a group of players) Get intogroups of three, hold hands and sit down.11. Boat sinking: All children sit down as fast as they can.

Craft –

Page 9:€¦  · Web viewThe rest of the children in the class can be birds. Storyteller: In the parable of the mustard seed, Jesus likened the

Session Five15th July

Introduction: Psalms – this is an important book of the Old Testament. The psalms are songs or poems written a long time before Jesus was born. Some of them are praise and worship to God, some of them are long prayers, some of them are questioning and asking God for help in hard times. Some of them talk about things which sound like they are talking about Jesus. They are very special and are beautiful pieces of writing.

Story: Psalm 24THE Earth and everything in it belongs to God    GOD claims the World and all who live on it.He built it on Ocean foundations,    laid it out on River girders.

7 Wake up, you sleepyhead city!Wake up, you sleepyhead people!    The King of Glory is coming.

8 Who is this King of Glory?    GOD, armed    and battle-ready.

9 Wake up, you sleepyhead city!Wake up, you sleepyhead people!   The King of Glory is coming.

10 Who is this King of Glory?    GOD-of-the-Angel-Armies:    he is the King of Glory

Page 10:€¦  · Web viewThe rest of the children in the class can be birds. Storyteller: In the parable of the mustard seed, Jesus likened the

Game: Red Light, Green Light (variation – Sleeping, Wake Up)To play, one child stands facing the wall at the one side of the room. The other children line up along the opposite wall. The goal is to be the first to touch that person, without getting caught moving. When the person is facing away, that’s when they are ‘sleeping’ and the children can move toward them. When the leader turns around to face the group, that’s them ‘waking up’ and the children must stop moving. Anyone the leader catches still in motion has to go back to the starting line. To win children need to rein in their impulse to run forward, instead choosing a pace where they can stop instantly if the leader starts to turn. As they near the leader, they’ll also have to learn how to wait for the exact right moment to rush forward. If they misjudge and go too soon, they’ll have to start over from the beginning.

Craft: Make similar large eye craft using pipe cleaner or small bits of card/foam for eyelashes but change the words to ‘wake up – the King of glory is coming!’

Page 11:€¦  · Web viewThe rest of the children in the class can be birds. Storyteller: In the parable of the mustard seed, Jesus likened the

Session Six22nd July

Introduction: A familiar miracle story but told in a different way and helping to think about why it is so amazing. Sometimes when stories become familiar we forget what God wanted us to learn from them.

Story: Walking on Water

Jesus was very tired. It had been a busy day. Everywhere he went, crowds of people followed him. People who were ill asked Jesus to make them better – so he did. Jesus was an amazing person. He could do some amazing things – things no one else could do. Today, he had made five bread rolls and two tiny fish into enough food to feed lots of hungry people. That was really amazing! But now the crowds had gone home, Jesus wanted to be quiet. He wanted to talk to God. ‘You get into a boat and go to the other side of the lake,’ he told his friends. ‘I’ll see you later.’ A strong wind was blowing. It was hard work rowing. The boat was moving slowly and there was still a long way to go. Jesus’ friends were getting tired. Then they looked up. Jesus was coming across the lake, but he wasn’t in a boat, and he wasn’t swimming. Jesus was walking across the water to their boat. His friends couldn’t believe their eyes. How amazing! People swim in water but the friends had never seen anyone walk on top of it. They knew then that Jesus must be a really amazing person. But he is more than just a ‘person’. He is God’s Son. Amazing!

Game: Using a big tray/container of water look at things which float and things which don’t. You could also try this science experiment:

Place a paperclip gently on top of water in a tall glass. It will float, it is heavy enough to sink – and you can show this by not placing it gently enough on top of the water, however the surface of the water is strong enough to hold it. Using a cotton bud, dip it into some fairy liquid and then you can ‘break’ the surface of the water and the paper clip will sink to the bottom.

Craft: Not everything floats and we cannot normally walk on water, this is why it is a miracle – showing that Jesus is someone amazing, powerful and out of the ordinary!

Decorate pebbles (which definitely sink!) with a word or a picture of something which is amazing about God

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Session Seven29th July

Introduction: Feeding 5000

Story: Divide the group into ‘Jesus’ and ‘Disciples’ swap places when those names are mentioned. When the word ‘miracle’ is mentioned hold your hands up and say – ‘wow!’. When the word ‘little’ is mentioned curl up and say ‘not a lot’ and when the word ‘lot’ is mentioned jump up and say ‘from very little’

Jesus had sent the disciples out into the country and gave them the power to heal sick people and tell others about God's love.  When the disciples returned, they met with Jesus to tell Him about all the people they talked with and had healed.  They were all very excited about their adventures.

