statdoscoop september to december 2008

PAGE 1 STATDOSCOOP VOL. 9 NO. 2 SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER 2008 THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF NATIONAL STATISTICS OFFICE XII PROVIDING YOU RELEVANT INFORMATION THROUGH QUALITY AND TIMELY STATISTICS UNEMPLOYMENT RATE ESTIMATED AT 4.9 PERCENT IN APRIL 2008 Results from the April 2008 Labor Force Survey (LFS) INSIDE Examining Region XII’s Economic Situationer for 3rd Quarter of 2008 2 In Focus: December 2008 Consumer Price Index (CPI) of Region 12 3 Highlights of NSO SOCCSKSARGEN’S 2007 POPCEN Data Users Forum 4 MSUan yet again hailed as Region 12’s 17 th PSQ Champ 5 The Eventful 19th National Statistics Month 6 PUBLIC CAUTION: Missing Security Papers (SECPA) 7 Region 12’s Strategic Planning Workshop for Year 2009 in Cebu City 9 Sealing off Year 2008 with a bash! 10 BSP and Price Stability 11 Training on Manual of Instructions on the Revised Civil Registry Forms 13 REGION XII APRIL 2008 APRIL 2007 Total 15 years old and over (in '000) 2,423 2,374 Labor Force Participation Rate (%) 67.2 67.4 Employment Rate (%) 95.1 94.8 Unemployment Rate (%) 4.9 5.2 Underemployment Rate (%) 23.8 25.6 The unemployment rate recorded to be 4.9 percent for the region in the April 2008 Labor Force Survey. This means that there are about five persons in the labor force for the region who were not employed in April 2008. This is relatively lower to the previous year’s figure of 5.2 percent. Out of the estimated 2.42 million population 15 years old and over in the region in April 2008, 1.63 million persons were in the labor force. This resulted for the region to have a Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR) of 67.2 percent, which is 0.2 percent lower compared to the LFPR of last year. Employment rate in the region posted at 95.1 percent. This is slightly higher to the recorded employment rate in April 2007 of 94.8 percent. Employed persons are classified as either full-time or part-time workers. Full-time workers are those who work for 40 hours or more while part-time workers work for less than 40 hours. Out of the estimated 2.42 million population 15 years old and over in the region in April 2008, 1.63 million persons were in the labor force. Most employed persons in the region were males posting at about 64.4 percent while 35.6 percent for the females of the population for employed persons. But, more females were employed as officials of the government and special interest organizations, corporate executives, managers, managing proprietors, and supervisors and working as professionals than males. Most working males are farmers, forestry workers, and fishermen and some are laborers and unskilled workers. In general, more workers are involved in the agriculture, hunting and forestry industry, and fewer workers engaged in industry group of extra-territorial organizations and bodies in the region. Further that, more employed persons in the region are wage and salary workers, that is, they worked either for private household, establishment, or family-operated activity, or, for the government or some government-controlled corporation. Of the employed persons, 23.8 percent are underemployed. There is a decrease of about 1.8 percent from the previous year’s underemployment rate of 25.6 percent. Underemployed persons are employed persons who expressed their desire to have additional hours of work in their present job or to have additional job, or to have a new job with longer working hours. PHILIPPINES FAST FACTS source: Population (August 2007) 88.57M Projected Population (2009) 92.23M Inflation Rate (December 2008) 8.0% Balance of Trade (December 2008) $617M Exports (December 2008) $2.672B Imports (December 2008) $3.291B Unemployment (October 2008) 6.8% Underemployment (October 2008) 17.5% Simple Literacy (2003) 93.4% Functional Literacy (2003) 84% Average Family Income (2006) P147,000 GNP (Q4 2008) P2,339.8B GDP (Q4 2008) P2,126.8B Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (2006) 50.6% Modern Method 35.9% Traditional Method 14.8% Figures that matter most.

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Statdoscoop September to December 2008


Page 1: Statdoscoop September to December 2008








4.9 PERCENT IN APRIL 2008 Results from the April 2008 Labor Force Survey (LFS)


Examining Region XII’s Economic

Situationer for 3rd Quarter of 2008


In Focus: December 2008 Consumer

Price Index (CPI) of Region 12



2007 POPCEN Data Users Forum


MSUan yet again hailed as Region 12’s

17th PSQ Champ 5

The Eventful 19th National Statistics



PUBLIC CAUTION: Missing Security

Papers (SECPA)


Region 12’s Strategic Planning Workshop

for Year 2009 in Cebu City


Sealing off Year 2008 with a bash!


BSP and Price Stability


Training on Manual of

Instructions on the Revised Civil

Registry Forms



APRIL 2007

Total 15 years old and over (in '000) 2,423 2,374

Labor Force Participation Rate (%) 67.2 67.4

Employment Rate (%) 95.1 94.8

Unemployment Rate (%) 4.9 5.2

Underemployment Rate (%) 23.8 25.6

The unemployment rate recorded to be 4.9 percent for the region in the April 2008 Labor Force Survey. This means that there are about five persons in the labor force for the region who were not employed in April 2008. This is relatively lower to the previous year’s figure of 5.2 percent.

Out of the estimated 2.42 million population 15 years old and over in the region in April 2008, 1.63 million persons were in the labor force. This resulted for the region to have a Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR) of 67.2 percent, which is 0.2 percent lower compared to the LFPR of last year.

Employment rate in the region posted at 95.1 percent. This is slightly higher to the recorded employment rate in April 2007 of 94.8 percent. Employed persons are classified as either full-time or part-time workers. Full-time workers are those who work for 40 hours or more while part-time workers work for less than 40 hours.

Out of the estimated 2.42

million population 15

years old and over in the

region in April 2008,

1.63 million persons

were in the labor force.

Most employed persons in the region were males posting at about 64.4 percent while 35.6 percent for the females of the population for employed persons. But, more females were employed as officials of the government and special interest organizations, corporate executives, managers, managing proprietors, and supervisors and working as professionals than males. Most working males are farmers, forestry workers, and fishermen and some are laborers and unskilled workers. In general, more workers are involved in the agriculture, hunting and forestry industry, and fewer workers engaged in industry group of extra-territorial organizations and bodies in the region. Further that, more employed persons in the region are wage and salary workers, that is, they worked either for private household, establishment, or family-operated activity, or, for the government or some government-controlled corporation.

Of the employed persons, 23.8 percent are underemployed. There is a decrease of about 1.8 percent from the previous year’s underemployment rate of 25.6 percent. Underemployed persons are employed persons who expressed their desire to have additional hours of work in their present job or to have additional job, or to have a new job with longer working hours.



Population (August 2007) 88.57M

Projected Population (2009) 92.23M

Inflation Rate (December 2008) 8.0%

Balance of Trade (December 2008) $617M

Exports (December 2008) $2.672B

Imports (December 2008) $3.291B

Unemployment (October 2008) 6.8%

Underemployment (October 2008) 17.5%

Simple Literacy (2003) 93.4%

Functional Literacy (2003) 84%

Average Family Income (2006) P147,000

GNP (Q4 2008) P2,339.8B

GDP (Q4 2008) P2,126.8B

Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (2006)


Modern Method 35.9%

Traditional Method 14.8%

Figures that matter most.

Page 2: Statdoscoop September to December 2008



E xamining Region XII’s

Economic Situationer for

3rd Quarter of 2008

In the National Economic Development Authority XII’s Regional Economic Situationer for 3rd Quarter of 2008 (July-September), Region XII’s export earnings during the said period grew by 22% compared to the same period in 2007 amidst the onslaught of two typhoons which brought huge damage to the region’s crop-lands. The damage however, resulted to high consumer price index (CPI) and a double digit inflation rates for the whole duration of the third quarter of the year. The rates, however, slowly declined as good weather condition started to return in the region.

Tourism industry perked up with the increase in the number of domestic and foreign visitors in the region by 1.74% during the quarter. Fish production showed bright prospects, with a total yield of 75,470.37 metric tons, marking an increase of 19.93% over the 63,253.26 metric tons yield for the same period last year. Preliminary estimates of employment rate in July 2008 slightly went down at 0.7% as against the July estimates.

