state's exhibit 231 - ph may 2, 2004

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  • 8/3/2019 State's Exhibit 231 - PH May 2, 2004


    Sunday, May 2,2004Rl3:30 a.m. Naomie's Testimony of What

    Happened Through the NightYou were taken into the heavenly session about

    11:30 p.m. You were taken unconscious rightaway. You sent Trisha and Tammy out at 11:45p.m.. They were rubbing your legs. You weretaken right unconscious after that. At 12:15 a.m.your body was jerking and olting and trembling.At 12:30 a.m. you said you would be doing ameeting today. After meeting you would get readyto go to Short Creek. You said, "Where can I gothis time to do my work?" You said that you wouldgo to Page. You said that you would be givingJoseph Fischer's wife to Willard Barlow, UncleAlvin's son, and that you would be givingMarsha's daughter Melita to Richard Allred's son

    David.At 12:50 a.m. your body jolted and trembledand jerked quite severely. You said, "No matterwhat I have to go through, I am willing. Whateverit takes. This project must succeed, must succeed. "You said that you would be giving anothertraining. You said that you would be giving thetraining to Uncle Sam and also to LaMar

    Johnson s son Rulon and to :Sidney BarTow, mat fieand Rulon Johnson would be called to the laborright away.At 1: 15 a. m. you said, "Why don't these men

    just repent. Why don't they just repent? I am justyearning after them. They are still professing touphold me, and yet the Lord has told me theyhaven't repented." At 1: 30 a. m. again your bodytrembled, twisted and jolted. Then you went veryquiet and very still until 2: 15 a. m., like you werenot breathing, like you were taken away, but notphysically, like your spirit left your body. Therewas such a heavenly whiteness, such a powerflowing from you, a heavenly whitenesssurrounding you. I could feel father here sostrong.At 2:20 a.m. you said, "Okay, Sir. Okay." yourbody jolted quite hard. You took a big deep breathat that time, like you were gasping for breath. At2:30 a.m. you said, "I am supposed to look into

    getting some false ID." You said, "Something bigis about to happen. We must be ready for it." Yousaid you would be traveling to R17 by the 5th, thaby the 15 th all the logs were to be laid for themeeting house and the roofon, rough constructiondone. And on the 16th the First Presidency wouldbe there to break ground or the temple.

    t 2:50 a.m. your body jolted and jerked andtrembled again. You said, "Oh, my. Oh, my. Whais happening to me? What is happening?Everything in me feels like it is going to be rippedapart." You came to and sat up on your elbow.You were very hot. I am sorry. I didn't realize iwas getting so warm. You got a drink ofwater andyou went right back unconscious.At 3: 10 a. m. you said that you would be givingKay Wyler to Donald Richter. You said that youwould be talking to John Y Barlow to see if his

    mother would go forward. You didn't name aplace where she would go, you just said that ifshewas ready you would take care ofher the Lordhada place for her. You said, "The Lord is taking careof hese families, gathering them in if hey will begathered. "

    At 3:20 a.m. you said, "The Lord is seeing iZion's Camp will become so one that He will beable to fight their battles, ifwe will go forward andmeet His time schedule. We must exert greate/aith i1'l 1M,.. /8,.. th(J g l ~ 1 ( J " ' 1 ' I R H J 1 ' I t gjjici(;llS tQ s t { ; l ~off he land and not come there. There must be agreater degree ofoneness." You said, "There aremany coming to it, but it must be everyone." Youbody jolted and trembled again and jerked. Youcame to at 3:30 a.m. It is now ten minutes to 4:00a.m.

    5:45 a.m.You went unconscious again at 4:40 a.m. A

    5:000 'clock a.m. you groaned and sighed. Youbody was trembling, jerking and jolting. You saithat you would be taking care of Tony Barlow'second daughter. I am not sure what her name is.think it is Terra, but I am not sure. You said thashe would be going to Fred Williams, JeroldWilliams son, also that Martha Emack would bplaced. You said that she would be going to GuDraper Steed, is who you said.At 5:20 a.m. you groaned and sighed and said"Oh, my. Oh, my. What am I seeing? What am

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    seeing?" You went quiet until 5:30 a.m. Thenyousaid, "The Lord is watching us very closely. Wemust hasten. Time is so short. Something big isabout to happen we must be ready for." At 5:40a.m. your body started to tremble again. It joltedand jerked for a minute. You said, "The Lord inHis wisdom will allow these things to come uponus, the driving of his people. It will purify thosewho will be purified. The Lord will choose fromamong those who will be brought here. We mustbe ready." You came to at 5:45 a.m.

    After I talked to you last you went backunconscious right soon afterwards. At 6:30 a.m.your body was jerking and jolt ing and trembling.You said that you would be taking care ofJamesDockstader's ladies, that Violet would be given toStephen Harker, that Ovella would go to JimAllred.At 6:50 a.m. your body jolted really hard. Yousat up on our elbow. Then you laid back down. Yousaid, "What was that? Oh, what was that?" Yousaid, "I am going to have to go to a further awayplace to do these sealings because people know Ihave been to Page. They know I have been toCedar and to Mesquite. You said that you wouldtravel to Flagstaff today after the meeting andmeet the people there tomorrow to do your workand rom there you would go to R17. You haven'treally said anything besides, "Oh, my. What am I

    seeing? What is happening?" You sat up on ourelbow for afew minutes.10:53 a.m. Calling the Family at R17

    Hello, everyone. Hello, everybody. Iseverybody gathered still? Okay. Put the phone atmy place at the table and keep the little ones quiet.Teach them to be quiet as they gather. Thank you.Be quiet while you gather as though I was rightthere.Hello, everyone. I love all ofyou. It is the rightthing to do, and it is wisdom in every person's lifeto learn the purpose of their creation, why theywere sent to earth, to help them awake to see whatwork they need to accomplish in this life. Helpthose little ones be out where they are noisy.Thank you. And also, our minds are pointedtoward the goal of Celestial glory if we provefaithful here and do our part. It is wonderful andencouraging to know the truth that we have a

    loving Heavenly Father, a Celestial glorified Godwho went through a mortal life like this that we aregoing through, and that He perfected His love forHis Heavenly Father and gained the knowledgeand the presence ofHis Heavenly Father. And thuswe can have confidence and hope, through theblessings of our Heavenly Father, that we cansucceed.We have been sent here for the soul purpose ofbuilding up Zion. We were all reserved for the lastdays to come in this time, and you must keep theheavenly vision in all your earthly affairs. Yourfallen nature of selfishness, caring just for yourearthly needs, is the distraction away from the love

    ofGod, away from fulfilling the purpose you weresent here. And what the Lord is waiting for is tofind a people who have been taught the Priesthoodway, as we have been, and who will live theperfection of the love of the Father so that theywon't place their minds and hearts on anything lessthan Him and the Celestial Kingdom. It is becausewe are distracted from Him by our many blessings,and we forget Him, that we don't yet qualify to bethe fulness ofZion.

    So where you need to do better is, in all yourblessings you receive, have a prayer of rejoicing inyour Heavenly Father, reaching to be led in the useof your blessings to do His will through thePriesthood over you. We still have not come tothat full dedication, that perfection of the love ofthe Father. Any moment that you don't have thatprayer of rejoicing in your Heavenly Father alivein you, then you have lost focus. You are ready toset your heart on your will, your blessings, youropinion. Being distracted, losing focus, is our sinat this time. That is what is holding back thefulness ofZion among this new Zion's Camp thatwe are part of on the lands of refuge.

    So I give you this training. Love the Giver morethan the gift by reaching to be led. Through prayerreach for the revelations of His will, HeavenlyFather's will, and then obey the sweet whisperingswith a prayer of rejoicing - prayer, revelation,obedience, and gratitude in one sweet exertion. Toperfect the love of the Father in you, then each oneof you must perfect your prayer of rejoicing inHim, and perfect means all the time. Never losefocus. You naturally focus on what you love most,and when you don't focus on this rejoicing prayer

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    in your Heavenly Father, then your rejoicing andhappiness is your own selfish will satisfied.So we are falling short in this mission. We arefalling short in our obedience in living the firstgreat commandment. We do a lot of good things,but we are not focused on adoring and loving andliving to please our Heavenly Father. Your

    experience easily becomes common, and youbegin to look upon your daily affairs in an earthlyway, and you partake of your blessings without aprayer of rejoicing in your Heavenly Father. Theprayer of rejoicing earns you the next inspiration,revelation how to obey Him. And you live fromrejoicing to rejoicing by living from revelation torevelation through sweet obedience. This is howprayer, revelation, obedience, and gratitude allexerted together cause us to love the Lord our Godwith all our heart, might, mind, and strength, a realheavenly thrill ofrejoicing when you live this rightway in being Zion.

    Ifthe love ofGod is in you, nothing can distractyou from adoring your Heavenly Father, living toplease Him, and dwelling in His thrill of approval.So to dwell in the love of God, you must dwell inthe approval ofGod, and the approval ofGod is thewitness of the burning peace by which you knowyou are obedient. And the witness of the burningpeace brings the heavenly joy, even a thrill ofrejoicing in your Heavenly Father as you feel thefruits of His Spirit shine brighter within you.