The problem was, people followed the disciples so they could find Jesus.  They had seen the miracles – ‘wow!’ He had done and wanted to see more.  But Jesus hadn't even had a chance to eat yet, He needed some time and space so He said to them, "Come with me and we will find a quiet place to talk and get some rest."

So they went away by themselves in a boat to a quiet place.  But many people saw them leaving, recognised them and ran after them.  When Jesus and the disciples arrived, they noticed the large crowd.  He knew that they wanted to hear him, so He began teaching the large crowd many things.

It was starting to get late in the day and none of the people had eaten yet. The disciples came to Jesus and said, "There is no food around here and it’s already getting late.  Maybe we should send the people away so they can go to the surrounding towns and get themselves something to eat."

But Jesus replied, "You give them something to eat." 

They didn’t know what to do, Peter said "We can't feed all these people, we would need a miracle – ‘wow!’" 

While the disciples were talking, one named Andrew noticed a small boy walking by with a little (not a not) lunch.  He stopped the boy and asked him what he had.  He quickly ran over to Jesus and said, "Here is a boy with five small loaves of bread and two small fish, just a little (not a lot) lunch but how far will it go among such a lot (from very little) people?"

Jesus smiled and said, "Ask everyone to sit down." 

There was lots of grass to sit on so everyone was seated -- all five thousand of them.  After everyone was seated, He took the little (not a lot) loaves and fish and thanked God for them.  In the crowd everyone could take as much as they wanted.  There was such a lot (from very little) of food.

Page 13:€¦  · Web viewThe rest of the children in the class can be birds. Storyteller: In the parable of the mustard seed, Jesus likened the

There were five thousand people all eating from this boy's little (not a lot) lunch, and they could eat as much as they wanted.  After everyone was full, Jesus asked the disciples to gather all the food that was leftover so nothing would be wasted.  There were 12 baskets of food leftover – still enough to feed a lot (from very little). After the people realized what had happened, they said to each other, "This must be an important person sent from God. This must be a miracle – ‘wow!’" 

Game: Flap the fish – cut out 2 fish shapes from newspaper and use the rest of the newspaper to flap the fish along the floor in a race. The key to this game is to tap gently right behind the fish. You can go a long way with just a little tap if it’s done carefully.

Craft: using a small paper bag, tape a piece of string to the bottom, colour and cut out some fish shapes and bread shapes and stick to the string, as you pull it out of the bag it seems like a lot is coming out from a small bag

Page 14:€¦  · Web viewThe rest of the children in the class can be birds. Storyteller: In the parable of the mustard seed, Jesus likened the

Session Eight5th August

Introduction: Manna from heaven – Exodus

Story: Find out the children’s favourite food or a few different options. Wouldn't it be great if every evening at dinner time, we could open our front door, walk out into the yard, and pick up (our favourite food)? All the we could eat! And what if every morning we could open the front door and and pick up boxes full of for breakfast? That would be great, wouldn't it?

Did you know we can read in the Bible about a time when something almost exactly like that happened? God's people, the Israelites, had been held as prisoners in Egypt for many years. When they were finally freed and left Egypt, they were looking for the land that God had promised them. After they had been wandering around lost in the desert for a couple of months, the people started to grumble and complain against their leaders, Moses and his brother Aaron.

"We had it better when we were in Egypt," they complained. "At least we had plenty to eat. You have brought us out here in the desert to starve us to death!"

God heard the people complaining and told Moses that in the evening he would send quail to cover the camp so that the people would have meat to eat. Not only that, but in the morning, after the dew was gone, there would be bread on the ground for everyone to eat. All they had to do was go out, pick it up, and eat it.

Why did God do this for those grumblers and complainers? He did it so that they would know that he loved them and that he would take care of them. God hadn't brought them out of Egypt to let them starve in the desert! He was going to see to it that they made it to the land which he had promised them.

Game: take the children on a JOURNEY WALK that goes up and down and over and under obstacles along the way. Keep it simple e.g. go round a table 3 times, under a chair, up some steps and down again. Tell the children to grumble and complain at each obstacle and then at the end of the JOURNEY, let children talk about the hard walk and what the Israelites went through with very little to eat and drink. Give children a SNACK at the end of the WALK --- ideally mini loaves of bread or muffins.