Assessment of the Regional Economic Performance

Decrease in Crop Production

The floods brought by typhoons Cosme and Frank in late June 2008, heavily damaged the region’s agricultural lands. Palay production went down by 5.09% compared with the same period in 2007, while corn production decreased by 25.9%. The provinces of South Cotabato and Cotabato contributed 34% and 25% decline in corn production, respectively. Aside from the natural disaster, the decline in production of both major crops was also due to the decrease in areas planted for corn.

Except for asparagus, mango and cacao, all other commercial crops showed growth in production with sugarcane leading at 9.02%. The decline of 22.61% in asparagus production was attributed to high production cost which led the farmers to shift to banana. Mango yield suffered a decrease of 8.22% due to delayed fruiting caused by frequent rains. On the other hand, adequate rainfall contributed to an increase in the number of tappable rubber trees which resulted to 4.63% growth in pro-duction.

Fish production increased by 19.93%

An increase of 19.93% in fish production was recorded during the 3rd quarter of the year or 12,217.11 metric tons higher than the 63,253.26 metric tons registered during the same quarter of 2007. The growth was led by commercial fishing, the largest contributor to the total fish production, followed by municipal inland fishing. The increase in fish production was attributed to the added number of foreign vessels unloading frozen tuna in Makar Port for canneries in General Santos City.

More household fishermen had also been engaged in fishing due to favorable market prices of fishery products, as well as the continuing assistance of BFAR XII and the STAR-CM projects through the provision of fishing gears. The municipal marine fishing suffered a minor setback registering a decline of

(continued on page 8)

“We tried to fit ourselves together. We tried to align our directions. We found the


This was the lesson we learned and the message we got in 2008.

It was a transition year not only because there was changed in regional leadership but more so there was substantial reduction of workforce in the regional office caused by death, transfer, promotion and long vacation leave.

Human resource is a vital and critical factor in any organization to effectively and efficiently achieve its goal. Despite the above inadequacies, Region 12 still managed to accomplish its homework covering statistical, civil registration and coordination activities in 2008 without much delay.

The case of losing staff is not new in NSO especially when caused by transfer to other government and non-government agencies probably because of the training, exposure, skills and discipline they got and instilled to them by NSO. Staff turn-over remains a threat and therefore affects productivity and performance of regional or provincial offices. Maybe it is about time to revisit manpower inadequacies and formulate policy that supports and helps the suffering region or province cope up and rise to the challenge of excellent performance and delivery of service in the field.

2008 was also a productive year for NSO Region 12 notably because of some feat it earned like successful hosting of the 2008 National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) Training jointly for Regions XII and ARMM, sent the most number of participants (300 and over) to the 4th National Workshop on Civil Registration (4NWCR) in Davao City on August 9-11, 2008, overcame war challenged during the AFP-MILF hostilities in North Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat and Sarangani during that 2008 NDHS enumeration where lot of sample baranagys were in war zone, conducted the region-wide training on revised civil registry forms, initiated the election of Regional Officers for the Federation of Civil Registrars of Region XII, second placer in the 2008 Notre Dame University (NDU) Summer Basketball Tournament, successful conduct of Regional Planning Workshop in Cebu City, and a jubilant General Assembly of all the employees in the region on December 19, 2008.

The region hopes for best in 2009 particularly on manpower inadequacy, empowerment of field offices, participation in discussion on purely management concerns.

In behalf of Region 12, I say thank you to NSO Management especially to Honorable Carmelita N. Ericta for the support, privileges and remarkable benefits given to the entire NSOans in 2008.

All the best in 2009!

2008: The Transition Year of NSO 12

Atty. Maqtahar L. Manulon

Regional Director, NSO 12

Page 3: Statdoscoop September to December 2008





PRICES Dec. ‘08 Nov. ‘08 Dec. ‘07

Consumer Price Index (2000 = 100)

Region XII 154.7 155.6 140.7

Cotabato 170.2 170.5 143.3

Sarangani 157.6 158.3 145.5

South Cotabato 144.5 145.5 136.4

Sultan Kudarat 159.0 160.8 146.5

Cotabato City 153.2 154.2 144.8

Gen. Santos City 142.7 143.8 134.8

Inflation Rate (%)

Region XII 10.0 11.5 4.9

Cotabato 18.8 19.9 3.5

Sarangani 8.3 10.3 4.7

South Cotabato 5.9 7.3 5.4

Sultan Kudarat 8.5 11.0 5.8

Cotabato City 5.8 7.2 6.6

Gen. Santos City 5.9 7.5 5.3

Purchasing Power of Peso (PPP)

Region XII 0.65 0.64 0.71

Cotabato 0.59 0.59 0.70

Sarangani 0.63 0.63 0.69

South Cotabato 0.69 0.69 0.73

Sultan Kudarat 0.63 0.62 0.68

Cotabato City 0.65 0.65 0.69

Gen. Santos City 0.70 0.70 0.74

SOURCE: Consumer Price Index

C onsumer Price Index result for the region reached to Php154.70 for December 2008 relative to base year 2000. This means that every person in the region needs this amount in order to purchase the same items, which is amounting to Php100.00 in 2000. This amount is Php14.00 higher compared to the same month of the previous year; but slightly lower to the

previous month in the amount of 90 centavos.

Looking onto the provinces, Cotabato province marked to have the highest amount, which is Php170.20, and South Cotabato marked the lowest spot, which is Php144.50. This indicates that bigger amount is needed in Cotabato province than in South Cotabato province in order to buy same items. In addition, Cotabato province’s result is Php15.50 higher in amount in the posted CPI result for the region.

In the city level, life is more expensive in Cotabato City than in Gen. Santos City, since Cotabato City had a higher result of CPI for the two cities. This is in the amount of Php153.20, having a difference of Php10.50 from General Santos City.

Inflation in the region resulted to be 10.0 for December 2008. A slow peso devaluation happened for the region compared to 11.5 inflation rate in November 2008. This shows a minimal increase in the strength of the peso value which posted at 65 centavos for December compared to only 64 centavos in November in 2008.

Cotabato province resulted for a fast peso devaluation posting an inflation rate of 18.8 among the provinces in the region. South Cotabato, indeed, showed a strong peso value which only had an inflation rate of 5.9 with a peso value of 69 centavos for the month of December. This is more favorable for the people of South Cotabato. General Santos City established a stronger value of peso compared to Cotabato City, which is 70 centavos against 65 centavos, respectively.

Based on the results from the 2006 Family Income and Expenditure Survey, Region XII reported the least proportion of housing expenditure with 8.2 percent. On the other hand, NCR and CAR reported the highest proportion of housing expenditure to total family expenditure with 18.8 percent and 14.9 percent respectively. The national estimate was reported at 13.3 percent.

In the nationwide sphere, Philippines revealed a total housing expenditure estimated at P340.6 billion indicating an increase of 21.3 percent over the 2003 estimate of P280.8 billion. Of the P340.6 billion reported housing expenditure, 12.7 percent went to rent/rental value of house and lot, while only 0.5 percent was spent on house maintenance and minor repairs.

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“Recent census reveals that the popu-

lation of Region 12 has reached

3,829,081 in 2007. This comprises ap-

proximately 18% of the total Mindanao

population. With the annual growth

rate of 2.41 percent, the population is

expected to double in 29 years….”

T his was only one of the highlights presented

during the 2010 Census of Population and

Housing Data Users Forum last September 4,

2008 at EMR Center in Koronadal City, South

Cotabato. Being the primary statistical arm

of the government, the National Statistics Office (NSO) is

cognizant that it is duty-bound to produce and provide quality

and general-purpose statistics for information and dissemina-

tion to its partner stakeholders and data users.

Fifty-two (52) participants composed of provincial

statisticians, planners and policymakers; representatives from

health, family planning, academe, government, local govern-

ment units and private sector attended the said undertaking.

As one of the key activities for the enhancement of

census undertaking, the following were of common concerns:

(1) using census for measuring new and emerging priority

issues” work group should focus on events and characteristics

which, because of their rarity, were not well captured in sample

surveys; (2) census could also provide valuable information on

poverty through the use of proxy indicators such as type of

housing, tenure status, access to water, asset ownership, etc.;

(3) other examples of emerging issues of concern mentioned

were ageing, migration, religion, ethnicity; and (4) generate data

which were useful for planning in smaller geographical areas on

all the characteristics (i.e. sitio level).