    So through prayer, revelation, obedience, andgratitude do you live from rejoicing to rejoicing.From prayer to prayer you live from revelation torevelation, and thus from obedience to obedience,and thus from rejoicing to rejoicing in that sweetgratitude. Remember through prayer we reach tobe led, and we follow the sweet whisperings inobedience with a prayer of rejoicing. Themoments you don't reach to be led are the selfishmoments where you have centered your mind andheart on your blessings rather than the Giver of theblessing.

    So you ladies, in connection with your husband,your husband in Priesthood is a blessing. Do youjust think of the blessing and dwell upon theblessing and what you want to do with theblessing? Then you have fallen short in yourpreparation and in your qualifying. With every

    blessing you look to Heavenly Father to reach to bled in how to use that blessing to honor Him whogave you the blessing. Even in connection witme, you are careful to reach to Heavenly Father forevelation, reach to be led, and follow the sweewhisperings in oneness with me to be a strengthand you will never treat me lightly again, and youwill never treat God lightly again. And as you feethe burning peace as a witness that you live in thapproval of God in using that blessing, your hearhas the thrill of rejoicing from heaven, a heavenlythrill lifting you up.The perfection ofthe love ofthe Father in you ithe perfection of this exertion of oneness, reachingto be led through prayer, following the sweewhispering through prayer, with a prayer orejoicing as you obey. That is how you live in theincrease ofthe Holy Spirit. This is where we have

    fallen short. We have held on to our fallen natureof selfishness. We have had spurts of ferventinspired, sweet dedication, and then often itrickles away because we haven't disciplinedourselves in the Celestial Law. We havendisciplined ourselves to stay focused on this prayeof rejoicing in our Heavenly Father.

    So to perfect the love of the Father in you, andthus you become Zion, you must perfect thiprayer of rejoicing in Heavenly Father in you. Andperfection means do it every minute. And if anyblessing distracts you from the Giver of theblessing, that blessing is your darling idol. And theway you stay focused on the Giver of the blessingwhile you have the blessing is you reach to be ledby the Spirit of God, by revelation, in how to usethe blessing to do His will. So the love of theFather perfected in you is this living in theapproval of Heavenly Father, witnessed by theburning peace, the thrill of heavenly joy andrejoicing in Him, the Giver of the gift.Now dear family, this is where we havenqualified. And I yearn you won't miss it this timeThe Lord has been doing a great thing. Hgathered many of my family to the places orefuge, and now He is pruning us, sending someaway here and there, a little at a time, and myfamily is fulfilling Section 105 in the breakup oZion's Camp. We have made these sacrecovenants to live the fulness of the Celestial Lawthe fulness of the first two great commandments

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    and we just play with them. We just play withthose first great commandments, holding on to ourfallen nature when we could reach and receive theheavenly gifts, the Spirit of revelation leading usfrom rejoicing to rejoicing if we will just stayfocused on the Giver of the gift, our HeavenlyFather.

    I yearn that this training will wake you up sothat all ofyou will succeed now. I gave these typeof trainings to those in Short Creek and peoplethere are still preparing. But if we are not carefulin making these sacred covenants and yearning tobe part of Zion, and yet still relying on our oldhabits and ways and feelings, still following thenatural fallen man or woman that we are, we couldend up being the last of the first Zion's Camp thatis broken up, and others will be placed in our stead.This is the Lord's warning to my family, that theday ofchoosing is upon us, and He has allowed meto carry you and atone for you thus far. But soonthe time of final choosing is upon us and only thosethat have the qualifications in their nature willremain, for the Lord must hold to His timeschedule, and that is why we are told the time is soshort.

    Another evidence that the time is so short is thatmany of hese men whom the Lord has revealed donot hold Priesthood, their families are being placedbeside other worthy men, and it is causing ashaking to take place in Short Creek. The Lord ishaving me hasten this work, to place these ladies ofthose unworthy men beside other worthy men.And the Lord is trying to arrange His people andHis affairs to be ready for a greater shaking, agreater test, a driving, a persecution. And here weare on these lands of refuge, an advance companyof the new Zion's Camp, and we are taking ourmerry time. Not having been driven or persecuted,we are taking our merry time. And the Lord istelling me there is a great shaking coming, even ofthis nation, and it will begin upon our people.

    I have yearned unto the Lord that this missionof Zion's Camp will not fail this time. And I amwilling that we be cleaned up and pruned and onlyallow those to live there on the places of refugewho qualify. But we have brought our fallennature of earthly doing and thinking and feeling,and we haven't been focused on Zion, on our Lordand Savior, on the Giver of the gifts. And now a

    pruning is taking place with my family. I have toldyou a fear of being sent away will also disqualifyyou, because you are living in fear. I yearn thatyou will dwell upon and exert the success, theexertion of the gift of oneness. And now this isanother training on how to do it, with a warningthat ifwe don't' qualify, the Lord will have to findothers who will qualify. And you can see thepruning is already taking place.

    So dear family, you are so blessed there. Youhave a nice house now, food, clothing. You haveyour earthly needs. But is that all we were sent tothat land to do is live out an earthly life and partakeofearthly blessings and just feel good that we havedone a little work during the day? Is that all? I tellyou that you are there to come into the presence ofGod and earn the knowledge and training andordinances that will bring you into His presence.And you should be living this exertion of onenessto perfect the love ofthe Father in you, living fromrejoicing to rejoicing, the approval of God, thatthrill of heavenly joy as you live by prayer,revelation, obedience, and gratitude. Throughprayer reach to be led in every gift, even askingwhat to do next, and then follow the sweetwhisperings with a prayer of rejoicing in yourHeavenly Father. And as you exert the prayer ofrejoicing, that is how you remember Him. Aprayer of rejoicing in Heavenly Father earns youthe next revelatIOn to perform me next 05edlencethat you may receive the next thrill of approvalfrom your Heavenly Father, the heavenly joy ofgratitude. And this is how you live from rejoicingto rejoicing in Zion.

    When Zion is established in fulness, we won'thave threats and suffering and hardships andconstant rebukes to prompt us to love ourHeavenly Father. In the fulness of Zion, ourmotive will be this rejoicing, this witness ofHeavenly Father's approval, the burning peace ofrejoicing as we live from obedience to obedience.Right now there is seeming peace around you. Thedevil is raging. The government wants to comeupon us. The evil powers are working hard,plotting, planning to destroy us; yet the Lord haskept them back to see what we will do in thisseeming peaceful time, that our motive will be ourlove for Him, not that we can be driven andpersecuted and mobbed and killed. In this time of

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    peace you are proving yourselves, if your motive isthe love of the Father perfected. So use theseprecious days to show the Lord that you want to beZion, and exert a spiritual mind, reach for thespiritual gifts ofrevelation, the Spirit ofobedience,and the Spirit of gratitude, even a thrill of rejoicingin your Heavenly Father, dwelling in the increaseof His Spirit, summarized with the words, "Keepsweet no matter what." Keep sweeter and sweeter.Live in the increase of the Holy Spirit.

    Have you been able to hear this lesson?Response: Yes.I am anxious for you to succeed. I am at peace.Wherever I am I am praying for you, thinking ofyou, watching over you through the Lord's help,power and guidance. I delivered this message toall the ladies. I had the ladies in Short Creek allcome and meet me up on the Kiabab Mountain aweek or so ago, and I delivered this message tothem that I am delivering to you, and that is theLord has allowed me to carry you thus far. But aday of choosing is coming upon my family, andonly those who are qualified, who are becomingZion and are being Zion can go forward.o dear family, get closer to your HeavenlyFather and start learning how to live in the prayerand Spirit of rejoicing in Him, and never set yourheart upon your blessings more than upon Him

    who gave you me blessmg. And the way youguard that blessing so it doesn't become a darling,selfish idol to you is you reach to be led. You reachto your Heavenly Father to be led by Him, byrevelation, to use that blessing to do His will, andyou are always directable. It is simple. It isbeautiful. It is how the angels and Prophets inheaven live, even now. They love their HeavenlyFather above all. They reach to be led when theyare sent on any errand or mission, and they only doHis will through His power, through His Spirit,and that will make you Zion. That is how to be oneand be an extension of God through Priesthood.There is a thrill, the witness called the thrill ofheavenly joy that causes you to live in the prayer ofrejoicing in your Heavenly Father continually.

    Now type this up. Have it ready for me toapprove. Relisten to this lesson tonight at your8:00 time, and let us see if this day is a landmark,all-important day, turning you to the fulness of

    Zion in Spirit and in truth so that not one moreperson needs to be sent away. Any who were senaway, I love them still, and I give them thesesimilar trainings, and they have to exerthemselves all the harder to qualify to return.o dear family, to be offered the knowledge oGod and the presence ofGod is a blessing beyondmeasure. Now tum to Him. Have your manyprivate kneel-down prayers through the day untiyour nature changes away from your fallen natureof selfishness, where you delight in the blessingmost. Change over. Plead with your HeavenlyFather to change you into the love of God, whereyou always have this prayer of rejoicing in Himexerted. The perfection of the love of the Father isaccomplished, received, maintained, andcontinued through the perfection of the prayer ogratitude within you unto Him, that prayer orejoicing in God. And every prayer of rejoicingearns you the next sweet revelation on how to obeybetter, that you can dwell in His approval morethat thrill of rejoicing in Heavenly Father, theincrease ofHis Holy Spirit.