Craft: Use some paper/card to make a scene of desert and tents and then add some small biscuits or snacks to the card with the follow words ‘He gave them bread from heaven John 6:31’

Page 15:€¦  · Web viewThe rest of the children in the class can be birds. Storyteller: In the parable of the mustard seed, Jesus likened the

Session Nine12th August

Introduction: ‘I am the bread of life’

Story: This morning I want you to imagine that you are really hungry. Imagine that you haven’t had any food for two days. What would that be like? How would your stomach feel? I’m going to show you some things and I want you to respond by all saying YES and nodding, or all saying NO and shaking your head. Ready? Here we

Page 16:€¦  · Web viewThe rest of the children in the class can be birds. Storyteller: In the parable of the mustard seed, Jesus likened the

go. Now, what if I gave you this (pull out an object – a wrench). Would that help you? No it wouldn’t. What about this (pull out another object – a hat). Would this satisfy you? No! It wouldn’t. (Continue on with some toys or other objects). Then pull out the bread. What about this bread? YES! You’re right! When we are hungry in our stomachs we need food, like this bread. Only food will satisfy that type of hunger.

 This morning children I want to tell you about another type of hunger. It is a hunger for LIFE – a hunger for meaning, for peace, for love. This hunger for real LIFE, the life God gives cannot be filled with things (hold up some items, toys, etc.) The bible says that only Jesus can satisfy that type of hunger. The bible says that Jesus is the Bread of Life. We need this type of bread (hold up the rolls or buns) or food to fill our stomachs and make us healthy. We also need Jesus (hold a picture of Jesus or a cross) who is the bread or food for the true, wonderful, true LIFE that God has for us.

Game: All that you need. Start with a statement and begin passing a ball round the circle with each child adding something that answers that need. You can start with a new statement at any time

e.g. All you need to make a cake is…All you need to make a great church is…All you need for a picnic is…All you need to make friends is…All you need to make the perfect school is…All you need to make the world a better place is…

Craft: Use sugar and gel food colouring to make ‘edible paint’ and paint slices of white bread with symbols of Jesus and life e.g. a cross, a butterfly, the word Jesus, an easter egg

Session Ten19th August

Introduction: ‘I am the bread of life’ 2

Story: Have you ever seen a food pyramid poster? The food pyramid was developed to help us know what kinds of foods we should eat to help us to grow strong, healthy

Page 17:€¦  · Web viewThe rest of the children in the class can be birds. Storyteller: In the parable of the mustard seed, Jesus likened the

bodies. I have one to show you. The picture shows all of the food groups. There are grains, vegetables, fruits, milk and dairy, meat, and fats and sweets.

As you can see, the largest part of the pyramid is foods that we make from grain. What are some foods we make from grain? Let's see, there is bread, cereal, muffins, tortillas, and a lot of other good things to eat. Most of the things we make from grain not only taste good, but they are good for us too. Bread has always been considered to be one of our most important foods. In fact, it has been called "the stuff of life."

Even way back in Bible times, bread was very important to life. Do you remember the time God provided bread for the Israelites when they were starving in the desert? Every morning God sent bread from heaven for the people to eat. I'm sure you also remember the time when Jesus fed a crowd of 5000 people with just five loaves of bread and two small fish. Do you remember when Jesus taught his disciples to pray? He taught them to say, "Give us this day our daily bread." Yes, bread is, and always has been, a very important part of life.

A loaf of bread won't last forever. It gets old and stale. Not only that, but when we eat it, we are satisfied for a little while and then we are hungry again. Even though Jesus knew that bread was very important to life, he wanted something more for his children. He wanted something that would last forever. One day, as he was teaching, Jesus said, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever."

If we want to live, we need bread. If we want to live forever, we need Jesus -- the Bread of Life.

Game: Play an outdoor game of HOPSCOTCH using a dinner roll or small pieces of bread instead of a rock, have a child throw it onto the hopscotch to show where the

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next child should jump to. Have words from today's lesson written in chalk on each square that children will shout out before "hopping" on that square. (Examples: BREAD, MANNA, BREAD OF HEAVEN, LIVING BREAD, BREAD OF LIFE, JESUS, LIVE FOREVER)

Craft: Create and decorate your own ‘church’ pyramid, decide what should go wherehere is an example:

Session Eleven26th August

Introduction: Psalm 84 – better is one day in your house

Story: One day spent in your house, this beautiful place of worship,    beats thousands spent on Greek island beaches.

Page 19:€¦  · Web viewThe rest of the children in the class can be birds. Storyteller: In the parable of the mustard seed, Jesus likened the

I’d rather scrub floors in the house of my God    than be honoured as a guest in the wrong places.All sunshine and sovereign is GOD,    generous in gifts and glory.He doesn’t scrimp with people who journey with him.    It’s smooth sailing all the way with GOD.

Game: Play a pairs game with different types of houses. At the same time talk about our own homes or the type of house we would like to live in

Craft: talk to the children about who lives in their house or who would they like to have as a guest in their house. Remind them that God offers a place in his house for everyone, it is a really special place.

Using this idea get them to design and decorate ‘God’s house’ and add as many people as they like – who are they? – use some words from this psalm at the top e.g. One day in God’s house is better than 1000 anywhere else