It was also stressed out in the forum the importance of

sharing experiences in collecting information on these new and

emerging issues in censuses, so that others could benefit and

learn from both positive and negative results. Issues concerning

survey results were voiced out during the open forum. Admin

Asst I Aligsao served as moderator while Emma A. Fabian, Chief

of Income and Employment Statistics Division (IESD) of the

Household Statistics Department (HSD), NSO Manila together

with Atty. Manulon, PSO Abaro, OIC-PSO Penuela and

PSO Sambrano were in hot the seat for the different questions,

issues and other concerns raised by the participants.

The Q&A portion provided appropriate venue in

discussing issues related to the clear-cut implementation of

guiding principles of planning. For policy makers and planners in

the audience, many felt strategies must be assessed to reach the

many diverse practices to adapt to the needs of the people.

Queries concerning the data on population count with straight-

forward answers that cloud the complaints. In closing,

PSO Sambrano recapped the highlights of the activity with an

assurance of steadfast commitment in keeping up against the

challenge of census undertaking. ☺

Page 5: Statdoscoop September to December 2008



MSUan yet again hailed as Region 12’s 17th PSQ Champ

T wenty-three (23) freshmen students from the key cities and provinces of SOCCSKSARGEN Region convened for the 17th Philippine Statistics Quiz (PSQ) Regional Elimination, an annual test of

knowledge, a noble battle of the brains in the statistical arena. It was held at D and M Catering Services in Cotabato City last November 13, 2008.

A total of fifteen (15) schools participated for this year round. The Province of Cotabato sent in their brilliant challengers coming from Colegio De Kipadawan, Notre Dame of Kidapawan College (both of Kidapawan City), Southern Christian College (Midsayap) and University of Southern Mindanao (Kabacan). Young statistical whizzes from Notre Dame of Dadiangas University and Mindanao State University, both of General Santos City composed the Sarangani Province/General Santos City (SARGENwide) team. South Cotabato Province were represented by Holy Child College of Information Technology, Inc.. (Surallah), Notre Dame of Marbel University and Doctor's Clinic and Hospital School Foundation Inc. (both of Koronadal City). Sultan Kudarat Province’s future college freshmen statisticians from Notre Dame of Tacurong College, Sultan Kudarat Educational Institution and Sultan Kudarat Polytechnic State College (all of Tacurong City) also challenged the rest of the contestants. Selected mathematical wunderkind from Notre Dame University and Cotabato City State Polytechnic College (both of Cotabato City) completed the pool of competitors.

As always been a well-organized event, the affair was graced by distinguished guests from the academe and NSO’s regular allied agency, National Statistics Coordination Board (NSCB). Also present were the Provincial Statistics Officers of the region, namely PSO Ruben D. Abaro, Jr. (NSO SOCSARGEN), PSO Rafael T. Sambrano (NSO Sultan Kudarat), and PSO Belinda R. Penuela (NSO Cotabato). Taking the lead was the region’s dynamic director, Atty. Maqtahar L. Manulon.

Janaisha Bai M. Tito, the 16th PSQ Regional Champion gave an inspiring testimonial during the programme before the contest proper. Herlita G. Caraan, Regional Head of NSCB Regional Unit XII served as Chairman of the Board of Judges. Roselou B. Hornido, from Department of Education XII (DepEdXII) and Evelyn N. Sotes of Commission on Higher Education (CHED) XII, served as members. Also overseeing the event was Ms. Jhoana R. Bautista of the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics (BAS) who represented the PSQ National Steering Committee.

Designed to test first-year college students' knowledge of statistics, this year’s round of PSQ was an astounding success as Mindanao State University – General Santos City (MSU-GSC) yet again emerged as the home of statistics wizards in the entire SOCCSKSARGEN region for five consecutive years in the history of PSQ Region 12 Elimination. Adrian E. Quilatan,

Melvin John H. Banzuelo, Yzer Paul L. Pasaporte, and Janaisha Bai M. Tito were the former MSUans from General Santos who bagged the PSQ regional champion prize beginning year 2004.

Emerging as the 17th PSQ SOCCSKSARGEN Regional Champion was Mark Anthony S. Matampac, Electronics and Communication Engineering student from MSU-GSC. Matampac was followed by Mitchelle Jayle T. Mumar, also an Electronics and Communication Engineering student from MSU-GSC, who bagged the First Runner Up title. Trailing behind was Regin N. Manamba, an Education student from University of Southern Mindanao after defeating Al-Ammen B. Silo, an Accountancy student of Notre Dame University, in a sudden-death match during the tie-breaker round (Round 4).

Winners were awarded with trophies, medals and certificates. Modest cash prizes were also received by the winners and half of its value went to their respective coaches.

Matampac, together with his coach, Berlita Y. Disca will represent SOCCSKSARGEN to the PSQ National Finals that will be held on December 4, 2008 in Metro Manila. ☺

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THEME: Demand-Driven Statistics: Key to Micro, Small and medium Enterprise (MSME) Development

O IC-PSO Belinda R. Penuela, Statistician Pepito A. Moscoso and SCO I Lilia C. Caoagdan attended the opening ceremony of the 19th National Statistics Month

(NSM) held at the Provincial Capitol Rooftop, Amas, Kidapawan City last October 2, 2008. On the other hand, series of NSM opening ceremonies were also participated by the other provincial offices’ key personalities: PSO Rafael T. Sambrano attended the Joint Opening ceremonies of the 19th NSM and Consumer Welfare Month celebrations held at Koronadal City last October 3, 2008; and PSO Abaro and Statisticians Baligasa and de Asis attended the motorcade and opening program of the 19th NSM at the General Santos City Hall last October 2, 2008.

A dministrative Wilmer S. Bacera was interviewed live thru phone by Ms. Nelly Ylanan of the Department of Agriculture who anchored the Information Coordinating

Network (ICON) XII radio program at Station DXKI, Korondaal City last October 2, 2008 at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. The interview focused on the result of the 2007 Census of Population and the lined-up activities of the National Statistics Office XII in the celebration of the National Statistics Month.

I ntensifying partnership with NSO data users and stakeholders, Admin Asst I Zarinah S. Aligsao served as Work-shop Facilitator/Lecturer for Skills Building Workshop II

(Small Area Estimation) of the 1st National Conference on Social Planning, Evaluation and Statistics in General Santos City on October 3-5, 2008 at the Family Country Hotel and Convention Center. Co-hosted by Philippine Statistical Association (PSA) SOCCSKSARGEN Inc. and General Santos Sarangani Social Workers Association (GENSARWAI) Foundation, Inc., the well attended conference was graced by experts, social planners, evaluators and statisticians from different fields of practice.

H ighlighting the month-long celebration of the 19th NSM, NSO XII sponsored the conduct of a two-day live-out Skills Training Workshop on Module on Basic Statistics

and Profile Analysis for Local Government Unit on October 27-28, 2008 at AJ Hi-Time Hotel, Kidapawan City. Around twenty-five (25) local government planners, officers and private sector representatives from the provinces of Cotabato and Sultan Kudarat attended the said training workshop.

The said training workshop was a steadfast manifestation of NSO’s commitment in supporting activities that embodied the principles of better directed programs as derivatives of a well-informed and thorough research in the generation of relevant statistics to meet the data requirements of MSMEs. It is primarily aimed to harness statistics for socio-economic profile preparation of a respective area as well as introduce to the participants utilization of local data systems and statistical/analytical tools.

R D Manulon and Statistician III-Designate Ismael B. Ramos, Jr. participated in the 5th Mindanao Statistics Congress that was held at Ateneo de Zamboanga

University Carlos Dominguez Hall, LRC Building, Zamboaga City last October 9-10, 2008. The event was carried out in conjunction with the celebration of the 19th NSM as well as the celebration of Zamboanga City Fiesta. The said congress convened all regional line agencies, local government units, the academe and the private sector. Ensuring its success, the 5th MSC, event organizers solicited the support of the Regional Statistical Coordination Committee (RSCC XII) in coordination with the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB).