    We have pieced it together, our ideas of theGospel. Now it is being simplified in how to livethe love ofthe Father perfected and be inspired inyour love and blessing one another. You have toexpand. Your heart has to expand in the love foyour God to reach out with heavenly strength tobless and love one another.Everyone's duty in Zion is to live the first twogreat commandments unto perfection. That is youduty. Some ofyou just focus on an earthly task andyou dismiss the sweet revelations you get throughthe day because you have your mind set on whayou think you should do, and you are not led inyour duties as you should be. And that is why youare not feeling the thrill of rejoicing through theday. Many are just living in their own opinion o

    good, walking in their own light. So reach for thegift ofoneness. Exert it to be a strength to God andthe Priesthood over you. Take this lesson. It isimple. Even a child could understand it. Will youdo it, dear family?

    Response: Yes.You see that large home they are starting tobuild. The Lord's purpose is that much of myfamily should be there. But ifwe are not careful, i

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    will mostly be an empty home. Ifwe don't qualify,we can't be there. And if a people do qualify andbecome Zion, the government powers and theearthly powers and the evil powers will not even beable to come on that land, because the Lord willfight our battles and keep back all evil. Weare soblessed and protected there right now because ofthe faith and prayers ofthe Priesthood over us, andthe prayers of all the Prophets yearning that therewill be a people prepared for Zion. No w stand onyour own two spiritual feet. You now have thetraining and the details on the perfection of thelove of the Father, qualifying you to be Zion.

    I love you more than you know. I am pleadingbefore the heavens in your behalf. This work ofbecoming Zion and building Zion is a work ofagency. No one can be forced to be Zion. Now theLord is even choosing from among my childrenwho can be there. All of us need to humbleourselves and tum to this perfecting of the love ofthe Father, the fulness of Zion in our nature, thatwe can one day stand in His presence approved ofGod.

    Everyone is needed. Every one of you areneeded to succeed for everyone to succeed. Youcan't say that you are not needed. Oneness meanseverybody is one and is successful in lovingHeavenly Father unto perfection. For my youngerchildren, you just set the example, and through thesuccess of a mother being Zion, a child will growup without sin unto salvation, choosing to followthose sweet parents in the happiness they feelshining from heaven through sweet parents.

    Let us smile. I love you and God bless you.There is a training for you to tie your heartstringsto to qualify. Smile and pray are the watchwords.Through prayer reach to be led. Follow the sweetWhisperings with a prayer of rejoicing. That ishow you live from rejoicing to rejoicing and dwellin the approval of God, which is the burning peaceas a witness that you please Him, and that done allthe time is the perfection of the love of the Fatherin you, oneness exerted; and you become astrength, and you are truly happy. I ask again, haveyou been able to hear my words?

    Response: Yes.I trust this was recorded so you can rehear it.

    Did you not get there and do it again? Keep sweet,

    everybody, and continue on. I will talk to youlater. Good-bye. I love you.

    2:00 p.m. General MeetingAt the Place of Refuge RlPreesident Warren S. JeffsPresiding and Conducting

    President Warren S. Jeffs: It is our privilegeto meet together this beautiful Sabbath Day in thename of the Lord and for His purposes to befulfilled, as we are His sons and daughters called toperform a work for Him, and are being taught andtrained how to give our lives, our all unto Godthrough Priesthood, and through our agency, welisten, receive, and fulfill. According to our faithso shall it be this day. Marvelous are the blessingsand experiences the Lord can give today if we arereaching and if we are prepared. And thepreparation is in place if you have lived theprevious trainings. That is how you are preparedfor advanced knowledge and gifts. Live what youhave been taught to prepare for greater knowledge.So whatever the Lord wills today, I rejoice in Him.

    We will begin with a Sacrament song, page 218,"We'll Sing All Hail to Jesus' Name" , then askBenjamin Jeffs to open with prayer.

    Song: "We'll SingAll Hail to Jesus' Name"Prayer: Elder Benjamin Jeffs

    page 71 in the blue song book, "I Do RememberThee", one we should commit to memory. I like toread along with the words to not be distracted. Wewill sing three verses and then the chorus, twoverses and then the chorus. Sing the chorus twice.

    Song: "] Do Remember Thee"President Warren S. Jeffs: The power of

    Godliness, which is the increase of the Spirit ofGod and the heavenly gifts through that Spirit, thepower of Godliness is made manifest through theordinances of the Priesthood. Without Priesthoodwe are gentile. Through Priesthood magnified,and our covenants of Priesthood abided, does theHoly Spirit increase in us and make us the pureblood ofIsraei. As you participate in an ordinanceof the Priesthood, it is your responsibility to befervent in prayer, faith in our Lord and Saviorexerted, which means we live to please Him andbecome like Him.

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    You should feel an increase of the burningpeace ifyou have your eye single in place. If yourmind is wandering, you could miss the blessing.So think of our Savior, of Him hanging on thecross suffering more than man can suffer, lovingHis Father's will, and think of you as part of Himthrough Priesthood, and let not your mindswander. This is a covenant of personal dedicationunto God, that even our thoughts and our actions,every whit, belong to Him. We are promising toreach to be led of His Spirit, to pray always, andthereby obey Him.

    We will be privileged to partake of theSacrament now. Myself and Brother Wendell willadminister the Sacrament please.{Sacrament Administered]President Wendell Nielsen: I can sure feel thatthis is a solemn occasion, dear brothers andsisters, and with all of my heart, pray thatHeavenly Father's Spirit will be here with us todayand in abundance, and put into our mouths thethings that He wants us to say that will be His willand pleasing to our holy Prophet.I have wondered where I have been all of heseyears. When I contemplate the days ofUncle Roy,the meetings that I attended, the traveling that I didwith him, the years with Uncle Rulon, the manypersonal nights that I sat with him, and it seems

    1 e t atuntl t e or a nc e arren rmgmehere to this place ofrefuge, I thought I understood,but I can see that I really didn't understand. I haveto confess that I was slow to receive the marvelousteachings that were given in those days.

    It is true that I rode on the light of he Prophets.I rode on Uncle Roy's light radiating from him,and Uncle Rulon's. I thought I was reaching inthose days, and perhaps to a degree I was; but forsome reason, until Uncle Warren told us aboutthese places of refuge, perhaps in the last year, Icould say, I began to understand that I reallydidn't understand. I was working at it, laboring atit. I loved to go to meetings. I loved the meetings. Icame home from meetings, and it seemed like thatthere was a barrage of distractions that justseemed to occupy my mind. I remember thefeeling, the good Spirit at meeting. I rememberhow much I enjoyed being around the Prophets,the good brethren; and yet, to my sorrow, I really

    didn't take those trainings and teachings and makthem a part ofme. I thought I was. Maybe a littledid.

    After Uncle Warren had us come here, where could focus on my life and what lie ahead ofmedid I begin to really see. These trainings that whave been given of Uncle Warren are senlightening. It seems like, now, that we, or L cabegin to see like the Prophets see. Andyet all thosyears I thought I was doing it. I remember havina good Spirit with me, most all of he time. But ascontemplate it now, I can see that the distractioncame so fierce and so fast and so numerous, thamy mind was taken away, taken off of beinpointed to Heavenly Father and to eternal life. was involved in business. A lot of money wagoing through our hands, a lot of decisions. remember day after day after day sitting at my desand making decisions as fast as I could. I would ghome at night, sit down in my room and say tmyself, "My goodness. I have hardly even thoughabout Heavenly Father. "

    I could see that something needed to be doneand yet I loved Uncle Rulon with all ofmy heartHe knew it. I knew it. Heavenly Father knew itBut it seems like there was a distraction that wataking place, that it seemed like I could hardlcontrol. I really wasn't in the focus of what needed to do m sel because I was ridin witUncle Roy and Uncle Rulon. It is like I was ridinon the back of he wagon that they were driving.So when Heavenly Father brought us here perhaps I can speakfor my amily, too - after afewdays went by, I could truly see that this would bmy salvation. The Lord actually gave me strengt

    ofrepentance that I pray will always be with me.began to contemplate, because I never had othethings racing at me. I didn't have to make thosdecisions any more, all those decisions. Andcould see that because I was distracted in my life,became slow to listen, although, when I came intthe work in 1960, I was aware of t. And being single boy, I remember living with all my heart tmy Heavenly Father, because I loved this work smuch, it was like a real awakening to me.

    After I had been in the work a couple ofyears, had chores to do every morning and night. Onnight in the winter I left the barn and the stables

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    taking care of he animals, and I was on my wayback to the house, which was about a block away. Iwas walking up the old lane in West Jordan and amost strange feeling - I call it strange because Ihad never felt it before; and I have never told thisbefore - but thisfeeling that came to me, and Ifelta voice that said, "Wendell, you are beginning toplease me." In that day I was truly living untoGod.