At the end of the Congress, Regional Director, Atty. Maqtahar L. Manulon was tasked to give the closing remarks in lieu of Administrator Carmelita N. Ericta. He stressed out the importance of conducting statistical congress as a tool for promoting and enhancing statistics in the country. Statistics really mean a lot in helping both government and private planners and academe to come up with a better and effective policies and programs.

N SO SOCSARGEN displayed exhibits during the observance of 19th NSM at the following places, namely (1) South Cotabato Provincial Planning and Develop-

ment Office Gallery, Koronadal City, (2) Provincial Capitol of Sarangani, Alabel, Sarangani, (3) Lobby of General Santos City Hall, and (4) Local Civil Registrar’s Office of Sto. Niño,South Cotabato. Exhibits featured Consumer Price Index (CPI), Inflation rates, Purchasing Power of Peso, 2007 Census of Population, and Decentralized Vital Statistics System (DVSS) re-ports. Then again, NSO Regional Office XII has continuously been giving out fact sheets and primers of NSO on its related projects and programs of its products and services to different agencies in its locality.

D uring the 19th NSM, the Commission on Population XII (POPCOM XII) requested NSO R.O. XII to have some NSO fact sheets and primers to be included in their exhibit.

Their exhibit included data provided and produced by the different government agencies. NSO XII has always been in good partnership with POPCOM XII in its activities and programs.

R D Manulon and Administrative Aide IV Wilmer S. Bacera attended the 19th NSM Closing Ceremony held at the Economic and Financial Literacy Center of the Bangko

Sentral ng Pilipinas, Cotabato City last October 30, 2008.

RD Manulon welcomed the participants and underlined the importance of disseminating the value of statistical data or information is endless. He also stressed that if people will utilize the information coming from statistical undertakings properly and correctly, a better Philippines will be created because of a good and established Philippine Statistical System.

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DevInfo was developed to help set

universal standards for data

storage, access and dissemination

of human development indicators,

specifically the MDGs.

NSO XII Staff goes on air

over Census Serbilis sa Radyo

C ommitted to strengthen public service through information dissemination of Philippines National Statistics Office’s

statistical and civil registration products and services, regional office staff in person of Statistician Aide Rodolfo M. Mendoza, joined NSO Administrator Carmelita N. Ericta, Civil Registry Department Chief, Lourdes J. Hufana, Vincent Morris D. Olaivar, Chief, Databank and Information Services Division of the Information Resources Department, and Imelda D. Agsalud, Statistician II, Household Statistics Department as resource persons in an interview with Francis S. Cansino in his radio program tagged as Census Serbilis sa Radyo last October 25, 2008. Said radio program was heard live from 6:15 to 7:00 in the morning over DZRB-Radyo ng Bayan, mainly situated at Visayas Avenue, Quezon City.

Stat Mendoza highlighted the discussion of their recently concluded Training on DevInfo Database Administration application that was conducted last October 22-24, 2008 at NSO Sta. Mesa, Manila. He accentuated that DevInfo was developed to help set universal standards for data storage, access and dissemination of human development indicators, specifically the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs). It aims to

provide an all-around and easy-to-use software at country level for data management in monitoring, planning and advocacy. A brief history of DevInfo in the country was also shared by the resource persons. It started in 1999 when ChildInfo was introduced by UNICEF to monitor the World Summit for Children goals. The system has now been adopted by NEDA and NSCB to monitor MDGs at the national level. The NSO, the Council for the Welfare of Children, and various regional, provincial, and municipal offices use DevInfo to monitor local development indicators. It is the standard monitoring tool used in UNICEF-assisted programme areas.

What also made NSO embraced DevInfo is its data management capability. It supports an unlimited number of levels of geographical coverage from the global level to regional level, sub-regional, national and sub-national down to sub-district and barangay levels (including schools, health centers, and water points) where one can readily export and import data to assortment of file formats and spreadsheets in a standardized layout.

On the other side, Administrator Ericta and CRD Chief Hufana discussed the recent activities of the office and updates on civil registry matters, respectively.

Census Serbilis sa Radyo is a weekly radio program of NSO Central Office that is aired nationwide in cooperation with the Philippine Broadcasting Service every Saturday at the aforesaid morning slot.

S ometime in November 2008, the National Statistics Office-Office of the Civil Regis-trar General (NSO-OCRG) received a confirmed report that security papers (SECPA) with Serial Nos. SE00044001 to SE00046000 and SE200037501 to

SE00038000 were missing and believed to have been stolen.

SECPA is a special type of paper specifically designed and intended for exclusive use by the

NSO for the copy issuance of civil registry documents from its database and archives.

The general public is hereby warned not to accept certifications bearing the abovementioned series of SECPA and end-users requiring the presentation and/or

submission of birth, marriage and death documents as well as Certificate of No Marriage Record (CENOMAR) from the NSO not to honor such documents as these were definitely not officially issued by the NSO. Source:

Philippine merchandise export earnings in November 2008 fell by 11.9 percent to $3.494 bil-

lion from $3.965 billion in November 2007.

Electronic products leads the list for the country’s top five exports (November 2008 and 2007)

however posted a decline of 17.0 percent to $2.017 billion from $2.429 billion in November

2007. Other top earners in November 2008 were articles of apparel and clothing accessories, ignition

wiring set and other wiring sets used in vehicles, aircrafts and ships (consisted only of electrical wir-

ing harness for motor vehicles), woodcrafts and furniture, and cathodes and sections of cathodes of

refined copper, respectively.

Philippine Top Five Exports: November 2008 and 2007


Rounding up the list of the top ten exports for the month of November 2008 were other products

manufactured from materials imported on consignment basis. This was followed by coconut

oil (including crude and refined), metal components (excluding brakes and servo - brakes), tuna

(including fresh, frozen, prepared or preserved in airtight containers) and bananas (fresh),


Stat info




Answer to be posted on the next issue (January to March 2009).

This quiz is about combinatorics with a Harry Potter theme. It covers permutations, combinations, and their applications. Our question for this issue requires computations. Arm yourself with a calculator! Enjoy!

A committee of 7 members is to be formed to put up the Christmas decorations at Hogwarts. The following volunteered: 9 teachers, 7 Hufflepuff students, 4 ghosts, 6 Gryffindors, and 3 Prefects. How many possible committees can be formed by Professor Dumbledore if a committee must have only 1 Prefect, only 1 ghost, and at most 2 teachers?

Page 8: Statdoscoop September to December 2008



Examining Region XII’s Economic…. 1.55 during the quarter to frequent strong winds and the unstable peace and order situation in the municipalities along the Sarangani Bay.

Investment decreased by 79%

For the third quarter of 2008, only a total of P 1,188.50 Million in investments was infused in Region XII around 79% lower than what was recorded in the same period in 2007. This decline in investment could be attributed to the ongoing armed conflicts which escalated in some areas in the region during the quarter. The said skirmishes may have led the investors to move out of the region. Significant declines were observed for SArangani, General Santos City and South Cotabato, the highest of which was recorded for South Cotabato. On the other hand, Tacurong City recorded the highest increase in investment at 477% during the quarter compared with the same period in 2007. It was followed by Kidapawan, Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, Koronadal City and Cotabato City.

Improved Export Earnings by 22%

The recorded total export earnings in the region during the third quarter of the year was placed at US $136.433 Million, 22% higher than the same quarter of 2007. Export winners of the region during the period were canned and pouched tuna, fresh and canned pineapple, coconut oil, fresh/chilled frozen tuna, steel.crap, copra, smoked fish and dried fishes. The top markets for the said export products were USA, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Canada, Israel, UAE and South Africa.

Tourist Arrivals slightly increased

The total number of foreign and domestic visitors, including overseas Filipinos, reached 184,782, around 1.78% higher than what was recorded during the third quarter of 2007. Domestic visitors registered an increase of 1.78% while foreign visitors declined by 6.44% compared to the same period in 2007. Most of these tourists visited Sarangani province followed by Sultan Kudarat. The decrease in the tourist arrivals in most areas of the region was due to travel advisories issued by the different embassies to their constituents prohibiting them to visit areas in Mindanao during the period under review.