    I was called on a work mission that many mendid. I decided i f I was going to be on a workmission, I would give it my all. Most of the menwere called to labor in Short Creek. They askedme to stay in Salt Lake and turn over my paycheck,whatever funds I could, and in that day I wasinstructed to give it to Brother Hammon. So Idecided I wouldn't keep anything for myself. Isigned over my paychecks to him. I thought, "Iwilllet Heavenly Father take care ofme. " So I wouldbe so careful to try to find a dollar to put gas intomy car so I could make it to work.

    The company I was working for, I wasdelivering jams and jellies and salad dressings,and occasionally they would send me up intoWyoming. I would leave at 1:00 in the morningand get back at 9:00 at night. They gave me fivedollars to eat on through the day, and you couldeat pretty well on five dollars then. I rememberputting the five dollars in my pocket, going all daywithout eating, and filing my car with gas, whichdo on five dollars. So I took the fivedollars, came home, never ate anything all day, putthe money in for gas for the car; and I went forabout two years pretty hard run, I thought. But

    hen I contemplate it now, oh, the development itidfor me.

    Then I was taken into the army, and while I wasin the army, I thought, "I am going to do more than" I made ninety-nine dollars a month. Sosend a reverse tithing home. Ito the brethren ninety dollars and keptine dollars for me, and I made that nine dollarsh through the month. I had to scrambletty hard. I couldn't choose too many things.

    for me, when I lookack, was worth millions in gold.Then I came back home. Life began to get veryusy, and that intensity that I hadwhen Ifirst came

    into the work, that intensity of iving by the momentfor Heavenly Father seemed to fade. I could See itfading. I tried to grasp it and tried to bring it back,and yet there seemed to be so many distractions.

    One day I was talking about it to one of thebrethren that I would go visit, and he said, "Well,the devil has singled you out." So it seems I wentmany years, many years, and I would, as UncleWarren has described, in spurts I would have thatfeeling, which was so wonderful. And yet whenUncle Warren brought us here last December, inmy efforts to live like he is teaching us, I can seethat what I will call that constant wonderful eelingthat I once knew was coming back to me. I couldsee that what I had been working for through theyears, that I was seemingly outmaneuvered, justseems like I was outmaneuvered. Now I couldcontrol that, and that wonderful feeling, thatconstant feeling, which in those early days I didn'tunderstand really just what it was. But today,through Uncle Warren's teachings, it is a constantand true rejoicing in Heavenly Father, that loyaltyto Him through Priesthood, that jo y of beingdevoted to Him in your life.

    So I can't tell you how much I can see thatHeavenly Father truly stretched forth His hand inmy behalf, and He brought back into focus,through coming here and through Uncle Warren'steachings, He brought back into focus my vision ofeternal life. And it is not like I had lost it or wasn'tfaithful. It just seemed like I was floating alongthrough the years. When I think about it, I trulyfeel bad before Heavenly Father that I wasn'tmore skilled and more keen and alert. I don'tknow why I wasn't more willing to give up thethings that Uncle Rulon asked us to give up, likemovies and televisions and partying and traveling,things like that - why I wasn't willing to do itbefore he had to command us to do it.

    But today I just can' t tell you the feeling that Ihave listening to Uncle Warren teach us andseeing, as I analyze it for myself, how well it fitsinto me - the teachings, the trainings - howwonderful they are. They bring, truly, HeavenlyFather back into focus. And I can witness in mylittle degree, that there truly is no feeling like thefeeling ofHeavenly Father's Spirit burning in you.And you doing what you have been told, andthrough that Spirit have the approval, feel the

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    approval ofHeavenly Father, there is nothing likeit. And as I anticipate that feeling growing andincreasing, it is so exciting, so exciting. And I doanticipate it to grow and grow and grow until I andyou, also, are qualified for Uncle Warren to takeus into the presence ofHeavenly Father.

    So I can say, and that truly, the Lord throughUncle Warren has saved my life. My life is truly inthe process of being saved, and how I thankHeavenly Father. As Uncle Warren has taught usabout His love, Heavenly Father's perfect love,and how we can detect that love, how we canfeel it,and we understand what he is saying, and we canfeel it and begin to see around us HeavenlyFather's love, and to know how to correctly rejoicein Heavenly Father, how to appreciate the Giver ofthe gifts more than the gifts, the feeling of thetraining applied is so heavenly.

    So dear brothers and sisters, in closing I wouldlike to just encourage us. We are really on ourway. The trainings that Uncle Warren has given tous that we have applied have been joyful toestablish in our lives. The last training he gave usof how we could rejoice constantly in HeavenlyFather, how we should moment by moment rejoicein Him as we see the numberless gifts that He hasgiven to us, developing that rejoicing in our heartsis most wonderful. Uncle Warren is teaching ushow we can love Heavenlv Father. It is sowonderful. It is so wonderful to leave those oldtraits and characteristics andfallen nature behind.Like the Lord said in the revelation, "How greatwill be your jo y when you leave your fallen natureand take upon you my characteristics." And that,as it begins to develop, is most wonderful.

    So I am surely anxious to again be fed byHeavenly Father spiritually through His holyProphet. And I must truly say I rejoice more than Ican express, in Heavenly Father for the testimonythat He has given me of he Prophets, and today ofBrother Warren. And some way I can see, unableto explain, all of the Prophets in Uncle Warren.When I read excerpts or experiences or sermons ofthe Prophet Joseph Smith, I occasionally have tostop and say to myself, "Now is this the ProphetJoseph or is this Uncle Warren talking?" I can'tread the Prophet Joseph, I can't study his life butwhat I see Uncle Warren. I am so happy for thattestimony. I know that that testimony will not stay

    with me if don't live like I have been taught. SoGod help you and I to live the teachings that he hagiven to us. He is giving us splendid, splenditrainings and teachings that make us like untoGod, and His Spirit is increasing among us. Anoh, the joy, like Uncle Warren has told us it woulbe.

    God bless Uncle Warren. He is all-important tothis earth, all-important for the work he has yet todo. And God bless Uncle Fred, continue tostrengthen him. Uncle Fred is being strengthenedI am so happy, so grateful, so undeserving to binvolved with them in the quorum of FirsPresidency. Uncle Fred and I have decided verfirmly that our lives are to support Uncle Warrento strengthen him, make his load a little lighter iwe can, help him wherever we can. This is what ware living for, because our eyes are also on thredemption ofZion.May God bless every one ofus here, and everother place of refuge, the saints in Short Creekand wherever they are, that we may be one. AnGod bless our very dear and holy Prophet, BrotheWarren, in the name ofJesus Christ, amen.

    President Fred M. Jessop: I call on HeavenlFather for His Spirit so I can speak what is in mheart. I love this work. I love Brother Warren. love Heavenly Father. I haven't personally meHim, 8ftt l"cHaw Nt! htlfJ 888H lraftHti. ["cHaw Ht! iat the head of this work and that He, among Hiother God Associates, has chosen Brother Warreto take the reins of government at this day antime, and as far as I can see he is doing marvelous job. It is magnificent to realize how thSpirit of nspiration and revelation feeds his minand body like it does.

    I am certainly infavor of he workofGod that ibeing promulgated at this time. I realize that therare only a few harvested out of the efforts of thPriesthood over these many years, and a few wa[were] harvested out of the Church before thatthat want to go along with the true Gospel, thPriesthood. I am so thanliful that the Priesthood oGod, with Heavenly Father, that they are at thhead, has given instructions for accomplishmentboth physical and spiritual. The adversary thinkto destroy the spiritual orce by interfering with thphysical. So the great organization of he power

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    of darkness has got the nation, many nations,states, agencies, governments, people more or lessunited against the Lord's holy Gospel. Andwe seenow that this world was made with the children ofour Father in an eternal progress ofmankind.

    And now all this aggregation of orce againstthe Lord's work, it is the last effort, you might say-I think it is the last effort - that the adversary istrying topu t orth to squelch the workofGod, to doaway with the saving aspects of he Gospel. That iswhat the Gospel is. It is a system ofsaving God'schildren. And now the Father, having inspired theProphets all this time, have taught the people whatthey must do spiritually to be saved and exalted.The principles by which it is done has been takencare of n quite a measure, andfew there are thathave taken hold and taken advantage of thatwonderful saving process, the Gospel of JesusChrist. And now they think to fight against JesusChrist, the God of salvation, to interfere with the

    ical processes that He wants, thecircumstances being that in the Church, the manytemples that have been built, there is not oneavailable to the saints for their blessings that theymust have for salvation and exaltation. SoHeavenly Father has sought one that is availabler those that is[areJ eligible to be saved. And the

    overnment says, "You shan't do it. "Thank the Lord, our Heavenly Father,' thankHis holy Prophet, dear Brother Warren. They

    have sent word to the government agents whichare emissaries of the adversary in the great planthat they have to thwart the work ofJesus Christ;they have said, "You shan't do it. We will pu t

    you that you can't bear." Butather has sent word, "We are going to obey the

    and if the government says, 'No,' we aredo it anyway, " but through the grace and

    wisdom ofHeavenly Father that He hasxpressed to His servants on earth, how it is goingo be done. And so inasmuch as Heavenly Father

    l knowledge, all power, and will triumphver the adversary, Father has used His influenced His power to back satan off, the world, the

    They relented in consequence of heofGod expressed to them.

    Again the people are rallied, united, called tofaith andprayer, to act in oneness infavor

    f the Lord to such extent that He, peradventure

    their offering is acceptable, will wield His power,His eternal power to overthrow, to back off, dowhatever He decides to do to override the power ofthe adversary.

    We live in that day, dear brothers and sisters,and so grateful, are we that we have been snatchedout ofdanger andpu t in a situation where we haveurged, taught, prayed for, loved, done everythingpossible that we can find favor with the Lord insufficient degree and with sufficient numbers thatit will please the Lord that He wil l ultimately showHis hand, which He can do, andprophecy tells usHe will, that Prophets even from Father Adamdown have known the program, known what theLordwas going to do, and He wil l do it.

    Here we are, dear people, few ofus as it mayseem, are here, tucked away in the place ofrefuge,so graciously gathered in. How wonderful. Oh,how wonderful is our opportunity. I havefelt like Ishould say this much, with a note ofencouragement to us, to do what we are counseledto do. It has been so wonderful to realize that theGospel means so much more when BrotherWarren explains what is in the Gospel and how itcan affect our lives, and we must do it.

    I pray Heavenly Father to bless us individuallyand together, all the people on these places ofrefuge and other places where the honest in heartElfA8. ! SEI,' Jel ~ I S tJJ it. I tJJn 'I wElnl IJ 8*l8ntJ tn,remarks, because I want to hear what our holyProphet has for us in the way of furtherinstruction, further encouragement to qualifyourselves, be qualified before the Lord. I pray forit in the name ofJesus Christ, amen.

    President Warren S. Jeffs: I seek unto ourHeavenly Father for His Spirit to be the Teacher. Irejoice in Him. I know God lives. I have come tothe knowledge that God and the Prophets dwell ineternal burnings, and the angels the Lord sends toassist the Prophets and the saints on the earth, theangels are the former Prophets who are interestedin their children on the earth. I have come to knowthat the Lord and the Prophets are yearning for us.

    Whatever message the Lord has me to delivertoday, I submit my mind and will to Him, for Hecan see what we need and can give utterance at thistime. I love these, my brethren in the FirstPresidency. I love God and Godliness dwelling iny, May 2, 2004 Page 30 Record of President Warren Jeffs

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    them and in every faithful Priesthood bearer andevery saint; and thus our love for one another ispart of our love for God, for what we love in oneanother is Godliness, the Spirit of God and thefruits of that Spirit.

    We are sent to this earth to become like ourHeavenly Father, and He is a God of love. So ourmission is to become love. To become love youmust love as you are loved; and the love of theFather and of the Godhead and the Prophets hasbeen a love through sacrifice, through suffering,living their lives for the people, for the work ofGod, and a giving of their lives.

    I feel impressed to tum to Moroni 7 and call onus to read along if we have a book; or when youhear this training again you can do so then. Wemust get down to the details, the details of thecharacter and attributes of God, and search ourcharacters and compare ourselves with His. Thisyearning to please your Heavenly Father includesa studying of His nature, His doings with Hischildren. You may have read this many times, butthis time listen and read along with a prayer whereyou yearn to know where you can do better or evenlearn something new.

    This will be a test upon us, for the Lord iswatching us. This He has shown me. He iswatching this group of people so closely, evenyom tiroagirts, fcciiIIgS, mId desit,s l1ffect v911etilcIthis work will advance or not on this land ofrefuge. The Lord has also shown me, by sendingme to make adjustments among our people, Hewants things in place, because very shortly a greatshaking is coming upon our people, and this peoplewill be tested and tried through tribulation to seewhat they love most. Having received Priesthoodcovenants, all the Priesthood people have madeeternal promises with their Heavenly Father thatthey would love Him most. Now the Lord will testus.

    The love ofGod is sensitive to the details of ourthoughts and feelings and desires. That Holy Spiritsearches all things and nothing is hidden. Truehonesty, to be a person of truth, you must keepyour promises to love Heavenly Father most. Sowith that idea in mind, that you have declaredyourself that you want to love Him most and youare reaching for guidance in how to do it, listen to

    this training again. Moroni 7 verse 2, where theProphet Mormon's words begin:

    Moroni 72. And now L Mormon, speak unto you,my beloved brethren;

    And sisters,2 .. .and it is by the grace of God the

    Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, and hisholy will, because of the gift of his callingunto me, that I am permitted to speak untoyou at this time.

    And I say the same.3. Wherefore, I would speak unto you that

    are of the church, that are the peaceablefollowers ofChrist, and that have obtained asufficient hope by which ye can enter into therest of the Lord, from this time henceforthuntil ye shall rest with him in heaven.

    We have received that hope that we can enterinto His rest, which means into His presence hereand in heaven. So considering all here have thishope, this training applies to us.

    4. And now my brethren,And sisters,

    4 .. .I udge these things ofyou because ofyour peaceable walk with the children ofmen.

    5. For I remember the word of God,which sarth by their workS ye shall knowthem;for if heir works be good, then they aregood also.

    Now we go into the training of the simple truththat you either have the Spirit ofGod or you don' t.And ifthere is any evil present, ifthere are any evilthoughts or bad feelings present within you, thenyou don't have the Spirit of God; and that is howpure the love of God is. You cannot love in partand be Godlike. You cannot have part of theattributes of God and part of the attributes of thedevil and think you are accepted. So we need tohave a complete cleansing of all impurities tobecome love, to become like God. And to becomelike God we exert Godliness.

    Now listen to this simple training. You don'tneed to point at other people. Ask the Lord to helpyou search yourself, where you need a cleansing.

    6. For behold, God hath said a man beingevil cannot do that which is good; for if heRecord of President Warren Jeffs Page 31 Sunday, May 2, 2004

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    ofJereth a gift, or prayeth unto God, except heshall do it with real intent it profiteth himnothing.7. For behold, it is not counted unto him

    for righteousness.8. For behold, i fa man being evil giveth agift, he doeth it grudgingly;

    If you do a good thing, but not with the motiveof loving your Heavenly Father unconditionally,then it is grudgingly, meaning you are only givingthis gift for a selfish purpose.

    8 .. .wherefore it is counted unto him thesame as ifhe had retainedOr kept,

    8 .. . the gift; wherefore he is counted evilbefore God.An outward good done, but with your heart and

    mind not right, you are detected by the Spirit ofGod, and you won't feel the increase of His HolySpirit. You must have that motive of glorifyingyour Heavenly Father to have the motive oflovingHim.9. And likewise also is it counted evil untoa man, if he shall pray and not with realintent of heart; yea, and it profiteth himnothing, for God receiveth none such.10. Wherefore, a man being evil cannotdo that which is good; neither will he give a

    goou1 g;ft11. For behold, a bitter fountain cannotbring forth good water; neither can a goodfountain bring forth bitter water; wherefore,a man being a servant of the devil cannotfollow Christ; and if he follow Christ hecannot be a servant of he devil.

    Here is a truth that awakens humility within us:12. Wherefore, all things which are goodcometh ofGod;

    Ifyou have done good, it is the Lord's good, Hispirit working through you, His gift of good.12 . .. and that which is evil cometh of hedevil; for the devil is an enemy unto God, andfighteth against him continually, and invitethand enticeth to sin, and to do that which isevil continually.13. But behold, that which is of Godinviteth and enticeth to do good continually;wherefore, every thing which inviteth and

    enticeth to do good, and to love God, and toserve him, is inspired ofGod.So there you see, the love of God isaccompanied by revelation guiding us in whatgood to do next. That is how you know the love ofGod is working through you - the good feelingprompting you to good works. Take hold. Ask theLord to strengthen you in that good and the power

    of love flows through you. We must graduateabove just having good feelings towards oneanother. We must perform the works that show thelove. We must voice the words. It just doesn't hurtyou a bit to say, "I love you," to a sister wife or abrother, within your families especially. Youladies, it just doesn't hurt you. In fact, you will beamazed how good you feel when you greet eachother with more than a "hello". "I love you." "Ipray for you." "I am grateful for you." Let usextend love and not just keep it all hidden within.14. Wherefore, take heed, my belovedbrethren,

    And sisters,14. . . that ye do not judge that which isevil to be ofGod, or that which is good and ofGod to be of he devil.15. For behold, my brethren,

    And sisters,15 ... it is given unto you to judge, that ye

    may know good from evzl; and me way tojudge is as plain, that ye may know with aperfect knowledge, as the daylight isfrom thedark night.16. For behold, the Spirit of Christ isgiven to every man, that he may know goodfrom evil; wherefore, I show unto you the wayto judge; for every thing which inviteth to do

    good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, issent forth by the power and gift of Christ;wherefore ye may know with a perfectknowledge it is ofGod.