Highest inflation rate of 16.4% recorded in July 2008

For 2008, the third quarter of the year registered an all time high consumer price index (CPI) of 159.3, an increase of 14.7% compared to 138.9 recorded for the same period in 2007. Two-digit monthly inflation rates were reached during the quarter at an average of 14.7%, around 11% higher that what was recorded in the third quarter of 2007. The highest inflation rate was experienced in July at 16.4%, though this eventually slowed down and stayed at 13.2% by September.

By commodity group, food, beverages and tobacco (FBT) registered the highest inflation rate at 18%, with corn registering the highest in the group at 43.8%, followed by cereals with 29.1% and rice at 27.5%. All other food and beverages commodities recorded two-digit inflation rates during the quarter. Ranking second was the fuel, light and water (FLW) group at 16.0% with fuel having the highest rate at 26.2%, light at 4.0 and water at 1.3%.

As a result of ever increasing prices of fuel, the services commodity group recorded 11.6% inflation rate with transportation and communi-cation services registering 15.9%, medical, personal and educational services at 10.6, 9.3% and 5.8% respectively. Except for the footwear with 12.4% inflation rate, other clothing related items maintained one-digit inflation rates. For the miscellaneous commodity group, minimal increases in prices were observed.

Employment rate slightly decreased by 0.7%

The July 2008 preliminary labor and employment estimates showed that the region’s labor force participation rate of 66.8% grew by 1.4% from the July 2007 level of 65.4%. On the other hand, the Region XII estimated employment rate in July 2008 at 95.2% registered a slight decrease of 0.7% compared to July 2007 rate, slightly increasing the unemployment rate during the period under review. It may be noted that the regional employment rate at 95.2% was higher than the national average rate of 92.6% in July 2008.

Peace and security scenario

The regional enjoyed a relatively peaceful and secure environment, following the Government’s response to the MILF hostilities in most parts of the region during the third quarter of the year. Likewise, crimi-nality has remained manageable. Crime Solution Efficiency increased by 7.67 percentage points, from 90.93% during the third quarter of 2007 to 98.6% for the same period in 2008.

For index crimes, cases of physical injury ranked number one among the crimes committed in the region. Reported cases during the third quarter of the year were placed at 94 as against the 136 recorded in the third quarter of 2007. On the other hand, reports on the atrocities committed by the MILF during the period under review include 2 ambushes, 4 harassments and 1 shooting incident. These were all properly addressed by the concerned law enforcers/agencies. 3

Development Outlook

With the onset of good weather condition in the region, crop and fishery productions are expected to improve during the next quarter which may extend to the first quarter of 2009. The prices of basic commodities, transportation, electricity, water and communication are expected to be more stable as a result of the continuing decline in the prices of fuel products. This trend may spill over until the first part of 2009. Inflation rates may bounce back to one digit figure. However, with the coming in of holiday season, demand for goods is expected to increase, hence prices of commodities may depend on the supply. Safety nets with regard to the prices of basic commodities, such as periodic price moni-toring, need to be in place to protect the interests of the buying public.

The present global financial crisis which is slowly affecting the industry sector could possibly result to retrenchment of a good number of work force in the region. To cope with this challenge, the financial and business sectors are called upon to be more vigilant and institute meas-ures to lessen the impact of the crises on their own business and clienteles. Concerned agencies may need to provide assistance, particularly to the unemployed population through the provision of livelihood programs or skills trainings.

With regard to the peace and security of the region, the PNP XII assessed that the MILF is expected to continue requesting the government to go back to the negotiating table to allow them to recover from political and tactical setbacks. Reduction in the total volume of all forms of criminality in the region is likewise expected in the next quarter with the continued community vigilance and active support of the population in combating all forms of criminality, as well as, the series of arrest of some members of the armed groups.

Source: NEDA XII’s Regional Economic Situationer for 3rd Quarter of 2008

Page 9: Statdoscoop September to December 2008



T he City of Cebu was the home to NSO SOCCSKSARGEN’s Regional Planning Workshop (RPW) for 2009. This annual activity of the office went off last December 16 to 18, 2008 at Golden Peak Hotel and Suites. The dynamic spirit of

Cebu became the motivating factor for the twenty-five selected personnel of the region who were all set to realizing this year’s theme, “NSO: Gearing for global challenges.”

Beside the comfy ambiance of the place and being in Cebu City for the first time for most of the members of the team, the participants greatly felt a lot of eagerness to start and finish well this annual convention comprising of 3-day backbreaking and mind-boggling workshops filled with activities egg on evaluating the last year’s performances relative to the results of Field Awards (FA) from years 2002 to 2008 utilizing the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportu-nities and Threats) Analysis approach in the following categories: Statistical Operations, Civil Registration, Information Dissemination, Part-nership and Linkages, General Administration Department; planning, setting targets and priori-ties for year 2009 putting accent on over and above activities; strategizing workload distribu-tion to maximize performances; single out detailed yet feasible plans, activities and budget relative to gender and development for the year 2009; drawing out genuine and achievable commitments for the coming year as outlined in the agency’s Five-Year Development Plan (FYDP), vision, mission and core values; reviewing office policies and goals to include the 2009 FA Criteria and Guidelines; and doing sorts of stress reduction after a year’s challenging work while bringing back together friendship bonds with other team members and acquaintan-ces with co-NSO employees from Region 4B (MIMAROPA), who also chose the same venue for their RPW.

At once, the simple opening ceremony started off two-hours after the group’s arrival at the hotel. With the first twist of this year’s RPW, an opening statement from Belinda R. Penuela, the newly promoted Provincial Statistics Officer of NS Cotabato was heard. This was shortly followed by a warm welcome message from PSO Rafael T. Sambrano of NSO Sultan Kudarat. Subsequently, each one heeded the comprehensive, moving and challenging message from the region’s dynamic Regional Director Atty. Maqtahar L. Manulon who had remarkably said it all! The Regional Director stressed in strong terms the phrase “DO EXTRA WORK AND WALK EXTRA MILES” in his vision to lift SOCCSKSARGEN Region to the rank of performers.

He called attention for everyone to strategize, work hand in hand, foster discipline in one’s work and conviction to make the vision of achieving excellence of reach. The activity pursued as scheduled with the usual reminders of house rules and synopsis of the activities.

Kicking-off the formal workshop and serving as benchmarks for the planning sessions, the Assessment of Field Awards (FA) Results, both at the regional and each of the provincial levels started off. It began with a presentation and review of the 16 years of FA performances of the region since year 1992. Quite distressing though that the recent rank of the region is placed at 8th position among the

17 regions in the country which is one notch lower as compared to last year, still, the group was driven to achieve more after taking a care-ful look of the SWOT analysis. Afterwards, a swift yet thorough review of the three (3) provincial offices under the Region 12’s wing was paid attention to. Indeed, it was a note-worthy activity as it reflects the region’s forthright recognition of their strengths and opportunities to outdo weaknesses and threats.

Linking up with what has been identi-fied in the above activity, the presentation of

the 2009 Field Awards Criteria and Guidelines was then carried on. This was the task especially given to PSO Ruben D. Abaro, Jr., who made NSO SOCSARGEN reached the 5th rank from among the eighty (80) NSO Provincial Offices of the country for this cycle. The most rewarding part for the said province was reaping this year’s highest award for the Partnership and Linkages Category. Aside from the key aim of imparting the FA 2009 Criteria and Guidelines, he too shared heaps of tips on how to do extremely

well for the next FA cycles with the end goal of providing quality public service while rising up the organization’s level of performances and meeting individual fulfillment. After understanding the new highlights of the FA 2009, the assembly went on the workshop and presentation of the Plans and Targets for 2009 and the Workload Analysis and Personnel Assignments, utilizing the APW Forms 1 and 2, respectively. Summing up the first day’s activity was the rousing message from RD Manulon, accenting each one to take active role in transforming their respective organizations into a better working place that caters room for enhancement, striving even harder to boost each worker’s morale and competence.