    17. But whatsoever thing persuadeth mento do evil, and believe not in Christ, and denyhim, and serve not God, then ye may knowwith a perfect knowledge it is of he devil; forafter this manner doth the devil work, for hepersuadeth no man to do good, no, not one;neither do his angels; neither do they whosubject themselves unto him.

    18. And now, my brethren,

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    And sisters,18. . . seeing that ye know the light bywhich ye may judge, which light is the light ofChrist, see that ye do not judge wrongfully;for with that same judgment which ye judgeye shall also be judged.19. Wherefore, I beseech of you,brethren,

    And sisters,19 ... that ye should search diligently inthe light ofChrist

    In all your studying, praying, thinking, doing,you judge righteously, you see clearly, you learntruth by studying and searching in the light ofChrist. Think through prayer, feel through prayer,desire through prayer, read through prayer, workthrough prayer, in the light ofChrist.19. . . that ye may know good from evil;and if e will lay hold upon every good thing,and condemn it not, ye certainly will be achild ofChrist.

    Thus far in this training, you see you can't haveevil present and have the Spirit of God with you.There can't be bad thoughts, feelings, or desirespresent ifyou have the love ofGod, the love of theFather. So learn this lesson once and for all. Theperfection of he love of he Father requires ofus tobe only good. To perfect our love for HeavenlyFathet, He l n t t ~ t ICl'cnt ",f "'ttl fttllcn: .. rY S Ml6reach for, receive, and dwell in the Celestial lightand power, disciplining our thoughts and mindsafter the order of heaven. We were sent to thisearth to become heavenly. Priesthood is theCelestial Law, power and authority. Priesthoodcovenants empower us to draw from the heavensthat Celestial strength, the Holy Spirit, whichcarries within its nature the powers ofGodliness.

    So in your search of self, through the light ofChrist, to see if you have perfected the love of theFather in you, you must search for all impuritiesand repent of them. Even your disposition orability to be tempted or think evil must be repentedof. And all repentance is properly exercisedthrough doing good, through exercising the lovefor Heavenly Father and His power oflove towardall others. And you become a person that createsand builds and blesses. All this fallen nature todestroy is removed, and you seek to beautify all

    things through the power and love of God. Nowthis is Zion, the perfection of the love ofthe Fatherin us. Now you see we must dwell in the light oChrist, the love ofGod.Next, this Prophet asks a question. It is such animportant question, it has to do with every detail ofour lives:

    20. And now, my brethren,And sisters,20. . . how is it possible that ye can layhold upon every good thing?

    That is all we are interested in: How do I do thenext good thing? The first step of all good isnamed here. In this beautiful training is given theroad map of how to be filled with the love of Godand exercise it. This first step of all good isexplained here:21. And now I come to that faith, ofwhichI said I would speak; and I will tell you theway whereby ye may lay hold on every goodthing.22. For behold, God knowing all things,beingfrom everlasting to everlasting, behold,

    he sent angels to minister unto the children ofmen, to make manifest concerning thecoming ofChrist; and in Christ there shouldcome every good thing.23. AndGod also declared unto prophets,

    by his own "louth, thai C;u iSi shoula conte.24. And behold, there were divers waysthat he did manifest things unto the childrenof men, which were good; and all thingswhich are good cometh ofChrist; otherwisemen were fallen, and there could no goodthing come unto them.

    This Prophet is explaining where faith springs.It came from God Himself sending angels to speakto the Prophets on the earth, and those Prophetshearing the voice of God themselves, dreamsvisions, revelations, God Himself sending Hisworks of love through revelation, witnessing toholy Prophets that He lives, that God lives. Thawas the first beginnings of faith among the peopleof God.

    25. Wherefore, by the ministering ofangels, and by every word which proceededforth out of he mouth ofGod, men began toexercise faith in Christ; and thus by faith,

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    Here is the answer to his question:25 ... by faith, they did lay hold upon everygood thing; and thus it was until the coming

    ofChrist.26. Andafter that he came men also weresaved by faith in his name; and by faith, theybecome the sons of God. And as sure asChrist liveth he spake these words unto our

    fathers, saying: Whatsoever thing ye shallask the Father in my name, which is good, infaith believing that ye shall receive, behold, itshall be done unto you.27. Wherefore, my beloved brethren,

    And sisters,27. ...have miracles ceased becauseChrist hath ascended into heaven, and hathsat down on the right handofGod, to claim ofthe Father his rights ofmercy which he hathupon the children ofmen?28. For he hath answered the ends of helaw, and he claimeth all those who have faithin him; and they who have faith in him willcleave unto every good thing; wherefore headvocateth

    Or upholdeth,28 ... the cause of he children ofmen; andhe dwelleth eternally in the heavens.29. And because he hath done this, mybeloved brethren,

    And sisters,29 ... have miracles ceased? Behold I sayunto you, Nay; neither have angels ceased tominister unto the children ofmen.30. For behold, they

    The angels,30 ... are subject unto him,

    To Christ,30 ... to minister according to the word of

    his command, showing themselves unto themofstrong faith and afirm mind in every formofgodliness.

    31. And the office of heir ministryOf angels,

    30 .. . is to call men unto repentance, andto fulfill and to do the work of he covenantsof the Father, which he hath made unto thechildren ofmen, to prepare the way amongthe children ofmen, by declaring the word ofy, May 2, 2004

    Christ unto the chosen vessels of the Lord,that theyThe Prophets,

    30 .. .may bear testimony ofhim.So the love ofGod is shown to His children byrevealing Himself to the Prophets, and thencommanding the Prophets to bear testimony that

    God lives, they have seen Him or heard His voiceand know that He lives, and they bring His word,His revelation to the people. I realized that thelove of God flowed to me through my father,through Priesthood. The love of God was shownto me through my father. His word is love. Hisactions, his example, the look in his eye, the wayhe dressed, his teachings - all those things werethe love of God in action toward me and all others.And thus it is with your Priesthood head towardyou, if you would receive that truth. You areseeing the love of God. It isn't just in theatmosphere where you are reaching for it. Thatpower of the love of the Father flows into youthrough Priesthood, and it is shown through thepower of God working in righteous men who areappointed over you. And we have had this in ourlives, all our lives, through the Prophets.

    32. And by so doing,The love of God exercised through Priesthoodand the Prophets:

    32.. .. the Lord God prepareth the way thatthe residue ofmenThe rest ofmen and women,

    32 ... may have faith in Christ, that theHoly Ghost may have place in their hearts,according to the power thereof' andafter thismanner bringeth to pass the Father, thecovenants which he hath made unto thechildren ofmen.

    So realize this charity, or the love ofGod, flowsinto you of the Father through Priesthood throughyour living faith. You are connected to Priesthood.The Priesthood over you is praying for you.Through your faith does the love ofGod flow intoyou, opening up the channel. Through Priesthoodthe Spirit of God, the love of God, flows into you.The energy by which that heavenly power flowsinto you is your prayers, your faith, in oneness withthe prayers and faith of the Priesthood over you.And oneness is the will of the Father in all things.

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    The love of the Father flows where the will of theFather is exercised. Through prayer, revelation,obedience, and rejoicing, live in the will of theFather, in revelation, and obeying His will to befilled with the love of God unto perfection.So you see in this training, Priesthood andrevelation are all-important to the perfection ofthe

    love of he Father dwelling in us. You don't just doit alone, off in a comer away from everybody. Thelove of God is perfected through oneness, throughbeing connected, being led and doing the will ofthose over you.33. And Christ hath said: Ifye will havefaith in me ye shall have power to dowhatsoever thing is expedient in me.

    "Expedient" means the will of the Father bedone in His time and way.34. And he hath said: Repent all ye ends

    of the earth, and come unto me, and bebaptized in my name, and have faith in me,that ye may be saved.35. And now, my beloved brethren,

    And sisters,35 .. . i f this be the case that these thingsare true which I have spoken unto you, andGod will show unto you, with power andgreat glory at the last day, that they are true,

    and if they are true has the day ofmiracles9fUiIfUJ?

    36. Or have angels ceased to appear untothe children ofmen? Or has he withheld thepower of he Holy Ghostfrom them? Or willhe, so long as time shall last, or the earthshall stand, or there shall be one man uponthe face thereof o be saved?

    37. Behold I say unto you, NayJor it is byfaith that miracles are wrought; and it is byfaith that angels appear and minister untomen; wherefore, if hese things have ceasedwo be unto the children of men, for it isbecause ofunbelief, and all is vain.

    Our lives are vain if we don't live by faith untolove. We just don't have any excuse. The Lord hasspoken from the heavens. The Prophets have beenand are in communication with God. Faith hasbeen planted within us by hearing the word ofGodthrough the Prophets. We have been taught andtrained the character of God and that life eternal isto become like Him.