Still at the heart of Cebu City’s main business district, the second day (December 17) of the workshop commenced. In order not to idle away the hours while the revered guests composed of Administrator Carmelita N. Ericta and her Executive Assistant III Clemente S. Manaog were still not around, the assembly went on with the other line up of tasks to be accomplished for the day.

(continued on page 11)

Golden Peak Hotel, Cebu City ▪ December 16-18, 2008

Regional Director Manulon

stressed in strong terms the



MILES” in his vision to lift


to the rank of performers.

Page 10: Statdoscoop September to December 2008



Region 12 (SOCCSKSARGEN) w r a p p e d up year 2008 with a big bang of celebration during its General Assembly at Phela Grande Hotel, General Santos City last December 19. Galore of Christmas serenade, surprises, fun, excitement, showcase of talents, and gift giving made the sixty-eight (68) attendees on cloud nine. Thrilled and cheery as expected, the assembly as one, happy family undeniably had a busy yet enjoyable night for the first-ever ceremonial pictorial of their lifetime with NSO. Bearing the best poses and smiles while wearing the multi-hued, glittering gowns for the ladies and long sleeves and ties for the gentlemen, boxed up of a very memorable memento for the said merriment.

With the assembly in their casual attire, the opening program kicked-off as the first phase of the occasion. Having the event held at the General Santos City, PSO Ruben D. Abaro, Jr. of NSO SOCSARGEN was called on for his warm welcome message. From here, a gleeful spirit was launched and then each one shared hilarious mo-ments of getting acquainted once more with co-family members of the entire Region 12 circle. An inspirational message from the region’s previous chief, RD Jaime S. Paller, now of NSO Region XI was missed because of an equally important gathering he was having at Davao City. However, the rest of the scheduled portions of the program en-sued perfectly. Newly appointed PSO, Engr. Belinda R. Penuela of NSO Cotabato presented a sweeping yet concise introduction of the event’s speaker that was no less than the region’s energetic director, Atty. Maqtahar L. Manulon.

The on the go regional head stood up as an epitome of motivation for each one to embrace challenges, foster professionalism and offer quality work and service to clienteles while aiming and achieving high for excellence. He laid emphasis for each one to do extra work and to walk extra miles so that as one family, SOCCSKSARGEN Region will rise from the rank and become one of the performers for year 2009 and the coming years. And so ardently stated the event’s theme, “NSO: Gearing for Global Challenges.” Subsequently, PSO Rafael T. Sambrano of NSO Sultan Kudarat read out loud the Administrator’s Message that was also heard during this year’s National Planning Workshop (NPW) at Davao City held early this December. Everyone felt proud and rewarded while catching sights of the rundown of presentations of the 2008 milestones and accomplish-ments. Afterwards, each one signified their commitment to do extremely well for year 2009 and the coming years as embedded in the prepared Pledge of Commitment.

And minutes later, crowd of stunning men and women of NSO 12 paraded the hall’s isle. Conscious though, each one had en-joyably handled themselves with finest apparel, ornaments, and stance. Without much ado, exquisiteness was captured by the scores of clicks from camera and video following the order of pictorial. Inspired by each one’s good looks, the get-together became even more jovial with the luscious supper shared and a simple tribute given to retired Statistical Coordination Officer II Romeo C. Belocura by his NSO SOCSARGEN family. The retired officer gave out an inspiring account of his life of service and commitment with NSO that was well-applauded by the assemblage. A Plaque of Appreciation was then received by the retiree that was presented by RD Manulon and PSO

Abaro. Afterwards, the hall was filled with heartwarming melodies of the yuletide season as everyone was all ears to the creative chorale presentations rendered each by the regional office and three (3) provincial offices.

To uplift the spirit for the rest of the evening party was the showcase of talents. After a week or two of tough practice and prepa-ration, once more, each one entered the hall in varying outfits for the folk, modern and ballroom competitions and also the identified singers for the singing sensation contest. Fretful as anticipated for a few who will dance for the first time, feelings of anxiety stripped off gradually as the program ensued. Serving as the judges were Professor II Berlita Y. Disca of Mindanao State University-General Santos City and the venue’s administrator.

Awesome production numbers from the Regional Office, Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, and SOCSARGEN, respectively, were seen and well applauded. Folk dancers were the first in the row of perform-ers. This segment was led by the Regional Office troupe of four who danced the Pandanggo sa Ilaw. Though it was not picture perfect, said dance gave a humorous atmosphere for the night’s contest and ease for the next array of dancers that slip-ups were part of the game plan. Then the group of dancers from NSO Cotabato led by PSO Belinda R. Penuela came next who flaunted the stage in their vibrant, floral yellow costumes. They illustrated the Tiklos dance. Graceful movements were next given by the NSO Sultan Kudarat artists. Men and women performers dressed in white-pink combination of barong and Maria Clara attires, have hilariously entertained the assembly by its Sayaw Panasahan moves. Finishing off the display of folk dancing was the entry from NSO SOCSARGEN. It was an innovative Maria Clara dance where a mix of Spanish and Asian gracefulness was demonstrated.

Next set of unraveling of talents was the modern dancing. Oomph and varied dance styles overflowed the room. This section of the night carousing was a sure fun! Starting the ball rolling was the masterpiece from the Regional Office. Spearheading such surprise was RD Manulon, who cheerily joined the rest of his co-dancers to the chorus of medley dance songs. Spicing up the floor even more was NSO Cotabato’s Christmas dance shindig with their Santa caps and unique dance routine. Then the performers and choreographers from NSO Sultan Kudarat have given their entire prowess in the dance floor. And not one had been bored to death to await the last contender which came from NSO SOCSARGEN. Having sought different ways to express themselves, the dancers led by SCO I Galia and the rest of her CRS personnel, had conveyed a deep meaning, drama, and unique theme in their bops and hops.

(continued on page 12)

After a week or two of tough

practice and preparation, once more,

each one entered the hall in varying

outfits for the folk, modern and ball-

room competitions...

Page 11: Statdoscoop September to December 2008



Region 12’s Strategic Planning...

With everyone sitting in judgment, the workshops and presentations of Commitments and Performance Indicators (APW Form 3) and Gender and Development Plan and Budget (APW Form 5) were grasped and understood. Just

in time, the much awaited guests arrived. At once, RD Manulon was called on the platform to introduce the keynote speaker of this year’s RPW. With glee, every-one applauded for the Administrator’s presence. The Administrator foremost extended her holiday greetings to everyone and shared the same message she

gave during the recently concluded National Planning Workshop (NPW) at Davao City during the early week of December. She underlined the call for everyone to instill the core values of the organization and the attitudes of excellence and professionalism in all endeavors. Afterwards, RD Manulon presented the region’s

Plaque of Appreciation to the Administrator for serving as the Keynote Speaker.

As programmed, the Administrator’s Hour followed. It was hilarious

though, that the Administrator herself, instigated the session by giving out clear-cut answers to the expected questions. Then the rest of the proceeding was dominated by mixture of inquiries relative to the allocation of motorcycle for SCO IIs, estimated date of release of results of the indicators from the 2007 POPCEN, Health Care Card, Rationalization (RAT) Plan, merging of statistical agencies rela-

tive to the reorganization of the Philippine Statistical System, training on small area estimation for provincial statisticians, proper use of allocated office vehicles, probable transfer of NSO Regional Office XII to Koronadal City, among others.

The afternoon schedule was reserved for the array of presentations of milestones and accomplishments for year 2008. Then impressive audio-video summarizing the year’s activities in the field were enjoyably viewed.

With time passed running out of schedule brought by the group’s request for a free tour at Cebu City’ famous places of attractions, the giving out of early Christ-mas surprise and memento for this year’s RPW were done. And next was the pictorial that completed the day’s conference. Taking the time off after the 2-day

grueling planning tasks, the group hurriedly roamed around Metro Cebu, visiting the sanctified Taoist Temple, the Dakbayan sa Sugbo’s busy dried fish market of Tabo-an, and the famed Shamrock store.

Continuing the time-out was the team’s learning adventure to the island paradise province of Bohol on December 18. The famous Chocolate Hills, the floating restaurant at Loboc River, the province’s biggest phyton named

Prony, the revered Baclayon Church, cluster of souvenir shops, and historic Blood Compact site completed the day’s remarkable escapade. Then the group took time sharing individual encounters from the trip while on-board the ferry’s top deck where the brief closing activity for the year’s RPW was also done.

Leaving behind the fruitful RPW experience plus the amazing tour at Bohol, the Region 12 team left Ciudad de Cebú filled with enthusiasm to

dynamically pull off the set challenges, plans, targets and strategies to excel for year 2009 and beyond. ☺

BSP WHAT IS INFLATION? Inflation refers to the rate of change in the average prices of goods and services typically purchased by consumers. If inflation is low and stable, then we say that there is price stability. Inflation is typically defined as the annual percentage change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The CPI represents the average price of a standard basket of goods and services consumed by a typical Filipino family for a given period. This standard basket contains hundreds of consumption items (such as food products, clothing, water and electricity) whose price movements are monitored to determine the change in the CPI, or the level of inflation. The National Statistics Office (NSO) calculates and announces the monthly CPI and the rate of inflation based on a nationwide monthly survey of prices for a given basket of commodities. The NSO also determines the composition of the CPI basket through surveys that are conducted periodically.


Studies based on the experience of many countries have shown that price stability supports growth because it allows households and businesses (including export enterprises) to plan ahead and arrive at better informed decisions relative to their consump-tion, investment, savings and production needs. In the case of export firms, price stability allows them to price their products competitively, reducing the risks related to the rising cost of raw material. Price stability also promotes income equality by protecting the purchasing power of the poor who do not have adequate assets (real or financial) that serve as hedge against inflation. The growing consensus in recent years among most economists and policymakers is that the primary objective of central banks should be to achieve price stability. As a result, in the past decade or so, a growing number of countries have granted institutional independence to their central banks and, by law, committed the latter to aim monetary policy primarily at achieving price stability.


Among the various government bodies, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) is uniquely qualified to promote price stability because it has the sole ability to influence the amount of money circulating in the economy. By controlling the supply of money, the BSP is able to exert some influence on the prices of goods and services. In addition, as the Philippines’ central monetary authority, the BSP is tasked to promote price stability conducive to balanced and sustainable economic growth. Achieving price stability is a universal goal shared by central banks and mone-tary authorities all over the world. This does not mean, however, that the BSP pursues price stability to the exclusion of other objectives. Although the price stability objective is the BSP’s main priority, other economic goals—such as promoting financial stability and achieving broad-based, sustainable economic growth—are given consideration in policy decision-making. Thus, the BSP coordinates with other government agencies to make sure that its policies are part of a consistent and coherent overall policy framework.

(continued on page 13)

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The battle of exquisite leg action or the ballroom contest jazzed up the late evening merriment. This was so because everybody was amazed to the proficiency of the four set of contenders. Taking the limelight first was the Regional Office pair of dancers who portrayed their dance dexterity to the assortment of ballroom styles---cha-cha, swing, and tango. A bit harder and fabulous performance then followed by the single duo dance artists from NSO Cotabato. In gold-dominated attire, Statistician II Moscoso and Senior Bookkeeper Deticio gave an impressive number as if performing before a profes-sional competition. It was a big wow! Keeping the trail of intense dance clash was NSO Sultan Kudarat’s performance. The lone pair made up by SCOs I Fornan and Ganayo, who appeared in black dress got a pretty good collection of fine moves and twists of ballroom dancing. Final punch was NSO SOCSARGEN’s breathtaking entry from Statistician II De Asis and SCO I Superlativo. They knocked out the challenge with a demonstration of creativity, synchronization, exhibitions, and the rhythm of leg action.

Last of all was the Search for the New Singing Sensation. Utilizing the office’s Magic Sing, the singers after having drawn their song codes, gave out their individual interpretations, acrobatics and musicality to their pieces. Statistician II Moscoso achieved the highest accolade for rendering best the Hotel California song. Cheering him was his other contenders namely, PSO Abaro, SCO I Ganayo, and Admin Assistant Buencamino, who respectively garnered the rest of the awards for the said category.

RD Manulon was called on the stage to render a song number in order not to ravage the time as the judges were then having hard time identifying the winners for the above contests. With RD Maq’s serenade, sleepiness swiftly drifted away as PSO Sambrano, the Mundo couple, and a few staff rocked the floor with their affectionate dance steps.

Surprise citations were then announced by RD Manulon. Heralded as Female and Male Stars of the Night were the ballroom experts from NSO SOCSARGEN. Statistician II De Asis and SCO I Superlativo showed their best pose before the crowd during the awarding. Then the announcement of winners by Professor Disca ensued.

Still, surprises took the limelight of the affair. Awarding of Plaques of Recognition for loyalty of service to NSO were given to PSO Sambrano, SCO II Doria, SCOs I Dato-on, Colango and Miranda, AA IV Sabute and Administrative Aide III Vicente. Also, PSO Abaro of NSO SOCSARGEN received in behalf of his staff a modest cash gift worth Php 5,000 as the region’s recognition of their outstanding performance for the 2008 Field Awards Cycle by landing on the fifth rank from among the 80 NSO provincial offices in the country. And with the generosity of RD Manulon, coffee mugs especially printed with the event’s name were distributed as souvenirs and Christmas gift to everyone.

Finishing off the party was the gift giving segment handled by AO Officer Sumalpong and BO Omictin. Though physically drained and sleepy, each one happily gave and received their presents from their kringles. Without further ado, PSO Sambrano delivered a very concise yet inspiring closing message. “What transpired is the best Christmas party ever for NSO SOCCSKSARGEN. Talents were revealed. It is with great hope that another General Assembly, as happy as this, will be held next year.”

The year-end activity turned out a jubilant affair as expected where it brought back together camaraderie and enjoyment after a challenging year of work and service to clients. With all jollity in the faces and within, each one slept at the comforts of the hotel by almost past 2 o’clock dawn. All cheers for a splendid year that was and hopes for year 2009! Go, go, go NSO SOCCSKSARGEN! ☺




FOLK DANCE SOCSARGEN Cotabato Sultan Kudarat

Regional Office


SOCSARGEN Regional Office

Sultan Kudarat



SOCSARGEN Cotabato Sultan Kudarat

Regional Office


Cotabato SOCSARGEN Sultan Kudarat

Regional Office

CVS refers to a variety of vision-related symptoms that occur when you regularly work at a computer workstation for two or more hours a day. Studies show that 50% to 90% of computer users experience CVS syndrome, and most are not even aware they have the condition.

Eyestrain symptoms require your aware-ness and professional attention. Some of the symptoms identified by optometrists

include: eyestrain, watery eyes, dry eyes, blurred or double vision, difficulty focus-ing, a heavy feeling of the eyelids or fore-head, after- images , temporary nearsightedness, headaches, neck and back aches.

Any of these can negatively impact your mental and physical wellbeing as well as your productivity. At this instant, better see an eye expert for a computer eye exam. ☺


2009 Consumer Expectation Survey

January 2009 Labor Force Survey

2008 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry

Regional Data Dissemination of the Results of 2006 Census of Philippine Business and Industry

Civil Registration Month

February 1-28, 2009

National Women’s Month

March 1-31, 2009

Page 13: Statdoscoop September to December 2008




The BSP controls inflation by influencing, through monetary policy, the supply of money circulating in the economy. The level of money supply affects the overall demand for goods and services in the econ-omy. This, together with the aggregate supply of goods and services, determines the level of prices.

WHAT IS THE BSP’S ROLE IN RELATION TO INFLATION? Having built strong alliance with the offices of city/municipal civil registrars in the country, the National Statistics Office, the government agency mandated to carry out civil registration in the country as defined in Civil Registry Law (Act No. 3753) through its Office of the Civil Registrar General (OCRG), have continually responded to the developments in the civil registration system in the country. One of the most recent and important undertakings is the revision of the civil registry forms and the preparation of the corresponding instructions manual.