    So what is all this talk about miracles going todo for us today. I tell you, the greatest miraclehappening in your individual life is the Lordchanging you into the likeness of God through theexercise of he love ofGod unto perfection. God isonly good. The love ofGod is only good. Exercisethat love through oneness with Priesthood, and thapower to love changes you into Heavenly Father 'slikeness. Godhood and Goddesshood is onlybestowed upon those who are like God through thelove of God always exercised - inspired love,obedient love, rejoicing love, all through prayer.Continuing this training:38. For no man can be saved, accordingto the words ofChrist, save they shall have

    faith in his name; wherefore, if these thingshave ceased, then has faith ceased also; andawful is the state of man, for they are asthough there had been no redemption made.Now talking to the obedient:

    39. But behold, my beloved brethren,And sisters,

    39 . . 1 judge better things of you, for Ijudge that ye have faith in Christ because ofyour meekness; for ifye have not faith in himthen ye are not fi t to be numbered among thepeople ofhis church.This has been a great training on faith and howf{lith is jntroduced) exercised, and ~ r Q w s And we

    believe in miracles. Every day is a miracle, ablessing of God, not of man. Continuinganswering the question, "How is it possible youcan lay hold on every good thing?" that first step isfaith in the Lord Jesus Christ, which is prayers oflove and devotion unto Him to do His will.Through your praying always, the Spirit of Godawakens this next step of all good called hope of aglorious resurrection. Hope is a want, a yearningdesire. And the hope of a glorious resurrection is ayearning desire to dwell with God here and ineternity.

    40. And again, my beloved brethren,And sisters,

    40 .. .1 would speak unto you concerninghope. How is it that ye can attain unto faith,save ye shall have hope?41. Andwhat is it that ye shall hope for?

    Behold I say unto you that ye shall have hope

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    through the atonement of Christ and thepower ofhis resurrection, to be raised untolife eternal, and this because ofyour faith inhim according to the promise.42. Wherefore, if a man have faith hemust needs have hope; for withoutfaith therecannot be any hope.

    You can tell what degree of glory you arereaching for by what you are hoping for day byday, what you are working for in that want that youare born with, that ability to desire. We must reachfor the greatest gifts, the gifts of the Holy Spirit.And as we will read here, the greatest gift is thischarity, the love of the Father, the first greatcommandment lived every moment.

    Returning to the question, "How is it possiblethat ye can lay hold on every good thing?" we arenow given the next step, all exerted throughprayer: Faith, hope, and then humility exercised,that perfect submission to do the will of the Father.His will is revelation. Revelation flows throughobedience to Priesthood.

    43. And again, behold I say unto you thathe cannot have faith and hope, save he shallbe meek, and lowly ofheart.Or humble.

    44. If so, his faith and hope is vain, fornone is acceptable before God, save the meekand lowl in heart and i a man be meek andlowly in heart, and confesses by the power ofthe Holy Ghost that Jesus is the Christ, hemust needs have charity; for i f he have notcharity he is nothing; wherefore he mustneeds have charity.The Lord taught us through father that to haveharity you must have the Spirit of God. Sohrough faith, hope, and humility exercised invery prayer, you get and keep and maintain the

    of God within you. The love of God,of the Father perfected, can only beWe can choose to reach for those giftsevery prayer. Now mark it down in

    ofGod can onlyexercised through faith, hope, and humility.of he love of he Father to

    m within you, you don't just reach for love, a

    Listen to how easy it is to voice faith, hope, andhumility. Faith is expressed by the simple words,"Our loving Heavenly Father." Isn't that simple?Hope is simply expressed this way: "I love you. Iyearn to be like you and dwell with you again. Ionly want to please you." That should beexpressed constantly as the motive of our lives.We were sent here to accomplish that work - tobecome like God and dwell with Him again in Hisglory. Humility is so simple to express in everyprayer: "I only want to do your will through thePriesthood over me. Guide me with your Spirit."Don't just express the desire. Reach for His will."Guide me," means, "I need the gift ofrevelation."

    Through that humble submission, hopeexpressed, rejoicing in your Heavenly Father, doyou earn the love ofGod to dwell in you. Withoutthe exertions of faith, hope, and humility, yourlove isn' t powerful. You may be dwelling in thememory of the love ofGod, remembering what itfeels like. But we are called upon to live in theexercise of the love of God, this charity, throughfaith, hope, and humility always exercised. Youdrop one of hem, the love ofGod disappears. Thischarity can only be exercised unto perfectionthrough a constant praying always, a constantyearning to please Him, be like Him, and dwellwith Him, and a constant reaching to be led to doHis will. The love of God flows where the will of

    oug al , ope,anNow with these in place, with these beingexercised through prayer, all these attributes andpowers are within your reach. They are all present.If one of them is missing, that means evil ispresent. If one of these good things is missing, thatmeans the opposite is present and you need torepent. Go and exercise faith, hope, and humility,willing to change, reaching for the greater light andnot your own will being done.

    Assuming you are exercising faith, hope, andhumility, these powers are present, and they are allexercised through revelation. The best word I canuse to describe verse 45 is: These are beautiful.These will make you heavenly beautiful. There isnothing more beautiful than Heavenly Father andthe glory of these attributes and powers alwaysshining forth. Remember it is through yourPriesthood connection and through the exercise,

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    through prayer, of faith, hope, and humility thesedwell in you.45. And charity

    Or the love of the Father perfected in you,45 .. .. suffereth long, ***

    That first element or power in all things of thelove of God is to suffer long, which means youthank the Lord for the experiences. You don'tretaliate if wrong is done to you. You look uponeach other with a hope that through sweetness andblessing others they can become like God. Youlook beyond their weaknesses and see what theycan become in becoming like God, even as youdesire to do. When you have the vision of theFather toward others, which is how you love othersand look at them properly, then their weaknessesmean nothing to you. You rejoice in theGodliness, the character of Heavenly Fatherdwelling in each other, and you voice love andgratitude. To suffer long, you don't just endure it,the weaknesses of others, so-called. When yousuffer long there is a doing for each other.

    Heavenly Father is so loving and kind, He isn'ttricked by people's weaknesses. Other people'sweaknesses will be discovered, and in HeavenlyFather's way He will lead them to overcome thoseweaknesses. Leave others in the Lord's hands,where you are not appointed to correct, andexpress gratItude, at least sIlently, to HeavenlyFather for the good in others. That is how yousuffer long. Having held your tongue, masteredyour feelings to where you exert sweetness andhope for others to qualify, then this love of Godempowers you to take the next step. And charity,or the love of the Father perfected,

    45 ... is kind,One of our main troubles is we love ourselvesso much we don't think of others. We often miss

    opportunities of kindness because we are notreaching to be led in our blessing of others. Howmany, shall I say, thousands of times have youmissed the opportunities of showing kindness toothers? And every time you missed thatopportunity, that is where you didn't increase inthe love ofGod. So stop missing the opportunities;but always center your love in God throughPriesthood and be led.

    Kindness is just as you pass by each other.Kindness is as easy as picking up the messy thingson the floor so somebody else doesn't have to,leaving the room clean. You can do so many actsof kindness that only the Lord sees you do, Hislove can be always flowing through you throughworks of love. Expand your vision and bless allcreation around you, especially centered in Godand Priesthood and those in your family. Kindnessexercised delivers you from envy.

    45....and envieth not, ***Which means you are alive in the blessing ofothers. Envy is the dark,jealous feeling to feel badwhen others are blessed. To fight off that littledevil, you have to be alive in blessing others. Andwhen they are blessed, you offer a prayer ofrejoicing in the Lord that He blessed them, and youask Him to bless them more, and you ask Him

    where you can bless that person. You rejoice whenothers are blessed, because in the body of Christ,when one member is blessed, all are blessed. Whenone is honored, all are honored. "Envy not" meansbe happy that others are blessed, and exercise thathappiness.The Lord told me to call on the saints to repent

    of their little jealousies of selfishness, evidencedby even selfish obedience, where our motive isn'tright, doing what we do just for self. The love ofGod jn us should expand our hearts as broad aseternity, as broad as the love of the Father extendsand our love for Him. Don't limit the exercise oflove. This love ofGod:

    45 .... is not puffed up,Because you always realize all good is a gift.The Lord has done it when you are privileged to bean instrument through which His Spirit works.The love ofGod, this charity, carries in its nature a

    humility to always acknowledge Heavenly Fatherin the good we are allowed to do. And as the goodflows through us, it changes our character into Hislikeness, and we benefit the most. The more youexercise love, the more you become like God. Youreceive the greater gift no matter how much goodyou are allowed to do and empowered to do. Thislove of God:45. . .seeketh not her own,

    That means the love of God carries with itrevelation. "Seeking not your own will" meansRecord of President Warren Jeffs Page 37 Sunday, May 2, 2004

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    you are reaching to know the will of HeavenlyFather and the Priesthood over you. Your love iscentered and guided to do the will of God. Yousacrifice your own will by reaching to be led in thelove of God, or charity. This love of God, orcharity:45. . . is not easily provoked,

    Patience, eternal patience. That is power withGod. And He so often, in our asking for blessings,has us just be patient to teach us all these blessingswill come when He sees we are ready for them andwe will use our blessings right. And here is a mostpowerful truth. The love of God:45 . .. thinketh no evil, ***

    Even if you are surrounded by evil, if you havethe love for your Heavenly Father exercised, youare thinking of Him and the good you yearn to do.And if there are evil thoughts present, you don'thave the Spirit of God. Your love is of your ownnatural strength of the earth and spirit, your ownspirit. So when people say, "I love this person, butI don't like this and that about them," right thereyou drove away the love of God. We need to havethe discernment of spirits. We must not join withevil when we love Heavenly Father. But weforgive. And forgiveness is the act of praying forand blessing one another. Saying you forgivewithout the prayer and action of love means your-k3Fgi"8B8ss is 8HiflP( aBe sasHew. ABe tfi:is le1/8 efGod:

    45 ....rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoicethin the truth,

    The love of God despises evil but forgives theevil doer; does not join with evil, but leavesjudgment to God and blesses others anyway,knowing the Lord will do right with thewrongdoer. So you must have a love for the rightto have the love of God in you. You cannotcompromise with evil and still love your HeavenlyFather. The love of God, or charity, is first aself-discipline in righteous living, andrighteousness means do the will of HeavenlyFather. This is describing His will. This love ofGod perfected:

    45. . . beareth all things, believeth allthings, hopeth all things, endureth all things.Sweetly. "All things" means all truth.