The revision of civil registry forms, specifically, the Certificate of Live Birth, Certificate of Foundling, Certificate of Marriage, Certificate of Death, and Certificate of Fetal Death, is the outcome of suggestions and recommendations of participants during the 1st National Workshop on Civil Registration (NWCR) and the follow-up comments during the 2nd NWCR.

As an upshot, NSO XII organized a 3-day training on Manual of Instruction on the Revised Civil Registry Forms that was conducted last November 17-19, 2008 at AJ Hi-Time Hotel, Kidapawan City. The activity was an astounding success that convened a total of eighty-nine (89) participants, all from the City and Municipal Civil Registry Offices and Shari’a Courts in the SOCCSKSARGEN Region.

Atty. Maqtahar L. Manulon together with the three (3) Provincial Statistics Officers of SOCCSKSARGEN Region, served as lecturer/speaker for the 3rd Level Training on Manual of Instruction on the Revised Civil Registry Forms. The training tackled on how to properly accomplish and code the revised civil registry forms. Proper recording and registration of the vital events was discussed in details. Instructions on the proper implementation of the revised civil registry forms and other related laws and guidelines on civil registration were emphasized to help attain the objectives on the vision of the office for an enhanced civil registration system. Assortment of activities for each various event was administered after the lecture to equip the participants in accomplishing different civil registry forms and its attachments. Various issues, queries and clarifications were raised during the training and open forum sessions. The lecturers, with the help of Atty. Manulon made the question and answer segments enriching as expected.

Wrapping-up the activity was a short closing ceremony with the presence of Hon. Rodolfo Y. Gantuangco, the active and accommodating Mayor of Kidapawan City, as the keynote speaker. He gave his warmest thanks to the organizers and participants for taking the city as the place of the training. Impressions from MCR Jeric C. Ardina of Tulunan, Cotabato, MCR Elenito C. Senit of Alabel, Sarangani and MCR Pedelyn H. Caguing of Kalamansig, Sultan Kudarat were also heard. Then, RD Manulon overwhelmingly thanked all the participants and gave kudos to OIC-PSO Belinda R. Penuela for co-organizing the training. The said training was aimed at keeping the City/Municipal Civil Registrars (C/MCRs) updated of the changes made in the physical appearance of Civil Registry forms, to have a common understanding on how to prepare or accomplish the different Civil Registry forms, and become efficient civil registrars of their respective LGUs towards meeting the shared vision for an enhanced civil registration system.

Per directive from Civil Registry Department Chief, Lourdes J. Hufana, it is expected that the revised civil registry forms will be utilized by C/MCRs starting January 2009. ☺

One of the main causes of inflation is excessive liquidity, or when there is too much money in circulation relative to the supply of goods and services. Allowing more money to circulate induces people to increase their demand for goods and services. If this increased de-mand is not matched by higher production, prices are bid up. Con-versely, too little money to support consumption and investment tends to reduce the demand for goods and services. Given the same level of supply, lower demand for goods and services causes prices to fall. The BSP has the ability to influence money supply thereby enabling it to influence the movement in the prices of goods and services. How-ever, the BSP does not have absolute influence over inflation. There are other important factors affecting consumer prices apart from money supply. Some examples are weather disturbances that affect agricultural production, and movements in world oil prices. These factors cannot be controlled by monetary policy and are, therefore, outside the influence of the BSP.

Contributed by: Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, Cotabato City

T raining on Manual of Instructions on the Revised Civil Registry Forms held

Did you know

In RA 9255, the AUSF or the Affidavit to Use the Surname of the Father is used to serve as a sworn statement in order for the child to use the surname of his father. It is prepared in three (3) copies.

When civil registration has been made compulsory in the Philippines in 1931 thru Act 3753, the treasurer served as the first local civil registrar in cities and municipalities.

RA 7160 or the Local Government Code requires five (5) years of acquired experience in civil registry work before appointing a CITY CIVIL REGISTRAR.

In cases of delayed registration, permanent black ink is the ink color used by the C/MCRs when recording the registry number transcribed on the certificate of vital event.

RA 6809, approved on December 13, 1989, is the law that reduced the age of majority from 21 to 18 years before one can contract marriage.

The marginal annotation at the Remarks portion “REGISTERED PURSUANT TO RULE 20 OF A.O. 1, S. 1993” in a COLB means that the vital event registered had undergone OUT OF TOWN REPORTING.

In case of a marriage in articulo mortis, when the party at the point of death is unable to sign the marriage certificate, one of the witnesses shall write the name of the said party in his behalf.

Page 14: Statdoscoop September to December 2008



by: Author Unknown, Japanese Folktale

Long ago in a small, far away village, there was place known as the House of 1000 Mirrors. A small, happy little dog learned of this place and decided to visit. When he arrived, he bounced happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house. He looked through the doorway with his ears lifted high and his tail wagging as fast as it could. To his great surprise, he found himself staring at 1000 other happy little dogs with their tails wagging just as fast as his. He smiled a great smile, and was answered with 1000 great smiles just as warm and friendly. As he left the House, he thought to himself, "This is a wonderful place. I will come back and visit it often."

In this same village, another little dog, who was not quite as happy as the first one, decided to visit the house. He slowly climbed the stairs and hung his head low as he looked into the door. When he saw the 1000 unfriendly looking dogs staring back at him, he growled at them and was horrified to see 1000 little dogs growling back at him. As he left, he thought to himself, "That is a horrible place, and I will never go back there again."

All the faces in the world are mirrors.

What kind of reflections do you see in

the faces of the people you meet?

WARNING The following list of phrases and their

definitions might help you understand

the mysterious language of statistics

and demography. These special phrases

are also applicable to anyone reading a

PhD dissertation or academic paper.


These data are practically meaningless. "A STATISTICALLY-ORIENTED PROJECTION






I don't understand it. "AFTER ADDITIONAL STUDY BY MY


They don't understand it either. "IT HAS LONG BEEN KNOWN"

I didn't look up the original reference. "WHILE IT HAS NOT BEEN POSSIBLE TO



An unsuccessful experiment but I still hope to get it published. "THREE OF THE SAMPLES WERE CHOSEN FOR


The other results didn't make any sense. "TYPICAL RESULTS ARE SHOWN"

This is the prettiest graph. "A CAREFUL ANALYSIS OF OBTAINABLE


Three pages of notes were obliterated when I knocked over a glass iced tea. "A HIGHLY SIGNIFICANT AREA FOR


A totally useless topic selected by my committee. "IT IS HOPED THAT THIS STUDY WILL



I quit.

the house of

1000 Mirrors

Author: Anonymous


is the official newsletter of National Statistics Office XII. No part of this publication shall be printed or quoted without proper citation.

NSO Staff Page




2nd Floor Elena V. Co Building,

Don Rufino Alonzo St., Cotabato City

[email protected] 421-1784

O ur warmest congratulations to three (3) NSO personnel who rose to high posts after having been considered by NSO Central Office last December 8, 2008.

Topping the row of newly promoted personnel is Engr. Belinda R. Penuela. She is the former Statistician III of NSO Regional Office XII and had served NSO Cotabato

Province, Kidapawan City as its OIC-Provincial Statistics Officer for almost a year since January 2, 2008. With a remarkable performance, she undoubtedly took the PSO post after having out-stripped all the challenges and pressures set before her vantage point.

Next in line is former SCO I Lilia C. Caoagdan, a BS in Agricultural Business and MS Public Administration graduate who, with assertiveness and outstanding performance in all her assigned tasks, had been favored to join the circle of Statistical Coordination Officers II of NSO Cotabato Province, Kidapawan City.

Finally, Administrative Aide VI Leonardo L. Sales of the Regional Office achieved his year-end triumph after having been appointed as Statistical Coordination Officer I for NSO Cotabato Province, Kidapawan City. However heartrending to note that he will soon be leaving the Regional Office XII’s portals, still SCO I Sales will continually be a part of the entire NSO XII family circle.

Joining the workforce of NSO Sultan Kudarat, Tacurong City is a BS Accountancy graduate in person of Emelyn L. Detablan. She will be serving as Statistician Aide starting early of January 2009 bearing stance of productiveness to serve as a newly employed public servant.

WISDOM There are only two ways to live your

life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though

everything is a miracle.

—Albert Einstein