    46. Wherefore, my beloved brethren,

    And sisters,46. . . if ye have not charity, ye arenothing,

    If the love of the Father is not perfected in you,you will fall short. You won't reach that highestdegree of glory. That means dissolution, comingto an end one day. That is what this means. Ifyouare not like God through charity, or the love of Godalways exercised, you will become nothing, returnto native element in the eons of time ahead.

    46 .. for charity never faileth. Wherefore,cleave unto charity,

    Cleave unto this love of the Father until it isperfected in you.46. ...which is the greatest of all, for allthings must fail -47. But charity is the pure love ofChrist,

    and it endureth forever; and whoso is foundpossessed of t at the last day,The day of judgment,

    47 .. . it shall be well with him.So we can verily understand that whatever isnot of the love of God will come to an end. Thatmeans us individually. To love is a privilege, andit is His love we must exercise, His power.

    48. Wherefore, my beloved brethren,And sisters, how do you dwell in love?

    48. . pray unto the Father with all theenergy ofheart, that ye may be filled with thislove,

    That is where we need to do better. We pray,but not always with full energy of heart and spirit,or we lighten up when we have the Spirit of Godwith us, and feel like, "Well, we have the goodfeeling," and we don't pray more. When you feelgood, when the love of God is in you, realize youhave a greater power ofprayer within your reach toexercise, and thereby you will love more. Whenyou have the burning peace, that is the time to praymore. Your prayers will be more effective whenyou know you feel the heavenly fire burningwithin you. Don't lighten up because you feelsweet and good. What a selfish way to live, to justreceive the Spirit of God and keep it just toourselves. The love of God is given us to exerciseto bless the Kingdom of God and all who are in it,

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    and all mankind who will receive the blessings ofthe Kingdom of God.Oh, let your minds and hearts expand. Asfar-reaching as Heavenly Father loves, rejoice inHim and become an instrument through which Hisholy love is always exercised, through faith, hope,and humility, and these details of love dwelling in

    you. And if this love of God is in you, here is theresult:48. . . which he hath bestowed upon allwho are true followers of his Son, JesusChrist; that ye may become the sons

    And daughters,48 .. .0fGod; that when he shall appear

    we shall be like him, for we shall see him ashe is; that we may have this hope; that wemay be purified even as he is pure.

    When are you hoping that He will appear andsee Him as He is? Is that just far away in theresurrection? This group of people have beenoffered the gift of he presence ofGod in His glory,to see Him as He is, to touch Him, to hear His voicepersonally and have Him talk to us and bless us.The love of the Father perfected will change youinto His likeness so you will be able to stand in Hispresence. So the more we love, the more we areearning His presence. Now why could we be slowin reaching for and exercising this great gift? It is~ l : H om sueeess is tfte Ls,s S leafH: RSw Sexercise the love of God unto perfection. Love isthe doing of the word.

    I am so grateful to meet with you today . Youcan tell by this training the Lord wants us to reachunto Him for this gift of charity, or the love of theFather perfected. All ofus can say, "Yes, I need todo better," but this is the day to dwell in thatbetterment. This is the day to show the Lord wemean business. Zion is the perfection of the loveof the Father dwelling in us, and Zion in fulness isthe presence ofGod among His people on earth.

    You have been given details now in theseprevious trainings and this training today; and ifyou will relisten to the training, the Spirit of Godwill touch your mind and heart and show youwhere you can improve.I yearn for all this people. I yearn for allmankind who will receive salvation. I yearn forthose in the spirit world who have passed on and

    are seeking the opportunity of salvation. I yearnthe way to be opened up that the spirits yet unbornmay come forth in a day of righteousness. I yearnfor the spirits unborn who will go forth in worlds inthe future to receive their salvation. The love oGod is eternal, far-reaching. The exercise of thelove of God is for all His creations to succeed bythe laws He appoints.Oh, how few of His children reach for thisprecious gift, this gift ofcharity flowing from Godthrough Priesthood through the exercise ofprayerand through prayer you exercise the hope andhumility that earns us that holy love. For prayerrevelation, obedience, and gratitude to dwell inyou, you have to have the Spirit of God. Charitymeans you have it. So you exercise this lovethrough faith, hope, and humility in every prayer.That is how we live unto God and exercise His gif

    and power to love. May this lesson be received byeveryone here. Don't skip over it this time.The love of God includes all good. I love youthrough Heavenly Father's love. I love these, mybrethren. I rejoice in Heavenly Father, that He is aGod of truth and He will keep His word and Hispromise that Zion will be redeemed in thisgeneration. Each one ofyou are offered a place inthe fulness ofZion. This mission must succeed. Iis here and now, today, that you can learn of Godand greater knowledge and gifts. Don't lose focus.You stay focused on your Heavenly Fatherthrough Priesthood through perfecting that prayeofrejoicing in Heavenly Father all the time, whichearns you the next revelation to render the nexobedience to earn you the next increased rejoicing;and thus you learn to live from rejoicing torejoicing as the love of the Father is perfected inyou, and you feel lifted up. The Lord bless us, pray, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

    * * * * *Let us close by singing "Love at Home", page169, and ask Uncle Wendell to close with prayer.Then I may say a few more words. Smile. TheLord showed me that when you have the Spirit oGod you can't help but smile. And if you don'smile and you have a downcast look, you needmore of the Spirit of God.Song: "Love at Home"Prayer: President Wendell Nielsen

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    President Warren S. Jeffs: I voice to you thatthe Lord offers to this group of people greatertestimonies and the knowledge and presence ofGod and the angels among us. You need to prepareto receive and keep sacred things secret, and bebelieving before you hear these testimonies andreceive these instructions. So prepare your mindsand hearts for greater training and testimonies tobe given; and even to invite those the Lord wouldsend and at least feel their presence and power.Humble ourselves and prepare for greaterexperiences now. Be ye so believing that you aregetting ready. You must become acquainted withthe all-consuming fire from heaven throughauthority lest you be deceived. You will find asyou learn that greater degree of the Spirit of God,that you have felt it, and that is how you willrecognize that power.

    This mission must be accomplished, and theLord will only allow those to remain here who aredetermined in Him to fulfill this mission. Nohalfhearted people can be here on this mission.Everyone needs to succeed in their finalpreparation. Your success will bless everyone. Wedon't even think about or talk about failure. Weare only thinking success now, doing the Lord'swill.The Lord has a work for this quorum of FirstPresidency to perform, and He wants sufficientmembers of our family prepared with us to alsobear testimony into the Millennium that you knowGod lives. That is what you are earning, is theknowledge of God. So let us humble ourselves

    more, and greater humility is how we exercisegreater love. Heaven bless you all.7:02 p.m. Calling the Family at R17

    Hello, good to hear you. I hope you are allkeeping sweet. If you recorded my training thismorning I hope you will relisten to that tonight;and the part you missed, I hope somebody wrote itdown. Okay, just saying "goodnight" and "hello"and "goodnight". I hope all of you will do well.The Lord is watching you closer than you realize.Can you hear me? I love you all and I want youwith me. Pray me back. Goodnight. What wehave been missing is the gift of oneness exerted.Oneness means your whole life is centered in thoseover you and you expand your love to blesseveryone who is part of me. Alright, listen to thatagain and smile.

    11 :30 p.m. Paging the Familyin Short Creek, ArizonaGoodnight, everyone. I love all of you morethan you know. Smile and pray. Wherever we are,

    we were born to this mission of building Zion andevery day is an increase of that great work. I amyearning for everyone. No one will have too muchof the gifts of the Spirit. Live in that sweetincrease. Get closer and closer to your HeavenlyFather. Don't just find a comfort in earthly things.I wj]] be jn cQntact Before yOll go to bed, be SHreyou are filled with the Spirit of God and you feelthat heavenly peace. Smile and pray. I love youall.